Random Trivia August 2021 1. Who wrote The Tale of Peter Rabbit? Beatrix Potter

Potter published The Tale of Peter Rabbit in 1902. 2. What is the largest known species of frog? Hint: It is named after the giant in the biblical story of David and ______. The Goliath frog They live in West Africa and can grow up to 12.5 inches in length and weigh up to 7.2 pounds. 3. What is a term that means a genre of music and a stone? Rock

Rock is a popular form of music that emerged in the 1950s. 4. Who has won seven Grand Slam titles and is a four-time Olympic gold medalist? Hint: Her sister’s name is Serena. Venus Williams

She has teamed up with her sister to win several doubles championships as well. 5. How many teeth does an adult human have? 32 There are 12 more teeth in a person’s adult set than in their baby set. Four are called wisdom teeth, which usually emerge last, between the ages of 17 and 21. 6. What character said, “Bang, zoom, to the moon, Alice” in The Honeymooners? Ralph Kramden

Jackie Gleason played the cranky bus driver Kramden, who was always scheming to get ahead with his friend Ed Norton. 7. Jamaica was claimed by what country after Christopher Columbus landed there in 1494? Spain

He did so during his second voyage to the New World. 8. What kind of animal attractions could one see in the film Jurassic Park? Dinosaurs

Michael Crichton wrote the novel Jurassic Park about an amusement park that brought the dinosaurs back to life with the help of cutting-edge science. It was later made into a movie franchise. 9. Who was the host of the game show Jeopardy! from 1984 to 2021? Alex Trebek He hosted every episode except one during that time. On April Fools’ Day in 1997, he swapped places with Pat Sajak and hosted Wheel of Fortune. 10. During what art movement did Leonardo da Vinci paint The Last Supper: Baroque, Romanticism, or Renaissance? Renaissance

The Renaissance occurred during the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries in Europe. 11. “” was what singer’s first No. 1 hit song?

Tommy Durden wrote the lyrics to “Heartbreak Hotel,” and he, the composer, and Elvis split the royalties. Durden once said that the song “has paid the rent for more than 20 years.” 12. What planet is the fifth from the sun? Jupiter

Jupiter’s year is the equivalent of 4,333 Earth days, or 11.86 Earth years. 13. What car company has described its vehicles as “The Ultimate Driving Machine”? BMW This tagline was first introduced in 1973 and quickly became the car company’s most successful marketing campaign. 14. Five state capitals begin with A. Can you name two? Albany (New York), Annapolis (Maryland), Atlanta (Georgia), Augusta (Maine), and Austin (Texas) 15. What does per capita mean? “Per person”

Per capita is a Latin phrase that translates to “by head.” It is often used to determine a given measurement’s average per person. 16. What kind of animals are Rocky and Bullwinkle? A flying squirrel and a moose

The characters appear in The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends, an animated series that aired on TV from 1959 to 1963. 17. What type of blood cell carries oxygen to the parts of the body: red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets? Red blood cells

Hemoglobin is the protein inside red blood cells that carries oxygen. Red blood cells also remove carbon dioxide and transport it to the lungs to be exhaled. 18. What country colonized Australia? Britain

Captain Arthur Phillip led a fleet of 11 British ships carrying convicts to the New South Wales colony in 1788. 19. What term represents both a tree’s outermost layer and the sound a dog makes?

Bark Tree bark can come in many colors, including red, green, gray, white, and orange. Sometimes it is even striped. 20. Who wrote The Color Purple: Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, or Maya Angelou? Alice Walker

She won a Pulitzer Prize for the novel in 1983. Two years later, it was adapted into a film by Steven Spielberg. 21. What does perpendicular mean ? At an angle of 90 degrees

to the object or line. These lines always intersect at right angles. 22. How many fluid ounces are in a cup in the U.S.? Eight

However, in parts of the world that use the metric system, a cup is 250 ml, and therefore 8.45 ounces. 23. What force keeps every planet and particle in orbit around the sun? Gravity Anything that has mass also has gravity, and objects with more mass have a greater gravitational pull. 24. What duo sings “I Got You Babe”? Sonny and Cher

Fun fact: When Sonny Bono came up with the lyrics to “I Got You Babe,” he wrote them down on a piece of cardboard. 25. What product used the slogan “I’d walk a mile for a Camel”? Camel cigarettes

R.J. Reynolds introduced Camel cigarettes in 1913. By 1920, Camel had reached sales of 20 billion cigarettes. 26. What style of hat is small, brimless, and round with straight sides and a level top? Hint: Jacqueline Kennedy wore one to her husband’s inauguration in 1961. The pillbox hat Kennedy’s simple, blue, bone-wool pillbox hat was designed by the American fashion designer Halston. 27. Canadian artist Joe Shuster and American writer Jerome Siegel created the first comic book about a superhero from the planet Krypton. What is the name of that superhero? Superman (aka

Clark Kent) This first appearance was in June of 1938 in Action Comics #1. One pristine copy of the comic book was sold in 2014 for $3.2 million. 28. Plants that do not have seeds release what into the wind to reproduce? Spores

Ferns are one example of plants that reproduce this way. 29. What do you call the white, unnumbered ball in the game of billiards? Cue ball This ball is struck with the (typically) wooden cue stick to knock other balls into the table’s pockets. 30. What western TV show centers around the adventures of Ben Cartwright and his sons on their Nevada ranch? Bonanza

Lorne Greene plays Ben Cartwright. The show aired from 1959 to 1973. brought to you by