Belonging and Displacement:

European Mobility Labyrinths and Spanish Mirrors

In Light of History

21s-22nd of May, 2018

Convenor: Cristina Blanco Sío-López (Santander Fellow, ESC - St. Antony's College).


European Studies Centre – St. Antony’s College, 70 Woodstock Rd., , OX2 6JF Map

This conference aims to examine the historical, legal and sociopolitical implications of the idea and implementation of a ‘free movement of persons’ as part of the European integration process. The Spanish case is explored as part of a larger comparative analysis on belonging and displacement in a ‘Europe in the making’.

In order to do so, we will discuss intellectual history legacies, social integration initiatives and comparative regional integration proposals in this realm. What are the evolving modes of exclusion in transnational mobility in Europe and beyond? How can historical critiques be relevant to today’s challenges to free movement of persons? What are the neglected solidarity and diversity dimensions of European integration? In this light, can we articulate responses to humanitarian dilemmas beyond security-centred conceptions of transnational mobility? And normatively, are narratives on ‘shared values’ in the EU and beyond, sufficient to mediate countervailing factors of exclusion?


21st of May 2018

10:00 – 10:30 Welcome coffee – European Studies Centre – St. Antony’s College

10:30– 12:30 Panel 1.Looking back to see beyond: How Spaniards imagined free movement in Europe

Chair: Jan van der Harst (University of Groningen)

Massimo La Torre (University of Catanzaro), ‘Europe Kidnapped: Max Aub and María Zambrano on Exile and Citizenship’.

Cristina Blanco Sío-López (European Studies Centre, ), ‘Salvador de Madariaga and the ‘Solidarity of Being’: Limits and potential of an imagined ‘free movement of persons’ in Europe’.

Harald Wydra (St. Catherine’s College, University of Cambridge), ‘Invertebrate Spain and Formless Poland: Reflecting liminal nations through Europe in the works of José Ortega y Gasset and Witold Gombrowicz’.

Discussant: Michael Freeden (Mansfield College, University of Oxford).

14:15-15:15 Panel 2.The Social Integration of Migrants and the ‘Refugee Crisis’: A comparative analysis

Chair: Kalypso Nicolaïdis (European Studies Centre, University of Oxford)


Tommasso Vitale (Sciences Po, Paris), ‘Do Local Policies Help or Contrast Roma Migrants Integration? A research based on life trajectories in French, Italian and Spanish cities’.

Agustín José Menéndez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / ARENA, Oslo), ‘Which and whose free movement? The pledge of the asylum seeker and the seasonal worker as the dark side of European integration’.

Discussant: Adrian Favell (University of Leeds)

15:15-15:30 Coffee Break

15:30-17:00 Panel 3. The wider perspective: Fundamental rights, welfare systems and citizenship in Europe Chair: Cristina Blanco Sío-López (European Studies Centre, University of Oxford)

Paul Collier (Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford) ‘Free movement: Fundamental right of a ‘United States of Europe’, or reciprocal obligation between nations?’.

Cathryn Costello (ESC, Refugee Studies Centre and Faculty of Law, University of Oxford) ‘EU Citizenship as Nobel Experiment that Succeeds’.

Frank Düvell (COMPAS, University of Oxford) ‘Migration of the Poor and Large-Scale Deportations in the EU: Return of 19th Century Poor Law?’

Discussant: Kalypso Nicolaïdis (European Studies Centre, University of Oxford)


17:15 Film Screening (72 min.): Visual Languages of Encounter and Disarray: Movement as Freedom in Contemporary Spain? Documentary film: ‘En Tierra Extraña / In a strange land’ by Icíar Bolláin (72 min.) on forced migration in Europe in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis. The film particularly analyses the forced economic migration of young Spaniards living in Edinburgh and their unfolding social movement ‘Ni perdidos, ni callados / Neither lost, nor silent’. Documentary trailer:

Tuesday, May 22

09:30-10:00 Welcome coffee – European Studies Centre – St. Antony’s College

10:00 – 12:00 Comparative European approaches: From sociopolitical integration to the 'Brexit' Challenge in belonging and displacement

Chair: Graham Avery (St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford)

Sergi Pardos-Prado (Merton College, University of Oxford) ‘Immigration Policy and its Effects on Foreigners' Political Integration’.

Nando Sigona (University of Birmingham) ‘EU families and their children in Brexiting Britain: renegotiating belonging in turbulent times’.

Juri Viehoff (Ethik-Zentrum, Universität Zürich) ‘Social equality and mobility across borders’. Discussant: Cristina Blanco Sío-López (European Studies Centre, University of Oxford)

