The best worship songs for the church... ever

Various Artists

Cette compilation reprend 50 des très beaux chants qui sont chantés chaque dimanche. Avec ces 50 chansons d'artistes tels que , , , Delirious ?, Stuart Townend et d'autres, vous pourrez passer des moments extraordinaire dans la louange.

Cet album est l'un des meilleurs si vous souhaitez aller plus loin dans la louange et dans vos moments de communion.

Artiste : Various Artists Label : Integrity Music

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Various Artists The best worship songs for the church... ever   

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 Shine jesus shine Various Artists The best worship songs for the church... ever   

 Once again Various Artists The best worship songs for the church... ever   

 Love came down Various Artists The best worship songs for the church... ever   

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 Everything Various Artists The best worship songs for the church... ever   

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 God with us Various Artists The best worship songs for the church... ever   

 Come on and celebrate Various Artists The best worship songs for the church... ever   

 My soul sings Various Artists The best worship songs for the church... ever   

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