Refl ection report Comfortable aging in the Airey strip

Iris van den Brink, 4115139 // July, 2016 2 Colofon //Juli 2016

Student Iris van den Brink 4115139

Architecture Mauro Parravicini Building technology Engbert van der Zaag Research Eric van den Ham

Delft University of Technology Msc Graduation studio Architecutral

3 1. The relationship between research and in the graduation project

The goal of the Architectural Engineering graduation a research paper. The research gave me a lot of studio is to bring spatial, functional, social and knowledge with respect to design for elderly; what technical developments together in an integrated their demands and wishes are; how a greenhouse design project. The intention of the studio is to start can contribute to this; and how a greenhouse for with a technical fascination, which lead together elderly should look like. The combination of the with the chosen location and users to the research outcome of my research and the site analysis of question. the Airey strip have led to the starting point of my design: adding greenhouse boxes to the Airey strip My starting point was my technical fascination for as common for the elderly and to improve sustainable and healthy architecture, architecture the comfort and architectural quality of the that contribute to the comfort and wellbeing of neighborhood. the users. The combination of this fascination with the Airey strip(in Amsterdam New West) as location Due to my focus on the technical research, in this and elderly as users resulted in the objective of my first half year, my statement on the cultural value graduation project. Transforming the Airey strip was neglected. This forced me to take a step back into healthy and neutral elderly housing. and perform more research on the background of A potential solution I wanted to investigate was the residential area, the original architect and the the addition of a greenhouse. The addition of a building system, after my P2. In hindsight, I should greenhouse to the existing buildings could be a have investigated the cultural value earlier in the possible solution to meet the needs of the elderly, design process. while improving the current state of the Airey strip. Together these aspects have led to my research Another part of my research was to make the Airey question: How to transform the Airey strip into elderly buildings energy neutral. In order to achieve this, housing with optimal thermal and visual comfort for sustainability have played a role in my project from this group, with the use of a greenhouse? the beginning of the design process played. This will be further discussed in Chapter 5 The first half year of the graduation studio I focused on giving an answer to this research question. The outcome of this research has been combined in

4 2. The relationship between the theme of the graduation lab and the subject/case study chosen by the student within this framework

The Architectural Engineering studio is composed fascination as starting point helps to come up of three themes; Stock, Make and Flow. Within with new and innovative ways of renovations. But these themes multiple locations can be chosen. in hindsight I could have learned more from the For this research Amsterdam was chosen with collaboration and looked at the cultural values in ‘stock’ as theme. This theme and location are part an earlier stage. of a collaboration project between Architectural Engineering and Heritage and architecture, which After the P2 we investigated in a small group of is called ‘Beyond the Current’. The project ‘Beyond H&A and AE students the existing building to the the Current’ should open up new design possibilities last detail. This taught me a lot about the building, for renovating homes that are not classifiable as a but also how to look at existing details in general. terraced house. We based our drawings on the existing drawings of Hooyschuur, the architectural firm that is renovating The interesting thing about this collaboration for me the buildings currently. However, these drawings was to see the different approaches of the Heritage were substantially incorrect. As a result we have lost & Architecture and Architectural engineering. a lot of time changing these drawings. In hindsight Where Architecture Engineering starts from a we should have based our drawings on the original technical fascination, Heritage & architecture takes old drawings. This would have taken more time in the existing building as starting point. the beginning, but eventually would have saved us a lot of . As I mentioned before my statement on the cultural value was neglected, due to my focus on the technical research. I think that taking the technical

5 3. The relationship between the methodical line of approach of the graduation lab and the method chosen by the student in this framework

As I mentioned before the method of Architectural research. The combination of literature studies and Engineering is to start designing from a technical calculations provided me enough knowledge to fasciation, which will be mainly researched during answer my research question. I would have liked to the fi rst half year of the graduation. Not only should investigated more on the ventilation and air quality the technical research provide specifi c requirements of the building and make daylight simulations of for the design, for example by designing a technical the building, but due to time constraints I only did ‘toolkit’ suitable for architectural application, it shallow research on these aspects. can also serve as a source of inspiration for the architectonic element of the graduation track. During the research period of the graduation, I also looked at several case studies, to learn more I started my design with the technical fascination for about how to build a greenhouse in the urban sustainable and Healthy architecture. In combination environment. These case studies I only used as with the chosen location and the user this led to inspiration during the design process. In hindsight my research question. To give an answer to this I could have looked deeper into these cases. For question I used literature studies and calculations. example, how the greenhouse were designed In line with the methodical line of approach of in detail or how the climate was regulated. In this the Architectural Engineering studio, the outcome way the case studies could have been more than of my research paper resulted in a ‘toolkit’ for my just an inspirational project. They could have given design. As I mentioned this formed together with the me more knowledge about important aspects of outcome of the site analysis the basis of my design. designing a greenhouse. I am satisfi ed with the methods I have used for my

Demands and wishes eldery

Guidlines Added value greenhouse


Location analysis Dimensions greenhouse

Figure 1, Proces diagram

6 4. The relationship between the project and the wider social context

My project is based on two problems that we are facing in the Netherlands, the lack of suitable housing for elderly and the outdated early after war building stock.

In the Netherlands we are dealing with an aging population. Because of the increasing life expectancy, as a result of the increasing wealth and improved health care, the percentage of people over 65 years will continue to increase in the coming years. This will be increased by the baby boom generation, who will reach the age of 65 years starting from 2010. Due to a shift in government policies, elderly and other vulnerable people are encouraged to keep living in their own home and will receive nursing and care at home. This is called ‘aging in place’. (Doekhie, de Veer, Rademakers, Schellevis, & Francke, 2014).

As a result of this aging population and the shift in government policies, there will be a shortage of Figure 2, Aging population suitable housing for the elderly. ) According to the national government 44 000 homes suitable for seniors should be added to the market every year until 2021(Rijksoverheid, n.d.).

The early postwar building stock no longer meets today’s requirements. They are often too small and consume too much energy. The housing blocks in the Airey strip in the western garden cities of Amsterdam are one of many examples of the outdated building stock. Despite the fact that these buildings were revolutionary in the fifties, they are outdated now. In the climate policy of Amsterdam they pursue a CO2 emission reduction of 70-80%, in the year 2040 (Leguijt, Groot, & Bles, 2010). In order to realize this, the existing building stock, like the Airey building must become substantially more energy efficient.

With my project ‘Comfortable aging in the Airey Figure 3, Outdated building stock, Energy labels strip’ I wanted to give an example on how to deal with these two problems. In my design, suitable elderly housing is created, while improving the existing building stock.

7 5. Reflection on sustainability in the project

There is a growing consensus about the scale A sustainable project started already by choosing and importance of climate change and the to upgrade the Airey strip. These early post- war need to ensure secure energy supplies with apartment buildings have an energy label of anticipation on the rising global demand. The built D-E , so a lot can be gained in the field of energy environment accounts for about 40% of the total consumption. In order to achieve energy neutrality, in the EU (Rijksdients voor I made several choices for my design. These choices Ondernemend Nederland, 2014). Therefore a strong are summarized in figure 4 reduction of the energy consumption of the built environment and the use of renewable sources, By analyzing the wishes and demands of elderly will reduce the energy dependence and the CO2 and the current state of the Airey strip I came up emissions significantly. As a result the government with the concept of adding greenhouse boxes to strongly promotes the construction of energy neutral the Airey strip. These greenhouses could provide as buildings, both nationally and internationally. a space where elderly meet each other and spend European legislation provides that only near-zero more time outside, while improving the current state energy buildings can be built, from 2020. of the Airey strip. These greenhouses give more architectural variety to the Airey strip and help to In order to be ready for this future change, I think improve the energy efficiency of the building. They it is important to already design energy neutral form a thermal buffer zone between the building and buildings, now a days. In my opinion sustainability the outdoor climate. In addition they work as a big could even add an extra layer to the design when solar collector with the use of FiWiHexen. However, it is taken into account from the beginning of the the addition of a greenhouse was certainly not design process. But despite the importance of enough to make the buildings energy-neutral. designing sustainable and energy neutral buildings, I think the user should always remain central. In addition to the greenhouse I have used the following steps to create an energy neutral design: This leads to the starting points of my graduation »» The existing facade of the Airey buildings did project: Making sustainable and healthy not contain any insulation and was full of cold architecture, architecture that contribute to the bridges. So one of the first measures I took, was comfort and wellbeing of the user. The combination to design a new façade, with respect to the of this fascination with the Airey strip(in Amsterdam old system. This new façade provides a thick New West) as location and elderly as user, insulation layer (Rc= 5,16 M2K/W) on the outside resulted in the objective of my graduation project: of the construction. Because of the thermal Transforming the Airey strip into healthy and energy buffer zone of the greenhouse, the insulation neutral elderly housing. layer of the façade in the greenhouse could be designed thinner and other materials were In this part I will take a look at how sustainability is possible. This causes the hard look, with fiber integrated in my design and if the building will be cement boards, on the outside and a more soft energy neutral. and natural look, with wood cladding, on the inside.

Figure 4, Energy concept

8 »» In order to keep the cooling demand as low as possible for both the dwellings as the To see whether the building block also meet the greenhouse sufficient sun-shading is applied. requirements of a near-energy neutral building, the For the dwellings the solar protection consists of results of the EPC calculation are translated into the fixed vertical louvres attached to the wooden Dutch BENG (bijna energie neutrale gebouwen) façade. On the outside of façade and under indicators. In this calculation the greenhouse as the roof of the greenhouse flexible sunscreens solar collected is integrated by means of hand can be closed when needed. calculations. The BENG indicators, see figure 5, show »» In order to lower the energy consumption, that the energy demand of the building block is 41.0 I designed a sufficient climate system with kWh/m2; The including PV is -42.8 low temperature floor heating and cooling in kWh/m2; and the percentage of combination with and cold storage in the is 116%. The building block thus fulfill the near zero ground and a heat pump. energy building indicators. Detailed results of the »» A building will always continue to use energy. BENG indicators can be found in Appendix D. To generate this energy in a sustainable way, photovoltaic panels are installed on the roof The issue with entering data from the greenhouse of the buildings. In addition, pv-panels are as zonnecolector, is a good example of the the integrated in the glass roof of the greenhouse, problem of this kind of programs. Programs like Uniec which also provide shadow in the greenhouse. are often based on the calculation of standard . This gives you little design freedom and as a result certain data of extraordinary designs could Does the design meets the requirements of a near- not be included in the calculation. In addition, a zero energy building? lot of detailed information needs to be entered. Yes, the design does meet the requirements of a Such information is mostly not ruled, early in the near-zero energy building. design phase. So a lot of assumptions are made. In practice, this often causes that the EPC value will turn out differently than the calculated value. EPC = -0.28 Also in my EPC calculations many assumptions have been made in order to be able to make the With the use of UNIEC 2.2 the EPC value have been calculation. For example in selecting particular calculated. The EPC value of the building block installations. Many of these installations where not is -0,28. A summary of the results can be found in part of the design yet, and have been selected Appendix B. The detailed results and calculations according to the influence on the EPC value in are provided in Appendix C. However, the UNIEC. Sorting out these installations require more greenhouse as a solar collector is not included in this knowledge and time, than I had during this project. calculation. Because it operates differently than a When this project will be further developed, I would normal solar collector, the correct properties could recommend to look at these choices critically, for not be entered. example together with an expert in this field.

Figure 5, BENG indicators

9 Another example of assumptions that have been made, are the linear thermal bridges. Any corner or connection in a façade creates a linear thermal bridge. Only one linear thermal bridges of the new façade have been calculated. This is the vertical connection of the façade with the window frame. This is the most representative detail of the new façade. The linear thermal bridge of this detail is Ψ = 0.07624 W/mK. The calculated detail and the results can be found in Appendix E. For other linear thermal bridges SBR details of a timber frame facade have been used. For a more precise calculation, other linear cold bridges of the new facade should be calculated as well.

Looking back on my project, I conclude that the addition of a greenhouse in Aireys strip certainly contributes to reduction of the energy consumption, but additional measures are needed to meet the requirements of a nearly zero energy building. The energy contribution of a greenhouse addition should therefore not be the only goal. The greenhouse offers many more benefits than that.

10 11 References

Doekhie, K. D., de Veer, A. J. E., Rademakers, J. J. D. J. M., Schellevis, F. G., & Francke, A. L. (2014). Nivel Overzichtstudies - Ouderen van de toekomst. Utrecht: Nivel.

Leguijt, C., Groot, M. I., & Bles, M. (2010). Energiestrategie Amsterdam 2040 - Brug naar een duurzame energievoorziening. Delft: CE Delft.

Rijksdients voor Ondernemend Nederland. (2014). Infoblad Energieneutraal bouwen: definitie en ambietie. Utrecht

Rijksoverheid. (n.d.). Seniorenwoningen. Retrieved 21-09, 2015, from onderwerpen/seniorenwoningen

12 13 Appendix|A EPC calculations in UNIEC2.0 A.1 Properties of the Building block as used for the calculations

Berging + workshop [deel 4] - AOR

Gemeenschappelijk + woning [deel 3]

Kas [deel 5] - AOS

Woongebouw[deel 2] Woongebouw[deel 1]

Kas gallerij [deel 7] - AOS

Kas gallerij[deel 6] - AOS


Scale 1:400

14 A.2 Summery EPC calculations in UNIEC 2.0

Woongebouw[deel 1]

15 16 A.3 Detailed EPC calculations in UNIEC 2.0

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Appendix|B Calculations BENG indicators

Bepaling BENG-indicatoren Berekeningen op basis van deelresultaten NEN 7120:2011/C5 Woningbouw - all-electric concept

Projectgegevens project Comfortable Elderly in the Airey strip projectnummer opdrachtgever TU Delft datum 03/05/2016

Algemene gebouwkenmerken omschrijving concept Transformatie Airey strip in Amsterdam uitkomst EPC-berekening gebruiksoppervlak 1427.4 m²

Indicator 1: energiebehoefte gebouw toelichting

QH;nd (verwarming) (MJ primair) 253288 MJ uitkomst formule (7.1) NEN 7120, resultaten van de twaalf maanden bij elkaar opgeteld

QH;AHU 0 MJ bij toepassing luchtbehandelingskast: aandeel verwarming (QH;AHU) volgens formule (14.19) NEN 7120

QC;nd (koeling) (MJ primair) of QSC;nd (zomercomfort) (MJ primair) 0 MJ in geval van actieve koeling: uitkomst formule (7.2) NEN 7120, resultaten van de twaalf maanden bij elkaar opgeteld zonder actieve koeling: uitkomst formule (7.2) NEN 7120, resultaten van de twaalf maanden bij elkaar opgeteld

QC;AHU 0 MJ bij toepassing luchtbehandelingskast: aandeel koeling (QC;AHU) volgens formule (17.10) NEN 7120

Energiebehoefte [MJ primair] 253288 MJ Energiebehoefte [kWh primair/m²] 49.3 kWh/m²

Indicator 2: primair energiegebruik toelichting

EH:P (verwarming) (MJ primair) 152625 MJ uitkomst product van het eerste deel van formule (5.21 - verwarming) NEN 7120, overnemen uit samenvatting resultaten EPC-berekening verwarming hulpenergie (MJ primair) 15212 MJ uitkomst product van het tweede deel van formule (5.21 - verwarming) NEN 7120, overnemen uit samenvatting resultaten EPC-berekening

EW:P (warmtapwater) (MJ primair) 210076 MJ uitkomst product van het eerste deel van formule (5.21 - warm tapwater) NEN 7120, overnemen uit samenvatting resultaten EPC-berekening warmtapwater hulpenergie (MJ primair) 0 MJ uitkomst product van het tweede deel van formule (5.21 - warm tapwater) NEN 7120, overnemen uit samenvatting resultaten EPC-berekening

EC:P (koeling) (MJ primair) 52368 MJ uitkomst product van het eerste deel van formule (5.21 - koeling) NEN 7120, overnemen uit samenvatting resultaten EPC-berekening koeling hulpenergie (MJ primair) 0 MJ uitkomst product van het tweede deel van formule (5.21 - koeling) NEN 7120, overnemen uit samenvatting resultaten EPC-berekening

ESC:P (zomercomfort) (MJ primair) 0 MJ overnemen uit samenvatting resultaten EPC-berekening. Waarde is gelijk aan de uitkomst van formule (17.1) NEN 7120 vermenigvuldigd met P;del;elf van 2,56

EV:P (ventilatoren) (MJ primair) 81961 MJ uitkomst formule (21.1a) NEN 8088-1 vermenigvuldigd met fP;del;ci van 2,56, overnemen uit samenvatting resultaten EPC-berekening


EP;pr;us;el eigen perceel opgewekte electra (MJ primair) 946762 MJ uitkomst formule (5.25) NEN 7120, overnemen uit samenvatting resultaten EPC-berekening. Primaire energiefactor is 2,56. Invoeren als positieve waarde

EP;exp;el geexporteerde electra (MJ primair) 81889 MJ uitkomst formule (5.10) NEN 7120, overnemen uit samenvatting resultaten EPC-berekening. Primaire energiefactor is 2,0. Invoeren als positieve waarde Totale elektricteitsopwekking (kWh niet primair) 114104 kWh

Eigen verbruik electra (MJ primair) 512242 MJ Eigen verbruik electra (kWh niet primair) 55582 kWh

Opwekking t.b.v. eigen verbruik elektra (kWh niet primair) 55582 kWh Verschil (overschot gebouwgebonden energiegebruik) (kWh niet primair) 58522 kWh

Primaire energiegebruik inclusief PV [kWh/m²] -41.0 kWh/m²

Indicator 3: hernieuwbare energie

(Epr;us;el;PV / 2,56) + (EP;exp;el / 2,0) (opbrengst PV) (MJ) 410773 MJ

invullen in geval van WKK met niet-duurzame energiedrager 0 MJ uitkomst formule (20.1) vermenigvuldigd met fP;del;ci van 2,56 QH;dis;nren (verwarming niet duurzaam) (MJ) - Warmtepomp 253288 MJ uitkomst formule (14.4) NEN 7120, resultaten van de twaalf maanden bij elkaar opgeteld nH;gen (opwekkingsrendement verwarming) - Warmtepomp 4.40 opwekkingsrendement verwarming, deze waarde wordt bepaald door de keuze voor het type opwekker. Terug te vinden in de uitdraai van een EPC-berekening QW;dis;nren (warmtapwater niet duurzaam) (MJ) - Warmtepomp 0 MJ uitkomst formule (19.39) NEN 7120, resultaten van de twaalf maanden bij elkaar opgeteld nW;gen (opwekkingsrendement warmtapwater) - Warmtepomp 2.70 opwekkingsrendement voor warm tapwater, deze waarde wordt bepaald door de keuze voor het type opwekker. Terug te vinden in de uitdraai van een EPC-berekening QW;sol (opbrengst zonneboiler t.b.v. warm tapwater) (MJ) 988522 MJ uitkomst formule (19.31) NEN 7120, resultaten van de twaalf maanden bij elkaar opgeteld QH;sol (opbrengst zonneboiler t.b.v. ruimteverwarming) (MJ) 0 MJ uitkomst formule (14.23) NEN 7120, resultaten van de twaalf maanden bij elkaar opgeteld Bruto hernieuwbaar (kWh) 443061 kWh Bruto hernieuwbaar (kWh/m²) 310.4 kWh/m²

Aandeel hernieuwbare energie (%) 115%

1) bij de bepaling van het aandeel hernieuwbare energie wordt de bijdrage van een warmtepomp met ventilatieretourlucht als bron niet meegenomen

60.0 140% 49.3 kWh/m² 50.0 115% 120% 40.0

30.0 100% Energiebehoefte [kWh primair/m²] 20.0 80% 10.0 Primaire energiegebruik inclusief PV 0.0 [kWh/m²]

kWh/m² 60% ‐10.0 Aandeel hernieuwbare energie (%) ‐20.0 40% ‐30.0 20% ‐40.0 ‐50.0 ‐41.0 kWh/m² 0%

Dit rekenblad is opgesteld door Nieman Raadgevende Ingenieurs in opdracht van RVO ‐ september 2015

31 Appendix|C Linear thermal bridge C.1 Detail 1:10 exterior facade | window frame

insulated gla- zing

plasterboard wooden panel existing concrete column wooden panel vapor barrier column 188 x 60 mm mineral wool 188 mm water resistant and vapor-permeable layer ventilated cavity aluminium profiles fiber reinforced cement panels

Figure 7, Vertical detail | Exterior facade | Window frame

Properties of the facade

U = 1/ Rc

Rc= R1+R2+R3+Rn

R1,2,3,n = d/ λ

Plaster d = 0,00125 m λ= 0,16 W/mK R = 0,08 M2K/W

Wood d = 0,0012 m λ= 0,2 W/mK R = 0,006 M2K/W

Cavity R = 0,18 M2K/W

Wood d = 0,0012 m λ= 0,2 W/mK R = 0,006 M2K/W

Insulation d = 0,188 m λ= 0,04 W/mK R = 4,7 M2K/W

Ventilated cavity R = 0,18 M2K/W fibre cementboard d = 0,0012 m λ= 0,86 W/mK R = 0,006 M K/W 2 +

Rc = 5,16 M2K/W

U value closed facade = 1/5,16 = 0,19 W/m2K

U value HR++ glas = 1,1 W/m2K

U valu HR++ window [glass+frame] = 1,6 W/m2K

32 C.2 Detail 1:10 simulated in THERM

Figure 8, Simplified detail 1:10

Figure 9, Heat flow throught the construction 33 C.3 Calculation linear thermal bridge Formula linear thermal bridge

Ψ = LD − UcAc

Ψ = linear thermal transmittance of thermal bridges (W/mK) l = length of linear thermal bridge (m)

LD = direct linkage coefficient (W/K)

Uc = U value (steady) base structure (W/m2K)

Ac = area (undisturbed) basic structure (m2)

Values of the new facade:

LD= 1,064 W/K

Uf=0,19 W/m2K

lf= 0,557 m

Uw=1,10 W/m2K

lw= 0,807 m

Ψ= 1,0642 - (0,557 * 0,19 + 0,807 * 1,1) = 0.071 W/mK