The Church Plan The panel left of Saint James depicts North the Tree of Jesse. Isaiah 11: 1 “There St. John’s is typical of the Gothic shall come forth a shoot from the stump Above is a small rose with style of parish of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of the letters IHC in its center. This built during the late 19th century. his roots,” referring to the lineage of sacred monogram is formed of the Most Gothic churches are of the Jesus. first three letters of the Greek word or plan, with for "Jesus" (IHCOYC). The a long forming the body of The panel right of Saint Peter shows horizontal line that forms a cross is the church, a transverse arm the Easter Lily, symbolic of Christ's the sign for an abbreviation. called the transept and, beyond it Resurrection. is an extension which may be This window, and the tall silk screen called the or . The Above the three saints are two window, in this transept are from nave is generally flanked on either small - on the left are the Greek the original wooden church building. Other silk screen side by . letters Alpha and Omega - the first and last windows from the wooden church are located in the rear of letters of the Greek alphabet, and thus refer to the church and in the narrow openings on the west wall. The narthex is the entrance or the eternal nature of Christ. Rev. 1:8: "I am lobby area, located at the end of the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, South Transept the nave, at the far end from the who is, and who was, and who is to come, the church's main . Almighty." Top Top The Pearl of Great Price Lamb of God On the right are the Greek letters Chi and Rho. Matt 23: 45-46 Chalice - the Last The Lost Coin The Church Windows The Chi Rho is one of the most ancient "sacred Supper monograms" of Christ. This monogram is Luke 15: 8-10 Crown of Thorns and Wheat and Tares The Chancel composed of the first two Greek letters of the Nails word "Christ" (XPICTOC). Matt 13: 24-30, 36-43 Trial before Pilate Good Samaritan Casting Lots St. John’s Eagle– The eagle Luke 10:30-37 Flogging is a symbol of Saint John the The Lost Sheep INRI - the inscription Evangelist because of his "soaring" witness to Matt 18:12-14 that Pilate ordered Hidden Treasure placed on Jesus' cross: Jesus' divine nature. Matt 13:44 Parables Lamb of Iesus Nazarenus Rex Window Pharisee and Tax God Iudaeorum — Jesus of Collector Window Nazareth, the King of Luke 18: 9-14 Finally in the center the Jews. is a small with a The parables window was designed by Daniel Cottier, (1837-1891) Trinity Shield. The and is registered at the Metropolitan Museum in New York. Cottier Shield illustrates the was considered an important influence on Louis Comfort Tiffany. triune nature of the The Lamb of God window was given to St. John’s by the Methodist Godhead. The Church in Canandaigua. It was given in thanks for the use of the Father (Pater), Son sanctuary for worship services after a serious fire damaged the (Filius) and Spirit Methodist Church. Above the main altar (Spiritu) are distinct persons, but they Columbarium Chapel are all one God Left: Saint James, son of Zebedee, brother of Saint John, also (Deus). The columbarium has a capacity of 136 called “James the Greater,” holds a staff and ledger. niches. The memorial garden, outside the church, is reached through the Center: Saint John holds a small cup with a dragon On the South Wall columbarium and chapel in the South representing poison. According to legend, John was ordered of the Chancel, Transept. The columbarium and to drink from the cup as a test of his faith by the high priest of above the organ memorial garden are for the use of Diana at Ephesus. He also holds a locked book, which may be console, are three members or non-members of St. John's the Revelations of Saint John. small windows with the seals of the Diocese of New York, the Episcopal Church Diocese of Western New York, and the Diocese of Rochester. Right: Saint Peter holds the Keys to the Kingdom and a sword. The Nave The West Wall The South Wall ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 183 North Main Street Canandaigua New York

Although the Episcopal presence in Canandaigua begins about 1799, St John's Episcopal Church was organized in 1814 and first met in the Ontario County Court House in Canandaigua New York.

The Church Building

Rose Window above the front doors St. John's erected a wooden church building on North Main in 1 2 3 Original wooden 1816, which Bishop John Henry 1. The Women at the Empty Tomb - Above: Christ the King The Ten Commandments given by God to Moses on Mt. Sinai. They Hobart consecrated that year. The 2. The Reaper and The Sower - Above: Coat of Arms with Motto: may be used to represent the whole of God's law, The Pentateuch church Ora et Labora - Pray and Work (the first five books of the Bible, The Torah), or the entire Old brick rectory was constructed 3. Resurrection and Ascension of Christ - Above: Star of David Testament. alongside the church in 1851. with a small Alpha and Omega inserted in the star. Steady congregational growth necessitated more Grapes are symbolic of wine in the Holy Communion–The Blood of space. This led to the razing of the first church and the The North Wall Christ. constructing of the current, larger stone Gothic building The phoenix rising is a symbol for the Resurrection of Christ in 1872. The anchor symbolizes the Christian's hope in Christ. The present church was designed by The book represents the Word of God, the Bible. Emlyn T. Littel (1840-1891) of New York who was also the architect of The baptismal font is a sign of God’s covenant with His people, who are born again in Christ. Zion Episcopal Church in Palmyra, New York. It was constructed with The pelican in the 13th century limestone at a cost of $47,000 became widely used in (approximately $850,000 today). Christian art to represent Christ's voluntary sacrifice of In 1908, new hardwood floors, choir Current church atonement. stalls, and an organ were installed. until 1928 Wheat represents the bread in The parish house and a chapel were Holy Communion--The Body of added at the same time. The tower was removed Christ. in 1928, as it was in danger of collapse. 4 5 6 Center of the Window: The Cherub window west wall crown is a symbol of royal In 1964-65, an addition to parish house included 4. Christian Symbols - Harp - King David, Broken Wheel- End of Life, classrooms, a new chapel, and a dining/ meeting room authority used for Christ, the th Book - Word of God, Grapes - Communion, Anchor- Hope in Christ- King of Kings. added to celebrate the church’s 150 anniversary. Dove- Holy Spirit - Above: IHS -Jesus 5. Beatitudes (Matt 5: 3-12) - Above: The Lamb of God Many of the windows are memorials, please 6. Two female figures may represent the Church Triumphant and take a moment to read their inscriptions and Prepared by the people of St. John’s Church -2009 the Church Enlightened - Above: The Dove - The Holy Spirit think on their lives in Christ and at St. John’s. Descending Visit our web site at