

Italians in Ciiieago


The Selected Directory of the Italians in

Listing 4,500 Firms, Stores and Professional Men

Compiled by Lisi Cipriani, Ph. D., U. of C.

Issue 1933-1034

[Dedico commossa a quel cari emigranti e figli che con santo lavoro crescono gloria all'Italia ]



Copyrighted 1933 by Lisi Cipriani ill The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, muHlation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. University of Library

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Italians in Cliieago


The Selected Directory of the Italians in €hicago

Listing 4,500 Firms, Stores and Professional Men

Compiled by Lisi Cipriani, Ph. D., U. of C.

Issue 1933-1934

[Dedico commossa a quel cari emigrant! e figli che con santo lavoro crescono gloria all'Italia]

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Copyrighted 1933 by Lisi Cipriani

Italian-American Hymn

Per Aspra Ad Astra

Dedico all'Italica Gente di Mare

The Christ bearing dove Brought the cross unto this shore, Hallowed us for love and duty Evermore and evermore.

Refrain: We are coming, oh Columbus, For we hold this country dear. Glad to work and strive as you did. Oh Columbus, we are here.

Heaven granted through Vespucci The baptismal holy flame When he brought this wondrous country A prophetic, lordly name.

Refrain: We are coming, oh Vespucci, For we hold this country dear. Glad to work and strive as you did, Oh Vespucci, we are here.

At the call of God, Cabotto Forged the path across the sea For the troubled Pilgrim Fathers To be great and to be free.

Refrain: We are coming, oh Cabotto, For we hold this country dear, Glad to work and strive as you did. Oh Cabotto, we are here.

Westward, forward, Verrazzano Landed with his daring band. Where New York now proudly rises, Greatest city in the land.

Refrain: We are coming, Verrazzano, For we hold this country dear, Glad to work and strive as you did, Verrazzano, we are here.

Let us follow' in your footsteps, Let us seek your blessed fate. Our great Italian Fathers, You who made two countries great.

Refrain: We are coming, Our Fathers, For we hold this country dear, Glad to work and strive as you did, Our Fathers, we are here.


Chicago, 111., 1923


"^he Italian Contribution 1933-1934

The Selected Directory of the Italians in Chicago appears in its fifth issue. The Market Guide that served to offer more detailed information concerning the industries and the professional men listed in the Directory has this year made way to a series of biographical sketches and descriptions of firms that widen the scope of my work. These biographies will, I hope, speak for themselves and my readers will, I trust, be as much impressed with this story of effort and achievement as I have been my self. The facts have been given with the most scrupulous exactness and give a final and eloquent refutation to the distressing statement concerning the Italian issued in the pamphlet which suggested to me the need of a Directory that would give irrefutable information concerning the achieve- ments of the Italian group.

Ill health and other reasons have limited the number of biographical

sketches. I do not claim to give information concerning all the more deserving

Italians in Chicago, but I do claim that I am giving the honor roll of those

Italians whom I have always found most interested in the civic work that I have carried on for years and I take this opportunity of thanking them for their continued cooperation. The tremendous upheaval the country has gone through has, perforce, been felt by the Italian group, but, on the whole, they have weathered the storm remarkably well. Many changes have occurred, but while in certain lines the number of business firms has decreased, the loss has been less than might have been expected. The wholesale list has not perceptibly changed, in the retail bakers, meat markets and restaurants have been affected most. Cigars store and beauty parlors have increased. The greatest change has

been found in the list of physicians where the amount of changes in addresses has been incredible, but they have not decreased in number.

I hope that in the next issue the number of ITALIANS IN CHICAGO whose history I will be privileged to write will be vastly increased and that I shall reach far beyond the present scope of my personal associations, for

numberless are still those whose successful efforts would be a credit to their race were they known. Lisi Cipriani 5461 Blackstone Ave.


^^he Italian Contribution

Introduction to the Selected Directory of the Italians in Chicago in 1926-27.

Four year ago I was asked to serve as officer in an Italian organization whose aim it was to help the Italians in Chicago attain the highest type of citizenship, becoming a blessing to the country they had come to and a source of pride to the fatherland they had left. I was entrusted with the educational and civic work, and, in order to prepare myself efficiently for this task, I sought all available information concerning my countrymen in this city. But the in- formation I received from institutions of learning, public offices, settlements and social agencies was meager and flagrantly inaccurate. The Council of Social Agencies of Chicago furnished me with a pamphlet issued by the Chicago Com- munity Trust for the express purpose of guiding workers in Americanization in their work. Since our aim was to prepare our fellow countr5m[ien to give this country their best as this country most needed, our work would, by most people, be classed as advanced Americanization work.

I need make no comment when I quote the paragraph on the Italians in full:— THE ITALIANS

The Italian is not an organizer. He is an individualist. In the midst of organization, your typical Italian in America buys a push cart and goes into business for himself. He saves his money carefully, buys a tenement house and lives in the poorest one himself. If constrained to Work for Wages he prefers out- door labor, which he follows in the summer time, laying off in the winter.

The Italian is not found in large numbers in industry. He is not likely to be- come a man of great Wealth. He is of poetic temperament, artistic, musical.

There is much of value which he can contribute to our wasteful, luxury-loving^ materialistic American life.

The oldest settlement of Italians in Chicago is in the vicinity of Grand Avenue West of the river. The Italians in that section represent perhaps the best element of our Italian immigration. There is a large settlement in the 22nd Ward VI PREFACE

—east of the river. The southern half of this settlement, north of Division street, is populated largely by Sicilians. Most of the Italians of Chicago live in a settlement beginning at the southern edge of the Loop, in the first ward and extending Westward across the river, and Worth of twelfth street in the 19th ward. My answer to this statement, which the Council for Social Agencies is still distributing is this directory. I list over three thousand names and over one hundred and fifty professions. What more eloquent condemnation of the statement?

It was not merely a question of listing a vast number of firms, of stores and professional men. I wanted to study my people and their conditions thoroughly. Having worked several years for the Italian emigrant in New

York, after 1907, when conditions there were tragic, I began my task pre- pared to find much that was heartrendering and discouraging, prepared to try and teach these people much, prepared to make a strong appeal for greater interest in their problems . My investigation has been long and thorough. I have completed my task and now stand before the Italians in Chicago, deeply moved, thrilled with admiration at the gigantic task they have silently and stoically accomplished. HERE IS TO YOU, ITALIAN EMIGRANT, MY BROTHER, YOU HAVE MADE GOOD. This directory follows the guide published by Mr. Parisi several years ago, which listed only a few hundred names, and the Business Directory of the

Italian in Chicago, published June 1 926, for the Eucharistic Congress, under the auspices of the Italian Consulate, which listed under sixty business addresses, and was compiled by Mr. Costa of the Consulate. It is to be hoped that the publication of this little volume will be an incentive to other publications that will help to make the Italians better knowTi and bring them, consequently, in closer touch with the American world around them.

This directory is therefore to serve es documentary evidence for my state- ment concerning the tremendous achievement of the Italians in Chicago. The census of 1 920 put the Italian population in Chicago at one hundred and fifty thousand. This would give us, at a rough estimate, about thirty thousand male Italian adults—though the large size of the Italian families makes this a con- servative estimate. The directory, in its first edition, is necessarily incomplete, though many names have been added to those listed in the telephone business directory. Many Italian industries and stores have American names and secur- ing a complete list was beyond the power of one isolate worker. Hundreds of names will surely be added to the next edition. Italian firms generally are composed of several members of the same family or of several partners whose names do not alw^ays appear. Finally it has not yet been possible to list the great number of Italians who hold important positions in industries, offices and banks. Hence it is not about one Italian in ten, but far more, who from the xlass of unskilled labor has risen to the class above the skilled workmen, being. PREFACE Vn

actually men of property. The greater number of Italians in Chicago have come since 1 904, and such a progress in twenty years seems almost incredible. But all doubts can be set at rest with the assurance that the Selected Directory of the Italians in Chicago is an absolutely bonafide compilation.

Mere statistics, however, give a meager idea of this epic of immigration. The great mass of the Italian emigrants came from the rural districts and be- longed to the peasant class. Their opportunities for education had been limited to the scant advantages of rural schools. For Southern Italians there was the increased difficulty of receiving instructions in the Tuscan idiom, commonly called Italian, while they habitually spoke some other Italic dialect which was less close to Tuscan than English or French, both languages in which Italic roots vastly predominate. They came, our emigrants, with a deficient educa- tion, a total inexperience of city life, with no money, ignorant of the English language, and were often hostily met. Yet this is not all. The twenty years of their rise numbers many years of expectionally hard times. The financial crisis of 1907 and the following years was followed by the world war, when many of the best workers were called to arms, and their business suffered in every way. Then came the post-war period of business depression. We can therefore state that they have surmounted inordinate difficulties in a mar- velous way. The rapidly increasing number of professional men, of other who hold responsible positions in American firms, show that the second generation is availing itself more and more of the educational advantages a city offers, and as affluence increases, culture and learning will increase in proportion. But the Italian rural population should be better understood. Intel- ligence, refinement, gentleness, loyalty and morals are assets distinct from a school education. When great writers like D'Annunzio and De Amicis, wanted to perfect themselves in the Tuscan idiom, they went to live among the Tuscan peasants. In the rural district of Southerny the classical epics

still are read aloud and understandingly enjoyed. Hence the gentleness,

poignant in its sweetness, of the Italian Southerners who trust you, their chivalry and their generosity which seldom fails you. This applies particularly to the Sicilians, who own many of the most important firms. This Business Directory hopes to be not only on aid to business men, but also an eyeopener to workers in Americanization, and I therefore add a few words that would not habitually be found in a Business Directory. The problems which the Italians now have to face are problems that con- cern all Chicago citizens. The question of prohibition, the emancipation of the younger generation from parental discipline, deficiencies in the public school system (the lack of interest in evening centers particularly, but also unequal ad- vantages for the day schools), and all the grave civic and political problems which this gigantic city has to face. Most of these problems are due to the rapid growth of the city, the congestion following that and the inavoidable lack of men prepared to hold the great number of public offices that have to : —


be filled. Many difficulties are already being solved normally, particularly as improved transportation and the means to buy a home draw^ an ever increasing number of the Italians to the suburbs, where civic and educational problems are less complicated. As civic problems in Chicago are being studied and solved, the needs of the Italians are being met.

As for adapting themselves to American ideals, no people are better pre- pared to do so. The English language has over two thirds of Italian words the thought words are mostly Italian. I say Italian, for the Romance dialect did not grow from Latin, the aristocratic dialect of the Latium, but from the dialects of all Italian provinces spnjken by the Roman legions. A miracle of providence has produced vigorous new Romance languages from a series of grammatical errors and mispronunciations, but it is a blessing for anyone who learns the new form to go instinctively or consciously back to the pure source.

Can these people easily assimilate American ideals?

If these ideals are the ideals of previous American generations, rigid in their morality, stern in their sence of justice, fervid in their love of their family and their race, they certainly can. And this is particularly true of the Sicilians, industious, reticent and determined, uncompromising on questions which involve family morality. — But if the ideals presented them are those of a radical school, flourishing in certain settlements, where the advanced views of some of the residents are known through the , then the Italians will not be easily transformed. The mass of the Italians in Chicago, is, I think, con- servative, though we also have among them some socialists. But the men who have toiled for their f)ossessions are not ready for the abolition of property,

Italicm traditions, upholding the cult of the child, make, I think, most Italians recalcitrant to the doctrines of birth-control, sexual experience for women before marriage, abolition of property and similar radical theories sometimes held by the modern social workers.

If the Pilgrim Fathers reincarnated unchanged, they would undoubtedly feel more at home with our Sicilian emigrants than with certain of their own direct descendants whose whole life has been a wild reaction against puritanism.

In an address delivered by President Coolidge at Amherst, June 18,


The classics that reach the American are Italic, and given to the English peaking races by the Italians, as well as the Bible whose ethics are the foun- dation of all Western Civilization. Science also furnishes a field of interna- tional understanding. It should be an easy and beautiful task to find that PREFACE IX

meeting ground of ideals were the descendents of the older settlers could find guidance in their relations to the newer settlers and where the latter could be

made to feel tnat they can become good American citizens and still retain the high ideals of their own race.

A good Italian will make an excellent American.

I thank the Italian Section of the Chicago Council for Civic Education, Executive Conmiittee and Advisory Bard, for the interest they have shown in my work, but though chairman of the Italian Section of the Council, I hereby declare that I am solely and entirely responsible for the publications that bear my name. LISI CIPRIANI ^




Vengo umile ed esaltata, gloriosa e commossa di esser dal destino oggi

chiamata ad esortarvi a nome della cara patria a tener alto il vanto di pura

italianita, seguendo imperterriti ed indefessi nell'orme sante degli illustri italia-

ni, che crescendo gloria all'Italia si resero benefattori deH'umani^a.

Come la chiesa chiede I'universalita di tutti i fedeli, cosi Titalianita chiede I'universalita di tutti gli italiani.

La nostra italianita, o fratelli italiani, e il Gran Fascio che racchiude in se tutte le glorie italiane, tutte le forze italiane del passato e del presente. Da Giulio Cesare, superbo romano, al soldatino ignoto caduto sulle sponde del Piave, dal ministro potente che decide delle sorti d'ltalia, all'operaio, santo, quando con semplice onesta, giorno per giorno, da alia civilta moderna I'o- pera sua.

Siamo una immensa falange, gli italiani di oggi che lavorano per gli ita- liani deiravvenire, resi piu forti dall' dei nostri morti che ci spingono e ci spalleggiano, tutti e sempre Figli d'ltalia.

Fratelli italiani, ospiti di questa magnifica repubblica, rendetevi ben conto di quanto la nostra Italia ha contribuito alia sua grandezza, non per stupido vanto, ma per misurare piij scrupolosamente il dovere che vi incombe di com- pletare con esaltata coscienza ed intelligente lealta Topera dei cari padri. :


E quanto ci deve essere facile e dolce questo dovere verso 1' America, grande bella figlia spirituale della nostra Italia. Cristoforo Colombo, italiano e genovese, scopri TAmerica. Nome pro-

fetico, il Colombo Cristofero, il santo messaggero che portava a queste sponde il Cristo, il Cristo che per tutti dovrebbe esser il simbolo di uguaglianza, di fra- tellanza e di carita.

Spetta a voi, fratelli italiani, di militare arditamente affinche non sia vana quella promessa fatta a queste terre e a nome di Cristoforo Colombo vi esorto "Siate giusti e siate buoni." Fu Giovanni Cabotto, ardito esploratore, che fe' si che la prima bandiera a sventolare all'aure dell'America settentrionale fosse una bandiera italiana, quando pianto la bandiera inglese a fianco dello stendardo della repubblica di

Venezia, assicurando alia gente inglese il possesso di queste terre, e fu un altro italiano, Verrazzano, che primo approdo coi suoi francesi nel luogo dove adesso si trova Nuova York, che racchiude un magnifico centro italiano. Cabotto fece da battistrada ai padri pellegrini, fondatori di questa re- pubblica, preparando loro un rifugio quando, fuggendo I'lnghilterra, vennero in cerca di lavoro e di liberta. O fratelli italiani, vi esorto a continuare I'opera magnificamente benefica di Giovanni Cabotto e di far benedire I'ltalia dai discendenti dei padri pelle- grini, come certo sempre e dovunque la benedivano loro.

Da Amerigo Vespucci venne a questo paese il suo splendido nome "il re- gno dei potenti" e padrino di questa magnifica repubblica, si la fe figlia spi- rituale deiritalia, consacrandone di nuovo la profonda italianita di coltura e di lingua. A nome di Amerigo Vespucci vi esorto a conservare pura la vostra col- tura e la vostra lingua, fonti di grazia per la gente americana. Se cio fate non sarete che meglio preparati ad accettare intelligentemente ed amorevolmente la lingua e la coltura di questo paese, ambedue meravigliosi innesti italici nel tronco britannico, Non e per piu di due terzi italiana questa lingua? Dico italiana perche fu frutto di tutti i dialetti della penisola, non solo dell'aristocratico dialetto del .

Meravigliosa bellezza della nostra lingua che non mai si distrugge! Gran miracolo della provvidenza che da una serie di sbagli di pronunzia e di sgram- maticature fa nascer nuovi dialetti italici forti e rigogliosi, lo spagnuolo, il fran- cese, I'inglese! Primo dovere di ogni Italiano agli Stati Uniti e di conoscere, di amare e di conservare nella sua purezza e nella sua semplice belta la lingua inglese, ultima fioritura della lingua itahana, rispettandone le nordiche caratteristiche che non son tutte estranee alia lingua madre.

Troppo ci vorrebbe per enumerare i tesori italiani base della coltura americana.

La grande letteratura italiana fu accettata senza il tramite della Francia XI PREFAZIONE

ed i quattro maggiorl poeti inglesi, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Spencer e Milton, furono dei meravigliosi innesti italiani nel tronco britannico. Se amate i poeti itahani, amerete questi grandi poeti inglesi che da cosa bella hanno creato cosa Bella. Sono magnifici e sono italiani. Che gioia per voi, fratelli, di riconoscer Timpronta italiana in tutto quanto vi offre di piu bello questo paese. E magnifica questa coltura, degna di studio, degna di lode, degna di amore, e italiana. Levate dalla civilta americana, dalla sua lingua, dalla sua letteratura, dalla sua arte, dalla sua scienza tutti gli elementi italiani e non rimane una ci- vilta! Percio amatela questa civilta come cosa vostra, difendetela, rendetela piu grande e piii forte. Non farete che tener alte le grandi tradizioni del passato. Cosa dovete a questo paese, fratelli, ospiti di questa repubblica? Fedelta agli ideali italiani, lealta agli ideali americani. Non troverete conflitto. Chi in questo paese vi offende e vi tradisce manca agli ideali della sua gente e li tradisce, come I'italiano che con abbietto egoismo svergogna la sua italianita, tradisce tragicamente la nostra Italia. Quando forti ed arditi, buoni ed intelligenti avrete raggiunto la meta di essere i primi ed i migliori cittadini degli Stati Uniti, tenendo sempre alto il vanto di pura italianita, fonte di ogni bene, sentirete nel profondo dell'animo la fratellanza dei popoli e, servendola con abnegazione e con lealta, riconosce- rete in questa bella America la figlia spirituale dell'Italia, e I'amerete. Disciplinati e leali, consci dei vostri duplici doveri, sarete benedetti dal paese che vi ospita e sarete degni figli della nostra Italia.

Pensate al vostro sangue, alia vostra razza. Vogliamo i nostri figli sani e forti di corpo e di mente. Vogliamo per loro una istruzione di vantaggi mo- rali e materiali ed una ricreazione che li mantenga onesti e felici. Questo chie- dete e questo otterrete.

L'ltalia ha bisogno di tutto il prestigio morale e materiale che le possono dare i suoi figli lontani. Fate il bene di tutta la colonia e servirete l'ltalia con giudizio e con abnegazione. Siate fieri dell'opera vostra. Siate fieri della vostra italianita, e rendetela cosi santamente bella e forte da fare si che con Erasmo tutti esclamino:

"Chi e colto, sia pur nato tra i selvaggi, e Italiano!"

jE tutto potete, fratelli italiani! Siete la razza bella! Siete la razza buona! Siete la razza forte! Siete la razza benedetta! Siete la razza eletta! Tutto potete! LISI CIPRIANI Chicago. III.. 1927

Italians in Cliicago

No phase of life in the Italian community is more important than that depending upon the banks that care particularly for Italians. In the present economical crisis, many of the smaller banks have disappeared. The loss has been immeasurable, for these banks not only carried on the function normally belonging to them, but fostered numerous interests to the benefit of Italians, and I remember with affection and ad- miration many of the men connected with these institutions. We still have with us the BANCO DI NAPOLI TRUST COMPANY OF CHICAGO, 906-910 South Halsted Street, created in order to render more complete and thorough, the already wide range of service which the agency of the Banco of di Napoli rendered the public, the last twelve years. The Banco di Napoli Trust Company of Chicago, is affiliated with the Banco di Napoli, Italy, perhaps the most ancient banking house in the World. It dates back to 1539 A. D., when it was created to relieve the poorer classes in a period of financial distress. For centuries, the Banco di Napoli has lived on unshaken. The outstanding characteristic of the Banco di Napoli, is that it has a patrimonial capital, but no stock and no stock holders. Its yearly profits serve in part to increase its surplus, and in part for the promotion of public welfare and charity. It is, there- fore, a unique contribution to the public welfare of Italians in Chicago. The president is Mr. Eduardo Maglione, whom I have always found most interested in everything concerning the development of the Italian colony. Board of Directors: Eduardo Ma- glione, chairman, Cav. Frank Bragno, Cav. Domenico M. Campana, Joseph Melchione, Cav. Uff. Dr. Aurelio Pagano, Cav. Pietro Russo, Cav, Dr. Italo F. Volini. Capital: $300,000.00, Surplus: $100,000.00, Reserve: $104,058,04%. Activities: Checking Ac- counts, Saving Accounts, Commercial Loans, Foreign Department, Securities Depart- ment, Letters of Credit, Travelers's Checks, Steamship Tickets, Finance Exports and Import, Trustee under Wills, Living Trusts and Mortgages, Executor, Administrator or Guardian, Insurance Agency.

An institution totally different in character, not philantropic yet absolutely social in its objectives, is found in THE AMALGAMATED TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK OF CHICAGO, of interest to Italians because A. D. MARIMPIETRI, Vice President, is one of its founders. A. D. Marimpietri, was bom in Barere, Aquila, Italy, 1884. Member, Board of Directors of the Bank; Member of General Executive Board, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America; Manager Unemployment Insurance Fund A. C. W., Director Em- ployment Department Chicago Branch, A. C. W; Head of Price Department A. C. W., Chicago Branch; President Local 39 Coat Makers; Member of City Club. Amalgamated Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago, ranks among the oldest and strongest of the labor banks, now operating in the United States, and is the only labor bank in Chicago. Founded as a labor bank, the real interests of the workmen have always been its special concern. Loans to workmen are made on the signatures of two fellow work- men, whose guarantee need only be their wage earning power. This confidence has been justified for the loss due to forfeiture of payments has been a minimum, justify- ITALIANS IN CHICAGO

ing the policy of the bank, which is co-operative in nature, democratic in government, using its credit for social purposes rather than for private profit. In this case the personal initiative of an Italian has contributed to the welfare of thousands of all nationalities.

It gives me special satisfaction to write of one line of production in which my countrymen excel to an incredible degree. This is the production of fine pastry. In the poorest Italian quarters, you find PASTICCERIE that sell large cakes and a variety of delicate small cakes, fit to serve at the most exclusive tea on tftie North Shore. These PASTICCERIE are listed as bakeries, which is misleading, since they combine the function of the confectioner and of the super pastry cook. They also pre- pare a variety of frozen dainties that would delight many an American epicure, if he knew that such exquisite deserts are within his reach. One of the most ancient of these pasticcerie was founded in 1908, by Mr. Salvatore Ferrara, who now is president of the ORIGINAL PASTICCERIA FERRARA AND COMPANY, 722 W. TAYLOR STREET. In this case something essentially Italian is preserved in its full excellency, and is at the disposal of those who wish something superfine and unique in the line of re- freshments. Mr. Ferrara is also president of the FERRARA PANNED CANDY COMPANY, which manufactures confectionery in Italian, but also in American styles. The firm owns its building at 2200-2210 Taylor Street. Mr. Ferrara was born at Nola, Province of , come to this country in 1900, at the age of fiteen, and worked his way up to his present successful position.

Among the distinctive that are increasingly transforming the American table is the Italian bread. The Italian bread differs from the typical Amer- ican variety because it is simpler in the ingredients used. It contains no sugar, milk, potatoes, and similar substances, nor is any kind of shortening used.

It depends for its excellency on special machinery devised to develop volume and perfection of form and on the high proteine contents of the flour. The absence of shortening gives it special crispness and allows it to dry without ever becoming stale —the basis of economy for the Italian household, since the dry bi'ead has invaluable uses in all kind of Italian dishes that Americans, if they knew them, would hugely enjoy.

Italian bread is sold not only to Italians, but erroneously called Vienna bread, is sold in huge quantities by restaurants, delicatessen stores and other foodstores of all nationalities.

The GONNELLA BAKING CO., 2006-2012 W. Erie Street, is the oldest Italian Bakery in Chicago. It opened in 1886 on Clark Street, then the most important Italian center, and was founded by Alessandro Gonnella from Barga, , who, later took his brothers-in-law Lawrence and Nicholas Marcucci into partnership. The company was incorporated in 1923, when Alessandro Gonnella retired, and his brothers-in-iaw and his son continued the business. The Gonnella Co. supplies ninety per cent of the Italian restaurants in Chicago.

In 1932 the Gonnella Co. received the first prize at the Exposition of Bologna, Italy, not only for its food products, but for having the best equipped Italian bakery in the United States.

The Gonnella Bakery Co. is also famous for the achievements of its three athletic teams, one for the giuoco del calcic, the father of football, one for basket ball and one for indoor ball. In this they excel, to my knowledge, any bakery in Chicago. ITALIANS IN CHICAGO

Dairy Productions are popularly considered a Nordic specialty, and yet in the manufacture of cheese, Italians predominate in number, in importance and in excellency. They produce a large variety of high grade cheese. Parmesan is well known, other varieties will be as greatly appreciated as they become better known to the general public. EHRAT CHEESE COMPANY, INC., 55 E. Austin Avenue, has for its president and manager, Louis Caravetta bom at Cosenza, Italy. He came to this country in 1904, and began at once to import and manufacture Italian food specialties. Ehrat Cheese Company, Inc., are importers, manufacturers and distributors of various kinds of cheese. They also make a specialty of Ravioli in jars and in cans, assuring their success by using only the very best ingredients.

STELLA CHEESE COMPANY, INC., 311 W. Illinois St., is the achievement of Count Giulio Bolognesi and his brother, who hold a first place as manufacturers and distributors of Italian cheese. They own their own cheese factories at Campbellsport, Wis., Lake Nebagamon, Wis., and Mass, Mich. Count Bolognesi comes from Northern Italy, the very cradle of the manufacture of Italian cheese. He is, therefore, well acquainted with the best methods used in ob- taining the highest quality of Parmesan cheese especially, but also of the other kinds of cheese which he puts on the market. The Stella Cheese Company manufactures and distributes Parmesan cheese, Ricotta, Reggiano, Scamorze, Asiago, Caciocavallo, Monteche, Provoloni.

The DE NOBILI CIGAR COMPANY, Pierce Ave. & Hamilton St., Long Island City, N. Y., is well known in Chicago, thanks to the labors of MR. SILVIO EWALD, GENERAL AGENT in the Western States for the De Nobili Cigar Company. The De Nobili Cigar Company was founded in 1906 by the Marquis Prospero De Nobili. It was in the days when Italian immigrants came pouring into America, and they naturally still preferred articles to which they were accustomed. Italian cigars were first in line of demand among them. There was in Italy a cigar called TOSCANO and smokers, who had been accustomed to using it seldom enjoyed any substitute. The heavy customs duty placed this cigar beyond reach of the immigrant's purse, and the Marquis De Nobili foresaw the possibilities and the future of an industry that would perfect an Italian style of cigar in this country. The company started in 1906 a limited partnership, under the name of Prospero De Nobili & Company with a capital of $350,000; in 1912 it was changed into a corpora- tion, under the present name of De Nobili Cigar Company, with a capital stock of $5,1000,000. The Marquis De Nobili is still president and guiding spirit of the corpora- tion.

The marvelous growth in popularity of De Nobili Cigar is due to its distinctive character. Only the finest selections of prime quality Kentucky and Tennessee tobaccos are used. The cigars are MJADE BY HAND and prepared for the seasoning process. Then they are packed in special absorbent paper and rightly seasoned. Ovnng to the seasoning process and in order to meet the huge demand for these cigars, it is neces- sary to maintain a large supply on hand and there are often anywhere from fifty to sixty millions cigars in the various departments.

The De Nobili cigar is made strong enough to give sufficient satisfaction without inhaling. The smoking public has been led to believe that a cigar, in order to be good, must be mild so that the smoke may be inhaled, but, if a smoke is strong enough. ITALIANS IN CHICAGO

one does not have to inhale in order to thoroughly enjoy it. This is the principle to which the De Nobili Cigar Company has adhered successfully all these years, and it has been found that those accustomed to this type of cigar seldom switch to any other. The De Nobili Cigar Company also makes other kinds of cigars. "Napoletano," the "Tripoli," the "Panatela" foil wi-apped, the "Cork Tip," -'Fermentati Extra" and *'Forti Extra." Of the pipe tobaccos the most popular ai'e the "Fermentato" (Rough Cut Fermented) and the "Spuntatura" (Cigar Clippings). The IVIarquis De Nobili, whom I know well personally, is a most distinguished man and has been for years interested in the social welfare of workers. Years ago, he was Socialist Member in the Italian Parliament. In 1911, I was in New York, Executive Secretary of the Pro Emigrants Committee and, under the auspices of the Russell Sage Foundation. I was conducting an investigation into the condition of Italian immigrant children in New York which was generally deplorable. I judged somewhat of the condition of the childi-en in a district by visiting the public schools. When I visited the public school nearest to the De Nobili Cigar Company, in Long Island, I found that, while in other districts Italian immigrant children were generally under- fed and below par physically in every way, the children who came from families era- ployed by the Marquis De Nobili were all in good condition, and this because the Marquis De Nobili paid higher wages than others and was generally interested in the moral and physical wellbeing of his employees.

SILVIO EWALD, general agent for the Western States of the De Nobili Cigar Co. was born at Biella, Vercelli, Italy. He finished the Technical Schools in Italy and came to this country in 1896. He was instrumental in developing the use Italian food products in the Middle West in many directions till, as General Agent for the De Nobili Cigar Co., he limited his activities to fostering the use of Italian cigars among his fellow countrymen. He is a member of the Elks Club.

Italians became more and more interested in food products and established them- selves permanently in the manufacture of candy. Among these we can point with pride to the DE LUXE CANDY COMPANY, not Inc., wholesale and jobbing confec- tioners, soda fountain supplies, 445-447 North Wells Street. The President, Domenico Passaglia, was born at Santa Margherita, Province of Lucca, on August 4th, 1987. In Italy he finished the equivalent of the college course, at the Seminary of San Martino, at Lucca. He served in the army and then became chief conductor in the Italian Railroad, Government owned. In October 1910 he came to this country, but on account of the financial crisis, the country was going through, he did not find proper employment and was compelled to accept any kind of work. Yet in 1916, he started in business with the savings of the last six years, but the en- terprise was not successful. He left his American business associates, starting over again alone. In 1919 he founded the De Luxe Candy Company, taking as associates, his brothers Daniel and Martin and his brother-in-law, H. Pasquinelli for whom he had paved the way. With the help of his brothers and his brother-in-law, he has founded a business which has grown to be one of the most important candy jobbing houses, not only in Chicago, but also in the Middle West. He does business in many States, deals with many Italians, and it is undoubtedly due to his influence that the number of Italians opening stores where candy and fruit is sold is constantly increasing. I do not generally mention the family because of space, but in this case, I make an exception deserved by his young daughter, now married, who for several years ITALIANS IN CHICAGO

worked with her father as stenographer and personal secretary. Educated in Italy, she perfected herself in English after coming to this country, and always delighted me with her efficiency, her beauty and her gentleness. She left her position because she got married.

The number of Italians engaged in the grocery business is very large. Among the most important Italian wholesale and retail groceries in Chicago, I can mention that of PARIS & GIULIANO IMPORTING COMPANY, 1012-1014 So. Halsted Street. No more colorful career can be mentioned than that of A. Paris. He was born at Lugo nei Marsi, Province of Aquila, Abruzzi, in 1892, son of a fairly well to do, typical nineteenth century sheep broker. He received a grammar school education and began his business experience with his father. At seventeen, he got married and had a young son and at nineteen, in order to better support his family, he came to the United States. His first occupation was that of lumber jack. Then he went as whale hunter in Alaska, coal miner in Colorado, again lumber jack in the State of Washington. In 1916, he came to Chicago and worked as a grocery clerk for eight dollars a week.

In 1920, his wife joined him with their young son, and in 1921 the A. Paris Cheese Company was formed which financially and otherwise advanced by leaps and bounds. In 1924, the A. Paris Cheese Company was re-organized as the Paris and Giuliano Importing Company and grew rapidly until in 1931, in spite of the depression, their quarters were doubled and they now claim to own the largest store of its kind in the United States. Paris & Giuliano Importing Company specialize in importation of foreign foods. Not only the staple delicacies imported from Italy can be found there, the purest oil and a large variety of salami and different kinds of cheese, but also ail the finest food products from Spain, France and Greece.

The manufacture of macaroni and noodles is almost exclusively Italian. The num- ber of firms is constantly increasing, and i,he output increases in proportion. I have been particularly interested in the growth of the firm of the TRAFICANTI BROTHERS, 451 North Racine Avenue, for I have known this firm from its very beginning. There are two brothers, Frank and Nicholas, born in Montemaggiore, Belsito, Province of . They came to this country when Frank was seven and Nicholas four, and received their education from the . Both served in the war, and when the war was over, they used the bonus that the State of Illinois gave for serving in the army to start in business. In 1925, they founded a very small egg noodle factory. I remember with delight, the eagerness with which they entered upon their enterprise and how insistent they were in using only the best material. Until then egg noodles had been produced of a lower grade, using imported Chinese egg powder. Traficanti Bros., used only strictly fresh eggs. They used durum wheat instead of soft wheat and in every way strove to produce a superior article which objective they certainly have reached. In a few years a small one room factory has grown to & large plant. The products of Traficanti Brothers are used in all parts of the United States and are appreciated for the high standard unfailingly maintained. Traficanti Brothers were the first ones to use the Dupont cellophane package, which now is in universal use and insures absolute cleanliness of the product, even when it is much handled. Over 2,500,000 packages were sold last year. The Traficanti Brothers put on the market "American Finest Pure Egg Noodtes." ITALIANS IN CHICAGO

They also manufacture Bologna Style Macaroni as well as and Ravioli packed especially for hotel and restaurant trade.

JOSEPH W. PALISE, Ass't to the Managing Director and Catering Manager of the Morrison Hotel, Chicago. Born of Italian parents in New Orleans, La. July 22nd 1890. Graduated from the public schools and the East Side High School in Milwaukee, Wis. Completed a business course at the Spencerian Business College in Milwaukee. Entered the hotel business in a minor position at the age of sixteen and has held nearly all positions from bus boy to headwaiter and steward in the Restaurant Department and from bell boy to manager in the Hotel Department. He has held executive positions for the past seventeen years, with leading hotels and clubs of the Middle West, has been very active in Hotel Association and has been honored with many offices in local and national organizations. At the age of 30 he was elected National President of the International Stewards Association at Pittsburg. He is a singer of some note and a lover of music. Has attained considerable prominence in the Golfing World through his ability as a golfer.

ETTORE TONIATTI, was born in Venice, Italy. His father Giacinto was a **Garibaldino," who fought under Garibaldi for the Unification of Italy. He finished the Technical Schools in Italy and came to Chicago when he was eighteen years old. In Chicago he took up the trade of the jeweler and first worked for others, but about twelve years ago he engaged in business for himself and founded the VENE- TIAN JEWELRY MFG. CO. He is a designer and manufacturer of distinctive jewelry and has often been entrusted with important commissions when the Italian colony of Chicago offered a collective gift—such as the sword of honor to General Diaz and the laurel crown to Premier Mussolini. He imports Italian jewelry, deals in diamonds and watches and undertakes special repairs in antiques. For fifteen years he has been interested in the work of the where for thirteen years he has been a resident.

Another field in which the Italians have been pioneers and in which they still pre- dominate is that of terrazzo mosaic and tile work. They gave beauty to the walls, but, also, gave their American brothers beauty underfoot (and then some feared that the immigration from Southern Europe might lower the standard of living).

The most important and the oldest firm in this line is that of JOHN CARETTI & COMPANY, TERRAZZO, MOSAIC & TILE, owned now by Mel and Jas. C. D'Ambrosio whose father Giovanni was one of the founders in 1884, and the last survivor of the original firm. At his death it passed into the hands of his sons. Giovanni D'Ambrosio was born at Meduno and received his training as artist in mosaic work in Venice. He exhibited at the World's Fair in 1893 and was awarded a gold medal. He died in 1916 and was succeeded by his two sons. Both boys completed their high school course and then a technical course at the Chicago Technical College. As children they spent some time in Italy. After finishing their studies they entered their father's business, Giovanni D'Ambrosio was a pioneer in the mosaic work, and his work was among the very first to be done in the Middle West. His sons have followed successfully in his footsteps and have been entrusted with the carrying out of some of the most im-


portant work in the city. It is they who have executed the beautiful mosaic work which, for instance, adorns the Chicago Board of Trade and the Tribune Tower. The Company is a member of the Chicago Mantel and Title Contractors' Associa- tion, of the Chicago Terrazzo and Mosaic Contractors' Association, of the National Terrazzo and Mosaic Association, Inc., and of the Tile and Mantel Contractors' Associa- tion of America.

"Clothes make men," says a German proverb. If this be true, then the Italian emigrant from Southern Italy has made the American nation, for the Italians predo- minate now as tailors, particularly as designers, and they are important not only in numbers, but in excellency of achievement. It is the Italian designer who has been instrumental in transforming, for the better, the manufacture of ready made clothes, so that well cut, trimlooking garments are no longer the prerogative of the well to do. The Italian tailors are predominantly of Southern extraction. Tailoring had reach- ed a high standard in Italy many years ago, but, while the cloth was manufactured, almost exclusively, in the large mills of Northern Italy, the manufacture of the clothes fell more and more to the share of men from the South, who, when they came to this country, brought with them a high standard of workmenship, and gradually conquered the heights of the trade, predominating as designers all over the United States. But even as custom tailors, Italians are coming more and more to the fore. They are not merely setting the style for the masses, but they are deciding how the Amer- ican who sets the fashions in his own exclusive circle is to look. Is there a class of men that can boast to have more than these Italian tailors set a lasting mark on the American masses?

JOSEPH MELCHIONE, head of the Designing Department of Hart Shaffner and Marx, one of the most important firm of its kind in the United States, is one of the men who has been instrumental in transforming the appearance of the masses in the United States. Joseph Melchione was born at Manocalzati, Province of Avellino, Italy, in 1881. At fifteen he joined his father Gaetano in New York and worked as an apprentice in the tailoring trade. He worked all day—a long, long day, and then attended evening school in order to perfect his English, in which he has been most successful, and at the same time took private lessons in designing men's clothes. After learning drafting, he worked as custom cutter for about ten years, getting priceless training in the pre- paration of the highest grade clothes for men. In 1912, he came to Chicago and entered the firm of Hart, Shaffner and Marx as designer. After three years he was appointed Head of their Designing Department. He applied himself to the task bettering the cut of the unexpensive garments, till he suc- ceeded in taking first rank among those who entirely transformed the appearance of the working classes, one of the greatest contributions to the leveling of class difference the world has known. But even the designing of the highest grade was improved, till the wholesale manufacturer became a formidable rival to the custom tailor, who in turn had to excel to keep his trade.

N. G. DE MARCO was born at Stella Cilento, Province of , Italy, and came to this country wjhen he was ten, settled in Philadelphia and worked as an ap- prentice in the tailoring trade. His ambition was to become a first class designer. In Philadelphia he worked all day at his trade then attended evening school, studying ITALIANS IN CHICAGO

till eleven at night, acquiring a general education and perfecting himself in the English language. He went to New York and studied designing with John Graziadei. He worked as a tailor during the day and thus earned funds for his personal expenses and the expenses incurred for his training as designer, devoting his evening to his studies. He returned to Philadelphia and was employed as a cutter, then he want back to New York and worked for Graziadei as a cutter. Finally he was called to Chicago, by the Society Brand Clothes Company, an important firm, as asssitant designer to Mr. G. H. Pine, and upon the death of Mr. Pine, he was promoted to the position of chief designer. He too can claim to have done his share in raising the standard of the personal appearance of American men.

He belongs to the Columbian Country Club, to the Knights of Columbus and is a member of the La Salle Assembly.

J. P. MARZANO was born on Clark Street in one of the oldest Italian settle- ments in Chicago, where his father, Giuseppe, from Rieigliano, Prov. di Salerno, settled about seventy years ago. The number of prominent Italians who hail from Rieigliano Jias always been a source of wonder to me, for Rieigliano is a small place, and its sons in Chicago seem many and distinguished.

J. P. Marzano was one of the oldest boys in the family, and while, he was attend- ing school, he sold papers and did every kind of errand that came his way. He went through the Public Schools and later attended the Embalming College in Chicago. At eighteen he opened one of the first two dollar and half shoe stores in Chicago, but as he did not belong to the nationality who controlled the shoe market in Cjhicago, he had to give up his enterprise. At twenty one J. P. Marzano started in the undertaking business, at present, owns a large establishment at 931 W. Polk Street. He was the first undertaker from Southern Italy in Chicago and the first Italian to introduce auto- mobile service at funerals. At seventeen he belonged to the naval militia and then joined the second regiment of national guards. He was deeply interested in making Italians do their share in public life and today we have Italian representatives and aldermen in the very ward for which J. P. Marzano always worked. He is very fond of paintings, has pei-fected himself in Italian with an Italian tutor, is fond of athletics, particularly swimming and golf, but best of all, he says, he is the father of seven children, three of whom are already graduates of universities.

PAUL V. COLIANNI, president of Western Contracting Co., and Colianni & Dire Co., engineering contractors, came up from the ranks in the field of railroad construc- tion and engineering. He started as a call boy for a construction gang, working his way upward through the various stages of railroad engineering to his present high position in his chosen profession. As a youth he studied engineering and applied his theoretical work while in the employ of several of the large western railroads. In 1930 he was elected Sanitary Trustee, for the six-year term, on the regular Democratic ticket.

After passing through the mill in the maintenance and operating departments of railroads, Mr. Colianni formed the engineering firm of Colianni Brothers, with head- quarters at St. Paul and branches in Chicago and Milwaukee. Then, in 1918, he formed a partnership known as Colianni & Dire, which has grown to be one of the leading firms in its field in this country, with its main office at Chicago. This firm has handled some of the largest railroad contracts in the country, among them the con-


struction of the yards at Clinton, 111., for the Illinois Central Railroad; the big track elevation programs of the Chicago & Western Indiana; Pennsylvania; New York Central and Grand Trunk railroads, all in the Chicago district. This firm also supplied and handled all the materials for the mammoth Proviso, 111., yards of the Chicago & North Western Railroad—this job alone requiring four years to complete. A few years ago Mr. Coliannl formed a third company, the Western Contracting Company, which specializes in the maintenance and operation of railroads. Member of many local and national organizations. Among them are: Butterfield Country, Mid-West Athletic, Beachview, Lake Shore Athletic, Casa Del Mar and Iroquois clubs; Associate member of the Field Museum of Natural History, Illinois Chamber of Commerce and Association of Commerce. In his youthful days he starred at swimming and running and today enjoys golf and horse-back riding.

JOSHUA D'ESPOSITO—Consulting Engineer. Born in Sorrento, Italy 1878. Graduate of Nautical Institute, Sorrento, Italy. In America since 1897. Served apprenticeship for three years in various machine shops. Entered service in the Engineering Department of the Pittsburgh Railways Company in 1902 as Drafts- man and Designing Engineer. Entered service of the Pennsylvania Railroad, Lines west of Pittsburgh, 1905, as Draftsman and became Chief Draftman in 1907. Office Engineer in charge of all designing of the Pennsylvania Lines from 1907 to 1912. Came to Chicago in 1913 to initiate negotiations for the development and con- struction of the new Chicago Union Station. Was put in charge of construction of the new Chicago Union Station. Was put in charge of construction of the Chicago Union station in 1914, at which time he was Assistant to the Chief Engineer of the Penn- sylvania Lines. Entered the service of the United States Government in October 1917, with the Emergency Fleet Corporation, being made Assistant Manager in Charge of the Installa- tion of Machinery in all wooden ships built by the Government. Over one hundred complete ships were delivered and put in service by the Wood Ship Division before the Armistace was signed. Resigned from Government service in January 1919 and returned to Chicago to take charge of the construction of the new Chicago Union Station. Appointed Chief Engineer of the Chicago Union Station Company in January 1919, and carried out this entire project to completion in 1925. Appointed General Manager in complete charge of the station work and of the operation in 1925. Resigned from railroad service in 1927 to enter private practice. At present Consulting Engineer for the Chicago Union Station Company, for the Chicago Daily News and other important undertakings. During the period of service with the Pennsylvania Railroad, was in charge of preparation of plans for harbor and railroad improvements in connection with the operation of harbors at Cleveland, Ashtabula, Erie and Sandusky. In charge of prepa- ration of plans for track level work and terminals, both freight and passenger, for various cities along the Pennsylvania Lines. Acted at various times as an arbitrator between local unions in the building trades and contractors organizations, having been selected jointly by Union and Contractors. Prepared and presented to the Chicago Plan Commission projects for a scheme of superhighways ad comprehensive development for the west section of Chicago. Member American Society of Civil Engineer, Western Society of Engineers, Amer- ican Railway Engineering Association, Chicago Club, Union League Club, Engineer Club, Illinois Country Club.


THOMAS A, GARIBALDI, was born in Chicago and was the oldest son of John G. Garibaldi, who came from , Italy and was one of the earliest Fruit Commission Merchants in Chicago. He was practically the first to deal in bananas on a large scale initiating the shipment of green bananas and having them ripen in storage. He is among those who merit to be remembered, because they founded the now commercially very important fruit industry and transformed, for the better, the diet of even the staunchest Americans.

The education of Thomas Garibaldi and his brothers and sister was planned by his mother, founder and life president of the most important Italian women's society, the Maria Adelaide. Thomas Garibaldi attended the Chicago Latin School and then went to the University of Illinois. After having left the University, he started in business and was employed in the Corn Exchange Bank and then, in 1924, passed to the I'eal estate business. He is at present the head of the Thomas A, Garibaldi Co. real estate, and is also trustee and director of the J. G. Garibaldi Trust. His favorite pastimes are yachting and tennis.

Among the Italians in Chicago who hold important executive positions, none is better known that JOSEPH SORAVIA, Supervisor of all musical activities in Sears Roebuck and Co. He was born at Venice in 1880. He completed the elementary and technical courses in the Venice Public Schools, and came to this country at 17, having already mastered the English language, to join his father. He was first in a law office in New York, then again in a law office in Buffalo, and while he did not become a lawyer, he found his training in law extremely valuable later in understanding the problems of his countrymen.

In 1901 he came to Chicago with his father and started his work with Sears Roebuck and Co., in the musical department of which he is now supervisor, rising rapidly in importance.

He has always been keenly interested in his countrymen, and has done his best to further the study of Italian and of music among them. He has been connected with the Hull House and the Chicago Commons. He is a man of varied interests, a lover of music, art and literature, he is also fond of travel. He has a country home in Northern Italy where he goes, when he can, to enjoy the quiet and beauty of country life. He is a member of the Lake Shore Athletic Club of Chicago, the Colonial Club of Oak Park, the Itasca Country Club and the Camera di Commercio Italiana di Chicago.

ALEXANDER V. CAPRARO, ARCHITECT, was born in the town of Pietrabon- dante, Molise, Italy, in 1894, the son of Vincenzo and Maria (nee Vitullo). At the age of four he was brought to America and settled in Chicago, where he has since remained. He attended the public schools, is a graduate of the Joseph Medill High School, attended Armour Institute of Technology and the Art Institute, 1912-1914; Chicago Technical College and finished the last year of his architectural studies under private tutors. In 1916 he took and passed the state board examination for architects at the University of Illinois and was admitted to the practice of Architecture in the state of Illinois the same year. In 1918 he enlisted with the U. S. Naval Engineers and was assigned to the con- struction division of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, in the Navy Department at Washington, D. C. While there, he was instrumental in the design and erection of


various Naval Bldgs., including the huge NAVY and MUNITIONS buildings in Washington, D. C, at that time the largest buildings in the world in point of floor area. Immediately after the war he was engaged as building appraiser for the Illinois Central R. R. and together with Mr. Hugo Filippi, Ass't. Chief-Engineer of the road appraised all the building properties of the I.C.R.R.. In 1921 he entered into active practice of his profession, and in 1926 he formed a partnership with Morris L. Komar, another architect of note, and founded the firm of CAPRARO & KOMAR, ARCHITECTS, which firm is still active, with offices at 208 W. Washington St., Chicago. Mr. Capraro has been identified with the design and erection of numerous build- ings in Chicago and elsewhere, and has executed many commendable works among which are a number of large and pretentious apartment buildings, (the Casa Bonita Apartments on 7300 Ridge Road is recognized as one of the most beautiful apartment buildings in the city of Chicago), numerous apartment hotels, commercial buildings, clubs, churches, and public buildings. He also won, in competition with a group of well known architects, the commission to design and erect the first branch public library building, known as the John Toman Branch Library, located at 27th St. and Crawford Avenue. He has recently been appointed architect for the pavilion to be erected by the Royal Italian Government at the Century of Progress Fair.

Mr. Capraro is a member of various clubs and fraternal organization, is a Past Grand Knight of St. Francis Xavier Council, member K. of C, B. P. O. E. Oak Park Lodge, Frontenac Club, Midland Club, Alpine Gun Club, Elmhurst Golf Club, the Art Institute, and the Illinois Society of Architects.

DINO BIGALLI, conductor of Orchestra and Librarian of the Chicago Grand Opera' Company, was born at Florence, Tuscany, on June 18th, 1888. When only six years old he was admitted at the Royal Conservatory of Music, Luigi Cherubini. He soon won a scholarship and studied the piano with Prof. Del Valle. At twelve he was admitted to the study of counterpoint and fugue with Prof. Grazzini and at fifteen he began to study the organ with Prof. Landini. He acquired the diploma superiore, as instructor in the organ and later a diploma for high composition under the direction of Maestro Pizzetti. Besides he took a most comprehensive general musical course. He won the gold medal granted yearly to the best student of the organ, with full votes, (a rare occurrence). He distinguished himself as composer of various musical works, arranged for the piano, composing music for psalms and masses, sonatas and songs. He came to America when he was twenty-five and first appeared in concerts at Chatauqua; was then engaged by Maestro Campanini of the . He now belongs to the Chicago Grand Opera Company and is also Professor of the Chicago Conservatory of Music.

A story of successful effort is found in the achievements of JOSEPH GALICCHIO, Conductor of the Orchestra of the W. M. A. Q. Broadcasting Station. Joseph Galicchio was born at Calvello, , Italy, and came to this country with his father, who was a musician. Through his own efforts, he secured a good education and graduated from the Mary F. Tuley High School. He began playing the violin at six, at twelve he was earning expenses to put him- self through high school by playing the violin in an orchestra during the summer.


His interest in music was always keen and he never neglected an opportunity to per- fect himself. From 1917 to 1919 he played in the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra; in 1920 he belonged to the Chicago Civic Opera and in 1921 he began his career over the air. He was Concert Master then at the and his concerts were among the very first to be broadcast. When the opened, he was engaged as Concert Master, the orchestra being broadcast over Station W.E.B.H. In 1925 Mr. Dewey of the Edgewater Beach Hotel, heard him and invited him to organize the original Edgewater Beach Hotel Orchestra. He was heard and admired over the air and in 1927, he passed to the Stevens Hotel, and conducted the concert orchestra there. The Stevens Hotel broadcast through Station W. M. A. Q. and when this station decided to put on the air an orchestra of its own, the choice fell upon Joseph Galicchio. This is the modern story of the Italian, who made good over the air. He started with seven men and now has over twenty. His music is necessarily often popular music, but he tries to preserve the highest standard, whether selections are popular or classical.

I give the story of CLAUDIA MUZIO as accurately as she told it to me in January 1932. She was bom in Italy and was taken to London at two, when her father was ap- pointed Assistant Stage Manager at Convent Garden. She began to sing when she began to talk, trilling merrily when other children still ignore the existence of song. She was put in an English boarding school and when her parents took her out for the day, her desire was always to go back stage at Convent Garden and hear the opera sung. Her father discouraged her desire to become a singer herself. In fact, he had her voice tested by one of the most prominent singing teachers in London, Who said: "Dont let this child think she can be a singer. Slhe will never have more voice than a kitten." This did not discourage Claudia Muzio, who continued to sing for herself and when in her early teens, her parents placed her in boarding school at , she pursued with passionate ardor her musical studies, though she was not permitted to have any in- struction in vocal music. When her school course was completed, she was one summer the guest of a very distinguished Italian woman, who impressed with the earnestness of her desire to be- come a singer, had her sing for a blind old singing teacher, who in her time had trained some of the greatest operatic stars. This woman told Claudia Muzio that she needed practice, so that her voice might be strengthened, but that she placed her voice perfectly in a most natural way, and advised her to continue her studies by herself as she had done until then. Her father heard her, relented, and told her that he would give her a chance to make her debut in Massenet's ''Manon." He gave her two weeks to prepare her score. She was received at once with enthusiasm. Claudia Muzio also excelled in the harp, piano and especially in dramatic tecnique. She made her American debut at the Metropolitan in 1916. Joined the Chicago Civic

Opera Company and has been with it ever since, except for one season, 1928-1929. She has sung in most of the great opera houses of Europe and South America. It is super- fluous to speak of the enormous success she had in her concerts. The charm which Madam Muzio has for the public in her magnificent stage setting is not diminished at all when she is met in the simplicity of her own environment. The career of a great artist involves continued application and hard work, but Claudia Muzio remains a humming bird, brilliant and fairylike in an invisible harness.


VIRGILIO LAZZARI, Basso. was born at Assisi, Italy, the home of St. Francis. When he was sixteen, he went to Rome to study music. After two years he joined a light opera company, continuing in this line for nine years and touring Europe and South and Central America. Light opera offered no worthy setting for so great an artist and, in 1914, he made his first appearance in grande opera at the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires, without first obtaining the usually required approval of the Teatro La Scala in . He also sang at the National Opera in Havana, the M^unicipal Opera in Mexico City and the Boston Opera. Five years later, he joined the ranks of the Chicago Civic Opera Company and appeared in the Ravinia Opera Company too. Bass voices are rare and the beauty of Virgilio Lazzari's voice was appreciated by Mary Garden, who chose him to appear in the leading basso roles with the Chicago Civic Opera Company. Virgilio Lazzari also excells in his concert work. Virgilio Lazzari has never lost his love for his native country. He thrills to the charm of Assisi, as all who have an artist's should, and he has made for himself a large number of photographs and moving picture film portraying the natural and ar- tistic beauty of the birth place of the great Saint. Virgilio Lazzari has always been more than generous in lending his services for the benefit of his countrymen in Chicago when an appeal was made to him to sing at celebrations or benefits.

JOSEPH RAFFAELLI, Manager of the Chicago Grand Opera Company, was born at Lucca, Tuscany. He had the equivalent of a college course and then studied at the Institute Musicale of Lucca and at the Royal Conservatory of Music, of Florence, where he was a pupil of the famous Maestro Sbolci. He took a most comprehensive general musical course and specialized in the violoncello. He came to America in 1893, belonged to the orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House of New York, then to the Manhattan Opera House of that city, and has been manager of the orchestra of the Chicago Grand Opera Company since the formation of that company twenty two years ago. A magnificent career told in few words. During his career he has had occasion to meet the greatest composers and directors of orchestra, forming thus innumerable precious friendships. But the friendships of Prof. Raffaelli are not limited to the great for his interest in and his good will toward his countrymen who seek his help and advice is unfailing. I have never met a more obliging man.

Joseph Raffaelli has a high range of interest, his hobby is the study of history to which he devotes his leisure moments, and his favorite recreation is travel. He is correspondent of the University of Perugia.

An artist and a teacher VITTORIO TREVISAN was born at Venice in Italy, from an ancient and noble family that had suffered reverses. One of his ancesters was Doge in 1583. He completed the equivalent of a college course along classical lines, and his interest in classical study and philosophy has never ceased, indeed the study of the classics still is his hobby. He had a good voice and studied voice culture at the Conversatoi-y Benedetto Mar- cello. For ten years, he sang as leading baritone in the principal cities Europe and in Egypt. He came to this country and is known by every one for the roles he has held with the Chicago Civic Opera Company and the Ravinia Opera Company. One of the greatest achievements of Vittorio Trevisan has been to make Americans

13 ITALIANS IN CHICAGO acquainted with high art in comic roles. He entered upon his career in a moment when Italian high comic art was on the decline, and he made a supreme effort to specialize as a comic baritone, reaching the heights of art and preserving the dignity of the opera. The beauty of comic high art is not often appreciated because many are incapable of understanding the refinement in art requisite to maintain a level worthy of a great artist. Vittorio Trevisan has practically imposed the appreciation of this high comic art on his public, rendering his roles unforgettable. Since 1919 he has devoted much of his time to the training of talented young singers and has prepared many excellent opera singers and teachers of voice culture.

Vittorio Trevisan could not excel as a comic baritone and as a teacher, if there wei'e not within him a deep feeling for the best in humane nature.

EDWARD CHIERA, Professor Assyriology, . Edward Chiera was born in Rome, Italy in 1885. His father was for many years a publisher in Rome and in 1907 he came to America with his family. Edward Chiera had already completed the equivalent of a college course in Italy, and, when he came to this country, he first took work in Crozen Theological Seminary and then in the University of Pennsylvania. He received the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania in 1911 and 1913. Edward Chiera was one of a large family of children, his father was not a rich man and he had to secure his education by his own efforts. He is a born scholar and he concentrated on the study of Assyriology, creating for himself a special field. He spent several years in the University of Pennsylvania editing the Babylonian Tablets in the University Museum. His studies were published by the universities of Pennsylvania, Princeton, Harvard and Chicago. Though a scholar, Edward Chiera is an organizer and a man of action and the editing of the Babylonian Tablets scarcely gave an outlet to his energy, but fortunately, the monotony of mere office routine was broken up by several expeditions to Iraq where Edward Chiera organized excavations. His efforts were crowned with unusual success, for, in the City of , he discovered over a thousand very important documents.

In 1927, he was called by the University of Chicago, where he is Professor of Assyriology. He succeeded in arousing enough enthusiasm for Assyrian studies to be entrusted with conducting an excavation for the Oriental Institute in the City of Khorsabad, a modern village situated on the great city and palace of King Sargon II (700 B. C). As director of this expedition Edward Chiera was required to show not only exceptional scholarship, intelligence and energy, but also great diplomatic tact in his intercourse with the local authorities. Edward Chiera discovered much of interest and succeeded in bringing back to America many beautiful reliefs, but his greatest trophy was the so called Assyrian bull, a stone bull weighing forty tons, in perfect preservation and undoubtedly the largest monument ever carried across the ocean. The bull is on exhibition at the

Oriental Institute where thousands flock to see it. Edward Chiera is also publishing an Assyrian dictionary. He has found a very large number of small inscribed tablets that belong together and give a valuable insight into the family life of the old Assyrians. His contributions to Assyriology cannot be measured. Edward Chiera has many other interests too numerous to be catalogued. He told me of research work in psy- chology, of his enjoyment of nature and out of door life.

AUGUST PECARO, whose father came from Palermo, Italy, was born in Chicago. He frequented the public schools, graduating from the Lane Tecnical High School.


He attended the University of Illinois and graduated from the Chicago College of Dental Surgery in 1913. He was a captain in the U. S. Marines during the World War and is now a member of the Marine Post, American Legion. He was a founder of the Arcolian Dental Art Society and its first president and is now president of the North West Branch of the Chicago Dental Society. His favorite recreation is golf and bowling. He is greatly interested in art.

GUY C. GRAPPLE, whose father came from Laurenzana, Basilicata, Italy, was born in Chicago in 1888. He attended public schools and during his attendance at the Medill High School he published a newsy, monthly magazine "The Little Chronicle of Chicago" that, when he resigned as editor, had a circulation of five thousand. He graduated from the Northwestern University Law School in 1913. Was As- sistant State's Attorney in 1921; Attorney in charge, tax litigation 1920-1921; Assistant Sanitary District Attorney, 1922; Assistant United States District Attorney 1923-1925. He now specializes in federal practice. Member: B. P. O. Elks, Midwest Athletic Club, Antler's Country Club, Druce Lake Country Club, Airbois, Mohawks, North Western University Alumni Association, Com- mercial Law League, Lawyers' Association of Illinois, American and Illinois Bar As- sociations, Fraternal, Civic and Welfare Association.

ROCCO DE STEFANO, a practicing lawyer for 35 years, having graduated from the Lake Forest University June 1, 1897. Held public offices as Assistant Corporation Counsel and Member of the Legal Staff of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. Was a candidate for Judge of the Municipal Court in 1918, endorsed by all the news- papers of Chicago. Is a member of the Chicago Bar and Illinois State Bar Associations, Justinian Society of Advocates, Masonic Order, Knights of Pythias, Elks Lodge and a Shriner of the Medinah Temple. Was Acting Chairman for over 4 years of the Italian Committee of the 1933 World's Fair. During the World's war was Secretary of the Legal Advisory Board No. 42 and Chairman of the 19th Ward Liberty Loan and War Savings Drive. Is married and resides at 801 So. Ashland Blvd.

MICHAEL D'URSO, whose father Giacinto left Italy about 1880, was born in Chicago, frequented the Public Schools and graduates from the Lane Technical High School. He studied at the Webster College of Law and received his degree in 1921. He was in the real estate and insurance business until 1922 when he was elected State Representative from the 29th Senatorial District, serving for ten years. For eight years he was chairman of four important committees: uniform laws, banks bank- ing, building and loan, municipalities, license and miscellanies. He introduced legislation pertaining to improvements, many of the Board of Education bills, the home rule bill for Chicago which was passed.

THOMAS H. LANDISE was born on the 27th day of October A. D. 1892, n the City of New York, United States of America, the son of Ciro Landise and Frances Lan- dise, nee Castrogiovanni, of , Italy. He attended grade school in the City of New York, and when his parents migrated to Chicago, he attended the Hoffman Preparatory School of Chicago from which school he was graduated in the year 1913.


He entered Northwestern University Law School in 1914, from which Institution he graduated and received his LLB Degree in 1917. He was admitted to the Bar of the State of Illinois the same year, while he was in the Military Service, at Camp Grant, Rockford, Illinois, where he was serving as a member of "K" Company, 344th Regiment Infantry, in which outfit he served until 1918. In 1918, after he was discharged from the Military Service, he engaged in the general practice of law, in which he has been engaged up to the date hereof. His present office is at 105 W. Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois. In 1921, he was appointed Assistant State's Attorney of Cook County, in which he served until 1922. In 1930, he was a candidate for the Office of County Commissioner of Cook County, on the Business Mens' Republican Organization Ticket. He is a member of the American Bar Association; Illinois State Bar Association; One of the Incorporators and past president of the Justinian Society of Advocates; General Counsel and Director of the Italo-American National Union; Member of the LaSalle Club, Italian Club of Chicago and the Chicago Art Institute; President of the Italian Civic Club of Austin; Member of Kilwinning Lodge No. 311, A. F. and A. M.; Member of the Board of Directors of the Samaritan Settlement House, and a Member and Trustee of the Waldensian Presbyterian Church.

JOHN J. LUPE, whose father came to this country from Palermo, Italy, was born in Chicago and attended the Public Schools, graduating from the Wendell Philips High School in 1095. He attended the Bryant Stratton Business College, then the John Marshall Law School, graduating in 1909. The same year he was admitted to the Bar.

He has been judge in the Municipal Court since 1923 and is now a candidate for Circuit judge—I believe I may say: he will be circuit judge in June. I have been reliably informed that, when he had the court of domestic relations, he brought together over forty thousand couples who presented themselves determined to divorce. Personally I know of nothing more interesting, convincing and charming then John Lupe in his functions as judge—it is always a privilege, for me at least, to be present when he holds court, for he is a master in his way. He draws out instead of repressing and thus, scientifically, acquires the maximum knowledge on wbich to base judgment.

His favorite pastime is fishing. Member: Chicago, Illinois and American Bar Association, Lawyers' Association of Illinois, Justinian Society of Italian Advocates, Lincolnshire Golf Club, Evergreen Golf Club, Chicago Rod and Gun Club, Wisconsin Fishing Club, Elks, Frontenac Club, Moose, Knights of Pythias, American Brotherhood and others.

LAWRENCE N. MARINO was born at New Orleans, La. in 1901, one of a family of ten. His parents came to Chicago when he was five years old and he frequented the public schools and was going through high school when, in 1918, his father died and he was compelled to give up his studies and aid in the support of the large family. Unable to attend classes he finished his high school course by preparing by himself for the entrance examinations of the University of Illinois. He thus completed a col- lege preparatory course, and finally entered the Loyola University Downtown College for pre-legal requirements, after obtaining thirty semester hour credits from Wheaton College. He entered the Loyola University School of Law and graduated in 1929. While he was putting himself though college he continued to help support his family. He entered the practice of Law as Assistant Corporation Counsel for the City of


Chicago, being appointed in October 1929. In 1931 he handed in his resignation, which was accepted by the Hon. Francis X. Bush. While in the Corporation Counsel's office, he became attached to Police Prosecution before Civil Service Board, Bonds and Con- tracts, Injunctions and Mandamus and was later promoted to represent the City of Chicago in Springfield on legal matters. He has recently been made assistant United States District Attorney. Member of Oak Park, Nr. L285 B. P. O. Elks; Honorary President of the Romans

S. and A. Club : Counsel to Sambuco Zabot Mutual Aid Society: Counsel Ciminna Mutual Aid Society; Secretary of the Justinian Society Advocates 1931-1931; Chair- man of the Organization numerous organizations on the near North Side.

JOHN BLASE MECCIA was born in New York City in 1904. His father Ignazio Meccia, native of Ventimiglia Sicula, Italy, was a senior partner in the private banking firm of Meccia and Manno, in this city and died in 1915 leaving no estate. John Meccia had to work for his education and this deserves to be emphasized be- cause he persevered in his studies till he acquired the Degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence. He graduated from the Irving Park Grade School, in 1917; from the Carl Schurz High School in 1921; from Crane College in 1923. He received the degree of Bachelor of Science from the Northwestern University in 1925 and the degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence in 1927. The same year he was licensed to practice law in the state of Illinois. He crowded nineteen years of schooling in a life of twenty three. While in high school, in order to earn his expenses, he worked for three years in a moving picture theater, rising there to the position of assistant manager. He is interested in athletics and is fond of out of door life. He belongs to the Chicago Bar Association, State Bar Association, American Bar Association, Justinian Society of Advocates, (Secretary in 1929; President, 1931), Knights of Columbus, St. Francis Xavier Council, Sigma Delta Kappa Law Fraternity and Alumni Associations of schools mentioned above.

ANTHONY J. MERCURIC takes a first place among the young lawyers whose unflinching determination to secure an education brought him success in his profession. His father, a newspaperman well known in Italy and in America, came to this country from Termini Imerese, Prov. of Palermo, when Mercurio was eleven years old and settled in Utica New York. There the boy received a public school educa- tion, which was interrupted when, having completed the grade schools, he had to go to work to support his father and mother. Shortly after the U. S. entered the World War, he enlisted in the army, serving in the Chemical Warfare Service Department and, in 1919, upon his discharge from the army, he came to Chicago determined to make up for the educational advantages that had been denied him and to enter the legal profession. He secured his high school credits by taking, in one year only, the entrance ex- aminations for the University of Illinois, (he was his own tutor), and then attended the Lewis Institute for one year. Then he worked in a law office, gathering general ex- perience in the daytime, but attending evening courses at Kent College of Law. In 1924 he completed the law course and was at once admitted to the bar. He has since been engaged in the general practice of law. He has been very active in politics and in 1931 he held the office of secretary to a member of the Board of Assessors. He was secretary for one year of the Justinian Society of Italian Advocates.


He is a member of the American legion and of the above mentioned Justinian Society.

JOSEPH R. ORRICO, was born in Chicago , Illinois on May 29, 1892, where his father had settled after leaving Comarico, Basilicata, Italy. He attended the public schools helping to support himself even as a small boy by selling papers. He graduated from the Medill High School. He graduated from Valpvaraiso University in 1915 and was at once admitted to the Bar. In the World War he was a lieutenant in the Air Service. From 1929-1933 he was Assistant States Attorney. He belongs to many societies and civic organizations. He has been Grand Knight of the St. Francis Xavier Council of the K. of C. from 1926-1927. He is at present Judge Advocate of the Julius Caesar Post, American Legion and is also President of the Justinian Society of Advocates. He enjoys out-of-door life.

WILLIAM PARRILLO was born in Chicago in 1903 of Italian parents who came from Ricigliano, Italy, a small town that has sent to Chicago a number of successful citizens. He attended the public schools and graduated from the Joseph Medill High School. He studied Pharmacy at the University of Illinois, then graduated from the Chicago Kent College of Law and took graduate work in law at the North Western University. In 1927 he was appointed United States District Attorney, the youngest man ever appointed to that position. His family was not in good circumstances and William Parrillo had to support himself while studying. He sold papers while going to high school, and worked in a drug store while going through college. He was Committeeman of the 25th Ward National Republican Organization; Chairman of the Italian-American National Republican Committee which covered all the States from Pennsylvania to the Pacific coast. He is a member of the Justinian Society of Italian Advocates, of the Illinois Bar and the Chicago Bar Associations and belongs to various others social and fraternal association. He is generally interested in sports.

GEORGE L. QUILICI, LL. B., Captain United States Army (Reserve); born at Chicago, Illinois, July 24th, 1897; son of Henry and Anna (Martinelli), attended Walter Scott Grammar School, Lake High (now Tilden), Lane Tecnical and Hyde Park High Schools, special courses Y.M.C.A. Schools, DePaul and Northwestern Universities, ad- mitted to bar. State of Illinois, 1920, served enlistment in 1st Field Artillery, I.N.G., served over seas and saw active service on the front during the war participating in many major engagements, including the Argonne offensive, St. Mihiel offensive and on the Verdun front. He was a candidate for judge in 1930 and received the unqualified endorsement of the Chicago Bar Association and the local press, being the youngest man to have ever received this honor. He is also an outstanding orator and public speaker nationally known and has spoken in most of the major cities of the United States from coast to coast and has often broadcasted on the radio. He is a member of the law firm of Harrold, Quillici, Miller, Clementi and Murphy. Member of: Justinian Society of Advocates (former President), Chicago Bar As- sociation (Committee on Defense of Prisoners and Committee on Legal Education),


Illinois State Bar Association (Committee on Public Defender), American Bar Associa- tion, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity (Story Chapter '16), Chicago Alumnal Chapter Phi Alpha Delta, Phi Kappa Gamma, De Paul University Alumnal Association, Reserve Officers Association of United States, Cook County Chapter, Illinois Division, R. O. A. of U. S., The American Legion, The Assemblers, Italian Arts Club (former President), Collegiate Club, Hamilton Club, Northwestern University Alumni Association, North- western University Club of Chicago.

VINCENZO SCAFA, whose father Pasquale was in business at Naples, Italy, was born in that city, and received his degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence from the Univer- sity of Naples, specializing in anthropology and criminal sociology. The same univer- sity granted him a certificate that qualified him for consular and diplomatic service. He came to Chicago in 1923 and was executive officer in several banks. Lately he has opened the Italian Legal Bureau and Steamship Agency at 201 N. Wells St.

Vincenzo Scafa does not handle American legal cases at all. He offers assistance in cases requiring a full knowledge of the Italian law and draws up legal documents such as powers of attorney, wills, donations, deeds for mortgages, contracts and af- fidavits. He guarantees legal correctness in the translation of documents from English into Italian and viceversa.

Like most Italians he is interested in art and literature, but particularly in social problems.

HORATIO TOCCO is another of our professional men who owes his present posi- tion to his own efforts. He was born in Faeto province of Foggia in 1891. His mother taught school there for a number of years and his father, who came to this country when Horatio Tocco was only six months old, was a graduate of the Liceo of Foggia. He came to this country at the age of fourteen and supported himself in various Ways, till, at nineteen, he entered the employ of Armour and Company as Italian representative of the Extract Department. He continued to educate himself in various ways and finally concentrated upon the study of law. In June, 1920 he graduated from Kent College of Law and subsequently became associated with the Legal Depart- ment of the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company, but he severed his connection with this Company to enter the general practice of with his own office. In September, 1928, he was appointed attorney for the Italian Counsul General of Chicago.

He is a member of the American and the Chicago Bar Associations and of the Justinian Society of Advocates.

GERARD M. UNGARO was born in Chicago from Italian parents. His father, Rocco, came from Trivigna, Basilicata, and was far from wealthy. Gerard Ungaro went through the grade schools and graduated from the Mary F. Tuley High School. From the age of ten he contributed to his own expenses and paid his way through high school by working with advertising agencies. From high school he went direct to the North Western University, self supporting again, successfully securing his degree in law from this great Western Institution. He now specializes in corporation, banking and commercial law and is director and officer of more corporations than I can here enumerate.


He has for years been earnestly interested in social service work and for many years has worked with the Italian boys in the Chicago Commons. While in high school and in college he was greatly interested in dramatics and this stood him in good stead in his efforts for his young countrymen. His own interests are varied and this makes him a ready listener to any cultural proposition that may be launched by Italians and for Italians. He belongs to the St. Francis Xavier Council of the Knights of Columbus, the Lake Shore Athletic Club, the Columbian Country Club, the Law Institute, the Chicago and the Illinois Bar Associations.

Dr. EUGENE CHESROW was born in Chicago thirty seven years ago. His parents were poor, his father had poor health and did not always contribute to the support of the family, so that since early childhood Eugene Chesrow had to work and contribute to the limit of his ability to his expenses and those of his relatives. He worked himself through the grade schools and high school, then through the University of Valparaiso and through the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery from which he received his medical degree in 1914—only twenty years old. His internship was spent in the Colum- bus Hospital. For the last ten years he has been attending surgeon in the Columbus Extension and Mother Cabrini Hospital. He was elected to the American College of Surgeons, the first Italian in Chicago to be thus honored. He is also a member of very many Medical & Surgical societies as well as most of the military organizations. In 1917 he enlisted in the United States Army and was sent to France as a com- manding officer of Ambulance Company 39 early in 1918. He was attached to many of the American divisions and several French division in the sectors of Chateau Thierry, Champagne and Chemin des Dames. In September 1919 he resigned as «aptain, but is still very active in the medical reserve holding a lieutenant-colonelcy in that branch of the service. Dr. Chesrow has four brothers: ALBERT CHESROW, thirty-five years old, who, after finishing high school, graduate dfrom the School of Medicine of Loyola University in 1919; after finishing his internship he was for three years assistant to his brother Eugene and now has his own practice specializing in GjTiecology and Obstetrics; he is a member of the State Medical and the Chicago Medical Societies. DAVID CHESROW, after finishing high school, entered the University of Valparaiso, graduating in 1924. Then he attended Kent College of Law and, in 1925, received the degree of Master in Law. He is active in politics and is Deneen Committeeman of the 27th Ward. He practices both in criminal and federal law. FRANCIS CHESROW, who, after finishing high school, entered the University of Valparaiso, graduating in Pharmacy in 1924. He owns and operates the Chesrow Pharmacy at 1001 S. Ashland Boulevard. He is a member of many pharmaceutical societies. RICHARD CHESROW who, after finishing high school, entered the School of Dentistry of Loyola University, from which he graduated. Back of this story of five brothers, four of whom owe much of their achievement to their oldest, looms the magnificent figur of their mother, almost legendary in the Italian colony, for the untiring energy with which she spurred her sons on in their studies,, working her fingers to the bone to keep them in school, when her sick husband could not even provide for himself. Eugene, the oldest of her brood stood staunchly by her, till she found herself the proud mother of five professional men. One of the many heroic mothers of whom we hear nothing, whose name is never mentioned among those who deserve most credit for the marvelous advancement of the Italian group. The legend also tells how she has pledged her sons to mercy for those women who struggling with poverty need the charity of medical care—and, I think that Dr. Eugene Chesrow

20 ITALIANS IN CHICAGO has the largest charity practice in Chicago. His poor patients do not come to him, they flock.

GEORGE DE TRANA, whose father Frank came to Chicago from Italy in 1905 Calvello, Province of Potenza, Italy 1969, was born in Chicago, he graduated from the grade schools at twelve, from the McKinley High School at fifteen, from the University of Illinois at 19, got his degree of M. D. from the same University at 21, receiving honors for all his university work. He was intern at the County Hospital in 1928. He taught at Loyola University in 1930 and from 1931 to date has taught in the School of Medicine of the University of Illinois. His favorite recreation is golf.

ROCCO VINCENZO LOBRAICO was born in Chicago in 1889. His father Francesco Domenico emigrated from the Basilicata, Italy, in 1867 and settled in Chicago in 1879, Rocco Lobraico frequented the Polk Street School, (now Dante School), from 1805-1903, St. Ignatius College 1903-1907 and the Medill High School 1907-1908. College of Medicine, University of Illinois, 1908-1912, internship. Mother Cabrini Hospital 1911-1912. He was secretary of the Italian Medical Society of Chicago 1921-1925 and president of the same society 1925-1926. Member: Chicago Medical Society, Illinois Medical So- ciety, American Medical Association, St. Ftancis Xavier Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of Peace, Holy Name Society. He was individual Champion Bowler of St. Francis Xavier Bowling League 1930- 1931 and Captain of Championship team 1931. He shares his office with his sister, Adelina Florence Lobraico, wife of Frank Lavieri M. D., She was born in Chicago in 1904, attended public schools and graduated from the Lake View High School in 1924, from the College of Medicine, University of Illinois, 1929, and completed her internship at the Frances Willard Hospital in 1930.

Dr. S. A. SCIARETTA has a fine professional record, but I think, also offers one of the most interesting stories of emigrant boys—I wish I had more. He was born at Termoli, Province of Campobasso, of a well to do family and his father Domenico was much interested in his education. When Dr. Sciarretta had finished the equivalent of the high school, his father arrenged to have him go to Switzerland to take a special commercial course. Dr. Sciarretta left for Switzerland well provided with funds, but decided he would go to England instead, and, having gone as far as Rotterdam, he changed his mind again and took a boat to the United States. There he soon found himself short of funds and wrote home for money. His father sent him, at once, what was needed for a return ticket, with orders to come home immediately. The boy—only sixteen—spent the remittance and wrote again asking for more. This his father refused, but arranged to have a steamer ticket for Naples given him. The boy sold the .ticket and wrote home for funds. This time the father offered the fare, with the condition that he would get his ticket when he went on board. This hurt the lad's feelings and he found work which made him self supporting. He came West and always self-supporting, he managed to enter the University of Valparaiso and was there for one year, from there, he went to the Chicago College of Medicine and Sxirgery where he graduated. He earned all his expenses. He served


his internship at the Columbus Hospital and then started in private practice, but this was interrupted when from 1918-1919, he served in the Army on the French Front. He left the service as captain and resumed his practice of medicine in Chicago. He took graduate courses in ear, nose and throat deseases under renowned Viennese special- ists and in 1926 limited his practice to this field, becoming a certified oto-rino-laringo- logist. He is now a fellow of the American College of Surgeons: Senior Member and Head of Department of the John B. Murphy Hospital, Junion Member of the St. Luke Hospi- tal; Clinical Assistant at the Loyola University school of Medicine.

Dr. SALVATORE VELLA stands out not only for his personal achievements, but for having secured for his three young sisters the educational ad^'antages that he conquered for himself. It is the story of the proud brother. Dr. Vella was born at Valle d'Olmo, , in 1887. At fifteen he had completed the Technical Schools of Agriculture at Palermo. Lack of funds pre- vented his pursuing his education in Italy, and at 16 he came to this country where he earned his living doing odd jobs. After two years he sent for his family, father, mother and four little sisters and they first settled at Fredonia, N. Y. where there was a prosperous Sicilian colony and one of the best normal schools in the State of New York. He worked and he studied. After eleven months his mother died, leaving the family prostrated with grief. In their discomfort they left Fredonia and went to Buffalo, and after Dr. Vella had finish- ed high school there, he went to the University of Valparaiso where his family again joined him. After two years he brought his flock to Chicago, soon graduated from the Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons and later from the Medical School of Loyola University. He became a general practitioner, and established manyfold con- nections. On associate staff of American Hospital; Surgeon of Illinois Steel C, Gary, Ind., Public Health Physician, Chicago, Examining Physician Woodmen of the World; Member American Medical Association; Italian Academy of Medicine; Chief Medical Examiner, Order Sons of Italy; State of Illinois, Examining Physician, Local Board

Nr. 1, Chicago, during the World War. Also, educator of four younger sisters. When the mother died, she left four little daughters, the youngest only two years old and the oldest fourteen. Dr. Vella would not allow the oldest girl to lose her schooling and they trained the baby so that she might be seen and not heard ,and then went to the principal of the school the children attended and obtained that the baby would be allowed in class with the oldest girl in the forenoon, and with the second oldest in the afternoon. The housework was so organized that all did their full share at night and the household was in full order in the morning to attend the educational needs. No matter how difficult con- ditions were, the girls were not allowed to drop their studies. Maria, the oldest, graduated from the School of Pharmacy, University of Valpa- raiso, took a teacher's course, became High School Principal in White Cloud, Mich, then graduated in pharmacy from the University of Illinois and now owns a magnificent pharmacy in California. Rosina graduated from the American College of Physical Culture and is now a successful instructor. Giuseppina, the model Sicilian baby, graduated from the American College of Physical Culture, and is now principal of a Junior High School at Long Beach California. This is the record of the young Sicilian emigrant, who raised four sisters and was not satisfied unless he secured for them educational advantages to equal his ovsm.


The most important Italian newspaper in Chicago is the ITALIA, owned and founded by OSCAR DURANTE in his early teens. Oscar Durante was born at Naples in 1869 and came to Chicago in 1885. He has been active in public life and has shown himself sincerely interested in the preservation of Italian culture as a complement to an English education. For many years he has been chairman Chicago Board of Educa- tion and for four years has been Vice president of the Board. He was assisted in his work by his brother Ettore who died recently. He has now on the editorial staff of the Italia Nicola Lo Franco.

NICOLA LO FRANCO was born in Caulonia, . He finished the equivalent of a college course in Italy and began his newspaper career with the Giomale d'ltalia in Rome. At twenty he came to Chicago and was connected with the Patria owned by M. Mastrogiovanni, then with the Movimento owned by P. Parise. After that he assu- med his present position with the Italia.

La NUOVA ITALIA, a weekly, is the last Italian Newspaper to appear, for its first number is dated April 23, 1933 and it gives good promise of not being by any means the least. ACHILLE F. BAMBARA is the owner and director of the paper. He came from Villa San Giovanni, Reggio Calabria, Italy, very young, after varying experience he became interested in theatrical enterprises and opened the first moving picture theatre in Chicago, the "Fashion Theatre" that still exists. The paper is editer by CARLO MEOLA, who was born at Naples in 1879. Bom to affluence the family suffered financial reserves and, as a young boy, he began a serious struggle in life. He finished the equivalent of a college course and then did considerable graduate work at the University of Naples. Then he served in the Army as officer in Field Artillery. He left Army and began his career as newspaper man, connecting himself with some of the most important newspapers in Naples. He came to the United States in 1906. He taught Italian in the New York high schools, resuming his newspaper work with the Progresso of New York. Then he came to Chicago and was editor and proprietor of the Cittadino of Chicago. He became one of the editors of the Italia and for many years was also correspondent of the Corriere di America of New York. He is at present also manager of the Italian Department of the World's Fair Tourist Club. He belongs to many associations and is particularly active in the Figli d'ltalia in which he has held high offices. I know of no one more sincerely interested in the welfare of the Italians in Chicago and more generous in helping any deserving enterprise either in the Press or through personal effort.

Among the Italians in Chicago, there was no more colorful, impressive and be- loved figure than that of ALESSANDRO MASTRO VALERIC, best known as the founder, the proprietor and the editor of the Italian weekly LA TRIBUNA TRANS- TALANTICA ITALIANA. Alessandro Mastro Valeric was born in Sannocandro Garganico, provincia di Fog- gia. He was an officer in the Italian Navy and served from 1876 to 1880, cruising during that period mostly on the REGIA CORVETTA GOVERNALE in the Southern Atlantic. This period of his career left an indelible mark on him, and a mere change of clothes would give us again an incomparable seaman. He came to the United States in 1882 and to Chicago in 1886. His activities were manifold and a full enumeration is impossible.


He founded two agricultural colonies in Alabama, trying to prevent the over- crowding of the Italian emigrants in urban centers. He was instrumental in having the law of compulsory education passed and for years acted as volunteer truant officer,, instilling into his fellow country men the love of education which has helped the Italian group make such marvelous strides. In 1898 he founded the TRIBUNA TRANSATLANTICA ITALIANA a weekly- publication deserving the most sincere praise. It was often a great treat to find in the TRIBUNA the reprint of some of the most interesting and important articles published recently in Italy. Nor was it less interesting to find, in the chronicle of Chicago, the use of many terms belonging to the jargon formed by the Italian emigrant who often has given American terms an Italianized form. The publication of this weekly was suspended recently to the great regret of its readers, Alessandro Mastro Valerie has recently returned to his birthplace. Yet it is not what has done, but what he is that counts, and to a large number ©f us he still is the best beloved of the Italians in Chicago,

The ITALIAN AMERICAN NATIONAL UNION is the oldest Italian association in the United States, and is probably the only mutual benefit society that, besides numbering among its members 5000 adults, has a juvenile department which numbers over one thousand members. The society has a State deposit of one hundred thousand dollars and is under the direct control of the Department of Trade and Commerce of the State of Illinois. It is greatly to the credit of the Italo-American National Union that, in spite of the prolonged crisis that has wrecked many institutions, it has continued in an upward course and that on December 1932 its yearly accounting showed a favorable balance superior to that of any preceding year, although the insurances paid exceeded those of 1931, Its President, assisted loyally by the other officers of the society, is working out a vast program of reorganization and modernization that will greatly increase the im- portance of the Italian-American Union, The excellent financial status of the Italian-American Union as a mutual benefit society is only one of its merits, I have been in touch with the society for over six years and can give the highest praise for the support they have given initiatives that were to benefit the rising generation, Jerry Priore, whose death was a loss to many, was secretary when I first got in touch with this Union, and was unsparing in his ef- forts in behalf of the evening centers we were trying to open in cooperation with the Board of Education, Constantino Vitello was "Vice-president at the time and gave our work all his backing. The plans of the Union include a continuation and intensification of civic work among young Italo-Americans.

Among those interested in aiding the development of the Italian colony of Chicago I can number MR. J, STRUMPEN-DARRIE, until recently head of the BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES in Chicago, 56 East Congress, It was with him that I arranged for classes in English for those Italians who, though they had a general knowledge of the English language, needed special training either in pronunciation or in the idiomatic use of the language or in both,, and for classes in Italian for the children of Italians who wished to i)erfect themselves in the native tongue of their parents. Only native teachers were employed. The cultured Italian in Chicago only too often finds of employment and business closed to him because he knows English imperfectly. The intermediary often


causes costly, indeed, irreparable mistakes. Much of the life of this country and this people is lost to the one who moves among them like a dfeaf mute—seeing, but not hearing and unable to convey his thoughts to others. To the Italian race, on the other hand, their language and literature not only brings inestimable treasures, but the intimate knowledge of their language and litera- ture is of the highest value, giving them a distinct advantage over their American fellow citizens, for it not only facilitates the study of Latin, but offers in itself a firm foundation for a more understanding study of Anglo-American civilization, reaching far beyond a mere study of language and literature. Mr. J. Strumpen-Darris has been called to New York, but his son remains to take his place and we can hope that he will continue successfully in the work that his father fostered.

Foremost among the friends of the Italians in Chicago stands the REVEREND FREDERICK SIEDENBURG, for years dean of the Downtown College and School of Sociology of Loyola University and now executive dean of the University of Detroit. In 1912 Father Siedeburg organized a Sunday School attended almost exclusively by Italians, at the Maria Addolorata Church, corner of Peoria and Grand Avenue. The school grew so amazingly that before long two floors in the Montefiore Public School were rented, the staff of teachers grew from ten to eighty and over eight hundred students were enrolled. Feather Siedenburg was connected with the school for eight years. I have found his assistance in the work I have been doing invaluable. He granted free use of the class rooms at Loyola Downtown College for lectures in Italian, and for two years granted the Fascist University the use of a class room free of charge. But the occasions upon which he showed his practical interest cannot be numbered. I take this opportunity of expressing my deep gratitude for and appreciation of all he has done. Father Siedenburg is a native of Ohio. He took his A. B. from Xavier University in 1893 and his A. M. from St. Louis University in 1899. He did research work at the University of Innsbruck and the University of Vienna. He is president of the Illinois State Conference of Social Welfare, is a member of the State Board of Public Welfare and holds many other position of importance in social work.

In 1926 H. M: the KING OF ITALY, by royal decree, made W. G. HAY, knight of the Order of tlie Crown of Italy, in recognition of his distinguished radio services in behalf of the Italian people in the U. S. This links him to the Italian colony in Chi- cago, and doubly so because he is the only "cavaliere" of foreign birth w'ho has fur- nished me a biography, making him one of the distinguished group whose history I have tried to outline. From the bonnies braes of Scotland comes this nationally famous favorite of the air. W. G. "Bill" Hay, whose genuinely friendly voice brings to the listening world each night the two great radio entertainers, Amos and Andy, winning the confidence of his audience through his sincere manner of presentation and perfect diction. On Sunday night over WMAQ the Chicago Daily News Station, Bill Hay, in the role of Auld Sandy, creates an atmosphere of the land of heather by entertaining with beloved old Scotch songs and homey Scotch poems given in his native tongue. Besides being WMAQ's Chief Announcer and exclusive chain announcer for the Pepsodent Company, sponsors of Amos 'n' Andy and the Goldbergs, Mr, Hay is Director of Sales for this Station.


JUDITH C. WALLER. It is fit that I should close this series of sketches with a tribute to Judith C. Waller who for three years, at my request, granted the free use ef the W.M.A.Q. for the broadcasting of lessons in the Italian language and literature, Judith Waller was then Vice-President and Station Manager of the W.M.A.Q. and is now Educational Director of the N.B.C. The Italian was kept on the educational program till all languages were taken off, with the exception of Spanish and French, which were continued for only one half hour a week each. Absolutely nothing has been done that contributed more to the dessimination of Italian culture than the lessons broadcast for the W.M.A.Q. I am still grateful to Miss Waller for having entrusted me with this task which proved possibilities in this line of work hitherto unsuspected and of inestimable value to the American citizen of Italian blood, not only in preserving for them the cultural treasures of their forefathers, but also in promoting a better understanding of the English Language and its Literature. The Italian government has been conferring gold medals for contribution to the dessimination of Italian culture, I trust that the next official list will contain the name of JUDITH C. WALLER, and I also hope that the Italians of the United States, when the present crisis is over, will raise the funds necessary to worthily continue the work started for them.




2942 Indiana av ... VIC try-1097 Fiatanesi F Accordion Mfg Co Inc Micheli Armando 535 N. Well ...DEL wre-2331 1514 Milwaukee av BRU nswk-0240 Magnine Peter 5401 Maple av AUS tn-8191 Marzolo Leo A 1012 N Dearb ACCOUNTANTS -DEL awar-4896 Navigato Rocco D 400 N Mich av. —SUP rior.2658 ZIROLI ANGELO Dovia J 38 S Dearborn.- CEN trl-5908 717 S Racine av ___ -HAY mkt-e760 Dragonetti & Co. 3511 W Chgo KED ze-3036 Pearce & Granata 139 N Oark STA te-5839 ZIROLI PIETRO TEOFILO Sassetti Frank L 4147 W VanBuren KED ze- 7681 717 S Racine av _HAY mkt-6760 ZIROLI NICCOLA ADVERTISING AGENUES 717 S Racine av -HAY mkt-6760

Petella Qaude Advg Co 10 E Huron SUP rior-6489 AUTOMOBILE AGENCIES & DEALERS ALTARS Citro Motor Co 1257 S Peoria CAN al-1596

American Altar fi. Statuary Co AUTOMOBILE REPAIR SERVICE 2171 Clybourn av DIV rsy-10272 DAPRATO STATUARY COMPANY 766 W Adams MON ro-0620 Garibaldi Tony J 310 W 69th_ -WEN twth-8686 Gerace P J 1021 Sedg_., LIN cln-1189 ANTIQUES Isotta Motor Serv Rep 1622 N Wells....DIV rsy-2155

ITALIAN ANTIQUE GALLERIES AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATIONS 932 N Mich Av DEL awar-1643 Citro A S 1419 W. Wabash bl. _....MON ro-0020 ARCHITECTS Dante Serv Sta 1435 E 75th BUT erfld-2120 Gianneschi Jos 6507 W 63rd GRO vhil-1975 Capraro A V 7 S Cicero av MAN sfld-7800 Gironda Nick 2701 Wentwth av VIC try-6773 Del Campo Scipione 2955 N. Kilpatk—KIL dar-0467 Geraldi Nick 4526 Belmont av PEN sacola-5490 Gliatto L A 5748 Race COL mbs-169o Leoni Serv Sta 6031 S Cicero. PRO spct-1632 Gregori Raymond 134 N LaS___+__CEN trl-2419 Lettiere Jno 6158 S Western av-_ REP ublc-5827 Pioso & Peterson 225 N Mich CEN trl-2088 Marchese's Filling Sta 2138 Taylor WES t-4564 Rebori & Wentworth 221 N LaS.-FRA nkln-3401 Parisoli Anthony 3100 N Central—BER kshire-3816 Traveletti & Higgins 208 W. Adams FRA nklin-8055 Robilotta Joe 132 W 31st CAL umt-5305 Russo Serv Sta 771 Polk _ HAY mkt-9266 ART EMBROIDERIES Sansone Super Sta 6700 Fulrtn av__MER imac-4797 Sbarbaro Gasoline Sta 2357 W. Adams SEE ly-9281 Collo Embroidery Co 325 S Market HAR sn-4064 Torrisi Jos 2601 N Wells VIC try-0618


CIPRIANI LISI Battaglini Bros Auto Sply Hse 5461 Blackston av -HYD Pk-1092 2055 Jackson SEE ly-8078 Grieco C Coml Art Co 64 W Rand CEN trl-6723 Casazza Company Inc 516 N WeHs—SUP rior-8935 27 SELECTED DIRECTORY OF THE ITALIANS IN CHICAGO


CALABRESE JNO. BANCO DI NAPOLI 906 S Halsted St HAY mkt-7910 1001 S Racine av MON ro-2958 MID-CITY TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Calabrese Michael 1620 Taylor SEE ly-1943 801 W Madison St_ _HAY mkt-7600 Cammarano A 1015 S Western av See ly-8864 Campitello Matilda 909 S Paulina SEE ly-7428 Castro Vincente 9000 Burly av REGent-4756 BARBERS Cesaretti Babery 2421 Western av CAN al-466o Abenanti 753 Addison knghm-3313 Cimmino V 709 Forquer MON ro-6955 Joe _BUC Abinanti Tom 2754 Divrsy av itge-7822 Claudio Pastry Shop 800 S Califor_NEV ada-3402 W ARM Alesi Adolph 2041 North bldt-0782 Cortesi Bros 1124 W Grand av MON ro-2269 W HUM Anselmo Rosario 2005 Montrose av._.LAK vw-9723 Crisci Jas 2827 W Vanburn _NEVada-3783 Anzalone Frank 554 18th al-7354 Davino Louis 818 Loomis _ HAY mkt-5179 W CAN De Giacomo D 1001 S Marshfield -SEE ly,3725 Arigi Wm 1511 N Clark DEL aware-8391 Arito Frank 1820 Van Buren Deleo Pasquale 1213 Taylor —MON ro-3876 W SEE ly-0366 Baki DeNicolo Frank 612 N Sang HAYmkt-4492 John J 3515 S Halsted YARds-3ft48 Battaglia Peter 1585 Fanelli Bakery 1138 Taylor MON ro-2265 T Ogden av MON ro-2589 Bentivenga Guy 846 E 55th PLA za-7481 FERRARA A CO ORIGINALE Bonafede Bros 946 N. Wells LIN cin- 5458 772 Taylor MON ro-2201 PASTICCERIA W Bonomo Sam 210 W 31st VIC try -7779 Fontana Bros 2404 S Oakley av CAN al -6362 Bonomo Sam B 2906 Wentwth av VIC try-1450 Giovannini Baking Co Briatta Jno 1062 Polk MON ro-2034 2406 S Western av CAN al-6910 Bruno Harry 77 W Washngtn._ DBA rbrn-1628 GONNELLA BAKING CO Brusa Sam 1956 S Kedzie av ROC kwl- 6956 Bullaro & Grisappi Barber Shop 2006 W Erie SEE ly-2021 8 N Frankln __ DEA rbrn-6305 Granato Concetta 767 Taylor , MON ro-6718 Cacucciolo Frank ]147 W Grand av_MON ro-5337 av VIC try -2146 Impallario Jim 2450 Wentw Calandra Jos 1005 W 63rd ^NOR ml -8948 ro-5538 lovino Angelo 1057 Taylor— MON Calascibetta Anthony 4312 Archer.. -LAF ayet-5703 Italian French Bakery 950 W Grand MON ro-1286 Caringello Frank 954 W Harrison_MON ro-2222 Lacina Geo 1943 S May ROO 8vlt-7749 Caringello Joe 623 S Crawford av._VAN-bum-3029 ly-8149 Lamagna Pasquale 1930 Taylor SEE Carroccio Joe 539 S Dearbrn WEB str-4931 Lezza & Ferrara Emporium Pastry & Casablanca Natale 207 N Oark DEA rbn-3326 1006 S Halsted MON ro-2484 Candy Shop Ciavarella 1003 S Ashland bl MON ro-3816 Lizzadro Dominic 2130 Polk SEE ly- 1143 Coglianese Anthony 215 N La SalIe_DEA rbrn-5333 2219 Taylor t- 6146 Lucca Bkry The WES Colletti A 322 S Wells WEB str-4652 ldng-0133 Maionchi Bros 3952 W Grand.„_ SPA Como Barber Shop 441 S Dearb WEB str-0379 av ro-1068 Micaletti Guy 1226 W Grand MON Comparette Michael H 1155 W Van B..MON ro-0021

Molinari Bros 1740 Ogden av . SEE ly- 0462 Consoli Robt J 600 E 63d DOR chstr-2225 Harr t-5480 Mosca Donate 2144 W. WES Corsaro Baitti 2752 W Madsn VAN bum-7090 Naples Bakery 1701 W 69th REP ublc- 5390 Coscino Joe 10 S Kedze NEV ada-8680 Calif zie-3984 Nardi Joe 753 S KED Cosenza J Barber Shop 531 S Halsted....MON ro-1079 Nitti Nick 515 N Racine av MON ro-5249 Curi Richard 323 Polk WEB str-4198 Nuti Bakery & Grocery Co Currieri Barber Shop 4884 Archer VIR gnia-1944 Sholto ro-4741 841 MON D'Alba J 750 Boot st YAR ds-1988 Bakery Co 159 Kensngton-PUL man-1974 Damico Sam 236 W 31st VIC try-9805 Roma Bakery 1440 Larr _..._ MOH awk-1551 Danzy Eugene 5045 S State _DRE xl-5226 Salernitano Bakery 745 S Kedzie.. VAN brn-2033 DeCaprio Sal Barber Shop Samo Pastry Co 733 S Racine av MON ro-3469 201 N Wells DEA rbn-1492 Scafuri Jos 3301 W. Harrison KED ze- 5272 DeCarlo Dan 607 S Kedze av VAN Buren-1226 Scafuri Louis 1337 Taylor MON ro-2292 DeCicco Jno 127 N Dearb DEA rbn-7359 Scudiero Maria 1013 Blue I MON ro-4188 DeFilippis Nick 741 E 61st PLA za- 1419 Spatolo Joe 1003 Townsend LIN cln-3190 De Lena E 174 N Clinton DEA rbrn-5186 Stella Vito 1001 C>-press SEE ly-4464 DelGiomo Anthony 1610 W 69th_HEM lock-0515 Torino Bakery Co 320 Kensington av„PUL mn-0751 Del Giudice Jos 518 S Laramie av_COL umbs-7913 Torricelli Pastry Co. 6951 W Grand DeLuca Fred 605 S Wells _....WEB str-1856 MER rmc-9422 Demasy 4022 Montrose av KIL dar-3573 Trinacria Pasticjceria 3833 W Chgo_KED ze-0235 DiBella Sam 869 N Wells DIV rsy-4509 Venezia Baking Co 6019 K Grand_BSR kshirc-0038 Di Costanbo Joe Jr 608 S Racine MON ro-3042 Dileonardi Nicholas 1958 W Ohio u_SEE ly-4878 Di Leo Mike 2443 W North ARM itge-0342 BALLS - BILLIARD AND BOWLING Di Leonard! Nicholas 1958 Ohio SEE ly-4878 D Pirro Vincent 4 S Cicero AUS tn-3880 PAGLIARULO J. Fanelli Nick 1404 S Halsted CAN al- 6347 1550 Racine Ave_ _MON ro-6447 Farenza Jos 3149 Logan bl CAP itl-1497

28 —


( Barbers—Cont'd) Puzzo Louis 811 E 43d. ATL antic-3734 Raniocki Alex 1700 W 19th — CAN al-6535) Farinella 1121 Racine av.._ io-4945 Jos S MON Romano Natale 852 S Halsted. HAY mkt-9230 Fedele Pete 1974 E 73d MID wy-8926 Romano Niak 802 N Kostner av —COL mbs-2578 Fiorella Rosario 4207 Elston av_IND epndnce-1298 Romeo Salvatore 1604 W VanBuren WES t-1780 Fiscella Saml M 2959 Archer av__ LAF ayt-6690 Ruberticchio & Rizzo 226 W 22d VIC try-8645 Frammolini Nick 629 63d .-WEN twth-7645 W Sabatino Agatino 838 W Madsn.._....HAY mkt-2391 Gambino Slanz 1622 Rsvlt rd ly-9207 W SEE Santarosa Anthony 410 S Mich av—..WAB sh-6339 Gambony Jos R 30 N LaSalle STA te- 0999 Scacci D 203 S Dearbn „ WEB str-7538 Garofalo Barber Shop Inc Scaccia Joe 2810 W Vanbm VAN brn-7743 6249 Cott Or way-2746 MID Sciaraffa Jno 2122 Taylor._ SEE ly-3842 Gfentile Carmen 1352 Madison....MON ro-4332 G W Scimeca Chas 1608 Sedg_. —LIN cln-7437 Gentile Jos 1205 W VanB MON ro-3130 Scotese Ralph 1145 S Ashlnd av MON ro-4497 Gerado 24 Halsted- ro-0012 Sam S MON Scuderi V 208 N Kedzie av KED ze-1449 Giambrone 4663 Rockwl ston-1896 Jos N KEY Serry Greg 6557 Cot Grv av HYD e Pk-0211 Giosa Ernest 505 Jackson bl str-7352 W WEB Sgarlata Jno 1211 Blue I av „CAN al-6975 wrt-1656 Gregory Angelo D 806 W 79th __STE Sgatto Frank 3717 N Halsted BIT erswt-7996 Grutscha Jno 4729 N Western av_.RAV nswd-8624 Sibilio Ralph D 1255 W VanB MON ro-0310 Guzaldo Michael 3510 Chgo Av^_ALB any-1409 W Sio M 4184 Elston av _ JUN iper-4455 Lafatto Joe 200 N Dearbn RAN dlph-1143 Sonotra Frank 6128 Wentwth av....WEN twth-9075. Lamendola Bros 1154 14th pi al-3074 W CAN Spallina Maurice 1043 N 79th. ABE rden-4134 Lana Peter 2248 Taylor SEE ly-9475 Tondo R 4161 S Halsted YARds-1347 Lapaglia Angelo 166 Grand av_DEL awar-1904 W Truncale Jno 3735 W Grand av BEL mnt-7113 Lauria Mike 1547 Vanburn MON ro-3135 W Turrisi Rosario 1044 W 69th_„ ENG Iwd- 4441 Leto Vincenzo 667 S State str-3546 WEB Villari Frank 215 S Dearbn WEB str-2670 Lexato Joe 64 W Harisn WEB str-7314 Vincenzo Apata 3851 W Madsn„....SAC rmnto-0357 rsy-0697 Lisi Fred 1620 Fulrtn DIV Vitale Onofrio 659 Milwke av MON ro-2447 Lonigro Mike 410 S Halsted.. __HAY mkt-9077 LuUa Anthony C 820 Taylor MON ro-5509 W BEAUTY SHOPS Maggi Alexander 26 7 22d _ VIC try-9194 Magno Sam 715 S Kedze VAN brn-1624 Altrui Beauty Shop 3913 Irvng Pk IRV ing-8365 Maranto Sam 830 W Grand av_ MON ro-2077 Berrafato Sam Beauty Plr Marcello Tony 302 W 31st VIC try-0872 4750 Sheridan rd. SUN ysde-1952 Marvello Philip 105 W. Monro DEA rbrn-6549 De Caprio Sal Beauty Shop Masessa A F 210 S Wells „ DEA rbn-5590 201 N Wells DEA rbn-1492 Mazzone & LaMonica 20EJackson bl-.WEB str-7137 Di Figlia Sara 4453 Divsy CAP itl-1711 Mazzucca Geo 1311 S Union ROO svlt-7918 Fortuna Emily 4345 S Troy._ LAF ayet-3816 Mercurio Ignazio 2421 Wentwth av...VIC try-10379 GriUo Vincent 1148 Milwke av _....HUM bldt-9441 Mole Frank 616 S. Cicero av MAN snd-1515 La Betta eBauty Shop 11843 S Mich....PUL mn-2604 Montalbano Jno 215 S Halsted HAY mkt-9628 La Due Beauty Salon 2110 Lincln av....LIN cln-2911 Molinari Mike 879 N State_ DEL awar-2849 Pellicore Beauty Shop Morgese Eustachio 1241 Taylor HAY mkt-5369 6954 Western av _ _.SHE ldrk-6446 Morrisette Thos 502 W 59th__ WEN twth-4717 Talvio Olga 1726 Irving Pk bl_....BUC knghm-9898 Motto Rocco 4350 N Crawford av_....PAL isde-4551 Tellone Beauty Salon 4256 Drexel DRExl-2462 Nardielle Frank A 28 E Jackson bl....WEB str-2026 Nasello Angelo 921 W. Madsn6 MON ro-0430 Nelli Leonard 1257 S Union CAN al-0460 BEVERAGES Novelle Chas P 1150 S Jeffrsn_ HAY mkt-9091 Nuncio Anthony 3611 Broadway LAK vw-8665 Casanave's Orange Products Inc Oddo Carl 805 S State WEB str-3305 1251 S. Michigan av— CAL umet-3720 Orrico Eugene G 935 W 69th_ ENG lwd-10147 Vamba Virginio 1058 W 59th WEN twth-4266 Palermo Bros 2351 W Grand _.SEE ly-9278 Vesuvio Beverage Co 1429 Taylor....HAY mkt-2862 Pantalena Joe 2905 Princeton VIC try-0345 Para Andrew 4280 Archer __ __LAF ayet-1103 BILLIARD HALLS Parente Frank 360 N Mich DEA rbn-0355 Pascale Bros 704 S State— WEB str-0672 Frank 1117 W Grand av.. .._.HAY mkt-9826 Pato Jas 2052 Irving Pk bl _ BIT trswt-0722 Becerra Bonifacio 1104 S Halsted.- -HAY mkt-9187 eo A 514 N Cicero av__ MAN sfld-0635 Benetti Arthur 449 N Eliz _ _ —MON ro-2880 Pecora Jos 2352 N Clark.- -DIV rsy-4375 Bertucci Bruno 300 W 24th „.VIC ry-9032 Pecurari Jno 6353 N Clarmnt av HOL yet -0318 Bove Ed & Nick 5232 N Clark__ RAV swd-3956 Pirofalo Alphonso 2618 Wentwth av—VIC try -3784 Cartese Carmine 3160 S Wells VIC try-3160 Pirello Julio 114 S Halsted _ HAY 1241 Colavito Louis 2164 Ogden av SEE ly-9264 Pizzolato Mike 856 N Crawford— „...BEL mnt-5187 Cota Duke 2502 Wentworth VIC try-7758 Plumeri Joe 1217 Clyb av DIV rsy-9113 Costantino Pietro 2522 Lowe av. VIC try-7224 Polanze Jos 2933 Bway WEL ngtn-2452 Delisa Mike 5103 Fed. KEN wd-2656 Posemato Pietro 1165 W Grand av MON ro-3796 Guisto P 2607 S Halsted VIC try-9454 Prido Jos 2407 Clyb av„ DIV rsy -0599 Lasorella Joe 1936 W Chicgo av_ARM itge-10095


(BiUiard HaUs Cont'd) CHURCHES

Marateo Jos 2823 W Ban Buren VAN brn-9783 Angelo Custode 717 Forquer St. Nigro Ben 742 Forquer. MON ro-6359 Assunta 313 W Illinois st Oliva Frank 2618 Lincln av BUC kmghms-10097 Incoronata 218 Alexander st Panfilo Roy 1323 W Huron _ MON ro-5899 San Callisto Polk and De Kalb sts Parenti Michael 2961 W Madsn _NEV da-10415 Madonna di Pompei 1224 McAllister place Petrone Frank 1133 W Grand av HAY mkt-6038 S Filippo Benizi Oak st & Cambridge av Petrone's Rocco Billiard Hall SS Rosario 612 NWestern av 1133 W Grand av __....HAY mkt-9427 Sant'Antonio 218 E Kensington av Petro Salvo 4809 Belmnt av PEN sacola-0376 Santa Maria di Monte Carmelo 6722 S Hermitage av Petrucci Rocco 561 W Roosvlt rd ROO svlt-8295 San Michele Arcangelo 2525 W 24th pi Pupillo Mike 1319 W Grand av _MON ro-1261 Qualizza Jno 2313 W 24th ROO svlt-2441 CIGARS Vito 215 W 23d VIC try-0927 Saccaro Chas 2403 Wentworth. VIC try-0007 DE NOBILl AGENCY Scandia Billiard Plr 5208 N Clark_RAV nswd-10069 2640 Coyle av ROG ers Pk-2885 Tenze Geo 3537 E 106th._ SAG inaw-3234 CIGAR STORES BOXES PAPER Abbate Leonard 1739 Cornelia av „.LAK vw-6414 Broccolo C 1238 Harrison MON ro-4307 L W Adducci Mary 8601 Cot Gr_ TRI angle -5779 Aiello Sam 529 W Divsn _. _..DIV rsy-10051 CANNED FOODS Bernacchi Angelo 1343 Sedg DIV rsy-7995 Cangialos! Leo 2052 Southport av....MOH awk-1797 Del Monte Agency Co Carozza Ralph 771 S State WEB str-1777 445 Lk Shr Dr SUP erio-7187 Carruccio Jno 911 S Racine av HAY mkt-9695 Catino Sam 2423 Wentwoth VIC try-9030 CARPENTERS & BUILDERS Cecola Ben J 3683 W Grand av ALB any-0918 Ciaglia Mike 542 S Dearbrn WEB str-3506 Confare J C 3839 Ravnswd WEL ngtn-7133 Cibula Kalmon 330 N Crawford VAN bm-6598 Napolitano T 829 Laflin MON ro-0835 Colauito Bros 2166 Ogden av SEEly-5599 Vitullo J T 908 Taylor HAY mkt-1083 Cosio Leonora 59 E Adams HAR isn-3749 Cyrocki I 5022 S Ashland av ,_....Pro spct-4087 CATERERS D'Ambrosio Frank 5 S Wabash DEA rbn-2927 De Leo N H 510 S Calif VAN brn-2232 rsy-1466 Angela & Co 159 E Chicago- __WHI thall-5619 Delvecchio Cesaro 904 Orleans. _„DIV PASTICCERIA FERRARA & CO DelVigna A 1279 Clyb av DIV rsy-3779 Derosa Dominick 821 Taylor MON ro-3545 772 W Taylor st MON ro- 2201 PASTICCERIA JOHN CALABRESE Fanelli Dan 1011 Polk . HAY mkt-8198 av.., rsy-3185 1001 S Racine av MON ro-2558 Florisi Robt 1452 Cleveland DIV Gendusa Chas 931 Cambridge _LIN cln-8020 CEMENT Gentili Jos 2584 Blue L. CAN al-6438 Ghilardi Quintillo 2411 S Western av_CAN al-3055 La Gesse Leo 306 N Crawford.^ NEV ada-4045 Manna Jos S 4460 Kedzie LAF ayet-5366 Lagocki Wm 1251 W 51st BOU lvrd-1860 Lazzari A J 112th & Stephenson Av.PUL mn-0569 CHEESE, (WHOL.) Lucchetti Louis 520 W 29th. VIC try-3462 Magliano Dani 625 S Dearb WEB str-7487 Borselino 6C 2225 Campbell SEE ly-1425 Maleski Albert 2106 N Oakley av._.BRU nswk-0128 Ehrat Cheese Co 55 E Austin 6SUP rior-5738 Manago Patsy 813 S Racine MON ro-9314 Italian Cheese Co 332 Kensgton PUL lman-6527 Maniscalco Peter 6712 Fulrtn av MER imac-8631 LA ROMA GRATED CHEESE CO Marsala Sam 3710 N Clark WEL ngtn-2790 55 E Austin av SUP erior- 5738 Marzano Jos 1144 S Wabash WEB str-1531 Mazzone I 2225 Polk st SEE ly-7867 Marzulli Agnes 1801 W Grand av__ SEE ly-9104 PARIS & GIULIANO IMPORTING CO Meo Jno 905 S Halsted. _ MON ro-5170 1016 S Halsted st_ MON ro- 6233 Mikutcki 671 W 18th ROO svlt-8753 STELLA CHEESE CO Morava Jas R 29 E Madsn DEA rbn-4723 311 W Illinois SUP rior-7113 Mostardini R 1138 N Wells.... DIV rsy-10353 Motto Frank 516 S Dearbrn WAB sh-5267 CHEMICALS Muscarello Jos 1528 N Halsted- DIV vrsy-2743 Nega Frank 1824 Hervey HUM bldt- 6443 Ciba Co Inc 325 W Huron St_ .SUP rior-5674 PaceUi David 631 S Wells WEB str-0323 Gazzolo Drug & Chemical Co. Panico Cuono 930 Blue I av HAY mkt-1653 117 S Green __MON ro-640o Pantaleo Jos 1116 W Grand av_ HAY mkt-9596 GrasselU Chemical Co 2101 CanaIport.._CAN-al-7490 Parente Salvatore 2056 Orgen av SEE ly-7603


(Cigar Stores Cont'd) Biggio Inc 15 So Wtr Mkt ROO svlt-3970 Caldarulo Joe 1425 S Racine av..._ ROO svlt-3720 Peloza Jno 3135 E 92d. REG ent-0820 Campagna F 90 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-2161 Piccinini Jno 61 E 31st _. _ VIC try-0455 Campagna M & Co 911 W Randlph._.MON ro-0124 Picha WM 1018 S Wabash av WAB sh-0638 Campione & Sons 846 W Randolph HAY mkt-0650 Smoke Shop 5508 Prairie..WEN twrt-4523 Capone Joe 22 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-2166 Pizrurro Mary 4354 Wentworth av YAR ds-0538 Capone Paul 69 So Wtr Mkt.. _CAN al-3320 Porto Jas 1102 E 55th ...MID wy-8403 Caruso Aug & Son 54 So Wtr Mkt-..ROO svlt-3646 Pucci Philip 769 Foquer _ ro-2310 MON Caruso Sam 721 W Randlph._ __ MON ro-1106 PuccinelH Christ 3616 Southport LAK vw-0325 Catalano Frank 85 So Wtr Mkt CAN al- 2122 Romano Danl 111 E Walton pL DEL awar-0456 Cella Jno A & Co 2 So Wt Mkt..„ ROO svlt-3640 Rossi Peter 639 N State DEL awar-2975 Cirese Bros & Co 81 So Wtr Mkt _CAN al-1284 Ruda 1520 McHenry _..BRU nswick-6890 Joe Jr Cornille Geo J & Sons 60 S Wtr Mkt_..CAN al-1015 Salvatore Carmen 710 S Dearbn WEB str-1174 Corso Bros & Co 739 W Randlph.._HAY mkt-5109 Sannasahdo Andrew Coyne D J & Co 67 So Wt Mkt _ CAN al-5473 2523 Lincln av BUK cknghm-5939 Damiani V J ^ Bro 83 So Wtr Mkt._CAN al-2207 Sarasin Sam 639 N Clark- DEL awar-3971 Damora Phil 722 W Rand. HAY mkt -0093 Santucci Maddalena 1616 Taylor SEE ly-9629 Delia Maria Louis N 720 W Randlph_..MON ro-6837 Seracino Wm A 5236 W Harrsn..VAN Burn-1487 Diana & Mercurio 58 S Wtr Mkt CAN al-1617 Seramore Edio W 5018 Broadway....RAV enswd-6078 Digiorgio Fruit Corp av vw-3361 Sillavo Leo 2247 Barry LAK 1425 S Racine av _.„ ROOS svlt-4650 Tortorello Bros 854 S Halsted _....HAY mkt-9533 Dolce Bros 100 So Wtr Mkt ,_ ROO svlt-2842 Trombetta Frank 731 S Racine av MON ro-3298 Doretti Peter 714 W Randolph....- Mon ro-1913 Tulipano Tony 2828 W Monro NEV ada-0265 Fabbri Carlo Produce Co 54 S Wtr Mkt..CAN al-4909 Tuso Jos 1469 S Morgan ROO swlt-o555 Gatto Grot 60 S Wtr Mkt - —-CAN al-1015 Vaglica Jno 1268 Clyb av „ MOH awk-0065 Gavoni Bob 1466 Blue I -.CAN al-1918 Varallo Joe 1526 Larrabee..— DIV rsy-0784 Giannini Bros 1208 W 15th ROO svit -4121 Zini & Armenali 4600 N Clark LON gbch-1614 Gillarde- Burns Co 79 So Water Market ROO svlt -3300 CIGARETTES Gillarde Walter 13 S Wtr Mkt CAN al-1015 Graziano A & Con 102 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-4252 Zaphirio A & Co 445 N Wells SLIP rior-8174 Idaka Frank S 1421 Solon ROO svlt-4252 CINDERS LaMantia Bros Arrigo Co 6 So Wtr Mkt - ,.-R00 svlt-8100 Kucera Frank F. 4820 W. 25 pi Cicero LaMantia Co The 54 S Water Mkt..-ROO svlt-3960 Dial Operator CIC ero-25 LaMantia J 54 S Water Mkt.._ ROO svlt-3960 Lanzarotta Bros & Co COAL 52 So Water Mkt „._ —ROO svlt-3620 Larocco Jerome A & Co Tony 1438 Clyb av LIN cln-5631 80 So Wtr Mkt ROO svlt-3610 Brigando Cornelius 6613 S State NORml-1737 Leonardi & Lamantia 25 So Wtr Mkt....CAN al-7177 Cassano Emanuel 806 W Monro. MON ro-2991 Lino-McNemey Co The burn-3295 Cinotto Jos 812 S Calif av.. VAN 65 So Wtr Mkt _ ROO svlt-3940 Cinquegrani Chas 1858 Emerson av SEE ly-6376 Manzo Bros — Co 22 So Wtr Mkt- CAN al-4589 ro-3254 DeFilippis Jim 1509 Polk MON Mariani Jas V 1425 S Racine av CAN al-4126 Gervasi Jno 810 N Racine av HAY mkt-1739 MARZANO ROCCO Giordano Canio 2857 N Neenah av..MER imac-8848 851 S Racine HAY mkt-5665 str-3652 La Placa Frank 100 Polk WEB Mirabella G & Co 731 W Rand MON ro- 1358 Mancini Loreto 1952 S Ogden av SEE ly-1301 Patrasso Company The _ DIV rsy-8043 Piscitello Vito 1238 Clyb av 710 W Randlph _.MON ro-2078 VIC ty-2315 Popolo Fred 3153 Wallace — Peter Doetti & Co 171 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-7102 av. .._ _ DIV rsy-1115 Putrone Vito 1317 Clyb Pizzuto Bros 706 W Randolph __„.HAY mkt-3191 ITALIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Rinella Angelo & Sons Inc 12 So Wtr Mkt -.CAN aI-5421 155 N Clark _ , CEN trl-S701 Russo J & P & Co So Wtr Mkt CAN al-0425 COMMISSION MERCHANTS—PRODUCE Russo Paul 92 So Wtr Mkt ROO svlt-2394 Saracino Hhos & Co 1134 Fulton av..-MON ro-5355 Abbate Chas Co The 4 So Wtr „...ROO svlt-1720 Senini Jno L 1425 S Racine av ROO svlt-8800 Annoreno Otto L & Co Scaletta Mike 7605 Calumet Av._ __RAD clif-0151 91 So Wtr Mrk _ _ CAN al-6780 Serio Joe & Son 950 W Randlph. HAY mkt-2273 Arata Frank B & Co 116 S Wtr Mkt....CAN al-7330 Serra Arthur & Co 1421 Solon av _.CAN al-2660 Baldi- Co 713 W Randlph....MON ro-0832 Spalla Sam & Sons 261 W 22d pl..-..VIC try-7810 Balsamo Frank & Co 22 S Wt Mkt. CAN al-4474 Termini Sam J 737 W Randolph- MON ro-6219 Mkt ROO svIt-4343 Balsanio ^ Tackles 706 W Randlph..HAY mkt -4966 Trankina J & Co 50 So Wtr Battaglia Aug 17 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-0798 Zarcone Bros 1 So Wtr Mkt— CAN al-6596 - al-1428 Battistini Bros 102 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-0011 Zivi & Co 84 So Wtr Mkt —u_ CAN


CONFECTIONERY MANUFACTURERS Catardi Joe 2358 Belmnt av.._ LAK vw-3978 Celli Bros 2604 Line av GRA cldn- 10287 Dante Candy Co 517 N Halsted...._ MON ro-2515 Cesaretti & Cesaretti 7258 W Madsn_..KED e-7756 FERRARA PANNED CANDY CO Cesari & Chelini 2604 Line av DIV rsy-4364 2200 W Taylor SEE ly-3827 Ciabattari Tony 8500 Coml av SAG inaw-8190 Lanzi Candy Co 1135 W Chgo av_ MON ro-0403 Cianelli Sam 19 E 29th_.._ VIC try-0604 Lombardi Candy Co 2815 W Harisn....VAN burn-6349 Cici Louis 1129 Taylor HAY mkt-9501 MARACABO CANDY CO INC Ciraino Frank 447 N Kedze av KED ze-2219 909 Blue I -_ _ MON ro-0936 Cinelli Rudolph 2235 W 22d_ CAN al-3906 Pellegrini Bros 219 N Crawford av....NEV ada-4903 Ciomei Eugenio 1638 Fulrtn av LIN cln-7660 Romeo Candy Co 1814 W Divsn HUM bldt- 6012 Ciprian Theresa 1014 W 19th „..CAN al-4744 Sisco Bros Candy Co 2121 Tilden SEEly-3055 Cipriano Ross 1862 N Clark- DIV rsy-10165 Chiocca Gennaro 1170 Center DIV rsy 10413 CONFECTIONERY STORES Coffaro Nick 619 Vedder DIV rsy -0966 Corazza A Dante 2259 W Lake_ SEE ly-9158 Agostini A 301 Kensngtn av PUL nin-0747 Corrado Chas 4336 W. North av _.BEL mnt-10544 Aidono Tony 2059 Sheffld av_ DIV rsy-7108 Cortesi Silvio 2800 Fulrtn av HUMbldt-7545 Alberto Peter 6052 Grand av... BER kshire-0798 Cuffari & Okeefe 2610 E 106th _.SOU Chgo-1579 Alessi Michael 4000 Montrose av PAL isad-4335 Valeio 1812 Montrose SUN sde-8678 Aniarosa Nick 1539 Polk HAY mkt-9640 D'Alba Anna 6559 S May WEN twth-4102 Arrigoni & Bros 336 S Oakley bl SEE ly-9378 DeBartolo Mike 714 Laflin HAY mkt-9483 Baiocchi & Berti 460 W Chicago.._....DIV rsy-10267 De Laurentis Steve 738 S Paulina WES t-6729 Baldaccini Peter 1446 FuUerton av DIV rsy-7742 De Falco Sweet Shop 2255 Taylor.._. SEE ly-9340 Balzano Michael 1152 W Grand av....HAY nikt-0757 De Marco A 1567 Clybourn LIN cln-5963 Bara Peter 1656 W 38th pi VIR ginia-0657 Del Fava & Doretti 9340 W Grand SEE ly-9789 Barasa Steve 2059 W Huron.- SEE ly-9637 DePaoli N & Co 4350 Archer av LAF ayt-5961 Barbella Chas 1958 Roscoe WEL ngtn-4015 DePaoIi Narciso 6475 Milwke av...._NEW casl-4191 Barbieri Frank 11543 S Mich av PUL mn-5150 Di Buono Costantino 2103 W Rsvlt . ROO svlt 9031 Bardelli Marino 3134 E 92d.._ _.SOU Chgo-1235 DiCarlo Jos 9550 Av M SAG inaw-7833 Bario Carlo 5101 Lawr av PEN sacola-6360 DiGrazia Modesto 249 W Goethe LIN cln-5740 Bartoli Arthur 2518 Furltn av ARM itge-0640 DiGregorio Joe 2546 Wentwth av VIC try-7089 Bartolomei Julio 2258 N Racine DIV rsy-9877 Dilelio Gabriel 428 S Calif av NEV ada-2453 Battistoni Joe 1701 VV Lake SEE ly-2221 Diletto Bert 3258 Princeton av__ „.VIC try-5915 Bellandi Mario 2511 W Madsn SEEly-9091 Dimatteo Dominick 3832 W Ohio KED ze-1897 Belli Matteo 1908 W Harson..._ SEE ly-9079 Dini Eugene 2801 W 22d ROC kwl-6703 Benoinelli Bros 3637 E 106th_ SAG inaw-0940 DiSalvo Tom 500 W Oak DIV rsy-10117 Benedetto Vito Mrs 1230 S Fairfld av..ROC kwl-7106 Fabbri Adam 1550 N Wells DIV rsy-4989 Bernard! Amerigo 13301 Brandoii_.SOU Chgo-9651 Fabbri Louis 2308 Milwke av ARM itge-9230 Bcrtolozi Chester 11701 S Mich _PUL mn-9134 Fanelli e Desideri 133 E 47th...._ _KEN wod-3089 Bertolozzi Wm 2400 W Van Buren SEE ly-10036 Fanelli & Spero 2600 N Calif av ARM itge-9ie5 Betti Eugenio 2924 Divrsy av SPA ldng-9601 Fattori Mary Mrs 6311 WGrand av..MER imac-5593 Biagi Peter 5050 Armitage BER kshire-3996 Fantozzi & Frediani 7100 S State.. VIN ens -10064 Biagini & Orsi 9302 Cot Grv ABE rden-0070 Fantozzi Peter 2542 S Western av CAN al-5540 Carl M 4657 N Western av_.RAV nswd-8427 Fazio Jos 2117 Irvng Pk bl _ JUN eper-10206 Bianchi Joe 5600 N Crawford av „_IRV ng-1995 Feliciani Jan 5101 Lawrence PAL sad-6076 Bianchi jno 535 W 63d _^ WEN twth-7693 Feliciani Jas 4351 N Cicero PAL sad-6996 Bianchi & Marchetti Fenili Adolph 948 Center DIV rsy -3056 525 S Cicero av_ MAN snd-5649 Bianchi Mario & Focosi Angelo FERRARA A CO ORIGINALE 5951 Lawr av PAL isad-4185 PASTICCERIA 772 W Taylor MON ro 2201 Bianchi Otto 1622 Fulrtn av _ DIV rsy-8584 Ferrette Ottavio 7400 S Racine av TRI angl-3154 Biondi Natale 2959 Belmnt av JUN iper-10460 Fiala Edw V 2517 W 51st REP ublc-4061 Bonadona Philip 1365 Sedg KED ze-10495 Figura Mike 1704 W 14th CAN al-3179 Borino Jno 649 MUwkee av...._ _....HAY mkt-9868 Fioranzo Sab 2216 Taylor _ SEE ly-9044 Bove Michael 2209 W Ohio SEE ly-9115 Focosi Alfred 3037 S Wabsh av VIC try -2999 Brunelli Ettore & Wm J Galliani Gallichio Dan 1701 Sedg DIV rsy 10334 3608 Milwke av _ _....KIL dar-7958 Gatto & Ghiare 5858 S Kedze av_....HEM lok-5971 Brunelli Nathan 6472 Milwke av NEW casl-0022 Gawenda Anton 2240 S Whipple- ROC kwl -9382 Brunette Guiseppe 139 Kensngtn av^ PUL mn-6189 Gemignani & Biagi 5050 Armitage_SPA ldng-2195 Bucko Paul 3324 Southport av_ BIT erswt-9637 Gemignani Leo 5354 Divrsy av PAL isad-10232 Burrini Peter 1401 W Ohio MON ro-2192 Genga Alfred 9300 Coml av „_....SAG naw-4748 Cannone Geo 1315 Taylor _ _HAY mkt-9875 Ghionzoli Orlando 720 Vedder_ __LIN cln-6799 Cantieri Federigo A 1600 W Lake SEE ly-9023 Giannetti Frank 2758 NAshlnd avBUC kngham-3926 Capadona Peter 3519 Fulrtn av BEL mnt-3727 Gianni Giuseppe 1634 Wrightwood_BIT erswt-0507 Caputo Mike 1421 Taylor av HAY mkt-9618 Giannini Gherardo 1814 Addison GRA dnd- 2920 Carafote Bros 1821 S Halsted CAN al- 3795 Giannini Jos 10756 Ewing av__ SOU Chgo-1675 Castello Mary Mrs 5514 W North av..MER imc-9895 Giovannini Fred 2458 S Oakley bl CAN al-1534


(Confectioaery Stores cont'd) Pacini Fred 3100 E 92d SOU Chgo- 1565 Pacini J & H 3300 E 92d __ SOU Chgo- 1588 Giovannini Roger Panzica Frank 2800 Emerald av VIC try-669S 2458 W North av BRU nswick-1814 Paolini Battista 1960 N Damen av....ARM itge-0601 Gindele Bro 6105 N Highwy NEW Castle-0610 Papini & Stefani 3200 Irvng Pk bl.._KEY ston-10170 Gonzini Ben 1346 Larr.._ _ _ DIV rsy-2876 Parenti & Ercolani 1046 Milwke av....ARM itge-0047 Gorecki Anton 3112 S Forgan _YAR ds-5808 Pasquinelli Angelo 2347 N Westem..ARM itge-10168 Gorlo Fred 1057 N Calif av BRU nswk-8918 Pauciello Fiore 1953 Polk SEE ly-9701 Gorzella Frank 2508 W Chcgo av__HUM bldt-1158 Paul Lazzari 3905 Belmnt av PEN sacola-0902 Grupposo P 4348 Archer av LAF ayet-8596 Pellegrini Bros 201 N Crawford av....NEV ada-4903 Guelfi Louis 133 E 47th _ _....KEN wd-3089 Pellegrini Bros & Balletto Incrocci Leo 5700 W Grand av BER kshire-0621 215 E 31st VIC try-0900 Incrocci & Michelini Perisin Anthony 3020 S Wells...- _....VIC try-4336 4133 Wentwth av_ _ _.YAR ds-5859 Perpignani Frank 1500 Mohawk LIN cln-7068 Isola Joe 181 N Halsted._ HAY mkt-2011 Pesavento Natale 11502 Front av PUL mn-0109 Kostecki Frank 3701 S Paulina LAF ayet-0405 Petri Guy 7134 Addison KIL dar-0414 Kucera Otto 4456 W 16th LAW nlal-0515 Fieri e Ghilardi 11101 Vincns av BEV rly-4772 Landi Jas & Son 2163 Clyb av DIV rsy-3468 Pierini Attilio 2552 S Western av CAN al-3049 Larose Frank 3658 S Dearb BOU lvrd-6855 Pissani L 4311 Addison PAL isad-10342 Lazzareschi Louis 206 W Divsn_ DIV rsy-0460 Polenica J L 1638 W 18th ROO svlt-7564 Lazzarini & Tronchette Pollastrini Tony 1701 W Lake -SEE ly-9143 601 S Laramie av AUS tn-0553 Ponicki Adam 3257 Wall BOL lvrd-6549 Lencioni Cecil 201 S Kedze NEV ada-7007 Potempa Chas 2201 W Huron SEE ly-1994 Lenzi Dora 4000 W Division ALB any-5441 Potocki Adam F Candy Shoppe Lenzi N 9056 Coml av _..SANG inaw-6193 4801 S Lincoln __. ^._LAF ayet-6263 Lino's Confty 618 S Cicero av AUS tn-1487 Potocki Gust 1061 N Marshfld av._ARM itge-6925 Lombardi & 232 W Chgo av..DEL aware-0900 Poturica Geo 1719 S Racine av „.CAN al-3212 Longinotti Louis 5445 Elston av KIL dar-2494 Puzzo Philip 426 Wis DIV rsy-7968 Lubrano Michael 1945 Wolfram....BUC knghm-4467 Raffaelli Angelo 3954 N Western av....IRV ng-4538 Lucchesi e Palastrini 866 Milwke av..HAY mkt-9822 Regione Jno P 3021 Belmnt- IRVng-7495 Manfredini & Madero Riccio Diego 3863 W Harisn NEV ada-4092 Wells rbn-6310 3551 Elston av _ _ _JUN iper-3068 Romani Evo 171 N DEA Manzari Helen 1153 W Grand- HAY mkt-2828 Romito Emil 1658 W 13th.._ - ROO svlt-1993 Marcheschi Adolph 1355 W Chgo av..HAY mkt -10051 Rapini Mike 1760 Larr „.DIV rsy-2322 Marchetti & Ruffetti 3901 Ind av DOU gls-5536 Renzetti Jno 4358 N Cicero av AVE-nu-9379 Marianetti & Lazzaroni Rossi Ernest 10052 Ewing SOU Chcgo-10144 9238 Coml av„ _.....SOU Chgo-3169 Rossi Frank 9509 Ewing SOU Chcgo-6504 Marracini Emanuele 622 W 26th _VIC try-0289 Sabatini Cesare 2401 S Leavitt CAN al- 0426 Marsiglia Sam 1419 W Madsn MON ro-5760 Salteri e Cesaretti 401 S Ashland... .HAY mkt-9007 Matelli Paul 403 W Oak LIN cln-5177 Sandry & Lencioni 2000 Fulrtn HUM bldt-5765 Mattheo Belli 1903 W Harr SEE ly- 1269 Sarti Dan 4300 Cot Gvr av KEN wd-10154 Mattioli Dave 4763 W Grand av_BER kshire-39e9 Sarti Dan 1701 W Madsn_. SEEly-7758 Mazzone Carmelo 927 Cypress SEE ly-4963 Scavo Tony 6052 W Grand av BER kshire-5033 Mei & Giovannetti 1001 Webster _LIN-cln-1387 Schillaci Bartolomeo 3300 Wallace YAR ds-5923 Menconi Angelo 9700 Coml av SOU Chgo- 1053 Scimeca Mike 2055 Larr _DIV rsy-8732 Mengarelli Fred 1144 Sedwick LIN cln-4180 Serpe Louis 903 S Halsted HAY mkt-10351 Menicucy & Frediani 6259 S State....WEN twth-0736 Sesti Fred 7501 S State...._ _...VIN cns-3897 Meralli Joe 1354 Clevlnd av LIN cln-1506 Silvestri Dominick 1908 W Grand av..SEE ly-5487 Michelini Julius 5800 Milwke av _.AVEnu-7796 Smetana Jas Jr 3512 Wabansia av....ALB any-2218 Michelini Paul 1122 Belmnt av LAK vw-1632 Smigaj Frank 2915 N Cent Pk av BEL mnt-1473 Mikota Jas 658 N Ridgway av__ NEV ada- 0869 Smigai Andrew 4914 Cuylor av PAL isad-1880 Milani & Lazzerini 3159 N Kedze KEY ston-4104 Sodini Bruno 2762 Belmnt av_. _JUN iper-2680 Mizialko Martin 4630 Lawr av AVE nu-4153 Sodini Jos 1357 Noble BRU nswick-2676 Modini H 2900 W 22d ^..ROC kwl-1856 Sposato A 7340 Addison LAC awana-9703 Molotta Benny 859 N Damen __HUM bldt-8598 Stalica Jno 1621 Elston av._ _ _-BRU nswk-8876 Moretti & Giovannetti Stefani jno B 2401 N Western.- ...... ARM tge-6136 3159 W VanBuren NEV ada -6968 Stefanini & Pellegrini 572 E 35th DOU gls-4836 Muscarello Jno 1112 Divrsy pkwy_BIT erswt-2793 Surdo Pietro 1120 W Huron— _MON ro-2335 Nannini Frank 2437 S Western av CAN al-6904 Switaj Julia Mrs 1259 Noble BRU nswk-2666 mkt-1426 Napoli Domenick 11442 S State. PUL mn-8639 Sarullo Armando 1314 W Ohio HAY Napolitan Jos 722 W Madison„....HAY mkt-10231 Tarullo Armando 1314 W Ohio HAY mkt -4125 Nicoletti & Pieroni 3959 Armtge BEL rant -9587 Tomborello Jas 1136 Center.- _MOH awk-1862 Nottoli Aristono 3101 N Clark WELngtn-4429 Adolph 946 N Wells „....LIN cln-0513 Nottoli Edw 4800 Fulrtn av_ _BER kshire-7983 Torigian Harry 1649 W Roosevelt CAN al-5590 Orsi & Lucchesi 6459 Irvng Pk bl....PAL isad-6988 Tozzi Nick 853 Forqr- HAY mkt-8457 Pacini Bros 10052 Ewing av SOU Chgo-3955 Travaglio Michele 3559 W Chgo av....NEV ada-4470


(Confectionery Stores cont'd) Donato Frank 2807 Wentworth av VIC try-2114 Mango Frank 657 N Central av_ COL mbus-8277 Ursetta Tony 3000 Princeton..- VIC try-0511 Radice Barney 2818 Lexington..- VAN brn-7358 Visco Frank 704 S Racine _ MON ro-5588 Voltotarni Paul 1501 W North...„...BRU nswk-4483 CORN PRODUCTS Ziobro Jacob 1819 W Superior.. SEE ly-9467 MAGGIORE PIETRO CONFECTIONERY—WHOLESALE 947 W Polk ..MON ro-2618

Allegretti Ro.se Candy Co DELICATESSEN 439 N Well „ _ DEL awar-2156 Altieri 1434 Flournoy HAY mkt-3ol4 J Ainbrosi Jno 2639 W 59th HEM lock-9084 DE LUXE CANDY CO NOT INC Arena Leo 3252 E 89th SOU Chcgo-5065 rior-6858 445 N Wells „ _SUP Arrivo Martin 11634 Prairie av PUL mn-5056 FERRARA A CO Badalamenti Frank 3425 W Huron....NEV ada-3462 772 W Taylor _ _ ...MON ro-2201 FERRARA PANNED CANDY CO Boffa Dan 438 N Western av SEE ly-4383 Borsini G 2359 S Western av CAN al-6366 2204 W Taylor _„ __ WES t 3182 Brizzolara & Repello 111 S Campbell..-SEE ly-0808 Garofalo Saml 534 W Divsn MOH-awk-3142 Gazzolo Drug & Chemical Co Calderoni Giuseppe 4101 5th av —.NEV ada-7950 123 S Green _ _„.MON ro-6403 Carli Chas 546 E 115th _ COM-odor-2237 Giacoma Allegretti Co 1719 Fed.- VIC try-4688 Cera Paul 2416 N Western av ARM tge-6526 LaBella Italia Confty Co Cerone Jerry 2312 W Grand av SEE ly-8577 954 W Grand av _ MON ro-6651 Cesare Fred 2003 Warren av WES t -4557 Michelini Jno 1310 N Wells..- _ LIN cln-2101 Ciprian Tiburcio 424 E 89th _-ABE-rdeen-0501 Pantheon Candy Co 1022 Roscoe GRA clnd-0009 Copello Jno 4101 W Lake. VAN burn-4046 Sisco Peter Co 514 Loomis _ _MON ro-1821 Corrieri Au.qr 2358 Ind nv _CAL umt-1565 Crescio Andrew 232 W Ohio DEL awar-7200 CONSULATES Dante's Delicatessen 5777 Ridge av....SUN side-3202 Deluca Michal 2737 Shields av _...VIC try-4166 ITALIAN CONSULATE GENERAL DeLuca Mike A 4734 Lowell av KIL dar-7067 201 N Wells CENtraI-0382 Dobiolecchi Leo 13149 Carandolet....SOU Chcgo-9644 Esposito Dominick 1106 E 93d REG ent-5310 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Fanelli Frank 1678 Ogden av SEEly-7232 Farina Frank 1853 Taylor SEE ly-7G68 D'ES?OSITO J Garrone Stephen 3100 Fulton KED ze-1166 400 Madison.. ..STA te-9894 W Giunta Saml 104 W 99th _.CED rcrst-4299 Ippoliti Caesar 1960 W Congress _...SEE ly-1874 CONTRACTORS, CEMENT Janotta Achille 10505 Hoxie av._ SOU Shr-9129 Lagoni Delctsn Shop 1705 W 79th_.RAD clif-7716 Accomando M 3851 N Cicero- —PAL isad-1449 Lumino Jno 2637 W Harisn „ KED ze-4037 Agoston John 4829 Melrose KIL dare-1114 Lupa Charlotte 3802 Divrsy ALB ny-7122 Lagoni Lawrence 1716 W Marq Rd-...PRO spct-3842 Malatesta Jos 7401 St Lawr av—, STE wrt-0945 Ricciardi A & Son 735 S Damen. WES t- 5157 Aurelio 1 W 115th__ PUL mn-8486 Mazza Antonio 1500 Polk Hay mkt-8637 CONTRACTORS, COMMISSARY Moretti Joe 1300 Addison LAK rw-1017 Massaro & Co 6 S Jefferson HAY mkt-3131 Xawrocki Dominick 8058 Exchange Ave _ - __ SAG naw-2320 CONTRACTORS, MASON Nawrocki Stanley 2913 N CentPkav-..ALB any-3157 Nuccio Phillip & Sam 4148 WDivsn—ALB any-8840 Asquini L 4310 N Springfld IRV ing-8438 Pagano Sam 5417 W North MER imac-4976 DiBiase A 6642 S Mozart..., .HEM lock-0990 Palazzolo Otto S 4437 W Harison KED ze-3738 LaRocca J 12 Laflin MON ro-5125 Palombo Gust 2348 Taylor __ __WES t-4658 La Rocca N M 42 N Paulina.. SEE ly-5896 Paonessa Vito 3038 W 63d GRO whil-3166 Longobardo Richard 2343 N MenardBER kshire-0S22 Paradise Michael 609 W Adams MON-ro-4623 Pecoraro Bros 3349 Southport av. BUC knghm-1103 Peradotte Angela 1616 Lelnd av_....SUN ysde-5571 Porto Jas 6817 So Chgo av ....WEN twth-6561 CONTRACTORS, RAILROAD Pulito Jos 447 W 31st VIC try-3682 Riccardi Tony 300 W 29th. - VIC try-0961 COLIANNI JOS. & BRO„ Inc Robbino Don 64W Belmont av_ KIL dr-1345 W Adams & S Canal STA te- 1892 Rago Camillo 1605 W Grand Av MON ro-3231 Genarella J 631 W Madison _.MON ro-6044 Romano Sam 3545 Palmer ALB any-6187 Grego Ry Constr Co 608 S Dearborn....HAR sn-9607 Romito Mike 1366 W Ohio HAY mkt-2504 Rosello Bros 448 N Western WES t-5787 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Ruffalo Ralph 602 N Oakley HUM bldt-2594 Salita Jos 4705 Sheridan rd EDG wtr-5273 Citti Jos & Sons 5001 N Mozart _.ARD mor-0721 Scalabroni Louis 638 S Paulina -.SEE ly-9580


DENTISTS Bermele W M 300 W 31st VIC try-llTS Boarini Pharmacy 5239 N Central. KIL dar-2437 Adduce! D E 7900 Cot Gr av VIN ens -9816 Borucki Edw A F 2800 E 87th SOU Chgo-0554 Agosto Benediet 512 N Halsted MON ro-5775 Braude & Nasi 501 N Wells ....DEL aware-0429 Arado R J 5601 W Madison AUS tin 2681 Calabrese Gennaro 10259 S Mich av__PUL mn-0743 Baldassari L R 11156 S Mich av_..COM odore-220fi Calabrese Vincent 319 Kensngtn av....PUL mn-0949 Capinegro S 803 W Madison HAY mkt-3746 Carvelli Jno 401 W Oak LIN cln-1493 Castiglia N L 5205 Belmont av PAL sade-0485 Castellano Michael 906 S Sac bL VAN burn-4403 Cardio F E 767 Milwaukee.^ _.MON ro-6621 CHESROW FRANK W JR CHESROW RICHARD 1001 S Ashland bl.._ _.HAY mkt-9704 1001 S Ashland bl _ SEE ly-4416 Cunradi Drug Store 3795 Archer av....LAF ayt-5573 Contrafatto S A 1551 N Crawford av....ALB any-0542 De Rosa Chas 2764 Ogden ROC kwI-6787 De Biase J 933 S Ashland av MON ro-5632 Dicosola Anthony 847 Taylor HAY mkt-9638 De Larco Joe 3501 N Chicago DEK ze-8611 Di Gilio Pharmacy 1348 Larrabee. LIN cln-5295 DeRose M 3643 W Chicago NEV ada-8060 Dinet & Delfosse 30 N Mich av DEA rbn-5663 DiCosola Salvator P 947 Taylor _MON ro-4758 Dinet & Delfosse 3v N State __ _DEA rbn-4165 DiCosola Septimio R 947 Taylor MON ro-4758 Filetti Michael H 634 N Ogden HAY mkt-9790 Falotica G A 920 S Morgan MON ro-1704 Fortunato Pharmacy 928 S Halsted—MON ro-3100 Griseto V L 4115 Schl _ AVE nu-9022 Indovina Anthony 539 W 26th VIC try-0062 Guerrero Jas J 55 E Washingtn FRAnkln-3894 Lavieri G D 6058 Addison PEN sacola-0826 LaDue Jno B 25 E Washingtn... RAN dlph- 2358 Madera J R 2901 W 59th. „..REP ublc-4207 LaPata Frank 3556 W Chicago av....BEL-mnt-0345 Marinelli Bros 2064 Ogden av._ SEE ly-9865 av.._ al-0062 Lendino A P 339 Starr _ _ LIN cln-7247 Matthei Aug 2000 Canalport CAN Lornbardo Anton P 729 W Grand av_.MON ro-1956 Maulella J E 1160 Taylor MON ro-1229 Monaco Ernesto 1028 Polk _ HAY mkt-9G33 Madda C J 2558 W Chicago av ARM tage-2400 Paprocki Jno H 3001 W 22d ROCkwl-0782 Madda Vincent A 3166 Lincln av.._WEL ngtn-9564 Parrella Salvatore 1151 Webster av.._DIV rsy-3637 Mascari Frank 4937 W Chicago av__MAN sfld-0130 Pisano Jas 3259 Irvng Pk bl._ __KEY ston-2149 Muriella Geo 805 N State - -DF' :vare-8160 Romano A 501 N Halsted.- _..HAY mkt-10143 Naselli G E 1504 E. 53d st t- aI rfx-0088 Romano Enrico Pharmacy 1452 Sedg..DIV rsy-10324 Oppice 1002 Wilson SUN ysde-3600 H W Roman's Pharmacy Parrilli Geo W 3223 W Madsn VAN brn-7899 5359 Irvng Pk bl PAL isad- 6901 Parro Earl D 1125 79th.._ _ _STEwrt-7647 W Sabatello N 2355 Chgo -.BRU nswick-8320 PECARO A W Serritella M A 925 Blue I av HAY mkt-9654 767 Milwaukee HAY-mkt-0627 Postillion L 523 S Crawford av KED ze-0277 DRY GOODS STORES Porto Jos 803 W Madison HAY mkt-1834 Sabbia D P 2703 Devon av SHE ldrk-0541 Allegretti Robt 3210 N Central av AVEnu-3350 Sevntella W 928 S Halsted st MON ro-4fl38 Arouesti Sanil H 3047 E 92d REG en-1543 Serritella W J 933 S Ashland _..MON ro-5632 ysde-1152 Tufo R P 1547 Larrabee ave DIV sn-2593 Brusso A J 4649 Bway SUN Esposito Nick 1036 Polk .^- HAYmkt-0367 Vitullo F M 752 DeKoven _ HAY mkt-1758 Gi^ante Gaetano 641 N Western av..BRU nswk-8691 DRESSMAKERS M».Jella Wm 2856 E 87th _....SOU Chgo-6491

Mingea Gertrude 9407 Ashland„_ BEV rly-1918 DRY GOODS, COMMISSION Moni Ralph L 159 N State — CEN trl-4059 Purpura Jos V 55 E Washngtn DEA rbn-6811 DeGarmo L E 323 S. Franklin _JIAR isn-2819 Rigoni Nanella 156 W Chicago DEL aware-6323 Tornabene Vincent 4926 W Divsn_.COL umbs-1302 EMBROIDERIES DRUG STORES COLLO EMBROIDERY CO 325 S Market HAR isn-4064 Adrogna Marco 601 W Div DIV rsy-3434 Allegretti Jno 3635 W Divsn „..ALB any-1749 ENGINEERS CONSULTING & STRUCTURAL Allegretti Jos 1201 W Grand av HAY mkt-91o4 Allegretti Orest P D'ESPOSITO JOSEPH 2455 N Sawyer av BEL mnt -10045 400 W Madison. _ STA te-9894 Barone Drug Co 1361 W Harisn HAY mkt-9496 Barone Pharmacy 2588 Wentwrth av....VIC try-7269 EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS Bartecki's Pharmacy 2600 W 47th.„.VIR ginia-0235 Basile Frank G P 6500 S Morgan._WEN twth-6795 L Ferari 5554 Henderson PEN sacola-3782 Begale Frank 4018 W North _ BEL mnt -6976 Kucera Frank & Co Bellezza Pharmacy Inc 4828 W 25th pi... ._ .._LAW ndal-2900 5501 Montrose av _ AVE nu-9188 Palumbo Bros 2738 W Harisn KED ze-4224 Bermele G Fred 4224 Fulrtn av„ BEL mnt-0661 A Ramacitti Co 1248 W 13th st— CAN al-0746 Bermele & Skjoldager 5258 W Divsn..MAN sfld-6522 Senese Nick 909 Laflin _ HAY mkt-4115 35 SELECTED DIRECTORY OF THE ITALIANS IN CHICAGO

EXPORTERS DeMero Floral Shoppe 6408 N Western ARM tge 5420 Carrillo J 616 S Michigan WAB sh-1766 Filomena S Co 1500 N Oakley- .ARM tge 5420 Giugliano A 1758 W VanB...._. SEE ly 1984 EXPRESSING & MOVING Loretto Florist 504 W 69th ...ENG wd 1200 Loretto Florist Shop 653 E 75th St.....STE wart 4400 Bandringa's Service 7153 S Halsted_..STE wrt-0898 Rezzuto F 1154 W Grand _ _ HAY mkt 2220 Rocca 55 Jackson _ sh 6944 Barberis H 1509 N Well DIV rsy-2251 A C E ..WAB Rubinelli Sam Oscar 545 Divsn st .DIV rsy 3197 Barranco J 620 N May_ _ HAY mkt-2100 W Vacha Joseph & Sons Bobbora Bros 2520 W Chicago. „ARM itge-0284 4710 S Western _ _. LAF ayet-6248 Campo J 829 S Morgan ...._ HAY mkt-0668 Viculin J 209 W 31st VIC try-0700 Christiano J 9657 Genevo BEV erly-7088 Villari Jos 124 N Halsted.- ...MON ro-3530 Conforti's Motor Exp Piano & Furniture West Side Florist 1101 Taylor...„ .MON ro -04533 Movers 7230 EUwood _ ROG rs-Pk-6278 Dunaj Bros 1851 W 21st.._ CAN al-3511 FOOD PRODUCTS CO. Loizzo S A 5708 Normal WEN twth-3294 Lubbruzzo J 1639 W North _ __HUM bldt-3844 Formella Food Products Co Marobio Dominick 439 Orleans— SUP rior-8724 2932 Wallace VIC try.1540 Montegna & Co 3830 S Union av _.YAR ds-2615 _ Leghorn Food Products Pasquesi Bros Motor Exp Co Co 116 N Peoria MON ro-0126 671 W Randolph MON ro-1763 Maggio Alex 1230 W Kinzie MON ro-5679 Picone J 630 Miller st _.HAY mkt-3160 Pignato R 650 N Spaulding VAN brn-8878 PARIS & GIULIANI IMPORTING CO 1014 S Halsted. MON ro-6233 Pilecki V 1025 N Marshfield av ARM itge-6802 TRAFICANTI BROS Pinturich L 5440 S Narraganset HEM lok-8245 451 N Racine _ HAY tnkt-7949 Ruggio J V 544 N Clark „..SUP-rior-5172 UNITED GROCERS INC Scafidi T 908 N Wells DEL awar-3096 WHOLESALE 1200 Randolph ro-e245 Solecki L P & Son 2666 E 106th SOU Chgo-1334 W MON Tocci Peter 1008 E 76th RAD-cliffe-042fi


Troy Brass Celebucki S 11948 S Halsted PUL mn-7526 & Aluminum Foundry DeLude H 2306 W 51st — PRO spect -0143 2559 W 21st ROC kwl-4346 Grosso B & Co 61-63 E 103rd st PUL mn-2a32 Randazzo Joe 1145 Larrabee DIV rsy-2930 FRUIT DEALERS—WHOLESALE

FIRST AID SUPPLIES Arata Frank B & Co 110 S Wtr Mkt..CAN al-7330 Bacigalupo J & Co 100 So Wtr Mkt.„CAN al-0420 Barbieri J F 104 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-7425 -C A Mosso Laboratories Boitano Jno & Co 706 Randlph ro-5306 215 S Leavitt st ..SEE ly-4448 W MON Canepa Chas J 705 W Randolph MON ro-3134 Caresio Jno 11911 Ind. _ _PUL mn-1845 FISH DEALERS Caruso Joe 1107 W Randolph HAY mkt-5386 Cella Jno 113 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-4325 Borromio D 2347 Taylor _ _..SEE ly-9592 Cinquegrani Sam 802 W Randlph.._....HAY mkt-8736 Lamantia 1329 W Grand. MON ro-1855 J Coari & Fontana 105 So Wtr Mkt __CAN aI-1192 La Valle Tony 4142 W Lake NEV ada0353 Coyne D J & Co 67 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-5473 Sobacki A 3646 Belmont - JUN pr-4316 Cuneo Bros Inc 93 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-0844 Dattilo Bros 1105 N Laramie av AUS tin-0657 FLAVORING EXTRACTS DeCesare Bros & Morande 733 W Randlph „ _ MON ro-1730 Cincia Extract Mfg Co 3528 S Wabsh.._VIC try-1030 DeMarchi Antonio 89 So Wtr Mkt ROO svlt-4923 DiCicco Vincent 701 W Rand MON ro- 5317 FLORISTS Droghetti G 81 So Wtr Mkt „ „_...CAN al-5371 Garbarino Nick 77 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-7266 Allegretti's Flower Shop Garibaldi & Cuneo 1200 W 15th ROO svlt-3540 1114 W Grand.- _ HAY mkt-5247 Gazzarra & Rocca 1425 S Racine CAN al-1245 Altera's Floral Shoppe 2706 W 22d....ROC kwl-0760 Gillarde-Bruns Co Argenzio's Floral Shop 79 So Water Market- ROO svlt-3300 1471 W Grand HAY mkt-0418 Ginocchio Bros 101 So Wtr Mkt ROO svlt-2602 Centanno M 1008 Polk. MON ro-5155 Giometti Ernest 169 S Wtr Mkt CAN al-6966 Dambrosio J 2166 Ogden SEE ly-5103 Lanzarotta Bros & Co 52 So WtrMkt_ROO svlt-3620 DeCarl Flower & Gift Shop Inc Lima S & Co 17 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-3540 1551 Taylor St MON ro-3324 Marsiglia Sam 731 W Randlph MON ro-3M2 Delberto J 2725 Wentworth VIC try-4430 Mergoni Louis 27 So Wtr Mkt CAN al- 2213


(Fruit Oeaiers-Wholesale cont'd) Spicuzza Salvatore 1217 WGrand av..HAY mkt-2048 Terese Chas 5733 W Dvsn AUS tn-0209 Nottoli Bros 71 So Wtr Mkt ROO svlt-3510 Torneo Jos 1901 W Van Burn.._ SEE ly-0209 O'Pizzi Co 1425 S Racine av._.ROO svlt-4780 A & Tripoli Vincent 840 N Crawford BEL mnt-5759 Patrasso Co The 710 W Randlph MON ro-2078 Zei Nello 2147 Irvng Pk bl IND epndnc-6965 Piraino Santi J 802 W Randlpli__ MON ro-1558

. Podesta L Co 69 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-7245 FURNISHED Podesta Luigi 82 So Wtr Mkt CAN al- 0886 ROOMS Ragona S & Bros 22 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-1303 Audisio Peter Rivera Victor 106 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-3136 3125 S Mich av. CALumt-1393 Russo Bros 75 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-0212 Bianci Joe 2519 Ind av _ VIC try-8641 Sbertoli & Tiede 105 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-1963 Bonafede Saml 3546 N Halsted....BUC knghm-1134 Scaletta Dominick 22 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-1113 Borgnini Mike 1903 S Wabash av VIC try-5645 Spicuzza Jas C 3711 W Grand av....SPA ldng-9050 Borri Angelina 1622 W Adams _.SEE ly-7328 Bricco Louisa 9 E Suprior. DEL awar-1377 FRUIT PRESSES Caesar Frank 18 W Dela pi DEL awar-2227 Cailotto Joe 2112 Prairie av...._ „ VIC try-4207 Chiarugi Bros 1022 W TayIor.._ .MON ro-2235 Cailotto Tony 2123 Prairie av MIC hign-1864 Capra Mike 1905 S Wabash av...- VIC try-3106 FRUIT STORES Cardillo Vincent 2934 S Mich ....VIC try-9027 Casella Michael 1608 S Racine _ VIC try-5135 Allegretti Bros 3626 W Chgo av SPA ldgn-9248 Casto Saml H 2032 W Wash bl _ SEE ly-5575 Annerino Alfred 3016 Wentworth Clark..VIC ry-4513 DeBorde P F 6240 Justine REP ublc-9684 Ansani David G 1111 W Chgo av....HAY mkt-9188 DeGama Annetta L 3963 Drexl bl DRExl-6280 Aquatici Joe 3926 W Chgo av BEL mnt-9338 Diodati Albert 828 N Dearborn.- DEL awar-2814 Balsamo Jos 3144 N Clark. _ _.WEL ngtn-6468 DiPaolo Dan 2124 Ind av - _ VIC try-3661 Biondolillo Aug 3614 W Chgo av SPA ldng-8713 Draghi B 2027 Prarie av VIC try-0104 Cacciatore Louis 2334 S State -....VIC try-7362 Cangelosi C 4323 N Cicero av KIL dar-8360 Foresta Felice 3446 W Monro „.VAN burn -8857 Capodice Jos J 954 W 79th..... _..JRAD elf- 4214 Frego Frank 3980 Lk Pk av _.KEN wd-5163 Carava Jack 4401 Armitage.._ -...SPA ldng-6423 Galetti Frank Mrs 8 W Chgo av DEL awar-1829 Catania Andrew & Co 2902 Fulrtn „ARM itge-5684 Grolla Jno 2614 Ind av ....VIC try.4798 Chipain & Co 4347 Fulrtn av _....SPA ldng-5262 Lapatto S J 2500 Warren avt- SEEly-0984 Cimino Joe 5845 W Lake EST ebrook-3421 Leoni Dick 13 W Grand av._ DEL wr-9428 Dagnello Jos 4419 Madsn .^_.COL umbs-9206 W Lestina Jas V 1649 Warren bl SEE ly-9649 Dario Divita 4006 Archer av._ „LAF ayet-4732 Martina Claude 1808 Prairie av _..VIC try-4770 Ebbole Salvatore 1373 W Grand av....HAY mkt -3947 Esposito Pasquale 1101 S Halsted..._...MON ro-6044 Medica Steve 1900 Calumt av - VIC try -5784 Monti Prairie Fischella Fred 4423 Wentw av...._^...BOU lvrd-7415 O 2018 av.- - -..CAL umt-1269 Filesha Jno 1823 W 103d BEV rly-7634 Pito Jno 4854 Blkstone av DRE xl-3143 Fontani Orlando 11592 S Mich PUL mn-in241 Ruffalo Jim 1425 Spruce -HAY mkt -9542 Fusco Chas 7001 S Halsted STE wrt-0387 Sola Gaetano 10401 Corliss av PUL mn-7874 Giardina Jasper 5930 W Chcgo av AUS tn-4232 Stanko Gus 1922 W Washngtn SEEly-6540 Giardina Philip 5624 W Divsn MAN sfld-1483 Tavolacci Jos 814 Oakdal av ....BUC knghm-5141 Intelli S 2518 Wentw av VIC try-9166 Tovolacci Peter 2034 Kucera Jas 2118 S Crawford av. LAWndal-9852 Lane Ct DIV rsy-2221 Lamantia Tony 267 W 24th VIC try-1852 Tesio Alfred 25 W Huron DEL awar-5227 Lauricella T 5240 N Damon av LON gbch-2665 Tonoli Jeanne Mrs 4020 Drexel bl..—..OAK Ind- 6405 Longo Fruit & Vegetables Mkt Vitale Jos C 913 Irving Pk bl..._ -.-LAK vw-2760 6105 Addison „ KIL dar-0281 Vezzoni Dino 749 Cornelia av._ WEL ngtn-8756 Manzo Bros 3252 W Cong VAN buren- 2339 Vitale Jas 1421 W Monro HAY mkt-3024 Malito 8536 Stony I av SOU Chgo-9026 Marino Jim 1133 Argyle..._ ARD mor-3035 FURNITURE (MNFRS.) Messineo Frank 44 So Wtr Mkt CAN al-0007 Mirabella Raymond 5413 S Kedze REP ublc-4439 Alonzi Furniture Co 1840 W Austin .SEE ly-1431 Motycka Aug W 3356 W 26th _ ROCkwl-5351 Ambrosino W & Co 427 W Lake HAY mkt-6050 Musolino Jno 1247 W 103d...- BEV rly-7593 ART PATTERN SHOP Nuzzo Nick 4009 Elston KEY stone-6710 712 S Racine av. MON ro-6447 Pedi Joe 3101 N Cicero PAL isad-1949 DeVito Bros 1624 W North BRU nswk-3185 Pellegrini Bros 1140 Bryn Mawr SUN ysde-5918 MILANO Inc Pellegrini Frank 4368 Milwke av_ AVEnu-2270 FURNITURE CO 222 No Banw av SUP rior-4877 Polito N & Sons 5101 S Halsted._„ YAR ds-0099 Provenza Antonino 3016 Laramie AVE nu-7166 MILANO FURNITURE CO Inc Quattrocki Jos A 1500 W 79th VIN ens -4218 3311 W 47th.- __ VIR gnia-2180 Romano Joe 4201 Armitge av._ SPA ldng-0360 Peluso Furniture Co 3248 Potomac av..ALB any-3595 Salpietro Sam 3753 N Western av....KEY ston-4399 Sibilano Furniture Mfg Co Sansone Bros & Co 2077 Milwke HUMbldt-0745 1136 S Halsted St HAY mkt-1872


FURNITURE (RETAIL) Benedetto Michael 10735 Edbroke „PUL mn-1931 Bertacchi Aladino 1481 W Grand.. HAY mkt-5912 Martoccio G 511 W Division.- DIV rsy-2579 Bertucci Bruno 268 W 24th VIC try-2135 Romano Furniture Mart Biazzo Rose 5227 Calumet av KEN wd-3144 3255 Milwaukee av PAL asde-1711 Biciej Jno 4609 S Calif „LAF ayet-7359 Schiavone F & Son 1437 Taylor st....HAY mkt-1617 Bicochi Orlando 231 N Ada.... MON ro-0583 SIBILANO FURNITURE MFG CO Bierma & Jonkman 10935 Wenth av...PUL mn-0200 1136 S Halsted st. HAY mkt -1872 Biggini Anthony 2673 W Madsn „_„.NEV ada-4754 Biondi's Food Store 5840 W Rosvlt....COL mbs-6017 FURRIERS Biondi Vincent 2631 Sheffld av_.BUC knghm-4284 Biondolillo Aug 3614 W Chgo SPA ldgn-8713 Marco Louis 162 N State - CEN trl-0546 Bistricky M J 7209 S Honore REP ublc-9238 Mercola K 3313 Broadway BUG knghm-5765 Boezio Danl 1901 W Ohio SEE ly-7728 Boffa Dan 438 N Western _. SEE ly-4383 cldn-6195 GLASS (Cut, Stained and Oraamental) Bojko Josef 2500 N Marshfld av GRA Boniecki Joe 8744 Escanaba REG ent-4194 Giannini & HUgart 2134 Lewis LIN cln-7870 Bony Jno 6000 S Hermitage av...._ PRO spct-3033 Bony Mike 944 W 36th _.BOU lvrd-7614 GRANITE Bosco Jno 3658 Hirsch - BEL mnt-0096 Bubalo L & Co 1602 Fulrtn av ...LIN cln-5947 ZIROLI M MONUMENT CO Calabrese Carnieri 5228 Belmnt PAL isad-4181 717-19 S Racine av...... HAY mkt-6760 Calabresi Romelo 1225 W Grand av._.MON ro-6331 Calamata Groc Co 1014 W Harr MON ro-4571 GRAPE JUICE Calamia Sam 1327 W Ohio MON ro-0784 Caldara Lorenzo 260 W 26th..._ VIC try-4262 Puro Vino Co 400 W Erie DEL awar-3370 Caliendo Bros 6807 Stony I av... HYD e Pk-9824 Uva Sano Grape Products Co Calvetto Jos 313 W 115th PUL mn-9553 ro-4570 529 W Van Bum... _._ _ „.\VEB sh-4416 Cambio-De Cristofaro Co 810 Taylor... MON Vino Sano Co 201 N Wells DEA rbn-3713 Campanelo Angelo 1830 Fremont _..LIN cln-2874 Campanello Rosario 2058 Clifton av LIN cln-fl947 GROCERS—RETAIL Capasso Ralph 1108 S Jeffrsn MON ro-2146 Capilupo Frank 617 S Wells... _WEB str-2663 Addante Enrico 1248 Sinnott pi MON ro-0638 Caponi Joe 4203 N Kedzie av IRV ing-3733 Admolfi Carlo 3104 W Harrison... NEV ada-5191 Capparelli J V 5656 Higgins av^^ Kil dar-8461 Affatato Nick 1140 W Grand av _.MON ro-5445 Mike 1410 Polk MON ro-7138 Agosto's Groc & Mkt 3136 Bway....WEL ngtn-7377 Carbonara Patsy 2248 W Ohio SEE ly-3860 Aiello Joe 5927 W Grand av BER kshire-2951 Carollo Philip 5601 Norml bl ENG lwd-7384 Aiello Philip 852 N Karlov av SPAldng-1661 Carollo ony 56X01 Normal bl WEN twth-7588 Aniodea Aug 5078 Archer av. LAF ayet 2999 Carpita T 708 W Ban B - MON ro-5562 Ancona Groc & Mkt 412 W Divsn DIV rsy-6229 Cavalieri Jno 728 S Western av SEE Iy-2676 Andreotti Enrico 3527 Wentwth BOU lvrd-10201 Cecala Rosaria 1108 W Ohio HAY mkt-2059 Andreotti Louis 2442 S Oakley av CAN al-4927 Centoni Otello 2444 S Oakley ROO svlt-2370 Angarola Peter 3750 W Ohio KED ze-1532 Cerniglia Jas 2846 W Congress VAN burn-3256 Angelico Jas 2700 Lex_ VAN Bm-1727 Cerulo Jno 2534 Wentwth av VIC try-6442 ston-3376 Angileri A 2306 W Harr....„ WES t- 0570 Chiappe Jas 4155 Elston av KEY Angelone A 4205 W Harisn_ VAN bm-7143 Chiba Anton 1853 S Western av ...CAN al-6299 Anichini Bros 307 W Illinois SUP rior-8066 Chiccone Tony 1025 S Paulina „ SEE ly-8797 Rocco 3425 W Chgo. NEV ada-0557 Ciccio Pete 1651 W 69th PRO spct-0976 Aquativi Joe 3926 W Chcgo av BEL mnt-9338 Cimarusti Tony 929 Taylor HAY nikt-1590 mkt -3671 Ardizzone Fred 269 W 24th pi VIC try-3961 Cimino Frank 1028 W Harisn HAY Ardizzone Joe 3259 W 63d _ HEM lok- 5296 Ciombor Paul 2450 N Marshfld av DIV rsy-8290 Arcari Jack 1048 W Grand av.„ HAY mkt -2453 Cittadino Joe 9056 Greenwd av. ...REG ent-5011 Asiago Grocery 314 W 115th PUL mn- 10102 Ciura Andro 1370 Sloan. — ARM itge-6562 Azzarello Jos 449 W 69th WEN twrth-6508 Coconato Frank 1529 Taylor— ...... MON ro-6766 Bachara Jno 847 Paulina _ HAY mkt -7767 Colletti Jerome 2158 W Ohio SEE ly-2456 Balasko Ferdinand 1924 Burling DIV rsy-2196 Colletti Nick 2804 W Chgo av „.HUM bldt-5466 Balaty Michael 2856 S Kedvale av_XAW ndal-2693 Coluzzi L 625 S Crawford. VAN brn-7140 Bandaccari Fred 2802 W Harisn NEV ada -3401 Condiotta Geo 3501 Armitage av ALB any-5582 -2279 Barbera Jos 3434 W Chgo av NEV ada-4328 Corri Otto R 4101 W Harr NEV ada Barone Sam 4948 Dickens av __BER kshire-5080 Cortina Vincent 2659 N Racine av.BUC knghm-5761 Barreca Sam 2315 W Madsn_ SEE ly-4122 Costanza Thos 267 Alexndr_ .VIC try-3466 Battaglin B & Bros 321 Kensngtn PUL mn- 5252 Covone Orlando 1353 W VanBura MON ro-3323 Battain & Balma 917 W 103d CED rcrst-3052 Bros 1103 W Grand av MON ro-3147 Bazola Fred 2359 S Hamlin CRA wfrd-5264 Crapa Paul 1033 Sedg DIV rsy-5946 avvare-7200 Begani Joe 2501 W Harr _ SEE ly-1389 Crescio A 232 W Ohio DEL ada -3604 Bellini Mary 941 Sedg DIV rsy-6332 Crispin© Geo 700 N Kedze av NEV


(Grocers Retail cont'd) Gambalani Narciso 5 E 23d CAL umt-0476 Garetto Jos 159 E 107th PUL mn- 6679 Cullotta Carlo 1102 Larr MOH-ak-0919 Gaspare Emo Cummuta Leo 4928 Armitge av_ BER kshJre-3909 8227 Forest Preserve av _.LAK awana-9799 Cundari Dominick 736 S Crawford...N EV ada-7416 Gaspari Chas 10400 Corliss.__ _PUL mn-4021 Cusumano Philip 3100 Polk NEVada-0324 Gasparoto V M 6609 S State WEN twth-4931 Cutrara Sam 4658 Wentwth BOU lvrd-4648 Gaspero J. F. 315 S Calif av VAN brn-832G DalSanto Battista Groc Gentile Luigi 1700 Taylor ....SEE ly-5698 343 Kensington av...._ PUL mn-4173 Ghirardi B 2300 W 48th pi LAF ayet-8360 Dal Santo B Inc 8705 Cot Gr. ABE rdeen-1080 Giambrone Dominick 1651 W Vanburn....WES t-3556 DalSanto Thos 365 Kensington av„.PUL mn-6004 Giannola Dominick 844 S Racine av....MON ro-0236 Danca Joe 32 E 69th TRI angl-2598 Gieryna Jos 1101 N Damen av HUM bldt- 6570 DeBartolo D 1101 E 90th_ REG nt-1375 GUiberti Frank 2520 Wentw av VIC try-7264 DeBartolo Sam 736 N Damen av.._ SEE ly-2727 Giometti D 9256 So Chgo av SOU Chgo -6293 De Felicis Oreste 3458 W Lake SAC ramnto-1691 Giometti Jennie 8944 Houston av__SOU Chgo-2220 DeFilippis Bob 1007 Blue I av MON ro-1752 Giordano Frank 7744 Greenwood..AMB asador-319G Deluca Sam 734 DeKoven_ _..MON ro-2329 Gobbo & Moro 380 Kensgtn av PUL mn-4322 De Marco Jas 2865 E 93rd. SOU Chcg-1706 Gorfine Sam 1245 Marion ct ARM itge-2627 De Maria Vincenzo 1135 Townsend LIN cln-8690 Granacki I 8261 Brandon av -..SOU Shr-090e De Rose Louis 2900 Fillmore KED ze-6933 Grassi Bros 1140 N Wells DIV rsy-4480 Dianda Tony 1444 W Grand MON ro-5456 Grassi Domenick 3925 W Chgo_ ....KED ze-3691 Dicara Joe 1123 Vernon Pk pi -HAY mkt-5014 Greco Louis 1859 W Grand av SEEly-4924 Dimatteo Dominick 3832 W Ohio -_KEDze-0660 Greco Raffaele 10528 Erickson av PUL mn-6446 DiNicola Fiore 10425 Hoxie av REG ent-4317 Gruchala Stanley 1834 Iowa ARM itge-6819 DinnoceJizo Pietro 10718 Torrence....SOU Chgo-9161 Guarini Jos 1656 N Keeler av -BEL mnt-7601 Diorio Jos 2611 E 107th SAG inaw-4488 Guerrieri Emilia Dispenza Sam 2151 W Erie SEE ly-2890 2714 N Laramie av BER kshire-3850 Distefano Joe 5203 S Kedze_ _...PRO spct-1965 Cuttilla Nich 1309 Cleveland av LIN cln- 5919 DiStefano O 925 S Hermtge av WES t-7257 lacobozzi Thos 10401 Calhoun av REG ent- 3462 Donatelli Jos 2325 Taylor -.SEE ly-2014 lacunato Frank 3511 W 59th. GRO vhil-1333 Donate Vito 2323 Princeton VIC try -1923 laffaldano Frank 1321 W Grand av..„MON ro-5605 Dr Torrice E 82 W Harrison. WEB str-2001 Incandella Jos & Son 3825 W Chgo.-.KED ze-5799 Dudo Joe 150 Kensngtn av PUL mn-1411 Ippolito Cosimo & Sons Durante Gennaro 624 S Kedze av KED ze-3329 1059 N Hamlin av BEL mnt-9770 Fabbri Oreste 302 Beethoven DIV rsy-0479 Ippolito Frank 1100 S Jeffrsn MON ro-4322 Faciani Maria 4158 W Vanburn NEV ada-1575 Irace Fred 6758 S Hermitage av REP ublc- 1075 Falco Jno 914 Sholto _ HAY mkt-0971 Italian Imported Groceries Faduto D 2324 Taylor _....SEE ly-3834 1247 W Ohio HAY mkt-9641 Fanta Chas 1945 S Keeler av_ LAWndal-2494 Izzi Michael 9656 Ewing av SOU Chgo-7523 Fantozzi & Izzo Antonio 1133 Taylor „.MON ro-0762 1637 Wrightwd av _.BUC knghm-6530 La Cosse Jos 4825 Lk Pk av _„KEN wd-2512 Fanucci Anna 610 W Div LIN cln-7886 Lando John 722 W Grand av _.HAY mkt-8513 Faiaci Vito 1100 Milton av __LIN cln-5948 Laski Emil 8553 Colfax av SAG inaw-6241 Faroni Augusto 2639 E 93rd _ REG ent-4327 Laspisa Jno 205 W 47th _._ YAR ds-2455 Forte Garth 440 E 42nd PL OAK lnd-7197 Lasusa Michael 1360 Mohawk DIV rsy -9324 Farvo Chas 6001 S Lincoln HEM lok-1330 Lazaretti Mike 2439 W. Grand av SEE ly-2829 Felicicchia Salvatore 206 Kensngtn....PUL mn-0568 Lazzaro Wedo 8820 Stony I av —REG ent-1698 Fetta Frank 4840 S Hermitage BOU lvd-8435 Legno Pasquale 1101 W Harr MON ro-4845 mkt-2690 Fiore Vito 1214 W Ohio MON ro-6393 Lentini Joe 1074 Taylor. HAY Fonte AchUle 1358 1358 Edgemnt HAY mkt-3989 Lenza Anthony 1753 W 69th.„.- REP ublc- 1032 Fragassi Lorenzo 2300 W 69th _.PRO spct-8260 Lenza Gennaro Jerry 1801 W 69th..-PRO spct-2202 Franc Andrew 4200 Augusta „....BEL mnt-2203 Leonardi D 3011 5th av KED ze-1216 -2146 Franzone Joe 502 W Oak DIV rsy-2146 Liberacki Louis 8700 Escanaba SOU Chgo Franzone Leo 423 W Oak DIV rsy-3223 Licitra Joe 4922 Armtge av- _.BER kshire-4586 Frascona Jas 3451 W 63d ._ HEM lok-5590 Lisitza Jake 1604 N Wells LIN cln -7984 Frenzi Joe 958 N Central av ALB any-6899 Lisitza Max 1446 N Wells DFV rsy-7001 Frenzi Tony 1942 Archer av VIC try-0236 Listecki Edward 8401 Mackinaw- —REG nt-7291 Fuscone Tony 500 S Morgan HAY mkt-3467 Lojacono Phillip 732 S Clark WEB str-2693 Gagliano Casmo 158 Kensngtn av COM odor-3059 Lombardi Steve 2418 S Oakley av CAN al- 4839 Gagliano Frank 3812 W Chgo „..BEL mnt-6234 Lombardo Frank 301 W 24th VIC try -3221 Gagliardo Nicke 2053 Sheffld DIV rsy-9313 Lo Monaco Ben 524 S Damen. SEE ly-1671 Gagliardo Stephen 3543 W Chgo _SAC rmnto-1563 Lonere Peter 2432 Polk SEE ly-0478 Galla Stanley 1506 W North NARM-tge-7865 Lonero Jas P 1959 W Ohio.— SE ly-1938 Galli Martin 2928 Elston— -IND epndnc-7230 Lo Nigro Fred 1903 Taylor WES t-4765 Gallo Tony 2632 Wallace VICtry-6721 LoPresti Pasquale Galvani Frank 624 E Kedze av KED ze-0470 1501 Cleveland av _ MOH ak-0269


(Grocers Retail cont'd) Palazzolo Guy 655 Vedder _ —LIN cln-1255 Palazzolo M A 800 S Leavitt— -SEE ly-1258 r,o Sasso Sam 1231 Larr DIV rsy-3458 Palazzolo Peter 1112 Center DIV rsy-3594 Lucca Grocery 851 Center DIV rsy-2189 Palazzolo Otto S 4437 W Harsn KED ze-3738 Lucchesi Nello 236 W Divsn LIN cIn-2677 Paliga Jno 12401 S Green PUL mn-9802 Luccki Urbano 755 Western —SEE ly-0287 Pallotto Jas 10400 Hoxie av SOU Chgo- 4955

Lupori Elmer 62(50 Addison . KIL dar-3631 Palonibo J 2300 W Taylor SEE ly-8486 Maffio Jas 1510 W Ohio„ _ MON ro-6946 Panella Angelica 2219 W Harisn SEEly-0151 Maggio Bros Groc & Mkt Panetti Peter 11529 S Mich av—- PUL mn-1354 311 S Western av SEE ly-0097 Panicolo Jno 218 S Kilpatk av —.MAN snd-6743 Maggio Virginia 2006 W Van Buren WES t-4451 Panno Frank 925 Cambrdg av LIN cln-3381 Maggiore Jim 5249 W Harsn COL umbs-5474 Paoli Dante 540 N Wells DEL aware-2275 Maggiore Peter 947 Polk MON ro-2618 Poalicchi Geo 3227 E 92d SOU Chgo-1534 Magurno T 2458 W Huron __BRU nswk-4486 Paolicchi Hugo 9546 Av M SOU Chgo-1697 Maiello Joe 1057 Polk „-.„MOX ro-1654 Parnello Jno 4361 Archer av LAF ayet-2015 Malecki Peter 1891 Winnebago av„.ARM itge-4544 Parra Thos 819 W 14th _ CAN al-1975 Malevitis Chas. 1544 W 69th _ HEM lock-4398 Partipilo Giovanni 1039 S Morgan MON ro-6649 Malicki Jos 4795 Archer av LAP ayet-5418 Pastore Joe 600 N Halsted — MON ro-5929 Malito Louis 7700 Greenwd Av._.AMB asador-1589 Petroni Dem 701 S Marshfld av _....SEE ly-1850 Mallardi Joe 608 X May „HAY mkt-4240 Patti Bros 1148 W Grand av MON ro-2922 Mancini Nick 2058 Polk __ -SEE ly-4693 Pekucki Steve 3314 Mossprat BOUlvrd-2935 Manfredo Joe 3047 Lex. KED ze-2744 Pellicane Anthony 2204 W Harisn SEE ly-4777 Manganaro Paul F 713 S Albany VAN brn-5201 Perrilli Tony 1149 S Wabsh HAR sn-0129 Maniocha Michal 3800 Christiana IRV ng-0367 Picchetti & Son 1446 W Harisn -.MON ro-2188 Mantia Michael 5017 Lk Pk av DRExl-1420 Piccolo Jim 1438 Taylor MON ro-2972 Mantinia Groc 166 N Halsted- ._MON ro-0616 Piecocki Z B 1059 N Lawndal BEL mnt-5387 Mariano Nicholas 1735 Polk __SEEly-5587 Pi?natelli Gay 1345 W Ohio MON ro-7278 Markado G 253 W 63d WEN twth-6741 Pintaro Natali 268 W 25th - _VIC try-7526 Marsala Sam 3648 W Grand av CAP tl-405S Pinto Bros 1763 Sedg _ LIN cln-7900 Martino Carlo 1310 W Erie HAY mkt-6976 Pinzino Louis 2807 W 55th REP ublc-0220 Mascheri Mary 1459 Taylor_. HAV inkt-8424 Pipala Frank 2258 Montana BRU nswk-1916 Masini Jno & Co 311 W Elm MOH awk-3392 Pipia Nick 3731 W Grand av SPAldgn-2063 Mastronardi Felice 9825 Av L_ REG ent -3670 Piragine F 1743 S Halsted CAN al-5208 Matarazza Rose 3528 Princeton av_..BOU lvrd-0454 Piraino Sam 631 Laflin MON ro-4292 Mature Cesare 7108 Belmnt av—PEN sacoIa-0891 Poderchi Joe 3004 N Olcott LAK awana-9755 Mazzacano Amatore 1024 W Erie MON ro-5676 Polocchi Mose 1400 Flournoy MON ro-0880 Mazzuca Louis 845 Loomis MON ro-2318 Pompilio Vito 611 Milwaukee _MON ro-3532 Medella A 1915 S Albany av ROC kwl- 1478 Porzycki Jno 4301 Hirsch ALB any-1396 Meneghini Anthony 225 W 123d.-..COM odor-3469 Potocki Vincent 1902 W 47th LAF ayet-1371 Liborio 1434 Taylor HAY mkt -6959 Priorillo Cosimo 700 Laflin MON ro-0938 Michalicka Paul 4(M4 Ogden av_....LAW ndal-6460 Profumo Rosalie 2426 W Van Buren-SEE ly-3126 Migala Edw 1657 N Cent Pk av ALB any-7384 Provenzano Frank 1146 Townsend. DIV rsy -3979 Mika Stanley 2040 W 19th _.R00 svlt-7895 Pulvirenti Joe 8800 Lowe av.... STE wrt-6222 Mikucki Alex 2744 N Marshfld av.BUC knghm-5678 Pusatera A 600 E 50th _ —KEN vd-4599 Mirabelli Geo 9555 Coml av...._ _SOU Chgo-0143 627 W 26th VIC try-3085 Monaco E 1032 S Morgan MON ro-3515 P Morriale Carlo 1329 Sedg DIV rsy-5522 QUATTROCCHI VIC try-3085 Montalbano Antonio 931 S Western SEE Iy-4535 627 W 26th Quilici Otto 9659 Av N SOU Chgo-3573 Mozzi Martha 3023 Wentw av VIC try -9243 Nanni Virgilio 1251 Clyb av DIV rsy- 5587 Radechi Alex 2955 Archer LAF ayet-1177 Nano Vincent 1101 Ridgwy av ALB ny-9081 Ragusa M 656 W 43d BOU lvrd-3096 Napolitano S 4901 Henderson PAL lsade-7570 Redini Armando 941 W Harsn Mon-ro-4455 Naponiello Nick 481 W 25th pi VIC try-0228 Renzino E 1154 Taylor MON ro-3556 Nasca Joe 520 Hobbie DIV rsy-2752 Riccomi & Miom 2858 Stef field BUC knghm-3065 Natali Armand 218 S Western av SEE ly-7752 Riforgiato Sam 1123 W Grand MON ro-4527 Emerald av VIC try -2760 Natali L & Walsh Bros Rinella Leo 2551 509 S Kedzie VAN bm-2894 Rinella Mariano 2320 Wentwth av VIC try-2249 Natali V G 2634 Devon -SHE ldrk-8833 Rita Tony 1357 Taylor MON ro-6659 try-2760 Nita Paul 1447 W 120th_. _ _PUL mn-2526 Rinella Leo 2551 Emerald - VIC Novello Frank 4931 Fed KEN wd-8976 Rinella Mariano 2320 Wentwth. VIC try-2249 Oghigian Martin 13 N Hoyne av SEE ly-1326 Rizzo Mose 2512 Wentwth av VIC try-0086 Oracki Jos 3224 Mosspratt YAR ds-0710 Rizzo Sam 3203 N Halsted BUC knghm-6531 Orrico Ralph 1029 Newberry av_ _MON ro-4689 Rolla & Testa 301 E 116th PUL mn- 7962 Pace Jno 2523 W Harsn SEE ly-2885 Rolleri Louis 59 E 18th. VIC try-2953 ly-1423 Pacura Chas J 2458 N Luna av_BER kshire-0340 Roma Groc 2062 Polk SEE Palaggi Jos 1809 Fed CAL umt-4660 Romito Pasquale 915 Blue I ar MON ro-2899


(Grocers cont'd) Tuso Joe 1430 Larr _ _ LIN cln-5826

Ursini Frank 954 W Aust av... MON ro-1212 Rubino 1205 Grand av ro-6173 Jas W MON Ursine Mike 4200 W Harisn VAN burn-3681 Rubino 1205 Grand av ro-6356 Jno W MON Utrata Chas 5256 S Carpenter YAR ds-3595 Ruffalo Jim 1140 S Calif _...VAN brn-9665 Vacco D Groc & Mkt 2751 E 79th....SAC inaw-8641 Ruffalo Jim 1425 Spruce HAY mkt-9542 Valenta Anthony 1135 E 73d DOR cstr-4393 Russo Rose 1144 Milton av_ _..„ DIV rsy-8272 Vanni Jos 626 Garfld awk-1071 Russo Vincent 2559 S Halsted VICtry-1228 MOH Vincenti Leonardo 2948 Harr NEV ada -0005 Rutecki Bros 2963 Lyman _..BOU lvrd-9454 W Vinciguerra Jos 700 Sibley MON ro-5589 Ruvolo Carmen 1853 Hudson DIV rsy-1480 Viola Tony 2112 W Harisn __ SEE ly-9448 Sabia Bros 4067 Ellis av & Co DRExl-8082 Vitale Frank 558 Taylor.... WEB str-4695 Sabino Nick 543 S State.- VVEB-str-2303 Vito Quality Groc & Meat Mkt Sabo Jos 31 W 18th_ VIC try-0957 362 E 43d. OAK lnd-5214 al-0529 Sadechi A 1044 W 18th CAN Vocino Jos 1501 Edgemnt _ HAY mkt -2713 Saletta A N 837 W Grand av _.MON ro-1837 Zabicki Steven 2953 W 59th_ REP ublc-8931 Saletta Bros 904 W Grand av _ MON ro-3123 Zanardo Bernard 2401 S Oakley CAN al-3086 Salvo Lena D 2559 36th _ LAF ayet-1599 W Zanetto Groc 357 Kensgnton av PUL mn-1477 Santorso Louis 11423 Watt av PUL mn-6877 Zanetto Jno 315 E 115th PUL mn-1477 Saporito Sam 3734 Grand av_ _..ALB any-3409 W Zeno Lawrence 1303 Mohawk DIV rsy-7799 Saraniscki Paul 1828 N Rockwl- ARM itge-3905 Zema Matteo 1007 S Peoria HAY mkt-0946 Sarna Peter E 4340 S Ashlnd av YAR ds-3933 Ziarko Jos 2814 W 25th pi. CRA wford-2186 Scaduto Alberto 652 W Divsn LIN cln-5795 Ziarko Steve 1516 W 14th pi ROO svlt-9045 Scalzitti Domeneck 1043 E 95th_ „.REG ent-5043 Zito Dominic 4303 W Harsn NEV ada-0053 Scaramuzzi Angelo Zive Jacob 1300 S Tripp av_ „....LAW ndal-2674 2658 N Mulligan av MER imac-8897 Scavo Perry 543 Noble _ HAY mkt-7928 GROCERS-WHOLESALE Scire Pasquale 740 N Hamlin av NEV ada-2824 Scordato Salvatore 856 Gilpin pi MON ro-5665 Adriatic & Pacific Co 2500 Wentw__VIC try-2452 Scorza & Rinaldi 901 S State— WEB-str-7328 Antognoli Jos 331 Superior SUP rior- 7991 Scribano Jos 1817 Taylor. SEE ly-7821 W Segreti Raffaele 2859 Polk KED ze-5058 Bragno & Mustari 906 S Halsted MON ro-5124 Seminaro Rosario 2015 Ogden av SEE ly-7068 Callegari Jno A 1374 W Grand av _MON ro-6399 Senese Vito 1734 W 69th._ REP ublc-1790 Cavalli Emilio 937 W Randlph MON ro-4175 Serpe Jaspar 9800 Av L Chgo-5239 SOU Cimino Distrifuting Co food products Sianta 5000 Schl dar-9236 Jos KIL 2170 Canalport av CAN al-3132 Sikora Jacob 1461 Emma BRU nswk-0920 Citti Bros 309 W Illinois _.SUP rior-8078 Sikora 1218 ent-6991 John E 93d _ _ REG Como Whol Groc Co 2513 S Halsted...VIC try-6234 Sikora 2856 Rockwl BRU nswk-4417 Jos N Cutilla Chas 1057 W Grand av _.HAY mkt-6017 Simonini T 11248 Langley- PUL mn-1265 Formusa Vincent 710 W Grand av„..HAY mkt-0485 Sineni L 11745 S Mich PUL mn-9148 Galasso Angelo & Co 846 Blue L MON ro-4199 Sineni L 314 E 103rd _.PUL mn-0492 Garibaldi Co The 1010 W Randlph MON ro-0323 Sirota Frank 526 E 67th __ twrth-7475 WEN Garofalo Bros 1024 W Randlph HAY mkt -2685 Skala Jos 2720 Archer av _..VIC try-3334 Graziano J P Groc Co 1368 W Grand....MON ro-4587 Sobacki Jno 3701 Divrsy av ALB any -3730 Grosso B & Co 61 E 103d PUL mn-2931 Solari & Lagorio 100 S Western.. _.SEE ly-6474 Sorce Andrew 901 N Frankln DEL awar-1759 LOPRESTI BROS Halsted __ al-0100 Sorce Angelo 901 Sedg LIN cln- 8391 1530 S. CAN Spinelli Jno 9158 Greenwd av REGent-5041 MAGGIORE PIETRO Spiruta Christina 2802 S Karlos LAW ndal-9185 947 W Polk St.. _MONro-2618 Spychala Stephen 2257 N Lorel BER kshire-0351 Morici & Matalone 2170 Canalport av_CAN al-3132 Sucilla A 12300 Emrld av_ __ PUL mn- 3990 Nast Jas & Son 714 S Western _..WES t-3005 Tarailo & Bubalo 2437 Clyb av DIV rsy-4149 Pandaleon Bros Inc 3661 Iron LAF ayet-2720 Termini Biagio 7606 Belmnt av LAC awana-7311 Rubinelli-Rocca Inc 803 W Randolph MON-ro-3291 Terraociano Jack 1218 Taylor __ _MON ro-5670 Russo A & Co 466 W Chgo av _LIN cln-3853 Tocci Peter 1008 E 76th _ _...RED clif-0426 Santacaterina Joe 331 Kensgtn COM odor-4033 Toiomeo Augustine 1135 Larr _ DIVrsy-5967 Scardina Bro 1514 W Grand av MON ro-4049 Tondo Frank 1154 Taylor _ MON ro-3556 Severino Alex 1035 Polk _MON ro-5552 Enrico 516 S Kedzie VA.... buren-7186 Viviano & Bro Co 845 Randlph_MON ro-2671 Tony's Groc 17 S Austin bL ._ COL mbus-6365 G W Tortorice Joe 1960 Ogden av SEE-ly-5255 Zei Albert N Wells _ SUP erior-6978 Trombatore Jo 1451 Mohawk DIV rsy-9163 Tufo Henry A 461 E 83d STE wart-7333 GUNSMITHS Tumbarello Tony 3855 Harsn _.KED ze-3155 Turina Chas 10701 Mackinaw av._SOU Chgo-9127 Cappella Jno 1740 W Madison SEE ly-1610 Turki Jno 2223 S Leavttt -_....CAN al-4738 Scaramuzzo L 604 Blue I av MON ro-0140

41 —



Berrafato Sam Beauty Pir Michelotti D 166 N Halsted _.MON ro-4899 4750 Sheridan rd SUN ysde-1952 Cammisano Beauty Shop 17 N State._DEA bm-0070 ICE CREAM PARLOR Ciucci I Rose 753 E 79th VIN (xnnes-9837 De Blase Lena 5717 W North MER imc-5210 De Paola Ben 6296 Archer PRO spct-2706 DeCaprio S 222 W Adams DEA-rbn-6955 Federighi Gino 2405 S Oakley. CAN al-4706 DeRose Mme 4111 Oakdale av PAL isad-0377 Francischeni Guido 1659 N Damen_ARM itge-5455 DiFiglia Sam 4453 Divrsy CAP ital-1711 LaRocca Francis J 5043 Fulrtn av....BER k3hire-4117 Maggi Jean 1642 E 55th PLA za-8780 LaRoma Ice Cr Plr 5158 W Lake AUS tn-4381 Malatesta A 55 E Washington DEA rbn-6863 Lazzareschi Louis 206 W Divsn DIV rsy -0460 Pellicore Beaut Shop 6654 Western....SHE ldk-6446 Lucchesi F 135 N Sac bl VAN buren-0335 Tellone Beauty Plr 4256 Drexl hi DRE-xl-2494 Lucchesi & Palastrini 866 Milwke_HAY mkt-9822 Munari Jno P 336 Kensington PUL mn-2403 HALLS NANNI PETER 530 N Wells _ DEL aware-0036 Italian Hall Clark & Erie sts SUP rior-4833 Toscana Ice Cr. Plr 548 W Divsn„ DIV rsy-3270 Venetian Bldg 139 Kensington COM mdor-1235 West Side Auditorium 1010 S Racinc_MON ro-1446 ICE DEALERS

HARDWARE & CUTLERY Tessone Vito 527 W 25th pi.. XAL umt-3781

Altosino A 3852 W Chicago BEL-mnt-1805 INSURANCE AGENTS Bettinardi & Sons 345 Kensnghn PUL mn-3945 mn-6118 Bettinardi & Son 11348 S Mich PUL Corso C 3835 Lex. VAN brn-3443 Bossi A 1979 W 111th _ BEV rly-0677 Marzullo Vito 615 S Leavitt- SEEly-4903 Del Giudice A 1077 Polk__ MON ro-6383 2943 63d „PRO spct-7469 Dina Hardware Co W INSURANCE BROKERS Dolacchi G 3119 W 59th PRO spct-2266 Sedg\*' DIV rsy-4664 Kloro Bruno 1305 GLIATTO FAY T Gatto Bros 1115 W Grand MON ro-2835 175 W Jackson bl WAB sh-3860 Giometti P 1856 W Grand av_ SEEly-6746 Moreno P L 231 S La Salle STA te-278e Lagoni Hardware Co 6324 Ashland av PRO spct-3848 S JEWELERS, (RETAIL) Maranto Sam 1252 N Wells MOH awk-3477 Melone Jos 2144 Ogden Av SEE ly-3359 Alberti Edward 1246 Milwke.._- ...JlRU itge-2922 Menotti Bros 2244 W Grand SEEly-8074 Ferri Antonio 5114 Fulrtn BER kshire-6011 Muno Jno H & Co 6973 N Western avBRI-rgte-1020 Giuffre F 2448 Wentworth VIC try-9293 Opila Frank 3661 Ogden CRA wfrd-lOtO LaManna Guy 512 Milwke MON ro-1519 Roti D A 2603 Devon ROG rs Pk-9338 Mancinelli 3805 Harisn —NEV ada-2291 Bros 2559 WChicago av BRU nswk-8601 J W Santangelo NAPLES JEWELRY CO Schillo Hardware Co 5617 W Lake AUS tn-1756 924 S Halsted MON ro-5331 Tamminga D J & Son 10816 S Mich....PUL mn-0600 Rocca P 32 N State _..- ._DEAbm-8519 503 Oak DIV rsy-1341 Tornatore Ant W VENETIAN JEWELRY MFRS Drive ..DEA bm-2550 HATS & CAPS, MNFRS. 35 E Wacker LABELS Livorno Hat Mfg Co 1935 Ogden av_....SEE ly-6101 Van Burn HAY mkt-1606 HAY, GRAIN & FEED De Bendo L 1348 W LADIES' TAILORS Malina Bros 2655 S Crawford— LAW ndle-4784 HORSE SHOERS CaroUi A D 4366 Lake Pk KEN wd-1951 Colangelo Bros 17 N State RAN dlph-3106 De Longe F 1349 N Oark -DEL aware-3321 (•(II vino Jos 1009 S Morgan— MON ro-4338 Cot FAI rfax-8712 Dc Gonia Harry 5559 Grov LAWYERS Toglie Edw A 119 N Wells FRA nklyn-2620

HOSPITALS (Justinian Society of Italian Advocate*)

Columbus Hospital Jdge Francis Allegretti 17 S Waller avCOL mbs-1857 2548 Lakeview av DIV rsy-1833 C Arado 110 S Dearborn ..._DEA rbm-8686 Mother Cabrini's Memorial Hospital Bernard P. Barasa 10 N Oark st_.RAN dlph-2620 1200 Gilpin PI MON ro-7350 Kathryn Barasa 10 N Oark st RAN dlph-2620


(Lawyers cont'd) Nicholas A Pope 201 N Wells st CEN trl-8010 George L QuUici 33 N LaSalle st.. RAN dlph-5120 C J Bisesi 160 W. Washington st....FRA nkln-4168 Biagi Raimondi 1706 W Taylor st SEEley-3897 NUNCIO BONELLI 221 N La Salle STA te- 6257 Samuel A Rinella 160 N LaSalle STA te-0480 Judge Francis Borrelli 155 N Clark stFRA nkln-1028 Donald J Rizzio 110 S Dearborn st....AND over-1900 John Brizzolara 708 N Wells st „.SUP erio-0094 William J Russo 127 N Dearborn st..RAN dlph-2562 Albert E Bucciere James V Sallemi 33 N LaSalle st CEN tral-6841 77 W Washington St...._ CEN trl-388G H E Sasso 105 W. Madison st DEA rbn-3111 Felix M Buoscio 9130 Coml av SOU Chgo-7200 Judge John Sbarbaro 708 N Wells....SUP rior-0094 Anthony J Caliendo GEORGE SPATUZZA 111 W Washington st _.STA te-3334 155 N Clark st _ _ „.STA te-8030 Anthony V Champagne 925 S Blue I avMON ro-3528 Joseph Taglia 100 N LaSalle st CEN tral-7657 DAVID S CHESROW HORATIO TOCCO 33 N LaSalle st. _ CEN trl-2170 100 W Monroe st _ _R..AN dlph-0120 Vincent Chisesi 3125 Wentwth av VIC try -0613 Henry M Tufo 1418 Bryn Mawr _.LON gbch-9371 Helen M Cirese 221 N LaSalle st STA te-6257 James Yacullo 123 W Madison st....DEA rbrn-6582 Anthony T Clementi 33 N LaSalle....RAN dlph-5120 Joseph Zaffina 127 N Dearbom__ CEN trl-0442 Samuel J Coco 160 Washngtn st_..FRA nkIn-1027 Joseph A Zambreno 160 N LaSalle st_..CEN trl-3886 Paul Comito 446 W Divison DIV rsy-4423 Ingraffia Frank 19 S LaSalle....^ STA te-8957 Michael Costabile 24 Illinois st Chgo Heights 111 Muffoletto 111 W Washington FRA nkln-0094 Daniel A Covelli 100 N LaSalle st._.DEA rbn-1181 SCAFA VINCENT GUY C GRAPPLE 201 N Wells. ._ -_ _ FRA nkln-4579 82 W Washington st STA te-8357 UNGARO GERARD M Frank DeBartolo 155 N Clark st STA te-8030 333 N Mich av CEN tral-5021 John DeGrazia 155 N Clark st CEN tral-0608 7131 Altgeld _ MER imac-4267 ROCCO DESTEFANO 201 N Weils st _ _CEN trl-8010 MACARONI G J Devanna 111 W Washgtn st _STA te-3334 Andrew A Euzzino 850 S Halsted st_MON ro-6061 Alghini Richard 941 Polk. _.JIAY mkt-5812 Ettore A Ferrari 901 S Ashland av....HAY mkt-3900 Canepa Jno B Co 310 W Grand av_.SUP rior-1061 Joseph M Fiore 127 N Dearborn st_..CEN trl-5559 Colletti Bros 2201 W Erie _ SEE ly-5050 Judge Albert N Gualano Costa Vito & Sons 1042 W Grand av....MON ro-4818 145 N Clark st RAN dlph-2349 Fortune Zerega Co 422 S Despl MON ro-0042 MARIO GUIDARELLI Galioto Bros 505 W Divsn ._ DIV rsy-1789 188 W Randolph __RAN dlph-5974 Gattone Tony 2043 Ogden av SEE ly-4207 Sabato Insalata 192 N Qark st DEA rbn-6878 111 Macaroni Co THOMAS H LANDISE 10th & State Lockport .._.ROC-kwl-8878 105 W Madison CEN trl-8628 M & R Sales Co 2553 Leland av JUN iper-3466 LOUIS J LEO Roma Macaroni Mfg Co Inc 188 W Randolph __ _....RAN dlph-3091 1848 W Grand av„_ _ -..WES t-0427 Louis Lettieri 175 W Jackson bl WAB ash-0940 Russo A & Co 466 W Chicago av LIN cln-3853 E M Libonati 100 N La Salle st„ STA te-3890 Sciarra Luigi 1500 Taylor MON ro-2528 Spilotro Patsy 470 Ogden av _ MON ro-0586 Rolando V Libonati 100 LaSalle st STA te-3890 Salvatore LoSasso 201 N Wells st....RAN dlph-4378 TRAFICANTI BROS 451 Racine av.._ _ HAY mkt-7949 Frank Loverde 446 W Divsn ...... DIV rsy-4223 N States Macaroni Co Inc JUDGE JOHN J LUPE United Municipal Court FRA nkln-2684 1118 W Harrison st _ HAY mkt-1471 Stephen A Malato 155 N Clark st_FRA nkln-57 VARCO BROS Maurice R Marchello 1831 N Halsted _ DIV rsy-474« 155 N Clark st_ _ _.RAN dlph-4835 Viviano Cacaroni Mfg Co LAWRENCE N MARINO 919 S Western „ _... SEE ly-8434 39 S LaSalle st. RAN dlph-6626 JOHN BLASE MECCIA MEAT MARKETS 160 N LaSalle st CEN trl-3886 ANTHONY J MERCURIC Ambrogi Frank 1335 Clyb av ..LIN cln-7256 301 N Wells st CEN trl-8010 Angelicchio Dominick Frank Mirabella 160 N LaSalle st....CEN tral-5949 1431 W Grand av _... MON ro 3404 Samuel L Montelione 100 W Monro..FRA nkln-3655 Baime Max 4041 W 16th_ LAW ndal 4506 Peter L. Morici 120 S LaSalle st....-FRA nkln-0791 Bandynia Jno F 4450 S Ked..... LAF ayet 5338 Charles V Muscarello 109 N Dearb st..STA-te-1319 Bara Frank 2415 S Western av_.„,.-CAN al- 2960 Alexander J Napoli 105 WAdams st..FRA nkln-2788 Bella Pietro 1823 W North av, HUM bldt- 2428 Joseph J Nicolai 10 S LaSalle st_....CEN tral-2608 Benno Frank 4596 Elston av... „_ PAL isad 6408 JOSEPH R ORRICO Bernacchi Adam 1364 N Line. _.-ARM tge 1432 10 N Clark st FRA nklin-1028 Bialecki Jno 2159 N Damen...... BRU nswk 8655 William Parrillo Asst U S Attorney Biatecki Jno 3653 Divrsy av_ ._ ALB any- 6269 Federal Buldg HAR rsO(n-4700 Bierma Bros 300 W 115th _ _ PUL mn 0771


(Meat Market cont'd) Janicki Jno 2959 N Springfld av CAP itl-1544 Janicki Michael 8800 Bfflo SAG inaw-7400 Borsini G 2359 S Western al-6366 CAN Konecki Sigmund 1038 W 51st YAR ds-3727 Brajcki Phillip 2300 N Western av_HUM bldt-9216 Kotecki Walter 5755 Higgins av PAL isad-6474 Bucko Mike 2704 N Westem__ nswk-1065 BRU Kucera Frank 1000 W Cullerton__ CAN al-2272 Bucko Pete 1402 N Paulina itge-7486 ARM Kucera Fred 3341 W 59th_. HEM lok-2178 Caldarella Jake 2015 W Ohio _...SEE ly-6870 Kysela Frank 2440 S Spaulding CRA wfrd-2654 Calabrese F 1049 Polk MON ro-4201 Lapetina Michael 5460 W Divsn AUS tn-1233 Caligiori Bros 3359 W Harrison _VAN brn-8353 Laterza M 2303 Taylor SEE Iy-3939 Camodeca Peter 1459 W 13th CAN al-4384 Lattangio Louis 4504 W Harsn St_VAN bm-5276 Cannata Jos 838 N Crawford av SPA ldng-7109 Lazzarini Armando 6210 W Grand_MER imc-8246 Caravelli Alfred 1341 Sedg_ rsy-1320 _^DIV Letto Wilbum J 1476 Berwyn av....SUN ysde-0013 Caravelii Louis 759 S Damen av_ WES t-5434 Lisy Stephan 5545 S Kedze av PRO-spct-1595 Caringella Bros 921 Blue I ly-2423 SEE Lombardo Joe 734 S Calif VAN brn-8136 Cassata Philip 1716 Larr _ _LIN cln-8662 Lomerico Dominick 704 S Kedze av VAN bum-2384 Chodora Jas 2858 S Crawford av LAW ndal-0873 Losasso Sam 1231 Larrabee DIV rsy-3458 Cinquegrani Frank Lucchini Chas 611 E 113th COM odor-3561 7136 W Grand av MER imac-4636 Luna Meat Mkt 4155 W Harisn NEV ada-1356 Coco av Joe 2262 Wentw VIC try-7383 Lusetto Tony 3900 N Ashland av GRA clnd-9258 Colletti Nicrolas 656 N Homan av_NEV ada-5080 Machaj Chester 1254 Dickson ARM itge-0791 Coluzzi Urbano 2160 Ogden av _„SEE ly-0362 Magiera Joe 1009 N Ashland. BRU nswk-8803 Cotrone Joe 1366 W Ohio HAY mkt-2504 Marino Sam 7039 Irving Pk bl AVE nu-5377 Cotrone Vito 2101 W Ohia SEE ly- 7809 Manucci 2334 Taylor._ „.SEE ly-2680 Covenanko Tony 2631 Frances pl....ARM itge-3102 J Mashi Geo 2200 Taylor_ SEE ly-6462 Covone Orlando 1353 W Van Buren_MON ro-3323 Maslonia Jno 1015 W Div DIV rsy-2350 Dalcamo Bernardo 470 W 26th. VIC try-8681 Mattiuzzo Alvin 11366 Stephenson av..PUL mn 6209 Damato Lawrence 942 W Orand av MON ro-4696 Mazza Joe 1508 Taylor MON ro-2623 Danto Stanley 2624 W 69th HEM lock-1340 Mazzola Alfonso 6017 Grand_...BER kshire-6076 Danto Wm A 2547 W 71st PRO spct-4586 W Mazzuca Bros 1216 Grand av MON ro-6015 DeFalco Dominick 712 Aberdeen MON ro-1916 W Martini Jno 3007 Lake NEV ada-lO-lS DeGrado Jos 918 N Cicero av_ MAN sfld-2450 W Mikula Emil 1129 18th _.CAN al-0509 Delvecchio Giuseppe 641 S Morgan....MON ro-1865 W Mizzi Michael A 829 Taylor MON ro-0505 DeStefano Michele 4901 Fed KEN wd-'i575 Mizzi Philip 1359 Taylor— MON ro-2145 J)iasio Matteo 259 N Kedze av KED ze-4576 Moro Jas 617 E 114th__ PUL mn-7989 Di Stasio Paul 531 W Divsn DIV rsy-8539 Murabito Alfred 5739 Wentwth av_WEN twth-074S DiVincenzo Mike 3915 W Divsn. SPAldng-4206 Nardo & Intieri 2506 Chcgo BRU nswk-8083 Dodero Eugena 3441 W Chgo av VAN burn -5450 W Notari Lepido 528 S Sangmn _HAY mkt-5486 Domanico Nicholas 908 Maxwell CAN al-3027 Noto Louis 923 Cambrdg av _..LIN cln-1039 Doria Vito 3200 S Wells VIC try-2875 Paolillo Frank 220 31st \aC try-2890 Epifanio C 4523 Wentwth WEN twth-4554 W Parino Mariano 1701 Washburn av....ROO svlt-8997 Esposito Pasquale 761 Forquer MON ro-5927 Partipilo Jos 906 Taylor MON ro-4785 Falone's Market 2023 Taylor SEE ly-6886 Leonard 803 S Calif NEV ada-3297 Femonte Nick 901 Taylor MON ro-3342 Pavia Prospero 1132 Taylor MOX ro-5784 Ferrallo C 4523 Wentwth WEN twth-4554 Pellegrino 4301 Wentworth YAR ds-5053 Fiala Frank 2646 S Homan CRA wfrd-4629 Jos Pera & Menichini 2203 Vanburn SEE ly-5888 Fiorito Sam 1000 Cypress SEE ly-8632 W PetitM Pasquale 1001 S Paulina SEE ly- 2659 Forchione & Forchione Piazza Jos 3848 Chgo av.. _ALB any-9828 826 S Western av. WES t-1362 W Pingitore Eugene 2315 Chgo_BRU nswdc-8640 Fucili Henry 5937 Fulrtn av BER kshire-5449 W Piraino Sam 5804 Grand av BER kshre-0655 Fusco Anthony 1016 S Halsted MON ro-2385 W Pitaro Paolo 3014 Wentwth av VIC try-0935 Galla Jos 344i Belmnt av _JUN iper-1021 Ponterio F 1927 W VanBurn SEE ly-4266 Garozzo Geo 2738 W 59th GRO vhil-1385 Ponterio & Mazzuca 609 S Cicero.... COL umbs-6652 Gerace Bros 3703 Chgo av_ __KED zie 2443 W Punta Ralph 3003 N Kedze av JRVng-7675 Geraci P & Co 1118 W Grand MON ro-2985 Rossini Gino 860 Orleans _DEL awar-4587 Giannoni A J 5067 W Madsn COL mbus-13n9 Gorecki Frank 3118 S Morgan YARds-3584 Rotoni Sabastian 732 W Grand av....HAY mkt-2472 Grundei Aug 4936 Lincln av LON gbch-1473 Sabia Bros & Co 5424 S Halsted YAR ds -3446 Guastadisegni Giuseppe Sakula Jno 956 N Ridgwy av CAP itl-4762 2902 W Van Buren VAN brn-9359 Saladino Jos 1144 S Calif SAC rmnto-1450 Gualtieri Luigi 621 S Kedze av KED ze- 0104 Salera C 727 Blue I av MON no -1601 Guercio Jos L 4208 Milwke KILdar-8848 Scalzitti & Grossi 1021 S Halsted. MON ro-3257 Guercio Sam 3752 N Cicero av KIL dar-3016 Scalzitti Michael 770 Taylor MON ro-6398 lacobucci Cherubino 874 Blue I av MON ro-6187 Scarpelli Tony 2740 W Chgo av_BRU nswick-5020 Intrieri Rocco 601 N Western HUM bldt-6227 Serpico Andrew 1200 Taylor MON ro-1206 Janci Martin 3457 N Albany av KEY ston-4569 Serrello Louis 2548 Chcgo ARM tge-7930 Janci Steve 3640 N Cicero av_ _PAL isad-3216 Sicotte Joe 425 W Marq rd NOR ml -2604


(Meat Market cont'd) Rizzo A W 64 E Jackson6-_ WEB str-4135 Ruffo Ettore Titta 410 S Mich av....WAB sh-5728 Storele Frank 5012 Cot Grv av._ _..KEN wd-0174 Sacerdote Edoardo 410 S Mich av WAB sh-6615 Storino Frank 260 W 25th pi VIC try -9463 Tarantino N 306 S Wabash av._ HAR risn-0500 Susco & Mininni 1313 W Grand av_.MON ro-2012 TREVISAN VITTORIO Talamo Jas 413 S Cicero av COL mbs-705o 410 S Michigan bL __ WEB str-4109 Taterra Paul 5104 S Halsted BOU lvrd-0200 Varallo F 431 S Wabash WEB str-3692 Tenerelli N A 3132 ath av NEV ada-1801 Vitullo F 3932 Fillmore NEV ada-8209 Tote Joe 1609 Taylor WES t-0140 Tripoli Frank 2101 Osgood MOH ak-2016 MUSIC & MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tumosa Jno 3250 N Nagle PAL isade-4633 Vinci Jas 2544 Devon av ROG r-Pk-90St DelPrincipe P 2244 W Harisn WES t-5915 Vitacco Rocco 736 N Western BRU nswk-8068 jeorgi O 1738 N Calif _ ..HUM bldt-3264 Zachacki J 6462 Milwke NEW casl- 1660 Italian Accordion Mnfg Co Zaffini Mariano 3334 Herndon._....BUC knghm-7352 1014 Blue I av .MON ro-5806 Zaremba Frank 1901 W North av_BRU nswk-3482 Italio- American Mfg Co Zaremba Jos 6201 S Keating av_.PRO spct-9337 3137 W 51st St .PRO 8pect-2992 Piatanesi Finau Accordion Mfg Co MERCHANDISE BROKERS 1514 Milwaukee av -BRU nswk-0240 Ruatta A 1014 Blue Island av MON ro-5410 CARAVETTA LOUIS Soprano Inc 630 S Wabash _, WAB sh-2892 55 E Austin SUP rior-5738 VACCA J 1002 Blue Island av. MON ro-&076 Pecci De Nictolis Anthony Valle I M 843 S Halsted MON ro-4664 Vespa Bros 808 Forquer -_....MON ro-0187 189 N Clark st .. CEN trl-7095 —


De Carlo Rev P R 1426 Catalpa LON bgch-0176 VACCA J piano tuner 1002 Blue I av....MON ro-3007 Martignetti Rev A M 1232 Penn. DIV rsy-4506 NEWSPAPERS & PERIODICALS Scorza Rev A F 2223 Burlng DIV rsy-0175 MONUMENTS IL BOLLETTINO ITALIANO 635 N Wells st DEL aware-1960 Italian Newspaper Advertising Bureau Alfini B & Sons 3957 Belden„ BEL mnt-54S6 140 N Dearborn. DEA rbrn-3989 Cilella C & Son 723-25 Taylor MON ro-5058 L'lTALIA 84 W Harrison HAR rsn-5502 Fucone P 1503 Grand._ MON ro-0025 W _ LA NUOVA ITALIA Roselli Bro Inc 1016 N Ridway BEL mnt-3485 2110 S Halsted _ _ CAN al-6660 Venetian Monument Cx) La Parola 1011 Blue I av...._ MON ro-4619 523 N Western av SEE ly-6103 Vita Nuova La 1111 Blue I av MON ro-5503 ZIROLI STUDIOS MONUMENT CO 717-19 S Racine av HAY mkt-6760 NOODLES TILES MOSAIC & AUNT SARAH'S PURE EGG NOODLES 451 N Racine av HAY mkt-7949 CARETTI JON & CO TRAFICANTI BROS 66 Ohio _ SUP rior-3714 W 451 N Racine av -HAY mkt-7949 Leoni Mosaic Terrazzolo 6031 Cicero av PRO spct-6267 S NOVELTIES MOTION PICTURE REPAIRING Agnini & Singer 656 N Western BRU nswk-0300 Statuary Ck) Guercio & Barthel 1018 S Wabash...VVEB str-2002 Pacini Novelty 1424 W Grand av MON ro-1464 MUSIC ARTISTS AND TEACHERS Roman Art Specialty 1909 W 22d st_CAN al-1219 EDIBLE Admirilii A F 339 S Wabash WAB sh-3059 NUTS, Beduschi V 306 S Wabash HAR sn-8632 Grand HAY mkt-1733 Carboni Mario 64 E Jackson bl WAB sh-7218 Barsotti J & Co 1340 W Daddi F 410 S Michigan HAR rsn-5755 Bordo Products (Do Inc erior-8181 De Biase Mario 4335 Archer av_ LAF yet-2297 541 N Franklin. SUP DIV rsy-9450 Lombardi Jno B Calamari & Co 1025-29 Cambridge— Wtr Mkt CAN al-1247 3837 W Roosevelt Rd CRA wfrd 6879 Cuneo Brothers Inc 93 So Shel Co Piersanti J 930 Blue I av — _...MON ro 1333 De Luxe Nut st MON ro-1349 Polifronio Music School 1159 W 79th_STE wrt •5052 1073 W Harrison sacola-4641 Quaglia Luigi 831 Taylor HAY mkt 3347 Generoso Angelo 5630Warwichav_..PEN rior-2511 Quartullo A 306 S Wabsh. HAR sn •7051 Guidarelli S & Son 732 N WeUs SUP 46 SELECTED DIRECTORY OF THE ITALIANS IN CHICAGO

(Nuts, Edible cont'd) VALERIO PHOTO STUDIO 808 Taylor st _ MON ro-0018 Zima 4924 Ashland REP blc-6740 Mauro J Bros 848 Milton av _ „DIV rsy-5511 Jas S Pendola Peter 1132 Larr. __ „..DIV rsy-3123 Ricci & Co 162 W Superior SUP rior-7660 PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS—(M. D.). Rinaldi & Luzietti Co 453 N May _ HAY mkt-6249 Adamo Frank S 4753 Bway LON gbch-2880 Sandelli Nt Shelling Co 1826 W Grand-SEE ly-6175 Albano-Zito Galileo San Filippo Gaspare & Son 3506 W Chicago av BEL mnt-09e0 547 N Division _DIV rsy-9136 Allegretti J 1959 W Grand av..... SEE ly-3250 Stanka Jos A Co 222 N Bank av_ SUP 3442 Andrea L M 2458 Wentworth av_ VIC try-3042 Susu Nut Co The 421 E Illinois....- SUP rior-2368 Aurelio Angelo 1008 S Ashland. SEE ly-6575 United Fig & Date Co 317 N Wens....SUP rioi-8368 Bagnuolo Anthony 1561 N La S DIV rsy-9640 Baratta Fred L 804 E 81st STE wrt-3235 OLIVE OIL Bellizzi Alfredo 537 W 26th VIC try-8866 Belmont Jno 826 S Western av SEE ly-7070 PARIS & GIULIANO Benedetto Jos A 3645 W Chicago—VAN bum -2210 1014 S. Halsted...- _.MON ro-6282 Biankini Anton 4722 Wdlawn av DRExl-1799 Borrelli Wm F 1657 W Marq rd REP ublc-1062 PAINTERS Brianza Arthur Mario 108 N State CEN trl-3024 Bruni Filippo 528 S Halsted. HAY mkt-3593 Anzalone Jos 3336 Sheffield av _....GRA cInd-1998 Bruno G B 812 N Dearborn SUP rior-0973 Anzalone Bros 517 W Division DIV rsy-4291 Campione N L 1946 W Garfld bl PRO spct-9362 Dimauro Tony 1426 Macalister pi MON ro-4581 Carelii Paul V 729 N Western HUM bldt-23ia Dirla Chas H 7815 Constance av SAG anaw-4127 Carofiglio Louis E 23 E Washngtn.-.CEN trl-2110 Gottardo Paul 635 S Taylor Oak Pk__AUS tn-8017 Casciato Jno 3159 W Harsn _....NEV ada-8200 Addison sacola-3770 Manta J 105 W Adams RAN dlph-6561 Casciato N 5000 PEN Marti Co The 3649 N Ashland „...LAK vw-3944 Cella Louis Edw 4100 W Madison NEVada-0200 Mirabella S T 252 W 31st VIC try -9583 CHESROW ALBERT JOHN Tamminga Wm 2155 Irving Pk bl._.KEY ston-8251 1001 S Ashland....- _, MON ro-1305 CHESROW ALBERT JOHN PAINTS, OILS & GLASS 3240 Washington bl ..VAN burn -53 18 CHESROW EUGENE J Allina A & Son 4833 N Western av..LON g bch-9800 1011 S Ashland bl_ MON ro-1305 Turilli B 2434 S Oakley av CAN al-8913 CHESROW EUGENE J 3240 W Washington bl VAN burn-5318 PAPER BOXES Cicotte Fredk J 4621 Bway LON gbch- 0571 Cienciara Felicia H 1176 Milwkc.ARM itge-0491 Broccolo LC & Co 1238 W Harrison..MON ro-4307 Ciotola E 3000 W Chgo av - AUS tin-2370 Cipriani Jno B 5464 Kamerling av AUS tiu-8058 PAPER DEALERS Ciufia Cono 2400 W Madison SEE ly-7330 Colombo Nicholas B 7907 Drexl bl....TRI angl-0472 Prato Papet Co 1 N Canal ERA nkln-8508 Conforti Jas H 1003 W Grand av...._„MON ro-4887 Rizzo Rocco Sons & Co 612 W Talyor.MON ro-0660 Copia Geo H 3037 Wentw av -..CAL umet-6090 Cortesi D 1122 W Erie HAY mkt-7120 PHOTOGRAPHERS GRAPPLE WM 1417 N Calif av „ ARM itge -2233 Alitto A 1015 S Halsted.- MON ro-0057 CUTRERA PETER ALITTO STUDIO 501 N Halsted- MON ro-6736 424 Fulton Prkwy - DIV rsy-9265 Damiani Jos 767 Milwke av_ __ -.MON ro-2974 ARISTO STUDIO Damiani Salvator 601 W Divsn DIV rsy-4368 528 S Haisted st_ MON ro-2790 DeFeo Amos 754 N Wells SUP rior-7519 CANNATA FRATELLI Delbeccaro Edw V 5038 W Adams._COL umbs-8575 1033 S Halsted st...._ MON ro-0851 Delfosse A F ofc Granata Michael O 920 Blue I av.. —MON ro-6026 3242 N Crawrford av PEN sacola-4700 Guercio Jos 5104 Grace PEN sacola-1797 Deluca A 201 N Wells CEN trl-1126 Gushiniere Studio 3517 So Pkwy._ DOU gls-3901 DEROSA ROCCO LAVECCHIA J 928 S Halsted MON ro-5126 612 N Mich av SUP rior-2265 De Stefano F W 2400 W Madsn SEE ly-7330 Liantonio V 1007 S Halsted _MON ro-1322 DETRANA GEO Marchese P 5717 North av...._ __MER rimac-5210 3556 W Chicago av BEL mnt-a345 ONORATY NINO DiCiro D S 1552 W 69th PRO spot -4171 1222 W Grand av _ _ HAY mkt-0435 DiCola Martin J 25 E Washington CEN trl-3362 SANTINO STUDIO DiCosola Frank 947 Taylor MON ro-4758 1208 W Grand av HAY mkt-2969 DiMarca Jos M 5544 Belmnt av_PEN sacola-1656 Universal Photo Studio 850 S Halsted..MON ro-6836 Dispensa Rose M 1427 W Chicago—HAY mkt-7458


(Physicians & Surgeons cmit'd) Pintozzi Carmen J 1010 S Halsted....MON ro-4432 Pisani Vito V 4919 Crystal -MAN sfld-5230 Doretti Peter J ofc & res Pishotta Jno 3179 N Clark GRA clnd-3700 5434 W North av cor Lotus av._MER imac-9484 Ravasi Angelo T 11308 S Mich av PUL mn-0723 Drammis Louis 918 S Morgan HAY inkt-0787 Ricardo Danl 185 N Wabsh av -.STA te-3985 EMANUELE NICOLA Riccio Eugene 930 Blue I av -.HAY mkt-2143 928 S Halsted .._ HAY inkt-1133 Romano G 1035 VV Grand MON ro 1415 Eterno J 4310 Potomac av SPA ldng-0242 Romano Jno R 2301 Taylor WES t-1975 Etemo Jno 240 E 115th _...._PUL mn-8484 RONGA G 1200 McAIister pi _ MON ro-0220 Farina Jos 433 W Divsn._ _ DIV rsy-4228 Saletta Frank 2404 W 63rd _ -GRO vhil-2888 Fazio Rocco 6657 S Ashland av HEM lock-8900 Scaletta Vincent A Felicetti Theersa 1400 N Long av_..MER imac-9172 1445 N Lawler av MER imac-9226 Figueroa Liborio 4709 W Vanbrn _ AUS tin -3153 SCIARRETTA SYLVIO A Filetti Vincent 2350 W Grand av SEE ly-7616 55 E Washington- „ _FRA nkln-2284 Formusa Anthony C 756 N Ogden._.HAY mkt-0131 Schiavone J M 3655 W Chgo av...._ KED ze-0411 Franco Jos R 3218 Harrison.- EST-ebrook-2674 Serritella M A 834 S Ashlnd bl SEE Iy-0U93 Furno Peter H 1217 Halsted CAN al-0240 Sodaro Anthony 4233 Gladys av _KED ze-6150 Galgano Michael A 630 N Ogden av__MON ro-5880 Sodaro Nicholas E 6005 Irving Pk bl..-KIL dar-0388 Gentile Carolina 5368 Crystal COL umbs-5842 Spalo Rose M 930 Blue I av HAY mkt-0884 Geraci Angelo S 1201 W Grand av _MON ro-5316 Taglia Vito A D 1160 Taylor MOX.- 0-1229 Geraci Saml A 1201 W Grand av....HAY mkt-3656 Tivilini A C 522 S Kedze av „.KED ze-1564 Gialloreti V 2043 Polk _.. _....SEE ly-4313 Tornabene Vincent 1200 N Clark DIV rsy-10042 Gindele Geo W 5934 N Harlem av.NEVV cast -0018 Tufo Gustave F 1543 Larr. _DIV rs,y-2593 Gino Vincent 3249 W Washngtn KED ze-4034 Vainisi S A 3655 W Chgo av. _.KED ze-4473 Gorecki Helen E 4804 Lendes av PAL isad-6284 VELLA SALVATORE Governale Saml L 0657 S Ashlnd-HEM lock-7138 2554 Wentwrth av „ _ VIC try-1821 Guerra Jno D 2537 N Marshfld -BIT erswt-0173 VituUo Jno M 933 S Ashland bl -..MON ro-0872 Guevara Alberto L de 55 E Washington _ RAN dlph-6503 PIANOS AND PLAYER PIANOS Guido Frank R 1150 Taylor HAY mkt-5649 Indovina M 316 W Garfield bl _.BOU lvrd-1153 VACCA J 1002 Blue Island av.. .MON ro-3070 Indovina Vincenzo 2546 Wentw av VIC try-1920 Ingrao Sebastiano 3634 W Chgo av....BEL mnt-0907 PLASTERERS Lagorio A 812 N Dearborn _ _ SUP rior-0973 mbs-3571 Lagorio F A 812 N Dearborn SUP rior-0973 Alluri Arthur 5053 Potomac COL 26th - VIC try-2824 La Rocca A Jos 3534 W Chicago av„.CAP itl-2870 Colozzo F 527 W KIL darl5058 Lavieri Jack 3635 W Chgo av _NEV ada-9841 DiMaria Peter 5105 Ainslie Girolami & Co 944 N Spaldng CAP itl-1959 LOBRAICO ROCCO V C G Graffeo Chas 4854 N W Highway KIL dar- 3893 3042 Wentworth av „ CAL umt-4737 HAY mkt-5518 LOBRAICO ROCCO V Palumbo M 826 Forquer_ Poncilla Ben 2941 Floumoy KED ze-9379 7534 Ridglnd av _ _..HYD e-Pk-6676 Tellone Pasquale A Maltese Antonio 142 E 113 th COM odor-2419 4814 N Meade av _ _ PEN sacola-0134 Marzano V A 3437 W Monroe....- NEV ada-1896 Valenti Sam 5534 Hutchinson PAL isade-8168 Mastandrea Lewis 6801 S Paulina....REP ublc-3042 Mastri A 2402 W Vanbm — SEE ly-8108 PLATERS Menzalora M 5809 W Grend av....BER kshire-3659 Mirabella Salvatore F 501 N Halsted—MON ro-6736 Sera Chrome Plating Co Inc Modica Vincent 512 N Halsted _ MON ro-6736 1465 Noble _ARM itge-1515 Moles Jos 2356 W Chgo av _ „.BRU nswk-8570 Sigoli Metal Plating Co Inc Monaco Attilio 1000 S Paulina SEE Iy-3623 2457 S Western — _ —CAN al-5206 Monaco Donat F ofc 1400 W 69th....PRO svct-1202 Nardi Jno B 1451 Glenlk av _.SHE ldrk-6011 PLUMBERS Nigro R A 708 Taylor HAY mkt-4013 Nuzzo Vincenzo 522 S Kedze _ KED ze-6042 Caminiti S & Sons Inc Oliverio Jas V 4401 W Harrison....VAN burn-5917 1207 W Grand Av - _MON ro-0436 Pagano Ralph 600 Blue I av -.HAY mkt-4744 Casanova J K 4337 Hazel- BIT terswt-4851 Palmisano Dominic A 1314 WGrand..HAY mkt-8572 Cecilio Wm Jos 357 E 115th PUL mn-6133 Partipilo A V 3435 Milwke av PEN sacola-1750 Deddo Leonard 7362 Greenvw av SHEldrk-1348 ngtn-3091 Passarella Frank 4701 Sheridan SUN ysde-8518 Deddo M & Son 3352 N Halsted—WEL Deddo Matteo 527 S Calif. -VAN brn-2146 Patera Frank J 3201 W 22d _ ROC kwd-4544 Harr.- SEE ly-8524 Pattillo Richard S 25 E Wa.shngtn CEN trl-8160 Di Foggio Dan 2108 W 2450 LaS VIC try-2868 Pellet tiere Edm V 3425 $th av VAN bm-2960 Di Foggio Michael S 5242 Nelson AVE nu-4478 Pellettieri Jno 3952 W Jackson bl KED ze-4005 DiValerio D 69th HEm. lck-0212 Pellettieri Nino M 759 S Calif av.-VAN brn-9771 DiVito Jno 1459 W ABE rdeen-0137 Pelufe Saml 3165 W Madsn av KED ze-8167 Dorocke Bros 734 E 93rd- CAL umt- 2042 Petrone Marco 507 N Halsted HAY nikt-3141 Grieco Geo 2818 S Wells


(Plumbers cont'd) Amabile Lewis J &Co r 4709 W Madsn COL mbs-4400 ' Lassa Frank J 4301 S Whipple —LAF ayet 5811 Amato Ralph L 1041 Taylor MON ro-3825 Lassa Stanley J 2927 Archer av „LAF ayet- 6615 AVERSA REALTY CO Madura Louis 2440 N Long av .BER kshire 0395 2804 W Harisn VAN burn -5436 j Marubio Angelo 120 Oak DIV rsy 5804 W Barone Jno 1026 S Hermitage— „ „SEE ly-7828 Meccia Frank A 712 S Paulina .- SEE ly- 3766 Battaglia G 164 W Chgo av DEL aware-9499 Mele Plumbing Service Biggio Jno A & Co 807 N Westem_ARM itge-1919 3347 W Harrison _...NEV ada 0909 Cannizzo Roy 2059 Belmont BUC knghm-5175 Mikula Chas 1248 18th CAL al. 1602 W Caro Vincent 10 S LaSalle __ _DER rbn-2545 Neri John B 4007 S Artesian av_ LAF ayet- 2979 Casago F 3157 Southport av WEL ngta-4711 Palumbo Michael 826 Forquer HAY mkt- 5518 Catino Bros 6742 Belmnt av __ AVEnu-4460 Ranieri Ernest 4055 W Harrison .._NEV ada 3939 Centanni Sam 1504 N Wells DIV rsy -6235 Risany Jos 2042 W 51st PRO spct- 2792 Chisesi Vincent 3125 Wentwth av VIC try-0613 Ruscito Donienico 2853 MontClare .MER imac- 8862 Cifone M A 902 S Marshfld SEE ly-0519 Tagliere Danl 4941 Mansfld av__....KIL dar- 7953 N Cimaglio B Rl Est Improvement Co Trotta Jno 828 S Marshfld av SEE ly- 3321 7025 W Grand ._ _ _ MER imac-8571 Conforti A 750 Loomis HAY mkt-0199 PRIEST (ROMAN CATHOLIC) Cozzi Jos 736 S Irving av SEE ly-6338 Curto V J & Co 1018 Lawr av LON gbch-5500 Delia Vecchia Rev F A Cutaia Chas 1248 N Wells DIV rsy -0364 6722 S Hermitage _ REP ublc-8376 Daleo Jos 4353 Archer av _ LAF yet -4781 Favero Rev F M 218 Kensingtn. _PUL mn-0978 DeStefano Rocco &Co 1010 Taylor_JIAY mkt -1332 Molinari Rev F C 2325 W 24th pl.„ CAN al-0061 Dragonetti Ernest 3838 W Chgo av....BEL mnt-9393 Peona Rev F Jno 218 Alexander st VIC try-2231 FORTE NICK & BRO Secchia Rev Richard 717 Forquer HAY mkt-3175 2068 Ogden av SEEly-2966 Galluzzo Frank 3230 Olive av.„ JUN iper-5860 PRINTERS GARIBALDI THOMAS A & CO 111 W Washington STA te-2692 Barone Printing Serv 1413 Mohawk_LIN cln-4707 Gurrieri Jno 4531 S. Ashland BOU lvrd-2931 Carone Edward & Co 2514 63d_PRO spct-7423 W fjacovelli N Realty Co 3908 W Chgo__BEL mnt-1701 (' Cristiano & Catenacci Prtg Co tLarocca L & Sons 11600 S Mich PUL mn-0691 1025 Blue Island av HAY mkt -2292 Lino Bros 647 Divrsy Pkwy BIT ersweet-102e Columbus Printing Co 627 Milwke av_MON ro-2242 MALATO EUGENE N & CO Cuneo J F Co 2242-54 Grove VIC try-2100 1223 W Grand av_ MON ro-2887 ITALIAN LABOR PUBLISHING CO Manasse H Sons Invest Co 1011 Blue Island av MON ro-4619 3944 Lawr av KEY ston-3900 MALATO PRINTING CO Mattelig Joseph Realty Co 2512 S Oakley av _ CAN al-3635 457 N Halsted sa MON ro-4043 Minneci Christ S 506 N Ashland. MON ro-2190 Moreno J D & Co 515 S Dearborn....WEB str-924G Mistrata Philip 3556 W Chgo av ALB any-0718 NANNI PETER PRINTING CO Morony Thos R 6218 Wentw av.._....WEN twth-1839 635 N Wells st SUP rior-4833 Olcese D L & Co 1 OS LaS FRA nkln-8383 Olivo Frank 259 W 2Gth \aC try -5418 Pagano Chas V 1708 Larr DIV rsy-8603 Silvestri Printing Co 1111 Blue I av„MON ro-2123 Peluso Anthony V 1219 W Erie MON ro-0475 Peprocki Jos 2710 N Austin av.. BER kshire-0325 RADIO, APPARATUS & SUPPLIES Pisano S & Co 2554 Wentwth av VIC try-1821 Saccone A & Sons 1318 N Wells LIN cln-3908 Grigsby-Grumoro C!o 5801 Dickens. BER kshire-7500 Salerno R D 724 DeKoven _....MON ro-0449 Martocci 511 W Division DIV rsy-2579 Scimeca Vito 2050 Clifton av_ _.LIN cln-8943 Micarta Fabricators Inc Seneco 5601 N Kedze KEY ston-9270 4619 Ravenswood LON gbch-7127 Signorile Vito D 10 S La Salle RAN dlph-2986 SIBILANO FURNITURE CO Sivore Geo F & Co 25 E Jackson bl....HAR isn-6300 1136 S Halsted st HAY mkt-1872 Sorrentino Joe & Sons 827 S RacincHAY mkt-6729 VACCA JNO 1002 Blue Isalnd av_....MON ro-3070 Tabola Albert 5042 S Damen PRO spct -2546 Teninga Bros & Co 11324 S Mich bl._.PUL mn-5000 RAILROAD SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT Tortorelli Jos N 1758 W 69th REP ublc- 1024 Frank 3716 N Clark BUC knghm- 4757 Barco Mfgr Co 1801 Winnemac av....LON gbch-0500 Valentino Jas 5037 W Divsn MAN sild-ooSS Grego AA Construction Co Vitacco Salvatore 2054 W Chgo av_HUM bldt-5314 608 Dearborn St HAR rsn-9607 Zari & Co Inc 7144 Belmont av PAL isad-4632 REAL ESTATE REFRIGERATORS ELECTRIC

Alfini Anthony 3921 Fulrtn. ALB any VACCA JNO 1002 Blue I_. _ MON ro-3070 '' 48 -


RESTAURANTS Costa Lambro 1178 Plym ct WEB str-75e2 Cucco Monte 1919 S Mich av._ VIC try-4234 Alberici Paul 1221 N Wdls DIV rsy-06!X) Cubla 3246 E H8th SAG inaw-2774 Alpine Restrnt 232 W Illinois.- WHI thal-8049 Culuro Vincenzo 2557 S State VIC try- 5127 Amato's Restrnt 914 S Halsted. HAY mkt-9258 Curiella Mary 2263 W Lake „ SEE ly-3741 Angela Itln Restrnt 1219 Devon av_BRI argate-2859 Curielli Angelo 200 S Western SEE ly-3741 Angeli Frank 1400 N Wells DIV rsy-2327 Curoso Louis 2559 Ind av „..VIC try-7942 try-7786 Angelica Amerigo D 113 E 25th VIC Davia Tullio 3276 Columbs _ ROS shil-1897 Angelica N D 2328 Cot Grv av_ _VIC try -0475 DeCesari Chas 2310 Ind av.._ _ VIC try-0936 Apostol Tony 456 E 43d DRE xl-0330 Delgrosso Jas 7901 S Chgo av SOU Chgo-3203 Arditi Michael 1065 W Vanburn.„-...HAY mkt-9183 De Matteo Jas 1525 W Adams HAY mkt -9328 Vanburn..SEE ly-986(» Arrighi & Chiocchetti 2058 W De Mayorga Restrn Co 228 La S _ STA te-8534 Arrigoni & Squaglia 1822 Ogden av SEE ly-9339 De Milio Angelo 1106 S Loomis HAY mkt -9348 Babe Nick 530 N Morgan.- —MON ro-4269 DelVigna A 1842 N Wells DIV rsy-2719 Bacello Jno 731 S Clark __ HAR isn-2091 De Rose & Hery 3959 W 63rd. JIEM lock-1739 Baiko Sam 2748 W Chgo av BRUnswk-3571 De Salvo ItlnAm-Restmt 3556 5th avVAN brn-0725 Baldi Angelo 1641 Fulrtn av „ _.DIV rsy-5479 Desterre Paul 506 S Wabsh 4 WEB str-0303 Balducci Christ 2153 W Madsn SEE ly-9575 Dicristina Frank 152 N Paulina SEE ly-6934 Balducci Jos 405 S Paulina SEE ly-9196 Dimetrio Billie 3510 Wentwth av BOU lvrd-9869 Baldini Frank 2443 W Madsn -SEE ly-9033 Dolfi Eugenic 4759 W Lake MAN sfld-2265 Baldy's Shop 4030 E 106th.-SOU Shr.2555 Donati Sabatino 1256 Sedg DIV rsy-2653 Bardelli Jno 5729 Wentwth av NOR ml-1624 Fantozzi Adolph 6342 N Clark HOL- yet -1283 Bardo Stanley 1800 W Pershng rd.-LAF ayt-8927 Fantozzi Armando 2934 W Grand—ARM itge- 10118 Bartolini Peter 1200 W Grand av MON ro- 2244 Florence Italian Restaurant Basindi Elsie 6136 Broadway BRI argat-4973 6332 Cot Grv av.- DOR cstr-5657 Bay of Naples Cafe 5495 Lk Pk av HYD e Pk-10583 Focacci Rudolph 331 W Grand av....DEL aware-3821 Benedetti Elmer 2542 S Western CAN al-1387 Frascati Restrnt 619 N Wabash av....DEL awar-0714 Benvenuti Julius 2900 S LaS.- - VIC try-1258 Frediani Fred 600 N Kedzie av NEV ada -2868 Bernichi Ben 2701 Milwke av BEL mnt-3040 Galantuomini Harry 3862 Archer LAF ayet-3095 Betti Biagi Peter 9658 Av N__ —SOU Chgo-3250 Galli C Mme 18 E Illinois DEL awar-2681 Betti Jos 5558 Fulrtn av BER kshire-3249 Galli Paul 2059 W Lake _ SEE ly-8893 Biagi Angelo 3200 W Lake. KED ze-0388 Gallicchio Nicholas J 1076 Taylor....HAY mkt-9734 Biagi Peter 9658 Av IV SOU Chgo-3250 Garden of Italy 10 S Clark JDEA rbn-4152 Biancalana Bros 548 N Wells DEL awar-4725 Gavora Stephen 4657 W North av__SPA ldgn-8169 Bianchi Aledmo 5546 N Kedze....IND-ependence-3771 Geama Geo 4005 Irving Pk bl -PEN sacola-2128 Bonazzi Michael 3000 W Lake NEV ada- 10530 Genoa Inn 5035 Lk Pk av KEN wd-9187 Bottari Harry 1301 W Vanburn HAY mkt-9710 Genova Restrnt 1238 W Madsn MON ro-2284 Boveri Italian Restrnt 20 E Lake DEA rbn-6443 Genova Restrnt 323 E 22d „_ VIC try-0437 Boveri Italian Restnit 1645 E 53d MID wy-2107 Ghiloni Chas 430 S Calif av VANbrn-0442 Archer LAF ayet-4028 Caccavale Frank 806 S Loomis HAY mkt-10008 Gianneschi Saverio 2862 Louis 2420 Oakley av.„ CAN al- 2394 Calderone Mike 1706 Frltn —DIV rsy-10244 Giannini S Crawford—VAN burn -0275 Comardo Ralph 949 W Harsn HAY mkt-900r) Giannini Vincent 918 S Harisn EST ebrook-0994 Campo's Restrnt 2341 W North BRU nswk-9550 Giannoni Bros 4659 W Gigli Restrnt 610 N Clark „ DEL awar-1132 Canevello Salvatore 1212 W 15th _ CAN al-0681 Jackson WEB str-1232 Cani & Allegretti Restaurant Gino Resturn 80 E Restrnt 80 Jackson WEB str-1232 508 N Frankln _ DEL -aware -0863 Gioia E _ Conil SAG inaw-347S Cannizzo Philip L 3824 N Ashland..BUC gnhm-3754 Giometti Petes 9420 — Grand av DEL awar-0801 Cantieri Federigo A 2254 W Lake SEE ly-5679 Giovani Jno 232 W Archie 501 S Kedze av-KED ze-0204 Canzione P F 21 W Ohio DEL awar-9572 Giovannetti Chgo av....NEV ada -0836 Capri Restaurant 200 W Randolph.-DEA rbn-4113 Giovannetti Bros 3160 W 5th av burn-8667 Cardillo Vincent 3147 S Mich VIC try-069e Giovannetti Felix 3925 -VAN Taylor ro-6543 Caruso Restrnt 515 S State _WEB str-1214 Granato Bros Restrnt 907 MON str-2184 Casa Lago Italian Cafe Grand Opera Restrnt 610 S State WEB VIC try-0727 213 E Superior —DEL a\var-0973 Grattafiori Mariano 3601 S State DIV rsy-7591 Casciani Bros 4458 W Harr -....VAN brn-8172 lacucci Mike 2130 N Clark awk-2073 Cechetto Rose 28 E 95th_ COM odor-2568 Incerpi Mario 1314 Clyb av —MOH Erie DEL awar-0477 Chiocchetti Eugene 12 S Calif NEV ada-948'( Ital-Amer Restrnt 330 W Ciomei Emil 26 S Western av SEE ly-1101 Italian & Amer Restrnt 104th - _....SAG inaw-0795 Giro's Grill 18 W Walton pi SUP erior-6907 2828 E Citro Jno 1014 S Halsted HAY mkt-9002 Italian Villa Restaurant -9486 Como Inn 546 Milwke av HAY mkt- 0890 3819 Bway- — BUC knghm Grand av SEEly-5188 Corallo Sam 2001 W 22nd..._ ROO svlt-2855 Kolodziej Anton 2059 W LAWndal-3476 Cordoni Earl 3021 E 93d —REG ent-4347 Krolicki Anton 4548 W 22d ROC kwl- 2853 Corfeo Salvatore 935 W Harisn HAY mkt -10286 Kucki Victor S 3059 W 22d- mkt -9008 Corsiglia Jos 6308 N Western SHE ldck-10572 Ladra Antonio J 811 S Halsted. HAY av awk-2182 Coscioni Wm 901 S Halsted _ HAY mkt-9405 Landini Joe 2431 Clyb -MOH 49 SELECTED DIRECTORY OF THE ITALIANS IN CHICAGO

(Restauramts cont'd) Otillia Restrnt 5248 S Ashlnd av GRO vhil-3344 Pacini & Marcheschi 1201 Roscoe__LAK vw-10215 LaPace Italian Restaurant Pagni Victor 2646 22nd ROC kwl-0570 81 W Randolph DEA rbn-4239 W Pardi Angelo 1100 Monro HAY mkt-9846 LaPatria Cafe 430 Rush. DEL a\var-0023 W Pardi Marco 2926 Madsn VAN burn -0705 La Rosetta Restaurant 1045 Rush....DEL awar-0486 W Pardi Remoaldo 816 Ohio ro-2065 Lencioni Angelo 449 N Wells DEL awar-2628 W MON Parise Valentine 11556 Front av_ PUL mn-0618 Lido Italian Restrnt 111 N Dearbn....DEA rbn-4318 LINCOLN ITALIAN RESTAURANT Parma Italian Restrnt 915 N State....DEL awar-2650 Pasrualone Rose L 408 S Western SEE ly-9244 1901 W Harisn SEE ly-9670 Pasquini Restrnt 1034 Grand av_MON ro-0853 Little Cozzi Restrnt 1468 S Mich VIC try-0827 W Pasquini Thos 1301 Lake HAY mkt-9009 Lotesto 5 «& 10c Sandwich Shop W Patte Tony 1814 S Wabsh av CAL umt-3704 1308 S Wabash av VIC try-0277 Pellegrini's Restrnt 181 N Clark DEA rbn-6353 Loverde Geo 3158 N Clark. LAK vw-8140 Pera Pete 358 S Crawford av ada -2711 Lucca Restaurant 4231 5th av _NEV ada-0354 NEV Perini Angelo 2443 S Western av al-4717 Lucchesi Giorgio 1249 Clyb av__ LIN cIn-8181 CAN Pernecki Michael 424 18th CAN al-2153 Lupa Restrnt 2139 W Vanburn.__ SEE ly-9354 W Petrino Chas 2025 Madsn...._ WES t- 0894 Machata Andrew 532 W 18th __CAN al-2799 W Petrone Jno 835 Grand av ro-4419 Majdecki Matt 5151 Archer av LAF ayet-322o W MON Petrone Tony 511 N Sangamon MON ro-0418 Malina Bros Cafe 957 .N Cicero av....COL umbs-4327 Piccinini & Galli 4225 W Harisn KED ze-8104 Marateo Joe 2722 W Vanburn _ NEV ade-6761 Piccolo's New Tivoli Restaurant Marfisi Mike 900 W North av DIV rsy-7264 183 Madison rbn-5531 Margherita Restrnt 1121 N State....DEL awar-7868 W DEA Marino Angelo 3948 Elston IND epndnc-5357 Pieroni Bros 2438 W Vanburn SEE ly-6837 Maroni's Beachview Garden Pieroni Pietro 630 N Halsted MON ro-2952 Podesta David 1972 Ogden av ly-5378 804 Wilson av LON gbch-0223 N SEE Podesta Emanuel 1390 Lake HAY mkt-9612 Marre Jos 4235 W Harisn... NEV ada -3663 W Polito Dominic 2944 Grand av_.HUM bldt-8108 Marrese Frank 2917 W Lake VAN bum -5288 W Polance Frank 1518 21st_ svlt-1655 Martini Albert 20 S Paulina _...SEE ly-9723 W ROO Martini F 515 N State DEL awar-1821 Pollastrini & Cecchini Mascheri Henry 400 S Halsted. HAY mkt-9501 205 S Western av SEE ly-9748 Maturi Saml E 533 W Chcgo av DEL awar-1163 Polo Inn 511 N Halsted MON ro-5136 Maulella Restrnt 768 Taylor MON ro-3242 Puccenelli Felix 3526 W 22d ROC wl-2177 Mencarini Paul 1224 N Clark DIV rsy-1864 Puccini & Del Vecchio 907 W Harsn..HAY mkt-1953 Menconi Albert 9140 Bflo av SAG inaw-1854 Quilici Jno 1726 W Madsn SEE ly-9654 Menconi Carlo 1620 W Grand HAY mkt-0564 Raspante Saml 2249 Wentworth CIV try-6125 Menconi Leo 440 Rush DEL awar-0519 Ravinia Italian Restrnt Menconi's Restrnt 666 N State DEL awar-0516 112 N Halsted HAY mkt-9252 Mencony Danl 414 N Clark DEL awar-0646 Rimini Restrnt 3160 Bway GRA clnd-10070 Mendala Stauby J 2365 Lister BRU nswk-9474 Riviera Italian Restaurant Meulella Frank 771 Taylor _..HAV mkt-102r)6 540 S Wabash av._ _ WEB str-1953 Micheli Robt 530 N Peoria_ MON ro-4974 Rocchiccioli Jno 2640 W Madsn KED ze-4722 Milani Louis 5554 Sheridan rd ARD mor-10100 Roma Club 9247 Coml av REG ent- 5983 Milano Italiana Restrnt 2723 N Clark..DIV rsy-0894 Roma Italian Restaurant New Miorucci Jno 11719 S Mich av_ PUL mn-6306 117 N Clark _ DEA rbon-4738 Mizera Irene 249 E Huron DEL awar-1189 Roma Restaurant 9247 Coml av SAG inaw-1739 Molendi Peter 7 E 29th „.CAL urn t- 0456 Romero Rafael 327 E 43d OAK lnd-2965 Monaco Christ 11 S Cicero COL umbs-7282 Romito Frank C 5443 S State KEN wd-140O Mondala Jos M 1436 Emma HUM bldt-0794 Roncarati Louis 350 W Grand av_DEL awar-3866 Monte Catini Restrnt Rosati Restrnt 4007 W Madsn NEV ada-3487 2916 W Vanburn NEV ada-10546 Sacca Dominico 812 Taylor MON ro-1506 Monti Natale 1301 S State VIC try-2991 Sacchini Jno 1160 W Grand HAY mkt-6739 Monti Restrnt 2023 S Western av CAN al-3029 Saccki Alfred 4334 W Divsn _ALB any-0041 Moretti & Baiocchi 2335 S Mich av VIC try-7624 Salamo G 814 Polk HAY mkt-9254 Negri Albert 10 S Clark DEA rbrn-6038 Salta Chas S 4001 Ogden av CRA wford-7030 Nello Italian Restrnt Scatena Nello 448 N Frankln DEL awar-1638 2854 N Clark BUC knghm-1632 Sirotka Aug 1603 Clyb av_ DIV rsy-0418 Nello's Restrnt 2423 S Oakley.__ ROO svlt-4587 Sirvicki Geo 5801 W 63d PRO spct- 5601 New Florence Italian Restrnt Smetana Frank 2545 S Crawford. CRA wfrd-7052 1661 W Van Buren WES t-4589 Soldo Robt A 9917 Ewing REG nt-3104 Niemi Chas 2005 Larr LIN cln-0081 Solecki Leona P 2666 E 106th SOU Chgo-1334 Notomi Harry Y 706 N Clark _....DEL a war- 2009 Spino O 942 Polk _ HAY mkt-9570 Novelli Adolfo 674 Orleans . DEL awar-2009 Stella Cafe 24 S Western av SEE ly-9074 Orlando Jos R 540 Forquer WEB str-2015 Timisora Restrnt 1420 Webster av LIN cln-2694 Orsi Chas J 3800 W Lake KED ze-1481 Tomassoni Emil 700 S Morgan— _HAY mkt-9336 Orsiglja Louis 678 Orleans DEL awar-7o95 Tondelli E 932 W Grand av MON ro-3777 Orsolini Restrnt 1001 W Jackson bl....HAY mkt-2781 Tonelli Egidio 3102 N Calif av IND epndnc-2364


(Restaurants cont'd) Sculy Achille Sewer Contractor all work guaranteed 4825 N Central av KILdar- Tonelli Jno 2932 Chgo av.._ ARM tge-10082 W ScuUy Angelo 4504 Wrightwd A.LB any -9596 Toniello 1100 Vanburn... HAY mkt-963a W Scully Louis 82 W Washngtn CEN trl-6997 Tony's Place 6354 Cot Gr „ FAI rfx-5737 Till Mike 915 S Hermitage av __WES t-6136 Torino Restrnt 104 E Oak._ DEL awar-3889 Till Salvatore 8443 S Eliz RAD llif-8395 Toscana Restrnt 2003._ _...ROO svlt-1690 Valentino Joe 2206 Campbell Pk WES t-0729 Toscano Restrnt 2439 S Oakley av_-ROO svlt-2057 Tuccori Ascanio 2458 W VanB SEE ly-3810 SHOE ORNAMENTS—RHINESTONE Tuso Jos 1503 S Morgan _ CAN al-7319 Vallortigara Bros 556 E 115th PUL mn-0505 Agnini & Singer 656 N Western av.BRU nswk-030© Venetian Cafe 3160 W Chgo av NEV ada-0395 Venezia Sea Food Restrnt SHOE REPAIRING 6331 N Clark _ SHE ldrk-10500 Venice Ital Resturn 538 S Wabash....WEB str-1239 Astrene Sam 3903 Belmnt av PEN sacola-0048 Vesuvio Restrnt 51 E Wacker dr DEA rbn-5807 Audino Jas 6348 N Claremnt HOL y ct-4547 Via Lago Inc 837 Wilson av_ LON gbch-8796 Battaglia Phillip 4230 W Harr.._ NEV ada-4111 Vesuvio Italian Restrnt 1056 Lawr av..EDG wtr-7259 Bertucci Frank 1854 W 59th REP ublc-5949 Village Italian Restrnt 61 W Monroe.DEA rbn-4316 Brugnone E Chas 507 E 79th VIN cns-10517 Buscaglia J Angelo 2303 W Grand av..SEE ly-3303 SAUSAGES Carrano Jos 6251 Greenwd DOR chstr-3763 Costa Geo 109 E Chgo av DEL awar-3887 Bert Packing Co 176 N Green MON ro-0090 De Paola Shoe Reprg Shop Carmignani Bros 2309 S Oakley av _.CANal-3524 616 S Kedzie.... _..NEV ada-10179 Chicago Sausage Co 2910 Armitage._.ARM itge-2170 Despensa Gus 1341 E 75th DOR chstr-2220 Delizia Sausage Mfg Co Diliberto Frank 813 N Crawford av....ALB any-0237 3831 S Halsted _ BOU Ivrd-1487 Dispensa Martin J 2910 E 79th SOUShr-5663 Fiermuga Jno 1333 Dickson ARM itge-7989 Grippo & Co Inc 202 S Sttae HAR isn-2807 Italo-American Sausage Mfg Co lannacco Jos 1151 W Madsn MON ro-6281 1240 Sedgwick _..DIV rsy-3768 Lastra Joe 404 S Dearbn WAB sh-3970 Kozicki Edmund 4166 Archer av _.VIR ginia-1180 Morelli Mike 2106 E 79th _ SOU Shr-5255 Lucca Packing Hse 1140 W Randlph..HAY mkt-4699 Ricardi Frank 4221 W North.... _...ALB any-7796 Lupa Adam 5205 Blmnt KIL dar-9264 Rizzo Jno 2175 Linrln _ DIV rsy-9547 Milan Sausage Mfg Co 339 Kensingtn..PUL mn-0157 Scelsa Peter 1813 Wilson av EDG wtr-8810 Piemonte Sausage Mfg Co Tusa Jas 3551 S Halsted BOU lvrd-8656 Venza Ross Milwke av_ sacola-3233 872 N Wells st _ SUP rir-6170 4418J4 PEN Viviano Andrew 4421 Armitge ldng-7663 Vittori Louis 1057 W Harr HAY mkt -0194 SPA


Carusos Peter 9255 Cot Gr av ABE rden-0505 Monaco Gino School of Languages Delaris Peter D 2005 Irving Pk bl....WEL ngtn-3071 410 S Michigan HAR rsn-4989 DeMarco Patsy 3418 Divrsy av SPA ldng-7395 Moni School of Dress Sesign Parrillo Tom 19 W Lake_ __ DEA rbn- 8767 159 N State st _ CEN trl-4059 Pegora Joe 3205 Ogden _ CRA wfrd-7556 VACCA SCHOOL OF MUSIC Serritelle Christ 5 E Harisn _.WEB str-2046 1W2 Blue Island av MON ro- 3070 Carmen 1008 Taylor _ „.MON ro-4483

Tony Bros 5 E Congress ...- WEB str-0033 SEWER BUILDERS Trevisan Louis 1716 W Lake. SEE ly-5169 Zangara Sam 5204 Bway ._ SUN ysde-2691 Centracchid Joe 1026 S Aberdeen HAY mkt-7365 Dalsandro Jno 3139 5th av __. KED ze-7718 SHOE STORE Dicristofano Nicola 2251 N Lawler..BER kshire-4321 DiDomenico Nash 5100 Belden av..BER kshire-8027 Caligiuri Gimmi 3702 Bway BIT erswt-0437 Di Julio Vincent 1038 Blue I _..HAY mkt-6508 Franchere Gabriel Jr 3103 S State. VIC try -5183 Divito Mike 2234 Campbell Pk.._ _..WES t- 0087 Nero Jos E 2156 Larr. LIN cln- 7543 DiVito Vincent 1007 S Racine av MON ro-5113 Zullo Jos A 5636 W Madsn.. COL mbs-5015 Guerra Jno 5549 N Meade av PAL isad-0392 Neri Angelo 2139 N Kenneth av ALB any -5461 SILKS Neri Jno B 4007 S Artesian av_..LAF ayette-2979 Neri Mike 5701 N Meade a._v PEN sacola-4800 Bianchini Eerier 58 E Washngtn CEN trl-1882 Neri Thos 5105 Melrose ...._ AVE nu-4977 Placido Jos O 4341 Castello av SPA ldng-7110 SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES Pontarelli Michael 4848 Dakin..„ _KIL dar-4311 Ranieri Nick 5036 Montana BER kshire-0200 DE LUXE CANDY CO Not Inc Whol Santry Gust F 3331 Floumoy NEV ada-8764 445 N Wells _ ..SUP rior-6858 Scalzitti Pietro 3138 N Linder av AVE nu-8731 Ginocchio Jno 4242 W Lake VAN brn-1206



Earda Frank 2701 Cliftn Pk av ROC kwl- 1325 Chicago Statuary Mfg Co Biagi Angelo 32iX) W Lake KED ze-0388 401 X Desplaines MON ro-3285 Boldyga Tony 4759 S Hoyne av LAF ayt-6143 DAPRATO STATUARY COMPANY Bonomo Paul 2347 S Halsted _....\TC try-7908 766 W Adams MON ro-0620 Bricchetto Tony 1251 Clyb _ LIN cln-8340 Groppi Ralph M 401 N Despl MON ro-3265 Bmnkala Tony 5410 Fulrtn av BER kshire-0242 Orlandi E Statuary Co 439 Milwke_MON ro-1836 Buzany Peter 4700 S Halsted YAR ds-2357 Pacini A & Benigni Statuary Co Casole Peter 2900 Emerald av VIC try-8687 722 W Grand av HAY mkt -9168 Cecala Sam 1380 W Grand av MON ro-5297 SUvestri Art Mfg Co 1035 Orleans.._DIV rsy-10492 Cecka Jno 5200 S Lincoln REP ublc-8530 Venetian Art Production Co Chiletti Alberi 2435 S Western av_. .ROO svlt-8169 3104 W Lake. VANbum-7130 Ciombor Chas 1618 W 17th CAN al-5393 ZIROLI STUDIOS Corallo Sara 2(»01 W 22d. ROO svlt-2855 717 S Racine av _ HAY mkt -6760 Corona Tony 5050 Wentwth.._ „„YAR ds-1755 Cortesi Italia Mrs 2427 S Oakley av....CAN al-4682 STEAMSHIP LINES & AGENCIES DiFranco Tony 1745 W North av_.BRU nswk-3092 Dimatteo Dominick 3832 W Ohio KED ze-1897 Ambruso E 768 W Taylor MON ro-3773 DiVito Nicola 732 Gilpin pi MON ro-2636 Corfino G P 216 N Mich RAN dlph-6840 Falada Joe SOO S Spaulding av ROC kwl -5355 COSULICH LINE Fanta Joe P 2501 S Homan av ROC kwl-1069 333 -N Mich av RAN dlph-9257 Ferranella M 1323 Clvlnd av DIV' rsy-6115 Fabre Line S S Co 180 W Washngtn FRA nkln-8334 Fiala Joe 2058 W 19th. CAN al-1191 JACOBELLI BROS & CO Galella L 1048 Vernon Pk pi HAY mkt- 2020 832 W Ohio st MON ro-3686 Galla-.o Nick 4938 Wewtwrth av VAR ds-1581 Italian Line 333 N Mich RAN dlph-9257 Gallo Mike 8501 Mackinaw av SOU Chgo-1907 Italian Lloyd 318 S Dearborn HAR sn-7882 Gembara Jos A 2701 Eleanor LAF ayet-0207 Lloyd Sabauso S S Co 318 S Dearbm.HAR sn-7882 Gintina Michael 1032 Taylor HAY mkt -9783 Luisi M 738 W Ohio st MON ro-0387 Gniady Paul 4058 W 47th LAFayet-5419 Macaluso J 723 S Clark WEB str-2788 Grama G 2262 Greenvw av LIN cln-8474 Nigro Luigi & Co 720 S Racine av....MON ro-2614 K.nleta Jno 4801 Throop - ._UC U Ivrd-UCii- Novi Jno 2458 S Oakley av CAN al-0826 Karafta Fred 2562 S Halsted.__ VIC try-f>561 Parise V 11556 Front PUL mn-0618 Karecki Stephen 1909 W Divsn A.RM itge-9565 Pucci L 2508 W Washington— _.WES t-1764 Kostema Andrew 2940 W 25th pl_.ROC kwl-3744 Romano R V & Co 825 Blue I av_....MON ro-2027 Lavaty Frank H 515 S Honor PRO spct-4609 Salvatori S 74 Polk HAR rsn-2999 Lonecki Mike 4500 S Paulina BOU-lvrd-(>129 SCAFA VINCENZO Marchetti Jno 728 W Grand HAY mkt -0940 201 N Wells __FRA nkln-4579 Mariarka T 1301 VV Chgo av HAY mkt-0331 Sicula Amer S S Co 318 S Dearbm_HAR rsn-7882 Milani & Pardini 2459 W Harr WES t- 1909 Spina Sam P 9163 S Chgo SOU Chgo-1306 Naponiello Joe 500 W 25th pi VIC try -2576 Stella W D 180 N Mich _ CEN trl--3137 Nicolosi J 1000 Cambridge av LIN cln-3264 Summaria L 943 W Grand MON ro- 4406 Niemiera T 2881 Farrell VIC try-6771 Vallortigara J 512 E 115th _PUL mn-0195 Panocha Alex 2076 N Hoyne ARM itge-1157 Perme Anton 3245 S Crawford av....LAW ndal-5083 STOKERS Poklacki J Son 2121 N Hoyne HUMbldt-3919 Poklacki M Mrs 2110 N Damen av....ARM itge-0157 Pulverzone Automatic Coal Burning System Potempa Jno 1259 Cornell MON ro-2919 155 E Superior .SUP rior-7700 Pribula M 1926 Canalport av_ CAN al-2945 Prikopa Joe 2138 S Halsted. CAN al-5834 STONE - CRUSCED Quilici David D 2858 W VanB_ NEV ada-3230 Quirconi Ugo 2001 S Western ROO svlt-3026 Dolese Bros Co 221 N La S STA te-1400 Roti Vito 215 W 23d VIC try-9068 Dolese A Shepard Co 111 W Washngtn.Cen tral-9488 Sabatino Carmine 567 W HarrJson....WEB str-3941 Sarti Jos 411 W Divsn LIN cln-7135 STONE CUTTERS, CONTRACTORS Sbarbaro Louis 1169 W Mad HAY mkt -9276 Schillaci Jos 2445 Wentwth av \TC try-0962 Alfini Alfred 3957 Belden _ BEL mnt -5486 Smetana Jos 2801 S Keeler av LAW ndal- 1092 Tintera Mike 2131 S Troy_ LAW ndl -0712 Sobini Julius 3226 E 92d. SOU Chgo-8434 Spatafora Joe 1501 Sedg_ LIN cln-1300 SURVEYORS, LAND Tallarico Frank 6115 S Kedze av REP blc-3654 Tomicki Casimire 3737 S Racine av_.BOL vrd-2063 Fornaciari G 2450 S Oakley av CAN al-1440 Div _BEL mnt-8542 Trucco Jos 3934 W Nauninga C J 1812 Prairie ac MIChgn-1812 Urycki Steve 3227 Wall BOUlvrd-2515 Valenti Mike 2724 Lowe av...„ \TC try-10377 SYRUPS Zanetto V 357 Kensngtn av PUL mn-0026 Zymali C 4200 W Chgo av BEL mnt -9367 De Lue Co 241 E Illinois st...„ SUP rior-1153 52 SELECTED DIRECTORY OF THE ITALIANS IN CHICAGO

TAILORS—MNFG. Malpede Anthony 408 S Laramie av_AUS tn-6115 Marti Guido 2405 Clyb av _ DIV rsy-3986 Abruzzi Pants Mfg Co Martino & Stella 37 S Wabsh av DEA rbn-6751 Maselli Mario 152 S Western av-_ _SEE ly-4782 229 W Van Buren _..... WAB sh-8155 Armato Pants Shop 673 W Madsn. MON ro-5226 Mennella P 3145 W Mad __ _.NEV ada-5600 Mercuri Michele Bruno Louis 517 N Wells _ DEL awar-3158 F 1828 Lawr av ATL antic-4369 Calvarese Romeo 402 S Mkt.._ WEB str-2587 Messe Nat 8 S Mich av DEA rbn-0288 Cosentino Jno 674 W Madsn _ MON ro-0125 Miceli & Sachs 205 W Madsn FRA nkln- 3448 Forlano Pants Shop 160 N Wells. DEA rbn-1061 Mikuta A & Son 3952 W 22d ROCkwl-8000 Montanelli Gust 411 S Wells WEB str-7365 Misuraca Carlo 554 Monticello av KED ze-4757 Pallone & Mancuso 673 W Madsn MON ro-0193 Motty Jack 1611 Humbldt bl BRU nswk-3750 Spano Frank 219 S Dearbrn WEB str-4671 Namety Louis 68 W Washngtn DEA rbrn-0113 Sima Jno 2331 S Troy ROC kwl-0438 Padovano Tony 837 S Wabsh av WEB str-3746 Vileta & Ruzha 2^*17 S Trumbull CRA wfrd-3305 Palicka Jos 1652 N Cicero „ BER kshire-5831 Panzella Michael A 209 S State WEB str-7366 TAILORS—MERCHANT Passaglia Frank 915 N State „DEL awar-1697 Pellegrini Bros 25 E Jarkson bl _.HAR isn-0917 Petrone Rocco J 518 N State DEL awar-4484 Albano av ro-4040 Tony 640 Ogden MON Pucci L 333 N iMich av._ DEA rbn-3759 Allegretti Tlrg Co 542 N State.... DEL awar-4484 Purciello Dan 1132 Taylor _ _.MON ro-1132 av isad-6749 Alto Tlrs 4006 Montrose PAL Rappaport Abraham 5025 Cot Gr av....DRE xl-5111 Bandalin B 1209 Blue I av _ CAN al-0111 Rappaport Clothes Shop Belmonte Bros 37 S Wabsh av_ STA te-2615 1314 S Halsted _ CAN al-6446 Bertagna 300 Kensngtn av : mn-0076 O PUL Roberto Jno 8723 S Ashlnd av_.„ BEV rly-7004 Biondi L Co 189 Madsn FRA nklin-3637 & W Rosanova Jos 3415 W Chgo av.._VAN burn-0347 Blasi Philip 184 Wash DEA rbn- 2494 W Ryza Jno 2227 W Chgo av BRU nswk-7859 awar-3158 Bordesky Jos H 517 N Wells DEL Sabala Stanley 3922 Elston av _...KEY ston-8473 5845 Green. twrth-5879 Bordesky Jos H S .WEN Sandri Victor 2512 N Cicero -..BER kshire-6402 av inaw-4939 Brusa Tlrs 7673 Coles „....SAG Silvani Nunzio 1648 E 50th._ FAI rfx-1900 Bue Dant 105 S Dearbn FRA nklin-5049 Spidaletto Louis 205 N Crawford...... VAN brn-6640 Buonamici Nello 160 Wells rbn-8639 N DEA Stangarone Frank 101 S Wells. DEA rbn- 7490 Calo Company 116 S iMich bL.- STA te-1859 & Stella Mario 2910 Wentwth av _VIC try -6498 Calonico Ben 6 N Mich DEA rbrn-7177 Tagliavia Frank 3701 W Division....SPA ldng-8730 Calvaresi Romeo 404 Wells str-2587 S WEB Termin Peter 2326 W Grand av ...SEE ly-7682 Grand mkt-8797 Cammarata Luigi 937 W HAY Testa Paul 660 N May MON ro-5458 Bros 729 Racine av ro-3628 Campagna S MON Tinaglia Domenico 537 N Oak DIV rsy-3612 Cappetta Fredk 2600 Ind av CAL umt-5734 Togniarelli Angelo 2457 N Clark LIN cln 1019 Carbone 2247 E 83d. _ REG ent -3683 Jas Frank E 6054 W North av....MER imac-9748 Catrambone Frank 2811 Harr....VAN buren-1327 W Triolo Chas 504 N Ashland. HAY mkt-1487 Catambrone Gergory 10 Paulina SEE ly-0079 S Tuccori Julius 1261 N Wells _.DIV rsy-0393 Conte Philip 105 Dearborn._ RAN dlph-7874 S Ungaretti Hugo 3804 W Madsn .VAN burn-6774 Covic^'o C 4002 N Austn av PAL isde-7390 Venditti Quirino 2655 W 38th VIR gtnia-0555 av ro-1231 Cozenzii Sam 600 Blue I MON Ventimiglia H 5329 Nevada BER kshire-5674 Devore L/as 166 Washngtn _.DEA rbrn-1455 W Vesecky J J Bros 2842 S Avers av.-.LAW ndal-9474 Di Giacomo Rosario 2441 Wentwrth....VIC try-4661 Dite Chas 2106 W Mad SEE ly-1463 TILES & TILINGS Esposito Harry 218 S Wabash _ HAR sn-9355 Fabbri Henry 945 N Wells....- LIN cln-5687 CARETTI JOHN & CO Eacullo Jno 57 E Vanburn ...._ WEB str-7596 66 Ohio __ _ ...... SUP rior-3714 Fiala Anton 1837 W 47th _ LAF ayet-9439 W Ferrarini A G 1730 av ...SEE ly-2411 Fial?i Vincent 5446 S Kedze _.HEM lock-1397 Spiro I S & Co 902 S Sacramento....NEV ada-9431 Fonda Tailors 148 W 73d. _....STE wrt-5802 Stella O 2835 24th- ROC kwl-8504 Formosa Peter 1902 E 79th SOU shr-2972 W Galgano Jos 105 S Dearb..._ _ _.DEA rbn-0747 Gallo D & Sons 179 W Washngtn....FRA nkln-7794 TIN, COPPER &. SHEET METAL WORK Guarno Ralph A 435 N Clark DEL awar-1673 Gianfala Vincent 50 N Kedzie av NEV ada-2800 Bettinardi & Son 345 Kensington PUL mn-3945 Giuliano Frank 2348 W Harisn SEE ly-5271 Cecilio W J 357 E 115th PUL mn- 6133 Grendysa Jos 1502 Cornell av_ B....RU nswk-0277 Rubino Steve Jr 323 S Kedzie KED ze-7546 Grill! Torello 746 N Wells DEL aware-3808 Sansonetti J 1028 Blue Island av HAY mkt-8058 Griseto Frank 5960 W Chgo av AUS tin-1060 Guarno Ralph A 435 N Clark.... DEL awar-1673 TRUNKS, MNFRS. Infusino Domenico 14 W Washngtn.... DEA rbn-6792 Jantorni Carmen 64 E Jackson bl WAB sh-4293 Forti Bros Trunk Works Loizzo Carl 219 S Dearbn WEB str-3559 1636 N Wells st „DIV rsy-6284 Magno Louis 1126 E. 47th DRE xl-2693 Forti N 3111 N Halsted- .LAK vw-9507 Maione S 27 E Monro _....DEA rbn-6646


TRUCKING Malicki Felix S Mrs 1737 W 17th CAN al-1610 Marinelli Jos 2064 Polk SEE ly-0954 A]fe Salvatore Ft E So Wrt FRA nkln-5104 Maruca Peter J 1158 W Grand av....HAY mkt -0823 Bartucci Jos & Sons 806 W Congress..MON ro-4596 MARZANO J P Celli Cartage Co 4921 Winnemac PEN sacoIa-5518 931 W Polk __ _....„ MON ro-1534 Castellani A 5001 W Monroe _ AUS tn-1063 Menchini L F & Co 866 N Wells_DEL awar-1525 Calabrese John 1024 E 75th TRI angl-6438 Panozzo D 252 E 115th PUL mn-2030 Cozzi Motor Serv 1139 Taylor MON ro-2668 Piegare & Alfredo 942 W Taylor _.MON ro-0789 Fiorito Concetto 610 W VanBuren_HAY mkt-1474 Rago Bros 624 N Western av A.RM itge-7800 Genualdi Philip 307 W Lake STA te-8320 Keda Frank 1001 W Polk...._ HAY mkt-0120 Geronda N 2622 Wentwth av VIC try-2487 Rocca & Hayes 1159 N Clark SUP rior-7154 Gironda Nick 2632 Wentwth av VIC try-2487 Salerno Jos R 724 DeKoven MON ro-0449 Leonard! Motor Service Co Satala Jno 4744 S Damen av VIR ginia-0363 25 South Water Mkt ROO svlt-1747 Sbarbaro & Company 708 N Wells SUP rior-0094 Marubio Dominick 439 Orleans SUP rior-8724 Tarsitano Ben F 1407 Taylor MON ro-2416 Montegna Bros & Co 3834 S Union....YAR ds-2615 Tarsifano Michael J 851 E 75th TRI angl- 1491 Pagoria Express Service 1236 W 21st._CAN al-3424 Zito Jerry 1624 W Grand av HAY mkt-1557 Palumbo Bros 2738 W Harrison KED ze-4224 Procaccio Cartage Co UPHOLSTERERS 2214 W Superior BRU nswk-0624 Ramacitti 1248 13th al-0746 A Co W CAN Milazzo N 7323 Vincennes av_ VIN cns-1728 Ratti Nicholas F 254 Grand rior-8832 E SUP Orlando Upholstering Co. Ruffolo 322 Clinton str-7227 Jno WEB 3444 Indiana av DOU glas-2998 UNDERTAKERS UPHOLSTERERS' SUPPLIES

Anzilotti Leo P 2433 S Oakley __CAN al-1324 Carrillo R & Co Inc 820 N Mich av.SUP rior-8754 Apollaro Anthony 1039 W Grand av....MON ro-0898 Bacigalupo Cotsantino 3500 WHarisn..NEV^ ade-0644 Bacigalupo Jos J 753 Forquer MON ro-0645 VARNISH & PAINTS Bafia Stanley 1810 W 18th CAN al- 2298 Bassi John G 2353 W Chicgo av....BRU nswk-8330 Brusa Paint & Varnish Wks Mfrs Cepa Adam 2246 W North av BRU nswk-6656 2001 MendelL- BRU nswk-3167 Cepa Louis 2246 W North av „BRU nswk-6656 Coglianese & Izzo 3225 W Harsn„VAN buren-6070 WELDING Coletta Michael & Son 2300 Wentwth_VIC try-1862 DeCola Louis 1158 W Grand av MON ro-5288 Anzalone J E 509 Garfield DI\' rsy-2590 Fiala Bart 2746 W 51st _ _..PRO spct-1009 WINE MEDICINAL Fortuna Tony 2959 W 43d. LAF ayet-7781 TRINER'S BITTER WINE larussi Michael 761 Taylor.- _..MON ro-1559 1333 S Ashland av._ _ CAN al-2680 Kopicki Alex A 1655 W 17th. _CAN al-5735 Kopicki Gerald A WINES (SACRAMENTAL) 2827 N Central Pk av _..ALB any-6370 Lubejko Ale.x 1709 W 18th CAN al-1246 Bondi Vincent 224 W Huron SUP rior-1817

Chicago Office 205 W. WACKER DRIVE, Room 229


Manufacturers of BAKERS AND MACARONI MACHINERY Factory JOLIET, ILLINOIS JoHet Office - Phone 4336



Page 1. Banco di Napoli Trust Company of Chicago 1 30. Pecaro August _ 14 2. A. D. Marimpietri 1 31. Grapple Guy C _ „ ig 3. Original Pasticceria Ferrara & Co 2 32. De Stefano Rocco _ 15 4. Gonnella Baking Co. _ „ _ 2 33. D'Urso Michael „ 15 5. Ehrat Cheese Co 8 34. Landise Thomas H _ 15 6. Stella Cheese Co , 3 35. Lupe John J _ _ 16 7. De Xobile Cigar Co 3 36. Marino Lawrence N 10 8. Ewaldo Silvio _ 4 37. Meccia John Blase _ 17 9. De Luxe Candy Co. not Inc _ 4 .38. Mercuric Anthony J _.._ 17 10. Paris & (auliano Importing Co 5 39. Orrico Joseph R 18

11. Traficanti Bros , _. _ 5 40. Panillo William 18 12. Palise Jo.seph W 6 41. Quilici George L. _ 18 13. Toniatti Ettore „ 6 42. Scafa Vincenzo _ 19 14. John Caretti&Co. Terrazzo, Mosaic & Tiles 6 43. Tocco Horatio 19 15. Melchione Jos 7 44. Ungaro Gerard 19 16. De Marco N. G „ 7 45. Chesrow Eugene _ -_ 20 17. Marzano J. P 8 48. De Trana George 21

18. Colianni Paul V _ _ 8 47. Lobraico Rocco V. , 21 19. D'Esposito Joshua 9 48. Sciarretta S. A. 21

20. Garibaldi Thomas A 10 49. Vella Salvatore „ 22 21. Soravia Joseph _ _ 10 30. Durante Oscar „ 23 22. Capraro Alexander V _ 10 51. Lo Franco Nicola _ 23 23. Bigalli Dino 11 52. Meola Carlo _ 23 24. Gallidchio Joseph 11 53. Mastro V'alerio Alessandro 23 25. Muzio Claudia 12 54. Italian American National Union 24 26. Lazzari Virgilio 13 55. Berlitz School of Languages _ 24 27. Raffaelli Joseph - 13 59. Siedenburg Rev. Frederick 25 28. Trevisan Vittorio 13 57. Hay W. G 25 29. Chiera Edward 14 58. Waller Judith C .„ 26 THE imm Gf THE

yMlVhfiSHY Af JkUNOlSi Pressboard Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros. Inc. Makers Syracuse, N. Y.

PAT, JAH 21. 1908 —^ .—-•««,; JTr'-'^PW^^|5»y^»»j^


3 0112 062945297