
Physics 218 Useful relations involving the generators of su(N) Winter 2016

In these notes, I will provide some useful relations involving the generators of su(N) . We employ the physicist’s convention, where the N 2 − 1 generators in the defining representation of su(N), denoted by T a, serve as a for the set of traceless hermitian N × N matrices. The generators satisfy the commutation relations,

a b c 2 [T , T ]= ifabcT , where a, b, c =1, 2,...,N − 1. (1)

In particular Tr T a =0 . (2) We employ the following normalization convention for the generators in the defining represen- tation of su(N), a b 1 Tr(T T )= 2 δab . (3) In this convention, the f abc are totally antisymmetric with respect to the interchange of any pair of indices. Consider a d-dimensional irreducible representation, Ra of the generators of su(N). The a a 1 quadratic Casimir operator, C2 ≡ R R , commutes with all the su(N) generators. Hence in light of Schur’s lemma, C2 is proportional to the d × d identity matrix. In particular, the quadratic Casimir operator in the defining representation of su(N) is given by

a a T T = CF 1 , (4) where 1 is the N × N identity matrix. To evaluate CF , we take the trace of eq. (4) and make 2 use of Tr 1 = N. Summing over a, we note that δaa = N − 1. Using the normalization of the 1 2 2 generators specified in eq. (3), it follows that 2 (N − 1) = NCF . Hence,

N 2 − 1 C = . (5) F 2N Next we quote an important identity involving the su(N) generators in the defining rep- resentation, a a 1 1 T T = δiℓδjk − δijδkℓ , (6) ij kℓ 2  N 

1 It is straightforward to show that C2 commutes with all the generators of su(N). In particular, using the a b c commutation relations, [R , R ]= ifabcR ,

a a b a a b a b a abc a c c a R R , R = R R , R + R , R R = if (R R + R R )=0 ,       due to the antisymmetry of f abc under the interchange of any pair of indices. 2In the older literature, the defining representation is (inaccurately) called the fundamental representation. It is for this reason that the Casimir operator in the defining representation is often denoted by CF .

1 where the indices i, j, k and ℓ take on values from 1, 2,...,N. To derive eq. (6), we first note that any N × N complex matrix M can be written as a complex of the N × N identity matrix and the T a,

a M = M01 + MaT . (7)

This can be regarded as a completeness relation on the of complex N × N matrices. One can project out the coefficient M0 by taking the trace of eq. (7). Likewise, one b can project out the coefficients Ma by multiplying eq. (7) by T and then taking the trace of the resulting equation. Using eqs. (2) and (3), it follows that

1 a M0 = Tr M , M = 2 Tr(MT ) . (8) N a Inserting these results back into eq. (7) yields 1 M = (Tr M)1 + 2 Tr(MT a)T a . (9) N The matrix elements of eq. (9) are therefore 1 M = M δ +2M T a T a , (10) ij N kk ij ℓk kℓ ij where the sum over repeated indices is implicit. We can rewrite eq. (10) in a more useful form,

1 δ δ M = δ δ +2T a T a M . (11) iℓ jk ℓk N ij kℓ ij kℓ ℓk It follows that a a 1 1 T T − δiℓδjk − δijδkℓ Mℓk =0 . (12)  ij kℓ 2  N  This equation must be true for any arbitrary N × N complex matrix M. It follows that the coefficient of Mℓk in eq. (12) must vanish. This yields the identity states in eq. (6). The proof is complete. Many important identities can be obtained from eq. (6). For example, multiplying eq. (6) b by Tjk and summing over j and k yields 1 T aT bT a = − T a , (13) 2N after employing eq. (2). If we now multiply eq. (13) by T c and take the trace of both sides of the resulting equation, then the end result is 1 Tr(T aT bT aT c)= − δ . (14) 4N bc after using eq. (3). A more general expression for the trace of four generators (of which eq. (14) is a special case) is given in Appendix B.

2 In su(N), one can also define a totally symmetric third rank tensor called dabc via the relation, a b 1 1 c T T = δab1 +(dabc + ifabc)T , (15) 2 N  where 1 is the N × N identity matrix. Combining eqs. (1) and (15) yields the following anticommutation relation, 1 T a , T b ≡ T aT b + T bT a = δ 1 + d T c , (16) N ab abc  Using eqs. (3) and (16), one obtains an explicit expression,

a b c dabc = 2Tr T , T T , (17)   which can be taken as the definition of the dabc. It then follows that daac = 0 (where a sum over the repeated index a is implicit). Indeed, since dabc is a totally symmetric tensor, it follows that daca = dcaa = 0. su a 1 a The case of (2) provides the simplest example. In this case, we identify T = 2 σ , where a the σ (for a =1, 2, 3) are the well-known , and fabc = ǫabc are the components of the Levi-Civita tensor. It is a simple matter to check that in the case of su(2), we have dabc = 0. In contrast, the dabc are generally non-zero for N ≥ 3. Consider the trace identity obtained by multiplying eq. (15) by T c and taking the trace. In light of eqs. (2) and (3),

a b c 1 Tr(T T T )= 4 (dabc + ifabc) . (18)

It then follows that

a b c 1 fabd Tr(T T T )= 4 ifabcfabd , (19)

a b c 1 dabd Tr(T T T )= 4 dabcdabd . (20)

In obtaining eqs. (19) and (20), we used the fact that dabc is symmetric and fabc is antisym- metric under the interchange of any pair of indices, which implies that

fabcdabd =0 . (21)

To evaluate the products fabcfabd and dabcdabd, we proceed as follows. Using eqs. (1) and (16),

a b c b d b c b d b c d b b c fabd Tr(T T T )= −i Tr [T , T ]T T = −i Tr(T T T T )+ i Tr(T T T T ) , (22)  1 d Tr(T aT bT c) = Tr {T b , T d} − δ 1 T bT c abd  N bd   1 = Tr(T bT dT bT c) + Tr(T dT bT bT c) − Tr(T dT c) . (23) N

3 The traces are easily evaluated using eqs. (3)–(5) and (14), and we end up with a b c 1 fabd Tr(T T T )= 4 iNδcd , (24) N 2 − 4 d Tr(T aT bT c)= δ . (25) abd  4N  cd Comparing eqs. (24) and (25) with eqs. (19) and (20), we conclude that,3

fabcfabd = Nδcd , (26) N 2 − 4 dabcdabd = δcd . (27)  N  Consider a d-dimensional irreducible representation, Ra of the generators of su(N). The a b c cubic Casimir operator C3 ≡ dabcR R R , commutes with all the su(N) generators. Hence in light of Schur’s lemma, C3 is proportional to the d × d identity matrix. In particular, the cubic Casimir operator in the defining representation of su(N) is given by a b c dabcT T T = C3F 1 . (28)

To evaluate C3F , we multiply eq. (15) dabd to obtain N 2 − 4 d T aT b = T c , (29) abc 2N after using eqs. (26) and (27). Multiplying the above result by T c and employing eq. (4) yields N 2 − 4 d T aT bT c = C 1 . (30) abc 2N F Hence, using eqs. (5) and (28), we obtain (N 2 − 1)(N 2 − 4) C3 = . F 4N 2 For completeness, we note the following result that resembles eq. (29), a b 1 a b a b 1 a b 1 d 1 c fabcT T = 2 {T , T } + [T , T ] = 2 fabc[T , T ]= 2 ifabcfabdT = 2 iNT ,  after employing eq. (24). Hence, in light of eqs. (4) and (5) it follows that a b c 1 1 1 2 1 fabcT T T = 2 iNCF = 4 i(N − 1) . Indeed, in any irreducible representation of su(N), a similar analysis yields a b c 1 fabcR R R = 2 iNC2 , (31) a a a b c where C2 ≡ R R is the quadratic Casimir operator in representation R. Hence, fabcR R R 4 is proportional to C2 and thus is not an independent Casimir operator. 3Note that eqs. (24), (25) and (21) are equivalent to eqs. (44) and (45), respectively. 4It may seem that eq. (30) implies that the cubic Casimir operator is proportional to the quadratic Casimir operator. However, the derivation of eq. (30) relies on eq. (15), which only applies to the generators of su(N) in the defining representation. For an arbitrary d-dimensional irreducible representation of su(N), C2 and C3 are generically independent.

4 We now introduce the generators of su(N) in the , which will be henceforth denoted by F a. The F a are (N 2 − 1) × (N 2 − 1) antisymmetric matrices, since the dimension of the adjoint representation is equal to the number of generators of su(N). Explicitly, the matrix elements of the adjoint representation generators are determined by the structure constants, a (F )bc = −ifabc . (32) It is also convenient to define a set of (N 2 − 1) × (N 2 − 1) traceless symmetric matrices

a (D )bc = dabc , (33)

a where the dabc is defined by eq. (17). Since dabb = 0 it follows that Tr D = 0. The properties of the F a and Da matrices have been examined in Refs. [1, 2]. The F a satisfy the commutation relations of the su(N) generators,

a b c [F , F ]= ifabcF , (34) which is equivalent to the ,

fabefecd + fcbefaed + fdbeface =0 . (35) Likewise, there is a second commutation relation of interest,

a b a b c [F ,D ] = [D , F ]= ifabcD , (36) which is equivalent to the two identities,

fabedcde + facedbde + fadedbce =0 , (37)

fabedcde + fcbedade + fdbedace =0 . (38) The relations, a b b a a b b a c F D + F D = D F + D F = dabcF , (39) are also noteworthy. Combining eqs. (36) and (39) yields,

a b a b c c F D + D F = dabcF + ifabcD . (40) The expression for the [Da ,Db] is more complicated,

a b e 2 D ,D = ifabe(F )cd − δacδbd − δadδbc , (41) cd N     which is equivalent to the identity, 2 fabefcde = δacδbd − δadδbc + dacedbde − dbcedade . (42) N   Interchanging b ↔ c and subtracting, the resulting expression can be rewritten as

a b a b 2 e e (F F + D D )cd = δabδcd − δacδbd + dabe(D )cd + ifabe(F )cd . (43) N  

5 Eq. (43) is equivalent to the identity, 2 f f − f f = δ δ − δ δ + d d − d d . ace bde abe cde N  ab cd ac bd abe cde ace bde The quadratic Casimir operator in the adjoint representation is

a a F F = CAI , where CA = N, (44) and I is the (N 2 − 1) × (N 2 − 1) identity matrix, which is equivalent to eq. (26). Two other similar expressions of interest are N 2 − 4 DaDa = I , F aDa =0 , (45)  N  which are equivalent to eqs. (27) and (21), respectively. Using the above results, we can derive additional identities of interest. For example,

b c 1 b c 1 d 1 a fabcF F = 2 fabc F , F ]= 2 ifabcfbcdF = 2 iNF , (46)

b c 1  b c 1 d 1 a fabcF D = 2 fabc F ,D ]= 2 ifabcfbcdD = 2 iND , (47)  2 b c 1 b c 1 4 d N − 4 a fabcD D = fabc D ,D ]= i fabcfbcd − δad F = i F . (48) 2 2  N   2N   It then follows that

a b c 1 2 a b c fabcF F F = 2 iN I , fabcD F F =0 , (49)

a b c 1 2 a b c fabcD D F = 2 i(N − 4)I , fabcD D D =0 . (50)

For completeness, we quote the analogous identities with fabc replaced by dabc. These identities are proved in Appendix A of these notes.

b c 1 a dabcF F = 2 ND , (51) N 2 − 4 d F bDc = F a , (52) abc  2N  N 2 − 12 d DbDc = Da . (53) abc  2N  It then follows that

a b c a b c 1 2 dabcF F F =0 , dabcD F F = 2 (N − 4)I , (54) 2 2 a b c a b c (N − 4)(N − 12) dabcD D F =0 , dabcD D D = I . (55)  2N 2  Note that the first equation in eq. (54) implies that the cubic Casimir operator in the adjoint a b c representation vanishes, i.e., dabcF F F = 0.

6 Finally, we quote a number of useful trace identities [1–4].

Tr F a = Tr Da =0 , Tr(F aDb)=0 , (56) N 2 − 4 Tr(F aF b)= Nδ , Tr(DaDb)= δ , (57) ab  N  ab a b c 1 a b c 1 Tr(F F F )= 2 iNfabc , Tr(D F F )= 2 Ndabc , (58) N 2 − 4 N 2 − 12 Tr(DaDbF c)= i f , Tr(DaDbDc)= d . (59)  2N  abc  2N  abc

Additional identities involving traces of four generators can also be derived. Ref. [4] provides the following results,5

a b c d 1 1 Tr(F F F F )= δadδbc + 2 (δabδcd + δacδbd)+ 4 N(fadefbce + dadedbce) , (60) a b c d 1 Tr(F F F D )= 4 iN(dadefbce − fadedbce) , (61) N 2 − 8 Tr(F aF bDcDd)= 1 (δ δ − δ δ )+ f f + 1 Nd d , (62) 2 ab cd ac bd  4N  ade bce 4 ade bce a b c d 1 1 Tr(F D F D )= − 2 (δabδcd − δacδbd)+ 4 N(fadefbce + dadedbce) , (63) 2i N 2 − 8 Tr(F aDbDcDd)= f d + i f d + 1 iNd f , (64) N ade bce  4N  abe cde 4 abe cde N 2 − 4 N 2 − 8 Tr(DaDbDcDd)= δ δ + δ δ + 1 δ δ + 1 Nf f  N 2  ad bc  2N 2  ab cd 2 ac bd 4 ade bce N 2 − 16 4 + dadedbce − dabedcde . (65)  4N  N

Alternative expressions for eqs. (61)–(65) are given in Appendix B [3]. As a check of eq. (60), let us set a = c and sum over a. After employing eqs. (26) and (27) and relabeling d by c, we obtain

a b a c 1 2 Tr(F F F F )= 2 N δbc . (66)

Alternatively, one can obtain the above result directly by using eqs. (26), (44), (57) and (58) to compute

a b a c d b a a c d a c b a a c Tr(F F F F ) = Tr (ifabdF + F F )F F = ifabd Tr(F F F ) + Tr(F F F F ) 1 2 1 2 = ifabd 2 iNfdac + N δbc = 2 N δbc , (67)  which confirms the result of eq. (66). Similarly, the results of eqs. (61)–(65) can also be checked by multiplication by either a Kronecker delta, fabc or dabc and then employing the trace formulae previously derived. The identities provided in these notes are sufficient to work out the color factors for any scattering process involving quarks and gluons. Although the color factors should be computed

5 1 In Ref. [4], the coefficient of iNdabefcde in eq. (64) is incorrectly given by 2 .

7 for the case of N = 3, it is useful to first evaluate the color factors for an SU(N) , since the results allow one to identify sets of independent color factors that arise for a given process. Various applications can be found in a classic paper by Roger Cutler and Dennis Sivers [5]. Many of the identities contained in these notes are also reproduced in Appendix B of Ref. [5] (after correcting some obvious typographical errors). For completeness, we note that two additional identities for the F and D matrices can be derived in the case of N = 3 that have no analogs for general N. These were first presented in Ref. [6] and are given in Appendix C of these notes.

APPENDIX A: Proof of eqs. (51)–(53)

First, we note that eqs. (51)–(53) are equivalent to the last three trace identifies of eqs. (58) and (59),

a b c d e Tr(D F F )= dade(F F )bc , (68) a b c d e Tr(D D F )= dade(F D )bc , (69) a b c d e Tr(D D D )= dade(D D )bc , (70) after using eqs. (32) and (33). Multiplying eq. (40) on the left by F e and taking a trace yields

e a b 1 Tr(F F D )= 2 Ndabe , (71) in light of eqs. (56) and (57). Likewise, multiplying eq. (40) on the right by De and taking a trace yields i(N 2 − 4) Tr(F aDbDe)= f . (72) 2N abe f Multiplying eq. (43) on the right by (D )de and taking the trace (by setting c = e and summing over e) yields, 2 a b f a b f N − 6 Tr(F F D + D D D )= dabf . (73)  N  Finally, we use the result of eq. (71) to obtain 2 a b f N − 12 Tr(D D D )= dabf . (74)  2N 

APPENDIX B: Traces of four generators revisited

The trace of a product of four generators in the defining representation is easily derived. Applying eq. (15) twice, and taking the trace with the help of eq. (3) yields 1 Tr(T aT bT cT d)= δ δ + 1 d d − f f + if d + if d . 4N ab cd 8 abe cde abe cde abe cde cde abe  8 It is convenient to employ eqs. (38) and (42) to produce a more symmetric version, 1 Tr(T aT bT cT d)= δ δ − δ δ + δ δ + 1 d d − d d + d d 4N ab cd ac bd ad bc 8 abe cde ace bde ade bce  1  + 8 i dabefcde + dacefbde + dadefbce . (75) A nice check of eq. (75) is to rederive eq. (14) by settinga = c and summing over a. The traces of products of four adjoint matrices (either F a or Da) are given in eqs. (60)– (65). It is sometimes convenient to eliminate the product fadefbce in favor of Kronecker deltas and the dabc by using eq. (42). The following results were obtained in Ref. [3], a b c d 1 Tr(F F F F )= δabδcd + δadδbc + 4 N dabedcde − dacedbde + dadedbce , a b c d 1  Tr(F F F D )= 4 iN(dabefcde + fabedcde) , 2 2 a b c d N − 4 N − 8 1 Tr(F F D D )= δabδcd − δacδbd + dabedcde − dacedbde + Ndadedbce ,  N 2   4N  4 a b c d 1   Tr(F D F D )= 4 N dabedcde − dacedbde + dadedbce , N 2 − 12 i  Tr(F aDbDcDd)= i f d + f d − f d + 1 iNd f ,  4N  abe cde N ade bce ace bde 4 abe cde  N 2 − 4 N 2 − 16 Tr(DaDbDcDd)= δ δ + δ δ + d d + d d − 1 Nd d .  N 2  ab cd ad bc  4N  abe cde ade bce 4 ace bde   Note that the second equation above is consistent with eq. (61) in light of eq. (36), and the fifth equation above is consistent with eq. (64) in light of eq. (37).

APPENDIX C: Two additional identities for N = 3

Two additional identities are special to the case of N = 3 and do not generalize to arbi- trary N. These identities can be derived from the characteristic equation of a general element of the su(3) Lie algebra [2, 6], a b e F , F cd =3dabe(D )cd + δabδcd − δacδbd − δadδbc , (76)  a b e 1 D ,D cd = −dabe(D )cd + 3 δabδcd + δacδbd + δadδbc . (77) These two identities can be rewritten as 

3dabedcde − facefbde − fadefbce = δacδbd + δadδbc − δabδcd , (78) 1 dabedcde + dacedbde + dadedbce = 3 δabδcd + δacδbd + δadδbc . (79) Combining eqs. (34) and (76) then yields,  a b 1 e 3 e 1 (F F )cd = 2 ifabe(F )cd + 2 dabe(D )cd + 2 δabδcd − δacδbd − δadδbc . (80) Likewise, combining eqs. (41) and (77) yields,  a b 1 e 1 e 1 1 (D D )cd = 2 ifabe(F )cd − 2 dabe(D )ab + 6 δabδcd − δacδbd + 2 δadδbc . (81) Note that the sum of eqs. (80) and (81) yields the N = 3 version of eq. (43). Unfortunately, there are no separate analogs of eqs. (80) and (81) for N =6 3.

9 References

[1] L.M. Kaplan and M. Resnikoff, J. Math. Phys. 8, 2194 (1967).

[2] A.J. MacFarlane, A. Sudbery and P.H. Weisz, Commun. Math. Phys. 11, 77 (1968).

[3] J.A. de Azcarraga, A.J. Macfarlane, A.J. Mountain and J.C. Perez Bueno, Nucl. Phys. B 510, 657 (1998).

[4] See Appendix A of V.S. Fadin and R. Fiore, Phys. Rev. D 72, 014018 (2005).

[5] R. Cutler and D.W. Sivers, Phys. Rev. D 17, 196 (1978).

[6] P. Tarjanne, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. A, VI. Physica, 105 (1962) pp. 3–94.