05.03.2021* 1 Advance Cause List of Cases (Applt

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05.03.2021* 1 Advance Cause List of Cases (Applt 05.03.2021* 1 ADVANCE CAUSE LIST OF CASES (APPLT. SIDE) MATTERS LISTED FOR 05.03.2021 COURT NO.01 DIVISION BENCH-I HON'BLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE HON'BLE MR.JUSTICE JASMEET SINGH (PHYSICAL COURT HEARING) [NOTE: IN CASE ANY ASSISTANCE REGARDING VIRTUAL HEARING IS REQUIRED, PLEASE CONTACT, MR. VIJAY RATTAN SUNDRIYAL (PH: 9811136589) COURT MASTER & MR. VISHAL (PH 9968315312) ASSISTANT COURT MASTER TO HON'BLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE & PLEASE CONTACT, MR.KRISHAN MURARI,ACM (PH 8700097423) AND MR. JITENDER, RESTORER(PH 9711690023) TO HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE JASMEET SINGH.] [NOTE:THIS BENCH IS CONDUCTING PHYSICAL HEARING TODAY, HOWEVER , IF ANY ADVOCATE/PARTY DESIROUS OF JOINING THEIR MATTER THROUGH V.C., THEY MAY JOIN THE SAME USING FOLLOWING LINK MEETING LINK : https://delhihighcourt.webex.com/delhihighcourt/j.php?MTID=mef257c0be6cb885dfcca86db1f12cf0d MEETING NUMBER: 184 404 9754 Password: 1234 [NOTE: ALL COUNSEL/PARTIES ARE REQUESTED TO KEEP THEIR WEB CAMERA OFF AND MIC MUTED UNLESS THEIR MATTER IS GOING ON] FRESH MATTERS & APPLICATIONS ______________________________ 1. W.P.(C) 2026/2021 BLUECHIP ADVISORY PVT. LTD. SUBHASH CHANDRAN KR,RAUNAK CM APPL. 5935/2021 Vs. UNION OF INDIA & ORS. DHILLON CM APPL. 5936/2021 CM APPL. 5937/2021 CM APPL. 5938/2021 CM APPL. 8067/2021 ADVOCATE DETAILS FOR ABOVE CASE mr deepak parkash([email protected])(9810903376)(Petitioner) SUBHASHKR([email protected])(8882375011)(Petitioner) h s parihar([email protected])()(Respondent) charu desai([email protected])()(Respondent) committee of creditors of dhfl([email protected])()(Respondent) dewan housing finance limited([email protected])()(Respondent) rajiv kapur([email protected])(9716076533)(Respondent) mohammad muqeem([email protected])(9999864964)(Respondent) amit mahajan([email protected])()(Respondent) BLUCHIP ADVISORY PVT LTD([email protected])(9990727638)(Respondent) BLUCHIP ADVISORY PVT LTD([email protected])(9990727638)(Respondent) BLUCHIP ADVISORY PVT LTD([email protected])(9990727638)(Respondent) BLUCHIP ADVISORY PVT LTD([email protected])(9990727638)(Respondent) UNION OF INDIA THROUGH ITS SECRETARY([email protected])()(Respondent) UNION OF INDIA THROUGH ITS SECRETARY([email protected])()(Respondent) RESERVE BANK OF INDIA([email protected])()(Respondent) NATIONAL HOUSING BANK([email protected])()(Respondent) DEWAN HOUSING FINANCE LIMITED([email protected])()(Respondent) R SUBRAMANIAKUMAR([email protected])()(Respondent) COMMITTEE OF CREDITORS OF DHFL([email protected])()(Respondent) ENFORCEMENT DIRECTORATE([email protected])()(Respondent) CHARU DESAI([email protected])()(Respondent) R SUBRAMANIAKUMAR([email protected])()(Respondent) COMMITTEE OF CREDITORS OF DHFL([email protected])()(Respondent) ENFORCEMENT DIRECTORATE([email protected])()(Respondent) CHARU DESAI([email protected])()(Respondent) 05.03.2021* 2 ADVANCE CAUSE LIST OF CASES (APPLT. SIDE) UNION OF INDIA THROUGH ITS SECRETARY([email protected])()(Respondent) UNION OF INDIA THROUGH ITS SECRETARY([email protected])()(Respondent) RESERVE BANK OF INDIA([email protected])()(Respondent) NATIONAL HOUSING BANK([email protected])()(Respondent) DEWAN HOUSING FINANCE LIMITED([email protected])()(Respondent) R SUBRAMANIAKUMAR([email protected])()(Respondent) COMMITTEE OF CREDITORS OF DHFL([email protected])()(Respondent) ENFORCEMENT DIRECTORATE([email protected])()(Respondent) CHARU DESAI([email protected])()(Respondent) DEWAN HOUSING FINANCE LIMITED([email protected])()(Respondent) NATIONAL HOUSING BANK([email protected])()(Respondent) RESERVE BANK OF INDIA([email protected])()(Respondent) UNION OF INDIA THROUGH ITS SECRETARY([email protected])()(Respondent) UNION OF INDIA THROUGH ITS SECRETARY([email protected])()(Respondent) CHARU DESAI([email protected])()(Respondent) ENFORCEMENT DIRECTORATE([email protected])()(Respondent) COMMITTEE OF CREDITORS OF DHFL([email protected])()(Respondent) R SUBRAMANIAKUMAR([email protected])()(Respondent) DEWAN HOUSING FINANCE LIMITED([email protected])()(Respondent) NATIONAL HOUSING BANK([email protected])()(Respondent) RESERVE BANK OF INDIA([email protected])()(Respondent) UNION OF INDIA THROUGH ITS SECRETARY([email protected])()(Respondent) UNION OF INDIA THROUGH ITS SECRETARY([email protected])()(Respondent) SUBHASHKR([email protected])(8882375011)(Petitioner) deepak prakash([email protected])(9990727638)(Petitioner) rs kumar([email protected])()(Respondent) amit mahajan([email protected])()(Respondent) mohd muqeem([email protected])(9999864964)(Respondent) h p([email protected])()(Respondent) rajiv([email protected])()(Respondent) BLUECHIP ADVISORY PVT. LTD. ([email protected])(9990727638)(Respondent) FOR ADMISSION _______________ 2. W.P.(C) 1347/2021 RAM KANWAR NAIN RAM NAIN CM APPL. 3780/2021 Vs. REGISTRAR GENERAL, HIGH COURT OF DELHI & ORS. ADVOCATE DETAILS FOR ABOVE CASE vikas nain([email protected])(9999443729)(Petitioner) sh. k k venugopal([email protected])(23070046)(Respondent) mohammad muqeem([email protected])(9999864964)(Respondent) saurabh banerjee([email protected])(9810282282)(Respondent) RAM KANWAR NAIN([email protected])(1140072223)(Respondent) RAM KANWAR NAIN([email protected])(1140072223)(Respondent) RAM KANWAR NAIN([email protected])(1140072223)(Respondent) RAM KANWAR NAIN([email protected])(1140072223)(Respondent) RAM KANWAR NAIN([email protected])(1140072223)(Respondent) FOR FINAL HEARING (CONNECTED) _______________________________ 3. LPA 3/2020 GURU GOBIND SINGH ANITA SAHANI,SANJEEV KUMAR INDRAPRASHTA UNIVERSITY Vs. ADITYA AGGARWAL & ORS ADVOCATE DETAILS FOR ABOVE CASE RAM([email protected])(9811214465)(PETITIONER) RAMA SHANKAR & ASSOCIATES([email protected])(9811214465)(PETITIONER) PRASENJIT([email protected])(9811104911)(RESPONDENT) ANITA SAHANI([email protected])(9810113256)(RESPONDENT) ADVOCATE DETAILS FOR ABOVE CASE ANITA SAHANI()(9810113256)(Petitioner) 05.03.2021* 3 ADVANCE CAUSE LIST OF CASES (APPLT. SIDE) 4. CM APPL. 2955/2020 GURU GOBIND SINGH ANITA SAHANI,RAMA SHANKER,RAM CM APPL. 10205/2020 INDRAPRASHTA UNIVERSITY SHANKAR,RAMA SHANKER & CM APPL. 10206/2020 Vs. MALLIKA MALHOTRA & ORS ASSOCIATES CM APPL. 25056/2020 In LPA 4/2020 ADVOCATE DETAILS FOR ABOVE CASE RAM([email protected])(9811214465)(PETITIONER) RAMA SHANKAR & ASSOCIATES([email protected])(9811214465)(PETITIONER) PRASENJIT([email protected])(9811104911)(RESPONDENT) ANITA SAHANI([email protected])(9810113256)(RESPONDENT) ANITA SAHANI()(9810113256)(Petitioner) RAMA SHANKER()(9811214465)(Respondent) RAM([email protected])(9811214465)(Petitioner) rama shanker & associates([email protected])(9811214465)(Respondent) anita sahani(anitasahani)()(Respondent) 5. LPA 5/2020 GURU GOBIND SINGH M/S SIKRI & CO,SANJEEV KUMAR CM APPL. 484/2020 INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY Vs. MONU SHARMA & ORS ADVOCATE DETAILS FOR ABOVE CASE M/S SIKRI & CO()(931331810)(Petitioner) 6. LPA 6/2020 GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTH M/S SIKRI & COMPANY,VIVEK B CM APPL. 487/2020 UNIVERSITY SAHARYA Vs. VALENCE KUNDRA & ORS ADVOCATE DETAILS FOR ABOVE CASE M/S SIKRI & COMPANY()(9311331810)(Petitioner) 7. LPA 7/2020 GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTH M/S SIKRI & COMANY,PRAKASH CAV 10/2020 UNIVERSITY KUMAR PANDEY,SANJEEV KUMAR WITH LPA 3/2020 Vs. SNEHIL SHREY & ORS ADVOCATE DETAILS FOR ABOVE CASE M/S SIKRI & COMANY()(9311331810)(Petitioner) 8. LPA 13/2020 GURU GOBIND SINGH M/S SIKRI & COMPANY INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY Vs. BHARAT KUMAR & ORS ADVOCATE DETAILS FOR ABOVE CASE M/S SIKRI & COMPANY()(9311331810)(Petitioner) 9. LPA 14/2020 GURU GOBIND SINGH M/S SIKRI & COMPANY INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSTIY Vs. VIVEK DUBEY & ORS ADVOCATE DETAILS FOR ABOVE CASE M/S SIKRI & COMPANY()(9311331810)(Petitioner) 10. LPA 15/2020 GURU GOBIND SINGH M/S SIKRI & COMPANY INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY Vs. AAYUSH SHARMA & ORS ADVOCATE DETAILS FOR ABOVE CASE M/S SIKRI & COMPANY()(9311331810)(Petitioner) 11. LPA 55/2020 GURU GOBIND SINGH SIKRI & COMPANY INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY Vs. DIVIJ & ORS ADVOCATE DETAILS FOR ABOVE CASE SIKRI & COMPANY()(9311331810)(Petitioner) 05.03.2021* 4 ADVANCE CAUSE LIST OF CASES (APPLT. SIDE) CONNECTED MATTERS(ANMM) _________________________ 12. W.P.(C) 12742/2019 M/S SHABROS FINVEST PVT. LTD. SWARNENDU CHATTERJEE,MANISHA Vs. RESERVE BANK OF INDIA AND SINGH ANR. ADVOCATE DETAILS FOR ABOVE CASE SWARNENDU CHATTERJEE()(8826352053)(Petitioner) 13. W.P.(C) 5796/2020 YP FINANCE AND SECURITIES ANMOL GUPTA,LEXORBIS WITH W.P.(C) 8603/2020 PRIVATE LIMITED W.P.(C) 5894/2020 Vs. RESERVE BANK OF INDIA W.P.(C) 7040/2020 THROUGH GENERAL MANAGER & W.P.(C) 7718/2020 ANR. W.P.(C) 5904/2020 ADVOCATE DETAILS FOR ABOVE CASE ANMOL GUPTA([email protected])(7428415530)(Petitioner) anmol gupta([email protected])(7428415530)(Petitioner) h s parihar ([email protected])(981050162)(Respondent) mohd muqeem([email protected])(999986494)(Respondent) 14. W.P.(C) 5894/2020 CHAND ENERGY PRIVATE LIMITED ARVIND KUMAR CM APPL. 21307/2020 Vs. UNION OF INDIA MINISTRY SRIVASTAVA,LEXORBIS WITH W.P.(C) 5904/2020 OF FINANCE APPELLATE W.P.(C) 7040/2020 AUTHORITYDEPARTMENT OF W.P.(C) 7718/2020 FINANCIAL SERVICES & ANR. ADVOCATE DETAILS FOR ABOVE CASE arvind kumar srivastava([email protected])(9810185836)(Petitioner) ARVINDSRIVASTAVA([email protected],[email protected])(9810185836)(Petitioner) moha muqeem([email protected])(9999864964)(Respondent) h s parihar ([email protected])(9810510162)(Respondent)
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