Mattrlif 0tfr iEupntng H^ralh MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1JI75^ VOL. XCIV, No. 238 twenty-four pa g e s _ two sect ions Mancheater—A City of Village Charm PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS j Oil Price Hike Impact Cited Ml WASHINGTON (UPI) - Sen. Hubert But, in addition, domestic price con- ministration; Rogers C. B. Morton, Otherwise, the possibility exists that Humphrey, D-Minn., says the price trols, applied against two-thirds of U.S. secretary of commerce, and Alan Congress will pass a bill extending con- America pays for oil could climb as much production, are imposed under a law ¥■ Greenspan, chairman of the Council of trols, as most Democrats favor, and then as $70 billion this fall — with devastating which expires Aug. 31. Unless Congress Economic Advisers. impact on the economy. recess and Ford will veto the bill. and the administration agree on a new In addition. Senate Democrats called a If the oil producing countries, meeting “We could face immediate and total old control formula, the price will jump from caucus today to discuss what to do about oil de-control on Sept. 1,” Humphrey said. in September, raise prices by as much as $5.25 to $13 a barrel, adding more than $20 extending oil price controls and other $4 a barrel — the largest figure in current “The impact will be enormous and will billion to America’s oil bill, Humphrey energy matters. severely jeopardize our nascent economic speculation — that would add $50 billion to said. President Ford has proposed the U.S. oil prices. recovery.” Other prices associated with oil — fer- removal of controls from the prices of He said calculations show as many as tilizer, for example — could rise by 'A domestic oil and natural gas, but there 360,000 jobs could be lost as a result of the Butz Says Russians another $20 billion. have been hints the administration was new depressant on the economy. Humphrey’s statement was made in ad- willing to compromise on a formula “It is vital that the administration’s in- May Buy Grain vance of a joint congressional economic providing for a gradual phase-out of con- tentions regarding tax cuts or rebates to subcommittee hearing at which the in- trols. moderate these striking jumps in energy vited witnesses were Frank Zarb, ad- Congress plans to take August off. An prices be explored before the committee,” By United Press International ministrator of the Federal Energy Ad- '* ■‘t'- Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz says agreement must be reached this month. Humphrey said. there probably is some truth to those B P rumors of a U.S.-Russian wheat deal that have sent American grain prices skyrocketing. Deregulation Plans Being Explained The reason, he said Wednesday, is a poor crop production in the Soviet Union. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Urging reform themselves, to bring about reform of the “millions and millions of dollars” and has The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s of federal regulatory agencies. President government rules and regulations. estimate of Soviet wheat production was damaged industry and the economy, ac- Ford today said that the consumer is best He said that at his meeting last month cording to a White House aide. revised downward Wednesday, lending able to achieve his wants “through the with 24 members of Congress “there was credence to reports the Soviets are in the market place” and called for “maximum unanimity that we must examine our On January 25 he briefed 24 con- market for U.S. grain. Butz termed those freedom to private enterprise.” regulatory practices.” gressmen on his reform proposals. I" reports “more than rumor.” Ford said he believed the government He said that there was also agreement "■f / “I think the Russians will have to buy should intrude in the free market place that competition should be relied on rather In a speech April 28, Ford said that in some grain from the U.S. and Canada,” only when social needs are well defined or than regulation and when not necessary, the 90 years since the first regulatory Butz told a news conference in Kansas when monopoly conditions prevail. regulation should be eliminated. commission was created “we have built a City. Ford took his stand against the growth “I have a strong belief that the cost system of regulations which abound with But he said no private grain trader has of government controls at the opening of a which regulation imposes on every citizen contradictions and excesses, all to the reported any sales of 100,000 tons or more, White House conference with represen- should be faced squarely,” said Ford. detriment of the public.” as required by law. tatives of the major federal regulatory The Interstate Commerce Commission, agencies and commissions. The President has set a goal of reducing which deals with the trucking industry and tSf. “The governmment should foster rather federal regulation and cutting shipping, and the Civil Aeronautics ^ r d Development Bill than frustrate freedom” in business enter- bureaucratic red tape. He says current were particular targets for regulatory prise, Ford said. regulatory practices cost consumers Hearing Tuesday reform. But at the same time he promised that HARTFORD (UPI) — A new version of the Justice Department’s antitrust divi- the controversial city and town develop- sion would vigorously enforce business ment measure veto^ by Gov. Ella 'T. barriers which affect the consumer. ■■-MM Grasso will be the subject of a public The President spoke forcefully in the Offshore Oil Impact Fund hearing scheduled for Tuesday. East Room of his crusade to eliminate or The governor rejected the bill, approved ease -restrictive regulations which he Clears Senate Committee Ringing Out the Sidewalk Specials by the 1975 Legislature, because it gave claims impede competition and are costly municipalities nearly unlimited powers in to the consumer. Town Crier Kent Denley of 2 Alpine St. cries out bargains in each store he using l»nd revenues to redevelop rundown “I feel very deeply we must seriously WASHINGTON (UPI) - A $200 million- production. But it would not be limited to passes during the sidewalk sales which began today in Manchester and con- areas and attract new businesses. consider the cost to the American con- a-year fund to help 13 coastal states cope that. It also could be used to help cities, tinues through Saturday. Specials are. being offered by participating stores A legal opinion said the projects funded sumer of all government reguation,” he with oil and gas production on the Outer for instance, pay for new roads, schools in the downtown area and the Manchester Parkade. (Herald photo by Pinto) under the measure would be able to dis- said. Continental Shelf has been approved by and public services needed when drilling regard zoning ordinances and pollution He told the gathering that he found that the Senate Interior Committee. begins. and inland-wetland laws, even in towns there is “growing public attention and sup- The impact fund, as envisioned by the 'The fund, approved on a lO-to-3 vote other than the municipalities paying for port” in all sectors of society, including committee, would help states control Wednesday, is part of a biii which sets new the projects. Congress and the government regulators adverse environmental effects of such guideiines for 10-year leases on the Outer In Wake of MCC Controversy The legislature’s {State and Urban Continental Shelf, gives the coastal states Development Cotrirtifttee scheduled the more say in federal decisions and sets ab- hearing at the state Capitol to get reac- soiute iiability for deveiopers in case of oil tions on the new version of the bill from Money Reported Missing spills. Denison Releases Report municipal officials, bond lawyers and The panel has been considering the others. From Police Department measure this week in extraordinary night Mrs. Grasso has called for a special ses- sessions. Committees cannot conduct sion of the legislature later this month to business during the day white the Senate is On Minnesota Tenure consider the revised version of the Authorities in the Hartford Count; was discovered over the past weekend. deadlocked on the New Hampshire elec- state’s attorney's office have been calli By MAL BARLOW measure. The special session would be 3 Lannan said he wouldn't discuss I he tion dispute. board, a man chosen by a faculty associa- held immediately after the “trailer to investigate the apparent theft of money The amendment approved Wednesday Dr. Ronald H. Denison, president of case while investigation is under way. tion, and a lawyer picked by both of these session,” which is restricted to either up- from Manchester Police Headquarters, provides a detailed system for distributing Manchester Community College for four men. holding or overriding the governor’s Police Chief Robert Lannan said today. up to $100 million a year to coastal states months, Wednesday released a copy of a Tlie state’s attorney's office was called The men interviewed 144 people at vetoes. “An amount of money is missing,” Lan- for the impact of oil and gas production on report on the community college he ran in to investigate because either a civilian or Anoka-Ramsey. nan said. He declined to reveal how much the shelf, and earmarks another $100 Minnesota for five years. They reported June 8, 1974. a police officer may be responsible, Lan- money is missing. He said the incident nan said. million if the states need more money. The 37-page report recommended The team reported in detail the unrest at Denison be terminated as president of Anoka-Ramsey between 1965 and Police Capture Anoka-Ramsey Community College in 1968 before Dr. Denison went there. ’The IRA Chief of Staff Coon Rapids, Minn, to give the troubled majority of the faculty signed a petition campus a “cooling period.” requesting the first president resign. DUBLIN (UPI) - David O’Connell, Dr. Denison is now facing problems at He did. chief of staff of the Provisional Irish Masae on ^Duty-Bound’ Visit MCC similar to those in Minnesota. Soon Dr. Denison arrived in 1969. Republican Army and alleged mastermind after his arrival, he notified one English The governing structure of the college of the IRA’s British bombing campaign, By SOL R. COHEN week of her vacation in 0awaii. She also knows that stores in Japan lecturer at MCC that he would not have a has been captured by police in the Irish See Page Twelve After an absence of 17 years, Masae The only clue she has'is that a niece is are as plentiful as hamburger outlets in contract for the coming year. capital. Saur left today for her native Japan, married to a man from Haranomachi, that the United States. The lecturer, James W. Gardner, O’Connell was arrested by a squad of “duty-bound,” as she explained, to visit they have a baby and that he owns a fish “I consider it my duty to nuke this protested his separation from MCC. Since State to Provide Special Branch detectives in a teatime the grave of the brother who brought her store. She doesn’t know the man’s name. trip,” she told her co-workers Wednesday. he has taught there from 1969, he said he raid Wednesday on a house in Coolock, a up when her father died, and to search out deserved a year’s notice. He has carried Funding for Jobs northern suburb of Dublin. any of her remaining relatives. his case to the state courts. "He was alone and offered no Masae is the only survivor of the ''M During the public and court debates over HARTFORD (UPI) — Connecticut resistance,” a police spokesman said. Uchikowa family of Haranomachi, Japan, the Gardner matter, reference was made will pour $15 million into municipal O’Connell, 37, a tall, gangling ex- a small town on the island of Honshu. Her to the termination of Dr. Denison as presi- employment programs and the state’s schoolteacher was held in a Dublin jail un- brother, the oldest of five children, died dent of Anoka-Ramsey. commerce chief says the jobless rate has der a section of the Offenses Against the two years ago. Reports said he tried to fire several peaked at 10 per cent. State Act which enables police to hold him Masae, employed by The Manchester teachers there with whom he was having a A measure signed Wednesday by Gov. for 48 hours without formal charges. Herald as operator of a computerized dispute. Ella T. Grasso directs the state to sell $15 keyboard, came to the United States on After prompting by Minnesota’s million worth of bonds to start employ- July 4, 1958. Because she considers the Legislative Joint Subcommittee on Junior ment programs like those in the the Great Spacemen Given Fourth of July her lucky anniversary, she College Faculty Reductions in 1973, an in- Depression. even insisted on getting married that day. vestigative study committee of three men Almost all municipalities in the state Medical Checkups In addition to her husband, she has two was formed to study Anoka-Ramsey. will qualify for the grants, which require a daughters and a son, the son in the U.S. In January, 1974, the three men began local unemployment rate of more than 7 CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (UPI) - Marines, but she’s making the trip alone their work. 'Ibey consisted of a man ap- per cent. ’ITie funds will be allocated ac- Spacemen 9,570 miles apart were getting — with stopovers in San Francisco, pointed by the state’s community college cording to the number of jobless persons their last major medical checkups today Hawaii and Tokyo. in each town and city. for flight next 'Tuesday to a meeting 136 Masae has liv ^ in the Manchester area Meantime, state Commerce Com- miles over Germany. since 1960, after residing first in New Bed- missioner Edward J. Stockton said The physicals were considered routine ford, Mass, and then Florida. Manchester Man Wednesday Connecticut’s joblessness rate and astronauts Thomas Stafford, Vance “Call me a Connecticut Yankee,” she in- has leveled off at 10 per cent, but another Brand and Donald K. “Deke” Slayton sists proudly. It.; Wing $100,000 six months will pass before it starts to fall. expected no problems during their head- Since her brother died two years ago, “When you’ve got 10 per cent unemploy- to-toe tests at the Johnson Space Center in Masae has been writing to the last known A 66-year-old retired social worker from ment you can’t say things are good,” he Houston. addresses of a sister-in-law and four Manchester won the $100,000 Connecticut said Wednesday, “but the statistics In- Cosmonauts Alexei Leonov and Valeri nieces. The letters kept coming back, un- State Lottery today hi Willimantic. dicate we’ve hit bottom and the economy Kubasov likewise anticipated no difficulty claimed. In March, when she planned the Arnold 0. Aronson of 40 Montclair Rd., wiil be improving.” at the Baikonur Cosmtrirome in Central Japan visit, she wrote again, saying she’s formerly with the state Welfare Depart- Asia. Hie Soviet news agency Tass said coming. The letter came back. The statistics Stockton cited were $440 '?« Si ment, said on hearing he had won, “I think million worth of construction contracts both spacemen “feel fine.” She’s determined to make the try at A*' it’s wonderful. I was so surprised I had to compared to $325 million in April, in- Cosmonaut training chief Valeri searching out any surviving relatives. She sit down.” creases in new manufacturing orders and Bykovsky said the pilots’ only problem is said she’ll spend a week trying. If she Asked to what use he plans to put his the 104-degree Fahrenheit midday heat at fails, she plans on spending the second declining inventories. tf. winnings, Aronson said, "I plan to use He attributed part of the stabilization in the desert base which forces them to exer- some of it for investments. I’m retired so the unemployment rate to the fact that cise outside in the morning and evening it will come in handy.” contractors who need work are submitting when it is cooler. Sharing in his good fortune are his wife rock-bottom bids for projects. Inside Today Glennice and their daughter Mrs. Mary Stockton also noted that the worth of Ann Galuska of Columbia. prime military contracts in Connecticut Area Profile...... Pages 17, 18, 19, 24 Another Manchester man, Edward E. was $2.8 billion last month, compared to $2 The Weather Old Codger ...... Page 2 Doucette of 22 N. Alton St. won $2,000 in billion in 1974. Community Spirit of ’76...... Page 3 today’s drawing. Variable cloudiness today with chance But the commissioner said the un- Dear Abby...... Page 10 A employment rate will not start to fall until of showers or thunderstorms, highs in the Neighbor’s Kitchen...... Page 11 \ 80s. Partial clearing tonight with lows in the end of the year, and he’s shooting for a MHS honor roll...... Page 20 the low 60s. Fair Friday and less humid 4 per cent or 5 per cent rate by the time Gallagher resigns...... Page 12 The Lottery the recession is over. with highs in the 80s. Chance of rain 20 per Arson charged in fire ...... Page 12 Stockton also said his department is cent tonight and 10 per cent Friday. WILLIMANTIC.(UPI) - The winning negotiating with 12 firms to move into Southwest to west winds 10 to 15 mph Hospital budget faces review ... Page 12 weekly number in the Connecticut state Connecticut, but he delined to reveal their today except locally gusty in Little League tourney...... Page 13 tottery drawn today was 41 yellow 809. The names or the areas they are considering thunderstorms. Becoming northwest 10 to Scene from H ere...... Page 13 Masae Saur at her computerized keyboard in Manchester Herald's com- bonus number; 42458. as new homes. 15 miles per hour late tonight and Friday. Softball, soccer,, golf...... Page 14 posing room. (Herald photo by Dunn) PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs.. July 10, 1975

NATIONAl W f ATMEt Sf IViCE FOtECAST t» 7AM EST 7 - 11-75 J MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs., July 10, 1975— PAGE THREE 30.00 29.77

• K ATTLC TV TONIGHT /I B OSTO N THE COMMUNITY 6:00 Water World...... 18 1:15 MERICAN News...... 3-8-22-30 Gladys Knight & the Pips Reel Camp ...... 5 Bewitched...... 5 SPIRIT OF 76 N E W YORK ...... 20-22-30 1:30 Wild Wild West ...... 9 Evening at Pops...... 24-57 Joe Franklin Show...... 9 By JOHN SIBUN THE Safety Shoe CODgnATIONS Black Buffalo’s Pow-Wow .. 18 The Honeymooners...... 20 8:30 WITH THE STEEL TOEI Merv Griffin Show...... 5 As the nation’s 200th year 0. C. misses “the town wasn’t anyone else in the house. Electric Company.... 24-57 note at the reception was the the drum, the flash of cannon Bicentennial Commissions that varied and interesting program Bonanza...... 40 The Texas Wheelers...... 8-40 began, a most important event presentation of a Bicentennial and the sharing of a happy time clock” that Cheney Bros, had Could we take him home with for 1976. As with most towns, Braat-plaled The Living Word ...... 18 DOCUMENTARY took place in Connecticut. A would like to participate are over the Elm St. entrance to the us until morning and then take 6:30 flag to Co. B, 1st Bn., 25th all helped to constitute an event urged to send four captioned Vernon seems to be taking a hexagonal ayaleta. 9:00 HOLLYWOOD (UPD - Docu- most fitting one, especially in Ont-pioce moccaiin toa. spinning mill. Cheney’s kept it him wherever he wished? No. News...... 3-8-20-22-30 Marines, 4th Marine Division to which could be labeled “good photographs of local architec- pause over the next month or so 1.0* Movie...... 3 mentary footage of World War D the eyes of those who feel that honor their service as the of- news.” ATLA NTA running for the townspeople and He could be OK in the other I Love Lucy ...... 5 tural or historical significance and will continue its program in Spacial'denaity potyather foam. Jaguar 333 Sts. of San Francisco — 8-40 played against music of the 60$ our state should be taking a lop-grain it was very much a part of our house, so we left him bunked in The Real McCoys ...... 18 ficial color guard of the ARBCC Yet I do not feel that the to Richard Ballard, care of G. the middle of September with Sharing...... 18 and 70s will be one of 20tfa Cen- leading part in America’s at flag presentations. "Auatemperad ' iteel tafoly (oe. glove leather, lives. there. Kiln K ra ft...... 24 media gave this visit, and the Fox by July 16. several events including a tpecially Movie...... 20-22-30 tury-Fox's major feature-leii^ Bicentennial celebration as it The historic town of Hebron, reasons behind it, namely the oil treated. The hours were sounded on a It was a very cold night. In Hodgepodge Lodge...... 57 Dr. Glenn Weaver will colonial dinner and athletic Laminate ol woven cotton lO M Sr TIM rilATUUS bell that could be heard long the morning Mrs. O.C. fixed a Hollywood TV Theatre productions of 1976. had in thp Revolution two cen- a prime center of activity recognition of a proud “first” and napped iheeting 7:00 ...... 24-57 describe the first ten ARBCC day. impregnated with distances. Most clocks were set quart thermos of hot coffee and The photographic essay will turies before. during the Revolution, was the for Connecticut, all the atten- vinyl acetaie latex. .50, N E W O IL C A N S MIAMI News...... 3-22-40 draw oh the vast library of monographs on the Revolution to it. The town went by it. We sandwiches. O.C. and daughter Andy Griffith Show...... 5 10:00 On the Fourth of July, host for the afternoon part of tion that a negative news item seminar, and a short walking All-weather miss it when in town. Movietone News, including Connecticut became the only Mr. Warner’s visit. He first would receive. More the pity, Full leather vamp Slormwetl drove down to check on the old Truth or Consequences...... 8 News...... ■.. .5 tour of downtown historic Hart- and loo lining. •U around millions of feet of spectacular Unrevised the shoe. •70 IECEN0< • W - l It would be an historical boon man. The house where we left The Avengers...... 9 Harry 0 ...... 8-40 state in the Union to have every toured the home of because there is so little so ford will conclude the day. to the town if it could be set up him was also all down and Gamer Ted Armstrong...... 9 war footage and “at home” one of its towns recognized as a Revolutionary War Gov. called “good news” available to Gentle Ben ...... 18 Sounds a most interesting day for Rev-Sharing Genuine footage of American industry Bicentennial Community by the i-piece euehlon-crepe in its tower and kept ringing out blazing in the cellar hole. To Be Announced...... 20 10:30 ------Jonathan Trumbull and the War print these days. What little I Bicentennial buffs and those Goodyear Wall conatruclioh. and its people gearing for war. compialely nallleaa. Heel-to-loe alr-cuthloned inneraole. Neoprene aole and heel. the hours at, say the corner of Nobody in sight. Black Perspective...... 24 Meet the Mayors...... 9 national organization. As I have Office, site of hundreds of did read, or hear, on the sub- requiring more information Endorsed Main and Forest Sts. Hartford State Police said to To Tell the Truth...... 30 indicated before, to have a meetings held to plan strategy ject, either missed the whole should contact Richard Ballard. < f ^ ./.ISHO W EIS ^ F l()w 11:00 program in a given town does and policy for Connecticut. As point of the occasion or was, in BOSTON (UPI) - Liberal George Smith who drove report it to Colchester. Woman...... 57 News...... 3-8-22-30-40 During the past school year, U7i W f A1HEIFOTOCAST €> horse for Dr. D.C.Y. Moore, Colchester State Police said to not automatically make it an of- local residents proudly point part, inaccurate e.g. Mr. Democratic mayors from many 7:30 ___ _ The Best of Groucho r ,. , . . , .5 many students at the Gilead Where else can you find and then chauffeured Doc’s car, report it to Glastonbury Police. EXPERT ficial community. Butjhe last out, every one of any note Warner was in Ledyard not of the nation’s largest cities lost Land of the Three .3 Celebrity Bowling ...... 9 Hill School (Hebron) became ; For Period Ending 7 AM EST Friday. During Thursday night, showers and then started his garage and Glastonbury Police knew all few programs were approved in during the Revolutionary Lebanon. a bid to get a larger share of the all these features? Hogan’s Heroes ...... 5 I Love Lucy ...... 20 BJCC’s (Bicentennial Junior '• thundershowers are expected to develop across parts of the west Gulf coaSt, lower built what is the Elks Home, about it. Old man had run away Washington in time to allow period sooner or later passed As tim e goes on there federal purse on a vote by Jeopardy ...... 8 BODYWORK Committees of Correspon- started his business career from his wife in Hartford, and every citizen of the state to fly over the threshhold of the War becomes an increasing amount largely Republican and • Genuine Goodyear Welt construction • Air-cushioned inner- ? Florida, the south Atlantic states and New England. Elsewhere, generally fair weather is Medix...... 18 11:30 dence). The fourth grade has selling the Manchester Weekly police took him back. the Bicentennial flag, if he so Office building. of Bicentennial activity I can smalltown mayors not to ask jl forecast. Minimum temperatures include: (approx, max readings in parenthesis) Atlanta Truth or Consequences . . . . .22 Movies...... 3-5-9 at obtained an official charter soles • Full glove leather vamp and toe linings • Slip resistant Job- News. O.C. sometimes helped wished, on the Fourth. What a beautiful village report on, or events that I can revision of the federal revenue : 66 (84), Boston 65 ( 80), Chicago 56 ( 73), Dallas 72 (91), Denver 56 ( 83), Duluth 43 (72), Martin Agronsky ...... '. 24-57 It Takes a Thief...... 8 from Washington recognizing rated soles and heels • All functional stitching chemical and oil him because after picking up It is an achievement that we green this town has! You stand indicate are worthwhile to jot sharing program. ; Houston 70 ( 93), Jacksonville 70 (87), Kansas City 61 (80), Los Angeles 66 ( 79), Miami 75 New Treasure Hunt...... 30 Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 MSCpUIT.PRIIXS its participation in Bicentennial resistant man made threads • Lightweight for maximum comfort • the papers at the printery at Captioned News...... 24-57 Nutmeggers have every right to at one end and the greensward in your diary. Though I shall The U.S. Conference of ,* (88), New Orleans 69 (88), New York 68 ( 83), Phoenix 85 (108), San Francisco 60 (71), Seat- Dragnet ...... 40 activities. Mayors Wednesday Exceed ANSI Class 75 requirements as adopted by OSHA • Main and Charter Oak and Wide World Special...... 40 Boland’s Discount be proud of, for without the sweeps broadly down and away have to be selective, I will in- Through an exchange of ; tie 55 (74), St. Louis 55 (77), Washington 67 (83). 8:00 overwhelmingly approved a Exclusive padded toe construction — comfortable. carrying them down to the town 12:30 grass roots support of the from you. Standing at one end, clude in this column as much in- letters with BJCC’s in other *4 The Waltons ...... 3 resolution for re-enactment of clock, on Friday nights we Travelers Pops Wide World Special...... 8 Auto Sales citizens of each and every town Mr. Warner made mention of formation as I can. states, the students are lear- Dealer’s Choice ...... 5 3M CENTCh anw iT the $5 billion yearly program, SHOE *19.95 BOOT *21.95 stood at each side of the exit to it would not have been possible. the historic green and rightly Of general interest. The ning what others are doing for Listed Tonight Barney M iller...... 8-40 1:00 040-0320 but deleted a passage that accommodate the folks rushing So, when John W. Warner, called it the largest one in the Connecticut League of the nation's 200th birthday. If A free concert presented by Movie...... 9Tomorrow...... 20-22-30 would have asked Congress to out at quitting time. That was head of the American Revolu- Union States. Then he awarded Historical Societies will spon- other schools are interested in FILM RATING GUIDE the Hartford Symphony “Pops” provide greater emphasis on done before we started the tion Bicentennial Administra- the last three flags, the prime sor on Saturday July 26 a this topical pen-pal program I Orchestra and sponsored by need in allocating the funds. For Parents and THEATER SCHEDULE delivery to homes and stores. tion in Washington, was trying reason for his visit. Bicentennial Book-Author can provide the details on The Travelers Insurance Com- The chief executives of many SHOP Their Children The law forbid hunting on to decide where he should go to The method of how these Luncheon & Tour. To be held at request. CONN. LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE MEN’S SHOP panies will be tonight at 7:30 on of the big cities, facing possible Sunday. O.C. and a son quit bun- celebrate the Fourth of July, flags arrived would most cer- the Centinel Hill Hall, Hart- Under the general chair- ting at Saturday midnight and the Shell Stage at Constitution the choice, as he himself tainly have aroused comment urban bankruptcy, claimed they QENEIUL AUOIENCII FANTASTIC SAVINGS ford, the meeting will include manship of Don Eden, the Ver- 9D1-9d7 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER AH A fE i AdmitMd Vernon Cine 1 — “Mandigo,” Stowcase Cinema 2 — Plaza, Hartford. needed a larger portion of the went out to a road to get our observed, was not too difficult. from our Colonial ancestors. an exhibition of photographs non Bicentennial Commission 7:20-9:30 “Return of the Pink Panther,” Guest artist will be pianist federal funds than do the 643-2478 car. When we came to an With a police escort from Three parachutists, each with a from Connecticut towns. has prepared for itself a most Vernon Cine 2 — “Lepke,” Continuous 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 opening where there was a Mary Stanton who will perform Porab and Deck Bradley International Airport, Bicentennial flag, landed a few smaller cities. mu cmt ai. euiC M N G f 7:10-9:20 Showcase Cinema 3 — “Bam- Chopin’s “Andante Spianato Mr. Warner made his first stop feet away from Mr. Warner. MMOCt nO chance. We saw a red glare in Showplace — “The Great bi,” Continuous 1:30-3:10-4:35- the sky that denoted a large fire and Grande Polonaise” with the in Hartford where he attended a This unusual method of arrival [IQ SoMMtiiriElMBkNMtt Waldo Pepper,” 7:15-9:15 6:00-7:25-9:10 orchestra. fwilifcli Far Prt-TtEn«|Wf' a few miles away so we drove ENAMEL reception at the Sheraton- symbolized that the American Manchester Drive In — "The Showcase Cinema 4 — toward it. In the event of rain, the con- Hartford Hotel sponsored by Revolution Bicentennial Ad- Great Waldo Pepper,” 8:35; “French Connection II,’’ Con- We finally came to the bot- cert will be Friday at 7:30 p.m. PAINTERS the Hartford Bicentennial Com- ministration Flag now flies “Front Page,” 10:20 tinuous 2:15-4:55-7:40-10:10 tom of the hollow where If Friday’s concert is rained mittee. Here he met with state over the entire state as MSTMCnO UA East 1 — "Jaws,” 2:00- out, the orchestra will move in- Untfir (7 nquirM eecempenyini Glastonbury’s Shoddy Mill Rd. officials and chairmen of the Ledyard, Sprague and Sharon 7:209:40 crosses Roaring Brook. The doors at Bushnell Memorial SAVE ^ Greater Hartford towns each received their flags. (See UA East 2 — “Eiger Sanc- Shoddy mill was long gone and Hall in Hartford. Vdj&t Bicentennial Commission and Editorial Page) tion,” 7:35-9:50 probably the pond has been was presented with an official With three bands and the oncho/(or UA East 3 — “Drowning renamed Roaring to sell Reg. state Bicentennial plaque. Ledyard-based Second Connec- Pool,” 7:45-9:45 /A B O UT ^ NO(MI UNOCII UAO M m O the cottage sites around it. Porch and Deck $8.92 The music for the occasion ticut Regiment performing a 1A|» iMiiit MBy ^ Showcase Cinema 1 — “Wind TOWN Then the old road through the was provided by the Deep drill, it was, all in all, a most and the Lion,” Continuous2:0O- woods turned off leading up to Gallon Tories, a junior fife and drum impressive occasion on this orkodo 4:45-7:15-9:50 the dam where a couple old va- Amin Releases corps. Among other events of beautiful July day. The beat of - MPAA Youth Fellowship of South ENAMEL cant houses still stood. We Imprisoned 4 COLORS United Methodist Church will drove up the road. 1 h t i i sl i r hl ‘' D i n v m meet Friday at 7 p.m. in the The first house was just a Lecturer • Battleship Gray youth lounge of the church. glowing mass of embers in the cellar. By the road stood an old KAMPALA, Uganda (U P D - • Lead Gray CDNN. SALVAGE CD., Inc., alias The The United Pentecostal man blind in one eye, and a lit- Ugandan President Idi Amin PH 423.4441 • Terrace Red r Church will have a Bible study tle pile of bedding. Said the today dramatically freed an im- GLORIOUS EMPORIUM tonight at 7:30 at the church, ceilingajljove was afire when he prisoned British lecturer and • Light Oak tm k 00 m fm fiioKo JlfeltD iS n^ 187 Woodbrldge St. woke up, just Ifa'd tihie'^ grab said he wanted to strengthen & m V. MANCHESTER - 649-7782 clothes and bedding. No; There ties with the country’s former Manchester Composite colonial ruler. Bambi Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol TICHNICOLOII* Hi Neighhorl ■ will meet tonight at 7 at the Budget Manchester State Armory, 330 I Rockets flying, bombs Main St. The meeting is open to going off, temper flaring, all young people from Grade 7 Minded? harsh words and sounds, ^ xcrnwMirtniTECHNICOLOR® nor? through high school. Consumer Reports rates dire threats...a riot after ieet ‘THUMPER” this paint best by teat. the 4th of July celebration? The I — y rt ob Bw Office Colors and white PAINTERS This printing test pattern is No, just my wife blasting part of The Herald quality con- me for not getting several trol program in order to give loads of go^fes out last you one of the fipest gal. newspapers in the nation. l/e£ uet weekend. With tons of stuff arriving, she expects me to spend less time on the golf course and more time working. Anyway, here’s a partial sampling of what we have in store for this weekend. The list is guaranteed to LATEX be 100% incomplete. ixi 4” Nylon SAVE... H c Umpire Bill SpviU will be behind home plate EASTHARTFORO EASE WINDSOR r calling ’em RIGHT. He knowa diamemda and will BRUSH HOUSE PAINT DRIVE-IN RT 5 DRIVE-IN RT 5 give both teams U P SERVICE and P.O.M.G. TMTxSrTRotllSir^uSSiiDCAvrTBol^^ NITE SOFTBAU GAME ~ 1 H 2 40% J0 % TOMORROW NITE at 8 BARBRA STREISAND 7:00 JAMES CAAN Charter Ook Field, Monchester 9*’30 SHARIF WDRC SOFTESVS. wnc TIT/Umcs R JHMESMASON WITHACRYPOLYRENE by Harold Pinter musmm AO PrtMtls Bemflt of Tonl^ through Sunday 7:30-9:45 *2 and July 17-20 NEW HOPE MANOR glARANTEEDFORSYEARS JULY All Per1ormanc9$ 8:30 p.m. ryy COME HAVE CHfsrpff 1) 2000 yards of Ozite Carpeting in many colors and Ti^lf dhtM* DRIVE-IN/ROUTES 6 «44fl FUNIIi For Girls Who Aro Friondiest, Thursday and Sunday, $2.50 Alone and Need Help To Solve GAINST WEATHER styles. Plain back, foam back, FashionTone, Colony 10,11 AND 12 Friday and Saturday, $3.00 Their Drug Problems. Point, Hobnail, and others — stuff that sells in the DAYS OF COMINO NEXT- M tti ri III IIIIIIM fancy stores at from $4.95 to $10.95 sq. yd., our prices DONAHON $2.00-.(T« DedMctIble) ■ $2.70 to $5.50. “Butterflies Are Free" R obert AND WEAR! 2) A small but nice lot of cotton and other fabric piece MANCHESTER WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS Thursday R edford iB w n i goods remnants averaging about 35(t a yard. COMMUNITY NOW IS LOVE AND P.O.M.Q. RATED No. ONE 3) Interesting Recipe-Menu card library systems with TREMENDOUS 1HE lots of 4 star recipes. Get to be a good cook for only COLLEGE W^ldoP eitek Manchealer, Conn. 06040 a couple of bucks — reg. $5.95. Friday 640-1061 PG X ^ V I Reg. $13.25 $ 0 9 5 4) 27 lb. bulk packs of Prim e Dog Food (reg. $2.59 for *1 4V^ lbs. in the stores) for $10.58, and 25 lb. bags SAVINGS SAVE $3.30 9 Sunshine Dog Food at $3.49. Saturday MATINEES StiOHCASt CINEMAf 1234 5) Several sizes of South Bend and Prince Regent Fish- SAT.-SUN. DuBALDO IIM>IUNCE Here’s the paint for ing reels at about 40% off store prices and a ship- 1-84 EXIT 58-SILVER LANE-ROBERT8 ST. and youl White only. ment of sleeping bags due in by the time you read EAST HARTFORD • 24HR. TEL. INFO. 868-8810 this. Hopefully they’ll be ready for peddling in time JAMES MASON (R) FREE LIGHTED PARKINQ* W» Honor MASTER CHARQE. SUSAN OEOROE • PERRY KINO for the weekend. _ _ SICN SERVHXinQ) • Master Charge Plus disposable diapers, rods and line, Randy ^^MANDIHGO” 42 PURNELL PLA CE M A N C H EST ER • Bank American! sneakers for kids, drapery hardware, Barbeque tools oncho/tor 7:20-e-.W-SAT. MAT. 2 P.M. SPECIALIZINQ IN. and firestarters, upholstered sofas & chairs, pine and SUN. 2-4;30.7:20-e;30 • Free Parking im b i WESTINGHOUSE MAJOR APPLIANCE SALES maple furniture, stereo headphones, pants, bicycles and liSd 3:10 4:35 Tel. 289-3331 hundreds of things I can’t even remember. MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR FOR NATIONAL So come visit and enjoy the delicious complimen- WESTINGHOUSE • GENERAL ELECTRIC We Offer You The tary coffee while you look. We’ll really enjoy seeing HOTPOINT you. Remember that we sell with a real “no-hard-time” orkodD TONY CURTIS (R) ELEOnaC SIGN REPAIR and PARKING Finest QUALITY PAINT money back guarantee if your purchase does not please you in every way. And my wife says, “Don’t forget your “LEPKF«r„ LOT UGHT MAMTENANGE and REPAIR Products... The Best we Kina Of uuRoen /Me. 2:00 4:30 ^ r % i______. waUet!” ,7:00 9:00 4:45 7:40 10:101 For More Information Call COMPANY 7;10-S:20-SAT. MAT. 2 P.M. , VALUES and Remember Our ExhausUng Shopping Tradition Since 1956'* SUN. 2-4;1S-7:10-S:20 ^^AUL SiWWMNY DAILY ^ 646-8114 6S4 TDLLAND STREET Hours: Thurs. Eve. (Ugh!) 6 to 9, .. Prnmpt SERVICE EAST HARTFDRD Fridays 10 to 9 and Saturdays 10 U lV iL i^ / Q i i / N to 5. We’re Resting Less. f PAGE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., July 10, 1975 MANCHESTEFi; EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., July 10, 1975- PAGE FIVE ^anrlipstfr lupiihui HrralJi ANDREW TULLY New Hope To Benefit OPINION Most Reporters Human From Ballgame New Hope Manor will be the o’clock. Proceeds from the winner Friday night at Charter game go to Connecticut’s only Bad Timing Oak Park when WDRC and drug and alcohol rehabilitation , U ^ ’ ^ t . WASHINGTON - In Washington, this is State Department press room to deny the WTIC participants fill the air home for teen-age girls —New The nation’s Democratic mayors the limelight of those few cities whSre the age of the news leak. The leak is any story, or to explain that the Secretary was with base hits rather than Hope. Donations are $2 for who favor revising the federal piece of news about the government that . speaking with tongue in cheek over drinks words. adults. financial woes are the result of mis- The “Softees” of DRC and Morning personality Ed revenue-sharing formula to reflect an official secretly passes on to a with a gaggle of reporters. management, not misfortune. reporter. Often, the leak is not all that There are more serious risl(s to the “Titanics” of TIC meet at 8 “Mickey Mouse” Mitchell, differences in needs-are right in prin- This many cities, counties and exciting: “President Ford today cursed backgrounding. A high official may tell a Dick “The Skate” Robinson, his caddy for handing him the wrong group of journalists that when the time is “Maurauding” Mike Taylor and ciple. states, suffer under a formula that ' '' ' ■ v V . club.” The leak’s importance is that it was ripe the Treasury will stop printing $100 others will be with the WDRC ' Federal assistance, in principle, does not reflect differences in team. ‘ , \ . \YX - *' bestowed on only one reporter. bills. A day or so later, a reporter V^o fl should reflect an effort to overcome in- legitimate needs but a political base Other reporters get sore when they are attended the backgrounder will leak the Afternoon personality ) N ' i " “beaten” by a leak. After all, an editor’s news to a friendly bureaucrat who in turn “Larrupin” Lou Palmer will equities over which the recipients instead. raised eyebrow does not suggest that the will leak it to another reporter. The se- have teammates like Jon have no control. For example, there Rather than attfempt to rewrite the “beaten” reporter shortly will have his cond reporter, not being bound by the oatl| “Bugsy” Stevens, Flpyd "Hap” V.’«'...... Richards, Dick “Blooper” ■+L should be a greater welfare allowance rules which could permit perpetuation pay raised. So some journalists do their of secrecy because he didn’t attend the 200 . "'V’ ^ X " ’ .^1 best to debunk the story produced by the briefing, will identify the source, in print. Bertel and Arnold “ Dizzy” for northern and colder climates in of urban mismanagement, the states leak. Reporters get a lot of inside information Dean. winter to cover fuel costs which aren’t and counties and the Ford ad- Like, for example: “A White House aide — some of it authentic — by feeding of- The “King of Diamonds.” Bill Savitt, will umpire, a problem in Hawaii. today said President Ford was in high ficials a good lunch at Paul Young’s or ministration applied a lot of pressure spirits after shooting a 102 at Burning Tree Sans Souci. After a couple of Martinis a assisted by members of the FREE ’The problem facing many of our on the mayors this week in Boston to Golf Club.” Such a disclosure hardly sup- government nabob tends to speak with a press. There will be an all-girls first cities is that the needs in too many in- have them drop any strong resolution ports the picture of a man who went about looser tongue. Indeed, many officials cursing his caddy. actually believe it is in their own interests game at 6 o’clock. stances are greater than in other urging revision. Sometimes the leak is the work of a dis- to supply leaks to certain columnists and Others expected to take part cities, not because of differences over The argument was a simple but gruntled bureaucrat — or a Cabinet officer radio and TV commentators. However, are Miss Connecticut, who was TICKETS — who wants to do a colleague dirty. He they usually discover that such favored Miss Manchester —Mary which the local administrations have pragmatic one. Congressman Greets Irish Visitors at Mystic leaks the unfavorable morsel in con- media people routinely report news Cadorette —until she won the no control, but because local ad- Revenue-sharing, in the face of the fidence and thus avoids being identified as stories that make the leakers look bad. state crown ten days ago; town TO SEE THE officials; a color guard from ministrations have lost control. huge federal deficit, is going to be the source. But most reporters are human. ’They When they arrived at Mystic Seaport Tuesday for a visit, loads of youngsters making the trip, includiing hosts. The Then there is the “backgrounder.” It is like to be seen lunching with a VIP. They,. the Manchester, Town, Fire the 28 teen-agers from Northern Ireland were greeted by Irish youngsters are here for the summer under a program New York City’s financial tough enough to get through Congress a private news conference, with admission believe it gives them status in the trade' Department; and a live band to Rep. William Cotter of Connecticut’s First Congressional sponsored by St. James and St. Mary’s Chuirches. (Photo problems, by almost every objective without injecting any more controver- A , - ' ^ ^ **>1! by invitation only. Usually such con- and among other VIPs. Certainly it does a entertain before, during, and District. Here he points the way to some of them as they by Parla) ferences take place at breakfast or lunch Washington bureau chief no harm to men- MISS MANCHESTER after the game. assessment, are traceable to ad- sy into the debate. prepare for a tour of the historic site. There were two bus (only occasionally at dinner) in a private tion casually during a phone conversation Mary Cadorelte There will be prizes, too. ministrations, Democrat and The final irony though is that room of a chic restaurant. The favored with his editor back home that “Don Republican, which hocked its future revenue-sharing, which was once journalists may print everything the of- Rumsfeld told me at lunch today that ficial tells them but may not attribute Rockefeller looks tired.” rather than face current realities. touted for its no-strings-attached type their stories to their host. Instead, they But it is fair to say that most leaks The tragedy is that any attempt to of federal aid, apparently has and will quote “unimpeachable sources” and never find their way into print. They are “highly placed authority.” transmitted in the utmost confidence, for rewrite revenue-sharing rules to meet continue to have more and more A backgrounder may be used to float a the reporter’s own information and future the genuine and legitimate strings attached to it by legislative ac- trial balloon: “Kissinger to Ask Arms for Sears guidance. Such leaks do not harm and they differentialsjn needs among the cities tion or inaction. Lichtenstein.” If there are howls on make both the leaker and the leakee feel (Photo by Sue King) Capitol Hill and indignant editorial important. counties and states, would be done in ... AVAILABLE AT criticism, a spokesman is hustled into the Beat the Heat A parachutist descends on the Lebanon Green with the last Bicentennial flag to make Connecticut the first state in the nation with every one of its towns designated a Bicentennial community. The flag was accepted by John Food Stamps — Costly Warner, chairman of the National Bicentennial Commission who came to Lebanon, home of the Revolutionary War Office, for the occasion. RAY CROMLEY FORBES Economic First Aid cool fasluon MANCHESTER PARKADE Much the same thing is happening to York, Commonwealth of Penn- A President in Search the food stamp program as has sylvania and the National Welfare MAX LERNER happened to the Social Security Rights Organization. of a Foreign Policy system. “For a family that needs a loaf of Born in the Great Depression, bread, the offer of a slice is poor com- What Does America Mean? cool price WASHINGTON •— It is clear to almost I know of no one in this government who BEGINS Social Security was intended to fort,’’ said a three-judge panel, everyone except President Ford and can. explain to me in anything but provide a minimum income for those ordering the Agriculture Department Secretary of State Kissinger that the meaningless generalities our policy world has changed. no longer working or unable to work. to come up with a new formula that One year short of the 200th anniversary them relates to a soviet of workers and toward China. Or Formosa. Or India. Or of America’s independence, the question peasants, or a Politburo, or a The radical, and perhaps irreversible Thailand. Or South Korea. Or Bangladesh. Its purpose was to stave off dire allows stamp recipients to persists. What does it mean to be an revolutionary military council, or a prime nature of the change has been highlighted Or Laos. Or Cambodia. Or Vietnam. Or poverty among the elderly, the dis- American? minister turned dictator. by our defeats in Vietnam, Cambodia and FRIDAY purchase “a nutritionally adequate the Philippines. For one thing, it means you can either Right now it means there are fewer jobs abled, the widowed or orphaned. diet.” L aos, tlte sh ift in w orld power. - We have, most certainly no policy on cheer the event or mock those who do — than people looking for them and, demonstrated by the Arab oil embargo’* Latin America. For that matter, - --we - Since then, of course, for millions of Most people will probably go along and one profits or suffers from one or the therefore, thin helpings on cracked plates. and the Soviet military-missile buildup — haven’t had once since the Monroe Doc- and by the emergence of an isolationist Americans Social Security has with this, just as they have gone along other. But when you have a job you can leave it trine, though there have been beautiful, if It means being caught in many con- and move and live anywhere else, Congress. empty, statements from time to time by Be our guests at the Oakdale become their sole retirement income with an adequate standard of living — tradictions, whose grandeurs and miseries wherever there is work to do, or the wind Yet, except for some all-is-well lip ser- one president or another. Witness the rather than merely a supplement to assuming that we can agree on what is often highlight each other. beckons and the spirit stirs. vice to our existing treaties and our allies, “Alliance for Progress.” Musical Theatre in It means to belong to a nation of im- It means to be part of an infinite and a fleeting Kissinger reference to the The President’s weak foreign policy can each other income or savings. As every “adequate” in either case. mense power, whose people are shame- richness of nature, a stretch of continent necessity of limiting our future com- be traced back to Mr. Ford himself. It is Wallingford, July 21-26, to working person knows, payroll deduc- But while the Agriculture Depart- faced about using it; a nation also which, varied enough to encircle the extremes of mitments to governments which have the true he has been hamstrung more than see the Carpenters along with backing of the people and are responsible tions needed to pay for steadily in- ment is liberalizing its eligibility with all its wealth, lives beyond its means, climate and terrain — and it means also to once by a negative Congress. But he has and has ended heavily in debt, owing itself abuse the nature thus granted, and to be so to their interests, neither Mr. Ford nor consistently failed to put a halter on Dr. • one piece • skirt sets • culottes Skiles ahd Henderson and creasing Social Security benefits have requirements for those who really more than it will ever be able to repay. inured to the bounty as to take it for surrogate Kissinger seem to have Kissinger, an irrepressible dilettante who special guest star Nell soared to the point where many need food stamps, it is long past time It means to live in big cities of un- granted. recognized the changes which have taken does not do his homework. And two paralleled technical skill and richness, yet It means to travel as your heart com- place. decades in Congress apparently did not Sedaka. We’ll give you one Americans are paying more in Social for it to tighten up its procedures to • pantsuits • shifts and short sets always to face the chance that segments mands, with no by-your-leave, no one to Mr. Ford inherited a stack of defense give Mr. Ford the background or con- Security taxes, than in income taxes. exclude those who don’t need them. of the city workers will be laid off for register with an no one to watch and veto treaties and understandings from past ad- fidence to run his own show. free ticket for every $20 ministrations. A sizeable number require, Likewise, food stamps were Congress has passed a temporary economy and others will strike, so that the your goings and comings. This last is his most severe handicap. purchase^ of regular priced garbage will rot in the streets and the It means you can read or write for any or seem to require, the United States to For there is no way out. An American originally conceived as a food- law banning stamps for students public-safety service be threatened. publication, see or make any film, turn on defend one or another invaded ally with president must be his own Secretary of Choose from Fortrel ® polyester, polyester and cot- merchandise (not sale or purchase subsidy provided by the claimed as dependents by well-off It means you don’t have any heroes, any program and do it without skulking or arms, money and U.S. troops. State. ton blends, cotton or Arnel ® triacetate. In summery clearance merchandise). That except perhaps in sports and in rock hiding and without benefit of official cen- The wisdom of some of these treaties He can, and should, have a working federal government for families or in- families. Just the other day, however, bands. It means that if an authentic sor. has been brought into question. secretary to give advice and to carry out colors, prints or solids. Easy feminine fashion styles. means if you buy $40 worth of dividuals below a certain level of in- the Senate Agriculture Committee political hero or moral prophet showed up It means being part of a competitive The willingness of (Congress to allow his will efficiently. regular priced merchandise come. Since 1971, enrollment in the was told that the department’s com- he would go unrecogniz^, and some would people, sometimes insensitive about any these commitments to be honored effec- He must have a personal adviser in the Merchandise may not be exactly as illustrated doubtless see him as a phony. but themselves; but also of a people who tively is now also in doubt. White House to act as gadfly and sounding you get 2 free tickets. No limit program has risen from about 9.4 plicated schedule of deductions is It means that while many try to save often care about sharing and who share Mr. Ford has, as noted above, reassured board. And to do his personal research, million people to nearly 20 million and allowing many middle-income people’s souls no one has to save his own the care of others. our allies in public and private talks. But run the National Security Council working per customer but we only or be saved by a state religion. It means the freedom to seek the educa- he has not explored with Congress what it group and oversee the Central Intelligence its cost is expected to reach $6.5 families to qualify for government have 200 tickets so be at It means there is no ideology, no official tion you need and can use, to learn without is willing to do. Nor with the Pentagon on Agency in detail. billion in the fiscal year that began help in paying their grocery bills. heaven or hell and no dogma about how to exclusions and teach without having your what it can do. But in the end, as almost every occupant Forbes early. See you there. Mr. Ford has not redefined nor clarified July 1. Expenses that can be subtracted from get to either. It means that anyone can classes broken up. of the White House has known, or learned make hiJ-own heaven out of his own work, It means to care about equal justice un- our commitments. We live in a fog of un- this sorrow, the president himself must How far we have departed from the gross income include such things as love and dreams, and go to his own hell in der the law even while you practice certainty which could lead to disaster. take command. original concept of the program is federal, state and local taxes. Social his own basket. lawlessness — grand or petty. It means to That is not all. We do not know Mr. This, Mr..Ford has not done — except on It means you can pick your own God to live by often ignoring or breaking the law Ford's Soviet policy. Detente is a hope. It occasion. shown by the recent ruling by the U.S. Security taxes, medical costs over $10 worship — or not; your own mate to you would die without. And despite means all things to all men. Court of Appeals in Washington in- a month, child care payments, tuition marry — or not; your own spot to live in; everything it means a belief in fairness. your own language to speak; your own It means freedom to explore changes In FORBES & validating the formula upon which fees, rent or mortgage payments and way to bring up your children; your own society and in yourself, to expand access food stamp payments are based. The union dues and alimony payments. lifestyle to live; your own loves and hates to social space and open up inner space. BERRY’S WORLD 3 0% to 3 3% O F F ! action was taken in response to a Urging its members not to be “too and hobbies to pursue; your own way to It means a chance to gather knowledge WALLACE use or waste your time; your own medley or remain ignorant, even to make a fool of class-action suit brought by nine low- proud” to apply for food stamps, the of relations with other consenting adults. yourself. income families; the City of New National Education Assn, reports that In homely terms it means you can toss It means to write this even though many Natural look bra resists one Minnesota teacher, with six together the ingredients you have, in order will think it’s silly to ask what it means to to mix your own life salad and add your be-an American. children, qualified for stamps despite own dressing. an income of $14,900. It means that while you may walk home clinging in the cities with an eye out for the Twenty million is a lot of people. mugger, and doublelock your door against for Ettrning Mpralii It’s nearly one out of every 10 the depressions of the prowler, you don’t Regular have to fear the deadly knock on your door TODAY’S FOUNDED OCT. 1, 1881 Americans. In that large a number of at night. To be an American involves Published by the Published every THOUGHT •4“ ea. Manchester evening except Sun- food stamp recipients there are bound many day-to-day discontents but none of T Publlshlng Co . Herald days and holidays Square, Manchester, E n tered at the to be abuses, as well as instances Conn. 06040, Manchester, Conn Someone has well said, “We ente^r the Soft and smooth Perma-Prest ® bra ideal under close-to- Telephone 643-2711 Post Ollice as Second where truly needy families are not (Area Code 203). Class Mail Matter. presence of God through gates bedecked the-body clothes. With stretch sides and straps l or com- receiving as much as they need. No with pearls. Each pearl is a trouble, a BURL L. LYONS, PUBLISHER fort. Natural, contour styles. White. Good selection of sizes. doubt there are also many Americans pain, a heartache, a misfortune which by the grace of God, and if we are willing to SUGGESTED CARRIER RATES who could qualify for the stamps but PAYABLE IN ADVANCE learn, are changed into a beneficial lovely Lightweight brief, Regular *5...... 3.50 cling to the rather old-fashioned idea Single C o p y...... I5t 3 Months...... $11.70 thing.” W e e k ly ...... 90e 6 M onths...... $23.40 that they are responsible for their own No wonder that we read about the gates Mid leg version, Regular ’9 ...... *6 One M onth___ $3.90 One Year...... $46.80 of Heaven being twelve in number. There Mail Rates Upon Request support and that of their children. Jim HERALD are three gates on the east, three gates on Subscribers who p m should telephone The trouble is that the food stamp the north, three gates on the south and on fail to receive their the circulation depart- YESTERDAYS Herald before 5 30 mem. 647-9946. program is merely a kind of Band-Aid the west there are three gates...and the twelve gates were twelve pearls! THE Member Audit Bureau of Circulation remedy applied to one symptom of the PEARLY GATES! . CHARGE IT on Sears Revolving Charge underlying sickness in the economy. 25 Years Ago “I walked a mile with Pleasure, The Manchester Display advertising William Demers is installed sachem of She chattered all the way, THIS WEEK ONLY Publishing Co. Three As noted, its enrollment has more lull days prior to Miantonomah Tribe, Independent Order of But left me none the wiser assumes no financial publication, than doubled in four years. Unless the Red Men. For all she had to say. responsibility lor Deadline lor Herald I walked a mile with Sorrow, typographical errors classified advertising: fundamental problems of inflation and C> 1»75 by NEA, Inc.A appearing in adver- 12 noon prior today of ■ 10 Years Ago And ne’er a word said she; STORE HOURiil tisemenis and other publication, 12 noon unemployment are solved, it could Pioneer Parachute Co.^announces plans But, oh, the things I learned from her "Doggone It, Ron! Couldn't you have waited un- SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE reading matter in The Friday for publication MANCHESTER Manchester Evening Saturday and Mon- grow even more prodigiously in com- to build a one-story, GO^OdO square feet When Sorrow walked with me!” til my meeting was over to tell him the new Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Sears MON. thru FRI. SAT. Herald. day. plant in Buckland Industrial Park next to Rev. Cornelius N. Bakker FOPBES IN MANCHESTER PARKADE ing years. swimming pool is ready?” WEST HARTFORD 10 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. 9 A.MI. to 9 P.M. 'the Wilbur Cross Highway. (retired) SEARS. ROBBUCR AND CO. OPEN FRIDAY 10-9, SATURDAY 10-6. PAGE SIX — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., July 10, 1975 M M C H ESTER JEV E N Ij^ Manchester, Conn,, Thurs., July 10, 1975 - PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTER Rcgan-CowleS School Discipline Law Signed HOSPITAL Servant Services Cost $84 Million M ary J o C o w le s of WASHINGTON (U P I) - similiar program.” HARTFORD (UPI) - “ We Teachers may expel students action and given an opportunity NOTES Manchester and Joseph Mark rate food service using tax to explain his or her side of the (OmdlamL GARDENS Government investigators say “ The $84 million provides A'- all know a little bit better if they cause “ a serious disrup Regan of Avon, were married dollars —and free maid service story. it c o sts the taxpayers $84 Navy and Marine Corps officers on shore and ship,” Proxmire where we stand,” Dr. Robert J. tion of the educational process Discharged Tuesday: Ida Or- July 5 at St. Gabriel’s Church in Expelled students must be L«t Ut H»lp You With Your Lawn and Plant Problania THE BABY million a year to provide junior with the privileges of a ‘closed said. Gaucher, principal of Ledyard within the classroom,” the law cutt, Merrow Rd., Coventry; Windsor. g iv e n “ an a l t e r n a t i v e SEE LEON, PHIL or JOHN Navy and Marine officers with mess’ —meaning a special cut- Senior High School, said of a says. Students removed from a Mary Landerfin, 64 Russell St.; The bride is the daughter of classroom more than six times educational opportunity” for as IS NAMED servants to fix their meals, do new law clarifjnng disciplinary Effie Blake, 8 Barry Rd.; Mary Mr. and Mrs. Truman D. long as he or she is out of their laundry, make their beds procedures. a year or more than twice in a Anderson, 170 Warren Ave., 168 WOODLAND ST., MANCHESTER 643-8474 Cowles of 4 Hoffman Rd. The school. daughter of Kenneth and Kay Kloter and shine their shoes. . 'The WEEKEND l»SH UNO CARRY SPECIAL Virtually everyone should be week must be granted a hearing V e rn o n ; J o a n n e B u rn s, bridegroom is the son of Mr. Luginhulil, Naomi Ann, Gauchet said the law is a General Accounting Office, in a pleased with the m easure before the principal. * Mansfield Center; Margaret and Mrs. Joseph B. Regan of Luginbuhl of 12 Elizabeth St., Rockville. She was born June 25 at great improvement over the report released by Sen. William signed into law Wednesday by Except in an emergency,” , Dalrymple, 25 Jan Dr., Vernon; StRAMci Avon. Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. original law, which gave “ total Ssltti^ Ti and Mrs. Emmanuel Kloter of 65 (Jrchard St., Rockville. Her Proxmire, D-Wis., said the of Gov. Ella T. Gnasso —from the hearings are required before Norma Smith, 44 Benedict Dr., The Rev. Laurence Bock SWEETHEART ROSES J Z .n kid who gets booted out of a, the student is suspended for 10 protection for disruptive kids Choew F ra n . GERANIUM paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mts. Emanuel Luginbuhl of 9 ficers get cut-rate meals for South Windsor; Carol Vincent, celebrated the nuptial Mass and without giving any for the other Lyons St., Rockville. She has a brother, Andrew. which the average check is one- classroom to thi; teacher or ad days or less or expelled for WillimanUc; Bernard Pudvah, p erform ed the doublering more than 10 days. The students k ids,” or teach ers or ad third the cost of buying and m in istrato r vvho does the 31 Lenox St.; Florence Harlow, ceremony. The church was must be given the reason for the ministrators. Looney, Larissa Ann, daughter of Timothy J. and Libby Single preparing the food. Proxmire booting. 94 Tolland Rd., Bolton. decorated with multi-colored Cooney of West Willington. She was born June 26 at Rockville said the GAO has identified 8,- A U.S. Supreme Court deci gladioli. Mrs. Janice Turek was General Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. 416 en listed men — 5,429 sion handed down in January in the organist. a case involving a Columbus, Lawrence E. Single of Anthony Rd., Tolland. Her paternal grand stewards aboard ship and 2,987 ’The bride, given in marriage N parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cooney of Glastonbury. She has at shore installations —in addi Ohio, student, started things * by her father, wore a sleeveless a brother, Jason Edward, 1. tion to 500 servants who are Inc. off, but what happened to that 0 gown of white point d’espirit student couldn’it legally happen assigned to generals and ad over taffeta designed with a Itaefiiorhi, Daniel Justin, son of Jeffrey and Beverly mirals. in any school in Connecticut. w mandarin neckline, bertha of Bachofner Bachiochi of 87 W. Shore Rd., Rockville. He was born “ The Navy and Marine Corps The student was suspended Venice lace, and watteau train during a genera l disturbance at iO N LY# June 26 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grandfather are the only services which use and full skirt appliqued with is Laurie Bqchofner of Haines City, Fla. His paternal grand servants for lower-ranking of rnside Av a her high school without a matching lace. Her veil of silk tl22 hearing before or after the IOfor*8.M parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bachiochi of 22 Liberty St., ficers,” Proxmire said. “ The illusion was attached to a suspension. Rockville. His maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Ruby Army and Air Force have no 21/1” Badding Size, rag 69 «...... j39 * Venice lace headpiece and she The new law Hives local and Bachofner of Arlington, Mass. His paternal great-grandmother is carried a bouquet of white car regional school boards the op Mrs. Alice Bachiochi of Stafford Springs. 10 for *3.75 nations, white roses, baby’s tion of authoirizing certain breath and ribbons. procedures for removing a stu Noctun, Muiiliew ilullirook, son of Hugh J. and Nancy ^ BEDDMC PUINTS Miss Elizabeth Ann Cowles, dent from a c lassro o m or Petunia,, Snaps, MarlgaMa, Asian, Holbrook Nocton of 77 Loveland Hill Rd., Rockville. He was born the bride’s sister, was maid of suspending or ex;|pelling the stu AUrMum, SaMa, Calanilulaa a a i mm June 27 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grand moral honor. She wore a beige, dent from school. mother is Mrs. Anne M. Holbrook of Waukegan, 111. His paternal apricot, and blue print jersey What is not optional is that grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Nocton of Newburgh, N.Y. Vegetable PLANTS gown with matching jacket and every student must be informed He has two sisters, Amy, 5, and Anne Marie, 3. Lalluea, Cabbaga, BrsoeoN, SpaaW i carried a nosegay of blue of a school bewrd’s policies Onions, Laaka, Tomalsaa, Psppan, M a n , Parslay and many m ani daisies, apricot roses and Mlscia Photo regarding studenl. conduct, and (irecn, Jeffrey Seoit, son of Allen S. and Cheryl A. Calsetta eggshell carnations with blue that parents or. guardians of Green of 35 Terrace Dr., Rockville. He was born June 27 at Mrs. John P. Denz ribbons. minor students who are dis Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mrs. Paul Regan of Avon was his ciplined be notified of the ac Elizabeth Forand of 97 Sadds Mill Rd., Ellington, and Robert brother’s te st man. Ushers S u sa n C. P a r c i a k of Mrs. Laura Levy of Rhinebeck, tion. Calsetta of Enfield. Manchester and John Peter N.Y.; and Miss Patricia Cobb were ’Truman David Ck)wles Jr., Mrs. Jo seph M. Regan D enz o f C ro m w e ll w ere of Manchester. Miss Alison lie the bride’s brother, and Stephen Skiliu, Duviil Daniel, son of Daniel S. and Celia Polansky Robinson of Waterbury. married June 13 at St. Jam es Birdsey of Putnam was flower employed by Eli Lilly and Co. i Skiba of 89 Windsor Ave., Rockville. He was born June 27 at A reception was held at the Williamsburg, Va., the couple Church in Manchester. girl. H anford F'olice Enfield. Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. Sheraton Tobacco Valley Inn. will reside in Granby. Gary Bergenty of Union, N.J. Mr. Regan is a contractor i and Mrs. Nicholas Polansky of East Hartford. His paternal The bride is the daughter of May Picketi F o l l o w in g a tr i p to Mrs. Regan is presently Mr. and Mrs. Wallace J. Par was test man. Ushers were Civic CenlflT Hardy, 7 W Pots Harwinton. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Skiba of East Hartford. c iak of M an ch ester. The S t e v e n D e P r o d o c in i of He has a sister, Carrie-Ann, 2Vz. bridegroom is the son of Mr. Manchester, Thomas Somers of HARTFORD (U PI) - The and Mrs. John W. Denz of N a u gatu c k , and W illiam police union will vote tonight on Miville, .Mieliele Lee, daughter ol Michael J. and Paula Cromwell. Oleksinski Jr. of Manchester. whether to picket the Hartford DiMauro Miville of Stafford Springs. She was born June 29 at Jon Lovett of Ellington was Civic Center Friday as a show MUMS Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are The Rev. Louis Cremonie of Chryaanthamuma ring bearer. of their displeasuire with the (Labalad For Color) ONLY Carmel DiMauro of 14 Oak St., Rockville, and Mrs. Elizabeth ficiated. A reception was held at city’s latest contract offer. 3 for $2.89 Homegrown Vegtables Barciriski of Fairfax, Va. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and M s. K ar e n P a r c i a k of Willie’s Steak House, after L o cal 308, In te rn atio n a l Mrs. Charles Miville of Tory Rd., Tolland. She has a sister, Manchester was her sister’s which the couple left on a motor Brotherhood of Pollice Officers, eARfiEN VECnULE Tania. 2‘/2. maid of honor. Bridesmaids trip to Prince Edward Island in voted last week to boycott all and ROWER • scons CLOUT...... 8.86 Stops Crnbgntt were Ms. Nancy Parciak of Canada. They will reside in events which h ire off-duty PLANT FOOD... 50 Ris. Cheapest This Summer Manchester, the bride’s sister; Rockville. police for security to force the events’ promoters to pressure JENNITE J-16 Stag OU ho In, Mb PrtunM Vw Wwaiyl • scons KWIT...... 8.06 the city into making a better 5 Q ALLO N S SiwWiaaililaaM,hi By JEA^^E LESEM ground chuck, a favorite for Even egg producers have cut NATICNAL offer. •8.49 • sconsKANsa ....sjo UPI Food Editor h a m b u rg e rs and outdoo r back layer flock numbers to Police officiaAis then an Tk bstt M m y tula SNOcy can bayl (Or ua« Food A Wood) cooking, ranged between 69 reduce financial losses. But the nounced plans to u.!)e detectives Sears It’s going to be a home- Train ing Program Set KJL UWNFOOD cents a pound in Los Angeles to lowest price reported this and administrative officers to m gardener’s summer. The U.S. HCME Wi Cmy I CnW* U •( $1.39 in Atlanta, up from a 59- week, 49 cents a dozen in Los control the crowdis at the Civic only...... $4.99 & $5.99 ORTHO CHEMICALS Department of Agriculture says Sale Ends FmI year on laaa, a ntaiislisl laaa aitb cent low during the base week Angeles, was 10 cents below the F or Spanish Parapros C enter F rid a y , when the lor your gardan, plua a higher production costs for SCOTTS * Q asp compMa Una of of March 19. March base. The high was 85 Saturday singing group “ TIub Stylistics” c o m m e r c i a l l y gro w n Poultry prices usually rise cents a dozen in Hartford and APPLIANCE A program to train 20 Spanish TURFBULOER..S3Niair0.39 PESTICIDES language and cultural barriers. is scheduled to peirform. Chief vegetables could limit output during the summer because of Honolulu, compared with a high speaking paraprofessionals in To learn more, contact the Hugo Massini saiH the detec this year and keep prices high. in c r e a s e d c o n su m p tio n . of $1.03 in March. social service will be run jointly c o -d ire c to rs: M rs. Sarah tives and admii)|istrative of The USDA says crops from They’ve already started up, D ried p e as and b e a n s, by Manchester Community Romany at CFS, 522-8241, or ficers will be oOnduty at the home gardens could force with a range of 59 cents to 89 peanuts, almonds and walnuts College and Catholic Family Mrs. Eleanor Coltman at MCC, C ivic C enter e v e n if the tomato and corn prices down SAVE *20 SAVE *10 cents a pound reported in Los offer reasonable alternatives 0> Services of Hartford. 64M900. policemen vote to picket. later this summer. But it holds Angeles and New York. The for meatless meals. But to get The program begins Aug. 1. It Application deadline is July little hope for price breaks on high is more than double the adequate protein, they should is funded by a $14,57 grant to Economical Kenmore Permanent Press 18. other produce. base price in March. Both be com bin ed with sm a ll MCC from the Commission on Even homegrown, fruit and b r o ile r -fr y e r and turk ey amounts of m eat or dairy Higher Edcation. 3-Cycle Washer Electric Dryer v e g ^ b le s may cost more than production are down from last products or, in the case of dried The program’s graduates will anticipated. Long, dry spells in year. beans and peas, mixed with function as a social service E n j o ^ C o o l C o m f o r t the midwest already have gar W hile b e e f p r i c e s ar e rice. delivery unit to the Hispanic deners grumbling about the expected to continue sharply Fish fanciers will find ample people of Greater Hartford. price of water to take the place higher for the next few weeks, supplies of salt water fish, says 'SAVE » 3 0 ^ Both MCC and CFS will ad of rainfall. the USDA says more grass-fed the extension service of Cornell minister the program. To be b u y b o t h f o b / ABOUT Generally high prices for beef, and consequently lower University. Inventories of *199 *149 eligible, students must be high with a Coldspot Air Conditioner meat, poultry and other protein prices, may appear in markets ftozen fish sticks and portions sch o o l g ra d u a te s or the TOWN Regular *219 Regular *159.95 foods are reflected in UPI’s late in the sum m er when are high and frozen cod filets equivalent and be bilingual in Wide S

PATRICIA McCORMACK Dm 40 Tmt s •! UMimM lm (n when the Minnyhus came to tinued shortages, gasoline nybus and its varied companion River, New York City. Open 24 H oun Dally BUSINESS WESTPORT (UPI) - Until town. Eight cheery cream and maybe going up to $1 a gallon. A buses came to town. Bradley said Philadelphia has I i last Aug. 10, mothers in this red Mercedes Benz Min- town that dependeid on cars — Bradley said this would be ordered five and the buses also FOR EMERGOICY SERVICE town of 28,000 spent about four nybuses, to be exact. Each sit- two and three to a family — most useful to the elderly who are seen in Long Beach, Calif., hours a day on the road. Behind ting 16 and standing nine. Each could not be sure that its cannot make it to a bus stop or and Rochester, N.Y. At Civic Center the wheel. And they never left with air conditioning and residents could get around. Or who can’t stand around and The noiseless operation of the bucket seats. that Westport could help M©bil wm town. wait in all kinds of weather. electrobus has created one HEATIN6 OILS As in any town with no public The elderly are heavy users stretch the nation’s fuel. The most experimental of all problem that's easy to solve. of the Minnybuses in the transportation, tall mothers, That brought the Maxybus to is the Mightybus manufactured “In Long Beach, riders com- OIL BURNER 0 Deli Plans Second Shop short mothers, thin mothers, daytime, instead of waiting for town. It seats 33 and stands by the Electrobus Division of plained of the quiet,” Bradley fat mothers, grinned through a volunteer to drwe them to the 17. The spelling of Minnyhus, Otis Elevator Co. in Van Nuys, said. “That was fixed by put- HEATINQ INSTALLATION Rein’s New York Style New Jersey and they’ve lived in signed a lease for the Civic clenched teeth as they drove. beach and the cool breezes of Maxybus are stylized to make Calif. ting in tdped music." Center Shops is Munson’s Can- Long Island Sound any day, any them distinctive. , 643-5135 Delicatessen and Restaurant, the Manchester area for about Some started driving in their It costs $40,000 and has three 315 Center St.______Manchttw based af 428 Hartford ’I^ke. in 10 years. They have announced dy Kitchen of Hop River Rd., nightgowns, getting Dad to the time they please. “We didn’t want our Min- $5,500 batteries — which are Vernon, has signed a lease to plans for a third Rein’s outlet: Bolton. The shopping center’s first train to New York, 47 Uncle Sam is very much in- nybus to be confused with an or- heavy enough to need a forklift open its second shop: In the At the new Eastbrook Mall in major tenant will be Luettgens miles away, before sun-up. terested in what is happening in dinary minibus,” Bradley said. at changing time. Bradley said Hartford Civic Center. Mansfield. Ltd., n specialty department By day’s end the chauffeur- Westport and has put up some “Our spelling is all ours. ’The it takes five miutes to change Terms of the Civic Center Another Manchester area store owned by William mothers had driven the kids to of the money for the Minnyhus same'for the Maxybus.” the battery that produces Shops lease with Aetna Life & business which has already Luettgens of Manchester. dentist, ballet, scouts, ping fleet. So has the Connecticut 'The other day Mightybus was noiseless, pollution-free power. BICYCLES Casualty call for Rein’s to oc- New Look for Caldor pong, religious instruction, Department of Transportation. added to the fleet. This is an “The electrobus goes 40 to 50 LIIMEST SELECTION OF cupy 3,900 square feet of space sandbox, music, and karate. Richard H. Bradley, electrobus powered by battery. miles before it needs a new NEW BICYCLES IN TNE in the downtown complex. Architect’s rendering shows new exterior treatment of Caldor of Manchester at Burr For one other reason they executive director of the West- It is being used as a beach to charge,” Bradley said. “With VERNON M E ! Opening is scheduled this fall. drove: There was no other way port Transit District, in an in- town shuttle for three months three batteries, you can have Corners Shopping Plaza. Construction is under way at the 95,000-square foot department terview talked about the fleet, — on an experimental basis. The Civic Center shop will be store, which opened in 1966. for all these small and large two being charged up while one designed to serve 1,000 people folks to gqt from here to there. future plans and what the West- Next on line is the Midgybus is in use. port experience in reviving per hour, officials said. There Mother the chauffeur was the — provided subsidy money The route from town to beach public transportation can mean 'v im o M ) will be a quick service area, children’s umbilical cord to the comes through from the federal is four miles so the Mightybus Bicycling... for other towns and government. regular dining room, and a PUBLIC RECORDS outside world, dad’s to the will be able to make about five neighborhoods presently These will be eight passenger takeout faciiity. train. roundtrips before changing without it. jobs. Two will be converted for The menu at Rein’s includes Building Permits NOTICE Depending on Mom the batteries. The Fomily Warranty Deeds The pressure for public wheelchair riders. rSHOP; home-baked recipes, from soup Henry Botticello for Prudential chauffeur was especially hard ’The federal government is David W. and Meiba K. Joy to transportation in Westport There are plans — at the and potato pancakes to roast on older children. Until they helping to fund the experiment Lawrence Joseph DeFranco Insurance Co., 56x77-foot, one- wasn’t, necessarily, as a first talking stage — of bringing a Recreation beef and cream chedse brow- story building at 520 Center St., were 16 and had a driver’s with the Mightybus. Other POST ROAD PLAZA and Kathleen M. DeFranco, priority, to .liberate the dial-a-ride system into town Mr. and Mrs. Jay McConville nies. Other specialties, such as $65,000. license Mom meant W-H-E-E- experimental uses are under I. . MON-SAT 9:]0-4;30 MAIN STREET, ROUTE 30 property at 187 Summit St., VACATION CLOSING chauffeur-mothers. and tying it in with the two taxi I B*N»lMISiCiNDo p E N T H U R S I FRI V ER N O N , CONN. 872-3159 cheese cake, are imported from L-S. Never mind her apple pie. way or planned in other EVENINGS TILL t $34,000. Ray Labelle Building Con- A more pressing reason: The companies, which claim their Mary F- Legault of attendant and carried touquets New York. tractor for Mr. and Mrs. Paul All that changed last Aug. 10 locations. Two are in use at Manchester and Jay McCon- Anna Stahl to Frank J. and CLOSED oil crisis and the threat of con- business is off since the Min- Roosevelt Island in the East of blue bachelor buttons and Bob and Betty Rien, the Sandra L. , property on Offin, additions at 22 Florence ville of Ellington were married blue miniature carnations. firm’s owners, are natives of St., $1,200. June 7 at St. James Church in Knighton St., no conveyance Garry McConville of Meridan tax. Edward R. Faber, tool shed , Pelletier Photo Manchester. was his brother’s best man. at 24 Niles St., $200. The bride is the daughter of Lis Pendens Ushers were Richard Griswold Percy A. Byram, fence at 157 Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Kvart Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William F. of Ellington; Richard Finance The Savings Bank of Lydall St., $185. Legault of 22 Lenox St. The of Ellington; and Michael Agent Leaves Manchester versus ’Thomas D. Phyllis C. LeBlanc, JULY 13-28th bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Cheryl M. Yeager, property Rose Ann Abshere of 55 MEN’S MID-SUMMER Legault of Manchester, the alterations at 252 Bush Hill Rd., bouquet of lavender carnations, and ^ s . John J. McConville of bride’s brother. For Meetings at 96-98 Woodbridge St. $600. Wadsworth St. and Albert E. and white and yellow daisies Sadds Mill Rd., Ellington. A reception was held at the Marriage Licenses William Hankinson, swim- Kvart Jr. of 27 Hartland Rd. with baby’s breath. The Rev. Louis Cremonie of Greg Wolff of Wolff-Zackin Elks Club in Manchester, after Insurance in Vernon is going to John Francis Hanson, 173 ming pool at 303 Oakland St., were married May 24 at St. Special guests were Miss St. James Church performed Spruce St., and Linda Marie BARRETT Bridget Church in Manchester. which the couple left for Milwaukee, Wis., this week to $950. Trade Names Bonnie Farly of Princeton, W. the double-ring ceremony. Mrs. V^ite, 63 Pine St., July 18, The bride is the daughter of City, Md. ’They will reside in taik to the Northwestern Gay Lathrop, doing business Va., the bride’s cousinn who is Jane Maccarone was organist. Vernon. Church of the Assumption. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. residing with the bride’s The bride, given in marriage Mutual Life Insurance Co. at its as G&G Aiuminum, 255 Henry Mrs. McConville is employed annual meeting. William Howard Baldwin Jr., LaPointe of 55 Wadsworth St. parents, and Mrs. Mary Angil Sears SPECTACULAR by her father, wore a gown of St. PLUMBING SUPPLY at the Manchester State Bank. 156 Waranoke Rd., and Barbara The bridegroom is the son of of Vernon, the bridegroom’s sheer organza and Chantilly Also, at the same meeting, he Raphael Shai, doing business TEL 649-1504 Mr. McConville is attending Helen Epstein, 86 Green Manor 331 BROAD ST., MANCHESTER Mr, and Mrs. Albert E. Kvart sister. lace designed with fitted wilt be honored by the company as Raphael’s Originals Arts & Central Connecticut State Rd., Juiy 27. Sr. of 27 Hartland Rd. They wore spring gowns with bodice, square neckline with as the youngest agent to write Crafts Center, 749 Main St. College. The Rev. William Stack of Miss Farley in green and Mrs. lace border, lantern sleeves more than $2 million. Manchester performed the Anili in pink. They wore cor- with lace trimmed cuffs, high- double-ring ceremony. sages matching the honor atten- rise waistline circled with 'The bride, given in marriage dant’s bouquet. miniature blue satin bows, full by her stepfather, wore a Gary Huckins of Manchester skirt with lace panel and Quiana jersey gown designed was best man. Ushers were detachable chapel-length train. with scoop neckline, Empire Roger L. Abshere of She wore a cathedral-length waist, fitted sleeves, with Manchester, the bride’s mantilla of imported siik illu- i Great Low Price! Venise lace at neck, waist and brother; and Jack Angili of Ver- sion with wide border of trimming the chapel-length non, the bridegroom’s brother- matching lace. She carried a train. Her three-tiered fingertip in-law. bouquet of miniature car- Economical and veil of silk illusion was attached A reception was held at nations and blue daisies. Convenient—Coldspot to a Camelot lace cap. She Veterans Memorial Clubhouse, Greta McConville of Freezer Living carried a cascade of phaleanop- Sunset Ridge, East Hartford. Manchester, the bridegroom’s IN PROGRESS AT FARR’S Sears sis orchids and miniature car- For a motor trip to Cape Cod, cousin, was maid of honor. She nations and ivy. wore a light blue halter gown Mass. Mrs. Kvart wore a blue •CAMPING EQUIP. Mrs. Dorothy Huckins of and yellovv pantsuit with white with hooded jacket styled with Manchester was matron of accessories and a corsage of stand-up collar and T-strap honor. She wore a lilac colored orchids and ivy. The couple will back, peaked waist with full cir- •SPORTING GOODS Quiana jersey gown fashioned reside in Manchester. cular skirt and long-sleeved with V-neckline, capelet Mrs. Kvart is employed at the bolero jacket with wide collar •SWIM WEAR sleeves forming a short cape in Strawberry Patch Hair Salon in forming a hood. She carried a MANY ONE OR TWO OF A KIND ITEMS back. Empire waist and A-line Manchester. Mr. Kvart is bouquet of white daisies and blue BELOW COST. SAVE TODAY AT skirt. She wore a matching pic- employed through Sheet Metal bachelor buttons. Plan Ahead! Buy fresh ture hat trimmed with lilac rib- Union Local 40 in the Hartford Bridesmaids were Nancy 2 MAIN ST, OPEN MON. frails and vegetables in sea- bon and carried a loose colonial area. Kelly and Lauren Hall, both of TEL TO SAT. son. Freeze for year round Manchester, and Sandra Bayles FARR’S 643-7111 TO 9 P.M. eating enjoyment. of Vernon. They wore gowns matching that of the honor Balloonist Has a Dream

MASHPEE, Mass. (UPI) - his 95-foot high red, white and We've got the Like aviator Charles A. blue balloon —dubbed SAVE 25% » 35% SAVE ^4"^5 Lindbergh nearly half a century “Odyssey.” before him, balloonist Robert Sparks is a man with a dream. “We’re waiting for a classic Sparks, 39, of Gladstone, weather pattern,” Sparks said. Double Knit Slacks money if you've got Buy Ahead! Grocery spe- N .J., believes he can do “I know I can’t fly before the On Sears Entire cials can mean savings. Buy weekend. It’s not that the in bulk and freeze what you something that has never been Regular *18 don’t need now for later, done before, cross the Atlantic weather right now is bad, it’s just unfavorable for us.” Kings Road 12*7 thehouse! solo in a hot air balloon. No less an adventurer. Sparks Line of Sununer Solids or Fancies believes he can ride the winds Ballooning is not an exact above 3,000 miles of ocean, form of flying. “As long as I reaching Europe "in about five don’t miss the whole continent, Regular *14 days, somewhere between Den- you will be able to call it a pin- Sportshirts mark and .’’ point landing,” said Sparks. Double Knit Slack Sparks is in tem- Why is he trying to make Solids or Fancies 9” porary residence at the New history in a balloon? His Seabury Country Club on Cape answer: “Because I didn’t get Cod, where he hopes to launch there last time.” Cook Ahead! Famdy fa- vorites can be prepared in advance. Cook in bulk. Simply freeze and reheat. Migrant Worker Health Program Goes Begging SAVE *10*»»30 Large 15,9-Cu. Ft. Coldspot HARTFORD (UPI) - A treating an average of 20 $270,000 health pro^am tor workers a week, one of its migrant workers is going directors said. begging because shade tobacco A federal official in Boston Olir Entire Line of Upright Freezer growers did not hire many out- said the government was aware of-state workers this year. that services it was paying for ’The federal funds were ear- were going unused, but the marked earlier this year for commitment for the grant was health care for the migrants, made before it was known the ‘ Itl'lIV',;1'' but growers involved in a labor migrant workers would not be Spring Sportcoats Sears Low dispute this year did not recruit coming. ' iU 1506 the more than 3,500 Puerto Spokesmen for the growers .in?!*"' Price Ricans they brought here in and the Farmworkers Council Our great rates on Home confusion later on. Along with past years. said they are trying to change SAVE *30 . One of the strings attached to the operations of their health Mortgage Loans will make you many helpful suggestions from *229 the federal grant was that it programs to make better use of Regular plenty glad you came to First our mortgage specialists to G>ldspot 6.0- must be spent on migrant the funds. 97 Federal first. Because you get make home buying a pleasure, • Make meal planning easy, have family favorites stocked and froz- workers and not on local The Council said it plans to Cu. Ft. Chest workers. Only about 300 out-of- provide more services for *40 to *60 more than a loan when you take instead of the chore it often is. en, ready for re-heating anytime Or Buy 2 for ^55 Regular staters are mtrking in the migrant workers in your mortgage from us. So, if you’re in the market • Freezer is only 32 in. wide, Hts most areas tobacco fields tnis summer and southwestern Massachussetts, 1219.95 the rest are Connecticut and the growers said they may 29 Like personal attention. for a mortgage, see us now, *189 • Grille-type shelves allow zero degree cold air to circulate freely residents. turn the hospital into a clinic so We take a personal interest in while money’s stiU available. a Convenient thinwall insulation for fast heezing CHARGE IT on Sears Revolving Charge THIS WEEK ONLY • Sliding basket organizes foods State health inspectors said a that it can be used by more every d et^ to save you time Count on the eagle to help you • Handy counter-balanced lid • Handy bottom wire trivet for bulky items 20-bed hospital operated with patients. and trouble. Like checking facts, get in your dream of a nest federal funds by the Shade The Puerto Rican migrants were blocked from working in figures and dates, to avoid Tobacco Growers Agricultural Association kept only three Connecticut this summer after S'TORE HOURS SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE STORE HOURS workers overnight in the past Puerto Rican Labor officials SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE MANCHESTER turned down the contract MANCHESTER Sati$faclion Guaranteed or Your Money Back MON. thru FRI. SAT. month. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back MON. thru FRI. SAT. Sears WiST HARTFORD And the $140,000 health offered by the growers. The Hist Federal Savings s 10 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEST HARTFORD 10 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. SEARS, RORBUCE AND CO, program operated with a staff Puerto Rican government must SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. East Hartford Glastonbury, Manchester, Rockville, Vernon and South Windsor of 10 by the New England endorse the work contracts for Farmworkers Council is the migrants.

i I "1 J w o M '“N I vAi I r rv t PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., July 10, 1975 EyEMNGJHER^D/ Manch^t^^ Juljr 10,1975 — PAGE ELEVEN

^^^^^^^Gerrity-Lessard •>:*KrK;K«;JrKr!rS ^^^^^^^^^^'Fortier-Taggart Pat Laliberte ■; I .^C l^^O L L E G E Attends PWP r 4 NOTES Convention FROM YOUR Peg Laliberte of Manchester, NEIGHBOR’S KITCHEN ^ *.... memmsrnmlP rDeo/t-Att president of the Manchester The following students have Chapter of Parents Without By VIVIAN FERGUSON been named to the dean’s list Partners, Inc. (PWP) is among for the spring semester at the 3,000 people atending the University of New Haven: Sixteenth annual International The first white settlers of George A. Thompson, 9 Convention of PWP being con- North America found an abun- With This Coupon Deepwood Dr.; Robert T. ducted this weekend in dance of wild strawberries. Walsh, 43 Ridge St.; Wayne R. Washington, D.C. While the luscious red berry Wiganowski, 129 Walker St.; Guest speakers for the con- grew in the Old World, they 1 Qt. C A I N S Lawrence Doucette, 300 South vention include James J. found the American berry to be By A b i g a i l Van Buren St., Rockville. Kilpatrick, nationally syn- far sweeter. The Indians had long eaten C 1075 by Chicago Tr)bun»*N.Y. N tw i Synd.. Inc. dicated columnist; Phyllis IAY NNAISE Joyce M, lovine of 139 strawberries. Roger Williams, 0 99 Schlafly, noted lecturer; David Woodland St. is on the dean's Cohen, national prel^ident of who is the founder of Good Thru Saturday, July 12th list for the spring semester at Common Cause; and Ralph Providence, wrote in his "Key HIGHLAND PARK REDEEM AT HIGHLAND PARK MARKET DEAR ABBY: I knew Lt. Col. John W. Kellogg, the Catholic who proudly wore a Star of David, a symbol of the the University of Connecticut Nader, famous consumer ad- into the Language of America.” 317 Highland St., Manchester _LIMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY Jewish faith, in honor of three Jewish comrades in arms. School of Business. vocate. With more than 110,000 'In some parts where the John was a bomber navigator in WW II. After a bombing Patricia Naktenis of 125 members in the United States Natives have planted, I have The Choiceit Meat In Town I run over the Ploiesti oil Adds in Roumania, his plane was Adelaide Rd. has been named to and Canada, the organization many times seen as many as badly shot up. While the plane limped back to the Air Force the deart’s list for the spring has almost 800 chapters, would fill a good ship, within base in Italy, the men tossed out everything that was loose semester at University of covering each of the 50 United few miles compasse.’ He NlllillilBKl to lighten the plane's load until nothing remained but the Connecticut. States, the District of Columbia '' reported that the Indians shell. It looked as though they weren't going to make it. and six Canadian provinces. crushed the strawberries in a BRIGHT IDEA... When the Italian coastline was spotted, the captain ordered Five local students have been PWP is a non-profit, non- mortar, mixed them with meal (C O U P O N ' 'I all his men to prepare to parachute to earth. named to the dean’s list at sectarian, educational organ- and made strawberry bread. John bailed out and landed in a plowed field where an Stonehill College, Easton, ziation to which any parent may Strawberry shortcake was Italian farmer and his son were working. John was so Mass. They are: Maureen R. belong if he or she is single due made from earliest times by Get The grateful to be on terra firma that he dropped to his knees Donachie of 296 Porter St., to death, divorce, separation or the settlers. Mrs. Golden Prepares Strawberry Cream Cake Roll. Highland and began a prayer of thanksgiving. honors; Nancy J. Donlon of 71 is unmarried, add 1 The strawberry was eaten by The two Italians, having witnessed the scene, came over, Park Oxford St., high honors; The organization concen- the Romans which we know IVa cups sliced fresh John Salon of Beauty in doffed their caps, bowed their heads and also began to Margaret E. Healy, of 77 Con- trates on the welfare and in- from the writings of Pliny and Manchester. The senior Shopping pray—loudly. strawberries cord Rd., honors; Marian E. terests of single parents and Virgil. Their berry was very Goldens are residents of South Habit; After a few moments, John looked up and said, American Heritage Photo To prepare cake, line a Maccarone of 32 Hawthorne St,, their children. small and tasty. Cultivation of greased I5V2XIOV2 jelly-roll pan Windsor. It's Friendly, "F'chrissakes, shut up! I can't hear my own prayers!" The local chapter meets on the small wild berry began in Mae shares two favorite The John I knew could be both reverent pnd irreverent. honors; Pamela S. Murawski of Mrs, Joseph F. Fortier Jr. with waxed paper. Lightly the second and fourth Tuesdays the 1400 s and continues to this vegetable dishes using summer Courteous, ROY J. ARNSTON; LAGUNA BEACH 308 School St., high honors. grease waxed paper. Preheat Cheryl Ann T aggart of Ushers were Robert Fortier of of the month at 8 p.m. at Com- day. Having just returned from oven to 375. Beat eggs until produce though you can make and Susan E. Brendel of 54 Manchester and Joseph Francis East Hartford and Raymond munity Baptist Church on E. Italy, we tasted these tiny light and lemon colored. them any time of the year. Both Best of All- Naylor'Photo McKinley St. was named to the Fortier Jr. of East Hartford Beaupre of Manchester. Center St. berreas, about half the size of Gradually add sugar and beat can be prepared in advance and It’s Thrifty! dean’s list for the spring were married July 5 at the A reception was held at the our raspberry. It must be quite until very light and thick. Beat reheated. a chore to pick a basetful. The Sausage Squash Special DEAR ROY: Thanks for the memories! quarter at Baldwin-Wallace Church of the Assumption in KofC Hall in Manchester. in water and vanilla. Mrs. James M. Gerrity College, Berea, Ohio. Manchester. Italians eat them with cream, Sift cake flour, baking 1 lb. bulk pork sausage DEAR ABBY: How do I go about telling the girl whom • David A. Dixon of Cam- The bride is the daughter of as we do, though some people powder and salt together. Fold 1 clove garlic, crushed our son dates to please stop buying our family expensive Patricia Ann Lessard and miniature jeweled headpiece bridge, Mass., formerly of Mrs. Elsie Towers of 29K f' will sprinkle them with lemon into egg-sugar mixture. Pour 4 cups sliced summer squash gifts for every occasion? We do not want them because we James Martin Gerrity, both of with accents of baby’s breath. Manchester, received his Ph.D. Rachael Rd. and David Towers juice. Others will add sugar as batter into jelly-roll pan and Vi cup dry bread crumbs : well. V2 cup grated Parmesan ■m unm i can't afford to reciprocate. Manchester, were married July She carried a long-stemmed in chemistry recently from of Enfield. The bridegroom is spread evenly. Bake at 375 for She has a very large family, and because she gave 4 at the Church of the Assump- white rose with red, white and Harvard University, Cam- the son of Mrs. Rita Clapp of ' July fourth about the very 12-15 m inutes or until cake cheese everyone in our family she ever said hello to a very tion in Manchester. blue streamers and short white bridge, Mass. East Hartford and Joseph For- end of the line, for the springs back when pressed in V2 cup milk expensive Christmas gift last year, my son felt that he had gloves. He has also been elected as a tier Sr. of Hartford. ;;; strawberry crop. If you were the center. 1 tablespoon snipped parsley The bride is the daughter of to do the same for her family. (He is still paying for them.) junior fellow of the Society of The Rev. Paul Trinque of- muse • enterprising and have frozen Lightly sift confectioners V2 teaspoon salt Mr. and Mrs. Lionel J. Lessard Bridesmaids were IMrs. Joyce U.S.D.A. CHOICE MEATS! For St. Valentine's Day she gave ME a present and also Fellows at Harvard for the next ficiated. ‘Z some, you’ll be in luck this sugar onto a towel. Let cake Vi teaspoon dried crushed Jr. of 169 Lyness St. The MacAloon of New Britain, Mrs. Florist c'Greenhousei my husband. On Mother's Day, another one, and she's not three years. This summer he The bride was given in winter. While the strawberry cool 2-3 minutes, then loosen oregano bridegroom is the son of Mr. Judith Weingartner of Maine, All Meats Are Freshly Cut; They’re Never Pre-Packaged! even engaged to our son. She even found out when our received a grant from NATO to marriage by her father. can be frozen without sugar, it edges and turn out onto the 2 beaten eggs. and Mrs. James M. Gerrity of Mrs. Maureen Harvey of birthdays were (mine and my husband's, the other attend a conference in chemical ‘ 1 freezes best when sugar is Cook sausage and garlic until Middletown, Miss Sue Chaffee Miss Susan Lagrow of West towel. Remove waxed paper childrens', even the grandparents!) and the presents come. 78 Diane Dr. kinetics in Menton, France. .1 added. meat is brown; drain off excess USDA CHOICE of Boston, Mass., and Miss Suffield was maid of honor. and trim off any dry edges on Please, please help me solve this. I have no objections to He is married to the former Bridesmaids were Mrs. Lynn May Golden of Villa Louisa cake. Roll cake up with towel fat. Cook squash, covered, in her and my son exchanging gifts, but I wish she would leave The Rev. Raymond Gerrity of Kathryn Gibbons of West Hart- Chicago, 111., the bridegroom’s Patricia Harris of Manchester, Bellware of Manchester, the •* Rd., Bolton discovered the starting at one of the long sides. small amount of water until the rest of his family alone. ford. They wore gowns similiar LARGEST RETAIL GROWERS IN MANCHESTER uncle, celebrated the nuptial and is the grandson of Mr. and bride’s sister; and Miss Mary !> benefits of picking her own Cool. tender; drain. Stir squash and TOO MANY GIFTS to that of the honor attendant BOnOM ROUND ROAST lb.M.49 Mrs. Laurence W. Eddy of 25 ;'i berries just last year. She now next six ingredients into meat; Mass and performed the except in pale blue. They Felice of Manchester. Ca// Monchesltr 643-9559 To prepare Filling: Blend Deepwood Dr. . lives in the perfect area for the fold in eggs. Transfer to double-ring ceremony. The carried long-stemmed red roses Robert W. Davis of East ~ A2I HARTrOWO ROAD. MANCHESTER cream cheese, sugar and butter USDA CHOICE church was decorated with fan- Hartford was the best man. acquiring of fresh fruits and together thoroughly. Add 10x 6x 1'/2” baking dish. Bake at with red, white and blue vegetables for there are many 325 for 25-30 minutes. Serves 4- shaped white, pink and blue streamers. liqueur, corn syrup and vanilla. Il 'll DEAR TOO MANY: Ask your son to tell the young lady gladioli with side bouquets of such farms in Bolton. Mae Beat one cup sliced 6. Miss Michelle Mac of East BACK RUMP ROAST lb. that he appreciates her thoughtfulness and generosity but roses. Mrs. Ralph Maccarone picked quarts of berries at only strawberries into cream cheese n .69 Hartford, the bride’s niece; and prefers that she discontinue the gift-giving to the members of Manchester was organist and fifty cents each with the grower filling. Carefully unroll cake; Stuffed Green Peppers of his famiiy. And if that doesn’t do the trick, send her Miss Dannielle Lessard of En- We Give Old Fashion CHOICE Miss Lynn Rhobe of New Bri- supplying the baskets. She froze do not try to flatten. Fill and 3 large green peppers thank-you cards for the gifts, and let it go at that. field, the bride’s cousin, were a good supply and tried a new tain was soloist. Jimmy Donato bridesmaids. They wore white reroll. Decorate top with 1 cup boiling water to which of Simsbury presented a recipe. remaining sliced strawberries. IVi teaspoons salt has been Butcker Service” £Y[ QF THE ROUND ROAST Quiana gowns fashioned with DEAR ABBY: This message is for Ed in La Mirada, who A G W A Strawberry lb. trumpet solo. Chill. Makes 12-15 servings added. n .89 for 31 years has been saying things to his wife that might jewel necklines, short puffed At Our Service Meat The bride, given in marriage sleeves, with pink accents. ‘ C r e a m C a k e R o l l when sliced. V2 lb. ground beef USDA CHOICE sound like insults to others but who insists he didn't mean 1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauce by her father, wore a Quiana They wore short gloves and Cake: 3 eggs Mae and her husband James them as such. cup coarse dry bread or Ed. ole buddy, your technique is abundantly clear. For 31 maracaine jersey gown carried nosegays of pink and 1 cup sugar Jr. cultivate a vegetable garden Va Department, You cracker crumbs years, you've been announcing to everyone within earshot designed with shirred bodice, white roses and a halo of 5 tablespoons water on the grounds of their seven- room Colonial house which Jim 1 teaspoon salt ROUND CUDE STEAKS ,1b.n.89 that your awareness of your own inferiority compels you to long sleeves, V-yoke, stand-up sweetheart roses in their hair. SPECTACULAR tablespoons vanilla Va teaspoon pepper belittle your wife so that your own lack of worth will be less collar and cuffs trimmed with K evin M. G e rrity of extract and his dad built. "My house is See Both Sides of USDA CHOICE, FRESH my hobby,” says Mae. “We’ll 1 tablespoon chopped onion conspicuous. seed pearls and irridescents Manchester, brother of the . 1 cup cake flour landscape the lawn in the fall. Heat oven to 350. Cut a thin You poor jerk, you might just as well have worn a big zero and a circular skirt extending bridegroom, was best man. 1 teaspoon baking powder Right now. I’m busy varnishing slice from stem end of pepper. the Meat You Buy! on your forehead. to a full chapel-length train. Ushers were Daniel J. Gerrity Va teaspoon salt DISGUSTED IN SANTA BARBARA some of the woodwork. Wash peppers, remove all seeds LEAN GROUND ROUND *1 .4 9 Her veil of imported silk illu- of M anchester, the confectioners sugar Although the outside is and m em branes. Cook in sion was attached to a matching bridegroom’s brother; Robert SUMMER PAMT Filling: CONFIDENTIAL TO “S": Astrology is not my tine. But Colonial, the interior is boiling salted water five Quiana Camelot cap bordered Harvey of Middletown; Steven 1 package (8 oz.) cream if I were you, I wouldn't rely on the position of the moon Spanish.” minutes; drain. Mix rest of in-, with seed pearls and Carter of South Windsor; Chris cheese, softened and the stars to keep me from getting pregnant. irridescents. She carried a long- 2/3 cup sugar Mae is of Spanish and Italian gredients. Stuff peppers lightly Dougan of South Windsor; and with mixture. Stand upright in stemmed red and white rose Warren Holcomb of Simsbury. Va cup butter or margarine descent. Her parents, Mr. and with red, white and blue Jeffrey Fox of Newington 1 tablespoon strawberry or Mrs. Mario DePlante live at 45 small baking dish. Bake, ■■■■■■mm jm im m m streamers. was ring bearer. orange liquor (optional) Coolidge St. Her husband Jim is covered, 45 minutes; uncover /iNama Romano’s _ and bake 15 minutes longer. Mrs. Angela L. Mac of East A reception was held at Vi tablespoon light com syrup employed by the City of Hart- SPAGHEHI SAUCE...... 32oz.99< Hartford was her sister’s Willie’s Steak House in SALE!! 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ford. IVlae is a hairstylist Lu Serves 2-3. Mama Romano’s matron of honor. She wore a Manchester, after which the Fin^OfFfhe 7wm -Thsh Everyone has a problem. What's yours? For a personal pale pink crepe maracaine couple left on a motor trip to MEAT BALL M IX ...... i6oz.99< reply, write to ABBY: Box No. 69700, L.A., Calif. 90069. sleeveless gown designed with Montreal and Quebec, Canada. Progresso, Havored Enclose stamped, self-addressed envelope, please. V-neckline, criss-cross straps Buy 3 Gallons of Agway 301 For Abby's new booklet, "What Teen-agers Want to Mrs. Gerrity is employed as a BREADCRUMBS...... isoz.49< with centered jeweled emblem, special education teacher in the Know," send $1 to Abigail Van Buren, 132 Lasky Dr., peaked waistline with semi-full Cain’s p/iaoua West Hartford Public Schools. Super Latex White and get the Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. Please enclose a long, skirt and a capelet with shirred ONE U S GALLON self-addressed, stamped (20t) envelope. Mr. Gerrity is employed by SWEET RELISH...... ieoz.49< top and cascade ties at back of Robert S. Smith Inc. of 4th Gallon FREE! ttuiiwfiISiilatAM** 9 opicyCbsImu Luscious, Sweat neck. She wore a matching Manchester. BROWN M U STARD...... 24oz.45< Sweet Lifa BING CHERRIES...... 59* 16’ ALUMINUM PAINT PAIL APPLE JUICE ...... q„.rt33* California Sweet Ufa, Pink tir Lemon SANTA RDSA PLUMS... .49* EXTENSION HOOKS FABRIC SOFTNER...... California • Special Hook Scotts* Holds Pall NECTARINES...... 49* LADDER TOWELSf Jumbo r ol l s ...... 2i89* Ripe, Sweet • Spin-proof, twist-proof 4" NYLON BRUSH Outside of ladder Durkea SAVE ^7 • Tapered Tynex nylon gives rungs fag on rung a professional look BLACK PEPPER...... 8 oz.99« PINEAPPLES...... • Vh” flat stsp rungs for 2/Package .4 9 * • Can be used with any e Hastles , sure footing paint— latex or oil base Reg. 79$ • Dependabis die cast • Use indoors or out (65-3276) reg. $5.59 MORSELS...... 120Z.99* Swags Inspired by aluminum lock PACKAGE #1 Hastlas • 5 year guarantee SAVE $1.60 NOW COCOA M IX ...... 141-oz. envolopes89* • UL listed Sweat Life, 8 pack llllll (65-4168) • 2lb.Plig.niANKS J the Past... for Your Reg. $24.95 $399 39< HAMBURGor HOT DOG ROLLS...... 3|99< SALE • Ub.Boj PATTISzi H$1ft95 Ball, Wide Mouth or Regular • CHUCK STUK 1/2 GAL. MASON JA RS...... *2.99 STORE Just $2 j o o SAVE 40c • ChkkN legs & Breast Combo Home Today • lib . BACON Ap^roi. 15h$. (^72 cb. Carnation, Poeiad & Dsvsinad HOURS 20’ ALUMINUM COCKTAIL SHRIM P...... 12oz.*1.99 Arrived! EXTENSION LADDER HYDE Sweat LHa Mon. & Tues. PACKAGE PACKAGE (65-4147) Reg. $38.95 PACKAGE ORANGE JU IC E ...... 12 oz. 39« ’til 6:00 LIVE, FRESH SALE 2V2"SCRAPER Sara Laa To scrape paint- #2 #3 7^4 i $3088 and wood. POUNDCAKE...... 110Z.99* Wed., Thiirs. & Fri. MAINE • 6 lb. Boi of FRANKS Delta, 16-oz. pkg. Reg. $2.59 • 2 lb. Pkg. of FRANKS • 6 lb. PVg. of FRANKS ’til 9:00 1|> 8 8 28’ ALUMINUM • 10 lb. Boi of PATTIS • 5 lb. HAMBURG PATTIES • 10 Lb. Boi of PATTIES • CHICKEN lECSl SLICED STRAW BERRIES...... 2!R9< Sat. & Sun. EXTENSION LADDER • CHCKENlEGSt • CHICKEN lEGS A BREAST COMBO Sweat LHa, 10-oz. pkg. (65-4148) Reg. $66.95 NOW BREAST COMBO • CHUCK STEAKS BRRCCOLI SPEA R S...... 3i>1.00 108STERS SALE BREAST COMBO ’til 6:00 • PORK RIBS (Cowtry Style) • PORK RIBS (Country Style) SwMt Ufa, Pink or Rogutar • CHUCK STEAKS • 1/4 Cut loin The Above 188 *1.99 SAVE 600 • lib . BACON • 2 Lb. BACON LEMONADE...... 6 oz.6 r 99« Bulbs Not Included PORK CHOPS One-Light Cane Swag brightens your room with the Rhodes Specials Are natural look of walnut-color cane or the contem- WHITE BREAD DOUGH...... i-ib.iov.5l*1.29 Good porary look of yellow colored cane. The open weave 3 DAY SPECIAL This Thurs.-Sat. Onlyl 49 Rich’s Thru *2.29 design of this tulip shaped shade is complimented 95 95 COFFEE R IC H ...... 32oz.49« Saturday by an 8-in. opal glass globe, 12-ft. chain. Sweat Ufa Sale Ends Saturday EQUIPMENT SHOP CORETLETE service shot Plcfc Up a OMwwv (Limited Supply) Mon., Wad., Thure., FrI. NOW O K N FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL S:00 PM y[CE CREAM IsRt. Flavors ...... gal. 79* July 12th. CHARGE IT on Sears Revolving Charge 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Approi.23 28bs. (^83clb. Approi.20lbs.17 87c lb. Ap{iroi.4Slbs.^ 83clb. Sat. 8:00 to 4:00 STORE HOURS J J Ciosad Tuesday Mon., Tuta., Wad. AGW940 AYi^Inc. Haw StatAoad. luchland 8:30 to 5:30 pm Thura., FrI. 8:30 to 8:30 WE ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS STORE HOURS 643-8123 Sat. 8:00 to 4:30 SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE MANCHESTER W * RMcrvt th« Right lo limit Quantitin OitttraiUtfd or Your Money Hack Sccirs MON. thru FRI. SAT. WEST HARTFORD 10 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. SEARS, ROIIUCX AND CO. 1111^ I 1^ iitiu iiiiin PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Coiin.. Thurs., July 10, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., July 10, 1975— PAGE THIRTEEN OBITUARIES Gallagher Quits Denision Releases Report Effective Sept. 1 Marsh Sets (Conliniied from Page One) “The screening committee would not SPO R TS Republican Hillery J. spring semester because of have taken the report at face value,” Dr. local commitments and needs Charles said. “It was written by human Emil Plitt, 79; Gailagher made it official chang^ greatly four times in the next five BRIEFS three more semesters for his beings. They would have asked additional today. He resigned formally years. ’The changes were mainly statewide from the Manchester Board of M.A. degree. questions beyond the report.” BritishMark but were administered by Dr. Denison. Avid Sportsman Directors, effective Sept. 1. The Republican Town Com- He noted that the entire set of facts con- team and says he is still presi- mittee will endorse a candidate His administrative team changed often tained in the report were known by him CARNOUSTIE, Scotland (UPI) — Australian Graham Await Verdict In a letter to Board Secretary during the five years, they reported. dent of the company. in August for the unexpired por- and the screening committee. Dr. Denison Marsh broke the 22-year-old Carnoustie course record with Phyllis Jackston, he wrote, Despite the changes, the College made HARTFORD (UPI) - A deci- “Operations of the Di-Gard Emil Plitt, 79, of 709 Main St. over 60 years. Before his retire- tion of his term — to November had been fully open in discussing frictions a five-under-par 67 today to share the early second round company are temporarily “Due to an unavoidable many achievements. The faculty was sion on three environmental died this morning at a ment in 1968, he was employed of this year. at Anoka-Ramsey, he said. lead of the 104th British Open golf tournament with suspended,.” Allison said scheduling conflict, I am forced respected for its quality. Conununity permits this week could put a Manchester convalescent at Cheney Bros, for jnore than Galiagher said in his letter, They had gone to Coon Rapids to speak American Hale Irwin. Wednesday. “We are s imply to choose between resigning relations were excellent. proposal to build a horse race home. He was the husband of 50 years. He was a member of “I am grateful for having had to faculty and others there about Dr. regrouping our operation, much from the board or abandoning In the year preceding the study team’s On a day that seemed perfect formance in the British Open track in Wolcott out to pasture Mrs. Hazel Brown Plitt. Center Congregational Church, the opportunity of serving with and spur a competitor’s plan in the same way as any other my work on an advanced degree work, budget cuts meant Dr. Denison had Denison. for low scoring. Marsh fired was in 1970 when he tied for Mr. Plitt, a well-known the West Side Oldtimers, Zipser the other board members, all of Middletown. business does periodically.” in which I have already in- to terminate 16 staff members. Most comments about him were nines of 33 and 34 on the par 72, 25th. Manchester sportsman, was Club and Manchester Senior whom I hold in the highest vested considerable time and The team concluded, “Anoka-Ramsey positive. 7,065-yard seaside course and Those intrepid British Recommendations on the formerly an outstanding Citizens. regard. Bagley gave examples including: money.” Community College is a sick institution, was in the clubhouse when bookies made Nicklaus a 5-2 three permits — for sanitary baseball player for many years Other survivors are a son, “I wish to thank the citizens “The college has grown in stature since Irwin, third leading money sewage, storm sewage and in- Tix Sales Off Norman Piitt of Manchester; Gallagher, an attorney, has particularly with respect to faculty- favorite to win this tournament with local teams. An infielder, and taxpayers of Manchester Dr. Denison’s arrivai.” winner on this year’s U.S. land wetlands — are being two daughters, Mrs. Dorothy been taking courses in tax law administration relationships. on the basis of his first round ST. LOUIS, Mo. (UPI)-The he started out as a schoolboy for the support and encourage- “He is a dynamic, well organized and in- professional tour, came in with finished by Robert Taylor, St. Louis Football Cardinals, ; Kissman of Marlborough and the past two years at Boston “There is much suspicion, distrust and performance. playing with Twilight League ment they have generously Hillery J. Gallagher novative person who works hard to assist a two-under-par 70 to go with director of water resources for winners of their first division ti- ' Mrs. Shirley Soricelli of Colum- University — commuting one emotional unrest among all factions. With one of his live teams and was still playing in given me during my tenure.” students and staff to properly perform his opening round 69. the state Departqaent of En- tie in 1974, today said their bia, Mo.; seven grandchildren night a week. He passed up the “Many (faculty members) are constant- colleagues at 69, Hale Irwin, his 40s before turning to um- their roles.” Drumming overnight rain vironmental Protection. season ticket sales for the 1975 and two great-grandchildren. ly seeking relocation elsewhere.” ranked 5-1, and Oosterhuis piring and coaching. He was a “I find Dr. Denison to be a personable gave way to overcast skies on a season are the lowest since member of the Manchester The funeral is Saturday at 1 The team cited poor communication as boosted to 7-1 despite his 'a prime cause of the trouble. and friendly individual with a fine sense of windless day, making con- equalling the course record of 1967. Chapter of Approved Baseball p.m. at Holmes Funeral Home, ditions even better for the likes They dismissed as “too simplistic to be humor.” Ben Hogan and Billy Casper. Birdie Paradise ’The Cardinals said they have Umpires. 400 Main St. The Rev. Newell MMH Budget Faees Review Bagley said in his letter of support, “1 of leader Peter Oosterhuis sold 37,882 season tickets for In his youth, he played Curtis, pastor of Center tenable” the citing of a small group of dis- A smiling and confident MOLINE, 111. (UPI) - sidents as the sole cause of the trouble. believe that Dr. Denison’s presidency, favorite jack Nicklaus, who Nicklaus said he was not happy Oakwood Country Club may be this coming season, down 2,430 hockey, later becoming a coach Congregational Church, will of- should be a successful one.” was to tee off later in the day. from last year. Manchester Memorial Dempsey Hospital in F ar- A year ago, the commission ’They noted the lack of real power held by with his swing until the sixth short and look easy but it’s all a and an official. He coached the ficiate. Burial will be in East Dr. Charles agreed. Marsh had four birdies and an The total marks only the se- former Moriarty Bros, hockey Cemetery. Hospital’s proposed budget of mington is not subject to rate approved an average budget in- the half-dozen named dissidents. hole, but “I would think my mirage, pro golfers said before $1.8 million or a 14.2 per cent review by the commission. About Dr. Denison’s leadership, they “He should be judged on his perfor- 0^- eagle on the par five 12th hole swing pattern will settle a little today’s scheduled start of the cond time in the last seven team for many years. He also Friends may call at the crease of 8.3 per cent. Last mance here and not on what occurred in V' for a scorecard lined with fours years that the team’s season was a golfer. funeral home Friday from 3 to 5 total increase beginning Oct. 1 The commission said if nine year, federal statistics show said, “ ...the president and his immediate more as the tournament goes $75,()00 Quad Cities Open. will be reviewed by the Com- of the 26 hospitals whose administrative staff demonstrate another location.” and threes until he hit short on.... The seven-year-old course is sales have been below 40,000. He was an active 10-pin and 7 to 9 p.m. that hospital service charges He referred to the firings of 16 staff with his approach on the par .The all-time high since the mission on Hospitals and requests range from 8.8 per somewhat less regard for participatory (Herald photo by Dunn) “I would expect it to be better 6,400 yards long, has few trees, bowler and boasted high ieague The family suggests that any have climbed 16.2 per cent and members in Anoka-Ramsey and compared four 17th hole for his only bogey team moved here was set in averages for Several years. memorial contributions may be Health Care. cent to 10.2 per cent would cut sem iprivate room rates democracy than their declarations tomorrow as far as hitting the and appears to be a birdie The hospital is one of 26 in the their increases back to 8 per proclaim.” it to recent unrest caus^ at two com- and only five of the day. ball goes.” paradise. 1972, when 41,542 tickets were i Bom in Germany, Mr. Plitt made to the American Cancer nationally are up 18.8 per cent. munity colleges in Connecticut by staff Timmy McCarthy of Miles Drops Bat and Hits Ground Marsh had a first round 72, sold. had lived in Manchester for Society, 237 E. Center St. state all seeking price in- cent, they could avoid detailed The hospital commission, in They said, “The style of administrative “I’m not unhappy,” the 35- But defending champion creases of more than 8 per cent. reviews and public hearings. leadership is frequently declared to be reductions. Catcher Bob Piccin of Dillon’s Starts Chase for Wild Pitch even par, on Wednesday and year-old slugger said. “It’s a Dave Stockton said Wedne^ay, its budget reviews, will accept “They upset any faculty.” was four strokes off the Moose Out The 8 per cent cutoff point The increases requested 10 per cent hikes in nonsalaried abrasive and considered to be intimidating matter of getting settled, get- “The scores are not going to be was agreed to by the 15- range from 20 per cent by to persons with less authority.” He also noted the problems any man Oosterhuis pace when he began ting into the championship. exceptionally low, as low as PITTSBURGH (UPI) - expenses and 7 per cent in- would have taking the place of a leader his assault on Hogan’s record, a member commission after a Lawrence and Memorial creases in salaries as the norm. They ended their report recommending “It takes a little while to get some people have predicted.” Pittsburgh Pirates’ pitcher Bob long debate. Hospitals in New London to 4.5 a “cooling-off period.” such as Dr. Frederick Lowe, MCC presi- 68-shot in 1953 and tied in 1968 into something, to get yourself Moose, who sustained a thumb About 75 per cent of hospital dent for more than 10 years. by Billy Casper. Nine other general hospitals per cent by Rockville General budgets are for salaries. During this period. Dr. Denison was to settled. If you can get in with a injury in a game with Montreal About the Gardner matter, the decision Marsh, 31, is a relatively un- Cyr Death Said are below the 8 per cent line, Hospital. The over-all average The commission’s hearing be transfered to another position in Dillon Starts Fast 69, it’s a darn good place to be last week, was placed on the known entity on the American and the University of Connec- of the 35 general hospitals is keeping with his competence. not to give him another contract was not settled in at.” Manning Satisfied disabled list Wednesday. dates will be set Aug. 12. AND tour but has one 15 tournaments ticut Health Center’s John N. 11.3 per cent. When Dr. Denison released copies of the made by Dr. Denison. He merely carried The wind? The Pirates recalled infielder Drug Overdose out the decision, he said. in Europe and Asia since NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - team’s report Wednesday, Roger B. It blew in the morning The New Orleans Saints have Art Howe from their Bagley, chairman of the Board of Trustees Dr. Denison said this morning he has RADII opening his professional career Wednesday but gave way to Charleston, W. Va., farm dub nothing to hide. The report was available in 1970. His best previous per- given Archie Manning a new of Regional Cdinmunity Colleges, also And Defeats Miles those showers that pelted four-year contract, and team in the International League to Patricia Cyr, 27, of 219 Center had been employed as a released a letter supporting him. to the people considering him for the MCC Nicklaus and the other replace Moose on the roster. St. died Wednesday morning of waitress at the W.T. Grant presidency, he said. Exploding for five runs in before many fans were ever owner John Mecom Jr. says Man To Face Arson Charge Today, Dr. Searles F. Charles, National League champion TONIGHT challengers in the afternoon. Manning is definitely the club’s an apparent drug overdose, store at Manchester Parkade. He said he deeply regrets the friction at the first inning, American seated. Glen Stavens walked, Formals Inn executive director of the community Miles came back in its half of 7 :25 Red Sox vs. Rangers, Oosterhuis, one of the biggest starting quarterback authorities said today, but in- She is also survived by her MCC in his first months. League champion Dillon moved up on a passed ball and men on the tour at 6-5, came William F. Paquin, 43, of window screen, and the John V. Ligeros, 80, of 96 college system, said he concurs with the first to register two WTIC Still Unbeaten “Arche’s our No. 1,” Mecom No Drinking vestigation is continuing. husband, Paul Cyr, whose ad- For the immediate future, he plans to Ford went on to whip Miles scored on Bob Piccin’s double through it in style, but relied Hartford was taken into dweiling was ransacked, police Franklin PI., Rockville, backed Bagley’s strong support of Dr. Denison. markers. Two walks and a hit 7:55 Yankees vs. Twins, said Wednesday after announ- HARTFORD (UPI) - A bill Mrs. Cyr was discovered by a dress is unknown; two sons, keep “a lower profile” and to “move more to rightcenter. Dean Tully Fourteen runs in the third in- more on his chipping and put- custody Wednesday on charges said. from a diagonal parking stali But Dr. Charles admitted he did not Auto Sales last night, 7-2, in batsman loaded the bases and WINF cing the new contract. “We’ve allowing bowling es- roommate and pronounced Jeffrey Cyr and David Cyr, both slowly.” reached on an error and Larry ning helped Formals Inn score ting than his wind cheating stemming from a recent house The boys, after admitting the and struck the bicycle. have a copy of the Anoka-Ramsey report the Little League Town Dan White delivered two runs torn up the old contract which tablishments to serve alcoholic dead on arrival at Manchester of Manchester; a brother, John No other staff reductions are “in the Duff singled to left to plate Pic- a lop-sided 26-3 decision over driver. fire on New State Hd., breaks, were released to their Police said the motorist when Dr. Denison was hired. The Tournament at Leber Field. with a single to left. That was had three years to go and beverages in the lanes area was Memorial Hospital shortly R. Kennedy Jr. of Springfield, wind” despite budget tightening, he said. cin. Bob Bagshaw stroked Bloomfield last night at Cheney He is the first Briton in con- Manchester Police said today. parents. Police said the parents didn’t think the mishap con- screening committee charged with finding all the scoring for the Automen Cook Waived started fresh with a new con- vetoed by Gov. Ella Grasso after 6 a.m. Mass.; two sisters. Miss Helen “There’s a need for us to know one Friday night Miles and Inter- another one base blow and both in the East Central Connecticut tention since Tony Jacklin won Paquin, charged with third- agreed to pay for damages in stituted an accident, and left an MCC president did not see the report as Tully allowed just three hits, tract that starts from this point Wednesday. Manchester Police said the A. Kennedy and Mrs. Lorriane another better,” he said. national League winner runners moved up on an out. CINCINNATI (UPI) - The Girls’ Softball League. this tournament in 1969. degree arson on a Common the incidents. the scene. Ligeros was stopped either, he said. two by White and one by Eric forward.” young woman’s death appeared C. Mulready, both of South “I am getting to know more people here Lawyers tangle with the loser Duff tallied on a passed ball and Cincinnati Bengals Wednesday Pacing the undefeated The 27-year-old circuit Pleas Court warrant, was held about a mile away and charged Dr. Charles said, “I don’t know,” when Stepper. Bicents Shut Out to be due to an overdose of Windsor; and severai nieces as we work together on projects. "They see going to the sidelines in the Edgar Erzin and John Smith officially ended their long and Penguins’ 22-hit offense was regular holed putts of four, on a $1,000 surety bond. He was Barbara L. Jones, 23, of Hart- with evading responsibility. asked if the report would have made them drugs, but they were awaiting and nephews. you as you really are when working,” he post-season double elimination followed with base hits to add often-times strange Nancy Downing with a perfect three, 12,15,12 and 15 feet, plus WASHINGTON (UPI) - ford was charged Wednesday pick someone else. Ezrin and Smith each had two Denies Report test results from state The funeral is Friday with a to appear in court today. Court date is July 22. said. play. two more tallies. relationship with quarterback five for five and five RBI’s. chipping in from 30 for his Mick Barry scored the only goal night with fourth-degree bingles for the winners who laboratories before making a Mass at 10 a.m. at the Church of Poiice detectives said the Dillon jumped right on The winners added single Greg Cook by waiving him to Kathy Strand contributed four opening round score. DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. Wednesday as the Washington charge stems from a fire of larceny (shoplifting) at Finast collected seven hits off White final determination as to the the Assumption. Burial will be pitcher Dan White to score markers in the third and fifth the Kansas City Chiefs for the hits and Lisa Schwartz and “Is the course record 68?” he (UPI) - Veteran NASCAR Diplomats shut out the Hert- supermarket on Spencer St. and reliefer Cal Hutchinson. cause of death. in East Cemetery. suspicious origin which innings. standard waiver fe4 of $100. Colleen Shae Shane three each. asked when told he had tied it. driver Donnie Allison has ford Bicentennials 1-0 in a Court date is July 21. .. Patricia Kennedy Cyr was The John F. Tierney Funeral destroyed part of a vacant A 14-run th4rd inning “Then I’ve tied it, but there are denied reports he had been North American Soccer League bora Sept. 16,1947 in Hartford, Home, 219 W. Center St., is in house at 183 New State Rd. on highlighted the scoring. three more rounds to go.” fired by the Di-Gard racing game. . daughter of John R. Kennedy of charge of arrangements. April 11. K-Mart Department Store on Chicopee, Mass., and Mrs. There are no calling hours. Spencer St. Wednesday J— ' reported the theft of a diamond AGWA^ Two Manchester boys — aged Red Sox Rally Cecelia LeBreux Cote of The family suggests that any Manchester, and lived in, Hart- memorial contributions may be 12 a n d 13 — w e r e b la m e d ring. Store officials said the ford before coming to made to. the American Cancer Wednesday for a house break on 0.32-carat ring was worth $186. Manchester nine years ago. She Society, 237 E. Center St. Keeney St. and latbr admitted Again to Win five other house breaks, police A bicyclist suffered minor in- reported. juries Wednesday afternoon HERITAGE RATES NEW YORK (UPI) — The current youthful crop of Police said the boys were ap- after being knocked down by a prehended shortly after the backing automobile on Main St. Summer Boston Red Sox —Fred Lynn, Jim Rice, Dwight Evans, Martin G. Lassen DUNLOP Mrs. Nuretza Ouzoonian report of a burglary at the Police said William Shaia, 17, Cecil Cooper — probably don’t remember their not-so-long- AND . SOUTH WINDSOR - Martin Mrs. Nuretza Ouzoonian, 87, of 45 Wellman Rd. was riding a ago predecessors, the great Ted Williams-Vern Stephens- George Lassen, 68, of 11 Pam Keeney St. home. Entry to the of 151 Oak St. died Wednesday bicycle on the east side of the Johnny Pesky-Bobby Doerr teams of the 1940’s and early Lane died Wednesday at home was gained by cutting a night at Manchester Memorial street, when a car operated by 1950’s. Manchester Memorial Hospital. She was the widow of Then again, maybe it’s just as HERITAGE Hospital. Enoch Ouzoonian. well. Born in East Hartford, Mr. Mrs. Ouzoonian was born Sale! the game with a solo pinch-hit For as good as the Williams- Lassen had lived in the Hart- April 15, 1888 in Yozgat, 80 Part-Time Nurses homer. Doug Griffin then hit a Stephens-Pesky teams were, ford area most of his life. , and lived in New York one-out single and later came they won only one pennant — DINNERWARE Before he retired in 1964, he City before coming to all the way home from first on Seek Bargaining Agent 1946 —and blew a handful of was employed as a bartender at Manchester two years ago. Rice’s double. others despite superior per- Green’s Tavern, Hartford. He Survivors are a daughter. Athletics 3, Indians 1 IT’S THE BETTER WAY A bout 80 n u rse s a t classification as those who sonnel. The 1975 Bosox outfit, was a communicant of St. Miss Lucy Ouzoonian of Manchester Memorial Hospital work more than 20 hours per CLEARANCE SPECIALS Dick Bosman, with relief help however, is playing like a team Margaret Mary’s Church. Manchester, with whom she from Paul Lindblad and Rollie who work less than 20 hours per week. that doesn’t know the meaning Survivors are his wife, Mrs. made her home; and a son, Fingers, beat his old Cleveland We invite you to build your savings and week are seeking the Connec- The part-time nurses hope to 4 0 ,0 0 0 MILE TREAD TW IN GLASS BELTED “78” of “fold.” Marie Carini Lassen of Hart- Albert Ouzoonian of Stamford. ticut Nurses Association (CNA) petition the hospital soon, Mrs. teammates for the third your dinnerware, too. When you save with ford; a son, George M. Lassen The Holmes Funeral Home, WEAR POLICY* Take Wednesday afternoon straight time, winning his sixth us you can build a complete set of as its collective bargaining Millar said. She said there SERIES for example. Spotting the \ of Hartford; two daughters, 400 Main St., is in charge of in seven decisions since coming beautiful Blue Heritage Ironstone dinner- agent. would probably be an election Minnesota Twins an early 7-1 Mrs. Beverly Russell of South arrangements, which are in- Mrs. Mary Lou Miliar, CNA by the end of August. over to Oakland. Reggie ware imported from the center of the ELITE STEEL lead, the Red Sox came back to English dinnerware industry, Staffordshire Windsor and Mrs. Shir.ley complete. The hospital spokesman said Size Reg SALE FET Jackson and Joe Rudi drove in field representative, said the win 9-8 on four homers plus Jim County. Manufactured by Enoch Wedg- James of Wyoming, Minn.; a part-time nurses will file a peti- the whole process may take runs during a two-run A’s first brother, William Lassen of RADIAL Rice’s two-out run-scoring dou- and Bill North singled home wood (Tunstall) Ltd., the dinnerware is tion for expansion of the several months. He also said ble in the ninth. The victory dishwasher safe and chip resistant. Hartford; two sisters, Mrs. the CNA has to show 30 per cent what proved to be the game- current unit. Local 26, with the White 30.95 23.00 2.10 enabled Boston to move two The entire service, including completer Ruby Skardziuz of Hartford and National Labor Relations of the part-time nurses have C7S-U winner in the fifth. Mrs. Daisey DeMonte of West games up on the losing New sets, is on display at our offices. Open or ; AB O U T Board in Boston. shown interest in joining the un- 2.67 York Yankees in the American add to your savings account now at Hartford; and nine She said the hospital has ion. ER78-14 grandchildren. Black C78-14 28.95 21.00 2.19 League East. AMERICAN LEAGUE Heritage Savings and Loan. Build your TO W N agreed they would not “raise The interest in organizing un- After homers by Carlton savings and your dinnerware. Thafs the The funeral is Friday at 9:15 any roadblocks” agains * the der a nurses’ union comes after • Cool-running radial ply a.m. from Newkirk and I* Long mileage Fisk, Evans, and Lynn had Better Way. move. A hospital spokesman the recent ratification of a two- 40.57 2.69 (Herald photo by Dunn) helped Boston close the margin Rangers 4, Yankees 0 Whitney Funerai Home, 318 The arts committee of year contract which provides !• Excellent stability White G7S-14 28.50 Be sure to visit our recently opened verified that fact. to 8-7 into the ninth. Cooper tied Ferguson Jenkins (10-9) Burnside Ave., East Hartford, Manchester Junior Women’s numerous changes including • Smooth ride Tolland office, the first new banking Under the state labor law, Rich Mikoleit WasnH Happy limited the Yankees to just four with a Mass at St. Margaret Club will meet tonight at 8 at Mrs. Millar said separate units salary increases. The contract I* Two wide steel belts add facility to open in Tolland in 134 years. protection.against road 41.85 Mary’s Church at 10. Burial will the home of Mrs. Cheryl Pitts, for part-time nurses were not will be reviewed and signed Black H78-14 30.50 2JI4 After He Struck Out Last Night singles and got batting support Sign Draft Pick from Jim Sundberg’s three-run be in Green Cemetery, Glaston- 51 Goodhill Rd., South Windsor. recognized. However, in August soon by hospital and union of- , h a z a r d s Purchase one unit with each $25 you deposit, at bury. '• Raised .4" white stripe sets INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (UPI) homer in the sixth. Rudy May, prices only half comparable retail values. 1974, sfie said nurses working ficials, a hospital spokesman — The Indiana Pacers of the Friends may call at the The VFW Auxiliary will have less than 20 hours per week said. ' off the sidewall styling Black FTS-14 35.95 27.00 2.47 victim of Sundberg’s homer^and American Basketball Associa- THE BETTER RATES funeral home tonight from 7 to a mystery ride July 22. Reser- became recognized under the '• Tubeless White Sidewall Tom Grieve’s run-producing r 9.. vations may be made by calling NBA Consdering Filing tion said Wednesday they have double in the first, took the loss Purchase Price Plus NLRB law. Mrs. Milla said signed their No. 1 draft pick, Elfactive Yield Annual Rats Typaot Account 872-9572 or 643-0590. CNA hopes to include all part- White H7S-14 43.85 32.50 2.84 for New York, his fourth Description Connecticut State Tax Dan Roundfield, a 6-foot-8 straight. 6YaarCaftificata. time nurses in the same job Unfair Labor Practices $3.95 Sl.OOOminlmuni AGWAY LOW PRICES forward from Central Tigers 6, White Sox 2 4 piece place setting 8 . 1 7 % 7 % % Completer Units: Michigan. Ray Bare, backed by Bill 4YearCartiricala. SUXtOmnimum. NEW YORK (UPI) - The tiveness of NBA basketball and Set of 4 fruit dishes 7 . 9 0 % 7V2% Prospect Man Shot At, FET G.T. QUALIFIER “60” National Basketball Associa- Freehan’s three-run homer, Mrs. Pctrune Parkins for the unprecedented went the distance as the Tigers Set of 4 soup dishes ?-}YaarCartiticala. tion, faced with what it con- 6 % % $! .000 minimum. SOUTH WINDSOR - Mrs. Sister Beaten by Thieves 2.67 SERIES economic benefits nc" injoyed Thompson stretched their longest winning 7 . 0 8 % FIRE C A LLS FR78-14 48.50 sidered recalcitrance on the by NBA players,” Rothenberg Set of 4 salad dishes 1'2YaarCtrtihcata. Petrune “Bessie” Parkins, 80, PROSPECT (UPI) - Thieves streak of the season to eight $1,000 minimum. weapons and the coins. White-Lettered part of the NBA Players said in a statement. “In light of Confirms Open vegetable dish 6 . 8 1 % 6V2% of 268 Nevers Rd. died shot at a man several times and games. Rookie Jack Pierce also The getaway car used by the Association to bargain in good the players’ previous objec- OMonthCartificala. Wednesday at a Rockville con- drove in three runs' for the Gravy boat ll.OOOminmum. pistol-whipped his sister before thieves was spotted shortly MANCHESTER faith, gave consideration Decision 6 . 0 0 % 5 % % valescent home. She was the GR78-14 51.50 tions, we are frankly dismayed making off with more than 100 after the incident on Rt. 68 Wednesday, 6:44 p.m. — Wednesday to the possibility of resurgent Tigers. Sugar and creamer Regular Savingi Account. widow of John A. Parkins. Gasoline washdown at 229 E. Size by their unwillingness to dis- EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. Iniaraet paid day ofdaposit IG handguns and a coin collection nehr Naugatuck, police said, Reg. SUE FET filing unfair labor practice Brewers 6, Royals 4 5 . 4 7 % 5V4% day of withdrawal Bora in Lithuania, Mrs. Middle Tpke. (Town). cuss these matters today.” (UPI) — Providence College Don Money belted a pair of 12" platter worth $10,000, State Police say. but they could not intercept it. charges with the National mtHM Mmpoundod d»ily and conlmuoui^y. Edacliva annual »»ld It ma higneal aHow«) l>» lt« Su6alant«l panalliaa HR78-14 55.50 Rothenberg assured Coach Dave G avitt’s lot Parkins lived in South Windsor Mrs. Evelyn Brush, 67, Westberg and Mrs. Brush were Wednesday, 11:20 p.m. — Labor Relations Board. homers, driving in three “runs, 14" platter MTly withdrawal on all cartihcato accounts newsmen that the NBA playground basketball clinics for 50 years. She was a member received a broken wrist and treated and released at Water- Gasoline washdown at 565 Ver- After talks between the and Bobby Darwin also Covered casserole 46.95 negotiators — Joe Axelson, brought David Thompson to tIOO.OOO CariinctUit avallabla il nagoliatad ralas. of the Lithuanian Social Club. facial cuts and bruises in the in- bury Hospital, authorities said. non St. (Town). C60-15 37.00 3.14 league and its players union homered to ignite a four-run Survivors are a son, John C. GR78-15 54.00 president and general manager town, where he confirmed his Brewers’ second inning. Gor- cident Wednesday, said poiice were suspended shortly after of the Kansas City Kings, NBA Parkins Sr. of South Windsor; who were seeking two men in a decision to sign a contract next man Thomas and Robin Yount they began, Alan Rothenberg, labor counsel Ed Silver and week with the Denver Nuggets. two sisters, Mrs. Annastasia blue station wagon with New L60-14 55.05 43.00 3.60 chairman of the labor negotia- also drove home runs in the I ...... I 56.00 Rothenberg — still have an But the three-time all- Maceinas of Waterbury and York plates. HR78-15 tion committee of the NBA, fourth with a double and a open mind on all items and are American wouldn’t say Mrs. Veronica Dekalonis of Authorities said the two •Replacement pro-rated on remaining said the talks were terminated single respectively. Jim Argentina,; three grandchil- LIMITED QUANTITIES willing to consider all proposals Wednesday why he chose the thieves drove up to the Clark as a result of what he termed Colborn (4-7) went 5 1-3 innings dren and two I I made by the players com- American Basketball Associa- Hill Road house of Mrs. Brush, Catholic Burial the players’ refusal to bargain for the win. greatgrandchildren. •:| Death is a time of expense — mittee. tion, because, he said, “My a widow, and her brother. Mountlna & Balancing FREE! in good faith about three of the Angels 3, Orioles 2 The funeral is Saturday at g A strain on fin a n c e often needed for family * ^ A L E PRICES THRU JULY 26 lawyer advised that I don’t say Pinch-hitter Dave Collins Heritage Savings Waiter Westberg, and asked to items in the labor contract 8:15 a.m. frora Dillon Funeral use their phone. readjustment. Selecting now can relieve a financial anything until next week.” tripled home two runs with one ■ COMPLETE SERVICE SHOP Pick Up S Orthrory negotiations. Gavitt said, “He’s just a Loan Association • Since 1891 Home, 53 Main St., Hartford, Westberg became suspicious § problem later when such problems are a real NOW OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 8:00 PM The areas he specified were Masters Signs out in the bottom of eighth in- with a Mass at St. Margaret and tried to close the door on S burden. remarkable young man. He ning after Brooks Robinson, [AGWAY] the college draft, the option seems to be quite set in his Mary’s Church at 9. Burial will them, but the men forced their clause and the matter of com- ST. LOUIS (UPI) - Jamie whose error paved the way for ways relative to his decision. be in St. Catherine’s Cemetery, way in, firing several shots at SAINT TAMES CEMETERY pensation to a team which loses Masters, the highest-scoring the winning rally, had put the He seems quite comfortable Main Office: 1007 Main St„ Manchester 649-4586 . K-Mart Office: Spencer St., Manchester 649-3007 Broad Brook. Westberg but missing, police 368 Broad Street broRi Houns AGW AY^Inc . a player after he plays out his defenseman in the Ontario Orioles ahead with a two-run 540 ■lOUIMlNTtHOO Hotkey Association last season, with it. I don’t know what the Coventry Office: Route 31, 742-7321 • Tolland Office; Rl. 195, quarter mile south of 1-88, Exit 99, 872-7387. Friends may call at the said. Manchester, ConnecNcut I Mi.S 30(I. Ntw tmAoad. lucklwd option. single in the top of the inning. I 30101 30 0:00mio 100am factors were in the decision but funeral home tonight from 7 to 9 All the guns taken were in Phgne 64^S1^3 “We believe that these prac- has signed his first professional Frank Tanana (7-5) struck out 646-3772 IM. OM lo« 30 bi.OOOialiOi he seems to be quite excited in and Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 operating condition, police said, CM TiMO^r tices have been largely respon- contract with the St. Louis nine to gain the win, but needed « playing for Denver and playing p.m. ■ " although some of them were sible for the competitive attrac- Blues, it was announced ninth inning relief help from old. Westberg collected the Wednesday. for Larry Brown.” Don Kirkwood. PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., July 10, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs,, July 10, 1975— PAGE FIFTEEN MAJOR LEAGUE BOXSCORES A's and Yankees 10 O’clock Lightning SCORE AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE BOARD •Minnesota Boston San Francisco St. Louis New York AtlanU ab r h bi ab r h bi -Fishing Advisory- • ah r h hi ah r h hi ab r h bl ab r h bi SLOW PITCH Joshua cf 3 0 0 0 Brock if ,4110 Garrett 3b 3 0 0 0 Garr If 4 110 Terrell 2b 6 13 1 Carbo dh 4 0 11 Alou ph 1 0 0 0 Perez 2b 5 0 0 0 Strikes for Redlegs By United iVess Internationa) Win Star Berths Braun if 5 12 0 Pelrocelli ph 1 0 0 0 Williams p 0 0 0 0 McBride cf, 5 2 3 2 American League Standings Kranepol lb 0 0 0 0 Evans 3b 4 0 11 JCelly lb 0 0 0 0 Doyle 2b 4 110 Arnold ph 1 0 0 0 Davis rf 4 2 3 2 Inland Fishing Kast SOFTBALL Bradley p 0 0 0 0 Simmons c 4 2 4 1 Millan 2b 5 0 2 0 May rf To 0 0 . Ford el 5 13 2 Griflin ph 1110 Torre 3b 5 0 10 Lum lb 4 010 Regional personnel report w. 1. p e t . gl>. nine major league seasons Moffitt p 0 0 0 0 Rudolph c 10 01 the Reds added five more hits — NEW YORK (U P I)-T h e in candidate, received a last- Walton dh 4 111 Ystrzmsk lb 4 0.1 0 SUub rf 5 2 3 1 Pocoroba e 0 0 0 0 NEW YORK (UPI) - nings, the San Diego Padres {toston 46 V .564 Thomas 2b 4 0 0 0 Fairly lb 3 12 2 good trout fishing at night at New York Oakland A’s and New York since breaking into the AL in minute rush to finish fourth in Soderhlm 3b 4 0 0 0 Rice if 5 12 2 Kingman if 4 0 0 0 Blanks ss 4 010 Once upon a time it was off three Philadelphia pitchers beat the Chicago Cubs 3-2, the 44 X 5X 2 TONIGHT’S GAMES Murcer rf 3 0 2 0 Sizemore 2b 5 0 1 1 West Hill Pond, East Twin Milwaukee 1967. the balloting, missing a Park, 13-5. The second game Briggs If 4 12 1 Lynn cl 4 2 3 2 Clines if 0 0 0 0 Office cf 4 0 3 0 to take a 9-5 lead. Pedro Borbon 46 40 .529 2 Yankees held a virtual Vets vs. HNBank, 6ilS - Borgmann c 2 1 1 0 Fisk c 4 112 MonUnez lb 4 0 1 0 Reitz 3b 4 0 0 0 Lake, and Highland Lake. Trout known as “ Five o’clock Houston Astros shaded the Baltimore X 42 .481 6 Tenace, who will be making starter’s spot by 44,374 votes. was postponed. Speier ss 4 0 10 Tyson ss 3 0 0 0 Unser cf 5 0 3 1 Correll c 3 0 10 was the beneficiary of the rally, Montreal Expos 4-3 in 10 in- Cleveland stranglehold on the starting Keeney Bostock rl 5 111 Evans rl 3 111 Heidemnn ss 4 0 0 0 Baker ph 10 0 0 fishing is fair at West Hill lightning.” J7 46 .446 9 his All-Star game debut, beat In addition to Blue, Fingers Greg Birpiingham homered Thomassn cf 4 0 0 0 Denny p 4 110 raising his record to 5-1 Detroit X 46 .4X 9 Johnson p 0 0 0 0 Morel p 0 0 0 0 House p 0 0 0 0 upper Farmington River during of Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig Oakland 53 31 (.631 closest battle in the voting. Dark of Oakland are added three singles. ’Two hits Heaverlo p 0 0 0 0 ning. other National League games. Kansas City Fitzgerald Burgmeier pO 0 0 0 Willoghby p 0 0 0 0 Williams lb 10 0 0 the day and the Shetucket toyed with their opponents for 46 X 548 7 nounced today by Com- Nettles put on a late spurt to Baltimore’s Jim Palmer, each rattled off the bats of Ron Segul p 0 0 0 Adams 0 If 2 0 2 0 Tony Perez, Cesar Geronimo, Padres 3, Cubs 2 Texas 41 45 .477 13 Trudon vs. Fogarty’s, 8:45 ToUls 34 0 8 0 ToUls 37 9 15 9 ToUls 39 2 10 2 ToUls 37 1 9 1 River, Five Mile River- five or six innings after 3:15 Chicago missioner Bowie Kuhn. edge past the A’s’ Sal Bando California’s Nolan Ryan, Kan- Archambault, Tim Ellis, Mike Totals 38 8 14 7 Totals 38 9 13 9 New York 000 lOO 0001— 2 Dave Concepcion, Dan The Padres handed the Cubs 38 44 463 14 • Fitzgerald San Francisco 000 000 000— 0 Putnam, Beach Pond and Long p.m; starting times and then California 40 47 4X The A’s, world champions the and the Indians’ Buddy Bell and sas City’s Steve Busby and Pillion and Don Maxim. The . Two outs when winning ' run was AtlanU 100 000 000 0-1 Driessen and Pete Rose their fifth straight setback 14'k liPM arket vs. 6:15 • scored. St. Louis 122 100 2 1 X - 9 Pond. Poor trout fishing is blew them out of the park with Minnesota 37 47 .440 16 past three seasons and with a will be making his All-Star Angels were led by John John- E-Torre, DP-New York 1, AtlanU 1. followed with singles and Ken when Hector Torres delivered a Chicago’s Jim Kaat and Rich Moriarty Minnesota 007000010-8 E-Thomasson. DP-San Francisco 1, St. reported for the rest of the late-inning fireworks. comfortable lead in the AL game debut, too. Gossage. son and Mark Hoyt with three Louis I. LOB-San Francisco 8, St. Louis LOB-New York 10, AtlanU 8, run-scoring single that broke a Bees vs. Moriarty’s, 7:30 ■ Boston 0110(E03S-9 2B-Grole, Lum. HR-SUub (9). SB- state. Now it’s known as “Ten Wednesday's Results West, placed four players — Campaneris, a four-time All- The National League and two hits respectively. £‘Gottz. DP-Minnesota I. Boston 1. 9. 2- 2 tie in the fourth inning. Moriarty 2B-Simmons 2, Ontiveros, Speier, 3B- Evans, Heidemann. S-Heidemann. o’clock lightning” —that time Boston 9 Minnesota 8 first baseman Gene Tenace, Star, started the past two LOB-Minnesota 11. Boston 5. ip h r er bb so NATIONAL LEAGUE B^ent Strom went eight innings Oakland 3 Cleveland 1 starters, announced Keggers vs. Glass 11, 6:15 REG McBride. HR-Davis (2), Fairly (4). SB- when Johnny Bench, Joe shortstop Bert Campaneris and years, but wa$ also in a fairly Wednesday, also reflects a two- 2B-Terrell. Carbo. Lynn. Rice 2, 3B- Seaver W 13-4 10 9 1 1 2 9 Kokanee salmon fishing is to win his fourth game while Texas 4 New York 0, night - Robertson Starting off with six runs in Doyle. HR-Evans (8), Fisk I2|. Lynn Brock, Davis. Morgan & Company of the Cin- Detroit 6 Chicago 2, night outfielders Reggie Jackson and close battle, holding off ip h r er bb so Dal Canton 7 5 1114 good both night and day at Geoff Zahn was tagged with his team monopoly, with Los Vito’s vs. Holiday’s. 7 :30 • the first, plus five more in the (15). Cooper (4), SF-Gomez, House 2 3 0 0 0 1 cinnati Reds decide it’s time to Griffey hit a sacrifice fly to Milwaukee 6 Kansas City 4. night Joe Rudi —on the starting Milwaukee’s Robin Yount, 1,- Angeles and Cincinnati cap- ip h r er bb so Montefusco L 64 323 9 6 6 2 2 Wononscopomuc Lake and East sixth defeat. Roliertson third. Telephone trimmed Heaverlo 13 1 0 0 0 0 Leon L 1-1 1 2 1110 Twin . unload on their- opponents. complete the rally. Perez also California 3 Baltimore 2. night roster. Oakland pitchers Vida 484,314 to 1,172,258.. turing seven of the eight Goltz 7 1-3 9 6 4 1 2 WP-Dal Canton. Astros 4, Expos 3 Dirk’s vs. Wholesale Tire, North United Methodist last 'Albury 0 1110 0 Williams 2 0 0 0 0 1 The figures speak for homered for the Reds while Thursday s Games r Blue and Rollie Fingers had Munson is making his second positions. The Reds are Bradley 1 3 2 2 1 0 T-2;43. A3^15. Cesar Cedeno singled with (UPI pboto) 8:45 • Robertson night at Keeney, 13-7. Johnson 2-311110 is good at Lake themselves. The Reds, now 9 1-~ Greg Luzinski and Mike (All limes EDTl earlier been selected to play in starting appearance, having represented by Joe Morgan at Moffitt 1 2 1110 one out in the 10th, driving in Texas I Perry 7-13) at Boston (Barr 0- ^ __ Tpke. 'rV vs. Renn’s, 6:15 Leading the way for the .Burgmeier L 4.5 2-321100 Los Angeles Pittsburgh 2 games ahead in the National Schmidt connected for the Tuesday night’s 46th All-Star opened the 1OT4 All-Star contest second base, Dave Concepcion •Morel 2 1-3 7 7 7 3 3 Denny W 4-3 9 8 0 0 1 4 Waramaug, Winchester Lake, Willie Howard with the run that li. 7;X p.m. • Nike Phone was Wayne Johnson with HBP-by Bradley (Tyson). ab r h bi ab r h bi League’s Western Division Phillies. Lady Catcher Disagrees With Umpire Game in Milwaukee. after an injury to Boston’s Willoughby 4 2-3 6 1 1 2 J East Twin Lake, West Hill gave Houston’s Wayne Granger Minnesota (Corbin 431 at New York at shortstop, Johnny Bench at Sportsman vs. Pero’s, 7 :30 four hits. Tim Moriarty, Bill T-2;25. A-14,7B2, Lopes 2b 4 0 0 0 Stennett 2b 4 0 0 0 race, have come from behind no The Pirates downed the I Dobson 9-71. 8 p.m. The Yankees, in second place Carlton Fisk. Munson, who also catcher and Pete Rose in the Segui W 2-3 2 1 0 0 2 0 Buckner If 4 0 10 Kirkptrek If 3 0 0 0 Pond, Bantam Lake, Quon- his second win of the year. • Nike Conway and Art Noyes each Willoughby pilched to 3 batters in 8Ui; Montreal Houston nipaug Lake, Gardner Lake and fewer than 27 times to win. Dodgers as Richie Hebner Detroit (Ruble 7-51 at Kansas City Manny Sanguillen, sporting a clean to Umpire Ed Sudol. Action came in the AL East, will be saw action in the 1971 and 1973 outfield. The Dodgers have “ ab r h bi ab r h bi Paciorek pr 0 0 0 0 Oliver cf 4 0 10 Doug Rader homered for the I Busby 113). 8:X p.m. came up with three hits and .Albury pilched to 1 batter in 8th; WP- Wynn cf 3 110 SUrgell lb 3 2 10 They did it again Wednesday drove in two runs and Willie shaven head, lends encouragement during annual Pirates-Steelers represented in the opening classics, drew the second Steve Garvey at first base, Ron Goltz, Willoughby. Mangual cf 5 13 2 Howard if 4 12 0 Powers Lake. Astros, who overcame an early Baltimore (Cuellar 631 al California . EASTERN Butch McDowell and Bob Lynn Scott rf 5 0 0 0 Gross rfMarshall 3 0 LO p 0 0 0 0 Parker rf 4 12 0 night when they rallied for five Stargell scored twice to help I Figueroa 7-41. 10:X p.m. to his wife who protests a decision wives' game in Pittsburgh. lineup by catcher Thurman highest vote total of 2,068,535. Cey at third base and Jimmy ■ T-2:52. A-21,103. Garvey lb 4 0 10 Hebner 3b 3 0 12 3- 0 Montreal lead. Millers Falls was awarded a had a pair. Dave ’Thomas led Jorgensn lb 4 0 2 1 Cedeno cf 5 0 12 Panfishing is good to runs in the bottom of the eighth Bruce Kison win his eighth Friday's Games Munson, third baseman Graig Bonds received the lion’s Wynn in the outfield. St. Louis’ Milwaukee Kansas City Biiltner If 5 0 0 0 WatsonCey lb 3b 4 0 0 0 3 0 11 Sanguillen c 3 0 2 0 inning to defeat the game and hand Andy Cardinals 9, Giants 0 Minnesota at New York. 2. twinight forfeit last night at Moriarty the losers with two blows. ab r h hi ah r h hi Hale cf 3 12 1 Taveras ss 3 0 0 0 excellent at Bantam I^ke, East Nettles and outfielder Bobby share of the outfield votos in his Lou Brock earned the other out- Carter c 4 110 Johnson c 3 10 0 Philadelphia Phillies 9-7. The Messersmith his sixth loss Bake McBride, Willie Davis Detroit at Kansas City, night Bonds. Pitcher Catfish Hunter first season in the AL, receiving field spot. Field when Lock, Stock & Money 3b 3 2 2 3 Pinson rl 5 12 0 Parrish 3b 3 110 Rader 3b 4 12 1 Russell ss 3 0 10 Kison p 3 0 0 0 Twin Lake, Moodus Reservoir, and Ron Fairly each droVe in Chicago at Milwaukee, night Yount ss 5 0 2 1 Brett 3b 5 12 0 Mackanin 2b 4 0 0 0 Metzger ss 2 0 11 Lee ph 1 0 0 0 Giusti p 0 0 0 0 Pataganset Lake, Rogers Lake, victory, coupled with the Los against 12 victories. Dave Texas at Boston, night was selected earlier. 1,767,198 votes, and will be The Reds put no one on Barrel failed to field a team. Scott lb 4 0 2 0 McRae If 4 0 11 Yeager c 3 0 10 two ruiis and Ted Simmons CHARTER OAK Foil ss 2 0 0 0 Andrews 2b 2 0 0 0 Pachaug Pond, Pine Acres Angeles Dodgers’ 3-2 loss to the Giusti relieved Kison when the Baltimore at Oakland, night Minnesota second baseman making his first starting manager Walt Alston’s pitching INDY Porter c 4 0 0 0 Mayberry Ib 4 0 11 Blair p 4 0 10 BoswellMota 2b ph2 0 0 0 10 0 0 Pittsburgh Pirates, suggests Dodgers cut the lead to one run went 4-for-4 as the Cardinals Cleveland at California, night Hits and runs were plentiful ‘ Darwin dh 4 12 1 Killebrew dh 4 0 0 0 Mssrsmth p 2 0 0 0 Pond, Glasgo Pond, Hopeville Rod Carew, the highest vote- appearance in an All-Star staff, but he picked three of his Four hits off the bat of Bob DeMola p 0 0 0 0 Forsch p 110 0 that the NL Western race is, to with two runs in the seventh in- tatooed five San Francisco Game. Bonds, traded for Bobby last night as Nelson Freight ,Lexcano rl 4 0 10 Rojas 2b 4 0 10 Cruz ph 10 0 0 Crawford rf 10 0 0 Pond, Amos Lake, Quaddick pitchers for 15 hits. Rookie getter on the team, was the only own —Don Sutton, Andy Simler and three by Ray Brann I Sharp If 4 110 Cowens cl 4 2 2 0 all intents and purposes, over. ning and earned his ninth save Murcer before the start of this outlast^ Fuller’s Package at Stanton p 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 2 8 2 ToUls 30 3 7 2 Lake, Mosup Pond and John Denny pitched an eight- player to break the Oakland- Messersmith and Mike led Manchester Oil Heat to a 23- -Sheldon2b 4 1 1 0 Healy c 40 10 Los Angeles 000 000 200-2 Johnny Bench touched off the of the season. National League Standings Charter Oak, 15-13. The don- Granger p 10 0 0 Aspinook Pond. hitter and struck out four to win New York axis. Carew, who season, was the 1973 All-Star Marshall, as well as Tom 7 win over DeMolay last night Thomas cf 4 111 Patek ss 4 0 2 2 ToUls 36 3 8 3 ToUls 32 4 7 4 Pittsburgh 010101 OOx— 3 winning five-run eighth inning The New York Mets defeated blast nybrook wasn’t decided until ’ Colborn p 0 0 0 0 Briles p 0 0 0 0 E-Lopes, Parker. DP-Piltsburgh 2, Los Fishing for white perch is joins Cincinnati’s Johnny Bench game’s Most Valuable Player Seaver and Jon Matlack of New at Nike. One out when winning run scored rally with his 18th homer and the Atlanta Braves 2-1 in 10 in- his fourth game for the Car- w. 1. pet. g-b- as the only players elected to as a San Francisco Giant. York, Jerry Reuss of the first extra inning which . Rodriguez p 0 0 0 0 Splittorff p 0 0 0 0 Montreal 120 000 000 0— 3 Angeles 1. LOB-Los Angeles 6. Pittsburgh good in the Connecticut River. dinals. Pittsburgh 51 32 .614 — Mark Hanna, Ken Ferry, found Nelson scoring four titnes McDaniel p 0 0 0 0 Houston Oil 000 0011— 4 6. Philadelphia 47 X .547 5(^ start by the fans in all six years Jackson, with 1,590,346, is a Pittsburgh, Tug McGraw of Jack Hughes and Ted Delude 'Touts 36 6 12 6 ToUls 38 4 12 4 2B-SUrgell, Parker. HR-Hale (2). SF- •New York 43 X .531 7 four-time starter and a five- and Fuller three runs. DP-Montreal 2, Houston 1. LOB- of fan voting, was nam ^ on Philadelphia, Phil Niekro of each added two hits for the Milwaukee 140 100 000-6 Montreal 8, Houston 7. Hebner. Marine Fishing .St. Louis 40 43 .482 11 almost half of the ballots cast. time All-Star; Rudi, at 1,460,- Atlanta and Randy Jones of San A1 McCall collected a double Kansas City 010 021 OOO- 4 2B-Mangual, Howard. HR-Rader (6). Ip h r er bb so Fishing for blues is reported Chicago ' X 47 .453 UW winners. No member of the and three singles and Steve . E-Thomas. Porter, DP-Milwaukee 1, Messersmith L 12-37 6 3 2 2 2 Montreal 34 45 .4X 15 Carew, the AL’s leading 338, is starting for the first Diego. losing side had more than one SB-Mangual. Cedeno. S-Gross. SF-Metz spotty throughout Long Island Kansas City 1. LOB-Milwaukee8. Kansas ger. Marshall 1 1 0 0 0 1 West batter at .368, received 3,165,614 time, but making his third All- The AL reserves were to be Smyth and Rich Eckler each Kison W 8-4 723 7 2 2 2 3 ^und. Some of the better areas EMPTIQNAL VALDES bingle. •City 8. ip h r er bb so w. 1 . pel. g-b. votes, and has now named an Star appearance. announced late Thursday; the had three-hit showings. Carl 2B-Thomas, Cowens, Scott. 3B-Sheldon. Giusti 113 1 0 0 I 1 are Race, the Sluiceway, Plum Cincinnati 57 29 .663 — DUSTY Blair 813 6 3 3 4 1 Staub Homers, Seaver Wins All-Star starter in each of his Boston’s Fred Lynn, a write- NL alternates early Friday. Lajeusse led the losers with -HR-Money 2 (4, 5), Darwin (10). SB- DeMola L 2-2 1 1110 1 Save-Giusti (9). Gut, New Haven and Los Angeles 48 X .552 9W Before the rains came, three hits and Steve Howroyd , Patek, Money. SF-Money. Forsch 8 7 3 3 1 6 WP-Messersmith 2, Kison. ATLANTA (UPI) - No the game after seven innings San Francisco 40 45 .471 m ip h r er bb so T-2;06. A-22,613. south of Branford Reef. Dal Canton gave up five hits, San Diego 40 45 .471 m from Vittner’s Gardens trounced the Steve Rascher and Don Piecuch SUnton 1-3 0 0 0 3 0 one was more surprised than with a 1-1 tie. 'Colborn W 4-7 51-3 9 4 4 1 1 struck out four and walked only Atlanta X 48 .429 X Angels last night at Robertson added two each to the attack. Granger W 2-2 123 1 0 0 0 1 is very “I hadn’t pitched that long Wl t L Rodriguez 323 3 0 0 0 2 HBP-by Forsch (Jorgensen). DeMola San Diego Chicago Bruce Dal Canton when he one in the seven innings he Houston 32 57 3X ajTi Giusti Lodges Protest Briles L 4-4 1 5 4 4 0 1 (Howard). ab r h bi ab r h bi spotty with a few being caught pitched Tom Seaver even for since last season when I lost a 2- worked. During that same span, DELUXE CHAMPION Splittorff 513 5 2 2 4 4 Grubb cf 3 12 1 Kessinger ss 3 0 2 2 at the Race, the Sluiceway and 1 game at Chicago. I had Wednesday s Results T-2:12. A3304. seven innings. Seaver allowed seven hits while McDaniel 223 2 0 0 0 0 Fuentes 2b 4 0 10 Cardenal If 3 0 0 0 Plum Gut. become the forgotten man at San Diego 3 Chicago 2 Over Alston^s Choices Briles pitched to 3 batters in 2nd. Tolan lb 4 0 11 Monday cf 4 0 0 0 Seaver, now 13-4, i wound up striking out seven and walking Pittsburgh 3 Los Angeles 2. night 4-ply polyester cord Save-Rodriguez (5). Philadelphia Cincinnati Kansas City. I really don’t know .New York 2 Atlanta 1. 10 innings, ab r h bi ab r h bi Winfield rf 4 110 Morales rf 4 0 10 Black fishing and the winner Wednesday night two. ^ Strong, smooth-riding d-ply tiro PITTSBURGH (UPI) - relief pitcher, but the statistics T-2:29. A-13367. Sharon If 2 0 10 Thornton lb 4 0 10 why they didn’t use me at all night I t I MOMtiortil low prico. BASEBALL Cash 2b 4 110 Rose 3b 5 0 11 (porgy) fishing is good in most when Rusty Staub’s homer with Everyday discount prices ^ Dtop concivo-moidod treid gives fuN Dave Giusti, the Pittsburgh have to come out too. Chicago Detroit Torres ss 3 0 11 Mltterwald c 4 0 0 0 after May 3.” "I wasn’t as sharp as I’d like Cincinnati 9 Philadelphia 7, night treid-to-roid contact for long, even weir I Bowa ss 4 0 0 0 Griffey rf 4111 rocky areas, particularly two out in the top of the 10th in- St. Louis 9 San Francisco D, night' Pirates’ top relief pitcher, said “It’s not only a name...but ab r h hi ab r b hi Johnstone rf 4 1 3 2 Morgan 2b 3 0 0 1 Hundley c 3 0 0 0 Trlllo 2b 3 110 Dal Canton actually missed to have been,” said Seaver, who ^ Aggressive 7-rib treed providei INTERTOWN „Kelly rf 5 0 10 LeFlore cf 5 010 McCovey ph 1 0 0 0 Summers ph 1 0 0 0 Seaflower Reef, Bartlett’s ning gave the New York Mets a Houston 4 Montreal 3, 10 innigs. night ^ outstanding traction. he is not too upset over being what a guy has done the first Garber p 0 0 0 0 Flynn 2b 0 0 0 0 beating Seaver by only one allowed nine hits and had nine •3“a * 5 « l E S S »Dent ss 5 0 2 0 Sutberind 2b 5 0 1 0 McGraw p 0 0 0 0 Bench c 5 3 3 1 Kendall c 0 0 0 0 Sparring 3b 3 110 Reef, Goshen Point, Black 2-1 victory over the Atlanta BLA ■L 1 Two three-run innings and Hernandz ss 3 1 1 0 ^hn p 10 0 0 pitch—a wild pitch in the fourth strikeouts over the full 10 in- Thursday's Games P*r tir« th«n r«g. Fall 74 pric«t. ;kwa passed up for the All-Star half of the year. But it’s 19th HOLE -May lb 4010 Meyer If .1110 Twitchell p 0 0 0 0 Perez Ib 3 2 2 2 Braves. San Diego iFreisleben 33i at Chicago RbB. ObCMMMt Itl another for four gave Franklin Point, Hatchett’s Reef, the nings. “I had a lot of trouble Sim liSS game, but he expressed sur- Alston’s prerogative. I was Johnson dh 4 0 0 0 SUnley If 2 2 2 0 Luzinski If 4 112 Foster If 4 0 10 Locklear ph 1 0 0 0 Zamora p 0 0 0 0 inning that moved Staub to se- hi 74 prIcM (MCfel 1 a 10-2 win over Crispino’s last Kubiak 3b 0 0 0 0 Thimble Islands and Branford But that’s another story. (Burris 73). 2:X p.m. B78-13 T24.20/ *5.25 •16.96 *1.84 1 prise at the selection of the Los overlooked before in other Following are the pairings Hendersn cf 3 0 2 0 Horton dh 4 2 3 0 Allen lb 2 0 0 0 Geronimo cf 4 12 0 cond from where he scored on a getting my breaking ball over. Montreal (Fryman 63) at Atlanta C78-14 4.05 20.95 2.04 night at East Catholic. 8:23 Watson, Steeves, E. Heath, -Melton 3b 4 00 0 Freebanc 4 123 Strom p 2 0 10 Reef. Dal Canton, picked up on 078-14 3.65 21.95- 2.10 t Angeles Dodgers’ Mike yearswhen I felt I was more and starting times for the Mistretta Hilgendorf pO0 0 0 Concepcin ss3 1 2 2 single by Del Unser. (Niekro 8-7). 7:X p.m. E78-14 Ojo Hairston U 2 110 Pierce lb 4 0 2 3 Anderson rf 111 0 BlUinghm p 2 0 0 0 Greif p 0 0 0 0 waivers by the Braves from “At one point, (catcher Los Angeles iUooton 63) at Pittsburgh 3.65 22.95 2 27 The locals were held to four 8:30 Moran, King, Pietrantonio, ToUls X 3 9 4 ToUls X 2 6 2 Considerable numbers of “There are pitches that you F78-14 20^6 3.60 24.95 2.40 Marshall. deserving. qualifying rounds of the Zemke 'Stein 2b 300 0 Roberts rf 4000 Schmidt 3b 412 2 CCairroU p 0 0 0 0 Kansas City where he had been Jerry) Grote came out and (Reuss 731, 7:X p.m. G78-14 3.75 26.95 2 56 1 hits while Franklin made the . . Nyman ph 1 0 0 0 Veryzer ss 3 0 0 0 .San Diego 101 1X000-3 wish you could take back the B78-13 H78-14 4.06 27.91 2.77 1 “One year at the All-Star Manchester Country Club Class 8:37 R. Gordon, Pearson, B. Heath, Boone c 4 0 10 Crowley ph 0 0 0 0 weakfish to seven pounds are 0-2 with a 15.58 ERA early in asked me if the ball was slick. I Black waH. G78-15 y00.4& 3.50 26.95 2.60 1 most of six hits, four local “I was very surprised that Clark Downing c 4 112 Rodriguz 3b 4 010 Maddox cf 4 12 0 Rtlnmnd ph 10 0 0 Chicago 002 0X 000-2 appearing in the lower Connec- minute they leave your hand,” Friday's Games PlusM.84 H78-15 ^32.7B\ 3.80 28.95 2.83 1 break I had about 14 saves and “A” Club Championships to be E-Zahn. DP-Chicago 1. LOB-San Diego the season, hadn’t pitched in a told him ‘no, I just can’t get a F. E. T. a nd errors and walks to win easily. Marshall made the All-Star 8:44 Gazza, Moriarty, Lovett, Lavinio Jefferson p 0 0 0 0 Bare p 0 0 0 0 Lonborg p 1 0 0 0 Borbon p 0 0 0 0 said Dal Canton. “I suppose San Francisco at Chicago All prices plus tax and old tire. was 7-0, and I was still passed played Saturday and Sunday. 8:51 McGurkin, Galske, Dotchin, Osborn p 0 0 0 0 5, Chicago 5. ticut River, Indian Neck, and old tire Whjiawall in above aixae add *3. team,” Giusti said after preser- McCarvr ph 1 1 1 0 Driessen ph 1111 game in 65 days. that wild pitch was one of them. curve over.’” Los Angeles at St. Louis, night ALUMNI JUNIOR up. I’m not that upset about it 8:02 Fahey, Kennedy, Bogglnl, M. Hilinski Hamilton p 0 0 0 0 2B-Grubb, Thornton, Strom, Sharon. S- Branford Harbor. They will .Montreal at Atlanta, night ving a 3-2 victory over the 8:58 Prior, Evelhodi, Kaye, Maddox Schueler p 0 0 0 0 Eastwick p 0 0 0 0 “ I didn’t know what to this year. ’There are other guys LaFrancis Upshaw p 0 0 0 0 Hutton lb 2 0 0 0 Slrom, Zahn, Kessinger. SF-Grubb. take poppers, plugs, shrimp and But I was more upset about the After the game, Seaver sat Philadelphia at Houston, night Failing to show for the second 8:09 Cooney, Wolf, Riordan, S. 9:05 Ottaviano, Matava, Backiel, ip h r er bb so expect,’’ the 33-year-old Dodgers Wednesday night, his who are more deserving thw Torrance ’ 'Touts 35 2 8 2 ToUls 36 6 13 6 ToUls 35 7 12 6 Totals 35 9 13 9 worms. pitch Unser bit. I meant to keep San Diego at PUttsburgh. 2. twinight night in a row, Manchester Ferguson Chicago 000 020000-2 Strom W 4-2 8 6 2 2 2 4 righthander said after leaving with an ice pack on his right ninth save of the year. I.” 8:16 K. Gordon, R. B a rn ln ^ tn , D. 9:12 McKee, Tomciuk, R. Tarca, Philadelphia 000 006 OOB— 7 it down and it stayed up.” shoulder. New York at Cincinnati, 2. twinight SMALL GARSI State Bank forfeited to Krause Heath, Kieman s Wilks Detroit 201030 00x-6 Cincinnati 000 30105x— 9 Greif 1 0 0 0 0 0 fishing is good in Firestone Champion* Florist last night at Cheney. “There are a number of guys 9:19 R. Clough, Mikolowricy, Strella, . E-Melton. DP-Chicago 2. LOB-Chicago E-Lonborg, Rose, Bench. DP-Cincinnati Zahn L 23 8 8 3 2 2 0 Atherton 9. Detroit 11. Zamora I 1 0 0 1 1 the deeper areas. A few 6.BO-13 Three runs in the first for (relief pitchers) having a better 9:26 L. AnnuUi, Eagleson, Wall, Fay 4. LOB-Philadelphia2, Cincinnati?. summer flounder have been aURGBW H I 6. 00-13 Btaekwatl. 2B-Kelly. HR-Downing (5), Freehan (8). 2B-Johnstone, Anderson, Bench. 3B- Strom pitched 1 batter in 9th. PtusM.75 to M.77 Liggett Parkade failed to stand year,” he said. “I think I am. A1 SUNDAY $1^5' Blackwell. ip h r er bb so Schmidt, Griffey. HR-Luzinski (23), Save-Greif (6). taken up to 10 pounds. I Plus M.44 to *1.60 F/famany F. E.T. and ol d t i re. up and Manchester Credit Hrabosky (of St. Louis) has 12 8:D2 Mutty, Charlebols, Olesinski, Sar- ’ Jefferson L 1-4 2 6 3 3 2 2 T-2;ll. A-14301. F.E.T. and old tire. V»M9nta.D9rts. Triumphs, tor: Schmidt (151, Perez (12), Bench (18). SB- Union went on to score a 5-3 or 13 saves and Clay Carroll (of 8:09 L. Pientratonlo, S. Leone, M. .. Osborn 213 3 3 3 0 1 to Blue crabbing is picking up in Driessen. SF-Morgan, Griffey. Fits msny Vsgsx Pintox Crsmtinx B.60-1B Hamilton 113 1 0 0 2 2 CABLE TV OF MANCHESTER □ Dstsunx Toyotsx Opeis. HHO Blackwell. decision at the Oval last night. Cincinnati) also has had a Riggotl, D. Tarca ip h r er bb so eastern and central Long Island _ J Plus *1.69 to *1.79 8:16 E. Lorentzen, Butkus, Slnicrope, Upshaw 213 3 0 0 I 2 Lonborg 5 53311 WHITEWALLS PROPORTIONATELY LOW PRICED. F.E.T and old tire. Skip Modean and John Kelly better year. T. LaFrancis Bare W43 982232 Sound. Among the better areas Fits many VWx Sssbs. Schueler 23 2 1 1 1 1 each had two hits for the Union "I think Marshall’s missed 8:23 B. Lennon, Herdic, Kristof, Jefferson pitched to 2 batters in 3rd. are Great Harbor, Branford AND Carlson Hilgendorf 113 0 0 0 0 0 Soccer Tie with Milt Greenberg tripling. about 40 days,” Giusti said. “ I T-2:13. A-16,156. Garber L 73 13 4 4 4 0 1 River, East Haven River, 8:30 G. Pietrantonio, J. Wigren, R. PROVIDENCE. R.I. (U P I)- Will Britnell and Bob Claughsey guess (Dodger Manager Walt) SOCCER Riggott, B. Charlebols Baltimore California McGraw 13 2 1 1 1 0 Sherwood Island and around each had three base blows for Alston figures he’s still the best The low 31 of the above, plus the 1974 ab r h bi ab r h bl Twitchell 13 0 0 0 0 0 The Rhode Island Oceaneers Stratford. club champion, Len Horvatn, will move Singleton rf 5 0 10 Rcmy 2b 4 0 2 0 Billingham 513 6 5 5 1 0 and the Connecticut Yankees BILL SAVITT Liggett. into match play. Offshore fishing over the Grich 2b 3 0 10 cf 3 0 0 0 C.Carroll 23 1 0 0 0 0 played to a 1-1 tie Wednesday DOUBU-HITED JUNIOR MIDGETS Ellington Ridge Four Ball ' Davis dh 5 0 10 Harper dh 4 0 0 0 Borbon W 5-1 2 20000 weekend: One boat caught Two goals each by Bill Frat- Two overtimes were needed May lb 5 0 10 SUnton rf 4 110 Eastwick 1 3 2 2 0 0 night in an American Soccer three . short course pairings on Satur- T-2;25. A-28,789. League game. ISTBIlIWliJUITIlES taroli and Barry Vincens led the before the Oceaneers were able day: Baylor If 2 10 0 Chalk 3b 2 110 Leading Vote-Getter Bicentennials to a 5-1 win over to pin a defeat on the Wings, Blair cf 4 110 Llenas lb 3 0 2 0 ENDORSE THE BENEFIT 7:30 Seraphin Robinson 3b 3 0 2 2 Lahoud ph 0 0 0 0 the Hurricanes last night. John Roger Greenwood’s score at 7:38 Podolny NEW YORK (UPI) — For the third consecutive year, Duncan c 3 0 10 Nettles if 0 10 0 Rubin added the other tally and 1:40 turning the trick. 7:46 Keating, Danigelis, Robinson, Belanger ss 4 0 10 Baiaz If 3 0 10 •8“ t. *14" OFF Cincinnati catcher Johnny Bench was the leading vote- Gameau Robbie Saunders’ goal averted It was a personal scoring duel 7:54 McCarthy, Cohn, Fahle, Grilli Grimsley p 0 0 0 0 Collins ph 10 12 our regular June prices per tire getter for the' National League All-Star team, which is a shutout for the losers. Dean between two of the top players. 8:02 Becker, Ertman, Zackin, Byk Alexander p 0 0 0 0 Doberty lb 0 0 0 0 dominated by the Reds and Los Angeles Dodgers. 8:10 McKone, Lawrence, Eterglund, Rodriguez c 4 0 11 Pagani and Sharon Weston Greenwood and John Hedlund. Musco Miley ss 3 0 2 0 NITE SOFTBALL GAME ______BLA IKWA .L In being chosen to the team for a record-tying eighth played well for the losers. The former accounted for all 8:18 McHugh, Budlong, Roth, Kamins Tanana p 0 0 0 0 Jww Deluxe Giiamplon SItt hsom Oar t Bl a F.E.I 8:26 Sanborn, Webber, Howat, Berger " Kirkwood p 0 0 0 0 sn prtev consecutive year. Bench drew 2,930,147 votes, almost 400,- Two scores in each of the first his team ’s scores while 8:34 Latimer A78-13 133.^ *9.30 *23.95 *1.77 two periods powered the Hedlund’s three scores con- 8:42 Pagani, Drumm, Rubin, TanUlIo ToUls 34 2 9 2 ToUls 31 3 11 3 878-14 9.00 25.95 2 02 000 more than the runnerup in the fans’ balloting, Joe Baltimore 000000020-2 Sup-R-Belt‘ C78-14 nM 8.60 26.95 2.10 Eartquakes to a 5-0 win deci- stituted the Wing scoring total. Jr. E76-14 9.06 27.96 232 Morgan, a Cincinnati teammate. 8:50 O'Brien, Farley, Dickenson, Shea . California OOO 001 (Ex— 3 F78-14 4d!7B 960 30.98 2.47 sion over the Yankees. Jeff 8:58 R. Clark E-Robinson. DP-Baltimore2, California G78-14 4^ 10.65 31.95 262 avi H78-14 ^75 10.80 34.95 2.84 Lombardo and Tommy Roach The game between the 9:06 Smith, DeRoo, Cox, Cavedon 1. LOB-Baltimore 11, California 8. ; F78-15 9.95 31.95 2.55 9:14 Ferrigno, Ehrlich, Cbupas, Potter 2B-Balaz. Miley 2, May, 3B-Collins. S-, Omoatti-rMIng cord body or G78-15 10.66 32.85 2.69 each tallied once in each of the Matadors and Apollos was 9:22 Cristofaiii, Peters, Doiid, Rankin H78-15 m 'si 10.90 35.95 ' Rivers, Chalk. 2.92 first two periods and Steve rained out and is reset for today 9:30 Karliner ip h r. er bb so J78-15 >16.56 11.60 36.95 3.09 9:38 Salad, Hermanson, Peracebio, L78-15 /50.75' 11.80 36.95 321 Sheldon added the finale in the at 5:30. Grimsley L 5-10 7 i3 10 3 2 2 3 W/s to POLYESnR Dushane As A7B-13 Alexander 23 1 0 0 0 0 BlaekwaU. Load Range B fourth stanza. All three Cougar goals came 9:46 Stein, H. Clark, Avedisian, Plus *1.77 Whitewall In 'above tlxaa add *3. in the first peri^ en route to a Krefetz Tanana W 73 813 8 2 2 6 9 F.E.T and PEEWEE 9:54 Goodman, Yosha, Latimer III, Kirkwood 23 1 0 0 0 0 HBERGLASS >£* old tire. 3-1 triumph over the Olym- double belt fbr long mHeage 98a* Two overtimes failed to Richmond ' Save-Kirkwood (6). MEN'S 10:02 Tulin, Carlson, Weinstein, FREE MOUNTINGlI produce a winner as the Stars pics. Tom Wood, Bill Masse and ' WP-Tanana. Jansen T-2;31. A-10342. and Cosmos battled to a Mike Calabro tallied for the 10:10 Greenfield, Cook, Channin, R.T. Heslin scoreless tie. Dave Simler of Cougars with Bill Chambers Jack Nicklaus reaching ghe nets for the 10:26 Tantillo, Corcoran, Geddes, •• Texa s New York TENNIS FRONT END the Stars and Rich Bohadik of Tourtellotte ab r h bi . ab r h bi O’s.Bob Madore played a strong 10:34 S. Tantillo, Vignati, Peck, Wiley Coach Worte the Cosmos played well. 10:42 Zaccaro, Roberto, Prentiss, Tovar dh 5 0 2 0 Coggins cf 4 0 10 game in defeat. GOLF BALLS ALIGNMENT AUTO BODY • CUSTOM & Three second quarter goals Olender Harrah 2b 4 10 0 White If 4 0 10 Don Bissette’s goal 29 . Fregosi lb 5 0 10 Blombrg dh 4 0 10 SHIRTS & SHORTS Precision alignment powered the Chiefs to a 4-1 deci- 10:50 Rossitto, Lauritzen, PaganettI, Made by... MacGregor by skilled mechanics. COMPLETE PAINTING seconds into the second period Filloramo Burroghs rf 3 0 10 Munson c 4 0 0 0 sion against the Tornadoes with was all the Toros needed to up- 10:58 McMeekin, Shapiro, Garbrous, . Grieve If 4 0 2 1 Chambiss lb 3 0 0 0 FREE ESTIMATES John Janenda getting two Buoniconti Randle cf 4 0 0 0 Nettles 3b 3 0 0 0 set the Falcons, 1-0. Ken Boutin 11:14 Salad, Davis, Mosher, B. Salad scores and Danny Gauchione ' Cardenas 3b 4 1 I 0 Whitfield rf 3 0 0 0 excelled for the winners with 11:22 Crichton, Potter, Kueza, Masley Smalley ss 2 10 0 Mason ss 2 0 10 IP A and Aaron Buezek the others 11:38 Howat, Hanks, Conyers, Scran- 20% OFF Marty Simon and Rob Cowley Sundberg c 3 113 Herrmnn ph 1 0 0 0 for the Chiefs. Danny Marshall ton playing best for the Falcons. 11:48 Kemp, Belter, Marsh, Paster- ,. Jenkins p 0 0 0 0 Brinkman ssO 0 0 0 Y COLORS - SOLIDS - C O TTO N S - POLYESTERS scored for the losers. nack SUnley 2b 2 0 0 0 11:54 Kaprove, Kellner, Baum, Lingua Pinlella ph 10 0 0 \\ 06-10001-5 Alomar 2b 0 0 0 0 ^ ^ May p 0 0 0 0 front 6nd algnment ’ ’ Tidrow p 0 0 0 0 ToUls 34 4 8 4 ToUls 31 0 4 0 LADIES' Texas 100 003000-4 spin babnoe on car New York 000 000 000-0 E-Harrah. DP-Texas 1, New York 1. American pkg.( cars LOB-Tcxas 9, New York 4. DRESSES & SUITS shocks 2B-Gricve. HR-Sundberg I6I. Parts extra, if needed. Additional balls MUFFLERS ip h r ur bb so Umpire Bill Savitt will be behind Home Plate calling $1.00 each. NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE Dai jonis Jenkins W 10-9 9 4 0 0 0 5 for factory air or torsion bar cars. May L 73 523 6 4 4 6 5 ’em Right. He kriowe diamonds and will give both teams Tidrow 313 2 0 0 0 3 DRHCS WP;May. Lip Service and P.O.M.G. MSTMIED T-2;08. A-10.779. 33 Vs OFF Mott Ford, Chovyt and Plymoulha. GREAT SELECTION OF NOTE: WE ALSO BALANCE ComparaMa pricaa Cleveland Oakland Tomorrow Nile at 8 on all olhar ab r h bi ab r h bi / FAMOUS NAME WHEELS Mulflara. Lowenstn dh 2 0 0 0 Campnrs ss 2 0 10 OPEN W V YOUR MICHELIN | TIRE HEADQUARTERS Carty dh 1 0 0 0 North cf 2 12 1 MON. thru FR IH ^ BRANDS Free estkiiates - Master Charge BankAiiiericard • Mobi Kuiper 2b 4 12 0 Washingtn If 3 1 1 0 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Manning rf 4 0 10 Jackson rf 4 0 11 12 Noon to Charter Oak Field, Manchester BZ97; Powell lb 3 0 0 0 Rudi lb 4 0 2 1 8to6pm Spikes |lh 1 0 0 0 Williams dh 3 0 0 0 8 P.M. Hendricks cf 4 0 1 0 Tenace c 4 0 0 0 SAT. til 5:30 MANCHESTER SATURDAY 9 to 4. Gamble If 3 0 0 0 Bando 3b 4 0 0 0 WDRC^ofties vs. WTIC Titantics RegalSSISr Ellis ph 1011 Garner 2b 3 110 325 BROAD ST. by appointment Sudakis c 4 0 0 0 Bosnian p 0 0 0 0 All Proceeds Benefit of NEW HOPE MANOR We offer convenience along ulth a tuperlor producL Bell 3b 2 0 0 0 Lindblad p 0 0 0 0 Duffy ss 2 0 0 0 Fingers p 0 0 0 0 THE For GIrlD who are Friendleu, Alont and Naod Halp To Bolwa Thoir Drug Problama 646-3356 244 BROAD STREET Raich p 0 0 0 0 MON. thru FRI. 8-5:30 Corner of Broad LaRoche p 0 0 0 0 ROUTE 30, POST RD. PLAZA ToUls 31 1 5 1 Totals 29 3 8 3 DONATION $2.00 (Tax Deductible) R4ANCHESTER ■T .L r' and Canter Street Mon.>Fri...8 a.m. ■ 9 p.m. ■(ALPINE VERNON SAT. 8-12:30 Cleveland 000000001-1 TEL. 872-0547 Phone fl(46<2112 8«l ...... 8 ■•in, • 8 p.m. Oakland 2a)010 00x-3 Qp EXIT 9 6 OF F 1-86 What The World Needs Now Is Love and P,0»M»G» 6454253 E-Bell. DP-Oakland I. LOB-Clevcland6, VERNON Oakland 8. ■HAUS

't PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs., July 10, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., July 10, 1975— PAGE SEVENTEEN Gardner To Sue College ^ hospital ‘Health Fair’ Planned in Vernon Tolland To Set Up Program for Educable Retarded James Gardner, the state Board of IVustees for said the suit will be brought NOTES Citing the need to involve peo- For many years various ser- R. Bernard Crowl, executive program provides group in- Parker and Hicks schools have Manchester Community Regional Community Colleges. against MCC President Ronald VIVIAN KENNESON the tuition costs is projected at board has agreed to hire an students from Vernon; assist As presently envisioned, ple in having diagnostic health vice groups sponsored a director of the chamber, said She Herato been identified as EMR. These surance for small businesses College lecturer dismissed Gardner said he’s scheduled a Denison, Dean of Students $10,800, plus transportation EMR teacher. other students not presently Vautour said, the EMR teacher VISITING HOURS services Glen Roberts told the products show in town but the that the 87 persons enrolled in not eligible under the regular Area Profile The Board of Education children have been functioning from his job without being press conference Friday mor- Robert Fenn, the Board of expenses. The six children are The actual cost savings for classified EMR. and students Would be fully In- Surgical and medical wings, Board of Directors of the project was dropped for the the chamber’s group insurance group insurance policy. Wednesday approved the es- in modified programs within given a reason, said today he’ll ning at the MCC campus to out- Trustees and its executive within the legal age range of 7 the six children involved would Vautour also recommended tegrated into one of the existing 12:30 to 2 p.m. and 4 to 8 p.m.; Rockville Area Chamber of past several years. Manufac- program are being contacted Mrs. Ann Humphry of the tablishment of an Educably the schools; however, Vautour bring a federal court lawsuit line details of the suit, which director, Searle F. Charles, as to 11 years for an EMR be negligible, according to that the EMR program be es- IGE units. Primary respon- Maternity, 2 to 4 p.m. and 6:30 Commerce Wednesday that 9 turers and retailers from Ver- concerning several riders Mentally Retarded (EMR) found upon review that con- will seek punitive damages. He individuals. Beautification Committee said program. Vautour. However, three tablished in the Hicks building. sibility ' for core academics against college officials and the to 8 p.m. (fathers 8 to 9 p.m.); “Health Fair” is being planned. non, Ellington, and Tolland will available on their policies. One program in Tolland, as tinuation of these children Gardner said the basis of the she expects, when all figures GOP Women Hear Based on Vautour's strong possibilities are present in con- He notes that IGE offers would be with the special Pediatrics, parents anytime, Roberts is on the Committee be involved. The board ap- of these is the new dental rider. recommended by Cam Vautour, within the existing programs is lawsuit will be alleged denial of are in, that her committee will feelings that it is important for nection with the program— maximum opportunity for the education teacher, but the others 12:30 to 8 p.m.; Intensive on Aging of the Hockanum proved the project. He said 75 per cent participa- director of Pupil Personnel Ser- not possible. his 14th Amendment rights to show a $300 profit from the sale the children to remain in town receive students from other continued integration of these students would receive regular Care Unit, immediate family Valley Services Council. He Diana said the show will not tion of the 87 persons must be vices. Alternate placements out of due process. Atty. Robert Hir- of plants and flower boxes last Office Seekers and with their peer groups, the towns on a tuition basis; possi- six students in classroom ac- instruction in other subjects only, five minutes per hour. was appointed to that com- be tied in with the bicentennial assured before anyone can add At present six students in the town have been explored and AREA tle of Hartford will represent spring. This money will be ble return of Tolland EMR tivities. such as science, art, and music. Admitted Wednesday: Mary mittee by the directors. theme as he feels that is the riders. divided in some way among the Gardner. Chalifoux, School St., Plans are to have the health perhaps being overworked at A special meeting will be POLICE REPORT Gardner was notified verbal- The chamber’s insurance three towns involved in the HEBRON Rockville: Steven Ferwerda, fair Sept. 18 on the green in the this time. chamber. called in August to prepare ly April 16 that his annual lec- center of Rockville. Roberts Anne Dallaire Pine Knob Dr., South Windsor; 228-3267 peppers and onions for the Schools Change Reporting System TRINITY COVENANT turer contract wouldn’t be Laura Kratzke, Pinnacle Rd., said booths will be set up and grinder booth. charged Wednesday with The Republican Women’s VER NO N renewed at the college. He was Ellington; Nora Larson, West their will be privacy for those Divers Search Vernon Police have ap- breach of peace and interfering also told his summer school job Club heard from persons in- Transfers of monies was the CHURCH Willington; Cynthia Lemek, having the tests. The program would be depefl- ferences will be scheduled Oct. only three times a year, the prehended two juveniles and with a police officer in connec- was terminated, but he was For Dynamite T a g w a y terested in the Republican par- main business item. TOLLAND 302 Hackmatack Straat Goose Lane, Tolland; Robert Roberts said he plans to 14 and 15; Dec. 8 to 10; March 23 totpl. program offers much turned them over to juvenile tion with the investigation of a NEW HAVEN (UPI) - ty endorsement for municipal VIVIAN KENNESON dent upon a variety of given no reasons for the dis- Lemieux Jr., Foster St., South devote full time to the Depart- Softball Picnic and 24; and April 28.and 29. In more information to parents authorities in connection with complaint of another resident Police divprs today planned to office at Tuesday night’s procedures and instruments; missal. Windsor; James Rock, Anthony ment on Aging for the next six wUl p a y y o u The Stingrays, Barracudas The Board of Education addition, Mr. Winans will issue than was previously available. VACATION the investigation of a complaint at 41 Spring St. He was to resume their search for meeting. keyed to the educational objec- Gardner’s grievance was Rd., Tolland; Henry Welz, months and then it is hoped a Wednesday approved a to all parents of 4th grade of vandalism at Rockville High appear in court in Rockville, dynamite in the Quinnipiac Among those speaking were and Thunderbirds, girls’ soft- tives of each school; afford rejected by Denison, and an in- Windsor. full-time paid professional will ball team (9 to 12) will hold a proposal which will alter the students a mid-term report on School. Police said the in- t^ay. River, where eight sticks of the f o r t r a d i n g i i i Mike Biskupiak who is seeking recognition of individual NOTEZ BIEN! BIBLE SCHOOL junction sought by Garndner in Discharged Wednesday: take over the job. picnic July 20, at 11 a.m. at evaluation and reporting differences among pupils; en- Oct. 10. Conferences in October vestigation is continuing. Robert Ignatowicz, 21, of 33 explosive were found late the party endorsement for first BOGOTA Colombia (UPD - the Court of Common Pleas was Leigh Argenta, Stafford Steven Diana, treasurer of Grayville Falls Town Park for courage a positive home-school at Hicks will concentrate on July 14-18 Over the past two days paper Vernon Ave., Rockville, was Wednesday. selectman; Andrew Mulligan, system at Parker and Hicks The Education Ministry plans to denied last month. Springs; Robert Bedford, the board, said at the last y o u r o l C s h o e s the girls and their families. schools. relationship; give emphasis third grade, and mid-term and soap powder was thrown charged Wednesday with third- Gardner said he’s been Fishermen found four sticks Jeff Odell and Roger Terranova phase out French as an olbligato- Carpenter Rd., Manchester; meeting of the chamber’s Hotdogs and refreshments Robert Lincoln, Parker upon two-way communication reports will go to all parents on 9 A.M. - Noon about inside the school and degree criminal trespassing on meeting informally with MCC on the banks of the river near who expressed interest in the ry subject for all high school Donald Holland, Esther Ave., executive board the possibility will be provided with the School principal, and Andrew rather than one-way reporting. Feb. 6 and April 23. some equipment has been a rearrest warrant issued by officials since the Court of East Grand Avenue, and divers Board of Finance. graduates, leaving English as Ellington; Sheila Kennedy, of having a products show was Put your old shoes in the bin for families being asked to provide Winans, Hicks School principal, ''Clap Your Hands, Jesus Is Lord” broken, police said. Common Pleas Court 19. later found the other four on the Mrs. Sandra Kalom who is the only required foreign Common Pleas decision, but he Riverside Dr., Vernon; discussed. A committee was have established objectives for Superintendent of Schools Dr. Ag e s 3-to those in 8th Gra d e In Fall Howard Wilson, 19, of 19 Cot- Police said Ignatowicz was bottom of the river, police said. filling a finance board vacancy the rest of their lunch. Report cards will be issued on language for final examinations. hasn’t made any progress. Patricia Michaud, Reeves Rd., formed with Diana as tem- charity and get $1 off any purchase an effective evaluation and Kenneth MacKenzie, in C a ll tage St., Rockville, was originally arrested on June 2 No wires or detonating caps was unable to attend the Girls are asked to notify Dec. 3, March 17, and the end of The local association of “We have no recourse now Ellington; Ellsworth porary chairman, and, after their coaches by July 14 if they reporting program which would recommending approval of the arrested Wednesday on a and he failed to appear in court were found in the area, they meeting, but sent a letter to the school in June. To supplement French teachers has protested 649 - 28SS or 644 - 3111 but an all-out battle in court,” Nicholson, Ellington Ave., contacting several persons the be continuous and on-going. program, noted that although warrant issued by Common Tuesday as scheduled. He was said. of 7.99 or more and 50c up to 7.99 club expressing her interest. are able to attend the picnic. these reports, parent con- against the decree, pleading for To Register Gardner today. Rockville; Floyd O'Brien, Hun- committee felt there is enough report cards would be issued Pleas Court 19 charging him released on a $50 surety bond Mrs. Caroline Murphy and “cultural diversity." tington Dr., Vernon; Margaret interest in such a project to Limit: one trade-in per item purchased. Rxrtwear and harxbags only. with third-degree burglary and for appearance in court in Joseph Pelletier discussed their O’Neil, South St., Rockville; make it a success. fourth-degree larceny. Rockville, July 30. Ocean(^raphers warn that the OPEN EVERY DAY candidacies for the Board of Stephen Oskin, Hammond St., Tentative plans are to name YOU ALWAYS Police said the arrest was Norman Cook, 32, of 336 strongest swimmer cannot over- 10 to 10 Education seats. Rockville; Kathleen Ritter, the project, “Community Show- made as the result of the in- Center Rd., Vernon, was come a rip tide, which can travel SAVE AT THE K-Mart Shopping Robert Champagne, Wells Dailey Circle, Rockville; John case 76,” and to schedule it for vestigation of a complaint charged today with operating more than half a mile out to sea Guilmartin and David Marnark Skerrett, Union; Stephen April 23 through 25 at the Ver- Tagtuay made by Robert Watkins of 44 with a defective windshield and at speeds of up to three miles an ARTHUR DRUG 207 Sponcer Street told the Republican Women Snyder, Rainbow Trail, Vernon. non Center Middle School. S H O E S' E. Main St. concerning per- issued a warning for driving hour. Manchester they would be interested in The sonal checks taken from his with a defective muffler system. seats on the Planning and home. He is to appear in court in Zoning Commission. Wilson was released on a $1,- Rockville, Aug. 6. Andrew Johnson discussed 000 non-surety bond for Lucian D’Angelo, 28, of West his interest in the Zoning Board appearance in Common Pleas Hartford, was charged today of Appeals. SATURDAY Court 19, Rockville, July 30. with spewing. He is to appear Following the meeting the Edwin Clemens, 37, of 41 in court in Rockville on Aug. 6. club held a business session but Spring St., Rockville, was took no action on any of the prospective candidates BANK Members are looking for a refrigerator they can borrow to Town Phone Bill Up use in the grinder booth at the Hebron Harvest Fair. Anyone But Below Projection having one to donate to the club Can Make can contact Mrs. Patricia Mulligan, club president. Recent rate hikes awarded proved interdepartmental com- the Southern New England municiations and no impaired Telephone Co. indicate service.’’ It Happen Manchester’s municipal He said his review included telephone bill (separate from every phone in the system and, Rec Progran^ the police, fire, recreation and other than the savings he school telephone systems) will reported, “there doesn’t appear Going Well increase by 15.5 per cent or to be any other possible cost $192.15 monthly (from the pre- reductions at the present HEBRON sent $1,304.47 to $1,496.62). time.” Anne Dallaire Patrick Martin, management In a cover letter to the direc- 228-3267 analyst in the town manager’s tors accompanying the report. Robert Merrifield, summer office, indicates in a report to Town Manager Robert Weiss recreation director, told the the Board of Directors the noted, “Tjiis is typical of the Recreation Commission figures are exclusive of toll kind of work that the manage- Tuesday that the summer calls. ment analyst is able to do. The recreation program sponsored However, explains Martin, as savings in money to the town by the Hebron Recreation Com- a result of a system review he are self-evident as you read the mission is “running well and made, the town will save $80.35 report.” membership is good.” a month, with additional Martin was hired as a Merrifield said about 10 per savings of $10 to $15 per month management analyst under cent of the elementary school anticipated, to place the federal grants, from October youngsters are attending, with monthly bill at $1,416.27 under 1974 to the middle of June under an average daily participation the new rates, for an increase the Comprehensive Manpower of 40 children. of about 8 per cent and not the Program, since June 16 under The program includes field projected 15.5 per cent. its successor, the Comprehen- hockey, badminton, softball, Martin said the system sive Employment and Training volleyball, dodgeball, and other review resulted in a number of Act. His present employment is sports. operational changes or for an undetermined period of An arts and crafts program eliminations, “with some im- time. was started this week. This year participants may bring their lunch to the recrea- tion sites. ICCNTCNWAL The program will run through Cherts Marriage Aug. 22 and is rotated between the two elementary schools. To Rock Star This week it is at Gilead Hill. On the Rocks Hoqrs at 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m and parents are asked to pick up SANTA MONICA, Calif. their children at 3:30 p.m. (UPI) — “I made a mistake,” said Cher, moving to divorce Movie Program her second husband only 12 days The commission will run its after divorcing the first. weekly movie program through The svelte singer and televi- Aug. 20. The program is being sion star, 29, Wednesday an- underwritten by the Martha nounced the end of her Crow Phelps branch of Burritt marriage to rock star Greg Mutual Savings Bank. Allman, 27. The announcement Movies are shown Wednesday came nine days after the wed- nights beginning at 8:30 at For the British there was lit- ding, and the marriage ap- Gilead Hill School. Cost is 25 tle doubt that the American up- parently lasted five days. cents for those 18 and under and rising was a serious rebellion. Wearing a broad-brimmed 50 cents for adults. The war had spread from the straw hat and a deep Upcoming movies, all Walt confines of and decolletage blouse, she Disney productions, include with the capture of Ft. “So Dear to My Heart, “Shaggy Ticonderoga, May 10,1775, New appeared Tuesday to file a divorce petition in the same Dog,” “ Dumbo,” and ,i I York was involved. Ft. “Rascal.*'* Ticonderoga changed hands courtroom where she was for- several times during the war mally divorced June 30 from Hieyele Program but not before its cannoti were Sonny Bono, her husband of 10 The commission’s bicycle hauled off across the snow- years and long-time program under the direction covered mountains to be used in professional partner on Tony Visconti, commission the American siege of Boston, records, and in the television member, is in operation, with a 1775 to 1776, The World show that made her a national 10-mile ride scheduled i Satur- Almanac notes. star. day. Participants should meet at Rham High School at 10 a.m. The commission is seeking ideas on types of activities t residents would be interested in during the winter months. with the help of e S.B.M. Anyone having suggestions BOUND'S should contact any commission member. NURSERY Commission members are 315 BROAD STREET MANCHESTER Richard McDonald, chairman; (Opposite tho Post Offlco) Phono 649-1018 Ray Tuohey, vice chairman; I n s t a l l m e n t L o a n ------O P E N D A ILY 10 A .M . to 0 P.M. Mrs. Evelyn Croston, O P E N TH U R S . 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. • Closod Sundsys secretary; Mrs. Nancy Foote, John Foots, Mrs. Arlene Terrier, Tony Visconti, Eric How Much Do You Need? _ To Start the Summer off Emt, Robert Craig, and Louis With a twist, we offer this Maffessoli. weekend, 10% off OR OUr OWIl The commission will not Macrame hangers and Sand meet on July 24. The next meeting has been fescheduled TerranlumSi tofcife they last... from Aug. 28 to Aug. 6. So come and see the new look of Macrame, Savings Bank coinbined with either hanging plants, or sand creations, and how they put a twist In that empty corner. Sounds made by a wounded fish or the thrashing of a human of Manchester We also offer a wide supply of macrame cord, swimmer in trouble can attract Member F.D.I.C. beads, and colored sand for the creative. a shark -- sensing easy prey - 646-1700 from as far as 300 yards away, MANCHESTER • EAST HARTFORD • SOUTH WINDSOR • BOLTON • ANDOVER National Geographic says. People-to^People Banking 1 !S )» I PAGE eigh t een - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs., July 10, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., July 10, 1975— PAGE NINETEEN Rham Board Picks Officers, Rejects Smoking Ban Bolton Votes Lake Land Purchase; Move Challenged Nancy Foote The board voted to sustain Rotundo, general science; this type of education have been is limited to costs incured by Board member Graham, MB-JOYIX FLUNERSIIIIP. DONNA HOLLAND decided by ballot vote was Marshall Taylor, former will give a gift to Bolton of the property; the town is not He said the state and iocal The Regional District 8 Board Pushee’s veto, but instructed Sharon Wishkin, speech discontinued. The reimburse- the regional district for clear chairman of the maintenance Correspondent defeated. Residents were informed that WEEKCNO (PIC IA U , town counsel, said the town has about $25,000. required to develop the proper- boards of health could restrict how we could protect ourselves. of Education has unanimously Cattanach to look at the therapy. ment lost to Rham High School cut needless destruction of committee, stated that he too 646-0375 because of the grants being Residents seeking informa- a firm commitment from the He said a restriction will be ty within any particular time the number of people who could Norma Tedford said she was re-elected Frank Shannon problem and report to the board Custodial Help is about $1,500. property. had noticed a reduction in the » Bolton residents voted used the iand was open to all tion about the property as to federal government to obtain a placed on the gift that it must span. use the area at one time. not in favor of using state board chairman. Also, re- in October after the faculty has In addition to the five adult The total cost of materials amount of vandalism this year. MMUTURE I Wednesday night to buy about citizens of the state. why the town wanted to grant in the amount of $60,000. be used to acquire or develop Townspeople approved using Stanley Bates, chairman of grants if it meant people could elected were Everett Graham had an opportunity to make custodians, 16 students are Vandalism only for the last school year It is hoped that through a 28 acres of land with frontage Mrs. Butterfield moved on purchase it and future plans for He said the town will apply recreational qr open space $30,000 from the capital and come in like buffalos. and Katharine Sibun, as some suggestions. working as custodians at the Board members received a was $3,864 and the total cost of I on Bolton Lake. the conservation commission, two occasions to table motions schoolwide campaign the van- GARNATIONS for a state grant in the amount property. nonrecurring fund and $90,000 Residents questioned if treasurer and secretary, school this summer. Seven of 1974-75 vandalism summary labor was $1,826 for a grand I At a Town Meeting attended it were told the meeting was said he figured about 500 peopie concerning the purchase until Personnel dalism costs can be reduced only to decide whether or not to of $30,000. It is subject to bon- from the town general fund fo r. would be able to use It at one further restrictions would be respectively. the students are the employes which will be used by the ad- total of $5,690. even more. by about 130 residents an ap- Taylor said the approximate questions were resolved and the The board accepted the purchase the property. ding commission approval. the purchase. time. placed on the gift from Nature At Monday night's board of the Regional District and ministration as part of a Cattanach told the board that propriation of $120,000 for the cost to the town for the E. J. statute in question was cleared *2.29 Mrs. Butterfield challenged Conservancy. Taylor said they resignation of Kathleen Taylor said he was advised The one-half acre of land in up. meeting Shannon made the nine have ^ n hired under the schoolwide campaign to cut while no one is proud of $5,000 purchase of the property known Holl property based on that con- could be, but he doubted they Meyers, a member of the math (Cm A m d Q*ny)‘ Town Counsel John Mahon the move. She said after the Rosedale subdivision that follow ing com m ittee federal CETA program. vandalism costs next year. The worth of vandalism it is a fact as the E. J. Holl estate and one the commission must give ap- dition will be about $5,000. Leslie Harlow moved to close would be. staff. said another Town Meeting checking with the secretary of was purchased as part of the assignments: figures included in the sum- that this past year was better nowini ARMNoemeNTa f ^r rvutoccarior... lot of the Rosedale subdivision proval for and fund the grant, the meeting until the fire The board voted to appoint Training UT us PRICE ami would be needed to decide how He said because state and the state’s office and the tax of- According to the bond for Personnel — Richard mary are approximations of than the previous one when was approved. but it would probably be package raised concerns for the marshal could get to the the property would be used. federal money will be used for fice she was told the capital and deed the town must sign the Harrison, chairman, Howard the following people to the Assistant Supt. Richard YOURNEn 36 OAK ST., MANCHESTER Tel. 649-0791 or 649-14^ necessary to bring political neighboring property owners. meeting and keep the exits vandalism costs. over $5,000 was spent on The vote < was 82 for the Many residents were con- the purchase the land must be final papers for purchase teaching staff: Jody Zanini reported that new pressure to expedite the grant. nonrecurring fund cannot be Property owners in the sub- cleared. Roberts and Rosalie Carlson. Since it is difficult in some materials alone. He also told PRESCRIPTION purchase and 41 against it. cerned as to who would be able kept in decent and safe condi- before Aug. 1, Surowiecki, math; Michael J. legislation at the state level has Taylor explained that the used for land acquisition. She division said their deeds have a Policy — Mrs. Sibun, cases to distinguish between the board that students are not As soon as the meeting Both motions were defeated. Edward Delsignore moved Cerruto Jr. 7th grade CTP; unmandated occupational to use the property if state and tion. The only immediate said it’s covered under State clause giving them the right to chairperson, Chris Dryer and normal wear and tear and in- the only ones who cause school ARTHUR DRUG opened, a motion by Virginia Nature Conservancy, holding a Aloysius Ahearn raised James ^uliano, music; Lissa federal money were used for problem that causes will be to Statute 7-364. that if Mrs. Butterfield’s Merrily Baack. training and state grants for vandalism. bond for deed for the property. use the private Rosedale several points of order, one tentional breakage, the report ^tterfield to have the question the purchase. remove a vacant dwelling on Mahon said her objection and questions were correct the Maintenance — Graham, Beach. They questioned being to ask the moderator not challenge were noted for the selectmen be authorized to get chairman, and Mrs. Carlson. ______M . . . . whether that stipulation was in to accept any motions to move record but he had no further by whatever means the Board Insurance — Roberts. the lot being purchased by the the questions until all persons comment. , of Finance deemed appropriate Central Office Committee — town and whether it meant were given a chance to speak. Andover,Teachers Sign First Contract A spokesman for the state the necessary money for the Mrs. Carlson and Ms. Baack. anyone could now use the Catherine Peterson, ta x Department said today the purchase and to have the town Roberts, alternate. DONNA HOLLAND ticut without a contract. The contract calls for a 6V4% of step 1, fourth year of $8,405 to Rosedale Beach. moderator, said she would capital and nonrecurring fund give up its right of way to ' Area Special %lducation 646-0375 The AEA said in the past the increase across the board. a high of step 13, sixth year of Taylor said the deed had no accept all motions. She said the can’t be used to buy land as Rosedale Beach. "Association — Mrs. Dryer. teachers operated under The agreem ent has $13,402. reference to Rosedale Beach people could vote not to close For the first time in their open space or just for the sake Both motions were ruled out policies set by the board and ad- provisions for negotiations, The present Board of Educa- but the title search was not yet discussion if they so desired. history the Andover Board of of buying land. of order. ministration. With members of grievance procedures, teacher tion members are Beatrice completed. Dr. Robert Butterfield said if Smoking Ban Education and the Andover In order for capital and non- The purchased parcel of land Supt. David Cattanacb Education Association will now both changing, there was no salaries, degree dehnitions, Kowalski, Dennis Keenan, too many people were allowed has 1,082 feet of lake frontage. recurring funds to be used to Gunther Winkler, a former reported to the board that a ban operate under a written con- continuity. placement on the salary Ronald Kauffman, Patricia to use the area it would be a The property is bounded by In the past the teachers had to schedule, insurance benefits, Tiemann, Anita Anderson and buy land, the money must be member of the conservation horrendous mess and the lake on in-school smoking had been tract. designated for land purchase Bolton Lake, Tolland Rd., accept the policies set by the use of school facilities by AEA, Victor Bronke. commission, asked if the mo- wouldn’t tolerate it. He asked adopted by the Student Faculty The verbal agreements of the before it’s placed in that ac- Plymouth Lane and Miss Milli- board. If there was disagree- textbooks and curriculum, The Officers of the Andover tion could be amended to have Senate and vetoed by Princip^ past are just that, a thing of the count, the spokesman said. cent Jones' property. ment they could only send evaluation reports. Education Association are the town relinquish its rights to J. Colin Pushee. The ban would past. The spokesman said that the letters of objection, they had no Also sick leave, personal and Susan Gradual, president; Dave the beach in order to still the r prevent faculty members from A contract was signed by the town counsel has the final say authorization to do anything professional leave, jury duty, Turkington, vice president; fears of those concerned. ^ smoking in the building during two groups Wednesday at 12:30 on the legality of such a use, but else. pregnancy and childbirth leave, Eileen 0 ’Brien,secretary and His amendment was not in ^ school hours. p.m. at Andover Elementary the town counsel’s opinion Mrs. Gradual said with the childrearing leave, leave Esther Kaplan, treasurer. order for Wednesday’s meeting HIGH GAIN ROTOR School. The contract is for one could be challenged in court. present positive atmosphere in without pay, short term Negotiating for the school but can be done at a future year. Mahon was unavailable for the school it was the time to get military leave, teaching board were Mrs. Kowalski and meeting. Signing for the school board further comment this morning. ANTENNA SYSTEM a contract. assignments, teacher transfers Bronke. Many residents voiced their was Beatrice Kowalski and- Taylor said because state and She Heratii She said negotiations official- and student teacher observer. Negotiating for the AEA were opinion that further informa- signing for the AEA was Susan federal money were being used tion should have been available Gradual. ly began in January but the The salary schedule has thir- Mrs. Gradual, Miss Davidson, the property could not be before they were asked to vote Until Wednesday Andover AEA had been working for a teen steps for fourth, fifth and Turkington and Corene Jones. INSTALLED restricted to Bolton residents. on the purchase. was one of few towns in Connec- contract since August 1974. sixth year. It ranges from a low "^Fire Service -Promotes Six 5 EAST HARTFORD ^ Sheila Tuller >; 2 8 9 - 4 2 8 3 WITH PURCHASE OF 25” COLOR TV J Six members of East Hart- Reg. $165. ford’s Fire Department were recently promoted. Fire Chief Michael Fitzgerald’s new deputy is John J Rival. Assistant Chief Anthony - Cipolla also listed the following ^ promotions: James Foran and ’ Joseph Macchi from leutenant to captain. Robert Armstrong has been named acting captain. ^ Albert Fournier and Richard * Morrison haved been promoted ; from driver to lieutenant. > Due to these promotions and •1 the retirement of Deputy Chief $165.00 ANTENNA DESIGNS COLOR CUSTQMATIC Andrew Gorman and John Ben- ANTENNA. ALLIANCE U-100 ROTOR COMPLETELY nison, eight new firemen have INSTALLED INCLUDING ALL PARTS AND LABOR. ^ been added to the department’s ^ r o s t e r . t Five recruits who started in , June were joined by Ted ^ Blazinski, Michael Murawski, ? and Frank Terragna this week. MI1K y The. new firemen will undergo , four weeks of training before * being assigned to truck duty. solid-state * Cross Country * The Park Department is I sponsoring cross country nm- ' ning again this summer. The f ' SAVE 15.99 n * program will be held every our reg. 99.99 Thursday evening at 6 o’clock starting tonight at Wickham COLUMBIA 27" MEN^S 10-SPEED . Park. Handsomely styled racer featuring 10-speed derallleur, HUFFY MEN'S OR LADIES* * There are three divisions for stem-mounted shifters, Maes type drop handlebar, front 26** SCOUT 10-SPEED BIKE ; runners: College-adult, high and rear center pull caliper brakes and padded saddle-i » tVlLh. 1^ /s / 10-speed derallleur gearing system; Maes * school and grammar school. f* I I i f V' 1 Mh JSta. « - .M. Im leJ M bend handlebars; dual caliper handbrakes; ! The minimum age is 13. COLUMBIA 26" MEN'8 OR LADIES’ S-SPEED reflective rat trap pedals. The cross country running COLUMBIA 2 6 " MEN’S 10-SPEED *74 program is under the direction 79.99 our rog. 79.99 j of William Baron. ' Pool To Open I The Penney High pool, closed SAVE 13.99 ; for repairs since early June, ; will open for the 1975 summer our reg. 69.99 . season on Friday at 1 p.m. for ; recreational swimming. Swimming lessons will begin COLUMBIA 26** MEN'S OR LADIES* 3-SPEED Monday at 10 a.m. Fine bike at an economy pricel 3-speed hub with trigger control; Light Road handlebar; front and rear sidepull brakes; lightweight saddle; bow type reflector pedals; 26”x 1-3/8” black tires. COLUMBIA 24" BOYS’ OR GIRLS’ 3-SPEED 69.99 CURTIS I . M l MATHE8 ; R e p o rt Cards Mailed Home $ SAVE 4.99 . TOLLAND / ZL SAVE 10.99 BIKING ACCESSORIES! ■ our reg. 84.99 our reg. 49.99 I Vivian Kenneson COLUMBIA BOYS* OR GfRLS* HI-RISE ; Tolland High School has sent HUFFY 24" BOYS* 10-SPEED BIKE CHAIN WITH LOCK l iN A Brightly colored "Sunscam p" will take him there In stylel SAVE NOWI Sturdy 20” bike featuring hi-style handlebar with 3 3 I home report cards by mail and 10-speed derallleur; Maes bend handlebars; dual caliper Cato hardened security chain black grips, comfortable black saddle and short they should have been received handbrakes; reflective rat trap pedals; racing saddle. with locki Vinyl covering for 388 embossed chain guard. Completely reflectorized. , by this time. protection; low, low price; 3m amUATION 100%SOUD STATI CAM2”motor oil was designed 4’x 3/18”. Principal Roy Nierendorf Now it’s available to you. And “That’s why we use CAM2. our rag. 6.99 HUFFY BOYS’20" RED HOT 3-SPEED *69 MODUUR I.C. COLOR TILIVISION HUEFY 2 4 "BOYS’ "SCOUT" 10-SPEED ^79 our rag. 79.99 notes that in certain cases for passenger cars. Yet the Penske to introduce it, we’re making this And regardless of where we race, ______our rtg. 89.99 students had accountabilities Racing Team has used it for six years BIKE PAL TUBES for which they are responsible special offer of one quart free when it’s the only oil we use.’’ and are requested to contact and 60,000 race-engine miles with- you buy four. Heavy duly molded lubes In CAM2. It’s one of the ways to 20”, 24”, 26” and 27” sizes.' the school during the regular of- out a failure. Don't miss this great biker's 144 fice hours, 9 to 3, any weekday. CAM2 is the first successful stay ahead. nowl ■ our rag. 1.‘ Any home which has not multigrade motor oil ever certified So come in now and get one received its report cards may contact the school also. by the U.S. Auto Club for champion- quart free when you buy four. BIKE CARRIER SAVE 4.11 Students new to Tolland this ship racing. And it meets and sturdy canter mounts on summer should plan to register tninv of car convanienllyl Holds 1 or 2 bikes; adjust- 1588 the last week in August in the surpasses all API and auto manu- able; fits all cats. guidance department between facturers’ warranty requirements. the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. WATER BOTTLE School will reopen the first “You don’t put a $100,000 Now Wednesday in September with a Handy water bottle...a must nv/wi car into a million-dollar race,’’ says lor long biking advsnturssi 3 full day use the way cap; chrome plated 144 Roger Penske, frame; mounting bracket. ■ our rag. 2.19 The Penske Racing T«am: Mark Donohue. Driver; Roger Penske. SAVE 20.99 *4 5 Owner; Earle MacMullan. Chief Mechanic; Bobby Allison, Driver. “unless you’re oil the Penske our rog. 99.99 ^ our reg. 49.99 convinced every BABY SEAT Team uses. SAVE 4.61 HUFFY 20** CONVERTIBLE BIKE NANCHBSm RABBI’S PLEA M0SSBERG 20** MOTOCROSS BIKE Deluxe molded plastic baby The “Whlzzer” converts from boys’ to girls’ model by product you Heavy duty bike for durability! Triple bar frame; deluxe SOUTHBERRY, Cona (UPD - seal featuring large loot 1188 removing top barl Coaster brake; double adjustable use will really do ; forged-chrome M X stem; wide-flange front hub; shield! Taka baby along Hl-Rlse handlebars; training wheels Included. Rabix Alexander 11 Schindler, iby tires. $TA wheravar you gol OR K Mohawk. our rag. 17,49 BUDGET TO president of the Union of Ameri- the job. COLUMBIA 2 0 " MOTOCROSS BICYCLE „ * „ RUGGED 16" SIDEWALK BICYCLE *39 ______. our rog. 79.99 36 MONTHS vmplke can Hebrew Congregations, has our reg. 44.99 SAVINGS BANK called on the American Jewish Sale In effect thru this weekend. OF TELEVISION P AmiANCIS community to stop making MANCHESTER Plesident Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger USE OUR CONVENIENT “scap^oats” for Jewish frustra- 381 Broad St., Manchester LAYAWAY PLAN OPEN WED., THURS., FBI. TILL 9 P.M. tions about the future of Israel ArailaUe at King’s. t t^AGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., July 10, 1975 _ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs,, July 10, 1975— PAGE TWENTY-ONE Htip Wm M 13 Rom n For Salo 23 Hornet For Sale 23 Hornet For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Hornet For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Hornet For Sale 22 BOLTON LAKE - adorable 2 CAPE - Eat-in kitchen, formal GARRISON Colonial - four Mansfield Angered by GOP Talkathon bedroom. Ranch, fireplace, ^ MANCHESTER dining room, fireplaced living years old, fieldstone fireplace, SECURITY utility roomn fenc^ in yard for room, 3 bedrooms, 2-car gar- Im $HH, M m d M , cwtaa WE FIND THE HOUSE EXECUTIVE ra«t, 4W m d M ^ beam ceiling, wall-to-wall WASHINGTON (U Pl) - sent to the Senate are not con- His pledge came shortly after punishment on some senators." Despite Scott's charges. PART-TIME POSITIONS privacy. Acros the street from age, immaculate condition, carpeting, family room, sliding YOU MAKE THE HOME beach. Hurry only $26,500. COUNTRY LIVINQ Senate Democratic Leader sidered soon, "an action will be minority Republicans held fast “From now on," he added, "a Democrats planned a sixth try Morning and evening $36,900. Philbrick Agency, glass doors to large deck, gar- MALTM Marge Greee Realty, 456-2246, MANCHESTER Realtors, 64M200. danlel I. raalo Mike Mansfield has warned taken — an action many on the cloture vote and accused cloture (vote) is a sheerly at ending debate on the dispute openings. Experience age, mint condition, $51,700 643-6775. 8«v«n-room Cmtonr Ranch that unless Republicans halt senators may not agree to." Democrats of inflicting "cruel political move and should be between Republican Louis C. preferred. Pnilbrick Agency Realtors, 646- and inhuman punishment" in designed as such. A cloture vote Wyman and Democrat John A. overlooking wooded zone. RANCH - 5 rooms, city utilities, tatt 4200. their talkathon over the New CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Appiy Personnel Dept. TOLLAND - Two-year old handy location. $29,900. w oHl Mt Omt Mlai ti RiK Without spelling out the seeking to conclude the bitter is no more than a form of Durkin over who won the Nov. 5 Cul-de-eec etreot, 1-84 near- P 7% ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE Hampshire election dispute, eight-room Ranch, set on one Philbrick Agency, Realtors, THOMAS J. BLANCHARD nature of that action. Mansfield partisan debate that has harassment." election. by. B u y .now and chooaa REAL ESTATE 646-0299 SEVEN ROOM older home, 1^; Asauma thia $25,100 mortgaga on thia 8 room new means will be used to try to SEARS ROEBUCK A CO. acre treedlot. Two full baths, 6464200. five rooms and bath on first, added. "This has gone on long your own finlahing touchea. Ranch offarad at $31,900. Larga lot, ona car at- force an end to 15 days of bitter characterized the controversy. Though they failed again MANCHESTER PARKAOE wall-to-wall carpet throughout. floor, two bedrooms on second enough. This thing is going to be "Four times is exceptional." Wednesday, Republicans PHONE 643-2711 Fireplaced living room, eat-in Priced In the 50’a, tachadgaraga. Monthly mortgaga paymaht ol $210 debate. An o q u l opportunity omphyor. floor, garage, conversion to two Candlewood Dr., 643-5020 $36,900 - Duplex, 63, cabinet par month. Mansfield. speaking faced up to shortly or we're said GOP Leader Hugh Scott, seemed bent on trying to win FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD kitchen, familyroom, sundeck. $30’8 - $50’8 family a possibility, needs MANCHESTER - A large Colonial, kitchens, fireplace, carpeting, going to adopt' some other "but continually voting on either a new election for Mid 40’s. Additional land work. $32,900, Philbrick Agen- Wednesday after Democrats not a Cape, for $32,900. Attractive eat- tile baths, $435 monthly income. procedures." cloture is cruel and inhuman Clinic Moves Wyman, or at least a total available. Zinsser Agency, 646 cy, Realtors, 6464200. $34,900 Central air In thia six room capo. Located In the failed in an unprecedented fifth 1511. in kitchen, formal dining room, Hutchins Agency, 6463166. The Well Child Conference, recount of ballots from the INDEX OPENING for part-time downstairs full hath, living room, heart of Mancheater. Lovely yard. Excellent value, tMoa- try to stop a GOP filibuster, family room, carpeUng, fireplace, full November contest. NOTICU ADVERTISING ADVERTISING delivery work, apply at Nichols VERNON - Large 2-family, 4-4, ment, family room. said. "The Senate just cannot sponsored by Manchester VENON - Six-room older home basement, three bedrooms and full CUSTOM BUILT Ranch, three DUPLEX 5+5 1 — L o i l a n d F o u n d Manchester Tire, Inc. 295 ideal in-law set-up, immaculate bath imstairs, fixed stairway to the $30,900 Two Family, with 2 new heating syatama. New and will not go on in this Public Health Nursing Associa- 2 — P ira o n tli DEADLINE with large kitchen, three large bedrooms, 24’ living room Separate furnaces, city Probe of Solid Waste RATES Broad St. condition, carpeting etc. 30’s. J. third floor that could be finished for storms and screens. 2 car garage and nice yard. Schools, fashion.” tion and Manchester Health 3 — Announcamanti bedrooms, two-car garage. $23,- additional living space, small detached with raised hearth fireplace, 2- 12:00 noon the day before D. Real Estate Associates, 646 utilities, convenient location, shopping, and bus within walking distance. He said if the 35 issues a Department, has moved from LEGAL NOTICE 4 — EnlortaInmanI publication. 1 day ...... 9c word per day 500. Zinsser Agency, 6461511. 1980. garage, neary W acre lot, and exten- car garage, 150x370 private lot. amesite drive, excellent value 5 — Auollont 3 days ...... 6c word per day LAUNDRY WORKER - Mature sive recent remodeling. Compare the Only $43,900. Keith Real Estate, .$38,900 Newly aluminum sided Is this 5&5 duplex, with 2 Program Being Planned Emanuel Lutheran Church to Deadline lor Saturday and at $34,900. deadlocked Rules Committee Bid request for mowing roads 6 d a y s ...... 7c word per day above to what you might expect at $32,- FINANCIAL individual, full-time, must work 6464126, 649-1922. new gas furnaces. Stove, dishwasher stay. Lots ol other Community Baptist CHiurch, 585 Monday Is 12:00 Noon Friday. 26 days ...... 6c word per day COVENTRY Four-room Split COVENTRY - Spacious seven 900. for the Town of Andover 8 — Bondi-Stocks-Mortgagei every other weekend. Apply in HARTFORD (UPI) - A 15 WORD MINIMUM Level with on-car garage, living room Ranch, three bedrooms, extras. questions we've been getting in E. Center St. R e q u ire m e n ts: 35 H. P. 9 — Personal Loans person between 9 a.m.-4 p.m. room, kitchen, two bedrooms. MANCHESTER — A very gracious HEBRON - Wqll cared for six $39,900 New Listing. 7 room Colonial with wall to wall legislative committee planning The clinic is conducted the 10 — Insurance Happy Ads ...... $2.00 inch Monday-Friday. East Hartford fireplaced living room and correspondence about conflicts minimum tractor with PLEASE READ $18,5()0. Zinsser Agency, 646 nine room Colonial home, on large room Ranch with 2 baths, carpeting downstairs. Large rooms. Lovely view from the an "inquiry" into alleged first and third Thursdays of Convalescent Home, 745 Main dining room, eat-in kitchen, 3/4 Union Appeals of interest involving Lufkin and operator; equipped with a 5’ to EMPLOYMENT 1511. park-like grounds. Nearly IVi acres in fireplace, full cellar, 150x200’ irregularities in Connecticuf^ 13 — Help Wanted Street, East Hartford. acre treed lot. $29,900. Merritt a nice neighborhood with many rear deck at night. New remodeled kitchen. Must be seen. others.” each month for all Manchester 7’ cutting highway mower and YOUR AD lot. Only $35,900. Keith Real pioneering, $250 million, solid 14 — Business Opporlunllles Claasllled ads are taken over Agency, 6461180. bearing fruit trees, stone barb^ue. $40;000 For this 6 room colonial located on 78 Phelpa Benedikt and others have children who need routine have the necessary safety 15 — Situation Wanted MANCHESTER - New listing. Estate, 6464126, 649-1922. Limitation On waste program will ask Wall the phone as a convenience. COOK’S ASSISTANT - Mature Road. Outside has been newly painted, one car garage. physical examinations and im- Aluminum sided Raised Ranch complained about the program, equipment on it. EDUCATION The Herald Is responsible lor individual, full-time, must work NEW LISTING - Forest Hills wsscsiavici aiiU k.uiiuiuuii SllUUlU UC Stove, refrigerator and wall to wall in living room, dining Streeter Dan W. Lufkin to munizations and are not under 18 — Privale Instructions only one Incorrect Insertion and with 2-car garage in prestigious MANCHESTER - Moving out of EB Picketing cailed Connecticut Solid Waste Work must start by July 21; ap- every other weekend. Apply in area, four bedroom Colonial, 2 seen — includes two stairways to the 646-OSOd room & stairs to stay. testify. the care of a private pediatri- 19 — Schools-Classes then only to the size ol the Forest Hills.Two full baths, 1/2 baths, first floor family four bedrooms, full bath, and sewing state. You capitialize by owning Recovery Authority, a proximately 30 miles of road to 20 — Instructions Wanted person between 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $44,900 Would you like to swim? Well take a look at this 6 Environment Committee cian. original Insertion. Errors which enclosed porch, sundeck, three room, with fireplace, two car room on the second floor; porch, this charming six room Cape. GROTON (UPI) — Lawyers quasipublic agency'largely free be cut. Work to be completed do not lessen the value ol the Monday-Friday, East Hartford fireplaced living room, huge kitchen, Hardwood floors, with woods room colonial with aluminum siding. Fireplace and 2W Chairman Rep. Francis W. Appointments for the clinic HEAL ESTATE bedrooms. Immaculate condi- garage with electric eye, for- for 10,000 striking employes of of governmental control. It without interruption (barring 23 — Homes lor Sals advertisement will not be cor- Convalescent Home, 745 Main formal dining room, and office on the gaiore, three bedrooms and ROCKLEDGE - front to back baths, a real value at this price. Ciampi, D-Waterbury, who first may be made by calling 24 — Lots-Land lor Sale rected by an additional Inser- tion. Mid 50’s. Zinsser Agency, mal cjining room, mint condi- first floor. A prime residential lot split, three bedrooms, 1 1/2 Electric Boat were due today in plans a statewide system of wet weather conditions). Street, East Hartford. could be sold by the new owner, more. Priced at $34,900. B/W $44,000 Newly listed is this 7 room aluminum sided announced the inquiry in May, Manchester Public Health Nur- 25 — Investment Property tion. 646-1511. tion, many extras, call Keith baths, modern kitchen with U.S. District Court in Hartford regional landfills with equip- Quotations for work to be by the 26 — Business Property Real Estate for details, 646 providing a builtin investment. Realty, 647-1419. colonial. Natural Oak Woodwork, French doors. Large En- disclosed Wednesday Lufkin sing Association, Inc., 647-1481. 27 — Resort Property ONE MAN office needs reliable dining area, large family room to appeal a state court ruling ment to recycle and market hour.. VERNON will be invited to "answer some 28 — Real Estate Wanted and conscientious secretary. 4126, 649-1922. with sliding giass doors to patio trance, 100 amp service. Must be seen to be appreciated. that only five pickets can valuable materials extracted Bids will be accepted at the of- BOLTON - Seven room Ranch, questions we’ve been getting Wanted 13 Write Box, BB, Manchester ODEGARD and beautifully treed rear yard, $46,600 Four bedrooms go with this lovely 8 room colonial. dbmonstrate at each plant gate. from garbage. fice of selectmen through July MISC. SERVICES Help MANCHESTER - two family three or four bedrooms, eat-in about the program. " TOWN OF COVENTRY 31 — Services OHered □ EMPLOYMENT Herald. two car garage, Philbrick Newly remodeled kitchen with lots of storage, 6rat floor And members of the Metal EXCELLENT BUY Duplex plus five room single. REALTY kitchen, barn board rec room, Ciampi said he also wants to ZONING BOARD OF 16th, 1975. Board of Selectmen 32 — Painting-Papering TELEPHONE Lineman - No hardwood floors, immaculate Agency Realtors, 646-4200. family room, first floor laundry area, 2W batha, 2 car gar' The committee, which lacks 33 — Building-Contracting Separate heating units. Three Trades Council were expected see whether there is "any sub- APPEALS reserve the right to reject all TYPIST, part-time, flexible i L 6 4 3 * 4 3 6 5 age. Fenced in rear yard. Must be seen. subpoena power, plans to begin 34 — RoolIng-SIdIng Help Wanted 13 experience required. Good bedrooms each side of Duplex. throughout. $39,900. Tedford at area offices today to sign up stance" to complaints about bids. 35 — Heating-Plumbing hours, recent HS grad Immaculate 7 room Raised FOUR BEDROOM Colonial in its work in late August. Ciampi salary, paid training plus many Good investment. Priced in low Real Estate, 647-9914. $48,900 Almost New 4-4 aluminum sided duplex, separate for unemployment and food CRRA from Connecticut' in- At the Public hearing held on D. Yeomans 36 — Flooring preferred, convenient local Ranch, eat in kitchen, formal SWIMMING pool, garage, wall- fine Manchester neighborhood. said he will ask the legislature's ESTABLISHED REAL Estate benefits. Ages 17-35. Enlist- $40,000, Zinsser Agency, 646- healing systems. All kitchen appliances stay. Both aides stamp benefits as the walkout Monday, June 30, 1975 the 37 — Moving-Trucking-Slorage firm, call Mr. Corson, 646-6341. dining room, paneled rec to-wall carpeting all included in Fireplace, 1 1/2 baths, large dependent refuse haulers. 38 — Services Wanted office needs two full-time sales ment required. Call U.S. Army 1511. NEW AND SPACIOUS have Vh baths. new M anagem ent following applications were ap- a mid 30’s price for this 6 room living room and formal dining against the submarine-building The haulers, whom a people. Wolverton Agency, at 643-9462. room, fireplace, spacious Modern Dutch Colonial, 8 $55,900 Five bedrooms in this large colonial with first floor Investigations Committee to MtSC. FOR SALE DENTAL HYGIENIST - busy Clean Colonial. Nicely ap- room. $48,000. For appointment firm went into its 10th day. spokesman has said fear being proved by the Zoning' Board of INVITATION TO BID 41 — Articles lor Sale Realtors, 649-2813. master bedroom with huge MANCHESTER - Hilliard - rooms, 3 spacious bedrooms, family room and first floor laundry room, also 2'h baths and consider a full probe if anything INVENTORY Clerk - No office, reply Box 0 , Manchester pointed, inside recently painted call 6463500 between 9 a.m. and Negotiators, who have "squeezed out of business by Appeals: 1. Sealed Bids are invited to by 42 — Building Supplies walk in closet, built ins, 1^ Woodland Streets. Sparkling one full plus 2 half baths, 2 car garage. A real buy. Please call for details. suspicious turns up. 43 — Pols -Birds- Dogs Herald. outside. Shaded rear yard. Ear- 5 p.m. pledged to meet daily until a out-of-state firm s," recently Dorice and Jeanne Madore ATTENTION Demonstrators - experience required. Good baths, carpeting, 2 car gar- Ranch, six rooms, double gar- Lufkin, who as Connecticut’s the Town of M anchester, 44 — Livestock salary, paid training plus many ly occupancy. Mr. Matthew, ’ fireplace in living room, for- Looking for Land? We have listed 20 acres. Owner will help settlement is reached, said the sent Gov. Ella T. Grasso a granted an 8 foot southeasterly 45 — Boats & Accessories Toys and Gifts. Work now thru age, large lot, city water and age, beautiful lot, excellent first environmental com- Connecticut, hereinafter called benefits. Ages 17-35. Enlist- SUMMER WORK available, Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. mal dining, fully applianced EXECUTIVE L RANCH - nine finance. Call Dan for Details... session Wednesday produced side line lot variance from Sec- 46 — Sporting Goods December, Free Sample Kit. throughout, valuable extras. lengthy critique of CRRA. the Owner, for the Project Fire 47 — Garden Products part and full time applications sewers. eat-in kitchen, first floor rooms, 22x28 Master bedroom, missioner inspired the solid No experience needed. Call or ment required. Call U.S. Army $47,900. R. Anderson. 643-8087. agreements on the grievance tions 10.3 and 13.1.3 of the 48 — Antiques THREE Bedroom Cape in family room, game room, den, LIST YOUR HOUSE IN... waste program, was cleared Station No. 5, 1039 Tolland write Santa's Parties, Avon, at 643-9462. accepted. $3.10 per hour, call 4- U&R REALTY CO.. INC. family room, 2-car garage, and arbitration procedures. Coventry Zoning Regulations to 49 — Wanted to Buy 7 p.m ., 643-1828. (College Manchester, aluminum siding, private yard, on dead end street Tuesday of any criminal Turnpike, Manchester, Connec- Conn. 06001. Phone 1-673-3455. Rotiort D. Murdock, Realtor ROCKLEDGE - Seven-room locat^.pn 117 Grissom Road, They said nothing about the permit construction of a gar- RENTALS ARE YOU fam iliar with students welcome). garage. Excellent condition. in prime neighborhood, for wrongdoing in connection with ticut. The Project includes a Also Booking Parties. Raised Ranch, 2 sliding glass Forest Hills area. wage hike issue, considered the age. 52 — Rooms lor Rent casualty and property in- Ph 643-2692 30’s. Adjoining lot available. further details call Philbrick REALE’S CORNER Service Set one story building of ap- 53 — Apartments lor Rent doors to large deck and patio, MATTHEW his term by Chief State's At- surance,' can use person part PORTER - $125 average weekly 644-8665. Agency Realtors, 646-4200. biggest stumbling block in the William Daniels granted a proximately 5,700 square feet, 54 — Homes lor Rent STOCK CONTROL and Accoun- large living room-dining-room 175 MAIN STREET PHONE 646-4525 torney Joseph Gormley. For Professor 55 — Business lor Rent time to handle small accounts, earnings, apply in person, ALLEN talks. The workers want an 89- variance from Section 6.16 of fixed equipment, and related ting - No experience required. PORTER STREET area - with cathdral ceilings, 2 Gormley investigated Lufkin A memorial service for 56 — Resort Properly lor Rent 15-20 hours per week, call 278- Arthur Drug Store, 942 Main MANCHESTER - Two family, Realtor '872-8561 TOLLAND - By owner, large cent-an-hour increase over the the Coventry Zoning 57 — Wanted to Rent . Good salary paid training plus Raised Ranch ready for fireplaces, walk-out basement and others connected with DEP site work. 7770 for information. Street, Manchester. 5-5, in excellent condition. versatile Cape, breezeway, gar- next three years while the last Albert S. Smith, formerly of Regulations to erect a 4x6 58 — Misc. lor Rent many benefits. Ages l'/-35. decorating, rug, etc. Take ad- with built-in bar, 2-car garage, for six months, largely respon- 2. Bidding Documents have Walking distance to shopping age, 3/4 acre backs to woods, Services OHered 31 known company offer was for Vernon, will be held Tuesday lighted sign, not flashing on his Enlistment required. Call U.S. vantage of the $2,000. tax credit large lot with privacy. $57,000. convenient to 1-86, UConn. $41,- ding to accusations of conflicts been prepared by The AUTOMOTIVE EVENING work for the FULL and PART Time and bus. VA, no money down. LARGE - country Dream JUST U8TE0 , 33 cents an hour. evening, July 15 at 6:30 on the business known as the Coventry 61 — Autos lor Sale Army at 643-9462. and buy this home. 120 by 200 Philbrick Agency, Realtors, 500. 875-2385. Seven rooms, aluminum sided Cape. Lawrence Associates, 62 — Trucks lor Sale secretary - transcription, dic- positions are available on our 3- Pasek, Realtors, MLS, 289-7475, house, 2-horse stable, brook. REWEAVING burns, holes. of interest involving Lufkin and Manchester Community foot lot, sven room home with 2 646-4200. Fireplace, breezeway, garage, and The U.S. D istrict Court TV Repair. Architects/Planners, P.C., 571 63 — Heavy Equipment lor Sale taphone, mag card, part time, 11 shift. We also need licensed 742-8243. Mortgage-free by renting sec- Zippers, umbrellas repaired. his New York investment firm, College main campus off CONSTRUCTION Worker - No 1/2 baths, and a sunny delight- enclosed porch. Priced at $37,500. hearing tod^y was requested by Frank Hastings granted a 60 64 — Molorcycles-Bicyclos salary open. Jobseekers, 568- personnel on the 7-3 shift, tion. Toliand, 875-5652. MANCHESTER Window shades, Venetian Donaldson, Lufkin and Porter Street, Manchester, 65 — Campars-Trallers-Moblle experience required. Good ful kitchen. Mid $50’s and well NEW RAISED Ranch - Seven union lawyers who claim the Bidwell St. foot front line variance from 1070. weekends only. Excellent M A N C H E S T E R - O ld er blinds. Keysm TV for rent. Jenrette. Connecticut, hereinafter called Homes salary, paid training plus many worth it. And, we will take your generous-sized rooms, 2 1/2 “4129,989” vumumm sEm state Superior Court order Smith was an associate Section 10.3 of the Coventry 66 — Automotive Service benefits and pleasant working gracious four bedroom Dutch MANCHESTER - reduced for RaaHort-MLS 646-2482 Marlows, 867 Main St. 6465221. the Architect. benefits.' Ages 17-35. Enlist- home in trade. T. J . Crockett, Baths, family room, 2 You can do without a base- The complaints were brought professor of English at MCC for 67 — Autos lor Rent-Lease LPN or RN, full or part-time. conditions. Please apply in per- Colonial out of state owner Mick saie, three family on 189 W n l Canter Strati restricting the pickets is unfair. Zoning Regulations on his 3. Bids shall be directed to the ment required. Call U.S. Army Realtors, 643-157. fireplaces, 2-car garage, ment in this 6Vii room Cape by Rep. Abijah U. Fox, eight years before being named son, Meadows Convalescent needs a quick sale. Priced in (Jenter St., in business zone II, MILLAR TREE Service, Inc. About 1.500 striking EB property on Hemlock Point at 643-9462. Laurel Manor, 649-4519. Apply aluminum siding, large lot. Cod, with 3 or 4 bedrooms, R-Greenwich, and Frederick Town of Manchester, Connec- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11-3,' Monday - Friday. Home, 333 Bidwell St., the 50’s. B/W realty, 647-1419. LaPenta Agency, Realtor, 646 Removal, pruning, lot clearing, employes already have applied professor emeritus upon his facing Hemlock Drive, to con- $34,900 - Pool, patio and porch This house qualifies for $2,000 Benedickt, director of the ticut, c/o Maurice A. Pass, Manchester. 2440. city utilities, nicely VERPLANCK AREA - Duplex, spraying. Fully insured. for unemployment and food retirement last December. struct a house. SURVEYOR - No experience in a clean convenient Cape. tax credit. $51,900. Philbrick Director of General Services, □ NOTICES RELIABLE person for TOLLAND - Extremely nice landscaped lot, some 4-4, two new baths, two new Licensed. Free estimates. Candlewood Lake Defense He died May 21 at his retire- required. Good salary, paid Avante Realty, 646-5461 or 646 Agency, Realtors, 6464200. stamp benefits, officials said, All pertinent information is on Municipal Building, 41 Center housework, references, own PROFESSIONAL Legal setting, four bedroom Garrison $34,900 - Six room Cape, full carpeting and priced at $29,- kitchens, newly painted inside Phone 6463437, 6365354. Associates of New Fairfield. ment home in Spain. training plus many benefits. 2801. and many more are expected to file at the Town Clerk Office, Street, ■ Manchester, Connec- transportation. Call 646-8064 Secretary - excellent skills on- Colonial, 2 1/2 bathrooms, eat- dormer, IVz baths, fireplace, 000. A good buy. Call Tony and out. New roof, nice lot. Mid Ciampi said the inquiry is Friends and associates are in- Ages 17-35. Enlistm ent TREE SERVICE (Soucier) register soon if the strike Coventry Town Hall. Lost and Found 1 after 6. ly, in Willlmantic, commen- in kitchen, large family room, nice trees, Hutchins Agency, Wasilefsky at 6465306 today! 30’s. No agents, please. 649- needed to “answer some ticut ()6040. Bids shall be sub- required. Call U.S. Army at 643- MANCHESTER - new listing, MANCHESTER Trees cut, trimmed or topped, doesn't end. vited to attend the service. George M. Coon surate salary. Reply to Herald two car garge, 40’s, Red Carpet 6463166. EQUAL HOU8INQ OPPORTUNITY 7727. mitted in duplicate on Bid 94^2. seven room older Colonial, with 2-FAMILY stumps removed, fully insured. Chairman, ZBA LOST - Beagle, female puppy, FULL-TIME assistant for Oral Box R. Realtors, 872-8304. Form furnished by the detached two cr garage, on 12 room 6-6 duplex. 3 bedrooms BARROWS A W ALUCE Got a tree problem? Well worth vicinity Cider Mill Road. Cnain Surgery practice. Call 649-5381 TWO-FAMILY Duplex, 6 6 $41,- MANCHESTER - New listing, Architect. On the day of Bid MEDICAL Specialist - No lovely treed lot. Three Utcheo, living room, dining room each Nsw HSV8R Htrtlord a phone call. 742-8252. attached to collar. Call 643-7420. for interview. side. Deep lot, central location. MANCHESTER - Vicinity - 900. Two-famiiy, 4-4, $36,000. 397-1818 728-8818 house beautiful, 8 1/2 rooms, opening. Bids will be accepted experience required. Good I— S EC R ETA R Y ^ bedrooms, formal dining room, Two-family flats, 65, $34,900. salary, paid training plus many Several two families, from $31,- tastefully decorated and im- LEGAL NOTICE until 11:00 A.M., EDT, in the East of tile river, one girl of many more extras make this a Philbrick Agency, Realtors, TWO HANDYMEN will clean, LOST - pocketbook, vicinity benefits. Ages 17-35. Enlist- TODAY every dollar counts - # 900 up. Could be just the right maculate, 2-car garage, low At an executive session of the Hearing Room, Second Floor of fice,, This diversified real value at only $32,000, 646-4200. rake, lime, fertilize, mow, Ridge St., things valuable to ment required. Call U.S. Army And you can count on earning beginning for you. B/W Realty, MANCHESTER - Can you af- 60’s. Jesdor Realty, MLS, 633- MHS Honor Roll secretary-receptionist posi- Zinsser Agency, 6461511. maintainance of law seasonal. Zoning Board of Appeals of An- said Municipal Building. Bids owner only. Reward. 649-3705 at 643-9462. dollars with Avon in your spare . MERRITT 647-1419. ford toI pay $171.23 monthly, forI 1411. after 5 p.m. time, selling Avon world- tion requires an individual MANCHESTER - ten room this three bedroom Duplex? See Cellars and attics cleaned. dover Conn, held June 18th 1975 may be withdrawn prior to time VERNON- three bedroom SENIORS Kirk Woolpert Patrice O'Meara Arnold Bsullak Robert Gryzyb famous cosmetics and family with good typing, steno and CENTRALLY LOCATED six older Colonial, on 2.4 acres, this two family Ranch style Reasonable prices. 643-5305. Andrew Wrobel Sharon PaganI it was voted that: of Bid opening. Bid will not be C L E R K T Y P IS T - No maintenance free Ranch, two High Honors David Bujaucius Sharon Guzik Personals 2 products in your neighborhood. dictaphone skills. Applicant room Colonial. New kitchen possibility of subdivision, Duplex today. Only, $37,900. Thomas Parker Walter Bumsch Crhistine JaworskI The following variances to accepted after time of Bid experience required. Good baths, two car garage, Lots-Land For Sale 24 Ray Parr David Koski For information, call 523-9401. . should have previous with dishwasher, carpeting, LaPenta Agency, Agi Realtor, 646 Exclusive, Pasek Realtors LAWN MOWER. Jonathan Adams Timothy BycholskI the Zoning Regulations be opening. Bids cannot be salary, paid training plus many carpeting, magnificent view of OLDER HOME - Large living Kristin Ahiness Marianne Pemberton Lynn Coda Susan Launi NEED tennis partner, mor- disposal. Enclosed front porcfi. 2440. MLS, 289-7475. and repairing, reel, rotary ; Regular Honors benefits. Ages 17-35. Enlist- secretarial experience and be LOT FOR SALE - Sherwood Lorayne Aigren Gerald Perrett Susan Connelly Margaret LItrIco granted.. withdrawn after time of Bid nings only. Must take game RN'S.'LPN’S, wanted for full Hartford skyline, % acre room with dining area, eat-in Only $30,900. Pasek Realtors, chain saws. Briggs and Strat- Thomas Amato Susan Adler Kalla. Pllver Colleen Darby Francine Michaud No. 129 Peter B. Houle, opening. ment required. Call U.S. Army able to wprk a full time 40- wooded lot, fireplaced family kitchen, IVa baths, 3 bedrooms,’ Forrest, Route 20, Becket, Tina Allard seriously and be good. 643-1488. and/or part time on 7 a.m-3 289-'7475, 742-8243. ELLINGTON - handyman NORTH COVENTRY - new ton, Tecumseh and Kohler Lyra Ambrose E. Scott Price Christopher Datson Darlene Negri at 643-9462. hour work week. Secretarial room, $51,900, Warren E. porch. Interior completely* Mass. Priced for quick sale. Laura Anderson Rhonda Quaglla Mark Otter Bunker Hill Rd. for variance to 4. Bids will be publicly opened p.m. ana 3 p.m.-11 p.m. shifts. special, older Cape, two car listing, four bedroom Colonial, Homelite pumps and Barbara Anderson Susan DIMatteo Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. Call Hagler Real Estate 643- Cheryl Anderson Harry Arendt Laurie Rauchle Jason Dodge Michael RIsley build a house with less than the and read aloud at 11:00 A.M., WILL THE Person - almost in- Apply to Directors of Nursing, school background helpful. redorated, 2-car garage. $33,- garage, horse barn plus 12 six years young, formal dining generators, Stml chain saws Barbara Artz POWER PLANT Operator - No MANCHESTER-Vicinity, coun- 6624. Ellen Bafumo Debra Reinhorn William Donovan Wilfred Rodriguez required square feet on the first EDT, Thursday, July 24, 1975. volved in accident on Hebron Salmon Brook Convalescent Good salary and benefits, in- 500. Philbrick Agency, try, three bedroom Raised acres, LaPenta Agency room, fam ily room, two parts and service. Pickup and Susan Baker Laurie Banavige Daniel Dube Matthew Schardt experience required. Good BOLTON - ON THE GREEN - Ralph Barber Ronald Ricketts Ave. and Keeney Street, Home, off House St., Glaston- cluding vacation, paid Realtors, 6464200. Ranch, with a dream of a lot Realtor, 6462440. fireplaces, large eat-in kitchen, delivery. Ellington Equipment Ellen Bangasser John Rivers Paul Oumond Laura Smith floor. At the above address. 5. Bidding Documents may be salary, paid training plus many rambling older home, four LOTS FOR SALE - Minutes Susan Bleller Cheryl Bates Cassandra Durant Mary Stack Glastonbury on Sunday after- bury. Please call 633-5244. holidays and insurance. Sub- that backs up to. woods. A little central air, asking $49,900, Cen- Centerr Route 83. 8765018. Nancy Bertram Kathryn Roberts No. 130 Robert L. Bisi 78 examined and obtained at the benefits. Ages 17-35. Enlist- bedrooms, large kitchen, CAPE - Six rooms, treed lot, from Main St. or wilt build Barbara Bodemann Mary Rogers Cindy Fauchar Kathleen Strand noon June 29th, during rain mit resume and salary paradise but only 2630 minutes BOLTON - M M I s ta b tury 21, Phyllis Jackston Agen- Katherine Bolak Carol Boland Sandra Ferris Robert Weiss Shady Lane East Hartford, Architect’s office on and after ment required. Call U.S. Army breakfast nook has bowed plant city utilities, handy location, ItMoIr hiti NM iM i MMm 4hi Oft. single or Duplex for buyer. 643- Carla Boone John Samlotls ’ storm please call 528-6487. requirements to Box E from downtown Hartford. cy, 6461316, 6463313. LIGHT TRUCKING - Odd jobs. Edward Bombardier Jeffrey Sapienza Debra Ganley Belinda Welti Conn, for variance in order to 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, July 8, at 643-9462. window, formal dining room $31,500. Philbrick Agency iM rai i nKii cvpiniii n i iiMnMN miMCii 5465 after 5 p.m. or before 8 Dorothy Brindamour Laura Bolling Scott Garman Wendy Werkheiser KEYPUNCH OPERATORS Priced to sell at $49,500. B/W Ian MUM i Imni M1 i anti, iNnt sUCliirt Cellars and attics cleaned, David Boyd Stephen Sapienza build a house on a lot on Gilead 1975. Two complete sets will be MMchester Herald.______with arched ceiling, unique Realtors, 646-4200. a.m. Judith Brown Margaret Schaffer Donald Geldel Gail WilHams WOULD TH E P a rty who Realty, 647-1419. ■inMULNI. WILLIMANTIC - Buy of the lawns mowd, small tree work. Gary Bunce Joanne Braat Arthur Gerich Brenda Willis Rd. Without the required fron- issued to each prime Bidder RADIO OPERATOR - No are needed at Smyth Busi- floor plan, $51,500, Red Carpet, Susan Camillerl Virginia Schaffer witnessed the accident on Week! $26,600 will buy this truly Free estimates. Phone 643-6000. Ronald Bunce Deborah Shanley Marilyn Gerlach Lynn Woble experience required. Good ness Systems. Full-time, Realtors, 8’72-8304. BROOKFIELD STREET - Pre- BUNCHIWD & ROSSEHO : Investment Property 25 Stuart Carlson Scott ZInker tage. and one complete set to each Beacon Hill Rd., in East Hart- MANCHESTER - Vicinity, lovely Raised Ranch, three J. Kevin Carroll Gall Shimaitls Richard Gobellle salary, paid training plus many days Of part-time evenings. Business Opportunity 14 war Cape, nice condition, six RaaOort-MLS ’ 646-94lfl Linda CIvltlllo Antonio Caxide Dianna Gold Zoning Board o f, Mechanical and Electrical sub- ford, July 4 and left the breathe deep, abundant country 189 WMt Cwitor StTMl. ^ bedrooms, living room, MASONRY - all types concrete Mary Lou CellnskI Kyle SIbrInsz Regular Honors benefits. Ages 17-35. Enlist- Free parking, benefits, rooms in all. One bath, garage, THREE, three room Mark Clavette Willa Smith Michael Granato Appeals bidder. A deposit of $50.00 for Registration number please MANCHESTER- well-kept two air, with plenty of growing beautiful kitchen with dining work, fieldstone specialty, over Hilary Cooper Linda Chapman Theodore HIndson Laura BalbonI ment required. Call U.S. Army RECEPTIONIST, Monday small lot. Ideal for couple, wan- apartments. One, four room Ann Charboneau Marcia Spano Andover, Conn. each complete set is required in call 643-4644, real soon please. salary negotiable. 161 South family house, new roof, newly room for a good size family, area, garage, large lot. City 20 years experience, free es- Kathy Costello Donald Spencer Dale Holfman Karen BarnowskI at 643-9462. through Friday, 9-1, Contact ting minimum of outside work. apartment. One, six room Cathy Cuneo Carol Cole Satellite Rd., So. Windsor, painted, excellent location, ^arkling clean, 3 or 4 bedroom NEW LISTING! Immaculate water and sewers. Century 21, timates. After 5,643-1870 or 644- Brenda Stermer Michelle JaworskI James Bauer Eric Siismets the form of a check payable to Miss Tedford, 646-1980. apartment. Four garages. Victoria Oagenals Judy Corbitt Scott Johnson Mary Benson Call 528-9366. $30’s. Red Carpet, Realtors, T. J. Crockett, Realtors, 643- Colonial with spanking new Phyllis Jackston Agency, 646 2975. Russell Couch Rae Strickland Chairman The Lawrence Associates. The V PHONE FROM home to ser- Cape, fireplaced living room, Business III area, call 649-4056, Donna Damon Linda Strong Doreen Jorgensen Nancy Bidwell □ FINANCIAL 872-8304. 1577. one garage, plus low kitchen. Six rooms, garage, 1316, 649-8782, 649-6050. Robert Digan Glenn Crawford Susan Kearns Jerry Birmingham Stephen Willard deposit will be refunded if the vice our customers for super Situation Wanted IS 6'to 7 p.m. Barbara Crowley Eileen Sullivan maintenance white aluminum breezeway, lovely private yard. COLLEGE BOY Will do yard Cynthia Dodson Susan Syphers Valerie Klein Susan Brown Secretary Decuments are returned in earnings, choose own hours, TWO FAMILY - 6-6, separate Debra Doering William Cunningham Edward Krach Robert Bryce STRANT STREET. A con- siding. Call early on this priced A real pleasure to inspect. work - has several years of Fay Davis Brenda Tedford good condition within ten (10) Bonds-Slocks-Mortgages 8 call before 5 p.m., 646-5253. JEW ELER wanted for repair STRONG young man furnaces, can also be used for Business Property 26 Judith DziedzInskI Karen Tedford Wayne Kuehl Gall Butler venience plus location. Builder right, $35,500 home. B/W Real- Owners moving soon, can be ocr MANCHESTER experience and most equipmmt Martha Eddy Laurene Demers Jeannine LaBreck Colin Campbell department, of progressive specializes in lawn mowing, offices, priced at only $39,500. Donna Demko Shirley Thomas days after receipt of Bids,- has renovated kitchen, put on ty, 647-1419. cupied in time for new school including truck, mower and Donna Foye Cynthia Timbrell Pamela Langeller Mark Caouette MORTGAGES, loans first, se- COMMUNICATIONS E lec- guild type retail jewelry store garage cleaning and painting. Charles Lesperance, 649-7620. year. Mr. Matthew, Belfiore RE-FINISHED MANCHESTER - 10,000 square chain saw, etc., call after 6 Beverly Fuss Karen Doyon Paul LaPine Nancy Carmlenke otherwise the deposit is subject aluminum siding, practically Peter Eckert Gloria Tripp LEGAL NOTICE cond, third. All kinds. Realty tr o n ic r e p a ir m a n - No chain. Must have thorough Billy, 646-2999. Cape-Cod, 6 rooms, 3 foot brick industrial building, Theodore Garrity Michael Tupper Patricia LaurettI Andrea Carroll to forfeiture. rebuilt the house. Seven rooms, Agency, 647-1413. p.m., 6463761. Lorraine GoncI Kathleen Egan Thomas Leone Steven Colbath statewide. Credit rating un- experience required. Good knowledge of all types of MANCHESTER - Spectacular bedrooms, new kitchen, new ground level and raised loading Kerri England Robin Wagner TOWN OF ANDOVER, 6. Each Bid must be accom- 1 1/2 baths, porches. Sensibly MANCHESTER Jennifer Goss Darcy Waller Dawn Lindsey Craig Coleman necessary. Reasonable. Con- salary, paid training plus many jewelry repairs, ring sizing, COLLEGE GIRLS five bedroom Colonial, full docks. Own for $6. per foot in- PROFESSIONAL floor care Laura Haines Rena Eschmann CONNECTICUT priced. T. J. Crockett, 6ETAWAY FROM CIRCA 1830 well maintained roof, newly painted outside - Cheryl Ann Wet ster Susan' LInsenbIgler Alison Cornish panied by a bid security fidential, quick arrangements. benefits. Ages 17-35. Enlist- diamond setting, etc., must be specializing in dinner parties. sized tennis court, heated, in- cluding land. Move into your Lucy Handley Joan Fazzina Melissa Lunt Dan Coughlin Realtors, 643-1577. nine room Antique Colonial, papered inside, fireplaced and carpet shampooing. Free Sharon Foy Pamilla Whitney The Town of Andover Planning payable to the Town of ment required. Call U.S. Army own building for as cheap as Beth Harrison Martins Maldells Danna Demonte Alvin Lundy Agency. 527-7971. ambitious, neat and well Will provide cleaning before ground pool, central air- Mowing the lawn, trimming the hedges estimates, excellent rates, call Elizabeth Friery James Wigren four fireplaces, four bedrooms, living room, garage, lovely Judith Hart David Maloney Jane Dewey and Zoning Commission will Manchester, Connecticut in the 100 Constitution Plaza, Hart- at 643-9462, groomed. Call for appointment, and after and serving. Always a conditioning, Florida room with and all other home owner chores. Be a you can rent. City utilities. Wiggins Maintenance Service. Robert Fronia Susan Woodhouse MANCHESTER - 6-room study, one full and two 1/2 baths treed lot. Patricia Haug Richard Martin Debbie Donnelly conduct a Public Hearing at the amount of five per cent (5%) of ford. Evenings, 233-6879. John Addessi. Addessi Jewelry neat appearance. Reasonable, skylight, 4 1/2 baths, wrap homeowner without all this In our 7- Hayes Corporation, 646-0131. 646-1642. Diane Hellstrom Susan Gafiney Jonathan Yeomans Diane Dube Colonial with 3 bedrooms, for- room Condominium. Beautifully plus attached five room un- Sandra Zinsser Barbara McConvIlle T R U C K D R IV E R - No Stores. Danbury Ct. 1-744-2555. Carol Hokanson Lorlann Giguere Cynthia McPherson Annette Duke Town Office Building on July the Bid Sum in the form of a Bid Nina 646-2999. mal dining room,, large kitchen around deck, magnificent decorated, all carpeted,. 3 bedrooms, Alysa Goldstein experience required. Good nnished carriage shed, poten- Cheryl Hyde Charlotte MIrtI Mitchell Dul 14, 1975, at 7:30 P.M. to hear Bond from a surety company MORTGAGES - 1st, and 2nd with pantry, 2-car garage, treed landscaping, huge rec room, family room, central air. $34,500. 649- tial for studio, etc., two story PAVING, Recap old driveways. Susan Johnson Lynn Gordon JIM O K S Christine MIsovich Leslie Eagles salary, paid training plus many JOBSEEKERS Employment 5306. MERRITT Real Estate Wanted 28 Susan Gordon and discuss the following authorized to do business in the mortgages — interim financing COLLEGE GIRL will clean yard. $37,6)0. Wolverton Agen- dark room, family room with Excavate and grade new or old Terry Johnston Kent Murphy Colleen Ferguson benefits. Ages 17-35. Enlist- Service - open 8 a.m.-8 p.m., barn, well treed lot, $54,000, Realtors 848-1180 Christine Kamm Michael Gorman High Himore petitions: expeditious and confidential house and do odd jobs, cy Realtors, 649-2813. beamed cathedral ceilings, driveways with amesite or Linda Nelson Gwen Jro h State of Connecticut, or a cer- ment required. Call U.S. Army EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Philbrick Agency Realtors, 646 Gary Kania Jacalyn Goss Lucie Albert Ken Nordeen Karen Furgalack service, J.D. Real Estate with full and part time oppor- reasonable. Call 643-4764. adjoins private rear woods and ALL CASH for your property bituminous concrete. 6865407. Lori Gottlieb 1. — A Zone change request tified check, guaranteeing the 4200. Cynthia Karch Cynthia Allison Douglas Novltch Sharon Gafiney Assoc. 646-1980. at 643-9462. tunities available now. East BOLTON - custom built six much more. Call for further in- within 24 hours. Avoid red tape, Brian Kilpatrick Nancy Gowett Cheryl Argiros Hal Ostrom Paul Gluhosky from Industrial Zone to Bid for a period of forty-five Hartford, 568-1070. Peggy Graff NURSES AIDE - experienced, room raised ranch, with 22x25 formation and price. Warren E. BARROWS & WALLACE instant service. Hayes Agency, AVAILABLE supervised day Sabine Klocke Douglas Baker Sharon Pain Karen Goldstein Residential 40 Zone, for a (45) days. The Town of HELICOPTER Repairman - No M ioctw tttr N«w Hmm Hvtlord Richard LaFond Richard Graham Leslie Bayer Stephen Pastva Katherine Goodin desires private duty, days. 644- fireplaced family room, three Howland Realtors, 643-1108. 6460131. care with meals for your elder- Leslie GranquIsI parcel of land on the north side LEGAL NOTICE experience required. Good EXPERIEN CED Parts man 649-8306 387-1818 728-6818 William Lautenbach Nancy Benito Linda Pelletier Jane Goulet Manchester will not be liable 2376. bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, kitchen MANCHESTER ly relative, while you go to Ann Leslie Edward Hanlon salary, paid training plus many Sharon Bezzinl Nina Planstiehl * Joan Goulet of Parker Bridge Road for accrual of interest on cer- In accordance with Section 9- full-time, apply at .South Wind- has built-in oven and range, MANCHESTER Cape - Extra SELLING your house? Call us work, shopping, visit a friend. Karen Lessard Kurt Hassell Lorena Bilodeau Nancy Pierro Jeanne Grant benefits. Ages 17-35. Enlist- Robert Healy (formerly Old State Road). The tified checks submitted. 384 and Section 9-424 of the sor Equipment Co., Inc. 89 ELECTRICIAN’S helper. Call dining room, two-car garage, clean, and ready for immediate first and we’ll make you a cash Nancy Lewkowicz Bonnie BInks Mark Quitadamo Darlene Hack ment required. Call U.S. Army • Seven room Cape, convenient to school and shop- Call M9-2358 for information. Michael Lombardo Tracy Heller William Bouley Virginia Redd Christine Hajduk parcel contains 3.78 acres and is Upon award of the Contract for General Statutes of the State of Sullivan Ave., South Windsor. 647-9257. acre lot, Wolverton Agency occupancy, fireplace, basement NORTH COVENTRY - New offer. One day service. T. J. Jellrey Lumpkin Cindy Helm Rebecca Childs Sharon Redmer Eugene Halsted at 643-9462. 289-3406. ping, mld-30’s. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. David Hlers shown on a map entitled “Sub- Construction, Bid security will Connecticut, and the Conven- Realtors, 649-2813. rec room, partial dormer and lisiting, five room Ranch. Walk- PAUL’S Tree Service - Susan Malo Tamar Cohen Kathyann Roche Celia Harrell deep 160’ lot. Convenient loca- out basement with garage. John Paul Maloney Stephen HIrschleld Mary Connors Janis Runde Karen Heidcavage division Plan of Land To Be be returned to those whose Bids tion and Committee Rules of experienced, professional land Betty Holman tion, just $37,900. Call Warren Aluminum siding. Fireplace. IMMEDIATE CASH for your Susan Marteney Joseph DeCormler Dana Sasse April Hellstrom Conveyed To S. J. Ploufe — were not accepted, and the the Republican Party of 30 LOCUST STREET - two clearing, tree cutting, aiid Patricia Mathlason Nancy Hughes Michael Demers Billy Schoaf Peter Hennigan THE ATLANTIC CDMPANIES □ EDUCATION family, no agents please. $44,- E. Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. Acre lot with large garden • Four bedroom Colonial, residential area, move-ln property. Let us explain our removal, chipper rental, fully Judith Matthews David Jacobs Mark Dion' Michael Simon Julie Hodson Now owned by Jen n ie B. amount of bid security will be Connecticut, notice is hereby Ann Johnson have ani>penlng for a.RECEPTIONIST. Front desic posi- 000. Phone 6ft-2426, 9-5. area. VA, no money down. condition, owner desires quick action. fair proposal. Call Mr. Belfiore, insured, 487-18%. Joanne McCallum Jane Donovan Maureen Simpson Sherrie Hopperstead Hutchinson — Parker Bridge forfeited to the owner if the given that the Republican State Jeffery Johnson tion, answering telephone console and greeting visitors. NEW LISTING - Cambridge Pasek Realtors, 289-7475, 742- 647-1413. Charles McKenzie Claire Downing Peter Slalby Cynthia Huitgren Road, Andover, Connecticut — Debra McPherson Marlin Johnson Elizabeth Elliott Kimberly Small Alfred Hutchinson Bidder, after being notified of Central Committee has fixed MANCHESTER - Large An- St., Manchester, six room 8243. Susan Joyner Good typing and outgoing personality required. Excellent Schoola-Clattet 19 PAINTING, oils and acrylics, Sharon McVeigh Barbara Glass Donna Smith Lory Isenberg Revised to June 20,1975 — Scale selection for the award of a con- September 20,1975, as the date saldi Built Raised Ranch, three Bungalow, three bedrooms, MAY WE BUY your home? originals, subject of your Erlinde Meier Jerome Kemp Connie Greenwood Diane Spencer Kenny Jones benefits and salary program. Parking provided. Hours 8:30- Quick, fair, all cash and no Diane Miner Eileen Kiernan 1" equal 60’ — Volney Blodgett, tract for the work, fails to fur- of the Special State Convention, bedrooms, two fireplaces, garage, treed shaded lot, move- VERNON - lovely four bedroom • Condominium, three bedrooms, country club priv- choice, copies of old masters Irene Hasch Leslie Stager John Keane 4:30. BECOME A successful hair- problems. Call Warren E. Kimberly Morrison Gail KleinschmidI Todd Hewey Linda Suhr Katheleen Kelley L.S," nish the required bonds and to be held at Frapcis Maloney beautiful rec room, oversized 2- in condition. $38,900. Ken Cape, large country kitchen, un- ileges, many extras, $35,900. and famous American artists, Johp iKoepsel Call or write dresser Full time, part time or Karen Muise Lawrence Hill Lesley Sweetman Robert Kellsey 2. — A Zone Change request enter into a contract for High School in Meriden, for the car garage, wooded lot, etc. Ostrinsky Realtor, 643-1333. ique family room with barn Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. 649-6960. Linda Nelson Richard Kos Rosanna Holbrook Jennifer Towler Donald Lalancette evening classes, nigh school Stephen Koski MRS.THIBEAULT $61,9W. R. Zimmer, J. D. Real board paneling, ample storage, Karen Nemoroll Wendy Horwitz LeRoy VanAllen Katherine Lundberg from Industrial Zone to Construction within ten (10) following purpose: diploma not necssary, govern- Doris Lalashuls GLASTONBURY - Split level CASH FOR HOUSES - Buyers Kathleen Oakes David Hubbard Cynthia White Patrica Lutz Residential 40 Zone for 7 days after notification. To consider and act upon THE ATLANTIC COMPANIES ment tuitin loans, and free Estate Associates, 646-1980. beautiful location, $37,500. Red EXCAVATING and paving - Roberta Palmer Cynthia Lamb Carolyn Hutchinson Russell Wilson Thomas Maloskle built 1973, large treed lot, three Carpet Realtors. 872-8304. • Coventry - Just listed, four bedroom Colonial, for- with pedigrees. We buy for Septic systems installed or Cynthia Lankford parcels of Land on the North 7. The successful Bidder, as proposed amendments to the Founders^ Tower, Box 8007T grants availabe, larger new Lelsa Pavano Maureen Hyland Carrie Winter Debra Mason' RAISED RANCH - Seven bedrooms, two full baths, two mal dining room, central air, asking $49,900. cash. When we bring people to repaired, driveways and Susan Piccin Catherine Lappen DIa Marie Jones Bradley WojcoskI Joseph Mazzotta and Northwest side of Parker declared by the Owner, will be Convention and East Hartford, Conn. 06108 Benefits for G.I.s. Conn. your home, you know they’re Susan Port Nancy Lappen rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage, family room, city ROCKVILLE - two family, 5-5, parking lots paved. Loam and Abigail Keene Susan WojnarowskI James McCann Bridge Road (formerly Old required to furnish a Perfor- Committee Rules of the 728-3344 Institute of Hairdressing, 1000 serious - not "ju st looking, Valerie Poulin Nancy Launi Joann Lamoureux Pamela WrobelskI William Meier fireplaces, 2-car garage, family water and sewer, F. J . Spilecki, aluminum siding, completely nil for sale. Fully insured, EqutI opportunity omployot Main Street; East Hartford. Ursula Quental Joanne Leckfor Marlon Legaull Patricia Young Constance Migllore State Road). The parcels con- mance Bond and Labor and Republican Party of the State room, modern Kitchen with Realtor, 643-2121. remodeled and r^ecorated this • Vernon - four bedroom Ranch style home, garage, thanks.” Call us for action! licensed, free estimates. Call Bernadine Rankin Simone Lessa Ann Litrico Marina Moyer Write or cal for information. Keith Real Estate, 646-4126 or Herbert Lindahl tain approximately 15 acres and Material Payment Bond in an of Connecticut. beamed ceiling, wall-to-wall year. Nicely landscaped lot. a large lot, terlffic buy, $31,500. after 6 p.m. 6461322 or 872-7288. Kenneth Robenhymer Theresa Lukas .SOPHOMORES Thomas Mumford 525-2372. 649-1922. Deborah Robsky Patricia Lloyd Paul Maidment Laura Nadeau are shown on a map entitled amount not less than 100% of The Committee has further carpeting, air-conditioners, Good location. Fine home with Donna Romano Susan Lockery Claudette Masse Mary Osborne "Area Map — Parker Bridge the income from second apart- Maureen Loughrey the contract sum. fixed September 9, 1975, as the professionally landscaped. $52,- EAST HARTFORb Francine Rowe ’ Donna McDopald High Hoiiorrt Louis Pantaleo Homes For Sale ment to help with mortgage. • Willlmantic • Raised Ranch, three bedrooms, beau- Linda Russell Patricia Madden Road — Route 6 and Vicinity — 8. The Owner shall have the day of the Primary for the elec- 23 000. Philbrick Agency, 7 ROOM COLONIAL Mary Norwood Elizabeth Anderson Suzanne Patterson Call owner alter 6:30 p.m., 649- 32 Melissa SchardI Timothy Maloney Nancy Parsons Sylvia Pettenglll Prepared for the Andover, right to reject any or all Bids tion of delegates to said Special EARN MONEY IN Realtors, 646-4200. New colonial in country setting, three tiful kitchen, garage, city utilities, only $26,600. □ MISC. SERVICES Pointing-Papering Vicky Sendra Eric Mann Steven Armentano 5481. Asher Pet Susan Ather Eric Randall Connecticut Planning and 7.8 ACRES - pond, custom built bedrooms, first floor family room, Cynthia Sheldon Carol Manseau and in particular to reject a Bid Convention, which Primary will Dorothy Pierson Kathleen Banas Rhoda Rice Colonial, 2 1/2 baths, family NEW COLONIAL - Six rooms, 2 fireplace, formal dining room, large PAINTING - Save 30 - 60%. Joseph Sinnamon Barbara March Donna Pryor James Robbins Zoning Commission by R. E. not accompanied by any be held in such Towns and YOUR SPARE TIME Bob Martel Patricia BarnowskI room, fireplaces, garages. 1/2 baths, first-floor laundry, kitchen and living room, 2W baths, 3- SOUTH WINDSOR - luxurious Five years experience. Dale Sotherland Inara Punga Rachel Rosen Blake — Town Planner — May required bid security or data Districts in which an opposing • Apartment building with attached professional of- Services OHered 31 Paula Stapleton John Masse Kurt Braun aluminum siding, formal dining zone heat, vinyl exterior. Oversized six bedroom Raised Ranch, Excellent references. Pete, 742- Joseph Reiser Beverly Byam Judy Rossillo Hutchins Agncy, 646-3166. Terry Sullivan Lynne Malthewson 23, 1975— scale 1" equal 100’ ’’. required by the Bidding slate (or slates) of candidates garage, built-ins, plush carpeting. plush wall-to-wall carpeting, fice, two years young, $98,500. Terry Rivers Janet Caron Agnes Schaschl The Herald’s Circulation Department room, fireplace, handy to bus 6117 (toll free) 610 p.m. Sharon Sweeney Susan Mayer Cherry Sanborn Shirley Seavey These maps are on file in the Documents or a Bid in any way Qualifies for }2,000 rebate. In the 40's. SHARPENING Service - Saws, Sandra Mazur Martha Chace is filed in accordance with Sec- VERNON Two-family, 6-6, and shopping.$42,800. Philbrick striking floor to ceiling stone Lori Sweet Carol Smith Craig Coffin Mindy Seibert is searching for newspaper promotion knives, axes, shears, skates, George Sweetnam Laurie McBrierty Town Clerk’s office and can be incomplete or irregular. The tion 9-407 of the General with 3 berooms, fireplace, large Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. fireplace, stylish family room, INTERIOR - EXTERIOR pain- Mark Walker Kathryn Dagenais Janet Seybolt rotary biaes. Quick service. Patricia Talbot Jewel McGinnis Gary While Barbara Smith seen during regular office Owner shall have the right to Statutes of the State of Connec- managers who are available five days per lot, 2-car tarage. Wolverton prime neighborhood, $69,500, ting, wallpapering, sanding and Neal McKenney Thomas Danahy Capitoi Equipment Co., 38 Main Joan Tarascio Kenneth Wollenberg Thomas Denisky William Stephens hours. waive any informality or ticut. Agency, Realttr, 6462813. NEW RANCH - Extra large Warren E. Howland, Realtors, refinishing floors, quality work, John Tasillo Michael Merisolis Thomas Suzanne week. Ideal commission setup, must have St., Manchster. Hours daily Brian Donovan modern kitchen, two baths, 643-1108. • CENTURY 21 free estimates, insured. Bob Allison MIsovich Regiiliir lloiiorH Mary Keenan, irregularity in any Bid Dated at Hartford, Connecticut, Wendy Taylor Lawrence Dunn John Tsokalas 7:365, Thursday 7:369, Satur- Linda Tomlinson John Moffat automobile and be willing to meet the MANCHESTER - Four family fireplace., 2-car garage, Jobin, 6469027. | James Adams James Dwyer Linda Volland ) Chairman received. thisTst day of July, 1975. day, 7:30-4. 643-7958. David Varsell Scott Moffat Matthew Wall t in center of town, four rooms aluminum siding and windows, MANCHESTER - Five room L Phyllis Jackston Agency Stephen Moorehouse Bruce Ballard Lorraine Egan Andover'Planning Robert B. Weiss, f Frederick K. Biebel public. For further details contact Mr. Mary Whalen Jody Bauer Alan GIrelll David Wentwi rth each apartmnl. Income over large deck, picture window in Ranch, breezeway, garage, WALLPAPERING Special - Daniel White Victoria Moran David Whitaki r and Zoning Commis- General Manager Chairman DUBAimESPERJUICE 646-1316 DRIVEWAYS - any size, no job Charles Mumford David Beaulieu Peter Gourley McCulloch, circulation director, 647>9946. ^,000. Excel! mt estate builder, basement with walk-out to fireplace, trees, dead-end. average room $39, two rooms, Jeanne Wickwire Valerie Boroch Judith Grenier Edward Whitt sion Town of Manchester, Russell Norton Lon Wilson Republican State $56,500. W (Iveron Agency, patio. $47,900. Philbrick Agen- 649-8782 649-6050 too big or too small, call day or $70, ^special ______expires July 31, Bob Catherine Wilson Sheila Boushee Alison Grotta 646-0505 Hutchins Agency, 6463166, 228- ... ------Timothy Wollenberg Robert Odell Bryan Wood! suse ' Andover. Connecticut Connecticut Central Committee Realtor, 6!)-2813. cy, Realtors, 6464200. 3540. night, Steven Paving, 525-6414. jobin^ M 9-^'

1 ' PAGE TWENTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., July 10, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs., July 10, 1975 - PAGE TWENJY-THREE BKNJY BY JIIVI BERRY Dogs-BIrds-Pats 43 Apartments For Rent 53 Business tor Rent 55 Autos For Sale 91 BUG.S HUNNY OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE I 11% A 'T lM ^ ^ lU C F ADORABLE GERBILS - for ROCKVILLE - three room BOLTON NOTCH - 4,000 sc^uare sale, any reasonable offer, 643- apartment with heat, hot water, foot building for professional 1008 CHRYSLER I SEE VA GOT A NEW ^----- ^ rHoo&H /mieHT 7579, WOULD YOU DUV THANK HUNGRY LITTLE FOR HEAVEM'S SA K E, HE W AS aOING, TO USE AAASKIKJG, \ MAJOR HOOPLE? 1 AM PROF, ALFRED stove,3tO' refrigerator, $145, adults offices or sales, four commer- NEWPORT CONV. Rf^CKET GOIN’, SYLVESTER/ W ON'T H E EVER <3ET TA P E UNTIL TH AT TR O U B LE-M A K IN 6 ^ — HAVANA OI&AF: KJTt ! only, ideal for single person, no A BAG OF CORN YOU, BEGGARS NORTH 0LANKHEAD, CHAIRMAN OF SOUNDS Three cial industrial acres, land and TO ENCOURAGE TH AT POOR FIWISHEP? BROTHER OFVOURS SVMPATHIZEP PRIVATE riding instructions, pets, parking for one car. Auto., P.S., P.B., SIRE / AREN’T W ITH HIAA FOR HAVING SUC H A ^ THE GOVERNOR’^ COMMITTEE ON MORE TO ONE OJffA A(S»A|^J. building storage, parking, I AM TRYING TO MY BU SIN ESS THEY English and Western, $5.00 per Pow er Windows EARN AN f.- SHA KY HANP.i NOW VOURSEANP- HISTORY, OLD BUILPINSS AND HE PULLS security deposit required, call highway across shopping ENTERPRISE ? F ATH E R'S SO R U F F LE P H E'S P ETE R- LIKE hour, call 633-5571, anytime. 643-9678...... 78. center. 1-84, 1-86 close. 1-223- 77,000 Miles HONEST M IN E P TO PO A NEAT J O B WITHOUT envir onment a l uplift.' the A OUT A LIVING/ TH E TAPE.' COMPUTER SELECTED THE j^/C ) contract 4460. cata ho aut o WHY NOT.., ITS BRAIN MALE Poodle, black for sale. FIRST FLOOR - five room flat, U BETTER'N,, ‘ NAME HOOPLE A6 SCAN FOR ^ Call 646-8663. all appliances, fully carpeted, SMALL ,store, recently SALIS& SERVICE ]/ MOOCHIN'/ OF PARTICULAR I CUT-RATE basement storage with washer redecorated, busy Main Street 3 69 CENTER ST. sionificancet o the ENCVCLOPEPIA BRITTANY Spaniel pups, AKC and dryer connections. location. $80 monthly includes bicent ennial .' unfortunately MANCHESTER registered, AFC stock. Show Convenient to school and shop- heat, air-conditioning. 646-4607. TH F P B lN TO ItT and field quality, s^iots and ping. Call Mr. Peterman, 646- PH. 0 4 8 -0 3 2 2 7-/6 wormed. Choose from eight, 2912, 649-9404. ® 197S ty NEA. Inc now. 649-7737. MANCHESTER - Unusual one OFFICE SPACE AIREDALE puppies, AKC 1966 FORD G alax ie 500, Painting-Papering 32 Heating-Plumbing 35 Articles for Sale 41 Articles tor Sale bedroom Townhouse, private 41 registered, shots, wormed, entrances and patio, full base- FOR RENT excellent condition, $350, call 250 square feet, center of 649-8434. Ask for Bob. BY HANK LEONARD TAG SALE - Saturday, 58 $125. 567-8448, Litchfield. ment, includes heat, MICKEY FINN J.P. LEWIS & SON - Custom NO JOB too small, toilet SWIMMING POOLS - Luxury Manchester, air conditioning repairs, plugged drains, kitchen Cushman Dr., 10-4:30. Ski appliances, carpeting and pool. Painting - Interior and exterior. above ground pool distributor ONE DOE kid goat, $45, and and parking. Call 643-9551. 1972 MAZDA RX-2, racing faucets replaced, repaired, rec needs warehouse space. Will equipment, sofa, auto tape $245 per m onth. Paul W. WHEN r WAS SENT UP. MV I DIDN'T HAVE TO ANSWER ANY Paperhanging, Remodeling, bunnies, $2.50 each, call 742- green, 71,000 miles, 643-7117 a rooms, bathroom remodeling, sell and completely install a deck, bike, baby equipment, Dougan, Realtor, 646-1021, or BROTHER SOLD MY HOUSE AND QUESTIONS. I'M NOT OUT ON PAROLE Gutters. Fully insured. 649- 5081. 643-4535. after 6 p.m. Friday-Monday. 9658. heat modernization, etc. Free huge 16x31’ O.D. swim pool auto bike rack, toys, English MOU'RE PROBABLY INVESTED MV MONEY FOR —I SERVED MY FULL TIME/ BUT saddle, treasures and books. Resort Property YONOERINO HOW A M E — SO NOW I CAN LIKE 1 SAID— I'M VERY estimates gladly given. M & M complete with fencing, For Rent 56 1972 GRAN Torino Bougham, BX-CON CAN AFFORD, TAKE IT EASY/ COOPERATIVE/ ^E ON Plumbing & Heating, 649-2871. MANCHESTER - Deluxe one INSIDE - Outside painting, sundeck, filter and pump. Now Boats-Accessorles 45 power steering, air con- A L L THIS. YOUR ^ c ia l rates for people over K. only $795. Full price financing GE Portable Dryer, white, like bedroom apartment, available at the Teresa includes all MISQUAMICUT - Four rooms, ditioning, AM-FM stereo, stan- 6U<\RP, FRANK SCOTELLA Plumbing available. Call' Tony collect, new, 115V, no outside ventila- t-T /•< » «. f Fully insured. Estimates given. 18’ CRUISER LINE, 125 h.p. appliances and carpeting, $195 $185 weekly, call 643-0491 or 646- dard transmission, $500 below MKUOR- Call 649-7863. - Repairs and remodeling, 203-232-6500. tion, $90, 646-4813. 7'/o /! -j./g Evinrude with trailer. Call 875- 0472. /book price, 872-4122. II sewer lines cleaned electrical- per month. Paul W. Dougan, **i *14 w WOODED ACRE Lot - 400’ 8119. Realtor, 646-1021 or 643-4535. WALLPAPER Hanging - $2.75 ly. Prompt service on emergen- DARK RICH loam,.-five yards FOR SALE - 1968 Mustang, cies. 643-7024. frontage, partially cleared, COTTAGE for rent, Columbia MUTT AND JLFF BUD FISHER per roll. Experienced $28. plus tav, pool patio sand, MUST SELL - 1970 Fiberglass Lake, July and August. $110 automatic transmission, power gravel, and stone 643-9504. Guilford Maine, $1000, 643-8522. TWO BEDROOM luxury tradesm an. Call R. boat, 115 H.P. Johnson motor. townhouse, located in Highland weekly. 643-5661 after 5;30.' steering, good condition. $875. Starkweather, 644-3194. Flooring 36 Red metal flake, and white with Call 649-2365. Y YES,DOCTOR.I'MriERE V YH E N ALLO F A I'L L B E ^W HAT I'M USING SWIMMING POOLS - Famous ZENITH CABINET combina- Park section of Manchester. BABy-SITTINGTHIS KID- trailer. Excellent condition, $2,- Wooded and private. For infor- SUDDEN HE UPS FLOOR Sanding - Refinishing, Coleco guaranteed luxury tion stereophonic high fidelity R IG HT ARE you A P ENCIL.' PAINTING - interior and 000 or call 643-9262. mation call 646-1616, or 649- AUTOMOTIVE 1966 CHRYSLER 300, good con- SEE-AND I'M MAKING AND SWALLOWS exterior, paperhanging, (specializing in older floors). above ground swimming pool, radio-record player, good con- O V E R .' DOING IN dition, $35, 643-8522. 5295. dition. Must sell. Any NOTES ON THE 7 7 -?^ M y F OUNTAIN excellent work. References. Ceilings and inside painting. completely installed. Huge reasonable offer will not be FLOOR------TH E MEAN- Free estimates. Fully insured. John Verfaille, 646-5750; 872- 16’x31’ O.D. complete with Autos For Sale 61 P E N ' T TAG SALE - two families, July Sporting Goods 46 WILLINGTON, one, two, and refused. Call 643-7579. Martin Mattsson, 649-4431. 2222. filter, pump, vinyl liner, ladder, sundeck, fencing and stairs. On- 11 and 12, 10-2, furniture: three bedroom apartments, NEED CAR? Credit bad? PRISCII.LA’S POP BY Al. VERMEER 1974 SLIM LINE Red Wing with fireplaces, central air con- OLDS-Cutlass, Supreme, 1974, ' PAPER HANGING Expert. STEAM^M CARPET Cleaning, ly, $689. Full price. Financing Dining, baby, bedroom. Bankrupt? Repossessed? Hunter complete with bow ditioning, appliances, pool, and 2-door, full power, air- SA M E OLD LUNCH. you ll The Master in steam carpet available. Limited quanity. Call F , „ ® j’oj Honest Douglas accepts lowest W ELL, TH E R E S O N E ... ' ? ' Your average paper, in average quiver, belt quiver and ranger sauna, pollution free country conditioned, automatic, low EH, N UTC H E LL ? r-room, $25. Mr. Richman, 646- cleaningincj anHand harHwnoHhardwood finnrfloor Carl collect, 525-9138. for more take Redwood Rd. off Hillstown down, smallest payments. T H I N G TO S A Y FOR N E V E R to Ralph. camo outfit by Wing. Bow living with highway con- mileage, immaculate. $3,850. > 3 8 6 4 . sanding and refinishing is information. painted by Halls Arrow. Douglas Motors, 345 Main. Call 643-6814. M A S H E D P o t a t o B U S T A Floormasters, Inc. 119 Ann venience, appointment only, S A N D W IC H E S ... TO OTH .' / TAG SALE - Many items in- Complete outfit, $90. Call 646- 643-2139, 684-3081. EXTERIOR House painting Street, Hartford. Call 247-7917 SEWING MACHINE - Deluxe 0073. TOYOTA - See us for reliable Trucks lor Sale 62 daily 9-5. model Pfaff. All attachments. cluding housewares, stereo, used Toyotas with our 60-day and wallpaper removal. Name MANCHESTER - five large ' <• your own price. 649-5553. $60. Excellent condition. Call clothes, etc. Saturday and Sun- 1007o warranty. We also buy Caarricliioins •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• rooms, on second floor of brand 1974 FORD-F 250, 3/4 ton, 4- dUite & 4e BmuwwM SAVE TODAY!! Have any 643-9262. day, July 12 and 13, 10-5. 85 used Toyotas. Lynch Motors, 01 WorM IU0i>» Garden Street, indoors. Garden Products 47 new two-family, carpeting, air wheel drive, power steering, 4- carpet or upholstery steam 345 Center S treet, Manchester, speed, 8’ Fisher plow, power cleaned and save 207c during all MOVING, Must Sell - Home conditioning and dishwasher, 646-4321. CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE COME TO the Tag Sale, Satur- PICK YOUR OWN separate driveways, $275 per angle, excellent condition. Only Building- Contracting of July only. Call A&B Carpet furnishings and appliances in- 19,000 miles. Call 649-0193 after tl _____33 Cleaners today. 1-668-5273. eluding washer and dryer. Will day July 12, at 9 o’clock at 15 Strawberries. Paggioli Farm, month, security, call 646-1379 after 6 p.m. WE PAY $15 for complete junk 4:30. sacrifice, no reasonable offer Mill St., Manchester. Lots of 66 Birch Mountain Road, cars. Call" Joey, ■ “Tolland alfai ■ Auto NEWTON H. Smith & bons - ...... refused. See( at 65 West Middle stuff. Bolton. Day light hours. Body, 528-1990. DON'T CAUL ME A "WIAU-HATIN& I TRY TO BEHAVE LIKE A I DON'T SUPPOSE YOUR Remodeling, repairing, ad- 1972 CHEVROLET pickup with FEMALE" JUST BECAUSE I DON'T GENTLEMAN. MISS FRUBY... Turnpike or call 643-7579. NUMEROUS FEMALE ACCOM- ditions, rec rooms, porches and MISC. FOR SALE ______TAG SALE - Saturday July 12, camper, eight cylinder, 646- FALL FOR. YOUR DUBIOUS BRAND PLJSHVIENT5 VVOULP .HAPP|N 1972 DODGE Colt s ta tio n 0724. g> l975&YHeA. IftC.IM Rw US.P« OWB . OF AAASCULINE C H A R M l S O DOW'T ^TO INCLUDE COOHIM&i ^ f i n g . No job too small. Call ...... WATERPROOF luggage rack 48 Bisseli St., books, plants, Antiques -A8 wagon, 4-cylinder, automatic TEMPT ME TO mags and tires, knick-knacks, PRESIDENTIAL THE BORN LOSER BY ART SANSOM ______Articles tor Sale 41 lor top of car. Excellent condi- transmission, low mileage, Vz THINK UP OTHS/Z 10-5. 1959 CHEVY Fleetside, ton I MIGHT ------tion. $50. Call anytime. 568-4376. WANTED Antique furniture, VILUStAPTS. clean. Chorches, Motors, 643- pickup, good running condition, THIN69 CARPENTRY - Repairs, 2791. mu, I'VE ( m DOR'T START TO PACK HUY... I...I COtO'T CALL you: BELIEVE ; remodeling, additions, garages, ALUMINUM sheets used as glass, pewter, oil paintings, or MANCHESTER needs some body work, call 643- LIVE BAIT - night crawlers, CRAWFISH, beautiful bait for ME, IT’D BE ALL -roofing, call Dave Patria, 644- printing plates, .007 thick, other antique items. R. 2298. HMMLVtoT 5UO(J6>H TO EASVi ’. & ( - - - - shiner, and crawfish. Camp black fishing at the shore. Harrison, 643-8709. 1974 FORD E L IT E - Silver 1796. 23x32” . 25 cents each or 5 for $1. Camp Meeting Road, Bolton, One and two bedrooml ENOUG+1 Mh US Phone 643-2711. Meeting Rd., Bolton, 649-5685. metallic paint with Burgandy 1962 FORD Econline van, run- 649-5685. Near schools, churches padded vinyl top and matching C^WES ROBBINS carpentry WANTED - Antiques or collec- ning condition, $200 or best ‘S A V e D O P f D R , super soft vinyl interior. 351V-8 rem odeling specialist. Ad- NEWSPRINT end rolls. 25 BLACK and white RCA Vista tables, rugs, paintings, bronzes, and shopping center, on offer. Call 643-1671. ANIMAL TRAP - 20x26x60 in. engine, cruisomatic transmis- 1^106010 i, ditions, rec rooms, dormers, cents each. Inquire side door. TV - stereo console, and Hot- furniture, lamps, china, etc. hi|s line. Call ahytime 7 single door, quail bird cages, sion, power steering, power :| /^built-ins, bathrooms, kitchens, Manchester Evening Herald. p6int dishwasher, call 643-7579. Any quantity, 644-8962. 1965 CHEVY panel truck, six EUROPE! call 649-5875, after 5. brakes with front wheel discs, *•649-3446. 646-2623 cylinder, 12 ft. bed, good run- WE BUY and sell used fur- Wanted to Buy 49 HR70xl5 steel belted radial NEAR NEW solid maple two COIN MASTER 4 TR, disc ning condition, $500, 649-4219. 7-10 niture. Cash on the line. One white wall tires, light package, LEON CIESZYNSKI builder - piece bedroom set, twin bed, metal detector, headphones, piece or an entire housefull. COLLECTOR will pay $65 for mirror package, interior decor new homes custom built, $300, 649-7386. earphones, w arrantee, Motorcycles - Bicycles 64 646-6432. Furniture Barn, 345 old Bisque or China head doll. package, all guages, AM/fM THE FLINTSTONES remodeled, additions, rec excellent condition, 643-5662 stereo radio, air conditioning, BY HANA-BARBERA Main Street Rear, behind NO regret, the best yet; Blue Call locally. 875-7356. EXPERT bicycle repairs, all rooms, garages, kitchens after 5. FURNISHED three room tinted glass all around, clock, Douglas Motor Sales. Lustre cleans carpets beautiful- makes, models and speeds. 10 Ills »y MCA. Inc - T u lUg U.$ Off remodeled, barn tile, cement apartment, water heat, and deluxe seat belts, fingertip work. Steps, dormers. Residen- ly. Rent electric sharrmooer, $1. ANTIQUES - clocks, Peugeot, Raleigh dealers, REMOVE spots and residue electric included, $200 per cruise control, front bumper tial or commercial. Call 649- CLEAN USED refrigerators, E. A. Johnson Paint Coi..ompany. phonographs, guns, glass, com- Manchester Bicycle Shop, 649- ALLEY OOP BY V.T. HAMLIN left behind from other cleaners. month, near hospital and high guards, deluxe wheel covers, 4291. ranges, automatic washers, ic booKS, baseball cards, pain- 2098. N O -B U T H E'S B EE N ...A n Rent new RINSE-N-VAC steam school, Philbrick Agency DID YOUR WIFE'S f SHE O ID N t) ...BUT HER FATMB5 WHY? THESE ) HE JUST ) ...A FIASH FLOOD HIT with guarantees. B. D. Pearl’s SMITH CORONA - typewriter tings, dolls, trains, statues. 646- twin comfort seats with arm R E A L BU SY B U lLDIN S A d d i t i o n cleaner at M anchester Realtors, 646-4200. rests and more. $4500. Call 644- GRANDMOTHER I DOC... TOOK A PARTY WESll DIRECTIONS J DIDN'T \T H E AREA PRIOR TO HIS AN A D D ITIO N TO TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY Appliances, 649 Main St, 643- ane table, $50, phone 649-7375. 2690, 646-1882. MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE - EVER GO AFTER TO TRY AND RECOVER 2171 Wallpaper & Paint Company, 9555. SEEM ^ G E T THEREl ARRIVAL, AND WASHEC T H E H O U S E / Carpentry and general contrac- 185 West Middle Turnpike, 646- MANCHESTER - Newer three lowest rates available. OtSONiS BOODLE? IT.' THEIR ATTEMPT, EXPLICIT, T IN TIM E, ) AWAY ALL THE LAND- WESTINGHOUSE 18 Ib. VOLVOS WANTED any year, Immediate binding. Exclusive FAILH>, HOWEVER-' ting. Residential and commer- 0143. bedroom Duplex, 1 1/2 baths, 1972 GRAN Torino Bougham, EN O UGH-'y DOC.' y MARKS OLSON REreRREP) cial. Whether it be a small SCREENED LOAM - driveway capacity washer, two months we will pay instant cash on the NETRA Agent. Clarke In- TO IN THIS LETTER.' J spot. Call Mr. Mag. Clayton carpeting, full basement, $250 power steering, air con- repair job, a custom built home gravel, processed gravel, sand, ola, $230, also Pencrest stereo monthly. References. Hayes surance Agency, 643-1126. stone and fill. George H. Grif- CLEAN carpets professionally Motors 289-3461. ditioning, AM-Fm stereo, stan- or anythingytnii in between, call 646- cassette recorder/player. $40. clean with new portable steam Corp. 646-0131. ylx d' fing, Andover, 742-7886. 646-4375. dard transmission, $500 below 1967 BSA Spitfire, MK II, 1379. cleaner. Rent RINSE-N-VAC at HALE MAPLE Hutch - with book price, 872-4122. excellent condition, must be \ Manchester Hardware & Supp- china top in spice finish, 423- FOUR ROOMS, heated, BUILDING - Remodeling, MAPLE loveseat, $20; maple PAIR of 57 inch wheels, ash ly, 877 Main Street, a^jiliances, near bus line. 649- seen, serious inquiries only, crib, $10; 8’xlO’ Camel tent, $25. spokes, excellent condition, 6503. 1971 VOLKSWAGEN converti- best offer, call 643-0358. roofing, rec rooms, additions, Manchester. 643-4425. ble, am/fm radio, very good garages. All kinds, carpentry Call 649-0647. $15,00 each, 649-7375. GIRL’S TWO wheeler starter condition,...... best ..... offer. Call"all after■ work. For estimates call 649- MANCHESTER - Deluxe two MOTORCYCLE Insurance - TOW BAR - used once, like bike wanted, 643-8972. 5, 649-5146. f-ro 1142. MAPLE Dinette set, round GIANT TAG SALE - Saturday new, must sell, best offer, call bedroom townhouse, private Call the experts at Crockett table, formica top, four chairs, and Sunday, 8-6, Something for 875-4958 after 5:30 weekdays, entrances and patio, full base- Agency, 643-1577. $45. Call 649-8775. everyone. From furniture to 1970 VW BEETLE, good condi- • STEPS, SIDEWALKS, stone anytime, weekends. ment, includes heat, tion, 649-0444. walls, fireplaces, flagstone glassware and many household appliances, carpeting, $265, 1971 SPO RTSTER 900, custom PERSIAN kitten, CFF paint and seat, excellent condi- terraces, concrete repairs, in- items. Route 85, to London GARAGE SALE - Thursday, U RENTALS Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 646- MR. ABERNATHY registered, male, silver tabby, Road to East Street, Hebron. 1973 CHEVROLET Cheveile tion $2,100, flexible, call 647- BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY WIN AT BRIDGE ' side and outside. Reasonably Friday, Saturday, Bench lathe, 1021, 643-4535. station wagon, six cylinder, priced. 643-0851. seven weeks old, $75. 649-3776. 1726, anytime. accessories, guages, calipers, automatic, power steering, OH, PEABODY, MAY 2:31 ZN VACUUM tube voltmeter, new. vices, chucks, tool bits, centers, Rooms tor Rent 52 MANCHESTER - convenient DUTCH MAID underwear sale - Call 643-0457. radial, Chorches Motors, Inc., 1971 HONDA CB-350, excellent I 9PEAKTDY0U Today’s question comes from ANY TYPE rem odeling, indicators, etc., 44 Perkins St., three room apartment, 643-2791. condition. Must sell. Best offer, FOR A AAINUTE? \Nhen to sit out a free bid New York and asks us how we ' alterations, carpentry, July only, 643-2628, 646-1537, Manchester. THOMPSON HOUSE, fur- carpeted, air conditioned, on masonry; and concrete, free es- 423-6530. FIREPLACE andirons and 643-7819 after 6. stand on the subject of four- and nished rooms, centrally site parking included, quiet 1973 DODGE Custom Polara, five-card major openings. timates, Tony Squillacote, 649- tools. Phone 649-7375. located. Kitchen privileges. neighborhood, $165, Stratford MOVING - for sale, furniture, two door hardtop, air- Campers-Trallers The answer is that we try to 0811. BLONDE oak dining room miscellaneous items, 165 Parking. Reasonable rates. Associates, 233-1278. NORTH(D) 10 buffet, sliding glass doors conditioning, power disc Mobile Homes 65 avoid opening four-card ma- TAG SALE - Friday - Saturday, Hackmatack St., 647-1679 after Phone 649-2358. A Q 9 3 You don’t have to make a free Now North bid three clubs. above, drawers below $75. 646- 11-4, 141 Summit Street. brakes, power steering, vinyl jors, but do open them when we TOBIAS CARPENTRY Service 6 p.m. on Friday. ROCKVILLE - August, attrac- V A2 bid. Any time you know that South went to four clubs. He 4638. Moving, out of state, everything top, excellent condition, $1995, TRAVEL trailer 28’, self- just can’t find another bid. - Remodeling, repairs, ad- ESSEX MOTOR INN - weekly tive four room, first floor, 643-8331, 423-3400. ♦ A83 your partner is going to bid coQld afford this because must go. contained, twin beds, air- Thus, we open one spade with: ditions, custom building. No job rooms, single $56, double $69, adults, no pets, security, A 10 8 7 6 2 again, you may pass after ac- North’s two-heart bid had an- 23 INCHES, black and white conditioned, full bath, will AAKQ9 VJ 4 3 2 AQ72 too small. Free estimates. Over plus tax, continental breakfast, references, $145, 643-9743. 1971 PLYMOUTH DUSTER, WEST EAST tion by an opponent. nounced that North was going 25 years experience. 643-5769. TV, in good condition, price, TWO-door metal clothes closet, sacrifice. KOA Camp ground. ISlHA «J4; Dogs-BIrds-Pets 43 air conditioning, 646-2300. slant 6 cylinder, automatic, * A J4 A K 10 8 7 6 5 to game in any event. or one heart with: $90, 649-3265. Maytag wringer washer, liquor FIVE ROOM apartm ent, Interstate 86 East, to exit 100, 7 - J g - VQ J965 V83 power steering, am/fm radio, take 44, 5 miles east to Moose Today’s hand was played in a A 6 3 2 VKQJ9 AAQ74 RootIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 cabinet, maple twin beds. DOG-CAT boarding reser- MANCHESTER - Two Pearl security deposit required, vinyl roof. 24 mpg. Asking $1,- I * Q 10 7 5 2 A J 94 Then, North made the key bid BEAUTIFUL walnut buffet, Reasonable, 647-9202. Meadow Road, West strong duplicate game with of four diamonds. South jumped ♦ Q5. vations. Combined inside/out- Street. Under new manage- Mather Street. Call 673-5941 575. Excellent condition, 643- * - A93 very few pairs reaching the BIDWELL Home Improvement oiled walnut desk, a crystal ment, Single room available. after 5 p.m. Willington, Conn. to six clubs and it was all over. side runs, partitioned privacy, 9708, or 647-1908. WINTHROP BY DICK CAVAI.LI SOUTH cinch■ club■■ sslam. l a i Actually, some (Do you have a question for Co. E xpert installation of champa.gne and water goblet. TAG SALE - Four families - germicidal lighting. Canine Apply manager. Apartment 1, Tag Sale - Everything from golf NIMROD camper, sleeps four, A 2 played in three notrump with Note that with this hand the Jacobys? Write ^‘Ask the aluminum siding, gutters and Two stoves, gas, electric. Crib, Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon Road, or call after 6, 875-3503. 1974 GRAN PRIX, air- V K 10 7 4 trims. Roofing installation and clubs to ice skates and port-a-crib, couch, chairs and $350. Call 649-5109. USE THE WORD MYANOTHER'e. I GOT TH ATO N E FRCWt A N O L D conspicuous lack of success Blackwood was not usable. Jacobys" care of this Manchester, 646-5971. ELLINQTON conditioning, power windows, ♦ K6 repairs. 649-6495, 875-9109. household items. Must sell - JO H N N Y CARSON MONOLOfSUE. after a spade lead by East. With clubs as trump a newspaper. The most in- miscellaneous items. Friday, CENTRAL - pleasant large power steering, power disc "a a o n o g a m y " AAOSr P R IZ E D A AKQJ54 Excellent prices. 4 Level Rd. Saturday, Sunday, 10-5. 219 1971 20 FT. Yellowstone Travel IN A SENTENCE. FO>S S E S 6ICN Blackwood response to show teresting questions will be room with telephone, next to TICK TOOK brakes, AM-F'M stereo with used in the column and writers HORACE Tetrault — Siding, 646-5052. School Street. Articles tor Sale 41 shower, parking, after 6 p.m., Trailer, self contained, electric ISAAA0NO3AMY Both vulnerable At this table North didn’t one ace would get the tape player, much more, 18,000 brakes, shower, stove, gas and know what to do after West’s partnership too high. will receive copies of JACOBT roofing, storm windows, aw- 649-6801. TOWER miles, excellent condition, C R E D E N Z A . mngs. Quality workmanship, electric, three burners, and heart overcall. He might have MODERN.) Quality workmanship. A new 1 bedroom townhouse apart- $3995, 643-8331, 423-3400. West North East South free estimates. Fully insured. FURNISHED IVz rooms, ment community featuring private en- oven, sleeps six, mint condition, done almost anything, but made Answer to Previous Puzzle private bath, parking, $30 week- trances, open staircase, wall to wall call 643-0920. the wise choice of a heart cue carpeting, range, refrigerator, dis- 1963 PLYMOUTH, 440 cid, 4- Pass Pass 1A bid. East didn’t like his hand. Avon’s Bard “ " ** r -— BARGAIN BOX------* ly. Call evenings, 649-5729. posal, pantry unit, cathedral beamed speed. Needs minor work. $400 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 V Dble. P ass ROOFING - Specializing living room, Vh baths, open balcony, No one can blame him for not or best offer. 643-0458 after 6 Automotive Service 66 3 A Pass 4 A liking it but East decided to do ACROSS 3 Madman repairing roofs, new roofs, Clip Out - Fill in - Mail Today CLEAN, pleasant room, cen- abundant closets, air conditioning, p.m. 4 Young sheep gutter work, chimneys, cleaned master TV antenna, 24 hour 4 A Pass 6 A something. 1 S h a k e s p e a r - m tral, parking. Call 649-1425. superintendent service, laundry and ean fairy (pl) and repaired. 30 years •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Opening lead — Q ¥ SAVE OVER 50% storage area In basement. No pets. PLYMOUTH Valiant, 1972 - queen 5 Operatic solo k He doubled the cue bid. That 6 Abduct experience. Free estimates. Apartments For Rent 53 Immediate through August 1st. oc- four-door, 6 cylinder, automatic QUALITY BODY C?I C>C 4 Body of water * Howley, 643-5361. cupancy. Rent $235 per month In- CAW4-I double gave South a chance to 8 -----Marian 7 Editors (ab.) cluding heat and hot water. Please transmission, power steering, i-io WE HAVE customers waiting C I97S by NtA, Inc I M Wtfl U $ P|I Qfl By Oswald & James Jacoby pass to see what North meant 12 Pub brew 8 Clowns call 872-6343 or 875-9876. Monday 67,000 miles. Very dependable, WORK AT by his cue bid. 9 Damsel's ROOFING - Installation and 12 Words - 3 Days ■ 1 NIar for the rental of your apartment through Friday, 8-5 p.m. Directions: I- 13 Moistureless $1,800. Call 644-9004 after 5. SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL 14 Girl's name name repairs, gutters, storm win- Cla Mlflc a tlo n 41, Miscella n e ous For Sa le Only or home. J.D. Real Estate 86 to exit 95, Route 83 north 8 miles, to Eisenhower I left on Route 286, 'A mile on right. DISCOUNT 15 Radical dows, doors. Experienced Associates, Inc. 646-1980. ) and others quality workmanship. Fully in- STATION WAGON for sale - 16 “-----Night's m Ads must be mailed only No phone orders 1969 Dodge, good condition. PRICES! AND SUBSriTL / TED Dream (nickname) 11 S m a l l m i s s i le 27 Acts of turning 41 Dyestuff sured. Free estim ates. Payment must accompany ad LOOKING for anything in real Must sell. 875-0004. - &OSCON BAKED SEWS- 18 Character in Reasonable prices. Rick NEWER two bedroom, CATALANO AUTO "The 17 African stream inside out 42 Takes food estate rental — apartments, ^T A R GAXER?*0 28 Armed 43 The dill Burnett, 646-3005. ss*. One Item only, Include price and phone carpeting, appliances, base- Tempest" 19 Angry homes, multiple dwellings, no 1970 PLYMOUTH, nine SALES & SERVICE -By CLAY R. POLLAN-" 23 Jungle cats conflicts 44 Asterisk No refunds for early cancellation por non-commercial users only ment storage, heat and hot LIIRA 20 Brute fees. Call J.D. Real Estate passenger station wagon, call 369 CENTER ST. ARIIS 24 Western 29 Otherwise 46 Nevada city D&A ROOFING. Roofs, siding, Ad may be edited to conform to rules water, parking, $230 monthly, MAS. 21 Vour Daily Aclivily Guide 21 Art (Latin) Associates, Inc. 646-1980. after 5:30, 429-6892. MANCHESTER 22 Exclamation of landmark 31 Harbinger 47 Moumain gutters and leaders. Free es- security and lease, 649-1101. According to the Stars. (comb, form) Ad will appear In the next three Issues of the Herald after It Is received. To develop message for Friday, sorrow 25 Hebrew month 33 Roman roads timates. Fully insured. 249- MANCHESTER - Deluxe 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PH. 6 4 6 -6 3 2 2 2- 9-11-13 14-18-24-29^ 24 Mother (coll.) 26 Sounder 38 Seesaw 48 Salamander 0205. M I No delay In publication will be permitted. JUST MARRIED? Four room '63-73-80-82 read words corresponding to numbers 54-55-66 mentally 40 Parts of teat 50 Onassis bedroom Townhouse, 1 1/2 Automotive Service 66 of your Zodiac birth sign. 26 Twirl baths, full basement, private apartment first floor. yf TAURUS 27 Female sheep 2 3" 4 r~ r" 9 W r ^\AfR. 20 1 It's 31 M o k e 61 Results 1 R(X)FING, siding, gutters, aw- I entrances and patio, includes Appliances. No pets. $150, im- 2 Hard 32 Money 62 Someone 30 Feminine nings, lighting protection. I heat, appliances, carpeting, and mediate occupancy, 633-6026. I MAT 20 3 Danger 33 And 63 W ill appellation 12 13 14 Lowest prices. Work 0,12-15-17-40 4 Expand 34 Activities 64 You 32 Vaulted air-conditioning. $290 per 5 Of 35 Squabbles 65 Shore 16 guaranteed. Insured, terms. E. NEW two family - three :g/52-75-79-87 34 Shiny fabric 15 17 month. Paul W. Dougan, COMPLETE GM BU/.Z SAWYER 6 Your 36 Attentive 66 Promising 35 Saltpeters BY ROY CRANE GEMINI Steve Pearl, Beacon Lightning Realtor, 646-1021, or 643-4535. bedrooms, air-conditioning, 7 Best 37 Especiolly 67 Regording 36 Exist 18 19 io 6 Being 36 Opinions. 68 Insincere Protection Company. 643-5465. wall-to-wall carpeting, $250 a MAY 21 37 Rots by •■••••••••••••••■••••••••••a 9 Work 39 Your 69 Toke i!t 22 I23 NEWER Three-bedroom month plus utilities, 646-5666, '..■•'cJUNE 20 10 Not 40 Existing 70 Money exposure REPAIRS you ALl T yeS, MR. SAWYER. BUT H O W I^ S t^ l /a^EAKIWHILE; Heating-Plumbing 35 Duplex -1 1/2 baths, carpeting, anytime. 3- 5- 8-23 11 N o t 41 Attitu de 71 Yourself 16-22-28-45^ 39 Gaelic 24 25 a RIGHT, I ANO DEL LEFT. SOMEBODY LET ^ CHEER UP.HOWIEl^ /27-62-68 12 Right 42 Capocities 72 Into 51-67-70 40 Rabbit all appliances. $260 monthly. 13 Luck 43 To 73 Solve • CDUiSION PEARL?/the AIR OUT OF THEIR TIRES / LISTEN,' HEY,..WHAT'S 41 Bitter vetch SEWERLINES, sink lines, Frecnette & Martin, Inc., FOUR rooms, parking, cellar, CANCER 14 Chonce 44 Money- 74 Awoy CAPRICORN 30 31 m three extra unheated rooms. No and THEY ^— r ^ r / DIDN’T I THE M A T T E R ? / THAT 42 Artist's frame 1 cleaned with electric cutters, Realtors, 646-4144. 21 15 Answers 45 Up 75 May 45 Corrosion FARMER... 16 Portner 46 Moking 76 Your 34 by professionals. McKinney NAME children, pets. Utilities extra. MECHANICAL iJUir 22 JAN. )» 49 Comes before $135. 649-9158. W E S E R V IC E A L L G E N E R A L M O TO R S SHOT? 17 To 47 Come 77 Cor 1 Bros. Sewer Disposal Com- ... Ill 39-42-49 18 Por 48 Sociol 78 They 4- 6 -34-37^ 51 Native metal 36 3T H39 ADDRESS C A R S A N D T R U C K S 19 Clash 49 For 79 Be 44-46-57 52 Kind of duck pany, 643-5308. She Heralb is '60-78-81-86 CLASSIFIED AOVERTISINQ CITY « G e nuin e P arts 20A 50 Drews 80 Today's AQUARIUS 53 Italian painter 40 Business tor Rent 55 LEO 21 O f 51 Obstocles 81 Are 54 Recent ) JULY 23 JAN. 20 BOTTI HEATING and Plum- STATE Factory Tralited M e ch a nics 22 May 52 Problems 82 Problems 55 Steamers (ab.| 42 43 IT vr IT I 23 Sidetracked 53 Up 83 Too bing - All heating and plumbing AUG. 22 FCB. I t 56 Metal P .O . Box 591 OFFICE For Rent - 953 Main 24-HGUR WRECKER SERVICE 24 Making 54 Money 84 With repairs plus remodeling. Call ZIP ’6-32-35-47 19-21-38-50/ 57 Toper 49 BT t1 Ma nch e ster, C o nn. 06040 Street. Call 643-4846. 25 Considerote 551s 85 An 64-72-85-88V 6^1496. PHONE CALL648-6464 '53-58-74 26 If 56 Gets 86 Worth 52 S3 $4 VIRGO 27 By 57 Plons 87 Found riscES DOWN BEAUTIFUL office, heat, air 28 Put 56Wolk 88 Argument ret. If COMPLETE bath remodeling, AUG. 21 29 More 59 Colls 89 Others 1 -----Antony 55 56 57 I______conditioned, parking, share MAR. repairs. Otto Lorentzen, Plum- 12 Words • 3 Days • *1 Dollar. four rooms with accountant, V-; swr. 22 30 Use 60 All 90 Seriously 20 2 Athena -i£ bing Contractors.649-4056 to Carter Chevrolet . .^>25-33-36 1- 7-10-43/*' (NEWSPAPER Kim iarRU k MSN I very reasonable, 649-1680, 649- )G oo<1 ( ^ A d v e r s e ^ ^ N c u t n l l69-71-83-90Si, 8:30 a.m., 6-7 p.m. *1 3549. 1229 M A IH .8 T. • M A N C H E S TE R 5i/41-56-61 Fl9'

» I 1 1 L -y M I i A » t r r \ 1 PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., July 10, lg^5

cthe H eralD College Biology Course Offered at Bolton High School

DONNA HOLLAND The purpose of the If the student enters UConn Students who are admitted The only cost to the student 646-0375 cooperative program is to or another college the universi- and who satisfactorily com- will be for textbooks. Club Favors stimulate intellectual develop- ty will furnish an official A freshman level college plete the course will receive Mail registration must be ment and challenge the talents biology course will be offered to transcript indicating college four hours of credit. Center At of gifted students. received on or before July 18. a limited number of Bolton credits earned and course title. Beginning Sept. 3 and con- dS East Center-^t. Under the u n iv ersity ’s The program is limited to Anyone interested may contact Old Library High School students in tinuing each Monday and • at Summit St. cooperative program for juniors and seniors who have Roy at the high school at 643- September. Registration must Wednesday through Jan. 21 2768. BOLTON superior students, outstanding superior scholastic records. biology 101-general biology will WEEKEND CASH and CARRY SPECIAU be received at the school by high school students work with Donna llullund July 18. Each candidate is evaluated be offered to accepted students AtA.()375 college certified teachers in at the high school and then from 6:45 until 8:45 p.m. at the It is being offered by the their own school on an approved Two members of the Bolton school’s science department in transcripts are sent to the un- school. Only 10 of Denmark’s thou- Roses ..... d«i.^2B36 course of study for which they Woman’s Club (BWC) attended cooperation with the University iversity for final acceptance Kenneth Roy, BHS science sands of lakes are now regarded ______’tH M».M. THUR8., PRI. HITE8I receive full college credit. the Board of Selectmen's of Connecticut. and admission to the program. chairman, will be the instruc- as unpolluted. meeting Monday to find out tor. what the board plans for the old Bentley Memorial Library; dis- cuss the dump situation, in par- ticular the recycling of glass, paper and tin cans; and request permission to plant a live Save , Christmas tree in front of the Up To 30% Town Hall. Our Reg. Low Prices Alison Boisoneau and Bonnie Legg, the women at the

meeting, are both members of Long Sleeve the BWC conservation com-

mittee. Mrs. Boisoneau is Solid Color Shirts chairman of the committee.

Mrs. Boisoneau questioned Our the selectmen . about their Reg. future plans for the old library. 5.99

She said the BWC would like 100% polyester solid color the selectmen to consider using shirts with full placket front it as a curtural center for the Sizes 8 to 16.

town, not for town offices. She said many persons and

town organizations are in- Long Sleeve

terested in having it used for Tie Fronts something other than office space.

Dave Dreselly, first select-

man, said at present the

selectmen anticipate using it Misses’ and Juniors’ Men’s and for office space. Acetate and nylon solid and Short Sets Young Men’s Jeans Douglas Cheney, chairman of print tie bottom blouses in the Public Building Commis- sizes 32 to 38. ALL sion, said at an earlier time, Our Reg. Richie Morra, former first selectman, asked if the building 100% Polyester 4.99 and 5.99 could be divided into three sec- tions, two for offices and a Knit Pants meeting room. ALL Mrs. Boisoneau asked if the Our Reg. Choose from a great selection of jeans at future use of the building had to 7.99 this fantastic price!

be voted on at a Town Meeting. Choose from tanks, halters, tie-fronts Dreselly said he didn't think with pull-on shorts. Great selection. the specific so. Sizes 7/8 and 15/16. He asked the women to bring Choose pullon flare leg or fashion knit style in solids or patterns. more detailed plans to a future meeting. Machine washable in sizes 10 to 18. QfiO/ OffOurReg. Mrs. Boisoneau asked again • W W / O Low Prices that consideration be given to using the entire building as Uniform Dresses cultural center — for puppet

shows, art exhibits and the like. Norm Preuss, selectman, 70 Girls’ Bikini said he's heard rumors about a CLEARANCE! Q y Thong Sandal location in town the BWC might MISSES’ AND JUNIORS’ PANTS w f Padded innersole for be interested in. He said he Polyesters, poly/ nylons, zipper or button didn't want to disclose it right Cuffed or uncuffed, pockets, belts, other Reg. comfort. White in sizes closings. All machine washable. Sizes 5 to fashion detailing. Sizes 7/8 and 15/16. Reg. to 10.99 3.99 12'/z to 3 now but would get to the club 13,8 to 18,16'/: to24‘/2 in group. White with information later. and some pastels. Mrs. Boisoneau then told the

selectmen clubs across the country have as their national Support or Regular project beautification of the Gold Filled 1% OFF country in conjunction with the PANTY HOSE Hoop Our Reg. nation's bicentennial celebra- Low Prices tion. OnesizetoS-M-L-XL. - l l Q Q 9 9 White or beige. I TO £ Earrings Locally BWC conservation committee is weeding the gar- 3 3 3 Support Stockings .. 1.99 POLAROID 50%kL dens around the Town Hall and at Bolton Center Green. It plans Our Reg. 4,99 to 5.99 Girls’ Summer Knit fAA Twist Knot Sandal to completely landscape the All with 14Kearwires. Many SUN New Brazilian Tan uppers, library grounds and is presently styles to choose from. Tops, Blouses or Reg. wood-like fashion wedge. working with architect Alan Lightweight Slacks 9.99 Sizes 5% to 10. Wiedie toward that end. GLASSES The women asked permission Poloroid Cool-Ray glasses in men's ■ ^''Our Reg. and women's styles. Don't miss this to plant a live Christmas tree in Low Prices tremendous sale. front of the Town Hall. The plan , _ ^ Suede Leather Basketball to have it decorated by local Mfr's. List 3.50 to 9.95 YOUR Ceramic Giftware Sneakers groups at holiday time and have Nurses’ Our Low Reg. 2.99 to8.49 by Maddux of California CHOICE Our Reg. to 5.99 it made attractive to birds Shoe On Natural Sole Reg. Q 7 O throughout the year. Bowls, vases, ashtrays, figurines, Blouses; Short sleeve knits, short or long Genuine leather upper on others. 30 assorted pieces 11.99 ^ Mrs. Boisoneau said if per- sleeve. Solids or prints. Sizes 4 to 14. this new look in footwear. per store. No Rain Checks. Cushioned Innersoles.arch mission was granted an eight to White. Sizes 5% to 10. 76 Slacks: Polyester or gabardine pastels in supports, sure-grip rubber ten foot Spruce would be solids or fancies. All in sizes 4 to 14. soles. Sizes 7 to 12.

donated by Treets Nursery of

Bolton for planting the begin- ning of August.

There were no objections by

the selectmen. Mrs. Legg told the selectmen Save During Our Famous Whit© Sal© the BWC encourage them and

the town to include a recycling center for glass, paper and tin

cans when plans for its disposal

area are made. She said the club would like to Fully Quilted Floral Bedspreads

be of service in whatever capacity it could. Famous Floral Print Maker’s Percale 14™ £-18™ No-Iron Sheets QUEEN Sheets Reg. to 27.99 TWIN FLAT TWIN FLAT Barbs By PHIL PASTORET 2$ Queen available Lito each life some rain must in Birchessonly. TWIN FIT fall - granted. But, why do WE Reg. 4.99 FOR Our Reg. 3.99 Ea. 2,o»5™ have to live in a rain forest? TWIN F IT ...... Reg. 4.99 3.29 84" Size FULLFUT Our Reg. 11.99 FULL FIT Keep your eye on that big FULL FLAT FULL F IT ...... Reg. 5.99 4.29 chance — and you’ll see who Our Reg. 4.99 Ea. 2™7™ gets It. CASES(Pkg.of2) Reg. 3.99 3.49 2$ CASES

Beautiful selection of fashion print sheets, Our Reg. 3.99 many on new tinted grounds, luxury 180 FOR (pkg. 0(2) Polyester filled. Decorative 3.49 thread count percale. prints in fashion colors. Floral print on bone ground.

Jacquard Bath Our vacations always turn Jumbo Welt “GOOD VALUE” PRINTS out to be the all-expense Cotton and Cotton Blends CANNON. Towel Ensemble types. Feather Bed Pillows Our Reg. 99c to 1.29 Yd. BATH HAND Our Reg. 3 49 0urReg.2Z9 What did you do this week in Great selection. 45" wide. addition to marking time till the weekend? POLYESTER DOUBLEKNITS

Plumply filled with half crushed duck Yarn dyed fancies. Top mills, newest WASH, Our Reg. 99c feathers and half foam. Attractive old colors, textures, weaves. 60" wide. 88c fashioned folklore tick. Our Reg. to 3.99 Velour reverses to absorbent cotton terry. Thick n' thirsty. FRESH CUNDY WlUtlllMI. SCHRAFFT, 3 WAYS TO CHARGE CANDY CUPfOARO MANCHESTER SALE; THURS. thru SAT.

MON. THRU FRI.IO A.M.TO9:30 PM. ARTHUR DRUG SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 9:30 PM. 1145 Tolland Turnpike
