News of the Week

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News of the Week ^THE Serving Maywood, Beliwood, Forest Park, Hillside, Westchester, Broadview, Northlake, Berkeley and Melrose Park "55?!!? HERALI}^ VOL LX, No. 17 THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1944 PRICE 5 CENTS I News of the Week Police Chief Takes Ovei New Duties (See page 3) Slimmer Named Grid Mentor (See pago 3^ Mobile Unit Visits Village on May 19-20 (See page 3) k^li Shops Close \:'i at Noon on Wednesdays (See page 3) TAKING OVER his new job as chief of police of Maywood, William O. Freeman, former chief of Evanston and Bangor, Maine, shakes hands with Earle K. Broberg, village president. Chief Freeman came to the local department on Monday, April 24, from Chicago where he was chief of guards of the U. S. Army Air Forces. A veteran of 20 years service with the Chicago police department, he was appointed Maywood chief at a meeting of the village; board April 18. The HERALD Chester; 4-Glenn A. Thoreson, 154 Kathryn Mally, 1214 South 13th Thnisday. April 27. 1944 Donors Give DesPlaines avenue, Forest Park. avenue, Maywood; 3-Rodger Wil- Spring Music 3-George H. Patterson, 1804 Isiams, 646 Marengo evenue, For- South 2nd avenue, Maywood; 3- est Park. To RecJ Cross Albert H. MUler, 2126 South 6th The following persons gave their Festival at TfjRrffi:ii avenue, Maywood; 3-Harold H. blood when the Mobile unit of the Boesenberg, 7242 Jackson boule- Red Cross Donor Service recently AUTO BODY REPAIR Mobile Unit vard. Forest Park; 3-John Glaze- visited their place of employment: Proviso 30th The following persons gave their Complete Car brook, 2250 South 12th avenue, Arthur Roeber, 2333 South 13th Proviso's annual spring music PAiNTiN6 blood when the Mobile unit of the Broadview; 3-Edwin A. Nelson, avenue, Broadview; Virginia Mesh. festival, which features all of Pro- Painting Red Cross Blood Donor Service 841 South 20th avenue, Maywood; kowsky, 316 South 3rd avenue, viso's music organizations, will be Wlll/y Our Specialty! visited the Public Service com- 3-Roy Schuett, 2012 South 10th Maywood; 3-Mrs. Marie Rand, on Sunday, April 30, at 3:15 p.m. Body and pany, Maywood, April 11. avenue, Maywood; 3-Elsie Weiss, 1619 South 17th avenue, Maywood; in the high school auditorium. Fender Work (Figures before names indicate 435 Hannah avenue, Forest Park. Elwood Glawe, 1014 South 9th The vocal department includes number of donations.) 3-Arthur W. Huebner, 842 Elgin 2124 South 21st avenue, Maywood; freshmen, sophomores, junior-sen- 511 Main SL Maywooa 111. 3-Ernes Letts, 1203 North 15th avenue. Forest Park; Jane Spons- 3-William A. Burkus, 2037 South ior, and girls' choi'uses, and the avenue, Melirose Park; 3-Geraldine ler, 1916 South Sth avenue. May- 25 th avenue, Broadview; 2-Ed- choir. The orchestra will present PHONE MAYWOOD 574 Hancock, 501 South 9th avenue, wood; 3-Charles F. Clark, 1923 mund Czeohowicz, 511 South llth three numbers, and an ensemble Maywood; John M. Johnson, 320 South 7th street, Maywood; 4- avenue, Maywood; 2-James Ottis, from the band will also be heard. Thunell, 1634 South 18th avenue, Nonnan S. Youngsteadt, 28 North 1909 South 18th avenue, May- The program has been arranged ************************ Maywood; 3-Daniel A. Cameron, 6th avenue, Maywood; Fred L. wood; Mrs. Margaret Cover, 501 through the cooperation of R. Lee BUY MORE WAR BONDS 1623 South 14th avenue, Maywood; Lukens, 848 Marengo, Forest Park. West Washington boulevard. May- Osburn, Wallace Nelson, and J. Jeanette Hinz, 1300 North 1th 4-Harold Schanks, 322 Marshall, wood; Lyie Grambsche, 405 South Irving Tallmadge. AND SAVINGS STAMPS avenue, Melrose Park; 4-Iloy B. Beliwood; 4-Leslie C. Bieger, 615 2nd avenue, Maywood; Thomas This concert is open to the pub- Peters, 1516 Norfolk avenue. West- Elgin avenue. Forest Park; 4- Labounty, 144 South 19th avenue, lic and no admission will be Lester A. Snell, Jr., 2325 South Maywood; Iver Person, 1211 South charged. An offering will be 19th avenue, Broadview; 3-oJhn 3rd avenue, Maywood. taken. D. Straley, 130 Beliwood avenue, The following persons gave their The program is as follows: PLAN YOUR POST WAR HOME NOW Beliwood; Rollin G. Burkholder, blood when the Mobile Unit of the "The Star Spangled Banner," first stanza. Key. orchestra, choruses, and A visit to our office will help you determine the kind of home you 1015 South 32nd avenue, Beliwood; Red Cross Blood Donor Service audience. will build or buy—where it will be and every other detail necessary. 3-Marian Maltbie, 1015 South 3rd visited Elmhurst during the period "As Torrents in Summer," Elgar; "The .4sh Grove" (W'elsh Folk Song) See our list of Preferred Popular Homes. • avenue, Maywood; Jeannie Bartks, from March 23 to March 25: arranged by Wick: "Waltzing Matil- 1409 Harlem, Forest Park. 2-Charles Lindwall, 237 South da," (.Australian Folk Song) arranged by Wood, choruses and choir; Georgia Charles T. Denis, 3912 St. Paul 21st avenue, Maywood; Harold Boss and Alice Wendt, accompanists. DAVIES REALTY CO. aenue, Beliwood; 3-William North- Benson, Maywood. Miniature from "The Nutcracker 1209 S. Sth AVE. (Since 1899) MAYWOOD 162 Suite." Tschajkowski, flute and clari- em, Jr., 833 South 16th avenue, The following gave their blood net ensemble, Wilson Trumbull, Kath- Maywood; Vincent Clementi, 506 recently at the Blood Center at leen Walker, George Santos. Marilyn Marquis, Sam Thomas, Gene Tall- South 4th, Maywood; John Dzima, 5 North Wabash avenue, Chicago: madge, 1301 North 19th, Melrose Park; 3-Lily Jeschke, 309 South 9th "Czech Rhapsody," Weinberger; "Phaon, Miniature Symphonic Poem," Ray Bohm, 1003 South 17th, May- avenue, Maywood; Marjorie Jesch- Johnson, orchestra. wood; John Brunner, 17 South ke, 309 South 9th avenue. May- "O Be Joyful, All Ye Lands," CARE- Gretchaninoft; "My Bonnie Lass, She 18th avenue, Maywood; 4-Herbert wood. Smlleth." German; "There Are Such Hetzel, 400 South 21st avenue, Things," aranged for Fred Waring, Maywood; 3-Arthur Purcell, 225 Save paper! The soldier's battles are choir. Improves Any Suit! planned, his orders are issued on pa- "Quartet Number 3," Miller—Gene South 10th avenue, Maywood; per. Tallmadge, clarinet; Jack Van Kane- gan, violin; Lois Nelson, cello. "Your Land and My Land," (Patri- otic version) Romberg; 'This Is My No matter how well- Country" (W a r i n g arrangement), Jacobs; "Democracy Forever," Gaines, choir and choruses. cut a su'rt may be it APRIL DECISIONS 'Symphony No. 5 in E minor, "New World," Dvorak; Allegro con fuoco, orchestra. still needs constant I To Buy License Plofes for 'Marching Along" (a Fantasy), La- touehe and Savino: "The United Na- • Your Cor. tions," Shostakovitch, choir and care to keep its fit. choruses, with 34 members of the Or to sell your car and receive a high band, presenting the flags of the United Nations. Hang up your clothes. 2* price for it. if it is not being used to "The Star Spangled Banner," Key, best advantage! third stanza. Make them look best We can be of service . wear best! to you in either case. Roy Adams Made I Use our License Plate 2nd Lieutenant "EVANS-WAY PROCESS" CLEANING PAYS • Service. Roy Howard Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Adams, 142 South A .Get Top Price for 18th street, Maywood, has sus- ^ Your Car. cessfully completed his flight training at the army air forces pilot school, (advanced single en- EVANS CLEANERS Maywood Motor Co. gine) Luke field, Arizona. At graduation ceremonies April AND DYERS Inc. 15, he received the Army Air (EST. 1»U) 400 LAKE STREET corps silver wings and a second lieutenant's commission in the 1510 MADISON ST. 1200 LAKE ST. MAYWOOD 281 Army Air corps reserve. "On Lake St. Since 1913" He received his preflight train- PHONES—MAYWOOD 8600-8601 MELROSE PARK 8300 ing at Santa Ana army air base, California, and pilot training with army flying units at Rankin Aeronautical academy, Tulare, California, and Gardner field, Taft, California, before coming to Luke field. He attended the University of Illinois and was a member of the Acacia fraternity. He was junior editor of "The lUio of 1943." In Tennessee Pvt. Vincent E. Krefft of 1006 South Sth avenue, Maywood, has STORAGE arrived at Middle Tennessee State college, Murfreesboro, Tenn., for a course of instruction lasting ap- and VAN CO. proximately five months prior to his appointment as an aviation cadet in the Army Air Forces I flying training command. \ Upon completion of the course \ he will be classified as a navi- \ Stor ag e gator, pilot or bombardier and go ^ to schools of the flying training command for training in these specialties. A/S Krefft is the husband of Mrs. Virginia Krefft ; ESTABLISHED 1889 DO YOU NEED A NEW CAR? 2 North Sixth FOLDING CHAIRS or, Just a Spring Cleaning Your Old Car REVITALIZED Ave. at Main St. AND TABLES WITH "GRANITIZE" Rented for All Occasions EXPERT CLEANING AND POLISHING Delivered and Picked Up PHONE Tel. Maywood 3 MAYWOOD 2736 Published Every Thursday by THE PUBLIC PRESS, NO LESS THAN PUBLIC OFFICE. IS A PUBLIC TRUSl THE HERALD MAYWOOD 7100 EUCLID 3200 811 Soufh Fifth Avenue^ Maywood, III. The Herald serves Maywood, Melrose Park, Forest Park, Beliwood. Hillside, ' Westchester, Broadview, Berkeley and North-Lake Village THE HERALD • DELIVERED BY CARRIER BOY FOR 15 CENTS PER MONTH ^MtMslXV ESTABLISHED 1884 Mail Subscription Price ffVl"" \ $2.00 in advance in Cook County W""*" / Registered in tha United States Patent Office $3.00 per year Outside Cook County \ 7^ Entered at the Post Office ot Maywood, Illinois, as Mail Matter of the Second Class For Single Copy, 5 Cents Back Numbers 5 Cents VOL LX, No. 17 THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1944 PRICE 5 CENTS Name Slimmer Police Chief Proviso High Takes Over Grid Mentor New Duties f Louis F.
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