Thursday, June 11, 194 S ft ft E VENING TIMES (PHONE CHERRY, 8800), PAGE 3 HERE'S HOW TO FIGURE OUT WHICH IS YOUR RATIONING BOARD Groups Degrees Detroit's Lone Rationing Board CTTY UMIH Private

I £ \ WHITE DISTRICT / \ / Recruits ' * 142,000 £ To. Into | I \ , \ / Oppose 5-Day Blossoms 10-Still Too Few ' J'• I 1 \ S / On Furlough Members Fear Work Will Swamp Present Staffs |. ; I \ | /_ Plan for Nurses A liberal number of young men * wearing blue of the as McKERROW ROBINSON DISTRICT , the khaki and Other Commodities Are Due for Control j J the -| j | \_\ J armed forces, instead of usual past HAROING DISTRICT I _ § (Ptnch Hospitals Outside Detroit cap and gown, will file Dr* Detroit today ha* 10 rationing Tbomaa Stack, 1157 Bed Toed road. Groaae DISTRICT ! \ / Frank Cody tonight when 1.333 Pointe Park, and WUltsm Hartman. 14273 45K0 a I * \ I / boards, instead of the one which Malden a venae. Say Shorter Week Will candidates receive their degree* formerly Hally School* Deater boulevard. Me w sufficed- and it is likely • , ? \ at the graduation exercises of Nlchola road. Llvernote. city llmlta. Wood 5 \ I A that even more will be established ward. Ctalrmount and Joy road; Dan * Boost Costs, Reduce Help Wayne University. as the rationing program ex- Plemmona. 15732 Quincy avenue; William ! = district \ *\ This largest graduation class In is avenue, _J_ 'X O. Walt ere. IMM Parkalda and history re* tended to additional commodities. Mra. Sid Erwin, 1500 Chicago boulevard the university's will Nine new boards, consisting of Falvbanka School: Livernota. Tireman. I gi A Detroit’s plan to place all city ceive its diplomas at Olympia three each, have Dexter boulevard. Joy road and Ctalrmount. ! 8:30 p. m. members been Woodward and Warren Weet; Frank Riley. \ \ HUTCHINSON employes, including hos pi tali Stadium at created. The original board, headed 171 Evergreen avenue; J. It Davtaon, Lee 3! DISTRICT\ l The deans of the various school* Hotel, WUeon, 1444 '«.ooo nurses, on an equalized five-day! by Caspar J. Lingeman, will re- Ptaea and Oordon e f, ; district' \y\ \ have asked commanding officer* avenue. wjth concerted, main as the tenth of the district Hutchineon School; Van Dyke, Harper. week has met the to grant furloughs to men who are boards. Phillip and Alter road, and the Detroit opposition of privately-owned hos-, [now in the service, but would River; Parley McManue, 5202 Devonshire » n-AN \ \ “Even this new setup Is In- avenue; Tom Dearie, 5S*« Seminole ave- ¦ j -3 pitals in the Detroit area, Mayor ordinarily graduate with this nue. and Raymond J. Maurer, 172 New- f\\ year’s expected that adequate,” the new board mem- port avenue. Edward J. Jeffries Jr. said today. class. It is bers were told yesterday by Cllppert School; Tire man. Ltvernoia. Opposition to the plan was pre- many officers and enlisted mert Weet Warren. Weat Orand boulevard and I—l I \ to Wilson G. Stapleton, regional Oroguleckl, sented by Willis Gray, secretary will be present in uniform re- city llmlta; Edward M27 St. J J. organization chief, as they were John avenue; Louie Frank, 1937 Weet Tori, of the Detroit District Hospital ceive their degrees. at state end Joseph J. Oeract, 5392 Kentucky ave- sworn in OPA head- nue. Council, who told the mayor that DOCTOR CODY TO PRESIDE quarters in the Penobscot Build- KT L \ such a plan would result In pro- ing. COUNTY BOARDS LISTED hibitive hospital rates, further ag- Doctor Cody, superintendent of \ ) schools and president of the uni- COFFEE, TEA, COCOA DUE In addition to the Detroit boards, gravate the shortage of nurses and i appointed throw the whole Detroit hospital versity, will present the diploma* seven boards have been will probably be Doctor "About 20 products, including to parts Wayne DISTRICT setup out of gear. This serve other of \ CLIPPERT Cody’s last commencement exec* coffee, tea and cocoa, are go- County. They are: Law Graduate 205,000 Nurses in Receiving and Her- . for retiring 30. ing to be rationed sooner or DEARBORN Henry 3 Miller, 1114 ( man Keifer Hospitals, now on a else, as he is June Claremont. Dearborn: John A. Blaeka. Another wartime touch will b# lster, and this will throw an Llewellyn. six-day 48-hour week, 733* Reuter, Dearborn; Percy will assume added the exercises when a: ever-increasing burden on the 9940 Reuter, Detroit their five-day work week on July to HAMTRAHCK—Caemer Zblarakl. 2245 [huge service flag bearing a star rationing machinery.” 1 as part of the plan stagger Board Flortan avenue. Hamtrark; Vincent K Sets Record to for each Wayne University mart members receive no pay. Kwlerlkowekl 3995 Canlff avenue. Ham- Fruit Serum city working hours and equalize I Adolph will be unfurled as a and are expected to devote eight tramck; Nlerochak. 2349 Kvallnc. the work-week of city employes. in service Hamtramck Ellsworth G. Reynolds, 26, 376 back-drop on the stage of th* to 10 hours a w’eek to rationing HIGHLAND PARK—William A. Doyle, of Fake Lieutenant duties. Each board will have a 90 Btevene. Highland Park; Mra. Ira A. Chalmers avenue, today holds the Shock Treated With Apple, UNREST, DISSENSION SEEN auditorium. Field, 199 McLean. I Highland Park; program tonight willbe tha paid executive secretary and a Highland The Charles Ackerman, 315 aveeue. distinction of being graduated Orange Pectin "If this Is done in these two university’s third evening clerical staff of two. Highland Park Jelly hospitals;” Gray "It com* LINCOLN PARK Joseph Renter, South- from the Detroit College of Law city said, mencement exercise. In addition to having local field at Pennsylvania Railroad, Lincoln Steps Up will create unrest and dissen- of any Notch highest average a Dr. David D. Henry, supervision over sugar, Park; Dan Dayton, 1402 Rueeel. Lincoln with the sion In all the hospitals of the executive rubber and Park: Wnilam Death an, 504 New York. 51 of ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., June vice of the any student in the years the city. president university^ 1 other commodities which may Lincoln Park institution. Still on probation tor imperso- (INS).—Dr. Henry Harkins of If these were normal times will deliver the principal addresg, be rationed, the boards will serve WAYNH Maatoue Uht. 55020 Main 11 I would be In favor it, atreat Wayne; Char tee Butterfield, super- Reynolds with 26 others was MSS kr Dvtrolt TUbm Staff Arttot. nating Army of hut and the Rev. Benjamin J. Busty as administrative headquarters schools a United States sec- Hospital, Detroit, already for intendent of Wayae; Frank Dlglo- graduated magnum cum laude, and there Is a drastic short- minister of the Westminster Press price control. Each merchant will vanni. 1449 Norris. Wayne. CITY’S RATIONING MAP ond lieutenant, Eugene Gyorick, today told the American Medical age of nurses and this would byterian Church, deliver be required to WYANDOTTK—Mre Frank L. Burke. had 72 hours of A work and 8 will thf file a monthly list 209 Biddle avenue. Wyandotte William 27, gave himself a rapid, wartime Association that the apple and only further the shortage. I celling Trentoei; hours of B work. He previously Hour Detroit has been zoned invocation. of his prices with the local Voe Moll. 202 Detroit avenue. done work at University was brought by "Already there are Idle hos- Doctor Henry, his addresy board. I W. Cook. 537 Kings highway. Wyan- had the by rationing for promotion and into orange had been used medical In dotte. v of Michigan and Detroit Institute authorities pital beds la Detroit hospitals will review the university year* ] original Beyer. court today on a charge of imper- science to produce a new and vital The hoard, with head- PLYMOUTH-Mre. Otto 735 North of Technology and was a full time the creation of 10 boards to because we cannot find nurses to quarters in the Barium Tower, will Mill street, Plymouth; Eugene Omdorff. sonating an air corps major. serum for the treatment erf per- the private 1314 Northvtlle road. Plymouth; William day student at Detroit College of replace the single board that In the guise of a major, said serve them. Were to serve the downtown Wood, 390 South Mala. Plymouth. Law. sons affected by shock. hospitals forced to follow this district. of hais functioned so far. Boards Assistant United States Attorney He said intravenous injection of It Arthur Sarvis. state director Of thig year's class 12 already Thomas P. Thornton, Gyorick so procedure might unbalance the OPA, today announced the ap- bar will be quartered at school- the new pectin jelly solution had the hospital situation to an ex- BOARDS AND PERSONNEL have passed examinations impressed a McMillan School 'Slim' pointment managers houses as named, and you been succesfully tested on air raid patients not M'Clelland; of OPA for which were taken In April. The tent where no old Headquarters, teacher that he appeared as a ‘ boundaries and three Michigan districts. They are others will take the September may pick out your board by victims as well as those shocked be adequately cared for and members of the new lecturer before her classes. Among by surgical operations and other boards are: Jacob Zweedyk at Grand Rapids. examination. determining hospitalization would become Hardin* School Srhncfrr highway to and the one within his claimed adventures was flying causes. •tty limit*; John w)»l» «»r th, *••• IMVC Tfl PI ¥ business, commercial and industrial »•**> •» *• * 1 rAI (INS). **,th *"<• h,'» • «•* u flght, WASHINGTON, June 11 or J k* "Although there was bo uses. He suggested that nurseries Choice of driver brassie with t«ct«4 by a Watch Bvr«Unr Phi»i tar *Pr MFYFP tome one called the sheriff,” —The war department today in- putter. tS^s^r^ midiron, mashie, niblick and AH prtaa* _ _ _ V«w. Oar tnciaAc w priorities system be permitted in residential dis- damn Tax. JEWELRY CO. Nelson said. "When Batrly and voked a over all passenger and cargo space on the tricts. However, he said he doesn’t Chrome-plated heads and steel Extended J Wilson arrived only Dobbs and ruling waiving man remained. Dobbs commercial airlines. want a blanket zon- shafts. New style oval canvas bag Payments^^ CASH another ing restrictions, but wants ¦». I. was taken to protesting vio- Space will be restricted to the with zipper pocket. Great value! Jail zoning board to have to jhd** charge lently about no charge being transportation of goods and per- authority xlllivPX 'Pm placed against sonnel essential to the war effort, waive it in some cases. Council I fNlm} t \ O 30-60 DAY him, and when he I *l‘!w ~ \ with approved this plan, under which %v CHARGE ACCOUNT got out of the car at the Jail and army officials said, only a “COLONEL" y>V tried to walk away Wilson shot minimum of pleasure travel per- each case will be decided on its 4 * pay™* him through the right lung.” mitted for the duration. merits. WATERPROOF WATCH V\ to // / / - ***..

i - I M» . 11l \ A_'' Parley aafcltlc. MmM. c v. Educational ¦ Ipathar Mud. ctcci mm. |%# ~yT ','' ? ] ¦ lacy Tarma l •••-— ¦ ------: 0BBH)l) —¦ •—¦. , Of CIO to Last 2 Days BSv*f -*r— The first annual educational con- ference of Detroit Region Na 1. Fine South Bend Fishing Outfit UAW-CIO, will open tomorrow night at the Fort Shelby Hotel Three-section steel rod with f| and continue through Saturday. screw-locking reel seat and fin- IIQC A round table discussion on 1 ger lock. Anti back-lash reel. ||uil "How to Help Wjn the War in 50 yards silk line. trolling 1942.’* will feature the opening 2 lures. U session. Speakers willbe Richard Extended Payments—No Carrying Charge M» »rt.t Rtlln* ctyla, SKOIO Trim, amnia Oraca. S4TSO T. Frankensteen, director of Re- r«<4 UM, IT JrwMi 99 17 jewH Vert-Tfcl aato V I gion No. 1; Frank X. Martel, presi- iSP^ dent of the Detroit and Wayne vv County Federation of Labor; John 9x9-Ft. Umbrella Tent Bargain! Lovett, general ™ P. manager of the ' jfib»> • l*- —— —i, Michigan Manufacturers Associa- vt* r tion; Wendell Lund, director of -: ' the labor production division of the War Porduction Bdfrrd. Mayor s Kdward J. Jeffries will act as moderator. 12 Holds two

1 cots. Full l.l'l II )*.»•¦• laatM li-J. —I. H>*H, s|M WWmr-'jMmM i v : \ , IT-Jawal. IcatlMr kaa4, S£I2S 71 director, who warned ration boards fnrwM arcararjr.. I nwitto • iVWWV, ••!•#• >24 that utmost caution must be ex- at smooth coif. CoM mudguard. White . (..1.4 •» ft t .... 4.. ercised in distributing extra al- uM lowances. with brown, blue, red or block, He appealed to housewives, also, to use sugar sparingly to aid the state OPA in coping with the of population shifts Eroblemrought on by war plants. **0(117 M per cent of oar na- tional annual supply, Including froth bee* nod cane sugars. Is Allen's 1051 WOODWARD AVE. §VUV* AT SHELBY WOODWARD ,/qRAN produced domestically,** Sarvis 1 said, the present shipping 14145 Woodward Ave.* 6549 Woodward Are. U225 W. WAS REN 0233 6RAND RIVER... a JOY ROAD Highland *Opm problem Is solved the nation's Park , Inmmii -*m Open (Oil VERHOR HIGHWAY W.. ct RPRINEWfUS o. .. sugar Import Ommhrntm Store Ivnry *“-*-Tmhft. MBar mtd Kp^ will suffer aerl- BUY U. „ S. WAR BONDS and STAMPS 'W-. a Ij. eudjr.- riLl