ERO wellbeing indicators and HPS - what does this mean for you?

From term one of this year the Education Review Office (ERO) has been using Issue Twelve • October 2014 wellbeing indicators to assess how well schools are supporting student wellness.

There are three domains where health and you are already on the way to fulfilling ERO’s wellbeing activities are likely to occur. review information. You will have significant Welcome! Mihi School achieve information regarding the communication These include: of health and wellbeing activities to your Kia Ora koutou, HPS Bronze accreditation • Culture of Wellbeing: Values and Practice families and school community, processes for Education Review Office’s Desired • Ako: Learning, Teaching and Curriculum identifying your school’s health priorities, an Outcomes for student wellbeing Welcome to another exciting Mihi School has recently • Systems: People and Initiatives action plan demonstrating how you plan to edition of Health Promoting achieved HPS Bronze Standard work with these and evaluation strategies to accreditation. HPS co-ordinator Enhancing student wellbeing is a shared measure the success of your actions. Schools (HPS). With summer fast approaching, we share important and Principal, Katie McIndoe, responsibility and requires access to expertise surveyed the staff, students and across the school and through partnerships If you have achieved accreditation your sun safety messages for you to wider community. This identified with whānau, the community and relevant portfolio is something that will show, in one pass on to your school whānau and body care and hygiene as the support services. If you are an HPS school, simple place, all your great work. Education Review Office’s Wellbeing Indicator Framework community. school’s priority area to improve. Using a whole school approach to We also offer some fun ideas to get you moving improve and sustain the wellbeing Wonderful students of Mihi School’s health team Treasures for your HPS toolbox HPS achievements and grooving this summer. The Education of students, Mihi School set out Review Office’s (ERO) recently developed to address basic hygiene practices. Congratulations to the The school has been learning about should flow on to lifelong habits. With Are we having an effect? wellbeing indicators are discussed, as well as following schools a new tool that can support you to track and good hand washing techniques, as well as Mihi School now having achieved bronze It is important to us that, as your HPS team, we support practising correct nose blowing, sneezing accreditation, their next stop is silver… Bronze: monitor your progress through HPS. Finally, you to track your progression and the wonderful and coughing techniques. This practise here they come! Arataki School along with some of our other schools in the achievements you make as part of HPS. has led to happy, healthy children and Edgecumbe College Eastern , School and We are excited to offer you a service that and wellbeing. The Kaharoa School Mihi School have achieved Bronze Standard includes providing you with evidence and data tool measures progress Kaingaroa Forest School Accreditation. For their achievements and more, that tracks your school community’s progress using effect size, which is able to Kaitao Intermediate School read on. against the ERO wellbeing indicators. The show what meaningful progress looks like Malfroy School Kaharoa School marching on School Community Health and Wellbeing and demonstrates the added value to your Enjoy, Mangakino Area School Review Tool is based on a rubric which paints school community over time. It is best to HPS team, to Silver accreditation a picture of the degree to which health and complete the tool twice per year. Mihi School Toi Te Ora – Public Health Service wellbeing activities, practices, policies and Mountview School All the statistical analysis is done for you Kaharoa School have achieved HPS A chicken coop is now up and running behaviours are integrated into the culture of Omaramutu School by our HPS team and a progress report is Bronze Standard accreditation, with and free range eggs are being collected your school community. Opotiki College their certificate and signage being and sold to the school community for $5 provided to your school community which Owhata Primary School The tool provides your school with evidence can support ERO reviews, annual, board Inside: presented at school assembly on the a dozen. The team have also developed Sunset Primary School of self-review and progress in terms of health and community reports. last day of term two. a well thought out garden project. Plans Taneatua School Our whānau matter! 2 for this project were drawn to scale and A whole of school community needs Te Kura o Omaio along with support from the whole school assessment identified nutrition, sun Te Kura o Te Paroa HPS and Kura Māori 2 16 16 16 16 community, were proposed to the Board of 15 15 safety, physical activity and communicable 14 14 13 13 13.3 Waimana School Fairhaven soaring Trustees in August. This was well received 12 11.8 11 11 11 disease prevention as priorities for 9 9 Whakamaru School to bronze 2 by the board and has been approved. 8 7 Kaharoa School. As a result the school is Silver: Move and groove this summer 2 now well on its way to implementing their The team is now in the process of rallying action plan. Nutrition and communicable the enthusiasm of the rest of the school Aorangi Primary School Keep safe in the sun Partnership across Government priorities School plans and Student achievement Student engagement Family / whanau Individual and school Physical, social and School policies Overall health, education and charter engagement community cultural environment Gate Pa School disease prevention were the focus for community to ensure the project is a social services knowledge, skills, this summer 3 attitudes and term three. These areas will be maintained success. As the school eyes the next behaviours Selwyn Primary School Time 1 Time 2 Workshops supporting HPS 3 for the rest of the year. With the support accreditation level - silver, lots of fun and An example of a School Community Health and Wellbeing report The Food Act… How will it of the HPS Leader Warwick Moyle, the community engagement will be enjoyed affect schools? 3 confident, hardworking and motivated along the way. Well done Kaharoa! health team of ten meets regularly. HPS Professional Development 3 Toi Te Ora – Public Health Service’s purpose is to: “Improve and protect the health of the population in the Lakes and Bay of Plenty District Health Board districts with a focus on reducing inequalities in health.” ERO wellbeing indicators and HPS - what does this mean for you? 4 Health Promoting School Enquiries Freephone: 0800 221 555 Treasures for your HPS toolbox 4 Email: [email protected] 4 HPS achievements 4 Website: Health Promoting Schools Te Karere mo nga Kura Waiora

Keep safe in the sun The Food Act… this summer How will it Our whanau matter! Fairhaven soaring We enjoy living in one of the sunniest Congratulations to affect schools? areas of , but having the following HPS Arataki School embraces the concept of to Bronze long sunny days can come at a cost. schools who have The new Food Act of 2014 intends whakawhanaungatanga! In an effort to making a long- Skin cancer is New Zealand's most achieved SunSmart to make it easier and less costly for many food businesses, while term commitment to this concept and ensuring it is Fairhaven School in Te Puke have embraced common form of cancer. Overexposure accreditation; reflected throughout the school, the whānau room was to ultraviolet radiation (UV) during ensuring the food produced is safe. the process of HPS by undertaking a whole of Taneatua School established and opened earlier this year. childhood significantly increases the risk It is likely that school canteens school needs assessment. Tawera Bilingual School of developing skin cancer later in life. that prepare their own food will The whānau room is a hub This involved all students, staff and parents being Te Kura o Te Pāroa be categorised as high risk food for members of the school given the opportunity to provide feedback on This year 12 HPS schools in Toi Te Ora’s areas Pūtauaki School businesses. community to come how they experience their school. “It will be very have gained Cancer Society accreditation Kawerau South School The new Act has a varying scale where together and provide interesting to analyse how the school is going from all points of as official ‘SunSmart Schools’. The Cancer Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Huiarau businesses that are seen as higher-risk support to one and view”, says Health team leader and teacher of the school Marianne Society believes schools play an important St Mary’s Catholic School from a food safety point of view will other. You will find koha Wilson. “We will take the findings seriously and be prepared to role in helping reduce skin cancer by ensuring Mihi School operate under more stringent food safety (donations) of clothing for implement new initiatives we think can make a difference to the children practise SunSmart behaviours. Western Heights School all ages, kai (food), hot Te Kura o Matapihi requirements and checks than lower-risk health and wellbeing of students.” “Students are at school when the sun is at drinks, information on HPS Te Puke Primary School food businesses. its strongest and UV levels are at their peak. initiatives and progress, Greerton Village School We advocate sun-smart behaviour between Higher-risk food businesses will operate but most importantly, the 10am and 4pm, basically when students are For more information about sun safety or under a written Food Control Plan (FCP) smiling and friendly faces Move and groove at school,” says Melanie Desmarais, Health how your school can become a SunSmart where businesses identify food safety of familiar whānau. this summer Promotion Manager for the Waikato/Bay of school visit www.healthpromotingschools. dangers and steps they need to take The whānau room Plenty branch of the Cancer Society. to manage these risks. Businesses that provides a safe space for produce or sell medium-risk foods won’t whānau to engage in Arataki School’s Health Team Leader, With summer nearly here there’s plenty of daylight and warm have to register a written plan, but will Mel Cottingham, outside the whānau room HPS, share their whakaaro weather to get outside and be active in. There are loads of have to make sure they are following the (ideas and thoughts), ways you can get your daily fix of physical activity! It doesn’t requirements for producing safe food provide feedback on projects, and create fabulous ideas that seek have to be boring, cost money and you don’t have to have Workshops supporting HPS that will be set out in the regulations. to support student learning. The HPS team meets every fortnight, any expensive flash equipment to have loads of fun! The Act only covers food that is sold or half an hour before school ends so that whānau are able to attend Here are some ways schools can encourage whānau and their children Workshops to support health promotion traded. It also provides a clear exemption while waiting for their children. to be more physically active: in schools have been delivered by our for kiwi traditions such as sausage sizzle HPS Advisors in the Lakes and Eastern fundraisers or home baking at school The whānau are currently looking at innovative ways to engage • Dance to your favourite songs - make up a routine or have a dance off even more whānau within the school. Ideas such as placing Bay of Plenty districts. fairs. The only rule these need to meet is • Instead of watching TV after school, how about playing catch, invitations on classroom windows, directing whānau to the room that the food being sold must be safe. building huts or getting the whole whānau outside for a game of HPS Advisors Bridget Chiwawa and Janis for kai and coffee while they wait for their children after school, spot light Graham recently facilitated a fun-filled Activities such as cutting and serving are just a small example of some of the korero that takes place. • Participate in a cultural activity like Kapa Haka workshop for their schools’ HPS health teams fruit or storing and providing milk are from the Lakes and Eastern Bay of Plenty likely to be exempt from a food control • Make an obstacle course in the back yard, or at the nearest park districts. Of the nine schools who attended, plan since they involve minimal handling – use sticks as cones, cardboard boxes to jump over and crawl seven had identified communicable disease of food. However, it is important to through and sheets to run under. Time yourself going through and Students from the health teams of Mihi School and prevention as an area requiring improvement. Kaharoa School. practise good hand hygiene. see if you can beat your whānau and friends With this in mind, Communicable Disease Nurse HPS and Kura Maori how to better integrate HPS into the school For more information about the • How about walking or biking to school - get the whole whānau Lindsay Lowe, presented on hand hygiene, community. The importance of linking health implementation of the new Food Act doing it together. which is essential in preventing conditions such Eastern Bay of Plenty Health Promoting to the NZ curriculum and key competencies, visit [email protected] Teachers, how about trying out these suggestions to incorporate as skin infections and winter coughs and colds. Schools Advisor, Carl Cowley, is the as well as the ERO wellbeing indicators, physical activity into class time: Midland regional representative for the The workshop supported schools to look at was discussed. An update on the resources National HPS Māori Advisory Roopu, and • Move with maths – get your students doing maths while moving how they could evaluate their activities as available to schools was also provided. he recently facilitated a workshop at the around the classroom they go and the importance of documenting It was great to see the number of people HPS Professional National HPS Symposium in Auckland. this. Teams shared their experiences including • During the daily roll call, have your students dancing/jumping until in attendance at both workshops and to a presentation from Kaharoa School on their Development “My task was to encourage our national HPS you call their name witness the enthusiasm and the willingness to fantastic garden project showcasing student workforce to strengthen links with Kura Māori. • Make reading time stand up only! learn and share. Feedback from participants voice and Board of Trustee’s involvement. Western Bay of Plenty, It was a great opportunity and I jumped at the • Have short, frequent breaks and encourage movement, even if it’s confirmed that both workshops were a 31 October 2014 chance,” says Carl. He believes it is not about ‘engaging’ with Kura just for a minute HPS Advisors Kylee McFetridge and Kathy success and included quality learning, Māori but more about the development of meaningful relationships. • Make a physical activity reward chart where kids can be rewarded King have also been busy in the Lakes district, interaction and laughter. The workshops add Lakes/Taupo, March 2015 “Through trust and confidence we can share positive experiences and with stickers/points when they do physical activity outside of school having recently facilitated a workshop. This value to HPS schools’ journeys and are always Eastern Bay of Plenty, term one 2015 outcomes for our Māori communities”. or during their lunch break. workshop covered the HPS process and inspiring and motivating.

2 3 Health Promoting Schools Te Karere mo nga Kura Waiora

Keep safe in the sun The Food Act… this summer How will it Our whanau matter! Fairhaven soaring We enjoy living in one of the sunniest Congratulations to affect schools? areas of New Zealand, but having the following HPS Arataki School embraces the concept of to Bronze long sunny days can come at a cost. schools who have The new Food Act of 2014 intends whakawhanaungatanga! In an effort to making a long- Skin cancer is New Zealand's most achieved SunSmart to make it easier and less costly for many food businesses, while term commitment to this concept and ensuring it is Fairhaven School in Te Puke have embraced common form of cancer. Overexposure accreditation; reflected throughout the school, the whānau room was to ultraviolet radiation (UV) during ensuring the food produced is safe. the process of HPS by undertaking a whole of Taneatua School established and opened earlier this year. childhood significantly increases the risk It is likely that school canteens school needs assessment. Tawera Bilingual School of developing skin cancer later in life. that prepare their own food will The whānau room is a hub This involved all students, staff and parents being Te Kura o Te Pāroa be categorised as high risk food for members of the school given the opportunity to provide feedback on This year 12 HPS schools in Toi Te Ora’s areas Kawerau Pūtauaki School businesses. community to come how they experience their school. “It will be very have gained Cancer Society accreditation Kawerau South School The new Act has a varying scale where together and provide interesting to analyse how the school is going from all points of as official ‘SunSmart Schools’. The Cancer Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Huiarau businesses that are seen as higher-risk support to one and view”, says Health team leader and teacher of the school Marianne Society believes schools play an important St Mary’s Catholic School Rotorua from a food safety point of view will other. You will find koha Wilson. “We will take the findings seriously and be prepared to role in helping reduce skin cancer by ensuring Mihi School operate under more stringent food safety (donations) of clothing for implement new initiatives we think can make a difference to the children practise SunSmart behaviours. Western Heights School all ages, kai (food), hot Te Kura o Matapihi requirements and checks than lower-risk health and wellbeing of students.” “Students are at school when the sun is at drinks, information on HPS Te Puke Primary School food businesses. its strongest and UV levels are at their peak. initiatives and progress, Greerton Village School We advocate sun-smart behaviour between Higher-risk food businesses will operate but most importantly, the 10am and 4pm, basically when students are For more information about sun safety or under a written Food Control Plan (FCP) smiling and friendly faces Move and groove at school,” says Melanie Desmarais, Health how your school can become a SunSmart where businesses identify food safety of familiar whānau. this summer Promotion Manager for the Waikato/Bay of school visit www.healthpromotingschools. dangers and steps they need to take The whānau room Plenty branch of the Cancer Society. to manage these risks. Businesses that provides a safe space for produce or sell medium-risk foods won’t whānau to engage in Arataki School’s Health Team Leader, With summer nearly here there’s plenty of daylight and warm have to register a written plan, but will Mel Cottingham, outside the whānau room HPS, share their whakaaro weather to get outside and be active in. There are loads of have to make sure they are following the (ideas and thoughts), ways you can get your daily fix of physical activity! It doesn’t requirements for producing safe food provide feedback on projects, and create fabulous ideas that seek have to be boring, cost money and you don’t have to have Workshops supporting HPS that will be set out in the regulations. to support student learning. The HPS team meets every fortnight, any expensive flash equipment to have loads of fun! The Act only covers food that is sold or half an hour before school ends so that whānau are able to attend Here are some ways schools can encourage whānau and their children Workshops to support health promotion traded. It also provides a clear exemption while waiting for their children. to be more physically active: in schools have been delivered by our for kiwi traditions such as sausage sizzle HPS Advisors in the Lakes and Eastern fundraisers or home baking at school The whānau are currently looking at innovative ways to engage • Dance to your favourite songs - make up a routine or have a dance off even more whānau within the school. Ideas such as placing Bay of Plenty districts. fairs. The only rule these need to meet is • Instead of watching TV after school, how about playing catch, invitations on classroom windows, directing whānau to the room that the food being sold must be safe. building huts or getting the whole whānau outside for a game of HPS Advisors Bridget Chiwawa and Janis for kai and coffee while they wait for their children after school, spot light Graham recently facilitated a fun-filled Activities such as cutting and serving are just a small example of some of the korero that takes place. • Participate in a cultural activity like Kapa Haka workshop for their schools’ HPS health teams fruit or storing and providing milk are from the Lakes and Eastern Bay of Plenty likely to be exempt from a food control • Make an obstacle course in the back yard, or at the nearest park districts. Of the nine schools who attended, plan since they involve minimal handling – use sticks as cones, cardboard boxes to jump over and crawl seven had identified communicable disease of food. However, it is important to through and sheets to run under. Time yourself going through and Students from the health teams of Mihi School and prevention as an area requiring improvement. Kaharoa School. practise good hand hygiene. see if you can beat your whānau and friends With this in mind, Communicable Disease Nurse HPS and Kura Maori how to better integrate HPS into the school For more information about the • How about walking or biking to school - get the whole whānau Lindsay Lowe, presented on hand hygiene, community. The importance of linking health implementation of the new Food Act doing it together. which is essential in preventing conditions such Eastern Bay of Plenty Health Promoting to the NZ curriculum and key competencies, visit [email protected] Teachers, how about trying out these suggestions to incorporate as skin infections and winter coughs and colds. Schools Advisor, Carl Cowley, is the as well as the ERO wellbeing indicators, physical activity into class time: Midland regional representative for the The workshop supported schools to look at was discussed. An update on the resources National HPS Māori Advisory Roopu, and • Move with maths – get your students doing maths while moving how they could evaluate their activities as available to schools was also provided. he recently facilitated a workshop at the around the classroom they go and the importance of documenting It was great to see the number of people HPS Professional National HPS Symposium in Auckland. this. Teams shared their experiences including • During the daily roll call, have your students dancing/jumping until in attendance at both workshops and to a presentation from Kaharoa School on their Development “My task was to encourage our national HPS you call their name witness the enthusiasm and the willingness to fantastic garden project showcasing student workforce to strengthen links with Kura Māori. • Make reading time stand up only! learn and share. Feedback from participants voice and Board of Trustee’s involvement. Western Bay of Plenty, It was a great opportunity and I jumped at the • Have short, frequent breaks and encourage movement, even if it’s confirmed that both workshops were a 31 October 2014 chance,” says Carl. He believes it is not about ‘engaging’ with Kura just for a minute HPS Advisors Kylee McFetridge and Kathy success and included quality learning, Māori but more about the development of meaningful relationships. • Make a physical activity reward chart where kids can be rewarded King have also been busy in the Lakes district, interaction and laughter. The workshops add Lakes/Taupo, March 2015 “Through trust and confidence we can share positive experiences and with stickers/points when they do physical activity outside of school having recently facilitated a workshop. This value to HPS schools’ journeys and are always Eastern Bay of Plenty, term one 2015 outcomes for our Māori communities”. or during their lunch break. workshop covered the HPS process and inspiring and motivating.

2 3 ERO wellbeing indicators and HPS - what does this mean for you?

From term one of this year the Education Review Office (ERO) has been using Issue Twelve • October 2014 wellbeing indicators to assess how well schools are supporting student wellness.

There are three domains where health and you are already on the way to fulfilling ERO’s wellbeing activities are likely to occur. review information. You will have significant Welcome! Mihi School achieve information regarding the communication These include: of health and wellbeing activities to your Kia Ora koutou, HPS Bronze accreditation • Culture of Wellbeing: Values and Practice families and school community, processes for Education Review Office’s Desired • Ako: Learning, Teaching and Curriculum identifying your school’s health priorities, an Outcomes for student wellbeing Welcome to another exciting Mihi School has recently • Systems: People and Initiatives action plan demonstrating how you plan to edition of Health Promoting achieved HPS Bronze Standard work with these and evaluation strategies to accreditation. HPS co-ordinator Enhancing student wellbeing is a shared measure the success of your actions. Schools (HPS). With summer fast approaching, we share important and Principal, Katie McIndoe, responsibility and requires access to expertise surveyed the staff, students and across the school and through partnerships If you have achieved accreditation your sun safety messages for you to wider community. This identified with whānau, the community and relevant portfolio is something that will show, in one pass on to your school whānau and body care and hygiene as the support services. If you are an HPS school, simple place, all your great work. Education Review Office’s Wellbeing Indicator Framework community. school’s priority area to improve. Using a whole school approach to We also offer some fun ideas to get you moving improve and sustain the wellbeing Wonderful students of Mihi School’s health team Treasures for your HPS toolbox HPS achievements and grooving this summer. The Education of students, Mihi School set out Review Office’s (ERO) recently developed to address basic hygiene practices. Congratulations to the The school has been learning about should flow on to lifelong habits. With Are we having an effect? wellbeing indicators are discussed, as well as following schools a new tool that can support you to track and good hand washing techniques, as well as Mihi School now having achieved bronze It is important to us that, as your HPS team, we support practising correct nose blowing, sneezing accreditation, their next stop is silver… Bronze: monitor your progress through HPS. Finally, you to track your progression and the wonderful and coughing techniques. This practise here they come! Arataki School along with some of our other schools in the achievements you make as part of HPS. has led to happy, healthy children and Edgecumbe College Eastern Bay of Plenty, Kaharoa School and We are excited to offer you a service that and wellbeing. The Kaharoa School Mihi School have achieved Bronze Standard includes providing you with evidence and data tool measures progress Kaingaroa Forest School Accreditation. For their achievements and more, that tracks your school community’s progress using effect size, which is able to Kaitao Intermediate School read on. against the ERO wellbeing indicators. The show what meaningful progress looks like Malfroy School Kaharoa School marching on School Community Health and Wellbeing and demonstrates the added value to your Enjoy, Mangakino Area School Review Tool is based on a rubric which paints school community over time. It is best to HPS team, to Silver accreditation a picture of the degree to which health and complete the tool twice per year. Mihi School Toi Te Ora – Public Health Service wellbeing activities, practices, policies and Mountview School All the statistical analysis is done for you Kaharoa School have achieved HPS A chicken coop is now up and running behaviours are integrated into the culture of Omaramutu School by our HPS team and a progress report is Bronze Standard accreditation, with and free range eggs are being collected your school community. Opotiki College their certificate and signage being and sold to the school community for $5 provided to your school community which Owhata Primary School The tool provides your school with evidence can support ERO reviews, annual, board Inside: presented at school assembly on the a dozen. The team have also developed Sunset Primary School of self-review and progress in terms of health and community reports. last day of term two. a well thought out garden project. Plans Taneatua School Our whānau matter! 2 for this project were drawn to scale and A whole of school community needs Te Kura o Omaio along with support from the whole school assessment identified nutrition, sun Te Kura o Te Paroa HPS and Kura Māori 2 16 16 16 16 community, were proposed to the Board of 15 15 safety, physical activity and communicable 14 14 13 13 13.3 Waimana School Fairhaven soaring Trustees in August. This was well received 12 11.8 11 11 11 disease prevention as priorities for 9 9 Whakamaru School to bronze 2 by the board and has been approved. 8 7 Kaharoa School. As a result the school is Silver: Move and groove this summer 2 now well on its way to implementing their The team is now in the process of rallying action plan. Nutrition and communicable the enthusiasm of the rest of the school Aorangi Primary School Keep safe in the sun Partnership across Government priorities School plans and Student achievement Student engagement Family / whanau Individual and school Physical, social and School policies Overall health, education and charter engagement community cultural environment Gate Pa School disease prevention were the focus for community to ensure the project is a social services knowledge, skills, this summer 3 attitudes and term three. These areas will be maintained success. As the school eyes the next behaviours Selwyn Primary School Time 1 Time 2 Workshops supporting HPS 3 for the rest of the year. With the support accreditation level - silver, lots of fun and An example of a School Community Health and Wellbeing report The Food Act… How will it of the HPS Leader Warwick Moyle, the community engagement will be enjoyed affect schools? 3 confident, hardworking and motivated along the way. Well done Kaharoa! health team of ten meets regularly. HPS Professional Development 3 Toi Te Ora – Public Health Service’s purpose is to: “Improve and protect the health of the population in the Lakes and Bay of Plenty District Health Board districts with a focus on reducing inequalities in health.” ERO wellbeing indicators and HPS - what does this mean for you? 4 Health Promoting School Enquiries Freephone: 0800 221 555 Treasures for your HPS toolbox 4 Email: [email protected] 4 HPS achievements 4 Website: