Risk Assessment: ………….. ACACIA SALIGNA Prepared by: Etienne Branquart (1), Vanessa Lozano (2) and Giuseppe Brundu (2) (1) [
[email protected]] (2) Department of Agriculture, University of Sassari, Italy [
[email protected]] Date: first draft 01 st November 2017 Subsequently Reviewed by 2 independent external Peer Reviewers: Dr Rob Tanner, chosen for his expertise in Risk Assessments, and Dr Jean-Marc Dufor-Dror chosen for his expertise on Acacia saligna . Date: first revised version 04 th January 2018, revised in light of comments from independent expert Peer Reviewers. Approved by the IAS Scientific Forum on 26/10/2018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Branquart, Lozano & Brundu PRA Acacia saligna 8 9 10 Contents 11 Summary of the Express Pest Risk Assessment for Acacia saligna 4 12 Stage 1. Initiation 6 13 1.1 - Reason for performing the Pest Risk Assessment (PRA) 6 14 1.2 - PRA area 6 15 1.3 - PRA scheme 6 16 Stage 2. Pest risk assessment 7 17 2.1 - Taxonomy and identification 7 18 2.1.1 - Taxonomy 7 19 2.1.2 - Main synonyms 8 20 2.1.3 - Common names 8 21 2.1.4 - Main related or look-alike species 8 22 2.1.5 - Terminology used in the present PRA for taxa names 9 23 2.1.6 - Identification (brief description) 9 24 2.2 - Pest overview 9 25 2.2.2 - Habitat and environmental requirements 10 26 2.2.3 Resource acquisition mechanisms 12 27 2.2.4 - Symptoms 12 28 2.2.5 - Existing PRAs 12 29 Socio-economic benefits 13 30 2.3 - Is the pest a vector? 14 31 2.4 - Is a vector needed for pest entry or spread? 15 32 2.5 - Regulatory status of the pest 15 33 2.6 - Distribution