Cat.Jour.Ling. 7 001-203:Cat.Jour.Ling. 10/10/08 17:23 Página 41 Catalan Journal of Linguistics 7, 2008 41-90 Deconstructing Exclamations* Elena Castroviejo Miró J.W. Goethe Universität-Frankfurt
[email protected] Abstract While it is still not widely accepted that exclamatives are a clause type, exclamations are intu- itively considered a speech act comparable to assertions and questions. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the notion of exclamation. In particular, I compare the pragmatic properties of wh- exclamatives with the discourse distribution of other so-called exclamations and argue that they do not have a uniform way to update the Common Ground; by using a series of tests, I show that the sole thing they have in common is an emphatic intonation and a non-neutral attitude on the part of the speaker. Key words: exclamations, exclamative sentences, speech acts, Common Ground. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 5. Concluding remarks 2. Theoretical background 6. Further research 3. Wh-exclamatives: the control group References 4. Exclamations 1. Introduction Usually, the terms exclamative and exclamation are used sloppily to refer to the same kind of phenomenon. Sometimes, though, they are meant to refer to two dif- ferent phenomena; namely, an exclamative is a syntactic construction and an excla- mation is a pragmatic construction whose role is to express the speaker’s feelings. However, even if we agree that this is a meaningful distinction, the term exclama- tion remains a sloppy concept. That is, it seems reasonable to assume that wh-exclamatives are used to perform exclamations, but it is not clear what these * I truly appreciate the comments and suggestions of Xavier Villalba.