Sancton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 19th April 2021 at 7.00pm via Zoom, a video conferencing website. ______

Present Cllr Derek Cary (Chairman) Cllr Anita Liley Cllr Pat Parvin Cllr Chris Shepherd Cllr Marilyn Wintersgill Cllr Sally Wightman

2 members of the public

190421/1 Apologies Ward Cllr Leo Hammond and Ward Cllr David Rudd.

190421/2 Declarations of Interest a) No declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items. b) No dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items.

190421/3 Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on the 15 th March 2021 were approved by members. It was agreed that they would be signed as soon as is practicable. Proposed: Cllr Parvin, seconded: Cllr Wintersgill.

190421/4 Public Participation Residents spoke in regard to revised application 819/02944/PLF at Land North of Langdale Cottage, King Street, Sancton. The residents were unhappy with the Planning Committee meeting’s decision to pass this application. The two extra parking places were not for residents but for guests coming to the new houses. Planning permission for the parking has been previously granted but not acted upon as the developer never fulfilled the proposals. The parking provision from the September 1995 permission was never fulfilled and when this was challenged in June 2005 (within the 10 year scope for planning matters), residents were advised that ERYC didn’t have the resources to follow- up the issue. It was noted that Cllr Rudd spoke against the development, but Cllr Hammond did not back him up which the residents are unhappy about. The other concern is that the developer may try to build on the land at the back meaning residents will not be able to park on the private road and although the PC is building a car park to help them, there is nothing to stop people parking outside the cottages. They were also worried that a disabled resident will lose their normal parking place and although they have a blue badge, there is nowhere specific to use it. Cllr Cary agreed to speak with the Ward Councillors about their concerns.

190421/5 Reports from Ward Councillor(s) None present.

190421/6 Highways/Footpaths • Goldie Bank works remain ongoing – Clerk to chase. • Matters for ERYC Streetscene – Cllr Shepherd will be going instead of Cllr Liley. Clerk will notify ERYC of the change of councillor. Jackson Terrace grass needs cutting. Litter bin near The Star is in poor condition. A number of High Street and


Sancton Parish Council

Low Street drains are blocked. Footpath near Jacksons Terrace still needs to be slurried.

190421/7 Police Matters/Crime/Neighbourhood Watch A new Police Constable, Abigail Davis, has been assigned to but will also cover Sancton and the surrounding areas. There is no confirmation as to when or if the police surgery will open at Market Weighton Town Council offices.

190421/8 Planning a) No applications made to East Riding of Council. b) Decisions made by Council: 20/03932/PLF - Erection of 2 detached dwellings and associated works, including provision of parking area (Revised scheme of 19/02944/PLF) at Land North of Langdale Cottage King Street Sancton East Riding Of Yorkshire YO43 4QP, Mr Philip Bramley – permission granted. c) No planning applications received after the agenda had been posted.

190421/9 Play Area Litter collected, grass has been cut and the area looks tidy. Cllr Shepherd has replaced the anti-pigeon cables on top of the play equipment.

190421/10 Grounds Maintenance Contracts/Open Space Management a) Action regarding the village field – woodchip is required around the newly planted hedging. Some of the daffodils have been relocated before the car park works commence. The kissing gate has been repaired by Cllr Shepherd. b) Action regarding the cemeteries and closed churchyard – rabbit damage minimal. Recent enquiry regarding a CWGA headstone on an existing grave is deferred until May 2021 pending a site visit. c) Action regarding Gravel Pits – risk assessment checks on the trees are still outstanding. Clerk will contact Harrison’s again. d) Action regarding the pond area including the water pump – Clerk will contact Stuart Turton for advice regarding obtaining a quotation to repair the water pump ahead of applying for funding. e) Action with other open space management issues – it was noted that there had been no update on the allotment site.

190421/11 Accounts The March/April 2021 accounts for payment and bank statements (see also Financial Reports) were approved by members. It was agreed that they would be signed as soon as is practicable. a) Lord Manton’s Houghton Estate – half-year rent of village field - £18.00. b) Autela Payroll Services – Q4 payroll and HMRC End of Year - £41.76. c) Vision ICT – biennial fee for domain renewal to May 2023 - £78.00. d) ERNLLCA – membership subscription 2021 to 2022 - £285.81. Proposed: Cllr Shepherd, seconded: Cllr Liley.

190421/12 Community Recovery Grant It was agreed to proceed with an application to repair the water pump.

190421/13 Village Car Park Work will hopefully begin by May 2021.


Sancton Parish Council

190421/14 Remote Meeting Regulations It looks highly likely that the PC will have to resume ‘face to face’ meetings from next month due to the government not extending the legislation to allow remote meetings after the 7 th May 2021. Clerk will contact the Methodist Chapel to book sessions.

190421/15 Correspondence Correspondence received, noted and action resolved: i. ERNLLCA March 2021 newsletter. ii. NALC online events. iii. Liberal Democrats Group - Survey of Parish and Town Councillors in East Riding on Joint Mayoral Authority of East Riding and Hull - your views matter - final call. iv. Review plans for a Category c prison at Full Sutton. v. ERYC - Courtesy Copy: COVID-19 Members Briefing 18 March 2021. vi. NALC Chief Executive’s Bulletin. vii. Trail Project update. viii. HU0202 Sancton Parish Council - 2020/21 AGAR external auditor instructions. ix. ERYC - Devolution Proposals. x. ERYC – Remote Meetings. xi. Sir Greg Knight MP - Parish and Town Councils - Virtual Meetings. xii. ERYC - Easter weekend posters and COVID resources. xiii. ERNLLCA – Remote meetings. xiv. ERYC - Notification of application going to Committee. Erection of 2 detached dwellings and associated works, including provision of parking area (Revised scheme of 19/02944/PLF) at Land North of Langdale Cottage King Street Sancton East Riding Of Yorkshire YO43 4QP for Mr Philip Bramley. 13 th April 2021. xv. ERNLLCA April 2021 newsletter.

190421/16 Minor Items a) Correspondence received following publication of the agenda: • ERNLLCA – East Riding District Committee meeting, 20 April 2021 at 7pm on Zoom. • Police Station newsletter. • Cemetery enquiry regarding a potential Commonwealth war grave. b) Points from Councillors, questions or items of interest to note: The history board panel has been fastened back and looks secure now. Cllr Cary suggested that an article is submitted to the Pocklington Post in recognition of Rob Thomson’s hard work in its creation.

190421/17 Agenda for next and future meetings ERYC Streetscene update.

190421/18 Next Meeting The date and time of the Annual Parish, Annual Council and monthly meetings is, subject to any change, Monday 17th May 2021 at 6.30pm.

The meeting closed at 8.20pm.
