tioned there "have rendered assistance to 320 vessels of all descriptions. In the surf station, where is kept the surf FIRE SWEPT MOUNTAIN IS SEING life-savi- guns, lines and carriages, INDEPENDENCE OFFERS OPPORTUNITY there is on exhibition a curious lot of souvenirs, each a memento of a tra- GARDENER, ORCHARDIST REFORESTED BY STUDENTS gedy of the sea. There are 14 life FOR FARMER, buoys, bucketa. no end of life preseyv-er- a and a nambef of signal flags. It ra Attracting Industries. Five Hundred Acres Planted or Seeded Under tive Plan of Federal Forestry Service and Agricultural might be mentioned In pasalng. this Rapidly Growing: City of WUlamstte Valley Is Improving Streets, Erecting Buildings and College Success of Work Forecast by Professor Newins. house, like the rest of the buildings, Wealth Awaits Stockraiser Hops and Clover Ering Big Dividends. boats and other apparatus around the station, would easily rank as the one spotless spot. ataV Of the long list of vessels saved and rescues made by the crewa 'under the command of Captain Wicklund. that of the crew of the sailing schooner Ad- j I miral and the total wreck of the Rose, crans are among the most Important 4 The Admiral waa wrecked on the night ' of January 13. 1912. Here Captain Wicklund and his crew established a couple of records of i ; I which any life-savi- .body .might be g proud. The Admiral, with a crew ot 5 12 men. while battling with a gale that i Bureau recorded as of a "Sa. -- the Weather :" s5 J le velocity, Its bearings and Lai-.-- - lost .! 4 S. i. ? without warning crashed through the 1 1 I Jetty, leaving a gap of ISO feet. The i captain, his wife and baby, the first "0 Jumped mate and the cook from the 4 - V5 stern of the vessel as the boat passed r mi through the broken Jetty and landed r. on the Inshore end of the Jetty. The second mate and aix other membera of lv ) the crew Jumped from the bow of the r nil u beat and were marooned on the broken - jSo2-A- ?zSc-- 5s end of the Jetty. Captain Wicklund e 3 A&Jz- JJJazy reached the scene of the wreck. A glance told him that only the beach ap- paratus would be of any use. The crew trr atandlng on ftf boarded an engine the record-breakin- g was f-- a- Jetty and a dash 1 a - L . I I made back to the life-savi- station. "I The beach apparatus was loaded on a wfw"'r flat car and the run waa made back to the wreck. Then In a few minutes Cap- tain Wicklund. in spite f the le gale, aimed the beach cannon or "Lyle gun and fired at an almost Impossible angle, a line across the gap and the seven men were reacued. Rnrw Take SH Minnies. The Admiral was wrecked, but no Uvea were lost. In all It took the crew to complete the rescue Just 28 minutes. The use of the beach apparatus and the dally surfboat drill, during mild weather, will give the observer some - r'-SvP- I Idea of what goes to make up the life &-P4'- of a llfesaver. Captain Wicklund does Pig fVVVVlr not find a great deal of use for his beach apparatua In active lllesaving, Sfe f?W yet he and his crew can perform some creat stunts with the apparatus. The surfboat drill Is a test for the men of the crew. With the captain in the stern, the men at their stations, the command is given and the boat Is capsized, then there Is a ducking for alL The Pont usea is a K and self-ballin- g boat. So clever have Captain Wlcklund's men become at this drill, they can keep tne boat re- that f.-- wheel, crew 5 volving like a spinning the i 'I i dappeurlng underneath the boat and vjI i appearing alternaiely. A partial list of the assistance ren dered to the crew of 275 vessels that found trouble In and around the mouth of the follows: Slav 9. lS'.HI Fl.liboit with two men pulled out of the rrker on Clatsop plt. Msy li. llihboat with men pullvd out of the breakers on Clatsopto spit. June 10. 1'isblioat with two men in 1 f.mnt'r of irlriln o.i the Jetty racks, M! ill5 rescued. June S4. IS'M Flihhoat with two mn puilo-- l oui of th brki'r on Clauop plt. August 12. 1M' Ftv soldier boys In a iv1f?i r.ri in dei'Etr of drifting over the bar. ;teued. Aiiriist j?, 1S09 tfMve men rescued from the bottom o( capsized sloop in Aslor.a l.erbur. May 10. 1!HX) Ftshbost with two .men pulled out of the breakers on Clattop aplt. May 21. llioo Kialiboat with two men pulled out of the breakers op Clalaop aplt. May 1000 Three men rescued from capped (labboata. July 12. ll0o Two men rescued from awamped llshboal. May 24, loot Two men reaeued from bot-tr.- of capsized flahooat on Clauop aplt. June S, lwl Flahboat with two men pulled out of the breakers on Clatsop aplt. March 14. 1M4 Three men in a amall rowbotl rescued on Clntsop Bay. May 31. 11K12 Flahboat with two men pulled cut of the breakers on Clatsop aplt. June 7, 1002 Two men reacued from cap alxej ftshboat on Clatsop aplt. June '.. 102 Klahl.uat with two men REGON AGRICULTURAL COL-- puMed out of the breakers on C'lstaop aplt. October 13. lm One man In amall aajl-bo- LECE. Corvallis. Deo. 13. (Spe rescued on Clatsop bay. cial.) About 500 acres of denuded June 2i. IIhk; Flahboat with two men 0 aplt. forest lands on the rujesd sides of pulied out of the breakers on Clatsop July 3. lln3 Two men reacued from rip. Kattl Axe Jourtain. in the Snntlam alzed flshboa: outatde Columbia Klver bar. an-tla- m - National forest at the head of the December R. lo:i --S'.zteen men (the i River, have been planted with crew of the ItaUlan bark Cavour. wreektd T mm-J- ycuns forent trees by the Federal Kor- -. on I'eaco.-- k aplt. rescued at midnight. May 21. 11M4 Flahboat with two men msimm&mm cat Service in with the Agricultural Forestry. pulled out of the breakerae on Clataop aplt. Collese of June 19, 1004 Flahboat with two men The plat selected by. the foresters for pulled out of the breakera on Clatsop spit. reforestation is a part of the rvat area July 15. JUU4 Flahboat with two men that was swept by a destructive forest pulled out of the breakera on Clataop aplt. fire in 1S0T. in which much of the Julv 27. 1V04 Flahboat with two men heaviest timber was destroyed and t"he pulled out Ot the breakers on Clatsop spit. years tlCtoDer lu. luut wen men i .ti-ur- 'i ik.i.i remainder deadened. Four later the end of the Jetty, two miles of trark a second fire completed the work of de- bavin been waahed away by heavy seaa vastation. leavinK the stee and Flony and left the men marooned on the outer end. slopes of the mountain exposed to the May 20. 1!05 Flahboat wltn two men OKencies of erosion. Beln on the sum- pulled out .of fie breakera on Clatsop spit. mit of the Cascades, joil-washi- is so June s. 11X15 Fishboat with two men rapid a new younu tim- pulled out of the breakers on ClaUii-- i spit. that stand of June IS. HKK Fishboat with two men ber cannot be secured by natural pulled out of the breakers on Clatsop spit. means. And It Is also true that the. October as. 10OT Twenty-seve- n men res- entire region is an utter waste, barren cued from the wrecked British bark Peter of the seed trees necessary to natural Iredale, reforestation. July 1. 1007 Flahboat with two men The only way to secure a new cover- pulled out of the breakera on Clataop aplt. ing is July 12. 1K07 (Flahboat with two men for the naked hills artificial pulled out of the breakera on Clataop aplt. propagation. The experimental work 1K0.S with alz govern- May 3. Three flahboata of the Federal and the state men pulled out of tha breakers on Clataop Is no ments is designed to secure the earliest S aplt. never hns been tried, but there And -- .May 21. IPOS iFlaliboat with two men doubt th'it it would pay to put the possible restoration. the results IS w at the best will not be fully apparent 4Mxmm pulled out ef the breakers on Clataop spit. pieen stufT hich can be raised on this 150 years. And only In case July 1. 1II0S Fishboat with two men land in the markets of Portland. for then of breakers on Clatsop spit. any- of & planting. pulled out the Farmers are needed more than successful July 2. 1908 Two flahboata with four thing- else in the vicinity of Independ- "Of course this distance Is too short men pulled out of the breakera on Clataop county for grown forest trees, but it Is neces- spit. ence to raise livestock. The has sary to have the trees crowd a little July in. I! Two fishboats with four some well-know- n raisers of blooded durins their earlier growth in order to S.-i-n tiara. Willamette and Columbia thing that stood out before the captain men .rescued from the breakers on Clatsop sheep and goats, but the raising of accomplish g. Without this rivers, where It serves only to fill up and his crew was the reception he re- aplt. livestock for food lias been neglected. precaution the matured trees would be the channels and obstruct navigation. ceived by tlie captain and the crew of July 30. 190S Flahboat with two men One man In this city had four beef cumbered with limbs the lumber Millions of tons of the best soils are the Ughtsirtp, when beaten and dog rescued from the breakers on clataop aplt. cattle, which cost him. Including all and June 22. IMiv Three fiahboats wl'h s!z price. made from them would be knotty and of deposited along these rivers. The only tired, they sought refuge on board the men jiulled out of tha breakera on Clatsop pasturage and the purchase Just low grade. When young trees crowd nay to keep this soil In Ita rightful vessel. The duty of saving life was a spir. $l)ft. He sold these for 377. making a most of the surplus limbs fall of. their place Is to cover It with vegetable duty for which I'ncle Sam pays him. but July 21. llKio Three fiahboats with alz profit of $277, and lie did nothing but own accord and the lumber product Is growth, beginning with the forest. the loss of his boat, Dreadnaught II. men culled out of the breakera on Clataop turn them loose in the pasture and shrubbery aplt. up they were free from knots and Is known as clear Wherever treesa abound and was to this master of men. a staggering men round tiiem when sold. lumber. But there is a demand for the grass secure-- foothold, holding the blow. He loved this muto thing of steel July 23. 10 Klsnooat witn two There also Is a good chance for a large soil, moisture, lessening Cued on Clataop aplt. purposes. younc trees when It becomes necessary retaining the and mahogany. July 31. 11X19 Flahboat with two men poultry plant for commercial to remove them to make room for the the floods and Increasing the Summer "I tell you. the loss of my boat hurts. polled out of the braakera oa Clatawp aplt. Krult Industry Neglected. supply. en- big forest trees. As the altitude here water It's hard to believe that after her May 14. l'JIU Two Hahboata with four industry has been sadly la but 3600 feet, it is expected that the Battle Axe Mountain Is In the ex gine had worked for 19 hours without men pul.ad out ot the breakera on Clataop The fruit for-Ts- Inde- trees will reach immense proportions treme eastern edge of the San t lam tu a slip and standing up to the sea the i'lt. neglected. One man south of In a comparatively short time. 60 miles from Corvallis and 15 way did. to part June 25. laid Tdrei nsnooata witn ai pendence this year harvested 4000 boxes she that the line had men pulled oat of the breakera on Clataop "In the upper Santiam repton there miles from Detroit. The chief forest and she sunk. Surely, she deserved a Snap Nve of apples from 30 acres. These apples were Douglas out- spit. BY J. S. COOFER. JR. Creek. miles south, and the are a number of mines, and mlntnft trees fir and known better fate my gallant boat." May 1811 two men pull- appearance-Anoth- er "Oregon pine." 3. Flahboat with Or., Pec. 13. Hlckreall River, which is five miles were of good quality and operations require much small timber side the state as Hence Captain Wicklund Is a man still in ed out of the breakera on Clataop aplt. here, were grown 6flu0 Z'inO boxes purposes. The the Douglas was Is May 17. flahboata wltn 12 men INDEPENDENCE. completion of the north of there farmer harvested for framing and other fir selected for the the prime of life. Mrs. Wicklund It'll flz sacks of clover which averaged 50 planting. ' were rescued on Clataop bay. which Is now lt0 from four acres. These sold for surplus trees will answer this need A part of the tract was the kind of a wife and mother that Irten S0j.-04- 0 seed- June 2, 1811 Flahboat with two Its pounds to the sack, or a total of making bis land produce nicely when the. time comes for their seeded and a part planted. The th mlnd'a eye would picture as a fit- pulled out of tha breakera on Clataop aplt. being placed this city will take pounds, which sold for laO.OOO. The a box. removal. ing was only partly, while the plant- ting mate for Captain Wicklund. The Jiina IS. 1311 Three flahboata with alz of the most pro- luio an acre. place In the ranks being year hard-surfa- con- ing was man pulled ot breakera on Clat- acrface is Increased this 1J of ce "It will be seen that the scheme completely successful. union has been blessed with two chil- out tba gressive of the cities of the Willamette so this crop no doubt will be larger Independence has blocks templates a continuing programme of "In seeding." said Professor Newtns. dren. Blanche, a miss still In her teens, aop aplt. Valley. Independence Is one of the paving, four churches, two who charge June 4. JW1I I wo xisnooaia wun sur- next year. receipts forest operations. This is provided in had of the students on and a young son, Robert. J cnll him en nulled out of tba breakers on Clat oldest cities In the valley but Its Three miles west of the city Is a banks and larger postal than the system of between the their expedition, "the seeds were plant- the youngest of Uncle Sam's s, aop aplt. rounding country Is. or up to the last fil- any city of the ame population in the I men Inrtre English walnut and Peruvian Federal Service and School of Forestry. ed in hills about bIx feet apart each for he wears a hero medal, pre- June J.i. ihi inn. ir- years, waa about the de- In valley. The second quarter of the present way. 10 30 flahboata and three flahboata wltn few lest bert' orchard thnt is bearing, and 2 Students who have helped to plant the with or seeds to the hill, sented him Hrhen the crew received .t.lMt Clat- - veloped farm postal year showed an increase of lightly snow- alz men pulled out ot tha breakera on of the two miles south Is a walnut orchard of year. young trees are Instructed In the iHans and covered. A slight theirs from the Astoria citizens. The land. 4000 trees will be In bearing with- per cent over the same time last fall com- Sepii. 1 that of forestry and some of them will be had occurred and we were medal was given Robert because the 191 Two flahboata pulled out'of It Is situated on the west bank of in four years. The soil and clim.tte of The office probably wiil be made a almost certain to be continuously In pelled to defer seeding until the snow awarding delegation learned that when the breakera on Clataop aplt. about 60 miles second-clas- s office at the end of. 1 1 men the Willamette River this part valley Is suitable for tin the service and will be able to care for had disappeared. By this time the ro- Captain Wicklund and his crew learned July 25. lf Flahboat with two transportation fa- of the present year. . dents were many pulled out of the breakera on Clataop aplt. from I'ortland. Its the raising of first quality sralnuls. the trees. active and destroyed of the Roaecrans wreck, in spite or January 18. 112 Crew of tha wrecked cilities are the Southern Taclfic Rail- One of the leading Industries of the This city takes pride In Its pure "The practical field work In seeds. While some of the work will the terrific storm blowing. sailing achooner Admiral reaeued. way, Electric Railway and water. The water Is pumped from wells the urrzon Cum-pun- city Is the largest creamery. In the way with the trained Federal foresters have to be done over again it has been Robert raised a shindy because he was May 4. 1P12 Flahboat with two men pull- Oregon City Transportation y Oregon. bored msny feet in solid graveL greatest advantage to the of great value in demonstrating the to in rescue. Rob- ed out of the breakera on Clataop aplt. the of production, in The Inde- building is of the not allowed aid the May 31. 111- - Flahboat with two men bout lines. pendence Creamery Company averages Among ti.e Improvements of students. The accessibility of this need of protecting the seed from hun- ert proudly exhibits his medal, but on aplt, industry of the are a new $10,000 moving strong gry gophers squirrels. pulled out of tha breakers Clataop By far the biggest more than 5000 pounds of butter a day IMS plcturs field work Is a point In our and with the reluctance of a real hero. July a, 1912 Flahboat and two men pull- district Is th Imp crop. This years the year round. In the Spring and theater, a new JII.O'jO Masonic Tem- "The planting was an success. ed breakera on Clataop aplt. one-stor- y school's favor. When I was a student entire . Captala'a Rise Steady. out of the crop five miles of th city ple, a brick and concrete Yale our was The young trees, which were secured July 17. 1912. Fishboat with two men within Summer it products more than two at class forced to travel Point Adams station was placed in pulled out of the breakera on Clataop aplt. amounted to 22.500 bales, which at an tons a day, and has put out 5000 pounds store building, two large gravel dredg- to Texas to get the field work. The from the Wind Hlver nursery, show 1912. 1S graders commission July 1. It90. Captain Auruat IS. Two men In a flahboat average weight of pounds to the in one day. The creamery has about ing plants with and bunkers. time and expense to the students were great vitality. They are known tech- reaeued on Clataop aplt. 4.275.000 pounds. 10.000 $30.-0"- 1 "1-- bale makes u total of 1500 cream shippers and It ships some There was a addition to the almost prohibitive factors. Dean Peavy. nically as stock; that Is, the Wicklund Joined the crew as surfman January 17. lll Two men reaetjed from average cents a pound loteL were young wore one year 3, 1891. tha wreck of the Roaecrans. on Peacock Taking an of it of the cream from Northern California modern There about bead of the School of Forestry here, trees in the seed January He was appointed 1940.500. which will SO hojses built and thousands compelled get field bed and one year In the transplant bed. Bay aptt. will rive a total of for a distance of 500 miles. There also of feet was to his student keeper ot the Yaqulna station in Mav 1H1 r lanooat witn iwo men come city this year from this of concrete sidewalk were In Michi- This undoubtedly is the best age. They is. Clataop aplt. Into the Is an Ice factory and a sanitary Ice laid. work the woods of Northern 1896. On August 20. 189S..he was pulled out of the breakera on one crop. Good hop land can be bought cream plant In connection, where Ice Next year promises to surpass any gan. But here the fields He at our were planted at a distance of eight feet transferred to Point Adams .and made May SO. 1913 Fishboat with two men terms, so reasonable, in year history each way." ever pulled out of the breakera on Clatsop spit. on reasonable cream as good as can be bought any In the of the city. There doors. keeper, where he has remained Mar 23, 1913 Flahboat with two men fact, that It Is possible to pay for It place Is made. will be at least two larje brick build-ln- s "The policy affords a since, with the exception of the time pulled out of tha breakera on Clataop aplt. a years. Pome yards have constructed for store life-savi- a. within few and offici 'means of repaying the slight expense he had charge of. the exhi- rvioW 1913 Launch and one man In two years, but Other Industrie Thrive. purposes. of- Journey. on Clataop Tsar. paid for themselves There Is not an empty of the Our students have LIFE SAVERS RECOGNIZED bition crew, giving daily drills at the reacued this Is the case only when the market Another flourishing Industry Is a fice or residence In the city. all received aubstantial checks from Alaska-Yukon-Paci- Fair at Seattle. Is best. flour mill with a dally capacity of 120 The Portland. Eugene Eastern Rail- the Forest Service Department, so that Life-savin- g Department at its i Con United From Pa ire 10.) That the at Sens of Rivalry. Crop Alao I'aya. barrels. way will electrify its tracks, giving an the great benefits of the work were places a high estimate on Clover gravel hourly secured practically without expense to whipped sea and after making five in- Captain Wlckliind's ability and that (Washington Star.) Another crop that will bring In Its On the river bank Is a large service Into Independence. The the students." effectual attempts to rescue the men whatever he does he does wisely and "Tour photographs all look very up- - share of gain and which Is growing bunker. Where gravel Is taken from the Valley & Siletx Railway will be com- Indicated graded, pleted to the Slletz Basin, tapping one The field selected for this experiment saved from the rigging, has been told. thinks of the consequences, was natural ! more and moro every year Is the clover bed of the river, washed and difficult one. In which the of I talked wlta Captain Wicklund as was detailed to select "1 replied Miss Cayenne. crop. One farm of 30 acres averaged shipped throughout the valley. of the richest bodies of standing tim- Is a need he when he know It,"' Oregon Lum- restoration Is pressing. Erosion is fast landed after being reported lost for the site for establishing the station Whenever I alt before a camera I can't 11 bushels to the acre, weighing 60 The bottom land Is admlraoly suited ber In and the Falls City tripping the soil from the rugged 24 hours. To this modest hero, the long and ot selecting his crew. help trying for a portrait that will looK pounds to the bushel, and sold for 1 for truck gardening and gardeners ber Company will build a sawmill wltli hills, where It is essential to growth of hours of figbt with the raging sea and Since the Point Adams Life-savin- g as picturesque and important as the cents a pound. An average of 10 bush- have made more than a' living by sell- a capacity oi iCJ.000 feet of lumbar vegetation, and carrying it down the the rescue was not a great task. The Station was eaubUabed, the crewa sta photographer's, signature." els to the acre is common. Between ing; right la the city. The shipping day.