Eighth Grade Music Choice Boards

1) Select 3 of the following 9 choice boards for the entire quarter 2) Make a list, take a picture, or record yourself demonstrating the 3 activities of your choice 3) Share the document with me, either in Google classroom, Gmail, or my school email address

Have fun and be musical! Music Choice Boards Information Music class will be a recorded lesson in Google classroom that students can view at any time. Students are encouraged to watch and participate to the best of their ability.

In addition to watching the videos and participating, students will be given Choice Boards that they may select 3 activities of their choice to complete for the quarter.

You can type your answers, take a picture, or send a video of yourself completing the activity to your music teacher.

The first/second choice activity is due October 2. The second/third choice activity is due November 13. If you have any questions, please reach out to your music teacher. Music Choice Boards #1-3

Historical Roots of 1 2 New Orleans vs. 3 Billie Holiday

Use the following link to Compare and contrast the Both ladies were extraordinary in complete the assignment. following 2 styles of jazz: the age of Jazz. Compare and contrast their life, music, Jazz Roots influences, career, and anything New Orleans vs Bebop else you find interesting about their Complete the questions life and talent. embedded in the slide Research 5 music examples of presentation each style and submit your Listen to at least 6 songs from each. work. List the songs you listened to; E-mail your completed work compare their sound; and which to your music teacher. singer do you prefer? Music Choice Boards #4-6

4 Styles of Jazz 5 Duke Ellington 6 The Cotton Club

Jazz music has evolved Read the following passage Read the following passage throughout the 20th century. about Duke Ellington about the Cotton Club Here you will take a look at Edward "Duke" Ellington The Cotton Club the different styles of Jazz by researching its history, Complete your answers in the Complete your answers in the musicians, and music. Google form link below Google form link below

Duke Ellington Questions Questions to Submit on the Cotton Club Music Choice Boards #7-9

The Harlem 7 8 Jazz 1959 Podcast 9 Renaissance

Listen to a podcast on jazz in Use the Google slide Use the Google slide presentation to learn about scat singing the year 1959. presentation to learn about The Harlem Renaissance

The Art of Scat Singing Jazz 1959 Harlem Renaissance

Use the Google form to answer the questions from the powerpoint Use the Google form sheet to Use the Google form to answer answer the questions as you the questions from the Scat Singing Questions listen to the podcast. powerpoint

Jazz 1959 Podcast Questions Harlem Renaissance Questions Please turn in your choice board to your Music teacher:

Mrs. Manko-Morgan Darby Township School [email protected] [email protected]

Mrs. Erin Sprague Delcroft School [email protected] [email protected]

Mr. James Angelucci Sharon Hill School [email protected] [email protected]

Mr. Joseph Scholl Harris School [email protected] [email protected] Choice Board #1: Historical Roots of Jazz

Open the link provided and learn about the historical roots of jazz: Jazz Roots

Complete the directions for all assignments in the project. There are several questions embedded throughout the slides. Make sure you answer each one. You can write out the question and then answer it on a separate piece of paper if it is easier for you.

When you have finished submit your work to your music teacher. Choice Board #2: New Orleans vs. Bebop Research the the following:

Compare and contrast the two following styles of jazz: New Orleans and Bebop

Find and listen to 5 musical examples of each style - discuss their similarities and differences: instrumentation, melodic sequences, harmonic structure, use of improvisation, technical skills of soloists, diverse use of rhythms.

Choose your prefered jazz style between the two. Why did you choose your selection over the other? Would you listen to this style of jazz in the future?

Submit your work and list of musical selections (with jazz artist) as a Word or Google document to your music teacher. Choice Board #3: Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday

Both women were amazing forces in Jazz music. They have their own history, music, and life stories and struggles. Yet, their music is some of the greatest!

You will research the childhood, adulthood, music, music career, hardships that they overcame (and may not have overcome…) for each. Then you will look at how the two are similar and how they are different.

Once you know their backstory and life, then you will listen to their music. They have two very different sounds. How are they different? What does one do with the music that the other does not? Which do you prefer?

Listen and write down at least 6 songs from each singer. Submit your research, song list, and thoughts of their music to your music teacher. Happy listening!! Choice Board #4: Styles of Jazz

Jazz music have evolved throughout the 20th century. You will research the 6 main styles of American Jazz: 1) New Orleans 2) Swing/ 3) Bebop 4) 5) 6) Fusion

1) What was the time frame for each Jazz style? 2) What were the main instruments used in the Jazz bands during that time? 3) Who were 3 contributing musicians during that time period? 4) How was that style different than the other styles of jazz? 5) Listen to at least 5 pieces in each style and list the songs and jazz artist. Which style did you like the most? Which style did you like the least? And why?

Please submit your written research, titles of songs, and your critique of the various styles to your music teacher. Happy listening! Choice Board #5: Duke Ellington

Duke Ellington is perhaps the most influential jazz composer in American history. The following reading passage explores his life, his accomplishments, and his legacy. While you’re reading about Duke Ellington, listen to some of his music.

Here’s a link to his song, “Take The A Train”

Read all about Duke Ellington HERE

Use the Google form link to complete the questions from the reading HERE Choice Board #6: The Cotton Club In the late 1920s, the Cotton Club became one of the most legendary establishments in american history. It was a in New York City and defined the age during the Harlem Renaissance and the Roaring Twenties and featured some of the most famous African American jazz musicians at the time. But the club was segregated and only white patrons were allowed to see the shows at the club. And being that the performers were African American, they were not permitted to mingle with the guests. Read the following passage for more information on The Cotton Club.

Read all about The Cotton Club HERE

Use the Google form link to complete the questions from the reading HERE Choice Board #7: Scat Singing

Scat singing is all jazz, all American, and all nonsense. During the early days of jazz, singers would “scat” or sing nonsense syllables to mimic the sound of the instruments in the band. The syllables were complete nonsense and improvised, meaning they made it up on the spot. Some famous scat singers are Ella Fitzgerald and who both defined the singing technique. Open the following powerpoint to learn more about scat singing. Make sure to watch the videos on various scat singers and listen to how scat singing is sung.

Scat Singing Power Point

While you are reading the powerpoint, be sure to answer the questions in the Google form HERE Choice Board #8: Jazz 1959 Podcast

Jazz in 1959 is considered a turning point in the genre. This podcast features two musicologists who talk about the major trends and events that happened in 1959 and ultimately changed the face of jazz.

Listen to the podcast HERE

As you listen to the podcast, answer the questions in the Google form HERE Choice Board #9: Harlem Renaissance

The Harlem Renaissance was the defining age for African Americans in the New York neighborhood of Harlem. This was partially in response to the passing of the 13th amendment and a result of The Great Migration when former slaves traveled to the north in search of work. Open the powerpoint to read more about The Harlem Renaissance.

Harlem Renaissance powerpoint

While you read the powerpoint, answer the questions as you go along. The last activity, you will listen to any two of the four songs and compare and contrast them. This will all be completed on the Google form HERE