Balancing ClubConnect® Reports

Webinar Topics

Accounts Receivable ...... 2

Accounts Receivable Transaction Input ...... 2

Accounts Receivable Sales Reports ...... 5

Additional AR Sales-Related Reports ...... 7

Accounts Receivable Activity in General ...... 8

Accounts Payable ...... 10

Accounts Payable Reports ...... 12

Accounts Payable Activity in ...... 14

Troubleshooting Reports ...... 16

Frequently Asked Questions ...... 18

ClubConnect® Accounting Balancing Reports

Accounts Receivable ClubConnect® Accounts Receivable provides timely, detailed reports and edit lists for all data entry, making it easy to view and compile an extensive trail of daily activity.

Accounts Receivable Transaction Input ClubConnect® Accounts Receivable allows the user to print a Transaction Listing report at the time the batch is updated. You can also print a Transaction Listing before the batch is updated.

 Printing a Transaction Listing During Transaction Entry 1. From the menu bar, select Options, Data Entry, and then select Sales & Payment Entry/Edit.  The Enter/Edit Transactions window appears.

2. Click the Sales Entry tab.

NOTE: The batch total displays the input total of $82.75. This amount can be tracked through Accounts Receivable and into General Ledger.

3. From the menu bar, select Reports and then select Print Reports.

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4. Select the Transaction List (Without Tax Breakout) report.

NOTE: Without Tax Breakout refers to the four separate taxes that can be tracked. Most clubs tax each code once, so there is no need to present four separate tax columns on the Transaction Report. If your club uses more than one tax per revenue code, you may want to use the Transaction List (With Tax Breakout) report.

5. Click OK.  The Transaction List window appears.

6. In the Transaction Type section, select Sales Only. 7. In the Transaction Status section, select New Batch.

NOTE: Selecting Sales Only and New Batch includes only those unposted sales transactions that are currently in the sales entry grid.

8. In the Output Device section, select Printer or Screen.

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9. Click OK.  The Transaction List report appears.

NOTE: The $82.75 input total can be seen as the Amount column total.

10. Close the Transaction List report. 11. Continue to make additions or changes to the Sales Entry tab.

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Accounts Receivable Sales Reports Each Accounts Receivable sales report contains information about the current transactions. Use different reports to obtain daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly totals by revenue code, member, day of the week, and day of the month.

These reports can be used to verify transaction lists and can be compared with information in the General Ledger.

 Daily Sales Report — sales for any one day, summarized by revenue code, and grouped by department

 Monthly Distribution Report By Day of Month — all monthly activity, separated into sales & payments, summarized by day of month

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 MTD & YTD Sales by Revenue Code — all activity, summarized by revenue code, showing MTD and YTD totals of amount and number of units

 Sales Analysis () — all debits and generated this month. This is the AR journal entry, by revenue code, showing all GL account totals with true sign.

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Additional AR Sales-Related Reports There are several other ClubConnect® AR reports that can be used to reconcile daily activity and become part of the archived history.

report — sales for the entire month, summarized by revenue code, totaled by department, showing amount, service charge, tax, and GL accounts

 Statement report — a copy of each member’s statement, without all the blank areas, so that more than one can fit on a page

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 Audit report — a list of user activity in AR

Accounts Receivable Activity in General Ledger There are several reports and inquiries in ClubConnect® General Ledger that show sales coming from ClubConnect® Accounts Receivable.

NOTE: The AR information in GL is summarized.

 G/L Account Detail View/List — detail of one account (View) or range of accounts (List), for range specified

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 Batch Listing — summary of all GL activity for specified period, including batches from AR

 Journal Listing — detailed activity in journal entry format, showing all , organized by date, then source number.

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Accounts Payable ClubConnect® Accounts Payable provides for instant edit listings and other reports to maximize the tracking and troubleshooting abilities.

Invoice batches can contain as few or as many as needed. Each invoice is detailed on the Invoice Entry Edit Listing.

 Printing an Invoice Entry Edit Listing During Invoice Entry 1. From the menu bar, select Options and then select Data Entry.  The Invoice Entry window appears.

2. Enter invoice information.

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NOTE: This example uses two invoices: a $1234.56 invoice from Food For Thought and a $765.44 invoice from Sysco Foods. Both invoices debit GL account 10-6005. The combined total of $2000 can be tracked through ClubConnect® Accounts Payable and into ClubConnect® General Ledger.

3. Click End Batch.  The Invoice Entry Variance window appears.

4. To print the Invoice Edit Listing, click Print.  The Invoice Edit Listing window appears.

5. Click Preview or Print.

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6. Close the window.  The G/L Summary List dialog box appears.

7. Click Print or Preview.

Accounts Payable Reports ClubConnect® Accounts Payable has all the standard payable-related reports, plus a few others. Use the Purchase Register, Open Payables, Invoice Aging, and three requirements reports to track AP activity.

 Open Payable List — all unpaid invoices and invoices only partially paid to date based on user’s cutoff period

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 Open Payables Aging — invoice aging, based on invoice date, regardless of terms

 Purchase Register — all invoices (open and paid) entered for user’s specified period or range of periods

 Cash Requirements Details — cash required to pay all open invoices based on scheduled date, broken into months starting at user’s specified date

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Accounts Payable Activity in General Ledger Every invoice entered and posted in Accounts Payable debits an account (or possibly a liability account) and credits Accounts Payable. As long as no other activity has been directed to, or journal-entried into, these accounts, then the activity being shown on Accounts Payable reports can be seen also as totals in the General Ledger reports.

The following Table lists several reports from the General Ledger system that can be used to track the Accounts Payable activity.

 Account View/List — detail of one account (View) or range of accounts (List), for range of period specified

 Batch File — summary of all GL activity for specified period, including batches coming over from AP

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 Journal Listing — detailed activity in journal entry format, showing all debits and credits, organized by date, then source number

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Troubleshooting Reports Use the following scenarios to help you troubleshoot report problems.

 Transaction Edit Lists show activity not found on sales reports, member statements, or in the general ledger. Reason: Transactions are not posted.

Check: Check the Edit Transactions tab for unposted transactions. Run the Transaction Edit List for New Batch transactions.

 One or more of the reports do not contain the latest changes. Reason: Old reports.

Check: Check the report dates. Run the report(s) again.

 The MTD Sales report displays different totals than the income accounts in the general ledger. Reason: Changes were made to the revenue code setup.

Check: Check the revenue code set up for taxes, service charges, and GL account assignments. Run Re-Post Transactions under Options/Data Entry

 AR sales report displays one total and the GL income account shows a different amount.

Monthly sales report excludes a day or two when daily sales reports are totaled. Reason: You are not comparing apples and apples. One report includes additional information not available in the other report.

Check: Check GL accounts for activity that is not coming from AR. Check dates on all reports. Check range of days or months included when separate reports are manually totaled.

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 Backdated transactions affect the Member Summary & Aging and Accounts Receivable Aging reports.

Future-dated transactions have not posted. Reason: Transaction dates are not in the current period.

Check: Check transaction dates. All current period activity affects the current GL fiscal period, regardless of transaction date. Check the Post With Future Date option in revenue code setup.

 Member Summary & Aging and Accounts Receivable Aging reports are not showing all the payments. Reason: Payments are not applied.

Check: Type an A in the Option field to apply current month payments. Verify the payments are posted. Verify the payment revenue codes have Treat as Payment selected.

 Reports are reflecting incorrect monthly totals in AR with the Sales Analysis or GL reports. Reason: Payment revenue codes have an incorrect debit/ set up.

Check: Check payment revenue codes. Since payments are negative numbers, set payment revenue codes with the Accounts Receivable GL account as the debit, and the Cash account as the credit.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why don’t the Sales Analysis and Daily Sales report totals match at month end?

Daily Sales reports do not include Automatic Charges. The Sales Analysis does include those charges.

For sales tax, use the Trial Balance report which includes all activity.

The AR Aging/Member Summary & Aging report is not aging properly or is still showing delinquent balances for members who have paid. How can that be?

Be sure to enter an A to allocate payments when running the aging reports.

Check for credits that were issued without being backdated. For a credit to reduce an aged balance, it must be entered with a date that is prior to the current month. It is possible that the problem lies with a past credit that was not backdated.

Finance charges resulting from credits not backdated are automatically removed from someone’s account if the date is corrected in Edit Transactions.

Why is the AR Trial Balance only showing $48 and missing information?

Do not use a date range when printing the AR Trail Balance.

If the date range does not solve the problem, try running the Clean, Repair, and Re- post options.

Under what normal circumstances will the Daily Sales report not balance with the Month End Trail Balance?

These two reports may not balance because the Trial Balance includes backdated credits and the Daily Sales report does not include backdated credits.

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