NOTICE is hereby given of a meeting of the Park and Recreation Board of the City of Murphy, Collin County, State of Texas, to be held on November 12, 2012 at Murphy City Hall for the purpose of considering the following items. The Park and Recreation Board of the City of Murphy, Texas, reserves the right to meet in closed session on any of the items listed below should the need arise and if applicable pursuant to authorization by Title 5, Chapter 551, of the Texas Government Code.



Julia Baldwin ROLL CALL & CERTIFICATION OF A QUORUM Vice Chair PUBLIC COMMENTS Ken Oltmann Secretary INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION Paula Harper Boardmember 1. Approval of the Minutes from the regular meeting of October 8, 2012.

Amy Lawrence Boardmember 2. Review, discuss, consider and/or act upon Parks Quarterly Maintenance Reports.

Angelia Pinaga 3. Review, discuss, consider and/or act upon North Hill Park Landscaping Plans. Boardmember

Cary Walker 4. Consider and/or act upon changes for December / January Regular Board Boardmember meeting dates.


• Friends of the Parks Gift Catalogue • Recreation Programming Goals, Social Media, Marketing Plan, Reports


• Recreation Staff Updates • Park Construction Status Updates

• City Council meeting report • MCDC Meeting Update


I certify that this is a true and correct copy of the Murphy Park and Recreation Board Meeting Agenda and that this notice was posted on the designated bulletin board at Murphy City Hall, 206 North Murphy Road, Murphy, Texas 75094; a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times, and said notice was posted on November 9, 2012 by 5:00 p.m. and will remain posted continuously for 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. ______Kim McCranie, Executive Administrative Assistant

In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, the City of Murphy will provide for reasonable accommodations for persons attending public meetings at City Hall. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be received at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please contact the City Secretary at (972) 468-4011 or [email protected].

Murphy Parks & Recreation Board Meeting Minutes 206 North Murphy Road Murphy, Texas 75094

October 8, 2012


Chair Westhora called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.


Boardmember Cary Walker gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Boardmembers Present: Katie Westhora, Julia Baldwin, Ken Oltmann, Paula Harper, Amy Lawrence, Angelia Pinaga, Cary Walker

Boardmembers Absent: None

City Staff Present: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Public Works Matt Foster, Parks Superintendent Caitlyn Meehan, Recreation Supervisor Kim McCranie, Executive Administrative Assistant

Kim McCranie certified a quorum with all Members present.


There were no public comments received.


1. Approval of the Minutes from the regular meeting of September 10, 2012.

Board Action/Discussion Boardmember Lawrence moved to approve the regular meeting minutes of September 10, 2012 as presented. Vice Chair Baldwin seconded the motion. Motion passed 7-0.

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Parks & Recreation Board Meeting Minutes October 8, 2012

2. Review, discuss, consider and/or act upon the City Wide Trail Plan.

Board Action/Discussion In the Park Master Plan, page 60, trails and sidewalks are outlined as part of the City Wide Trail Plan. All major thoroughfares trails/sidewalks are recommended at 10 foot wide, which should include North and South Murphy Road, FM 544, Betsy Lane, and we need to add McCreary Road. Sidewalks/trails when possible need to have a green space buffer between the back of curb and the sidewalk for safety.

Boardmember Walker moved to approve the following priorities for the City Wide Trail Plan:

a. Complete the gaps in the Maxwell Creek Trail, from the north end of the city to the south end which would include buying land, sidewalks where necessary and connector trails b. Build out missing sidewalks along major arterial roadways c. Establish, promote and enforce the sidewalk standards in regards to width and distance offset from roadway.

Motion seconded by Boardmember Lawrence. Motion passed 7-0.

3. Review, discuss, consider and/or act upon memorial tree planting program.

Board Action/Discussion The Board reviewed the Tree Murphy draft brochure. They liked the dollar amounts available and requested a $1,000 amount be added to the available options. They requested expanding on the marketing for the Tree Murphy program by expanding on ways and ideas for people/businesses/civic groups to purchase memorials trees, not being just in remembrance of a person but also an event.

Boardmember Lawrence moved to enhance the tree marketing program add on to the marketing materials with ideas and to add a $1,000 category. Secretary Oltmann seconded the motion. Motion passed 7-0.

4. Review, consider and/or act upon plans for vacant City and County property.

Board Action/Discussion The Board reviewed the vacant county–owned properties along Betsy Lane to consider future uses and determined there were no benefits for the City at this time. The Board would like to include the Hawthorne property in the missing sidewalk list.

5. Review, discuss, consider and/or act upon Park and Recreation Board goals for 2013 projects.

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Parks & Recreation Board Meeting Minutes October 8, 2012

Board Action/Discussion Kim Lenoir presented the draft list of Parks, Trails & Beautification Goals for 2013-2014. The Board discussed the priorities. They discussed the lack of involvement in the recreation side and would like for staff to begin presenting the Parks & Recreation Board with items for input before presenting to Council.

Vice Chair Baldwin moved to approve the Murphy Parks, Trails & Beautification Goals for 2013- 2014 contingent upon the following:

a. Add the Trail priorities set in item number 1; b. Add the North Hill Park $10,000 landscaping to the 2013 summary list; c. Move Brentwood Park to the 2014.

Boardmember Harper seconded the motion. Motion passed 7-0.


The Parks & Recreation Board requested more information on Recreation to be addressed at the next regular meeting: reports of actual usage in the community center, more specifically, how many people come in before noon, afternoon and in the evening? What activities are they participating in? What is the percentage of people coming in for a class/lesson vs. Open gym or teen room? How much use is the lobby/library getting? Are any seniors using the facility yet? Marketing plan/goals, programming plan/goals; Goals – monthly tracker; what are the benchmarks; numbers of programs making and not making; trend data (summer versus fall/spring); social media; senior programming.

Ken Oltmann – requested information on how to get Murphy Parks on Google and Apple Maps.


Recreation Staff Updates - Caitlyn Meehan Despite the weather Maize Days went well. All 6 of the scheduled bands took stage, the Kid Zone rides stayed open as long as possible, and the tented activities ran all day. The Pet adoption performance spot had rescue groups all morning and had a good response for the pet supply drive to benefit the Murphy Animal Shelter. We received very positive feedback on this new part of the festival. Recreation Staff has begun moving forward with the planning of Christmas in the Park. The date of this year’s Tree Lighting will be Thursday December 6, 2012 from 5-8pm.

The Murphy Community Center has plans to host its first 3 on 3 tournament the end of October.

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Parks & Recreation Board Meeting Minutes October 8, 2012

MCC Open Gym – afterschool averages approximately 18 people for open gym per day.

Fall Classes are underway and most are off to a good start. Staff is currently focusing on marketing techniques to help boost class enrollments.

Park / Construction Status Updates - Kim Lenoir Central Park - City Council approve money to upgrade parking and utilities (Verizon, Oncor and Time Warner Cable) will relocate their lines and/or bury them underground.

Timbers Nature Preserve Park – FEMA is very close to being ready to move forward.

Miscellaneous Parks – North Hill, Brentwood and Aviary Parks are complete. These projects were funded by MCDC funds.

North Murphy Road – Barrels were being put out today in preparation of beginning construction.

McCreary Road – 20% Complete

City Council meeting report – FY13 Budget was approved. The budget reduces park contract mowing to half of FY12, so we will rebid the median mowing in December and plan to start a new contract in March. In the meantime the 300 acre city mowing schedule will be reduced to work with the city park employee hours.

MCDC Meeting Update – N/A


With no other business before the Board, Chair Westhora adjourned the meeting at 8:27pm.


Katie Westhora, Chair Kim Lenoir

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Park and Recreation Board Meeting Agenda Item No. 2 November 12, 2012 Page 1 of 1

Issue Review, discuss, consider and/or act upon Park Quarterly Maintenance Inspection Reports.

Summary Matt Foster, Superintendent of Parks, will be present to review with you the Park Maintenance inspection reports. The Park Board is charged with reviewing park maintenance issues and concerns. Staff tries to bring this to the Board at least twice a year.

Background In 2003, the City Council adopted Park Maintenance Standards and Inspections schedule. Matt Foster has worked for the city parks for over 5 years and has been very involved in the park inspection program.

Financial Considerations N/A

Recommendation/Action Discussion item.

Attachment Inspection Reports and Summary PARKS: Timbers Mustang Waters Edge Aviary Park North Hill Travis Farm Brentwood The Preserve Liberty Ridge

CATEGORY: Nov-12 Mar-12 Nov-12 Mar-12 Nov-12 Mar-12 Nov-12 Mar-12 Nov-12 Mar-12 Nov-12 Mar-12 Nov-12 Mar-12 Nov-12 Mar-12 Nov-12 Mar-12

Athletic Practice Softball Fields 90 60 80 80 89 89 NA NA 80 80 NA NA NA NA 80 100 NA

Athletic Practice Soccer Fields 78 89 NA NA NA NA NA NA 78 89 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Playground 94 94 94 94 100 100 100 94 100 100 100 94 100 100 NA NA 100 Picnic Facilities 80 90 95 100 100 100 95 96 100 100 96 100 100 100 100 100 100

Basketball Courts 80 80 89 100 NA NA 93 100 89 100 NA NA NA NA 78 78 NA Courts NA NA NA NA NA NA 100 100 100 100 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA General Park Grounds ** 91 89 100 97 97 91 97 94 96 100 97 100 100 100 100 100 91

Overall % of Standards Met: 86 84 92 95 97 95 97 97 92 95 97 98 100 100 90 95 97 GRADE: B B A- A A A A A A- A A+ A+ A+ A+ A- A A+

Overall Averages Period % Grade

2009 82.5 B-

2010 88.5 B+

May 2011 Average 94.3 A October 2011 Average 93.8 A March 2012 Average 94.8 A November 2012 Average 94.2 A

Summary Park Maintenance Inspections 2012

Aviary Park Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 97% Comments:  Parking lot is in need of striping  Electrical outlet covers continue to be broken/removed – looking for better solution – waiting to see how newly installed covers at Liberty Ridge hold up before making changes  Shade structure sagging issue was corrected by Recreation Consultants of Texas  New rock sear walls and rocking of grill completed during summer months  New slide was installed by Recreation Consultants of Texas to replace the piece that was removed earlier in the year due to a recall from Landscape Structure

Timbers Nature Preserve Park Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 86% Comments:  Soccer field on west side is well drained. East side field has drainage issue from creek running through park.  Basketball goals and court need painting  Chain link fence around court is bulging in some areas  Support beams for playground shade structure is rusted – needs painting  Pavilion needs painting  Sidewalks have several areas where panels are uneven as well as many chips on the edges  Shade structure at playground is faded & starting to get small holes – 1 large hole  Sand was added to infield to improve play area  1 bent soccer goal in need of replacing  Soccer nets need replacing  Basketball nets need replacing  Pavilion is in need of pressure washing

North Hill Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 92% Comments:  Irrigation system is undergoing repairs due to damage done to electrical components  6 Live Oaks and 6 Red Oaks transplanted to park from North Murphy Road  12 Red Oaks planted for Arbor Day along fence between park and water tower  2 Red Oak trees have died on east end of park by the parking lot and need to be replaced Summary Park Maintenance Inspections 2012

 Parking lots are in need of striping  Rock seat walls and grill were added to park in summer months  Developing landscape plan for park Travis Farm Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 97% Comments:  1 tree at front of park needs replacing – has been removed  Trash can lids need pressure washing  Pavilion in need of pressure washing  Bushes near water fountain need trimming  Beds need mulching  No ADA picnic table at park after Maize Days – need to switch with another park

Brentwood Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 100% Comments:  Playground mulch was added in the spring  New play area and equipment installed during summer months by Wall Construction.  Dying trees over playground to be removed Monday, November 26, 2012

Liberty Ridge Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 97% Comments:

 Working on establishment of grass on east and north part of park – overseeded with rye grass for the winter to help with erosion control and aesthetics of park.  Park identification signage concepts are being gathered  Proof for park rule sign has been received – should be ordered soon Mustang Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 92% Comments:  Parking lot is striped, but is faded and in need of re-striping  Bushes along fence on East and North side need trimming and possible replacement  Broken light fixture in pavilion – looking into replacement parts

The Preserve Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 90Pra% Comments:  Basketball court in need of striping  Perennial plants were planted around pavilion  Rock seat wall, columns, and grill were added during summer months Summary Park Maintenance Inspections 2012

 Park identification signage and rule signage were installed  Native grass area inside granite trail being allowed to grow

Water’s Edge Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 97% Comments:  Soccer field has bare spots from usage – planning to overseed with Bermuda in spring  Nets for soccer goals to be ordered in the next couple of weeks – compiling PO  New sidewalk from street to loop sidewalk installed during summer  Installed new entry archway in August

City of Murphy Parks Maintenance Standards Survey

Park Inspected: __Aviary Park______Date Inspected: ____11/8/2012______

Inspected By: ___Matt Foster______Quarterly Period: ___Fall 2012_____

I. Playground Percent of Standards Met: 100% A. Playground Equipment _X_1. Play equipment and surrounding play areas meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_2. Play equipment and hardware is intact. _X_3. Play equipment is free of graffiti. _X_4. Age appropriateness for the play equipment is noted with proper signage. _X_5. Shade structure(s) is secure and free from tears.

B. Surfacing _X_1. Fall surface is clean, level, and free of litter and debris. _X_2. Fall surface meets ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_3. Fall surface is well drained. _X_4. Rubber cushion surfaces are free of holes and tears. _X_5. Rubber cushion surfaces are secure to the base material and curbing.

C. Borders _X_1. Playground borders are well drained and intact. _X_2. Playground borders meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards.

D. Benches _X_1. Slats are smooth and structurally sound. _X_2. Hardware is intact and structurally sound. _X_3. Nails, bolts, and screws are flush with the surface. _X_4. Seats and backing area smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

II. Picnic Facilities Percent of Standards Met: 95% A. Pavilions _X_1. Pavilions comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. ___ 2. Pavilions are clean, sanitary, and free of graffiti. – tables need washing _X_3. Electrical plugs, lights, appliances, fans, and hot water heaters are operational and in good condition and comply with current building codes. _X_4. Pavilions are structurally sound, cleanly painted with no rotten lumber or rusted metal and no loose siding or loose shingles. _X_5. Pavilions are relatively pest and rodent free and regularly treated for ants, wasps, termites, etc. 1 _X_6. Signage with reservation and rules information and emergency telephone numbers is in a noticeable location. _X_7. Pavilion grounds are mowed and trimmed and free of litter, debris, and hazards. _X_8. Vegetation around pavilions is trimmed back to reduce hazards and does not impede entry and regress.

B. Tables _X_1. Tables are clean, free of rust, mildew, and graffiti. _X_2. Table hardware is intact. _X_3. Table frames are intact and slats are property secured. _X_4. Table seats and tops are smooth and free of protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

C. Grills _X_1. Grills are operational and free of rust and metal deterioration. _X_2. Grills are clean and free of grease build-up _X_3. Grill racks are operational and secure to main body. _X_4. Grills are properly anchored to reduce hazards and theft. _X_5. Underbrush, low limbs, and debris are clearly away from grill area to reduce possible fire hazard.

D. Trash receptacles – Big Belly Compactor _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

III. Basketball Courts Percent of Standards Met: 93% A. Surfacing _X_1. Surface is smooth, level, and well drained with no standing water. _X_2. Surface is free of large cracks, holes, and trip hazards. _X_3. Surface is painted and striped as per court specifications. _X_4. Worn paint surfaces do not exceed 20% of total court surface. _X_5. Surface is free of litter, debris, gravel, and graffiti.

B. Goals and Backboards _X_1. Goals and backboards are level and hardware is intact. _X_2. Goals and backboards are painted. ___ 3. Nylon nets are properly hung and are not torn or tattered. – need replacing _X_4. Support poles are secure in the ground and straight.

C. Chain Link Fencing _X_1. Fencing material is galvanized chain link and is the appropriate gauge wire for the specified use. _X_2. Hardware is intact. _X_3. Fences are properly installed and anchored. _X_4. Support rails are properly installed and straight. _X_5. Bolts or screws are flush with the surface with no exposed sharp points. _X_6. Fencing is free of holes and protrusions. 2 IV. Sand Volleyball Courts Percent of Standards Met: _100%_ A. Nets _X_1. Nets are free from holes and are not torn or tattered. _X_2. Nets are hung tightly at the specified height. _X_3. Nets are securely attached to the support poles. _X_4. Support poles to have hardware intact, properly anchored and installed. B. Surface _X_1. Court surface is loose sand. _X_2. Surface is smooth with good drainage and no standing water. _X_3. Surface is free of weeds, grass, litter, and debris. C. Borders _X_1. Borders are well defined and intact. _X_2. Borders meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute standards.

IV: Parks: General Standards Percent of Standards Met: 97%

A. Grounds _X_1. Grounds are mowed and trimmed. _X_2. Park is free of litter, debris, and hazards. ___ 3. Parking lots are clean and striped (if applicable).

B. Drinking Fountains _X_1. Fountains are accessible and operational. _X_2. Fountains are in an appropriate location. _X_3. Fountains are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. _X_4. Fountains are installed on solid surfaces and free of standing water and debris.

C. Park Signage _X_1. Park identification signs are secure and properly installed in a noticeable location. _X_2. Handicap parking signs are secure, visible, and to code. _X_3. Park Rules signs are secure and in noticeable location. _X_4. Signs are clean, painted, and free of protrusions.

D. Ornamental Plants _X_1. Plants are healthy. _X_2. Plant beds are free of litter, debris, and weeds. _X_3. Plant selection is appropriate for season and area usage.

E. Walkways _X_1. Walkways have a uniform surface and are level with the ground and free of trip hazards. _X_2. Walkways are free of litter and debris. _X_3. Walkways meet the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. _X_4. Walkways have unobstructed accessibility, i.e. free from low and protruding limbs, guide wires, etc. _X_5. Walkways are neatly edged. _X_6. Walkways are clear of weeds and grass growth in cracks and expansion joints.

3 F. Trash Receptacles _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

G. Irrigation (turf) _X_1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete uniform coverage. _X_2. System is free of leaks. _X_3. Heads are installed according to intended use. _X_4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water runoff. _X_5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste.

H. Irrigation (landscape) _X_1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete uniform coverage. _X_2. System is free of leaks. _X_3. Heads are installed according to intended use. _X_4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water run off. _X_5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste.

Overall Percentage of Standards Met:__97%__

Comments: - Parking lot is in need of striping - Electrical outlet covers continue to be broken/removed – looking for better solution - Shade structure sagging issue was corrected by Recreation Consultants of Texas - New rock seat walls and rocking of grill completed during summer months - New slide was installed by Recreation Consultants of Texas to replace the piece that was removed from earlier last year due to a recall by Landscape Structures.

4 City of Murphy Parks Maintenance Standards Survey

Park Inspected: _Timbers Nature Preserve Park__ Date Inspected: __11/7/2012______

Inspected By: __David Holt______Quarterly Period: ___Fall 2012______

I. Athletic Facilities: Practice Softball Fields Percent of Standards Met: 90% A. Turf _X_1. Turf has a healthy dense stand of grass and coverage is no less than 95% of playable area. _X_2. Appropriate grass for warm season is Common Bermuda or Hybrid Bermuda and for cool season is Perennial Rye if required. ___ 3. Play area has a uniform surface and is well drained. _X_4. Turf is mowed at the appropriate height for the type of grass used, the time of season, and the type of field. _X_5. Turf is free of any litter or debris.

B. Skinned Infields _X_1. Infields have a uniform surface and are free of lips, holes, and trip hazards. _X_2. Infields are well drained with no standing water. _X_3. Infields have proper soil consistency for intended usage. _X_4. Infields are free of weeds and grass. _X_5. Infields are free of rocks, dirt clods, and debris as per Little League and Amateur Softball Association rules and specifications.

II. Athletic Facilities: Practice Soccer Fields Percent of Standards Met: 78% A. Turf _X_1. Turf has a healthy dense stand of grass and coverage is no less than 95% of playable area. _X_2. Appropriate grass for warm season is Common Bermuda or Hybrid Bermuda and for cool season is Perennial Rye if required. ___ 3. Play area has a uniform surface and is well drained. _X_4. Turf is mowed at the appropriate height for the type of grass used, the time of season, and the type of field. _X_5. Turf is free of any litter or debris.

B. Soccer Goals _X_1. Goals are made of lightweight aluminum. _X_2. Goals are properly installed and anchored. _X_3. Goals frames show no excessive bending. ___ 4. Nets (if required) are in good condition and free of holes, tears, and fraying which would allow a soccer ball to pass.

1 III. Playground Percent of Standards Met: 94% A. Playground Equipment _X_1. Play equipment and surrounding play areas meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_2. Play equipment and hardware is intact. _X_3. Play equipment is free of graffiti. _X_4. Age appropriateness for the play equipment is noted with proper signage. ___ 5. Shade structure(s) is secure and free from tears.

B. Surfacing _X_1. Fall surface is clean, level, and free of litter and debris. _X_ 2. Fall surface meets ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_3. Fall surface is well drained. _X _4. Rubber cushion surfaces are free of holes and tears. _X_ 5. Rubber cushion surfaces are secure to the base material and curbing.

C. Borders _X_1. Playground borders are well drained and intact. _X_2. Playground borders meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards.

D. Benches _X_1. Slats are smooth and structurally sound. _X_2. Hardware is intact and structurally sound. _X_3. Nails, bolts, and screws are flush with the surface. _X_4. Seats and backing area smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

IV. Picnic Facilities Percent of Standards Met: 80%

A. Pavilions _X_1. Pavilions comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. ___ 2. Pavilions are clean, sanitary, and free of graffiti. N/A3. Electrical plugs, lights, appliances, fans, and hot water heaters are operational and in good condition and comply with current building codes. ___4. Pavilions are structurally sound, cleanly painted with no rotten lumber or rusted metal and no loose siding or loose shingles. _X_5. Pavilions are relatively pest and rodent free and regularly treated for ants, wasps, termites, etc. ___ 6. Signage with reservation and rules information and emergency telephone numbers is in a noticeable location. _X_7. Pavilion grounds are mowed and trimmed and free of litter, debris, and hazards. N/A8. Vegetation around pavilions is trimmed back to reduce hazards and does not impede entry and regress.

B. Tables ___ 1. Tables are clean, free of rust, mildew, and graffiti. _X_2. Table hardware is intact. _X_3. Table frames are intact and slats are property secured.

2 _X_4. Table seats and tops are smooth and free of protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

C. Grills _X_1. Grills are operational and free of rust and metal deterioration. _X_2. Grills are clean and free of grease build-up _X_3. Grill racks are operational and secure to main body. _X_4. Grills are properly anchored to reduce hazards and theft. _X_5. Underbrush, low limbs, and debris are clearly away from grill area to reduce possible fire hazard.

D. Trash receptacles _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_ 5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

V. Basketball Courts Percent of Standards Met: 80% A. Surfacing _X_1. Surface is smooth, level, and well drained with no standing water. _X_2. Surface is free of large cracks, holes, and trip hazards. _X_3. Surface is painted and striped as per court specifications. ___ 4. Worn paint surfaces do not exceed 20% of total court surface. _X_5. Surface is free of litter, debris, gravel, and graffiti.

B. Goals and Backboards _X_1. Goals and backboards are level and hardware is intact. ___ 2. Goals and backboards are painted. ___ 3. Nylon nets are properly hung and are not torn or tattered. _X_4. Support poles are secure in the ground and straight.

C. Chain Link Fencing _X_1. Fencing material is galvanized chain link and is the appropriate gauge wire for the specified use. ___ 2. Hardware is intact. _X_3. Fences are properly installed and anchored. _X_4. Support rails are properly installed and straight. _X_5. Bolts or screws are flush with the surface with no exposed sharp points. _X_6. Fencing is free of holes and protrusions.

VI: Parks: General Standards Percent of Standards Met: 91%

A. Grounds _X_1. Grounds are mowed and trimmed. _X_2. Park is free of litter, debris, and hazards. ___ 3. Parking lots are clean and striped (if applicable). Paint is faded

3 B. Drinking Fountains _X_1. Fountains are accessible and operational. _X_2. Fountains are in an appropriate location. _X_3. Fountains are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. _X_4. Fountains are installed on solid surfaces and free of standing water and debris.

C. Park Signage _X_1. Park identification signs are secure and properly installed in a noticeable location. _X_2. Handicap parking signs are secure, visible, and to code. _X_3. Park Rules signs are secure and in noticeable location. _X_4. Signs are clean, painted, and free of protrusions.

D. Ornamental Plants _X_1. Plants are healthy. _X_2. Plant beds are free of litter, debris, and weeds. _X_3. Plant selection is appropriate for season and area usage.

E. Walkways ___1. Walkways have a uniform surface and are level with the ground and free of trip hazards. _X_2. Walkways are free of litter and debris. _X_3. Walkways meet the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. _X_4. Walkways have unobstructed accessibility, i.e. free from low and protruding limbs, guide wires, etc. _X_5. Walkways are neatly edged. ___6. Walkways are clear of weeds and grass growth in cracks and expansion joints.

F. Trash Receptacles _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

G. Irrigation (turf) _X_1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete uniform coverage. _X_2. System is free of leaks. _X_3. Heads are installed according to intended use. _X_4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water runoff. _X_5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste.

H. Irrigation (landscape) _X_1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete uniform coverage. _X_2. System is free of leaks. _X_3. Heads are installed according to intended use. _X_4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water run off. _X_5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste. 4

Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 86%

Comments: - Soccer field on west side is well drained. East side field has drainage issue from creek running through park. - Basketball goals and court need painting - Chain link fence around court is bulging in some areas - Support beams for playground shade structure is rusted – needs painting - Pavilion needs painting - Sidewalks have several areas where panels are uneven as well as many chips on the edges - Shade structure at playground is faded & starting to get small holes – 1 large hole - Playground equipment is faded and needs to be painted - Sand was added to baseball infield to improve play area - 1 bent soccer goal in need of replacing - Soccer nets needs replacing - Basketball nets need replacing - Pavilion is in need of pressure washing

5 City of Murphy Parks Maintenance Standards Survey

Park Inspected: ___North Hill Park______Date Inspected: ___11/7/2012______

Inspected By: ____Matt Foster______Quarterly Period: ___Fall 2012______

I. Athletic Facilities: Practice Softball Fields Percent of Standards Met: 80%

A. Turf ___1. Turf has a healthy dense stand of grass and coverage is no less than 95% of playable area. – coverage is increasing – will overseed in spring _X_2. Appropriate grass for warm season is Common Bermuda or Hybrid Bermuda and for cool season is Perennial Rye if required. _X_3. Play area has a uniform surface and is well drained. _X_4. Turf is mowed at the appropriate height for the type of grass used, the time of season, and the type of field. _X_5. Turf is free of any litter or debris.

II. Athletic Facilities: Practice Soccer Fields Percent of Standards Met: 78%

A. Turf ___1. Turf has a healthy dense stand of grass and coverage is no less than 95% of playable area. – coverage is increasing – will overseed in spring _X_2. Appropriate grass for warm season is Common Bermuda or Hybrid Bermuda and for cool season is Perennial Rye if required. _X_3. Play area has a uniform surface and is well drained. _X_4. Turf is mowed at the appropriate height for the type of grass used, the time of season, and the type of field. _X_5. Turf is free of any litter or debris.

B. Soccer Goals _X_1. Goals are made of lightweight aluminum. _X_2. Goals are properly installed and anchored. _X_3. Goals frames show no excessive bending. ___ 4. Nets (if required) are in good condition and free of holes, tears, and fraying which would allow a soccer ball to pass.

III. Playground Percent of Standards Met: 100%

A. Playground Equipment _X_1. Play equipment and surrounding play areas meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_2. Play equipment and hardware is intact. _X_3. Play equipment is free of graffiti. 1 _X_4. Age appropriateness for the play equipment is noted with proper signage. _X_5. Shade structure(s) is secure and free from tears.

B. Surfacing _X_1. Fall surface is clean, level, and free of litter and debris. _X_2. Fall surface meets ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_3. Fall surface is well drained. _X_4. Rubber cushion surfaces are free of holes and tears. _X_5. Rubber cushion surfaces are secure to the base material and curbing.

C. Borders _X_1. Playground borders are well drained and intact. _X_2. Playground borders meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards.

D. Benches _X_1. Slats are smooth and structurally sound. _X_2. Hardware is intact and structurally sound. _X_3. Nails, bolts, and screws are flush with the surface. _X_4. Seats and backing area smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

IV. Picnic Facilities Percent of Standards Met: 100%

A. Pavilions _X_1. Pavilions comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. _X_2. Pavilions are clean, sanitary, and free of graffiti. _X_3. Electrical plugs, lights, appliances, fans, and hot water heaters are operational and in good condition and comply with current building codes. _X_4. Pavilions are structurally sound, cleanly painted with no rotten lumber or rusted metal and no loose siding or loose shingles. _X_5. Pavilions are relatively pest and rodent free and regularly treated for ants, wasps, termites, etc. _X_6. Signage with reservation and rules information and emergency telephone numbers is in a noticeable location. _X_7. Pavilion grounds are mowed and trimmed and free of litter, debris, and hazards. _X_8. Vegetation around pavilions is trimmed back to reduce hazards and does not impede entry and regress.

B. Tables _X_1. Tables are clean, free of rust, mildew, and graffiti. _X_2. Table hardware is intact. _X_3. Table frames are intact and slats are property secured. _X_4. Table seats and tops are smooth and free of protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

C. Trash receptacles – Big Belly Compactor _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. 2 _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

V. Basketball Courts Percent of Standards Met: 89%

A. Surfacing _X_1. Surface is smooth, level, and well drained with no standing water. _X_2. Surface is free of large cracks, holes, and trip hazards. _X_3. Surface is painted and striped as per court specifications. _X_4. Worn paint surfaces do not exceed 20% of total court surface. _X_5. Surface is free of litter, debris, gravel, and graffiti.

B. Goals and Backboards _X_1. Goals and backboards are level and hardware is intact. _X_2. Goals and backboards are painted. ___ 3. Nylon nets are properly hung and are not torn or tattered. _X_4. Support poles are secure in the ground and straight.

VI. Sand Volleyball Courts Percent of Standards Met: _100%_ A. Nets _X_1. Nets are free from holes and are not torn or tattered. _X_2. Nets are hung tightly at the specified height. _X_3. Nets are securely attached to the support poles. _X_4. Support poles to have hardware intact, properly anchored and installed. B. Surface _X_1. Court surface is loose sand. _X_2. Surface is smooth with good drainage and no standing water. _X_3. Surface is free of weeds, grass, litter, and debris. C. Borders _X_1. Borders are well defined and intact. _X_2. Borders meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute standards.

VII: Parks: General Standards Percent of Standards Met: 96%

A. Grounds _X_1. Grounds are mowed and trimmed. _X_2. Park is free of litter, debris, and hazards. _X_3. Parking lots are clean and striped (if applicable). - faded

B. Drinking Fountains _X_1. Fountains are accessible and operational. _X_2. Fountains are in an appropriate location. _X_3. Fountains are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. _X_4. Fountains are installed on solid surfaces and free of standing water and debris.

C. Park Signage _X_1. Park identification signs are secure and properly installed in a noticeable location. _X_2. Handicap parking signs are secure, visible, and to code. 3 _X_3. Park Rules signs are secure and in noticeable location. _X_4. Signs are clean, painted, and free of protrusions.

D. Walkways _X_1. Walkways have a uniform surface and are level with the ground and free of trip hazards. _X_2. Walkways are free of litter and debris. _X_3. Walkways meet the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. _X_4. Walkways have unobstructed accessibility, i.e. free from low and protruding limbs, guide wires, etc. _X_5. Walkways are neatly edged. _X_6. Walkways are clear of weeds and grass growth in cracks and expansion joints.

F. Trash Receptacles _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

G. Irrigation (turf) ___ 1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete uniform coverage. _X_2. System is free of leaks. _X_3. Heads are installed according to intended use. _X_4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water runoff. _X_5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste.

Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 92%

Comments: - Irrigation system is undergoing repairs due to damage done to electrical components - 6 Live Oaks and 6 Red Oaks transplanted to park from N. Murphy Rd - 12 Red Oaks planted for Arbor Day along fence between park and water tower - 2 Red Oak trees have died on east end of park by the parking lot - Parking lots are in need of striping - Rock seat walls and grill were added to park in summer months

4 City of Murphy Parks Maintenance Standards Survey

Park Inspected: _Travis Farm______Date Inspected: _____11/7/2012______

Inspected By: __David Holt______Quarterly Period: ___Fall 2012______

I. Playground Percent of Standards Met: 100%

A. Playground Equipment _X_1. Play equipment and surrounding play areas meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_2. Play equipment and hardware is intact. _X_3. Play equipment is free of graffiti. _X_4. Age appropriateness for the play equipment is noted with proper signage. _X_5. Shade structure(s) is secure and free from tears.

B. Surfacing _X_1. Fall surface is clean, level, and free of litter and debris. _X_2. Fall surface meets ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_3. Fall surface is well drained. _X_4. Rubber cushion surfaces are free of holes and tears. _X_5. Rubber cushion surfaces are secure to the base material and curbing.

C. Borders _X_1. Playground borders are well drained and intact. _X_2. Playground borders meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards.

D. Benches _X_1. Slats are smooth and structurally sound. _X_2. Hardware is intact and structurally sound. _X_3. Nails, bolts, and screws are flush with the surface. _X_4. Seats and backing area smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

II. Picnic Facilities Percent of Standards Met: 96%

A. Pavilions _X_1. Pavilions comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. _X_2. Pavilions are clean, sanitary, and free of graffiti. _X_3. Electrical plugs, lights, appliances, fans, and hot water heaters are operational and in good condition and comply with current building codes. _X_4. Pavilions are structurally sound, cleanly painted with no rotten lumber or rusted metal and no loose siding or loose shingles. _X_5. Pavilions are relatively pest and rodent free and regularly treated for ants, wasps, termites, etc. 1 _X_6. Signage with reservation and rules information and emergency telephone numbers is in a noticeable location. - ordered _X_7. Pavilion grounds are mowed and trimmed and free of litter, debris, and hazards. _X_8. Vegetation around pavilions is trimmed back to reduce hazards and does not impede entry and regress.

B. Tables _X_1. Tables are clean, free of rust, mildew, and graffiti. _X_2. Table hardware is intact. _X_3. Table frames are intact and slats are property secured. _X_4. Table seats and tops are smooth and free of protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

C. Grills _X_1. Grills are operational and free of rust and metal deterioration. _X_2. Grills are clean and free of grease build-up _X_3. Grill racks are operational and secure to main body. _X_4. Grills are properly anchored to reduce hazards and theft. _X_5. Underbrush, low limbs, and debris are clearly away from grill area to reduce possible fire hazard.

D. Trash receptacles ___ 1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

III: Parks: General Standards Percent of Standards Met: 97%

A. Grounds _X_1. Grounds are mowed and trimmed. _X_2. Park is free of litter, debris, and hazards. _X_3. Parking lots are clean and striped (if applicable).

B. Drinking Fountains _X_1. Fountains are accessible and operational. _X_2. Fountains are in an appropriate location. _X_3. Fountains are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. _X_4. Fountains are installed on solid surfaces and free of standing water and debris.

C. Park Signage _X_ 1. Park identification signs are secure and properly installed in a noticeable location. _X_2. Handicap parking signs are secure, visible, and to code. _X_3. Park Rules signs are secure and in noticeable location. - ordered _X_4. Signs are clean, painted, and free of protrusions.

D. Ornamental Plants _X_1. Plants are healthy. _X_2. Plant beds are free of litter, debris, and weeds. 2 _X_3. Plant selection is appropriate for season and area usage.

E. Walkways _X_1. Walkways have a uniform surface and are level with the ground and free of trip hazards. _X_2. Walkways are free of litter and debris. _X_3. Walkways meet the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. _X_4. Walkways have unobstructed accessibility, i.e. free from low and protruding limbs, guide wires, etc. _X_5. Walkways are neatly edged. _X_6. Walkways are clear of weeds and grass growth in cracks and expansion joints.

F. Trash Receptacles ___ 1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

G. Irrigation (turf) _X_1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete uniform coverage. _X_2. System is free of leaks. _X_3. Heads are installed according to intended use. _X_4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water runoff. _X_5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste.

H. Irrigation (landscape) _X_1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete uniform coverage. _X_2. System is free of leaks. _X_3. Heads are installed according to intended use. _X_4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water run off. _X_5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste.

Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 97%

Comments: - 1 tree at front of park needs replacing – has been removed - Trash can lids need pressure washing - Pavilion in need of pressure washing - Bushes near water fountain need trimming - Beds need mulching - No ADA picnic table at park after Maize Days – need to switch with another park

3 City of Murphy Parks Maintenance Standards Survey

Park Inspected: __Brentwood Park______Date Inspected: ___11/08/2012______

Inspected By: ____Matt Foster______Quarterly Period: ___Fall 2012______

I. Playground Percent of Standards Met: 100%

A. Playground Equipment _X_1. Play equipment and surrounding play areas meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_2. Play equipment and hardware is intact. _X_3. Play equipment is free of graffiti. _X_ 4. Age appropriateness for the play equipment is noted with proper signage.

B. Surfacing _X_1. Fall surface is clean, level, and free of litter and debris. _X_2. Fall surface meets ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_3. Fall surface is well drained. _X_4. Rubber cushion surfaces are free of holes and tears. _X_5. Rubber cushion surfaces are secure to the base material and curbing.

C. Borders _X_1. Playground borders are well drained and intact. _X_2. Playground borders meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards.

II. Picnic Facilities Percent of Standards Met: 100%

A. Pavilions _X_1. Pavilions comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. _X_2. Pavilions are clean, sanitary, and free of graffiti. _N/A_3. Electrical plugs, lights, appliances, fans, and hot water heaters are operational and in good condition and comply with current building codes. _X_4. Pavilions are structurally sound, cleanly painted with no rotten lumber or rusted metal and no loose siding or loose shingles. _X_5. Pavilions are relatively pest and rodent free and regularly treated for ants, wasps, termites, etc. _X_ 6. Signage with reservation and rules information and emergency telephone numbers is in a noticeable location. _X_7. Pavilion grounds are mowed and trimmed and free of litter, debris, and hazards. _X_8. Vegetation around pavilions is trimmed back to reduce hazards and does not impede entry and regress.

1 B. Tables _X_1. Tables are clean, free of rust, mildew, and graffiti. _X_2. Table hardware is intact. _X_3. Table frames are intact and slats are property secured. _X_4. Table seats and tops are smooth and free of protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

C. Grills _X_1. Grills are operational and free of rust and metal deterioration. _X_2. Grills are clean and free of grease build-up _X_3. Grill racks are operational and secure to main body. _X_4. Grills are properly anchored to reduce hazards and theft. _X_5. Underbrush, low limbs, and debris are clearly away from grill area to reduce possible fire hazard.

D. Trash receptacles _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

VI: Parks: General Standards Percent of Standards Met: 100%

A. Grounds _X_1. Grounds are mowed and trimmed. _X_2. Park is free of litter, debris, and hazards. _X_3. Parking lots are clean and striped (if applicable).

B. Drinking Fountains _X_1. Fountains are accessible and operational. _X_2. Fountains are in an appropriate location. _X_3. Fountains are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. _X_4. Fountains are installed on solid surfaces and free of standing water and debris.

C. Park Signage _X_ 1. Park identification signs are secure and properly installed in a noticeable location. _X_ 2. Handicap parking signs are secure, visible, and to code. _X_ 3. Park Rules signs are secure and in noticeable location. N/A 4. Signs are clean, painted, and free of protrusions.

D. Walkways _X_1. Walkways have a uniform surface and are level with the ground and free of trip hazards. _X_2. Walkways are free of litter and debris. _X_3. Walkways meet the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. _X_4. Walkways have unobstructed accessibility, i.e. free from low and protruding limbs, guide wires, etc. _X_5. Walkways are neatly edged. 2 _X_6. Walkways are clear of weeds and grass growth in cracks and expansion joints.

F. Trash Receptacles _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 100%

Comments: - New playground equipment and play area installed during summer months - Trees over playground that are dying to be removed on Monday, November 26, 2012

3 City of Murphy Parks Maintenance Standards Survey

Park Inspected: ___Liberty Ridge______Date Inspected: ____11/8/2012______

Inspected By: ____Matt Foster______Quarterly Period: ___Fall 2012______

I. Playground Percent of Standards Met: 100%

A. Playground Equipment _X_1. Play equipment and surrounding play areas meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_2. Play equipment and hardware is intact. _X_3. Play equipment is free of graffiti. _X_4. Age appropriateness for the play equipment is noted with proper signage. _X_5. Shade structure(s) is secure and free from tears.

B. Surfacing _X_1. Fall surface is clean, level, and free of litter and debris. _X_ 2. Fall surface meets ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_3. Fall surface is well drained. _X_4. Rubber cushion surfaces are free of holes and tears. _X_5. Rubber cushion surfaces are secure to the base material and curbing.

C. Borders _X_1. Playground borders are well drained and intact. _X_2. Playground borders meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. D. Benches _X_1. Slats are smooth and structurally sound. _X_2. Hardware is intact and structurally sound. _X_3. Nails, bolts, and screws are flush with the surface. _X_4. Seats and backing area smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

II. Picnic Facilities Percent of Standards Met: 100%

A. Pavilions _X_1. Pavilions comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. _X_2. Pavilions are clean, sanitary, and free of graffiti. _X_3. Electrical plugs, lights, appliances, fans, and hot water heaters are operational and in good condition. _X_4. Pavilions are structurally sound, cleanly painted with no rotten lumber or rusted metal and no loose siding or loose shingles.

1 _X_5. Pavilions are relatively pest and rodent free and regularly treated for ants, wasps, termites, etc. _X_6. Signage with reservation and rules information and emergency telephone numbers is in a noticeable location. _X_7. Pavilion grounds are mowed and trimmed and free of litter, debris, and hazards. _X_ 8. Vegetation around pavilions is trimmed back to reduce hazards and does not impede entry and regress.

B. Tables _X_1. Tables are clean, free of rust, mildew, and graffiti. _X_2. Table hardware is intact. _X_3. Table frames are intact and slats are properly secured. _X_4. Table seats and tops are smooth and free of protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

C. Grills _X_1. Grills are operational and free of rust and metal deterioration. _X_2. Grills are clean and free of grease build-up _X_3. Grill racks are operational and secure to main body. _X_4. Grills are properly anchored to reduce hazards and theft. _X_5. Underbrush, low limbs, and debris are clearly away from grill area to reduce possible fire hazard.

D. Trash receptacles – Big Belly Compactors _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

III: Parks: General Standards Percent of Standards Met: 91%

A. Grounds _X_1. Grounds are mowed and trimmed. _X_2. Park is free of litter, debris, and hazards. _X_3. Parking lots are clean and striped (if applicable).

B. Drinking Fountains _X_1. Fountains are accessible and operational. _X_2. Fountains are in an appropriate location. _X_3. Fountains are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. _X_4. Fountains are installed on solid surfaces and free of standing water and debris.

C. Park Signage ___ 1. Park identification signs are secure and properly installed in a noticeable location. _X_2. Handicap parking signs are secure, visible, and to code. ___ 3. Park Rules signs are secure and in noticeable location. ___ 4. Signs are clean, painted, and free of protrusions.

2 D. Ornamental Plants _X_1. Plants are healthy. _X_2. Plant beds are free of litter, debris, and weeds. _X_3. Plant selection is appropriate for season and area usage.

E. Walkways _X_1. Walkways have a uniform surface and are level with the ground and free of trip hazards. _X_2. Walkways are free of litter and debris. _X_3. Walkways meet the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. _X_4. Walkways have unobstructed accessibility, i.e. free from low and protruding limbs, guide wires, etc. _X_5. Walkways are neatly edged. _X_6. Walkways are clear of weeds and grass growth in cracks and expansion joints.

F. Trash Receptacles _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

G. Irrigation (turf) _X_1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete uniform coverage. _X_2. System is free of leaks. _X_3. Heads are installed according to intended use. _X_4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water runoff. _X_5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste.

H. Irrigation (landscape) _X_1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete uniform coverage. _X_2. System is free of leaks. _X_3. Heads are installed according to intended use. _X_4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water run off. _X_5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste.

Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 97%

Comments: - Working on establishment of grass on east and north part of park – overseeded rye grass for the winter to help with erosion control - Park identification signage concepts are being gathered - Proof for park rule sign has been received – should be ordered soon

3 City of Murphy Parks Maintenance Standards Survey

Park Inspected: ___Mustang Park______Date Inspected: ____11/8/2012______

Inspected By: ____Matt Foster______Quarterly Period: ___Fall 2012______

I. Athletic Facilities: Practice Softball Fields Percent of Standards Met: 80% A. Turf _X_1. Turf has a healthy dense stand of grass and coverage is no less than 95% of playable area. _X_2. Appropriate grass for warm season is Common Bermuda or Hybrid Bermuda and for cool season is Perennial Rye if required. ___ 3. Play area has a uniform surface and is well drained. – needs grading/leveling _X_4. Turf is mowed at the appropriate height for the type of grass used, the time of season, and the type of field. _X_5. Turf is free of any litter or debris.

III. Playground Percent of Standards Met: 94%

A. Playground Equipment _X_1. Play equipment and surrounding play areas meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_2. Play equipment and hardware is intact. _X_3. Play equipment is free of graffiti. _X_4. Age appropriateness for the play equipment is noted with proper signage. ___ 5. Shade structure(s) is secure and free from tears. – replacement shade received

B. Surfacing _X_1. Fall surface is clean, level, and free of litter and debris. _X_ 2. Fall surface meets ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_3. Fall surface is well drained. _X_4. Rubber cushion surfaces are free of holes and tears. _X_5. Rubber cushion surfaces are secure to the base material and curbing.

C. Borders _X_1. Playground borders are well drained and intact. _X_2. Playground borders meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. D. Benches _X_1. Slats are smooth and structurally sound. _X_2. Hardware is intact and structurally sound. _X_3. Nails, bolts, and screws are flush with the surface. _X_4. Seats and backing area smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

1 IV. Picnic Facilities Percent of Standards Met: 95%

A. Pavilions _X_1. Pavilions comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. _X_2. Pavilions are clean, sanitary, and free of graffiti. ___ 3. Electrical plugs, lights, appliances, fans, and hot water heaters are operational and in good condition. – broken light cover _X_4. Pavilions are structurally sound, cleanly painted with no rotten lumber or rusted metal and no loose siding or loose shingles. _X_5. Pavilions are relatively pest and rodent free and regularly treated for ants, wasps, termites, etc. _X_6. Signage with reservation and rules information and emergency telephone numbers is in a noticeable location. _X_7. Pavilion grounds are mowed and trimmed and free of litter, debris, and hazards. _X_ 8. Vegetation around pavilions is trimmed back to reduce hazards and does not impede entry and regress.

B. Tables _X_1. Tables are clean, free of rust, mildew, and graffiti. _X_2. Table hardware is intact. _X_3. Table frames are intact and slats are properly secured. _X_4. Table seats and tops are smooth and free of protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

C. Grills _X_1. Grills are operational and free of rust and metal deterioration. _X_2. Grills are clean and free of grease build-up _X_3. Grill racks are operational and secure to main body. _X_4. Grills are properly anchored to reduce hazards and theft. _X_5. Underbrush, low limbs, and debris are clearly away from grill area to reduce possible fire hazard.

D. Trash receptacles – Big Belly Compactors _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

V. Basketball Courts Percent of Standards Met: 89%

A. Surfacing _X_ 1. Surface is smooth, level, and well drained with no standing water. _X_ 2. Surface is free of large cracks, holes, and trip hazards. _X_ 3. Surface is painted and striped as per court specifications. _X_ 4. Worn paint surfaces do not exceed 20% of total court surface. _X_ 5. Surface is free of litter, debris, gravel, and graffiti.

B. Goals and Backboards _X_1. Goals and backboards are level and hardware is intact. 2 _X_2. Goals and backboards are painted. ___ 3. Nylon nets are properly hung and are not torn or tattered. _X_4. Support poles are secure in the ground and straight.

VI: Parks: General Standards Percent of Standards Met: 100%

A. Grounds _X_1. Grounds are mowed and trimmed. _X_2. Park is free of litter, debris, and hazards. _X_3. Parking lots are clean and striped (if applicable).

B. Drinking Fountains _X_1. Fountains are accessible and operational. _X_2. Fountains are in an appropriate location. _X_3. Fountains are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. _X_4. Fountains are installed on solid surfaces and free of standing water and debris.

C. Park Signage _X_1. Park identification signs are secure and properly installed in a noticeable location. _X_2. Handicap parking signs are secure, visible, and to code. _X_3. Park Rules signs are secure and in noticeable location. _X_4. Signs are clean, painted, and free of protrusions.

D. Ornamental Plants _X_1. Plants are healthy. _X_2. Plant beds are free of litter, debris, and weeds. _X_3. Plant selection is appropriate for season and area usage.

E. Walkways _X_1. Walkways have a uniform surface and are level with the ground and free of trip hazards. _X_2. Walkways are free of litter and debris. _X_3. Walkways meet the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. _X_4. Walkways have unobstructed accessibility, i.e. free from low and protruding limbs, guide wires, etc. _X_5. Walkways are neatly edged. _X_6. Walkways are clear of weeds and grass growth in cracks and expansion joints.

F. Trash Receptacles _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

G. Irrigation (turf) _X_1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete uniform coverage. _X_2. System is free of leaks. _X_3. Heads are installed according to intended use. 3 _X_4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water runoff. _X_5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste.

H. Irrigation (landscape) _X_1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete uniform coverage. _X_2. System is free of leaks. _X_3. Heads are installed according to intended use. _X_4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water run off. _X_5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste.

Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 92%

Comments: - Parking lot is striped, but is faded and is in need of re-striping - Bushes along fence on East and North side need trimming and possible replacement - Broken light fixture in pavilion – looking into replacement parts

4 City of Murphy Parks Maintenance Standards Survey

Park Inspected: ___The Preserve Park_____ Date Inspected: ____11/8/2012______

Inspected By: ___Matt Foster______Quarterly Period: ___Fall 2012______

I. Athletic Facilities: Practice Softball Fields Percent of Standards Met: 80%

A. Turf _X_1. Turf has a healthy dense stand of grass and coverage is no less than 95% of playable area. _X_2. Appropriate grass for warm season is Common Bermuda or Hybrid Bermuda and for cool season is Perennial Rye if required. ___ 3. Play area has a uniform surface and is well drained. – needs topdressing _X_4. Turf is mowed at the appropriate height for the type of grass used, the time of season, and the type of field. _X_5. Turf is free of any litter or debris.

IV. Picnic Facilities Percent of Standards Met: 100%

A. Pavilions _X_1. Pavilions comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. _X_2. Pavilions are clean, sanitary, and free of graffiti. N/A 3. Electrical plugs, lights, appliances, fans, and hot water heaters are operational and in good condition and comply with current building codes. _X_4. Pavilions are structurally sound, cleanly painted with no rotten lumber or rusted metal and no loose siding or loose shingles. _X_5. Pavilions are relatively pest and rodent free and regularly treated for ants, wasps, termites, etc. _X_6. Signage with reservation and rules information and emergency telephone numbers is in a noticeable location. _X_7. Pavilion grounds are mowed and trimmed and free of litter, debris, and hazards. _X_8. Vegetation around pavilions is trimmed back to reduce hazards and does not impede entry and regress.

B. Tables _X_1. Tables are clean, free of rust, mildew, and graffiti. _X_2. Table hardware is intact. _X_3. Table frames are intact and slats are property secured. _X_4. Table seats and tops are smooth and free of protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

C. Trash receptacles _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. 1 _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

V. Basketball Courts Percent of Standards Met: 78%

A. Surfacing _X_1. Surface is smooth, level, and well drained with no standing water. _X_2. Surface is free of large cracks, holes, and trip hazards. _X_3. Surface is painted and striped as per court specifications. ___ 4. Worn paint surfaces do not exceed 20% of total court surface. _X_5. Surface is free of litter, debris, gravel, and graffiti.

B. Goals and Backboards _X_1. Goals and backboards are level and hardware is intact. ___ 2. Goals and backboards are painted. _X_3. Chain nets are properly hung and are not torn or tattered. _X_4. Support poles are secure in the ground and straight.

VI: Parks: General Standards Percent of Standards Met: 100%

A. Grounds _X_1. Grounds are mowed and trimmed. _X_2. Park is free of litter, debris, and hazards.

B. Walkways _X_1. Walkways have a uniform surface and are level with the ground and free of trip hazards. _X_2. Walkways are free of litter and debris. _X_3. Walkways meet the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. _X_4. Walkways have unobstructed accessibility, i.e. free from low and protruding limbs, guide wires, etc. _X_5. Walkways are neatly edged. _X_6. Walkways are clear of weeds and grass growth in cracks and expansion joints.

F. Trash Receptacles _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

G. Irrigation (turf) _X_1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete uniform coverage. _X_2. System is free of leaks. _X_3. Heads are installed according to intended use. _X_4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water runoff. _X_5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste.

2 H. Irrigation (landscape) _X_1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete uniform coverage. _X_2. System is free of leaks. _X_3. Heads are installed according to intended use. _X_4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water run off. _X_5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste.

Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 90%

Comments: - Basketball court in need of re-striping - Perennial plants were planted around pavilion - Rock seat walls, columns, and grills were added during summer months - Signage was installed - Native grass area inside granite trail being allowed to grow

3 City of Murphy Parks Maintenance Standards Survey

Park Inspected: __Water’s Edge Park_____ Date Inspected: ____11/8/2012______

Inspected By: ___Matt Foster______Quarterly Period: ___Fall 2012______

I. Athletic Facilities: Practice Soccer Fields Percent of Standards Met: 89%

A. Turf _X_1. Turf has a healthy dense stand of grass and coverage is no less than 95% of playable area. _X_2. Appropriate grass for warm season is Common Bermuda or Hybrid Bermuda and for cool season is Perennial Rye if required. _X_3. Play area has a uniform surface and is well drained. _X_4. Turf is mowed at the appropriate height for the type of grass used, the time of season, and the type of field. _X_5. Turf is free of any litter or debris.

B. Soccer Goals _X_1. Goals are made of lightweight aluminum. _X_2. Goals are properly installed and anchored. _X_3. Goals frames show no excessive bending. ___ 4. Nets (if required) are in good condition and free of holes, tears, and fraying which would allow a soccer ball to pass.

II. Playground Percent of Standards Met: 100%

A. Playground Equipment _X_1. Play equipment and surrounding play areas meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_2. Play equipment and hardware is intact. _X_3. Play equipment is free of graffiti. _X_4. Age appropriateness for the play equipment is noted with proper signage.

B. Surfacing _X_1. Fall surface is clean, level, and free of litter and debris. _X_2. Fall surface meets ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. _X_3. Fall surface is well drained. _X_4. Rubber cushion surfaces are free of holes and tears. _X_5. Rubber cushion surfaces are secure to the base material and curbing.

C. Borders _X_1. Playground borders are well drained and intact. _X_2. Playground borders meet ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute Standards. 1

D. Benches _X_1. Slats are smooth and structurally sound. _X_2. Hardware is intact and structurally sound. _X_3. Nails, bolts, and screws are flush with the surface. _X_4. Seats and backing area smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

III. Picnic Facilities Percent of Standards Met: 100% A. Tables _X_1. Tables are clean, free of rust, mildew, and graffiti. _X_2. Table hardware is intact. _X_3. Table frames are intact and slats are property secured. _X_4. Table seats and tops are smooth and free of protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners.

B. Trash receptacles _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

VI: Parks: General Standards Percent of Standards Met: 97%

A. Grounds _X_1. Grounds are mowed and trimmed. _X_2. Park is free of litter, debris, and hazards.

B. Drinking Fountains _X_1. Fountains are accessible and operational. _X_2. Fountains are in an appropriate location. _X_3. Fountains are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. _X_ 4. Fountains are installed on solid surfaces and free of standing water and debris.

C. Park Signage _X_1. Park identification signs are secure and properly installed in a noticeable location. ____2. Park Rules signs are secure and in noticeable location. _X_ 3. Signs are clean, painted, and free of protrusions.

D. Ornamental Plants _X_1. Plants are healthy. _X_2. Plant beds are free of litter, debris, and weeds. _X_3. Plant selection is appropriate for season and area usage.

E. Walkways _X_1. Walkways have a uniform surface and are level with the ground and free of trip hazards. _X_2. Walkways are free of litter and debris. 2 _X_3. Walkways meet the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. _X_4. Walkways have unobstructed accessibility, i.e. free from low and protruding limbs, guide wires, etc. _X_5. Walkways are neatly edged. _X_6. Walkways are clear of weeds and grass growth in cracks and expansion joints.

F. Trash Receptacles _X_1. Receptacles are clean _X_2. Receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. _X_3. Hardware is intact. _X_4. Base is intact and free of cracks or damage _X_5. Area around trash receptacles is clean and free of trash and debris.

G. Irrigation (turf) _X_1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete uniform coverage. _X_2. System is free of leaks. _X_3. Heads are installed according to intended use. _X_4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water runoff. _X_5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste.

H. Irrigation (landscape) _X_1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete uniform coverage. _X_2. System is free of leaks. _X_3. Heads are installed according to intended use. _X_4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water run off. _X_5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste.

Overall Percentage of Standards Met: 97%

Comments: - Soccer field has bare spots from usage – planning to overseed for spring - Nets for soccer goals to be ordered in the next couple of weeks – compiling PO - New sidewalk from street to loop sidewalk installed during summer - Installed entry archway in August

3 Park and Recreation Board Meeting Agenda Item No. 3 November 12, 2012 Page 1 of 1

Issue Review, discuss, consider and/or act upon North Hill Park Landscaping Plans.

Summary Please review for discussion.

Background MCDC (4B) budgeted $10,000 in 2011-2012 per Park Board request to add some color to the park. Crepe Myrtles around the pavilion were mentioned at the time.

North Hill Park was master planned in 2007. The plan was revised and a phase I project was funded and under construction in 2008 - 2009. In 2010, a phase II project was added and funded by the 2008 Park Bond program along with 3 other neighborhood parks (Brentwood, Aviary, and Travis Farms). To complete this park a phase III plan will need to be prepared and construction dollars designated to build (estimated to be a 2014-2015 project).

The City recently was able to add 12 large trees to the park from the North Murphy Road construction project and planted 12 red oaks as an Arbor Day project.

The park crew has been able to adjust the irrigation to handle these new trees. The topography and irrigation is presenting challenges as to what can be planted around the pavilion. There are, however, several other places in the park that lend themselves to being landscaped in a way that will complement and enhance the existing features of the park without being overly intrusive to the existing landscape and turf.

This park is the highest point in Murphy and experiences extremely windy conditions. Several smaller trees in the park have been destroyed / vandalized.

Financial Considerations MCDC has $10,000 designated. $1,830 of that amount was spent on the 12 red oak trees planted in October.

Recommendation/Action Discussion item. Staff would like to explain the challenges and discuss options for this project.

Attachment Landscaping plans from phase 1 and phase 2

Park and Recreation Board Meeting Agenda Item No. 4 November 12, 2012 Page 1 of 1

Issue Consider and/or act upon changes for December / January Regular Board meeting dates.

Summary Discussion item.

Background At least 2 new boardmembers will be appointed to the Parks & Recreation Board in January. There may also be new members on 4B. In January, the City is considering a Saturday training for all Board Members (January 12 has been tentatively selected). The regular January meeting is January 14, 2013. Staff has discussed a joint work session with the 4B Board/Park Board which meets again in January – date TBA. The recreation staff has discussed spending time reviewing the recreation programs with the newly appointed Boards in such a work session.

In February, we need to select a date for the Annual Park Tour (usually a Saturday driving tour – 3 to 4 hours).

With all of above, no pressing items to consider next month and the holidays, the Park Board may want to cancel the regular Monday, December 10 meeting.

Financial Considerations N/A

Recommendation/Action Discussion item, set dates, cancel regular December meeting if desired.

Park and Recreation Board Meeting November 13, 2012 Page 1 of 2

Issue Announcements and Staff Reports


• PSA-Murphy lease was approved and finalized. DSS park planners are revising Murphy Central Park plans for grading and utilities. Dean Construction will prepare a change order to add the changes due to the new PSA-Murphy facility. The construction should begin in December. ONCOR is relocating the overhead electric lines along Tom Clevenger Road to the south side of the Municipal complex, along the railroad tracks to service the Willow Wood neighborhood. TWC and Verizon are now designing the underground service and will begin that construction in January and when all utilities are relocated the poles will be removed. Tom Clevenger Road is proposed to close December 3. A DART permit is underway for the trail and road work needed on North Maxwell Creek for the trail crossing. Trail construction will be first priority to complete the $400,000 Collin County trail grant project as quickly as possible.

• Timbers Nature Preserve Park – Discussions with ONCOR are needed to discuss floodplain permits and lease agreement. City was awarded $500,000 from the Collin County grant to build the ONCOR trail from South Murphy Road to McCreary Road. Plano plans to continue the trail to Richardson and Breckinridge Park.

• North Murphy Road and the Safe Routes to School Grants Trail Map will be reviewed with City Council November 27.

• North Hill Park received 12 large trees that had to be removed from North Murphy Road construction project. The city is prepared to move the crepe myrtles also, if needed. All of these trees were installed with The Ranch Subdivision. On Arbor Day the city staff and volunteers also planted 12 red oak trees.

• Tree City USA 2012 Report – In order to keep our status as a Tree City USA, the City of Murphy must meet certain criteria including spending at least $2 per capita based on the population of the City. In 2012 our population was tabulated to be 17,708 meaning that our minimum tree maintenance expenditures should be $35,416. Through many different avenues; including tree planting, pruning, transplanting, and dead tree removal, the City far exceeded the minimum and spent $74,188.70. There have also, through the end of September, been a total of 453 new trees planted by the parks crew, home builders, and new commercial construction; which will help us to reach our goal of planting 7,000 new trees over the next 10 years. In addition to these new trees, we were able to transplant the 12 trees from North Murphy Road as well as 25 trees from the field where Central Park will be located. These 25 trees were placed along the trail north of Waters Edge Park across from where there are new houses being constructed. The City Park and Recreation Board Meeting November 13, 2012 Page 2 of 2

of Murphy has a great commitment to increasing the amount of trees planted every year as well as maintaining and nurturing the trees in the existing landscape.

• City Council is appointing new board members December 11 to begin service in January.

City of Murphy Community Forestry Budget (all stats through 10/31/2012) Expense 2012

Supplies for tree care (fertilizer, mulch, ties) $2,873.11 City employees (960 hours at $25/hour) $24,000.00 Tree Purchases / employees installed (Trees - City Hall) Tree Purchases/Install (The Preserve - crepe myrtles) $1,320.00 Tree Purchases/Install (North Hill Park - Red Oaks) $1,830.00 Tree Pruning / employee hours (included in above number) Tree Transplanting (24 trees from Clevenger Field - 210 hours at $25/hour) $5,250.00

Contract Work: Tree Transplanting (12 Murphy Rd., 5 Liberty Ridge) $8,640.00 Stump Removal (included in below number) Dead Tree Removal $2,265.00 Pruning $5,550.00 Tree Purchases/Install (Liberty Ridge Park - 13 trees @ $650 ea.) $8,450.00 Tree Purchases/Install (Murphy Community Center - 68 trees @ $200 ea.) $13,600.00

Equipment: Chainsaws (chains, bar oil, etc.) $410.59 Tree Care Conferences / Workshops:

Grand Total $74,188.70

Murphy Population: 17,708 at $2 per capita goal equals $35,416 34 new trees planted by City in 2012 North Hill Park 13 The Preserve 8 Liberty Ridge Park 13

212 new trees planted by Homeowners - 106 SFR permits issued 212 2 new trees are required per new home built 207 new trees planted by Businesses Orchard Park 64 McMillen High School 93 O'Reilly's 21 Chipotle/Einstein's 29

Total new trees planted in City of Murphy in 2012 453