From: Anthony Tavella on behalf of DPE PS ePlanning Exhibitions Mailbox Sent: Tuesday, 18 February 2020 2:40 PM To: DPE PSVC Central Coast Mailbox Subject: FW: Webform submission from: Review of Warnervale (Restrictions) Act 1996

Categories: Reply Sent

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, 18 February 2020 2:29 PM To: DPE PS ePlanning Exhibitions Mailbox Subject: Webform submission from: Review of Warnervale Airport (Restrictions) Act 1996

Submitted on Tue, 18/02/2020 - 14:28 Submitted by: Anonymous Submitted values are: Submission Type:I am submitting on behalf of my organisation First Name: Rob Last Name: Hibberd Name Withheld: No Email: [email protected] Suburb/Town & Postcode: 2280 Submission file: [webform_submission:values:submission_file] Submission: Many historic and airfields around Australia have already disappeared and too many others are currently under threat. Unfortunately once a community loses their airport it will be gone forever. It is often that these valuable land assets are seized for a short term gain. This type of thinking ignores the long term economic and other important benefits to local communities. Regional airports generally enjoy majority support from their local communities, quite often they are a silent majority. Most would see their local airport is necessary for providing a place to conduct aeromedical operations and aerial firefighting services. After the fire season we have just witnessed it would not be a very smart move for the Central Coast community to lose its airport. Warnervale Airport is the only aviation infrastructure on the Central Coast. No other airport of this type in Australia is constrained by such limiting legislation. The Act is only serving to heavily disrupt the ability of the Airport to serve its purpose. The Act is affecting the viability of the local flying school. One has to ask why? Especially when employment in the area is such a challenge for our current generation and will be more so in the future. Please repeal the Warnervale Airport (Restrictions) Act so this valuable community asset can thrive and continue to train pilots without this onerous restriction of movements in place. Let the airport do what it was intended to do, in turn providing jobs and other income to the local community. Keeping Warnervale Airport viable for its business operators is integral to retaining it for aeromedical rescue and future aerial firefighting efforts. Rob Hibberd General Manager