H9092 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 28, 1998 WE CAN SAVE SOCIAL SECURITY hearts of all America, he has more (H.R. 4337) to authorize the Secretary AND ELIMINATE THE MARRIAGE home runs per game at bat ratio than of the Interior to provide financial as- TAX PENALTY Mark McGuire. He got number 10 yes- sistance to the State of Maryland for a (Mr. WELLER asked and was given terday, his third in 9 days. pilot program to develop measures to permission to address the House for 1 , that magnificent , eradicate or control nutria and restore minute and to revise and extend his re- brought them all together under the marshland damaged by nutria. leadership of George Steinbrenner. marks.) The Clerk read as follows: All America is smiling today. Mark H.R. 4337 Mr. WELLER. Mr. Speaker, in the McGuire has his 70 home runs, the New next 2 weeks, we have a lot to do, and Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- York Yankees are the American resentatives of the United States of America in of course we want to do the people’s League all-time champion, and I invite business. Congress assembled, all the Members to come witness what SECTION 1. NUTRIA ERADICATION AND CONTROL This past weekend this House of Rep- baseball has to offer America in Coop- resentatives did the right thing. We set PILOT PROGRAM. erstown, New York, that mecca of (a) GRANT AUTHORITY.—The Secretary of aside $1.4 trillion in surplus tax reve- baseball. Come see it. the Interior (in this section referred to as nue for the effort to save Social Secu- f the ‘‘Secretary’’), subject to the availability rity, and we passed legislation which of appropriations, may provide financial as- will eliminate the marriage tax person- TAX CUT PACKAGE UNDER sistance to the State of Maryland for a pilot ality. VICIOUS ATTACK BY LIBERALS program to develop measures to eradicate or I have often asked in the well of this (Mr. SHIMKUS asked and was given control nutria and restore marshland dam- House over the last year, is it right, is permission to address the House for 1 aged by nutria. it fair that under our current Tax minute and to revise and extend his re- (b) GOALS.—The pilot program shall de- velop methods to— Code, 28 million married working cou- marks.) (1) eradicate nutria in Maryland; ples pay higher taxes, just because Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, the (2) eradicate or control nutria in other they are married. House of Representatives passed a tax States; and Well, we have addressed that. On Sat- cut package this past Saturday that, (3) develop methods to restore marshland urday we passed and sent to the Senate not surprisingly, is under vicious at- damaged by nutria. legislation whose centerpiece elimi- tack by liberals. (c) ACTIVITIES.—The Secretary shall re- nates the marriage tax penalty for the Think about that for a second. The quire that the pilot program consist of man- majority of those who suffer. In fact, very idea that government could get by agement, research, and public education ac- with a little less so that families could tivities carried out in accordance with the for 28 million couples they will see an document entitled ‘‘Marsh Restoration: Nu- extra $240, enough money for a car pay- have a little more is so offensive to lib- erals who worship at the alter of big tria Control in Maryland Pilot Program Pro- ment in extra take-home pay because posal’’, dated July 10, 1998. government, no matter how much it of lower taxes. (d) COST SHARING.— Now, those who opposed it, particu- wastes and no matter how dismal its (1) FEDERAL SHARE.—The Federal share of larly those on the Democratic side of results. the costs of the pilot program may not ex- We have heard over and over again the aisle, claim somehow that our ef- ceed 75 percent of the total costs of the pilot that tax cuts are an election year gim- fort to eliminate the marriage tax pen- program. mick. This is quite revealing about the (2) IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS.—The non-Fed- alty hurts the Social Security trust different attitudes of conservatives and eral share of the costs of the pilot program fund. liberals when it comes to the relation- may be provided in the form of in-kind con- Now, on the Committee on Ways and ship between the governed and their tributions of materials or services. Means, which I am proud to be a mem- Washington masters. (e) LIMITATION ON ADMINISTRATIVE EX- ber of, we asked a representative of the Conservatives have a respect for PENSES.—Not more than 10 percent of finan- Social Security Administration, Judy work. They believe that it is a fun- cial assistance provided by the Secretary under this section may be used for adminis- Chesser, the Deputy Commissioner of damental principal of freedom to have the Office of Legislation and Congres- trative expenses. the right to the fruits of your labor. (f) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— sional Affairs, if this tax cut to elimi- Liberals act like people who work For financial assistance under this section, nate the marriage tax penalty impacts extra hard, who go the extra mile to there are authorized to be appropriated to Social Security. She gave us a simple get extra education and are thereby re- the Secretary $2,900,000 for fiscal years 2000, answer: No. warded for those efforts with a higher 2001, and 2002. Let us save Social Security. Let us income, have something to apologize The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- eliminate the marriage tax penalty. for. ant to the rule, the gentleman from f In their view tax cuts are not even le- New Jersey (Mr. SAXTON) and the gen- gitimate. They are nothing more than b 1215 tleman from American Samoa (Mr. an election year gimmick. Liberalism FALEOMAVAEGA) each will control 20 HOSTILE TAKEOVERS WITH A speaks for itself. minutes. POSITIVE IMPACT f The Chair recognizes the gentleman (Mr. BOEHLERT asked and was given ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER from New Jersey (Mr. SAXTON). permission to address the House for 1 PRO TEMPORE Mr. SAXTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield minute and to revise and extend his re- myself such time as I may consume. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. marks.) (Mr. SAXTON asked and was given SUNUNU). Pursuant to the provisions of Mr. BOEHLERT. Mr. Speaker, a pre- clause 5 of rule I, the Chair announces permission to revise and extend his re- vious speaker talked about a hostile that he will postpone further proceed- marks.) takeover with negative impact. I would ings today on each motion to suspend Mr. SAXTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise in like to talk about a hostile takeover the rules on which a recorded vote or strong support of H.R. 4337, a bill that with a very positive impact. the yeas and nays are ordered, or on implements the nutria eradication and Yesterday the which the vote is objected to under control pilot program for the State of won their 114th game, to set an all- clause 4 of rule XV. Maryland. This legislation was intro- time record for an American League Such rollcall votes, if postponed, will duced by the gentleman from Maryland club. In addition to that, Bernie Wil- be taken after debate is concluded on (Mr. GILCHREST), from Kennedyville, a liams won the American League bat- all motions to suspend the rules, but small town on the eastern shore. This ting championship with a .339 average. not before 5 p.m. today. bill was the subject of a subcommittee In addition to that, , after f hearing on July 16. 10 years without winning 20 games, won At that time, the subcommittee re- his 20th game. NUTRIA ERADICATION AND ceived testimony from a diverse group In addition to that, the wonder boy, CONTROL PILOT PROGRAM of witnesses who strongly supported Shane Spencer, who came up from the Mr. SAXTON. Mr. Speaker, I move to immediate action. In fact, H.R. 4337 in- minor leagues and captivated the suspend the rules and pass the bill corporates the recommendations of a