Proud to learn, achieve and belong

Engaging children and staff through a creative and lively curriculum promoting the desire to succeed and achieve, in partnership with the wider community.

Upperthong J & I School Rd HD9 2LE Phone 01484 683176 Email

Upperthong J & I School is a community primary school and is part of Local Authority

Headteacher – Mrs Carolyn Littlewood Chair of Governors – Mrs Catherine Patel

Upperthong J & I School Burnlee Rd Holmfirth W. Yorks HD9 2LE

Headteacher: Mrs Carolyn Littlewood

Proud to learn, achieve and belong E-Mail:[email protected] Phone: 01484 683176

Dear Parents,

I am delighted that you are interested in Upperthong Junior and Infant school, a school which is committed to providing a first rate learning journey for your child(ren).

At Upperthong we believe that primary education should focus on achievement in all aspects of school life; and all achievements are celebrated and successes shared. Our children enjoy coming to school and speak articulately about what it has to offer. The prospectus will provide a range of information, however a visit to the school will give you a much better flavour of our community and a snapshot of the curriculum and activities we offer all our children.

The staff are hard working professionals and their commitment to providing the best is evident in all aspects of their work. As a school we value the partnership between ourselves and parents/carers and welcome any offers of help and support. We believe that communication is the key to an effective relationship and we actively encourage dialogue as we strive to work together to ensure all children’s needs are met.

Together with the staff and pupils I welcome you to our school community and hope that this is the start of a warm relationship which will enhance the journey your child makes through primary school and on into high school.

Please contact the school if you have any further questions regarding the information in the prospectus or if you wish to arrange a visit; a member of staff, or one of the pupils will be only too pleased to show you round.

Yours sincerely, C. Littlewood

Mrs Carolyn Littlewood- Headteacher


At Upperthong we are proud to learn, achieve and belong

We aim to promote an enthusiasm for learning by:- ñ Providing a creative and engaging curriculum ñ Ensuring learning is enriched and inclusive ñ Committing to life long learning

We aim to: ñ Achieve the highest possible standards ñ Celebrate success in all areas ñ Take pride in our achievements

We aim to develop an awareness of place in the community by: ñ Providing a safe, caring and happy environment ñ Building strong community partnerships ñ Fostering a sense of pride in belonging to the school and wider community


Upperthong School is a semi-rural school on the outskirts of the town of Holmfirth; around 7 miles from the larger town of . The school has an idyllic setting, with wonderful grounds and stunning views of the surrounding Pennine countryside. The building is around 40 years old and is organised into 7 single age classes with 2 additional teaching spaces. Over recent years our building and grounds have undergone significant improvement, for example, each classroom is now equipped with an interactive whiteboard which is used to enhance teaching and learning. We are very proud of our grounds and in 2007 were part of Water’s ‘Million Green Fingers’ scheme which gave us the opportunity to further work on the grounds and to develop them as an outdoor classroom with cross curricular opportunities.

We are committed to ensuring that ICT is integrated throughout the curriculum and to this end the school has two banks of laptops, two mini suites, networked computers in classrooms and a set of 17 ipads; there is a strong commitment to the continuing development of ICT in school.

The school has a strong staff team and is well supported by the governing body. We encourage links with the wider community; working with the onsite playgroup, the local minister and other local groups.

OUR STAFF The staff team for 2020-21 will be as follows: Mrs Carolyn Littlewood – Headteacher Mrs Kate Nussey- Year 4- Deputy Head Mr Alvyn Riley-Year 2-Leader for Learner Mrs Julie Bligh-Smith-Year 1 –Leader for Inclusion Miss Sarah Wilson-Reception Miss Samantha White-Year 6 Miss Danielle Baldwin -Year 3 Mr Tom Branston- Year 5 Mrs Suzanne Mighall-PPA teacher –YR,1,2,3,5 Mrs Elizabeth Mansell-Y4,6

Mrs Su van Rooyen-Senior ETA (Early language and literacy) Mrs Diane Clarkson-Senior ETA (Special needs) Mrs Helen Barrowclough-Reception ETA Mrs Heather Brooke-Reception ETA Mrs Sue Kiernan-ETA Mrs Cathy Dessoy-ETA Ms Sharon Dawson- ETA Mrs Jan Wallis- ETA Mrs Jenni Lamburn – ETA Mrs Tricia Palin-ETA Mrs Sue Lindley-ETA

4 Mrs Sue Thompson-Bursar Mrs Helen Broomhead-Admin Officer AN Other-TBS-Admin Assistant

Mrs Kevin Carter-Caretaker Mrs Sharon Mittermuller-Cleaner Miss Lindsay Parkin-Cleaner

Mrs Jayne Selway-Senior Lunchtime Supervisor Ms Lindsay Parkin- Lunchtime Supervisor Mrs Tricia Palin-Lunchtime Supervisor Ms Abbie Holmes-Lunchtime Supervisor (PT) Mrs Sharon Mittermuller-Lunchtime Supervisor Miss Susan Lindley-Lunchtime Supervisor Miss Vicky Hair-Lunchtime Supervisor (PT) A ’who’s who’ board of photographs can be found in the entrance to the school

How are children admitted to the school?

Following a detailed consultation process by Kirklees LA it has been agreed that a full-time school place will be available for all rising- five children from the September of the school year during which they attain the age of five. Parents may request that the date their child is admitted to school is deferred until later in the school year or until a child reaches compulsory school age in that school year. Where a parent makes such a request the place will remain allocated to the child. (Compulsory school age is the term after the term in which the child is five)

Priority Order for Admission to All Key Stages

1) Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs which names the school 2) Children in public care (Looked-after Children) 3) Children living in the school’s priority admission area who have an older brother or sister attending the same address at the date of admission 4) Other children living in the school’s priority admission area 5) Children who live outside the priority area who have an older brother or sister attending from the same address at the time of admission 6) Children who live outside the priority area

Notes a) Children in priorities 1 and 2 above may also be admitted above the Published Admission Number (PAN) b) If we cannot agree to requests for admission in priorities 3 to 6 above without exceeding the PAN, we will give priority up to the PAN to children living nearest the school. Distance is measured in a straight line.


parents/carers have the right to withdraw their children if they object strongly. The Year 6 children take part in a Drugs Awareness programme called ‘Spiced’.

Our Commitment: Engaging children and staff through a creative and lively curriculum promoting the desire to succeed and achieve, in partnership with the wider community. We will provide a curriculum which: ñ Engages and excites ñ Develops the whole child ñ Values all children ñ Provides successful, positive experiences ñ Is based on innovative practice ñ Is based on the 5 principles of Every Child Matters ñ Encourages children to follow their own ideas ñ Encourages children to become independent learner and develop independent learning skills.

Our Curriculum Drivers Our curriculum is driven by the desire to develop the following: ñ Knowledge & Skills ñ Collaboration & Cooperation ñ Confidence & Independence

All local authority controlled schools in follow the National Curriculum. We have spent much time over the last few years creating a thematic curriculum based on the acquisition of key skills and focusing on a cross curricular approach. We believe the children and staff should be excited by the learning and teaching.

8 Our Curriculum Rationale

9 Work in each year group is currently planned around the following themes although this term we are revising our long term planning:

Autumn Spring Summer

Ourselves Transport Minibeasts Reception Winter Wonderland Pirates Plants

Oh I Do Like To Be Yr 1 Sharing and Caring Reach for the Stars Beside The Seaside

Plot, Plague & Pudding Yr 2 All Aboard Sensational Safari Lane

Yr 3 The Battle for England Amazing Achievements The World at your Feet

Yr 4 Growth & Change Power! Inspiring Journeys

Yr 5 Mayans Indus Valley Native Americans

Yr 6 The Battle of Britain Water of Life Changing Ages

The Curriculum in the Foundation Stage (reception)

Children in reception are classed as being in the Foundation Stage and will follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. There are a total of 7 areas of development; 3 Prime Areas of Learning: ° Language and Communication, ° Physical Development, ° Personal and social development 4 Specific Areas of Learning: ° Literacy, ° Maths, ° Understanding the World, ° Expressive Arts and Design There are 17 sub categories which will be used to assess the children on entry and at the end of reception. In this way we have a clear understanding of the progress children have made and are able to share this information with parents and with the year 1 teacher to ensure that the potential of every child is developed.

How does the school meet the needs of those children with specific disabilities? 10

Disability is defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA): "A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities.”

We aim to reduce and, where possible, eliminate barriers to accessing the curriculum and to full participation in the Upperthong Junior and Infant School community for pupils, and prospective pupils, with a disability. All entrances have ramps for wheelchair access. There is a toilet for the disabled near the entrance. The school site has been made as accessible as possible for semi-ambulant and wheelchair-bound children with a recent access initiative (2006). The school’s site is problematic and it is very difficult to make all areas of the school fully accessible. The school has a Disability Access scheme and an accompanying action plan which meets with the requirements of the Disability Equality Act. School has a Single Equality Policy and an action plan developed in line with the Public Sector Equality Duty 2011.

What if my child has Special Educational Needs?

The school aims to fulfil all children’s entitlement to learning support. By providing this support, all children have equal access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum ensuring understanding and progression. The Special Needs policy provides the framework for our practice and is regularly reviewed and updated where necessary.

Following changes to Special Educational Needs as a result of the Children and Families Act 2014, each class teacher is responsible for identifying and making initial provision for children with special educational needs. A request for statutory assessment may follow if the support needs to be greater than can be provided by the class teacher in a classroom setting. Mrs Bligh-Smith is the Leader for Inclusion and Mr Andrew Hogley is the governor responsible for this area. Outside agencies are involved as and when appropriate. Please see the Special Needs section of the school website for further details and information.

How does the school involve parents?

We do encourage the assistance of parents in the education of their children. Reading books and library books are sent home and we hope that you will enjoy your role in listening to and encouraging your child to read. Time is best set aside as it should not be a hurried or pressured experience. Young children use pictures as cues and it sometimes takes time to gather the information a picture gives. Each week children bring home a Learning Log and tasks for them to complete which will support and enhance learning in school. Please ask for details of the Homework policy. The school values parental support in school either in the classroom or in a clerical/administration capacity. Should you wish to join our team of enthusiastic helpers, please see Mrs Littlewood or your child’s class teacher. It is our policy to place parents in classes different to that of their child(ren) What information does the school need from you?


Choose a healthy snack that will stop you feeling hungry, as well as giving your body and brain an energy boost:

ñ fresh fruit ñ pitta bread

ñ dried fruit ñ rice cakes

ñ fresh vegetables ñ bread sticks

ñ cheese cubes ñ fruit/malt loaf

ñ oatcakes ñ cereal bars (not containing chocolate)

Please do not bring any of these snacks for break time:

ñ chocolate ñ biscuits ñ crisps ñ cakes

ñ sweets ñ cereal bars with chocolate

Children are also encouraged to bring plastic bottles of water (no juice) to drink (sport-type caps prevent wet bags!). We have a water cooler installed in school for children to re-fill their bottles.

What about school meals?

All children in reception and KS1 (reception, 1 & 2) will be entitled to a free school meal. Should you wish to take up this offer please inform the school office. For children in KS2 there is a charge for school meals (£2.30 per day). School no longer accepts payment in cash or by cheque. All payments must be made via parentpay, an online system which allows parents to make payments of any amount at any time. The school office will issue you with your login and password information once your child has started school. If you do not have access to the internet, then there are paypoints at local shops eg: Londis, and again the school office will provide you with details. The school meals are of a high quality and cooked on site. A wide choice is offered and they are excellent value for money. Each morning children will choose what they would like that day from the menus in their classroom and meals will be cooked to order. Just before lunchtime, they will receive a wrist band to match their selection and this will be handed over in exchange for their lunch. Children may also bring a packed lunch. The school has guidelines for packed lunches and parents are asked to ensure that packed lunches contain a balance of foods that satisfy their child’s appetite and allow them to concentrate throughout the afternoon. Please note that sweets/ chocolate bars and fizzy drinks are not allowed in a lunchbox.


Children have the opportunity to participate in the following after school activities during their time with us:

ñ Football club ñ Multi-sports club ñ Rounders coaching ñ Cricket coaching ñ Rugby coaching ñ Netball coaching ñ Yoga ñ Running

Activities run by the school are currently offered free of charge; those run by outside agencies may incur a small cost.

Are children allowed to bring toys to school?

We discourage children from bringing toys into school as they can be a distraction and may be broken or lost.

How does the school encourage good behaviour?

Upperthong J&I School is committed to creating an environment where exemplary behaviour is at the heart of productive learning. Everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same. As members of our community, we adhere to the values of being: ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe.’

At Upperthong we aim to:

ñ Provide a safe, comfortable and caring environment where optimum learning takes place. ñ Provide clear guidance for children, staff and parents of expected levels of behaviour. ñ Use a consistent and calm approach. ñ Ensure all adults take responsibility for managing behaviour and follow-up incidents personally. ñ Ensure all adults use consistent language to promote positive behaviour and use restorative approaches instead of punishments.

We aim to create a safe and secure environment for all children and staff. We encourage honesty, fairness and good-manners. All members of the school community are expected to exercise self-discipline, take responsibility for their actions and show care and concern for people, the school and its contents. We believe that parents have an important role to play in promoting good behaviour and all parents are encouraged to support the school behaviour policy. 16

Policies All key policies and much other information can be found on the school website at


The information published in this prospectus complies with Education Law. The details contained within were correct in June 2020. Changes may take place before the beginning of the next school year which will be published in a supplement.