企業活動 Corporate Events

委員聚首交流房策意見交流房策意見 ExchangingExchanging Views Views on Housing Policy 各委員席間就房屋問題交換意見 on Housing Policy Members exchanged opinions on housing matters

政府於十一月中公布了一系列的新 The announcement of the government’s new housing policies 房屋政策,引起了市民廣泛的討論 in mid-November has prompted widespread discussion 和關注。房協對有關的房屋政策表 among people. The Society welcomes the new 示歡迎,並將就有關資助房屋和混 policy and will further discuss with the government on those 合發展計劃方面的新措施,以符合 measures related to subsidized housing and the Mixed 社會整體利益為前題,與政府進一 Development Scheme in the interest of the community. 步磋商適當安排。 孫明揚局長在 To help the Society’s Members better understand the 午餐會上發表演說 Mr speaking 為讓房協各委員對政府的房屋政策 implications of the housing policies and to facilitate exchange at the luncheon 加深了解,並彼此分享這方面的意 of views, the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands Mr 見,房協在十二月十六日的午餐會上,特別邀請房屋及規劃 Michael Suen was invited to speak at the Luncheon on 16 地政局局長孫明揚先生為主講嘉賓。 December.

午餐會吸引了約四十名委員出席。席上,局長對房協在房屋 In the presence of some 40 Members, Mr Suen expressed 方面的貢獻深表讚許,並期望房協和市建局的合作,能為雙 his appreciation for the Society’s contributions towards 方及社會整體帶來好處。此外,他表示將進一步研究善用房 housing development and hoped that the cooperation between 協的資源,加強及深化公營房屋的管理工作。 the Society and URA would bring about mutual benefits to both parties as well as the community as a whole. He said that the government would explore the possibility of better using the resources of the Society to add breadth and depth 執委會 to the management of public housing. 親訪屋了解業務 EC Members to Familiarise with Estate Management

為了更清楚了解房協轄下屋的管理及 To better understand the management 業務情況,執行委員會於十二月十七日, and day-to-day operations of the housing 親自探訪三個位於荃灣區的屋,包括 estates, some Executive Committee 寶石大廈、祈德尊新及滿樂大廈。 Members paid a visit to Bo Shek Mansion, 當日,執行總幹事王麗珍小姐,聯同 Clague Garden Estate and Moon Lok 各總監親自陪同多位委員,包括主席 Dai Ha in Tsuen Wan on 17 November. 鍾瑞明先生、潘國城博士、鄭維新先生及 Executive Director MissLCWongand 李葉慧璣女士,並沿途向他們介紹各屋 Directors of the Society joined the visit 的管理情況。 with the Members including Chairman 主席鍾瑞明先生及各總監陪同執委會委員參觀祈德尊新 Mr Chung Shui-ming, Dr PeterKSPun, Mr Chung Shui-ming and the Directorate accompanied 這三個屋各具特色。寶石大廈及祈德尊 Mr EdwardWSCheng and Mrs Cecilia the EC Members on a guided tour of Clague Garden Estate 新均由住宅發售計劃單位及出租屋 WKLee and explained to them the management 組成,而滿樂大廈 issues concerned. 則於六十年代興 建,屬舊式公共房 The three estates each has its own characteristics. While 屋,當中不少居民 Bo Shek Mansion and Clague Garden Estate comprise 一家三數代都在 both Flat-for-Sale and rental units, Mook Lok Dai Ha, 中成長生活。委員 which was built in the 1960s, is one of the old public 還抽空探訪內其 housing estates in which many households have settled 中兩個家庭,分享 there for three generations or more. During the tour, 住戶的生活狀況及 Members also took the opportunity to visit two families 對屋的感受。 to know more about their livelihood and how they find 執委會委員探訪滿樂大廈其中一個家庭 EC Members visiting a tenant in Mook Lok Dai Ha their own estate.

10 主席晚宴同祝賀同祝賀 Cheers toto Honoured Honoured Members Members

當晚出席的委員包括(由左至右)周鎮榮先生、陳捷貴先生、李頌熹先生、王麗珍小姐、李葉慧璣女士、鮑紹雄先生、 張皓生先生、布培先生、伊信先生、潘國城博士、洪小蓮女士、羅浩仁先生 Members attending the dinner (from left to right): Mr William Chau, Mr Stephen Chan, Mr David C Lee, MissLCWong, Mrs Cecilia Lee, Mr Pau Shiu-hung, Mr Albert Cheung, MrRDPope, MrAGEason, Dr Peter Pun, Ms Katherine Hung and Mr Francis Law

為表揚社會人士對香港的傑出貢獻,香 In recognition of those who have made significant contributions to 港特別行政區行政長官於今年授勳及嘉 Hong Kong, the Chief Executive of the SAR has accorded honours 許二百九十四人,其中包括多位房協委 to 294 people this year, among whom included some Members of 員。房協主席鍾瑞明先生特別於十一月 the Society. On 28 November, Chairman Mr Chung Shui-ming invited 二十八日宴請監事會及執行委員會委 Members of the Supervisory Board and Executive Committee to a 員,一同祝賀今年獲頒授勳章的委員, dinner to congratulate the honoured Members. He also took this 並藉此答謝已退任的監事會委員。 opportunity to thank the retired Supervisory Board Members for their past service. 獲頒授勳章的委員,包括長期熱心公共 及社會服務而獲頒大紫荊勳章的鍾逸傑 Honoured members include the Hon Sir David Akers-Jones, who 爵士;服務政府三十二年,在推動土地 was awarded the Grand Bauhinia Medal for his long and distinguished 政策方面表現傑出而獲頒銀紫荊星章的 public and community service; MrRDPope, who was awarded the 布培先生;而服務政府三十四年,對香 Silver Bauhinia Star for his meritorious and dedicated service to land 港建築發展貢獻良多的鮑紹雄先生亦獲 administration policy during his 32 years of government service; Mr 頒銀紫荊星章;至於積極參與老人及青 Pau Shiu-hung, who was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star for his 少年服務的溫文儀先生,則獲頒銅紫荊 valuable contributions to Hong Kong’s architectural development 星章。 during his 34 years of government service; and Mr Wan Man-yee who was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star for his exemplary work 除了獲授勳的委員外,主席亦感謝已退 in elderly and youth services. 任的監事會委員,包括前地政總署署長 布培先生及前建築署署長鮑紹雄先生。 Over dinner, the Chairman also expressed his gratitude for those 他們於任內均是監事會的當然委員。為 retired Supervisory Board Members, including former Director of the 表謝意,主席代表全體委員致送紀念品 Lands MrRDPope and former Director of the Architectural Services 給他們留念。 Mr Pau Shiu-hung, who had both been the ex-officio Members of the Supervisory Board. As a token of appreciation, the Chairman 自十一月底起,現任 presented them each with a souvenir on behalf of all Members. 建築署署長余熾鏗先 生已接替鮑紹雄先生 Since the end of November, the incumbent Director of the Architectural 成為房協監事會的當 Services Mr Yue Chi-hang has succeeded Mr Pau as an ex-officio 然委員。 Member of the Supervisory Board.

監事會當然委員 余熾鏗先生 Ex-officio Member of the Supervisory Board Mr Yue Chi-hang

主席鍾瑞明先生(右四)與委員舉杯祝賀鍾逸傑爵士(左三)、鮑紹雄先生(左二)及布培先生(右三) Chairman Mr Chung Shui-ming (fourth from right) proposed a toast with Members to congratulate the Hon Sir David Akers-Jones (third from left), Mr Pau Shiu-hung (second from left) and Mr R D Pope (third from right)

11 歡迎新委員 AWarm Welcome to New Members

執行總幹事王麗珍小姐及各總監向新委員介紹房協的宗旨及業務運作 Executive Director MissLCWongandDirectors introducing the Society’s mission and business

房協於十月二十五日特別為新委員舉辦 The Society held an Orientation Day on 25 了一項迎新活動,參加的委員包括梁家 October for its new Members Mr Tony K T 棟先生、冼偉生先生及黃月良先生。房 Leung, Mr Sin Wai-sang, and Mr Frankie 協每年增添新委員,目的是希望得到更 YLWong. The Society recruits new 多各方面的專才加入,參與房協的工作 Members every year to broaden the scope 及提供寶貴意見,令房協配合香港的需 of expertise within the organisation, and 要,實踐社會責任。 to solicit a wider spectrum of opinions that will help the Society understand better the 迎新活動當日,房協執行總幹事王麗珍 needs of the community. 小姐及各總監親自接待,簡述房協的企 業宗旨及業務範圍,並向他們介紹特為 On the day, the new Members were received 委員而設的資訊網頁。 by Executive Director MissLCWongand other Directors 之後,房協執行委員會委員潘國城博士 who introduced to 及總監(物業管理)黃傑龍先生陪同各新 them the Society’s 委員前赴油麻地駿發花園參觀,並探訪 mission, scope 其中一個長者住戶,以了解房協的服務 of business and 及住戶意見。隨後,又到訪將軍澳四十 also the website 四區「長者安居樂」住屋計劃的地盤。為 exclusively set up 加深各人對「長者安居樂」住屋計劃的了 for the Society’s 解,房協特別安排建築顧問向他們詳細 Members. 講解計劃的發展概念及設計特色,並實 地參觀地盤內的單位。 After the briefing, 新委員在將軍澳四十四區「長者安居樂」住屋計劃地盤細心聆聽建築顧問的介紹 New members listening to the briefing by the consultant on SEN project Executive Committee at the site in Tseung Kwan O Area 44 Member Dr Peter KSPun and Director (Estate Management) MrKLWongescorted the new Members to Prosperous Garden in Yaumatei, where a home visit to an elderly tenant was arranged for the new Members to understand the Society’s service and residents’ views. This was followed by a trip to the site of the SEN project in Tseung Kwan O Area 44, during which the consultant explained in detail the scheme’s development concept and design before taking them on a tour of the flats.

潘國城博士(右二)及黃傑龍先生(右一)陪同新委員探訪駿發花園長者住戶 Dr PeterKSPun (second from right) and MrKLWong(far right) accompanied new members to visit an elderly tenant in Prosperous Garden

12 國家環保總局參觀環保屋苑參觀環保屋苑 State Environmental Protection Administration Visits Environmental Estate

十二月六日,國家環境保護總局監督 On 6 December, Mr Zhu 管理司司長祝興祥先生及環境影響審查 Xingxiang, Director General 處處長李新民先生率領代表團參觀房協 of the Supervision & 的環保屋苑—將軍澳茵怡花園。房協 Management Department 總監(物業管理)黃傑龍先生親自會見 of the State Environmental 代表團,並向他們介紹茵怡花園的環保 Protection Administration 設計和特色。 and Mr Li Xinmin, Director of the Environmental Impact 該屋苑為房協首個採用環保設計興建 Assessment Management 黃傑龍先生(左二)與祝興祥司長(左四)及李新民處長(右三) 的項目。屋苑的設計考慮了各項環保 在茵怡花園合照 General Affairs Division MrKLWong(second from left), Mr Zhu (fourth from left) and 因素,包括減少能源消秏、利用天然 jointly led a delegation to Mr Li (third from right) took a picture at Verbena Heights 氣流降溫、減滅噪音、節約用水及妥善 visit the Society’s environmental estate – Verbena Heights in Tseung 處理廢物等。於參觀後,祝司長及 Kwan O. The group was greeted by Director (Estate Management) 李處長等均表示茵怡花園的環保設計 MrKLWongwhointroduced the environmentally-friendly facilities 有助住戶節省資源,符合環保原則, and designs of the estate to the delegates. 可作為香港及中國內地興建環保屋苑 的參考。 Verbena Heights is the first environmental project of the Society. Its design has incorporated various environmental features for power conservation, natural ventilation, noise reduction, minimising water usage, and refuse treatment, etc. After the tour, both Mr Zhu and Mr Li commented that the Verbena Heights has exemplified eco- friendliness in minimising the use of resources and could serve as a role model for other projects in Hong Kong and . 上海考察團 參觀「長者安居樂」 SEN Attracts Delegates from Shanghai

隨著人口不斷老化,香港及內地不少城市 Facing the challenges of aging population, Hong Kong and some 均十分注重長者房屋的發展。上海市住宅 cities in China have become increasingly concerned with housing 發展局二十多人的考察團再於十一月二十 for the elderly. On 26 November, a delegation of more than 20 六日到油麻地駿發花園參觀「長者安居樂」 members from the Shanghai Municipal Housing Development 示範單位,希望藉此加深了解這個專為中 Bureau visited the SEN mock-up flats at Prosperous Garden in 產長者度身設計的住屋計劃,並互相交流 Yaumatei. The purpose of this visit was to gain a better understanding 兩地長者的住屋問題。 of the scheme which is specially designed 當日,房協代表首先向考察團簡介房協的 for the middle-income 工作和發展,並透過幻燈片向他們詳細說 elderly residents, and 明「長者安居樂」住屋計劃的設計概念、計 to exchange views on 劃詳情及最新進展。在參觀示範單位時, elderly housing in both 再進一步向他們介紹單位的硬件設備及配 cities. 套設施。考察團成員在參觀完畢後,稱讚 有關計劃十分周詳,能配合現今長者的生 In welcoming the group, 活需要,並表示此行獲益良多。 staff of the Society gave a brief account of the organisation’s structure and sevices, followed 上海市住宅發展局考察團在「長者安居樂」示範單位展覽館合照留念 by an introduction of The delegates at the SEN exhibition gallery the concepts and designs of the SEN Scheme, planning details, and the latest developments. While visiting the mock-up flats, the group was shown both the hardware and facilities available in each unit. The visitors regarded the scheme highly for being meticulously

策劃及發展部同事向考察團成員介紹「長者安居樂」計劃 planned to meet the specific needs of the elderly, and found the visit Staff of the Planning and Development Division worthwhile and fruitful. introduced the SEN scheme

13 抬轎比賽發揮團隊服務精神 Showing Good Team Spirit in Sedan Chair Race

十一月十七日, 房協愛心隊示範再造紙制作技術 The Volunteer Team demostrating 房協首次組隊參 paper re-cycling technique 加明德抬轎慈善 On 17 November, the Society entered for the 基金主辦每年一 first time in the Matilda Sedan Chair Race 度的「明德籌款抬 房協執行總幹事王麗珍小姐(第二排右二) cum Charity Fund Raising Bazaar, an annual 轎比賽暨慈善賣 到場支持抬轎隊伍 fundraising event organised by the Matilda Executive Director MissLCWong(second row, second from right) 物會」。「房協愛 went to support the sedan chair team Charity Fund. At the Charity Bazaar, the 心隊」更在賣物會 Society’s Volunteer Team set up stalls 中擺設再造紙製作及義賣麵粉花工藝品 demonstrating paper re-cycling and flour 攤位,並協助大會售賣慈善獎券。 handicrafts. They also helped in selling raffle 房協的賽轎由明華大廈的同事悉心設 tickets to raise funds for the event. 計。轎身以活火山為主體,喻意房協有 The Society’s sedan 五十多年根基,穩健如山,且如一座生 chair was exquisitely 生不息的活火山;而鮮艷奪目的服飾, designed by colleagues 正切合大會「嘉年華會」的主題。在熱情 from Ming Wah Dai Ha. 的啦啦隊的支持下,房協的抬轎隊榮獲 Inspired by the Society’s 大會頒發「最具團隊精神獎」及「最能 solid foundations 表現大會主題獎」兩項亞軍,而「愛心 spanning over 50 years, 隊」設於賣物會的攤位,亦深受小朋友 the design team used 歡迎。 an active volcano to symbolise the organisation’s perpetual 房協的籌款攤位吸引不少人圍觀 Crowds of people were attracted to the Society’s stalls vigour. Moreover, the at the charity bazaar colourful costume was particularly fitting in with the “carnival” theme of the event. Spurred by the cheering team, the Society’s sedan chair racing team eventually won the second place for the ‘Team Effort & Encouragement’ and ‘Spirit of the Event’ awards. Besides, The Volunteer Team’s stalls at the bazaar were found most popular among the kids!

參賽隊伍落力抬轎,士氣高昂 Hip hip hooray! The team running at full strength

14 「愛心隊」 續為長者驗眼 VVolunteerolunteer Team Team ContinuesContinues Checking Checking Eyes Eyes for for the the Elderly Elderly

「房協愛心隊」及香港獅子會主會共有四十多位義工出席活動 Some 40 volunteers from the Society’s Volunteer Team and Lions Club of Hong Kong (Host) took part in the programme

「房協愛心隊」繼去年八月及十二月分 Last August and December, the Society’s 別為轄下葵青區及九龍區各屋約六百 Volunteer Team organised glaucoma screening 名長者檢驗青光眼後,再於十月二十六 for more than 600 elderly residents in the Kwai 日在北角健康舉辦「房協長者青光眼 Chung, Tsing Yi and Kowloon districts. On 26 檢驗」活動。 October this year, the team once again dedicated itself to helping aged tenants to have their eyes 是次為房協第三次與香港獅子會主會合 checked at Healthy Village in North Point. 辦此類活動,希望藉此讓長者得悉眼睛 的健康狀況,令患早期青光眼的長者可 This is the third 盡早醫治。今次活動吸引了超過二百五 time the Society has 十名長者參加,他們分別來自健康、 undertaken such a 觀龍樓、明華大廈、勵德、漁光村和 programme jointly 對面海。 with Lions Club of Hong Kong (Host) 「房協愛心隊」及香港獅子會主會共有 to provide eye 四十多位義工出席活動,逐一為長者進 check for the 行視力測試及青光眼檢驗。各長者難得 elderly people so 聚首一堂,並藉此了解更多眼睛健康 that those afflicted 「房協愛心隊」成員為長者檢驗青光眼 常識,渡過了一個健康愉快的下午。 The Volunteer Team performed glaucoma tests for the elderly with early symptoms of glaucoma can seek medical help at early stage. More than 250 elderly residents from Healthy Village, Kwun Lung Lau, Ming Wah Dai Ha, Lai Tak Tsuen, Yue Kwong Chuen, and Tui Min Hoi Chuen attended the event. Some 40 volunteers from the Society’s Volunteer Team and Lions Club of Hong Kong (Host) took part in this programme and performed eye tests and glaucoma screening for each and every attending tenant. Besides helping the elderly understand more about their eye conditions, the event provided a wonderful opportunity for them to enjoy an afternoon together.

二百多名公公婆婆渡過 一個健康愉快的下午 More than 200 elders enjoyed a healthy and joyful afternoon