f j m r ^ n a r r r WEDNESDAY^ AUGUST 18,1954 y iTwaf* Daily Nnt PrwM Rim £ . n r tha week Rndad n«WMtk«; V- Angnnt 1 6 ,1N4 I nr II. & Wa ^ 4lie ^ 4ivn Noa-PoUtical PlaMs Mayor Sherwood Bowers 10,841 wetn£ D bKI XL KIMM mafi M lu passed out plunu to members r sf «M Aaiit CkOMciM l i Putnam, mcmbara of of the Board of Directors and I ef OwsInUen , MancltMter High School faculty, a few other persons last night, Manchester— A City of Village.Charm will arrive at Idlewlld Airport in but no objMtion was raised i from any quarter because the New Tortc Saturday morning af­ ter a two montha tour of Europe. plums were strictly “non-po- VOL.LXXnLNO.278 aa Pngn.U) lltfcal’' according to the MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1954 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PUCE nVB CEMCi mayor’s own description; The Spiritual Life claae will Bowers, who g^rows fruit as meet thla evening at 7:30 in^ the a hobby, brought baskets of a'parlor of the S o i^ Meth- Bradshaw plums to the .Board fXtlit: Church. meeting last night and handed Differences the fruit around du^ng' a re­ France Pleads Sgt. Major David Addy win be cess. Plums must be late this In charge of the gospel open air season‘d because last y i u the evening at 7:30 of the Ironed Out U. S. to Seek NeyKt^er jury service this mayor brought some to the Salvation Army. budget hearings aiid this year’s budget hearings ate over. Several streets in town were Case on EDC On Red Ban without street lights for about three hours last night wind the Washington, Aug. 19 stieet light circuit was brwen by Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Howland Brussels. Belgium, Aug. 19 (/P)—Fraich Premier Pierre a defOctive fixture at Newman and and family have returned to their Senate-House emferees esme home in Wyckoff, N. J.. after Mendes-France said today that if his proposals for changing valley Streets. Linemen of the the European Army Treaty are rejected France might awing up with A compromise Anti- e Agaii^t Lattimor^ spending two weeks with Mr. How­ HALE'S Cpnn. Power Go.' located the Communist bill today by in another criais to a leftist gbvemment aimilar to the pre­ tBO"hie and repaired the broken land’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred dropping a provision nuking fixture. A. HowjAnd. 71 Strickland 8 t war "Popular Front.” The Popular Front woa a coali­ mere membership in the Com­ Carl Panciera will return ,to tion of Sociolistb and Radical So- munist party punishable by Ithaca College, New ToVk, in Sep­ 'clollsta headed by Soclallat Leon Withdrawal fine and imprisonment./ Guard **TRk^ Ten** at NiRMtic Camp \ tember where he will take over the Btum. Ita policy waa aoclal reform In ita place, they put A clause Idea Power GIVES YOU rather than Marxiem. But the pe­ Will Offer duties of assistant house saying a person who la 4 member SAM YULYES ^ of Phi Mu Alpha, national music riod waa marked by wideaprwd of a Communist-action group shall fraternity. Slnrolled in the School atrikea and other diaordera. May Involve be subject to the t>enaltiea provided Emphasized of M«iuaic, Panciera is the son of Mendea-France made hla etate- in the IMO Internet Security Act. G r^ d Jury SHOE REEAIRIN8 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Panciera bf ment to a- aix-natlon meeting of The I860 law, of which Sen. Mc- 226 Parker S t foreign mlniatera convened ti> dia- esrron (D-Nev) was the author, 15 Maple Street cuaa changes in the Xhiropean De­ New Tactics provides that membera of Com- By Warren fense Community (EDC) Pact, New Facts Mrs. L^da N.- Richmond o f 23 His remarks were relayed to i)eWb- WAshington, Aug. 19 (/P)— Biro Sti and Miss Helen L Rich­ men by a German eourcc. By the ChicABO, Aug. 19 (JP)— Wnshington, Aug. 19 CLOSED mond of 608 S. Main St, have re­ account of thia Informant: The U nit^ StAtei will pull Waehlagtox, Aug. if (P) — a Chief Justice Earl Warren turned to town after an enjoyable two-thirds of its ground The Government will s ^ s H ie French Premier said the oonpremise bUI outlawing the said today that “ if we are to ALL THIS WEEK five-day tour through several of present, treaty has no chance of strength out of Korea in the Oonmiunist party seUed throogh new perjury indictEient the New England states. At Bel­ being accepted by the French achieve a peaceful world, it fast, Maine, they called on Mr. and next few months in carrying Cexgresa today nxd wext to Pres against Owen Lattimore, con­ Re-Openingr Mon,, Aug. 23 Parliament, due to start debaUng will be accomplished through troversial Far Eastern spe­ Mrs. Burt Knight of 1«5 Pine’ St., It Aug. 28^ He said he had drawn out a new military strategy Meat Blsexkewer for aignature. who spend their bummers there; ideas rather than arma­ cialist; U. S. Attorney Leo A. his proposals foit revision to find to mount a flexible defense ments; througli a sense of and at Wayne, Maine, they visited bomb way of salvaging some­ against Communist China and Rover anpounced today. with Mr. and Mrs. Bdvrard O’Mal­ thing from the idea. j munist-ecUon groups ebell be justice and mutual friend­ Thurman .Arnold, formor tad- ley, formeriy of this town. Mrs. at the same time build up a barred from defense pionta, from ships rather than with guns oral Judgo witaoervos as oooriMl to O'Malley, was otu of tha first lead­ PreSlete Criele central strategic reserve at 8 H O N 1 employment by the federal gov­ and bombs and guided mis­ LatUmora, dockiiad comment' on ers of the Women's Society of He declared rejection of hie home. ernment and from obtaining i Rovor’a anaouaeomeat for tho, Tt MAKE Christian Service at tha South proposals would certainly reetilt siles.” MaUUMOttNfS In thia lergeat peacetime re-de­ passport. time bolng, saying'k* might have Methodist Church. in a negative vote in the Parlta-; ployment of American forces, en- - In addition, if they toll , to regis­ Speaking' at the dedication of a atatement later in the o4y. Lot- FOR A ment This could be followed, he nipunced .yesterday, four full divi- ter with the Attorney General as the new two million dollar head­ Umon remained riJot^ rtoeirrtag LOAN argued, by a crisia in the North sibns vriU be withdrawn from required by law, they ore subject quarters building of the Amriicen inquiries to Arnold. ' \ Atlantic Community. All this Korea,. Two divirions and smaller to Imprisonment for Ive years and Bar Assn, the Chief Justice said: ladletod lx 1962 \ 1^U l B ’ SOO Now Is To Trade would be a victory for the Rua- units will return to the United to a fine o f |IO,000. "Gur American system like all In December, 1962, a nderal Engagem ent biaift, he assert^ — a victory States, and- Gkinawa and Hawaii others Is on trial both at home and grand Jury ladictad Lottiiliopro, McCorron, a member of the con­ abroad. The way it works; the "which would coat them nothing.' will be strehgthened by one divi­ ference committee, said the com­ onetime For Eastern offalra ad- AHMvnt AUMMtoHofMHHtMy NymEfifs f^ri A French source, when told of sion each, manner in which it solves the viaer to the State Dept, on seven •flOAN thia version, said "that sounds promise blU "mokes certain that problems of our day; the extent 12 MO. I2MO. j 20 MO. Griffith'DooHttle Although the wholesale reshuffle all of the provisions and penalties counts of perjury growing out of • M t a n OK,” to which we maintain the upirit hie eworn testimony before tho ise lens S AM 1 Zn Mrs. Mary Griffith of South of ground strength will leave two of the internal security act shaU of our ConsUtutlon with ita BiU of see tear UM 1 1V.U Shortly oftsr Mendea-BVoncs less divisions in the Western Paci­ prevail.” Senate latcrael Security aubcoxt- see 4T.4I sv.e< 1 so** Coventry announcea tha engage­ That Old Stove for One Of spoke, however. Dutch Foreign Rights, will in the long run do fic, defenee officials interpreted it Administration doubts about mittae. hw9t«cl»« klee ef tepeywnmt mmM* eO eltiffpi. ment of her daughter, Mtaa Mary Minister J. W. Beysn bluntly said more to make it both secure and Two to thoee counta, including TbtJEff!need m feempt ptMtiMy fEfmtEiE. as completely in step with Preat- earlier versions of onti-Commimist the object of adulation than ths Sllwbeth Orifflth, to Kenneth A. the French proposals were not ac­ dent Biaenhower’a clear-cut Arorn- legislation hod been based on con­ the key one—that he had when ho m m O N I • WRITt • er VISIT Doolittle, son o f Mr. and Mra. ceptable to his government. number of hydrogen b'ombs we sold iw never wOe a Oommuniat ing Tuesday agoinat any Red at­ cern that it might destroy the stockpile.” Kennsth T. Doolittle of Newington. Beyen said that Mendea- tempt to Invade Chinese NeUonal* reglstraUon provlkons of. the in­ aympxthiser or promoter to Red nNMecMi.«e. Miss Griffith la a student at ] XYsnee’s statement this morning ist-held Formoaa. ternal security act and Iramper Preceding the dedicatory exer­ Intereste—later were thrown out MANCHESTER Windham High S^ool. These had mode a "totally different im The new military thinking lays prosecutions for conspiring to cises for the Assn. Center on the on appeal on too ground that they DooHttle ia a graduate o f the presaion” than the text of the pro­ increoaed stress upon flexIbUlty teach and advocate the forcible University of Chicago campus, were too vogue. MSm USUI • • Im ud SlMt University of Connsctlcut. posed changes. Tha note on the •I M m . Tw m . WW. frl. *>M M i.JO and the Importance of tha western overthrow of the yovernmenf un­ there was a csremoniel procession Rover eeid he win not appeal to thuniar* ViM MS* SWwiVeirs The date of the wedding has not changes was tronssnitted through Pacific defense line nmning from der the. Smith act. of more then 500 leading Judges, the Supreme Court for rMBototo- “ *— wUSsMts vU Rvetfby been set. diplomatic channels lost Saturday. The Philippines in the south The secUoit .of the bill making isi^ers end educators t/om ths ment to those two counta, hut in­ SpaSk Dtoeoamged Cenfer to the Rockefeller Me­ stead win offer new evtdeaM te x Paul-Henri Spook, Belgian (Cextixaed ox Page Eight) (CoxUaxai ex'Page Tire) morial. Chapel. the dedication grand Jury beginning Sept 18. XVireign Minister and Preaident o f was aNrighlight of the Associa­ Ooxqectleat Nxttexol Onordemex ef toe lS»to Reglxsext, dSrd Dhialex. take x break d ^ ^ l totoaro Rover said the evMence wtn in­ the Conference, appeared dis tion’s onhual convention. clude “certain xspecta’’ to Lxtti- couraged as the group broke up on rtfle-eqnad tacUee at Stoae’e Roaeb, Niantlc, wkere toey were ex Mvoone yeeterdny and today. Tke more’s ewom teetimony heCora the '-after a meeting of olmoat two Cites Detecta troops are part of the ngkaeafe 550 men wke knve keen txklxg twe weeks’ axnuner tndxlng to r — committee M February, I9U, which Warren said that lawyers know Lndge axd on scfcetotod to return hoou Sxtxrday. See. tomerrow*e Herald fer pictxree end story ex were not Included in the origiaal. tioura on general aspects of the Manchaater max wkq/nro membera ef the lOSto. c iw s provokedi by Mendes Prophets o f Doom Hit better than ipost people of the de­ Indictment JYaape's propoaed changes. fects in the American administra­ Should the grand Jury y/Um addi­ Speak refused to make any tion of Justice. He added: tional chiigea agatoet statement, saying it was too early "Some of thsae defects we know Rover aaid, the procedon wfll By President at Fair no4r. W e know that in some 83rd ess to know what might develop. H io to ask that they be < mlniatera planned to oontlnpe the 'mir country a citisen con- 'e general discussion this oftarnoon. H|a case tried withlq four ayjjjgtgggj! Springfield, RI., Aug. IS if) ^SProatdent he la "eUk end W 9 know thia system End Hangs on In any event, Rover aaid, tha Gnly 15 men attended thia morn­ President Eisenhower declared to- ' ing's meeting. The ministers Ured of Uatiraig to the clock-oku-k means a dinial o f JusUoe to liti­ government is prepared to bring day "the country is getUng pretty of the prophets of doom.” gants. W e know also that mU- Union Lettimera to trial on tho five la-- sought an intlihata atmosirtiere for lick and Ured of crooked fanse peU- a free discussion of their views. Then, by way of explonauon, os Bons of people ore flnaholelly un- Three Big Bills mainlng counts. tics.” He also eeid he personally ia he put It, he told a story about eUe to obtain adequate legal ad­ The orlginel indtetment grew out And Can SAVE You West Germany and Italy had Uirte "sick end tired of lld^ening to the Abraham lincoln, the Republican New York, Aug. 19 (ff>).-The General Electric Co., said to­ to 12 days to stormy tSbtinwny by npresentativee preeent, and the clack-clack of the propbeta pt vice er to protect their rights in Washington, Aug. 19 (P)—The ’other four nations — France, Bel­ party's first President. the courts, and that thia, too, la a day it had reached agreement with the CIO International lAtUmorc .as part to the commit- doom” , Lincoln once related, Xlisenhow’- sectmd session of the 83rd Oon- tee’e Inveatigatkm to the Instituto gium, the Netherlands and Luxsm- Eisenhower’s remarks were in denial of Justice. greae reached ite final stages to­ Union of Electrical Workers (lUE) on a new contract calling er said, that a man had built ouch ”We know that civil liberties to Pacific Relafione (IPR), a pri­ notes prepared for a apeech at a a crooked fence that a hog trying day, with only three major met- for a wage iiicriwse averagi^ slightly more than 5 cents vate reetarch organisation. Latti­ (CentlMied ex Page Twe) RepuUicon Day celebraUon at tha are^jtoe often violated end that to get -through tt became so con­ tera to be disposed of before a an hour. The announcement olao^ more edited an u*R pubUcaUen; niinola State Fair. fused that it concluded it woe al- wlMHlwer that occurs, something said the new contract will provide “ Pacific Attain." The Preeident’a oddrasa in on is 'calipped away from the foun- final gavel on ell legislative busi­ A Handful wxya coining out on the wrong side ness. improvements in holidey end vaca­ The committee, then beaded by outright political atmosphere waa of the fence. dsUoa of our Instiltotions. W# tion pay end other bsneflta. Sheppard Gise Sen. McCarran (D-Nev), called the opening gun in an edminiatre- know that in some -states a man The three ore a compromise for­ *17)6 union claima to repreaent V . W ork Losjam AppSeaUe Tedny , eign aid bill providing 13,781,000,- Lattimore “a conscloua arUculata Uon drive' to:m eintain RepuUUcen charged with a felony U.not guar­ nu>re then 100,000 employes in instrument to the Soviet con- control of Congreas, TSiat story, the Preaident went anteed the services of a lawyer. 000 in nbw cosh, a bill to ben the about 60 of the company’s 100 or on. Is ” appUcobls today because Commiimist Party, and a bill to Seen Shattered Hdrecy.^’ Slows Probes With the fell OongresMonol We' realiu that that is a rem­ more plants throughout the Unit­ Sen. McCarthy (R-Wts) once re­ elections coming on, the Presji^t certain poUUclani, despite t&e nant of another day. broad|a 4nd liberaliM the Social ed States. facts, seem to be coming out on Secunly systbni. ferred to the former Johns Hopkina urged his audience to returnrturh n i - <- "livery true lawyer is interast- A union spokesman s4id lUE By Palm Print Univenity prtoeoaor as the top Of Money mole membera of the House to Con- the wrong side of the economic Stgiilng Pbitobk- Tonight S|>RCftmRkep36 ilnto McCarthy negotiaUona would recommend Soviet os^onage agent in the coun­ AIRLINER grees end to increase' the state’s fence.” ^ ad in the improvement of the 4d- Therff,inrasIX chance ell of these minietretlon. qf Justice. With could be passed and sdnt to Presi­ that the union’s GB conference' try. Lattimore labeled that atata- repraaentetlon in the lewmaking That was on obvious allW m to Cleveland. Aug. 19 (to—A Cuya­ ment “ pure moonahina.,.” . y+'r Waehington, Aug. —Two b o ^ . contentions by some Dsuocrati adequate research we con dent Eisenhower tonight; Some board, meeting here Sect. 2, ac­ hoga County official toya ideaU- cept what he called a "revised'’ ' .Lattimore has dented vigorously Senate invcetlgotlona involving Lxxchee With Oov, Stixttox that the odminietraUon was Read­ of the lawmokera-thought tomor­ ftcatlon of a palm print found in Sen. McCarthy were thi^tened (CoxtlBned ex Prig* Twe) row was more tiksly for the wind­ company offer. the lokefront home where pretty that he never was a Communist or Before hie addreas, Blaenhower. ing the nation into a depreasion. A company . spokeomon eo.d Red eympathiser. with achedule-upietting delays to­ bed hin^/At the home of Gov. Elsenhower then went on to say up, and a few pessimists still ex­ Marilyn Sheppard woa murdered day, but epperehtly not because of pected the seaslon to, run over to there had been some “changes In -knocks the propa from imder a de­ Raver Doesn’t Ekibemto William CU'Stratton with Joeeph that it semns to Jiim that "the language” In a proposal made by Rover did not elaborate -oa tha disputes o v tf . the controversial T. Meek, the Republican'candidate cduntry is getUng pretty sick and early next week. v fense argument of her oeteepeth I ... Wisconsin Republiet^. TRe way the legiiletion has the company lost May but that husband. new aspects of the case, but said for the Senate: Meek, bidding for tired of crooked fence politico.” they "did not change the meaning the eddltionei evidence he vriU Leaders of both Senate groups the' seat now held by Democratic Reviewing the record of Oon- been taking a surprise turn at the The print, which had puazled in­ eeid the stumbling block waa un­ News Tidbits last minute, there was Just no sitbstanUaUy.” preeent bean on Lattimore’s al­ Sen. Paul Dou(Tiaa,‘ recently won neSs and . hie administration, the vestigators since Mta Sheppard’s leged promotion of Oommunism expectedly difficult work. Eisenhower’s endorsement. President declared that on the Called froBi AP Wires triUng. In 'on official - onnoiwcement, battered, body waa discovered The Senate Investigations Sub- . When legislative business la GE sold:, and Commuplst IntereeU. . ; Elsenhower few here (his morn- credit ride, in the field of foreign July 4, belongs to her 7-year-old ' Ha said he bad raaeon to btlievo ' committee which'conducted the 36 Ing frdm Washington and was affairs, the war in Korea, has completed, the House will be able "The settlement consists to a son. Chip, assistant County Prose­ deya of McCsrthy-Army hearings greeted at the oliport by Stratton, come to on end. i to quit until January. But the wage increase of 2.68 per cent, cutor John J. Mahon said yaattr- Just about gave up hope of reach­ Secretory to State Dullaa cox- averaging slightly more than 5 (Coattexog ori Pago Right) other nilnoie Republican leaders He also mid that the Indochina sMerbig brief atopovee in Japan on Senate may come baejk^'later te day. J- ing a verdict by the end «f this and Gov. .^George Craig o^ Indiana, sStUement "while not necesSorilv dispose o f. the recommendations cents n hour and ranging .from Now. Mahon said. Dr. Samuel week-r-the date Cbainnan Mundt way tiOck from conference In Phll- of its special committee on the 4 cents to 8 cents and more on also a RipuUican. ipjAnea to weld eight-nation South­ H. Sheppard con'% uae the print (R-SD) had set for a windup. In his speech at the fair, the (Oenllnned ox Page Sevexteex) motion to censure Sen- McCarthy hour, plus improvements in holi­ to support his story a stranger A HMrlnge May Ite PoetpoSed east Aria Defense alliance . . , (R -W is). day and vacation pay and other Senate Rppublicen Leader Know- benefits. woa in the house the morning of V ’ And a special SenaU^ommittee Senate-House conferees agreed the murder. Sheppard has been in­ BiiUelins Here’s a big G-B .1 headed by Sen. Wlitldns (R-'UUdi) land bloeke coxSrination of fellow on the compromise foreign aid "The contract will run until Sept. Cailfornlen priMidsnt Xlsenhower dicted on a charac of. first degree Range --loaded with' to study a proposed resolution of appropriation yesterday, nnd it 16, 1968, when the'pension and in­ murder. from tli* AP Wirts cfhaure against McCarthy indl- Lift M ill (anlMO QNiiain nominated 4e assistant secretoiry was expected to whip, through surance agreements win be open G-B feetures, inchid-, of Air Force. He says a prowler murderad-bis eated i^ may have to postpone the both, branches today In . short for negoUaUon. 31-yeor-old wife, end ^expectant lag puihbuRQu and start public hearings beyond , New York, New Haven and order. This is the final money bill;' ’ ’This mokea tha Slot union' to vthS) schedule^, premiere Aug^SO. Horjtfbrd Railroad to reduce eeato mother, and then injured him when CHARGES 15 AIRMEN HERD •cw.{iuge saasitr AAOMi 4tl o f the searion. accept the eoinpanyk offer. ., The he enewered her cell for kelpi- WoehtagtoA Aog. 19 UP>—Thx McCarthy- oimouncbd be would Laborites, Ileds Agree pxseexnr lorae within Ijaw Tork However, -tha two other big Increases juhdar this agreement will even i t a very rSa* Authqritiea had collected printe exited Stoteo taStay toaxaHy enter no protest against a de­ state By 4i rnuch oS IS cents a charged Hie Criixaoo CaxmanxMe •oaable price, and on ferred start of the censure hear­ trip effective Sept. I... Threatensd fCextinued ex Page Tblrtoex) from doeena of persons who might SPEEDSTER (OenHnxed an Page Hight) have been in. the house before ob­ ore holdtag 15 Axxirirxx alrmex easy terass.^ AUTOMATIC ings. delay in construction of Sikorsky. oe "poSHexI prisexerA” A de> XMword Bennett Williams, Mc­ Oil Trade Advantaees Aircraft’s S17 million helicopter taining those to the .youngs ter, whd 1 PUMMIHONUANM Carthy’s counsel, said "We have plant in Stratford averted in Su­ _ '1 "'W • hod been 'at a sununer comp in no plana to ask for a continboneri* perior Court by eettlem eef o f Suit Pennaylyania from the morning to TWs is axetber of tbewtrode betwefn the two countries the killing until lost week. aslttod at toe but it would be "working UAder brought by adjoining property ot.Geaeva toe nro xEvx. Come In Now! WeTI fiffve You pressure," he;eald, if he had to stories by the Lexden Dnily l>ele- would benefit both—and moreover owners. Alcide de Giasperi Dies Police fingerprint expert Jerome get ready by Aug. SO to start to traph eorreepexdext aceeaspeaytog would help world peace. American atomic cannon plunges C. Peolklng said It woa the only SUA\MER CLEARANCE toe Lxber PxirW gfexp ex Its vlalt Lu mid both rides agreed that by Aixerirexe, fer as McCoriby’s defender. off 12-fooi. rood embankment' near legible print found after the e f' «wsur, wke have lexchaagad Mundt sold in an interview be to CMxa. The Triegiaph la ox ail trade embargos on China Schongau, Germany, injuring three bludgaoning. It waa on a desk^in should be eliminated, then quickly At Home in Pjforth Italy ■taee toe The Best Deal You'ye ih te r Been still sees some hbpq of getting Ixdepexdext-OexeervxilTe news- U. 8. ortUleryinex ;i . . Hundreds the study. Where papers hod beep out a venUet by Saturday. ■Pspsr.) ' , ■ added: of police gxxrd Muxich’s strike* Strewn.;ond drawers pulled out.' Famous Make Bathing Suits "What we mean is that China EXPLOSION SIPS NYU But Sena. Jackson (D-W esh) benxd fnotoriee to jirevent iciest Belie 'Vol SugonA^ Italy, A i^ .f pro • wastAa, ______Sheppard reaffirmed his idno- Neta Yerk. Aag. It UTI—Ax By JOHN BSDLET 1 trade authorities would like to see of rioting yeatertoy which injured mtddle-of-the- road cense yeaterday la a 900-word Offered 19 ,(P)—Alcide de Oosperi; the Christian Democrat party- exphielaa rocked toe New York ■va’-- (Caattaxed ox P a ^ jpeyeati Peiping. Aug. 19 Uti—Oommilv 411 embargoes lifted xnd a mem­ 21 persons. Italy’s •) niet (^ na’a lUrector of trade with ber, of the delegstKui (unneimd) icon old''statesman who led Italy la r g e s t-^ little more then a Valveratty ckeixical eagtaeero Sizes 10-46. Not all sizes and colors in all styles. Former preaid ent HerbeA out of poltwar chaos and onto the month ego. ex Pxge RigM) lag bxUdlag la toe Braxa today, the west, Lu Shu-Chong, told me. agreed that indeed they shouIiXlex- Hoover Mlected by Steuben Society in an interview that little in the cept for direct instruments of path of democracy, died today of a He ended hie 7Mi yaera as heed reportedly lajxriag ax xxister- to AmeiW to recrive first Btexbex heart attack. mtaod, xnsBker^tojtopta^xikx ■ jlEG, $8.^5) ...... , N O W $ 5 .9 5 High UN Po8t Set way of strategic material is war. The other delegates didn’t Awxrd . . ...Dclawpre RepubUopns to- the Italian government ra year coming to China from Rrltoin,' but dimgree. We therefore feel that Death come to the eight-time ego, in July, 1963, after losing a CIO Vote on Yage launch hard-hitting campaign to Premier os he rested here in his confidence vote in the ' Italian at toe Ualvanity txmpM to tax (lE G . $ 9 .9 6 A n d $ 10 .9 5 ...... N O W $ 7 .9 $ British ships ore b rii^ g steel. all barriers to {trade should be elect pee-Btoexbewfr Senator and For Ralph Bimehe lifted and we thi ik the delegates North Italy mountain rett'eat. for parliament. But his party oupplled FOR COMPLETE $|ITISFACTION matela. mochtacry endjnnerel in Congressman next No'-’embeV. from Rome and the political wars Imperils. AFL’g Bid duatrlel efulpment to auna from really .egret, sii a China hasn’t Some 6.000 werkere in iji S.- oucceeding cablneta and o'prote-.'f' i|EG. $12.96 ...... N O W $ 5 .9 5 any intenUtm getUng instru- in which he had battled without gee of De Gaaperi, former Interior l^tSE PASSES AID BOX United NaUons, N. T „ Aiig. 19 West Gfriaeny, Belgium end owned El Tonients copper mine in Woaklxgtax, Aag. IS (A SWITCH TO ' (P)—U.N. Secretary General Dog manta o f war BriU ln." respite for nearly a decade. Minister Mario ScelbA now holds Gok Ridge, Tenn., Aug. 19 0P>— France. Santiago, Ghilt etrlke after wage His passing robbed the causa of the premiership. HexM pMsed JA aStt to REG. $14.95 ...... NOW $10:95 Hommorskjold is slated to | an­ Lu said China ould like to Im- talks eaUapee By vtotng to. accept a previously- Lu mid hla government feels port from Britain 'raw materials. European Union of one of its Scelbx- Ixfenxeg rejeeted 6-cent hourly wage in­ Hixxte today x M nounce the appointment today of ".that West Germany^ Belgium, Strike vote nearly a month ago stounchest supporters. Italy’s REG. $18.95 and $19.95 ...... NOW $12,95 Ralph JT. Bundle and r. Russian os aax-ftlToue meUle, electrical gen­ A messenger brought the news crease. AFT, atomic pro^tion 5(4 bUSoa doSoM France end othen aeem to be more is cxBed fer Mexday by 10,000 struggle ngoinst (Tommunlsra loat global xdStaty xad I t . the No. X men in the UN. Se£re- erating pionta, v4rtous sorts of- membwa to International Union of the death before dawn to Seel- workers put ths aqueeoe on dis­ interested ia business with Chine mochinery mesUy in the field of one to...... - its hardest flghtei • 'eit. ba and the Premier hurried from turbed d G leaders who eoid today peogfxm tar toe yoae eadtag to toriat. o f .Mine, Mill A Smelter workers Although it was known the 7S- ALL SALES FINAL • GENERAL W ELECTRIC If You Take Advantage Of U N .' informonta eoid Hon^- than la Britain , . . hmvy Industry, locopooUvas, rail- his own vacation spot. FtuggI, to the AFL vote would niot block their mM-lSSA The tabol Mta riNtor against Anacondp Copper Mining yaar-old leader’s health was foil­ the scans to the death to hU old S99 xdWex dritaro fhort ot qiarskjold at a midmorning news Weet Oerxxm Trade Hiked w4y wagons, ehipe, trucka. core, Co— Governor -Lodge visits demands for p 16-ceat boost lome Buni "Last year, pa compared with rafrigereUng pleats, textile ma­ ing, there hod been no public hint mentor. The AFL workers put teeth into Preoldext Hamilton Standard Propeller Com­ he WM aertously ni. Gnly after his Gne to the first to send condo­ u d L Tehernychev, a Soviet who the year before, our Impoeta from chinery. chemical fertUixen and pany in Windsor Locks for tour of their leadere’ recouiriMndaUoa» by Sportswear--Second fTooc APPLIANCI^ FROM West Germany increased ia volume death was it revealed that he suf­ lences to De Gosperi’a family was voting obout.8 to I in secret ballot OOffTRH o u t 19 OHNTB This. Offer To Trade-In nos been assistant secretary geu- OMdicinol drugs.” plant and to-preseint special fered a beort attack a week ago. . / arol for security council affairs, more then nine Oifies.” He added that Chine could pay Pope Pius Xn, from whoto Ro­ yatoerday to accept the' 6-eent New York, Akg. 19 charter, certificate. His condition was not considered man Catholic flock the CTirlstion 4 ^ e hike auf gestlon handed down 19

,s MANCUESTF8 EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THUR^AY. AUGUST 19.1954 •/. ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. 9LINCRESTER. CONN* TRURSDAT, APGOST 19. 1 ^ PA« fit It if the party changed its naiaa AIK-CONDITIONBD Files Petition but retained its puiposes. Differences S'en. Kefauver (D-Tenn) asked Idea Power Butler if he would not. “in all falr- Rockville-Vdrnon Some Day Skip May* Be Walloping This Ball PoKce Seize ^ an I nees,” agree that the oonfsrenc* A. TERMS AS LOW AS *5".f» « r , meaaure "substantially minifies O A K G R U . L 111 f Welch Threat Ironed Out the Humphrey amendment." E m p^sized "No, I don’t think it nuUifiee it." SO OAK STRf STREB^ Board of Education Votes AMESITE Butler said. "I think It brlnge It Washinl^n, Aug, 19 UPi—Police on EDC On Red Ban Into consonance with exiatlng ★ FINE FOOD ★A QUALlTO r Q ^ BEVERAGES last night Seized at gunpoint an No Money Down • 36 Months law.” ■ By W arren To Drop Tuition. Students armed man hunted in connection Kefauver asked'If membership to Pay a Paving a Drhrowmys (CkmtlnMd Yroa Pag* OM ) with an alleged death threat « tiMi Fag* Om ) in the Communist party would be against Jo((eph N. Welch, special • Parkins Areas a crime under .the compromise (CeafiBBad tram Fag# Om )' BUSINESSMENS luncheon' Rockville, Aug. 19— (Special)—> many friends in Rockville for the tourg _ two each. One member of" Plan to Back Communist party membership a The Vernon Board of Eklucation fine support, both moral and finan­ Army counsel in the recent Mc- MANCHESTKK measure. ^ strengthen our leadership la rem­ SERVED DAILY/ BATUBOAT criminal offense, sponsored by "No, It is not,” Butler ssid. voted last night to notify the cial that they have given him Carthy-Army hearings. the conference aecretariat rounded Sen. Humphrey (I^Minn) and edying the defects.” Mltehdl 9-5224 Butler said a person who is tuition towns of Somera, Elling- through his long illness. Police Oapt. Michael J. Ma- •at the groups other Democrats,'’was twice ap­ A Roman Catholic Bishop who He was happy to* report that the fepP Aspirants knowingly a member of a Commu­ tont Tolland and Coventry that haney said John Lockridge, 48, ‘’ ^Thoee who attended the talka proved by the Senate and once by once criticised "phony sntl-Oo«a- the Town of Vernon will not' be doctors are now allowing-him to For tfio to il in Drhrowoy the House over the objections of nist-action organisation would be munism” leveled Me fire yesterday were reluctant to comment as they ineligible for a passport, a federal bound to accept any new tuition engage In aome very light actl'vl- was arrested in a stolen taxi three •merged for the lunth>tlme breaX. the administration. at "false pro|ASts” who "in their ties. He has been allowed to go minutes after a $20 holdup. He RepublK^n Committee Job. or a Job In a deferiae plant. effort to preserve treedoM, daa- pupils starting with the school It was reported, however, that However, Hi'.mphrey told the And if he failed to register, he year beginning September, 1056. swimming and is able to toss a ball quoted Lockridge as saying: troy it." with his brother or dad. The doc­ THOMAS COLLA CONST. CO. lfendes*France had assured the Endorsilig Candidates Sena'te he would "bow to the could be Imprisoned and fined. If Under this, ruling the town wishes of the conferees" ai\d not Bishop Bernard J. Shell o f Chi­ tors also aay that if he continues "Aa far as the Welch thing is ministers his great alms are to he did register, he would not be could accept the pupils if there concerned, that is just my wife's find aome way to tie Germany to In ConuW Primary oppose' the compromise. - cago told .. section of the American aim maum mot 'vt to progress, they will allow him to subject to fine or imprisonment. Bar Assn, that America’s dsatlny was room for them, but the story. There is nothing to it.” the western alliance, to permit the Humphrey said the compromise' In other words, the criminal-pen­ start high school in September. The Town Republican Commit­ "cannot ha chartsd by amotional Board is 'not making any prom­ Skip was presented with an Police said Lockridge— "a well reanaament of Germany, to give "maybe does 'hot strike aa strong alty is for failure io register, not ises to the other towns that there ^ educated construction engineer"— German Chancellor Konrad Ade­ tee will give Ite o u tri^ t endorse­ charlmtana who 'havs become O iiiCw ulitiw uci COMFORT American League and a blow as Hube^ Humphrey would for membership in tba Communist statesmen overnight and Uioae will be. i told them he had been drinking nauer help in his difficult internal like to deliver,” but. that the Jus­ promptly had it autographed by ment to some candidates^who will psrty. whose unctuous volcea betray a '' The mbtion, made by L eo! the members of the opposing team. and going "downgrade" recently poUUcal situation and to get a run in the GOP primary Stot. 14, tice Dept, has told Congress it will Other parts of the meaaure Flaherty, states that as of Sept, j and that he and hia wife separated European organisation started. first uigs to bear thamaslvea, no He showed no favoritism toward an announcement by WilliahvDsv- "expedite the prosecution of cases would atrip the Communist psrty matter what they convey. 1, 1956, the town is not bound to either tesun, but seemed happy that last March. L H. HALE SUPER STORE West Germany, Belgium. The Jacob F. MUIer noW pending.” of its legal rights and privilegea accept any new high school (MANCHESTER’S FOREMOST CERAMIC CENTER) Netherlands, Italy and Luxem­ Is, town Republican chairman,\n- "You know the men I Eeb Cdacii roduct "upheld" dents. It was brought out at the hie executive fiu>ctiom.'\ President Eisenhower might re­ his April speech, the prelate Olhar Rad CriAs at meeting, that four new teachers One neighborhood ^roup has carrying a Japanese automatic Luxembourg already have ratified and three others, also elected, An advocate o f the ' general this.original purpose of Sen. Hum­ featurlag: REWARD Underglaze. also NORMAN KILNS, spond with a veto if Congress were the term "city slicker from and a school nurse Have been add­ formed a “ Block Club” And are closely resembling a Laiger. the EDC treety. The governments were understood not to have It. manager form of govemmMt, he phrey. Butler said it did. to send him the blit as it passed NITON • MINtllOM • SAUNS • WAYUNI • NRMNAM • NYANNR maBufachjired by the acted ceramist aad hcattaig apeclaSat. Language Ciarifled 'A p p I e t o n," McCarthy’s home ed to the high school staff, aa well soliciting their friends to J ^ the Lockridge was arrested bn o f these nations say they cannot The candidates understood to feels thkt a town of this sise 'must the Senate l^esdsy. Knowland^ Herald Photo charges of armed robbery and lar­ N. Richard Hymaa. author of the heat seller "Ceraasles Hsad- Aside'from the provision as to town, and said it was "time to cry aa several teachers In the ele­ club by guaranteeing to purcltaae Recipient of an $85 check land a baseball autographed by all the players on the Hamilton Stahd- accept any changes v/hlch would have been favored by GOP leaders be administered in a business-nita himself said as much Just befpM out against phony anti-Gommu- at least four blocks at a costA f ceny after Raymond Carte/ 44. book.” Your cejiy available at "HALE’S AT THE CENnR.** require further approval by their ware Directors Harold A. Turk- way. •' Communist party menoGera,. Butler the Senate voted that day mentary' schools. ard, and St. Cyril’s baseball cldbs. Skip Skewea smiles as he chats with principals-in last night’s bene­ said, ths only chance from the nism that mocks ou^ way of life, PpUlilCESS IS HEADQUAETERS FOR In the case of the htjgh school 6ne doHai. The building plan calls'' reported his taxi and $20 had been '\ panlamenta—at least not before ington and Jacob Miller, who have He told The Herald today that back language making /^arty flouts our traditions aad dsmo- for 5200 cement bl<)cks that will fit in his honor at Henry Park In Rockville. On left is Tom Dineen, one of the leading hitters for the taken by a man armed with a nance haa given ita okay to the already announced their Intention an additional reason he Is seeking measure ae 'previoualy araproved membership s crime. nurse, it was voted that the Med­ Hqrtford team; John Gill, president of the Rockville Little League; Grant "Skip" Skewea jand Hamilton by the Senate Was a ’ciariftcation’’ cratic procedurts and our sens# of ical Assn, should make a recom- cost approximately $1300. Luger. wtginal troaty.- to seek reelection to the Board, reelectlon is due to the fact that But today he said in phswer to fair play,” Playgroiand Notes placer Paul Muller. Skewes is recoverihg after a long illness. But Mendes-France Id ■ Is known to of" some language. He said this nienclation aa to the choice of a and Director Harry J, Flrato. who ont of the Jobs, which he felt he a question: ^RESH SEA FOOD 'The winners of the track meet feel that his Parliament will not haa not yet said whsther he will was sleeted to support—the cur­ was in a seriM of 14 "criteriafi" "Oh, yes. I expect Any bill that physician for the supervision of ,:1 accept the EDC treaty In Its pras- Humphrey wrote into the bill Tuea- the new nurse and her dutlee. held at Henry Park recently in­ run. , rent school program—hasn’t been is passed by the ty o houses to be clude: Girls’ baseball throw, Deaths Last Night i-4 ant form. Those not favored were Direc­ day to ^ id e Juries In' trying cases Special — EYcrjr Thursday^ It was requested that the physl- MANGNESTER KNITTIN8 M lllS completed, and he doesn’t want signed by the FTM 6tnl Carol Lukas; 25-yard dssh, Carol "••••a Italy has not yet ratified the tors Sherwood G. Bowfra, Everett to quit in the mldo<--* — ood diMioeu n »r bo duo tooiow- can be no EDC without his -snend- The Republican Town Commit­ (AnNMmM In the event that there la more ■ down o( kidnor function. Doc(on (MT sood lUill THE OFFICE OF equipment. In case of rain the kidnoT (unction ia vary impqitant to sood CORDUROY ments, or meK of them. tee, officii^y, haa taken no ptand than one slate presented, or more troop will meet at tlie social rooms haalth. Whan aomaovarrdar condition, alien HtiH" on the school question. Names filed than there are places naatraaa and atrain, eaoiaa (hia iniportant ‘TANGANYIIfcA’* DR. JOHN B. SHEA of the Union Church. fdhetion to alow dinni, many (olka auilar nas- on the ballot, the primary caucus *Sint baekacba-faal niaaiwbia. Minor blad. Is Csisr—Bsrt I.»lirsslrr PROGRAMS will be held next ’Tuesday. It has /ill I MAJR8TY U’KRKrE' All Tolland and Vernon news dar irriutlona dua to cold or wrons diet mar i.W E»U” CHIROPODIST been a number of years since this ssuaasattinsupnishuorlrequantpaaaasa^ Items are now handled through Don't netuKt your kidneya if tbcaa eondi- JUMPERS |video Everyday—All Right# keaerved—H. T. Dickinson A Co., Inc.1 has happened, About Town WILL BE CLOSED The Manchester Evening Herald tiona boUwr you. Try Doon’a Pilla—• mild False Alarm Rockville' bureau located at One diuratic.OJUrvLic. Uaad Liavu auecaaafuUyau«t:mMss byw millionassaaiarwiM for Ylte Fire Department Was called ovtrO v a s .. a50 w reen, yaabS O a •It'aamaiinKhow •----- • «»saa««aoami._aa---- oa*»o»as.— aoawwmanr JUrora- ttme* Friends of Mrs. MSrlon King to Box 73 on’ Windsor Avenue' late Market Street, telephone Rockville Doua'u baDpy ruUuf from tb«M awoom- FROM AUGUST 18 5-3186. forU*>hflptb«15mUuRef kidnoy tubcuand ftU O'OoMor, 95 Olcott Dr., will re-' yesterday afternoon and when the i t n flttih out WMtOo Gti Doaa*a PUIa todajrl iiiii! I gret to hear that she is s patient UNTIL AUGUST 24 trucks arrived on the scene they / in St. Francis Hospital. Mrs. ■ B e t t e r S e e found no one at the fire box and ■ 7 O’Connor Is secretary of the Hair­ no signs of a fire. One of the t ACTION COLOK HITS! dressers Guild of Connecticut. z trucks made a tour of the area tu'-il•nu! Mias FYsneea C. Britton of 402 Motoroli TV !!;i! -S'i. ‘TAN8MIYIKA’* E .Center St. and George V. Law­ X / VAN H EFU N Clear, Slwrp. Steady UHF* TRIPLE ler of Coventry will be married golf \ RUTH ROMAN Salurday at 11 a. m. in St. A - VHF RecepNan fraoi Bridget’s Church. ^ c lu b s GIRLS’ 7 to 14. "APACHE DRUMS" dittant itaNena STEPHEN McNALLY 'The Manchester Fire Dept, ex­ 2 7 7 B R O A D Ml-9-1124 DACRON BLOUSES STARTS SUNDAY tinguished' a small grass fire yes­ L'iui terday afternoon about 4:30 at 92 SALES and liliii Wash ia a Jiffy, NEED NO IRONING! 'JOHNNY OUITAR" Princeton i St. No damage was T E l £ V I S I 0 N RADIO SERVICE \ :;i 'LITTLE FUGITIVE" done. • (fanaetlr •> Man Havas, •:W FOL’ E STAB PLAYHOCBE Mt w [nqlund, 1 HI wij. liumJ Arf'.i , Thurs., PrI., Sat. Chaaaal U Halyaka, Hsaa. 'Hnutr IVir S alt" Kills aaaaal IS Watarbary, Caaa. (U> SCIENCE BEVIEW I i — ALSO — Otaanal U 8priiuiflaM. Mata. < BAB M WESTUM TWCA- COMMON ^ r •f ■RISTOL brand woods and irons. Tho graalotl i r Served Daily TRB "In Old SanM Fa" (U> MELODY TipCB EASTWOOD (U) WHAT’S VOt’B TBOiraLK? assortmsnt of various numbort. Hara,-is o chonc* te m OtTT WEST witn Bill Wkalan All your golf bag., with riumbste you lohg bvanted. Terrifio—^>n Our Giant Screea uu> -CMCLE ED’S riTM CLUB 9:11 FILM SELECTION IS GOOOl 'A ■ SLIPQ^ SWEATERS Jmii C'nwf.re JrN.rir Hanlrr H r o n a - « ii Eaaitet ( 9) TELEVISION THEATBB — •RISYOL, SIM^ PARKS $ 10.00 1 "Aa Th. riBina Diet" ; ter Moil 0«l| 4.95 "Ring of Fear* CiaemaScepe (Ml BIO TOWN—Patrick MeVay (U) FEATCBE FILM “ V • ; "Pilerim Lady” •RISTOL, SAM PARKS PERSONAL $12.S0 iliii . -• ,T . fill I f .V M A M i s t* odvtrtiM «U) w b e I t l i m o ter Mon O n|r F3 . | . 4 6.60 I ' ' . (it) rOBEIOM IMTBI6CB — ‘ 7 to 14. r lAST HARTFORD ( 941) TNE MABBUGE Friday •RISTOL RBGISnRBD WOODS 612.S0 la l|ii« spocs— CHINA SMITH U f( HnnJ Only F } . | . 4 6.60 (•> ALL ON A SCMMEH’S DAT . CARDIGANS..... FAMILY DRIVE4N (•9U) PLACE THE FACE •RISTOL UDIES' WOODS $10.00 i i CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE C o l Adv. Dopr. —BiU Cullta amcaa August i-ii: U onderful'. washable nslracle fiber, nrtll net atretek 4r ahriak. • TODAY ^ (It) FILM . 1 SSItTOl AUTOMArHIO. Aim OnoJ for 4.95 Mowcli f f r u rn *.** FOHEIGN 1NTHIGI7E—Fltini Short Mon n n j Inninr Oolfnr * 2 Only n-y, Needa no blockiag. Caahmere — aoft. (M) N inrs AT ELEVEN — Fata ■ illIS:: Btonrr 2IHh MEN'S LEFT HAND WOODS AND IRONS PRICED LOW ‘ ■ * liyiiiHiniiniir-iiiii;: Evoiiiiig HsroM IU) NIGHTCAP EDITION (9U PINA/L EDITION — Ray IN MANY NUMIERS Drury 2PJM. SFOBTM»PB-8jrd Jallaa (91) W EATH EE—Joha QulU To DEADUME BDRIJRIOM (M> T E E LATE SHOW - ROYS' 4 to 10 . («> aroBTa v i e w s "H om icide FOr ‘Ttiree’* «:« ( St WEATHEE FOEKCAST D i n • l « ( •> WOBLD NEWS TODAY (91) ELEVENTH HODB MOVIE ABEA NEWS-erOBTS ( I ) LATE M O V lIL . 4PJL ^^;s; ^icTCS mclugien ill) WOELD MBWB TONIGHT "G reat MUte" IM I S) HIDBWAIJI IMTEEV1EW8 < I) MEWS RANNEt SHIRTS CHJ: • ; r;lS fAIRBJNKS : S . CAPTAIN TIDBO ’Ss s ? Aisnig& (Cl) WKATHBE-Jeta QuiU Tamai m w’a DayHata BIshUaMs IIUN tuNIAINf ' u«SM4MHMsua(.Msea (U) MAEOE a JEFF S:(•• (U ) PACL DIXON $ | . 0 0 vni: <«) THEjrOHLD WE LIVE IM t:M < I) PIBST LOVE tatYTH-MPUnilM tw> WEAYh BHVANB — CevaU 4l«* ( •) HBIOHTEB DAY Jobart 4:99 (9)) BETTY WHITE SHOW at your favorite mt;:: iMEHCSM-lNBCIIUHl f t U ( S) SrO B TSE A N ’S CLDB waLOMUNOeWENN iiaU) DOPOLAS EDWABHH AND TEE NEWS - aiZED( MuiiUfiZlI (•II WOBLD o r MB. iWBBNEY ^ Shoe For A New Taste Sensation tiU ( »41> NBWa CABAVAk - Jolut S O N , l i e . Poll “ P-irrot Caawraa dwayia 8 MhIh hU—T A m -8 -8 1 4 8 OUR (M) aCEEEB BOUOAT Co-H it ThrWtr (H ) FM.M Under New MaBagemeat ISiZES ( Sei) TEE EEBt OF OBOVCflO ■alldl^ SoppSea at AU KDriB Dealer FRITTE ONLY 25c (U) WBATE TEE BTOBY (ISM ) «m n^IN A WOBOr COAL _ (HL‘ FREE TO ALL THE KIDS A NEW TABTPC nUEAT m ITAUAN riXZA (Tliftoa F n W i t f - J GIFTS FROM CLARABEI^L • BPAGRETn -> RAVlOU — GRINDERS r o n o r DAILY 11 AM. t« 13 PM . MAPLE SUPER SERVICE STATION Mty, CKSVtM STi 1 : I ■ ■ i. I - I I t. f TEL. MI-9-828S W it (SI I -.-J T o o r R ' i ■ 'h i ■ i;s . I W E OEUYER ADDED ‘‘COLOR CARTOON* Road Service ...... t i - ' - 'I y . y

F O i m MANCHESTEB EVEanNO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY; AUGUST 19. 1954 M a n c h e s t e r E V E N I N G h e r a l d , m a n c h e s t i ^ ^ o o n n ., T h u r s d a y , a u g u s t 19,1954 t A O B W i ^ ' ,

•a surprised by success of tlcular clrcnmstance of environ- various barnyard champe, potato one of the hosts at a dinnetvidr the sary for aid to education, the' gov­ Republieaa victory to continue '• A- JtendrtB tnr his strategy. Possibly that same inent, and no portienlar outside in­ D r o o d l M and aack races for tha younger, Republican Finance Contnuttee of ernor aeid. the progress of his administration, Luther Leaguers' who* the food was being Spread Ribicoff Calls poUUcal fear o f being against anir- fluence, like the typical cheiqi Greenwich. Lodge a chief On the subject of echoole, |Ubi- and he added: I FRESH CM»Y Connecticut out on the long tables. V- speaker at the mnner' attended by t Stmtitio ^allk thing which is against the Com­ literature of the time, to explain By BOfWB PMOB Fresh Sea Foods Now In Seimn French Fears Delay coff struck a pessimlstlo note. In "It is vital to the great man Planuing Festival Whitman, Schrafft, P, R S. And there would be fbhtog off o f 10 0 . . 10 years Connecticut would be in the Whit* House to produce a munists may extend to the White why these four boys wbnt on their the rocks at the point—flsldng for FISHAND CHIPS WITH OUR PRIALATOR F Abolishing ^ Ooaity cnaqy enpeenre Oaphenri a ■ Ribicoff wae/^>*aking in Old short 6,000 schoolrooms, he {said. Republican victory in the aUte Houss, so that the attempt to kill savage and brutal escapades. Yankee bess, of course, which caught pun- Qur new aanitaiy proeeaa givea you a delidona, eriap, EDO Ratification^ Greenwich. H* said the duties of Ribicoff said the state must . do this falL" .Connecticut elects ih Plana were formulated by a one bad section of the bill by They had good homes, and yet Rjr A. B. O. kinatada. the Athletjo Commissioner can be November six U. 8. Repreaente- committee of the Emanuel Luther goldoi brown food ■ Scab in the flavor I Coma la and Athletic Group all'in its power to help communi­ I^Arthur Tha patriarch of the nrighbor- handle new Democratic busy considering the ca.«e. Several hold its annual i^unlc. in danger of landing on hMory'a tion whether Democratic or Re- ing in their state’s highest office votes in Greenwich end Old punch will Ira served. Tlcketa will Humphrey than to keep legislation dropped into the deeper water. 1 4 .) NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHESTER sions in EDC. last night the Stete'"Wthlet(jf Com­ pubiicsui," he said: be'avaltable Tram Emanuel Luther 0UB8C1UPT1ON RATES The institution of a neighbor­ fcrap heap in Brussels today. Yet, part of the original French mission is a "breeding' ground for a man of auch integrity and aound Greenwich could swing the elec­ WASHARLE PftTAbU ta A^aaca sane and American. But, what­ suggest the boys were emotionally Midway to the afternoon there Ribicoff repeated in Old Green­ Leaguers or in the church office. YMT hood picnic seems to have faded, Hiere, representatives of the six thinking in auggesting EDC wee politicri hecks." InteliigencS — a man whose chsr- tion in the Republican strong­ liloficlw ••*•••*•••••••••••••*• i*2 ever the eventual outcome, we underdeveloped. One suggests that these many, many years, so far as cam* the usiuU sudden flurry of governiinents which would make up wich last night what he said in a *ets?;:xn While they ore rolling out the anxious shadow of some fear that ice cream la little hit close. Some­ . Under EDC, troops from all six The United Skates and Britain to*. Inc. portunity and any red-Uooded our particular family wouldn’t get nations would form a aingle ermy, FublUhcn__ Repreaentattrca; The plush carpet for former Prime A Thought for Today American Boy can make a fortune tim es w e did have to flU up on COTTONS repeatedly have pressed the Jbliue Itothetn Bpectnl A g t w — New to ^ picnic pi ground as early m Chocolate cake. ' ' -s*’ wearing the same uniforms, using French to ratify the EDC agree­ York, Chleaco. Detroit y d Minister Attlee and his party, the (if the Wrong Thinkers mentioned ^ giybody rise. On mornings like ths same weapons. And all under MBlCBEIt ATJDIT BUItBAV OF above aren't against hiin) by No moment to all life can ever for sizes 3 to 6x ment. Because of the mixed feel­ Chinese Conununlats in Peiping Presence of the Uord this, the calm of the,,elder8, who eeem much sadder than the mo­ a aingle command chosen by the ing in their parliament, French CntCDLATIONB. ______thinking up new ideas. Ideas such had been to picnics before, could six from among themarives. ore also talking about Formosa. Some doubt . r M, "STONGE RUBBE31 BEAR ment when the sun begsm to riant leaders backed away from a test- The Hecwld Prtatto* Compyy,. tep.. The presence of the Lord! be infuriating. But there were de­ to under the trees, and the crickets After long, painful consultation Then a new French Premier, ae.iinire no flnanrlal i«epon*tW to n r They are talking in threatening TRAPS FOR KIND HEARTED vices for siphoning off the excess all six nations in May, 1952 ——— . . ------*<• W ithout HUNTERS” or«“ AMERICAN TOW­ began to ring, and the family car­ Pierre Mendes-Frence, came on fashion, speaking of their duty to His love, all life looks toward haste and energy of the young. riages, one by one, began to file signed a treaty to create EDC. the scene—e men of . force, de­ What’s Doing in Pratt & Whitney Aircraft— I* The KUeheeter Rrrnlng HcraM; ELS FOR WET TURKS” or even, There were worms to be dug for •TlberaU" Formosa. From For­ Death's tomb “ELEVATOR SNEAKERS FOR out of the. pasture bars and up the But the signing by the various cision and action. He negotiated a ly. adrertUlns clot^ boon: Where evil wields the sword \ flahlng, if that had not been done foreign ministers wasn't enough. truce in the Indochina war. He of­ Steplay adn mosa itself, come reports of Chi­ SHORT BASKETBALL PLAT­ the night before. After choree, the hill toward a late milking. j 1^ Monlar-li,^ip.«.l^^_I p . in. O f doom ...... ERS.'' <}r even, "BENZEDRINE ED C. couldn't be borrif until i the' fered home rule to the Tunisians, g^lSeeday-:-1 pi m. nese Oommunist troops massing ice cream freeser would be set up, parliaments of all six had ratifled long only French oolonials. IT Wadn«&ajr-4 p. m. Toeadar. BAND-AIDS FOR PEOPLE WITH opposite Formosa. But most Judg­ I know with its mixture of ice and salt, the agreement. The parliaments of And he promised to lay the quss- ir Thanday^l p. m . Wedneaday. TIRED BLOOD.” Any of these and the task of turning it be be­ - Ptidar—1 V. m. Tboraday. ment seems to be that, for the mo­ His presence lives within ideas could be os successful as the West Germany, Belgium. TTie tton of ratifying EDC before the 'Batnrday—11 oi m. FHtey gun. TREE RIPENED Netherlands and lAixembourg did French Parliament this month. CiMaUled deadUiie: 10;I0_a m, ment at least, the Chinese Com­ T o show Pimer Clip if certain parties in the There was com to pick. *0. Since the mood parliament was ly of pobUeatton n S n t Batnrday — munists are Just talking. Me how to banish sin. Prient Office would remember they y f o mansLged to live until the RED HAVEN aad 4 NEW JET TRANSPORTS TO HAVE f a. ra. A bove are public servants and not waste Italy No Problem not good, he and'his staff sopght S Nevertheless, thS situation ia buggy with the fringe on top hod GOLDEN JUMLEE Italy still hasn’t but that has solution that might be acceptable ThoradAy, Augnat It All else I want to win time writing sarcastle letters to received its assortment of baskets, serious, and will remain serious H is love. red-blooded American Boys (me). not been considered a stumbling there. the freeser packed high wjth new block. The Italians were expected Hia solution, according to re­ until it is resolved. ice and covered over with a blan­ CONNECTICUT^BUILT JET ENGINES W ky Htnaphrcy Did It I feel "BED" SUNDAY PEACHES to go along as soon'as the French ports from Europe, x’ould require For the Chime* Communists, ket, the horse harnessed and parliament voted to put France in­ the other flve E I ^ coiiQtrtes to His hand In mine. His smile Akron, Mich (li—Members found Ameriee’e firat and only jet traiuport, the Boeing 707, will be built ia an advanced tanker^ Wluct,luui prodaced auch hand* the urge to complete their revohi- hitched, and the Journey down to N O W READY to EDC. agree to some changes in the 'M M .. VDtM In botli Sannta and Is real; this notice tacked on the Methodist the lake begun. / transport veraion (or the U. S. Air Force, according to a recent Air Force annquncemenL tion by wiping out the last ter His voice is kind and while Church door: But the French Parliament, more treaty. Those changes are de­ B o om for the bill PrealdaBt Blaan- Everybody came, and talked than two years after the treaty scribed as so far-reaching that The order cover* a "limited quantity** of tho new high-epeed kircndt,which is den'ghed to rltorial stand of the regime over W e speak "(Jloeed by order of the Akron about whose cake would be the J. NOVELL! was signed, hasn't acted. There are v^hile they might be acceptable to refuel Jet fighters and bombers in the air at high speeds and altitudes. The aircraft is powerod bowar ia auppoaod to have labalad which they were victorious must Of many things, love's trial Communist Oommisar.” most popular, and whose baked W e seek. ' They were directed to the farm a number of reasons, mainly these: the French Parllamcntt they by four Pratt A 'Whitney Aircraft J-57 jet engines. It hss been succemfully tested st speeds n "can of wonna’’ la obvloua beans would be sought out, and Fear of a rearmed Germany, na­ be vary powerfuL They have won of Roy Partlo. There a tori shed ORCHARDS might also wreck any hope for a of over S60 m.p.h. and at altitudes above 42,000 feet. In the photograph at left, the new ti'dr revolution, but yet this gov­ whose ice cream would be the yel­ tional pride, Russian influence. real EDC. Deep pain served as a church. The congrega­ lowest and the richest. Everybody Mountoto Road, Olastonbury Boeing enuaes over lit. Reinier, near Seattle. v Nobody, or nbbody except one or May seem a cross to bear tion sat on folding chairs. There The Russian influence showed in In short, although the French ernment in exile sits off their came and talked about crops, actions of the Communist mem­ taro daring aplrita, thinks ho or T o gain was no choir nor organ muric, but agreed to all the details of the coast. They would have finished it and about canning, and about pre­ bers of the French Parliament. EDC treaty back in 1962, they now she can afford to vote against any< This inner peace through pray- members sang hymns. eft long ago bad. it not been for The churcha 81-yearold pastor, serves, and about flowers. Every­ Russia doesn't want a rearmed want to change it. For that reason thing that Is against Ctonununiam. on outside P a tn r , the United the Rev. Guenther C. Branstner, body cam* and talked about us, LET US'PILL YOUR West Germany, so they don't. Mendes-France arranged to talk Put .up any ■ measure which I need the children, and how 'w;e had The Nationalists don't like the with the foreign ministers of the S tatea His presence now to share said this was somewhat similar to threatens to do anything whaieo- what other Christians ' throughout grown, and what work we had Idea of France becoming part of other fl-’c EDC countriea at Brus­ Only the fact that the United Love's creed grown up to that year. Everybody sver to tho Oonuaimicts, sad you the world experienced when free­ a multi-nation military force .which sels today. States stands openly pledged to ' Marion M. Marcy. dom of religion was denied. came and discussed the condition would mean a long step toward the ” Those countries, plus the United are pra<^eaI]y...Bptain to get a help defend Formosa balks them "The Bible is the antidate for of the roads, and the schoolhouse. end of a separate French army States and Britain, have taken a unaalinoiis wots. R could be the (Sponsored by the Manchester Communism,” the pastor said. Everybody came and discussed the under, full French control. chilly view of Mendes-France's now . Council of Churches). For the first day of kindergarten, first grade . . . these are the worst measure In the world from "Complacency closed niore church weather. And if there were topics wonderful Gaiey and Lord bright plaids they love! Biue, green And there is the fear of Ger­ Ideas as reported. A shrewd man, So, on the surface, we stand in doors than Communism.” every other angis—as tUs present other than these which found their CaUctl for and deUrered and black plaid with white pique collar and cuffs and plastic belt many. After two world wars the ha may be deliberately^ sMinding the dangerous positioa of still tak­ TRUCK DRIVaa ABSOLVED way into' the happy, contented promptly at no extra Frepph hsve reason to worry tough to jfet a compromise. bill probably la—and that would DAIET BOORT —also in wine plaid. Other stylea in bright red plaid with wide ing sides in a revolution. New Haven, Aug. 19 UP) — Coro­ murmur under the trees, we never chargfl- plaid detachable collar and white pique collar . . . both styles make po, difference. R could ae« ner James J. Corrigan says Philip S t. Paul UP) — Gov. C. Elmer heard them. with elaaticized backs! . tuaUy damage and eubarraas We do this for several reasons. inrich, 19, who was killed when Anderson has a milk dispenser in There were devices for sharpen­ Coventry democracy more than Communism One is that Chlang Kai-shek is his borrowed car crashed into a his office as a' boost to the state's ing appetites. Baseball for the PINE PHARMACY Sage-AUen, comfortably air-conditioned. Is open Yuesday truck in Orange July 18, drove at older, pitching horseshoes for the —aad that, too, would make no popular with the CongreKS. But dairy industry. through Saturday f:80 AM. to 5:30 PAL, Friday to SdM PAL perhaps the more important is a high rate of speed through a CAU Mf-9-9ai4 difference. Wave a rod' flag, aM stop sign Just before the crash on Richardsons Will Celebrate the political bulls all rush in one that our power politics strategists a Boston Post Road intersection. direction. have decided that control of For­ Corrigan absolved the truck driv­ er, William Hinckley. S2, of Rock­ But if this may explain why, mosa is essential to American 25th Anniversary with Fete security. land, Maine, of criminal negligence on ce proposed, , the bill to put 35,> in the accident. After the collision 000 Communists in jail and make Tet, if ah island a few hundred the huge trailer truck overturned W i Coventry, Aug. 19 (Special) ‘l«contacted for further details. All I political belief a crime for the miles pff the Chinese coast and a and caught fire but Hinckley es­ Mr. and Mn». Leslie K. Richardson bids must be received by her no caped unharmed. W er than « p. m., Tuesday, Aug. first time in American history few thousand miles from the coast DELUXE TRIPIRUBE of Ripley Hill, Coventrj’, will cele­ of the United States is essential brate their 25th wedding aniver- Should romp through Congress, it The planet Neptime is 32,000 Large Group of Hats Setback Party Tomorrow to toe security of the United does not emri^iN PN>- milks in diameter. FORMERLY AS HIOH AS 01.08 sary tomorrow with open' house There will be. a aetback party poeal was put in legMativo form States, and that seems vei:y real ALL COLORS AND SIZES a t tlieir. hom e'from 9 a.m. on. tomorrow at 8 p. m. iii the Ameri­ 1 can Legion Home bh Wall Stseet. In the first place. aad practical to us, who can deny The couple ws.s married Aug. that this same , island might also 20, lji.29 in the parsonage of the Social' Lietcd For .Tomorrow ■ Why did this proposal make its We Save Yon Money There will be a social tomorrow. seem essential to,the country to SUMMER SLEEVELESS Secoito Congregational Church in fbrmal legislative appearance Low Cost 2nd Mortffajfo North-Coventry by the late Rev. a t T p. m. in the, Nathan Hale edien it di«^, from the source tt did which It is so much closer? Leon H. Austin. They hs-ve four Community Center with Mra. W TWO TOP I0IAS w $ 4 6 1 4 —First snd second placet in tho record*breaking June list of em* children: 'Mrs. David Robbins, F. Hiltgen aerving. ployee suggestion swsrd winners went to Hugh J. Montemerlo, left, snd lAurel P, Shaw,' come from? Why did Democratic Aside fitim power politics and - LOANS BLOUSES, 2 for * 3 Franklin Richardson, Mrs. Robert Montemerlo, a veteran of fourteen yean at Pratt A Whitney Aircraft, wss awarded $2,315 for liberals suddenly sponsor it? sentimentality, there la one other NO BROKERAOE FEES— nu'nm m m i U4 Bray and Miiw Diane Rldiardson, Manrheeler Evening Herald his suggestion recqpimending specific changes in the design of the rear accessory drives case on One explanation -is that those Justification for a position with Wo Offer Big Snvtega ICE TRAYS all. . of . town. Mrs. Bray'and-fit Miss Coventry rorrespinadent, Mr*. ia n r i « a i d a cwtd ib r R-4360 en^nes. Time and material savings have already resulted since adoption of the change. members of Oongrecs who have regard to Formosa. It is that For- Diane are twins.'The couple also .Charles L little, telephone PH CHARLES HERSHMAN JANET’S "ILUNERYapd IRON m nrst i s 10 taosa was one of Uie territories has a granddai^hter, Cathy Joan grim 2-6231. ShaW.receiv^ the second top award of $2,299 for auggesting an improved method of welding sometimes been accused of being M NUnil OMIT Robbins. MORTGAGE CO. 917 MAIN ST. parts in J>57 jet engines. In ail, 139 employees shved im nil-time monthly record of $11,024 in Ju^^j "soft on Oommunism" saw an op­ held by the J^anese before the WEARim IPPiREL Ike M at eVliM* to eiv S el eto ONLY Rev. Ireland to Preach portunity to put armor up in war.' And, although it was PHONE CH-A-S8S3 Between Bfanehestor Tknst aad Manebesti< Savings aSaa. . . 0* SmM to tor eteliUi It The third of five union Sunday promised to China after the war, tm hOaer, Vi a* tea* Mr ItohM n front of themselves. Another ex­ iriorning worship forvicea will be 1 planation of the sam* nature is we might retreat from that at 9:30 e.m. in the First ''k>ngre- DRUM -I'- promise into a oontenUm that the gationsl Church. The Rev. Tru­ that the Democrats, expecting to man O. Ireland 'will dcllyer' the INSTRUCTIONS o United Nations should take Juris­ hear about "20 years of treason" sermon. RUDIMENTAL In the approaching campaign, diction over it for thk purpose of The Garden Club flower show wanted armor against that. deciding where the people of For- "Df>cade of Mehioriea'' programs and SW IN G 6 7 ^ are being printed and will be ready But we are beginning to think moka themselves really want to CcM Oxii« Osgood go, politically. 'Rila is the 'idea for distribution in a few days, MI-9-8558 or M I-9-203e the reason the proposal was made club officials said yesterday, The Prim* Minister ' Churchill * toys Inquire Miiete Shop at this particular time by toe show will be Sept. 17 from 2 to 9 1013 Main Street NEWS BRIEFS particular members of Congress with, occissionally. But it does not p.m. in the Booth-DimOck Mennor- . lal Library with Mrs. Ernest J. who made it is something more yet dare come to Uw surface, in Washington. 8o far, our posltiuii Starkel as chairman, Mrs. John n tS t PACtORY facilities ever occupied by tee New York play Chicago. The annual baae- specialised and qieclfid- E. Bsrnsbee, co-chairman. Jtidges This proposal to imtlAw the with regard to Formosa is not and clerks selected are Mne. Ken- Pratt A Whitney Aircraft, at 460 Capitol ball excursion is sponsored by the Pratt & Communist party and make mem­ something we are taking until a ■ nelh M. Dm-ning, Mrs. Kenneth S. Avenue, Hartford, hi^ve been leased and re- Whitney Aircraft (Diub. A special rotmd-trip wcupied by the company after an absence of bership in it \ crime w y attached solution con be reached. It is one ~ Lyon, Mrs. Edward Schulthetsa and train vall pick, .up employees en route at Mrs. Ruth T. Welles. nearly 25 years. The space now houses the to an administration anti-Conunu of those positions we are taking Springfield, Thompsonville, Windsor Locks; Game Tomorrow, mntral records center. nlst biU. This administration anti- forever. That, at least, IS the way FA N S Hartford, Berlin, Meriden and WaUingfoid- The Little League Yankee^ will 2 ,0 0 0 IMPLOYIIS travel toVankee Stadium Communist bill Had a section in it we are acting. It is not likely, play the White Sox tomorrow at LARGE SELECTION PBOM ToUl coat per employee, for fare and seat at in New Yor|t City on Sunday, August 29 to which would puhish labor unions however, to be forever. jBomehow, 6:15 p. m. at" the Robertson School Yankee Stadium: $1.50. diamond. found to be Communlat-lnftltratod. eventually, we have to sidle but of $4.95 to $119.00 . „ . Square Diance To Be Held In-its original form, this admin such a poaiMon, whici: makes our AIR CONDITIONING AY own policy captive e'ther to the The Waterfront Heights will have Istratlon proposal could have a round and square dance, Sat­ OIANTS SIGN PAWA PiTCHIR-iPitcher Bob Kel-' wrecked a labor union in which recklessness of the Chinese Ooni^ urday at & p. m. in' the develop­ ley of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft’s baseball team, who munists or to the natural desire of Po!fertoii'S some individual Communist hip- ITS? THE FIMESr S/STW ment clubhouse. A hillbilly orches­ ISO Center ist.. Cor. of Chnich this season has won two games and lost none, m il play Chiong Kul-shek to r W orld W ar tra will play the music. Gerald pehed to be discovered as’a mem­ Tel. M1-9-4S81 the New York Giant's farm system next,season .at m . Ryan is general chairman. PrO' ber. Origin^y, at least; it was as THIS NEW ceeds 'will be toward maintenance Muskogee, Oklahoma. Kriley, a star on the University drastic a proposal as the proposal ’ EVER DEVELOPEDi o f the clubhouse, beach-and devel­ of Connecticut freshman team before coming to Pra.tt opment roads. Senator Humphrey succeeded in Nobody Knovrs Why A Whitney, plans to stay on his job Until spiring adding to the bill, making mem , i* I- ' 4 t A Seeks Bids training. He livM in Hartford. Ths Parent Teachers Assn, (s bershlp in the party a crime. The Four 'Brooklyn teenagers have been apprehended in the horrible seeking bids on about 600 onO half SERVICES sictiont with regard rtb Commu­ ■ : : -J, ■ fc-.; r pints of milk daily to iriclude 200 nists in labor unions was reported busineBS of beating and kicking white and 400 chocolate for us* Thit Interpret The. W ishes R E REASONS W H Yi COLORange! ly watered down before the. Sen­ an a Ha a*r Hito abi YEL. MI-S-eS88 Civil Defense Director, last t o B n e * n h tta to l n a t t o a A u f t o lM I* Aaaat two refrigerators and two wagons their own fault; and since it might wondering Just how tho four cpuld month presented an award T o' HAS OUATtR COOUNO tAPAOTT. Broiliiig, sun-baked car k for carrjing the milk containers. be turned into a weapon against get that way. And, as officials be­ 81 BAST CEKYER ST. Pratt &rWhitney Airk aft’-aJBsst made coolly oomfritable to less thim 3 minutes! futnom sam etroot Mrs, Raymond B. Fowler, hot AMBULANCE SERVICE unions as well as against Oommu- gan their Investigation, we sup­ aai ANY OM O f TMsn A tm ioeizm . hinch program chairman, can be Hartfold plant in recognition , pose everybody expected the usual COOL AIR n ow s AlONO TM TOP, Thk produces a blanket of of its high civil defense pre­ When we consider that fact, we sociologically significant' dis­ cool, comfortable air that surrounds passengers. paredness. The (fag and scroll begin to viaualixe Senator coveries oboui the background of CONRNUOUSIY DRAWS IN PRIM A lt Air k never Stale or smoky, aacet. Ode *nSa Mivleah Man o t iio ln l award was the first of its kind Humphrey in a role which, after the four youths. even with car standing still. tvlriiael dwta* Saiej it am Aarii- I given by the state. Above, NrIgbiiiL Obswp all, does make sense for him. What the authorities discovered P tim s OUT DUST, p o u m , IXCISS HMMSTURI. You breathe fredi. William P. Gwihn, general man­ Humphrey ia continually the was still more ;riiocklng,' but not dean air every-miaute you drive.' IN MANCHESTER ager, center, accepts the acrell legislative representative .of the For the next two weeks you from Governor L ^ e General in the way everybody suspected. CHAMOIS AM IN USS THAN 8 MINUTK. Ptertol You ride in cool, point of view of organised .labor. can purchase these quality Hesketh stands at left. The boys c e ^ from good homes. solid comfort all the way. fXA5 trays for only 67a aad ir S BENSON'S FOR TV >.• In that role, his task would be to Their paremi seemed fine, decent enter Into HOTPOINrS GARRITY BROS., Inc. HAS AOJUHARU air TliMPKATURI. You may regulate the cold kill the provisioa about Commu­ people. The boys were above the eontcet to win, FBEB, their... temperature to suit yourself. Tolland Tnrnpiket Takottville-^TeL MI-9-4521 KETTEll SERVICE nists in labor unions. And o m new OOLOBaage. u average in Intelligeiice. Their BETTER TRADES method of killing a bOi isto amend tastes ran to bqoks and to music AiWAZINOlV MORI IPnORNT. Other units take tw kt oi long os Airtemp to do the job. Yen ena always aae two of W h y? It with something impossible and uul not to comic books, ^ther. ^BETTER TERMS ridiculous. So one can guess that these tetple cuhe trays aad They were ), quiet, well-spoken, that enUtles yon to tw* on-" MORf POWER, LONOR U ra*“Waspaloy,*;s a tough, Senator Humphrey decided to try well-mannered boys. toy blanks, n doable ekaace ABC APPLIANCE SEE THE NEW TV SETS FOR 1955 high-temperature alloy developed by Pratt A Wlutney Air* to add the provisioa making Oom- And, es usual, ths parsnta were to win- this HOTPOINT 2 1 M a p le S tro | e W M 8nch«pteiv.TeL ML9-1575 craft from metals available in Nok^h America, ia rcHMmsible CtMUdBange. RCA YICtOR'^ miLCQ — W|STINGHOUSE mnniri party membeiehlp a Is;^] Blocked. Om of them made the for a 10 per cant power increase''on the J-48*jet engine. TEL. MI-S-870e’ '[ , . ' ^ 'I •rim to ordm to tunt ^ unal ei^tement, natar^ enough, Only two woeka t* teiah tat Turbine blpdM made of the niekd-baaed alloy; like thoar P R A T T & AIRCRAFT ‘ ' tiwPtesMsat reportodly above, ean withstand aevere streaMo at temperatures ex­ hkd yet eppelling; too, to view of on tUa hargahiteals of triple D lPa»N O r^tp S A AlKOtAFT COI/PORATTOS tt, A "enn of werms** tke nature of the thtoge tfm boye 'enbe lee trays for 8Te eoch, Mi^JkBENSON'St Ine ^ ceeding ISOO* F. In the intereHAof national defenae. Pratt /*■ •• '■ I'L ^ .« ncr„r r esldsnf w ^ phM the ehaaee to win the (ORIrXfUUR TOR M 'TRARSi A Whitney Airemit has made the vita] new alhiy i^vailable P«f8 Ijlfiee mnd Ptmmtt EAST HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT ROY MOTORS/ Inc; beontUnl HOTPOINT M an^crtctW lil. MI-t-4597 t«'other jet.eagine PMJ«n witboat.iicciiee fee or.toyeltye N iy titogr trea t thee* OOLOBnagn IRTH i HAVE w e g O im iiN C * IOW . m u thhf ipnat, *>eu'd 241 NOe llM I ^ M A N C H ^ | i ^ ■ . / .1', f ■


tn m r a g » Om ) (OaattBMd tram Pago One) BmdM, winner of the^. 1950 And hs ai 89. 2 '"'*“ A9. Cheese Food loaf 75c Peanut Butter " nast u jar 3 9 c Aaao. Spring ...... 29 ,32 home of his parents, Mr. and Mrtf. last June. \ ' CHOPPED V e a l Loaf t-ozcan 27a 'Bristol Brass . 16^ 18 4 Irving Lohr; for a two weeks' Grape Jelfy mirah^ . uoziar t9c Glover Maid Honey u jar 29c Cheney ^ro s...... 9 10>, leave. Pvt. Lohr has completed G r a p e f r u it j u i c e Manchester Evening Herald Co­ Beef Stew 16-OZ CAN 32c OolUns .105 ~ 115 his basic training and swUl return lumbia oorreopondont, M.ra, Hy­ HYDROX COOKIES_ Raspberry Preserve Deviled Ham 44 b? can 32c XnHlaFt- .. to the same base for advanced land Tasker, telephone HArrison BEEF N ^ ’LOW PRICE 4 i,A O Z C ^ 4 5 * . W n ir Bearing .... TViGlCtaOPKO training. ' . *■ 3-9833. Corned Beef HoRh 27c •‘'.Vxl;. lOUlPIM* 35c M a r m a la d e M«AitL.p«ANGE Grape' Preierve whch «oz jar 2 9 c Landers. Frajry, Cite. . James ,L. Young of Jonathan 12-OZ CAN N. B. Mach. Co. ... Trumbull Highway ' returned to India has records of irrigation 35* -■S. North and Judd ... his home Spnday after being ;on projects before 2000 B. C. Orange • Graiiefndt Juke RnseeU Mfg. 3H-Oi CANNING SliFFLIISt ( Stanley Works . . . . Deviled Hhn can 19. BROOKSIDE NEW LOW PRICE CANS 4 9 * u% Terry Steam OCEAN SPRAY S r * ■ **•*»• <♦ wMi Torrington ...... 28-; lAOZ 2 7 M A S O N J A R S V. 8. Envele copi. WESSON OIL QTiTiy|g ptbtl37( FRESH Hash iMmDW CAN A # * 12-OZ PKG V. 8. Envelope, pfd. Cranberry Juice QUARTS 1 PINTS Asparagus Spears Veeder-Root 39 FINAST ' For Your Old 1 2 0 1 5 3 . ’ DOZ I a W J - DOZ y I * Tha nbmra qtsotntlona ata not t4‘ VINEGAR ------Chapped Ham CAN PURE CIDER ■T'- A JC Green Peas -ba aoBstmad as actual mariiats. COCKTAIL uses 16 A qmac lAsv eiCM . . . Certo FRUIT n a iN l-OZ ITl 23c ECGS W USON - 1 MmUTI PMNCN OIUSING FROM NEARIY FARAAS Fashioned Upright ^ Limdi Tongue ^25 2 7 . Jar Rvlibers good ma 3 mqs 2 5 c Fremh Fried PotataM 2»>zn«u29( A DatCIOUS AND 16-OZ 3T$p.Sunk Style ■ad «r etift Label Ody d so iilaw ■•frmdi-R Peederteer • Janssen-—the only piano with built in' fluorescent 1« « « . 21c 1 light. This light directly above the keyboard gives the a Nawfnflland 3 160ZCANS 2 9 c 6 0 Z CAN 3 2 c 24-OZBTL 2 3 c 4 0 Z IT L 2 7 c SM-OZITL 5 9 c correct amount of light where, you need it. No more WMCO 3 9 c ,5 5 .3 5 c ? i ! 6 5 c old fashioned piano lamps. C LOROX Style AsMrted 1 o Janssen—The official piano of Vassar College. Mrs. Filbert's Margarine Sweetheart Soap Sweetheart Soap Blu-White Flakes ]20 Mule Team QTBTL B a rc la y ! L i n i t j Niagara • JansseO-^Direct bloW action. c GAL JUG MU>.PrM« UPKG 30c k SALE • Buy Thraa at Ragular k SALE - luy Three a> Ragular k SALE • Buy Thraa al Ragular 32 53 Price • Gal Anaihar for k Mora Priea - Gal Aneikar f6r k Mora Prica - Gal Another for k AAera ^ r a x UPKG 1 7 c Petal Soft TeOet Ttosua lF0Ma4T7 StoYcIi • Janssen— Pi;actice pedal (for muted tones). Scott Towels • < Rou I9c 4 RtG SA is 2 6 c 4 sathiars 3 6 c 4 2 8 c B o ra x o w zcah 17c *0^ 1 0 c ; 2 120ZFKGS 2 7 c 12-piFKC j} FIRST NATIONAL STORES f ; 87 WALNUrSTREET PHONE MI-3-5.iS9 . i: ------I 1 0 ^ ’%'H . A '• r-x-

I y')> •/

' : l\n c h e s t e r e v e n in g h e r a u $. Ma n c h e s t e r , c q n n . Th u r s d a y , a u g u s t w . 1954 1IANCHE.9TER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY. AUGUST 19. 1984 3 : r x New Pastor ] Sheppard Gise Cash Balance Votor Bfskinffikinff Session Witpping EUingtop Projects Planned terw Town Clerk Withdrawal Bodes Off-Year Apathy Will Offer Gimpletcs lH| Grapid Jury T6 Seek Reelection sistant Town CSerk Samuel J. To Meet Tonight Receives Approval Local Soroptimiau held a picnic f - By Palm Print The cash balance left In the Turkington, Jt;., for only 87 last evening at the home of Mrs. town’s coffers at tea close of the votera were made In tee auslon. Wapplng, Aug. 19 — (Specisl)- on, Aug. 19 (Special)— Julia McCarthy, 32 School St., Itorafcdliig Out 28 Years New Tactics ftacal year Juat anded la 198,857.30, at his office last night. This is New Facts Tke Public Health Nursing Assn, Rockville, florist member of tee (( Pm * ») only shout one tenth of tee 800 ent special meeting of h ^ffiee, Samuel J. O bituary which la aome |48,S00 mOra than will hold their annual meeting to- en's service club. The meal (Cot tlaned from Pago One) voters made during a similar the CYystal'ljqke Fire District the,, ded charcoal broiled a t e a k, statement releaaed by Me brother. General Manages; Rle|iard Martin « from Pago Oae) n^ht at 8 at tee Community Turkiugton Will File session in 1952, a presidential House. The meeting which is open voters resclDdeds.MmpleteIy te* S home-made Saratoga chips, Dr. Stephen Sheppard. In It, he through Nationalist Formosa and estimated when he made up his election year, he said. there la prima facie evidentee that to tee public, will be followed by actionsjof tea JuneTth meeting. toased'^lad, coffee, brownies and ULTRA HmDEUTY . On GOP Ticket Again Okinawa to J^mn. eald: recommended budget for tee year Of tee 87 who appeared yes­ Lattlmore testified faleely with the regular director’s meeting for confacUons, and waa enjoyed out­ Hear Muale Befor* aad After the Show Ateteo Maachsotar Deaths Just begun, records of tee con- By st^vote of 101 to M L w ^h fol­ Drive-In nMlatre, Immediate protesta agalnet the *’I am more Interested In tee terday at tee session which respect to matters not covered in August. lowed a heated discussion the pre­ doors on tee patio which is sur­ ; ' Town Clerk SenuMl J. Turkinf- planned troop/ 'withdrawal were capture of my wife's murderer trollar’s office Indicate. lasted from 5 to 8 p. m., 38 the original Indictment. S p o rts will be given by the rounded by f)Kh8ia and. geraniums. aunchod in South Korea. All ahopa The.chief reason for tba balance viously approved budget, tax Bate, taa. wko la now roundkic out Ma than any other person In the were listed aa Republicans, 33 Burie and tee treasurer. Copies of election of officers and the pm A business''meeting followed 'in­ wore cloaed and public transporta­ waa almost douUe the expecta­ The dlemiisal of the key count doors, during Nyhlch plans war# SSth year in that office, today Fred Paricer Dies world." aa Democrats, and 18 who did and one .other — that Lattlmore both reports will be left at the chase of a new fire truck were tion halted in Seoul during a pro­ tions, according to Miss Louisa net register a party preference. discussed for the..new season’s sc- Pott^rton^E fOad hla intention to aa«k reelec* He said Cleveland police tried lied when testified about arrange­ Wood Memorial Library end the all wlped^out. tion on the Itepublican ticket thia test rally which drew an estimated only to wring a confession from Johnson, controller, is that toward wood Memorial Library in South tlvitlea. The first project fbr tee ISO CENTER ST.— (Corner of (]!linrch) Following Illness 100,000 Mrsons to the city stadium. the end o f the year, department ments for s trip to visit Chinese Moderator Edward A. Ludwig benefit o f the schbhirship fund ML him instead of trying to' solve the Reds in Yenan -r- came off an M>* Windsor. bad to call for order several times Two u. 8. dlviaiona will remain crime. He .was subjected to many, heads sharply cut their spending to will take the form of e csirA party Turkinfton, who haa aeldom hie budget last year on collections peal to U. S. District Judge Luther DavM C, (hirtin during the lengthy session- After boon oppoaed for the office over Fred H. Parker, who was for 84 In Korea to suipport a South hours o f questioning, .Sheppard' a point .even beyond tee hopes of The funeral of David C. Curtin Tuesday evening, OctoSe|^ 19, in Koraan army which it already the general numagar. of 97.8 per cent W. Youngdehl. a budget, similar to the one voted Woodruff Hall.. the jraara, aucceeded the late San* years head of the water eyetem continued, and etopped talking YoungdshI' site* dismissed two af Main St. South Windsor, who at the June meeting was approved, facd Benton in the Job after win- eervinf the aouthem part of town, ■trong and will be hade stronger "when tee'quesUoiiing became tn- The cash balance with which the On the whole, Tax Collector died at tee East Hartford Hos­ The next meeting will by additional American assistance. town started thb year Juat ended Paul Oervinl collected some $1,500 more of the seven counts, but those tee appropriation for a new fire Monday. Sept. 13, with Miss'' ■Inc nomination in the primaries died uiia noon after a Unxeriny sMting and abusive." two were reinstated , when tee pital Monday, waa held yesterday The etrategy implies a rtrong U.S. was 1389,598, but much Of tee bal­ less than Martin had l^ped for in truck was defeated. ' nice Juul of 99 E. Center St. In I W and la only the third town illness. Parker retired in 1M7 aa One o f the State’s Important case was argued before the U.- 8. morning at the Ahera Funeral A two mill tax rate was agreed Bohemian glasa and oUwr colorful lamps can be found in this LUCKY LADY LAUNDERETTE clerk In the hlatory of Manches­ head of the Manchester Water determination to avoid fighting witnesses/ Dr. Lester T. Hoveraten ance waa eaten up through tee current taxes, back taxes, liens, Home, East Hartford,*' with a sol­ another major war atricUy within year. and payments from tee federal Cburt of Appeals. upon and five commissioners were assortment of two dosen coufecjtor’a items that Raymond Reid, local e MAPLE ST. (Main and Maple, Oppoelto Ftamst) ter. Oommiseion. Before he was head Evetett A. Murphy prepared to leave by plane today H w reinstated counts alleged emn requiem Maas at St. Francis named. .They were: Walton the limits of that peninsula. government In lieu of taxes Deaa W. Berg auctioneer, possesses. They were secured from the estate of a Put­ TEL. )in-e-831S — MANCHESTEB Benton, who bold the post for 27 of the town water depfu^tment he for his home in Glendale, CMUf-> Taxes collected on the current that Lattlmore swore falsely when at Assisi Church. The burial was *Aborn. JoMph Hlaany, Paul Man- nam collector, now deceased. Reid will offer them either singly or Tears, fblloaretf l^anlel Wadsworth, was with Cheney Brothers for 14 Okinawa, now a major air base, after testifying before tee grand list amount to (3,740,488, or 96.1 is garriso'ied by one Army regi­ EveiBtt Alan Murphy, son of Mr. Martin had estimated (2,888,048 he eald he did/ not know certain In St. Mary's Cemetery, East Dean W. Berg, who hea been cini, John Yedsinlack. and Am­ In pairs at an auction in tee American Legion Hall Saturday morn­ tte town's first V r m. clerk, who years as head of the water and and Mrs. Howard Murphy, 38 Jury. A per cent of the total (3,851,161.07 from those aourcea and collections writers for the IPR publication Hartford. brose Toiaaino. ing at 10:30. aereed from 18S6 falyjlSM. mental combat team, about 8,000 Prosecutor Frank T.' Culli- to.be collected. Martin had baaed serving bis internship at Emanuel tewer department for them tintll strong. The new emphasis upon Perkins St., has received and ac were (3,884,529.58. were Communists. Farmere Are Busy William Wltinok was named yet, no Democrat has been it came, under the town control. cepted a call ga pMtor of the Tal- nan aald Dr. Hoveraten, a guest in Tobacco farmers are very busy L/uteeran Church for the past year, announced aa a candidate for the the in ^ rta n ce of that island won clerk and Wilton Dimock the the Council of Europe, termed De . Parker is survived hy hie wife, from Japan in World War II will cottvtlle Congregational (Jhurch the Sheppard home until the eve BOW. Those whoM tobacco was will deliver his final aermon here treasurer. Assessors elected were of the murder, promised to put off De Gasperi Dies Gaaperi "the most intelligent, moat SELF SERVICE - OR WE DO IT Mrs. Anne Parker of 80 Academy •and a full division to Okinaws, and will assume his duties im­ a total loss from the hailstorm are Sunday at the 9 o’clock service. William Wormatad, Wilma Hlas- St„ and one son, Franklin H. mediately. ' a planned trip to - Germany until mowing it down with machines skillful, most honest and moat probably the First Marine Division While In Manchester, Mr. Berg ny, and Walter Amprimo. courageous sU ter.;sn of. these NO iIa NDLING CHAHGES (E ic.p t Sat. JOc) Parker of this town. now in Korea. That Marine division Born in Manchester, he waa Sheppard's trial, in tee fall. which shred it Others, whose Those named to the Board of In Resort Home Arranfsments for ths funeral hae been assistant to Pastor Carl days.” ' and its Mipportlng groond imits graduated from Manchester High Another Californian deemed im­ crops were not damaged too badly E. Olaon of F.manuel, serving in the Tax Review were Burt Fuller, Eric era belnf made by the Holmes School in 1942 and entered New portant to the prosecution is 34- and air vling is the most pov/erfi4 and those that did not have hail various areas of the church, espec­ Spencer and Mrs. Mildred Bokls. (Coottnoed frop^ Pag# Oao) SAVE^^OUR WELL WATER P^ineral Home, 400 Main St., and Bingla military unit now in tee London Junior Oollege, Rhode Is­ yesr-old Miss Susan Hayes, a for­ are very busy harvesting it. - ially among the young people. calling hours will be announced to­ Far East. The Msetnes, moreover, land. Later he enlisted in the mer medical technician, who haa Many boys and gjrls who dspend Born in Huron, S. D., he attended Manchester Evening Herald El­ morrow. admitted to police in signed state­ were De Oasperi's last words Juat have long been apeciallets in am­ Army and served at tha Normandy upon the money derived from .Goetavus Adolphus College, St. lington correapondent, Mrs- O. F, before tas died, his fatnlly reported. WE FICK UF MONDAYS phibious wnifsre and have tredi- landing; Following his discharge ments that she was intimate with working on tobacco In tee summer B«rr, telephone 5-9SIS. PIu u m I Sowors Peter, Minn., and studied for two - Survlvoni (UtrilL NOOK) Mldmel Garland tionally been America's fireflgteera from the service in the fail of 1948, Sheppard. were out of- luck this year on ac- years at Augustana Seminary, AND - Michael Garland o f 1480 Main in Asia. ha took a six months’ refresher Two other California women re­ qpunt o f tee hall. lEXAS 18 UNY De Gaaperl'a wife, wtiom he "ChekB CoBBBCfkut FoBitry Piwef From Our Form !• You* Bock Island, IlL He served as stu- married in 1932, and two of hia St., Hartford, died suddenly at his Formosa, as BSserfhower noted, course at the University of Ala­ cently were questioned by Cleve­ Votera Approve Recominenffatlea dehr pastor for churches on the Taxes, N. (B—No oil, no cot­ Soptio TiRks AND DEUVEI^SAME EVENING home yesterday. He was bom in bama, matriculated at Bangor, land authorities in Los Angeles. SOS MAIN ST. A t a special town meeting Mon­ ton, and no great wide open spaces. three daughters were with him Vicmia Tips If 4 j^ v.ould be guarded by tee U. 8. 7te OFEN THURSDAYS UNTIL 9 P. M. TEL. Ml 9-8098 West Coast and. in Alaska. He :^hen he died. A third daughter ia Manchester, the eon of the late Fleet which has bean undar orders Maine. Theological Seminary and Both women denied intimacies day night, voter# approved a rec­ leaves,Manchester on Monday to Just a little community of 100 peo- FLUFF DRIED. READY TO WEAR. Robert and Rose Garland. He with the 30-year-old doctor police le or ao living in rural part of* a nun in a convent 'near Rome. MaobiRt Gloaaoi Don’t no M poison ivy. to defend the island oince the out­ during his full schedule of studiaa ommendation that the town apply return to Augustana for his final Premier Sceiba’# oiffice in Rome was a resident of Hartford for the break of tee Korean War. said. for any federal aid for schools to ladiaon Township—that's Texas, Septic Tanks, Drain Teack ths! family •o rscogaise there w u student pastor of sav* ------r-SPECIALS------year of study, 'preparatory to his said De Gasperi would he given a k. WITHIN 15 MIlixRADIUS past 28 years. The Navy underlined .this mis- eral small churches. which it ia entitled. A study of re­ ordination into the ministry. SN. J. Fields, Dry Wells and OVEN READY FARM FRESH You'll find it on some maps. It's state funeral, unlesn he had left Doa't forgtt to ootify Hood be- He leaves o m brother. Dr. Rob­ aion this week by sending Adm. While studying' at Dartmouth quirements for mid, and applica­ On September 4 Mr. Berg and Sewer Lines Installed ert B. Garland, of Hartford. - in Middlesex Countv, about 30 miles other instructions or his family foK you Mstt back from vacation TELEPHONE M I-9-^2 Felix B. Stump,‘ Pacific COmman- Oollege from which he was gradU' tion, has been asked by the Board Mim Barbara Jean Gegehheime- objected. to transfer your regular order to The funeral will be held from der-in-Chief, to Formosa and then FANCY FOWL GRADE A MEDIUM EGGS southwest of New York City. and Repaired. ated in June o f this year, he was of Education. of Lafayette, Minn., will be mar­ Nobody hereabouts knows exact­ Free Europe’s leaders united in home. Simply tell your Hood the T. P. Hollorsn Funeral Home to a small Nationalist-held island in charge of churches at Hanover, They also approved all items on ried ih the First Lutheran -Church, mourning their comrade, none Route Seletmsn or itltpbi^ the Saturday at 8:80 a. m. with a ly how the hamlet, or the road by within tight of tha communist upholding tee tradition of a stu K)RDD[A1ER<; Le Dot. the agenda. Voters accepted Ident Moline, III. The bride-elect has been more than hia long-tim* aaaocip.taa local Hood Dairy. requiem high Maes at St. James’ mainland. the same name running through it, Win.F. dent putoF from tee college; and Road as a town highway; approved on the nursing btaff of Manchester got their names. gathered a t . the Brusaela confer­ Church at 9 a. m. Burial will be also at Hartford, Vt. He was a B recommendation of the Board of Memorial Hospital the past year, ence. In the S t James’ Cemetery. . member of Kappa Sigma fraternl' Finance that (2,000 additional be Msmbera of Emanuel congrega­ BIG HAUL West German Chancellor Konrad Steele & Son Friends may call at the funeral GE, Union Adopt ty at Dartmouth, On several oc­ CUT-UP POULTRY appropriated for the current gen- tion will have an opportunity fol­ Adenauer, himself 78, termed De f t f t Fredericksburg, Va. iff)—An elec­ home tonight from 7 to 10 p. m. casions he hss occupied the^ pulpit •riu h i^ w ay budget; and approved lowing the service Sunday to ex­ tric clocking device to catch speed­ Gasperi's death “a very great loss 683 VERNON ST. t . TBffclactoa and tomorrow from 7 to 10 p. m. ^ Five-Cent Boost of the local South Methodist 'Buy The Parts You Like Best •ach of tee itreeta in the Spencer tend their well-witees to Mr; Berg, ers crested a traffic bottleneck at for Europe," and added, "it is s T«l. MI-94JS31 or Church during summer vsestiona Heights development off Kelly and also join in s farewell gift police headquarters in its first test. serious blow we have to suffer." town clerk’s Job thia year, .jU- William F. Wilkie Mr. Murphy succeeds the Rev. BREASTS, LEGS, WINGS, LIVERS Road. wl)ich will be presented at the Fourteen drivers lined up and paid Belgium Foreign Minister Tsul- Ml.9.7842 tbougb there have been Indications William F. Wilkie, formerly of (OoaBawd tiem Pago Om ) James Bull, who resigned in May A-1 USED CAR service. fines for speeding without protest. Henrl Spaak, a pioneer leader of that a nrave may ,be made to Manchester, died Monday in Prov­ last and with his family moved to BACKS and NECKS, GIZZARDS Manebestor EvealBg Herald chance the method of payinc the idence, R. I., after a short illness. be effective as of Aug. 3 if ap­ Nucia, Oolo., July 1. Wagplag comapoadeat, Mrs. An­ toem clerk. He lived in Manchester for about proved, as expected, at the Sept. 2 nie Cellina, telrphone Mitchell Ib e office la ncnr aui’lported on a 20 years, bom in this town June meeting." Eras Banaa, 21 Salbm Rd.; Ronald S-4419. General Electric last March of­ cmvicE BROILERS - FRYERS - ROASTERS - FOWL fee ha ale, with the clerk taklnc 2, 1888. He was a captain in Muldoon, 143 Bldridga St.; Paul Ms salary and paying aS of his World War I and waa a retired fered its 305,000 employes, many Marcoux, 18 Griffin Rd.; Ray A. A| r«illfy O n . RMSy m d CM S|MeW-fw Ym t C m Mihi NMet. balp and expensee out of charces policeman.' repreaanted by unions other than Clark, 95 Greenwood Dr. tea lUE, a wage increase of some­ loviod in connection with the serv- He leaves three sisters, Mrs» ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs. Doris TASR AND COMPARE — OUARANTEEO TO YOUR SAnSPACnONI Few Trust Cases icea performed. John n eiffer, of Detroit Mich., what leaa than two per cent. - Murphy, 41 Server St. SAt[ The gyatem has drawn the criti* Mra Archibald Dugan and Mrs. The average wage scale was re­ ported to be about 11.(8 an hour. DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: FARM FRESH BRABE ‘‘A”‘CANBLEB EBBS BAILY Dropped, Says Aide ciMtt o f Itsmoctatlc Director Helen Joseph Baronl, both of this town: Mrs. James Sloan, 474. N. Main BUimtrlok, who has Stated on a Union laaders at that time ra- IT'S HERE! BLUE OETERGENT SUPER SUDS FOR 'TO BEGIN ! two brothers, Arthur WUkls and cted tha offer aa "insulting.” St.; Richard Eberle, (Coventry; iMwniiPuiAmM/ nunmer of occasions her belief that Ernest Wilkie, both of Manches­ Mrs. Nil Doucet, 131 Olcott S t; Chicago, Aug. 19 (ffV^Asst. the fees should be paid into the Maanwhlle In^ Anaonia, Conn., Atty. Gen. Stanley N. Barnes said ter; two step slaters, Mra Philip State Mediator Philip Koons re­ WilHam Duncan, Jr., 55 Autumn d a y town’s general fund and that the Labate, of Manchester, and Mrs. St; Mrs. John Idzisk, 144 Pros­ today tee Justice L^partihcnt has T H E ; dark should be paid a straicht ported at 1 p.m. today that he and dropped few of the numerous anti­ Alvah Woodward, of East Hart­ federal cmiciliator Charles Werk- pect S t; Thomaa Connolly, 25 aalaty. ford; and several nlaces and Park St.; Mrs. Roger Lemire. 15 trust prosecutions started by tee OLGOMEST haiaer had made "no progress" in MfffTSSTMIW nirkincton, who lives at 127 previous administration. nephewa efforts to effect an agreement bS' Tower Rd.; Daniel J. Halloran. Bol­ Henry S t, la a native o f Mancbes* The funeral waa held this after ton; Karl F. Jones, Jr., 18 Alpine In an address prepared for the tween the International Union of antitrust law section of the Amer­ tar and warn educated in the local noon at the Latham Funeral S t; Mrs. Richard Coughlin - and ...AND WITHOUT achools and at Hutdalncer Busineas Mina, Mill and Smelterworkera and ican Bar Aasn., Barnea said he had Home In Greenville, R. I. Burial tee American Brass Co. son, Brookfield. Maas.; Harold E. C o U ^ . Before enterinc the town Hills, Jr., South Coventry; Mrs. expected to come across many A BLUING! was In the Masonic Cemetery near He said they had adjourned the pending cases that merited dls- clerk’s office, he woiked for Wln- Kenneth Arst and son, 99 Davis dmster Rapeatinc Arms Co., in Providence. meeUnga that had been held to­ miaaal. day with tee management and Ave.. Rockville. Hew BSvso, and later fo r Chaney DISC^HARGED TODAY: Cle­ Recalling his speech last year Bros. repreaentativea o f AnaOnis, Buffa­ before tee . same group, , Barnes, : . . . • • .. 'S'-: * lo and Torrlngton locals but will ment Watson, Thrall Road. Rock- who heads the departraant’s anti­ He is a member of a number of Funerals villa; carl Royce, 585 Lydall St. dtiba and organisaltons, amons remain "on call if, anything de- trust division, asserted; valc^s. ; BIRTHS YESTERDAY: a son to "I advised you a yaar ago that them the Rod and Gun dub, the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smite, 118 Mis. William f . Hoard X proposed to examine the facts Hartford Dodse of BUm. St. U rrys Benton St. dVV* Men’a------Clifbk the Masons, the ,j^j The funeral of Mrs. Bertha and (pe law in each pending case C a ten o f Lebanon, the British Brookman. Dowd waa held this Hospital Notes to determine whether or not, in A e- ' - ( American C9Ub, the WhaMngton afternoon at 2 o'clock from tho o - my opinion, they should have been T. P. HoUoran Funeral Homo with brought in the first place .and, if Booial d u b , the Town Clerk’s A D B nrrSD TESTBRDAT: A -sA"- , Aawi., and the National Assn, of the Rev. Dr. Fred R. Edgar con' in th Biir«(|ck^s A'.' liili;' not, whether they should be how Mrs. Helen BogU. 38 Riverside dismissed. Munichml Clerka <• ducting tha service. Dr.; Miss Jo-Ann Kenny. Wap- I TRUSSESBELTS .Today also two other office The buriM was in the East ^ MEN and WOMEN ^ iii "Honesty compels me to admit ping; Mra. Margaret Paul, . 116 tM t I anticipated I would find holders added their names to the Cemetery. Bearers were Howard Wellsella S t; Mrs. Greet Wallbeoff, 4S-OZ. CAN SUNCREST HANDY'S MUeHTWOOD gtem big list o f candidates who will Dowd, Harry Ryan, Godfrey Gour- many such cases. I found few. And pp, entered in Sept, 14 primaries 16 Essex St.; Mrs. Rose Koelowski t Arthur Drug Stout ^ this'll not because of a lack of in­ ley, Herbert McKinney. Robert 8 Morrison St.. RoqkvtUe; Ray­ ha^e. Ibay are Constable James Gordon, Jr., and William Hooker. PINEAPPLE JUICE READY TO EAT terest on the part of the bar In Duffy, a Republican,- and Mrs. mond Finnegan, 243 Oak St.; Mra. bringing such cases to my atten­ Xlla M. Duioh, a member of the tion." Mite Margaret A. Coaroy V Vt Board o f SdecOnen, a Democrat. Funeral aervtca for Miss Mar­ PILLSRURY Barnes said that of 147 cases A garet A. Conroy, who died Men' "V/- pending aa of July 1. 1953, he per- \ v - day, lyere held this morning at 8:30 aonally had reviewed 130. Off. from ' the W. P. Quish Funeral PIE CRUST teese, he'Mid, only five have been dropped, aome because of Con- A b o u t Tow n Home and at 9 a.m. from 8t.- H A M S A 6 9 James^ Church. Tho Rev. Edgar ,' Iressional changes in the snti- ' 12-OZ. CAN MIRY'S teust laws or developments which J A daughter waa bora Monday at Farrell celebrated the Maas. FANCY FRESH NATIVE accomplished the original purpose : " 1 ,, tba Hartford Hospital to Mr. and Burial was In St. Mary’s Ckme- o f the suit. M ra Stanley Mldlin of 83 Devon tery, Portland, where the Rev. CORNED BEEF Barnes reported that his divi­ i Dr. John Butler read tho committal sion in the fiscal yM r ended last 4 . service. June 30 brought 14 new criminal |L xh] PAT BASSE FBEDItTTED SUNCREST or SHURHNE iylli prosecutions and 18 ‘ ne\«^ civil Waahfaigton, Aug. 19 (A V ^ n . FOR ATHLCTI'S FOOT suits. This, he said, could be in- A, lyndoa B. Johnson o f Texas, the Keratelytic action is a mutt! I tsrpreted as, meaning that "the \ Banafe Demoeintlo Leader, pre­ T-4-L^ a . koratolyttc fungicide, MILK ylgor of antitrust enforcement un­ dieted today that Oongresa will alougha off Infected skin to rchch \ der the first full year of Repuhli- vote a pay miae for two million and kill germs and fungua ON ,can, administration is not dimln- Mvenuaent wOrken before ad- CONTACT* U not pleased IN 1 POLANER'S TOO*/* PURE Jlshlng." Mvaamaut. 'W^eni vote oa a pay HOUR your 40c back at any drug M l one wny or nnother. nnd we’ll store. Todiy k t J. W. Hale Cprp. STRAWIERRY or RASPIERRY, PARTS pnen It,** Jobnoen told leportera Drug Dept. PRESERVES i r - o t J - j O g LEGS ck79c BREASTS c, 85c ' ' .1 imdELESS ROLLER S0METHIN6 NEW HAS BEEN PARTY PUNCH 8® -SljW Veal Roasts ADDED IN OUR NEAT OASES N N H U r S PRIME or CHOICE— tbNELESS All BEEF UNK SAUSABE v,.»t ’ ■ Selected -t First came soap...then detergents...now comes Double-THsted Brightwood Bacon ALL PURE PORK LINK SAUSABE » 73t FRUITS and VEGETABLES Beef Pot Roiasts » / . BOTH MADE IN OUR MEAT HOUSE m i NO FMH When it's cracJding in the skillet, tl^ sweet, TRY BOTH OF THESE FINE PRODUCTS SOON. WHSHI FANCY YEU.OW * mesme MAH hardwood-smoked aroma invites you to enjoy it. IMPORTED PROVOLON CHEESE. SUNLIGHT i'iiii BUIE SUPER SUDS! IMPORTED SWISS CHEESE FREESTONE PEACHES 3 ^29e yiien yon take that first crunchy, delicious bite, J REAL SHARP OLD CHEESE A/£tV/ ,VBV£R A WA^^f^OAY PRODUCTCfk:£ / f/ the delicate, nutdike flavor says “ more” . McIn t o s h BUTTER COOKED READY t 6 EAT CORNED REEF t mVISIILE NYLON SUftOKAL iLASTK STOCKINGS When you go shopping, be sure you. bring home the bacon SUGAR CURED TAYLOR PORK ROLL APPLES 1 Only Ckilgate makes a washday product that e rWO-WAY SrRETCH — Double-Tested Handy's Brightwood! . ftlWYVALLEYSUCEDtACON ...... Lb.S9e ’ has the whitening power of Blue Detergent EXTRALARGE • UUNOn iASILY Super Suds. No need for bluing. No need BUIE for bleach, except for atubborn ataina. REAL TENDER RAIY REEF LIVER ...... Lb. S9c • WEAR lONGM OOOe’HCMni IPt h o o d ) Uk ic ju< •> / . . CANTilLOUPES GRANULES CHOICE RIR O VI^ ROAST REEF ...... Lb. S9c e IMViSMlt ), Thia new advanced detergent formula con- UK ctcam chetK or any dteeie ^rcaid. N o u ^ - *ir» ** tains the most effective whitener known to W A T W A S H HANDY'S BRIGHTWOOD ■UNDrS MKHTWOol CHOICE CENTER CUTS ILOCK REEF ^ ifff and ddktoui . . . made with FANCY FRESH '• UAMLtSS science . . . even more efficient than bluing! dauy praduca. » . SOCLEAN • CHUCKS ••••aeaeaaoaaaeaeaeeei Lb. 49e Buy Duribilknit and en'ioy I No packaged washday auda of any other DovUe-Ttsttd DAISY ROU Onffh-TsOM N W SAUSAM ANOSOtHHtTE M AN 8A(Y.70-ST0I8, U . the mooture « ( ro- - company get clothes as clean . . . ye^ go to WA8U riAfTIC CONT

ICHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY. AUGUST 19. 1964 PAGE ELISiM Malan Forces Gain today showed Prime Mlnieter t(xlay meapt the NationallaU have; time In histoiw of the Oape -V-f' Uft MiHii BawfcH Cirttii Daniel Ma.lan’a color-bar candi­ 1. Captured a number of aeats Province Council, and RUIMSH m d ASHES dates are gaining power. held In previous councils by the 4. Captured all 25 eeats in the r U S A L In African Voting Only 8 of the 24 provincial coun­ opposition United. Party. ^ e e State Council. REMOVED At LOW PE10B8 v r o m - i s i t ^ At 1 W 1 » 0 —1S66 Jobles^laims cil seats raported this morning General cleaning of cellara WHAW—•IS 3. Increased their majorittas in ! Where, the United Party luc- nd atttca. Prompt aervlco— Daily- Radio Laborites, Reds Agree Johannesburg, South Africa. were won by the Naticmalists. But many constltuenclea they won in WOOO-UM ceeded in holding their seats, in Reasonable mtee. (Arlhor Drag Sieret^ wnb—isss Aug. 19 (Jft—First returns in the with 45 other seats the Malan parliamentary elections last year. almost every instance the majori­ Increase^ere COiAl m HOME M n i imm,11MMAVlNa TRiATI South African Provincial elections forces won by default, the reaults 3. Gained conth>l for the 8rst ties were sisshed. CoE MI-9.9757 rHOUKS 8 A. M. te 11 P. The foUowlns program StibodulmAit On Trade Advantages Serenade Vnemployment clalma ttuten in m anager ealns Good Hueie tbe Rtete during the week e m i ^ “ PI*®* Chsngn WKNB—E______^ njina b ig Serenede ^ ^ ^^put notice. ------Aug. 14 ifropped. while Uanchenter wnc-Melody neater clalma roe# from the prevlour (Om I ftMi nm* OM) WDRC— Peter U n d Hayca Sight Stray Balloon ftewii Polka Hop W OTH— J. Vanderceok week's figures. jgeSs—11 7:»— ThU Jail houae* about 5,000 Claims In Manchester totalled n%NB-zJKWB-Detrolt yi Cleveland WHAY-Supper Seranada SOO-Oaet week, rising from 4 ll for prisaoers, o* which twa-lhlrda are A stray weather balloon was Shop. Jedaip “THE POPULAR WAT WTlO—Backataca WUa WCCC—Good Evening Good Muaio sighted over the northeast cor­ WDRC—Record Shop WKNB-Plke'i Platter Party the week ending Aug. 7. Initial deacribed aa counter - revolutlon- WGTH—Red Sox vs. Waihington WTIO-Newa ot World clalma indJcetlng new spelle of ner of Maitchester by Mrs. 6i WDRC—Peter Lind Bayea ariea and the other third aa com­ Louise Lord and Mrs. Olive WHAV—Polka dop WGTH—Gabriel Heatter unemployment or 'vecetlon shut­ mon crlinlnals. Priaon Governor Chartier, on duty at tWf ,sky- WCCC-ORacord Ravud ^. 7t4»- downs, totaled 38 In town lest WKNB—Detroit v» (Hereland WHAY—Supper Serenade week. Liu Haiang XSiun, a former briga­ watch :6st yesterday after­ Come one! Come aU! Come SAVE at POPULAR’S COUNTRY FAIR—a store­ W no—Stella DaUaa WCCC—Gote Evening. Good Muaio noon about 4 o’clc^k. Mrs. WDRC—Rerd Shoo • WKNB—Plke'a putter Party Unemployment clalma filed In dier of the Chlneae Red Army, aald Chartier told ‘Ihe Herald the wide exposition *of prixe-winning foods for praisc-winninR meals. It’s the big WGTH—Red Sox ye. Washington WTIC-Ona Man-a Famuy the etete during last week dropped the counter-revelutionariea were bargain show of the season. Every shelf . . . every counter . .. every cSse fea­ WDRC—C. CollingwooA Chlang Kai-Shek agenta, heads of balloon was close but high Polka Hop WOTH—Eddie Urisher to 40,183.from 43,500 for the previ­ above the horison and what tures low, LOW prices to give you super-savings on the foods you like the best. WCOSpRacord Ravue SiW- ous week, according to the weekly Why slavD over • hot »tov« when you can serv# senoDthing that's sitnplD reactionary cliques, habitual ban­ WKNR—Detroit va Cleveland dits and tyrants, or \reactlonary appeai-ed to be weather instru­ So come to our COUNTRY FAIR . ... come prepared to pack your pantry and WHAY—Polish NaUtmal Heme report of the Employment Secur­ fix , . . and tinriply delicious to e*t? You'll find KOiwe of siKh work-eaving, ments could be seen hanging JTOH;—Wldder Brown WTIC—Roy Rogers landlords. \ fill your freexer with some of the biggest values that ever stretched a food WDRC—Re<»rd Step WDRC—Meet Millie ity Dhrieion of the State L a b or tu te tempting treats at your AliP . . . all marked wMh Rwsy-ttxtika pricasi All, he said, had murder on their from the balloon. ^ WGTH—Red Sox ve. Washington WGTH—Official DetecUva Dept. budget! . -i. lilt— included In the total were 6.118 hands, but in appearance they 'WHAY—Polka Hop WHAY-Polish National Roma seemed very meek looking. All ex­ ■ WCCC—Re(N»tl Revua WTIC—Roy Rogera elaims due to vacation' shutdowne A&P JUST REDUCED! SWEET or UNSWEET 1 QT 14 0Z cept selected few were engaged— WKNB-^trolt va Cleveland WDRC—Meed MllUs by factories In which employes not WTIC—Woman in Houae WGTH-OfllcUl Detective clearly for the benefit of our visit Shivers’ Support WDRC—Record Shop * entitled to vacation, pay filed —In making - stockings, printing WGTH—Red Sox ye. Washington WHAY-Ossle'a StudU Party Claims. , books, dying wool and sundry other WTIC—Dr. Slxgun Initial cWms, which represent GRAPEFRUIT ^ X .^ 9 9 Of Ike Big Issue Quality Meats WHAY—Western Caravaa WDRC—That's Rich. new spells ot unemployment, or activities. A stage where it was WCCQ—Record Revue WGTH—Lone Ranger y s^d weekly plays were performed WXNB^News;------Sports' Baseball •l4g- payless veeatton perioda, dropped was still in the course of erection. lu Texas P olitics 'FLAVO-RITE' , Matinee • - WHAY—Ozsie'a Studio Party to 3,971 from 6,419 In the state JUST REDUCED! SWEET or UNSWEET WTIC—Dr. Slxgun for the previous week. Many Inmates of this prison, WDRC—That’eTSlch. which is the one always shown "to ★ QUALITY RIGHT CUT RIGHT ★ PRICED RIGHT WGTH—Red Sox ye. Washington Bridgeport is ati.U leading the Dallas, Aug. 19 UF>—Gov, Allan WGTH—Lone Ranger 1 QT 14 OZ visiting delegations, were said to i l ia— t:W-^ state in the number of claims re­ have been sentenced to death. But Shivers' support of Dwight Eisen­ — S atisfaction g u a r a n t e e d — WBaY—Western Caravaa WHAY—Night Watch ceived with 6,533, followed by JU IC E ORAHte 2 CANS . 61 WCCC—Rerd Revue hower in 1952 is a big issue in a WTIC—Scarlet Plmnemel Hartford with 5,344, Waterbury ELMRTA 'FREESTONE - Lusqious eating . we were told they are being given WIUJB—Baseball Matidea WDRC—Cathy and Elliott Lewis two years grace .to see if' they re­ bitter 8ght for the Texas Demor WTIC—Lorenso Joiles ., WOTH—Nsws; XUsign for Dancing with 4,089, and New Haven with cratlc gubernatorial nomination. WDRC—Retard Shop pent and benefit from an intensive ^ WOTH—Red Sox vs. Washington $ lU — 3,587. T U N A F ! S H A&P-JUn MDUCIDI 4Ei CANS 6 5 course of political education to Ralph Yarborough, Austin at­ WHAY—Night Watch torney and former state district ’^HkY—Ball oC Recorda WTIC—Scarlet Pimpernel PEACHES "S,' 4„ i r I LB 13 0Z which they are subjected. WCCC—Record Revue WDRC—Cathy and Elliott Lewis In addition to working oi^ books judge trying a second straight time SHOULDERS WKNB—Baseball Matinee WGTH—News; Design for Danclag A T O M A T O E S 2 about lienin, Stalin, Mao Tse- to unseat Shivers, has called WTIC- Musical -- - Program- t:M — Tung, and so on, the prisoners Shivers disloyal to the Democratic . WIHIC—Memory.. ------Lana WHAY—NewsiMIght Watch SEASON'S LOWEST PRICS-Full Ripe Juicy Flavor 1LB4 0Z iitteC WGTH—Bobby Bienson WTIC—Senor Ben P I N E A P P L E JUST M D UCID I ' ^ ^ work hard for eight hdurs a day. party for leading Texaa’ bolt to $ : « - ...... WDRC—Jack Carton Show 2 49 A t night they sleep nine to a cell RepuMican Eisenhower in the last SHORT SHANK C __ AY—Hall of Recorda WGTO—President Elsenhower WCCC—Retard Revue measuring about 8 by 12 feet. In presidential' election. WKWB—Baseball Matinee •:4g— PEARS 4« 49“ POTATO PUFFS NEWFROZEN SENSATION^ 2 1 ' idl fairness they didn’t look under­ Shivera argues he backed Eisen­ WBAY—NeWk; Night Watch WTlC^Miuilcal mgram w n c —Senor Ben nourished, but so such profitable hower in the beat interests- of SMOKED WtUU^Maasey.r. 1'Tilton WOTO—Bobby Aenaon he . WDRC—Jack Carson Show itave workship. It Is obviously a Texas and the nation. WGTH—President Elsenhower TENDER JUICY m a m m p k m c m e n v PMOS JUST RDUODI good' idea to keep them in good Voters will decide between Shiv­ Jf—News U:M— health. era and Yarborough In a runoff SUGAR CURED 2—Good Evening. Good MUaio WHAY—News; Night Watch FANNING te|C ^4B—Baseball Matinee. WTIC—Fibber, Molly smiSTKms ■rwtlglaltarPiddtli I50ZJAR m l The prison governor was asked primary idection Aug. 38. In nor­ :|C—Newt WDRC—Mr. Keen what punishments were meted out mally Democratic Texaa, Dem-- ulC—News WGTH—Frank Edwards GRAPES FKG^3C OTUOZ VOTH—Newt SilDLISS 2 us 35' SfRJwidi Rail M e w 2 ' to prisoners if they disobeyed the ocratic nomination for governor U:IS— JANEFARKIR OM CANS 5 1 " rules or struck a warder- TENDER MINUTE WHAY-News; Night Watch haa meant election. 'v ^ Y —SporU WTIC—Heart of News A c c a v Sh o a b# CBISPO “ Here there isn’t corporal pun­ Texaa Democrats 4m split be­ WCCC—Good Even^g, Good Music 'WDRC—Hoods for Romance Cimsd Rttf ARMOUWOR LISBYX 45" P U w n M M i i upKG 3 5 " ishment," he said. “That isn’t al­ WKNB—Baseball Matinee WGTH—Night Hoods tween ' conservatives and liberals. w n o —Strictly Sporta Bananas YELLOW GOLDIN —7 LBS 23® lowed under our law. Nor is it per* Shivers leads the conservative fac­ NO 14;SP— or 45c WDRC—Almanac WHAY—News; Night Watch WMBANOUQUORVALUiS SaIfNi Dnssiiig ANH>A6f JAR t m c f f m OHMONTI 4 CANS 3 r mitted even to scold a prisoner, tion. Yarborough la considered the WASTE WGTH—Patterson ' » WTIC—Jane Pickens 4 " but only to educate him. There 6iisa— New Cabbdge FRESH NATIVE 18 YUKON-FepuimFlwef. • FILLE6URV SVSIS liberals’ champion. U. WHAYi-Supper Serenade WDRC—Hoods for Romance hasn’t been a case of a prisoner STEAK WGTH—Chief Justice Warren B tv trtfM CONTENTS W QTt 32" FANCAKE r i T " FKO 3 1 " In September, 1952, the Texas WCCC—Good Evening' Good Music U:4I— cuanstock lu striking or swearing at a warder, Democratic convention — under WKNB—BasebaU Matinee Yellow Onions 4 IO*" 8 0 Z teteC SOZ but i f this should ever happen, we OVEN READY HEN WTIC—American ProdleS WHAY-News; Night Watch . Gins PofiCani Shivers’ leadership — did some­ WDRC—Guy Lombardo WTIC—Jans Ptekens 0 V B B M \ m 9 m9 m AANQUCT CAN A T JANEFARKEI FKO 1 9 " might apply to the courts to have WDRC—Moods for Romance thing it had never done before. WGTH—Bill Stem Butternut Squash tofouahty uGf EDUCATOR TMiOZ his sentence prolonged.” It put Dem ocratic. presidential SMALL . 6 : 4 ( - WGTH—Chief Justice Warren D tM M ik SardfiMs'^ PfcMc Cakai The prison produces morp than er Serenade U:W— POLO CLUB 4 c a n s 2 9 " CHOC OR VAN. FKO •2 3 " nominee . Adlai Stevenson’s name BELTS- Evening Oted Musio WHAY-News; Night Watch Green Sweet Peppers 2 iu19^ 4,000 dozen pairs of stockings on the Texas Ballot but author­ VILLE luest Star w n o —Newt 88 • IL9 WDRC—Newt d ix iY srand 70 Z Orqt# JaBy- ' annfage NaiKFafMilk whiteh u 6 1 " daily and 300 long pieces of cloth.- ised Shivera and the party organi­ WnC—Three Star Exttm H O O f • Si'; 2.85 - 6 » ^ FKOS I f the prisoners work hard, both TURKEYS WDRC—Lowell Tteraaa WOTH-Newa , ' Salted Peanuts VIRGINIA JAR 2 5 " sation to work for Elsenhower. WOTH—Weather: News. U:U— C | u y | | u § | | Ann A 15\6 OZ A Q 'IC at the looms and their books, they WHAY-News; Night Watch 6.75 ■ .wpQpnVTil CANS \ l - ■ sometimes afe given remissions,of Shivers said he supported Elsen­ hower because Stevenson would w n c —Starlight Serenada OvtftaM liag Valatl sentences. Prisoners are given no wScc^o^Ev^nteSr^^ Music WDRC—Almanac • ' JANE PARKER-LAItGE SIZE have vetoed a bill confirming GENUINE WKNB—Evening Serenade WGTH—SporU Rapoft SBcMlDiMPIddM , t 23" wages. Texas’ title to Its ‘ndelsnds. The w n c —Theater of Melody U:M- 17 0 Z ^ C SPRING WDBC—Tennessee Ernie . WHAY—Nlte Waten A N G E L POO. C A K E e a 4 p .iA s n 2 CANS 1953 session of Congress passed WGTH—Fulton Lewie , \W nc-^rU ght Stranada RED CROWN AnePagaBaps such a MU, and Eisenhower signed SMALL WDRO-NlghlOwl M I t • L a m b L e g s U<45— IS l 2.89 Public Records Television Prognais WHAY—Nlte Watoh no6f l^®®®6ais Oia|i Siny uchoy can i r Shivers told a women's raUy at On Page Two WnC^Urltght Serenada Pineapple Pie JANE FARKER S'* FIE 39? fmm f$»d Valml Austin recently he is "etirhally *^^^6.85 T d d m I h S a m h a iowoz « a c Warrantee Deeds thankful" Eisenhower was elected. B W M W V i p w p ANNFAGE ' CANS !•••«*« rssjs.'sw ir Harry G. Stickels and Anna P. “ I am thankful that today we hear MILK-FED Webb, judge; Shirley ' RychUng, Blueberry Pie JANE FARKER S "Flf 49" FKOS Stlckels to Helen D. -French, two no more about Communists in the FULL CUT Hehron skirts; bean bags and place mats, Sahaae SlefM OCv m 47'= SlrawterriH AOfN properties on Baldwin Road. State Dcpai'tment, no more about Susan Mercier, Penny Belden also 1 .5 7 Breakfast Rolls w25" FROZEN influence peddlers in- the White V e a l L e g s won in place mats. Blouses, Janet Attachment Annual 4-H Fair HeJim NeiAiei 2 S S 2 S ' Hartford Telephone Employes Houses, no more about shameful SUPER MARKETS Rathbun; scarf, Shirley RychUng; " * 8 . 7 4 J® R y G®*1UtS JANIPARKM f k o o f s RS" Ona|.JeiM 2i2 2S‘ Federal Credit Union of the City of waste and extravagance, no more TK'i. • (‘.jO V*' .ACMi, Si Tts sew kits, Mary Hills, Beverly Hartford against Helen M. McKin­ about higher and higher taxes," he Winners Named Hills, Jean Simons, Janet Rath- ney, |1,000, two properties at Cole said. bun. Shirley RychUng, Muriel JUST REDUCED! . ‘ and Asjdum Streets. Yarborough has said It was all Itehnon. Aug. 18;., (Social)— Warner and Elissa Ledersr. Whi»kh% Building Permits right for private ciUsens who are ' First prize in the cateo baking SyPER-RICHT^HEAVY CORN-FED STEER BEEF . 9$^ LB YEAR A G O For alterations and additions to Democrats to vote for Eisenhower. PrlXM Awarded at the second contest went to Carolyn, CooUdge;i SH /IRP CHEDDAR lb 5 5 ^ dwellings to Chester Jarosky at 54 annual 4-H fair, held at the He­ IYNN8R00K But he has charged that the gov COFFEE second, Lura Fellows; third. Pen' SaVlAUOOK GRADE''A"-lb Me Jarvis Rd., $1A0; Amo G, Ka^ at ernor la “ the pitcher on the team’ PENNY WISE bron Elementary School and ny ^horey. Mrs. Bela L. Schreler BimeiB WHHRIY poRnwHousB^eiiiBR ' ' Delmont St., $860; David Kerr and that by supporting a RepubU grbiinda. are as follows: Dairy won first in the senior exhibit; M STH 335 Charter Oak St. $300. can Shivers “ let the a8>ole team 100% PURE COFFEE SIRLOIN. TeBONI LB aw ard s — Gilbert Farrington, Second, Mrs. Henrietta Green­ HOOF ROT. 3.23 B U n E R l. 6 8 " I Kenneth A. Cloutier for a tool down.” F R E S H L Y G r o u n d — A U R E E F berg; third, Mrs. Ruth Rychling. FRESHLY GROUND H A IF 7 J 9 89 2M ParkenSt., $80d. judge; Charles Schreler, grand STEAKS Eisenhower, at a recent Wash- A unique attractiqn was made er G. Williams for altera­ - ihgton news conference, gave champion: reserve champion,.Har­ GAt. 'SUNNYBRCXJK GRADE "A" by Zave Lenefsky, member of the WHISKIES IN THIS FRODUCT tions ah< additions to a garage and Shivers a pat on the back, aaying ry Lenefsky; fitting and showing, 1-LR. RAG Milk Squirts, in the akaps of a shed. $11' he thinks Shivers has made a good , junior class, first. Lura Fellows: S, e AND 7 YEARS O l^ governor. Yarboroqgh said Bisen- second, David Kinney; senior calf cut put of plywood, fo^ which FRESH EGGS MEDIUM DOZ 4 9 ' TRY AT SUPER-RIGHT - Heavy Wgsfern Corn-F#d Steer Beef 6Sc lb yr. ago HONEST NAN .nower was trying to.teU Texas clam, first, Charles Sc)ireier; sec­ he had rigged up an impromptu New Castl^KPk. —Back in Democrats how to vote. ond, Arthur Perham; third, Var­ phonograph which made the podr- FOR EVERY CHEESE USE-PROCESSED OUR RISK IMS, Joseph DeVyiice sold his auto There are many other isaiies In QUALITY ney Fellows. ly cared for calf bawl continually, 8RIARCUFF Buy Nectar in contrast to well cared for .V. 'd, to a friend This summer the friend this struggle. ^Sliced Bacon LAYER Allan Rychling won first in ■UNOW WmSKfV CHED-O-BIT tea bags R IB R O A S T ,, 55"" sold the car to P ra r Sterbi. Shivers says Yarborough Is TOM . JUICE Holstein calves, David Kinney, calves, which were shown in I* STH 2 ; i l t 7 5 ' FRESHLY aecbnd, and Arthur Perham, third. miniature pasture. 2.99 arid if not Sterbl, cleaning the car, found backed by out-of-state labor lead-- FROOF ROT ITALIAN a wkllet DdFellce had lb$t 11 years Yearlings—first, Harry Lenefsky; satiifiad era, Yarborough has said Shlvtra UIRY'S FANCY Calves Liver S L iq | :D Mrs. GardneF Q. Shorey and WHISKIES IN THIS N O O U a Provelone CheeM TYFE .55' SUPER-RIGHT, MILDLY CURED, SHORT SHANK 49« lb. yr. ^ego ago. He promptly sent i t ^ c k with represents big money interests. aecbnd, Varney Fellows and Joyce Harold Hills did. a fine buaineaa' 4'YEARS OID that Nectar the $ 2 1 and valuable ^ rso n a l Kinney: third, Arthur Perham. with their hot dog stand. A nov, ♦ - KRAFT OR tO Z 4 A C it equal or Jdyce Kinney and Arthur Perham Cream CheoM' BORDEN F K G ^ » c cards and receipts that D«8>Iice FIRST DOLLAR GIANT 4S-OZ. CAN elty stand wpa also shown by superior to long ago had given up hope (^re­ America’s Srst dollar bears the won second in cows. Harry Lenef- Mrs. P. John Perhaih’s mother, BORDEN'S SOZ SiMOKED PICNICS „45 covering. gky. won first for breed cham­ whicb was well patronized; LOG CABIN CheeM Spreads COCKTAL 0 (A U the brand date, of 1776. but Tew colonists ever Tastiness, Tenderness and ThriftinessI 'isaw one. The coin probably waa pions. Allan Rychling took second. The afternoon auction was. con­ tTRAWMT •0M90N you are now David Perham won first in Jer­ 'Struck in England and little more ducted by Douglas M. Fellows and •* , *TM • BA' Reddi H ip „69 ' using, tall the Decorativa M otift isNknown about it LIBBY’S Cottage Cheese sey calves and breed champion. drew crowds. The square dancs Lb. 25c Spiced Ham *"^22 ux 49c ' Charles Schreicr won first and FROOF 80T manager , 12 Dz. in the evening was well attended DISTILLED IN INDIANA ha will refund CHUCK ROAST I 35* TIN second for Guernsey calves. Prize.s Among outside jguests were PhU*^ cream for yearlings were won by Lura 4 YEARS OLD ; your full pur­ Corned Beef Cheese 2 ror 29c Veal Loaf 39c County Agent Albert G. Grey and ■ FROZEN-FRESH— Tender end dalicleutl. LEAN.FRESHLY G»ROUND-l lbs etc Fellows, first; and Charles chase price Miss Shirley Welk of the exten­ HAMBURG 43c a lb a year ago u35' Schreler second.' Breed champions, sion Farm Bureau, also Miea Me* first, Charles Schreicr; second. . . . no ques­ Swiss Cheese Lb. 69c Liverwiirst Quality Lb. ^ ^ C 'lie Stumper.,, of Luxembourg, WR Diliixs “ r'*8.l5 Birds Eye Fryers u 6 3 ' Lura Fellows. tions asked.', S eal France, at present an IFYE atu* BROiLERS U9' Harold Hills won first and sec­ RmT R6MI "•‘4A3 ^'XAverega Weight per Packege 2 lbs 2 ez Heinz Limeade Lime 2 ‘cS23e Boiled Ham ,*.99e ond in flower arrangements. dent visiting in '^oUend County. NEQAR for flower specimens, Harokj, HlUp AU 'viU mean much to the UOKat-RIADY-TaCCMMC town, 1 And more end more ek time BIRDS lY ls— FROZEN-FRESH and Lura Fellows. ' ' UABAGS TURKEYS 5-7 lbs—Me------— lb year g - - - ego 5 5 ' HOI.SUM Vegetables— Bertrand Harrison, goes on, in the atimulatlon of in­ SitofcA terest in the young in egrieulture. judge; cucumbers, ! Alan Green­ Chiclton Pies 3 n^l.OO A A ^ KOSHER Too many of our young people re­ iM i CHiCKENS c65 QT. JAR berg, beans, Alan Greenberg and Dill Pickles Fruits & Vegetables Allan Rychling; peppere, Alan ceive their elementary and high G U N CRINAN ■chool education here, only to Greenberg; onions, Allan Rych­ UAFORTEO from SCOTLAND o m y 4 9 " "X ling: carrots, Mary CooUdge:- leave the town and seek employ- BIRDS lY f - FROZEN-FRESH SMOKED BUnS \.7S' ASSORTED ment- Aleewhere. They ere a great 84 * beeUj Mary CooUdge and Allan FROOF s;4.36 F l a v ^ RychUng: cabbage, David Kinney; loss to. the town and it seems wise B M f P i e s ' " 3 PIES 1.00 M Bml Freethrtt 55^ " slicte D rial I m I IS y.* ;:; 1. “ sy> 3 J FANCY EATING squash. David Kinney and Mary to interest them in some vocation CooUdge. -wiiich will keep them here. . Rev. and Mrs. Ckampe Betufa Weather Fereoaat MALCOLM STUART • '.j- SUsiMt FraeUMls WEAL FOR SALADS ANO ¥ ^ ^ The Rev. 4ind Mrs. Howard C. P e o ^ here agree that this la SEAFOOD c o c k ta il u 6 S c Pantry Provisions “ funny weather" for about ttiie 84 Champe who have recently re­ ” "4 .79 SliMtIlatM „6S' Mlte> FRENCH FRIED FROZEN ymQ turned from the West where they middle of August, with extra FROOF ROT READY TO HEAT AND SERVE LS ' w vtilted their daughters and their blankets at night, costs and yweet- l/AFORTEO FROM SCOTLAND CHICKEN SIZE j JC 2 lbs. 29 husbands, the Rev. and Mrs. Don­ era required to keep comfortable, Ij' Sqwf-W ElaSlittJtBtOM ' ,.M ' Frw IilektM t GULDEN'S MUSTARD 15e peArs FICK OF THE CATCH ald IngUs and Mr. abd Mrs. Alex but let us look on Mm bright side. Melanik. They spent a few days September may be broiling. i FORMAN'S PICCALILLI ,.„.^.„ 27e Ikcfc 1 WWts *^*’^ "* 5Jl UBBY'S m UM FOODS! IT FLOATS LEAVES N O SOAF FlUM here this week with Mrs. Champe's MEDIUM C McIn t o s h mother, Mrs. E. G, Lord, beforo^re- Manchreter Evening Herald He­ Whitt Nmm "«5.93 IVORY SOAP ^ 3 CAKES 25 b a r b e c u e r elis h 27c tunbng to She it on, where Mr. bron correepondiNit, .Mins Sninn DREPT LARGE FACKAGE 31" Champa is lopated. P endleton, telephone HArrisea LIIBY'S—Frozen Fresh MAYONNAISE News that the steeple'of the S-$$S5- „ Popular Q t. Jar 55c Lebanon Congregational dmreh FOR SOFTU, SAAOOTHER SKIN- LIQUID DETERCMT has finally bean reatored waa very TUDOR Green Peas 2 k « 2 9 ' RATH ' WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE 38c' 2 lbs. 2d gratifying to Mr. and Mrs, CAMAYSOAP CAKE J O Y : 7 OZROT 31" KITCHEN QUEEN Champe. Mr. Cihampe was pastor ATLANTIC APTS. FRIMIUM QUAUTY LIliY S —Frozen Fresh PAPER CUPS. rorCldDri.lu S f . . . 25c o f. the Lebanon Congregational ■Izh Stmt t . • ■ Church when the hurricane of 19SS RIIR-ALE FOR SOFTER. SMOOTHiR SKIN FREESTONE ■LOCK ISLAND NO RINSING - NO WIRING dealt its blows. He did a heroic B roccoii CH^mD PKG 19' REGULAR BREAD PAPER STRAWS Mareal 500 Ct. Pkg. 19c work in putting the church on its F*U»r Oa Beewat Soeclallr Draiaaad Far CAMAY SOAR 3 CAKES WHITE 6 ’^ 7 9 ^ SPIC 'N SPAN UFKG 23" 2347 feet again, reatoring the main LIUY'5—Frozen Fresh ' : , SLICED O & C POTATO STICKS c . 23c building and interior.-It took years FAMILY VACATIONS 3 16 Make your kitchen “eye-catch­ to get the beautiful old steeple in Waak Maath Baattti CASE OF-24 1 LB. Sperlal » Dan. S MIghta PLIZ DOES EVHYTHINe irS DtCESTISLE ing" by using these decorative HORMELSPAM , . 0 . 0 46c place again, not Indeed the same .C auiifiow er ’ s s * 2 r motifs on cab|nets, chairs, window LOAF 4 His steeple but e fine replica. Fear Opeslsz* Lw* MANY NATIONAUY RNOiMN IRAMM 15 Fteaa RaraU i . Darrrr Ml. aUM DUZ LARGE FACKAGE 31" frames and many other items. They Ctettaing Prizes B. F. D. ti AaAaear. Caaa. AVAIUrU AT A8F UOUOR RTOIH CRISCO IL tC A N 9 ^ may be embroidered, appliqued, or PRESERVES 29c Prizes In clothing—Miss Cora UBSY'S— Frozen Fresh . \ . t n i t d in outline and then painted Designed for flattery In every . on YOU* AuausT x |^|p£ oi,|y££ In gay colors. size— a handsome, versatile shirt­ Whitney KICOLD REIR A ALI ti ■RILLULNT NEW WHITINtSS CLEANSING TISSLNS Pattern No. 2347 contains trac­ waist dress with.olevar one-butten Orange Juice 2 « 35' ings for peasant and floorer motifs; EVERY WOMAN’S 4 POTATO CHIPS OXYDOL closing handy pocket State Line ' Lg. Bag URGE FACKAGE 31" DOYALETTE FKGOFSOO 29" directions for embroidering, ap- Pattern No. 9995 is in aissw 14, , ^BNESAL^EIBCZBIC nliqueing and painting and instruc- 16, 16. 30, 40, 43, 44, 46. Bise 16, 1 1 8 tlooe for making kitchen curtains. NOW 5c T CHARCOAL Take 'Along a ' B a^ aiiort Meeve, 4 ^ yerds at S9-ljicb. Bunch MNOES— RemiGEtAYOla -i;. w a sh er s 1 TIDE'S IN - DJSrt OUT TOILn TISSUES Send 35c coins, your name, For this pattern, aend $0c In I an M., te. t1 t tllMUa ■ *e mmmmia S •ehw address and the pattern number to Ooina,' your name, address, size NO SALESMEN^VERY LOW* OVERHEAD TIDE ANNE CABOT, MANCHESTEK -- - tAKERY ^ARTMENt EAST CENTER A-t letsteDfT seae ■sTAMk.-.sMa ims LARGE FACKAQf 31" OOVALS 2 « ^ 2 5 " desired, and the Pattern Number to OPEN 6 to 9—SATURDAY 8 to i . WEBAIiD. IIM AVE- AMEEICAS, ASSORTED R E G . S 9 e SUE^BinNRT, MANCSESTBE . ALL DAY SUNDAY* 8 to 8 '■VI r NEW TOBK »$. N. T .- EVENINC HERALD. 1156 AVE. ■ i J i m colorful 1954 Needlework AMERIOAB, NEW Y O U 86. N.Y. Rtf Trade-In ABowmnees No Cash D*wn STREET SAFE FOR COLORS AND KIND TO HANDS CAT 8 DOG FOOD Album contains 54 pagan of lovely Baste fasbtep, faU and wlpter POPULAR ^(^MARKETS |4®rkets " *h o w -to " eeeftions on *54 codtalns a wealth of sealng ^ f l 2 E R LAaGEFMKACC 3T CALO 2 ' 5 ; 5 ' - 2 5 ' k . hel ^ l room illuatrm- Idaas for every woihaii who aews 974 MAIN S T R I ^ FMMTY OF FRK PARKING B R U M N E i ^ emsT AiuMnc s secM era i V-. dlreeUsna for. g gtfl pft< for beisetf and her famUy. 4 * :MfNCHESTER 35 elHibs warn toe yaue eopy.

' ^ ' ’ \ iv > ■ ■- ' \ . J I \ , \ PAGB T W ^V H MANCHESTER EVENING nisRALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TH U R^AY. AUGUST 19, 19M MANCHESTER EVENING HERAUlC MANCRBOTR. CONN. THURSDAY. AUGUST 19. 1954 PAGE Tfinm lAr 100NERV1LL9 FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Answer to Previous of the antl-BUbveraive bills aaked PUC pointed that the propoeed in- owned by the Oprden Grove Cater­ Sense and Nonsense 83rd Congress by nsenhower. It woiiM strip Engaged creaae in reeldentlal rates le the Truck. Car Crasli, ers, police said this morning. Music Mokers V. 8, nationality from eiUsens Original Bid flrat la the hlatory of the com­ Damage to the Sage car was convicted of advocating the over­ pany. One Driver Held about $90 with negligible damage A worried-looking man rushed the partly opened door, the aalea- Ehd Hangs on throw of the government by force Noting that "In thia case, at to the truck, police estim ate. a c r o s s 3 Lure and viotence. Denied by PUC Patrolman John Turner waa the 3 Heavy blow into the floriat and demanded man |pw the executive tear it ia least, the gke buainest aUnds at 1 Wood'Wind The House meanwhile sent to Waltar N. Psgsni, 31, of 174VL investigating officer. '4 Large sea three potted geranluma. half and throw it into the waate the threshold of a period ef de­ initrumcDt (3erk—I’m sorry, air. We’re baaket. The aecretary returned Three Big Bills the President’s desk by voice vote P ^er Firm Authorised velopment which promisee to make Sprues 8t... arrested yesterday ducks measure to broaden the unem­ ,S Musical 5 Lines of out of geraniums right now hut meanwhile and stated that her em­ that department more nearly aelf- afternoon when the panel truck 2 1 ployment compenaation program aupportlng than evar before," the inttrument Junction we have some lovely petunias. ployer would not see him. "May I (Oontlaned from Page Om ) To Revise Schedule he was operating was involved in to include Another four million Ccmmiaslon ordered the company S French —— 6 Charity Man-^Nope, they won’t do. It have my card back?" asked the Reducing Rate Boost an accident at 99 W. Middle Tpke. 12 Hindu queen m was the geranluma I proiniaed my salesman. Slightly embarraseed, measures remained to be ham­ workers, moatly fedaral employea to report to it in 12 montha on the MANCHESTER 7 Twelve and workara In small fhrma now eaminga in that period of it# gaa with a sedan driven by Virginia 13 Prophet (Roman) wife to water while ahe was away. the secretary reported to her supe­ mered out In conference. exempt. The act would take ef­ The State Utilities Commission department.’ Sage, of Hartford, waa chargad ! 14 Bread spread 8 Inn _ _ _ _ t rior who sent her back out ag^n The admthtatratlon is opposed AUTO PARTS IS Bound • with a nickel and a message that to a proYialoV^written into an fect Ded. 31. 1999. has denied the Connecticut Pow^ The COmmiaalon ordened the with -violktioii o f the rules of the 9 Genus of true 26 Contended 43 Masculine A wife can always'make home he was sorry, hut the card had er Co. which services some 12,000 report on gas eaminga with a view road aa a result, according to 2T0 BROAD O 10 Friend (Fr.) olives 27 Fal.w god nickname antl-Communiet ^11 by the Sen­ i i : more attractive by hiring a pretty bben destroyed. More than equal residential users of electric power "toward making any modifications police. 17 Chair 10 Harvest 28 Not any 44 Nested boxes maid. ate which would elap lieavy penal- to the occasion, the salesman Uea and finee on individual party in Manchester, permlaaion to raise in its order of today if the gaa The e*dan, owned by Sheldon T. It Rivers 11 Memorandum 29 Plant part 49 Mix Huchro to Face department should show the ex- CYraakshafla Turned 20 Storehouse drew another, card from his wal­ membere. its residential Vatea 24 per cent, 'Sage of Ekuit Hartford, was about- VicatiM Vgi 4f h 19 Roman bronxeSl Ran 46 Nothing An old playboy sidled up to a let and gave it to the girl. "Take but left the door open for a 17.25 ,pectad Improvement In aaralngs to turn into h driveway when 21 Legal point 20 Self-esteem 87 Country 47 Redact . The conferees . were seeking In Or Out Of The Car beautiful blonde /at the Morocco this back to him,’’ he said, “ and some way to meet^ adniiniitration Assault Charge per cent boost. from the use of natural gaa." struck In the rear by the truck 22 Era 22 Ventilates 38 It is (conir.) 48 Demolish bar and hissed in her ear. Call the police « taoa as y m tell him I see two cards fo r .a objections, and still satisfy the The PUC said yeaterday it was MariUn Oppoaed Hike get heme — tell them ysa'vo 21 — tectioii 23 ------39drum Perch 49 Merganser Old Play Boy—Be mine and you nickel.” Hearings on the requested hike 36 Stringed majority in both Banate and WaiUr Huchro, 36. of 48 Dr. A, denying the company the 24 per- arrived. f 24SUgger 40 Sore teeth 91 Cooking ' shall have a sable coat, a suite He got his interview and he got House which have voted to ban the were held In February and April. instruments utensil I employe of the Park Dept.', cent iTCrease but was authorising Call Hood before yoa '(Hit hadi 29 Range 42 Weary at the Rita, and a CadUlad con­ his order. party through individual penalties. the film, to file a revised schedule General Manager Richard Martin from vacMiea w be (art yea'H 30 Air (comb, vertible. ’ The Justice Dept, has expressed waa arrested yesterday land filed a letter with the PUC pro­ form) that would reduce the original re­ have your regular ordw deliaared The blonde gave him a re­ A man died. He had been oper­ fear that making membership in chargad with assault with k daad-. quest to 17.29 per cent testing the hike. Mrs. Helen n ta - r rompdy afttr jtm SH kaRMi 31 Courtesy title n F proachful look and assured him patrick was active in the opport- ated on so many times that they the party illegal will Interfera ly weapon on a coroplplht by hia The company. provides power 7 0 ^ Co ■/■/*< ^ imply k II your Hood m u h SaiiH 22 Period Blonde—I never accept presents put the following notice on his tion. with laws nov’ on the books under wife that ha had threatened her for Stamford, New London, Mid­ man, or nlcpbooe ihe lecti Has4 S3 Observe h-om strangers—but haven’t we tombstone: Gone to join his kid­ which Red leaders are being prase- Dairy. with a knlfa, police said this Mary T. Blgmana dletown, Tqrrington. Manchester, An attenmt by Mayor William T. 34FootUke part met somewhere before? - neys, his appendix, his tonsils and cuted. morning. Carroll of lOrrington to organike ROASTING CHICKENS I " I 35 Individual his adenoids. Thomaston and the northwest cor­ The Social Security bill, a must -Mrs. Huchro, separated from Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Slgmans, 40 town's served by the firm into an 'I ■ ' . 36 Sloped This la the Way Ma Oioks Today! Item on tha President’s list and ner of the state. It also pipes tier hueband, had gona to hia natural gas into Stamford, Tor- opposition with the benefits of s 39 Capital of She hakea the finest biscuits It may be too late this year to also that of nearly all of tha law­ lodgings to obtain some of her be­ Brookline Dr., Weat Hartford, an­ We "always appreciate having .our customers express rington and New London. trained consultant failed when Oregon In a dosen city blocks— do anything about the nation’s makers, la hung up over a contro­ longings Juat before the Incident nounce the engagement of their some of the towns declined his their approval of our chickens and like to pass along their SEE “Civ*t W* undarstand your husband always turns his 41 Help And all because the follows overcrowded schoolhouiei^ except versy aa to cove.-age. / occurred, according. to bar atata- daughter. Miss Mary T. Sigmans, The 24 per cent increase would invitation to Join. 'The Manchester remarks in this space. I>ast week two different ones Clareaco H. ..pay tnvsiops ovsr to you!'* 42 Twitching WIS Those directions on the box! maybe to think tip a: new adjective Seek FArm Coverage mqnt to police. She said' Huchro to Raymond E. Gorman, son of have raised the company’s an­ Board of Directors had voted to 43 Light toga —S. Omar Barker to replace "bulging." x'’ thrriiLened to kill her and locked nual revenue by $1,684,000. The be a member of the opposing group really laid it on the line—«“Your chickens are the best LOANS w 5T The administration ia seeking to Mr. and Mrs. Walter P; Gorman, r . 46 Musical extend Social Security coverage to the dodr,but the arresting officer, 42 Brookfleld St.' lesser increase would boost it by of towns. in the world.” on second mnrtaagan aa4 arile> BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE ' with M^JOR HOOPLE The traveling talesman was The only' time, k traffle light Patrolmaif'Gordon Neddow, found $1,138,884, the PUC said; mobiles. Also Ineatnaee. OUT OUR WAY instruments ST 3.600,000 farm operators and 900,- Miss Sigmans was , graduated '90 A f ainst anxious to gain admission to the shows green in both directions is 000 profeaaional' people but was a key In thkxjock and, was able from ML 'St. Joseph Academy and Firm’s first Increoae The descendanta of John Jay, CONNECTICUT VALLBY office of a prominent industrialist, during the testimony of two to unlock it. The PUC said the company first U. 8. (3hicf-Justice still own RGiGER OLCOn [Now Tuacr vJe'Ve W hustle 91 Through turned down on this by the Senate. attended St. Mary-rOf-the-Wood.-i Realty and Inveataiafit Cai. 92 Kind of cheese the establishing of business rela­ drivers who have had a collision. The House accepted the Presi­ Other airesta Yesterday were College, Terre Haute, Ind., and St. would have -to submit He revised hia home near Bedford Village, l^-gpraiKiiV ,-T>c M C /r>.o sir» \ fi^UND V O U ,O C .^ IT ALONE tions with whom would be the those of Carl R. HJalmar. 38, of schedule- before 'the 17.29 per cent N. Y., and it is being opened to the 403 West Center Street Mitchell 3-78.V3 74 East Ceater Stroat S3 Singing group (I dent’s position on'coverage In large Joseph’s (College, Weat Hartford. TeL MI-9-4M8 94 Native metal highlight of his whoiv trip. But Niece—running around like that .part, and its conferees are demand­ 128 Waddall Rd., chargadXith in­ She is preaently employed by the Increase ckn.become effective. ’The public. the man in question was difficult at your age! You must be in your toxication, arrested by Patrblman 99 Get up w. w ing that the two groups be in­ Conn. General Insurance Co., Hart­ — X THouswT r o HEST ^ to see. Entering his outer office second childhood! cluded in the compromise bill. TYie John Turner; and Philip BinI Of 96 Ripp^ he gave his card to the secretary. 'Prodigal Uncle—^Well, it’s a lot ford. ^ TRAJ? AND NOW t S U f T O S e ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ Senate representatives hava been Hartford, charged with speeding, 97 Fox It was taken within and, through more fun than my first one. arrested by Patrolman Raymond Gorman ia a graduate of 98 Seethe just as sdsmant agalnat it. Peck. Kiiigewood School. Weat Hartford, But veteran lAwmakera said ^SITW E^ ) cake Pec fill-1 *lfAVfS A tense prressure to vote the pay iag, yaw Mario boas m| SOW FOR • hike before they leave town. sackaa* «aaiua pmi4i0m oia. as jRwa_UA>ie, WM. H. SCHIELDCE Cataaiiaa EnparaiMasaraiM Milk viv 3 | t h a t STORV The' Senate also has numerous o al aaor. C M k .S I ANVWAV, AIAaOg»g.n drM u «ro *Xifo imrors’' mas euinlaai, -A A I THE BASS minor bills it could act on, but W»a— «hc^ «Mi - moat of these appeaeed certain C v t W N h w d e m Inb liMlf w v cooM cakv bym. TiQ C on vin cin g BY V. T. HAMLIN to go down the drain in the rush ALLEY OOP of the weary lawmakers to quit. Many men\J>ers of both branches WILL BE CLOSED HIMMEL/ NOW w ia YOU DO ME TH' HONOR OF KEEPIN* STAND UP T T H ' already have left Washington for P:■ 8 CLUCK,SMOM vacatlona and tripe abroad and to YOUR B«e ROTAL VWWP u r r y ;s X start campqlgning for re-elcc- m O m AU OUR REEF CUT FROM HEAVY SHUT WHILE X TELL . tion. ’ ‘ YOU eOMETHINfil^ Yesterday the Senate completed WESTERN CORN.FED STEERS action' on a whopping $1,699,000,- 000 catch-all money bill. RUaUST 21 lhn«|li RUSUSt 29 GENUINE SPRING It also psesed and sent back ,to Corned Beef the House somewhat amended one LIBBY'S LUNCH TONGUE 35e LEG OF LAMB ib SWEET LIFE T. a tif.«. t. fei oh. X' FROM YOUNG, TENDER MILK-FED CALVES CORNED BEEF HASH 16 Ot. Can 27c "Tliat ctrtalhly wasn’t mu^h of a iteturs! I didn't get to j MARV SAYS - - - “For R Real Shore Dinoer” SWEET LIFE-;-OVEN'BAKED 8'W tall you half tht things I was Ebing to toll you, Ethel! i n> BOOTS AND HER RIIDDIRF Not Nice BY EDGAR MARTIN BEANS WITH PORK 2 “ ‘; Z " ‘ 4 5 c VEAL LEGS BUZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANB 0 » C.XVWLT V^'S A 6«X A Y ^ vo>'QOMy3\»^he!o m < x a LOBSTERS >59^ LEAN AND MEATY — ^ C>*iOCOX-XATS, AQSiOR'- THt MWVXOKnW «ETTXSi AO «R L .~ iiru in Mia’S ANpyoUHAD \M 0TM lW LN fr '^eoNT you toucm TMT'nwelj HEINZ HOTDOG RELISH 11 Ox. Jar 27c |ARUM^N<^ fee I VNAKJV :xo OF fOR VWRPVN'S THi omuwmca nFoar TMi IgAm SR I UICK,9ANFY». n’MMKAfOMtS! LIBBY’S HOME MADE STYLE I TWt OEVveXS OF , CO»^«WHiXATX.! CHOCOL-^ATS------r^HAS,H . 0« MRS. DICK, 6UZ. U A L w sn c T M ig / an o au kcah c . and BIRDS BYE FROZEN N«Ki TaDWE JIM0S...fXPKr iROM-nc fiaooicoosF Vb rCHOCOX-XATc,.\NC., NOO.VWSS.OH- X O O S ti SWEET PICKLES 14 Pa. Jar 25c LAMB FORES loa sn ocic... HUMcaous AND LOST TKKET lOORy'S <3000 ,o A R nST6 ». SU SnCTfR AlOCKCRM DEL MONTE EAKLY GAKOEN WRUCX ?Rl\)A\VtO rUi WASHMSTON ANO SWt ‘S0O4, FRENCH FRIES 2>’ e29'^ FRESH KILLED tKKTSZTO \KiTO SUGAR PEAS . m 2 IT Os. Oaa«'39c ■TWt SP\«V\ OF TKT. OCC(VS\0»^l PLUS CUJ GREEN BEANS 2 18 Os. Cana 29c Broilers or Fryers « fRiAMSMAK A STORM WA5HK UP ON A CARISSiAN BIAND PILIJUirRV HALF PRICE SALE ' ' i T T Marv’s Home Made Cole Slaw » 39f^ WF.LL ’TRIMMF.D Lf:AN RIB M soMS sntA uat artal w u c k a r s that m attcct PIE CRUST S' auz sAWTcrs ufc. CombbiaHoR ef 8 Fkge. 29 c RIB U M B CHOPS u. 7Se PORK ROAST u. t k \ m s e T ^ ^ SIIN'HHINE 6 CUT-FROM STENR ROUNDS FIRST PRIZF. , SKINLE.SS PRISQLLA’S POP Food For Thought BY AL VERMKER Groie arid Weigel CHEEZ-IT CRACKERS a Os. pkg. 19c HICKEY FINN Deflated! BY LANK LEONARD FRESH PICNICS Lb 47c FRANKFURTS l k 49c ^ I h o p e my w a it DELICATESSEN NABIHCO . t i d iji up . MILDLY crRKD, LEAN TOPK |.V 4)UAUTY people take me to. 'mBESATISfCP Y t HATE TO SAV TNATUUlBREAtaNSPbim Chocolate Chip COOKIES nr 27c Dinosaur National o n e o f m o s e l 'FHEOKtyMNS X n,A«LWT SMOKED nCNIGSu. 49t Nutmeg KielbiM lih. tSc Ip o r te s AMfCAUSMOlTTOMISS SALE ■vacation I Monument... out in i ISMILPISCDiMAGEP/OKNOfARSmT 950,000 TAS SEASON^ I POWt If' ‘ ITS FIRST RAa! WHEN C o lo ra d o ! HCAilSE AS HOIISEfFIU(]FBnNOStASM! KELLY-WT NEJfT 7 HEU EVER SOMETANG LAE THAT • FRANKFURTS LARGE. SWEET, PIN*K MEAT SWEET JUICY LPaflt!ji>j^fnice. PIMT 6ET10 THAT \ME JUST LEFUESE YEARHEILSTARTX IPA PIIIC HAPPENS, ML Jt'S A isACx M tic n ncO - Mm *ioLuir BRWGMGMTHE \>-N0W! jfBflAPdMEN! • MINCED MAM cuiia? « u.y! REAL HEAVY POUGH' MILR-FID NATIVB; lO N eU S S FROZEN FOODS VY *r • VEAL LOAF Cantaloupe« 23*^ ^ I’ LU MS d o z. W © V E IL ROAST • lO LO G N A SWEET LIFE SUCED vK FANCY YELLOW FREESTONE FLORIDA SEEDLESS' WeSTIRN STEBI RONELESS Strawberries SIRLOIN ROAST Grapefruit 3 for 16 Ox. P kf. 39c S -tf PEACHES • -L ' . 0 SWEET LIFE CaPTAIN EASY At The Lawyer’s BY LESLIE TURNER FRECKLES AND HIS FRIE^IDfl Mali Working BY MERRILL C BLOSSEiR CUT FROM STEER REEF FANCY SEEDLESS TENDER RABY SI MMER ORANGE JUICE 2 a-Os. Cans 33c SWEET IJFE THI5 » G6T N FATHER L00K.BALDMU~ICAtrr ------^ SHORT SIRLOIN CAPTAIU EA5V. FEET OUT O’ 5H0ULDK , HANG-AR0UMPN.LDAY! - - i STEAKS - ^ “ T miS hou se is CQUIPPtD GRAPE JUICE 2 S-Os. Caas S9C JAY. VOU’YE THAT CHAIR HERE AMV ' lETiE GET OW WITH THAT , , iL^^r^wA^Tb WITH A BUaX-N AURA! CUXIC 3 lbs. k m z SEE IF YOU VYCRC SQUASH 4 F1HHER.ME.N HEARD GRAND- MAN can moment.. m i . r«A THE PRUJClPAL , L4iin, MONsrcR ! ' . _ ON1SMO feet./ GRAPES FAIkER iPEAK BENEFiaARy MlVW AY'V2i2u2iL MCNMER. SAID YOU MADCA AWAKC - A aooo SUN SWECT DOMINO OR JACK FROST OFHUAOPT- RVeRYIME ■OMceTMtS MEDIClNe/ BABY-SHTCR. MUST FRIED SCALLOPS rag 4k K E E P FROM ------NEW CROP g\|- -XT V 15 HERE, i MELLOW RIPE RARTLETT 4 FISHERMEN H i n VfOTTERl FAtUN O ASLEEP, .1 PRUNE SWEET FISH STICKS Pkg 41c \tXJ|CMOW// (XXM6 SUGAR SWFtrr LIFE THAT V4' 6 Tor AROUND JUICE FULL QUAKT PEARS POTATOES a-29' FneNCH FRIES 2 Pkga v v v HERgr .mom FANCY. LABOR NEW V. S. NO. 1 GRADR SFNKIST JA C K FROST CUT-RITE /I HONEYOEW MELONS POTATOES LEMONS ^ Each 4 9 c 10 Lba. 4 9 c 4 1 9 c H — T. a a i SM. OR. SUGAR 5 lb. bag 48' WMPA PER h’roll 2:3' VIC FLINT .fust In Time BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY THE STORY OF MARTHA WA*YNI The Raider t\ WII.SON STKlHMsS OPEN DAILY UNTIL A PAR______— — ASK AlOUT OUR UNIQUE rTVMrUdHr.-SOMEONR A B VC « P U M P ‘RDtualV m r^CLAM CHRg UP AND «10F THURSDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. == = = = DEUVERY SERVICE . BtfiR LHA6 RUNR FOR THEwtamioa HJAMOPR, n5 [ WORRVMSABOUrTNfflMDf 1 PONT MANT YtmR ELEV(!TOK...IF X POORS SDNCr T D C L ^ e — TR0U Pl8~dM 7; /CAN STALL FOR JUST ^ man tOCKNO US OFF THf NAMN6 PUUX/APTDE Alf. Wr W B Tt86PAS9N87> L f


V- I t

% \ ' V


THE Herm’s Cameras Down CYO,>Y to 2, Increase Twi Lead Herald Angle Indians^ Five Games with Yankees May Decide <««rr 1 . -r^ irv •• t i v-r aa ^ ------_ J Jack Hedlund Post Season Walnuts Down Deci’s, GUrilt Lifter Two Three-Run Frames EARL W. TOST Rivals Setting Down but Victorious in Battle with Runner Braves’ Fans Peeved Hurls Shutout Play Planned 5 to 2, to Cop Title REVIEW OF TOURNAMENT ^ahortstm from a defanslva stand­ Red Hot Paee Provide Edge at Nebo Flrat, and paihapa tha laat, point, n r s t aacker Cart Bela of At Exhibition Gaines 9-0 Win over OileY* Twi Loop Moguls Vote American Legion Junior Regional New Jersey displayed plenty of In Flag Bids Bolduc, Lupe and Day a BaaebaU Tournament In Man­ ability around tha base and looked By OATUB TAUMyr Gwaya have objactod to the qiuatot Flag Qincher Clinches Third Spot Playoffii; American Brendon Shea Chalks good at the plate. Connecticut’s ifew York, Aug. 19 {/ty—AM custom. But it ta net oftan that Lead GriUers* Win; chester haa been completed. Only aecond eacker, Dom DiMuro is an­ By BEN PHLEGAB as big leliguc ball clubs Insist upon they, aa wall aa their fSnA appear For Roy Motor Nine Legion Players Out First Place Win Up Mound Triumph; /"four daya were required In the other lad who has pro ball poa- Asaoclatod Press Sports Writer tu ck )^ ta exhlMtioa games on oft to hava baan aa Juztlflad to yailtog Two«Rnn 7th Wraps, nalm t Street G rill <51 double elimination tourney at M t ■IbUUea, from this viewpoint. Maybe the American League dsjrs during the playing season mtirttar aa to this Inatenca. D«y. If ...... AB R H ro A E Pinal StandlBga ' All Twilight Laague managers Herai'a Cameraa I7l Five Unearned Runs Nebo before Stamford, Connectl- should let Cleveland and New York Up League Contest' W L Pet. AB R H ro A E Host for the event, DtlMrorth- there is going to he trouble. t>ou Tha fact that tha Braves’ alght- Bolduc, p ...... at a recent meeting daIn ...... 5 3 3 1 1 0 0 would be ineligible for play In the Shea, p ...... 3 1. 0 1 3 Oi Herm's. Cameraa .. . 3 2 .714 Attendance waa very poor, a far Chaney-Pioneer ...... 3 6 W. P aaanl. r t . . . .4 0 0 1 0 WIIMama. 2b ...... 01401; was not the aim, but it did have might well win all of their other / BItteriy Crittdaed dua fOr a whacking. But If tha Krarne. 2b ...... 3 0 0 0 3 Jackie He AMk£ A then meet in the final to ilecide Lautenbacn, ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 ney daya Last Saturday the tem­ No doubt one of the main raa- Yankees have gained exactly half southpaw in winning, struck out half game. eona- for tho pMr attendance at a length on the Indians. race. and tha year was 1926. hitter. The ri|^t hander has suf­ TolaJs ...... 36 I ' d 21 " s "o MUmUKgKA/i i»oa th/ the playoff champion. Totala ...... 38 3 4 31 II T Brendon Shea, the Photos’ young perature rose to 90 and It was a Hie angry charM to being flung fered only one loss this season. W alnut ...... lOI 010 3—5 eight baUmen while walking only the games, despite the . weather, Here are the figures; th e Yan­ lAta to the campaign, with tha D e r is H l^ ^ U 0 9 . . . . THE The question concerning the eli­ Herm a ...... 301 003 0—7 right hander, went the disthnea for long and hot afternoon at Mt. Nebo at the club president that he im­ Cardtoalz flghttog to stay

Hooifihold Goods II Antoaroliiles for dal% . 4 Automobiles for Sale 4 Bosiness Serviees Offered IS Bondft—S tocks— He^ wintctf—Hak 36 Sitastions Wanted— Articles For ikie 45 Eofi8ft8,yittsatBosii St T t e S a b 7 2 For Sala 72 Sahorbaii For Sale 75 Wanted—R«sl EstftW 77| Female 38 ROOM FCNt R E N T -"N e a r C m - 1947 CHRYSLER Sedan, d e a n ca r, STONE, BRICK,, fli^ c o and ce­ M ortirsfcs ., 81 Limited number of gM MANCHBRBR — Owner tran> HIGHLAND PARK School tectleai WAREHOUSE POINT — Route 6, IF READY to hoy. MD: GET READT FOR THE LABOR and has 4 good Urea. Call MI. ment w ork. Call M I 9-8481 o r M I BALL CANNmo JARS, ExceUent tsr. Oeatlsmaa prof erred. 27 torred out oC state, must sacrifice —Prewar custom buUt >room smaU >room dwelling, lot 180 x n a l estate, mortgagea atrBBca4.| ^ IHassifiMl FIRST AND second mortgages BUS DRIVER' for school trans- MARRIED WOMAN desires part- ranges. Cleargnee at half Fostor St 30 24321. colonial with enclosed sun room 0-6486 o r 144 B ird i Street after 8 8-5042. portaUon. Call M I. 9-4315. condiUon. MI. 9-7087. lovely six room Capo Cod. 3 a ISO. 88,000. Aasociete Realty, Coeouit Howard R. Haattags,| DAY WEEKEND WITH A p.m . bought for our own aceount Fast, Ume typing or edlphone work. price. and attached garage. Lovely Broad Brook. Tel. Windsor Locks, Agency, 3 a >1107. ANTIQUES Rstimabod. oonfidenUal service.. Manchester Preferably mornings. Oyer ten TWm BEDROOM. Central. Kitch­ knotty pin* recreafion room, laun­ NA. 8-4718. Aitertiseneits WARliANTEED CAR, FROM 1948, CHRYSLER Windsor four- dona on any furniture. Investment Corp., 244 Main street years arlth Travelers Ins. Call MI. Boats and Accessories 46 en privUsgaa. oW lemen. Fork- MfMOERN four room home, dry room, hot water oU heat, aU READY BUYEBS wattli«. fiVar Ua- ML 84418. 3-7633 m ornings. . CHAMBERS FURNITURE tag. 30. S47M. pla*- door. Radio, heater, seat covers. 189 South Main S t Phono ML THE PERSONAL torod wans, Timken oil hsat. liUlitieB. Outdoor Uvlng cortalnly ANDOVER LAKE —8 room yeer- madUM acteon U a^ym ttjpropyl CLASSinSD ADVT. BROWN-BEAUPRE SALES around house, 8 bedrooms, bath E xcellent condition. M I. 3-5255 8-5648. CLOSE OUT Before my vacaUon: PLEASANT ahimtaum storm windows, clean can ta* enjoyed on this 87’ x 868’ with tha Albait J. Oatto DEPT. HOURS after 5 p. m. ‘ EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. At The Green ROOM for couple, with ahower, large living roote t o n . CH. ML GI AND FHA MORTGAGES FINANCE COMPANY Ten years general ledger, trial 5^i h.p. 1952 Chria-Craft out­ X itc h m privileges. pri Also atagl* gad neat, fenced yard, nCar lot which hep fruit trots, barbecue 8:16 A . BL to 4:S0 P. M. 1953 Plymouth Club Coupe—One COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart board. A-1, worth over $100. Only end picnic area. Shown only by with fireplece. Laige lot with nice 8-i8M , JA . PONTIAC 1953, B lack, 4-dow , Hy- balance, general office work, pay­ M l-3-6187 room. 84 High Street: 3 a 94138. school, stores and bus. Only owner. Radio, ■ heater. All good R. Wolcott on wringer and auto- Low down payments; up to 30 $75. Brand new 13 h.p. Bucca­ 88,300. Carlton W. Hutchtas, 3CI. appointment. ExceUent value, at shed* trees. Phone P I. 3-7898. dramatic, radio and heater. Must maUc washing mschlnea, vacuum will employ several men as branch roll calculation and lax forms. Houra: 10 to 8 LlfirnNOS WANTED — Magi Urea. Save. year maturity. A mortgage officer neer run less than 1 hour. For­ NK3C CLEAN, Comfortable room, 94132, fi48fi4. aale price. Cell Elva Tyler, Real­ COPY CLOSING TIMB be sold at sacrifice. Phone MI. cleaners, motors, smaU mpU- manager trainees; Must be High Capable of assuming responsibili­ 7:Sg(to 8:30 P.M. tor. 3G. 8-4489. HteKORY HILLS Home*- Rt. C two-fUnUy, thraa faitely. but will gladly assist you in solving School graduate,' college training ties of an dfice. Write Bookkeep­ ward, neutral, reverse, 65 lbs. very ceatral, bathroom floor. Roa- Andover, Ootin. Where every boms FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 1952 Dodge Coronet dub Coupe- 3-8531 after 7 p.m . ances. W elding. 180 Main S tre e t aonaUs. Tel. 30. >7317. aaoa propte'tv. Hava auuw teHKl Phond Ml 9 -^ . desirable. Age 22-28, must have er, Box O, Herald. Ust $289.95 only $159.95. Act 3lANCHESTER-8ix room Garri- VERNON—New latge 8 room raaeh is different. 4 end 6 room ranch buyara. Ilortgacaa aznagad.1 Low ihlleage. Radio, heater. Ex­ your problem. Open Thursday eve­ BARGAINS ta BOW aad usadam lM oon colonial with attached garage. HON. THRU FRL loss MERCURY StgUon wagon. car. This poeltion offers a splendid quickly. Traded fov. a 35 h.p. Sneas. Tsrma and tradss. Janas home on large lot. Thro* bed­ types. % to 8 acre lots. DrlUed Plaaaa caU Gam n L, Oraslaalo, tra clean. Save. nings and Saturday mornings.— Evinrude. Barstow's, just north ONE OR TWO large furnished BuUt in 1940. Entire property in 10:30 A. ML Very good condition. Radio, heat­ DOORS OPENED, keys flttad. opportunity in the consumer A. Woods Apidloiicaa, 283 Csattr rooms aad bath with comidst* rooms, air condiUaned heattag wells, pleeter, full finished base- ftoaltor, i m e M fi-SSTS. 189| 1951 Dodge 2-Door Sedan—Radio, er, MercomaUc. Private party. copied, vacuum deanars, irons, Telephone MltcheU 9-4511. finance field. Salary-car, allow­ Dogs—Birdfr—Pfits 41 of Post Office. oxcellont condition aad conven­ ment*. H. W. baseboard radiaUan. BeaiF atiaat. SATURDAY 9 A. M. St. k g 8-1818.______light housokssplng facllitla*. 3G. iently located. Plenty of indoor system, automatlaJiot water. This heater, dark green-finiah. Extra WUl sa crifice at 83,300. M I. 9-4000 guns, etc., repaired. Shears, ance-insurance. Other benefits in­ >4778. is e rare, buy, only 811,800 with F.H .A. and V .A . m origage aVaU- after 3:30 p.m. FIRST NATIONAL BANK THB NEW MANCHESTER Pet 1953 SEA BEE, 5 h. p. outboard W AN TED and outdoor Uvlng. <^l for fur­ aMs. Buy direct end sav*. H. WANTED—Singla and multi-fam­ clean. One owner. kmves, mowers etet put into oon- clude group life insurance, vaca- Center, 995 Main St., invites you only 81,000 down. Sm ell m onthly fooB ooonaunoM w i l l motor, like new. Less than 10 Honeet, Person ther information and appointment Hartley, BuUder. 30. 9-09TS. ily homes for ready cash buyara. I diUon for coming needs. Bralth- OF MANCHESTER ! Uon, liberal savings and retire­ to visit pets of all kinds. Con­ hour running tim e, $125. CiOi MI. TWO SINGLE man ars looking for payments. You can move in by ■B amUBClATED 1951 Plymouth Suburban—Heater, VERY CLEAN. 1949 Cadlllac/61 ^TAKE OVER ' one gontloman to share tholr alx to 0*0. AUce Clampet, Realtor. Mortgagas arranged. CaU ACS | sedanette, fully equipped. 30-day waits, 52 Pearl atraet ment plan. necticut bred Parakeets. MI; 9-1097. Phon«r>4S48. Sept. 1. Dcm’t let this go by. CeU BOLTON—Five room ranch on aeat cover*. All good Urea One U N PAID b a l a n c e room furalshsd apartment. Can- T. ft O. ConatrucUon Co. 3G. Realty 0>. 30 >3383. guarantee. Dickenson Motor Sales. 9-4378. Hours M onday through large lot. Oil heat. Basement ga­ Dial MI-3-5121 owner car. Good tradee. . MONTHLY PAY3fENT8 traUy locotsd . AU utlUUsa tachid- 8-8891 or >1307. M I. 9-8372. Business Opportunities 82' ‘ A pply 9 a . m . to 5 p . m . Friday, 10 to 6:80, Saturday 9 to rage. Abundant shade tress, MASON—Fleldstone a specialty. E. Diamondft—Watchea— 1 ■ filTAk Ing fuUy oquippad kitchen avall- 1950 Chevrolet De Luxe 2-Door— Toth. Phone Ml. 9-S30T. 6; Wednesday closed at 3 p.m. S. aM s. 3G. 8-8418. GOODBYE TO PAlfrHNG FAMILY horn* of six roonta. Enjoy 114,300. M adeline Smith, R ealtor. • ' ■ .*• Jet black. Heater. Clean all the 1945 DODGE Truck, excellent m e­ l/ICATED in Eastern Connecti­ ft H. Green stam ps. J e w e iiy 4 8 ' 2 C ^lsU V 3 0 ^ 1 6 4 3 . chanical condiUon, with attached cut, large buildings operated by Slvenlng Hours by Appointment Bootes of Brqad Nsw when you buy this newly this good clean home with epe- President Slams w ay. H. ft 1 RADIO-TV Service. Service Yurnlture . clous yard in convenient location. Lost and Foimd hydraulic snow plow. Very rea­ charge 13-50. Tel. MI. 94088. Gary one owner as furniture, appliance TURTLES, Hamsters and Mexican LEONARD W. TOST, Jeweler, re­ LARGE ROOM tor rent on Mgplo shingled Cape Cod home at ^F1E U > — Near HamUton. Fine and grocery. business. S^cellent .Jurnpi^ beans. Tropical fish and Beautiful WssUnghousq Elec. Price reduced to 813.000. kledelin* *^^Ctepe 0 > d . Investm ent, Chty utUi- 1949 Plymouth Special De Luxe sonable. Call M I. 9-6444. 110 lam onaco. Monday through Friday pairs, adjusts 'watches sxp ^ y. street. 3G. >7004. 35 Morse Road. Six rooms Smith, R ealtor. 3G. 8-1843 o r “Shoddy Politics” I FOUND—3 follow* who will wax, 4-Door—Radio and heater, aeat Strickland St. bank references. Reasonably acoesiwries. Kelly’s Aquarium, 39 .Reasonable prices. Refrigerator \ ties. No development.. Fair price. warn and clean out your ear for Ctaw dally. two unfinished) in sparkling >1148. / dover*. Three to chooee from. priced. L Marian Arbour, Real- Sunset St. Thuraday evenings, 139 Spruce Besuttftil Bedroom Suitd^ ThompsonviUe. Rlverview >8941. only It. For senrioa telopbaB* ML WASHINO MACHINES repaired. tor. Chapel 7-2787, Chapel 7-0973. Beautiful Living Room Stets A|Nutsifint»—Flats— condition on large wooded lot. (Obattaoed bom Faga Oae) DRIVERS' APPLICATIONS being COCKER SPANIELS, buff, sUver street Mitchell 9-4857. CUTE EXPANDABLE >raom VERNON—Two femUy duplex, 8 »3 T n .______1948 Plymouth Special De Luxe 1948 CHEVROLET O u b coupe. CaU Phone M I. 9-9757. Beautiful Dinette Set hom e. fieldston* front, firapli'tac* Vittner’s Garden Center at 338 East M iddle Turnpike. taken f6 r experienced------dum]mp truck buff and black. Nine weeks old. Tcnoscats $3 No need to go away next sum­ and 4, copper plumbing, hot water to our liking,’ haa been acoo I 4-Door—Radio, heater, new seat Beautiful "De Luxe" Rang* with paneled weU, aluminum FOUNI>—H u m boya who mow covers. Extra clean. Low price. RypBISH and ashes removed. Gen- Help Wanteil-Femslfi 35 drivers. Miut be good hard work- A.K.C. registered. H. C. Chase, Instead of Westinghousa Elec. mer. Enjoy your own picnic oU heat, storm windows, large lot, pushed and that “w* are moving I and trim laFna. Rate* reaaonable. PLYMOUTH 1953 Cronbrook four Garden— Farm—-Dairy THREE R(X>M unfurnished apart- storms, tile bath, dispoaal, Bendix eral cleaning of attics, cellars and ------reCw.« Harmony Hill, Hebron Road, Refrigerator If jrou prefer grove. Fireplace, hot water fuU p rice, 811.000. (kOl A.C.B. Beauties For Your Garden M L t-0007. door sedan, fuliy equipped. Call WANTED -7- Experienced waitress. Apply at Thomas Colla Construe South Bolton. M I. 3-5437. ' Products SO ment with garage, on Bolton wateier, stone terrace, awnings, R ealty Co. 3 0 . 9-3393. with our Allice” toward tl e for­ yards. Call M and M Rubbish *n- Rugs, Lamps, Tables, linoleum R oad, Vernon. AU m odern con- oil heat, a few steps from % acre, nicely landscaped, aubur- 1953 M ERCURY. F our door sedan Manchester MI. 34133. . m oval. M I. 9-9757. Apply in person. Center Restau­ Uon Co., 351 Broad St, M onies mation of a Southeast Asia Trsatjr { GAIN A FULL YEAR > - ...... ‘ and a Few OUier Articles yoniencss. CentraUy located. Near baq. Only 813,900. Ckurlton W. LOST—PASS BOOK No. SOBS. lustroua black top over beautiful rant, 499 Main Street. — h« ter. ‘ .»— PICK YOUR own tomatoes, 50c school and transportation. To­ (X>VENTRY—Authentic eight room Organisation. 'Notice la hereby given that Paoa maroon body. Fully equipped with SMALL DEALER*:with big values. basket. J. Dixon Flirm *, 659 Hills EVERYTHING church, bus line end storea. Adults HutChlne. My. 94U 3; >4884. colonial. In beautiful condition. Now Is The Proper Ttme To Transplant POWER BURNERS cleaned aiid WANTED—Good homes for two tal price only $13,200. Elsenhower alao mentioned 016*1 Bo(d( No. toes, laaued by the Sav- Merc-o-maUc, heater, r^ o , rear 1947 • Ford H-ton pickup. It’s a adjusted by trained technicians. AMBi’i lOUS MAN with grading yellow kittens. M I. 8-4038. St., East Hartford, near Manches­ THE UNPAID only. Writ* Box K, Herald. ExceUent heating, six fireplaces, POPPIES DAYLILIES IRIS In^a Department of the Flrat Na­ good one. 1947 Mercury, (3) real DENTAL ASSISTANT, ter line. BOLD FOUR end Four Flat and 8 considerable acreage, substantial Sues Isrea in E g y p t Iran *and [ seat speaker, curb buffers, grille 34 hour burner service. Lassen exper- experience to operate a small BALANCE PRICE FIVE ROOM flat with ^aunporch. SPECIAL FOR CHILDREN room sihgle. Lot' 168 x 168 In­ DELPHINIUM PEONIES PHLOX tional Bank o< Mancheater haa guards and seat cover*. -13,000 nice cars. 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline Petitdeum. Phone MI. 94131; lenced. M I. 9-9779. grader. M. French, Coventry. MALE AND Female canaries. ^ ONLY 8488.28 cash required. Maddock ft deVoa, Guatemala as troubled plocee been loot and appllchtlbn haa been sedan, good and clean. 1950 Chev­ Good singers, all colors, MI. EATiffG and canning tomatoes.. Good locetlon. Aveilsbie Oct. 1st Hive you been looking for cluding extra building lot. Near­ R ealtors, JA. 3-0255, evenings AD. AU Our Plants Are In Root-’Ilini Pots easy, original miles. Has to be Free storage until wanted. Free Write Box Q care of The Herald. where the ouUocik Is brighter to­ made to aald bank for payment of driven to be appreciated. 11090 rolet 3-door and a 1951 Chevrolet CALCULATOR Operator wanted for WANTED—Stock and delivery 9-9043. 137 Charter Oak St. Grace’s Stand, 679 Hebron Ave., ly 1100 month rent. Good loca­ 2-0133. Glastonbury. delivery. Free set up by our own ooihpact four bedroom Cape tion. Only 818,000. Csrltba. W. day. the amount on depoelt. will it. RW accept trade. 4-door, both cars very clean. 1951 Household Services general office wwk. Experience clerk. Full time position. High reliable man. preferred but no essenUal. Write school graduate only. Apply in !!od com plete with garage and HuUhlna, MI 94132, 9-4694. BROAD BR(X)K—Brand new five On the domestic front, the | Bank ,financing available. MI. Dodge sedan, looks and runs like NO PAY3IENT8 TO BANKS B osIfiM B L o csU o m Offered 13-A Box B, Herald. person. Kiddie Fair, 1089 Main PICK YOUR OWN tomatoes 80c fenced in lot. See this home at rooms and expandable atUc, color­ President pointed to congreaeiOBal IN BLOOM IN BLOOM 8-4038. new. Oakland Motor Sales, 367 Live Stock—Vehicles 42 OR FINANCE COJdPANIES 3CANCHE8TER, HamUn fit. Duplex DELPHINIUM Annonn cements Oakland St. T el. MI. 9-0485. Open S t per basket. Peterson Farms, Dem- F or Rfiiit $4 Edison Road, Manchester ed bathroom, hot water baseboard Tovte of hie farm program pro­ SERVICE ON all makea oewtag Wa n t e d — salesgirl, full Ume ing St., W apping. M I. 8-5864. y- Phone Me Immediately 8 and 8, large rooms, large lot, CHEVROLET^ 194M95S, two4oors evenings. WE BUY COWS, calves and beef today. Features, oil heat, full radiation, lot 100 x 300. low down viding for a shift from rigid price | THE NEW PAanC WANTS DR. R. FIBinER Optometriat, and machines. Also electrlMng. Work work. Experience necessary. Ap­ WANTED—Helper in wash room. Hartford CH-74858 tel heat, two-car garage. Good in­ iyment. Asaociate Realty, Broad Huge lowers, twe-threo totbee- Ip- iMeraeter. We an plaoMt ib and four-doofa, de luxe and stand­ ddne in youv home. Sichel, ML catU*. Also horses. Plela Bros. supports to flexible eupporU. Julea Upner, Optician, formeriy ard models most with equipment 1953 CHEVROLET Sedan, power- ply in person. Paris Curtain Shop, Opportunity for advancement. Ap­ Tel. ML 8-7405. After 7 P. M. CH4-4690 MANCHlfSTER. 3CAIN Street lasement and aluminum sid- come. Howard R. Hastings Agen­ rook. Tel. Windsor Locks. NA, effbr a completo Uoe of the origtaatore newest and llniite atraftw 9-9419. Day phone M I. 8-817L 839 Main St. See R Day Or Night store. 12’ X 48’ . 3 a 84144. cy , M anchester.. 3Q. 8-1107 any e He spoke too ot the tax revision I at Wlae-Smlth’a OpUcal Depart­ Bob 8778. ■Ingie, enclosed porch. New OUta Federal Speateag Motor lU es, 461 Main. new or used car drop in and See erman. Steady, good paying job 50 HENS, $1.50 each. Average oven regulator, light, salt and pep­ A—L -B -E —R—T—'—8 city water and sewer available. Dick or Milt at Dickenson Motor low price. Keys made while you ering machine. Phone Mr. Case, for right men, in well established per. Any offer accepted. IG. warm air tel- heat. Older home. 86900. Associate R ealty, Broad The President aald tha admitea-1 wait Marlow's. A D 2-5739. weight 6*4 lbs. Good fo r freezing. 43-45 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD 1500 SQ. FT. IN D U SnU A L q>ace, JA R V IS REAL’TY CO. Two car garage. Needs interior tratton haa cut federal ependlng $ 1 0 0 Each $5.00 $9.00 » Sales at Center ft Cooper at., or neighboriiood market handiing 613 Keeney St. 94400. » auitaMs for small .manufacturing Brook. Tel. Windsor Locks. NA. '53 8TUDEBAKER CHAMPION at Dickenson A m oco, 559 Main St. nothing but top grade merchan­ ONE T FT. Frigidair* refrigerator, decorating throughout Lot 50 x 8-4789. by 10 billion dollars. Ms also men­ WEAVING of bums, moth holes EXPERIENCED Saleslady, full or warehouse. Vidnity hCanches- 654 Center St., Manchester 168. 18,950. .Six room ranch, at­ tioned the expanded Social itecur- | THB PROSPBCT Hill S cM tor HARDTOP CONV.—Lustrous M I. 94373. dise. Ideal working condUions PRANK’S /is buying and selling recent model, priced right for ter. 30. 84268. and tom clothing, holsary runs, Ume for permanent position. Ap­ good used furniture Snd antiques, tached garage. Radiant heat. Va­ OWN2ZI 30JST sacrifice 7 room ity program which It near enact­ EASY TO GROW DU I /\V yonm children win re-open Sept tu-tene. Fully equipped Execu­ with hours that can be adjusted to Articles For Sale 45 quick sale. One 8' Frigldsir* in Call MI-S-4112 Sth. ‘mnaportatian funlued. Mm. tive car. SAVE. 1950 DODGE H ton panel truck. handbags repaired, slpper re­ ply in person only. Kiddie Fair, saUsfy employe. References re­ aU except stoves and electric re­ excellent ruilning order, just right BUILDING F O R Rent, 88 x 18, fuU cant. Good condition. Large lot ■ingle, needs painting, 3 bedrooms ment in Washington. NEED LITTLE ATTEN’n O N rriL w iV Lela l^rbur, director. Phone ML New paint Job new batteiy. In placement umbrellas repaired, 1089 Main St frigerators. 430 Lake St. Open 8 for cottage or extra room. Reduced to, $14,700. Can be seen up, 4 rooms down. VeneUan Before gotag to the fairgrounde, I Ne otber perenolal bloome a* k«g threngh tha heS MMMff 51 FORD TUDOR V-S—^Two tone quired. For appointment call Man­ OtnOB IN—Browse around Tha basement. Suitable tor office, bar­ t-5WT.______very good condition. MI. 34166. men's shirt collars reversed and chester M I. 8-6387. to 8. M I. 9-6580. Kemp’s, Inc. ber shop or store. laquir* by appointment only. George L. blinds, storm windows, hot air oU Elsenhower pieced a large wreath | mtlM. blue. Radio, heater. Very replaced. Marlow’s little Mbnd- CLERK TYPIST. Young woman for Woodshed, 11 Mata St., Manches­ drasiadio Reialtor, lu >5878. hsat. Garage, lot 78 x 180. Con- at the tomb of Abraham Lincoln. clean...... |S95 Starkweather St, MANC9IBSTBR—Well kept ex I^ottcd Plants In FuU Bloom At Tho Low Prien ^PAi n T t o u r own car, blibda or Ing Shop. small office, five day week, all ter, Conn. Good used furniture ANTIQUES bought, sold. Fumi pandebi* Cape Cod with dormer*, veteent to echoola and bus. Ideal In his address later, the chief I furniture in your own yard. Best '51 CHEVROLET BEL AIR Ante Accessories—Urea 6 company benefits. Apply Preferred Salesmen Wanted S6-A bought and sold. Tel. ML 9-3184. ture, glesB, china, pewter, prints, STORE FOR RENT. Good location. plastered walls, fireplace, hot 3 BEDRC^M ranch, 1 yr. old. tor growing famUy. Phone Rock- executive called It InHiiring to of apray ce5186. visit the area where Lincoln Uved, BATTERIES — 50% off. Square water tel heat, ametetc drive, Each For S-7U6. m1 Summit S t, Manefaes- Beautiful throughout. . .|1095 Boilding—ContraeUnx 14 3-4168. UNIVERSAL Lightning Rods, Inc., guns. Bailey’s Antiques, 282 >9070. - screens and storm windows. Screens, storm windows, ideal for and noted that this is the centen- 60c 6 $2.95 type as low as {4-95 ex., long ty^ children. Must seU. Owner leav­ R(XJKVILLE—'Tw o-fentey. 93 West te r, Conn. '51 8TU D EBAK ER LAN D - wants experienced men for direct l o o k . Town of Manchester Mein St. Jdl 3-5003. Owner leaving state wants ionne- nlaU year of the Mrth of the Re- | $7.95. Written guarantee. Cole CUSTOM BUILT homes, general HOUSEKEEPER Wanted for elder­ FOR RSlNT-^BsauUtul offles suits. ing state. No agente. Phone own­ St. Attractive inveebnent. two publican party. CRUI8ER—Immaculate. Auto- ly woman. Uve in or not. State seUing of,lighting protection for WE SAY AGAIN diete sale. Priced to sell. Escott JOB. PLL Marry you if you wUl M otors. M I. 9-0980. contracting, remodeling, repairing. the suburban home. Approximate­ HOSPITAL Bed with detacheMs Modera* rental. Excellent loca- er for appointment. 30 3-6543. five room units. Full price, $18,800. Lincoln, ' Eisenhower added, nmtic, fully equipped. Priced Financing arraiiged. D^e esU- wages expected. Box G, Herald. POW ER m o w e r s - Invitation to Biddera Agency, 3II 9-7683. iola the Citlsens Committee of reasonably. ly 40% commission—Perfect fit sides- In good condition. 3u- Uon. Call M I. 9-1690. Phone Bent ft Bent, Inc., Hart­ would ■ proud cd the niinoia dele-I POTTED HARDY MUMS Mancheoter and help to “End mates. Vancour Construction Co., No Money Down—$2 Weekly Sealed proposals for landscape 9-4117. 3CANC»ESTBR ford. AD. 3-5858. '51 CHEVROLET’ CONV. — Lus­ OPPORTUNITY for a lady who is for storm window or insulation BUDGET CENTER MANCHBSl^-Finlay St., five nation in O m greee today. Rafer-^ win hunt tat* I hi $4 weeks. New la a gaaitiBM tai MUniripal Paralysla in Manchea­ Auto Repairing— ^Painting 7 172 Highland S t T el. M l. $-4888. salesmen. Apply at 3l Walnut St., planting, including furnishing and romns, two car garage. Large WEST SIDE—7 years ted. Lova- ing to that delegatiaa: trous green. Power glide. Fully an accomplished pianiat to work 91 Center Street SERVEL Refrigerator deluxe Sunoier Hooifis For Roat 6! te r .” T el. M I. 9-9413, M I. 9-7118 o r Hartford, Conn., planting of plant material, at the lendacaped lot with plehty of ly six room (tolonUl in good con­ 'They have been in Um .fo re - I ML 8-5435, and enroll today. Mary. equipi^. Like new Inside and CAR BURN OIL? GENERAL Construettan, oltera- at general office work and assist MI-3-4164 * model, automatic defroster. Bot­ dition. OU heat, combination tiuis, remodeling, pUMlc file, in radio and promoUon work for a WADDELL SCHOOL, MAN­ CX>LU3fBIA LAKE — AvaUaUs shade trees. Outdoor fireplece. front of the atruggi* in Washing­ out Priced to save you money. I / . CHESTER, coNNEcnenrr, in tled or city gee. Excellent condi­ aluminum atorma recreation room, PASSENGEStS Desired, Manches­ counter work, garage, etc. No Job world wide organizaUon. Reply to tion, 31 Milford Roed. through Labor Day.'twe room cot­ Oil. heat, completely insulated. W ork Logjam ton. to carry out the party prom4eS AUTUMN BEST FOR NEW LAWNS 50 CHEVROLET 2-DOQR—FuUy Economy overhaul, moat all Help Wanted— ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port­ accordance ^th the Plan and tage. 3 0 . 9-0753. (Combination windows. Tel. Idl- amesite drive end garage, large and to make good on the Freai- ter to Hartford and return. Work­ equipped...... $595 too emiU. Eugene Glrardta, - 18 Rox P. care of this paper. State yard. Ideal for ckU dr^ Convenient Yea are 'eprtala to gala the greateet cooperatlen tram ing 9 . 4:80 or 5. ka. 94158. can. Partif and labor $49.96. Trotter fit. ML 9A809. muaical educaUon, business ex­ Male or Female 37 able and standard typewrltars. Specifications on file in Uie Office CARRIAGE-STROLLER, in 3-4606. dent’e pledgas to BtrengUMn, with­ •49 WILLY8 8TA’nON WAGON— No money down. $4.90 month­ perience and salary expected. En­ ------_ i ___ AS makes of adding machinas of the Superintendent of Park*, condition. Phone 3 fl. 9-9588 after COVENTRY LAKE, Cottages, turn- to school and bua Make an ap­ out war, the ecosioaiy and | DISPATCHER, 6 a. m, until noon. sold or rented. Repairs on aU pointment to see this today. Price Slows Probes OERIUN PEAT LADY FROM Mancheater Green 9 cylinder, overdrive. ly. All work guaranteed. CABINET MAKma—Wi also do close picture and phone number. will be received on or before 3:0Q 8. iahed, four rooms, gee conven­ prosperity of our nation.” Sieen- GRASS SEED Sdiool area desires ride to Hart­ aU types of carpentry work, re­ Must know town. Clty<3ab, 53 Pur- raakas. Mai'loWa P.M., Wednesday, ^ptember 1, iences, weekly. Aug. 21 througb MANCHESTER 815,500. hower; said the lUtnola dategatlon I •47 PONTIAC DE LU XE Replies held etricUy confidenUal. neU P lace. ford, vicinity of Pearl St. Worki MOTOR SALE modeling, alteraUona, etc. Good 1954, in the Office of the General ELECTRIC STOVE and refrigera­ Sept. 19. P I. 2-8835. alao bee sought to” etrengthen our 59c L b. A a i V p w. $4.75 tag hours 9 - 4:80. M I. 8-8887. 8TREAMLINER CLUB IF YOU ARE over 28, desirous of FLAOSTMIE. Stona for walla, Manager, Municipal Building, *1 tor. Good condiUon, $35 each. CaU A six room Cape Cod on Bran­ FRANCES K. WAONBR, Realtor Into McCarthy Ford, Chevrolet, etc...... $134.95 workmanship, and rsasonabls MAN OR WOMAN wanted to col­ ford Street First time on the security and that ot our friends | COUPE—Gray, fully equipped. ratea. EsUmates gladly given, earning a good income and can bouaa fronts, fireplaces, etc. Bol­ Center Street, Manchester, Ck>n- 3 a . 9-4915. THREE ROOM cottage. Conven­ 30-9-0028 abroed.” On* owner. Hve. Pontiac, OldamobUe, etc. ..$174.95 lect small monthly accounts, part- ton Notch ()uarry M*. 8-0817. iences. 10 miles east of Manchs> market. Fireplece, oU heat, nice No Money Down, $2.00 Weekly. CaU Dick at PL 3-8696 or John at w ork 10 a.m . to 3 p.m ., 5 day nectlcut,' and then at said office BEAU TlFU Lr—T h r s ■ bedroom fOsattoned fren One) Later ta the-aftenwoa- (around I FERTILiZEA $4.2S Far WL>1 AatomaMles for Sak 4 •41 MERCURY 4-DOOI^ ..... $50 week, write for interview. Box R, time in Manchester. No exper­ NOROB—Gas range, refrigerator, ter. Off Route 8. Quiet middle- grounds. Needs some redecorating. New Motor Guarantee. ML 3-8769. ience. Car necessary. CaU New BUY DIRECT and save valuable publicly Opened and read aloud. ' ranch house with attached ga­ 4:15 p.m. CDT) he had a date to Herald. The Plan and Specifications may both in good condition. 33 Can­ aged couple. Tel. Coventry PI. Asking price is $12,500. Will be and Dirkeen (R-Ill), assigned by BEFORE YOU Buy a used car Haven. SPruce 8-0947. liars on nationally advertised terbury St., Mancheater. 3-8583. vacant S ^ t 1st rage. Tile bath, firSplace. plaster­ address the General AaeemMy of To YwOr • Lawn • Flowoin • Shnto Many Ottier To Choose From -COLE MOTORS be examined at thq Office of the ed walls, radiant he'at. Combina­ the other five aubcommittee mem the World (kauicU of Cburctaes on I YOUXL See Gorman Motor Sales. Bulck Roofing»43idi]ig 16 lumlpum windows, doors, jalau- ’Trees ail^ Garden If Yon FwtiHm M es and Servlca. 285 I E-Z Terms ' 436 Center Street WANTED—Public-spirited citizens ^aies, porch enclosures. Visit our Superintendent of Parks, Room GIANT’S NECK H*ighte-8 room On Woodbridge Street A neat tion windows end ecreens, Vene­ here to write a tentative draft re­ the Northwestern Univeraity cam-1 Help wanted—Male 36 of M,anchester to join the Citizens 18, 41 Center Street, Manchester, "POINT atraet MltcheU 9-457L Open eve- MI-g-0980 FOR THE BEST in Bonded buUt showroom. Winter Seal of Con­ OAK CHINA Closet end buffet. cottage avaUaUs from Aug. 31 on. Cap* Cod with the two rooms up- tian blinds. Front terrace with port, expveeaed no such confi­ pue at Evanston. W ith Committee of Manchester in the necticut, 443 Mein St., Manches­ Connecticut, and copies thereof 3 0 . 94079. (CH. >8818. ■teire partially finished. Firepli'ce, iron reU. Covered ptae paneled Hie m echea ere only two of eix | nlnga. CHORCHES MOTORS up roofs, ahingl* roofs, guttwa, ' W ANTED dence. Jackson told reporters he WITH conductors and roof repairs eaU fight to “ End Municipal Paralysis ter. M I. 9-4533. obtained withoifl charge. Timken burner. Also vacant Sept, patio In rear. Planty of ehade which the President has definitely KELLER OPERATORS Each bidder must deposit with TWO-PIECE Uving room suit*. doubts ths job can be finished be­ ONLY DOUGLAS wlU sell you a so Oakland Street Anto Driving School 7-A OoughUn, M itcheu -8-'77W. In Manchester.’’ Enroll today. le t Only $12,800, trees. Near new school. Priced to scheduled in atatoe heading Into PRIDE" MILORGANITE la te u odM ca r aa low as 8145 a n i T el. MI. 9-9413, M I. 9-7118 o ? MI. ALL ALUMINUM combination win­ his bid, security in the amount of Any reasonable offer accepted. In­ Wanted To Rent 68 ■ell quickly. Moving to Cellfor- fore Tueedey. * crucial slectiona for the Senate end | Oelf couraes nee mere asUergaaite thaa 'iw Phone MI-9-9483 RAY’S ROOFING Co. BuUt up 3-5425. y dows and doors, self-storing, save five per cent (5%) of his bid in quire 33 West (Center St. , Bolton . . . A three bedroom Army Hearings Delay the House of RepreaentaUvae. down. We'do not ask you to take AUTO DRIVINO instruction., i GORTON DUPLICATOR THREE ADULTS want four-fiv* nie- See the owner at 68 Cbn- LONG EXPEMBNCB Mte prmfod ^ tsem maa mnw- a loan from a bonk or finance roofs, gutter work, roof, chimney heat, comfort, convenience, last a the form of a certified check or ranch on a slab. Fireplace, at­ ■lancc Dr. Dirkeen ' said one delaying fac­ The doubtful Senate conteats into | lessons on insured dual control OPERATORS . M APLE t a b l e , elmost new. Alao room apaitment, unfurnished. gaolto la aa ideal dependable fertUiaer. 8o\why sot ItF IlMir cemphny to complete your down 1952 FORD Victoria, lustroua tutone repairs. Free estimates. Ray lifetime. Free demonstration. (JaU bid bond, from a Surety Company ^ tached garage and a lot of 150' x tor haa been that the two-million- which the chief executive will ymra^raaywea waa ^araea anowaae vmw snonnwa^ranaaw mm car. Capabla experienced instruc­ anyfim e. BUI Tunaky. M I. 9-9098. other items te furnttura tor sal*. M anchester. (Call 3 0 . 8-7488 be­ preecriptloa oa your tewa. Ueo nsUorgaalto .ISI pxymtat Pooitiv^ onto. |146 green, radio, heater, overdrive, tor. Cordner Auto School. Ml. Hagenow, Ml. 9-2314. Ray Jack- with experience in other phases of. authorized to do business in the 150'. Very easy house to keep up. SIX ROOM Cape (tod exterior, offleiel record of the Me- throw the weii^t of White Heuee ■ad early faR Watertag-hs Immediately after i job shop, work, .. a HAIRDRES^R , State of ConnecSicut. 3 0 . 9-0976. tween 18 a.m ; - IS noon. ranch style interior. Extras in­ preetige are In minoia, Iowa, Ore­ down buys a 1949 ca r, M9S b u ^ a signal lights. New white wall Ures. 94010, JA. 7-3680. son. MI. S482S. RUG W(X)L and remnants. In­ lA>ceted near the center. Asking (torthy-Army hearings consists of aepeoeary, as mllorgaalto WILL NOT. BURN. 1950,1395 buys a 1983. No addtUoo- ExcepUonally clean, A real value 55 hour week. Complete group No bid may be wltlidrawn for a price on this is only $13,900. clude etainlsee steel double sink, "about two thirda surplussj gon end OaUfortee. His schedule WANTED structions ta making beautiful FOUR OR FIVE room rent; al aide notea or loans. We guaran- a t only $1495. See this one today. ORTVINO tastnictlona from your ROOFING, Siding and carpahtry. and retirement plan, company period of thirty days after the adults and ten* year ted i screened p o r c b .. Asking $13,800. tsetlmony entirely Irralivent to eleo tSkee him into Washington / • ' braided rugs that add disUncUon FLOREN(CE tel and gaa combina­ Two block* from the Princeton teO to sell under the above terms Center M otor Sales, 461 Main. home, Dual-cantrol tnaurvo car, Alterations and additions.- Oett- paid. opening* o f bids. tion stove. Like new. MI >3418. Write Box A, Herald... Owner 10. 84171. . the chargee.” state where there le no Senate race LAROE SELECTION OF Inga. Workmanship guaranteed. for modern |iir-condition> to any home. Gen’s Rug Shop, 65 St. School, A seven rtwm modified with notea as low as $40 monthly. standard or automaUc. Call Man- Talcott Ave., RockviUe. Phone The Town of Mancitester re­ At issue were accusations by but seven House eeaU ar* at etake. A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autama ExceUent working conditions in RELIABLE BUSINESS couple de ranch. Five room* down and two NICE FOUR R(X)M home, beeuU- Other presidential appearances ar* | Good credit la our only rsquii^ DeCORMIER MOTORS chestar Drivtag Academy. PL modem air-conditioned shop. 5-5706.’ serves the right to reject any and YOU’LL ENJOY many happy hours fill condiUon, 38,900, IS minutes Secretary of Army Stevens and m ent. Douglas M otors, 888 Maia. 3-7349, ToU free. street. MltcheU 8-4860. ed beauty^lon^ ^ all bids and to. waive any infor­ with on* of our recondiUoned used sir* 4, 5 or 8 room luifurnlshed practicelly completed -up. Nice Army (tounaelor John G. Adams in the planning etags. UNUSUAL AFRIUAN VlOLEIS SAYS: “You can try, but, A pply rent: References. CeU NU. 94384, yard with big trees, basement ga- from town. Four room home with CHILD'S OOLSOM tricycle, excel­ malities jn the bidding if It be In televlaion seta. AU guaranteed. attached garage. Sole price $8,000 that Mtetorthy and Roy M. (tohn, Republlcens from Eiaenhower I '1949 CHEVROLET' tordor • sedan. you’ll find these car values MORTLOeX’S I>RIVlNO School. ABA TOOL and DIE CO., Inc. lent condition. Cell after 6. MI. the public interest to do so. 338.96 up. On* 13%“ ’R(CA console, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. / regd. Ideal home for e growing then chlpf counsel to the invesU- down ere anxious to boost their Good tires, clean car. ExceUent Lost confidence quickly restored Roofing and Chimneys 16-A SCHULTZ’S B E A irFY , femily. Asking $18,500 which is —ll.OOfr^down. A lee 8 room (top# 1395 Tolland Turnpike 9-9850. The successful bidder will be re­ as it 818. B enson's, In c., . 1088 (tod eeUing at 88,800 wiUi $1,500 gstions subcommittee, had iexerted hairline margin over the D*mo-| \ running condition. Douglas hard to beat anywhere for by a skUled, courteous instructor. j M a in .______■ • ______PRfiEIDSUfT and plant manager of well below replacement cost. ‘ improper preaeuree. in efforts to ROOFING—Spedaltataf ta repair­ quired to furnish a performance nsw concern deetree three, tour down, llany other UsUm s o f eU crate in Ongreaa, whom thsy out­ Clearance Sale M otors, 888 Main. quality and terms.” License included. Insured, dual WANTED—Man to work in service SALOI^ >>" 'fFLENTY OF hot weather ahead. bond in an amount not less than gst special favors tor Pvt. G number in the Senate by Just on* | 2 ONLY—1>IN. WOOSTER ing rooto of aU ktada Alao new TRAV-LER PortabU record player, or five room furalahsd apailmsnt kinds. Sensibly priesd. ralsworth PINNA controUed standar;d and hydrama- roof a Gutter work. Chimneys Btetion. Must be experienced. Ref­ Bo prepared .with a cooling fan or one hundred per cent (100%) of T. J. CROCKE'TT David Schinc, a former eubcom- snd in the House by five. -,1941-1940,1 OUIER Cbevrolets, Ue cars. M l. 9-7898. bette> ftUl a ^ or % h.p. air-con^ volum e control, likes,Ke\ mnew. V*i or home; tor adults only. Please Mitten Agency, Rseltor. MI. cleaned, repaired, 28 yearo* ex- erences required. Hours 4 p.m. to Hartford JA-5-2$72 \ the contract price, covering the B roker - 3-8930. mittec staff aid*. For their party, ' 'nie Preeldent arranged.* morn-I POWER MOWER HAND MOWER Fords, other good transportation. 10 p .m ., Saturday* 13 noon to 10 diUoner; Cloeihg out our present reasonable. 30. 3418116^ contact Manchester Engraving, Phone: Office 30-8-5418 THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS BALLARD’S DRIVINO SCHOOL — irienc*. F ree ostlmateB. CaU faithful performance of the con­ McCarthy and Cohn accused Ing-taketeT (4:l>e.m . EDT-)-in Uiej Brigga aod Strattoa Motor 'L.Oaly. tt m. Midib....•:...... Good credit enable*' us to. accept p.m. Sunday work if desirdii. stock at better man discount house In c., P . O. B ox 638. l a >4819. Reaidense 30-9-7751 Stevena and Adams of using 18 down. Douglaa Motors, 833 Main “Manchester’a oldeat” Owner- Sqwl^. Manchester MteheU tract and the pa.vmen't of all per­ GRAaOUS 1940 (tolotete boms. Six Columbine, hie personal plane, fef .1952 HUDSON HORNET S-5S8I. Wages and commiasion paid to a prices. Bensoii’sv 1088 Main. Tel. sons perforr.ii'-g labor on the pro­ WANTED Four or five room un­ extra large rooms, many eirtrea blackmail tactics in an effort to Springfield, wh'era be waa to speak Certified by AAA and Board ot good man. See Van for Interview 3-8790. Musical InatnuBC 5S PRIME LIS’nNGS T $87.00 s r s i f $19.95 UNUSUALLY N ice 1940 Chevrolet. HARDTOP Eklucation. We offer training, ex­ Situations Wanted— ject under this contract and furnished rent. Three adults, two including indirect lighting, panel­ halt McCarthy’s aeerch for Reds early in the afternoon around 1:3d SAV E S2e.«8 B A Y S $ M t Clean, well preserved. Many other at Van’s Service Station, 437 Hart­ furnishing-materials In connection TWO USED cornets, completely smaU childrsn. WUl pay $45-850. ing, mercury switchse, wqlkin in the Army. Hudeon'a finest, loaded. "The perience, latest methods. MI. ford Road. No phone cails. Female . 38 POOL TABLES, Brunswick; 4mT x 3CANCU1B8TER, CooUdge S t.- p.m. (EDT) at Republican Day W as $17>6 paym ent, $4-90 weekly. Cole Tu-tone loaded lovely. Only $795 aged ' woman, afternoon or eve­ FOiUlBR HOME Owners, working MARLBORO—7 room (Colonial THREE BEDIUXJMS, living room, Ne Hint to Speech beating. Jobbing and new work. hours dally, a. m. or eventaga rifiJt in yoiir own home. For In- coupls, no chUdren, ' eukilrban. year-old special counsel, E. Wal Sal* priee $14.95 M otors. ML 3-0980, down, ning. M I. 9-7387. forrhation and appointment caU GIRL’S (C(X3pA browa winter coat, conveniently located on main high­ cabinet kitchen and large sun- White House offlciels gave no I 1$% ON Joseph SkeUy. X I. 9-8014,, and all day Saturdays. ,'W e 'wUl N o tice 8%- - 4 r o o m unfurnished.' IF way near lake.' 2 car garage, bam, porch. Large lot. 30 94706. lace (toedwick, who had just ar­ SAV E $348 Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 MI. 9-9093 any tim e. else 13. In excellent condition. 30. rived in Washington. Watkins faint what the Prfsident might say, TO BE SURE see McClure for a hire 6 men who want t6'earn ex­ miles rediuar Hartford. Sept. chicken coop, 100' x 320' lot. Large preferring to rest on the general 1953 WILLYS 4-DR, tra income. Profit riiaring boaia. Wanted sealed bid to Paint 84168. • '______mentioned the possibility of a post- wonderful deal on a new 1954 GIRL’S BICYCLE, good condition. CURTAINS Laundered and ironing ONE TOBACCO wagon. Albert W. North Coventry (Sommunity >0. 84386 qAer S. ■hade trees. A reel buy at only statement that the Springfield talk Pontiac or a good will used car. ^ AERO-ACE CUS*rt)M Millinciy~Dre88inaking ‘19 (Manchester areal. Apply in per­ done in m y hom e. M I. 9-7337. DOUBLE Breasted tuxedo, sis* 38. $9,900. Lots For Salo 7S ponem ent. M I. 4-7116. 881 Summit St., Man­ son. Personnel Division, Martin- Schendel, 187 G ardner St, 3 0 . House. Ck>ntact Keith Reynolds, FOUR (CHILDREN desperately Chadwick himself, e vigorous would be on "domestic questions” Top tradM. Mcaure PonUac, 878 Loaded, tu-tone. Leo* than 18,000 cheater, Conn.ij 9-0485. ‘Coventry, RFD 8. Tel. PI 24734. ExceUent condition. A good buy MANCHESTER — Centrally lo­ end that at Bvsnston ‘ would be | M aln.*Tei. M I. 9-4545. eve­ DRESSMAKEUl, alterations Parry Corp., 135 Albany Ave., WILL CARE for two chUdren in neefd. 54 room unfurnished rent, ANIXJVER—Approximately three figure' of e man, said he can meet actual mUes. Only $395 down. - coats, suits, dresses, skirta, ate. for ctelege or prep echool student. cated 8 -room (tolonlal off East international in nat'UV*. iVittner’s Garden Centerl nings *tU 10. V * BICYCLES, new, used, bought sAd Hartford, Tliursday, 7:30 p. my .home ,whUe mother works. 30. 9-9538., for ourselves and our Mom. Pleas* acres of cleared lend. Ideal tor any deadline tl\e com m ittee SeU. CaU M l. 9-8688. help uS. (Cell RockvUIe >3844. Center St. An asteUlshad income The Springfield visit was to hava | Sold. Rep^ring and rebuilding. sharp. T el. M l. 9-9588. property but ideeUy set up tor that home ta the coutery, CaU He wsded right into his first of- MANCHESTER-VERNON TOWN LINE ~ RbuU SS A 1952 NASH Ram bler Country 1951 WILLYS 4-CYL. THREE PAIRS boys’ pants, cow­ ACB Realty for particulars, la all the trappings of an old fash­ Free pick up and delivery within large family, (topper pljunbing, flcisl aasignm*n|—an analysis of club, beautiful two-tone' green. STATION WAGON Moving—Tracking boy shirt and jacket, els* 10. $10. A TEA(CHER, ^ e and fiv e chU­ 9-2893. \ 48 charge* three fellow Se~detors ioned political rally; with GOP I PHONE MI-9-2623 tw o mUe'. rSdiua, Manchester dren deeira - unfurnished house Ruscq windows and. doora Large candidates flocking to ths Presi­ FuUy equipped with Radio and A clean unit Heater, overdrive Cycle Shop, 166 West Middle Turn­ Stojragei 20. four giris’ coAU, on* sweeter, have levelled at McCarthy in sup­ beater. Aa ahiny a* the day it nylon dress, will fit girl 1>13 respectable nsighbdehoed. Plaaee Snd floor "^rch, 2 car garage, 80' HARTFORD, StofitagtOR St. Tw o dential platform in a show of unity | and directional aignals. An ex­ pike. M I. 9-3098 o r 9-8503. B y ReM WANTED call coUeef- Simsbury, Oldfield X 160' lot. Priced right. ‘^lots, clesrsd. AU. faciUttes and port. of the proposal to censtur* LARGE PAkKING AREA was purchased. Inside is immacu­ AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., •Stacie 1907 ysars. 30. >8584. him for conduct ellegedly unbe notably la«ktag bsfor* July 30. late. Has a conservatively driven cellent duail purpose ear. Only $395 84184. , CONSIDERING WINDSOR ? utUitisb Owner celled out of state. It was on that -day that tha I down. BO Y’S 35 " COLUMBIA b icy cle wiUi local and long distance movtag, I t’s Bee O f Coufae^ QUALITY CONTROL TRAINEE coming a Senator. "tlM charges, by 33,889 miles. Can obtain bank rates all attachments. Good condition. packing, storage. CaU ML 54187. AUCTION 8 room all. brick home excel- Make .us an offer, (toll A (S Real­ Whit* House mad* public letters OPEN 9:30 A.M. to t:30 PAI. DAILY Sens. Flendsrs (R-Vt), Fulbrigbt If desired. Will accept trade. $1195 (WILL TRAIN) WANTED TO RENT’. Local teach­ ty. 30. >2893. between the President end Jowph 127 Proapect St,. Hartfon* CHopol T-14SS. Wanted—To Bay 5$ er needs 8, 4, 8 rooms. .JBea N, Isntly remodeled throughout by (IVArk) snd Morse (Ind-Ore) br best offer. MI. 3-4528 1951 WILLYS 4^WHEEL AT THE LEGION HALL. MANCHESTER. CONN. s m i r r w o A k — m a l e , i s y e a r s o r o v e r pmfeaaionel dScorator'owner. Rub­ T. Meek, RepubUceh candidate for I SUNDAY UNTIL 6:00 . bR IV E JEEP 1941 HARLEY DAVIDSON OHV MANCHESTER — Package DeUv- USED BIKES. aU sisea. Free pick­ Herald. GLASTONBURY, (todar Ridge - range fri>'m accusations concerning (On Leonard Street oP Mala Street eppoalte State Armory) HIGH 8CH(KM, ORADUATE ber tiled cabinet kitchen, bath end Acre lots with view, suburban the Senate in iUinols. In that ex-1 1949 MERCURY four-door, radio, Model 74. Completely rebuUt en­ ery. Local light trucking and up and delivery within two mile laundry, combination sto^ win­ Mc(torthy’a QnaqceS to allegations change Meek pledged his loyalU*a| beater, ovedriVe: Priced below Excellent throu^out Full top, if laterested Call Mr. ;C-. .Maroa, Siipt—31144182- rustic setting. Buy now, prices that he ridiculed Senators knd draw bar, etc. '*171* best known gine. Phone M I. 9-8033. package.^ da^ery. Refrigsratora. radius. Manchester’ (Cycle Shop, Business Priqicrty F| r Sale 70 dows, copper plumbing, weir to end support to Eiaenhower and the competition. Really clean through­ woahera .andr’‘wtove movtag a 188 West Middle Turnpike. 30. 0 are Incfeeai^. Town ft Country cither public officials. 'vehicle in "the world. Only $295 SATURDAY, AUC. H, 1954 at 10:31 A.Me arall carpet, entire Snd floor in­ R ealty, In c. AD. 3-8386. E ves. AD . President gave Meek hie bleeelng o u t Douglas M otors, 838 Mata. specialty. Ml. 9-0753. 8-3088, 9-8603. FIVE AND FIVE Flat. tel Charges (Kerlap by- saying n* looked forward to down. ' •' Business Services Offered 13 (INSPECTION AFTER 9 AM .) cluded. Owner has purchased lal-g-' >0887. W atkins eel^ some of ' the 3953 DODGE Suburban. Excellent ROGERS CORP. ■team heat IdeaUy located for er quarters and haa set a remark­ greeting the. November opponent W A>rYBD—3 cembinaUon or business or proftasienal offices. temrges overlap, in whole, or in conditkm. 12,000 miles. Radio, 1949 STUDEBAKER 2-DR. FURNITURE Reflniahing, ondque ftd n tin g— Papering 21 MILL AT OAKLAND ST. MANCHESTER, CONN. screen doors. 80H" x 32”. Two 6r ably low sale price. Of $14,900. A of Democratic Sen. Paul Douglas 3 0 . 8-4343. house full df surprises. Should ap- BUILDING LOT, 9 mUee from pert. Some, he said without speci next Jan. 3 as the junior Senator | heater, overdrive, $1,650. Call MI. furniture a specialty, chain caned MANY ANTIQUE sMI MODERN ITCMS more full screens, 50 H” x S3-” fying, probably would not be ceuae SEDAN INTERIOR AND Exterior patattag. p«te to Hamilton employes. Manchsstemnquire 8 Hawley tt. from' IlUnoie. 9-8380, after 3 p.m . and rushed. Anson F. Than. AU work guaranteed. For esti­ (Call 3 a 3-8313. for censure' even if they were Champion model. CUmetizer and PboiM MltcheU 94715. LAMP COLUECTION:—22 wtth uadsual hoses aad feats (Slag, He S alt Meek bee differed on several is- [ 1949 OHIsVROUiiT Sedans — ttvo radio. All new white waU tire*,’ A m ates caU w . 9-3850. d a m Broth, BelMsniaa. etc.), aeeembled by late Putaam, CemaL, USED WOODEN Storm windows, For For Appointment and Further (COVENTRY—BuUdtag lot,' 100 proved to be true. sues with ths Eieenhower Aditen-| Watkins eeld he wants (3iad beautiful fourdoors. radio and sleek car in top condition. Only W iR lilO IN8TAJLLAT10N o f aU collector. Otbore, 2 pr. Soadwiefa Whale .Oil, etc. i X 33” . or batter. (Ctel 3G. 3fAN(CHEaTER GREEN — 1 ^ 1 - DeUila CeU William McBride 115. O il’South St. Shore t.rivUagee. iatratioh, but Eleenhowar has said beaters, extra nice tfarougout. $195 down. 3 0 -3 4 8 1 8 1 0 . 1-4806. wick end eom* research aaaistanU. 4 typeo. No Job too smaU. Peter EXTERIOR PAINnNG ONLY. Ml. klany unusual ogertag* from aa East Haddam borne, a local 9-8371 after 4 p.m . lent six room ranch home, at­ a candidate does not have to be 100 Douglas M otors, 883 Mata fit. Pantaluk. 40 Faster etresL PhoBS honae, aad other source*. Butler's desk (mahogvJBlIft mople la> not all of them as yet appointed, to per cent for hie program to have | > 18 8 8 ... . tached garage, tiled bath, anctoeed CORNER LOT 88 x 177 at W ater- writ* an' aqalysis of the 48 chargee MitebeU >7303. > I I i.,i— — II, — lerler), flue canopy bed. Empire cbeet Pembroke table, tavern J. WATSON BEACH and CO. his support. CHEVROLET Canopy truck_1989, 1948 PLYMOUTH CLUB porch, atUc etarage, amaaite front Heights, (toventry. Enough to permit a swift' end orderly PAINTING, Exterior and interior, table, watant drop leaf table, Victorian oofa frame, bedside Roonw Ontfimit Board 59 drive. Storm windows end doore. Hartford JA-3-2115 Republican (3ov. WiUiam Q. with ladder racks. Good running -COUPE GONDER'8 T.V. Servic*, available .Realtors Appraisers heavy lumbar for framing a five bearing, paperiienging. Outage reftaieh- staaA. 2 Boston rockers, assorted oadlroaa (one pr. goeoe neck) FeneSd ta lot. Owner leaving Man­ room bouse. Picnic table, rc Stratton will introduce the Prael- condition. Very reasonable, id ! A real doll. Fully equipped. There any Ume. Antenna oonveralana. ed. WaU paper books on request. PIXASANT, Clean rooms at tbs Ths Utah Senator, a onetime S-5I6L aad tools, Liacola roeker, shelf clocks, sUpper ekair, rooewood chester, $18,800 for'* quick safe. W E ST SIDE boat, lake privUeges, $800, CeU dent. are very few to match this on*. ?hUco factory oupervlaed service. EsUmatee given.' FuUy insured. nelodeoa, VIctoriaa geatlrsnaa'e chair, nuple spool bed, braaa (Csntsr. Single or double. OenUe- Howard R. HeeUngs Agency, Man- Judge, eetd the conunitte* is de­ Sen. Dirkeen (R-Iil) was origi­ Only $199. down. 3 0 . 94693r Tel. ML >1488. 'Call Edward R. Price. MltcheU caadleotlcks, marble top eammode, iaalde shutters, family record mea pnferred. 18 Wadsworth St cheater. 30.I. >ii#^aay Ume. Fairfield Street termined to have a eeurt-Uk* hear­ nally llstsd to introduce Stratten. I 1947 PACKARD Oub sedanette, ing. with all the decorum any good light ton, radio, beater, seat >1008.______aamplor. framed needlepetat aad beaded eagle nrltb la g . wedding Now starting construction on TWO LOTS, Second Lake, Bteton;. but White House offlcltee said he BULLDOZER AND Loader work. FRONT ROOM, csntraUy located. MODERN SEVEN room English jud^ would require, end m>m covers. ISiia is a very clean 1947 1941 CHEVROLET 2-DR. bond cblaa, pr. goU dee. cbtaa open work com p ot^ ladleo’ (Coottauous hot water. Perking. tour rooms plu two unfinished. Beach. Privileges. Easy terpis. told the President late yesterday I Landscaping and grading. Reason­ colonial, ta exceUent condiUan. Full inauletion. plastered walls, 3G. >7278. which extrancckis and hearsay w , ta exceUent mechanical ! SEDAN able'rates. No job too amaU. CoU Privatfi Instraetkmn 28 deok iHth onaoin dee., maan watant aide leektag cheat oU GeaUeman preferred. 30. 8Y13I. hie Senate duties would prevent] order. It rapreaenls on excratloo- painttags “ Lord KItebenar,*' "Q nlei to Ride or Drive" dated 1217. StseiB beat, fireplace, knotty pin* hot w ater . oU heat, firep lece, fu ll teeUmony will be halved. He said him from nieking tha trip to| A fine running, fine looking car. M I. 9-0850 after 5 p.ra. Utchea, ooaveteenUy located aoar oommi Use members ha vs agre^ al vain* for the money. May be FuUy equipped. FuU price $196. atetuino (Bag. aad French nsennted laneere) end otbwe. aaetal WOMAN, Living alone, has large heeement, open stairway, oak Springfield. financed a t Bonk rates, $380. ML ACCORDION and ptauo taught in itotbe Sgnre, tilvetn. Shaker etove, assorted Ironware, splasdag comfortable room with kitchen bus and school. Pricad to seU. flooring, shed dormer. Resort Pronerty For Sale 74 to refrain frote--<^^”■peechmeking" Te Get Degree 8a* These Fine Cor Vglues At WnUNQ INSTALLATION and im­ Must b* seen to approclate. Con­ questions, end to insist that all 84528. ' pair of omal| alectrtc appUancee you r hom e. M L 94144. Jsnaey, ship ntodel la akadnw box, plated silver Itenw, Hen eent- privQegea. 30. >2881. BuUdtag By Anealdl At Evanston Eisenhower speake I peto, loop piteber aad eeleiy , baWbtin bird cage, post carda, tact Alico aoaipot. Realtor. 30. BEAUTIFUL YEAR round hos . others Involved dq likewles. _ to the tccotid General Aaeempty of { and fixtures. Clarence O. Smith, 8-450. For InformeUon Cell four rooms end bath. Ctadsr 1 ^ POmXAC lour door, bUck. DeCORMIER MOTOR 21 Knox St Phone ML >8428. Blpqiie baby (IS In.), K^ral Wercceter teapot CUneoe arn, MODERN R(X)M for rent. Shower, Willtame. who he* announced bf the World (kwncil of Oturchee. Im- G ^ t ^ t t o m radto, heater. ML Maeisii 'ete. Oast Iren stable boy bltcblag pest cast Iron englo private entrance. Parking 'space CmARLBS LESPERANCE block, (toliforteA stucco fite will refuse to accept ae a fee say SALES, Inc. MANCHESTER—Cap* (tod, Steel windowa, turnacr, Ineiilethui. .w - ... V - .mediately afterward, Northwestern| I'SkndTpjBi FURNITURE Repairing, refinish-. SEPTIC TANKS srltb 28 In. wiageprend (both new). Very fine nmiple bedreem avaUatee. Inquire 101 Chestnut 3O ->7820 part of 310,000 th*^ committee ^ Unlvertety President J. R om:o* 3U1 S t f* finishod rooms,- tel ksAt, auto- Artesian weU. Furteahed. Lake- ■et aside to provide counsel torjjer^u, ^ honorary degree 24 Maple St Mancheater tag; used furniture and antiquea' AND ae, (twin 4 peetara), m a ^ arm aefa bed. Apex p e ^ M e dtab* msUc hot wstsr, alunUmlla c« »»Ca^BO t2BT de luxe Ibrdor. bouidit and aedd. Furniture ReinUr $1400 DOWN, THREE bedreoat front. Lake POcotopaug, East McCarthy, told e reporter tac ‘wlU|o( doctor of Uwe oa th* chief ex- ghtoo, haatir. FuU price $88$. sraaher, baby carriage, 9x12 Aaewleaa Orieatal ing, few anmll W l{ia.Y DECORATED. PeautlftiUy btnatlon 'WiiMMurs mad doop. Oa­ raadi. fizaptaco, lafgo rootaa,. ptc- Hampton, Conn. (toU ML >7118, 1860 tiUICK Super Riviera, radio, Service, TalcottviUe. MI. 8-7449. Oriental m g s. oereeinnel rbalra. bnlle-eye ndrror, Lewyt vaennm recommend that any aeeietanU | •cutive. beater, dynaflow. New whit* waU PLUMED SEWERS tuzatafted and room. Ika rage, coraer tot, wall laadecap%d. tura wtadear, high etevattan, ftel'' Ml Sumntit St„ Maacbeetor. Conn. 5 2 S ! Zigmund Gqzds, Prop., tormerly eleeaer. Aneley eeato; radio and record player, tea sragon, etc. Excellent condition. Diroct from who work, with Mm oa the caaej NelU^ Speech today waa to be .PtotgUa mctoRi, $18 Matot tiMa. Many extras. Our low over­ of Watkins Brothsrs. moot complete*M^tbwi9ekee|Sng cellar, garage, one acre, troea, ■bould Jten in the fefusel. Royal typewriter, 2 fUbig cabineta. Wattonr etoe. eabtoet b a m i^ focUltlea availabi* ta Mancheater. owner. Cali for apptentmont. 10- aabnrbaa. Oarltea; W. Hutchtas. radio or t*l*7180 or 9-3592. ML >8181. 84884. Soborfann For Sale 75 Pontlon beauty at only $885. A t Centar scorings. LUNCH—TRVCKIfiEN. • « self into a box U you defend a man mad* of excerpts for later tran>J m i 12 M dtor S alto, 481 Mata. and T .V . sp ed a lista sin ce 1934. of this buUdtag. Ghildraa accepted. SEVEN ROOM Oteotesl, fuU bi EAgT HARTFORD-SparkUng > VERNON — Near adMte. WUbur before a tribunal while serving on- mieetoB. tt yon ara omt riding tt wfllhn m il mteiDj House sen ^ call $3J0. IIL Septto Taaka, D tp WfOftb B stsst ■ ' -■ /' Centiat Priced so roasaBakls th* peyrell ot that tribunte," Wil- •A im OMney nm af. UnaslnstfiBed riifiai TTstss yoa’U gaap! Bo onro aad sea thto .meat, eft eteam heat, laige loi. room apacb, oU hot water heat, Ckoee Highway, 8 room raaoa Acompaayiiw tba Prate deal firom | to onr farm oa Rooto 194, OalUvan AtMlm 94980 or ML >4807. OuimiaaB botea. L arge vtot. ex cel­ Uarne aald. Washington wUl be Rep. Aranda of 1948 TUDOR l^ R D MSO. ROIERT M. REID A SON, AUCTIONEERS oaa. ftw ^Dorasy, 14 A i a f t lt Two-car garage. In sxceneat con- 1H% mortgage. 3>year term. (botween Wapping eeater aad Ronte §). Ml P L >7181, CXIMPLBTB Baud and posrar lapm ditlea. Osatoany located. E. ft Largu iqt. Alao a -garage which is lent c«adme£ Price 8U480. IlllnoU. houqe majority whip, and 1 ^ EBlItten yonag pkMita grandag. Um p i BBosrer aales and sarvfc*. M otors Mc Kin n e y ^ o s . 291 MAIN ST. PHONE Ba->777t FURNuHED Room for root, aaor Agency. TW Bouoa.ef (tompieta • preientiy bttag financed. Made­ 32,000 bbsft. Ftaenciw. q^rraaged. A eoUad steel cprtag.welgMng a Whit*------House ftscrteexiea James C. oraiabtoaaa .^O SAUBn AT TUB FARM. RAYMOND R. RRID PHONE MLfi-44$l ‘Vela St Cteatlcmaa pceferrod. 9 Real Eatatg larvleo..^ J. Oitpra, line Smith. RaaUor. l a >1842 or call 9 -8 p.m..m. MsnrKeater ML era^cju^te gsd* to lift a {pound j-Hagerty • T hoou s JC. S«tePheee| tuDsd ar ovorbauMd. Ptokm and SBWEBAOE MBPOSAL CO. dafivsty iMrvtos. Gihsea's ddngs. MANCHB8TEM(t,OONN. ^Batont2a>«». •418S. / * M L M m . M L 94484. 12>122 Pesri S t. CeL I 3 a 84012. ■'\ ■ . )

,-1 I - , • , \ i • ' \ ■. PAGE EIGHTEBII THURSDAY, AUGUST U , ltS4 Averue Daily Net Preag Ron The Waalkar tOrntrlirstor ^urnhts-lirralh «M Weok Bndod Fewaart at P. S. W»at»a Awmat 16. ItM OeaeraSy Odr and fi July Retirement algkt. Law aM t fair About T o ^ T o W ed 10,841 wltk BiBifertnila' Payments $20,120 Memher of Bm Audit aad iMa kwuM. n g k m e t . Jiialon oC Mjwtte Itevitmr. No. S, Burana aC CIrndatiau WoOMi'a Benefit A nn., wlH meet ManchMte)r-^A City of Village tomorroer at 7 i^m. wlUt the eu- A teUd of 920,120 was paid to pervieor. Mrs. Benlo Fariii. 9 \ DmMn t AU who Uke part In 22 retiiWl town amployes from (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS 8 VOL. LXXIII.n o . 279 (Ctawalllad AdvarUalag. an Paga 1C) MANCHESTER. CONN^ FRIDAY. AUGUST 20, iCsi the drill are urged to be prennt MaMheater'a two retiremmt funds for reheareaL last month, acbordlng to the monthly reports of Town Treasur­ lUaa lOeanpr F. Huebner, 4M N. Mate at., te cora|>aay with Hart­ er Leroy Norris. , • ford frienda ia m aUrg a toiir of Moat o f the money — 910,622— China Reds and the Oaape Penteeula. was paid to the 20 former em­ ployee who were on pensions whan lira.' Katherine Hawthorne of Demanding the "Voice o f the Andes" MaMj the town's new retirement al­ y' which baa ita headquarters in Tal- lowance fund went into effect in cottville. Will be the speaker at January. the local Saleation Army Ivollneas The report saya that the two les ChiangFort awwice, Sunday at 10:60; She will former employes who are receiv­ describe her experiences in Suma­ ing pensions under the new' {dan Tokyo, Aug. 20 (fP)— ^ m - tra as a prisoner of the Japanese were paid a total of 9808 from the while liteoring a« a miaslona'T. fund. Theae former employes are Washington, Aug. 20 (IP)—-A Democratic leader today re­ munist Ching called again to­ also being paid social security. plied to President Eisenhower’a praise for the Republican- day for the “ liberation” of V i— Harporie A; Kirkland of Safety, Ike Tells Congress TVoy* N. T., fiancee of Reynolds ' The reporton the now inactive controlled Ckmgress with notice his party will fight the Formosa and declared “ we trust fund which is being main­ Deiuson, 2S Harvard Rd., was ^ ..^ 1 ___ / November election battle on the main issues of the adminis­ shall not stop until this objec­ honored with a miaceltoneous tained to provide pensions for tration’s tax, farm,'labor, p o w e r ^ ^ ------dbiihur ^hoiOs those workers who paid into it, tive is attained.” A PeiphiK shower recently at the home of Blary F . Doaadio and buaineea polictea. radio-broadcast said Formosa Mra Vincent Sullivan, 7 Harvard has a total caah on hand of 917,- Sen. Lyndon B. Johneon of Texan, i The Rains Came and W ent 472, as well as 9200,000 in United Seized must be liberated by the Rd. Miss Kirkland and Mr. Deeicon, Mr. and Mrs. PSahk Donadip of the Senate bemocraUc leader, aaid ' Greeks'er Put. aon o f Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm States Government bonds. from HALE’S SELF SERVE and MEAT DEPARTMENT Chinese people and they will 620 Center St., announce the en­ In an interview he believea that in Deacon, will be married in Troy on . Norris also reports that ths new the Congfeaaional session which Brussels Talk gagement of their daughter. Miss brook no U. S. occupation, no Saturday, Sept. 11. M ^ Frances Donadio, to James fund has 981,532 in cash on hand may end today his party has U.N. trusteeship, no neutrali­ Cyprus on and 9130,000 in government bonds. ■ SANBOlS** "drawn the lines clearly on these Alden Eastwood, son of Mrs. INSTANT COFFEE zation.” James Eastwood of Middletown. There are 168 active members of MEAT DEPARTMENT Iseues and the people will decide'in Sutters Injuries the fund, according to the report. LARGE JAR SPECIAL PACK-^og. Priea $ 1 .3 3 November who ia right." "The Chinese people both legal­ Miss Donadio was graduated ly and morally are perfectly Jus- List at U. N. from Manchester High School Loss .20 Elssnhower in a Springfield, III. 'tlfied in w. lUng to liberate Tai­ As Car Hits Bike with the class o f 1040 and from speech yarierday cited tax reduc- wan (Formosa) and wipe out the Sif// The Best Buys: '^tions, flexible farm twice aupportx, Middlesex Hospitkl School of traitorous Chiang Kal- hek gang,” United Nations, N. Y ., Aug. Nursing, Middletown. She is em­ No Job Too Small . . . expansion of social security cov- 8 Pam Marcotm, 6, of 16 Griffin said the broadcast, quoting an 20 (JP) — Greece formally Washington, Aug. 20 (/P)— President Eisenhower told (Con­ ployed by Dr. John Prignano of We Make Frienda That W ar YOU PAY srags and i claimed 10 billion dol­ editorial in the offleial People's Rd„ euffering from a possible con- Manchester. BRIGHTWOOD BKAND lar eiit in federal apenoing as asked the United Nations to­ gress today a firm defense of Western Eutape against Rus­ ouaalon after being struck by a BRIGHT, W K IX TRIMMED domestic iiccoinplisbmenta o ' >^ich Daily. Eastwood graduated from Wil­ PORK ' Follows Ike Statemeat day to intervene in her dis­ sian attack will be impossible without German troops to car and thrown from his bicycle son High School, Middletown, and Willard B. Diakaaioa VAN CAMP'S his adntipiatration is proud. abaoat in front, of bis home veeter- A COMPLETE LINE OF pute with Britain over the fu­ lolster the line. In a report on the government’s foreign aid served four years with ths U. 8. FLVMBINO aad HEATING NNr 1 W ORNirai Without direct reference to ' Red China's renewed call for the day, spent a good night, Manches­ Oyor Bakod Boors “liberation" of Formosa followed ture of Qyprus. Christian X. program during, the ■ first 11x7 ...... * ...... Navy. He is employed in the engi­ TEL. MI-S-76S2 FRESH ^ O K E U nsenhower's remar;’,s, Johnson months of thia year, ElsetOiower -g-k \ • ^ a ter Memorial Hoepltcl officials re­ neering department of Connecti­ McCORMICK'S by only a few days President Palamas, Greek ministei to Wltk Perk aad Nolaawa . raid he thinha the Democrats have again appealed to France and | - F q -b ^ a m - I - ^ ported this morning. New England Stjrla CicoMmam Eisenhower's declaration that any cut Power Co. Bucceeded in dramatising for the the United Nations, and his Italy to approve the European R. A. O. The little boy sustained abra- No date has been set for the Haat, Eat and Enjeg ’ SPICES (Communist invasion voiild have to alons, contuaions, and lacerations BRUKMST SHOULUERS SHOULUERS taxi driver, the farmer, the clerk principal aide, Stavros Rous- Army project which would make! wedding. Lg. 27 Os. Tin and the busineaaman "the sharp run over the U. S. 7lh Fleet. o f the head when stnick by the GIVE HER and EXTRACTS n L lS M IK Y I'he United States has gus 'ded S08, presented the request to It possible to add German man-1 car driven by Mrs. Jane Mullen, differMice iri' philosophy between the • Chinese Nationalist island power to Europe's defenses. I the hilt as ttic approached from 2 Tin s Ground BliMk Prpper - the ,t w . parties.’’ U.N. Secretary Gkneral Dag Legislation o f 16 William St., at the intersec­ S Ox. Hn from invasion since 196'' and only Called Best Plaa I tion of brifinn Road and Bilyue the south on Griffip Road and CHANEL NO. 5 BUCKWHEAT Cites Issues this week the U. 8. Pacific com- Hammarskjold. The EDC (European Defense! Road, according to police. that her 20 year driving record avallaUe at 'The Re.pvJ]llcans are for tsuc mander-tn-chief, Adm. Felix Sighed by Greek Premier Mar­ Community).” he Mid, “offers the! In view of the fame that Mrs. was wHhiut previora mlshop, no reduction for the atockholdera and 8tuihp, said on Formosa that the shal Alexander Pepagbs, it asks best solution for the difficult ! Mullen was operating wltlUn the charges were presfxd by police. WELOOirS'K the Dei.iocrats arc for tax reduc­ 7th Fleet "would do whatever is simply that the U.N. General As­ problem of integrating German! ScoTe High speed limit, that her \iew was Patrolman Alfred M. Ritter was 901 MAIN STREET tion for the individual,” he taid. militarily expedient" in the de­ sembly which meets heie Sept. 21 armed forces into the European | partially obscured by the crest of ths investigating officer. "The Republicans are for farin fense of Formoea. put on its agenda the question of price eupporta at 82 per cent of a plebiscite so that the residents defanae system. W»»hingt 86 aepdrata now Is vary fovorolw! "Ths people are the Anal judges bery and larceay. (AP Wire- Pierre Mendea-France over new UNTIL 8:30 12 oz. 29° and they will decide iij November (Continued on Page Eight) its complaint Until Uie deadline for propoMte the Preaidant ''struclc COMFORT photo). Assembly agenda Itema wax French objections to the plan. out" only I t tImM. Ttwoe 11 bills which philosophy, of government France and Italy alone of the six reached. were either defeated or shelvikL they want when they vote on the countries liave not ratified the . HALE'S CAPfTTE ROASTERS ^55e issue of control of congress. I Palamas and Dennis Carayan- was emphaalxed thaV Preeidaat And while we still have a little summer plaii. - would prtM the mat tbo next think they will choose the Demo­ nis, second secretary of the Em­ Eisenhower Mid failure to ap­ With the wonderful weather we are now left for picnics and back yard get-to­ bassy, arranged i meeting with, Sion. \ cratic way of life." prove EDC during the .past six Of the 54 mexauree listed having, our meat manager suggests a gethers, remember our regular 69c COFFEE Top Air Aide Sees reporters after the meeting with montlu covered by his report con-; PLUMRFOWL “ 42c Fbrgusoa Disagrees the Secretary Geherai, tb answer passed, 2X have been s lp o d juicy, delicious rib roast of beef (Srd- ground beef is on sale this week for ' Sen. Homer Ferguson of Michi­ Hrrald Phot*. stituted "the most serious single SWAN'S HOME STYLE SUNSHINE questions on th move, long sought Stuart Johnson o l Dillon Salea aad Serslee, 891 Mate SL, te ahosm 23 are awUtlng aignamre. T tm 7th ribs) at 5 9 d lb. or a nice leg of lamb Ih- We stiil recommend Monarch’s gan. chairman of the Senate Re­ by the Greek-speaking -majority obstacle" to a succeMful Euro­ White Houm put . It i ( ^ Pepper Relish for these burgers on CypruB. meat of the huUdteg. Jobasoa reported aa imieh aa 18|^ iadiee. of bills It said It aasutued ’ COOKIES or broHars. different stand in saying he has Lull in Red Drive Palamas told a reporter that his But he had not abandoned, his "Ulday—Socte) Seeurlty will be a ehange from quick summer «teter te-the cellar as a reMilt of teat night’s heavy rate. No aanmato and remind you to select one of our many lb. » F no doubt the Democrats will "play projects. ahd aoma kind o f nootnl railn-gov- Pkg. delegation would not bring in a m ^ s and we suggest your serving won­ kinds of cheese to top them. Arnold and ASSORTMENT a different tune in every aectlon of of the dam an Ipw baea nude yet, Johaeoa said. Storm oewerw ia MeeUag Soea Dectelve emment pay incroaae. Craft resolution until after the item other parte anrflowad If tha dowafmm^aaaOag-toatparary derful summer squash or zucchini Raymond are still bringing in their good ‘ Pkg. the countty-" He insisted the over- was Included on the agenda and Dutch' Foreign Minister J. W. Morgan put the adminlnttrnUon Omaha, Aug. 20 (/P)— Robert Murphy, deputy Under Sec­ ttfpdiag ct nonie Btreete, atreeh pMtahly Coaler Straet, Baltoa Street and Boyen Mid the meeting would ha squash along with it. Be sure to include^ hamburg rolls and our potato chip rack FRESH, BRIGHT gU record of Oongrei|a-'not any the debates had begun. record in baaeball Urme. He\anUI: retary of State, said today the cold ^ar appears to be en- W-Swonii>teir9H»a a{JDover Roisd. decisive. If no basis for agreement The Republican effort to ' our wonderful slicing .^omatoes from' partieular issue—wUl determine '' is right next to our pickle aisle imd our SAUSAGE tke'vote outcome. torfiig k new phase— a lull In Soviet-directed action. Murphy The British have said they will can te reached, the mlnlstora may bat 65 times and struck oqt 1 1 - Friend's Glastonbury Farm . . . and for Lb. oppose including the item on the bread rack so don’t forget to include "Thla Congress has passed told the Air Force Asnn. a “ new reluctance” of the Com­ decida to give up and go home. In times. That te a pretty good baU dessertfuse our Farm House frozen pies. LOIN LAMB agenda on the ground it dcala with fact West Germany’s Chancellor- Ung average." a bag of them in your basket. s- program munist bloo to undertakf'over miU-^ a domestic BritUh matter. They And remember that even though we fully by the President and the Coo- tdry advtnUireS ihay 'be encour­ Foreign Minuter. Konrsd Adensu- I aoilB CssjitallM i And for picnics we suggest your using have been id* control of the Island er. made arrangements to leave Persona said tha record WM. run short of the nice top round and sir­ aging even though an occdXional. since 1878, made it a Crown the Dixie Food Pak to take along your Try n m n , Thajr*i« An 1 »> pi handy. MIRACLE WHIP ""EAGLE He said it could bo the Reds Going to Court, The ESatem Mediterranean is­ Embassy thU afternoon for a half- caslonally contacted theea tepden CAHHEO'HAM“ ^ '? "«“- “^ Doctor Enters are merely trying' to lull the non- land, third largest in the Mediter­ hour chat with Mendea-France at by telephone, ne well .aa hnvlng SALAD DRESSINfi A GOOD BRAND FOR GOOD FLAVOR Comniuniat World in order to divide ranean, was the site of ancient the tetter’s invlUtlon. weekly conferences with them, but SMDINES it—or It could be Soviet leadership Kinsella Warns copper mines. Only 60 miles off Alger said the French Premier never put on nay "proaeura (caih* If you have just returned fn»n vaca­ Qt. B o t Wa-ihington. Aug, 20 UF>- Sen-Iie UtOitles Conaniaaloa an- compromise Sottel Security bill block it. -, ; / lbs. for $ 1 .0 0 ; chicken necks and giz­ No Bail Asked Wane of Soviet A-Power iuiuaeed today It will reopea the consider it even more important The-'Senate and Boose versions vaeion o< Normandy," eaid Par­ with our Birds Eye specials.. extending ooveCpge to more than sons. n retirod major general who zards at S t h>. and chicken -wings which frash swardNsh, w WM os froth mockaralr R ^ . Ooie (R-N Y), chairman of Connecticut Co. rate caae.- now that they are quitting the million adiiidMal persons, and of the bill were in genera)' agree 10 served under Eteeahower in World have been reduced to 2 5 d Ih. And re­ French Fries ...... 2 for 33d », boHbut, a te . the Joint Atomic Energy Commit­ Sues area. raising benefits and the taxes to ment on new benefit scales and on Cleveland, Aug. 20 (P)—Dr, Ike, Congress War H. member our regular Hamburg at 39t Samuel H. Shefrpard {.leaded inno­ tee, told the association Soviet air- Hartford, Aug. 20 (P) — The The BritUh have expressed pay tor them. raising the tax babe from $3,600 to Four Fisherman Pre-Cooked PREMIER atomic poWer ia Ihcrcoaing at an city o f Hartford today threatened fears that a future Communist 94,200, Their osUy major tefferenca pressSecretary James C. cent at his arraliptment today and The bill, last m*Jor piece of Hagerty Mid the tea score will lb. Scallops *,49d unexpected and appalling rate, and to take its fight against higher bus Party political victory in Greece, legislation holding up adjourn­ lay in just which additional work­ hia counsel in a surprise move' Differ on Wa form the baate for the M>eech tha Harvird Bm Is mede no request for bail. the task of building an effective rates into the courts. or in C>-prua, might nullify the ment of Congress, was to be ers should be covered by the legU 1 LB. continental defense may well rep-' Deputy Mayor Jamea H. 'Kinsel­ value'of the base. rushed to. the House fIoor"‘for e x -' Ixtlon, President intenda to deUver 00 tho FRESH MADE LAMB FATTIES William J. Corrigan, bead of the record of Cfongreof. This spoeeh CHARCOAL defendant's legal staff, previously rwent "the greatest and most dif­ la aaid he will submit a resolution The jslandera’ , campaign for peeled -quick pasMge .st noon The compromise bill repi'jescnts QiniOK MEAL AT LOW COST ficult national security pro'-Sem to Monday night's city i^oun .c.ll (EDT),.then sent to the Senate for a substantldl victory for the Prea- To Curb Reds will be broadcast from DMvor 1 cut prgparatiun tim e, eat cleaiiap tioit 1 BUMBLEBEE aaid he would ask Common Pleas union with' Greece has been led by Monday night if CongreM quite la BRIQUETS Judge Arthur H. Day to set ball ever faced by our" country> meeting directing the coiporation the Archbishop Makarios. But final congressional action. ident, since It largel}' followa his This month's issuo (Jole suggested, however,' that counsel to appeal the PUC (Public views and embodies a big exten­ Washington. Ahg. 20 — An time. The President hopoe to teava Box or call a hearinr. Britain has refused to talk wiUi The conferees settled their ma-. tomorrow morning for n Ooteado A TUNA Corrigan Silent oa Ball the continental defensa problem, Utilltiea Commission) decision sion and Uberalixation of the 20r. election-bound Cfongfeas. now Jar 25’ Greece over holding the elections. jor difference by agreeing to put vacation. is real outstanding II attacked vigorously and boldly, granting a rate bike to the Super year-old social security program. verging on adjcurnmttlL. overshot Fancy White Tuna , Corrigan made no mention of the 1710 Greeks say they hope a U. N. under compulsory coverage 3.600.- The 11 meaaurea Iteted by (U matter at the arraignment. Queried may yield une.xpected solutions. ior. Court. majority will condemn Ud* *a 000 farm operators as asked by Oh the other major point in con- the mark set by President Eisen­ . 7 Oz. - ^ Frdxen Food Special ti^versy, coverage of professional hower for antl-Red legislation by White Houm na' having o Ceak dkiair la eae disk ^ * . and " wa sinearaly by reporters, he snspp-d: "The art of develoryng now tools The drastic action will be taken colonlaiUm and urge the BritUh President EisjUihower. shelved'or defeated were: "No comment. I'm not ti^-inff men, the .conferees agrMd to com­ voting to strip the Communist a Uat earaSre wNk oalek vogeteMee of defehso—new electronic detec­ only if the PUC fails to reopen and tha Greeks to hold talks. This represented a capitulation thia csise in the ne-vspapers." tion devices, new interceptoi-s, and on the part of the Senate conferees pulsory coverage of three major Party of legal righte. o SrSlnedwIeiM, add a eeled suggast your pick­ haarings on the rate increase (CoBUnned s o Pago ElgM ) i^ W CROP ASPMUilS CUT 97a Dressed nattily in a charcoal new. antiaircraft miaoiles—is now granted the Connecticut CO.' and a victory for Rep. Daniel A. categories '— accountants, archl- While outdoing the President In o Rave a carefree petty | tacte and. engineers. .These total ing up o copy tMs' grey suit. Dr. Shsppard was ac­ in ferment,” he aaid. Followa. tsNige Request Reed (R-NY) and hia House group. that, respect, however, the tew- companied by Corrigan and hia Murphy challenged the'' idea a Th'te. developmsnt came bn the Sen. George iD-.Ga)- told report­ about lOd.OOO aa' compared with makers’ approached the end of the ■ Quirk Aetlen For Indoar co-counsel. Fred H. Garmone, as heels Hit a request by Gov. Lodge ers he had refused to sign the con­ the 500,OOO aaked by the Presi­ M H ion today without having ■ w a a k o n d with­ RmUmhI CUM CHOWDER 1C S7< line could be dmwn acroca a> and Outdoor Uao /hs stepped before the bench to politically unstable region^ beyond to Eugene S. Loughlln of Green­ News Tidbits ference report because of the de­ dent V passed two of the principal i enter a plea to the first degree which agiession wouid not be tolr wich, commission chairman, ask­ cision to include the farm opera­ The conferees eliminated cover­ measures he asked for dealing BuUetIns la Segiemker KeMer LMmg out fail. PREMIER Culled fron AP Wires . .A 1 murder indictment. erated. "" ing for a review of the issue after tors. He held the proxy ^ of Sen. age for doctors, dentists, 'and all with subversives. They are: i SOFTWEVE SUGAR HEART FANCY SNOVlI^Ot OlUINIE JUICE „ <«..»( After the indictment wsa resd. 'What good 6i such a line if sub- noting that ths bus company paid Byrd (D-Va), the'other Democratic medically relat^ groups aa well 1. A bill to permit the goverrn froRi tbo AP WlftS SAUCE ARTURO Garmone <;aid simply "not guilty, verolan and infiltration ... . have a dividend of 91,365,000 ttf the Senator on the conference, and Mid as lawyers. ment to use evidence obtained by TISSUE your honor." suddohly brought the friendly gov­ New Haven I^llroad, ita parent Governor Lodge announces he Byrd also would not aign. wire-tapping in the prosecution Dr. Sheppard, who showed no ernment down frote within?" he ogganixation. will meet- with Joseph Ely, preai- Aaked if -he 'Would oppose the re- (Continued ou' Page Twe) of national security cases. This POSTAL HIKE DBTEAl APPLESAUCE sign of emotion throughout the Again this week we offer Max­ 3 RoHs raked. He said .this problem might •The payment, made shortly af­ de'tit of- the American .^oplen Co., passed the Hqusd- but, tegged WnehlngtoB, Ang. 99 (ff>—I W NationsI Biscuit Company. - " 20-minute proceedings, -was re­ be oolved by community defense ter the PUC heari,igs ended, came “ to diocuM possible cloMsg" of. the down in the Senate Judiciary, Senate today defeotod U-XS aa well House, I Chase and San­ 2 Jars turned immediately to his ceil in systemc. aa art tak'ng' shape in from surplus funds. In seeking In­ company’s plant in ^Norwich .... Committee.- ___ effort -by Sea. Kaowlaad (B» has a new' Almond OeSt Master Sgt. Maynard L» Richmond born, Beechnut and Shurfine 2 cans 35^ county Jail. . Soutbeoat Asia and in Uie nalkana creased fares, the Connecticut Co.' 2: X bill to let the government CaUf) tetoekagaitalteteliee* ‘ cookie, which sells for 3 5 d ■ :'i The 30-year-old osteopath was meets l^rather in Germany after CALIFORNIA ^ and near and Middle East where estimated, it'would rec.ei'Ve 91.136.- U. S;> Budget Is Smallest bar from defense plants ih ttmee onto n MU to mtan the MV «d coffee at S i.1 7. that goes very well with a cup tedlcted on first degree murder 'a deterring bulwark is matcrialix- 000 additional in"the year begin­ fifteen year separation. of emergency' persons whom ■ it more than two aUOoa fsneiol charges Tuesday in the hack-alay- ing slowly around the Cbtmmmiat ning April'1. 1034. Gerald Coughlin,' youngest of had reasonable ground to believe werkera by aa avemgo mt 9 per of coffee mid-aftemoon or. ing of his wife, Marilyn; last July cent. -.Hills-Brothers and Savarin LETTUCE•V . Hiad 1 9 c orbit." " " The actual Increases grantsd by two brotben shot Aug. 6 for no might engage in espionage.^ Mbo 4. the commission rsducss _that apparent reason. In ' “yery, very qpffee ha^ also be^n reduced late evening and we think you, Earlier the AFA hul urged that Since Korea War Start tege or other subversion, Corrigan had reported he would a "line of agression" be drawn, and figure by only 924.694 by requ'r- eritlcnl condition . , . ’Thousands of passed the Senate but got plgron UVINO COSTS UP too, will agree with us. call a "number" of witneaaes if- the ^VaaMagtea. Aagi 29 (g)—> to $1.25. 18c Pkg.. A Scottlaaue, Facial Romans and tourist Aock to St. holed by the House Judiciary p>m 2 Lbs. 35c bail hearing was granted, but de­ (Oeattaneg aa Paga Twa) (Caatianed an Page Eight) Peter's basilica to pay homage to Washington, Aug. 20 (F)—Con-.,.quarters. o f a billibn dollars teas Higher food prtoee. LIM A BEANS clined to say if he Intended to put mittee. ' * L m Pbpe Piiu X today on 40th anni­ greas voted-a mere 953,909.000,000 than the President aaked. the A burst of anti-Red activity, how mainly ,te droaght Dr. Bheppai^ on the stand. versary of-death. to run the federal government this Houm voted in favor 188 to 77 and ■cot the govoraowat’e Bvlng t Sheppard was out; on 930,000 ever, marked the closing days ol Israel Premier upset about U.S. fiscal year—the smallest . total the Senate sent it on to the White the seMion. climaxed by th* pas Imlex op aUghtly la Paly, n ' 2LbA 19c bond for ««ie day, before the in­ U f t policy of arming Arab states. sinpe before the outbreak of the HquM wl.thout a record tally. sag* yesterday of a compromise tk« third etnUght aiiaWr af ita- REMEMBER, PINEHURST “FRESHCR-BY-FAR” FftUITS AND TOMATOES dictment was returned and he was Bamboo Gurtoio lag costo aad wlU aama a peaay Senate confirmation of Trevor Korean War. Besides foreign aid. this year's bill to deny the Communist Party PREMIER . rearrested. Gardner aa AMt. Secretary of Air At the same time, the tewmak- legal privileges and force ite mem- aa-bour pay haest ter aheat eaa CALIFORNIA " Ohio law prohiblta the granting total included regular funds for.the miUloa workera la tke oate. air­ VEGETABLES ARE THE.BEST AND THIS WEEK WE OFFER Force possibly opposed becauM of era cut only about '92.600,000,000 10 cabinet-rank departments and ROQUEFORT CHEESE British Laborites Schedule link with Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, from the ^,534.000,000 in new ' (Coattaoed ea Page Eight) craft and fa(M «VdPtoead laian- (Ooattaued au Paga Thirteen) doxena of independent- agencies; trieo. HONEYDEW MELONS YAMS (that will go wall with - POTATOES 3 Lbs. 29c now barred from atomic secrete." <»ah requested by President Eisen­ 9L659.000.000 in a huge supple­ DRESSING, BoL Alt Another. coffee company hower in his budget for the year mental catch-all bill sent to Presi­ Morrall Hams) Visit with Mao Next Week Jumps . on 19 cents per pound ending next June 30. CLAIMS CHABtPlONSmP CANTALOUPES dent Eisenhower Tuesday; and 96,- Young Killers Sick Saa Frmadeea, Aag. 99 (ffV— EXTRA LARGE Two U. S. Divisions pries cut bandwagon. This year’s appropriations fell 800,000.000 to pay the interest on ZUCCHINI or SUMMER SQUASH Pickets stop eonatiUetlon on the about 93,300.000,OOb below the Mlddleweigkt Champlea Oail remelning days in Peiping before the public debt. PEARS (Editors Note: This la aaother of 9173,000,000 power plant to provide 959.498,000.000 voted by (Congress At Sight of Victims (Bote) OkMO teUod te 1 GREEN and W AX BEANS Each 3 3 c Leave Korea Soon the stories by the Leadoa DaUy going on. south to Shanghai. The teat yaa^tefter ti^e Republlcana re­ Although Congres# 'voted jv.st 199-poaad Saslt at th# CANTALOUPES exact time and place of,^the meet­ power for AEC plant at Porte- under 34 bilUona, the President has .PEACHES i. Telegraph eorreapoadeat ato I mouth. Ohio . , . Aircraft lend In turn^ to power. toilay and Eocky FRESH LIMAS ing still are being kept secret i aotiniated that spending will ieach New York. Aug. 20 fPt^-Brook- Seoul, Aug. 20 OPy—Two U. 8. paa^ag the Later Party groop oa stoek mnrhet ndvnaec. Half World War U Total RED ASTRAKAN APPLES Its vteit to Chlaa. The Telegraph In fact everything ateut Mao And they were only about half 963.670.000. 000 this fiscal year. lyn's four thrUl-kiUing teenagera tko title, hat waa ovomlad ly • PEAS Bakt. 3 9 c infantry divteiona—the 28th and seems to te a close-kept secret. West Gennany's Turncont. Dr. With revenue expected to-hit 961,- OaUtornte koxlag coaHriaMeaeA A BLUEBERRIES 2nd—will be puUed out of Korea la aa ladepeal-CaaaervatIve aewa- of the poet-World War U record once boastful about their deeda Urga Cultivated BLUEBERRIES CORN ON THE COB He is rarely seen by the public ex­ Otto John expected Is visit VIsunn total of 101 billion voted in 1931. 1642.000. 000, the anticipated deficitof violence, turned sick and shaken •in the isaaoiediate future." the to^hsek with Soviet authori­ would te 93.900.000,000. VOTE TM INCREASB Army announced today, but they cept at exceptional functions. No­ the year the nation started in fitxn the eight of one of their hap- that make a grand pia CARROTS By JOHN RipUCY body is quite certain where he ties on panons suspected of Miyteg Mute of the apeadlng in any leAA victlds. Wookkurtaa. Aag. 99 VP)—Tha T um rtM Y will not be transferred as units. ' for West .. Communist Bast ina speculations. Since cars of 'high South Korea. tioos voted a year or more eariler. Koelow, iS-yoar-oM leader I of the officials are always curtained, he spies and agents nttempiteg to In- Thte la parti-Hiteriy true o f spend­ brutal founoore. He wept when .bbe end of the year have not yet headed for Mukden today and a lerfsrs will) food production in OongreM wound up ita appropri­ ■ V ' SUMMER SAU EARLY th'ree-day todr of Manchurian in- te never obMrved in streets of ing for large, copqdex items o f confronted yesterday with the been Identified. Soviet xooe.. { ating for tha aeasion yesterday duotria}' pJente. - A t ' Anahan they Peiping. The only thing about him whan first the House, then the moitery equipment. Ttius Ocn battered, water-soaked body of a Box 100 TeUey Gm. Maxwell D. Taylor, 8th Ctendidats for New York i nomi­ Nteiro victim and toM doteetivae. IT WITH A M IX McIntosh APPLESf^2LbA 29c Arpiy oonuncader, aaid .there wlU will be shown nearly developed that miut te w'ell known is hU Benate, passed a compromise for­ grsM i^ h t vote liioaey this year nation for governor, Rep! Frsnk- to cover the full cost of an aircraft MT sick.** Tea B a g s^ .8 4g jar 49° be "cooaiderable skafning" of men steel mills and'vrill Insjtoot various face, a picture of ahich odoma lin D. .Roosevelt. J r.,‘ (D,. Lib-NIT). eign aid funds bill tottin g 96.243.- carrier,* but it would be paid out It waa Kooiow, who €oro days' in tka 2nd and 28th divialaBa t , areHare schstaaa act up for work- every, government /office and -the hopes Gov. nom as E. Deway wgl 575.795. The measure lays hMVy 6 . F. Catsup ...... 19d ‘eia. walla of moat teiY* buildings. •troM on military defenses, mu