■ / I '■ \ ,

• ' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1961 PAGE TWELVE . • IV- ^ IjtanriTPirtfr' lEwfnittg > l^pralb The Arcnige Dally Net Preae Run Forecast oUU. 8. Weather Butcm hoping that they would find F or the Week Ended ' someone to Join th*nt in a four^ Tickets Available ^ February 18, 1968 Partly cloudy, ranttnued Mtter About Town some. However, the only person Weddings LIGGETT coM tonight and Tuesday. Low to­ available was a "beginner of night zero to 5 below. W gh Tues­ The Women’* Fellowehlp of C5en- Heard Along Main Street For Grant Lecture 12,635 sorts.” ' day 5 to 15. Westerly Wind* 15-35 ter Congregational Church extenda And on Some of Manchester'$ Side StreetSy Too Mcnber et the Audit m.p.h. tonight nnd TnoMlay.' an Invitation to all Inlereated In 18 holes Of golf, the stranger MeDonald-Johnson Sunday Afternoon REXALLDRUG managed only one long straight Bureau e f Olrcnlatioa adult* and high school young peo­ Manchetter-^jf^^CUy o f Village Chmyn drive,, our friend wrote. When the ple to attend the race relation* The \iox office at Manchester panel -diacu**ion to be held in Who? Me? modern homemaker la the throw round was over, the beginner, in The things policemen run fnto... pillow. Throw pillows are especial­ the clubhouse, kept saying, High School will open- tomorrow OPEN (Clasatned Advertising on Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS Woodruff H * » at the church on ly adapted to use In contemporary "Wasn't that drive marvelous?" n o (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, (iONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1958 Monday at 8 p.m. Wednesday night the young pa- morning at 10:30, and remain open VOL. LXXVlI, : 117 trolpian walking his beat in the settings where the casual look is Finally, one of the, others turned until 2:30 p.m. when the color film INtffth End came upon a girl about so Important. Throw pillows rep­ to him and said, " ’Yes, it was a The Manchester WAXES will and natural Jiistory lecture, ^0 years old sitting on the side­ resent the best In Informality. - good drive. Too bad you can’t have meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. at tjie' "North to the Yukon," by Cleve­ Ml M W I SUNDAYS walk about 8:30. She was busily But wise homemakers use throw it stuffed!" Italian American Club. Weighing pillows carefully to .get most from In will be at 7:30. Following the engaged in scooping up and eating land P. Grant will commence. them. That’s an Order! business session there will be handfulls of snow. Manchester High Student Coun­ 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. A bit taken aback by this The secret is to select the sofa or A former resident of Manches­ cil member* who will serve as group discussion on calorie count­ chair w’here the throw pillows will hr FREE strange behavior, the policeman ter writes back from Army camp ushers are Charles 'Van Ausdall, MANCHESTER ing, and general diet helps and be most effective. Then Experiment Snarls State tips. Prospective new members are carefully and kindly explained to about the many messages which Wesley Fisher, Sam Foster, Jean the youngster that she would to see how they look best together. the OC pins to the bulletin board. SHOPPING PARKADE Invi^^d. Kerrigan, - Katherine Martin, catch cold unless she got up. "Be­ Set them down in precise position All of them have a P.S. which Beverly Phillips, Steven Provost sides,” he added. "I don’t think with relation to each other. stress the urgency of the matter. and Donald Selpel. In observance of World Day of your folks would appreciate this.'' One day a plain sheet o£ paper The performance is being spon­ Prayer service at Emanuel Lu­ Get with U The little girl paid him absolute­ was pinned to the board. Down at sored by the Manchester High 1 • theran Church Feb. 21 at 2 p>m.. ly no heed and continued scooping Once upon a time there was a the bottom of the paper was School Parent Teacher Organisa­ • • ALUMCA'UM COMBINATION W INDOW S and DOORS i a special service for children will and eating despite further re­ king who had to appoint a new printed the line, "A ll who have not tion for the benefit of Its scholar­ wA iff Drifts • of Nation take place under the co-chairman­ marks In a similar vain by the of­ prime minister. He had difficulty done so, do so immediately.” ship fund. The PTO states that • ship of Mrs. Tom Morley and Mrs. ficer. in deciding which among three of tickets for the Grant entertain­ • John Talcott, with Mr*. Ralph • Finally the patrolman decided his counselors was best fitted for Is the Price Right? ment have purposely been kept • Warren serving as pianist. The the high office. GOT A PICTURE WINDOW to take a different approach he A local man walked into Joljn nominal in order that this shbw be • children's program will include a drew himself up and ba'rked in He Called them all before him avUiable to both young and old. • flannel-graph Bible story, hymns Merz’ North End Barber shop one true top-sergeant fashion. “ Get and said to them— day last week and asked. "Did you particularly to family groups who • and meditations geared to the "I am going to paint a spot on Bachrach Photo OL PROBLEM? > up!" want to talk to me. John?” Mrs. Edward J. McDonald Jr. wish to sf^tend. C o l d ^ a v e 11 Communities Set grade-school level. your forehead. It'Will be either red Eisenhower Sends Still clutching a handful of "What about?" the barber asked snow, the little girl scrambled to or blue. I am going to place you With a surprised look on his face. LOTS OF CONDENSATION? 'The Sacred Heart Mothers Cir­ ' Miss Carol Eleanor Johnson, her feet without a word, looked at in a room in such a w-ay that you "About a haircut," the man cle will meet at the home of Mrs. daughter of Mr. and-Mrs. Carl A. •9 ft Death ToHI him apprehensively for a min­ can see each other. You will not, smiled as he started to take off 6 ' LOSS OF HEAT? State of/Emergency Joseph Massaro. 52 Hlllcre.st Rd., Johnson, 173 Henry St., became Board Agenda 4 New Note to Reds ute and departed. however, be able to see the spot his overcoat. Monday at 8 p.m. the bride of Edward J. McDonald « Surprised but gratified at solv­ on your own head. "What do you want, an esti Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward UNCOMFORTABLE DRAFTS? "As -soon as you see a red spot 1 Now at 140 ing what could have been an ex­ mate?” John queried. J. McDonald Sr., 127 Dickerman Hoarlng Room— Municipal Building ByylHE ASSOCIATED PRESS Sunset Rebekah Lodge will hold tremely awkward situation, the on the head of either of your com­ Tuesday. 8 p.m. Its business meeting Monday at 8 Rd.. Newton Highlands. Mass., In YES— IT IS N O W THAT TIME OF YEAR 1 Waahlnglon, Feb. 17 VaIt:T".*h.®deiiverv young policeman heaved a sigh of panions. raise .vour hand. After you Pay-As-You-Go Public Hearings said In advance of the delivery By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A near-lilizzani^nowslorm roared northward out of Con­ p.m. in ^ d d Fellows Hall. District a ceremony in St. James' Church Preiident Eiaenhower in a by U.8. Ambassador Lewellyr relief and continued on his rounds. have figured the color of the spot Then there Is the local barber this morning *t 11:30, with the Proposed Ordinance amending I The*e problem* are our specialty,'Let u* make ynar necticut todavyleaving 11 communities in states of emergen­ Deputy President Mrs. Ethel As- on your ow-n head, leave the room. new letter to Soviet Premier Tom pson that the note wouk! The coldest weather of the pinwall will conduct a school of in­ who has decided he'd rather just be Rev. John P. Blanchfleld officiat- the Supplemental Pension System picture window* the enjoyment they were meant to be winter swept in today over r cy from a lO'To 18 inch .snowfall and at least nine persons Pint-Sized Then tell me how you determined a barber all the time, and not an Ordinances of the Town concern­ Bulganin haa suggested- that be made public here a* soon struction, to which all lodges in the color." by installing the proper type of storm windows. word was received it was in, Bul­ wide area of the eastern dead. ThstriCt IP have -been invited. Bill Simpson of The Herald's ad­ accountant part time. ■tresented in marriage by her ing employment of members of the i both sides work through “ nor­ In the storm’s w'ake came a lilast of frigid air that dropped vertising department received one The counselors entered the A sign in his shbp says'". . . . father, the bride was attended by System beyond the Normal Re­ u mal channels” for an eventual ganin's hand*. United States on the heels of Members of the visitmg lodges will room. A t the right moment they NO JOB TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE temperatures around the state to near-zero. Even colder fill the chairs. Mrs. Dorothy of tho.se contemporary greeting Finance Co. Moved to Siberia." her sister, Mrs. Thomas E. Wilson. tirement Date. S East-West summit conference I. But the text was not released ^ ^ raging .snowstorm. At least' j cards this week from an unknown became visible to each other. All 78 Hemlock St., as matron of immediately nnd there waa no " weather wa.s forecast for tonight. Ewing heads the refreshment com­ 'Pnbllc Discussion on Agenda Item* < CALL US NOW— MI 3-2856 i He described present efforts, prompt inihcatlon when it would' deaths w ei e atti ilnited to admirer. raised their bands. Long 'Visit honor. Miss Mary Bancroft of Unfinished Business 0 The Weather Bureau at Bradley Field forecast: Partly mittee. One counselor noticed that the • an an “ imnaaM. ” I be put out. the stinging fury which swept On the front of the card, a Two elderly women were buying Babylon. Long Island, N. Y., col^ To see what action the Board M an “ impasse.' cloud\’ and continued liitter cold tonight and Tuesday. The husky athletic-type individual was other two had red spots on their lege roommate of the bride,, was • • The President’s not* reportedly from Mississippi to Maine The public is invited to attend the shoes in a Main St. shoe store one will take concerning the ' recom­ In what was in effect a depicted along with the words, foreheads. bridesmaid. Francis McDonald was • HOME SPECIALTIES CO. • low. tonight zero to .o i)clow and the high Tuesday 5 to 10 special youth service tonight at day last week. When their respec­ mendations of the Town Counsel reply to Bulganin’s criticism seeks to pin down the P.uaslan* over tlie weekend, “ You're a real 4-letter man." For a minute no one mpved. tive clerks went searching their best man for. his brother and relative to appeals to the Court of • regarding any summit meeting *r- Littl. relief wa» forerast as degree.>»^. AKso, gusty winds tonight and Tuesday at 15 to 7:30 at the Salvation Army Cita­ ''Ah. very impressive." Bill After that, one counselor left the • lo b Brawii’^ h o r lit Pringla stock, the two women began con­ ushers were Kenneth McDonald, Common Pleas from the Grand list of Secretary of State Dulles. rangement*. In Moacow Weatern- metropolitan area* began to dig 25 m.p.h. del. when a number of Assemblies thought. He changed his mind room. He told the king the spot on • versing with each other. another brother,* and Thomas E. of 1956. Eisenhower said any prepara­ er* ipeculaled the letter may re- iheir way out of traffir-crippling i Mayors of at lea.st 11 communities used emergency procla­ of God churches in the Greater however when he turned to the sec­ his head was red and explained "Is Manchester your home?” one Wilson, brother-in-law of the bride. To see what action the Board • • TUB AND STALL HHOWER ENCLOSURES i» • tory wrork' “ would, as far as move the last major roadblock to anow* and normal buaine** actlvl- Hartford Area and western Mas­ ond page.. mations to clear streets of traffic and parked vehicles and al­ whv he was sure that must be so. of them asked. The bride’s gown of hand-clipped will take concerning appointments n-goUation* for such a conference, tie* were luipended in many sachusetts will be represented. The Written there was "J-E-R-K." He was right and he became Chantilly lace was of ballerina the United States was con­ low snow plows to go to woik before the colder weather com- “ Oh no. I'm from Massachu­ to the Charter Revision Commis­ In Moacow Ambasaador Thomp- amaller communitle*. Rev. David Flower of Springfield prime minister. How did he figure length. The fitted basque, bodice cerneo,cerned, reqrequire u ire thetne part id through a heavy *now- in the Norlheaal. Weather Bu will bring the message and a Hart­ setts," the olhei replied. Then, as sion. I plicates matters even more. • He'll Finish It, Too it out? How do you figure it out? had a scoop neckline and long, secreta ry o f ,torm to the Soviet Foreign Office reau* *aid the bitter cold would ford orchestra w ill play. an afterthought. "But of course. New Business . pation of our Schools and many faclorioa ^ ^ A couple of weeks ago, snow We'll give you the answer next I've been staying here now for 35 tapered sleeves. Her veil of silk gtate.” today to deliver President Risen- rontinu. probably through Wednes- To see what action the Board wrr« closed. People generally stay- ^ 1 0 1 * 1 1 1 O l * 1 6 l S falling on Manchester forced week. years." illusion was of finger tip length bower * replj' to Premier Bulga- tlsy at>~Fr8ncei Security Council ■when. It meets the snowstorm which today was Blizzard The bride is a graduate .of Man­ *64 CENTER 6T. MI *-M14 rating devices available to the the same cards, only in color in­ Four Aces Lead 'WILLIAM .1. SIN.VAMON ad T.mleio' tkdav accontofl ■ arranged .wirllng in vinabated power out feed it to. ' Former Olympic ski star Ole chester High School and Lasell the time of your choice. One North Canaan dairyman' Hagge, caretaker at Camp Slowe stead of black-and-white,' were be­ Junior College. Aubumdale. Mass. 78 Hemlock St-, Phone MI S-8SS2 and Tunisia today accepted the controver- over the Gulf of,St. Lawrence, ing given away- free. Setback Tourney the good offices of the Lnitefl; ,y such a move usually results' a *u te of emergency was de- threw away 1,000 quarts according °h Long Pond, learned of the The bridegroom graduated from ■•SmssMsf f-occ. ^ scouts' plight when one of them "They saw you coming," one of Boston College and is presently States and Britain to .settle in cutting off debate on an iaaue dared in many New England Manchester Area Snow on skierl to his home to infoiliT the' MstrspsIMm Ilf* IstsrsMs Cssisssy Lee's companions said. . Theae round table diacussions are open to all. ♦ he Fp*»nph-Tiini«i*n crisis 'lefor* it start*. towns where more than two ,'eet 18 Inches In .New Haven The Four Aces hold a ,4-point serving with the Marines at Camp I MwUms Avssm, Nsw Tsrk 10, N. Y. sc out's parents they were safe. Join with others and find out the cauaea and the The offer was made this morn- Bourgiiiba ha* *aid T.inisia of new snow piled up Police, Are New Haven appeared to bo most lead in the K of C setback tourna­ Lejuehe, N. C. Manchester continued plowing- trian. were repot ted during thei past parked cars, the snow crew.s Hagge, whose home is about half .Any More Questions? Inc to F'rance and vesterdav to would withdraw Ita complaint to and civil defense volunteer,* went crippled, with a total of 18 inche.s ment. Scores: remedies for unemployment, inflation, recessions, and .shoveling il.s way back to nor­ storm as car owners heeded police V ere able to' make straight a mile from the ramp, earned food The discussion \yas on Lincolp^ Four Aces, 1,444; Messier’s, high coat of living and other ilia that inflict so­ Timl..\i . . ellent . " during the , Branford. West Haven and Deib> FUDGE / V •a an expansion of Tuni.sia's previ- good office* would take, but pre- .Monday sessions in all Manche.s- , .North l-Tnd, i ‘ , offjrials generally reported this He wrote that one day he and home of William F. Mozzer at ZS' -’torm and .said that he certainlv CHOCOLATE and PENUCHE ^ , Lb. No serious damage. Just well- 44 VILLAGE ST., MANCHESTER— MI 9-3697 ter schools were called off by j morning that snow removal Wallingford, F'eb. 17 i.Ti — Col. two friends went to the course, roasted peanuts. ous protest against the French air sumably their diplomatic conversa- Reds Disclose Doane .St. The blaze, which start-1 ‘ Bernel Balchen. scheduled to apeak attack Feb. 8 on the border village lions with both parties will con- School Siipt. .Arthur H. Illing ye.«- well iindei way, 'ed in grease u.sed in deep fst fry-j (( ontiniied on Rage Eight) •State Police re)>orted no major to a current history group at c f Sakiet Sidl Youssef. tinue , , , teiday. ing. caused considerable smoke Would Block Cktuncll I>eb*te \ Bourguiba aaid in an interview Plane with 32 .As the storm began letting up, accidents on the stale s highways, j damage. Firemen confined the Snowfall for most Connecticut | (Continued on Page Eight) ’The council la acheduled to de- h, had enlarged hi* demand be- the temperijtiiie started to drop to blaze to the kitc hen aiea. bate the first Tunisian complaint cause France had countered hi* near the zerK, mark in some out­ Cold Spoil lo Hold areas ran around to to 15 indies. . on ’Tuesday. 'Hie Britlah-Anierican first protest to the U.N. with a In North Korea lying areas. The weather fore- Crews Buttle Storm Stafford'Springs reported 1-5 inches. ^ offer was designed to avert the demand for a U.N. investigation o f , ______ — MLS Korean capital asserted the plane ing 1.5 plows and tw o graders. ' beginning of the period .will Wallingford 10 and New Haven. 7. Check our fawest prices diaputihg countries would tell the- (Continued on Page Two) morial Hospital in the ambulance "fled to North Korea i in protest ! manned by 30 workers worked Bernard Schwartz today told around noon. He had been shovel­ moderate somewhat on Tliiirs- US. weather forecasters at congressional Investigator* there ifa )t I For Quick Results against the Syngman Rhee govern­ ing snow for several houra in front throughout the night and the next dav followed by colder again Windsor Locks predicted a cloudy and large high quality stock ment's war policy. " day at the task of keeping the | I* circumstantial but not direct NOTION SALE BUYING or of the State Theater which he by Saturday. Monday, with a few scattered e^ lden<-e of White House at- of MancKester SRI.I.I>'G It waa believed one or more manages. town's 1,50 miles of highway clear.! anow fliiii jea and much cnlder aid. 7 Days in .3x5 Cabin The normal tenipeiature for tem|>ls to Influence the award of I 6 p »n Day and Thurs. ond Fri. Evtninqs Commuhista liosided the plane and Shepard was reported in "fair With only .41,000 left in the snow ^ the Hartford area is 30 and The Arctic air comes from I MONDAY ONLY! | forced the American pilots to fly removal budget at jiie start of the 1 a liotly contested Miami televi­ condition" today hy a hospital ranges from a high of 40 lo a winds circulating around the sion ciiannel. Schwartz, testi- ' north, Korean National Airlines spokesman. .storm, officials of the Highway De­ low of 19. Total precipitation sloriii, now located over eastern (KNA) charged the plane's pas­ partment were planning to ask the | fying^iindei; oath before the spe­ Only four automobile accidents will average one half tec three .Maine, plus air from a high prea- cial House subcommittee which Anyone Could Do It, ’ sengers were kidnaped. including one involving pedes- Board of Directnis for more, quarters of an inch with snow r y T l D C t h e best The U.N. command will meet the . monev. dismissed him as it* counsel last Modalin* Smith Arthar Wilkia Elva T.yitr Eiii* M *y*^ about Fridav. (C'onttniied on Page Right) week, also said Investigator* Potterton's Communists tomorrow and demand They were continually hand!- I Ml 9-1M2 Ml » - 4 m Ml 0-4469 MI 9-6481 CH IIIIL IN TOWN! 130 CENTER ST. COR. OF CHURCH ST. .(the return of the plane. capped by the high winds that learned that C-ol. Gordon Moore Test Space Man Says The Pyongyang broadcast gave I caii.sed the powdery .snow lo drift had been a partner In a Domini­ no details of the plane, it'* passen­ NeMs Tidbits across t!ie streets .soon after the can Republic shipyard with two officials of Pnbllc Service Inc. John Bissall Gastan Rtolty Ca. gers or where it landed. It said only Culled from a I’ Wires. plow-e^as.sed by, Rebels Boost Confusion PI S-fi8Z8 SUMMIT ST.-MLS No. 675 Ml 9r57SI San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 17 i-P)-^-ulated 18.000-foot altitude waa that the plane landed at a North Easier Than Ijist Korean airport at 2 p:m. BLAST'k i l l s 6 Airman DonaJd G. Farrell com-1 maintained iit the apace chamber, ^ I Although almo.st twice 'as much Evansville, Ind„ Fch, 17 fipi — pleted aeven days in a make-believe - Farrell'* other comment* on the Previou'sly the Communists had Harold E. .Stassen says summit snow fell. Frederick Lewis, As- STOCK remained silent on the fate of the An explosion in zero weather de­ ■pace ship yeaterday and came out test included: . , . u meeting should be held with Coni- aiatant Supt. of the Highway De- j, On Control of Indonesia Goodehild Realty stroyed a farm home here early Stonlay Bray •avine "I believe anvone could have "I lost four pounds but I could pi^ne. miinist Poland and ( zeclioslovakla partmenl. .said this stnriii wasn't i loda.v. killing five person*. Two Ml 8-7935 done the same thldg. ” I « ff‘>rd to lost four pounds. I only The U.N. command said the added to participants and U.N. [ "nearly as hard to handle " as the Ml 8-6373 .fakarta, Indonesia. Feb. 17 or- •winch receives millions aiiniiall.v otliers were injured. -A house Scientist* at the School of Avia- w elg» . , , , plane waa tracked by radar north j See|-etary Dag Hammai skjold act last one because it wa.s a powdei- of the truce line before it vanished Indonesia's new rebel goveiinmcnt in ro.valties anri foreign exchange next door and a grocery across tion Medicine at Randolph Air ^ ing as modeiator. .Gen. Lauris type snow, " the qtrcci were damaged. Mr. Force Bane jubilantly agreed that I kept bust enough that yesterday. South Korean'militar.v , Norslad. NATO's European com- '‘If this snowfall had the Water on Sumatra kept up an cconoiiijc' from them. " Wolton W. Grant barrage at the central government- Motor Iraiispoi t on po|iuUnis and Mr- Virgil OglesbJ. » Bnmia Cantar the 23-year-old native of the Bronx. I there was no thought of personal sources reported that radar had says preliminary‘discus-1 content of the last one. we’d have Aqonev followed the DCS at least 60 miles ^ gionn started tow ard locating been bogged dow n for days," he on .lava today with no indication .lava al.so is dependent on Sunia- dniightrr, Mrs. Ogleeby’s brother TReniont 8-S46S N. T, «.d pro».« U-.l m.» “ ■so tar of it.s ptfccti\eness Iran oil Oilmen .say the govern- and her nuither were killed. Two M I S-il53 ftirthei north to .Sunan, site of * - jsunching sites for I’.S. Interine-' said, "that stuff Issi time was so PRICE a Red Air Base near the North | dintn Knnge .Missile in France. ■ heavy it took twi- e as long to I’resideiit Sidtarno'.i .Arniv chief - mcnt-licld sectors of Borneo could OgIrsb,v son* were injured. lejilicd with an apparentlv iiiieii- not begin to suppl.v Java s needs, tion," Farrell said after a solid i thing that transpired. Korean capital of Pyongpang. | Force says there ..is "strong move.” YOUR HEATING SYSTEM fnrcoiihle nr-der fdr the airesl of In the islands outside Java, INGKII) MUM ON ’CM-ANCE weeit in a hermaticallv sealed tank , u. leaving the southern port L„,„„.,ry requirement" for bases it Another factor which helped the JarvIfi^^Molty Ca. Clifford Honsen hlgliw-ay department wa.s that lh,e toji letiels. most of tliem in there still were inriiortant holdouts Rome. Feb. 17 iJh — Ingrid rhatthat representedrepre!^“ ^ of « I ° building *in Spain.. ..Kormy Bergman today declined to com­ MI 8-4119 Ml 8-ISOS i to make a trip to the moon. yesterday, the U.N. said, the plane j president Herbert Hoover to make most motorists had heeded police the lebel stroiigliold of (cnlral against the rebel regime. ; CONVERT TO OIL HEAT NOW! apace ship. I "It - woiilil ’ be easier --If there^veie - schedule at Taegu p,.,nc,p„| addres.' Saturda.v at i warnings made to keep thru cars .Sumatra T)ie military commander in ment on a published report link-. Ing her w ith Swedl*:i theater im­ • Call Us! We'll Be Pleased To Submit An Estimate. ‘■leouldnt \vhl*t>. : someone with yon but that is just * Washington's Birthday prog: ant, of ' off the streets. The reliel govvtninenl ditiled 4U ,s„,|th Siimalrn, I.t. Col. B.u'lian. Other than that the calm volun- p,,opinion. ” presario la rs Schmidt. Rome (Continued on Page Two) Freedoms Foundation when awards ; Without having to inch their w ay h’nnks in the t.'uiled .Stales and IHj up duler of the day declar- teer,reported few physlca or men- | Bronx, his friends ol -Mis* Bergnuw were • ROTARY or PRESSURE BURNERS Sharwaod A. Botchltr Welles Agency I lo more tjian 700 individuals, j ------^------; olher coimn ies tlinl all goM bal- his territory ■ tal discomforts on being lp4 - - "OIL HEAT IS Cf.EAN HEAT" *i*a. " I Wailzed that I ,w’* » on the freeze* to death after beg*o|ning 18t’amfd?-a Savirigs Bank* , „ : ‘7^a?teV a’ncl'"'filmiva" aind' Vh'e | pro-Sukarno governnw GREEN ground at all tim**- There-wait no foot cabin wi|!h no niorc fuss than atalian seaplanes from Syracuse N.s! .Ai d e »| C e s ' N 'A S»k r '• ■ ' and Taranto, British planes finv wedded between, roof ; and bver-. | Police have launched an inve8ii-T' » " S“ - i AY ,, operate, moat-i Simiatri ordered all trade attd, STAMPS \ Rool Eftata iCanter , fear auch as there might i^ in a «lir>nir>nr frrtm larlHfstr : r \ t t)>ak.#4Aath I'LO,> HI L-f U ...... 1 . _ -----zsA n tru V Carlo, - Egypt, *7' Idh— Freiident N***er ^onlenrod to- MeKinhay Brathars Kan Ostriiuky East Hartford, Ooan. ^ Earla S. Rahon real apace thip. Other thah that she was using to reach her aecoqd- FAIRWAY FOGARTY BROTHERS, INC. in almost the same .fushlon. HI* 1 fleet joined in. , iie.sl iiiataliatlohs arc’ outside the area cut after the {irociamation ef | dnviwith U.8. Amha**nd» r, Boy- 97AM AIN STREET-PHONE MI S-1212 Inc. M l 8-8188 •'4A S-88M M l 8-7488 i- I H altnulated a real space ship in slory bedrohm window.. .Gov. Rib- pecta have been mentioned. *■ ' ------•— the rebel regime. . ^ / j eyea looked red a* if strained hyOfficials said the pmrtibijity that came central area controlled h>',*^*^11*^* mMd Haro, at Wa«Mn*o // 319 B R O ^ STREET— Ml 9-4539 ' ^ 80 8-8088 ■lUght." 'i - . . \ Icoff to meet tomorrejw with Legis­ rwrenwiiaiiKrentxman " said on.u ..... death. — -., . ~ , compliance wbuld strike Spac* t«*t %xperU explained two glarinif bright light* thmtlth* plui* had been forced down Hare lequMted ^ aMrilat. lative leader* to outline pinna fof a body blow at (Continued on Fnge k) l e e e i o i ■'■•pit If t&it rarrell’* non-whistling ability ■pedal General Aaaembly aeoaioiL gtowimed ftoim the fact that a »lm - ^ (CMtlBaed M l Pag* Mz) ^ , (OMttBMd «B I '• ■' ' ' ' i • ,

' " I ^ » '.r A ■ If ^ . J ' -:t . V • 7 ■ ..

' ' V • \ v MANCHESTER EVENING H^IBALD,'MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY^ FEBRUARY It, 1968 FAGE ratam- / PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERAW), MANCHESTER, CUW ., MONDAY, FEBRUARY It, 1968 sawvwu w a a d aaaaaaaaaaaaaaiwuv iV lu ai'K tl'tL fil B u t t o n Keds D isclose Paris, Tunis Accejpt Silk Town Y Sheinwold on Bridge Move Begun P lan e w | th 3 2 Notesy Quotes MAKE DECLARER mXlWT '< Good Offices of IJ.S. To Establish In North Korea TO WEAKEN HU TRUMPS . Wotifa-IbBdi wInwaMs By Alfred Shelawold N O R m (CoatlintMl from P k (« One) has mad<9 these fcllegfia, why (boatlkaed from Page Oaa) West began his defense by try­ A I 7 d there are fellegha and why they CubPtogram ing for a ruffing trick.' A fter a i A « 5 f S Weelerri •ourceli termed the new fight.” By e a r ! YOST ^ and Osan. There was no reported short time, he changed plans. He ♦ K id ______A K d Tunl»t«n move "highly embarraes- The Asian-Arab group of na­ indication of trouble on board. tried to make declarer n tf. A small group of adults met WEST EAST Ing" to the western world. TTiey tions has brought the Algerian When the airliner reached Seoul, West openedjhe singleton heart Friday night at the elemsnUry ...... ' ...... A A 5 12 A 4 feared it would give the Commu- rebellion before the General As­ )' its destination, it continued wing­ of' lack of any dear-cut better ac­ school to launch a move to es- Sahita—boy's icout salute, if y o n f Florida-bound (or a vacation ffi A K O lO tf niete a new platform from which sembly three times but It has not ing north. . tion. It is tisually wts# to open a ♦ 7422 /♦I0f5- to attack the W est been before the Security Council Ublish a Cub Scout program in please—is extended 'to Hartv Mkid- until March .!(> is Horace Murphey, The pilot was Willis P. Hobbs of long suit when you have four of ment of 18 Scarborough Rd., a superintendent of parks in Man­ A*712 AAXlOd The American embassy said before. France has previously re­ town. Survey c.arda will bi- dis­ Vallejo. Caiif., an Amexlcan civil­ dMurePs trump suit, but in this i o i m ^ jected all U.N. intervention, con­ member the (acuity at Manches­ chester. Muridiey plans to. divide ian who has worked for KNA for caiM West couldn't think o f a Boiirguiba's action had made U.S. tributed to eligible boys at the A KQ30 9 8 tending that her North African ter High School and acoutmsster of his time between St. Petersburg about two months. His wife and ioM suit to open. Where else can you obtain fuch a wide variety of HIGH QUALITY conciliation efforts more difficult. school this week to determine the Manchester Boy Scout TTOop 28 for ♦ 14 territory is her domestic concern. and F t .. Lauderdale . . . Judith two young daughters live in Hong Declarer won the first trick with ♦ A Q • US. offers of good offices had interest in town. the past 10 yeara. 1 had occasion to Rubinovf of Mane** ester has been rai.sed hope in western diplomatic Meanwhile, the military situa­ Kong. dtunmy*a ace of hearts, noting that A Q 9 1 Counting of boys In the eligible ait in on the tiM p ’s Court of Honor placed on the honor roll at Chaffee he would have to lose both black circles that France and Tunisia tion continued calm in Tunisia, A U.S. A ir Force officer, L t Col. SsMk Wmt NsHh East LENTEN FOODS at such LOW, LOW PRICES? FIRST NATIONAL has age. group of 8, 6 and }0 year-olds, program' last/Wednesday night at School in Windsdr . . . Miss Joyce aces and a heart, trick. He there­ would avert the council debate with no sign of an incident between Howard W. M caellan. 114 South 1 A Tsm 2 a Paw turned up a total of 90 boys. I f Andrulot, a sophomore at Man- fore had to tnake some proviaion Ttiesday by announcing at the Arabs and Ehiropeans. The 15.000 Dettoit, Bufdianan, Mich., was act­ 2 A PM 3 A PM French troops still in the country, all were to become Cub Scouts, the ehbster High, took first place In a ing as co-pilot. A U.N. spoktoman for his thlcd club. 4 A Pm Pm Pm opening of the meeting that they new move would have to include toiwnt contest last Saturday in con­ A t the second trick. South led OpMriag Nad — the answer to your Lenten Mealtime problems! In the list below you were already discussing a solution technically barricaded in their said American officers often fly piians for more than one pack. junction with the annual Mother- with the line to log extra flight the king of clubs from dummy. \ of their quarrel over the bombing bases by Tunisian National Guards, moved in and out freely in civilian ,A meeting of parents scheduled Daughter Valentine Tea in H art­ time and pay. East won with the ace of 'clubs and attack. for March 6 will decide some of the ford. Miss Andrulot was named the cashed the queen of hearts. W*at guaranteed -t a second trump wil^find a choice selection of nourishing and tasty foods in keeping Asked If he would negotiate di­ clothes. Bourguiba has demanded South Korean police checked the that they quit the country. questions of organization and winner for her demonstration of families of the 28 Koreans aboard carefully discarded a diamond, an trick, setti. »e contract \ rectly wdth France without a third Dally Question The President said he had yielded whether or not to proceed with modern Jazz dancing , . . Jeanette and said that kt least one soldier Important choice. party. Bovirguiba in an interview Partner dwUs and bids one to an appeal from U.N. Secretary the project The need of close Boutin of l i ^ Trotter St., a native was listed on the flight manifest East continued srith the king of with the season. As always at FIRST NATIONAL, each is of HIGHEST yesterday said "N o" and announced spade. 1710 next pUyer paaaas. and General Dag Hammarskjold not to parental cooperation in Cub Scout^. of Canada, was given her Ameri­ under a false name. hearts and South ruffed. West dis­ his new demand to -the council. you hold: Spade—J 7 6 4„ Heart— make things impossible for the ing will be a big factor in the can citizenahlp papers last Friday K N A said the airliner carried 28 carded another diamond. Soon after he Informed U.S. Am­ A 6 S 3 2, Diamond—K J, Oub— troops by denying them food. Sup­ final decision. in Hartford. passengers and a crew of four. Ndw' South cashed the meen of QUALITY, and each budget-priced to SAVE YOU MONEY. And, when bassador G. Lewis Jones Jr. of Place of the meeting has not • • • Among those on board were a clubs and ruffed a club in dum­ K 6. What do you aayT plies moved into the French camps Anawer: Bid three epadca. Thie what he had done . been decided. Among those who Rioterd Cobb of 21S HUlstown Korean Air Force information of­ my. He returned a trump and on a seminormal basis and no cri­ Jump, forcing to game, ehows good Aaka Stand on Algeria met with the Interested parenU Rd., m e of the finest athletes aver ficer, Col. Kim Ki Wan; a mem­ played the king from his hand. tical shortages were reported any­ .4-card trump support with about “ It is lime for the whole free Friday were Boy Scout Trpbp Com­ to come out of Manchester High, ber of the Natitmal Assembly who Pursues Wfainiag lin e you shop for food, the thing to SA V E is M O N E Y l where. 13 to 16 points in high cards and world to take a stand on Algeria." mittee Chslrman' John Hagan, today Joined Morlarty Bros, as an belongs to President Rhee's Liberal By this time West could see the The French Army canceled all dUtribuUon. Th U comptsta picture the Tunisian President said. "One Scoutmaster Warren /Potter and avtomobile salesman. A graduate party. Too Bong Soon, and a West winning line of defense. He de­ long leaves (or soldiers stationed is more Informative than anything can no longer continue the fic­ PTA institutional represenUtive, of Manchester High. Class of 1987, German businessman and his wife. clined to take the ace of trumps. In Algeria because of the tension yoii can tell by means of a rs- tion that It 1 8 only an affair for Weldon Miner. ^ Cobb also graduated from Virginia The airline resumed regular South had to lead the queen of between France and Tunisia. A aponse in hearts. FVance. SUte in 1941. During World War flights from Pusan to Seoul today, spades, since he couldn’t safely run communique from the Army head­ Church Atteudaaee Off (Copyright 1861, General Fea- 11, Cbbb served four years, and but each passenger was search^ the diamonds without drawing "They (the French) i have quarters in Algiers emphasired Some hardy s 53< trying to ca^ in on propaganda pean theater of operations. Troop overaeaa In Africa and Italy. The Sea Scallops M 9 the American demand for a pre­ Storm Postponements St. James’ School hall Friday promotion o r such a conference or 28, one of the largest and most ac­ former 3-eport star In high achool night Dessert consisting of cherry liminary foreign ministers con­ actually is genuinely trying to ease Three meetings which were to be held tonight have been post­ tive in Manchester, is sponsored by and college was a second lieuten tarts and coffee was served at 8 ference. a step which was ap­ East-West tensions. poned one week to Feb. 24 due to Center Church. One of the high­ ant. For four yeara, following his o'clock. The Valentine motif was plauded by Moscow. The S ^ te Department has been French Foreign Minister Chris­ the weekend storm. They are the lights of Wednesday's program was release'from service, Cobb worked used. In the decorstiona. 49< Salt Cod F is h 57' studying indications the Russians tile ptesentatlon of a little gift to witl the State Depa tment of Edu­ ELECTRONICS 8 A U A 8 D Sm elts No.i tian Pineau. however, insisted a are generating a world-wide diplo­ dinner meeting of the local Lions chapter, the regular meeting of Maidment and his wife, the former cation with the Veterans Vocation­ Ths Washington School PTA foreign ministers meeting before matic propaganda offensive in sup­ the Women's Auxiliary to the Fire Miss Esther Panciera, which will al-Agricultural Division. He la will meet tomorrow night at 8 LABORATORIES any summit talks In his latest note port of their summit meeting talk. be useful in the months to come—a to Gromyko. France is the only Department and the meeting of married and has foe ■ children, two o’clock in the White Striding, P tiS H The President has been putting baby carriage. The new brownie or aons and two daugh' rs. Hla wife, OYSTERS Out of the clear, cold depths of the North Atlantic comes this Marvelous Lenten Sea Food Treat. the Advisory Council of the Con starting with a coffee hour. Mem­ "«N TUNA PIES western nation now pressing such final touches to his Bulganin com­ cub scout is due next month 277 BROAD a demand, although the NA'TO na­ gregatlonal Church. Bernice, la a kindergarten teacher bers of Girl Scout Troop 93 and ftozw munication since a tentative draft Thanks to fellows like Maidment, at the Verplanck School. tions have insisUd on "adequate got coordinating clearance from Celebrates 10th Birthday Brownie Troop 90, both eponsored Kathleen Belcher, daughter of the boy scout project in Manches­ by the PTA, will be guests. A film, RADIO T 1 l ( V I S I 0 N preparation." this country's North Atlantic ter is as healthy as In any part'of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Belcher of "Preface to Life,” will be shown. Hagerty talked to newsmen Treaty Allies. the State. 12-01 ‘ about the letter r Eisenhower con­ Birch Mountain Rd., celebrated her The executive board will meet at CheaBol 8 laMloid, CiBB. . (SMS) B BO TU M aOM 89 7ozpkc4 9 c Hagerty also announced Eisen­ ______S Mow ilavaa. Cose. “ Imeoator For A Day” s c a l l o p s 10th birthday yesterday with a 7:15. tinued to await weather favorable hower receipt of an "encouraging" Engagement S:M ( S) BOLD dOUMNEk supper party for 12 of her school Klwanls Club Board of Directors Ckaaact IS Rartford, Ooaa. enough for him to play golf or go report dealing with the nation's do­ have voted to donate 8500 to the Chaaaol t1 SarlaafloU, Maos. "The Oeaa 8hy” quail hinting. mestic economy and prospects for friends. The youngsters danced and John D. Ambrose Jr. of 125 Ckaaoo' tS Netrlirllahi. Caaa. (IS-IS) TAAENT OOUl'TO played traditional party games. Nurses Scholarship Fund. . . Mem­ Branford St. was granted a di­ Ckiaeol 4S Hslrska. Maw. (tt-IS) IfE L U FABOO Eisenhower surived from Wash­ ending the business recession. bers of the Rotary Club will again Siemienski-Woolfolk Cbaaael SS Wsferksry Coaa. "Tko__ Frtnoner” Prfo< ington last Thursday in the hope The report, sent to the President Methodist Notes Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Slemienski vorce on grounds of Intolerable, (U> CHINA SMITH FINAST FROZEN FINAST FROZEN Thirteen people from United assist in the annual Easter Seal cruelty from Helen V. Ambrose of tdS ( I) WHIBLVBIRD8 Lenten o f finding warm sunshine which by director Albert M. Cole of the Drive for funds. Member will pre­ of Inglewood, Calif., formerly of ( SAt; HOWARD BABLOW'S OB- p r i s h would help him get rid of a cold. Housing and Home Flnsmce Agen­ Methodist Church are registered at Manchester, announce the engage­ 149 Loomis St. by Judge Abraham CBE8TBA. Oeeel: Blekard the School for Christian Workers pare the mailing lista on the night S. Bordon in Hartford Superior P R 0 2 IN Snow, sub-freezing weather and cy. says there, was "a rather sharp of Feb. 25. . . Miss Joyce Amoa, ment of their daughter, Barbara COLUMRIA 'Taeker COOKIO being held Tuesday evenings at Court on Jan. 30. There was no USAS) DANNY TEOMAB SHOW FISH STICKS rain .have restricted his recreation increase in January in the rate* at pharmacist at Manchester Me­ Lee, to Clifford Woolfolk of River­ IICYCLES (MAS) ^TWENTY-ONE LINTIN COD FILLET 'AVORITI tISH-STICKS South Methodist Church in Man­ alimony Involved in the decision p r o z i n S H R I M f to beside-the-flra^&ridge. which builders have been making morial Hospital, Is vacationing side, Calif. t:M ( S) LAWHENCE WELB SBOW chester. The second session will be 8-OZ 14-OZ The President and Mrs. Eisen­ applications for home mortgage in­ with her parents in Jamaica. . . Miss Slemienski graduated from and the woman received custody of Sales and Servloa ( S> MICEBY SFILLANE’S MIBB ^ JM HAMMER 6-OZ PKG hower are the guests—for the fifth surance commitments." held tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Newcomers to the staff at MMH St. James' School before moving to the couple's 8-monlh-oId daughter, A PKGS Miss Flora Butler of Hartford a court clerk said. US-M) DECEMBKB BRIOB 16'OZ PKG ^W February in a row—of former Sec­ Hagerty said Cole regards the include Mrs. Flora Jay, N. A., (JalKomia. She graduated from In­ SIxea 2fi to 2« (M-M) TV TREATER 5-01 3 5 < will show slides and talk on Banff (U) aOXIMO PBELIMIRABIBS 7 3 ‘ retary of the Treasury George M. increase as one piece of evidence Mrs. Gladys Totzek, N.A., Mrs. glewood High School and Is now a and Lake Louise at the meeting ISiSS ( SAt) BOXINO Humphrey and his wife at their the general economic picture may Barbara Taylor. R. N.. Mrs. senior at the University of Cali­ CkarUe doooek on. Oeno of the Women's Society for Chris­ HU'S TIRE and plantation estate. "Milestone." brighten soon. The press secretary Carolyn Chittenden, Medical Rec­ fornia at Riverside. Her fiance re­ "Ace" ArmeirSas. IS rdo. ?//or» O ulilanJin^ aCtnlen ^roctr^ Uafuti I Hagerty announced yesterday said Eisenhower tagged the study tian Service tomorrow at 8 p.m. ords; and Miss Claire McGilll- ceived his degree in bacteriology mMdlawaiakt oCtnltn frozen 'VatutS! Senior choir will rehearse REPAIR SHOP USAS) STUDIO ONE IN BOLLY­ that Eisenhower was Just about "an encouraging sign." cuddy, lab technician. . Jack San­ from UCR in 1957 and is now doing 180 Spnica St.— M l 8-0688 WOOD "Tide or CorrasUoa” GORTONS ^ - w h m m s n ready to dispatch a new letter to Last Wednesday Elsenhower got tyednesday at 7 p.m. A communion son of 85 Hamlin St., manager of graduate work in microbiology at (M-M) SUSPICION C A 8N A T 1PN Bulganin, in reply to the Soviet out a special statement saying he service w illibe held at 8 o’clock the Strand Theater In Hartford, is the University of Washington, Seat­ STATE "A Toaek si Eolt” that even in ?^ observance of Ash 8:se < S> BCUK PtW iC H Premier's Feb. .2 message to him. believes the business slump may back in Manchester temporarily, tle. NOW and TUESDAY (1A4S) BIQ FAkOFF nNMT nOZBI CODFISH CAKES ° In that message Bulganin re­ start to end next month. That Wednesday. filling in for State Theater Man­ A summer wedding is planned. MATINEE TBEATEB PRIlO statement—and the fact the White Reservations for lunch at the ager Bill Shepherd, who suffered (Color) newed the Russian call for a sum­ OO.VriNUOUS FROM 5 PM. t;M USAS) THE VEEDICT IA kODES SHMMP SCALLOPS mit conference as soon as possible. House elected to take over publi­ World Day of Prayer service to be a heart attack while shoveling PLA N TS TO P 3800,000,000 ( S) 8TAOE 7 PIVIINID PACIFIC PEARL cation of the Cole report— under­ held in Andover Friday should be snow yesterday. Indianapolis — Home garden­ i;SS US) UBIUHTKB OAk GAS H E AT scored continuing administration made tomorrow with Mrs. Kenneth . • • ers in the United States spend ( S)«KABTOOH K A F E U FLOUNDER FIllET 7-OZ PKG 5 3 ^ Parrett. "W e love our customers; we ( S) AMEBICAh BANUaTAND concern over the slump and un­ more than $800,000,000 a year for (Zl-N) UVEEM FOB A DAk INSTALLERS employment and a determination Public Records think they love ui. too,"- was the seeds and potted plants. 7-01 8 9 ^ LINTM PAVORITi IM) CFEN BOC8E TINY SH RIM P to try to avert any hysteria over Instruments filed at the 'Town theme of a Valentine window at S:U US-M) 8ECBET 8TUEM Clerk's office last week include a Watkins Bros, this week. Watkins SrSS (IS) EDGE Ok NIUH1 the situation. ( t) LITTLE BA8CAL8 The President. Mrs. Elsenhower certificate of descent from the regularly mill business reply (SS4S) AMEBICAN BANDSTAND FUEL and the Humphreys took it easy Estate of Martha Crockett to Cards to all customers who have 4:U ISS-IS) MUDRBN BOMANCE8 4'/. O Z CAN Thomas W.. Wilfred, Winifred and recently made purchases asking S;SS ( S) CISCO EID 16-OZPK g U J J ^ WAfCEFIELD'K ^ yesterday. Aides reported Eisen­ k TCLLA'S Fivorttn Jane Crockett; and a quitclaim that they check various items such < 4US) 6IJFEBMAN hower's cold continuing to improve M m rnm US) I LEO THBEE UVES le n tfifl but said It atm bothers him some. deed from Thomas Crockett to as "Was the delivery of your fur­ ( « ) TBK VIEST SHOW Wilfred, Winifred and Jane Crock­ niture made to your complete sat­ (IS) COMEUk HM E Dmmu Aa^rewt BaaSr Scett POFBYE CHADWICK A CO. GENOVA OIL ett, both involving property on isfaction 7" and also ask for sug­ Llailik Darnrll Jeka Canell S:SS US) THE BIO SHOW 884 CENTER ST.— BU 9-0688 B & PROZIN «!!« « m b % Box Mountain. gestions and comments. In this "Gentle Anaie" M Meetings Toinght "ZERO “Decision at ( S> CABTOON EXPRESS v m w K p r o z i n Roinans Surprised way Watkins can determine If cus­ e W i S * 6-OZ PKG ( S-SSI MICKEY .Mhl'SE CLl'B o7l T O N N O t u n a RANGE OIL Scheduled to be held tonight and tomers are being served properly. HOUR" Sundown” , FEATUBE FILM ‘"Woodbridge St., were given a sur­ jrNOLE ^ “ Soa at Dracala” Education at the school at marks of how much the customers (S3) CABTOON CARNIVAL US-MAS) NEWS STAR-KIST BOLAND prise party yesterday afternoon at o'clock. ’ enjoy shopping at Watkins. For S:M ( S) NEWS. SPORTS A WEATB C t) THE BIO NEWS their home In celebration of their EH United Methodist’ adult Bible Valentine's week, a ' ^vlndow dis­ ( S) .NEWS. WEATHER A (M) WEATHER CHUNK T l I M A t tOth wedding anniver.sary. 11;SS (M) FEATURE FORTY MORTON'S STYLI 1 U n A MIAT PAUL'S OIL COMPANY class is scheduled to meet at 7:30 play on these replies was designed SPORTS They were presented with gifts, (IS) «IO PICTURE tItlS U I) WEATHER AND SPORTS 369 CENTER 5T. p.m. at the parsonage as usual. by the advertising department and EASTWOO S:SS (Ml 8FOBTSCAST (M) WEATHER , U n tn n PROzm including |t0 In new bills. installed by display man Robert D S:4S US) NEWS 11:15 US) MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE Thc.v were married in St. James' “ Nerer to Love” OZ CAN Tel. Ml 3-6320 Manchester Evening Herald Blevins. Bars of wood were erect- S;U I S) TOWN CRIER (M) JACK PARR SHOW i'h (Jhurch. They have three children. Mock Hndsea Terrific Comedy 7;SS 'S I HAWKEYE—LAST OF MVIU 0 cV a 8 BoIUm correwpondent, Doris M. ed close to the ' ■window glass of MOHICANS II :M (17) JACK PARR SHOW “ DOCTOR A 24-Hour Burner Service Peter Roman, 608 Hartford Rd.; D’ltalla, telephone Mitchell their north vestibule wfndow. On perolkjr Slalsae ( s) s R E R irr or ch i8E li:U (M) NEWS PREVIEWS ' S ? S H M W f Mrs. Vei-non Herter. 20 Wood- US) 7 O'CLOCK REPORT lt:U I S) NEWS A WEATHER M ACARO N I - CHEESE b'i a r d s l e y ' t'OZ PKG A B € 8-8545. these bars were attached red “ TARNISHED AT LAR G E " M:M < ■> NEWS bridge St.; and Mrs. Nicholas Laz­ I ’or Ni^ht lUirrirr Ni r\ti r Oii?\ hearts of various sizes to which ANOELS” VlitaVIsIvo sad zaro, Chicago, 111., and four grand­ were stapled the reply cards. Two Color Nichols T I D F TUESDAY CaA ml b'liAiSbi or HI 3-4ti4b children. white hearts, surrounded with red liSS. S:SS, f;ts SISe. S:SS 6-01 6 S* SHREDDED CODFISH 20< U.S. Fears Plane roses, bore the "W e love our cus­ MonchMtar ■ Inc. II:N I H) NEWS USAS) HOTEL C'OSMOPOLITAN tomers'’ and "W e think our cus­ Wed.: VSAYOMABA” (Color) LuRch Date TusMlay (ttM ) TIC TAC DOUOB CODFISH CAKES 21< Lauded in Albania tomers love us, too" legends. GOODYEAR U :U I S) BUGS BUNNY Sk BuslBsaomen’s luncheon US-4S) LOVE OF U PE CUSTOM SUBURBANITE H:M ( S> HOLLYWOOD'S BEST Science Shrinks Piles (Continued from Page One) deaenre (and ge(J our apeclal US) 8EABCF FOR WMUHBOW attention. 7 ^ oar J SNOW TIRES (SrSSi IT COULD BE YOU (M) Mid -d a y m o v ie AAARI-PAC S N O W S New Way Without Surgery in Communists Albania could not Store and Plant 296 Broad S t 17:45 (III THE OUIDING LIGHT be excluded. There were un­ BRILLED HAMBURG t:M US) CONNECTICUT LIFE n o r m confirmed reports that the United (M) AT HOME WITH KITTY ftozw Finda HeaJioE Subatooc* That ReliavM Pain, TEL. Ml 3-5179 (M) DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Stopa Itching aa it Shrinks Hemorrhoids States ^as trying to check with Simple as-; 1:75 MT HERO FRENCH FRIED (ahrinkate) took place. At your dru(fiat. Monty back many to Turkey, carried a crew of C-of fee (SS) -lOHN DALY, NEWS < S) HANDSTAND Moat aaaiinr of all —reaulta ruarantae. seven and nine paaaengera. 7:M (*> FEATURE FILM (77-M) KITTY FOYLE GORTON'S Hozm were ao thorvufk that aalfarara •Xa«. U.a. Pat. Ot. It landed Saturday night 'a t "Last of tke Deeaeradsee” Naples to take on fuel and paa­ at Cavey's ( S) PEOPLE'S UROlUR BEARDSLEY US) ROBIN HOOD aengera. Thirty minutes after tak­ “ Tke Craesdere” DRY CLEANING (U ) THE BEAL'HeCOYS ing off for Athena it radioed that (M) THE PRICE IS BIGHT Pickup and Dtlivtry Fillet of Sole ^(.1' 59< L H ot C ross Buns it had reached 6,500 feet and was For A Tasty Meal Visit Our (Calor) CODFISH CAKES switching to the Rome Radio Con­ (M) BETTY WHITE SHOW ■ FISHER trol. It never contacted Rome. A ir (U ) MICKEY Fish Steaks <"—• Ifo 49« l:M ( 8AS) LOVE THAT JILL Force officials said it should have Cheerful Coffee Shop “ Vote For Me. Darllaz'* DRY CLEANSERS. Inc. been over the Adriatic when It USAS) BURNS AND ALLEN 826 B ro ^ S t — Dial 60 9-Tll| SHOW r 8-02 PKG last reported. Fleunder M U W M O M t Western planea flying from OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to A P.M. )3" Rome to Atbenp non)ially avoid iafHrday Till 3 P .M -^ lo s o d All Day Sunday Exclusive TRIPLE-REFINED FIRST NATIONAL STORES V , 1'^ Albania, apd there was no definite I v'i' iV. ■: ' ' ,ioiOZ PKG 5 9 < , . M v' (V Indication 'that the mlsalng C47 S'-' yA k T ilftp A' ■' .■ came near the Coinmuniat country. ATLANTIC HEATING OILS '■i fbr Ih the paat two montba, hiow«''er, fer Hooeer a British Cargo ojrliner and a U.S. L Air Force Jet trainer strayed too iC A V E Y ' $ L. T. WOOD CO. pin-up lamps cloee to Albania and were forced 4S EAST C IN TM STREET Lotetod MUa off UoUlaaff Telephone Mitchell 3-1129 'T '■ k ' >u, n, to land. Thoge aboard wera aub- S tm t on XMlaad Turaplka ■aqutnUy rtlaaaad. /1 - 4 ^ I ■ .

1 ' '■ i . t . :;t 5 . . . . " I J-.*;.'-' ■ J :• ' ■’ ^ ■ A ' '■ - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1958 IV',' • MANCHESTER EVENING HERALIH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1968 PAGE fTVH PAGE FOUR ^ ^ — ------ilW... - I III.III I iii I mill I ii W orry .\ any damage done to town prop­ 3 pjn. wlUi M n. Marion V. Graf- Education Board Coventry. erty In the future duping their ory; Girl Scout Troop 73, ait 8:30 course .of duties. p.m., CSHireh Community House; false TEETH Meeting Tonight Volunteer hours given by Police Cub Scout Pkek 8o, Den 3, a9 4 Slipping or IrrltotlngT Patrol members during January pan. with Mrs. Austin Bluto; But­ Grange Awarded ^Gimmick^ Don’t be embenaseed b» M m f i ^ follow: Eugene W. •Conner, 32; tons and Bowls 4-H, 3:15 p.m. with tMth slipping, dromlDr w The Baby; Has A budget prepared by Superin­ Mrs. Leo T. Leary, 52; Anthony Mrs. Harmon' N. Cochrane; Boy wbsa rm eei, Ulk orjeugb. Jurt tendent of Schools Arthur H. lUing Scout Troop 87, at 7 p.m., Amcrlr S S e fr s Uttfs PA8TXETH On tout At Meeting Held in Wapping Paulis, . ,33 >.i; Ernest Peloq^in, 55MTlhls piesseM and hia staff' will be presented at i i M ; George Palmer, 38H; Frank can Legion home; Board of Fi­ this evening's meeting of the Board E. Spencer Jr., 194j Thomas J. nance, 8 p.m., Town OfiSca Build­ Been Named I of Education. The budget, which Coventry Grange la in poaasa-fdnhga, who are State Orange De- Dunnack, 7 . Kenneth LaCoss. ing. will cover the operational cost of sion of Hm East Central Pomona futy and . State- Juvenile - Deputy, 38H and John T. Cousin, 28H. Get wimBTM St env drug counter. the public school extern for ItSS-SJ, Grange "gimmick.” It is open for respectively. ^ The patrol made seven arrests Mancheeter Evaalng tfaCaM must be approved before Feb. 24. raiding by afea grangf*.’ ' Leaten Sendees and IT tnvesUgationa during the Coventry nerreepesMlent. Mrs, F. On that date the budget will be To get the "gimmick," a con­ The Second Congregational period. Patrol auxiliary members' PauHae Uttle, tdepbone Fllgrim submitted to General Manager testing Grange'must be represent­ volunteer hours during last monUi 2-8281. Richard Elwood. »on of Mr. and Mr». Richard E. Scranton, Church has scheduled a aeries pf OLLirS Richard Martin. ed at a local Grange meeting by Lenten services in the Church follow:' Richard Folsom, 35>«; JO Clinton St. He wa* born'Feb. 3 at Hartford Hospital. Hia Included in the budget will be 10 or mors members. Meetings are Conununity House. There will be Richard Dubiskas, 28 Louis maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Larson. Som­ such items as new texbooks, paper at 8 p.m. the first and third discussions based On the B 1 h 1 e Marschat Jr.,, 15; Marcus Hamil­ Six Rencued from Ice AUTO BODY ers. and his paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James Scran­ and classroom supplies, as well as Thursday of each month. which will be open to the public. ton, 15; Malcolm E. C. Deyine Jr.. ★ W E LO IN G i ton. Hillstown Rd. the teachers' salary scale which 15H; Joseph Dobrowolsky, 49Mt; New Haven, Feb. 17 (API — Six • • • • • Local Master Raymond L. Pen­ The first «essibn will be from has been raised this year. Starting der, with 12 members, attended Edward Wilson, 38H, Anthony New Haven teenagers were safe ir AUTO lODY and Lisa Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gagnon, 140 8 p.m. to 9il5 p.m. Wednesday, In­ and warm after a nonaehedulad pay for. a B.A. . degree is now Wapping Grange last week to stead of Thursday, on “The Use of Santoro, 21 aftd Miller Bassett, FENDER REPAIRS Prospect St. She was bom Feb. 3 at St. Francis Hospital. Her S4.000 and ranges up to $8,500. bring the “ gimmick” home. 34^4. trip ininto Long Island Sound Sat- maternal grandparents are Mt. and Mrs. William Mack, Grafton, Possessions.” There will be a short u r ^ . Construction costa are not in­ Members are taking part in the coffee hour after the discussion Cattidlic Lenten Seryloaa ★ COMPLETE CAR Mass . and her paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs. Harold cluded in the budget. The teenagerd were playing ion National Grange sewing contest. period. Special. Lenten services. In 8L a Cove he PAINTING Gagnon Sr . tVllmington. Del. She has a brother, Harold HI, 1. Two other item, m the agenda „,e public. There M a ^ s ' Church ‘ ^ v e been an­ a aheet of Ice at Morris' Coveliere Subsequent meetings, to be held when the ice broke off and started tJtOQUEll and ENAMEL I *'■* ■** groups. One for those same time and place, follow; Feb. nounced by the iCev. ^ m a rd . J. Mark Richard, son of Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Demko, 18 drifting. 8 27, "The Afterlife": MarcA 8, "The Foster, pastor. The Holy Lenten It drifted for 15 minutes Into the Griswold Streot Olivw Rd He was born Feb. 8 at the' Manchester Memorial entatlon of the second section SeasM will .start Ash Wednesday Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles proposed rules and regulations for tor^those 18 years or older. Lust for Personal Power": March Sound with its human cargo before TeL MI-9-S025 the Board. Those interested should contact 13, "Docs Justice Triumph? when ashed’ will be blessed before firemen manning a conuhandeered Pillard. 116 Waddell Rd.. and his paternal grandparenU are Mr. the 8 a,m.'Maas., to be distHbuted and Mrs. MarUn Demko, Coventry. He has three sisters. Bar­ The Educational Policies Com­ the nearest Grange member or March 20, "How Many Times to rowboat, rescued the six. Mrs. Anna Anderson for details, Forgive": and March 27, "Self bara Jean, Robin Ann and Donna mittee will report on the possibility The teenagers, alt unhurt, are • » • • • of setting up a new high school as they must be sponsored by the Control.” Ashes will again 'be diatributed Ann Tledemann, 13, Joan Fap- Judy Lj-nn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Beebe Jr., diploma system. The committee Grange. Entries will be Judged In keeping with this Lenten after Devotions at 7:30 p.m. here. pianO, 18, EvOlyn TOIH, 18, Lucille Church St .* Vernon She was bom Feb. 8 at Manchester Me­ will also make recommendations about mid April. Prisee will be program, the church Sunday moril- Devotions will include a service of Eapoaito, 13, James Miranda, 13, morial Hospital. Her maternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. on setting up next summer's high offered. Ing'sermons by the Rev. C. Arthur the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. and Reny.Sparaponl, 16, Sidney Lawrence, Tankeroosen Rd.. Vernon, and her paternal school .session. There will be a meeting of the Bradley; pastor,, v-lll have as their During the Lenten- period, devo­ S s A V U J L d L grandfather is Theodore R. Beebe Sr.. 8 Ward St., Rockville. 20 subordinate Grange masters texts, the Beatitudes and will deal tions win be tonducted at 7:30 p.m. RADIO OITPCT RISES and their wives In the East Cen­ with various aspects of the Chris­ each Tuesday and FTiday, starting 172,790,000 in U.S. That Interpret The New York—Production of radio tral Pomona Grange at 8 p.m. Sat­ tian life. this Friday. There wtH be Stations Byron Fraacl*. son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Yost. 71 High St., Washington, Feb. 17 (f> —. The Wishes Of The Family Rock\'ille. He was born Feb. 7 at Manchester Memorial Hos- receivers climbed near postwar urday In the hall on RL 44A. Also Dinner Set of the Cross and Benediction of the peaks in 1957, scoring a 9 per cent attending will be Mr. and Mrs. The Fragment Society of the Blessed Sacrament. population of the United States was mUl. His maternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. Frederick about 172,790,000 as of the first of Wisk. Ellington, and his paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. increase over 1956. Harry S. Klfching of the local Second Congregational Church will Sunday Masses will be conduct JOHNS. BURKE serve a roast beef dinner at 7 p.m. the year. f Francis E. Yost, 69 High St.. Rockville. ed during the regular periods at This estimate, reported by the; FUNERAL HOME Thursday in the Church Commu­ 7:80, 9:30, and 10:30 a.m., in St. Census Bureau yesterday, w as' •SL Joanne, daughter of Atty. and Mrs. Jules Karp, 56 Crosb nity House at the anrual meeting Mary's Church: and at 8:30 a.m. TEL. Ml 3-8888 Rockville.Vernon o ' the Artificial Insemination about three million bigger than the i S7 EAST CENTER ST. Rd. She was "born Feb. 8 at Manchester Memorial Hospital1 in S t Joseph’s Church in Eagle- previous year and represented a ! Her maternal grandfather is Joseph Ash. Washington, D. C„ and Breeders Assn. ■vllle. A3IBI7LANCE SERVICE About 200 persons are expected, riee of more than 22 million since ! her piatemal grandfather is Ma.\ Karp, West Hartford. She has S t Mary’s CYO will have a spe­ the last gtneral census in 1950. three sisters. Deborah Ann, 10, Anita June, 8. and Jane Eileen, 5. according to Mrs. John E. Kings cial pre-Lcnten entertainment pro­ • « • • • City Streets Open to Traffic; The Bureau said both births and bury, general supper chairman. gram at 7 p.m,, Instead of the reg­ deaths in 1957 reachad record Sharon Vicki, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Victor Fletcher, The society will be aasieted by ular 7:30 p.m., tomorrow in the totala for any year in U.S. hlatory. Read Herald Advs. 11 Warren Ave., Vernon. She was bom Feb. 12 at Manchester Snow Removal Progressing its Gleaners Group. Mrs. C. Arthur church hall. There will be a full- Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother la Mrs. Hope BrasHey and Mrs. John Schmidt of length film shown with refresh­ Davis. South Vernon, Mass., and her paternal grandparents are the group will be- co-chairmen of ments and music. The program Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher, East Hartford. She has a Mayor Herman G. Olson re-' catTy his operator's license and the dinner. will end at 9:30 p.m. TUIC GET AHEAD WITH A brother, Randall, 10. ported this morning that all Rock­ Lloyd with loaning hia operator’s Tomorrow, a group of laymen Starting Feb. 25, and continuing • • • • • ville's streets were passable and license. Court date is set for of the church will attend a meeting through the Lenten period, the Kim Louann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W, Cook Jr., snoiV was being removed from March ,J. ' of the Tolland County Congrega­ group will have Its meetings each Maple St., Ellington. She was born Feb. 10 at Manchester Me­ the city center. Massey said he stopped the pair tional Laymen's Assn in Hebron. Tuesday after the 7:30 p.m. devo­ After a tour of inspection early on a routine check and alleged that President Henry RuaiMll Stafford BILL CLEAN-UP morial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother is Mrs. Kenneth J. tions. 1 Arnold, Maple St.. Ellington, and her paternal grandparents are this morning, the mayor said that Llovd loaned his driver’s license to of the Hartford Theological Semi­ Court Cases Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Cook Sr.. Klbbee Rd., Ellington. drifting snow seemed to be the Hyde. nary will be speaker. The group b Pey leftover teesonal bills • * • • • biggest problem. Hospital Notes will lea ^ the Second Congrega­ Cases disposed of in Trial Justice and reduce high monthly pey- Court Friday night were those of Timothy Alan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester F. Bycholski. 32 Motorists are warned not to park Birth Saturday; A daughter to tional Church parsonage at 8:30 ments with a prempt loan hare. in the main business section any­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hruniak, p.m. for the 7 p.m. r.-eetlng. Henry J. McCaffrey. 43, of Rt. 44A, We /i*e to eay *Tfes!" when you Strong St. He was born Feb. 11 at Manchester Memorial Hos­ operating under the influence of ask for a loan. Phone for yetir pital. His maternal grandparents are Mr.' and Mrs. Terrence more than necessary so snow can Adrian Ave.. Ellington. The First Congregational Church be cleared for parking tomorrow. liquor or drugs. 3100; William loaii in one risit, or come in. in Their i^howrooms — Feb. 18 thru Feb. 22 McGann. Hartford. He has a brother. Robert, and a sister, Linda. Births Sunday: Twins, a boy and choir will meet at 7:30 p.m. Fri 0 m 4 * • Mayor Olson reminded residents Covey, 28. of Daley Rd., breach of girl, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scho- day, instead of Thursday, In the the peace, innocent; and Allen they must clear their sidewalks neld. Crystal Lake Rd., ToUand; sanctuary. > Leans up te MM LesntLOAN! IHe-lnsurad s t lew cest Jeffrey Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard O’Connell, 73 Bert Bollen Jr.. 24, of Storrs, Chestnut "st He was bom Feb. 11 at Manchester Memorial within eight hours after snow has and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Thad- First Aid Offered •8 8 MAIN $T., 2nd FI., Over Wealwarth'e. MANCHESTER stopper falling. Residents 'will be breach of the peace. $25. M lldM lI 1-4U4 . Ash fer the YC8 MANagsr ' Hospital. His maternal grandmother la Mrs, Rose Allen, Fall deus Okolo, 1 Hughes Cir., Elling­ Hie Board of Selectmen has rec­ ivheelock Elected River. Mass., and his paternal grandfather is John D. O'Connell, given one warning for failure to ton. OriN TMUtJOAT IVINtNCi ONtll • SM. remove snow and then will be ommended all Police Patrol consta­ Dexter C. Wheeloqk Jr. has been Im mV m mWMi U W Fall River Admitted Saturday: Harold Kent bles enroll in the Red Cross First elected captain'of Coventry Gram­ t IM U tm »H. M.M -W. • • • * * • given a court summons. Sr., RFD 2, Rockville: Andrew ,1 •* US SI nremen oa Duty Aid Course being conducted each mar School boys’ varsity basket­ Susan Bess, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Reit, Vernon Traill, 8 Strong Ave.: and 'William Wednesday from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 ball team for the 1958 season. § 00. " J h s tA S L Center She was bom Feb. 13 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Fire Chief John Ashe said fire­ NieoletiA. 9 Vernon Center Heights. men slept at the city’s four fire­ p.m. in the South Coventry Fire­ Tomorrow's Events Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Halperil, houses last night so there would Admitted Today: Joseoh Miller, house. Hans Hansen, accredited Coventry Grammar School PTA, Brooklym. N Y.. and her paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs. be no delay in rase of emergencies. 1 Windsor Ave. Instructor, will be in charge of the 8 p.m., in auditorium, Coventry BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. Benjamin Reit, Douglastown, L. I. She has a sister. Sally Faye, However, there were no fires. Discharged Saturday: James sessions sponsored by the Coventry PTA of Robertson and Center Q a J t A . 11 months. Nilsson Jr., Broad Brook; Ronald • • • • Chief Ashe urges residents to Volunteer Fire Assn. Schools parents invited: Defense clear snow from around fire F^iller, 51 Village St.; Miss Kath­ Constables ' have been asked to Stamps, 7:50 a.m., Coventry Gram­ Christopher Andrew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Pinto, hydrants near their homes. ryn Dimlow, 10 Cottage St.; Mrs. notify the Board of Selectmen of mar School; Nimble Fingers 4-H, 94 Valley St. He was bom Feb. 9 at Manchester Memorial Hos­ Rural residents have been a.sked Dina Herzog, 131 Union S t: Mrs. pital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank to clear snow from their mail Jacqueline Roy and daughter. 85 OF MANCHESTER Buick Crawshaw. 16 Chestnut St . and his paternal grandparents are boxes to aid mail delivery. Union St.; and Mrs. Anna Allan, aETCHER BLASS CO. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pinto, 92 Valley St. He has a brother, Greg­ There were no classes in public 50 Prospect St. 9-7878 ory Matthew, 22 months. Discharged yesterday: Mrs. Con­ • * • • • or parochial schools today. 188 HYEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE Connecticut Co. buses were ar­ stance McAllister and daughter, Chevrolet Philip Edwin Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Moors, Over­ riving in the city this morning Campbell Ave.. Virnon; Mrs. Loy- in CORNER DURANT BT. brook Rd., Vernon. He was bom Feb. 2 at Hartford Hospital. only a few minutes behind sched­ wana Minor and son. Mountain S t; DETAILS DYNAMICS He has a sister. Allison. 17 months. Mrs. Frieda SZahner, West Rd.; and « • * • • ule. NEW LARGER QUARTERS Chrysler Mayor Olson said the city's new Mrs. Helen Kulpa, 66 Village S t Carol Diane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morrison. highway equipment purchased last Meetings Postponed LaBonneSilventein Associates, Incorporated PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKING ‘ East Hartford She was born Feb. 11 at Manchester Memorial year is "paying dividends now." The PAC Club social, usually Hospital. Her maternal grandparents, are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley The extra equipment has permitted held on Mondays, has been can­ Dauphine Saaiela. 32 Norwood St., and her paternal grandparents are Mr. GEORGE T. LoBONNE JR, • LEE M. SELVERSTEIN. AUTO GLASS INSTALLED clearing and sanding earlier than celed. and Mrs. Thomai Morrison, East Hartford. She has a brother, would otherwise be possible. The meeting on tsenage recrea­ WnXIAM L. ZIMMERMAN • WILLIAM C. CARROLL Ricky, 1. State funds for snow removal GLASS FURNITURE TOPS * • • * • tion, scheduled for Wednesday has DeSoto have been exhausted, the mayor been postponed until Feb. 24 at 153 MAIN STREET— MANCHESTER, CONN. Diane Vera, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Johnston, Tol­ MIRRORS (Kr»ploc« and Door) said. Ail STOW removal is nOw be­ 7:30 p.m. in the high school cafe­ Mitchell .1-11.55 land. She was born Feb. IS at Rockville City HospiUl. Her ing done at the full expense of the teria. maternal grandfather is Glendon Donaghey. Lowell, Mass., and city. . The Vernon CD A uxilii^ Police PICTURE FRAMING (oil typM) Dodge her paternal grandmother is Mrs. Vera Chattley, Ellsworth, Maine, No accidents were reported by school meeting set for tonight has She has a brother. Arnold Jr., 15 months. either city police or Constable Eld- been postponed. Lt. James B. Mur­ WINDOW ond PLATE GLASS ward Dw-yer in rural Vernon. How­ ray of the Windsor Police Depart­ Bruce David, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Minor, Mountain ever. State Police investigated a ment, scheduled to speak tonight, THIS is the second In a series of articles designed to make CONTRACTORS: WE HAVE IN STOCK English Ford Rd., Ellington. He was bom Feb. 11 at Rockville City Hospital. number of accidents on Rl. 15. will appear at next Monday night’s you, the reader, aware of the Dj’namlc approach to your insur­ His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Minor. Cr\'s- Common Council Meeting meeting at Vernon-Elementary ance problems. The area to be discussed in this article is one that MEDICINE CARINETS ond SHOWER DOORS tsl Lake. He has four sisters. Beverly, 6, Gall, 4, Judy, 3, and A meeting of the Common Coim- School. w# find to be woefully neglected In the average insurance pro­ Sandra. 2 gram—namely, catastrophic illness or accident. Do you realize OPEN SATURDAYS—OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS Ford • » * • * cil is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. today in the City Court Room. Advertisement: that.a 30 day illness can result In a |2,000 medical bill?—that a ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN C:)arl David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Waller Traczynski, 15 Earl Reports are expected from Build­ For the added convenience of j 80 day disability could create expenses from $5,000 to $10,000 7 S t , Rockville. He was bom Feb. 6 at Rockville City Hospital. ing Inspector Roland P. Usher on our customers, all bills may now ; One last question—does your present medical reimbursement Ford His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Thorstenson, the possible adoption of the new be paid at Arthur Drug Stores, i coverage provide benefits adequate enough -to pay such heavy New Britain, and his paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. State Building Code and from the Inc., 21 Main St., Rockville. Bantly' expenses 7 Walter Traczynski, East Hartford. He has a brother, Walter Police and Lighting Committees. Oil Co.. Inc., TR 5-3271. j Thunderbird m , 4: and a sister. Sara,' 2. « • • • * Youths Arrested David Hyde. 19, Somers Rd., El­ Vernon and Talcottville news Is The chances are that you, like 95% of the people we talk to David Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard St. Germain, Ver­ lington and David B. Lloyd, Jr.. 18, handled through the Manchester about this problem, have Insurance contracts that merely cover non Ave., Rockville. He was born Feb. 10 at Manchester Me­ of Somers, were arrested last night Evening Herald Rockville Bureau. in-hospital and surgichl expenses. One of our new clients, whom “A LM OF GARAGE Lincoln morial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. by Supernumerary George Massey. 7 W. Main St., telephone TRenoont we met too late, was in this “ incomplete coverage" category. His Harry Masichuk. Ellington, and his paternal grkndparents are Mr. Hyde is charged with failure to 5-3188. earnings averaged around 38,000 per year. Last year, he devel­ and Mrs. Lucien St. Germain, W. Main St., Rockville. oped a critical 'heart condition which resulted in the following FOR SO LITTLE MONEY” PARTICIPATING Mercury medical bills. In leat than one year: Hospital, 35.302; surgeon fees, $2,000; nurses, 34,0ld; expenses at home during convales-' Loan Failures Drop Prefab Reactor Made madame-—got a minute to answer cence. 31,700; total . . . 812,712. Our client had a good hospital­ ization plan but these plans are limited in scope. He was reim­ Oldsmobile Chicago — At the end of the Paramua. N, J. — A prefabricat­ bursed for $1,956, covering part of the hospital bills and part of third quarter of 1957, mortgage ed, portable nuclear reactor that the aurgical bills. Nursea’ feet and convalescence were not cov- DEALERS... delinquencies were at their low­ can be installed In buildings with­ «red at all. < est point since 1954. «The United out excavation has been developed Opel Stales Ba'vtngs and Loan League for training purposes by a Para- reports that a recent aiirvey mus concern. TTie low-powered, It is too late for our client to Inaure himaelf for futura finan­ • BEAUPRE MOTORS, Inc. ■bowed 2.05 per cent of almost pool-type reactor is designed for cial setbacks of this nature, but he was able to insure the rest of Plymouth 2.500,000 loans were delinquent at use in universities and engineering his family under the new major-medical insurance plan available the end of September compared schools. It is said to have all the and tailored to inaure against Just such medical catastrophies. with a 2.23 per cent ratio at the features normally found in larger .Even more important ia the-fact that the contract is non-cancel- • CARTER CHEVROLET CO Jnc. end of September 1966. and costlier units. lable and guaranteed i:enewable for life. The. premiums are ex­ Pontioc tremely reasonable, with protection up to $10,000 available for an average annual coat of $100.00. FOR lA IY'S SAFETY. HEALTH, COMFORT ~ " ; I "■ .... .»' • CHORCHES MOTORS Rambler The moral of this atory la—don’t be misled into thinking that USE OUR FERSONALIZED your hoapitallsation and surgical plana, whether group or per­ sonal, Insure you against more than limited medical expenses. Renault We would be very happy to discuss major-medical insurance with • DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES, Inc. you in greater detail at your convenience and with no obligation DIAPER SERVICE on your port—it la a part of our DYNAMIC SERVICE. Tour Baby Will Never Use Anyone Else. Diapers. Vauxhall We Use DIaperene — The Rash Preventive Antiseptic You will recall from our last article that we stated that as new • PAUL DOPOE PONTIAC CALI. coverages are developed, we immediately contact our clients. the. question: A case in point happened last December when the new Family W illys ' CUPID DIAPER SERVICE Protection Automobile Bodily Injury coverage came out. • DILLON SALES and SERVICE Ml 3-2355 What is the ONE moat important reason why you chang­ • * ed to Bantly Oil Service? < . This new coverage applies if bodily injury or death is sustained ARE LBADED WITH EXTRAS AT NO EXTRA COST by the named Insured or a relative resident In the same house­ “SKILLED HELP. It’s pretty frustraUng to hold, or by guests in the automobile, or persons operating the • RED CEDAR SHINGLES OR automobile vrith the permission ct? the Insured, caused by an un- • GORMAN MOTOR SALES ■ have a burner breakdown—but it’s downright SHAKES TO MATCH YOUR HOUSE rtMlitt maddening to have a service man call who ^ inaurad automobile whose driver or owner legally liable for the m o o iricl accident. A hit-and-run automobile wtU be regarded as an unin­ as doesn’t know his elbow from a pig taill” sured car, and the coverage will apply #here neither the owner a TEMPERATURE CONTROL fall ivmRtit 8th ANNUAL BANQUET nor operator'of the hit-and-nin car can be ascertained. The same INSULATION •L&L MOTORS “ Bantly Oil repair men know WHAT to chefk protection is also given the named insured, spouse and relatives DON’T PAY US 1-CENT An Extra Special Deal On A New for and HOW to repair it quickly and effi* I of either, resident in the same household, if they are injured or • WEATHER & ROT PROOF SILLS MANCHESTER ITALIAN-AMERICAN SOCIETY ciently.’’ killed under any, circumstances by an uninsured automobile ’TIL APRIL, 1958 whose driver or, owner Js legally liable. The ma-ximum limits of • HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT SHINGLES 5 YEARS TO PAY • Maneheiter MOTOR SALES, Inc. ROSEMOUNT RESTAURANT “ What’s more— I don’t have to cancel ap­ liability available will be those required by Automobile Financial pointments to make certain the Job is done Reeponaibllity Layv of the individuU state. (In this state. $20,00a BOLTON per pereon,'320,0<>0 per accidentL - We immediately endorsed Pacloty and Display OPLN SUNDAYS toi yum Peisonal Inspection right. I KNOW it’ll he done right.” every automobile policy the day the coverage was authorized, to Car Or On A Good Used Car! include this protection, and only one aseured rejected the policy • MORIARTY BROTHERS Sunday, February 23 All our repair men are skilled in the field. endoraeihent. - FREE CATALOG * NO OBLIGATION COAST lltMOER '»> “R lL a - iS U r DINNER AT 1 PiM, "O u t RepuUtiM How many 6 t you- readers had to wait until the end of your OELCO^HEAT^^ b Tear Abeunuiee" r policy period to findd put about jthia moati imiiortant phase T un't RpY MOTORS, Inc. - CATERING BY PAGANI a,aUrtUi|ig thoughtsight wheh one: considers the largq nupnMr of \ d FU tt ESTIMATE □ FREE CATALOG ''' Are A t Their Best! T. ■'i \\ DANCING TO THK OF DCBALDO’S ORCHES'T^ iininaured mbtdriatp^still idrlrthg?V' " ’'l ' ' ■ Wiaa -----——------.Jtliee , ■ T •'7. V V > . / TlckeU may be obtained at the Italian-American Club, . -V'X:.:y. \ . How many of* yoii are riiadliif-about this for the firet time? -Oa 185 Eldridge Btreet, or from the chalmuui, John MUey, None, srt are proud to aay, are LaBo)bM*8llverateln clients. ion*-"* 28 EMridge Street. 231 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER. CONH Telephone MI 9-4595—RoekTiUt—Phoiis TR 5^327^ 'T

___ . -S . / , / O I vt . / I' » V ’ \ ■ , ’ vi :.: / • I - i \.

,>r ' ^ ^ ‘ m s -■ ■■■ ■ ■ . y-t, V. ■ ■ '' ■'■ ■• / ...... '. ■ " • ' ■■■", • " ■ ■ «■ . ’ ■ -S ‘i' MANCHESTER■ ' EVENING HERALD,' MANCHESTER,. CONN., MON DA IT, bai-BRUARY 17, 1968 PAGE SEVEN .MANCHES'PR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY,'FEBRUARY 17, 198i . PAGE diX ...... ' ■-'A/ " T '""------^— — fTT------' ...... -r— ------— r - . . s r :------— ^— — — r— :------r<— s— — AFE Hoqpttal for about 72 hdurs . upstart pretense' of a blissard, ^anrlfpatpr; big Western Europe a^eliut poten- 7 D a y s ^ j C a b i n of obssrvatloa and post-sxpsrimsnt U|U Russian sttacH is no good In whjfih had only one true blizzaM tastk fOmrsday or Friday bsfWH ^O0iuu9 ,^praUi itself, or they think there is no characteristic. That was tenadtyi fW-to ‘Now Tork for a rmmd of tiBS.OSj I## tr»-> real danger of any s u ^ Rusatnn It hated to aay goodbye. But tor radio and TV appsaiancos. •ncr oria#?S## !• - PUBtlBaKD BT JJUi wd BiaSdir laritottoni. BERAUD PRINTIKO CoZOiC. attack. that very reaaon—for ita plain a%l Do /#, ’ '•Art tut IS Biu«i strMi malevolent demonstration .of what Mane.lMter, Ogau. ■ '- Othcrwlaa, they would not be flux- THOMAB r squabbling over who is to pay the It would have liked to do to -us Lmes A TIAnif^t for T o ^ UBprtvt. WAt.TER ft reftOUSON < Publl«ti«rt cost of maintaining British troops more than It dld-^lt qualified aa'a ^pace Man Says. Spsassred by tka MBMcbyMF Pounded October 1. IMl in Germany. West Germany, so monster,', albeit a v^sJeOne. ^ T,eadirig through''’ ‘'American ,,, OooaeU of OWEBbes Pubtubed Eeerr ETemng Exce. far, refuses to agree to pay the. n e comparable February storm Mottoes and Slogana,;' ^ e of the ’^SCIENCE SURPASSES •uDdAve and Uolioare Entered at STe from .Pafe-One) knows h'ow to hold a press eonfir- When .You OMbe .to Church _ „ 1140,000,000 bill whkih represents of 1984 was worse. 'There wasmore 'tnany curious YoIUmes Ini'the Mary THE iilRACUES OF J PdM Omce at Mancb BriiW writli ^ , lecend Clau Mall Matter Cheney •Ubraryji referendq ence,” sMil Ssnats Majority lAbd- the cost for these British troops snow; the dztfta were higher; |Ae ))}irfteil;hlght and day|foc tte bene- er Lyndon'B. Johnson, who fiui^* -:-An open mind that win antept ^ ^ MYTHOLOGY” i >7'JX.*. 80BSCIUPT10N RATES during the corning year. Britain snow was heavier and stickier -in s special trip here Just to grost God’s tr^ as ressals 4 in .som e Payable In Advance •ays that, If Oermahy.will not pay, •Ince' so many of •. these nfottpee 'skFto record his every movement. F ^ e fi. fomt \ ^ ^ , — * (Author’s Name Bsiow) — 7 On# Year ...... quality; it ,was almost 'weeks be­ —A desire to be helped aplritual- .i* k f i Six Month# more of the troops'ytHI ^ svs to be fore street traifftc came close to be­ and slogans express the hope and He 'ducked out of the talbia and Farreir seriously and studiously l: • Three Month# ,••*•■••••••••••••*• #-W despair, the love and haterd of stretched to his fuU 8-foot jM rht l y s i The prftctice of medicine On# Month «*••••••••••••••••••••• i\ithdrawn. , ing as normal.as It happened to be Biurarersd all questtoiu ebnesrni^ Weekly ...... bygone times and people. for the>first time in a W e ^ Only ths study of spacs travel. Hs quit ~ rX deep ^ and phannacy in andent Stnst# Cbpy ...... <11# If either flatlon had the slightest this morning, while the storm “In God We Trusted. In Kansas by shifting scientific >qulppient high fchool. before graduatiiif but a high m qpe^for His hous#, days wi^ iwsed chiefly on Idea that Russia might 'be about to clbuda were atlll over ua. We Busted,” and "Going Back to that almost filled the cabih typi -A n m ro iik offering, provided MEMBER OF „ proper was Farrell able to partial­ has obtained a high school cqrt(f^ from h fi own skm vagant glfta. wishful hope. Little was r j!‘j “ THE ASSOCaVTED PRESS march into Western Europe, the the Wife's Folks" were the wryly cate by studying since being In Th# Aieoclated Prea# u exclualvely But that February storm could humorous udgans painted oh the ly He down f0t> his 4'4-hoiar 'al8ep< —Beveral handshakes to' pees cnown Rbout how the body m m r •ntltled to the uie of republlcatlon or situation lyould be drynatically re­ even become a rather friendly sides of covered wagons between Ing periods. Air Force. JH* PlBB* to enter some around freely, esperiM ly to.stipm- waa constructed. Most disc all new# diapatchea credited to It or versed. Britain wouldn't care who college thia'Bdptember after com­ niw atherwlae credited In Ihla paper character in memory; this one we 1888 and 1892 when hundreds of With more shifting, he gabtdd a pleting bis Ajr. Fores serviee and' eaeee considered to be ft and alao ai# local new# publlabed here. paid for her troops in Germany, will remember with resentnient* bankrupt farmers and merchants scant square foot In which to'etand * ^ A wiiibngness to w All riirhu of reputdlcatlon of apedal stooped and take a few exerctsea. to major in aeronautical engineer- hymns, prayers dhd rsai ' catuMid by evil spirits. and. Instead of threatening to re­ Just as a severe , annOyance, fled Kansas after the cotlkpse of M r diapatchea herein are alao reaerved a land-boom there. - 1 believe I was afforded ample ing. * w —A soul to be fed, rModem perfected meth­ duce their ‘ numbers, would be deliberately' and maliciously in­ tv ? ! ® Full eervic# client of N. C. A. "Always Do Right. Thta/WtU apace for the duties parformOd,” The airman t6ok a text book nurtured and allowed od of dlaipiosis enable phy^ (:yA: *3 Ie«, liic prorriising to send more. West Ger­ flicted. rankles milch more than Gratify Some and Astonish hs nid today. ■ • k-f on accounting and another on Eng­ Igreater. ' ' Publlahera RepreaenUUvea: Farrell said he had plenty to.'Ht lish grammar into the test oaUn > —Judgnienta to be put in siclans to, correctly deter- Jullua Mathewa Special Aceney — many would be delighted to wel­ outright injury inflicted by chance. the Rest” was the motto of Coh- miae^ the cauae of sickpess. m., Tork Chicago Detroit and Boaton come more outside troops, and to necUcut's late Qbvemqr Cross. Its apd atO'everythtng.put inside the With hCn. “But I'd id n 't get aay With the Almighty. • . MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU Our imprecations upon it; our cabin "from Vienna sausage to. studying dons, hs said. !'I might ^ A coBscianee to be Fortified.bythis knowledge CIRCULATIONS pay for them, and it would also be orf(^ Is attributed to Mark plaudits to the town forces ^ho TVain. And RooseveR's famous quail eggs.”. weir-not have* taken them in d^a battery is re-charged. id ably assisted by recent- The Herald Printing Company, li«., making much more speed in the kept noticeably ahead of it, even "Speak Softly and Catty a Big "The eggs were boiled and-can­ tbere."v ‘ ‘ • i^ A generous portion of failures M aaaumea no llnanelal reaponalblllty (or perfected drugs they ot~ #.f a creation of Its own new army. with its drifting; and loving pray­ Stick" is. supposed to be West ned,” he said. "I think ntaybe "I’m Just a ;|ltfle Wt tjred;". he for'G od to remake into"sueeeBeas- typographical errora appearing In ad- V vertfaementa and other reading matter Neither nation acta thia way. In- African. A third Very ■well known someone Intended them-for a surr admitted. - >4 a confidence .that we cMF'be- ^ elniost ovemirfht^iJro- ers to February su ^ copia betU r and a w ill to do v(>,. ■ In The Mancheater Evening Herald'. itead, they Indulge'themselves in slogan, "There la Nq Royal Road prise but they were quite good.” After the press, conference Far- \1ea19Its that wer^'for- to Learning,” goes tack to Euclid, Shortly after the cabin wak rcll was pla<^ in' ths Randolph,' ^ Lprim H. Bhlbyf Dlapiav advertlalng cloaing houra: the luxury of a squabble over who marlyXliatpossible. Thgt is For Monday—1 p. ro Friday who wrote originally yiat there opened MaJ, Gen. Otis O. BSnson t^hy nokr more than' ever, For Tueaday—1 p. m. Mcmday. should pay. And that means either Steals Gangrene is no royal path to geometry.' Jr., commandant of the School of h! or Wedneaday—1 p m. Tueaday, that they think the Nato defense The days of the American war Aviqtion, kidded Farrell about it is wjftik to consult ^our for Thuraday—1 p in Wedneada New York -Circijlation, the scien . I tf or Frida*—1 p. m. Thuraday. system is not worth much anyway, with Spain and >our involvement gaining a reputation as a “chow physician '^en aiok.'--^ for. Saturday-1______p m Friday. . » liflc Journal of the American Heart jn tj,* affairs of Cuba, Puerto RIciJ aaaairied deadline: 10:S0 a. ra. #MS or that they think there is no hound” or big eater. ' day of publication except Saturday — AasTClatlon, reports that gimgrene 1 and thelPhtllpl^ass are roc^led '■Waa that during this axperi- C • a m. urgent life and death issue in­ of the feet and legs has been sue .by several Democratic Party slo­ ment or prior?” Farrell quipped. YOURPHYSICIAN CO., Inc. volved. cessfully treated by letting the gans: "The Flag of a' Republic The youth remained poised and JpA N PHOf MondaVj February 17 They would be substanUally cor­ Forever, of an Empilre Never” calm throughout a 30-mlnute. press patient walk. It reports that, at one and, "A Republic Can .Have No coitferencs with possibly., SO re­ 'X- SiMHTOIIi MlIltcbellA^C l i rect either way.- NATO is a pledge medical center, amputations were Recession Politics Cgtonies." The'two parties did porters snd photographers. t PliT CLYANINO V WHEN YOU NEED of American Involvement in any­ avoided and the gangrenous condi­ not agree over the war or over "This airman not only knows A MEDICINE One may repret, but one cannot thing that mighty hap'pen in West­ tion healed in 21 out of 22 cases American control of foreign lands. how to ride a space ship but he ' • really caatigate too heavily, the ern Europe. It is not and never has when the patients were encour­ ,' my ibFBoMrg s«,- aged to .-get out of bed and "Walk .'k' A Week-Long Celebration Of Ektra Values Starting Monday, Feb. 17 Inevitable instinct of political par­ been any i^edge that' a Russian at­ NEWSPAPER HIKER PRICE despite their ailment, Waterloo, Iowa, Feb'. 17 {IP) — •' cosoft.. # so <4., Pick up your pn ties to play politics with the issues tack on Western Europe would be The Waterloo Courier, citing In­ tion if shopping near itt, or they find before them. After all, defeated in Western Europe. It has. DONOR ABROAD creased production end distribu ' ificomporaWy ckmn I let ns deliver promptly T h ru either party will do it. Beyond realistically, been merely a pledge Marion, 111. not be slow in rearming, m J i l « l • It la an elemental political fact and we ourselve^ would’ long ago Colonials ■ that. Just as the Eisenliower ad- have committed much greater force and save you money all year • ministration had to attempt an un-r to Europe. So far,, one can dare ' easy defense on the sputnik issue, ■ummarize NATO as a fiction of A WATKINS I tintll the reality of our own Ex- readiness to, meet a fictional at­ Just restylied long. No "gimmicks/' no • plorer took thet sting out of the tack. \ \ issue, so the admlnist'ration is now SEMI-ANKUAL at lower prices! ♦: V*. V*' V ' ''‘ A ; forced into an uneasy difensa of Can Bagt Be Too Good? >iis X*’- "free" trips or gifts to cost ; Itself on the recsssion Issue, a de- Ml 9.MOg' FURNITURE • fensc which likewise will be com- With 1967 sales itaUstic8> in, umimI I } I I I I M M I II I I I M I I I M I I I I M I i I I 1 I t > pletely successful only If the recei- there is Jubilation in one' office Undoubtedly you even more money in the I I I i M I 1 I i I I r I 1 I < > l Sion obliges by starting to disap- out in DetroiL For the first time I * ' ■ ' "Vi ' " . pear from the national scene. in 22 years, a certain competitor I This Inevitable political battle on has moved from second place to Y ou r best^ cherry long run. Just plain real down ■ the recession issue may have some first tn its particular field. The SALE ; eventual political dividend one way long-time holder of first place ad­ ; or another. If the recession lasts, mits that It has happened, wii^es to ^rth savings you con oc- ■ It will help the Democrats at the the new leader Joy, and plans, one i polls next November. If It begins can be sure, to recapture first \ to disappear. If the Democrats lose place In 1^58. fbally bank. ; their second major issue of 1958, This is competition in the classic Mirror 26.50 .' .R*g. 2».98 ■ the Republicans should zoom up free enterprise style. There's some­ I politically. thing of a thrill in it. and aoine I But although the potential pdtit pleasui-e, for all neutrals, in seeing The AH-New 1958 Chevrolet ; leal fruits in the issues cannot be It proved that the underdo'g can ■ denied, it is not likely that the make a comeback. We do not think o • poTitics to be waged on it will do that many of us would like to see FREE . the country itself much good.. it otherwise. This is what we like. Rather, it seems a regrettable fact,- Le't the best product, with the best ' which cannot be eliminated from merchandising, the best adver­ OIL ■ the picture, that if all this politics' tising, be the winner. - , F M irror^ 6;B0 '' • has any effect on the recession It- Yet there Is, lnevltabl.v, another - ,Reg; 39.95 Remember— ■ self it will be to Intensify and pro- aide of the coin. On the reverse aide BURNER 44.95 Yas*. 125.00 « long It and help make It worse. of the coin we see this feverish -• R«g. 52.50 139.60 I Both the Democratic cries of doom free .enterprise competition build­ V, ; and the efforts of the Republicans ing and selling more cars than the INSPECTION! American people really need or can Better at CARTER’S ' to make like Pollyanna are likely Chatham Cherry is'gs American, as-apple,pie .. . • \ ou Can Always ; to Increase that public psychologi- really afford to buy.' We see this all-put competition over-loading as faithful as the Father, of our Countryl.ScrollI^ brackets on j cal uneasiness which may Be the We'll inspect your burner from tpnk to full platform bases tbumbhaji edges for drawers and tops, . • mMt dangerous factor in the whole the njarket and perhaps ' ex- haqsting some of Its future capac­ scroll adrawer hardware and a’’pair of, beds, thart bon-ow r - I situation. chimney without obligationt ’ / . ' / deeply from th e past are'design-features you expect ^ . NEW CARS--USED CARS-NEW TRUCKS - USED TRUCKS Even if that is so. It Is not to ity to absorb Detroit production. ■" a ■ *: ’ in furniture normally pric^ .much, much more. , ; I be helped. Xhe issue is there, and And we wonder if this exciting ^ . Solid chetry, selected for beautyr of graiii(,jR,finished in a [ politics will have at it. ( race to aell more cars than the When’s tl|e last time you had your plant looked c other fellow, after having carried warm, glowing nut-brown (iolor to add fuCThercharacter. - ; But at least we can recognize ,at? Chances are it needs an expert inspection. ^ when you choose Cherry Colbniafe,'' iVhy not” 'i: « • the nature of the compulsion upon sries to new highs in recent years, • our politicians, and balance the may not mean that everybody Is Now is the time to do it! We’re equipped and own the best . . . and at Watkins low; low a le pricesJi''- ''^ ' I qualified to check it irpiti attic to basement... • alarms of one side against the going to sell fewer cars for some Both Chatham 'tads j' soothing syrup of the other, and time to come. to give it a clean bill of health or suggest reirfedies come In full snd Stop In Anytime— 'even pranage to make our own It is an ironical thought that. If Base 79.-50 twin sizes. A for any ills found. We can also fill your tank wnth Reg. 99.50 |;sppraissl bt the situation for what these Detroit competitors hadn't twin-action Mobilheat—the fuel oil that cleiau we think It la, Instead of thinking worked quite so ‘hard, designed I ii." ; merely the way some politician quite so hard, sold quite so h'ard, asit/ieaf«. f ' . wants us to. in short, if they had not been quite You’re Always Welcome And perhaps even the polittciana so proficient in all the virtues of CtU us today for expert advi(x# famous twin- Ithemsejves may develop .soma cau- the free enterprise system, both acition Mobilheatl Itlon. As We recall it, when sputnik they and we might be better off ;was the issue the Democrats for the long nin. .;ruahed forward ,with a 13-point We applaud them a.s they do,: •smergency program; We doubt their best. But their besf is almost M o b ilh eat •tha.1 npxv, a few'weeks later, they too good. Conrpetition is the life o f: SOCONY MOUU. Hl-ATING OIL •Uiemsclvea remember any of these the free enterprise system. In its! 'points which were going to save extremes, It also can lead to re -, » I ■. '• ;ths country, save the world, ^nd action^ of temporary economic qALL Mlteh«H 3*5135 ?OR TOP QUALITY 36.50 ;»vln in November. Now, as they paral.vsis. Hail to -the victor. Hail,, Reg. 39.95 1 62.50 *bsfin t^slr assault on the' recession also, to a reasonable level of pro­ SILENT GLOV; OIL BURNERS ‘ % - ■ • r '- Reg. 89.95 ilsstie, thiy are starling off with a duction for everybody' next year. .. Ifnore iirtedi^t 10 point; program, Qthsr pisceaalso <79.50 Reg. 99.50 ■d' A :iv ' .'.tJ' V. .Inc, \i on. display.V ^which via three ^ In ts to the good. A Weak Mfinnter ‘ ■ y. t - \'- ' . ' \ •V' •• Considering this thing as rnldly MORIARTY BROTHERS MANCHESTER V ;r .1“" Not \>rjf Frightened rWATKINS BROTHERS, Inc.;. 935 WAIN'STREET, TEItpPHONE Ml 3-5171 \ A ' ii229 MAIN' STREET. ■ /> , ■ and dispassionately as we c m —at MANCHESTER ^ Brltsln Bi^ West Germany either least one half .‘of that attitude 315 CENTER St5 ? jlhink the NMiTti system of defend- m . coming very easily—this was ■ L. (V. -I - ■ . . . /■ ,'/ 4, ■ } A: i.'i '( t " " ' Ir'l 4 \ ■ - ■ - -- V ' V i’ :\ M'. . -V '■■•V V- r: I .

.'I i 1 ' '■ , ■ '- 'X \ V . 1 MONDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1968 I^AGB N IN E MANCHESTER EVBNll^G HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD* MANCHESTER. CONN. FA C E EIGHT —V ------— ^ lectman which appolhia the 10-man with th* armed forc«a overseas. cludes the -district from' Enfield poned at the Wapping Fat^ Assn, Yttk Mail Droppad 'Hal Boyle* South Windsor bl-parttoajR board. They will be shown by hto father, to Marlboro. annual meeting held Soturdsy. Dto- 0121 to Meet ■William Foster. Mrs. Ella Burnham Donald Burr, First Congrega­ cusaion on the question of vdMther i- Brisbane — Durtog the 1967 Area Crasbes Blamed Evergreen Wood Chapter, OES, will be in charge of refreahmente, tional Church Pilgrim Fellowship or not it will be possible to hold a Christmas season TranB-Auiiralla Blizzard Duntps 15 Inches will mast Wadneaday at 6 p.Nt. at Lasrmen’s Meettnl: vice president, will speak on the fair next year will con.intie at a Airlines fitted three aircraft with BuUi^hting at Low Cuh Awards ths Mmqonlc Ttmplc. Program Delegations, from two South panel to be led by the Rev. Carl March meeting to be held at a time special hatchea. to drop Christmas On Snowi Schools Shut Chairman Mrs. Walden Collins said, Windsor churchee arejwpected to Hansen, education minister for thg to be announced. mail to remote settlements and tea business masting will be fol- attend a Hartford Ea4t Layman’s Connecticut Conference of Chris­ homesteads to northehi Queens* Presekted at tian Churches. Discussion' subject Manoheetor Evasing Herald land. Holiday mall to the area is Snow on Manchester Area Three persona were fiospItsBaed^Coveatiy to dham^igb School Ebb in Mexico „ by slides and games. The Meeting to be held Wednesday at fk" In Wimiasiitte. . / ■lides' wilLbe pictvraa of Germany B;4S p.m. Wednesday at South will Ige "What Youth is. Doing In South Windsor coireepoudeat, El­ often delay^ by floods. s in three of six ansa highway acci­ more Burnham, tetophone MUChell ‘'arch, if sent bv .-— -f. (Onntliio«d from P»c* One) dents blamed on the weekend snow RagioniU D is t i^ 6 High Schodi a-nd Switzerland taken by Irving Congregational Church, Eaat Hart­ Connecticut." By JACK RCTUBPOK' Spaniard,, brought bullfighting PdekDinner Foster of Avery St. durtog Service ford. 'The Hartford Bast Assn; in­ Election of°* officers waa post­ 8-6060, „ V, means. ■' storm which cut traffic to a mini* opened an Hofir later than usual, ^ (For Hal Beyls) hope* It will conUnue durlnir any mum and ploeetf nuny schools to- although tte threa towns to the back to its almost fanatic anthusi- Director Expects Hike Mssico City WP) — BullfighUng aarti in the 1940s. Ha fough^. often Awards for Vblevement were luture atermB. dtLV, ^' district, Xndover, Hebron and to s low ebb in Mssico. Tourists \ state Pollcb tiro clicking an al­ in Mexico, where he waa paid as presented to Cub .Scout members -it menna a lot to a driver who's Itorlbmxfuglw did not run buses to srs about ths only j^n’es who get leged hit and run accident last the aduwls. much as 150,000 pesos ($12,000) of Pack 62 at the annual Blue, and been plowing snow ■ for hours on night on Rt. 81 in Mansfield, Just very sxotte

t ,t. / /<■ * ■f- : V ^ ■ ^MANCHESTERrEVENlNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 196S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, iMANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1968 i»AGE ELEVEN v ’ -...... 1 . 1 - ^ PAGE TEN JiLi^------2— ------,— ------'"■ ' V » " ' '. - , ' ' • . • 1 1 > 4 • >' V • BOARDING BOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLl John (dirardini, si. George Ooraky, held its traditional Blue and (iold FratBotkoiArlfirhis BY V. T. C o l u m h i a Josepl% MacVtulah and TTiomla POY SCOUT banquet at the Squth Methodist a l l e y OOP AspiriaU-Lescoe Wedding Connelly. The offlcdre o f the club Church with tha ladles of the w ill­ rru.TAkE " thatb about MV VtoRD. 3AK6.' -YOU REALLY will servo as the social-committee. ing Workers Group aervin^ A tur­ Am I Rfroiiiiatiiiii Seiise and Ndnsehse ARE IMPROVING YOUR ABOUT THREE tT. OOOLA. IF iSates and ^ews key dinner; Approximately 100 Cub HOW 'TO AVOID CRlFrUNO AU. GOES SAV,AAtoS/l RUN co m pany/-—A CHAP With Four Injured Chur^hwomcn Scouts and their faimUlea attended. ^ I L E THE 1106 WEEKS XJ AN ALL-WODL BRITISH tJUKfe The Maacheater Evening Herald DEFORMITIES REACH enough to rempmber i ^ p . waists, CULTURE AND BACKGROUND EUlOgton correapoadaat, Mrs. G. The tables were decorated with OP EMPIRE IMTHE The court waa impatient. .It waa MORE DIPLOMAG Cub. Pack 78 held 1 ^ annual An amazing - b o ^ entitled NWCHEI? the 5th day. and the 12th Jury­ Mr.-Perkins! / »- BN?— AN EVENING WITH P ... Herr,., telephone.,. TRemont centerpieeJs, placeca^ds. place- PlPDES WPS TO TH_ th an th e y a r e COFP-Efe/ HIM WOUtO BE A PLEASAKIT In Accident Plan- Service B9u* and Gold dinner arU ie Buck- "Arthritis and Rhepnaatlam”^ will man'waa atni uncinvlnced. SeUt ricipArnhAt' ’em! That’s B-981S.;i; ■ kiy school on Feb. 8. The den matq and favors which had been THERE WPS A' IN BRAZIL /-Mk HE‘6 KlbJO, iNTERUOOe IN MMQK made by the CUb Scouts at the Den be sent free to anyone who win 0E6REE OF TRM./EL Court Officer—Well, gentlemen when 1 got stj^pig]. /^WDlST.eOrmTRYlN'TO . ■Mothers and aaalatant den mothera OFACMOCTAV*^POVJ- Mrs. lAiCten LAesque, Rt. 5A, The RockvUIb. Council of Church- meetings with the oY their Deh write for It. EPSUVftRD.-. GUIDES, ‘ (entering the Jury rqom) *hall L SPOT HlAt ON A Big m o n e y YJOW TKAT THOSE organised the affairs. Mothers.- * It reveals wh^ drugs end medlr ' FREtSKTERS, MEN AND at uaual, order 12 dinners T The bullfrPg was making a and her fcwr*cliUdren.eidap<|jl aer- wotnen ie planning its annual William J. M ct^y presented the a u i z SHOVU.LwSAVS HE'D, c o a r s e b o ar d e r s Center Thespians/ clnes give only temporezy relief WOMEN. BANDED TO* Foreman No, maka It 11 dln^, speech .at^:xhe bullfrogs’ convan- loua 'Injury Saturday aftehriNpJ World Day of Prayer Friday at the pack's-Dharter to Vlncenl Ramial, Abraham . Ostrlnsky, president of ' ^O HEAR j a b b e r / and fail to remove the ceuaee o f 6ETHER INTO UGHT. nera and 1 hale of hay. tion.‘ Suddenly hi* voice cracked. Union Congregational Church. prindpaL o f . jthe Buckley School, Nathan HAIe PTA was guest of 'VOOR I when her cat w en t, out of edn-^ Rockville. This council ambracea T o Prese>nt P lay honor. He praised the boys on their the trouble; explains • epecialtsed f a s t t r a in s "Bxcu^ me, gentlemen:" he eald. who then turned *U over to Cub- nonwrgicel treatment which haa EYPLOlTG trot, skidded through f atop sign Ellington ahd the theme will be good behavior and then .presented fOROOMfOR^ VI ihuet have - k- ihan in ,my maater Edward J, Ward. proven successful aince« 1919. Old" Seth: Perkin*, patriarch of "TTte Bread of Life.” the Pack with a p e rs l^ l gift. V and hit a tree at Johnson and ■'Family Pdrtralt,” a plzy by Numerous achievement awards .. You incur no obligation m ten d*,. an d SAFETY 3 , the town, found himself in the ■ i f re, Winifred Kloter is chair-, HAMLIN middle u T a dlictnaion of wom­ Saegda Rda. ' ' Lenore and William Joyce Oowen, were presented. George LAwrepbe started off the ing for thia .InetnicUve book. It h i mad . of the program, which haa program erlth a poem entitled ^‘A en’s fashions. One of the younge^ Bome^'people try to charge you State Policeman Derwin An­ itill be preaenfed In the sanctuary The annual Blue and Gold dinner may be the means o f saving yoo been prepared for women Who ari of the Center Congregational Creed." Ricky Burr and David set turned to him. and said. interest when they lend you .their thony said Mre. 1/Cveaque w m ap« of Cub Scout Pack 3 waa enjoyed years o f untold misery. W rits to­ members of churches In the Aus­ Church on March 7 And 8. by the acouta and their famlliea. at LawrsncA of Dgn 1 led the sstem- day to Tha Ball Clinic, DepL 5409, Youngster — I bet you're bid moral aupport. proaching Johnson Rd. on Szegda tralian Council for the World The play, which ig being pro- the Highland Park School Feh. 1$. bly in tite Pledge of< Allegiance. Excelsior Springs, MlsaourL Rd. and skidded after applying her Council of Churches. The local ______duced'by the Center.'Theaplans ae The invocation was given by Rock­ "When Father Waa A B o y was re­ BY AL VERMEER ear brakes on icy pavement. The group'will be celebrating the day cited by Ricky Larson, Dan 1; PRISCILLA’S POP car skidded through a atop sign, a special service' o f Lenten wor­ well Potter Jr. Cubmeater Petera CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1th groups in 144 countriei noting ship, deals with^fhe family o f Jesus presided over the .business meeting Michael O’Brien, Den 2; Michael SOME OAV TWE W W Ol^ went across Johnson Rd. and into Tjhtd observance. • Staley, Den 3; Danny Burnett, Den GENERAL the wobda. during the last three'years .of His and presentation of awards follow­ W ORLD 'WILL EXPU30E ni)i'rMrT.;jariU be, provided for 4; and Tommy Wiles, Den 5. W ITH A GREAT, Bl®. Mra. Johnson and her four chll life. Jesus, himself, never appears ing the dinner. . x-i ATOM BOMBSl the youngsters durldg UMY pro­ in the drama,/(vhich depicts Mary's He announced the forming of Den Mother Eunice Ruff led the T V SERVICE WVDROSEN BOMBS), dran, Eugene, 10, Janet. T, Peter,. gram. A special collecUoii foP^o-l MpUcit faith in Him, the resent­ two dens to be known a i Webelo'a group'in slnmng sonsa appropriate ""S'' f9iK / IT $ FRISW TENIM <^ VB'LL '5, and Foaanne, 2, were tsUcen to' f to Pravlpua Punt* Windham Community Memorial Indian American Mlnlatry, low in­ ment df-'MhniJropi .three of. His for the boys who will be eligible to the occasTon and Norman Slade Nights • • ^ P h i s P M t s Hospital by Robert Tuttle and Wil- come fslrm famiUen and the mi­ brothers, ahd I K e w m ^ IitW (Roy Scouts at the end of'this act^mpanied at th* piano. George T E L 80 4-A484 Sfwrtf Column Hatn Soracchi, working near the grant workers industry will be Uons of His teacMng)s. James .Hennessey, acdutmi^ Glbbtm entertained with feats of seehe of the crash. held. The people who lived with Jesus ter of the newly formed Troop 65 magic... ^ ' r Mra. Deris, Lutz w ill be organist are shown aa the ordinary people j^ O S S t Ctrtal lj0(/Eg» Mni. Leveaque and three of the at the school, presented necker­ 4 Oanuflcct four children u-ere treated for min- and Mra. Elda Johnson and Mra. of any day, good people with Im­ chiefs and slides to Ronald Wil- Sufeden*$ Favorite 1 U (^ in 8 Barrier or injuriea and released. The onl; George. Maharan will be aololats. perfection* of all humans. hlde and WllUam Stack, two. for­ hoekty The Rev. Alhaon Ray Heaps and h Straifhtana CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNBB youngster not injured was Jane* Classical, atyliaed setting and mer cub-acouta. Stockholm — "Oons With The tBAMball tools Mra. L,eveaque w ai laiued a Miss' Hazel .Kuhniy will conduct costuming will be used in the por­ A report pn the Boy Scout Drive Wind" hAs A decisive popularity t for tho T Musical the spontaneous prayers. quality warning for speeding. trayal, eniphaaiging the timelesa- by Pack S liced a total of $420 lead over all other motion pictures, court* WefiMn’* Guild MecUag The following churches are pkr- ness of its message. collected and more canvassing to domeitio or foreign, ever shown in DU PONT It Colt club lOoMa' tlcipatlhg:, 8t. John’s Episcopal • Enter Dr. Robert Wlckware, head of Seeking churchwide support, the be Completed. Aaat. Cubmaster Sweden, according to a poll by the i t Conturjr plant Union CongregkUbnal. Rockville production is' under, the sponsor­ Wallace Grube preeented achieve­ loin a lint ' the science department at Willi- Swedish Institute o f Public Opin­ 2-n UAaa mantic State Teachers College., Methodjkat, Rockville Baptist, EI- ship of the deacons, Women’s Fel;> ment awarda to the following ion Research. The American film 11 Redania SlCloyad 45 Smoking l&igton" Congregational, Tolland lOwship, Men’s Club and Co-Weds. BY CAPP arid BOB I.UBBERS IS Falcon „ w i . k dovtc* M'lll be guest speaker at a meet­ Cuba: starring Vivien Leigh and O srk LONG SAM IT Ncgslivt worri , 10 Biblical ing of the Women's Guild of the Federated,'Vernon Methodist, First Members of the parlAh will have Barry Sandals, W olf badge; A r­ Gable won I I per cent o f the votes. gardsin 47Fooms . Congregaliohal Church of Vernon, yWOOPimPIWPNtSWaAW/WMpM^ I U Seiradtr 45Koman Congrcgaiional Church tomorrovij^ the opportunity to purchase sub-, thur French, Bear badge and gold A Swedish movie waa second; third llWitharad at S p.m. at the home of Mra. JobrT Talcottville Congregational, Som scriptiona to aid in tinderwriting arrow: Gordon Fogg, Lion badge was "Waterloo Bridge,” also atar- tfw ti THff inoop MAKE A ae*N_awp* m«iany SSSSJT lirathara omporor wm< eiw, Dnwns iH«r 5HC G A r : MAW(fWWAeiy Koaelka. on the Greea. .it* Congregational, Someraville coats of producUon. No tlcklts will with gold ^ d silver arrows; David. IS Next to ; 80 Oudnm'a ring Miss Lfiigh. u f & x ;Dr. Wlckware, who waa an ex­ Congregational and Ftrat Evan­ be presented for admission. Reznik. Lion badge with gold ar­ 40 Church husband DISTRIRUTEO lY " S i n , 81 Inland change profeaaor teaching In gelical Lutheran. ' row; David Anderson, Uon badge; 1$ Eneeurago festival TRAVEL SPENDING DOUBLES ISPoaM 41Nroetion 81 Augmanta Japan for two years, wfil give a Saqret Re-elected Gregory Zollo, Lion badge; W il­ 10 Sihgtrs, New York—The total expendi­ OhArga 14 Jack of sCluba for’instanca 45 Treatise 58 S o^ Sax talk about the country and show M artin. Sayei waa re-elected liam Waldman. gold arrow on 17 Throw ^cturea he took while there. president of the Democratic Club ture of Americans traveling out- Lion; Charles Jacobson, gold ar- Tear MANCHESTER 11 Ansart of Ellington at the last meeting. aide the United Sutea has more rdw on Lion; Denner stripe to John Preecrtpneae r t r llMiatrtatad r r r r r r MaaMdieater Evening Herald Other of fleers Include: Patrick than doubled since 1947, when the Keeney and .David Potter: A#st. Heie AUTO PARTS 44 Hub r Columbia correspondent, ' Mrs. Close, vice president; Elmer Bata, figure was 4673,000,000. Euro)>e, Denner to Marin Uriano and A r­ 10 Wiah r Donald R. Tuttle, ACadeiny S-S4M. aecretary; and Thaddeus Okolo, however, has more than quad­ thur .French, PINE PHARMACY 270 BROAD ST IT Bad a^aad i treasurer.. rupled its 1947 American-tourist •84 Oeater S t— 50 9-9S18 lIM ix - The Board of Difectora include: earnings of $107,000,000, Pack 143 of Nathan Hale School MObacrvtt ^ DInnen Photo * ^ r 41 Compait point P MRS. DONALD RICHARD ASPINWALL 41Contury (ab,) B r ~ R cc Notes 44 Mina ontrance j^nni Mias Margaret Frances Lescoe.^The centerpiecee bn the table waa BY KEN BALD AND JERRY BRONDFIELD 41 Cerrupta IT B IT ■ B r Willimanttc, daughter of Mra. John a.4-tier wedding cake around which JUDD SAXON 41 Musical play i East Side Rec . \ I'M R.ATTEREP, BUT OVERWHELMED. IT Leseoe and the late Jqhn J. Lescoe, were white seasonal flowers and .VOO KAve 50UNR » « U 5IHeS5 51 Mn. Kddit r Monday, 8 to 7, Open Basket­ ferns. „ eKPERlENCE-ABUlXy TO SOUNPS W0NPERFUL...9UTI CCN'TKNOW... i became the bride of Donald Rich­ Cantor ball; 7 to 8, Women’s Gym Class: ard Aspioall, 44 Cedar St., son of Off6 ANi7E ANP PiRECT 54 Draw back V r. 5 When leaving on a wedding trip s 8 to 10, Open Senior Basketball; Mr. and Mrs. William Aspinall, at to an unannounced destluatlon, the OTHER PEOFIE, MWrHlng tool 4 to 7, Boys’ Plunge; 7 to 8, Men’s , ANP I CAN COUN' S7 Woody plant r w p 1 10 o'clock Saturday morning in St. bride choae a light blue sheath OH TOUR Plunge; 8 to 9, Women’s Plunge; Joseph's Church, WiUlmantie. The dress, the bodice delicately trim­ LOVALTy. M Draaaad N 1. T to»9, Radio Builders Club. WWorm B Rev. Francis Murphy officiated at med with velvet and lace. She had i '^eaiday, 3 to 4:30, Jynlor Band the double ring ceremony. Mrs. white acceasbries and a coinage of ■OHoitkultur* r 1) r r F r Rehearsal r 6:30 to 8:30. Children's fa b .) I I Edmund Portelance was organist red tulips and ivy. Upon their re­ ■nieater; 8 to 8, Midget Basketball; and Arthur Roy was soloist. Spe­ turn the couple will live in Bolton. S I C a n a t N r 8 to 10, intermediate Basketball: cial musical selections were "Ave Mrs, Aspinwall is employed as a DOWN 8 to 9, Teenage swim. r R 1 Marla" and "Mother, At Thy Feet seerriary at the University of Con­ Wednesday, 5 to 7, Open Basket­ 1 Dies spots TM I We Kneel.’’ The altar- was deco­ necticut, and her husband is em­ IPIaitle r 1 ball; 7 to 10, Businessmen’s Bas­ rated with white and pink seasonal ployed at First National Stores, Ingrid tasM Jl ketball; 8 to .7:30, Boys' Bowling; flonvers. • Inc.j in East Hartford.' “Whst do you mssn th# sals Is ovsr? I havtn't y#t 7 to 9, Teenage Dance; 7 to 9, The bride, who was given In mar­ Bbya' Mechanics Club; 8 to 9, begun td fightl'* riage by her brother, John Lescoe Women’s Swim Claes. Jr., had as her maid of honor her V.S. Crou-8 Sesame Seed Thur*day, 3:15 to 4:15, Model B.C. BY JOHNNY HART slater, Miss Mary Lescoe, Willl- BY RAY GOTTO Airplane Club; 8 to 9, Junior Bas­ mantie. Bridesmaids were Miss Washington — Sesame aeeds, COTTON WOOD? 1-I7* ketball League; 6 ,to 7, Movies; 7 Ann Lescoe, sister of the bride; which are now being cultivated aa. to 9:30, Men's Handball; 8 to 9, a commercial crop in the United PRICE WHAriUCKTH.APTfA BC- NO WONDER CANDIB Miss Earlsen Beck, and Miss Su­ >i AND THAT* SAW OUR PLANS FOR life Ravmg Class. san Meyer, all of-Willimantlc. States, yield half their weight in WHOLE SAD FLOOAINStAe-AOOFWa. Friday, 6 to 8, Open Basketball WtATHtAPAOOFINS.ANb OETTINQ MARRIED Williani Aspinall, Windsor Locks, an oil that is highly resistant to STORY,, WOULD f CHOKE I (Midget and Juniors); 8 to 10, rancidity and suitable for all edi­ COTTON f INSTALUNa A NfW H^AT- HAVE TO WAIT T was ‘his brother's best man. , Ush­ !N 6 S Y S r e M IN TH OLD Open Baeketbali ( Intermediate and ers were John Bennett and Ste­ ble-oil uses. The seed cake re­ HOUSEJH' FOUNDATION Senloi^; 8 to 7, Bpyi’ Plunge; 7 phen Plitt, both of Mancheater and maining after the oil is crujihed out 6 Days C O L L A P S E D ^ to 8, Inn's Plunge; 8 to 9, Wom­ both cousins of the bridegroom, makes a protein-rich livestock C en'*-Plunge. and Gerald Duchesnopij. .ilf■ WUll- feed. J , Saturday, 10 to Noon. Midget mantic. cousin of the bride. Dan­ ’ • ------Basketball CJlinic; 1 to 9, Open iel Lescoe. brother of the bride, MAN-CAUSED FIRES RISE Baeketbali; 6:30 to 8:30, Coed was junior usher, and Eugene Les­ Portland, Ore.—During' the 1957 Swimming. coe III, cousin of the bride, was -fir* season Oregon had 774 man- Weet Side R«c i.sMemfF, ' ^ F ring bearer. caused forest fires compered with /iLMePseNmB Monday, 8 to 8, Roller Skating The bride waa atDred in a gown 753 in 19.56 and 821 in 1955. $ A L £ $ j k .IIPI>LU N C E CO YOUMONSYAS ... Leaeona; 8 to 10, Men's Volley of traditional white satin and rose- FASTASIMAKt ball League; 6 to 7. Junior Baa IT ON THIS BASKET- point lace, fashioned along the B A L L T O U A f ket ball League iVerplanckl; 7 to princess line. The delicate lace bod­ 2-ir BUGS BUNNY 9, Intermediate Basketball (Ver- ice with a Sabrim neckline ex­ WINDOW SHADES M r planclt); 6 to 7, Model Airplane tended into long tapered sleeve*. BY ROY CRANE I'U SET rr,CICERO! HERE VA ARE.KID! rrs A LITTLE COLO FOR Club. Its very full bouffant satin skirt BUZ SAWYER WHATIDONTI ~ NOW WHAT'LL YA ICE CREAM. ..I'VE DEOPED Tuesday, 6 to 8, Midget Bapket ended gracefully in a chapel train. G r«*n, W hite, Ecru ' lUZ, M ET PIMO Scorn, SEANUUl '/c, W UL, IT VMS THIS WAY. SEEMS ''the SrULA'S A FISHING HMMM'. WITH o r MAKE 4 HAYET , ON A A O rP O G ball. Xeeague; 8 to 8:30, Open Bas Her fingertip veil, made especially W o s h a b l* . N e u f M 9 S 8 M o d e l s X WAS IN LUIGI'S SPAGHETTI THEY'RE GOINS BOAT OWNED BY ONE OF OUR WARSHIPS INSTEAD I ketball. < for her gown, was of French im­ ' ATTACHED TO MTEUI6ENCE. HE KNOWS S HOW ID SNOOP AROUND THE WATER- jomt. THESE BIRDS OIDNT TO DO SOME THE CANO, BUZ. SAILIHG TOMORAON Wednesday, 8 to 8. Midgef Bas ported illusion fastened to a coro­ IT MBS LOOK AS IF . HOLLAND HNISH \ ■ I ^ FRONT, AND HE'S GOT EMtC LIKE RAPIO FIGURE I COULD SAVVY olviNe. ketball; 8 to 10, Men's Volleyball net crown of rosepotnt lace. .She ANTENNAE. TELL SAWVtR WHAT'Wm ITALIAN. THEY WERE COOKING THOSE CHARACTERS League. carried a cascade of. white roses Mad* to Order HEARD YESTERDAY, DINO) UP A SECRET GET-TOGETHER ARE UP TO Thursday, 6 to 8, Junior Basket­ SOMETHING! with pin's baby sweetheart roses. $2-30 With Your Rollers tonight AT Z3O0 ON THE ball -League ( Verplanck); 6 to 8, The maid of honor and brides­ Not a Table Model—-or Metal — or Masonite — but . y STiLLR 7,*5^^ Coed Bowling, 8 to 10, Badminton maids wore identical gowns. They FULL LINE OF CUSTOM Friday, 6 to 7:15. Fifth and I were light seafoam green, silk peau Sixth Grade Dance; 6 to 7:l.^, I d'e soie cocktail gowns styled along . VENETIAN ILINDS ' m j Open Basketball; 8:15 to 6:45. I the princess line with soft pleated Movies; 7:30 to 9:30. Junior High i necklines, and very full skirts. The E. A. JOHNSON Dance. ' ! bouffant backs were of a deeper MAHOGANY GRAIN FINISH Saturday, 10 to Noon. Midget , shade of green. They also wore half 'Basketball Clinic; 1 to' 9. Open hats of a deeper shade of g^en PAINT GO. Baaketball (Intermediate and Sen­ with tulle trimmed leaves and cir­ £ S - JUL iors). 723 Main St., Tel. MI 9-4301 BY OKK LAVALLI cular veils to match. The maid of MORTY MEEKLE Community V honor carried a cascade o f Ameri­ Monday, 6 to 8, Midget Basket­ can Beauty roses, and the brides­ CONSOLE with BY LANK LEONARD ball L e k ^ e ; 8 to lOi Dog Obed­ maids, cascades of American Beau­ MICKEY FINN ience Class; 6:30 to 8:30. Boxing; ty and white rose.s. 6 to 8:30; Cooking Class; 6 to 7:30. The mother of the bride wore a it Regular Pric^ $269.95 Teenage Bowling. dress of dusty rose tulle and ex­ Tuesday, 6 to 6,' Junior Basket­ \ Cheek These Features quisite lace, with a matching hat ball League; 6:30 to 8:.30, Boxing; trimmed with flowers. She had 8 to 7:30, Teenage Bowling. white accessories. The mother of INSTANCE, Wedne^ay, 6 to 8, Girls’ Bas­ N O W O N LY New 110 Degree Picture the bridegroom wore a navy dress ketball League! 6:30 to 8:30. Box­ 'of pure .silk tulle over taffeta with OtCK ing; 8 to 10:30, Adult / Square Tube a^AUJ a very full skirt. She had navy and irr Dancing; 7 to 8. ■ Mode^Airplane Club; 6 to 7:30, Teenage Bowling. v.’hfte accesaprier. Both mothers # New Easy Top Tuning , Thursday, 6 to 7/'Mldget 'Bas­ wore'^ orchid qorsages'. A reception was held -at the f ketball League; 7 Xo 10, Interme­ diate League; 6 to 7:30. Teenage Nathan Hale Hotel in 'VVllUmantlc. # Larger, Clearer Picture , Bowling. " - ' ______I ' - Don't lose your ■ M i m Friday, 6 to 7:15, Fifth and # Giant 8" Pront Speaker 4 r Sixth Grade Dancer 7;30 to 9:30, head oyer a •-..V- ■ .. . Seventh and Eighth Grade DanCe; RANGE BY LESI.IK IT'RNER - Y to*7:30, Movies; 6 to .7:30. Teen­ # 21-Inch Screen CAPTAIN EASY age Bowling. ' lost policy! / m «M* IT HAS A ns WE WBRE CMlEl£iM/VIRVWBLL~APP rUEL OIL fOR out MOMBMT. / AN BXTKA OUAKDl Saturday, 9:30 to 11:30, Midget Stay calm and coHeetad. # Mahogany Cabinet MR. ABERNATHY ‘ BY RALSTON JONES AND FRANK RIIMiEWAV Basketball Clinic; 1 to 3. Fifth GASOLINE ★ 3 MONTHS FREE and Sixth Grade Roller Skating; ■You're still protected if . . . ^ l^ o w HOW X FEEL \ .«S55IS?SK ■ '«•' 7 to 9, Teenage Roller Sjtkting. }X)u’re one of our clients. SERVICE-! YEAR W5«LS TB*n SOI JUST High School Just call oii us for a dupli- SMALL WE GIVE a b o u t HtTCHHlKCBS.' J CMIBO DA» CKONYN. Monday, Q:30 to 8:30, Coed C3om- catecopy. And while you’re O n PICTURE TUBE HIM A RlOE, petltive'Swimming; 7:30 to 8:30. B ANTLY OIL 'h*rej-ypu can take sdvan- MR.ABBRNATWy? / ^ Women's Gym Class; 8:30 to 9:30, I -)MI' \N> . |\( . This can only be, pur- Womwi’a Swimming; 7 to 9:30, : 'ni\ VIni.i,I tagetrf another f nee service ★ TAKE UP TO 2 YEARS Rec Senior Basketball eLague. -s review of your present Wednesday,- 7 to 9, Family TEL. Mitchell 9-4595 protection needs.; " ’- ’ chased at Manchester Sales "Sir“ .-<:NSK Swim; 7 to 9:30, Rec Senior TO PA Y League Baaketball. rtOUkVTTXB TR 5-1271 f ? ★ Y O U M U ST BE SATISFIED OR and Appliance — your largest GLASS CRACKS A R C H / E J 0 £ ' MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED G-E dealer in town.

r Y t « - !5M8MAI4 i8 _ ITPLEASBS ★ COMPLETE WITH UHF and VHF BY PETER HOFFMAN HMINMRSliANPHe JEFF COBB L CANTDOA8 ] t HE PL8ASE5. THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS AND GRANNY ' THE MAN YOU LEFT , . WOULD NEVER BEHIND MUST HAVE BEEN ) t¥MAT€ OUR POLICY: TO SELL ONLY NATIONALLY APVERTISED GOODS AT LOWEST tu cHsMiSTif/ Pwy esiOR fullbc pu«>te • y OH, DEAR, IF A MMD RBAOSR, MR. ^ ^ TO PLEASE 'fOO\u otncc..: • ANYTHING'S KWG/--TAKING HIS LUGGAES WITH HIM • V POSSIBLE PRICES. For Courteous Service Pleose Phone Ml 9-5234 , t LIKG HE apj Where Insurance l l Is A Business Not A MABCHECTER M L K J j L A P P U A id E |) 0 . I >- a T . 1 /VIlRRORS ■ AUTO C IM 'S ^ Sideline T F U R N i ruRk /OPS \ ' J A//9 . I— . ruH {NTlOSUPlV 175 EAS’?^CENTER, ST. . r-''- m m F4MJE, Jia^MMT, lck S H o m rstau. 'V;-. f -t l-d.:. Manchester Shopoingxrarkdde OMXnPTlUtJUSTlM 15TRVWC5 Phone MI 3-1126 • IDMXK^yOOLOFJILL. 3 1 BlSSELt- MANCHESTER. ' • . ■ -i ■ ■ . ■ * ■

M j M . , r ■■ ■ I. 'V. '■ 1- „ J,. f: t •'V'V- ■ ■■■'. . , I •' .1 I V ■ • I- ■» • V -y. \ . V-..> • iV •'TJ' U'-' :-S\' if 1 V-,- A ■I ■ f r - : ' J-.l.'' V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ MONDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1968 . , I PAGE THIRTEEN ; PAGE TWELVE MANCttESTEl^ EVENING HERALD* MANCHESTER, CONN* MONDAY, FpBRCARY 17, ,1958 ■ V J'-' ^ 5- o r

Three Entries Rose Seto Mark Making Hiinself Known Around NBA UG>nns Clinch And rev Frey Thr^ee ,T ea rn s New Havra, Feb. 17 (Ah — PlizzaFrd Deals Blow Sure of Spots Murray Rose et Australia Yankee CroMnn^ Prefer Second broke Ajueriean roeords la 400 7>sr OffAMA -Of: POO Averages 1151 In NCAA Event meter aad 400 yard freeetyie BA^TBAtU TO Tourney Berth To Sports, Attractions swbnmlag. He will be able to havb a k/o comb in NHL claim a aew Amorleaa record, fbo m Mow'HBam... To Head Field New Yoric, Feb. 17 (^P)— but ho will have to forego the LIKE UTTLE IBMA... New York, Feb. 17 (F) — Tha world mark because he swam a University of Connecticut,'l*<*|>inc New York, Feb. 17 (f f^ H o r s e rflcing, bafiketbflll. Iwxing, With time running out— ohly New Yorit, Feb. i t (g>) ^ You soccer, boflt r«cing and horse shows and even such winter abort course. He clipped off a its scores in the triple flfuree, flat­ By PAT BOLDtiC ghree weeks remain in the pdol roeOrd oa his way to reg- tened Rhotle Island Saturday by a can’t blame the Nfew York Rsmg- sports as skiing, hockey and s p ^ skating were dealt blows Defending Champion Amy ers, Detroit Red Wings or Bostofl regular seaaon— the basket­ isterlag a 4:20 quarter-mile whopping acore of 102-57. It wa# by the blizzard which swept the-. Atlantic Coast over the Pirkey and two other former Bruins for thtlr intents desire to ball race# in at least a half- aad a 4i2L5 fer thd 400 meter Conaacticut’a 16th itralght Yankae finish second In the National Hock­ —— —— I 1 .1 - ~»vveekend. eveat. V Conference victory, and ■with It. titlisls— Rtith McIntosh and dozen major conferences re- ey League g^andings. Bowie, where atveral- thousand mslnad in a irtate of frenzied con­ Twe other’ records that ware automatic admiseion to the NCAA Shirley V’ittner— topped the Asidfr from the fact that the fans were atraiuled aftet'’8aturdsy'a fusion today. ' broken at the 86th annual Yale Tournament. list o f qualifiers who will en­ team which finishes higher get* Strong Winds, horse races were run off in a blind­ They’re all out for coveted bids Hwimming Oamis’al were Joe Yale handed Dartmouth ita firat gage in a series of head to mqre money, the second-place oc­ ing snow storm, cancelled today’s to; the NCAA poet-seaaon tourna­ Koletsky, who set an American Ivy Leagua defeat and fanned h»«d mfltche* to delerrfiine the program. Weather conditions gov­ ment, but so far only three defi­ record la the 200 yard breast­ hopes for a' title ahot by a -win of cupant also doesn't have to face ern when the track will reopen. , IftSR Women* Town' Bowling the powerful Montreal Capadiens (Cold Wegther nitely are In,'Connecticut, as the stroke with his 25.2 and Betsy 70-67. Gerry Glynn ecored 22 polnta rliBinpiOn. Thirty-two of Manches­ in- the opening round of th< post;- A raking snowstorm in NeW Eng­ champion of the Yankee Confer­ .Hchumacker of Philadelphia, to lead the Ella tu victory. who ereated a new women’s ter * finest women keglera com­ season playoffs. land caused the Boeton Celtics to ence,, la all set, aa is'Idaho State, Dartmouth broke into an early peted in the six-game preliminary (Curtail Meets cancel their -National Baaketball winner of the Mountain Juador National 200-yard back- leswl but Yale quickly doted the competition Saturday afternoon In the Stanley Cup,' the second- Assn, game with the New York stroke record of 2:20.7. gap and the halftime ecore showed place team meets the fourth-place Conference and Oklahoma State, and night at the Y alleys. Iron Mountain, Mich., Feb. 17 Knickerbockers Sunday. No date selected as an at-large team. Yale ahead 42-32. finisher while the flrst and third- was set for playing off the game. Mr*. Pirkey. who won the title position clubs face each other. l/p— America’s fbremost ski Business The tournament le composed of /Stopped Cold last wihter after gaining runner- Jumpers grounded two days „by Nun\erous small college basket­ 16 conference champions, plus eight 1 Struggle ConMnuee Fred Hutchinion makc^fiingo hitting seem like a email war aa Betsy Rawls . In two different rallies Dart­ up honors in 1956. totaled 685 Sat­ strong'’ winds and aub-zerb lem- ball gzmea in the South were post­ St-large clubs. The prellifilnary mouth waa stopped cold, and Rudy urday night to average a laudable Montreal, hks ail but officially pbraturea* waited Impa^ently to­ poned Saturday and at least two he ,'worka with Cardinal rdeklea at St. Petersburg. Fred man- rounds are scheduled to get under­ Carda to second last yekf.^and wants to make up the dlffer- La Russo, who averaged 19.6. polnta 114.1 for her six games. But.Ahiy. clinched the regular season cham­ day for a break in the weather that Sunday because the teamk, .ere un­ way the week of March 9, with the Wins St. Pete per game waa hjeld by Glynn to who topped the preliminary field pionship, but the struggle for run- ivoflid permit the start of the Na­ able to get to their appointed placet t nee. ______finale in Louisville. March 22. of play. Yesterday's postponements only six points for the entire game. a year ago With a whopping 720 nerup honors and the remslning tional Champipnshipi. There are some heavy favorite*, Wesleyan University fought back total.'had to settle for second place playoff berths co>ntlnues. ^Postponement of the Nstlonsl included St., Bonaventure at Siena of course. For example, Cincinnati at. PetZraburg, Fla., Feb. 17 OP) to tie the . basketball game 15 sec­ laurels this year. The Ran'^era edged the Brolns irieet yesterday followed cancells- and Quantico Marihes at St. Schoolboy Basketball \^ows Out (9-1) 1* the choice In the Missouri — Betay Rawls, who went on her Michaels in Vermont. onds before the regulation Urn# S-2 last night >to remain second tion of Saturday’s scheduled in­ Valley. The Bearcats play Drake steady way whUe Jackie Pung ended and went on to defeat the Audrey Krey. rolling in tlje after­ vitation tournament. It was the Opening of Eastern Parkway in zoomed Up and down, w'on the 8t. noon shift, averaged a sparkling one point ahead of the Red Wings, tonight. Yet, with all their power, Coast Guard Academy 80-70 in an flrst time in history that the Brooklyn for boxing wa«-|>ostiwned they'd better not slip, besides Brsd-" Petersburg Women’s Open Golf 115.3 while rolling 693 to gamer who downed , the Toronto Maple until March 1 when several of tha Tournament, overtime game. Leafs'. 4-1. Detroit moved into third weather Interferred with jumping Icy' ie right behind with an 8-2 A tap-in by Don Skinner with , first place honors. Mrs. Frey open­ here t'wb days in a row. -fighters were unabfe to break Rockville and Hebron mark. She is the only woman pro on ed with_a good 129 single, followed as Boston dropped to fourtl), two through the snbw barrier. the circuit to win two events this 15 seconds left deadlocked the points behind the . Wings, Tallest Ski Scaffold . Then there is the Big Eight, score St 66-alI. with games of 123 and 114 before Horse Show Cancelled where Kansas State, top team in winter. She sl»o won the Tampa pinning her lowest single, a 102 In In last night’s other game the Conditions permitting, the two Open lest month. In the overtime the acore was Chicago Black Hawks blanked the meats were to be held simultane­ In BronxvlUe, N.Y., a.horae ehow Still Eye Tournami^ts the Aaoeciated Preis poll lost week, tied at 68 all before the Cardinal# the fourth game. Audrey, second' remalnt undefeated in league com­ Miss Rawls, s Texan playing out In 1957 with a 687 total, than fin­ Canadiena 4-0 to climb into a fifth- ously at 2:30 p.m. (E8T) today on Waa'cancelled when a Judge . and pulled ahead on three baskets by mimy exhibitora. were unable to petition (7-01. State pulled away of Spartanburg, S. C.. nicked a lit­ ished up with singles' of 109 and place deadlock with Toronto. They the world’s-tallest man-made ski tle off par every round, but didn’t Lamar Frazier. acaffoid at nearby Pine Mountain. reach the Saddle Tree Firms Club. By PAT BOLDUC when Kansas lost two games dur- Tlie Cadets suffered in the final 116. trail the Bruins by six points for lor Wilt Chamberlain’s illness. The get much attention et first be­ Because of the delay, many of A soccer game between the first / minutes with'the loss of Captain Cisle Pound Fourth the final playoff spot. Vienna team of Austria snd an All- Schoolboy basketball bowK out this week and area fans may Jsybawks will try to keep their cause Mrs, Pung was chopping ,GUy Gendron’i third-period goal the visiting spectators and s few great chunks of the 74 set as Bob Thornton and Mike Maurice, McIntosh, the tournament’s Jlrst of the participants departed with­ Star American aggregation |n New find themselves without a tournament contender although sllm''l(opes alive tonight against champion back In 1953 when the gave the Rangers their victory and women’s par for the 6,116-yarrf both of whom went out on fouls. out waiting for another try. York also was cancelled. both Rockville High and Hebron Regional could still make Missouri, North Adams (Mass) State annual event was inaugurated at enabled New York to keep posses­ An Eastern Hockey League gam* But 100)1,. around el*ewhere the Sunset Club course. sion of second. The New-Yorkers Among the Jumpers who withdrew the grade but the picture is a dark one. Coach John Cana- Mrs. Pung, from San FrsnclSc'o. ...WITH Teachers College basketbell team the West Side Rec alleys, was third Bowling in for^Score snd returned home to their Jobs between Johnstown and Washing­ Atlantic Coist Conference.- the Big beat Willimantic State Teachers with a six-game total of 677, 15 had struck for -two early goals ton was postponed. vari’t Windy City quintet must 10, the South\^*t Conference, the ; shot 66 the first day and Jit the A BlMwp Mother andj)aughter T earn pnly to have Boston rally to tie it was Lewis Moser of Toronto, win* both of its final two games ; second to build up s nine^stroke OF AB/L/7Y 84-80 in a closely fought game pins better than Elsie Pound who Cliff Hagan o f St. Louis Hawks, holding the bait as if he were Canada, newly . crowned . North High winds and sub-normal tern- schedule against atrong Plainville. .Skyline, the Pacific Coast.' the Mid­ which was decided In the last placed fourth. Like Mrs. F r e y , up on Bronco Hqrvath’s 2Srd .goal. on a bowling alley, goes up for a layup from the base (ins past peratiires resulted in the postppne- while Coach Clyde Wsshbiim’s American and thbre 1* nothing ' advantage. Miss Raw]* wsS second AajO H/U6TLB First mother and daughter combination ever entered in the Town- American aenior champion. Class C Rams need one win in their especially if the home team beats I after 36 holes with 73-72—145. quarter.' Miss McIntosh and Mrs. Pound WomenA Duck Pin ^ w lln g Tournament ia ahown before last Bwei>t Weekend Series Dick McGuire of the Detroit Pistons. ' The location of the Pine Moun­ ment of four regattas in Florida Simsbury for a second time tonight. but uncertainty. TFAFi CAU»/HPi—- Dart­ Colorado are. Just a half-game ing Champion Mary Lena Faulk. Vittner, Mrs. Pound sv. Mrs. Sim­ chester club, Marjorie Dougan, record \yas set during the meet \yithin the" year, Armstrong de­ Zuehike. Holy Trinity laat week to wind up that one la.'t win may not be so back. I en by the Boston Celtics 110-96. mons and Mrs. Frey vs. Mlsp John­ this 18-month-old canine. the U.^ In the 1952 Olympic fi­ mouth, ■which has showed signs ■with »n overall 6-8 won and lost Thomasville, Ga . 300; Marlene now with the Wapping Obedience when Harvard’s Hoel Landau, feated Randy Sandy and Reybon Yesterday's head ' winds blew easy to come by. Co-CSptain Dave Pacific Coast A jumble If any i .Missed Chance to (>0i|i son. Winners of the flrst two Joyce Walker and her Wtimarn- (3ub. scored 191 In Open B com­ Verdi Blames, A1 Gorden and Wil­ nals at Helsinki. Erskine’s lone fairly steadily at 15 to 20 miles of slipping, must meet its two clos­ record under new coach. Tony Hagge. Delray Beach. 302: and Stubbs in his last two' outings. Jo­ est rival* for the Ivy; Lesgue bav Farley, aporting a brilliant 21.2 team looks good in the pack, it's ' Bonnie Randolph. Naples. 304 ! 'The Knicka mia.*ed a chante to matches and victors in tjie fgst two er scored 162 points in Novice A. petition and then entered the liam Anderson stepped the distance setback was a one-round Jcnoclcout per hour. Afld a temperature that D'Angons. average in 13 outings. Boh Pon- at the hands of Nino Valdes a year seph dropped a decision to Bobby ketball title In four' game* over California, which won it last year. .Mary Ann F.rvnolyds of Albany. I move ahead of Philadelphia whan matches will vie in the semis at All three are members of the Breed Class .and won Beat of Breed ,of the mile relay in 3:21.1, to beat Boyd, Dec. 20, his most recent never rose higher than 10 degree* chak, Giinar* Vinkela and Co-Cap­ The Bruins have been a good de­ night Prises have been made avail- ago. .»■ , the next two weekend*. Ga., led the amateurs with 313. j their game with the Eastern Di- Manchester Dog Training Class. to gain seven points towards her the record set in 1948 by s .Yale start. I below zero gave 'the frigid blast Manchester High tain AI Vezina, will carry Hebron fensive club all season and appear i ------. - I Ision leading Celtics in Boston Abie for all four flnalista and' for President Jim Sheldon reports the championship degree. team .' ' If Johansson whips Erskine, he’ll : the sharpness of a knife. Yale, defending Ivy champion, The 10-round match will be After mapping an i^ht-game hopes in a final bid for tournament to have learned how to scoie. a.s was postponed because of a *no\v the woman, excluding the four fl­ be in the running for a shot at Pat­ snapped the fndana’ eight-game consideration. seen in some section on TV.(Du- Ivy winning streak 70-67 Saturday losing streak with an upset win evidenced by their 80-62 decision storm. nalista, bowling the tourney’s top terson along with all the other top over Southern California last Sat­ Hockey Spotlight single game. ,mont). at New Haven. Meanwhile. Penn over Meriden. Coach Elgin In other .games yesterday the contenders. CBA Came Postponed Zstursky’s Inexperienced Indians Swimming team. urday. They play Stanford tonight Cincinnati Royals edged the West­ 'Tounuunent Notes: Top single Kid Gsvilan and Ralph (Tiger) defeated Cdlumlds 90-77 at Phila­ while UCLA, another main con­ On Reds’ Goalie Jones, two men who have been delphia and Princeton dow-ned continue to display marked Im­ Coach Dirk Sollanek’a Red and ern Division pacesetter*, the St. game effort was turned In by Mrs.' Vkldes, the giant Chban. also has Y’eaterday’s scheduled Connecti­ tender clashes with Washington. ■Vittner who chalked up a robust around the top for many years, OomelL 68-63 at Ithaca. N. Y. , provement last week although los­ White tanker* also end their winter Louis Hawk.*. 100-98. on Walt Sodf Charcoal ond Vegetables an Important fight Priday. He cut Basketball Assn, contest be­ ing to Hall (64-5.'! I snd Conard slate this week with two meet* *t Mtd-.\merican Miami of Ohio New York. Feb 17 i#*i Goalie Duke., Mra. till 5:00; $oturdoy till NOON. recent Florida freeses. Mrs. G. U. Bay. ■ / • ' ‘ points. San Antonio, Tex.. Feb. 17 (.Ci - . for 21 round* of golf. moved into a tie for fourth-place bouunds. Mikkelsen collected 31 83 i93 98 109 147 102 632 welcome in the bar- as U is in a school, college and service .Mo.st of the field Ih'ai pounded Pepper Constable of Princeton. with the Indians. points, 17 before the intermission, Eat Oranges, Too , Cooling After Wqrkout farmhouse kitchen. Hopsea love New York (NBA)—Bob Black-fhigh Dick Csencsitz scored. 33 points Club Professional Bill Johnston Non-Qualtflers man, who deals in muscles every ball. To get him, the Hawks relin- in along betiind him in this storied N. J.. won the Women's National Larry W’llson's goal with five Paul Arlzin was high for Phila­ Nu-Weod StO'Lite Ceiling T ile s ...... 13c sq. ft. Mar>- McCarthy Trainer Jimmy Jones, also gives Mr. Fitz is also .famous for. glv- their hot bran hiash^ whteh ia who plays only the wipler tour — the greens to Tim Tam and Ken­ autumn at Dartmouth College, waa And not too much of that — was .tournament also i* on the wav to Singles Squash Racquets Cham­ minutes to go gave Cleveland its delphia with 26. 95 114 118 95 105 99 — 626 'Ing his Wheatly Stable youngsters mixed with oats and flaxseed for pionship for the fourth time and Knotty Pine Paneling, V Joint Western . . . 15c sq. ft. tucky Pride. Calumet’s one - twq powdered milk, 'mixed with warm In MadiZon Square Garden Jhe showing the big name* of golf a Hriiialoii. Among them Is Zob Ros- victory over the Bisons. A pair of .Vohieved the Hard Way , Rita McAllister Mrs. J., R. H; Thouron’s Ben Lo- hurg of Napa, Calif., the great the third straigiit year to hold the goals by Ab YicDonald powered Detroit's victory over St. Louis Knotty Pine Paneling, Pickwick' Pattern . . 20c sq. ft. punch for ihe 5100,000 Flamingo on water, to drink while cooling out other night, and hie reactions were thing'or two , today. He was the 95 87 91 121 127 101 622 ri'ohd. Sometimes they get oatpieal, Ihose of a mdn watching his first .stretch nlnner who almost won thp Eleanora Sears Trophy. She defeat­ the Amerks to their success was achieved the hard way. Thvice I>ot Cowles Marclj 1. Brookmeade Stable.buy,e after a woj'kcqjt. ’ which is called gruel In tradition- •sun'ii Jisr.'o.rs I tmly player winning money In all pro basketball in the flesh. Texas Open with a great »ix- ed Mrs. Baba Lewis of Boston In against Springfield. the Pistons had a 25-point lead 86 100 116 101 90 123 618 a hamper, d/iily as a treat for En­ Horses are vegetarians, which flavored stable parlance. ' - lost. . • ■ ; Princeton’s Cbck Klein dropped tournaments this year. Ten games before^ the end of ^^row tries*In tha under-par 65 on the final 18 hole*. itraight set*. 15-6, 15-13, 15-5. Mr*. Flo Kloter core and the others In the barn. ought to prove something consider­ Equine beauty t’ .'esn’t just come "You know," he mused, over the The Provo, Utah, municipal Clonitable is state champion in PLYWOODS Instead of aweeta, Maine CIvance’s thumps of a dribble on the conver­ last season, with the Hawks scrap­ second half to lead the Tigers. He wound up in second place at 94 114 96 87 110 105 606 ing that a lupif of horsepower Is naturalfy, those shiny coats, rival­ course pro, s deadly *w,lnger off 277 and got 51.500. Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Douglas Fir Good 1 Side Interior — First Quality Edns HilinskI Flamingo Hope. Jewel's Reward, equal huroerically to 550 foot­ tible floor, "I’m surprised they ping for a playoff berth’. Bob Pet­ He scor^ 18 points alt told. Cor­ the tee ami as imperturbable aa a ing the racing sllj(s in luster, are tit broke his arm, iu»d me Hawks Marr. who led the tournament 93 108 79 R4 90 148 — 602 goes for oranges — Florida or­ pounds of work per second. James the result qf raw eggs and olivr don’t make moch noise here . ,, , nell was' paced by Lou Jordan’s 27 marble statue, won hla flrst tour­ Feet Sheet anges, of course — and gets one .That .Couay isn’t as graceful as ! had no choieV. Hagan had to points. Neil Muncaster made four nament In two winters of trying by six strokes after the first two Hollywood. Calif. - Don Jordan. Gene Kelly Says — Dawn Molumphv ©..Norris’- two-yesr-old colt .Oclo- oil. Wir>’ manes and forelocks are play, ,'and- in the forecourt. They rounds but by only one going Into V4''x 4 x 8 ...... 12V2C $4.00 86 ,118 m 87 598 daily to suck. The 1957 Juvenile 'pqs eats fresh' corn on the cob rolled up in tin 'curlers the night expected h«’d be . . . Man, look at baskets — all his scoring —' in the yesterday as he galloped in with 145^, Los Angeles, outpointed champion also has stioWn a prefer­ that .body contact under the baa- .'won their, division, the prelimi- final minutes to saVe Harvard’s a three-under-par 68 for a total of the-final 18 holes yesterday, could Karl Heinz Guder, 149. Essen, Ger­ Vi" X 4 X 8 ...... , 17c $5.44 Doris Prentice flown from Chicago. Apples and before a race, or braided Ijecoiu- manage only a two-over-par 73 and 95 114 92 100 ence for head lettuce, the ■ kind ket. Didn't know it got that rough.' nZry playoffs and went ' al> the victory. Brown’s Joe Tebo scored 274 on 72 hole* and 52.000 first many, 10. 597 carrots are horsey treats at Hia­ ingly. BriUiantine adds gjampr...... way to the ahventh game of the finished In a tie for third at 278 »/2'' X 4 X 8 ...... 22e $7.04 Vi Chapman tossed In the salad bowl at home. leah: Even onions figure in s horse's "Say , who’s that No. 167" 20 and the Crimson’s Charlie Wolfe money in the Texa* Open. Cain Hoy’s exploalvy four-yesr-old It' vaulted the slender John.ston with Jimmy Demaret of Kiamesha X X 107 95 92 99 589. Otfier stables serve romaine, eh- well-being. They’re tucked Into the Red God takes gelatine to harden From a scored 18. Vt" 4 8 ...... 25c $8.00 dlve or iwlss chard, according to ■from 24th place to eighth In the Lake, N. Y.; Bo Wininger of Odes­ * Lll Molumphy comers .of a stall underneath th«i his hooves'. burst a broad-shouldered St. Louis sa, Tex., and Billy Maxwell, also V4''x 4 x 8 ...... 29c $9.28 ■V Hawk, a strand of black hair .flop­ Higah*,. using his bulk, hla qulck- official money ■winning li*t. He ha* To solve life's prob­ 85 109 101 106 <'88 99 588 of Ot’*'>ssa. The Finest Helene Dey ping off his fereheaed,. atrbnjg fin; nqts and his feather touch, was' Gains Second Place banked 53,5’l8.33. winning from Surfwood for rustice relaxed interiors theft- clutch guy all the way. You •100 up to the 52.000 he got by The 33-year-old professional at lems tee must divide 112 104 89 106 91 88 — 590 gers wrapped Securely around the. Mt. Timp’anogoS course In Provo Hockey at a Glance Bali. He wasn’t as tall as the men rtever / noticed the disparity • in overtaking D«ve Marr of Cedar- 4' X 8* ponel, 5/16” in thickness, 26e sg. ft...... $8.32 pond Ann Fidler New Haven, Feb. 17 (A*)—Tha won his first tournament with two 98 103 84 108 102 89 — .584 O’ Brien Unliappy at Showinjoj, with whom he’d Just grappled for height as the wide and strong Yale Hqglfley team haa moved into burst, Long Jsland. on the final our wants from our ' Sundays. Results Kentuckian, -positioned himself round of the Texas Open and fin­ creat closing round*. He had a U. S. G. Weed-Grained Sheet Rock Paneling: Ruth Ostrander possession, gave away maybe four second place, Just behind-Harvard, five-under-par 66 over the 6,490- 98 100 .98 87 96 95 — 574 -National League or -five" Inches. But where lhe„ under the basket and- quickly es­ after taking its third victory In Ivy ishing three stroke* ahead with necessities^to solve Sq. Ft. 4x8 Panel Hopes to Set, New Shot Mark New York 3, Boston 2. tablished himseltas one of the best hla JO-under-par 24. yard Brackenrldge- Park course In Edie Correntl others looked like animated stllta, League, play, by defeating Prince­ the third round, and then he played 91 91 119 96 92 84 — 573 Chicago 4, Montreal <0. this No. 16 had the bearing of q offensive board men basketball has ton. 3-1, After a scorelcip first pe­ . Johnst'On heads for Houston and 4x8 Cherrywoed...... 12c $3.84 Detroit 4. Toronto 1, guy who'd look Just as good in a ever seen. ‘ the Houston 530.000 Invitational conservatively but' effectively in your insurance Maude Carpenter riod Yale's Dave McNamara scored the final. . . 12e $3.84 98 103 90 97 81 101 — 570 1 New York, Feb. 17 7(8*)—When* than his liited World Indoor record.’ American League foiir-poetered ring with a pair of' This is a unique talent, being early in the. second period followed today with a stroke average of 71 Jennie Lata Parry O'Brien la unhapppy over hla Was he content? Buffalo 8. Cleveland 2. mittens on hia fists or rynning on- able to pluck .off rebounds after two minutes later by Tom Crosby. problems insure Seblewood . 12c $3.84 your own men have bombarded the 112, 01 107 95 84 81 — 570 performance he does something Of course not Only seven days Providdtee 6, Hershey 0. grass. with pads on his shoulders. Peter Cook scored for the Tlgera Rochester 3, Springlleld 1. He was Cliff Hagen, and at 6-4 hoops, becauscFthe defensive men in the third while Ygle came up with US. //I Jo Lucas about it. ’ , . before,,In Frankfurt, Germany, he 85 107 85 93 108 91 569 I had gotten off a mighty heave of Eastern Leiague and 215'pounds, he’s built to, make have' the natilral inside track to with another score in the same pe­ Marie Hebenstrelt And toda.v, he all but promised 61-8'j. That’s the one he Wanted Charlotte 2, Clinton 6. a football coach wondeir who’ he ia; tha basket and won’t aacrifle posl-' riod.- SPECIALIZING IN 97 102 89- 94 90 91 — 663 a world shot put record in the Na­ to better In the.NYCA meet. Johnstown at Washington, post­ Kids like him at Kentucky playing tion easily. Hagan has the knack A----- A------■------of getting around them and once b/e Service" Olive Rossetto tional AAU Track and Field “ I was disappointed in my per­ poned. , basketball for Adolph Rupp were CUSTOM BUILT HOMES, 97 lOfl 88 89 82 101 — .563 Monday's Schedule .s.^- enough. Jo start Bear Bryant off on there, he .doesn’t budge, until it ‘‘ / b o c t p o s t p o n e d Championships this Saturday. formance,” he scowled, “and I 336 North Main SUeet ' Marge Holmes • think I’ll do much better in the No games scheduled in any the gfidlpon peregrinations that cpmes time to spring for the ball. GENERAL CONTRACTING 84 118 74 95 103 9 0 — 659 That wouldn’t come exactly as a Nationals. ‘ league. ^ Easy on Eye made thh 6ircle to, Alabama. And there, nature gives him the /Hartford. Feb. 17 (81-—.The 12- surprise, of course. The muscular P— ------—:------■ muscular coila tliat enable him -to round bout between Steve Ward REMODELING cm^ REPAIRING “INSURANCE IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS” Helen Wilb'elnv . ’ "The trouble was that I concen­ Jlerh Score, Cleveland’s hard- But a year ^'ftgo, the National Tel. Ml 9-5253 99 M .87 05 96 86 — 557 banker from Los^AogeJes, holds Basketball Assn, didn’t kpow if get high enough to dunk :Z bail. an(! Red Top Davis, both of Hart­ trated more on getting off the ball ■ ' BEST IN SHOW ford, has been po#Uioned to Feb, FREE ESTIMATES— MORTGAGES ARRANGED Ann Correati .every shot put record in the books than I did on diataAce becauae the .'luek lefthanderr hits Oje road it had room for a l^id like Hagan. Thla season haa'been a tour and in J-ecertt years, every time he de force lor handsome Hagan. ,HU 26. The flght originally wai' sched- Open Daily 7 A.M . to 86 97 92 05 lOS 8 3 — 555 circle waq a little alippel:y, ,';i don’t New Haven. Feb. 47 (8*)—A JkuildlnK^—Contraetiof 14 'm iSR fi OUGHtA BK A LAyk^i BY FA6ALY and Apartmento—Plata— Homes For Balt 72 Lotu tor Sale .73 Wanted— Real ifilat* 77 Ttnementa 63 ALL TYPES of carpentry work (xScT gui.MO — NEW 8H room f o u r BBDltOOM Dutch colonial, MANCHESTER Driving Academy, ranch. Bullt-ln atov# and oven, wooded iou ACTION t ACTT(»tl acUon! Build- Classified licensed by State of Conn, and done, alleratlons, dormers, roof­ b e a u t if u l modem first floor m battu, thrde lota. Manchezter on wmiams Road. Call owner, Ml ingsiot# and homes. Cash buyers, Meetings Postponed ing, porches, etc. Call MI 9-6981. flre|dace, full baaement Near Greim a*»a. Ml 9-1266. 34321. . Motor Vehicle department. Can IWHTArKM«OFI.IPI four room apartment. Laige living Verplanck School. R. F. Oimock Immediately. Harvey Adelberg, fulfill all driver educational needs, room with fireplace. Attractive It Co., Realtors, Ml 0-634&, Joseph (1> SIX ROOM CAPE. Reduced CH 7-8169 any time. Advertisement from 16 to 66. Standard shift, push GENERAL repairing and remodel kltchcq with modem cablnete, ing. Specializing in building of Ashford; Ml 9-6818, Barbara to $18,300. Altimlnur.1 sidipg, button, fluid drive and automatic. S7\i AlWA^I 3 formica counters, tiled walla, Suburban for Sal* 75 WANTED — Two-faml)y, onequUf Because of Storm CLASSIFIED ADVT. garages and shell houset of Ml Woods, Ml 9-7702 or Robert Mur­ ameaito drive. This home te an cash buyer. Call Carlton W. Serving Manchester, Rockville. TMeiAST ventilating fan, equipp^ for elec­ dock, MI S-4W72, • ‘ excellent buy I For appointment BOLTON - Coventry Une. DEPT. HOURS Coventry, Bolton,, Andover arid types. Ml 3-0781. tric range, washer 'and dryer. (Vni) HutChinq, MI 9-6182 soon as pos­ 'GUV IN-TME to see call the R. F.’ Dlmock Co., New six room Cape. Four (hushed sible. The follo'wing meetings and'f Vollyball League at tbo West 8:15 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Vernon. Call Mr. Mlclette, PI ALL TYPES of repMrs and new 'BUSWWOlS Ldrge tiled bath with linen cloaet. MANCSIESTER-Custom brick and Itealtora. MI 9-5145, Joseph Aah- down, ceramic Ulo bath, walkout a-7249.. * Two roomy iMdroonu eliding frame six room ranch, two fire­ events scheduled to be held tor Side . Rec and Buaineasmen’s Bas­ construction. William Kanehl, con­ . THE FIRST ford, Ml J-661S, Barbara Woods, baaement, targe lot. $13,7IM. R F. night in Manchester have .been ketball' League at the Bast Side door wardrobe cloeets. All floore places, large recreation room, MI 9-TTOt or Robert Murdock, MI MORTLOCK’S Driving School — tractor and builder. Call Ml 8-7778. TO GET OFF ■ Dlmock . Realtora. Ml Letfil Notiew' canceled or postponed:. . Rec: postponed, due to limited COPY CLOSING TIME asphalt tile. Fiber gloss Insulated, only $17,900. Carlton W. Hutchins, »44tE 9-5245, Joseph Ashlord, MI 9-6818, Licensed by State of Conn. Author­ ROOMS finished from 8295. Tile ^kuihltcr storm windows, screens and com­ DO 9-8li32. Race relations panel at Center parking facilities at both areas. FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ised bv Dept, of Motor Vehicles Barbara Woods, Ml 9-7702 or Rob­ AT A COURT OF PROBATE, held Chttre^ new date to be announced ceilings from $45. All carpentry at bination doors, Circulating hot (II) $17,900—Wew 614 room ranch, ert MuCdock, MI 3-6472. at Uauchester, within and for the Sunset RebeKah Lodge school of MON. THRU FRI. lor driver education, Including right prices. Small Jobs welcome. water heat with baseboard radia­ MANCHESTER— New seven room ceraJhlo tile bath, dining area, District of Manchester, on the l$lh day later. ' instruction, postponed 'tmtll March classroom tesichirig foe 16 years of February, 1988. 10:30 A.M. TR 5-5759. tion. Beautiful high country loca­ ranch, many extras. Call Buildsr- atta^ed gange, full basemenL (IX) BOLTON—Coventry Une. New Present, Hon. John J. Walletl, Judga. Meeting of Friendship Circle at 3. , • old and up. Three cars, push but­ Mssa tion located Babrock Hill, South Owner, Mi 8-6821. amesite and reaUon room with fireplace and Ml 9-6618, Barbara Woods, Ml insured dual control cars, stand­ COMPLETE price range of alum­ paneled den. Huge kitchen, dining S-947A February. 19M. at eleven o'clock fofe- ihent of new date will be made West Side Rec and Community Y MancheeUr. Rockville TR 6-1295. 9-7702, Or Robert Murdock, MI noon. at the Probate Office lit the Mu­ later. canceled. ard or automatic. By trained and inum windows, doors, awnings, area. Twice as many cabinets as 34472. nicipal Buildlns In said Manchester, be certified Instructor, iicensed by Jalousies. For free estimate call THREE ROOM, basement apart (XAG) SOUTH WINDSOR—Just Meeting of American Legion Meeting of Holy Family Moth­ Dial Ml 3-2711 usual. Two ceramic tile bathe. For over Manchester town line. New, and Ihe same b ooslfned for a heartna the State of Cc’nn. Ml 9-6075. us now. Home Specialities Co, MI ment, partially fumlehed, has further InlormaUon «»■ Mpolnt- on tbs allowance o( said adminlitratlon Auxiliary, canCeIgd. ers Clf4;le, postponed until Feb. 26 two bathroom ranches, raised ANDOVER—Immediate occupancy. account.with said estate, the determina­ No evening school at Manchester 3-2856. toilet but no bath, MI SJX)68. ment to see call the R. E. Dimock tion of claims presented to said admin­ at tlte home of Mrs. Robert Bran- hearth, paneled living room wall, Four room bungalow, near lake- High School. nick, 16 Hemlock SL It Co., Realtors. Ml B-5246, Joseph 1.2Q0 square feet living area. R. Two bedrooms, fireplace with istratrix and the appointment of an ad­ Business Services Offered 13 SIX ROOM duplex, garage, on bus Ashford, Ml t-6818, Barbara ministrator d.b.n., and thb Court No evening school at the Howell Meeting of Study Circle of the Lost and Pound 1 tins, adult family preferred. Write F. D i m ^ it Co., Realtors, MI- heatalatpr, oil hot water heat, directs that notice of Ihe time and place Roofing—Siding 16 Woods. Ml 9-7702 or Itabert Mur­ knotty pine interior, artesian well, aesizned fur said hearing be given tq Cheney Technical School. South Methodist WSCS scheduled FLOUR SANDING and retmishlns Box K, Herald. 9-5245,’ Joaeph AshfOrd, MI- Meeting of W8CS of South Meth- for Wednesday, postponed tmtll LOST — Motorola model 6x32E dock, Ml 3-6472. ' 9-6818, Barbara Woods. MI 9-7702 large playhouse. Lot 60x200. Ask­ lUI peraons known to be fn tereit^ Specializing la old floorm. M SPECIAL WINTER rates for all ing $7,500. Schwartz Real Estate. therein to appear and be heard thereon odUt Church, with WSCS of North March 12. transitor radio (aerial number 9-5750. types of roofing and siding. For TWO ROOM fumlehed, heated, :vn i MANCHESTER—814,800 Cape or Robert Murdock, MI 3-6472. by publlshinz a copy of thlt order In Methodist and Wlndsorville Meth­ 033243) In vicinity of Marlow’s. utilities, business block, adulta, Call Louis Aruda, MI 34454 or CH some newspaper having a circulatton Training for Girl Scout execu­ free estimate; call Manchester four down, two unfinished up. Nice 2-2865. in said District, at least five days be­ odist Churches and Sisterhood of tive board and committee members Substantial reward for informa­ Roofing and Siding Co., Inc. Ml free parking, telephone Mr. Keith, condltior,. Near schools, traiwpor- (XXI) GLASTONBURY — Five fore the day of said bearing. Temple Beth Sholora guests, post­ tion. Apply Marlow's, 867 Main. MI 9-8191. room ranch with breezeway and for tonight, postponed until fur­ MURTENSENTV. Specialized KCA 9-8933. tatlon and shopping center. Im­ (XX) $18,800—Covetftrv Lake, new ______JOHN J. WAI.USTT, Judge. poned until next Monday night. ther notice, and dramatics work­ Ml 9-5221. ______television sendee, 9-4641 mediate occupancy. Call the R. F. - garage. Near Country Club! Extra SECOND FLOOR, four room apart­ large rooms, fireplace., paneled seven room split leVel, 114 baths, AT A COURT OF PROBATE, held Last seaaion of Manchester Dog shop scheduled for tomornrw RAY'S ROOFINO CO., shingle and Dimock Co., Realtors. Ml 9-5245 or fireplace, attached garage, game at Manchester.' within and for the Training class at the Community- nlghL postponed until Feb. 24. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that M A M RUBBISH Removal Serv­ built up roofs, gutter ^and con­ ment, Bisaelt. St., etove, $10. MI living room wall. Aluminum com­ District of Manchester, on the 13th day 9-8229 to 5 p.m. Joseph Ashford, Ml 9-6818, Bar­ room, lake privileges. Present ot February, 1968. Y, canceled. Meeting of Manchester Chapter Pass Book No. 68564, issued by ice. Cleaning atucs, cellars and ductor work, roof, chimriey re­ bara Wnods, MI 9-7702, Robert bination doors and windows. Im­ The Savings Bank of Manchester mediate occupancy. R. F. Dimock mortgage can he assumed, month­ Present, lion, John J. Walletl. Judge. Meeting, of St.’ Jude Thoddeus of Had as*ah scheduled for tomor­ 1 : yards. Incinerators emptied, ashes pairs. Ray Eagenow, Ml 9-2214. Murdock, Ml 3-6472. Estate of Adelaide -B. Hayes, late of has been lost and application has removed. Contract sendee avall- TWO-ROOM apartment, couple, It Co,, Realtors, MI 9-5245. Joseph ly payments sre only $77.39, . R. Mothers Circle poetponed until 8:15 row night, calceled. Ray Jackson, MI 3-8325. . ^ gentleman. All utilities, quiet. 224 F. Dlmock 4c Co.. Realtors. MI Manchester. In said District, deceased. iMen made to said bank for pay' abie. MI 9-9757. (XVn) TWO new Capes with 1100 Ashfotd, MI 9.4818, Barbara The adminbtrator c.t.a. having ex­ tomorrow night at the home of Regular meeting of church ment of the amount of deposit. Charter Oak. MI 8-8368. CH 6-4187. Woods,, MI.9-7702 or Robert Mur­ 9-5245, Joseph Ashford, Ml 9-6818, hibited his administration accouhl with Mra. Roger Duamine, 141 Edgerton school faculty o f St. Mary’s ElpLs- ROOFINO, SnUNG, painting. Car) Help Wanted— Male 36 Building Materials 47 Wanted—To Boy S8 square ft. of living area. 5 minutes Barbara Woods, Ml 9-7702 or Rob­ said estate to this Court for allowance, TRASH Removal —Weekly service pentry. Alterations and additlona. dock. MI 34472. SL - copal Church scheduled for tonight, LOST—PASS BOOK No. M-3625, FQUR ROOM apartment, newly from Manchester Green. Youngs­ ert .Murdoex, MI 3-6472. It is now available at a price anyone Ceilings. Workmanship guaran. No. 1 Douglaa Fir Framing OLD GUNS (any cpndlUon) town kitchen, living room with ORDERED That the 28th day ot Meeting of Manchtoter Youth postponed until March 3. SaWngs Department of the Man­ can afford. So to keep your decorated, pleasant, central locS' (XV) RIGA HEIGHTS, B olton- Februay , 1968, at ten o'clock, forenoon, teed. A. A. Dion, Inc!, 299 Autumn ^GHER INCOME FOR Per M’ $110. swords, war rallca. antiques, ate. fireplace vestibule. Largr lot (X0I) TALCOTTVILLE Vernon, Council, canceled. Trip to West Haven Veterans chester Trust Company, Applies premises clean call Hurri-Clean I' lush Door No. 1 Clear. (one Or whole collection). 70 Mill tlon. Hie bath and shower, kitchen Magnificent neiv ranch, Georgia at the Protiate Office In the Municipal St. MI 3-4880. cabinets, with garage. Rental $90 $16,200. R. F. Dimoc. and Co., $21,900. New Conn, contemporary, Buildinz in said Manchester, be and Setback party eponeored by Hospital scheduled for tomorrow tlon made,for payment. Transit oi Manchester. MI 9-7853 $7,t)00 A YEAR MEN Each from $4.40 St. Tel. M 8-5717. Realtors, Ml 9-6245, Joaeph Ash­ marU« fireplace, built in oven and the same Is assigned for a hearing on Army and Navy Ladles Auxiliary, night by members of the 'VFW Light trucking also available. a month. No pets. Adults only. ultra modem ranch. % acre wood­ the allowance of said administration ac­ FOR THE bekt in ehingle and built Disappearing Stairways each $24.95 ford, Ml 9-6818, Barbara Woods, stove, two car garage. See signs ed lot. icasher dryer-refrigerator- canceled. Auxiliary, canceled until further up roofing, gutters, leaders, chim­ Full time-, career positions, only Clear Casing—Full Stock Lin, .055c Write Box L, Herald. on Bolton Center Rd. R. F. count with said estate, and ascertain­ LOST—GRAY female Angora cat, HILLS' TELEVISION Service. Rooms Without Board 59 Ml 9-7702, or Robert Murdock, MI 'built-in oven-stove are Included. ment of distrilnilees, and thb Court Meeting of the Inasmuch Class notice. ney and roof repairs call Coughlin. for successful men 28-45. Commis­ 8d and l'6d Common Nalls . 3r6472. Dimock .A Oo„ Realtors,' MI- For appointment to see call the directs that notice of' .the time and o f the Church of the Nazarene, Rehearsal of special high ochool name. Mitten. Call MI 3-8560. AvaUabie at all times. Philco fac MI 8-7707. Keg. $10.35 9-6245. Joseph Ashford. MI- place Bsslgiied for said hearing be sion Income imllpiited. Sale of ex­ ROOM f o r rent. Inquire State BuMnem lAicfitlons R F. Dtm|>ck Co., Realtors, Ml canceled. choir tonight, canceled. tory supervised service. Tel. Ml Plyscore. 4/0 x 8/0 Per M’ $87.00 38 SCARBOROUGH RD.— Vacant 9-6818. Barbara Woods, MI 9-7702 given lo an persons known to be tnter- 9-9698. clusive InvestmeritA in exclusive Tailor {Shop, 8 Bissell. Ml 8-7888. for Rent 64 9-5245, Joseph Ashford. Ml 94818. esied therein to appear and be heard No. 1 Oak Flooring Per M’ $165 After •:30 1)0 8-5047. five year old six room Colonial, or Robert Murdock. MI 1-6472. Barbara Woods. Ml 9-7702 or thereon by publishing a copy of thia Announcements Roofing—Chimney 16-A territories after free training. Mahogany Paneling Ft. 15c large llvlhg room, fireplace metal order In some newspaper having a cir- GONDER’S T.V. Service, available FOR OFFICE or commerctal use, Robert Murdock, . MI 34472. rulatldn in said . District, at least five Knotty Pink) Paneling Ft. 14c ATTRACTIVELY furnished and kitchen cabinets, attached garage, MANCHEI8TKR '— Six rooms, full INCOME TAXES prepared In your any time. Antenna conversions. Write Box E, llerald three rooms, ground floor. Main basement, oU beat, tile bath, com­ days before the day of said hearing, home or by appointment. Exper­ Philco factory supervised service ROOFING - Specialising In repair- 1x12 Dry TAG Sheathing Per M’ $89 cheerful rooms. Complete tight St. near Dost offlee. Phone MI large porch, hot water heat oil, and by mailing on or before February Town Must Replenish bination windows and doors. City 14, 1958 by certified mail, a copy of' ienced tax work. Ml 3-4723. Tel. Ml 9-1486. ''ing roofs of all klnda Also new On our competitors advertised housekeeping facilities available 9-5229, MI 8-7444. tile bath and first floor lavatory. Wanted— Real Estate 77 roofe. Gutter work. Chlm."eye Single, double. Children accepted Aluminum storm windows and utilities. Excellent condition. Ga­ this order to Martin R. Hayes. 9t>4 No. THE PRUDENTIAL Insurfuice prices, we will beat them rage. Amesite drive. 30 days occu­ Wayne Street, Arlington Virginia: DICK’S WEATHERSTRIP Com­ cleaned, r^alred, 26 years' ex Company of America has an open­ —limited Barking. Central. Rea- ENTIRE BUILDINO about 6;500 screens. Near bus and schools, ARE y ou CONSIDERING Catnerine H Toomey. 164 No. Elm by at least 5% pancy. Priced at only $12,600. SF.LUNO YOUR PROPERTY T Street. .Manchester. Conn.: Richard P. INCOME TAXES prepared. Call pany. doors and windows, custom perience iN«e estimates Gall ing in the Manchester area for ^ Bonable price! Come see! Mra. square feet Suitable for storee, real bargain, A-1 condition. Pries Snow Removal Budget NOBODY—BUT NOBODY Oiarles Lesperance, MI B-7620. We will appraise your property Hayes. 164 No. Elm Street. Manchester, 1)0 9-3329. work, guaranteed. Call 80 9-1583 Howley. Manchester Mi 8-5361. man who Is interested In a career Oorsey, 14 Arch St. office. Insurance company) hall, $22,500. George L. Graziadio, Conn. after 6 p.m. as a Life Insurance salesmim. UNDERSELLS NA’HONAL! etc. Occupancy s-6 months. In Realtor, Ml 9-5878. free and without any obligation. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge, ROOM—Private parking. Residen center of town. One car garage for (VI) REDUCED TO $14,900. Six We also buy property for casb. Queen of Dance-Time la Mias Wendy Robinson. Members of her The need for an additional ap­ ity. The situation can be remedied Call RAY ANN T V airilc service call Married men preferred. Salary SIX ROOM single, in good condi­ room Cape, six finished ooms. i Selling or buying contact court are Misa Joan Kemp and Miss Kathy Luongo. (Herald as a rule by reducing the quantity INiXJME TAXES prepared. Heating and Plumbing 17 and eommlasion while receiving NATIONAL LUMBER, INC. Hal • neighborhood. ' Phone Ml rent at the Center, Call 1)0 9-8228, propriation for snow-removal costs kU 9-6056. $2.50. 24 hour service. Bonded 9-0086 or Ml 8-7444. tion. Oil heat, two-car garage, lot Completed game room in base-, , STANLEY BRAY. Realtor Photo by Oflara). of fat forming foods In the dleL on the Job training. Phone ^n 381 STATE STREET ment, detached garage. Ideal lo- * was indicated today even before work. Work done on radios, car 5. WATSON. PLUMBING and nest­ 90x180, priced at $11,000, for quick BRAE-BURN REALTY ‘Dance Tim e’ Why does an otherwise normal FEDERAL INCOME taxes pre radios and Hi Fi. MI 3-8877, MI 9-5226. NORTH HAVEN, CONN. PLEASANT, clean room for one WAREIHOUSE — Insulated, lights sale. Reuben T. McCann Agency. cation near tranzportation and | Ml 3-6273 Hospital Notes town offlcialz were able to esti­ youngster eat too much? Ap­ ing contractor. New installations, shopping center. R. F. Dlmock t. pared with your savings in mind. 3-2958. alteration work and repair worl.. and two gentlemen, at Center, and water,'80x28. 2ti miles from MI 8-7700. mate what the cost of digging out parently there la often an emotion­ Reasonable rates. Call MI 0-6246. HIGH EARNING with parking, bath and ahower. 29 Co.. Realtors. Ml 9-5245, Joseph ! SELLING, Buying. Trading? L.M.- from under the weekend storm Ml 9-3808. Hiamondii— W atches-^ Manchester. Previously used for * Patients Today: 193 Picks Queen al reason. LINOLEUM, asphalt tile waP cov­ POTENTIAL Hazel. MI 9-7083. nursery stock. $80 per month. (XI) OVERSIZED Brick Cape. Ashford, MI 94816, Barbara M.L (which means Live Modem Rebels Boost Gonfusion would be. In some youngsters it may be a ering. Phone M 3-8109. Quality We have an opening for two men Jewelry 48 Deming St., Wapping. Tel. DO Five rooms down, two unfinished Woods, MI 9-7702 or Robe-t Mur­ —Multiple List)—all your real es AD.MirrED SATURDAY: Frank Steele, assistant town en­ symbol of independence or rebel­ Personals and aervice aince 1945. PLUMBING AND heating—repairs 3-8409. up. Family room in basemenL dock, MI 34472. tate the modem way. The Eflls- Mrs. Ethel Sheppard. 17 Nye St.; Wendy Rohin-son was crowned gineer, said leas than $1,000 was in our sales department to assist LEONARD W. YOST Jeweler, re­ ROOM FOR RENT. MI 8-5874. lion against authority. In some it and contract work. Can Ml 9-8541. our sales managei'. Sales exper­ Present mbrtgmge can oe as­ worth Mitten Agency. Readtora, Mrs. Dorothea Wilson, Tanker- "Little Mias Sweetheart of Dance left In the inow-removal budget may help the youngster to avoid WANTED—A ride from Highland FOR STEADY service of plowing pairs, adjusts watches expertly. sumed. R. F. Dlmock A Co., Real­ (IV) OFF PORTER STREET — Ml 34930. oosan Rd.. Vernon: Mrs. Jane On Control of Indonesia snow from driveways, cal) PI ience not necessary but helpful. If Reasonable prices. Own daily. Tidy Cape Cod. Comer lot. ames­ Time" at the West Side Rec Sat­ before the latest storm blanketed physical competition with others, Park to vicinity of West St., Hart­ LLOYD’S PLUMBING Service as­ you qualify we will train you. This Saburban For Rent 661 tors, MI 9-5245. Joseph Ashford. Adams, Wapping: Ernest New­ the town with from 15 to 20 inches either in sports or socially; it ford. 8:15 to 4:15. MI 9-6325. 2-7798 sures satisfaction, prompt service. Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce ite drive. $14,750. This f ar ex­ L1STINO.S WANTED, single and urday night. She is the daughter (Continued from Page One) really moved by ail this.” job offers high earning 4x>tential in FURNISHED ROOM for rent. 136 Ml 9-6818, Barbara Woods, MI- comb. Andover;' George Ouillette. of mow. may serve as a kind of excuse for CH 7-6124. Ml 9-5485. Street. Ml 9-4387. CXIVENTRY—Four room unfuT' 9-7702, or Robert Miirdock. Ml- cellent buy In a beautiful location. two-famUy houses. Member of of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Robin­ However, Deputy Premier Hardi, the high four figure bracket. If you Bissell St. R. F. Dimock Co.. Realtors. MI M l£ Howard R Hastings, Real­ 244 Woodland St.; Francis Hap- Qriginally, the town had a snow- avoiding undesired activity. ______<______nished apartment, gas heat. Sec­ 8-6472. penny, 221 School SI.: Mrs. Mar­ son of lOO Gampfleld Rd. The rebel order underscored the one of Sukarno’s top aides, ad­ Household Services OIL BURNER Service. Complete consider yourself reliable and ond floor, $48 per month. Avail ______94245 or Joseph Ashforo .MI tor, Ml 9 1107 any lime removal budget account of $25,000, IVhen obesity is severe the AutomobHes tor Sale 4 sober, uniUraid of w,ork. to eafn Fuel and Peed 49-A PLEASANT ROOM, central, kitch­ garet Cooper, Coventry; Herman "Dance Time" is the weekly outer Islands’ main economic com­ mitted the situation could fester and to this the Board of Directors heating ae-vice. work guaranteed. able Feb. 1. Welles Agency, Cov-1 XV01 NEW CAPE, $16,900. Six fln- 9-6818, Barbara Woods, M’ 9-7702, plaint-against the Jakarta regime. into a civil war if a satisfactory reasons may have to be discovered Offered 13-A this high potential income. en privileges if desired. Gentle­ HAVE CLIENTS for aingle or! Kralzke, 69 Ellington Rd., Rock­ dance for fifth and sixth graders added $5,000 following the storm by the sympathetic physician or X b e f o r e y o u b u y a uaed car Call MI 9-4749 day or nlghi.) SEASONED hardwood foi fire­ entry. PI 2-7356. iahed rooms. baths, ameaite Robert Murdock, .MI 3-6472. | sponsored Friday nights by the They claim Jakarta la happy to sell settlement is not reached with see Gorman Motor Sales. Buick Apply in person man. Parking. MI 3-4724. duplc.x houses in Manchester or* ville; Mrs. Mary Lolly. 64 Prospect last month. However, Steele said the -psychiatrist so that the young­ Fl-AT FINISH Holland • window place, cut and split to order. Call drive, choice location. R. F. vicinity. Schwartz Real Estate, i Recreation Denartment. Thia was their products but balks at giving Sumatra. Sates and Service, 285 Main Dimock A Co., Realtors. MI MANCHESTER —Four room ranch, St., Rockville: Mrs. Estelle Kar- today that, with bills from that ster will develop a real desire to ahades, made to measure. All GREAT EASTERN Mi 3-7083. Leonard L. Giglio. Wanted to Rent 68 a damto at only $10,500 Six room Call Louis Arruda. Ml 3-6454. or sky. Juniper Lane. Rockville; Don­ their first big dance. them a fair share of the return The rebel premier. Dr. Sjafrud- snow fall still coming in, only some Street. Ml 9-4571. Open evenings. metal Venetian blinds at a new Moving—rTrucking— ROOM and garage for rent, private 9-5245, Joseph Ashford. MI 9-6818. either in tax appropriations or for­ din Prawlranegara, former gov­ loose excess poundage. Once a CONSTRUCTION CO. Cape Cod, one unfinished. Hi CH. 2-2865. ald Johnston, Ellington; Mrs. Mary Mrs. James Herdic crowned $1,000 was left in the account. program of reducing la set up and low price. Keys made while you Storage 20 home. Ml S-6'857. WE8TINGHOU8E Engineer, wife Barbara Woods, Ml 9-T702, or Mis.s Robinson. Joan Kemp and eign goods. ernor of the Bank of Indonesia and n e e d a g a r ? Short on a down 35 Oak St. 9-11; M r.. A. Lindsay Garden— Farm— Dairy Robert Murdock. MI S-6472. baths, nice location. Owner mov-! Karkevich. Ellington: Michael Snow-fall removal costs include agreed on It should be followed payment or had your credit turned wait. Marlow’s. and seven year old daughter de­ ing, will sacrifice. It's a buy. For LISTINGS WANTED—Single, two- Mooney. 41 Florence St.; Mrs. Kathy Luongo were chosen for the Their other major complaint Is finance minister under Sukarno, admitted his regime faces "diffi­ equipment rentals and overtime consistently. down? Don’t give up! For a good AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., local EXPERIENCED or Inexperienced' Products 50 sire single home or six room full information on any of fifty family, three-family, buuneu Mary Townsend, 128 Birch St. queen's court. Jackie Belatiger the Sukarno’s "guided democracy" pay for Highway Department per^ FURNITURE repairing and refin and long distance moving, pack shoe salesman, numerous benefits, Apartments— Flats— property. Have many caah buyers. fosters communism and corrup­ culties and dangers.” Something should be said about deal—nbt thru a amall loan com­ Ishing; antiques restored Furni­ duplex. Excellent references. Call homes in all price ranges. Call the ADMITTED YESTERDAY: presented the queen with a bouquet sonnel. the relative unimportance of phys­ pany — see “ Harry" at 333 Main ing, storage Call MI 8-5187. Hart­ salary plus commission, paid va­ CXIOKING APPLES 90c McIntosh Tenements 63 MI 9-8495. Ellsworth Mitten Agency. Real­ Mortgages arranged Please call of red roses and Ellen Reichlet and tion. An old comrade-in-arms with ture Repair Service, Talcottville ford CH 7-1423. cold storage No. 1 $1.25 half George L Graziadio. Realtor Ml William Shepard. 22 Locust St.; Sukarno in the fight for Independ ical exertion In a reducing regime. SL (Formerly Douglas Motors). cation, excellent opportunities for BUYERS' tors. HI 34930. Robert Adams, 25 Proctor Rd.: Karin Amaio gave white roses to’ The arrest order was issued by Ml 3-7449. advancement. Apply National bushel. Tei. Ml 3-8116. Louis FIVE ROOM duplex, no bathroom. 9-5878. 109 Henry St. her court. Maj. Gen. Abdul Haris Nasution, ence from the Dutch. Sjafruddin I am not arguing against exercise, 1950 CHEVROLET — Black four MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ Shoes, Manchester Parkade be­ Bunce, 629 West Center Street. Sullivan Ave., Wapping. Ml Farms and I.Apd for Sale 71 LARGE THREE bedroom ranch, yirs. Madeline Collins, Wapping; is one of those tabbed for arrest but it Is hard to reduce by ex­ ABSOLIITE Bargain - Upholster­ EllaabcUi Horsfall, West Wil- Over 200 saw Wendy crowned one of the more pro-western lead­ door, good condition. Owner going ing Co.' 80 3-6563. Owned and op­ tween 8 and 7 Weds., Feb. 19. 3-5724. BARGAINS fireplace, aluminum storms, ga­ 4 5-6 APARTMENT houses in Man­ ers In the Sukarno regime. But it along with five civilian cabinet ercise alone. ing, c u s to m m a d e cornices, erated bv Walter B. '’ errett, Jr., COOKING AND eating applet 75c FOR DIFFERENT sizes and types chester, in any condition. Needed lington: Adrian Michaud. East with a white iridescent heart- In order to walk off an Ice to Europe. Phone MI 3-8833. drapes and slip covers. $79 50 and rage, acre lot. high elevation. shaped crown. seemed unlikely he could enforce ministers and the four young :olo The agent tor Burnham’s Van Service. TAILOR, TOOLMAKER^ machin- a 16 quart basket. Louis A- Botti, ROCKVILLE. 24 Grove St.— Well of farms and land tracts within 70 Only $14,700. Carlton W. Hutch!n.s. for a client. Schwartz Real Estate. Hartford: Mrs. Kunigunda Bas- nels who laid the groundwork for cream soda containing about three up. Choice of fabrics. Cal) Mrs. Service tc 48 states. 260 Bush Hill Rd. furnished, two room apartment. miles ot Hartford. Lawrence F. CH 2-2865. tis, 434 Oakland St.: Gary The Friday dances are under the it. The rebel center of Padang, ONE 1929 MODEL A pickup. Very ist. milling machine operator, arc $11,500 Rector. MI 9-5132. .supervision of Miss Alice Mary Sumatra, is some 600 miles from the regime. hundred calories it would require a good shape, $150. MI 9-1436 after 6 LaPlne. Ml 9-3694. Inquire first floor, Apartment 9. Fiano, Broker. Ml 9-5910 Squires. 38 Linnmore Dr.; Doctor Says welder, engine lathe operator. Jig One year old ranch. Tno bed­ Madden, Ronnie Daigle and Gene Jakarta, and the Indonesian Navy Broadcasting over Padang Ra­ ten-mile jaunt in five hours or p.m. MANCHESTER Package Delivery. borer, plastic moldmaker. form ATTRACTTV’ E, well-cared fe(r eight | Mrs. Edith Stead, Wapping: Mrs. dio. a rebel spokesman urged Na­ shoveling nearly 8,000 pounds of WEAVING of -bums, moth holes Light trucking and package deliv­ „ Household Goods 51 FIVE ROOM apartment. Oil heat, rooms, fireplace, carport, trees. Lezal Notices Johnson. They teach the young and Air Force haven’t the craft to and tom clothing, hosiery runs, builder, payloader operator, tool hot w'ater, central location. Tel- room home Five rooms and lava-1 Cecelia Henderson, 148 Maple sution to "take a look ahead, sand into a wheelbarrow! It is a FORD 1949. F-6. 14’ platform, 2 ery. Refrigerators, washers and grinder, foreman electroplating, Houses for Sale 72 18 miles from Manchester. Im­ tory down. Three rooms and bath I St.; Mrs. Theresa Maier, West dancers proper etiquette. transport a sizeable force. Emotional Reasons May Be handbags repaired, zipper re­ ANTIQUE f u r n it u r e ! silver, MI 8-4751. AT A COl'RT OF.PP.OBATK brld ' broaden your view and realize lot easier to omit the ice cream speed axle good condition, $650. stove moving specialty. Folding shearing machine operator, serv­ mediate occupancy. ^ up. Two fireplaces. Iliads of Willington: W. Stewart Crossen, Miss Marilyn Werner and Miss Should the government decide Behind Child’s Ovenvcight soda than to try to exercise It off. placement, umbrellas repaired, chairs for rent. Ml 9-0752. glass, china, and used (urniiure NEW SIX ROOM house. Carter St-, at ManrhrjiirT wiitiin and fr.r ()ip ' what the movements in the outer MI 9-7906. ice station attendant, stationary TWO FURNISHED rooms, 105 Manchester. Five rooms, complete clofleta. Two-car garage l.,arge lot Dtatrlcl of Maiirhv-lcT, on th»' I3lh day 137 N. Elm St..; Mrs. Ella Crouse. Robinson presented red roses to to use force, it might qpen the way regions mean." The .spokesman Obesity in youth (as well aa In men’s shirt collars reversed and bought and sold Furniture Repair of Kobruary, 195S. ! By EDWIN P. JORDAN. M.D. engineer, kausage linker, photog­ Service. DO 3-7449. Birch St. Call MI 9-5601 after 5 full rear dormer, baths, fire­ in choice location. Price $18,500. | 105 Ridge St ; Frank Ttaiemba, 62 Miss Madden. Both girls are on the to a civil war. Each lifle, however, hinted that the arrest orders real­ later life) depends on finding the R A (^ G HEADS. Edelbrock 9-1, replaced. Marlow’s Little Mend­ $14,000 Preaenl, ilou. Jo)m J Walletl Judge, dance committee. would be seriously hampered by ■ Written for NEA Service ing Shop. ' - rapher, instructor electricity, edi­ p.m. place, basement garage. T. "Shan- Madeline Smith, Realtor. 30 i hastate of Anna h. C'arlB4^>n. lat«> of : Durant St.; James Duffy, 8 Oval ly were issued by Sukarno or Pre­ reasons which cause excessive food dual carburetor manifold, com­ Painting—Papering 21 Ellington — KU-room Colonial, 9-1642. I Patrons and patronnesses were lack to transport. plete with 2 Stromberg 97’s, $50. tor, chemist, pharmacist, electri­ ABSOLUTE BARGAIN - Custom .,non. Builder. $0 3-7489. BU 9-1418. Mauchester. in aaid Dn>trict. d^-coiuaed ’ Lane; Steven Johnson, Storrs; mier Djiianda, the top man in Su­ intake and its treatment depends cian teacher, design engineer, made cornices and drapes Slip MODERN 4 room, 2 bedroom garage, excellent lirtertor, needs The administrator having exhihlipd i Gilbert Lewis, 111 Elldridge St Mr. and Mrs. James Herdic Jr., "As far as we are concerned, karno's "cabinet of experts. ' "We have a grandson Just nine on developing both the desire and OT 9-7906. PAINTING AND paperhanging. line. 0 0 ) MANCHESTER investment liLfi administration acroum witli Ha^'l { Building— Contracting 14 electronic engineer, electrical en­ covers, $59.50 and up. ^ o ic e of apartment,, for rent. Centrally lo­ (XIV) PRICED for immediate sale. outside painting. On bn* pfiiatf m ihiH Court for allowam *-. ii > ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs. Vera Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Daigle. Mr. we want to avoid violence or the Headquarters for the rebel re­ years old," writes Mrs. A. He the knowledge to correct the sit­ Good clean workmanshhip at rea­ gineer, mechanical engineer, as­ fabrics. Budget terms. Mrs. Rita, cated in quiet residential secUon. Large split, 2>4 baths, two car ga­ Near school, Immediate occu- property. Two family duplex. Ex­ ORDKRBD: That the 34i!i day of , and Mrs. Harold Simmons. Mr. and use of force," said Lt. Col, Suken- weighs around 108 pounds, which sonable rates. SO years in Msn- cellent condition, large 2 bedroom Wellington, Wapping. gime is in the mountain town of uation. Auto Accessories—Tires 6 BIDWEU. Home Improvement Co. sistant store 'manager, office JA 2-7780. Ne]Wly decorated, refrigerator and rage. Built-in oven and- stove in pancy. February. 1958. at elevi'n *> clock, forr- i BIRTH SATURDAY: A daugh­ Mrs. Chester Varney. Mr. and Mra. drit, the Army’s intelligence chief. Bukittlngi, 45 miles north of Pa­ I am sure is much too much even chester. „ Raymond Flske. MI manager, technical Illustrator, built-in oven and range. Hot water kitchen For further information \ home, 3rd bedroom possible. ■ mM»n, at the Probate Offlr*- in the Mu- > Gene Johnson. Mr, and Mrs. "But if It le found necessary and for a boy whose bone structure is Alterations, additions garages. 9-9237. niripa) Building In said ManchcKt» r. br ; ter lo Mr. and Mrs. Umberto dang. 'The rebels claim support Growing seasons In Te s range TWO SUPER Cushion Goodyear physicist, time study nian, SALE 1-3 OFF on wallpaper. Wall oil heat. Ideal for working couple. or appointment to see bal' the R. Spacious renovated kitchen. Good and the same i.» a?i.Higned for a to'arlng Charles Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. if the situation demand.* it. then large. The doctor says that his ? Re-siding specialists. Easy budg­ Investment Income. Prime loca­ Monaco, 30 Essex St. on West Java, North Celebes and from fewer than 180 daj; to more Suburbanite snow tires and rims, et terms. k0 9-6495 or TR die designer, tool planner, tiles 4c a Hie, Kentile, from 7c Immediate, occupancy. Phone MI F. Dimock and Co., Realtors. N0 $13,600 on Ihe allowance nf said admini.'4tratlon ' Roy Olson. Mr. and Mrs-. Frank we must most reluctantly make glands are functioning all right, EXTERIOR and Interior painting. each Grien Paint and Wallpaper, tion. R. F. Dimock & Co.. Rial accounf with said estate, a.’«certainmer.l ' BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son po.ssibly West Borneo in addition than 330 days a year. mounted. Tel. MI 3-8567. 5-9109. claims agent, salesman, window 3-8303 after 5 p.m. 9-5245, Joseph Ashford. M’ 9-6818, Three bedroom ranch. I'lreplace, of heirs and order of distribution, and Ringrose. Mr. and Mrs. Edward use of force." to most of Sumatra. but there ta obesity on one side of Ceilings refinlshed Paperhanging. at the Green. Barbara Woods. Ml 9- ri02 or Rob­ tors, MI 9-5245. Joseph Ashford. lo Mr. and Mrs. Harding Stephens, Wallpaper books. Estimates given. cleaner, chef-Chinese Ameri­ room'for expansion. Have taclU- thl.*) Court directs that nolle’ nf jhe 148 Lake St.; a son to Mr. and Werner and Mr. and Mra. Edward Sukarno. returned home ye.ster- Former Vice President Moham- the family and the other is not FOR GUARANTEED carpentry can, dairy farm hand, poultry ROCKVILLE. 14 Laurel St.— Well ert Murdock. Ml 34472. MI 9-6818, Barbara Woods, MI time ari'l place assigned for fho) Id'h i- Winzler. fragile either. What do you thtnk Fully covered by insurance. Call WANTED^Gooo, resaleable used lles for dog training and groom­ ing ))•' given to all persons knovui it. he •Mrs. Stephen Trombly, 33 Hendee day after a 40-day trip to drum up mer Hatla, the rebels' original work such as kitchen cabinets, farm hand, pizza maker. Apply heated three room furnished apart­ 9-7702 or Robert Murdock. MI Dance Time committee membei-s should be done?" Edward R. Price MI 4-1003. furniture. Watkins Brothers. Ml ment. ■’Inquire first floor, rear, (XII) MANCHESTER - New six ing. 9 miles from klancheater. 34472. tnterewt'-d therein t" appear aiul be ' Rd. support in other Asian capilaLs for choice for premier if Jakarta had Read Herald Advs. floors, closets and finishing off Monday-Friday, .8:30 to 4:30! Con­ lieard thereon )•>' publishing a co|tv of were Marilyn Werner, Wendy Rob­ his campaign to force the Dutch to This question of overweight "in 3-5171. Mrs. Porter. room ranch home hi RocYiedge ihl« order Iti some newspaper liavinc a ' BIRTH TODAY: A son to Mr. acceded lo their, earlier demands rooms, for reasonable prices call necticut State Employment Serv- BDC ROOM Colonial — 1’ ;. baths. : inson, Richard Olson and Richard ive up West New Guinea (West and dumped Premier DJuanda and youngsters is by no means un­ M. Jutras, MI 9-0279. ice, 808 Main St., Manchester. section. -V- baths, ceramic tile clmilnih'n in said District, at leapt five and Mrs. Roger Lciitocha, 82 Tal- Ringi-ose. Memlrcrs of the decorat­ f Courses and Classes 27 HOSPr;:AL BED, w'hefl chair, NOW ON display four and five kitchen counters. Attached garage, $14,200 porch, hot water oil heat, fire­ *lav« t)efore the dav of said hearing cott Ave.. Rockville. rian). his cabinet, has been named an usual. In them, as in grownups, SEND THEM kitchen table and chairs. Good JOHN J WALLKl'T, Jiidge ing committee were Miss Mary Lou He made only a 6-minute speech the carrying of excess fat is al­ Side Buttoning Casual DRIVER SALESMAN, part time. room model apartments. March amesite drive, fully landacaped East Hartford — Four bedroom place, city utilities, 30 days occu­ DISCHARGED SATURDAY; adviser. RADIO-ELECTRONICS- Television condition. Reasonable. Phone MI 15th occupancy. $105 to $130. Open lot, $21,000. Call R. E- Dlmock Co.. ranch. AulomaHc dishnaoher, pancy. Charles Lesperance. MI ’ Johnston, Linda Winzler, Pat Hood, at the airport and ignored the But the pro-western leader, sec­ most always simply a sign of eat­ Oppprtunity excellent. Call in per­ Mrs. Ann Waddell, 43 Hollister Julie Peak, Jackie Belanger. Ellen THE Kitchen Cuties!, —’’Learn by Doing" at "Cormectl- 9-6453 after 5 p.m. dally 1-7 p.m. Park Chestnut Realtors, MI 0-5245, i Joseph Ash­ trees, carport. Two blocks from 9-7620. j St.; Mrs. Shirley Kelly, 104 Church rebel government completely. ond only to Sukarno as a national ing too much. It is onl.v rarely the son. Royal ,Ice Cream, 27 Warren Reichelet, Karin Amaio,. Richard result of some glandular disorder cut’s Oldest Electronics School.” St. After 3 p.m. apartments, corner Park and ford, MI 9-6818, Barbara Woods. school, S t; Mrs. Olga Steinberg, 70 Ben­ "When I left . . . I called on the hero, remained in Jakarta and re­ Day electronics technician class, USED GE Refrigerator, in excel­ Cbestnut Sts. -Cali MI 3-0676. Louis WEST SIDE—Five room ranch' Stocks. Leslie Carlson, Albert fused to cooperate with the rebels or other physical disorder. The lent working condition, $18. Call Ml 9-7702 or Robert 'Murdock. MI Ruth Milieu ton S t; Mrs. Elaine Hotchkiss, entire people of Indonesia to kee'p and evening electronics Techni­ MAN TO assemble pump lamps Lavltt, rental agent. 3-6472. house, full basement, plastered Judd. Robert Varney, Mrs. Edward the unity of the Indonesian aa long aa they bring pressure on family tendency may be more an HOMETOWN cian-aide class, start on March MI 9-6163/ walls, Insulated, hot water oil Coventry; Mrs. Mary Griffin, 164 Winzler and Miss Madden. Check­ imitation of eating habits than spare time. Simple, easy. Aver­ $14,500 Avery St.; Marcel Allard, 12 Jack- people," Sukarno said. "When I the central government instead of 17th. Enroll now! New England MODERNLY designed for effort- heat. large kitchen with birch ers were Virginia DeHan, Laura attempting to negotiate. any glandural or other abnormal­ age $3 hour commission. No can­ Ftve-room Cape near West Cen­ cabinets. All rooms finished In Small Disloyalties Can Sap son St.; Mrs. Olive Chartler, 18 return I find this still exisits. 1 am Technicial Institute, 58 Union vassing. Ougor Enterprises, Cald­ ' less living In Rockvillci Excellent, Strength from a Marriage Chapman, Thomas Jacobson and NEWS 40" ROPER GAS range, excellent quiet residential section. Spacious The Board of Tax Review ter Street. Regular bus service. mahogany trim. Call owner M I' Hathaway Lane: David Wiley, 100 Place, H'i '-ford. JAckson 5-3406, well 2, Arkans'as. condition, $35. Call MI 3-1053. Two bedrooms, full basement, John Donahue. Mrs, Eva DeMatos grounds. EXxtra large amesite Of Bolton. Conn. 3-8304. Recent scientific studies show Oak Grove St.; Miss Arlene Pat­ made the sweetheart crown and garage. Near school. Immediate that one of the major reasons for ten, Talcottville: Mrs. Phyllis Cal­ KOREAN "viS^R A N S -D on’t lose .)Us t '’p'ic k ” u p ^ parking" area foi* two cars each. Will hold their yearly meetings Chester Varney made the sweet­ your school eligibility because.you New. Country living with city con-, at the new Town Hall on Monday, oecupancy. SOUTH SIDE—Beautiful four lied- job failure is disloyalty -disloyalty vert, Wallingford: Mrs. Ruth Help Wanted— $3 WEEKLY PAYMENTS foom colonial, excellent condition, heart swing, Mrs. Winzler arranged can’t attend school. You esn now AND ALL THIS IS YOURS veniences. 20 minutes from Hart­ Feb. 3, Saturday, Feb. 15 and Fri­ to one's firm, disloyalty to one’s Hills, 67 Birch .Mt. Rd.: Mra. Edith for refl-eshments. large lot; trees, near bus. only immediate superior, disloyally to learn Radio and TV at-home. Paid Male or Female 37 / 3 Complete ford via parkway. Latest appli­ day. Feb. 21 to hear any com­ George, 4 S Hawthorne S t; Ed­ for completely by the V A. TV ------^ ------ances, individual heat control and $16,900 $12,900. Ciariton W. Hutchins. MI the head man. Rooms of Furniture plaints any taxpaysr may feel 94132. ward Traygis, Meekvillc Rd.; Ches­ kit and testing equipmerft in'eiud- EDCpERlBNCEDEAf'iCKiKNUKU all, aroundarounu press­press- Beautiful Westinghousc Elec. television antennae., Laund^-omat, they have. Three bedroom ranch. A custom Apparently there are a lot of ter Bninner, Avery St.; George ed. Non-Vets apply for same er, — top‘ — ----- wages— plus bonus. Apply Refrigerator disposal!, ventilating fan. Seven C, J. Hathaway, C?h. builder’s mvn home. Built-In au­ SEVEN ROOM house with approxi­ people in the world who can iden­ O’Rourke. 374 Summit St.: Miss course. Free information. Write Gordon's Cleaners, 307 E. Center Beautiful Bedroom Suite minutes to Crystal Lake Ballroom. Harold Kenneson tomatic oven and range. Near mately twenty acres of land, in tify themselves with a company or Catherine Coslit. 73 Pine St.; Ed­ Local Stochs Rtulio-TVi Training- Association, St. Beautiful Living Room Suite Two minutes walk t6 beautiful • Leonard Giglio new high school. Manchester. Call OV 4-3626. organization without feeling any | win Laird. Mansfield; Miss Sarah Room 16/ 405 Farmington Ave., Heiiry Park with its new pool and loyally lo the firm that pays their | ^4 Beautiful Dinette Set Cunningham. 73 Spruce St.;, Carl i W f H artfo^ ______Beautiful "De Luxe” Range other sports and memorial tower MANCHESTER —$13,900 , 75 Essex salaries Houghton, Andover; Mrs. Rose Quotations Furnished by Situations Wanted— Instead of Westlnghouse- ,E(ec. which views New Hampshire on a CLirrOU BARSBK SL Excellent four bedroom Cape,' The same thig is true In many .Tamiso, 198 Broad St.;, John Kcnt- Coburn St Middiebrook, bic. clear day, Excellent, shopping, Female 38 Refrigerator if you prefer • cellar, schools. Harvey Adelberg. , marriages. And undoubtedly dis­ field. 3 Center St., Ro^ville: Mrs. Bank Stocks Help Wanted—>Female 35 Rugs, Lamps, Tables, Linoleum churches, Exclusive. Adults $100. SEPTIC TANKS CH 7;8169 any time. I loyalty in marriage also accounts Ml 9-4824. TR 5-5775. Elizabeth Roberts, ' '^ t Willing- Manchester Trust .. . 58 63 WOULD LIKE to care for one. or and a. Few Other Articles AND for many failures I ton; Frank Majowicz. ^ i t h Wind­ WANTED—Receptionist and book­ Biiltor, lamor ROLLING PARK — Six finished Not just the big constant con­ Conn. Bank and Trust two small children, days in my EVERYTHING LOVELY THREE room apartment sor: Mrs. Et|jel Collins;: ^4 Cole­ Co...... 35 38 keeper for professional'office. Ex­ THE UNPAID rooms, Cape Cod, two baths, fire­ flict between a husband and Regardless of where perience necessary, good oppor­ home; MI 9-6412. for gent in modem ranch home." PLUGGED SEWERS m s 2Ceml)er place, storm windows and screens. man Rd.; Edward Zawistowski, 33 First National Bank of BALANCE PRICE . wife. • Mather St.; Pauline Dulude, 9 Manchester...... 27 81 tunity for right girl. Write Box H, ONLY $388.26 A very desirable apartment in a 14x22 garage and breezeway. your service man or EDCPERIENCED stenographer de­ fipe neighborhood. Clall MI 3-8306. Machine Cleaneii Here’s the Checklist Lynn Dr.. Vernon: Raym()nd Dion, Hartford National Herald. sires typing to do at home. Call Free storage until wanted. Free But Center St. Three blocks to' Buckley7 school. SSome of these small disloyalties woman is stationed, delivery. Free set up by our own Septic fanks. Dry Wells. -Sewei 63 Owner transferred. Fairly priced 29 Edgerton St.; Mrs.'’ Beverly ‘ Bank & Trust Co. . 32 84 SALESLADY — Ehcpericnce pre­ Ml 3-7782. at $15,900. Immediate occupancy. are: Casletter and daughter, Wapping; the Manche.ctcr Eve­ reliable men. ■ l.laes (mtalled--Cellar Water­ ^ m e of these small disloyalties Fire Inturance Companies ferred, full time, ,7- necessary. Write Box. J, Herald. BABY CARRUGE. bathinette and $11,700. Five rooms. cellar, terfering relative or in-law. William Keegan, WesJgHartford; 8180 home workshop, Wright ' ' power rocker, all in good condition. Call OF $12,650. Five rooms, cellar garage, Paul Martin. “Wappingi^Fs. Mary Conn. Light Sc Power 18 20 2526 saws. Capitol Equipment Co., 38 PAPERH6miN6 Not being as loyal to the oth­ Hartford Electric LI. 67 59 IJ 42 MI 9-0492. ^ • r, CENTER MOTOR SALES $12,950. Hot water heat, half acre, Lally. 84 Prospect St..'*Rockville; Telephone MI 3-2711 Applique plus simple emb'rpid: CLERK-TYPIST Main. MI 3-7958. TELEPHONE er's parents as to one's own. Hartford Gas Co...... 38'» 411 461 MAO>' STREET^ trees. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI Expecting the workt Instead, of Olaf Johnson. 49 New St.; Mrs. It makes you look so slim and, ery stitches will make a set of 94132. Hattie Watroiis. 'Wapping; George Southern New England W' Circulation lovely. A crisp, big collared' Permanent position available In. 800 CUBIC FEET refrigerator, Musical Instruments 53 M l 9-3266 the best, from each other. Telephone ...... 34 Ii 3614 these "kitchen rkek cuties." It's stainless steel,. 12 reach-in doors. Selling Only Moberg Jr., 342 Woodbridge S t; classic that buttons down Ihe left that easy to make them for .your­ our sales department for. a. younjg . Carrying quarrels outside the Manufacturing Companies Department 4Hde. lady, with good typiqg ability, for . 1. walk-in-door, portable. One Pcrsondly Selected MANCHESTER privacy of the marriage. Mrs. Shirley Lynch. 42 Coolidge self or gift-giving! Radar range, table model. Tel. St.;nunyber and* dress and pattem\ number. , v ' ff' ' ' saw. M I.9-1353. V , ’ ' - • WanLeo-—To' Buy 58 auS\' USED CARS ; ..)Q3NNECTICUT ' ' ■ hospitals in Britain/ Elssfentially -a 'field; Tesale Serkolit. Harttord; Terry Steam 1.... size. ' ' ' , ■ -H ave you a copy of our>1658 lolind speaker enchsed in sponge Torrlngton 2314 2514' JDpn't miss Qie Fall A Winter E0(PERlE9fCEp woman for house­ JUNK CARS truck, wrecks. High- r e a l ESTATE EXCHANGE Mra. Janet Herzog and aon.ri78; ' -Needlework Album? - It contains MEN’S RACING skatea, rtze 10, est pricea, any amount, anyv/here. town ani Country {CLEAN ONLY) rubber which can be plaped either Highland St;; Mrs. Mary Pelletier tr.S. Envelope, com. 1914 3114 ' i^praU) ■ Issue-of Basie Fashion, our com-j dozens of pretty dMlgns in cro­ work, five rnomlnga weekly, MI We yui pay you ^op dolUni' , , AD 34661 ' ill’s a Family'Affair r 9«198.. ; / ’ brand rtew; $10. CaU MI 9-9026. Ml 0-7216. ' V on top of the pllloW or i under it, and eon, ' Marjbprough; Mra U.S. Envelope; pfd,. 12 14 plats pattern catalog. It’s chock-1 chet, knit embroidery and ||ew; ...... ;...... ,u Drainago Go. _____ . d . the two-way'communication detdee' Veeder-Root ...... 4014 4314 The Fwdss of 224 Main St. made a family project ot shoveling snow .from the front w a ^ full o f aSw-«asyi up-to-the-minuto! B<«lna fiquadrilo . and son, 106 plus direcUona for one knit and MAIDis!wANTED C alf Monday TfUCrCUB, tractor, oiM de ftnnl- WANTIOD TO Blirt used cars, any permits the user to listen to i the Coinnan Rd.; Mrs. Janet Bychol- Tha' above quotafiione art not to Nancy lse. the speaker. Dessert will notice, the Park Department an­ Author Speak AFTE R W'ORK . . or while Manchester— A City of VUlaffe Charm . will meet tomorrow nlRht at 8 be served at 7:30 by Mrs. Frank During Storm Conimonwealth of Man," "Night shopping. o'clock at the Center Church. Mil- nounced today. Ov?r Europe," "The Conduct of Fairweather and her committee. Closed are' Center Springs ton Stocking of th«{ Connecticut Four mutomobile accident* In Frederick L. Schuman, author, German Foreign Policy," and, OPEN V V n L 5 P.M. Monday* Pond, Center Spring* Annex journalist, world-traveler and TuMdays, Fridays. Open Thur*. M A N C H E S T E R , C O N N ., T U E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 18, 1958 (Ctoaalfled Advertising on Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS State Park and Foreat Service will XI Gamma Chapter of Beta Sig. town ye*terday'j. including one in most recently, ‘Ttussia Since V O L . L X X V II, N O . 118 (FOURTEEN PAGRS) and Charter Oak Park. broadcaster, will be the guest 1917." Aa a lecturer and tieacher day* 9 A.M. to 8, P.M. Open be the speaker ma Phi will meet tomorrow eve­ Townjlsnow plows used to which a pedestrian t^a* hit, were speaker, at an .open ni,eetlng of the Dr. Schuman has .been acclaimed M'ednesday* untij^noon. ning at 8:15 at the home of Mr#. clear thi snow from the ponds attributed by^lice to the week­ Manchester chapteh, ~ American aa “ brilliant, inspiring, challeng­ The Ladies Auxiliary to Man­ Franklin Bevlh*. 184 Vernon St. are being used for street plow­ chester Chapter, DAV, will hold a end snowstorm *nd resulting, haz­ Jewish Congiets, Wednesday at ing, ‘ dynamic." Many of Kia ad­ ing. 8:30.p.m. in the vestry of Temple dresses have been published in per­ meeting; Wednesday night at 8 ardous drivisiiy conditions. INSURED SAVINGS ROK Charges GOP Chiefs' The topic for discussion during Beth Sholom. manent -form: By the Harris Me­ o'clock at the VFW Home. Elec­ Mr*. Hooka K. Johnston'* program, Early^estel-day afternoon! Frank tion of officers will be held. All R. Jphrlg, 44, of West Hartford, Schuman has aelected as a topic morial Foundation, "Vital Speech­ BIANCHF,STER vVour-Child'# Faith." tomorrow at Deptula, 42, of 80 Hilliard St„ and Paul D. Barrett,, 22. of 165 es;" the American Foundation for New Snow Due 7 Red fo r his. talk an analysis of the cur­ member* are requested to wear 2:15 on w n C -T V , Channel 3. will walking on Hilliard St., wa# hit by white unifotms. Lydall St., were involved in a rent and future world scene, from Political Education, "Reading in be "Our Christian Responsibility to a car driven by Clarence E. War­ co\Ilslon at the Center. Patrolman Sputnik to Little Bock, entitled World Politics;" and Random SAVINGS and LOAN the ReUrded (TWid." Appearing ner. 44, of 95 Broad St. Both vol­ Allan Smith Reported that damage H o u s e,' The Age of Dan- Boftrdpd PlciTic IV / A special meeting of the Army as guest will/be Mr*. John McEl- unteer firemen ware oh their way icib? M A IN ST., N E A R M APLE STREE'P and Navy Club Ladies Auxiliary to both cars was slight, no one er— Major Speeches on American raevy. to the firehouse. Warner told Pa­ Toblems,” . (1952) where Dr. wdll be held tomorrow night at was hurt, and no arrest was made. ? trolman Thomaa Graham that he Schuman shares honors u^lth such In State S«oul. Korea, Feb. 18 (/P)— 8:30 at the clubhouse. blew hia horn several times and About 8 p.m., cars driven by Marine.Pfc.s / t c . William D. Kerr, eon Sherwood M. Trueman, 17, o f 33 speakers aa President Dwight D. South Korean police said to­ W ashington, Feb. 18 (/P)— of Mr. and Mr*. David K. Kerr, 30 applied his brakes, but skidded In­ Eisenhower, Dean Acheaon, Trgvye day they had evidence at least Miss Carol D. Johnson, daughter to Deptula. hitting him with the Server St., and J. W. Kr"us, 41, of By TBtE AM OOIATED PRESS Sbreaklng the old record for frigid Republican leaders of Con­ I Jarvia Rd.. graduated Jan. 28 from 43 Edward St., were involved in a Lie, Arnold Einstein and Winston seven OimmuniRt agents et Mr. and Mr*. Fh-nest W.™ohn- the Helicopter Mechanics School at car's right fender. Warlier took Churchill. Sunny skies, off-aet by con­ ity by an few degrew, and tonight gress agreed with President. sortK^ 1 Hackmatack St., has been rear end collision on Broad St. The m m boarded the commercial iir- ; the Naval Air Technical Training Deptula to the firehouse and he Benjamin Relchlin, president of tinuing sub - zero tempera­ m ^ be evan colder. Eisenhower’s key cabinet of­ named to the dean'.s list at Cen­ I Center. Memphis. Tenn, was later taken to the Manchester Trueman car had stopped at the the local chapter of AJC, will pre­ Thla morning, liafora daybreak, liner which flew to Red tenary College for Women, Hack- light at W. Middle Tpke. and waa YEflU ROUND UIR CONL'I I lONINCl tures, did little today t<) aid the thermometer In Hartford got ficers today that it “would not Memorial Hospital where he was side at the meeting which is open North Korea Sunday. ettstown.aN, .1 This is the third treated for a head laceration and hit from behind by the other vehi­ to the public. Mrs. Robert Stone emergency, crews still fight­ down to a little under two below be wise’.’ to cut taxes as a Archie Livingston. mana"er of cle. The gtjlle and right front fen­ THE STRESS b r BEREAmMEVr zero and out at Bradley Field down The police statement came after consecutive seme.ster she ha,ii been discharged. No arrest was made, Is program chairman. ing after more than 60 hour* a North Korean newsman cover business stimulant at this the Manchester Country Club, last der of the Kraus car v/as damaged IS EASED to 4,7 )>elow. The old record, eatab- on the dean'a^jlist. police said. to clear snow-clogged arteries Ing a ’ U.N. 'friic* (?Ommi»aion' tim e. ' week attended a national confer- and the left ret.i' fonder of the liahed for thia date In 1914 and A s k s B o o s t ' ence of the Club Managers A«- Fire in Home meeting at Panmunjom hinted Following a breakfast confer- , In connection with Catholic Truer.ian car Was damaged. No one — Through the thoughtfulness of Quish of wavel ahead of a promised taken In downtown Hartford where , sociation of America in St. Louis. . The fire to which both men were P T A Unit to See that a fight took place * )»* r d the ence at th* White House, Senate press month this month, the La­ was hurt and nd arrest was nlade, Funeral Home. Modern facilitlea provide recurrence during the coming the U.a. Weather Bureau waa then Mo. Mrs. Livingston accompanied responding was at the home of comfort in time of deep sorrow. located, waa 2,2 below. I plane liefore It bypaa.'.ed .Seoul and Repuhlickn leader Know-land of dies of St. James wtl) be conduct­ William F. Mozzer, 23 Doane St. Patrolman John Spauldliig re­ Safari Movies weekend of Sunday’s blizzard landed In Communist territory. California told reporters the decl- : In Benefits ed on a tour of the Mar>' Cheney ' him. ported. , And around the atate It w aa' According to firemen, 'the blaze, A ir conditioned for whi^lj dumped from a foot to The Communist newsman told ston was "o f course subject to re­ Librarj’ by Miss Anna French, started b.v an overheated deep generally lower. Out in the Litch-! view" 'before Congress adjourns In chief librarian, on Feb. 25 at 8:15 The regular meeting of the , Films of the African safari taken your comfort. ■ ^ 17 inches of snow’ over Con­ Arid Hllla and in Norfolk, two: SoiHh Korean i-eporlers some of ' Daughters of Liberty. LOLI, will j fryer, did only minor damage to V.S. Han 6,000 Airports by Mr. and Mrs, Felix Klock on necticut. the 34 persons a)>oard the plane Ute July or early August. instead of tomorrow night. cabinets above the fryer in the Fui\eral WUIIam P. qiilsh good place# not to be when w inter' Tax reduction was the subject For Jobless j be held tomorrow night at 8 \ their trip last fsll will be showrt WtiaUiermen say th* bltt*r cold drops around, the temperature thia ; were 'hvounded and receiving med­ kitchen. Raymond T. of "round table di»ciis*ion." Know- The bingo party sponsored by ' o'clock in Orange Hall, weather Washington—There are about tomorrow night at 8 o’clock In the rcBUlta from a high pressure area morning wa* reading at 11 below. ical treatment." The plane was About 6:43 p.m. a car operated land said, along w-lth.the question Hartford, Feb. 18“(A>)— Gov. the Lincoln F^A will be held to. I permitting. A social with refresh- 6,000 airports in the. United States, auditorium of the Manchester that extend* from northern And at East Harlland It w;s* * de­ piloted bv two Americans, by Arthur S. Peal, 20. of West Home night at 8 o'clock as scheduled. ] ipents wdll follow the meeting. but only 592 are consldei-ed "mod­ Green School. Ml 3-S940 Canada soulhv.jifd Into Tennessee gree Imver. The Communists at the Pan-j whether the gevernment *hould Ribicoff today gave GOP leg­ j 7 Hartford, being pushed on E. Mid­ ern"-—those with runways 5,000 The showing of these film* is be- j ami North CaWIna, with below miinjom meeting rejected the U.N. | launch a major public work# pro- islative leaders a blueprint of dle Tpke., was stnick by a car Tonight? It will be a fine night ' The Immaculate Conception feet to 7,900 feet long. Only 68 air­ Frederick L.V|fchnn>sn Ing sponsored by the PTA. . i freezing readinfiji extending Into Command's demand for return o f ; gram to counter the recession, driven by Otis Hill, 34, of Cov­ to stay home by the lieai 111 l if the airliner and th* occupants, I Both the administration chiefs a program he hopes they will Mothers Circle will meet Wednes­ ports In this country have runway* Mrs. Klock will narrate. N o ' southern Florid#!- you have a hearth. Other\yla* a entry. The Reds insisted on direct ne-ro-^ and the minority Congress mem- enact to help bolster Connecti­ day night at 8 o'clock at the home more than 8.000 feet long; most of "How Many. WorldsT — The Hu­ business meeting of the PTA will 225 MAIN ST. This high preWure #re«. they re­ radiator will doi. The U.S. Weath­ Personal Notices i of Mrs^ Raymond Audette. 42 Lan- Patrolman Samuel Maltempo these are military fields in Texas, man-Prospect, 1958." be held. Member* may invite 1 port. is schedulia to move #lowly er Bureau aaya it la going to drop tiations with President Sj-ngman hers agreed. Knowland said, that cut’s sagging employment. I caster Rd. said that the weatbound .Peal ve­ Florida, and California. A vigorous defehder of civil lib- guests. I eastward during, the next two day# to zero to five below in The cities * Korean-government, unemploj-ment will start declining ■rhe Democratic Governor’# pro­ hicle made a suddeil.tum Into the with very cold; weather holdlne and down to ^a* much as 15 below Former War PrisMer* in March and Inisineas will turn up gram in summary proposes several Card of Thanks , Delta Chapter. No. 51, Royal eastbound Ians to enter a service from th,* Miaatsaippl Valley to th* ,re«*. South Korean police *aid they fairly loon thereafter without arti- amendments to liberalize and in­ Arch Masons, will confer the Roy­ station near Ferguson Rd. and was Atlantic coay The Traveler# Weather Rervice Is believed the seven Omraunists fleiai stimulus. crease benefits of the unemploy­ W# iri.«h to thftnK all our n^ijfhbom. But Kno.vland added: ment compensation la c. and an ac­ frl^ndA and for thf* manv al Arch degree at'-^ts meeting to­ hit by the other car. Otis had ap­ The fpllowir_.. fpllowingfjtpw pressure area | klndn^Pii^R rximd^d to at th*' doatn morrow night at 7:30 in the Ma­ plied. his brake* but skidded into la expected tp brlhg more anow be­ (CAntinned on Page Nine) (('ontlniied on Page Three) "If the anticipated improvement celerated highway and public of our broth<'r and broth^'r-in-law. the- Peal car, Maltempo said. Peal ginning on Fricgy.^ weathermen re- ' did not take place before midyear works program totaling $410 mil­ Hom^r Oat^5 Al^o tho«^ who ro sonic Temple. This will be the final kind durinic hlf« loiip lUnf»R}«. degree work of the present staff was arrested on a rules of the port.urt. . \ , when Congress nears adjournment., lion as a make-work program. of officers. Stanley H. \Steiner. road violation. Hia car had exten­ w'Wedneadayy-^igh * temperatures public works would get serious Governor Ribicoff said that he la Mr and Mr?. Herman Gat#** sive right side and front end arere expected tan^ngatd4^nga from 15 to consideration." and family. I high priest. The meeting Vyill be "confident that legialation can be I followed by the usual social hou# damages. The _ Otis vehicle re­ 20 degrees in t b f northern part of The Congressional delegation, enacted" that will serve the 2-fold In Memoriam ; and refreshments. ' ceived extensive front end dam­ the atate. andno uMr 20 degiees ■UN May Suspend headed by Knowland and Rep. purpose of meeting the immediat# ages. Peal, free under J25 bond, in the aoutliefn'aqctlon#. with anow Marlin (R-Msssi, House minority need of the unemployed and pro­ In inring memory of Mr and Mr*. James L. Craft, son of Mr. and is scheduled to appear in Town flurries in the .higher elevationa. leader, got a briefing on the eco­ vide for a program of much-needed Jo*»ph s, Cu.«hman. ^ Mrs. William H. Craft, 12 Kerry I Court Saturday. The w'eathermen however were ■ nomic outlook from Secretary of highway public works construction. Though th. yoari. b- many ' - scheduled to graduate from I Shortly after midnight Saturday, pessimistic abopj. anything really the Trea.aury Anderson, Secretary Four children of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, marocmed in their snowbound home in a remote sec­ He noted that the expansion of happening to' warm things, up a Debate on Tunisia momdrtoa aill alwaya linger, recruit training Feb. 22 at the ; a car. operated by Joseph J. Aleksy of Commerce Weeks and Secretary tion of Colesville. near Binghamton. N. Y.. are hauled by toboggan and snow-shoed state troopers the highway and public work# con­ While upon thia earth 1 atay Naval Training Center, Great 43, ot .East Hartford, skidded out great deal. They warned that it ^ of'Labor Mitchell. a mile through deep snow in sub-zero temperatures la.st night. One of the children was sick. Their struction would create additional Lakes, 111. of control and knocked down three may let up a bit toward the latter ; Knowland said the cabinet offi­ fuel and food was running out when the troopers came to the rescue. (A P Pholofaxi. jobs, in addition to helping the Daughter. Helm* K. Hill part of the week but It's atill going | TuHls, Feb. IS (,3*1—PresMeat 4geria for more than three years guide rail posts on W. Middle france said th* .Sakiet air raid was j r'cers cited seversi government pro- overall development of the state. to be tremendously cold. Habib Bonrgiriba was quoted to­ ' i '■ furnishing a Tpke. The grilile and right side day o« sayliig be boptSI a third diVected against rebels who hsd:hsd|fc>'*n’ f- * which will be His programs concerning the Last night^waa a genuine chiller. beneficial' stimulus to the econ­ of the car - was damaged but party would oak the po*tpoae- *ttacke8 ... when those the MHiqcll this month hnigbt volt should ^ considered an previously recommended to Con- 25 S. Hawtijorne St., collided on eomplleate matter*. ~ ' 4. Providing a uniform, 26-week Oakland St., near N. Main St» Pa­ On Miami TV ^ ^ ^ e Aleeri* "dsn- operation, in-I t HE AHSOCIATF.D PRF.SS eservoir. in upstate NmyVork. had-ed 20 more nches to the already everyone who trolman Emanuel Motola said that on the way up gain their well-deserved RECOGNI­ ______United Nation*. N. Y., Feb. IS, The fighting in Alg n* ^ con.stniction > pj temperatures today 125■' below----- reading------to match- their------snow-plagued area. The fall f^r benefits, ' the northbound Lisk car had II H p > » Threei I Program, highway building, mea*-j , ^ . ,v ,.: 25 or more inches of snow. Othe, raised the total in South Bend to TION . . . when younger personnel, now clerks iji WHhlngtfln, Feb. It UP, - ’The f (( ontlniie^oB Page Thre ^ ^^es to ease houalng credit, ; gripped the eastern section of the j leading* In New York 5. Paying for 30 weeks to per- stopped when he saw a car stalled 35 inches. , j , j *°us w-ith sufficient w-age credits. on the street with several persons examlnef who wa* hverruled *>y ■ ,l^ h *T u n fa ia n ^ d i*^ ^ waa ex- ' I stepped-up rnililSry spending and ! nation—alill trying to dig out from i .tale were; Glens Falls 22, Albany Michigan City, Ind., already r^ov- g. Speed up payments by issuing our stores, take over as managers and executive-s th# Federal Communication# Com -; ^ crowded around It. The southbound credit-liberAli^MiK meniiure*-of the | weekend’i heav>' snowfall. 118, Oneonln and Plattsburjjh 13. ered with an esliniated .54 inches, local offices directly to mlaalon on-the award of a Miami: P^ted ^ federal reseiTe |jqa.rd. Syracuse 6 and Buffalo 4. escaped the brunt of the new claimants. ecu lU U w Radtke car also tried to stop » r ■ W ... Come in and .see opporlunily in action at G r a n d TV channel tealified today he ' Sudan Blasts Elsen south had below-, but skidded past the group and KAitA«*Aei ktH tv** ras/'Am ’ tJiis Aftornooii OH to f cnArg^c Knowland ’ S^pm ied By a strange quirk, the tempera- storm, getting only a little more Cite# Delay In Payment* bower's assurances 11|;aTunemploy- joth Burlington., Vt., IS: Concord, N H , Taking the long view doe.sn t Saturday before th* storm started. At Newark. N. J., airport the FCC (?ontynis8loner Richard ■ A. both nations would now try to nations. T, Boston, 4 and Bradley Field, heighten .spirit.s for.the .Northea.sl Bulletins About 4 p.m., car* driven by Kurt thermometer haa not been above Ma(:k in the case. Mack denies this avoid a bitter de'oate which the Th* Egyptian government Conn.. 5 the - Weathri Bureau’s .dO-day freezing since Feb. 8. from the .-\P Wires CARPET SALE and contend* that $2.#50 of can­ Communist* could exploit. charged tha\ Sudanese troops had The temperature in New Jersey outlook i.s cold celed checks, ^introduced in the crossed the fronllei and ent-iered .Schools were closed in many These sources predicted each na­ Red Spy SobJe dropped to 10 above at high ptiint. Non Hll/.zard hearing, represented, loan* to him tion would make a restrained tl.e territory claimed l?y Egypt on rommunitie.s and businesses were Huge Discounts On Lorge Size Alxnit .500 motorists in East Or­ A new hlizzani that left a.s RIDSOF by a' Miami lawyer, statement explaining Its charge*, the Red Sea cossl. Egypt told shut down in some. ange. N.J . finally dug their aiito- ( HKViSLER IDU:S 7.106 much as '20 inches of additional FUEL Sharfman. a fW lengthy hear­ and that the necessary seven of 11 her am)>as*ador to d*man>, with­ Eats Hardware Motorists who had trouble get­ mohilcs out of snow diifls and Detroit. Feb. l8i2Pi — Ctirysler Quality Rugs and BroOdlaom \ ings, recommendM in 1955 that council members then would be drawal of the troops. ting through snowdrifts during the snow m some .section.s hit north­ <’orp. sent 7.100 worker# home found each had been tagged wtih ern Indiana la.-t night, adding woea OPEN THt'RS. and FRI. to • P.M.—OPEN SA'^ to 5:80 P.M. AND Miami’s Channel 16 be given to mustered to adjourn the debate, A communique served notice that week now had the added problem an overtime parking ticket. today from two Detroit plants of trying to get their cars started to tlie already .sno-.i -plagued Lake ■ NOTHING DOWN • 3 YEARS TO ^ Y ! Radio' .Station' W KAT. owned by giving the good offices a chance to Egypt planned to send electoral In Suicide Try The cold spell in Washingloi, a# a production standards dis­ A. Frank Katzentini work. teams Into the disputed area so in the frigid weather. DC. was its worst in 16 years The M'chlgan ai-ei. pute erupted anew. It wa# the RANGE OIL lb . The FCC in Feb(mary 1957. T.'.S. officials in Washington residents could participate in the .New York. Feb. 18 '/P. t'.S. '‘^Trains Hours Ijite lempeiatuie dropped to five above South Bend wa.s left with nearly 16th #tratght day of work inter- 1 eb. 21 plebiscite to approve the The Pennsylvania Railroad said .5.5 uiche.s of snow after the blizzard niption at Chryalcr plants. Be­ Manchester Carjiet Center CALL granted the channel to Public said tliey would offer "concrete A lly. Paul \V. Williams s8id to­ in the distrii-l. whieh had a H inch Service Televjaiq^ Inc. wholly suggestions and propo.ials " o* out- union of Egypt and Syria It said westbound trains were three to snowfall Sialmday Puhl-r school.s dropped 20 inches of .new snow, cause of what It said waa failure 308 Main Street • MI 9-4343 x Ml 9-7540 owned aubsidjaV; of-N*t\onal A ir -, standing problems between1 France the group woidd be accompanied day confe.ssed Russian spy Jack four hour.s late and eastbound. one In the area v ote clo.sed for a secon i Michigan City, already covered of trim department employe# to line*. The-award now ;lng con-. and her former protectorate.-ate. In­In- by a frontier police detachment. Soble attempted to commit suicide to two hours late throng)^ the day. Govemment workers had an­ with an estimated ,51 inches, report­ (lerform regular work assign- Ml 3-7605 tested in the colirts. stead of a single conference bring­ Sudan's Fpreigrt .Minister Mo- by swallowing a quantity of rivets, night. other holid.-y. this time at Fade ed a little more during the night. ment#, Chrysler #ent 5,000 home , "I held that W K A T wa* the ing both sides together/ s coor­ hamed .ahmed Mahgoug arrived in nuts and bolt.s .shortly before being Below zero temperatuies were Sam's expense Those wlm stayed The Weather Bureau fnteca.sl- from it# big Dodge main plant best qualified of four applici^nts," dinated diplomatic d^-e will be Cairo today and went Into immedi­ brought here from pri.son for fur­ the rule rather than the exception nnt ye.«.ieiy’--y were flecked a flays mote snow for the lake area today at mill-morning. but piedlcl.ed it would diminish to’ Sharfman testified. nisde in PsriS and Tuy*. ate conference with Eg.rptlan ther questioning on e.spionage. in most of New 5'ork state, though lea vr.n M&M Oil Service GRAND UNION ~ SIGNLESS ' MAINE-RUSSET flurries by tonionnw C l BA.V B.ATTLB REPORTED M s Main St., Manchester FORCIOIIi COIHS Sharfman said he did not grade Tunisia requested the Security Foreign Minister Mahmoud Fawzi Soble underwent a 2 hour snd 20 New York City's lowest reading No -Ileal in Coal Town BEAUTIFUL COLORFUL the appllc'anls or saV 'Public Council meeting to consider her and Interior Minister Zsk*ri.-\ Mo- minute operation st Bellevue bps-, was four above. Middleshoio. Ky . not only had Traffic waa snaticd in downtown Havana. Cuba, Feb. 18 <215 — 34-HOUR SERVICE South Bend la.sl night where tv'oik- The Cuban .Army moved planes, . GREEN\ STAMPS -.Service was the "least qualified " j charge^of French agj^ession in at- hieddln. pits! yesterday for removal of the Saranac Ijike and Stillwater zero weatlter. but'one-thiffi. of the as Bernardird Schwartz, ousted com- tapking Sakiet Sidi Youssef on The Egyptian communique ex- hs’-flware from bis stotpach. coal mining town was ''.illiout CIS tried to keep main streets open. tank# and troop# into Orlente mittee counsel, had said. ' g, killing 79 men. women snd pressed hope the dispute would be Physicians repo-.ted him "rioing South Bend slore.s closed eaily for Province today, apparently In an heat, awaiting eniergency .supplies the first time in 20 years. BEACOlWCOlltCTOMlOW l.s>weat on List children. settled Smicahlv. It complained very well" following the surgery. of heating gas attrinpt to trap a major force POTATOES However, S ba r f m a n said He France countercharged that Tii- that the Sudanese had made the Sob'e .55. was brought h-re Sun­ A shortage of natural gas c iiisi-d .Most industry remained closed in of Fidel. Ca#tro'»\reb<*l# In the WMTSMMMRT FRANKS day from the federal nenitentiary N cm s Tidbits Mii-higan City, where workcra northern fringe# oY the Sierra, INDIA PRINTS , thought it A-as a fair analysis of - nisia ta sheltering rebels who hsvej ------liundreds of schools anfl in-iiis- ■MRS fIMi PMRJMI ■hia. ipltial decialpp'that if the ap- in revolt in neighboring Al-| (Continued on Page Seven) St Lrwi.sburg. Pa., where he has Iries to closo in (ieoigia Z--ro couldn't niid room to deposit snow .AIae«tra. Tlie ,\rmy'» general S A L E P R IC E Culled from A.I? Wires plicaqts were grottped. Public ___ been serving a seven year sen­ temperattmes were reporte'd in the taken fiom clogged streets. staff here withheld any on- tence Schools in Soutli Bend and most noiiiirement of whether'a major Service "would be the lowest one ------north Georgia mountains. -4 lb. William.s■ said (hat .he prUsoner of St .loseph County were added offenslxe wa# under way against 7 2 " X 9 0 " - Fhsenhower sends official greet­ Some-'parts of Virginia and Ten- to the closed list today Other -$2.68 Sharfmao said he^hase Katzen- 1 hC Art of' GrOtViUg Old I ■vill be returned to a cell at the the rebel'# mountain holdoiit, But ings to Miss Julia M. Tarauakaa ne.ssee had below zero readings A schools nic closed throughput the bH tin*’ OB ,the basis of his "excellent - ' Federal House of Detention in heavy firing was reported in four nr five, days to awsit rsit of Nev, Britain who la conference schoolgirl at .Sonlli Fulton. Tenn.. heavy snow belt from Chesterton, Pino del .Agua, 20 miles South of reco'rd" of civic actijitty; because director of the 1958 Congre.ssional before' a grand jury which is in­ suffered cold exposure as she stood in miles southwest of Michigan A'eguita# between 5Iahzanilla 7 2 " X 1 0 8 " . Katzentlne showed theFe would be Conference of the New England $2.88 vestigating espionage. out.'ide a .schoolhoiise, unaware It citv, to rolling Prairie. 1.5 miles and B a y. a m o. Some .Army a great .deal of integration of own­ Council of 5'oiing Repuhlii an.s. Soble has )!een working in the was closed for the day tieranse nf to the east. La Porte and Michigan source# claimed a big rebel con­ ership altd managemoflt in op­ Want to Stay Young? Little Rock school hoard e\|>el* the cold weather. city S( hools also remained closed. eration ol^ the station, becauae of Levvisburg warehouse where h'e tingent, had tieeh .surrounded.' had access to the hardware." the one of nine Negroes admitted to Northern Indiana was hit la.sl 9 0 " X 1 0 8 " - $ 3 . 7 8 a "good record" of .,K*tzentlne's Central High .Scliool laat fall. federal altornev said. night by a new blizzard that add- (Ctiiitimfed on Page Nine) BEDS eCT FORCE ■ A radio station. Hand-blocked and color fa«t throws to use for bedspreads, couch 'On Sunday afternoon he com- c®urt-dMilgnate'enports. chairs, draperies, etc. plained about’ being sick and was is w ithiirawin,-; 41,000 men from ierdet> fdo^^. enthusiastic" about all the aspects. taken ,to Bellevue and x-rayed."' Washington to di#cii<># ways of - 1 . . O I of -Katzentlne'a broadcast record - I —------East (iermany in the next Williams said. giving iiiemlier# a greater voice in £ l i e r C ' xjllffni lO U e a liaW month, the Soviet .Army com­ s t i c k s NOTE—If you want to ata.v-» a dramatic role in my life. But I that he knew of criticism.# about "Following 'those x-rays, mv of- union affaiis. . . Harry Trnman ! " ------1— mander in Ea.st Germany said imoH ’ ^ '§ 1 ^ "horse racing.” young, actor M Wynn thinks, you did It. ' (Ice was told by the doctors' that help# get release for man who waa today. .'Allied e.xperts estimate The results were Iteyond This was a reference to allega­ must think and act young. Wynn I operative procedure.# would be ariested foi carrying gun neat that i# about one-tenth of th# tions at the time that some of has certainly done that-—but he niWest dreams. I found myself be­ nece.#»ary to #ave hi# Ufe, and I formei president's Independence, Sack, Barrel, Balloon: Soviet troops to the satellite; . W K AT's broadcasts had b#en of a had to overcome moments of des­ ing hailed by the critw* as a dra- authorized an operation for Mon­ Mo., office. '..‘i It isn’t' WASHABLE DRIP DRY FRINGED aave 85c' per shade. (Continued on Pag" Nine) Proud to Set Example (Continued on Page Seven) Tunisian border village, "shoi king (.\’P Women'# Eilllor) in these shapele#.# gnnnysacks given to many people to start a Naturally, this has been-highly beyond belief." Aa the war of the chemise lagc.# There blight to be a laiv against ' •lOKD.AN B.ACK.S, I'M O N . , , whole new. exciting career after gratifying to me as *n artist. But Billy Graham speaking in Dtillns it." .Amman. Jordan. Feb. 18 i4’ i— on. atiange things arc ■ happening. , CUT CORN J7 Children, Adult , ™ ‘ r have enjoyed even more the in- Tivo Trains Collide say# eonditiona in Panama diclair t'ongre.#.#, of conr.se, I.# called .Iordan's parliament today unan­ KNITTED THROWS V,, upiration that my example haa *p- a reappraisal of U.S. policie.s there Husbands are i.s.siung ultima- upon to Inqiiire into many i.ssues of imously approved the proclama­ For 54 yeai-s.till. I Erth^o thotighl make tliatl P-J-nU ^ , given . to other mature Sen, Joseph H. Goldberl iR-,ium.«i. wives are having liyslerics. burning public interest. But after tion of Joribtn-lraq federation C H O P P IO Perish in 2 Fires I God put me on hub c-min ■.» Near Port Cliester manufaclurei'S ate Hciuiing then due deliberation Ren Potter decid­ signed last Friday. King Husaein. I people laugh. I never worked at i Norwich t call# upon •Slate’s Con 60" X 72". For chairs. ON L Y ^2.98 SPINACH ••• i l A P I have been asked by several or- i gressional delegation to (leternune spie.s >inlo die.## iie|)aitmcnl.s to ed that tins one was loo hot to who signed the agreement with By THE ASSOCI.ATED PRESS any other profession. ganizations a n d governmental Port Chester, N.Y.. Feb. 18 i>P)— sample publit- opinion, huycr.s ate, handle. His reply was: Iraq's King Faisal II, waa pn- As I neared my, 70th year, I was how much the federal government 72" X 90”’. For larger chains, I V $ 0 O Q Bightegn persona— 17 of them groups for my Ideas on such mat­ Two New Haven railroad pa.#- biting* their fingernails and inno...... ' "I'm .siirry. hut here. I must ad­ thiisiasGeally received when h* told I could not get work as a will pay toward the coal of the sofa bed and couche.*. ^ * 7 0 ters as growing old and retiring, •senger trains collided last night cent bystanders are placing bets mit. Congress is powerless. " appeared In military uniform be­ children— perished In Jtwo fires last comedian. The men, who run the $464,000,000 Connecticut Turnpikef and I have )>een happy to oblige. ju#t outside the Port Chester rail­ on the outcome of it all. The Senator included the letter fore the joint session of both ' television shows said the trend wa* store or lioth ordered for 13 teen- 72’ X 108". For regular sire /N|^| W $i| A O night. road yards, bldcktog eastbound Many a long-suffering male and his l eply in his weekly news i houses of parliament. against comed.v, that the people One of the moat recent rame from Trips to a barber, a clothing CARROTS In Atlanta 12 persons, including the New York Stale Legislative traffic over the road for several viewing photogiaphs'of the latest letter. If Potter's tashlon tastes are sofas and twin beds. v /IHL b T 4 * ^ 0 wanted drama for their entertain- age boy* suspended from Wauke­ 6 U n o »l 11 small children in two families, Committee on problems of the ag­ hours and injuring one man. sack, bariel and balloon fashion.# like (hose of the average American KEBEUS G AIN SUPPORT ,ment. gan, Ilk, high school for failure to Just wash and drip dry. Fite knit weave# In > brown, charcoal, perished in a fire, that roared ing. He was identified as Floyd G. in slick-paper magazine.#, ha.# mut­ male, he |uoh,ibly would have loved Jakarta, Indonesia, Feb. IS UP) red and green. ' ss, =5 through a 2-story duplex building This was hard for me to take. I with a "good grooming to p.-i.-f.s a law binning the fashion — North Celrbe# has become the. Strictly i Hayes.'an'engineer. He wa# taken l tered: , in Atfanta'a southwest section laat had never - been anything but - a Some of nay idea# are to United Hospital where hia in-i'fO'l''" ' ' "'V '’lT !‘'Lb.a#e •'There ought to be a law'," which cofice.iks lemmine curves. first province outside Sumatra H A LE ’S Dp.ME.STIC DEPART.MENT— M AIN F1XK)R. REAR 1 star. I had produced and owned personal. I may be unlque'in that ■ crushed ' session may lead lo release But. a.s a wise pbliticiam he must to recognize the new rebel gov- I feel 1 have always had a iPeter juries were described as a But it lemained foi- a female ALSO -Firemen said tliev found the j my own shows on Bioadway. I had ' of low-cost surplu-s grain for Con- re.sident of Big 'Rapids. Mich., to , have realized that stich a'law miglit | ernmrnt in Padapg. Lt. Col. Ku- *.O T 0 .k w ia e as YWM bodies of 10 children huddled in one ; starred...... to th^gojden...... ^ day*___ of______radio Pan mind. I have thought of my- loot and a fractured leg. , . , FOR Several hours after the d e r a i l - farmers, make a definite legal appeal, in- : boomerang., with disaalrous re- , kendro, .Army chief of lalelU- GREEN STAMPS FREE PARKING VENETIAN BLINDS upstairs bedroom; I as the Fire Ohief. I had won top ! self as young all my life." and 1 furiated hy tlie Itlea of lelurning j suits. The one thing sure to make ; gencr, announced today that tha. award#'in television, which I plo-! still feel that way qt 71. This lat- ment, the railroad announced that! Postmaster General Riimmei- In other bedroom* were the all tracks w^ri-'e open and tiiatos; field say.s he favors salary in- to...... the unlamenteti flapper styles the giinnysack dress a raging suc- North Celebes commoader, L L charred remains of an Infant iioy neered on tl\e West Coast: mipe e*t boost to tp.v career has been »o .cess"w ill be lo tell women tllev ' Col. p. 8. SeUba, hod hrekea i W'Ss the first show, to go sicross ^*(|iilaralii(g that it .tjake* m#l back- Were running'in both directions as j crease for po.#t,-il worker?,.hut rij” - „f 1925, this lady sal down and I (it sji' Incubator and' a woman, the morning commuletl -rush'tend* to is ‘jcniil hoax" to give wrote a loiter (p Sen. Gliarkgs Pot- must nofwoai- 'lt. off rqihtloao with HfatroJ ,'lL 'th# country from, w eit to east. ■ 25 or 30 year* in OutlOok.' ' \ E.JI. JOHNSON nkother of four of the dead young- iteared. ‘ j'false hOpfe that exorbitant p4y in- ter. iR-Mlth). »s follows: I? the qhemise were td be banned governmeiBt In Jokarta'satfKI la CORK Bterk Police said all 12 victim* I Waq depressed. I felt' that.I had This i» corroborated by my doc­ "I appeal to you aa my Senator by law, wp no doubt would See an supporting the! cevomEaBarjr been passed by. But my son. Keenan tor, who says that I am in the Although all four ' ipainlihe' create* will be realized were Negroe's/ , tracks were 6pen at a.m. | President Elsenhower works on t,wo to do all in your power agatost overnight boom m bootleg (Mitka. goVeenment peeclalwafl' M A N C N i t n R C o n n and others urged me to'keep active. physical condition of a man much day. North Celebea hMI h PAINT CO. DOUBLE TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS EVERY WEDNESDAY! I. ■: Mr. «nd Mr*. Jewell Jones risk­ trains ran late and hundreds ,ot appeal# Jor Congressional'approval the new style 'sack' dreasfs foisted The woman -bent on a ahoppini; ed their live* to unsuccessful #t- I was offered a #vrlou# roie in the younger than myxj'eara. I feel that dared oa aatotmwNp* t ‘v; i— — 1 of hia itiready embattled $3,900.- on u* by foreign so-called dealgn- CORNER MAIN md OAK STREETS ' 72.3 ftlain Street ’ 4 U ftiCfS WfCTIYf mOMpAr, TUtiDAY WiDMtSOAYl ihovie, '"nte Great Man." I was t (Continued on page Six! Jon. 1. ; (Continued on Page 8«ven’) ' '000,600 foreign aid program. er*. Healthy, well-formed Amerl- . Phone Ml 9-4501 (Coatlniied on Page Sevea) . heaitant becaui# I hod never played (Continued on Page Four) 7 }' r . V . 1 ■ ,■ /

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