Grand Jury May Hear Mayor NaStasio's Son

SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Warm THEBMLY Partly sunny and warm today. HOME Fair and mild tonight. Sunny, Red Bank, Freehold warm tomorrow. Long Branch 7 FINAL

WASHINGTON-The Garden Authority officials who say the taken whatever steps we decide the conferees, that the commit- So far, Sen. Case hasn't been Stale Thruway bill has a present wording of the bill upon," Mr. Tonti said early tee will make any change in the amenable to any change in the breather. threatens the thruway project, this morning. bill the partners to the contro- language of the bill. The Senate-House Conference the ielay means a last-ditch Howard Also Waits versy — the highway authority Last Chance Seen Committee didn't finish work chance to get the language Rep. James J. Howard, D- and Sen. Clifford P. Case, R- The House-Senate conference on the federal highway aid changed. N.J., principal backer of the N.J., can agree on. Changes is the authority's last chance at bill — which includes the thru- D. Louis Tonti, authority ex- thruway legislation, is waiting, can be made "up to the last the wording. When it emerges way provisions — yesterday. ecutive, called a meeting for too. minute," T 'p. Howard's office from conference, the bill goes The committee isn't scheduled this morning with his key con- Congressman Howard's office was told. to the Senate and House where to resume deliberations until sultants to decide what attempt said the Wall Township Demo- Congressmen Howard and it must be voted straight up or Tuesday. at change they will make. crat has been assured by Rep. Wright are House Public Works down and can't be amended. To New Jersey Highway "Before noon we will have James Wright, D-Tex, one of Committee members. Under the bill, the authority will purchase and impose tolls on sections of the parkway in Union and Middlesex counties now free because they were New Principal Preparing built with federal funds- The tolls will go toward financing the thruway. A DOGGY GIFT— Mrs. Alfred King Jr., president of the Monmouth County Ken- Mr. Tonti has pledged in nel Club, presents a check for $1,000 to Prank F. Blaisdell, president of Riverview writing that free parallel roads Hospital, to be used toward the improvement of patient care equipment in the hos- For Duty Amid Controversy will be open to the public be pital. The money is part of the proceeds of the 3.8th Annual Dog Show held at fore the first toll is collected. By JIM KENNEY the problems clear and out in familiar enough with the situ- that he had trouble with his But Sen. Case and Rep. Wolf Hill Farm, Oceanport, last May 25. The show had 1,455 entries and was the RED BANK - George J. the open I can go right to ation to know but I am con- faculty in Gouldtown, his post Florence Dwyer, both Union largest ever. (Register Staff Photo) Mitchell, newly appointed prin- work." cerned with the welfare of the this past year. "We had a ra- County Bepublicans, guarding cipal at Red Bank's River Negro parents at Tuesday children and will do the best cially mixed faculty, predom- against the possibility Mr. Tont Street School, in an exclusive night's stormy Board of Edu- I can for them." inantly Negro, and we had ex- won't be authority chief when interview with The Daily Reg- cation meeting questioned Mr. On the matter of age: "I can cellent working and social re- the time comes, have insisted ister yesterday expressed sur- Mitchell's fitness for the post. see why people would want lationships. I try to do things on writing the guarantee into prise at being the center of Mr. Mitchell said that he someone older but I believe my informally rather than hold a the legislation. Humphrey Suggests controversy. thought the comments made youth has some advantages. I lot of meetings and I think this The authority's financial and He said he had not anticipat- were good in the sense that haven't developed any bad hab- worked well." legal advisers say the present ed it and thought it would make they got to the heart of what its, I am completely open to 'Had No Trouble' legislative language violates an his job more difficult. At the should be expected of a prin- suggestion and not set in my The Daily Register found sup- agreement guaranteeing bond same time he saw a good side cipal. ways. I also have plenty of port for this view in a telephone holders no other agency would Red China Contacts to the dispute: "The fact that 'Will Do Best' energy which should be useful interview with William Morvay, have authority over tolls. Vio WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice to seek more normalized rela- tfas described as a light these protests were made tells Dealing with the specific running up and down the three a leader in the Gouldtown lating the guarantee creates a flights of stairs at River President Hubert H. Humphrey case of grippe. me exactly where I stand and complaints he said: "Perhaps Teachers' Association. Mr. legal loophole that could make tions with the mainland," the Street." proposed today wider contacts Humphrey's rival for the lets me know what is expected the people are right in demand- Morvay said "We had no trou- the authority's bonds less vice president said. with Red China and said the Democratic presidential nomi- of me by the community. With ing a Negro principal. I'm not Mr. Mitchell did not agree ble. I considered him very good. marketable, driving up the in- Humphrey's remarks were United States should "make it nation, Sen. Eugene J. McCar- He had the interest of both pu- terest rate, they have warned. clear that we are prepared to to be made in a speech in San thy of Minnesota, accused the pils and faculty at heart." And higher money costs, Mr. Tonti says, could scuttle the replace conflict with coopera- Francisco but instead were re- administration yesterday of The issue of community re- thruway project. tion whenever the Chinese leased as a foreign policy, po- failing to see that the nation's lations was probably the most sition paper when he . was Long Branch Parley Called The thruway, 43 miles of are." poor were properly fed. important in the minds of those Prospects for improved rela- grounded in Washington on Raps Price Problem objecting to Mr. Mitchell's ap- road from Edison to Toms tions in the coming decade doctor's advice. His physician And Republican contender pointment. Mr. Mitchell ac- River, is a cornerstone of the planned Central Jersey Ex- "are not good" but the U.S. sent the vice president to bed Nelson A. Rockefeller, speak- knowledged he had had diffi- To Air Conflict Over Vanore pressway System. stance should be to "continue yesterday to recover from what ing at a street rally in the culties but said he thought only heart of 's fi- LONG BKANCH — Council- or and the business administra mise. I do not see these at- those difficulties normal for a nancial district, charged the man Samuel Teicher called last tor is all I've been hearing tributes present in some of the new principal in a strange dis- administration with ineptitude night for an informal meeting about. Something has to come people involved." trict. in maintaining stable prices of all parties involved in the out, so we can get back to our Mr. Cioffi said he "might at- Again, he received indepen- Holdover Grand Jury and steady economic growth. If conflict between Mayor Paul legislative program." tend" Mr. Teicher's proposed dent support. Kenneth L. Shet- the job were done right, Rocke- Nastasio Jr. and City Admin- Mr. Teicher welcomed the meeting. tard, secretary of the Board of feller said, the Gross National istrator Frank Vanore Monday press to attend this meeting. In his letter, Mr. Teicher said Education in Fairfield Town- Product would move from the night "to get these rumors, if Councilman Henry R. Cioffi he felt the meeting was re- ship, which includes Gould- present $8O0-plus billion a year they are such, and these prob- disagreed with the idea, saying quired by the refusal of the town, said that Mr. Mitchell May Hear Mayor's Son to $1.5 trillion. lems resolved as quickly as he was doubtful anything would mayor and administrator to had no problems after the first The Department of Agricul- possible." come of such a meeting. comment on recent, rumors of few weeks of adjustment. He FREEHOLD — The holdover held as a material witness comment when asked if the ture didn't take kindly to Mc- The request was made in the Mr. Cioffi said, "I read from the former's attempts to fire also explained that the area is session of the Grand Jury which Tuesday for a pending case of panel would hear other wit- Carthy's comments on the hun- form of a letter to City Coun- Mr. Teicher's letter an infer- Mr. Vanore, although the may- extremely conservative and set conducted a nine-month probe possession of stolen property nesses. ger problem. cil, which Mr. Teicher read at ence that this would be "the or "has made statements both in its ways and resentful of peo- of Long Branch affairs, will against Attilio Agnellino. The But when young Nastasio ap- Noting that the Minnesotan last night's council meeting. first attempt to resolve any publicly and to the council pri- ple who bring change of any meet again Tuesday, said coun- youth had been named as the peared before County Court was urging that the incoming Mr. Vanore, who was present real, imagined, or rumored con- vately that he wishes to dis- type. ty Prosecutor Vincent P. Keu- last tenant of the section of the Judge M. Raymond McGowan president "declare a national at the meeting, agreed to at- troversy. It will not be the miss" the official. He said he However, the head of the per yesterday. warehouse where the stolen Tuesday, Mr. Keuper told the \ emergency with respect to hun- tend such a meeting, as did first time. I know of at least wanted to question the involved Gouldtown Parent - Teacher property was recovered. But courl that the mayor's son may £ a department spokesman Council President Robert Cor- five previous occasions — and persons directly in order to Association, Mrs. Lewis Stev- The reactiviation of the panel he could not be located until be called to testify before the said that in the nearly eight nell. The meeting was tenta- I use that number conservative- come to any conclusions on the enson, and the president of the which has only met once since last Tuesday. holdover panel. years of the Kennedy and John- tively scheduled for 8 p.m. Mon- ly. matter. Bridgeton branch of the Nation- it handed up a critical present- ment last May 29 could be to When asked if the jury was Although the panel handed j J.on administrations McCarthy day, with two possible sites "I see no need for any fur- Mayor Nastasio until now has al Association for the Advance- up a presentment which ap- hear testimony from Paul G. meeting to hear testimony had never even made an in- named, Mr. Teicher's home ther meetings," he continued. denied that he ever expressed ment of Colored People, Mrs. peared to have been the climax a desire to have Mr. Vanore Nastasio, son of Long Branch from the mayor's son, Mr. Keu- quiry to the department about and council chambers. "Before results can come, the Anna Shinholster, were critical of its long tenure, Superior fired. per said that he could not com- feeding programs. Mr. Teichcr commented, participants must come with an of Mr. Mitchell. Both reported j Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr. Court Judge Klvin R. Simmill, "This business about the may- open mind, willing to compro (Long Branch, Pg. 2, Col. 6) (PRINCIPAL, Pg. 2, Col. 3) Young Nastasio was ordered ment on it. He also declined Sudden Zeal' the assignment judge, did not "His singular lack of Inter- dismiss it. And when asked, he | ns, jn fm|jnR tj,P hungry dur- gave no indication when the j mf, t),js (>jght-ycar period, a panel would he discharged. p;irt of which he spenl on the Dolling Up Red Bank's Doomed Depot Judge McCowan freed young Senate Agriculture Commit- Nastasio in $2,500 hail as a ma- lot-," said Thomas R. Hughes, The Inside Story RED BANK - Nope, the was painted in 1D45, they say. spokesman said. "We're ling other improvements, tno. terial witness in the case executive assistant to Sec- heat hasn't got you. And now they think it's working to show the public There will be carpentry, and against Agnellino. Damascus here, ready for llaskcll 'Cap Page 10 retary of Agriculture Orvllle L. Yup, those are painters, time to paint it again. we're really trying to do a roof repairs. During a Superior Court hear- Krcoman, "lends little cre- Dick Hiker's 'Surf, Field and Stream' Page 11 and they are painting the Something to See job." Cost of the painting and re- ing last May 211 to suppress evi- dence to his sudden zeal." Amusements 21, 22 Sports 10, II Red Bank railroad station. The waiting room has been "If we can keep going, pairs will total $4,500, the dence obtained in a police Klsewhere on the political Sure, the state Transporta- redecorated, and the second we'll paint the Malawan sta- railroad spokesman said. raid, the mayor's son was Itirths • 2 stof'1 Market 12 scene: tion Department says the floor. Light green, with dark tion next, and then perhaps Surprises Many named as the last tenant of the —(low Itnnald Reagan of .station has to go to make way others," he added. r j*. n,shop::::::::, ^ trim. If you .stand' back far Ticket figcnls at Hie station seel ion of a warehouse a I ,'t.>0 California denied a published for the planned $30 million enough and crane your neck Others Involved Community Place, I,.n n R !J,rldfic 20 Television 21, 22 said they're getting lots of rnport that he will announce railroad electrification pro- hard enough, you can see the Depot painting is part of a Branch, where the stolen prop- his candidacy for I ho Hepulili- t-lasslHwl 14 • 19 women's News 7, 8 comments from surpriswl gram. But the department same colors being brushed general spruce-up which has erty was found. The police also e;in presidential nnminn- Comics 20 passengers, mostly of the never said the station can't on the front of the tw6 upper Included scrubbing down of raided Agncllino's Paddock j |j clurtriK a nationwide tele. Crossword Puzzle 20 DAILY ItEGISTER "well, it's about time" varie- ()ll go clean. And the Central stories of the three-story stations In South Amboy, Bel- Lounge, Chclsoa Ave., Long Editorials 6 PHONE NUMBERS ty- vision broadcast July 21. Railroad of New Jersey has frame depot. mar, LOUR Branch, Ellmron Branch, Dec. 1. Hcrblock (i Main Office 7410010 But Fair Haven Mayor "Them's nothing to It," ho decided 'the station needs The bankrupt Jersey Cen- and Allenhurst, the spokes- (See JUDY, I'R. .1, Col. 5) Home, and Garden 9 Classified Ads 711-000 painting. tral gets several million dol- man said. James T. Buckley Jr., chair- said. Inside Washington 6 Home Delivery .„ 741-0010 Control spokesmen say It lars from the state "and The lied Bank station, con- (See DEPOT, Pg. 2, Col. 1) Waitresses —A deadlock, continued In the Movie Timetable 21 Mldilletown Bureau ....071-2250 isn't true the station hasn't we're trying to improve our sidered such an eyesore that Swim Suit Sale New dining room, 4:30-9 p.m. strike against the Illinois Bell Obituaries \ Freehold Burcnu 462-2121 seen paint since 193B when service, equipment and facil- I lie Borough Council throe (Famous makes) now going Apply Schneider's Tap Room, Trlcphono Co. by Installers of Ilcllglous Services 23 Long Brunch Bureau 222-0010 the king and queen of Eng- ities, of course within eco- years ago thought of buying on at The Shirley Shop, Broad 121 Broadway, Long Branch. telephones and other commu- land were here. The station nomic limits,'! a railroad it Just to get rid of It, is RCI- St., Red Bank. (Adv.) (Adv.) nications gadgetry. I— THE DAILY RKIS7TR, Friday, July 12, 1968 Trade School Year Vigilantes' Leader Reported a Good One Will Talk to Jury -"TREEHOLD — The year Mr. Hoagland said approva 1367-68 was a busy and fruit- has. been granted for a voct NqRTH BERGEN (AP) - A ture of good faith so that the would have his men report to ful one for the Monmouth Coun- tional summer school and a two-day-old citizen street pa- talks can be amiable." No date local newspapers as well as po- ty Vocational School District, occupational education pro trol has voluntarily suspended for meeting has been set. lice, "because police depart- reports Superintendent Donald gram for slow learners. Hot! its operations, and its leader Hughes blasted the Republi- ments have put a lid on any P, Hoagland in his review of will begin in the 1968-69 schoo has been ordered to appear be- can-controlled state legislature Information which we have the year. year. fore a grand jury investigation yesterday for not passing an turned in." 'The practical nursing edu- The vocational school super Monday. anti-vigilante bill he had pro- The police departments .cation program ranked second inlendcnt said that the numbe Ernest T. Bradow, head of a posed when a similar group maintain they have taken no to none in New Jersey, both in I of applicants for the practica group called PRE-ARM (Peo- was formed in Newark hist special action with regard to quality and size," he'noted. nursing program again excecd- ple's Rights Enforced Against spring. The Democratic gover- PKE-ARM, but they have said Mr. Hoagland said place-' ed the enrollment limit and Riots and Murder), said he re- nor blamed the spread of vigi- they do not need or welcome ment of high school cooperative j that there is the usual waiting ceived a subpoena yesterday lante activities to Hudson and the aid of vigilante groups. students and graduates reflect- j list. from Bergen County Prose- Bergen counties on the law- Bradow's 319-member group, cutor Guy W. Calissi ordering makers' failure to act. employer satisfaction with the j ue said that two persons tin reportedly including 13 Negroes coiiny vocational education der the Manpower Develop' him to appear before the Ber- Bradow's group patrolled for and 21 policemen, patrols cities gen County Grand Jury at 9:30 along the Hudson River oppo- program. ment and Training Act have two nights in three-man Enrollment for the year was I been completed. Seven trainees a.m. Monday. teams wearing a uniform of site Manhattan with large Ne- gro and Puerto Rican popula- 645 for high school; 07 for j completed the electronic tech- HONORING SLAIN Gl — Maj. David D. Colcombe, left, presents the Purple Heart Calissi was unavailable for white shirts, black trousers and comment on the details of the a black armband with 'THE- tions, he said. Bradow, 26, of evening school; fi8 for practi-1 nicifin's course and four fin- medal to retired Army Maj. and Mrs. Robert B. Baker of 276 Norgrove Ave., Elberon, cal nursing: 7(1 for technical in-1 ished the basic education pre- investigation. ARM" printed on it. North Bergen, is a member of the John Birch Society and has stitute, and 140 for manpower vocational one. awarded posthumously to their son, John,"who was killed in action in Vietnam. Also However, Bradow said, "I Deny Seeing Patrols re-training, for a grand total shown is Long Branch Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr., who attended the formal presenta- welcome it. It gives me a The group claimed to have worked on the presidential Two to Open campaign of former Alabama of 1,229. chance to talk." found several stolen cars both Under its building program tion a\ Earle Naval Ammunition Depot. I Register Staff Photo) Gov. George C. Wallace in New The voctional schools offer Bradow also said he tem- nights and to have reported Mr. Hoagland said that voca- Jersey. these courses: air conditioning- tional schools in Asbury Park porarily suspended the group's several minor incidents to lo- refrigeration and heating; auto and Allehtown are scheduled to unarmed auto patrols through cal police. All police depart- The cities reportedly pa- body repair, automobile me- open this September. Contracts 11 North Jersey towns after ments, both nights, denied see- trolled are Bayonne, Jersey chanics; beauty culture; car- were signed for a .four - room Principal Braces for Action speaking yesterday with the of- ing the patrols, receiving re- City, Hoboken, Union ,City, pentry; drafting, electricity; building in Keyport and a five- fice of Gov. Richard J. Hughes ports from them or acting on West New York, Secaucus, food sprivce, horticulture; ma- room one in Neptune Township (Continued) ing only visited the school three students he based his thinking to arrange a meeting. any such reports. North Bergen, Ridgefield Park, Chine shop; medical-dental as- both scheduled for opening in he had not had good relations times." But he is starting to on several years in integrated Bradow said the suspension Bradow had said early yes- Palisades Park, Fort Lee and sisting; printing: radio and tel- September, 1969. with parts of the community. find his way. Although he does schools. (Last year was in a of patrols was done "as a ges- terday that in the future he Kearny. evision repair, and cooperative He said 25 students took part Mr. Mitchell conceded diffi- not officially begin work until segregated school; Gouldtown's industrial education. in a cooperative industrial edu- culties with Mrs. Stevenson but Monday, he already has begun enrollment is almost entirely cation program and a majority nsisted that his relations with examining course schedules Negro. of them have been offered full- the bulk of the parents and and the qualifications of his Same Problems Politics Okayed for U.S. Workers time employment upon gradua community were excellent. teachers. Depot Mr. Mitchell sees all chil- lion. He added employer accep- Both Mrs. Stevenson and Mrs. When asked about his gener- dren as having the same sort (Continued) tance of this program was good Shinholsler agreed that they al plans, he said his primary of problems, so he plans no —If They Run as Independents man of the Municipal Public and that it will be expanded were speaking for a definite job is "to make it easier for special approach for Negro Service Coordinating Commit- next year. minority among the Negroes of teachers to do their work ef- SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP- residents here getting an ex- Shrewsbury Township as well tee, had a comment of a dif- Gouldtown. children. He does think all Civilian employes of the fed- emption from the federal no- as the interests of the com- fectively." He places a strong classes as a matter of course ferent sort. Finding His Way emphasis on building the indi- eral government living here politics rule. When he moved munity will be served by per- His first reaction — like al- should deal with Negro contri- can run for political office if from the community, Mrs. mitting federal employees to Man- Admits Mr. Mitchell could not be vidual child's self-confidence butions and the important place most, everyone else — was specific as to plans for River and interest as a necessary ba- they run as independents, the Switek took over the inquiry. participate more directly in the surprised disbelief. of the Negro in our develop- "itreet. As he put it, "I am sis for any learning. U. S. Civil Service Commission According to the U. S. Code, political processes of the Town- "They're what? Painting ment. He also emphasized as Entry Guilt just getting my feet wet, hav- As to special plans for Negro has ruled. the Civil Service Commission ship . . . The commission has the station? I thought they a normal procedure the use of Between 50 and 55 per cent can permit federal employes extended to federal employes FREEHOLD - Ernest were going to tear it down," "multi-ethnic" or integrated of the registered voters in this to be active "in political man- who are residents ... the ex- Moore, 51 Rockwell Ave., Long he said. texts in classes. tiny municipality are service- agement and political cam- emption found in ... the U. S. Branch, has pleaded guilty to "I'd rather see a little bit men or federal employes, ac- paigning" in their home com- Code." breaking into the home of Mrs. Mr. Mitchell's most immedi- more service," Mayor Buck- Taxpayers Advised ate aim is to sit down and talk cording to Mrs. Anne Switek, munities if a majority of the One of the conditions of the Pauline Hutchinson at 211 Mon- ley said, "I don't care how township clerk, and the Hatch voters are federal employes. mouth Ave., Long Branch, last with' the NAACP and other exemption is that federal em- much paint they put on the Act, which forbids those on the In a letter to Harry Evans, Oct. 18 with intent to steal. groups in the Negro commu- ployes not seek local office un- station, that won't satisfy the nity. He wants to understand government payroll from run- borough attorney, Anthony L. der the banner of a political commuter. Of course, it's a County Court Judge Patrick To Write Protests their desires and get some form ning in partisan elections works Mondello, general counsel to party. However, they can run gesture. But the commuter J. McGann Jr. who accepted a particular hardship. the Civil Service Commission, as Independents. the plea set July 24 for sen- FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — raised. Here again the real es- of guidelines as to what is ex- would rather see increased pected of him by the commu- The question was raised said "evidence acquired during The ruling directly affects service than gestures." tencing. I'he Jocal tax collector today tate tax is taking the bur- nity. Most important in his again last year when Stephen the commission's investigation Theodore Brown, who received "I wonder how much it's The state was represented by .•ailed upon residents to write den of costs involved for the operation of the municipality, mind is receiving help from Ne- Cluney, an. employee of the establishes that a substantial write-in votes in the June 4 costing," the mayor mused. Assistant County Prosecutor o the governor and state legis- number of federal employes re- the county, and the schools. gro leaders in understanding federal Defense Contract Ad- primary giving him the GOP • He said the Municipal Public Thomas J. Smith Jr. Moore side in the township... and ... lators about the increasing tax Mr. Ferrell continued: the situation he is dealing with. ministration Service, was ap- nomination for a committee Service Coordinating Commit- was represented by assistant pointed to a vacant seat on the constitute a significant part of situation. "In Freehold Township, our "They have lived here a long seat. Mr. Brown, a Neighbor- tee "will look into it. Then Deputy Public Defender Albert three-man governing body. the voting population. tax bill shows the actual dollar time and I haven't so I will hood Youth Corps official, nev- we'll have a comment." T. Berich. Robert N. Ferrell said "in re- er accepted the nomination and spent .from the total tax bill to need their help," he said. Mr. Cluney, who has since The evidence also indicates eiving the latest tax bills in moved from this area, began that the domestic interest of now must decide if he wants go to the municipality, the the area, the homeowner again He said a meeting between inquiries into the possibility of the federal employes in to run as an Independent. finds that his taxes have been county, and the schools; and a himself and the various inter- copy of the bill is sent to the ested parties in the community County Births homeowner if his bill goes to is "their right and my obliga- Trade School a mortgage company. tion." BIVERVIEW Eatoncrest Drive, Eatontown "A letter enclosed with the Mr. Mitchell is probably cor- Long Branch Parley Called Red Bank son, yesterday. bill shows a sample tax bill rect in thinking community op- (Continued) Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Ochs Graduates of $764.32 wherein $149.04 goes position will be his greatest ment repeating his urging the The Grand Jury presentment Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anfuso "There are two sides to each (nee Barbara Tennant), 43 De- to the county, $594 goes to problem. Stafford Thompson, creation of the post, citing the Mr. Cornell stressed, placed no (nee Carole Booket), Arcade story, and there is also a third von Court, New Shrewsbury, the schools, $15.12 goes to president of the Red Bank council's resolution to this ef- blame on the council, collec- "Gardens, Old Bridge, son, Follow Line side which is the truth," Mr. son, yesterday. veterans and senior citizens Area NAACP announced that fect and the Grand Jury pre- tively or individually, for any "Wednesday. FREEHOLD - Nearly 42 opponents of Mr. Mitchell's ap- Teicher said. "By sitting in a sentment's recommendation of the problems besetting the : deductions, and $56.16 goes to - Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Furst MONMOLTH MEDICAL per cent of the high school the municipality. pointment met last night and body we can make our own that the post be created. city. : (nee Carolyn Sperling), 7 Don- Long Branch graduates of the Monmouth "While we are all noticing will meet again on Monday to conclusions as to who is telling "I recognize that the power As if lo illustrate the coun- '' nelly St., Union Beach, son, Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkpat- the truth, and who is not." County vocational schools are an increase, we cannot help determine what action they will of appointment rests with the cilmen's point, the regular busi- Wednesday. rick (nee Mary Ann Stilo), 9 but notice that the bulk of our take. Mr. Cioffl disagreed that employed in their fields of executive branch, but in view ness conducted by council last Mr. and Mrs. G. Harvey Green Way St., Hazlet, son, taxes goes to our school sys- fact-finding was the answer to of the power and right of the training. Smith (nee Michele Moore), 104 yesterday. tems; and this year too, the the problem. council to advise and consent, night was clearly of less in- Statistics released yesterday Broadway, Keyport, daughter, legislature and the gover- Bids Submitted "The mayor, Mr. Vanore, I, suggestions and recommenda- terest to those present than the JERSEY SHORE MEDICAL by the vocational school board Wednesday. nor each have come up with and every member of the coun- tions to the executive branch... discussion of the Nastasio-Va- Neptune indicate that of 227 graduates, cil knows what the problem is ^ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clifton j a plan to cure New Jersey's ills. On Rt. 35 Work are perfectly proper and in or- nore affair. * (nee Catherine Morrissey), Mr. and Mrs. Laurence 95 are employed in the fields — leadership, thinking about Although no one can argue the TRENTON (AP) - Trap der," he said. In that regular busi- : Park View-at-Madison, Laur- Mignelli (nee Margaret Me of their training. what's best for the community. necessity of helping our long- Rock Industries Inc. of King- Mr. Cioffi and Mr. Teicher ness, council passed a resolu- ence Harbor, daughter, Mahon), 774 Maple Ave., Brick Of these, the leader in the Stop worrying about who'll get overdue programs, we can, ston submitted the lowest of agreed that the adverse publi- tion levying an 8 per cent in- Wednesday. Township, son, yesterday. 14 programs was beauty culture he publicity, slop worrying however, keep a watchful eye three bids, $1,294,581, for im- city given the city government terest on quarterly tax pay- Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jarossy Mr .and Mrs. Allan Cohan with 31. Second was automo- about the next election, stop on the "tax packages" to see provement of slightly more has, in their opinion, been ob- ments made more than 10 days (nee Mary Ellen Castleman), (nee Elizabeth Emmer), 12 tive mechanics with 19 and worrying about who'll get the that aid to education, the big- than 2.1 miles of Rt. 35 in Mon- scuring the positive accomplish- past the due date. A resolution Madison Gardens, Old Bridge, Winthrop Drive, Englishtown, third was medical-dental as- credit." gest part of our tax bill, gets a mouth County, the State Trans- ments made by the council. was passed requesting an in- daughter, Wednesday. daughter, yesterday. sistants with 13. He cited as an example of Three graduates are em- a good portion of money com- portation Department an- Accomplishments Cited vestigation of the intersection Mr. and Mrs. John Cryan Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bonner mitted, under these new plans. nounced yesterday. these personality problems-the (nee Jessie Lofland), English- ployed in related fields, 51 in The council had, they said, of Rt. 36, Ocean Ave., and : (nee Breda O'Connell), 42 Ivan- "Passing of the sales tax, Delia Pello Contracting Co. controversy over the appoint- town, son, yesterday. iion-re!a(ed fields, 41 are in ser- performed an impressive job Presley St. for the need of a hoe Lane, Matawan, daughter, which was supposed to relieve Inc., Union, bid $1,429,518, and ment of a city public safety Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pope vice, 22 are continuing their ed- of legislation since taking of- traffic light there. Resolutions : Wednesday. the tax burden of the home- Manzo Contracting Co. Inc., director. He called previous (nee Martha Station), 2022 ucation, one is umemployed, fice exactly two years ago. were also passed commending Mr. and Mrs. Donald Turek owner by aid to education, has Matawan, $1,682,569. meetings on the subject "cha- Bangs Ave., Neptune, daugh- one moved out of the area and Mr. Cioffi asked a reporter retiring teachers Dr. John (nee Kathleen Warneker), 5 not sufficiently done the job, al- otic," and said administrators ter, yesterday. 1?. were not interested in em- The project, which will be fi- after the meeting, "Can you Wood, Vincent E. Waxwood, • Spring Garden Road, Lincroft, though we were led to believe it had refused to created the post Mr. and Mrs. Carmen J. ployment. nanced in equal amounts by the name any other local munici- Mrs. Sigrid N. Goodin and Mrs. daughter, Wednesday. would. despite substantial evidence of Andretta (nee Joyce Rogers), Of the 1!) graduates of the itate and federal governments, pal government which could Marie F. Berrien. Mr. and Mrs. John Gray (nee "In my opinion, the home- ts desirability. 5G Helen Ave., Freehold, technical institute, 16 are em- s scheduled for com- have undergone a Grand Jury An ordinance was introduced Sharon Reineke), 46 Woodbine owner has been saturated to Councilman Elliott M. Katz daughter, yesterday. ployed in their fields of train- pletion Oct. 31. 1969. investigation and come out half for increasing the number of Ave., Little Silver, son, his limit with real estate taxes. It is the "sixth and final proj- released at the meeting a state- Mr, and Mrs. Laurence Mig- ing and three are continuing as well as Long Branch did?" city patrolmen to 50. Wednesday. I plead with all of you to write ect in a modernization pro- nelli (nee Margaret McMahon), education. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wy- to our state representatives gram covering a 10-mile 774 Maple Ave., Brick Town- 48 graduates of the prac- man (nee Kathleen Kopacz), and let them know of your stretch of Rt. 35 between Red ship, son, course are em- Zoners Keep Laurel Drive, Middletown, son field. feelings." Bank and Keyport. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cohan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lambe (nee Elizabeth Emmer), 12 Top Officers (nee Catherine Tuohy), 43 Syl- Winthrop Drive, Englishtown, via Ter., New Monmouth, son, daughter, yesterday. OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Jack Wednesday. Mr. and' Mrs. Otto Bonner. Crowd Greets Store Opening Weser was re-elected chairman Mr. and Mrs. Lee Baier (nee (nee Jessie Lofland), English- of the zoning board for a one- MIDDLETOWN - A crowd I well in advance of the 10 a.m. II slogan of "The Remnant King." year term at the board's Arlene O'Hare), 7 E. Frances town, son, yesterday. yesterday lined the front and i opening to take advantage of Gary Hamrah says the com Ave., Morganville, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pope meeting last night. Also elected side of the Hamrah-Kmerson ! the sales advertised in pany also maintains one of for one-year terms were John yesterday. (nre Mail ha Station), 2022, New Jersey's largest and most Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chat- Bangs Avc. Neptune, daugh-: Carpets store for its grand ! Wednesday's Daily Register. Fornataro, vice chairman, and modern cleaning plants and James P. Whitney, secretary. man (nee Janicp Bcchy;, -Ifij ter, yesterday. i opening in the Adler Shopping j firm's main store is in Tne carpet workrooms for such ser- Peter Bass was appointed Red Hill Road, Midd'letnwn, Mr. and Mrs, Carmen J. An-1 Center, lit. 35. Plainfield, where it has been vices as cutting, binding, serg- board attorney for a one-year son, yesterday. , divila (nee Joyce Rogers), 5fi j The eager shoppers arrived i in operation 40 years with the ing, fringing and seaming. term, and John Fornataro and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moore ' Helrn Ave.. Freehold daugh-! (nee Linda Salmonseiu, M - A [ tar, yesterday. Roy Silver were reappointed as board members for four-year terms. The board denied a variance to Herbert and Barbara Engel The Weather to build a home on Johanna Court in West Deal. The side Partly sunny and warm today, Mimes lhroiif>h tomorrow. Fair yard measurement being un- high in 80s inland bin near 80 • visibility mostly five miles or der minimum specifications at shore. Fair tonight, low in j more except one. in three miles was the reason for the denial., liOs inland and near 7(1 along : in early morning haze. Jefferson Construction Co. OUR GRADUATES GET JOBS! was granted a .variance to const. Partly sunny and qnilr I TIDES warm tomorrow, high 85-!)0' build a home on Coral Ave., well inland about 81) at shore. Sandy Honk and Richard and Prudence IBM TRAINING IS THE KEY Outlook fur .Sunday, fair, <|inle TODAY — High Hi;.12 p.m. Murray were granted a warm and humid. iml low 4:.'ill p.m. variance to build a home In Moiunoutli Beach, yesler- TOMORROW - High 11;1« on the S.W. corner of Washing TO YOUR SUCCESS day's high was 75 degrees and am- ;ill(l 11:;i" I'-"'' : and low ton and Runyon Avenues. the low was

SINCE 1865 "FOR AN ADVENTURE IN LIGHTING" Yts, th«y make quit* a pair. Yts, the/ it«nd for 3T0 BROAD ST. RED BANK qualify. Y«i — Pay L«u ocean e for Brand Namti with' HWT. 35, OAKHURST - " "BIG W" . Diicount Prictil HWY. 9 HOWILL TOWNSHIP "Z, Leo, Young GOP Delegate, FrwUy. July . \p u««j »i night, was ages and are willing to r/>-jp)e St., who /;ompJalned tluU Says Reagan Is His Choice r/ff for ? month the inlroduc- h«?M for further study. i operate in the solution of the: flooding hag a/feotid Ma b*&e- tion of a mining ordinance ''-ounnl authorized a W.ter • proMein, it was «ta.ted. • ; menl. Council promised to MADISON TOWNSHIP - by his steadfast refusal to be- Republican,' " I/en said. pending further study. |t(l he written to Mid Mon- state and county officials will further investigate and take California Gnv. Ronald flpa- come part nf any divisive fight Mr. IK) said Reagan and Also postponed until next I mouth Industrial Pi''^. be consufted on solutions to a | gan's announcement last week for the presidential nominalion. Nixon are strong favorites plaining action on a that he will permit his name "It is an example which among the Republican Party's i MM nf «i rum Tnr' problem along Wampum Brook,] to be placed in nominalion al should have been followed by young people today. a ma oi JI.IIUII lor: on whj;,h (he ^ (.omp|ajned I Ave., RasiF.asi. . wherwheree aa bridgebridge; ;,or planning purposes, with the a borough owned property on s ans tida wai the GOP national convention other contenders who have sal- "Roth present a dynamic to council. A field investiga-' P ' ^. Residences ; ;uruis coming from capita) in>- was praised today by Young Peach SI., submitled by Realty tion by borough officials has : lnerB repeatedly have been j provement funds, was accepted lied forth with attacks upon image to the American people Group Inc., on behalf of Seals Republican national committee- front-runner Richard M. Nixon. and have been unflinching in verified that blockage of the isolated when heavy rains flood |a) fjrst readjnE A public hear- man Joseph P. I,oo. Eastern of Apple St , , , the area. Garden State Park- \ r et ( r the council's Instead, Gov. Reagan has their support for Republican brook occurs along its full nf was s O Leo said the California gov- stood form on what he has | candidates at all levels. They Raton- way authorities have opened I August meeting, Council unanimously re- If.pgih to the lake the fence to allow egress by I council approved installs- ernor "has provided inspiration termed the 11th commandment have never been known to walk jected a request submitted by town. residents, but refuse, .so far, j f , fire hydrants in to the entire Republican Party — 'speak no evil of another away from a battle for GOP t On o nree Joseph T. Grause, on hehair Aulhon, .s „, K, M()nmouth any permanent arrangement. | Neville Kl., Cedar Drive, Victory, as have other presiden- of the Brotherhood of Mlec- | through which the brook runs, tnP The matter will be further in- • - njverdale Ave., West area, tial contenders. Both Reagan trical Workers for ihe exten- ann vp.sligatKl, ian( j approved two applications and Nixon bring to the national sion of the time limit on a House Approves convention a record un- reveller clause involving a A second drainage problem, j for raffles from the North Side blemished by any past defec- j property on Apple St., pur- I'('.iniHlriirtion Mcasitrp on Apple St., again was! Rngine Co., and the Sisterhood chased by the organization hrnught. lo council's attention I Monmouth Reform Temple. tion." Klrhard K. Boschen Jr. \ WASHINGTON fAP) — The from the borough. "Reagan's ideals of "the crea- passed anri .sent lo the The original contract stipu- ative society' have won increas- Senate yesterday a compromise lated that unless a building Named Bank bill to authorize a $1.78-hillion ing popularity among young were constructed on the prop- military construction program people throughout the nation erty within 12 months from for the current fiscal year. , who are rejecting as ineffective Assistant the date of purchase, the title and uninspiring the tired and would revert to the borough. Most of the money, if ac- defeated liberal .cliches of the It was pointed out that., since tually appropriated in a later Treasurer measure, would be spent, in the '30's." no building has been started, NEW YORK - Richard E. nor are there any plans or i United Stales, primarily on mil- Leo said his personal pref- Boschen Jr., 49 Fish Hawk contracts for such construc- \ itary housing. erence is Reagan in the presi- Drive, Middletown, has been tion, the request is denied. Both the Senale and the dential race, but his is also appointed an assistant treasur- A request by the Recreation House had passed the bill pre- highly favorable to the Nixon er in the metropolitan hanking candidacy. Commission for the installa-1 viously but had disagreed on department, Business Develop- tion of lights at tthe Nero i snme specific allocations. "Here in New Jersey, where ment & Marketing Division, of the dialogue has been primar- Rankers Trust Company, Wil- ily between supporters of Mr. liam H. Moore, chairman of the Nixon and those of Gov. Rocke- board, announced. feller, without any serious Rea- Mr. Boschen joined Bankers gan involvement, the tradition- Trust in 1965. He is a gradu- al Republican's lot must be ate of Bloomfield College, B.A., YOU GET with Mr. Nixon. 19B7, and serves as area chair- Mr. Leo will represent New man of the college's Alumni Jersey's Y-R federation at the Association. He is an associate convention next month in Mi- member nf the Upper Mont- SALE ami. clair Country Club. •~Vfl \\ m Leader in style and + MORE Yacht Works Denied »*v y^J \ % quality in Monmouth 4. with First Merchants Request for Variance Your Choice of Nation's 4. FAIR HAVEN - The Zoning In the only other busi- leading brands. 4* DAILY INTEREST Board of Adjustment last ness the board announced night denied a variance to Fair it would not render a decision Haven Yacht Works Inc. of De- on a variance requested by Jo- PAID FROM DAY OF Normandie Road on the grounds seph Sacco of 53 Tyson Drive that it would be a fire hazard. until the Aug. 1 meeting be- Carl Gerding, owner of the cause it had not had time to DEPOSIT TO DAY give the matter full consider- SUITS, TROUSERS | boat works, wanted to relocate a temporary wooden structure ation. Mr. Sacco's plan to sub- OF WITHDRAWAL at another spot on the prop- divide his land and build a sec- etJ a $25 balance is maintained erty and make it permanent. ond house had been the subject Board chairman Tyre Boyd of extensive testimony at two at the end of the quarter previous meetings. & SPORT COATS! lectured Mr, Gerding about keeping a commitment made to Per Annum the board two years ago that SUMMER SUITS ... % the structure would be Robbery Wash V Wear Dacron and Polyit+nr, Oacren and Wool, 7 Compounded and Paid Quarterly removed. At that time, Tropical V/orsted, 100"/. Import-ad Douppiani Silks *T YonTB always eome oot ahead with the board approved reconstruc- tion of the works following a Case Sent To • First Merchants Saving* Account. fire on condition that all build- Formerly $ 59.95 Now $ 50.95 • ings be fireproof. The original Grand Jury Formerly $ 75.00 Now $ 63.75 £ Dtpatk* limited Dp to SlSfiOO by FJ>J£. variance permitted Mr. Gerd- p:ATONTOWN — A pre- ing to make temporary use of Formerly $ 89.95 Now $ 71.95 J liminary hearing for Warren the wood frame structure in Graf and Ronald Rodgers, both Formerly $100.00 Now $ 80.00 I question last night. of Florida, for alleged breaking Formerly $125.00 Now $100.00 X Three neighbors of the yacht and entering and attempted works spoke against granting robbery of Kitson Chevrolet, Rt. Formerly $155.00 Now $124.00 + the variance and cited fears 36, was conducted yesterday by of another fire and the Municipal Court Judge William Mi 1 B KMI ...mi pant tun A SOW BMO commitment made two years S. Throckmorton. ago. Patrolman Thomas Stone- 20% OFF &, | N CONVENIENT COMMUNITY OFFICES The board withheld decision ham, who apprehended and ar- SPORT an a sideline variance request rested the men June 20, testi- $* *^3i^k COATS, SLACKS + Office: 601 Mottnon At*., Aibuiy Park from Dr. E. Willson Baker, 94 fied. The case was referred to Aabary F«ifc • M4 Bank • Monotqaon • North Atburr Pttfc Hance Road, for the purpose of the Grand Jury. Graf and •iMk • Fair Htmn • Holmdcl • Colt* Neck extending his garage. Action Rodgers are being held on A*aa-N*pt«M Cify • MiHrtew Tv». will be taken on the request at $5,000 and $3,500 bail, respec- TM 20% to 30% OFF t Dffr*-I* ar Walk-Up Focllitiat and ExUiufed Hwn At All Officai the Aug. 1 meeting after the tively. The bail had been set M«mb«r Patters! R—n* Svittm/Ttdrral Drportt Iiuvnmca Corp. board has had an opportunity at a prior date. Students and Prep Suits + to examine the property. Graf is accused of breaking and entering, stealing $336.95, Sport Coats, Haberdashery * and carrying a concealed, loaded .22 caliber revolver. Rodgers is accused of break- ing and entering, and stealing SHIRTS ;j $210. Sport • Dress - Knit ,« THE HOME OF... SEAMLESS John F. Harker, Jackson SPECIAL GROUP ]T Township, was fined $205 for op In H.9.5 IT driving while impaired. His li- cense was revoked for two $3.80 -J years, nn lo U.95 J Marie Theresa Sefrin, 26 $5.80 * ALUMINUM Farm Lane, Hightstown, was fined $110 for shoplifting $45 in merchandise from Bam- Imported 4L berger's, Rt. 35, and given a 30- Pure Silk ^J. day suspended sentence. INeckwear £ James K. Vaughn Jr., In- diana, was fined $25 dollars $2.20 *£ GUTTERS for reckless driving. His li- $3.20 T We installed over cense was revoked for three months. $3.80 j» 61,000 feet . . . Joseph (J. Kurczewski, Clif- ton, was fined $25 for solicit- ft: last year! ing magazines without a per- mit. THREE QUALITIES TO (HOOSE FROM Dolores B. Daily of Edison, was fined $20 for driving .027 ALUMINUM through a red light. GOOD MILL FINISH Balph Dale Dryden, Okla- homa, was fined $20 for elud- .027 ALUMINUM ing a police officer. BETTER WHITE FINISH Ned Kinslein, Springfield, was fined $15 for speeding and .032 ALUMINUM had his license revoked for 30 BEST WHITE FINISH days. OUR USUAL CUSTOM John Slowers, Montclair, was FITTING WITHOUT CHARGE fined $15 for careles driving. EASY (ntitnr TERMS Christopher Olsen, Ft. Mon- SHOKS mouth, was fined $10 for driv- JOHNSTON & MlitPHY ing a motorcycle without gog- ESTIMATES gles or a face shield, and $10 . JAHMAN I.V/r lo for not displaying a front li- 30% Oil CALL: cense plate. Michael J. Lcdgtis, Fort Mon- SMAKTI/V SI'M. 1,1) moulli, vvii.s fined $11) for not ITALIAN KNIT SHI IMS 741-3939 displaying license plates. AM,

By ELEANOR KARKO plemented by undulating Go-Go girl*, all For Queen OCEANPORT - The lofty toUl of |U,- will be a part of the "little bit wild" and MO in gifts at last year's Honmouth Park "way out" theme. Music will be by the Charity Ball li a sound bet to see it Peter Duchln orchestra under the direction To Model Mcend even higher this year. of Ted Tyle. FREEHOLD - Charity Ball Yesterday, at a meeting 0/ the Mon- A major social and charity benefit, the Queen contestants will hold a nKMth Park Turf Charity Ball and Carnival Monmouth Park event, in the 20 years of buffet supper, fashion show and Committee, under the chalrmwuihip ot Mr*. its staging, has raised a total of |l,«0S,M2 card party at 8:50 p.m. Aug. Amory I. Haskell Jr., Mrs. Philip H. Iselin, for a long list of welfare and service organi- 21 in the Battleground Country Mix G. Barker Seeley and Mrs. Bernard zations in the county. Club. Fashions will be B. White, a preview of some of the gifts, The wife of the governor, Mrs. Richard by Britt's Department Store, which will be auctioned, were displayed to J. Hughei, is honorary chairman of this Freehold Mall Shopping Center. the press and committee workers at a year's ball. Serving on the executive com- luncheon in the Turf Club. mittee with Mrs. Haskell, Mrs. Iselin, Mrs. Modeling will be Linda Lee A moss green kangaroo fur pant suit Seeley and Mrs. White, are Mrs. Robert Boyce, Robertsville; Gail Bus- by Daniel Brooks and a Cartier-crafted Eisner, Mrs. Michael C. Guarino, Mrs. siere, Bonnie McLaughlin, Pat- sterling silver owl with jade eyes and base Amory L. Haskell, Mrs. H. A. Jones, Mrs. tie Pudder, Englishtown, and were the personal green envy choices of Louis Marron, Mrs. David Marx, Mrs. Emma Joyce Conover, Carol this reporter. However, strong oohs and ahs Townsend Martin, Mrs. Milton Mermelstein, Caroseili, Carol Quartier, Debra were in the general chorus for a mink bi- Mrs. Richard Metcalf, Miss Patricia Rear- Owens, Jo Ann Guidone and kini, a Russian sable boa, a last edition of don, Mrs. William L. Russell Jr., Mrs. Carol Ann Fisher, Freehold. a horse in porcelain by internationally fa- Frederick F. Sehock Jr., Mrs. Walter Stein- mous Edward Marshall Boehm, portraits bach, Mrs. Allison Stern, Mrs. Richard R. Al Raymond's Orchestra will by New York artist David Immerman and Stout, Mrs. Frederick C. Tatum and Mrs. provide music for dancing.. a race scene painted by Shrewsbury artist David A. Werblin. Dante Kederici will serve as Nick Caivano, among other turf artists Committee chairman include Mrs. auctioneer for auctions to be donating works. Thomas Brogan, Mrs. Robert Berg, Mrs. held throughout the evening. Other unusual gifts which will go on the George Blair, Mrs. Robert Dalton, Mrs. Anthony B. Smith, chairman block during the carnival will be 150,000 John W. Flock Jr., Mrs. Joseph T. Gauss, of the seventh annual Chari- Plaid Stamps, a day on a boat, and a day Mrs. Robert Goodman, Mrs. Kurt Hofmann, ty Ball to be held Sept. 14 at at a beauty clinic. Mrs. A. R. Kaupp, Mrs. Donald E. Lawes, CHARITY HOOT — A silver owl with jade eyes and base by Cartier, and other the Freehold Raceway, is ap- Mrs. Seeley, energetic chairman of the Mrs. Robert Ludewig and Mrs. Roger Pow- •Itgant prizes to ba awarded at the forthcoming Charity Ball art admired by, left pealing to interested members decorations, revealed some of "the psyche- ers. to join committees and to at- to right, Mrs, H. W. McCollum, Locust;-Mrs. Philip Iselin, Port-au-peclc, cd-chairman delic nuances being planned in keeping with Serving on the fund committee are end the next committee meet- the theme "Ball of Lights." She said that Msgr. Joseph T. Casey, Miss Laura Hard- of the event, and Mrs, Thomas J. Brogan, Spring La Ice, area chairman of the Spring ing July 22 at 8 p.m. at the four large weather balloons will be hung ing, Mrs. Iselin, Maurice Pollak, M$s. Lake committee. The area's largest benefit event, the Monmouth Park Charity Ball, American Hotel. and a kaleidescope of pictures projected on Stern, Joseph Thumraess, Dr. William G. will be held July 27 on the first floor of the clubhouse. Dinner is at 8 p.m. The ball them continually. Strobe lights and black Van Note, and Ernest Lass. begins at 9 p.m., with music by the Peter Duchin Orchestra, under the direction of lights for weird effects and pulsating colors Ex-officio members are Philip H. Iselin, and lights synchronized to the music, com- Harvey Wardell and Townsend B. Martin. Tad Tyle. (Register Staff Photo) Ornithologist To Show Safari Film SEA BRIGHT — Ornitholo- gist Gardner D. Stout, a for- mer Fair Haven resident, will show his most recent wildlife film here at a benefit for the Monmouth County Historical Association. The film, made in Africa, will be presented at a pro- gram on Tuesday, July 23, at County Fare the Sea Bright Beach Club, Ocean Ave. An oceanside hirffet Slipper will be 7 p.m. and the film will be shown at 9:15. The evening's en- "*''***:#'', r ness Sours Husband's Retirement tertainment will benefit histor- Dear Ann Landers: My go crazy. Before his illness count because I was too think I was a safe driver ic buildings and sites owned by husband retired two years Mike was never an arguer. young to know better). I they would not have driven the association, ago at age 60. Mike was Now he picks a fight and have finally learned how to with me, would they? Mr. Stout, an invest- an avid golfer and looked keeps it going for hours. I treat a woman now that I Please give me some help. ment banker whose hobby is forward to retirement so he need help.-N. Y. DILEMMA am older. Life would be rosy —C.H. ornithology, was the editor of could play as much golf as Dear N.Y.: Have you dis- if I had a lovely wife by my Dear C.H.: Be patient, the recently published book, he wanted. But soon after side. Why don't you be a cused Mike's behavorial Chicken, your time will "Shorebirds of North Amer- his «0th birth- good* egg and put me in changes with his doctor? If come. Continue to display ica." He is a trustee and vice day he de- touch with either "Blues In you haven't, you should. competence at the wheel and president of the American Mu- veloped a lit- Sometimes when an active The Night," "Ready And stop begging. When you tle arthritis Able," or "Lonely Louise"? seum of Natural History. Mrs. man retires he becomes de- beg you sound like a small Stout, a water colorist and pho- in one arm. pressed and cantankerous -MUSCLES MIKE child and small children The doctor tographer, has accompanied but what yoir describe sug- Dear Mike: You say you should not be driving cars. said he could Mr. Stout on four African sa- AFRICAN VIOLET PLANTS will grace the tablet at the Barclay Hotel, Belmar, on gests that "slight stroke" are a four-time loser and still play golf faris. Their wildlife films have may have produced a little now if you had a good woman When romantic glances Aug. 20 whan members and friends of the Family and Children's Service of Mon- but Mike re- been shown at the Smithsonian brain damage. Make an ap- by your side life would be turn to warm embraces is mouth County will gather for thair annual lunchaon and fall fashion show. Getting fused to try. Institute, and pointment with Mike's doctor rosy. That's some recom- it love or chemistry? Send A few the Museum of Natural His- arrangements under way for the event art, left to right, Mrs. Charles C. Schoclc Jr., today. It could change your mendation, Buddy Boy. Find for the booklet "Love Or months later tory. Sea Girt, general chairman; Mrs. Frank M. Sibley, MiddUtown, assistant chairman, thinking considerably. "Rosy" on your own. Sex And How To Tell the Landers he suffered a Difference," by Ann Landers. Proceeds from the program «nd Mrs. Francis P. Drucker, Shrewsbury, treasurer. (Register Staff Photo) slight stroke. For two years Dear Ann Landers: You Strangers can be dangerous and, oftentimes, the nicer Enclose a long, stamped, will be used for further restora- he has done nothing but look could do a lot of good in this they seem the nuttier they self-addressed envelope and tion of Marlpit Hail in Middle- at TV, drink and feel sorry world if you weren't so dog- are. I want no part of friend- 35 cents in coin with your re- town Village and Hendrickson for himself. goned rock-headed. In the finding. quest. House, Holmdel, both open to last year you printed letters Sally Clark Is Bride in Freehold My once good life is now Ann Landers will be glad the public; the Moreau House, from three women who hell. Mike wants me to wait Dear Ann Landers: I am 16, to help you with your prob- Freehold, and the Allen House, sounded great. I wrote and FREEHOLD — Miss Sally former county agricultural on him hand and foot. If he I have a driver's license and lems. Send them to her in Shrewsbury, the association'! asked for their names and Goodyear Clark, daughter of agent. She wore an A-line gown were totally incapacitated I am a very good driver but care of this newspaper, en- latest acquisition and reputed to addresses and got three flat Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Clark, of silk organza with bodice of I'd gladly do it. But he could my parents will not allow me closing a stamped, self-ad- to be the oldest house in turn-downs. Why? Don't 53 Dutch Lane, became Oie venise lace and skirt fashioned do many things for himself to drive by myself. What dressed envelope. Monmouth County. bride of Frank Pierce Van with a chapel train. if he tried. you know there are a lot of good is a driver's license if Note, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Joseph Campion, Old When I return from a lonesome people in this world I can't drive without a liam Grandin Van Note, Satur- Bridge, sister of the bride- bridge game he accuses me who can't afford to go to nice chaperone? day here in the First United groom, was matron of honor. of " being with men. He places and meet high-class My dad says the only rea- Metiiodist Church. He is the Bridesmaids were the Misses threatens to kill himself and folks? These people need son they let me get a license son of Mr. and Mrs. William Sandra and Beverly Rex, Phila- "get out of my way." I help. A column where read- is so I'd get off their backs. C.rartdin Van Nate, Freehold- delphia. sometimes think he is resent- ers tell about themselves is ,the experience of driving Shoe Spectacular CoKs Neck Road, Colts Neck. ful that I have good health a perfect place to make con- I keep telling them I need Michael Kondrk, Carteret, nections. The Rev. Earl C. Snyder of- was best man, and ushers were and he does not. alone but they won't listen. ficiated at the ceremony, after Joseph Campion, Old Bridge; What should I do? If I I've been married four Last week I drove the fam- which a reception was held in Peter Vanderhoof, Middletown; stay home day and night I'll times. (The first two don't ily six times. If they didn't 4 LOW PRICES the Battleground Country Club, Walter Kozloski, Freehold, and here. George Siver, Marlboro. ALL SALE SHOES The bride was given in mar- Mr. and Mrs. Van Note are Ronald Kamin Married in Verona riage by her father, who is the graduates of Freehold Regional High School. An alumna of Tus- VERONA — Miss Billie Jean from Mountain High School, On their return from a trip oilum College, Greeneville, Ulrich, daughter of Mr. and West Orange, and is employed to Florida and Nassau, they Decorator Tenn., she was a member of Mrs. William F. Ulrich, West by Foster Wheeler Corp., Liv- will reside in the Tree Haven Uie faculty at PhoenixvilJe Mrs. Frank P. Van Note Orange, became the bride of ingston. Apartments, Matawan. (Pa.) Public School. (The former Sally Clark) Ronald John Kamin, son of Mr. Van Note, a music Mr. and Mrs. John Kamin, teacher in the Marlboro Public COURT OF HONOR Gordons Corner, Manalapan Joanne Ronca Married HOLMDEL — Boy Scout Township, June 29. School System, is an alumnus MONMOUTH BEACH - The Troop 331 recently held a Court PIL- of Trenton State College. The The Rev. John Martin, pas- marriage of Miss Joanne Ron- of Honor in the Village School. tor, officiated at the ceremony ca, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. couple are at home at 304 Rel- The following scouts were in Our Lady of the Lake Vincent G. Ronca, 164 Atlantic lim Drive, Old Bridge. rated: Vincent Hoellerich, ten- Catholic Church here. A recep Ave., to Nicholas"?. Spadavec- derfoot; Scott Leder and Thom- tion followed in Crystal Lake chia, son of Mr. and Mrs. as Schneider, second class; Bridal Shower Casino, West Orange. Nicholas Spadavecchia, Long LOWS Paul Zoubek, first class; Scott The bride, who was given Branch, took place June 29 A pleasure to throw ... All In Aabury Park Grimm, den chief; James Cox, in marriage by her father, here in the Precious tizes and all shapes to 90 patrol leader; Kenneth R. FREEHOLD — Mias Ann wore an A-line gown of lace Blood Catholic Church. with your decorating de- Grimm Jr., instructor; Tim- trimmed with seed pearls and Weinstein, daughter of Dr. and The Rev. Earl C. Gannon of- mands ... in a large variety Mrs. Harvey Weinstein, 31 El- othy Bent, assistant senior pa~- designed with a butterfly train of fabrics. trol leader, and Michael Ba- Of peau de sole. ficiated at the ceremony, after lis St., who will marry Philip which a reception was held in varo, senior patrol leader. Her sister, Mrs. Robert Ba Herman, son of Mr. and Mrs. the Crystal Brook Inn, Eaton. David Herman, Fort Lee, Aug. Merit badges were present- zaral of Livingston, was ma- 25, was honored at a bridal ed to Michael Bavaro, Brandon tron of honor. Other atten- town. . . shower and luncheon recently Durar, Scott Grimm, Kenneth dants were Mrs. Wendel Wear, The bride, who was given in in Paul Samperi's, Asbury R. Grimm Jr. and Douglas Caldwell, also a sister of the marriage by her father, wore a Park. Hostesses were Mrs. May. • bride; Mrs. Leonard Dooren eown of silk organza appuquert Herman Weston, Torrance, Receiving attendance awards Jr., »l»ter of the bridegroom, with Alencon lace and SHREWSBURY Calif.;-Miss Marsha Greener, were Michael Bavaro, Brandon Madison, and Misses Ellen fashioned with a chapel train. 468 BROAD «T. Bradley Beach, and Miss Cindy Durar, James Cox, Gregory Fera and Irene Ulrich, cous- Miss Dorothy (Dee Dee) Ron- Call 747-4422 Weinstein, Freehold. Hart, Robert Laaucer and ins of the bride, West Orange. ca was maid of honor for her sister. Also attending the bride Douglas May. Best man was Norman Er- Mrs. Nicholas Spudavccchlu were her two sisters, vine, Jamesburg. Ushers were (The former Joanne Ronca) Mrs. John Ventura, Newark; Jefferson Airplane William Ulrich, West Orange, ANNUAL SUMMER SALE brother of the bride; Leonard and MIRS Patricia Ronca, and leigli Dickinson University, In Septee'a 'Hangar' Dooren Jr., Madison Township, Mrs. Anthony Delge, Long Rutherford. Sim will bo em- LARGE REDUCTIONS ASBURY PARK - Amid brother-in-law of the bride- Branch. ployed as a school nurse In 9*i REG. to $22 weird lighting effects and ca- groom; John Nowlcky, Ten- Charles LoBue, Union, was the Entontown .School System, cophonlc bedlam, the Jeffer- neck, and Edward Whalen, best man for his nephew. Ush- Mr. Spadnveechia, who Is a 10% to 25% Off son Airplane wing« Into Moe Hatedon. ers were John Salerno, Robert teacher In the Lakewood School Septee's hangar, Convention The bridegroom, a graduate Sacco and Anthony Deigue, all System, is an alumnus of I-ong Hall, for two Bhows, 7:3(1 and of Freehold Regional High of Long Branch. Branch High School and Troy 9:45 p.m., tomorrow. The combo School and Trenton State Col- Mm. Spadavecdiia Is an (Ala.) Slato College. The cou- Huffman & Boyle Is displaced by country-went- lego, In a teacher at Matawnn alumna of Long Branch High ple will reside on Irving Place, III. • Euloiiiown. N. J. 5421010 t-rn stylist Glen Campbell in the I Regional High School. , School, Mountainside School of LonR Branch, on their return RED BANK .Septee t/irrfigc, July 20. The brldo was graduated Nursing, Monlclalr, and Falr- from I'u>to Rico, k ! Claim Youth Possessed Marijuana LONG BRANCH — James F. Fornino, 18, of 49 Cypress St., waived preliminary hearing yesterday in Municipal Court on charges of possessing mari- juana. Judge Stanley Cohen set bail at $1,000 and sent the charge to (he Grand Jury. The judge held an arraign- 1 ment and arranged to get le- ; gal aid for Philip Cunningham,- 19, of 298 Joline Ave. Cunning- Miss Johnlfer Sauryn Miss Kathleen Rockhill Miss Margaret Cosentino Miss Linda Hanson ham was charged with break- ing and entering an ap'artment, ANNIVERSARY GIFT — Miss Content Peckham, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Anson intending to rob. He will be held for preliminary hearing Wheeler Peekham, New Shrewsbury, holds framed petit point ai it is presented to Brides-to-Be Announce Engagements Tuesday in lieu of ?500 bail. Mrs. Lyndon Baines Johnson in the family library at the White House. The gift, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS -1 LONG BRANCH — Mr. and James Gibson, 18, of fi5 marking the 225th anniversary of the Moravian Seminary for Girls, Bethlehem, Pa., OAKHURST-Maj. (ret.) and . RUMSON - Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Fourth Ave., who pleaded guil- Announcement is made by Mr. ; Mrs. Charles M. Rwkhill recalls the anniversary 141 years and 30 presidents ago, when students also pre- Mrs. Gaetano T. Cosentino, 57 | vid F. Hanson, 11 Circle Drive, I ,., tn 11Ring 'heroin was given and Mrs. .lohn Sauryn, 4fi Jr., .428 Division St., jented a piece of their needlework to Mrs. John Quincy Adams in 1826. Left to Third Ave,, nf (he engagement, announce the engagement Fredric Drive, announce the announce the engagement of a conditional six-month jail sen- of their daughter. Miss .lenni-: of their daughter, Miss forthcoming marriage of their their daughter, Miss Linda R. tence with the provision that hp. right, Miss Lillie Turman, headmistress; +he First Lady; Congressman Fred B. Rooney fer Saucyn. to Peter fzenvin- Kathleen Rockhill, to Sp.daughter, Miss Margaret Carol Hanson, to Thomas J. Beaud- be sent to Menlo Park Diag- (15th District, Pa.); Misi Peckham, class of 196?, and Jody Shelley, class of 1968. nostic Center and that he re- ski. 202 Beechwood Drive, 5 Thomas G. Cole, son of Mr. Cosentino, to Capt. Christopher reault, son of William J. Beaud- j ,'7^7 .Trr ceive psychiatric care during Shrewsbury. : and Mrs. William Cole, M. Orndorff of Ft. Monmouth. reault, Suttland, Md., and the .. *"„' pnt Miss Sauryn is a lOfiS grad-, Bremerton, Wash, his confinement. Miss Cosentino is a graduate late Mrs. Beaudreauit. The judge fined Robert S. uate of Henry Hudson Rpgional' fhe. bride-elect is a graduate The bride-to-be is a graduate School. Shp will attend the f Ung Branch Senior High of the American High School, Himes of 1806 McBride Ave., Long Branch Work-Study n of Rumson-Fair Haven Region- School fnr Laboratory Assis-' School and is employed at the Frankfurt, Germany, and at- Neptune, $50 for using offensive al High School. She is current- language, $25 for driving while tants at Perth Amboy General r.s. Army Signal Center and tended Monmouth College. ly a student at the University Hospital. School, Kt. Monmouth. Capt. Orndorff, son of Mr. unlicensed and $5 for operating of Maryland, majoring in home an unregistered car. Project Employs Students Mr Czerwinski is a lfififi Her finance is a graduate and Mrs. F.A. Orndorff, economics. Adatrville, Ky., was graduated Jose M. Ramos of 7fi Third graduate of Red Rank High of West High. School ia Brent- Mr. Beaudreault is a 1965 Ave. was assessed ?25 for driv- LONG BRANCH—Forty Long | years of age. The students re-, The boys are involved In main- from Adairville High School graduate of the University of Branch High School students ceived $1.40 an hour and work tenance, custodial and printing and enter hi and the U.S. Military Acade- ing while unlicensed. Ernest A. S ^^^^Tn^iJh Maryland's College of Business Wakefield of Barrington paid are engaged in a summer six hours a day, five days a jobs. nior year as a charter member, Battaljon) 37th Armored Djvj. my at West Point, N. Y. and Public Administration. He work-study project co-spon- week. They are closely super- Most of the printing'of forms ] $19 for speeding. It cost Peter of the College of Artesia, N. S|On, Ft. Knox, Ky. The wedding will take place is with the U.S. Internal Rev- T. Borchard of 97 Southview sored by the Long Branch vised so they will develop hab- and stationery used in the Mex. He is a member o/ Taui A June 1969 wedding on Aug. 18 in St. Jerome's enue Department in Washing- Ten, Middletown, $15 for care- Board of Education and theits and skills necessary for suc- school district is done during JCpsilon Kappa. ' is planned. Catholic Church, Long Branch. ton, D. C. lesh driving. Robert G. Stroud Vocational Division of the state cessful employment when they the summer. The maintenance of Philadelphia was fined $20 Department of Education. graduate. and custodial crew will paint for using fictitious plates and To be eligible for the pro- Girls employed in the project classrooms, wash lockers and j obstructing traffic. Dwight Wa- gram, the youngsters had to be are engaged in such tasks as furniture, repair window diak, of 47 West End Apart- enrolled in the vocational or operating the switchboard, typ- shades and do a variety of oth- ments paid $10 for not having business curriculums at theing, mimeographing, payrolls, er minor jobs. a registration and driving with- high school and be at least 15 filing, cataloguing filmstrips. Primary purpose of the pro- out a license in his possession. gram is to teach the students the proper attitudes toward work, responsibility to see a On Campus job through to completion, Honors Set punctuality and neatness In Miss Sandra B. Robinson of Tobe Joyce Levin, daughter appearance and work. For Students Fair Haven, has been elected of Mr. and Mrs. M. William by the student body of Mount Levin, 7 Maryland Ave., West J. Russell Malson, of the Holyoke College, South Had- Long Branch, is a new initiate high school industrial arts de- At Church ley, Mass., to serve as presi- of Tau Alpha Mu, social sor- partment, supervises the cus- dent of the senior class next ority, at Ithaca N.Y. College. todial and maintenance crew, RED BANK-Pilgrim Bap- and George DeLorenzo, of the tist Church, of which the Rev. year. Miss Robinson was ac-She was named a member -in H. L. Morgan is pastor, will tive this year as chairman of ceremonies held shortly before business education department, sponsor a Recognition Service the college's Fathers' Weekend. the close of the spring sem- supervises the clerical and typ- Sunday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. She was also assistant stage ester. ing puol. Ronald iSzabo, a re- manager for Junior Show, a cent graduate of Montclair Miss Doris Maresca Miss Alicia Bartkewicz Miss Dolores B. Berner Miss Suzanne Masket It is to honor students who graduated from eighth grade, production written and pro-Barbara Williams daughter State College, supervises the of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Wil- printing project. MIDDLETOWN - The en- EAST KEANSBURG - An- MIDDLETOWN — Announce- RUMSON — Mr. and Mrs. high school and college this duced by the junior class. liams, 306 Everett Road, Lin- Students involved in the proj- gagement of Miss Doris Eve- nouhcement is made by Mr. and ment has been made by Mr. Bernard B. Masket, 82 Ridge year as well as those attend- Miss Robinson is the daugh- ing college. croft, has been awarded a ect include Vincent Abel, Kath- lyn Maresca to Sp. 4 Raymond I Mrs. Stanley Bartkewicz, 36 and Mrs. Richard A. Berner, Road, announce the engage- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. scholarship at Waynesburg 12 Doris Lane, of the engage- ment of their daughter, Miss Local businass and profes- ryn Andrisano, Nancy Carretta, Robinson of 197 Cambridge (Pa.) College. , John Coffman, Hollis Cooper, L. Knowles has been an- j White St., of the engagement ment of their daughter, Miss Suzanne Fay Masket, to Mark sional people will speak to the Ave., Fair Haven. She is a nounced by the bride-elect's | of their daughter, Miss Wolfe Klein, son nf Mr. andgraduates, parents, friends, A graduate of Middletown Raymond Davison, Diane De- Dolores B. Berner, to Richard graduate of Rumson-Fair Ha- Township High School, Miss Alicia Helen Bartkewicz, to Mrs. David Klein, Drexel Hills, and all other interested per- Stefano, Carol Donnelly, Gary parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Gimoch, son of Mr. and Mrs. ven Regional High School. Williams plans to major in Edwards, Frank Falzo, Sally Robert Christian Hanselmann Edmund T. Gimoch, Scotch Pa. sons about their respec- J. Maresca, 15 Kenneth Ter., Aviation Fire Control Tech- general business at Waynes- Gatling, Joseph Giammona, 2d, U.S. Navy, son of Mr. andPlains. Miss Masket is a senior at tive fields of work. They will Mr. Knowles is the son of Mr. explain the qualifications nician Airman James R. Va-burg. Linda Gray, Janice Holden, Mrs. Robert C. Hanselmann, Drexel Institute of Technology, In high school Miss Williams and Mrs. Ivan L. Knowles, Old Bridge. The bride-elect is a graduate Philadelphia, where she is ma- needed for various jobs and of- lerio, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Joline, Georgia Jones, of Union Catholic Girls High fer suggestions on how to meet Angelo Valerio of Route 2, En- was active in school newspap- Rosemarie Kelly, Addje Lee, Roseville, Calif. The bride-elect is a June joring in restaurant and hotel er, Guidance Runner and Li- graduate of Middletown Town- School, Scotch Plains, and is management and is a member the requirements. A question glishtown, is serving with Beverly Mata, Charlotte Mor- Miss Maresca is a 1958 grad- employed in the accounting de- and answer period will be held. Fighter Squadron-101 at thebrary Council. gan, Hayle Mozee, Teresa uate of Middletown Township ship High School. Her finance, of Phi Sigma Sigma sorority. U. S. Naval Air Station, Key a 1967 graduate of Raritan partment of EBSCO Industries, Mr. Klein is a civil engineer- Information and assistance Pacera, Constance Patterson, High School. Her fiance, West, Fla. W. Hartley Squires, son of Township High School, is sta-Shrewsbury. -• ing student at Drexel Institute will be available about all Donald Pearce, Margaret Rosa, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Squires Paul Rosa, Sandra Rizzo, Kath- 8 1966 graduate of Roseville tioned in Norfolk, Va., and will Her fiance, a graduate of and a member of Sigma Alpha forms of financial assistance Larry A. Dunning, son ofJr., 19 Heathcliff Road, Rum- ryn Ryan, Dorothy Scrim- High School, is stationed with leave later this month on a Scotch Plains-Fanwood High Mu fraternity. for .students and a complete Mrs. Mary K. Dunning of 1118son, has been accepted for ad- mager, Kirstine Senk, Mario the Army at The Presidio, San three-month cruise to South School, is with Chelsea Fan They plan to be married in list of colleges, universities and j Waddington, Wichita, Kans., is mission to Thomas College in Smerglio, Paul Smith, Susan Francisco, Calif. America. Corp., Plainfield. June, 1969. professional schools will be participating in a U.S. AirWaterville, Maine, beginning Sparandeo, Jeffrey Thomas, provided. Force Reserve Officers Train- in September. Kimberly Towler, Edward Un- ing Corps field training en- He is a graduate of Rum-ger, Carmen Vario, Robert Wil- Will Register campment at Wright-Patterson son - Fair Haven Regional liams, Nancy Wolkom and AFB, Dayton, Ohio. High School, where he partici- Joyce Zywan. At Little Silver Cadet Dunning's wife, Elaine, pated in swimming and politi- is the daughter of Edward cal functions, as well as in his LITTLE SILVER - Registra- Daley of 179 Main, Matawan. church Youth Fellowship. tion day for children entering Name Director schools here for the first time Thomas W. Gravatt, son of Thomas College is a non-sec- will be held Tuesday, Aug. 6, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Grav- tarian, co-educational college Of Nixon Group from 9 a.m. to noon in theatt of 4 Hurtt Ave., Farming- of about 400 students, empha- WASHINGTON — James A. Markham Place School audi- dale, has been promoted to air- sizing business education based Skidmore Jr., of Berkeley torium. man first class in the Aiorn a liberal arts foundation. Heights, N. J., past president All children planning to enter Force. Judith A. Keller, daughter of of the U. S. Jaycees, has been Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Keller, named national field director schools here for the first time Airman Gravatt, a food ser- on Sept. 4 should register on 215 Spruce Drive, Shrewsbury; of the United Citizens for vice specialist, is assigned at and John B. Merlette, son of Nixon, Charles S. Bhyne, UCN Aug. 6, C. David Vanderhoof, Wurtsmith AFB, Mich., as a superintendent, said last night. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd G. chairman, announced today. member of the Strategic Air Merlette, 64 Ridge Road, Fair Mr. SJcidmore, 36. heads a An official transfer and health Command. records are required. Haven, have been named to the staff of field men for the UCN He is a graduate of South- dean's list for the spring SP- that will enter every state be- Children must be five years ern Freehold Regional High Miss Phyllis M. Nielsen Miss Barbara Derewicz Miss Diane Wojclk Miss Adele Fike of age on or before Oct. 1 to mester at Grove City, Pa., Col- fore the November elections School. lege. to organize state and local citi- LITTLE SILVER - The en- register. All pupils must have LEONARDO — Mr. and Mrs. 1SEL1N — The engagement FREEHOLD — Capt. and proof of vaccination for small- Thomas V. White, nf 23 Tra- zens committees. The groups gagement of Miss Phyllis M. j Henry Derewicz, 57 Nautilus of Miss Diane Wojcik to Rob-Mrs. Irwin F. Fike, Hampton pox, completed immunization lee Road, Hazlet, has been A Portuguese shows his ap- will mobilize and direct efforts Drive have of independents and Democrats, Nielsen to Charles D. Davis is: - announced the en- ert W. Howley of Hazlet has Drive, have announced the en- treatment for poliomyelitis, named to the Dean's List of preciation of a pretty girl by been announced hy the bride- completed immunization treat- pulling his ear. In Italy, how- as well as persons who normal- announced by her parents, Mr gagement of their daughter, the college of arts' and scienc- ly are not involved in politics. ; to-be's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ment for or have had an active es at Loyola University, New ever, ear tugging is a deliber- and Mrs. Ham A. Nielsen, 406 (0"Frederick" W."j»eisler7sori"of Miss Adele Fleming Fike, to Emil J. Wojcik of this place. case of measles, and have re- Orleans, La.' ate insult. Mr. Skidmore. was named Prospect Ave. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Meis- Mr. Howley is the son of Mr. James Addison Foshay, son of ceived D.P.T. innoculations Approximately 47 per cent of one of America's Ten Outstand- Ier m Rl Mr. While, a senior political in Youn Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Da- i . - '5, Middletown. and Mrs. Andrew F. Howley, Mr. and Mrs. A.Y. Foshay, (diphtheria, whooping cough science major, is the son ofthe land area in New York is K .E Men this year. He An ril won a similar honor in New vis, 12 Meadowbrook Jlnad,; , /P 12 wedding Is j 18 Bedle Boad, Hazlet. Brooklyn. and tetanus). Mr. and Mrs. James L. White. In forests. • planned. Miss Wojcik was graduated Jer.sey when Democratic Gov. Eumson. The bride-elect is a 1966 grad- j from St. Mary's High .School, Miss Fike, a graduate of Cen- Richard J. Hughes nominated A June 196!) wedding is uate of Midriletown Township! Perth Amboy, and Berkeley tenary College for Women, is him as one of that state's Five .planned. High .School and IM7 graduate I Secretarial " School, East j employed at Miinmouth County Outstanding Men. He is on" Miss Nielsen, who is pin- : leave;of absence as assistant to nf Berkelpy Secretarial School, Orangeg . She Is a stenographegp r National Bank. Mr. Fnshay is a pployed hy Rnwen - Interrtata, East Orangeg,, where sshhe wwaas aa ll Tl' dt f CW Pt Cll the president of PepsiCo, Inc., with the New Jersey Bell Tele-' graduate nf C.W. Post College, Oceanport, is a ggraduat e of mmembee r of thp Rerkeleyy Club. phone Cn. in Newark. i Brookville, L.I. New York. Red Bank Catholic High SchoolSchool , SShhe iis an executive secretary!" Mr Howley, a graduate of He is on the United Nation* Economic and Social Council Wilfred Academy nf Hair and for the American Broadcasting ! Belleville High School and New-1 t, , , nl. Beautyy Culture, and Ashury . Co.. New York City. • ark College of Engineering, is! Shmnbury.f Police and has served as treasurer of nl!pfi(> Mr Junior Chamber International. Mr. Davis, who served rour - Meisler, who is with the . a staff assistant in personnel Hike Code Lauded Ho also has been on the Na- family firm of Edward E. Mois-i development with E.I. duPont,; _r,n years in the t .S. Navy, ,s a ler & Son, Plumbing and Heat- : Parlin PF"D RANK ~ Wllllam tional Council of Crime and De- graduate nf Red Bank High ing. Mirirtlelown, is a 1964 grad-i A spring wedding is planned. Storey, president of the Patrol-! linquency. National Advisory School and North American iiaie of Red Bank Catholic High ! j men's Benevolent Association, Council for "Keep America .School of Conservation, \AK An- Beautiful." and the Advisory School and attended Lincoln - To Present Paprr | local 39 yesterday expressed Commission of Economic Op- portunity in New Jersey. Cn., Lincroft. Engineers. MONMOUTH — A tech-1 Shrewsbury's Mayor and Coun- | nical paper by three scientists !c| , jn vn(i ,„ rajse ,1(.e sal. I of the Electronic Components To Visit Europe ; Laboratory, Army Electronics aries by 15 per cent. Antique Cars Fair Feature In an open letter to the may- On Collar Tour I Command, will be presented at .ircn.SEY CITY - Joyce Van ' the Institute of Electrical and or and council Mr. Storey slat- COLTS NECK ed: Wagner, 185 Rumson Road, i •s Engineers annual numson, will leave for Euroop "We wish In thank you for nr. a member of the Jersey City be among antique ••ars lo be Space Radiation Effects at the ; your fine judgment in unani- State College European study .viuuoay. University of M seen during the Colts .Neck University of Montana, Mis- ; mously deciding to introduce tour Wednesday. Tprtl (l;ilu m t0 a Ilvf> f)an(1 Firemen'Frmnss Fair, July 1520at15-20'at ' K soula, , Julyy 15-18. : an ordinance increasing police She will study western civi- the grounds, lit 5.17 wilill he hold Monday, Thursday I The authors are Bernard , salaries 15 per cent. We are lization in Europe during' the It is owned by John' Kennedy : and Fridayy nightg s j HiHeiddi andd EdEdward BB. Hakim of especially pleased that you de- college's 33-day tour of Bel- cided not to wait lo put it on Of Colls Neck. Scouts Girl Scouts and ; 'hfl •Solid Slale and gium, England, France, Spain, The fair will be open dailv ,.,,., ,,, _ ,. ,.. 'ContrControll DivisioDivisionn , aann d Edwin T. a referendum ballot in Novem- nll n"'*•""'•n lmi«K nlsKo win Italy, Greece and Switzerland. from fi p.m. In midnight, ami "'*•""'•« nlso win j Hunter of the IIntegrated lOlec- ber." Miss Wagner, daughter of ikp !lrt ln lf>lal r wllh th(!lr /rom -5 p.m. to midnight, .Sat- '' P " Ironies Division. I/oeal 39 also represents the Mrs. Grace Wagner, is doing wn unlay. Among special events. activities. The paper is titled, "The Ef-Red >Bank police force which FEATURED AT THE MALL — Mr. and Mrt. Frank Dowdney of Somorvill* diiplay graduate work at Jscs. This will be: Atlantic: Grange and; fects of Neutron Radiation on IK her first trip nhrond. ! will go to a referendum in No- toma of thi» paintings in thoir lnt»rn«tion al Fin* Arts Gallery «r th* Mall in Red First Aid Squad night on Mon- The musk ox resembles a Second Breakdown and Ther- Bank. Mr. Dowdnoy has bunn anociatad with art for 12 ytari. The gallery foarurai Five faculty members will (fay; Colts Neck Women's ('lull small, while . stockinged buf- mal Behaviour of Silicon Tran- vember for a 15 per rent wage lend 73 students through lhe Art exhibit, Tuesday; Fire- falo. • sistors." r hike. registered original oil paintings and high quality framti. (Register Staff Photo I cultural centers ofiEurope. §mt*» Afcnoat Double j THE DAILY REGISTER, Friday, July *>, 1968—9 ASBUBY PARK - Slat- j chairman F. Leroy Jr. reports » ii,. Northern MLS Makes Fedders 1, j in wtes of resi- dental properties spM through Shore Multiple Listing Service Central Air in Mty of this year; compared 26 Realty Transactions to the |838,075 sates volume Conditioning figure for May, 1M7. MIDDLETOWN - The trans- lifted through Joaeph J. Howard of rly ownad by Mra. Marajaret Man- the wtma office. nix of Rhode [aland. Mra. Constance fer of title on 26 residential Harry LeigtUon of tha Airport Plata Mcher of Oornaliua J. Guiney Jr., offtoe of Trie tdrwan Company ne- HiriYlandi, handled nngotlaUonn properties in the northern Mon- gotiated th« aala of the ranch houae Mr, and' 'Mri. Amaury l^eiira and Factory Authorized At 16 W. Park Ave., Beltord, for tha their four children have moved from mouth County area Is reported owners, Mr. e.nd Mra. Jamea P. KJ]- Brona, N. Y., U> the house they pur- this week by the Realtors of roy. Mr. and lira. Ktlroy hava moved chased at 23 BnUn^d Ave . Port Expert...has a to ftmitb Jtraey. Their houio was pur- Mnnmouth. Hr. Ledea is with Haynea GRAVELY. Northern Monmouth Multiple chimed by Hr. and Mra. Joseph Mar* Realty Carporatl'm. Uernsrd J McKl- ke y, who are the parenu of a a*»n roy of Th* Sleptieriii Aiten<--y, Brlfoni, money-saving deal Listing Service, Hint a daughter. Itie Cam 11 y pre- neiotiated the purcliaa* fc>r Mr. and Mr. and Mncy lia/t professor at Newark College of Engi- ot Red Bank MIJ3. PERFORMANCE REWARDED — Red Bank Postmaster Joseph McFadden, left, gives installations. Call us now—and Meted tfre home for die previous neering and a consultant for labor get price specials. Plus budget owners, Mr. and Mra. Theodora flteg- The split level houae at LI Surrey management. Mrs. MetxJor In asso- out performance awards to post office employes, from left, Hugh J. Tierney, William terms to suit your individual n«r. ciated with Lea Dens Studio, Fair Drive, Haxlet, ha« beon sold to Mr. Also *oUl through Mr. Cahlll was Rnven. Mrs. Marti LV»ciImto of Al- ajid Mrs. WUltam C. -Myer, who are J. Butler, Casimir Sosinskl, Francis Sagurton, Dominick Soldo and Antonio Ferraro, needs. Lat Fadderi do th* "bit) the Oajpe Ood houaa of Mr. and Mrs.lalre-ifTarrow, Red Bank members of tJie [«ironts o/ four chlwrra and for- I/>non E. Skouarn of 18 Lakeside merly resided on B tat en Island. Mr. job" for you . . . your guarantee ;Red Bank Mtfl effected the aala of who also won a suggestion award. (Register Staff Photo) Drive, Matawftii. Mr. and Mra. Skovi- the property lor the ownera, Dr. and Myer is with Air Freight. David K. of complete central air-conditioning aen are residing In Joltet, HI. Mr. andMn, Clifford H. Nelaon of Wmtffeld. House of A/ppJe*;atft Agency, Malawan satisfaction. Mrs. Itionuua J. Clancy are the pur* Mrs. Wilma Coollck of Cornelius J. office effected the (tale for thn own- ohaawn and, with their two children, Guiney Jr., Hl^Uanda, had lieted the »STS, Mr. and Mxa. Domlnlck M. Nar- have moved here from Lang: Iml&nd property for aale. rfo-UJlo. They had listed it through paui City, N. Y. Mr. Clancy l« with Carl- The ranch house «.t 10 Oarrie IP. BOYA, New Monmoutn. FREE SUKVEY ton-atuart Corp. John R. Torino of IMVe, Haalet, hu been sold bo Mr. Mr- Raymond F- Co!tin* has pur- Van'* Agency listed tha property for aifid Mn. Donald MoDede who, with chased a house at 24 Button'wood FOR YOUR HOME, their four children, formerly resided Place, Hazlet, through Jamea J. Mr. and Mr*. C. EmMt Shutt hav« In Bast Brunswick. Mr. MctDede la Murphy Jr. of Walker and Walliw, Red Bank Area MLS purchased tha aplit level houae at m. bus driver. Mrs, Ttierrea* B. Martin Hoimdel office. Mir. Collins is a for- FACTORY, STORE, new power 16 Sylvia "Tar., New Monmouth, owned of Applehrook Agency, Matawan of- mer resident of RceeEle, and li with by Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Oolgboun ol fice, traneaoted the purchase of the Trans World Airlines. OR SHOWROOM ************** Bloomfleld. Hr. and Mra. Shutt and houae. which Iwd been Hated with Mr. and Mm. Walter J. Weador.k High-torquebggingpower their four children formerly lived on M*rk> K. dlU ot the same offioe. from Bmoklyn, have purchneed the Brookaide Drive, BeLtord. Mr. Bhutt la Hrr and Mrs. Kenneth Fogelsans/er, house of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond gets tough jobs done fast! with RelchoM Chemical Corp. Pur- their aon and duiajhtar, have moved Keough at 28 Waverty Place, Mata- Transacts Thirty Sales ch&ee of the boaiae waa through John from Tr**> Haven Vlila>« to a colonial wan. Mr. and Mrs. Keough hava Rodger of the Belford office of Tha house at 19 Beaver Place, Mate.wen, movM to North Jeraey, Mr. and Mrs. of Mobil Oil Co., New York, Is an Ter., Lincroft, former home or Hr. CONVERTIBLE- Kirwan Company. which they purchased from Mr. Ernest Weadodc ar*a the. parents of one ton. 3-42 Red Bank area MLS trans- .dive lallur. and aatli a. Fiberglaa H. Brown Jr. Mr. FVwelaanger la as- Mr. Weadock Is asaoolated with the and Mra. Erntit O. Bostrom who HARRIS Mr. and Mra. Claude Smith hava day sailer. He and Mra. Marcoux have sociated with J. C. Penney Cb Mr Marine Midland Saving* Bank, New acts 30 sales real estate .... moved to River Plaza. Mr. McNalr ii RIDE OR WALK •old their two-*twry house at 18 Belle- three children, Kelth^Cralg and Jill. with General MntntM Corp. RanaM S. vlew Ave., Leonardo, and have moved Brown, who la with Union Oarbide, York City. I^irchiwa of the house wa* RED BANK — Thirty area Mrs. Btitty fffnton of Hall Bros., Fair to Florida. Their house wan purchased h*a moved to Fort Lee, The purchase through Walter T. Blalne of V*n'a Haven, hand ltd negotiation*. Bchanck nf th« nerirge S. Schanck HEATING and Ride for the lawn jobs, by M r. and Mrs. WUliam H. Blnhop. WM handled throuifc Mra. Wm liehr- Agency UeA&wan. residences were reported sold Also reported by Hall Bros was Agency, Red Bank, reported the sale. •who previously lived In Belford, and klnder of Sterling Thompson and Aj- Mr. and Una. Krrol W. Hoherts and the aala or property at 17 Wardell M r. ami M r«. John V. Klem ol pull one pin, convert to an are tha parent* of two children. Mr. sockatea, Mldd!e4own offtoe. It had their two children have moved from last week by members of Red Ave., Rumnon, to Mr. nnri Mrs. Wil-Bellevue Ave., numunn, purchased va COOLING Bishop Is with Middle town Garden b«en listed Uirrnigh EmU J. Unger Highland Blvd., Keansburg, to the liam Dambach from Mlllburn. Mr. cant property on the eaat sMe of Bef- Center, MW die town. Richard A. Ste- of tha jfatawan office of Sterling house they purchased «t 567 Monmoutii Bank Area Multiple Listing Ser- easy-handling walking trac- Ave., Beltord. Mr. Roberta la a pilot Dambach, now retired, formerly levue Ave. from Mr. and Mrs. Paul plwrw of Th* Stephens Agency, Bel- vice. owned a aummer home on Warren O'Nell. This transaction was handled 369 BROADWAY tor for the steep elopes, ford, arranged the purchase of tha The purohaaeni of tha ranch bouse with United Airlines and a member t., Rumson. Roger F. Cozens negotl- hoiwe, which had been listed through «t 1122 Harris Ave., Union Beach, are of tha Navvy Reserve. Former own era Five salps by the Ted Hall Agency ted tha aale for Argonaut Realty by William H- Hitnelmann Jr. of the rugged terrain, garden work. Charles A. WlnjatB of The CurUn Mr. and MM. WUUam T. W-elch. They of the home are Mr. and Mrs. William of Fafr Haven Include property Corp., a division of General Motors. William H. Hintelmann Firm, Rum- LONG BRANCH Afconay, I^eonardo. and their child ar« former reridents H. BUhop who have moved to Leo- 96 Rumson Road, Rumson, pur- son. ruutio. njottord A. Stephens of Tn« chased by Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mr. and Mri. Ronald Bourg have Mr. Wlngate also Hated the home of Was* Keuiaburi. Mr. Welch U with sold their houae at 73 Half Mile Road WeaUn chouse Oorp. Newark. Hr and BtcgfceiM Ag«ocy, Belfard, arransed Cox Jr. of Morria Plains. Mr. Cox • 39 TOOLS owned by Mrs. Margaret Oomwedl of the purchase for Mr. and Mrs. has an Insurance business. The for- In Lincroft to Mr. and Mrs. James Ivconardo at 33 Washington Ave., Leo-Mra. Nell L Sh«ub, tha previous mer own era, Mr. and Mm. Clyde Stevens, formerly of Horseshoe Way, nardo and transacted Itn sale. Th« owners, hava moved to an apartment Llncroft. Mr. and Mrs. Bourg moved • ALL-GEAR-DRIVE (n MaUwMj. Mrs. Dorothy Neuendorff ifr. and Mrs. Victor Saunlbr, for- Russell, have moved to Chicago. T. hoiue has been purchaaed as a aum- merly of Rank Ave., Beltord, are the E. Hall Jr. handled negotiations. to Oak Hill. Mrs. Marti Locllento o( mer residence by Mr. and Mm. of the Wert Keanrtwre oBUoe of The Allaire-Farrow negotiated the sale. • INSTANT CONTROL Ernest J. Rfchter of South Plainfleld. Klrwan Company listed tha houae new owners of the spilt JevaJ houae Also sold toy Mr. Hal! waa proper! PITTSBURGH" PAINTS Mr. and Mrs. William To*™end and and tmnaacted its a«aJe, At 34 Chapman Ter., New Monmouth. at 52 Monroe Ave., Little Silver, for- Mr. and Mra. Joseph Crowley from child of Palatine, 111., are occupying They are the parents of two children. mer home of Mr. and MJS. William Bayonne have purchased property at Mre. Neuendorff also arranged tor John Rodger of the BelBard office of K. Relaen, who purchased anothe 20 Holland Road, Middletown, from the n«w houaa they purchased In tha the »aJe of the houae ot Mr. and Mrs. The Ktrwan Company handled the aale Mr. and Mrs. John Neauschafer, who Elmwood Pa/It section of Mlddletcwn. Tbomu Olannoi at 154 Port Hon< house In Little Silver. Purchaser* Mr. Townaand 1* a m&Tkettng analyst for the previous owner* Mr. and Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Tartag- moved to an apartment In Red Bank. nwwth Road, KVesmburj:. Mr. and Mrs. Sam asnlke, who have move& to Key- Ifa from New Monmouth. Mr. Tar- Mr. Crowley Is with Dean Whitter MONMOUTH with Mobil Oil Oo. John Hoofflar of Olanooa have moved to New York port with their two children. and Co., Madlaon Ave., New York. Applebrook Agency, Mlddletown office, taglla la an Industrial engineer with City. Purcha«in are Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mra. Mitchell 8, Cyt^cki Jr. Lanvln-Charles of the Rltz la Hazlct. Paul Bragar ot the Paul Bragar S-T-R-E-T-C-H handled the aale of the property for James Ooll, who art the parents of have sold their ranch house at 31 Agency, Shrewsbury, negotiated tha the builder, Winwood Homes Corp. one ohtld and have moved from Cot- STayette Lane In the Strathmore sec- Mr. and Mrs. Milton c. Roach, sale. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Welwter, for- ta*e Place, Keanflburff. Mr. Ooll U tion of MAta.wwn and moved to Willing have moved to 7 Orange Walk, for- MOWER Inc. m«rJy ot Middlesex HeighU, Mata- with Qrigga CahevroJet. Perth Amboy. Boro. Mr. and Mm. Itieodore D. mer home cf Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Alao sold through tha Bragar Agen- wan, are the pwchasera of a house The property had been listed with Schuster, formerly of Forrest Hills, MacLean Jr., who built a new horn* cy waa property at 38 Northvale Ave., For rim be»r In at S Crown Place, Matawwi, from Mario E. C3I11 of Applebrook Agency, IN. Y., are the purchasers. The house on Tyson Drive, Fair Haven. This sal Llttla Sliver, purchased by Mr. and PAINT SALE Mrs. Ann B. Munnlng. Arrangements Matawan office. was Bold through Joseph p. Oaiiill of was negotiated by Vincent E. Nur- Mrs. Herbert Badgley from Richmond for the purchase were through Emil Mir. and Mna. John Shfl-nley from Van'e Agency, Matawan, and listed ney of the Hall Agency. Hill, L. I. Mr. Badgley la with New YARD CAM EQUIPMENT! J. Unger of Sterling Thompson ajid Old Brid ge are th e purchasera of a through Walter T. Blaina of that Mr. and Mrs. Roach's forme York Telephone Company. The for- Associates, Matawan office, house at 20 Bay St., Highland*, tor^ home at 35 clay St., Fair Haven, mer owners, Mr. and Mra. Joseph Mr. ajtd Mrs. Joseph H. Bayne Jr. waa purchased by Mr. and Mra. John Weber, moved to Hoimdel. Mra, Ar- SAVE 656 Hwy. 35. Mlddletown and their two children have moved J. Herbert ot Leonardo. Mr. Herber Une Bragar handled this sale. from StraUimore Gardens, Matawan, Is with the United Btates govern- to the houae •which they purchased Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ollroy have Vt mile touth of FW« Corntr* ment. Mr. ;Numey also handled this moved from Her Drive, Mlddletown, on tht paint that S-TR-I-T-C-H-LS at 35 Highvlew Circle, Middlelowti. The 6 transaction. proviouo owuerw, Mr. and Mra. Augixtf to 3 Hill Ter., Middletown, former and SHRINKS with your nous*! W. Qerchak, are resldemta of Detroit, Chasing Woodpeckers' Also reporttd by Mr. "Numny was home nf Mr. find Mrs, William Siin-Proof* Latex Houie Paint' Mich. James M. Murphy Jr, of Walker the salo of property a.t 700 River Hughes, who moved to Boston, Mass. 671-1073 ami Walker, Hoimdel office, handled Road, Fair Haven, to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Ollroy la ataff manager for Pru- Laits up to 5 yaon the aale of the house which had been Robert P. Lewis of Spring Like. The dential Insurance Company In Mata- former owners, Mr. and Mra. Burton wan. Mrs. Peggy Hulsberg of Nave- longer lhan ordinary K A. Kollmer, have moved to Rumson. sink Associates, Mlddletown, waa sel- paints — becausa It «B Plan Offered by Agent ling broker. axpands ond contracts Nine sale* reported by the Apple along with your house hrook Agency include the formei Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McLough- . . . mists cracking, NOW FREEHOLD — Yellow-bel- on houses. Sometimes consid- home ot Mr. and Mrs. George Stein- lln have moved from Fair Haven to ptr gallon muUer at 147 Bfngham Ave., Rum-904 Sycamore Ave., New Shrewsbury, flaking and bllstarlng. lied sapsuckers, a woodpecker erable damage has been done. son, purchased by Mr. and Mri purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Frank In fodlraslstant col- Whin and raady< Frederick W. Hllflker from Little 911 G. Ls/wton Jr., who moved to At- ors. mixtd. colors of the forests, swamps ^nd The racket caused by the birds ver, Mr. HJtflker is a stock broke! lanta, Go. Mr. HcLoughlfn Is a de- suburban areas, drill rows of In New York City. Mx. and Mn partment chief for Western Electric. in the early morning hours Stelnmuller have moved to Mon> He and Mm. McLoughlln have two SAVE $1.00* on SAVE $1.00* small holes in straight lines wakes the entire household. mouth Beach. Mrs. Jacqueline D- sons, ages six and two. Mrs. Phyl- PITTSBURGH PAINTS Lansing of the Rurason office han- lis A. Dillon of the Jean K. Irwln SUN-PROOF around and up and down tree His recommendation to stop dled negotiations. Agency handled negotiations. OIL BASE HOUSE PAINT CEMENTHIDE trunks. According to Donald this habit may sound rather Also reported" by Mrs. Lansing ws Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris have Mad« with tpeclally the aale of property ct 138 Tatui aold their houaa at 136 Glenwood trtoted oils and fume- RUBBERIZED If. Mohr, senior county agri- "far out" but it works. Get Drive in Mlddletown to Mr. and Mri Drive. New Shrewsbury, to Alfred rttistant pigments, fo Richard Beddlngfleld from Berk, Bi Leonard from Allendale. Mr. Leonard MASONRY cultural agent, such holes are several small mirrors and hang gland, where they have resided thi la a ayatems analyst with Allied assure a leno-laiHng, past three years. They have fou Stores Market. Mr. and Mrs. Harris troub!«-fre# finish. For stucco, brick, ce- usually about one-fourth inch them on si single string in areas children. The eldest son -will . McLaughlin. The property FREE ESTIMATES—CALL 842-4137 Road, Mlddletown, built by Oak Hill was purchased from Richard P. Egan, may not be observed, but their Builders. Mr. Murray Is with Essex builder. Mr. McLaughlin fa with Bell SUN-PROOF while they lent! Chemical Co. Donald H. Babcock Telephone Laboratories, Hoimdel. ONE-COAT HOUSE PAINT feeding sign is positive evi- the Mlddletown office handled this Mr. and Mr*. Russell A. Leppafa 3 GOLF BALLS lale. nave moved from Shrewsbury to 327 Just ONE application dence of their normal way of How to Battle River Road, Red Bank, formerly gives two-coat proteC' Indaitructibla Orbit golf balls KITCHENS BRICKLE INC. feeding. As their name sug- Mr. and MFs. Donald R. Koeste owned by Dr. and Mrs. Harold Stokes. 1 tlonl Resists bllstar- from Florlsasant, Mo., have pur Mr. Leppala la with Bell Telephone lng, dirt, fading. . . . can't ba cut. Limit 3 to a 432 BROAD ST. 842-4137 SHREWSBURY gests, the birds have a yellow Fruit Moths chased a new house at 42 Ballantln Laboratories, Hoimdel. Mrs. Margaret cuitomar. Road, Mlddletown, also built by Oak M. McVey of Ellen Hazleton'f office, $093 belly, and they are prdomi- Hill Builders. Mr. Koester la with Rumson, handled, negotiation!. $|50 for FREEHOLD - Oriental fruit Shell Oil Company. He and Mrs. pir gallon nantly black and white, with a moths will soon be laying eggs Koester have twin 3-year-old sons. Four aalea by the McAllater Agen- This sale wan made by Mrs. Mary cy ot Rumaon Include the former Whlla (A $3 Vdlutl) red forehead patch. on the leaves of rapidly grow- Margaret Rich of Applebrook'a Rum- home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard son ottlcc. Thornipaon at l<2i ' Lake Ave., After sapsuckers drill holes ing outer twigs of peach trees. Fair Haven, purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Rich also reported the *al Mra. William SJovall from Staten Is- It's Time For in tree trunks, such holes fill The larvae developing from the of property at 301 Fair Haven Road, land. Mr. Sjovall la with the Moran Fair Haven, to Mr. and Mrs. Roberl Towing Company. Mr. and Mra. with sap, and the birds return eggs will then tunnel into the C. Flynn from Northbrook, III. Mr. Thompson moved to Hartford, Conn. to feed on the flowing sap. twig tips and cause them to Flynn Is with Montgomery Ward. H Burton A. Kollmer handled the trans- and Mrs. Flynn have three children action, The former owners, Mr. and Mrs, Reports of the drilled holes and "flag" and wilt. Robert A. Stinger, hava moved t Mrs, Evelyn Foster, formerly of oozing sap have caused con- H 111 and al R In Middletown. Bloasom Road, purchased the former Such injury invites destruc- hr>me of Mr. and Mra. Richard Bor- cern among homeowners with Mr. and Mrs. William Rauch have rack at 107 Maple Ave., Rumson. tive diseases and can reduce mid their house at 8 Hlllyer Lane 1 Mr. and Mrs. Borrack have moved pine, fruit aitd shade trees. Mlddletown to Mr. and Mrs. Robert to Florida. Mrs. Barbara P. Domor- next year's peach crop. C. Swankie of River Plaza. Mr. ski of the McAllater Agency handled Little Silver On large trees such feeding Swankle is a aalesman with the Ap- this sale. During the summer succeed- plebrook: Agency. Mr. and Mrs. Rauct by sapsuckers causes little have moved to Florida, Mr. and Mra. John RobbinH have SALE! ing generations of oriental fruit moved from Avenue of Two Rivera, harm to the tree, but on small £n and Mrs. Donald Halley havi Rumson, to ifil Mechanic St., Red moths will lay eggs on the moved from Ohio to 66 Ktngflshe Bank, purchased from th« estate or ones, many holes could cause Drive, Mlddletown. Mr. Halley Is with Samuel Rablto. Mr. Bobbins, a aalea- fruits and the boring of the Allied Chemical Co. Mr. and Mn damage or death of the tree. man, purchased the property through Turf Builder + 2 larvae will make the peaches Paul A. TflHha. thn former owners, Mrs. Helen Rone of the McAllster • KILLS DANDELIONS, purchased a new colonial house In Agency. LUMBER Special protective material Oak Hill. David F. House of Apple unfit to eat. brook handled the transaction. Alao reported by Mr*. Hone was PLANTAIN, CHICKWEED. for treating tree wounds is the aale of property at 28 Warren You can prevent this injury Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Jonaa nan St., Rumson, to Mr, and Mrs. G. 15 SYCAMORE AVE., LITTLt SILVER — 741-7100 • FERTILIZES. available at farm or garden moved from to a new co G. L« Bom from Port Mtanmouth. Mr. supply stores. This material by applying insecticides regu- lonlal house in Llncroft Farms, Mid Le Bom la In business in Perth Ne Chargt for Dellvtrlet • COVERS 10,000 Sq* FT. dletown, built by Txcsen Bros. Mr. Amboy and Mrs. Le Bom la a nurse larly from now until near har- Jonas fa a pilot with Trans World at Ktvervtew Hospital, stops the sap flow, thus dis- Airlines. He and Mrs, Jonaa have Monday through Friday 7:30-5; Saturday 7:30-3 P.M. • REG. 12.95 couraging the sapsuckers from vest time, advises Donald M. three children. Harden L. Crawford Mr. and Mra. Lewla McNalr have Mohr, senior county agricul- reported thn sale. feeding, and it will protect the Mr. and Mrs. Lester Scheler have tural agent. Bold their houae at 270 Rlveredge tree from insects or disease Rond In New Shrewsbury to Mr. an> that may enter the damaged For information regarding Mr§. Paul C. Parker of Red Bank Mr. Pa rker Is a news reporter fo portion. what insecticides to use andRadio WINS. Mr. and Mra. 8che!e have moved tn Long Inland. John R, There are a few instances how much to apply, get a copy Warncke of Applebrook was aelUm of "Pest Control Recommenda- where a wide band of sheet Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Marcoux, for- aluminum or other metal tions for Home Orchards" from merly of Ttutledgfl Drive, Mtddletown, the Extension Service, 20 Court have purchaied a new house at 8C tacked around the affected Dwlght Road in MldrUetowrt. Mr. Mar •T.'i.T&.J:H CERLIONE'S part of the tree trunk stopped St. rnux, In the Adverting department further drilling: There are no Greenhouses know chemical repellents for Aluminum Combination Window OPEN 7 DAYS sapsucker drilling and feeding. HWY. 35 HOLMDEL The agent has had numerous (betwoen Hailef and Mlddletown) calls fr»n homeowners plagued FUNNY BIRD AMPLE PARKING IN REAR I with sapsuckers pecking holes in cedar shakes and pine siding No. Fnnny-lookinp, maybe. Bat functional. Built for work. His natural habitat is high grass, weeds, brush. He mows thorn • TRIPLE TRACK down, little grase blades to 1H' saplings. With 36' or 44' snout... • E-Z TILT He floats wrer rough terrain- • FULLY WEATHERSTRIPPED safer, faster, easier, with a longer proven life—even before medi- STOP care. $ CHINCH. BUGS NOW You see more JARI'R in ilia Chinch bugi, a molt dtitructivs turf iniacf, ar* Chinch Bug yards and on tha grounds 4 for 59 .prtvalant in thii area. Hilp k«op your lawn graan of America than any other tnd htaltfiy all iumm«r by applying Orttio Chinch Bug bird. Insist on JARI. Control or spray now! Ona application of Ortho INSTALLED Chinch Bug Control or spray will kill any peiti that Control ara in your lawn now, and it will alio protact ydur Hell reward your good BUY AT PROWN'S . . . lawn from further damaga. Thii material will alio kill judgment with dedi- othar Iniactt luch as sod wabworms, lawn mothi, cated servioe. and SAVE! grubs, ate. COVERS 95 2,500 SQ. FT. 5 $20900 THREE CREDIT TERMS AVAILAIU • Budget • Easy Charge • Prown'i Cradlt Dally and Saturday 8 A.M.-S:30 P.M. LITTLE SILVER REPAIR CENTER Wednesday and Friday 'til V P.M. SWARTZEL'S 26 AYBRS, LITTLE SILVER, N. J. Free Delivery ^ 741-7500 FARM ond 9AR0EN SUPPLIES 32 BROAD ST. RED BANK ill HoImM Road at, H 10.40 6.20 Considered an outside possi- featured eighth race over six Approximately 50 girls took are nor interested In bowhunters; Ted Wyckoff of Middletown. STH—Clmg.: 3-yo: 6-f.! off 4:01. Twinkle Jay (Mlcell) 4.80 others are willing to make con- Janette O. (Tanner; 7.80 3.60 3.00 bility to be entered is B. V. furlongs. Due to the event being for T.-1.43H. part in the four-team series for cessions to archery groups. In the National championship, sixth, seventh and eighth most stares, the season for boats are checked for confor- grades. The softball league was shooting pheasants on commer- mity to minimum weight re- under the direction of John cial preserves Is at least six months long. October through quirements. Merris and Mrs. Marie Man- cuso. March Is typical.

Most valuable player awards No matter what the season, Monmouth Park Today went to Megan Kimble, Betty be sure that your ear Is In top Kelso Takes Pratt, Linda Van Pelt and running condition. Com* to RED Terry MoCue. BANK TIRE CO., Shrewsbury, Entries Selections where you get complete align- I'm looking IST-M.MKi; Cbnf.: 4up; I fnrlonn. Judg«'« Lady (Tanner) 11* 7-J The undefeated girls' drill Bow Today By Sam ment and brake service. Ample Sun Porch (Castillo) 106 20-1 Avirnar (Sage) 107 16-1 team, under the direction of OCEANPORT - Mrs. Rich- Market Value (NB) 113 5-2 service area. Dally 8-5:30, Sat. Sir Trio iMlcell) 113 8-1 STH—W.J.fjn; Mdn.i :-yo: HI.; JVi-IUT- 1-Market Value, Rhidlom, Mrs. Marion Greeley, also was 8-3. 747-3404 ard duPont's five-time Horse Cherry's Brother (NB) 113 6-1 Behaving- JEllle (Romero) 110 20-1 for my WAYNE Mischief Afoot (Benelto) 113 12-1 Festival King ppresented special awards. The Join the Waves lOrlmm) 117 5-2 of the Year, Kelso, will be a AjeweJ (Brousflard) 116 10-1 HELPFUL HINT: Let's Be Gay (Gavldla) 117 10-1 2—Watch Patoot, Llanfab, El- team had performed at the New featured attraction today at Amerlco Vespuclo (NB) 113 8-1 Putchrin Rock (Mlcell) 117 3-1 Rhldlom (Guerlnl 113 4-1 Mlo Mine (NB) .. 117 4-1 bee Jersey Marine Corps in Atlan- Whtn painting tmall pieces HORSE KRUNCH" Monmouth Park. Taut Ship (Grimm) 113 10-1 Erove It Now iVagquezI 117 6-1 ic City last week. While in of furniture, turn them upside Blx ISBi 113 3-1 PrlmrosH Princess (NB; 117 10-1 3—Gaddo, Demetrios, Long Kelso, the horse that earned Go Overboard (Kallai) 113 12-1 down and patnr the underneath 6-1 Methodical INB) 117 20-1 Atlantic City they received out- Nance's I,aBBBBBBB»BBllBaBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBB first race. He'll give a dressage JM>—SX.100: (Inn.; 341-yot: md. ; «-r. 5—Dutchess Rock, Join the mins and minerals. and jumping exhibition after Smoky Haze (NB> 115 20-1 Pre-Ordained (NB> 115 IS.I «TH—I5.IOO: Alw.: 3-yo; HI. i ItH-'ur. Waves, Prove It Now the second race as part of the Watch PMoot (Kassenl 115 2-1 Winging Lark iNB) 114 4-1 High Chieftain (Tanner) 110 81 Toure Sur I Broussard > 116 10-1 S-Foolish Miss, Lady In Red, Tastes like a treat, but, oh, so National Steeplechase Day at Fleet Messengeg r (Cappacettlpp)) 115 20-1 World Havoc (Vasquez) 114 6-1 MenabUly PANELING SPECIALS Monmouth. LlLlanfaf n (KorteK l 11115 6-1 Bagdad Belle (Mlcell I 116 8-1 Vallatese (Guerinl 110 15-1 Monahllly i Broussard) 116 .V2 7—Mortek, Manipulation, I Did good for horses of all ages. Elhcc I Korte I US 4-1 Accordant Ctrl (Broussard) lift 8-1 Campus Team (Rompro) 108 20-1 Foolish Miss iBaltazar; 119 31 BIRCHTONE Song nf Hope iKa.isen) 115 10-1 lastly In Red (Kallal) 116 8-5 8—Baltman, The Kracken, Net Deadline I' Clifton I.Mlcell I 115 20-1 Mohamed Comes in convenient, easy-to- Turn and Go (Tanner) 110 6-1 mi— :ii4-yoy : i/in-jd«. 1st QUALITY Scatter iflonzalezi 115 U'-l Say The Word lArlslonel t 118 6-1 I—Morning Coat, Conditional, Pac Spunk (Romernt 108 20-1 Special Etfort i Hidalgo i 115 20-1 Jiandle 501b. paper bags. Is Tomorrow Ron's Guide (Perna) 115 15-1. Manipulation (Broussard) 122 8-5 Count Curious Senllnel (Mlcell I 115 4-1 Winds at War (Gavldls) 109 8-1 4x8 SHEET RED BANK - Deadline for Barnesvllle iBroussard) 116 10-1 onlnps in the Red Bank Open 3I>—13,900; Alw.; 3-up: ant. Bi- 1 Did (Baltazan 111 41 Illurdlexl. Duke O'Duckett (Micell) US 10-1 REG. 6.25 Tennis Tournament at the mu- Ixjng Cheer iBmall, Jr.) 138 4-1 Mortek (Grimm) 113 3-1 Fred D. Wikoff 15-1 Scratches Hllldlgger INBi 141 nicipal courts in Marine Park Bf>l(l Beggar (McDonald) 148 8-1 HT1I—(8.000: Alw.: 4-up; IVi-m.; (turfl 234 MAPLE AVE. Ark Ark iBayhnami 138 20-1 Bhootlng chant (NB) n,1, 4-1 I—Blx, Craig Lynn, Little is tomorrow. 3-1 nemetrlon II lAHchejinn Jr.) 154 Rejo iVasnuezl 122 3.1 Craig, Rational II GEORGIA PACIFIC RED BANK The cighl categories of com- Gflitdo (Tnggt 151 7-2 Vis-A-VIs iGrlmmt ll.r> 10-1 Samoan Mist r,ay Sovereign (Jonel H8 15-1 Rlvoll iculrnnnet 115 8-1 12-1 Imperial Pecan petition will begin play on P/ilIerdnle (Armstrong] 147 Mohamed iRrou.mard) 119 7-2 2—Scatter, Pac Spunk, Bob's t-Coat Flnlih Vnr Art's Sake (Adams) 144 10-1 4-1 741-0554 8-1 Darlce iBroussardi lift Guide, Sentinel Super Dtluxo Finish Monday. Greek Myth iSehwan) 154 •Rallman 117 «-l 4TH—*l,0OO,' (Imj.; 3-joa; III.: h'i-m. 4—Debby's Tune, Misty Wave 4 x 8 Sheet Full 4 x 8 Sheet ft ^ Friday, .lulv 12, l%fi Jocnuta (Mlcrllj 112 10 1 »TH-»4,7oo: rim*.! :t-yo; 1,',-mlle. Acewall (NB) 115 6-1 nehohoth Fair (Hidalgo) 6-1 Reg. 10.2S Balntly Quest (Grimm) ll'J 10-1 Morning Coat (Tsnneri 117 7-2 5—Mlo Mine, Swoon Valley If Nrf. ».«0 • InKlomftUc (Kortel 112 .1-1 Conditional (Broussard) 115 10-1 Bewsrn Belr>w (HUtalfnl 112 I'M Open Throttle (Ksnnent 115 8-1 8-Ted's' Pick FOOTBALL fomme Snuffle (Knllall 112 41 Rase Royal tr,nvlrlliti' 117 12-1 T)enliy'» Tune (Ssjei 107 15-1 -Jerry's Brandy idilmone) 117 «-1 WEYERHAEUSER Misty Wave (Tannrri 110 72 rounl Curious (Mlcell 1 117 in-l 9—Masked Gal Fireside Chestnut PLAYERS Ilenffal Princess (Tanner) 107 20-1 Assembly Point tBfliei lin 12-1 Monte Carlo Ash •Lnnoka (Mlcell) 115 61 Resu Tudor (Vs.(iquet» ATTENTION 117 4-1 t-Coot Flnlih Forever Cheery (Monncelll) 112 5-2 Masked Gal (NRI Track—Cloudy and Fast. PRESEASON TRAINING CAMP 110 3-1 Full 1/4" Thick 4 « 8 Shctf 66 HIGH SCHOOL-PREP-COLLEGE r-!iii!::-:iririii:'i!iiunLnir:i:iH tLiNiiiiiiunM;is;;iji^iii:;iniiiiiii!ir;r^jnimbHHHMi!iiJisnrirtiirrrrKrr:iTrfrFDtT 4«8 Sheer 1 095 Full 'A" Thick SPECIALIZING IN FOOTBALL 6 * Coat Flnlih 1 / *•«. lO.fS CROSS COUNTRY & SOCCER R«q. 2S.20 AUG. 2 thru AUG. 30 $Ofl00 P<" TWIN BROOK GOLF CENTER EVENINGS 6:30-8 P.M. tU . m0 Jumping Brook Rd. off Rr. it, Ntptun* NOW IN Ilh YEAR W* Invlt* you to Impact our itock of pr.-flnl.hed paneling RENT A CAR or 72 different varieties priced from 1.11 per 4'x 8' thtet. 1,000 ATHLETES CANT BE WRONG Reqlitrallon II Now Oetnq Accepkd OPEN DAILY FLOAT 8LOCKS FOR YOUR DOCK NOW IN STOCKI Coll 142-0211 - 747-JJ94 - H42-)424 (Optn I a.m. to Midnight) Under Personal Supervision of Bob Oirjoodby • 18 Hole Par 3 Course TRUCK from HERTZ FOOTBALL • Driving Range (40 Tees) LUMBER Cl Training Camp U-DRIVE , . . Call OSGOODBY'S • 9 Hole Pitch & Putt ' MAIIOSm, TEAK, OAK Mid MARINE PLYWOODS at HARBOR LIGHT BEACH CLUB Ladies Day Every Tuesday 775-1515, 222-3299, 747-2121 1500 Ocean Ave. Sea Bright Special Kotti J1390cem*ve. M2 335gSea Bri£hT< 842 - 0232 • 842-3426 • 747-5394 COFFEE SHOP 775-1564 Opt.

i Mets, Cubs THE DAILY REGISTER, Frid.T, July 12, 1968—11 Washington Aid Gives Trade Zips NEW YORK (AP) - Ernie run of the evening, which was Banks doubled home two runs enough to win the opener, when O's Pilot Happy Debut In the ninth inning, breaking up Ron Swoboda doubled to lead a pitching duel between Bill off the fourth off Ferguson Jen- Washington Is in the midst of Hank Bauer yesterday as resi- center field and moved weak- on Belangcr's single and Hands and Don Cardweli to kins and scored on Krancepool's another aid program—and Bal- dent genius in the Baltimore hitting Mark Belanger from scored the Orioles' first ran. give the Chicago Cubs a 2-0 single. timore isn't even a foreign dugout, looked like he had in-eighth to second in the batting He homered in the fifth for victory over the New York *r.COM> OAMK country. herited Casey Stengel's ouija order. The results were aston- an Insurance tally. Mots in the second game of a '"IIIRB! *OrAHCri H Perhaps charity begins at board. ishing, to say the least. "Playing Buford in wnlcr is K'B'B.M 4 0 0| Um.jh 3 n 1 mi-night doubleheader yester- tlrck'rl.Jb t 1 l | <>,iiin»,3b 4 0 1 home but for the Washing- The 37-year-old skipper Buford led off the first inning an offensive move," Weaver day. Wtll'ms.rf .. 1 1 I ('. Jonea.rf 4 0 Banlo.att 3 0 0 8ham»ky,lt 4 0 0 ton Senators it bursts into full put Don Buford, an infielder, in | with a walk, buzzed to third said. "It might hurt Us defen- The Mets won the opener, 1 B«nk«.Ih .1 rt 1 Agec.cT 0 0 0 bloom in Baltimore, where they sively, hut. that's the gamble 0 0 11 RWfibfHiH.rf 3 0 0 0, on Ed Kraneponl's fourth-in- Nsn.lh 0 0 II K'nppooMb 4 0 0 helped make Earl Weaver's de- I have to take if J want more ning HBI single and the pitch Bmllli.lf 3 0 0 Crolf.c 3 0 2 OOO Harr'U' 3 0 but as manager of the Orioles offense." ing of Dick Selma and Cal Hunillfy.c 4 n I) | Martin, ph 1 „o „ H'km'n.ct 4 0 1 OnrdwoH.ri 3 0 0 a success last night by losing Rod Carew was the hitting Kooncc. flantl/i.p 3 0 0 I Taylor,p 0 0 0 a 2-0 squeaker. How They Stand hero as Minnesota snapped a Cardweli had a no - hitter - . ^ - ... I ^. 31 2 4 | 32 0 5 The Orioles and Senators NATIONAL I.KARI'K A.MKIIICAN I.KACI Y. six-game losing streak. He tied through five innings and was''hliasn OOO «KI 002-2 W \. Trt. W I. 1'. i, n. the game in the seventh with NPW York , ....,000 000 OOO—0 have met 10 times this season at. LnuU M 31 .«3» .. ')', 'I'.t .'-"/ working on a two-hitter when E -Carrtwril, Han-tlaon. HP—New 44 40 .M4 . W :!7 M a two-run single and won it in York I. MR—OlilcREn 6, New York with the same outcome — a lilonn Beckert opened the ninth Cincinnati 42 .6)2 (7 411 .M 8. -K- -L,inz, Beckert, Banka. S—Banks Baltimore victory, since the San Franclico 43 11 Rrmton . C2 :i'i .:,i the ninth, singling home Rich with a double and Billy Wil „ 111 12 .IHR U II> ii n in mi MO Birds are only seven games PhUadclphla ...- .40 Mlnnrs'il Reese. linms walked. Ron Santo struck Hands VI, 1-5 ..._..!) B 0 0 2 I WAIT A MINUTE, NOW!—No, New York^Yankee PItUburicn 40 13 Otliforni Cirtiwpll I., 3-9 ...114 i 1 a 3 4 above .500 with a 44-37 record, Angelei 41 .477 13 .iff, 1414 Chicago i.TI 18'i I McAuliffe homered for Detroit ble down the left field line to .424 It .::%•. ;j the golf course. The Bomber first baseman it juit leaving in second place in the Ameri- Houston _ | while Cesar Tnvar and rookie score both runners. I.a.t Nlthl'i fl»«uiu I.itnl the diamond with a set of special clubs last night after can League. COblcajo 0-2, New York 10 Mlnnea'.t;i. ,>, iieuoit i I short slop Rick Henick con- Hands hurled a five-hitter Philadelphia 5-4, Plllntmrgh 01 New YorK :,, Ch1r»Kf, 4 being honored before the game against the Chicago Elsewhere, Minnesota edged HoUfton 0-7, ftt. Iy>ulfl 4-8 Ut gams Raltlmou- 2, WnnblnKW-n 0 j nected for the Twins. Kenirk, snd worked out of jams in the Kosco Hits 0 mnlngs ORklart'l i, I'Apvi-inn'i 3 league-leading Detroit 5-4, Oak- Atlanta 1, Mi Angelfii o California :i, IVrtllon 2 just, recalled from the Pacific fourth and fifth. White Sox in Milwaukee. The game marked Mantle's Ban Francisco 7, Cincinnati 1 land nipped Cleveland 4-3, Cali- Tnnlght'l (ismn Tonight'* (f»m*A Coast League, became the The Mets 'scored their only first appearance in Milwaukee since the Braves-Yankeet Chicago iHolUman 5-6 at N*w Cleveland i MCDOWPII h-H) nt Oak- 36lh player in major league his- FIRST (M.UE fornia ended Boston's eight- York (Kooaman ll-4f ]nn'1 iHunlpr B-Q> Chirac (0) New York < 1 > As Yankees World Series in 1958. (AP Wirephoto) game winning, streak 3-2 and Prillattelphla iirrymtn 10^1) at ntu- Boflon 'HPII 7-3) at California (Me- tory to hit. a home run on his ABBH urg (Bitnnlng 4-10> Glothlln fi-dj AB R H rwtrolt iWHmn fl-6) Hi Minhxsola first at-bat. |>3.s>r,M 4 0 0 4 0 0 the New York Yankees beat San Pranclsro iMarchlal liS-41 at r Hrrh'rt.Sh 4 0 1 0 0 Cincinnati (Nolan 3-2) {Kant 6-. ji WiM'ms.rl 3 0 2 0 0 the Chicago White Sox 5-4. l*oa AnxrlFa ilirj.nale 10-5J at At- New York iBirber 1-.1) at Chicago Uohn 7-Oh Santos.3h .10 0 3 0 2 Tear Hose lanta (Rappai 5-6) 4 0 1 Martin.c 4 0 n In National League action, St. Homton ILemeMtr «-7) at Bt. hauli Waahlnnton rPjutcual S-() at Balti- 4 0 1 BwotHMia.rf 3 11 MILWAUKEE, Wis. (AP) - Louis topped Houston 8-7 after (oibmn n-5) more iHar'lln 9-5) Jlnndlpy.n 4 0 1 Kranep' 3 0 1 Tomorrow1! fiamf« Tomorrow'* l4 8 0 0 2 6 life better, he sometimes seems bent on destroying the very The Sox took a 1-0 lead in Baltimore's victory behind Tourney Begins Tomorrow the major league scene during K«nnre 1=A 0 0 0 1 J things he should cherish. ft'P-Jpnklna, Selmii. T—2:19. the second inning on a throw- Dave McNaUy's two-hit pitch- the same span. In the beginning, the rivers that the Indians knew flowed FREEHOLD — District 11 of the Little League Inc. ing error by Mickey Mantle, ing moved the Orioles into sec- clear and serene to the sea. Full of fishes, oysters, clams begins tournament play tomorrow at 5:45 p.m. at several "I still feel we are a pennant who was honored in pre-game and crabs, the rivers provided well for ond place 9'/j games behind De- sites throughout Monmouth County. contender," Weaver told a news ceremonies. Twin Boros, the natives who lived along the banks or troit and three percentage The pairings have Manalapan vs. Middletown (Amer- conference. "I don't think first But the Yanks erupted came to the rivers in the summer to fish points ahead of Cleveland. ican League) at Ocean Township; Neptune West vs. Marl- place is unrealistic even though against Gary Peters in the and take the shellfish. And Weaver, who replaced boro Township at Asbury Park; Neptune East vs. South we are 1014 games out." Freehold Up fourth. Kosco doubled, Bobby Then came the white man with his Wall at Spring Lake Heights, and Belmar vs. Shore-Tri Harry Dalton, Oriole person- Twin Boros (3-1-i) scored Cox walked and Tom Tresh's more advanced civilization. For a while Boro at North Wall. nel director, cited Weaver's lour runs in the first inning to double scored Kosco. After an the rivers continued to give up their Monday will be the concluding date for the first round: highly successful minor league turn back Middletown, (4-4), intentional walk to Frank Fer- Lichardus Is treasures to the newcomer. But the civili- Middletown (Atlantic League) vs. Spring Lake-Sea Girt managing record and said, "1 turn back Middletown, (4-4), 4-2, nandez, Bill Robinson doubled zation of these new people proved more at Manasquan-Brielle; Millstone vs. Freehold Boro at Marl- think he's a winner. He's very and Freehold (6-1) tallied four two more runs across. than the rivers could cope with. Four Strokes boro field; Ocean Township at Matawan at Lincroft and aggressive. He's a battler." in the eighth to register an 8-7 New York (S) I Chlcujo (4) Spring Lake Heights vs. North Wall at Spring Lake. Weaver was hired for the re- extra inning victory over Eat- AB B. H | AB R H The teeming myriads of fishes, the Clarke,2b 6 12 Alomar,3b 4 0 J All-games will be played on neutral grounds, with mainder of the season. ontown-New Shrewsbury (3-4) 110 Rlker shellfish packed in the sandbar, the blue Back In Open White,If 5, 1 0 Apaxlclo.fls 4• 0- 2 the home team being selected prior to game time by the It was Dalton who abruptly in Ceatrat Division action of the Kosco,rf claw crab hiding on the grassy flat, felt i 1 '2 5 ' 0 0 PLAINFIRLD — Last year's (oss of a coin. broke the news Wednesday! to Ed Carleton Memorial League Oox,3b 3 12 I> 4 1 the impact of modern "civilization. Man, trying to bend na- Tresh.ns 4 11 Josephs'n.c 4 0 runner-up Ron Howell took a The Senior Division of Little League, which comprises Bauer at his home near Kan- yesterday. Fern'd'z.e 2 0 0 Williams,k 2 6 0 ture to his scheme, has all but destroyed the gifts so freely four-stroke lead yesterday in Roh's'n.ef 4 0 2 WllhPIm.n OOO given. 13-15-year-olds, has its quarter-finals this weekend, with sas City that he was being Twin Boros' early outburst Pet'r's'n.p 4 0 1 loo the second round of the 48th Hamllt'n.p OOO McMahotvp 0 0 0 WONDERING WHY MAN WONDERS Wall Township vs. East Dover at Belmar Memorial Field fired midway through his fifth was accomplished by Bill Me Causey, ph 1 0 n New Jersey State Golf Associa- season as Oriole manager. Wood.p 0 0 0 Man, having polluted his rivers until the shellfish, in and Jackson vs. Lincroft at Ft. Monmouth's Dean Field, Gulre's bases loaded double 3 10 tion Open at the Plainfield tomorrow at 1 p.m. "We were disappointed in the McGuire continued home on a Cullen.2b 4 11 most parts of the rivers, are no longer fit to eat; having Country Club. O. Petera,p 1 dredged, filled or covered the tidal marshes that are the On Monday at 5:30 p.m. Manalapan vs Tri Boro at total performance of the ball hrowing error. Berry.rf 3 12 The 29-year-old pro from the nurseries of life; having dumped trash and garbage along Belmar or Ft. Monmouth and Marlboro vs. Toms Hiver at club," Dalton gave as reason Charlie Taylor was the win Green Brook Country Club fired 38 5 10 37 4 10 the rivers until they no longer flow clear, wonders why the Jackson. for paying off Bauer on his ex- rung pitcher, Jim Gill the los-N»w York 000 320 OOO—5 four birdies for a one under par Chicago ....010 010 101—4 river no longer swarms with fish. The District 11 Little League preliminary rounds will piring contract. "We feel it B—Koico Mamie, Cullcn 2. J>P— 71. His 36-hole total was 143. Chicago 1. l*OB—New York 7, Chicago Now —' his conscience atingle, .his place of recreation continue with the second meetings talking place July 16 should be playing better. It was I'ied at 3-all after the regu- 8. 2B—Koaeo, Tresh, W. Ilobtnson 2, Last year, Howell finished almost destroyed, the livelihood of hundreds of rivermen and 18 the third round July 20 the semifinals on July 22 more a sputtering than a driv- lation seven innings, Freehold Oullcn. JosephBot^ Alomftr, Apartcto. three shots behind Open cham- 3B— P. Petw»on. SB—Clarke. gone — man makes a belated effort to right the wrongs done and the final July 24. ing club." and Katontown-New Shrews- II- II It Kit BB SO pion Pat Schwab of Crestmont. F. Peterson W, 6-3 t% •4 3 by himself and his forefathers. bury had a wild overtime ses- S. Hamilton ..._ !i OOO Wednesday's leader, Otto B 3 3 Soon, a regional sewage disposal plant will rise on the a. Pcterm L, 8-10 4 Greiner of the Knickerbocker sion. Three singles and Bill Wllhelm 2 •4 2 2 edge of the Shrewsbury. When completed, and when Ft. Tanko's two-run double ac- McMahon 2 0 0 0 Club, fell into a three-way tie Wood 1 1 0 0 Monmouth joins in the scheme, pollution of the rivers FAILED INSPECTION? ... WE CAN FIX IT!! T—2.42. A—(0.575. for second at 147. counted for the losers' three-run should be somewhat reduced. A great deal of the effluent eruption. However, Free- from home and business will be treated and discharged Also in second were two-time hold roared back with the aid far at sea. Open champ Babe Lichardus of errors to pull the game out Shoreliners It is not enough. Getting rid of the sewage from of the Hollywood Club, Deal, of the fire with four in the bot- thousands of homes is not enough to clear the rivers, bring and last year's assistant pro Attention Big Car Owners! tom of the eighth. Drop to .500 back the fish, renew the swarms of crabs, purge the beds winner Ron Weber of the Essex A sacrifice fly by Dan Wasko of clams. Only a part of the job has been done. We have a Country Club. after George Case and Harold FT. M0NM0UTH—Two first long road to travel before we can say we are finished. Four men are next with 148, S Revito had accounted for the inning un-earned runs started SOMETHING TO CONSDDER including Lou Barbara of Hol- only two hits in the stanza the Clifton Phillies' 9-5 victory If you can agree that the battle against pollution is lywood. drove in the winning run. over the Monmouth Shoreliners finished, I suggest that you consider the various chemicals Forty-one golfers qualified SAVE 57TO 8O NOW at Bean Field Wednesday night. that are regularly poured into our rivers. These chemicals for today's 36-hole finish. How- The Shoreliners used 16 men are not spilled by industry; they are not intentionally put in ever, former Open champ Chet in absorbing their second de- the rivers by man. Sanok of Upper Montclair with ON A SET OF NEW 1968 ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT drew with a 154 total. feat of the Season against two Their manner of reaching the river is by the law of setbacks. nature that tells you that water seeks its own level. They Last year's winner Schwab AAMCO The early lead was not chal- come from the lawns surrounding hundreds of suburban posted a 36-hole score of 153 to lenged until the home eighth homes. They come from the fields and orchards of farms qualify for the final rounds. when the losers managed two miles away from the rivers. tallies. A three-run rally in the Rain, running in rivulets to the brook, carries tiny ninth fell short. quantities of these chemicals, and, as the streams grow Conduct Classes Harry Ceaser provided the larger, so do the portions of chemicals to affect the life of In Water Skiing only home run for the winning the rivers. Storm drains discharge the residue of hundreds DELUXE CHAMPION EVERY MINUTE AND effort in the third. of vegetation control treatments on as many lawns. RED BANK — The Shore Dave Hwarjliw was the win- We know far too little about these chemical compounds YMCA, in cooperation with the A HALF... SOMEONE ning pitcher and Ralph Mango that we so carelessly saturate our lawns and gardens with. Red Bank Water Ski School, the loser. Four of the Philies We now recognize the potential harm in DDT, But it took will begin water skiing classes CALLS AAMCO runs were unearned. more than 20 years for the danger to become apparent to Monday at the Molly Pitcher CIlKon Fhllllpn (9) BhorpIInpm (5) Marina here. Every week AAMCO satisfies Mart ABBH AB R H most of us. What of the more recent insecticides and $ thon !D,0O0 transmission problems. Konde.rf 5 2 1 SylvnstRr.rf 4 0 1 herbicides? Randy Cook will be the in- You get free towing, a free road- K'ph'se,2b 5 0 1 Bnucr.p 2 0 0 2FOR 60 etieck, fast, efflcltfit tervlc* — OoVm'h.of 5 0 1 . 2 0 00 COMMON CHEMICALS KILL structor for the sessions which mosf tfmes In |u*f one day. And OMse.r,]f 5 3 3 M'Kclv'y.o 2 10 will meet on Mondays and with AAMCO, your transmission con IWao.Hb 3 10 4 11 While the proper use of pesticides and herbicides can b« protected by over 500 AAMCO Moore, ss 4 10 Abdulla.lh 4 13 be very much in the public interest, we must recognize that Thursdays at 10 a.m. The Centen coast-to-coost. 4 10 noG'e.M-2b 5 11 Currle.c 4 0 1 Co.rna.rf 3 11 almost any chemical which will kill or control pests can do classes will stress fundamen- HVrjllw.p 3 0 0 Junes.if-lf OOO 80? Railroad Ayr, Asbury Park 6Sfle,p 0 0 0 Stevenson, o 2 0 1 a great deal of harm. Crabgrass may cause concern when it tals. CuwMn.flS 10 0 Freo Towing 774-6800 Wnsko.rt 1 0 0 appears in your lawn. But does the chemical you, use to con- Persons interested in regis- Leon.ati 3 o 1 trol it present a hazard to fish or wildlife? tering for the course may con- 4 for , 193 E. Newman Springs Rd. 1 MfUlKo.p 10 0 Bulllvant.p 1 O 0 tact the Asbury Park YMCA. Red Bank 842-2500 Mount, r/-2b 1 o 0 The need to exercise tighter control over chemicals ap- PICK UP STATION plied so freely to garden, field and lawn has been recognized 87 B 8 II S 1 by some of our legislators as well as by conservationists. ASA IHOP, RT. M » CRESCENT PL. Clifton 211 000 131-0 5U-USI Shorellners 000 OOO 023—« We have not yet been able to get such legislation passed. S HR—Ceaaar. 2B—Btevenion, Corna. If you wonder why we have so few fish in the rivers, if you question the scarcity of crabs, think for a moment about the chemicals reaching the rivers after every rainstorm. Man is supposedly a thinking animal, so think, man, think. OCEANPORT.N.J. 2 miles from Garden Stalo "Park Parkway, Exit 105 Sereen Doors Plus tf.36 to HOT per tire Fid. HCIM t«t. RENT •ata10i tax nnd 4 trade-in tin* oft you0r car 31"x81" 9.98 ANY SIZE LISTED 33"x8T' 10.25 ECONOCAR 8.45-15 8.85-H 8.85-15 9.00-15 9.15-15 Fitt most Buicfo, Cadillact, Chryilen, 37"x8T' 10.75 Imperial*, Lincoln*, Mercury g, Oldsmobiles, Toronados, T-Birdt NO MONEY DOWN Scallop Cross Buch Wood Comb. Doors Take Months to pay I 21"x81" 22.50 31"x81" 19.00 limited time offer! Buy now! 23"x8l" 26.25 23"x81" 19.65 and 37"x81" 28.65 37"xBl" 20.40 drive around oi ihown at Nmtom Xof.i, iomp«llitv«ly F>t»d •! flr.ilw. D.aWi «nd al all »rvl« tfallont dbpM") 'h« Nr«ton« .18*. SEE THE FRIENDLY GUYS AT . on pennies. RED BANK Great service. Great prices. Chevrolet, Pontlacs and other fine cars. Pick-up and drop-off service (In most places). Nationwide YOU MAY USE YOUR EASY CHARGE! LUMBER reservation system. We're In the Yellow Pages. DAMASCUS HEADS and SUPPLY CO. 741-5500 CLASSY FIELD TOMORROW Cor. Paarl * Wall, Rtd Bank ECONO CAR R IN $100,000 ADDED MIDDLETOWN TIRE CO. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD, at S, BRIDGK AMORY L. HASKELL H'CAP 1325 HWY. 35 9 TO 9 DAILY ,,AL 747-0173 11 nor jommo MIDDLETOWN 671-2484 9 TO 6 SAT. POST 2 PM' Daily Double 1:50 PM1 12-THE DAILY REGISTER J County Denial Auxiliary. I In addinon, she has served Local Securities Friday, July -,\ 1%8 Named as Airlines' wilh Ihe American B«J Cross, Representative inter-fteilfer qwAziinna at approximately 3:08 I he Girl Smuts and American p.m, yesterday from NASD. Prices do not include retairtaarfc- Successful Sales Representative Dental 'Association, up, markdown or commission. Her hobbies teduds flying, BANKS NEW SHREWSBURY - Mrs. lion, the state Heart Asso- and she holds a private pilot's Div. Bid Asked Investing Rita B. Hecht, 78 Phillips Ave., ciation, and the Monmouth license. Belmar-Wall National 4.00 275 • Deal, has been named sales Central Jersey Bank (x) (xx) .40 15 16 BY ROGER E. SPEAR representative for Suburban Eatontown National Bank .30 lfl'/j 21 Spear Airlines. Farmers & Merchants 5% Q-We were left $3,000 plu you should therefore retain James Loeb, president of the First Merch. Nat'l Bank (xxx) .14 100 10? "Start 'Em Young" Am, Telephone and 50 Jersey airline, said Mrs. Hecht will be First Nt'l Bank of Spring Lake (xx) 1.75 60 10 Jersey Standard and in charge of both passenger with a ... 1st Nt'l Bk of Toms River (x) (xx) .76 38 41 Standard. They will be solid Bethlehem Steel. We alread. backlogs for the portfolio you and freight sales, and will rep- First State Ocean County (x) M% 30 32 owned 25 each of Am. Tel resent the company in various MARINE VIEW Keansburg-Middletoun 1.40 74 have in mind. They may never phone, Atlas Corp. and Scantlii be spectacular swingers but capacities. Middletown Banking Co. 1614 Before joining Suburban Air- SAVINGS ACCOUNT Monmouth County Nat'l (xxx) .10 llectronics. At age 46, I want each possesses growth poten- tial. lines, Mrs. Hecht was with Har- O/- PER ANNUM ON N. J. National Bank (xxx) .12 9 growth stocks. Please advise.— per Associates Inc., where she SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Ocean County National 1.00 36 J. S. I'd switch Bethlehem Steel coordinated the engineering, FROM $5,000 Peoples Nat'l Bank of Monmouth .40 15 16'/a to Am. Hospital Supply as the A—You're quite right abou' chemical and scientific areas. T/4 ANNUAL DIVIDEND Peoples Nat'l Bank of Lakewood 4.00 140 steels are facing industry Prior to that she was super- J) COMPOUNDED your investment objective an % QUARTERLY Trust Co. of Ocean County .50 plus 4% 49 problems. Sell Atlas Corp., visor and office manager for 4 (x) Dividend (xx) Plus Stock 15 16 which lacks established growth Employer's Personnel Ser- (xxx) Declared or Paid this Year and is too speculative for your vice. PER ANNUM ON SAVINGS goal. Add the proceeds to your INDUSTRIAL She has wide experience in CERTIFICATES FROM $10,000 cash fund. 514% Aerological Research Joseph W. Sheldon consulting, counseling, adver- Broekway 3fl'/2 Scantlin Electronics is worth tising and public speaking, as Buck Engineering 12 holding as a long-term specu- Gets Controller well as office management and lation broadly identified with Electronic Associates 21'/8 supervision. Electronic Assistance 29 growth in communications. Post at Borden Mrs. Hecht has served on the SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Foodarama Revenues have - advanced NEW YORK — Borden, Inc., board of trustees of the Mon- MIDDLETOWN ATL. HIGHLANDS LINCROFT Laird 7 steadily for a decade and share has appointed Joseph W. Shel- mouth County Heart Associa- 671-2400 791-0100 842-4400 Metallurgical International 47>/ earnings, now out of the red, 2 don, 116 Spruce Drive, Middle- Monmouth Capital 1014 are likewise pushing ahead as this company gradually opens town, N. J., to the newly cre- Monmouth Electric 5>/2 Monmouth Park up new channels for distribut- ated position of controller of its 15 cosmetics and toiletries activi- N. J. Natural Gas 24'4 ' ing business alid financial date, PATS (Patterson-Smith, Inc.) Your cash legacy should be ties, which include Jean Pa- Rowan Controller used to diversify your holdings. tou, Inc., John Robert Powers Cosmetics, Inc., Ozon Products Servomation 5514. For the same reason I advise and Marcelle Hypo-Allergenic Spedcor 12% ielling half your Jersey Stan- Cosmetics. Spiral Jtetal 32 dard. Then you could buy j 1 COMPANY U. S. Homes 14 equal-dollar amounts of Skil A graduate of Pace College, United Telecontrol Electronics W/< lorp., specializing in portable Mr. Sheldon joined Borden's Walter Reade - Sterling 10% power tools; Jewel Cos., an traffic department in 1936. Af- Winsio'v Tel. aggressive retail operator in ter service in World War Hi 514 Henry A. Buttfield Bummnmrmnimmininmnimrnir ood, drugs and general mer- with the Army's Finance SEMI-ANNUAL chanidse; Ionics, prominent in Corps, he rejoined the com- desalination. pany as office' manager for Elected VP the Pharmaceutical Division. In Q—-To meet college expenses 1954 he was named adminis- WAREHOUSE Of Diamond ror two sons, I bought 140 Cur- trative assistant to the general iss Wright common between manager and assistant general L6 and 19. I know it's specula- manager of this division. International Mrs. Rita B. Hecht ive but I'm watching it close- In his new position, Mr. Shel- NEW YORK — The election y. Shall I hold or switch? SALE don will have executive re- of Henry A. Buttfield, 118 Ave- — J. P. Kathy Jorg Heads nue of Two Rivers, Rumson, sponsibilities for financial, bud- A—If your close following of getary and administrative pol- Junior Luther League : If you're too busy to get to J. Kridel's N.J., as vice president-finance of the Diamond International Curtiss Wright can be main- icy for cosmetics and toiletries MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - \ summer SALE, send your wife Corporation was announced by ained—perhaps even beyond operations. Kathy Jorg has been elected Richard J. Walters, president. vatchingfor news releases—I president of the Junior Luther •ecommend holding. Rising League of Cross of Glory Luth- In addition to his new post, iales and earnings generated eran Church. 1 he continues his responsibility Stock Market y increasing demand for its Other officers include Robert 2 \17" t C HP FURNITURE CO. * as secretary of Diamond Inter- Yesterday's closing stocks: iroducts should bring another Hansen, vice president; Bar- W IJlJ J_ Keypurt 264-0181 * national. ioost in 1968 share net. Favor- ACP Ind tits'.i I'T-E imperial 42 Adams Ex 18% Johns Man Wi bara Hines, secretary - trea- Mr. Buttfield joined the ble also are management's re- Air Prod 36% Jones & L 66 y, surer, and Douglas Braca, features ... *Jcompan* y in 1958 and was ap- Air Redue 31\ Joy Mfg 34>,4 mt moves to use some of C-Alleg Cp 1"& Kaiser Al 41 Vi chaplain. pointed treasurer in 1962. He V's large cash reserves to ac- Alleg Lud 66 Kennccott 43T4 Alk-g Pow 2*'.i Koppers 3SM League members recently served as secretary from 1960 Allied Ch 3'% Kresgc, S3 42 [uire shares of other corpora- Allis Chal toured the Sunshine Bakery, to 1965 and was elected to that ons that might lead to mer- Alcoa 31>a K.roger 30« Am Alrlin 69 Leh Pott C 1!>\ Sayreville. post again in 1967. ers and more broadly diversi- Am Can M'Si Leh Val Ind 15% Am Cyan SI'S! L.OF Glass 6« A graduate of Yale Univer- ied operations. Future prog- Am M Fdy 2'?i Lib McN 16% Am Motors 22''« LlgB & My 42". sity, he also holds a master's ess is closely related to anAm Smelt 13Wi Litton Inil 80% Am Std 87%. Luksns Stl 34 degree in business administra- ggresive acquisition pro- 38?> Magnavox S0% tion from New York University. gram. Am Tel&Tel 51!i Marath Oil '• Am Tob 35 Martin 1£ '. AMP Inc 33'A Mason Ho < Anaconda 51-Sj Merck 1 Armco Stl 51% MGM. Armco Stt 51% Minn M4M li Armour 481~ Mo Pac A Armst Ck 73?a Moblloll *9\i Ashl OH 49'. Mont Ward AtcMson 34% Nat Blsc ! WATER AU HicMld 153 N Cash Reg l: Avco Corp Nat Dairy < Babcock W Nat Distill < Bayuk Cigr 14» | Nat Gyps .' Bell * How 81 | Nat Steel * Bendlx 39% | Nia M Pow 2 HEATERS Beth Steel 2!>;>i I No Am Rock 3 Boeing 67-T4 | Nor Pac 5 Bord&n 35 | Nwst Alrlin 8 GAS or Save 50%. and More! Borg Warn 31 fi Norwich Ph FT Our Brunswk 6\ Outb Mar Bucy Eria Owens 111 Bulova 36'i Pan Am Wld ELECTRIC Dates: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Burl Ind 43 Penney, JC Case, JI 4 Pa Pw & L»t July 15-16-17 Cater Trao Pernn Cen Ce-lanese 62^ Pep3l Co 10. A.M. to 9 P.M. Ches A Oh Perkln Elm Time: Chrysler 95 G6>A Ptlzer FROM All 3 days First Anniversary Cities Sv 60H Pliil El Coca Colua 75 Phlll Pet Colg Palm Pit Steel 54 Places: Sreinbach's Warehouse at Rf. 48S Colum Gas Pub Sv E4G Coml Solv 28% Pullman 30-Gal. Nat. Gas] Con Edls 28T4 RCA 35 and Evergreen Ave., At Our New Location Con Can 52-Gal. Electric Corn Prod 55 H Reading Co Neptune City Corning G 40 J Kepub Stl from—69.98 Crn Zell 1 Revlon Cruc Stl 48 I Reyn Met • Rugs Lamps • China • Bedding • Di- To celebrate 81 years of service Curtiss Wr 3" '.4 I Reyn Tob Deere Rob Controls PHONE for quick nettes Dent Sup 51 \ St Jos Lead TV's • Luggage • Furniture Dow Chera 38 St Regis Pap pick-up or delivery to the thrifty, we will be open Dress Ind 7S% Sears Roeb • Summer Furniture * Fireplace Sets du Pont 37 Shell Oil INSTALLATION EXTRA Dug Lt 166>4 Sinclair • Odd Dinette Chairs Desk Sets • Cab- East Kod 30ft Smith, AO 542-2150 or 899-2500 End John 80»i Sou Pac inets Firestone 38 Vi Sou Ky FMC Cp 5714 Spcrry Rd Monmourh Shopping Center Ford Mot 43 % SU1 Brand Saturday, July 13th GAC Corp , Std Oil Cal Eatontown Circle • No Phone Orders 65% Gen Clg ' Std Oil NJ Gen Dynam Studworth Open Dally 10 A.M. Gen Eleo 33% Texaco No Layaways • No C.O.D.'s Gen Fils 91% Tex G Sul 'HI 9:30 P.M. Gen Motors B3?87%t Textron From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Gen Pub VI VV, Trans maer a Tel ft Tel 39%Un Carbide Gen Tire . 30% ITn Pac Ga-Pac Cp 76U Un Tank C Gillette ^ 56>« Unlroyal Glen Aid Unit Alrc 581/4 Goodrich 1'nlted Corp 6f\ Goodyear 18'.. VS. Lines Grace Co 65% US Plywood at A*P 5514 US Smelt Greyhound 40 US Steel Guir Oil 29% Walworth Summer Clearance Hamm Pap 24% Wola Mkta Here Inc 7971 III Cent Ind 25% I Wn Un Tel Ing Kami 4214 Westt g El Int Bus Men 67% White Mot Int Harv 46X Wltco Chem Int Nick Wonlwth Young Children's Fashions 33 Xerox Yngst BniT Ijll PapePaperr 34

By PHYLLIS SPIEGEL only for the lark of opportun- The minister's wife, well MATAWAN — In this day ity," ;;he said. - "They have educated in Spanish, is a of organization, committees fairly st:ble families and member of the class. She was and so much talk, a Matawan work hard. If we can got very close to obtaining her couple is quietly working to- them a better education, teaching degree in Cuba be- ward a cause with no fan- they'll get better jobs." •ffirt^. ihey were able to get fare or ado. She added thai their chil- away and hopes to reach that Suzanne and David Rick- dren do poorly in school be- level here. cause they get no help at. ard have been in their Aber- The Rev. Mr. Sanfiel ex- deen East apartment only home. And parents cannot participate in 1TA or other plained that Keyport High since February and already School held some classes in are deeply involved teaching activities because they can- not read the notices. English several years ago, English to the Spanish speak- but that because they were ing people of Keyport and "Some are newcomers, but run at to high a level and Matawan. many have lived here for there was a lack of rap- Two evenings a week they years," Suzanne said. "Their port, he said, his people meet with 10 to 20 eager ignorance of the whole, world eventually dropped out. adult pupils in the basement is unbelievable. Because they of an old church in Keyport cannot rea'J, they cannot un- The Rickards conduct their YOU'VE GOT IT — David Rickard helps Spanish-speaking students learn English in to conduct their lessons. derstand posters, newspapers classes with warmth and "The need is painful," or advertisements." humor. There is a feeling of basement of Calvary Methodist Church, Keyport, while the Rev. Frank Sanfiel looks friend to friend rather than Suzanne said. "These people Future classes will go into of teacher talking to pupil. on- (Register Staff Photos) are intelligent and want so discussions of money, taxes After class, David is likely much to improve themselves. and payments and, hopefully, to conduct a bull session on 'I'd like to be able to read reach the point, where the sports cars or some other the notes my children bring students can read a news- topic: of interest to Ihe men. home from school, one woman paper. FAITHFUL STUDENT — Maria Pizarro concentrates on One evening he wound up in told me. Another student The Re/. Mr. Sanfiel ex- an explanation of hydrology wishes he could write a let- studies during class conducted in Keyport by young plained that there are about with one pupil who was in- ter — in any language." Matawan couple. 350 peimanent Spanish speak- terested in digging a well. Few had completed more ing residents in Keyport and than second or third grade, Suzanne took a small group for a while," David said, a major problem. The Rev. Matawan. Hundreds more she said; yet in two months for their first visit to the "then began to look for some Mr. Sanfiel or one of the stu- come every spring for several have been upped a library in Keyport and they small project to work for." dents can translate in a temporary farm work in the full grade level in reading. are learning to use the facili- They met a Spanish minis- pinch. area. Air "ugh a great many The Rickards hope to bring ter in Keyport who told them, of his parishioners are Catho- ties. many through to high school "Although some have a "What I need most is an lic, they attend Calvary Classes are held from 7:30 equivalency. little education in Spanish, Methodist Church because it English class, but I can't the general level of illiteracy to 9 p.m. Tuesday and Fri- This attractive young find a teacher." offers the only Spanish day, and the students do couple and their two little is appalling," Suzanne ex- language service in the area. They volunteered. plained. "Some need to learn three or more hours of home- girls moved here from Okla- "The lack of English keeps work each week. homa where David completed Rev. Frank Sanfiel of English from the word these people in isolation; they his PhD in engineering. He's Calvary Methodist Church 'hello.' They don't know how have no contact with other Time and materials are a from Missouri; she was born provides the space and every- to tell time, the days of the social groups," the Rev. Mr. problem. The Rickards in Indiana. David now works thing else comes from the week, how to handle a book. Sanfiel pointed out. "Even could use help. "We wish we in the area of water pollu- Rickards. And imagine the difficulty of the most intelligent are rele- could give more individual tion control with Merck & Although neither of them finding your time card in a gated to dull factory jobs attention," said Suzanne. Co. in Rahway. speaks Spanish, most of their factory if you don't know the because they cannot fill out a They feel they cannot ask "After we unpacked, we pupils speak enough English alphabet! simple application. Education their students to spend money sat around and watched TV so that communication is not "Many seem to be poor is the crucial need." so have supplied all neces- sary paper, pencils, flash cards and other teaching Three Men materials. "We could really use some adult workbooks and easy Bound Over adult readers," Suzanne said, explaining that the people LESSON IN SOUNDS — Mrs. Suzanne Richard works on pronunciation during eve- For Jury don't want their own chil- ning class she and her husband conduct for Spanish-speaking residents twice a week dren to see them studying in Keyport. With her, are left to right, Jose Medina, Miguel Arroyo and Victor Rod- MIDDLETOWN — Three RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1968 children's books. men were bound over for ac- iBiiiiiiiitinaiaaniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB riguez. tion of the Grand Jury after Suzanne and David enjoy hearings in Municipal Court attending the Spanish ser- yesterday. vices at Calvary Methodist Church every Sunday. Judge Seymour R. Kleinberg bound over William F. Abbey "It's the warmest recep- of 31 DeNormandie Ave., Fair tion we've had," they said. 7.5 Million Center They had their own horses Haven, on a charge of causing death by auto resulting from in Oklahoma and ride fre- an accident last month. He was quently at Cheesequake with released in $2,500 bail. their daughters. This sum- mer they hope to make good Approved in Hazlet Ronald Henderson of 48 Ore- use of the tennis courts and gon Ave., East Keansburg, swimming pool at their charged with atrocious assault apartmer.ts and to go on with A letter to the board from referral from the Zoning HAZLET - The Planning on Patrolman Eugene Arm- their classes. Board last night gave its ap- Herbert H. Smith Associates of Board, an application by Dr. strong, was also bound over. Their pupils have given the proval to a $7.5 million enclosed Trenton, master plan consul- Michael Lazaroff to construct Bail of $1,000 was continued. shopping center proposed at Rt. tants, advised that the entire a three-story professional build- Rickards real feeling of be- 36 and Stone Road by Garden tract bounded by the Garden ing at Middle Road and Azie Michael Lynch of Jersey City longing in Monmouth County. was held for Grand Jury ac- Colonnade Inc. State Parkway, Line Road, Drive. "We are lucky we are able The plan, referred by the Bethany Road and the town- The board acted as a result tion on two counts of breaking to do this," David said. "It's Planning Board, calls for 234,- ship boundary, is now zoned of numerous objections listed and entering and larceny. He fun for us. When we see 000 square feet of enclosed M-2 or light industrial. by Herbert H. Smith Associates. was remanded to the Mon- people who want to learn as shops with gardens and pools Presently, 90 per cent of the The consultant said the an mouth County jail in lieu of our people do and we have on a 32-acre site. land is used for single-family ticipated height of the build- $7,500 bail. something they need, we feel The master plan enactment dwellings. The consultant con- ing exceeds the ordinance's two Frank J. Manson, operator compelled to give it!" committee recommended the tends that no industry would and a half floor limit. The lot of the Cobblestones Restaur- action subject to an initial probably build in the area and is too narrow and there are ant, Rt. 35, paid a fine of $25 meeting of the developers with that should it do so, it would inadequate parking and drive- for a sewer violation. the township engineer and Plan- be a detriment' to the value of way facilities. A woman who refused to ac- Tax Windfall ning Board, their review of the the homes. The board rejected the appli- cept a improper passing ticket site plan and overall design The consultant proposed cation without prejudice, offer- and then tore it up, was fined Seen in Rule and reimbursement of cost to changing the area to an R-7 ing Dr. Lazaroff an opportun- a total of $50. the township for the review. Claudette J. Davison of 9 residential zone, which requires it to resubmit other plans for CANDIDATES — Four candidates for two seats on the board of trustees of the Mon- May Ilczone a minimum of 7,500 square feet a building. Jackson St., Freehold, paid the On Palisades A future rezoning of the Rar- to a lot. No date was set for Four residents of Azie Drive fine for the violation, tearing mouth Community Action Program Inc. in Monday's election confer with William TRENTON (AP) — The New ltan Valley USA area may be consideration of the proposal. spoke during the public ses- up the ticket and for contempt Herlihy, Atlantic Highlands Service Center director. The two elected will represent considered by the Planning Project Rejected sion in opposition to the ap- of court in failing to appear on the area served by the center. The candidates, left to right, are Weston Dickerson Jersey Banking and Insurance Department said yesterday that and Zoning Boards. The board rejected another plication. -_ April 25. of Atlantic Highlands, Leon Williams of New Shrewsbury, Mrs. Harriet Walker of Joseph Tweedy of 60 Coral the state could be in line for a Fair Haven and James Stevens of Red Bank. They will speak at Representatives Night Drive, Hazlet, and Stephen tax windfall as the result of a tonight in the old Borough Hall, Monmouth St., Red Bank. Darby of 9 Briarcliff place, New Jersey Supreme Court rul- fined $25 for creating a distur- ing against the owners of Pali- Highlands Planners Advise bance at the St. Mary's Fair last week. sades Amusement Park. The court ruled Wednesday Multiple BuildingMoratorium MCAP Election Monday that Rosecliff Realty Co. was Trinity Church required to pay a 3 per cent state tax on insurance premi- HIGHLANDS - The Plan- area of First Ave. between an ordinance for a $211,800 Parish to Meet ums secured with out-of-state ning Board last night asked West Highland and West Mount bond issue to acquire land for RED BANK — A meeting of companies. Borough Council to declare a Aves. the new municipal offices. To Use Traveling Polls the entire parish of Trinity State Hanking and Insurance moratorium on establishment Project Planned An informal survey of mer- Episcopal Church, for the pur- LONG BRANCH - The Mon- Commissioner Charles It. of multi-family dwellings until The present plan, contingent chants on First Ave. revealed geographic areas served door for weeks registering pose of laying groundwork for mouth Community Action Pro- llowcll, who filed the suit sewer facilities are expanded. upon approval of federal Green a general state of confusion as by the agency, are vying for 10 voters. Nearly 10,000 have beer the main fund drive to rebuild gram Inc. (MCAP), the coun- against Rosecliff, said that the Commenting on a plan by the Acres and Open Spaces aid, to what tile ^borough's plans seats on the 30-member board. registered so far. MCAP offi- the historic church, gutted by ty's anti-poverty agency, will court decision applies to mil- Tracy East highrise apart- would involve demolition of the are, and some disinterest. Only four of the aspirants are cials said registrations will be fire Easter Sunday, has been use a system of traveling polls, lions of dollars in insurance ment building to add 30 new entire area and erection of a The west side of the street incumbents. accepted until the day of elec- scheduled for Sunday at 8 p.m. sending mobile units into the premiums over the past seven one - bedroom units, William new building by the Monmouth contains a drug store, a tavern, The number of seats appro- tion. in Red Bank Catholic High poverty pockets of the coun- years. The tax could add up lo Baird said the present sewer County National Bank on the a laundromat, a vacant office, priated to each area is based Voters must lie 18 years old, School auditorium. ty Monday to get the vote of a sizable sum although Howell system is already taxed to ca- west side of the street and a the tax collector's office, two upon the indigent population. must sign their names and rep- The Rev. Canon Charles II. the impoverished in the elec- declined to estimate Ihe total. pacity, and additional loads new Borough Hall on the east restaurants and an insurance Two of Hie five areas serve resent themselves to be earning Best, rector, called the finan- tions of their board of trustees. should be avoided. side. office. local (owns: Area C, Atlantic less than $3,000 annually per Under state law, there is a cial planning a vital step to- MCAP executive director Jo- Highlands, Highlands, Middle- married adult or adult couple, tax of 'i per cent on gross George Rich, a board mem- Mrs. Charlotte Bunker, oper- The new borough offices ward restoring one of the seph E. Taylor, who proposed town, Sea Bright, Fair Haven, and no more than an additional premiums which the insured ber, objected saying the 30 units ator of KJ's Sub Shop, told would be erected in the center town's foremost houses of wor- the poll-on-wheels, explained Red Hank ami New Shrews- $f)0() annually per oilier depen- party is required to withhold wouldn't do much harm and The Daily Register she has not of the block and the old Bor- ship. that this action is intended to bury; Area 1), Long Branch, dent living at home. and remit lo the slate. The law that the borough could use the been informed of plans, and ough Hall would be demolished. George Castleman is chair- give the needy an opportunity Eatontown and Monmmith The candidates arc: applies to types of underwrit- additional ratables. does not know what to do. The bank would be set back man of promotion and publici- to vote for their own represen- Beach, and Area A, Freehold Area A: Mrs. Helen Davis, ing coverage for which the own- 50 feet, and would face the 'Only a Little' "All I hear is rumors," she ty for the parish. tatives without inconvenience borough and township, Manal- Morganville; Mrs. Louise Stan- er cannot find an insurance Borough Hall. "It would only cause a little said. "I thought it was definite or expense of travel. The mo- apan, Marlboro, Millstone, Al- ford, F.nglishtown; Mrs. Doro- company in New Jersey, the that they were tearing down court ruled. pollution," he said. He said the borough hopes of Columbus bile balloting places will be lenlown, Englishtown and thea McKinzic, Freehold, and "That's like being a little to qualify for Green Acres my store, and I have been look open from noon to 9 p.m. Unwell Township. Caiilon Heed, Englishlnwn. Many property owners had ing for another place on First pregnant," retorted chairman funds because of the creation To liiHtulI Officers Mr. Taylor said; "This will Under OKO provisions, those Area (': Leon Williams, New hel.: that they were exempt un- Ave. Where can I find out Fanny McCallum. of cleared public land around FAIR HAVEN - The officers in poverty areas must have Shrewsbury; Weston Dicker- der their interpretation of the what's going to happen?" she be the ultimate of the demo- "It's not the same," he an- the bank. of the Knights of Columbus, one-third representation on the son, Atlantic Highlands; James law. demanded. cratic process in action." swered, "pollution can't give The bank, Mr. Katz said, sup- Red Hank Council, will be in- To guarantee the election policy-making body. The gov- Stevens, Red Hank, and Mrs. Hut the Supreme Court ruled birth to anything." ports the plan, but acquisition The board approved two mi- stalled for the term ending will be unbiased, the League erning body must name Harriet Walker, Fair Haven. that "insurance is so essential "You're wrong," interjected of sufficient federal funds fur nor subdivisions: Monday, June 30, 1969. of Women Voters will supervise another third of the board. These four will appear to- a part of Ihe slate's primary Robert Earle, another board demolition of the west side of — A request by Harvey H. Ceremonies will begin at 8:30 all action and will count the The county Hoard of Free- night at a gathering in Ihe old responsibility" that it had the member. "It can give birth to the street depends upon wheth- Bowtell for creation of three p.m. at the council home, 200 ballots. Heprcscntalives of the holders has announced its 10 borough hall, Monnioulh SI., power to tax premiums made disease and health hazards." er the state agrees the plan lots on property on Hill Road Third Street, Monday July 15, Office of Economic Opportunity choices. Red Hank, at 8 o'clock. with oul-of-stalc firms. The moratorium motion conforms to the Intent of the near Hooper Ave. under the direction of District will serve as monitors. Mem- After (he election, the 20 Area I): Miss ,lacc|iielin The owners of Palisades had passed, with Mr. Rich ab- Green Acres law. Deputy John A. McCarthy. — A request by Edmund and bers of the MCAP staff will not board members will select the Browne, Dimas Monlalvo, Mrs. a premium of nearly $100,000 staining. The bank would have to qual- Anna Dorset to create two lots Porter Wuntcd be involved, except as drivers remaining II) from a cross sec- Elsie B. Nelter, Thomas L. Ar- on a public liability policy ' Alfred Katz briefed.the board ify as a "public" facility, he on the east side of Rt. 3(5 be- Schneider's Tap Room, 121 or assistants. tion of the county. mour, and Mrs. Wilhelmina G. on Borough Council's plans for explained. tween Seventh and Central Broadway, Long Branch, Twenty - three candidates Members of MCAP'S staff Tyncs, all of Long Branch, and through a New York* City In- ' re-development of a one-block Tuesday, council Introduced Aves. (Adv.) from tho county, in five have been going from door to William Logan of Eatonlown. surance broker, II Till- FUIJ.Y RFOMTR. ViM\. J.. (More Clutifled Ada On The Next Pmge)

PRICE DROPS $10 A DAY ANNOUNCEMENTS LOST AND FOUND OH THIS CAR UNTIL SOLD LOST ANU FOUND AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOB SALE Bob White ThU car Ii »K*.«I ttrt ti tor — Rcy t tmojt* fr*.m« rfrfVfw invwrfory it crwlt *»-•- HrHI Thtrt rt luitnini wrcrrj wild II. II will tw »I4 It tM flroi wjnlifnd bvytr. BUICK! PUIBUC NOTICE 15 OLDSMOBILE (_'.?'< is «i 'pi.m. i&vnm'.'iitii b***.ch. C*U ttymntle U Hurdle? SMlon. Ptorl 78T *4'.'7. • | REWARD FOR INFORMATION re bio* with molchlnj trim. All cftrdlnf br#&ktni or window! »t 3T There is no such thfng »t norm* tqulpnwfrt for ttiH "BMALI/TAN nLric AI'STRALTAN I*T-' rlpr with larf* i»tnnon stomftrh. An- Main it. O perfection in used car mer- plut «tr condition^. »wem to ''Cllrniy". i'*f>«t vicinity All^n ORIGINAL PRICE Tl. Anrl Rlv^r.tlflP 'Av*. Sunday eve- CARS TOWED AWAY chandising, but wi strive ning RftwRrd. Call 7*1-2157 after 5 St.fSO Codllloc-Oldtmobllt P m- 7I7.M1U to come as close as pos- TODAY'S PRICE •ROADWAY AT 4th sible. We believe our re- $1690 LONG IRANCH 222-1234 AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE conditioning program is [lW/IWKWtW*W4V»4!V»WW one of the best. Why not stop in and see for your- Yoohoof self. You'll be glad you did. Le Sabre 4-door Sedan NOW IS THE TIME '64 Buick "WILDCAT" convertible, rocf, Air Conditioned - Custom "400" model TO SAVE ON whHe top, power widows. *1445 1968 *3888 PLYMOUTHS — CHRYSLERS '66 Ford CAN DELIVERED 'COUNTRY SQUIRE" wagm. AND QUALITY USED CARS iix-passengpr, dark green, sad- dle inferior. SAVE (OVER 60 TO CHOOSE FROM) 1967 PONTIAC $2650 19(4 CHEVROLET $1100 ^795 GT.O. hardtop, V-8, automatic BelAir four-door sedan. V-8, auto- transmission. Black vlnyf roof. motlc transmission, heater and ra- AtKitson! dio. Stiver. '67 Fiat •67 CHEVROLET 1967 FIAT $1125 1964 CHEVROLET $1550 "1100" four-door sedan. Standard BelAir station wagon, slx-passen- Two-door, Four (in.v = orltjn, nulomahc transmis- transmission. oer, V-8, automatic transmission, sion (c lo, hp-ater. power steering. power steering, heater and radio. $ $2195 1966 FORD $1525 Black. 895 Custom two-doar sedan,.V-B. auto- '67 PONTIAC INCLUDING LISTED EQUIPMENT: matic transmission. 1964 CHEVROLET $1475 Four-door sedan. Low mileage. I I (.TO, two - door hardtop, automatic BelAIr station wagon, slx-passenqer. .... II tronsmiiyon, rodlo, litater, power Custom Vinyl Roof Courtesy & Trunk Lights Four Way Warning Flasher V-?, manual transmission, heater Air-conditioned. I I sieorinq, power brakes. Bucket seats. and radio. Blue. '67 Comet High Performance Engine Windshield Washers Tilt Steering Wheel 1966 CHEVROLET $2275 Caprice four-door hardtop. V-8, $2495 Largest Automatic Trans- Back-Up-Lights Concealed Dual Speed automatic transmission, power 1964 CHEVROLET $1425 '64 Olds mission Custom Interior Trim stetrlng, brakes, healer and radio. Chtvelle station wagon, ilx-passen- Wipers Ytllew. Oer. V-8, factory qtr-condltloning, "88" four-door hardtop, blue, •67 CHEVROLET Power Steering Custom Exterior Moldings Imnato Super Sport, two-door hard- Padded Dash & Pillars automatic transmission, power matchinq vinyl interior. lop, automatic transmission, radio, Power Brakes Soft Ray Glass (all) steering, heater and radio. Brown. Safety Day-Night Mirror heater, power steering, bucket seats. Radio Remote Control Mirror 1965 CHEVROLET $1795 Custom Steering Wheel Impala Super Sport two-door hard- $2395 White Wall Tires Shoulder Harness (2) top. V-8, automatic transmission, 1963 CHEVROLET $1350 '1395 power steering, brakes and win- Impala Super Sport convertible. 3!' Air Conditioning Six Seat Belts Door Edge Guards V-8, four-speed manual Jransmfs-' dows, heater, radio. Blue. lion, heater and radio. Brown. •67 PLYMOUTH Electric Clock Side Marker Lights Custom Wheel Covers Belvedere,, two-door hardtop, 393 (our • speed transmission/ radio, '65 Buick heater. 1964 CHEVROLET $1575 1963 CHEVROLET $1350 Impala station wagon, nine-passen- Impala Super Sport hardtop two- "LE SABRE" two-door hardtop. $1995 ger. V-B, automatic transmission, door, 327 V-8, four-speed manual Let the other so-called bargains live up to this. power steering, heater and radio. transmission, heater and radio.' R«d with bUck vinyl interior. Blue. Brown. '66 CHEVROLET Wouldn't you really rather drive one of our Buick Bargains? I tmpala four-door hardtop, automatic *1695 transmission, radio, heater, power '66 Corvair steering, Sport Coupe. $1795 Buhler & Bitter Automatic transmission. '66 CHEVROLET SDuuu/r MOTORS A.H,.n.ed Plymouth-Chrysler D(o,,r Bel Air four-door sedon, automatic transmission, power steering, radio, ESTABLISHED 1925 H295 heater, - $1595 BUICK-OPEL — TWO LOCATIONS — "65 Chevrolet . 35 "IMPALA" Sport Coupe. V-8, '66 CHEVROLET "THE DEALERSHIP WHERE THE CUSTOMER IS IMPORTANT" opposltt stata Pollc* Barracki HAZLET iteeringautomati. c transmission, power Impala 5uper Sport, two-door hard- top, automatic transmission, radio, 89 BROAD ST. KEYPORT H695 heater, power steering, bucket seats. 264-4000 $1995 264-0198 264 - 9090 HWY. 35 V/iIt/j mils South of ParkwaParkwoyv Exit 117117) KEYPORT '65 Buick '65 CHEVROLET "WILDCAT" four-door hardtop. Biscayne wagon, automatic transmis- Trif sion, radio, heater. Sold black top. Saddle vinyl interior. $1495 '65 PONTIAC H895 Bonnevll'e. four-door hardtop, auto- matic transmission, radio, heater, power steering, power brakes. '66 Olds '65 CHEVROLE$1795 ~T~ Custom Carryalllarryall,, ththrei e sects, "DELTA 88" two-door hardtop. four-speed transmlssltransmissionc , radio, Maroon, black interior. heater. RATCLIFFE $1395 '2195 YEAR-END '65 MUSTANG V8, two-door hardtop, radio, heater, '63 Buick automatic transmission. $1395 "WILDCAT" four-door hardtop. Sold, vinyl interior. PONTIAC '65 CHEVROLET SAVINGS tmpala wagon, automatic transmis- sion, power steering, radio, heater/ '995 air conditioned USED CAR CENTER $1895 START NOW '66 Pontiac '65 COMET Rt. 36 and Monmouth Road "TEMPEST" Iwo-door hardtop. Cyclone, two-door hardtop, automatic transmission, radio, heater, power Automatic transmission, power steering, bucket seats. steering. $1495 ON ALL WEST LONG BRANCH H995 '65 CHEVY II Wgn. Automatic transmission, heater. 222-0890 '64 Ford Specigl. "GALAXIE" four-door hardtop. $895 Power steering, automatic trans- mission. '68 CHEVROLETS '64 CHEVELLE $ Six woqon, automatic transmission, 1245 radio, heater. $1095 SPECIALS '66 Buick '64 FORD Country Sedan Wagon "SKYLARK" coupe. Automatic $• Automatic irons million, radio, heat- '66 Ford Country Sedan transmission, 209powe5r steering, er, power steering. $ ch-rome wheels. STATION WAGON $1195 , EIGHT-CYLINDER—AUTOMATIC 1995 '66 Buick '64 OLDSMOBILE SAVE BIG ON A '64 Tempest Wagon • 'ELECTRV rtible. F85 convertible, automatic transmis- white top. Like tie *. sion, radio, heater, power steering. CUSTOM SIX-CYLINDER—AUTOMATIC $1295 1295 $2695 '64 CHEVELLE CAR WORTH OWNING - - $ Mahbu V8 wagon, automatic trans- '64 Ford Wagon mission, power steering, radio, heater. CUSTOM RANCH WAGON '64 Buick $1395 U95 "ELECTRA" two-door hardtop. '64 CHEVROLET Green, bUck tcp. Full powor. Imprjin v B convertiblconvertiblee , automatic '63 Ford Fairlane Wagon $ tro. tut- inr-' * i I Ml f«!o«r.» Kn »»1»n V* !'.• :# , f/Vi. Bayshore Chrysler-Plymouth '••'f'lr.n.f VA UVA ^ ?' ,M*rr} Wi.j'f ^{ti, lit*'.*. *.u,l '!>'* Tin*' turn yvtr %i itV/( nn *• trit'g tVtt.KH l\ }W,1 liA'lVMU ihT,**TKI,\i, )-•>!!•/. urS' rj*rw,r '/A tfi'fl Mill. I'tilm. //)«*« I IM7 WKTAHfi Vt,KTRAOK -• I'ri- lttli TI'.IIIUS'H r\i*tnff}i ffyijnii tjriljf In i,r,e -4*lbit6t *it • '68 MODELS AT '67 PRICES ' jw mlleKKf. R&illn. heater, whttl 1968 PLYMOUTH — $2895 WBIIV Call S71-2O8T after ( p.m. RIX f:Yi.iNi>ER mm TWo-nnort lion. .l'ie J'nllante, Inwn A Country t ai'7 mnl'ir. Air fidnflllloner, f.f»wpr Four-door hordlop, with air condition. r>™lK<'. ftWflJM v ' f alperlnK, [>"WiT brHki'i". pfwer wln- rbftrmiicy, Hwy. 3fl, AHnn-. Iflfi3 BI'K'K - tPHi ronvf rllble. i»B0 V-Anil.Ur••.'-•"rilll'"'power; «lr. | 1n«« AM KM ra.lln. Vinyl r...,f Ml. 1968 VALIANT — $1895 lir «;n'ifl ronrlllKin AKhll m on «r- lii.nii tlri-« Call ' • • •fhilln ra.llal Ilr.-K rirliilna! t;wmr. ler « |. rn 7K7-O7M Td I'.r.f, MK.WIO rnile.i fitS-fi7:i!i. '•«» »"'-r 6. AUTOS FOR SALE If'fi'i! TWO (t()(IR HI'IC'K - LeHahre. | !•'«'' IMI'ALA F'.H -n r-.<'.,.r ,i'i> Call rjrtwrin B «nl GIVE USA Mi'.-fianU-nlly jierfei:!. Full power. Air .*W". V-«. AuK.mall': •U»™JM in con.llllone.IAi.klnKl.VVI fan lit mn I l«i»" Meertim. ra.ll.i, r, »t Tl Rl , Kerl Bunk, or call , rori'lllKm SHUll hf! '.)«•"• RM'-'K I'jVlKP.A- lft«:i Bllvi-r Full 7 1<:t l^.wcr Inclii'lin^' wln-i'^wH r^n^f.lf. *•**•'• SaU Frte* Pay Dawa " -- . I Him FIAT • I'.'inn K'I.I'I 17(1. I .nr,w nr.i Sl'ar. I>I'J-4.1A7 ray MaatMy CAI/IM.AC lf(fi:i I'Viiir ^( SMnn i '"HII 1 $1950 CHANCE /X-VIIU- All |.c,».-r, «lr Kjrellenl RV/V1U |!K,li AKSTIN HEAI.BY :«™ Valiant 2-dr N $46.58 ! l6 11 r.,n.lll].,n H,.»,,H!ul !l«r,(,. "' ^i,,,-, ,-Is.,-OI .,.-,.,,.;•, IS-K-.-1-A.I. I .a rk -''« ' ' A(lrr.1i»ll ; W B Idvcdcrt $2150 O $51.36 To Shew You Why You Should Buy A NO .,»,!.. r,,r .rn-lle, .,.f M'.MMII ,'reen Vnh ' «ln'.' .nl.-rio, F»,-.o,v . "" -'

Chryiltn $2895 N $69.84 J''^ li.1";':!;:' ''""•" tjr'al<"- ""•""'« •""" ''M;;7-' »"" "• -I^« i (More Classified Ads 1 Wagont $2395 E $57.78 . •*" ""* ""'• _ I'IW, sr'rn:cE QIIKK:. FOP.H six i M : r r !1 '68 MONEY ""n ' :.'",', ; !*il' "w rB,i'"i7.S* ' a'"r",^7,.r 7"N" ,.,,^''"",""' ..'.r,'.!" On The Next I'af-p) after 6 p r/i : *lftnr) Call 747 -UKin i '67 CHRYSUft '65 MUSTANG—$1450 Cenv»rJlbte, Air CondWenlng, Convertibl*. radio and healer. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE '64 VALIANT '44 CHEVROLET—$1395 Two-door, radio and heattr. DOWN Impala Hardtop.




CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 1966 RAMBLER 1966 RAMBLER PAYMENTS FIRST AVENUE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Classic. Six cylinder standard Classic, lour door automatic trans- transmission. A real economy cor. mission, power steering. Medium 291.9200 229-4790 Excellent gas mileage. Medium blue with matching Interior. blue. With tour new tires. Wai $1499 NOW $1250 UP TO 5 YEARS Wai $1499 NOW $1250 1966 CHEVROLET 1967 PLYMOUTH Impala, super sport, J-door hard- TO PAY. top, Ught blue with blue bucket Four-Door Hardtop seals, 8-cylinder, power steering, Fury. White with red Interior. Air- automatic tronsmJsslon. A sharp tw>dWoned. Bolonc* Di Jottory tut- owner cor.. "IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE" SATISFACTION warronty transferable. SPECIAL PLAN FOR Was $2250 NOW $1999 Wai $2799 NOW $2650 SERVICEMEN TO GET A BETTER DEAL AT IS OUR MOST IMPORTANT PRODUCT! 1966 PLYMOUTH VIP 1965 IMPERIAL Four-Door Hardtop 4-door hardtop, completely equipped What a beauty. While with mld- WHkly paymtnti OLDSMOBILE- Including power windows and night blue soteen. Front and rear IT MATCHES seats, power vents, air condition- center arm rests, reading lamps, ed, all leather Interior. Balance V-8, automatic transmission, power '67 FAIRLAHE $12.10 ot factory warranty transferable. steerlna. We know this car. 16,000 Four-door sedan. Standard. Six-cylin- RUSSELL CADILLAC CO. miles. Balance of factory warranty der, 4,000 milts. OUR GREAT SELECTION OF Was $2799 NOW $2499 transferable. 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK Was $2250 NOW $1999 '66 IMPALA $12.10 741-0910 1967 PLYMOUTH Hordtop. Loaded. Automatic, radio, OPEN MON., TUES., THURS. AND FRI. 'TIL 9:00 P.M. heater.

BUICK - OPEL '65 FALCON $9.80 • Custom Vinyl Top •Custom Bright< Exterior Four-door sedan, automatic, six cylinder, radio, heater, whltewalls, "THE DEALERSHIP WHERE THE CUSTOMER IS IMPORTANT" • Automatic Transmission • Mouldings ; 141 W. FRONT ST. RED BANK • Power Steering 264-4000 ; '65 PONTIAC $15.10 • Deluxe Steering Wheel Catallna, convertible. Full power. • Radio • 747-0787 Must set. • Energy Absorbing HWY 35 (Vfe Mill South of Parkway Exit 117) KEYPORT • White Wall Tires I OPEN EVENINGS EXCEPT SATURDAY Steering Column '65 MUSTANG $10.20 • Dual Horns Hardtop, vinyl roof. Automatic, pow- • Dual Braking System er steering, 6 cylinder. • Trunk Light '65 MUSTANG $10.40 • Courtesy Light • Backup Lights • Dual Speed Electric Wipers Red. Automatic/ convertible. • Undercoating CLEARANCE SALE 1968 '65 BUICK $12.40 • Deluxe Wheel Covers • Windshield Washers • Convenience Group • Seat Belts (61 LTDs - GALAXIES - MUSTANGS -TORINOS-T-BIRDS-FALCONS Convertible, automatic, full power. '65 CHEVY $10.80 PLUS MANY OTHER STANDARD ITEMS. Nova II wagon. Mint condition. Auto- BRAND NEW 1968's PRICED AS LOW AS matic. 6 cylinder, P.S. '65 CHEVY $11.20 Impala. Full power. 2033 '64 TNUNDERBIRD $14.30 BOB WHITE BUICK-OPEL Convertible, fully equipped. 688 Shrewsbury Ave. 741-6200 New Shrewsbury '64 OLDS "88" $8.90 jy%^^ ! Two-daor hardfop. Full power. '64 FORD $9.80 Golaxle "500" two-door hardtop. Auto. Power steering, power brakes. '63 FORD $8.40 Country Squire Wagon. '63 PONTIAC $8.80 Catallna. Full power. Low mileage. '61 LARK $2.60 Convertible. '61 GALAXIE $2.60 Four-door, hardtop. 59 FORD $2.80 Galaxi> two-door hardtop. Ont own- COUNTRY SQUIRE WAGON—FORD COUNTRY SPECIAL er. Like new. FOUR FLOORS OF FORDS Homeowners Non-Hom«owntn KROLL MOTOR Inc. FORD OF LONG BRANCH '60 FORD $ 2501'64 FORD $1250^67 MUSTANG $1895 MOUNT-ENGLISH 671 (ROADWAY Sedan, power steering. Nina-pasienger Country Eig h t-cy I i ndef • MONMOUTH and MAPLE AVE. 741 • 6000 RED BANK 222 - 3600 Squire, power iteering. '61 COMET $ 395 '64 LINCOLN $1795 Station wagon. '65 VOLKSWAGEN $1295 Continental, air-condition. Squareback. '64 FALCON $ 795 '66 MERCURY $1995 Landau, air-condition. Four-door station wagon, '65 FALCON $1495 thrfln speed. Squire station wagon. '65 THUNDERBIRD $2095 SAVE - $AVE - $AVE '64 CHEVY II $ 795 '65 FORD $1450 Laudau, air-condition. XL two-door hardtop, Four-door. V power steering. '66 BUICK $2195 Electra "225" four-door, . '64 FORD $ 995 powflr steering. Gfllaxin "500" four-door, '66 FALCON $1595 Future station wagon. 40 NEW power steering, '67 FORD $2250 '65 VOLKSWAGEN $995 '66 MUSTANG $1595 GaJa*ift "500" Executive ear*. Threo-spofld V-8. '66 THUNDERBIRD $2295 MERCURYS-COUGARS '65 FORD $1095 '66 FORD $1695 Convertiblo. Six-cylinder Gfllrtxift "500" four-do or, i '65 LINCOLN $2595 itation w powet storing, j Continental convnrtibls, and MONTEGOS '65 FORD 51095 '66 FORD $1695 flir-condiHon. : Six-cylinder ranch wagon. rtirlflnfl XL two-dom hardtop. '££ LINCOLN $2895 Continnntal four-door, '65 FORD $1195 '67 FORD $1695 full power, MUST Fflirlrtno lix-cylindnr, two door. | C '65 FORD ' $1195 '66 MUSTANG $1795! '66 LK.. .J3395 Six-cylindf*i' Galaxirt "500" V-8, powor stnnrinrj. air-con dirion. four-door, power stonrlng. BE SOLD '66 FORD $1795 '66 LINCOLN $3595 '65 FALCON $1195 Galaxin "500" tonvnrlibln, ontinnJifal foul-door, Slat. Bin, eirjht-pflssrngor. powff 11 it P r i n c) t air condition. A "Competitive Edge," Mercury's got it. Monmouth County's Largest Ford Dealer MERCURY ENGLISH MOTORS MOUNT-ENGLISH 34-36 MAPLE AVE. 747-4545 Since 1904 Monmouth & Maple Avos., Rod Bank 741-6000 RED. BANK "Sso the '68 Thundorbird - Official Car of Tho Now York AUTOS FOB SALE AUTOS FOR SALE IIOATS AND ACCISSOIIES 1 HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED-FEMALE ! HELP WANTED - MALE 16-THF: DAILY REGISTER.' _ AUTOS FOE SALE f D Gn«4 t****Ai TAJUE OVXR lvOW WfA PO>T1A<' H 1*« boot*. Writ* Eoi V-1T7, Tt.i < 1M5 rHEVROLET iuptl tporl trr. SAV-COTE WEEKLY PAYMENT* B^nr.^viiif convertrr.le ni A»» »f« BrifM RaglfT. Md Bin*. Friday, Julj 1968 | ,.£*>*. H,r ,r,n . ,«o«*. :«. 4ot*ry Down • $ Y**n lo P»y tl B HOME OWNERB Pat Kaelen'i Auto Salei TB« YACHT «HOP SECRETARY ' 1 — Part'-tlcat.' M H»» 4* " 7*7 JJ!3 ttuahi rjfctlv* £«.*• of ytrir cbolc* AUTOS FOE SAJJE £tfl*r. AUTOS FOB SALE UfjU/tt. Aiv> ccrn^irt* ttssM .m -1 p.m. Country Squirt w*son. 10 pusenfe tlon wngon, 1932 Valiant sullon wR TOWN AREA SEEKS ADDITIONAL Factory air, fully equipped. 16W ELGIN "-^~40 " b pT! nivy topT MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR TO 1 un. 1K>O Rambler nation wagon, 1963 CLERK TYPIST * SUPERVISE MAINTENANCE STAFF. IMPORTS & SPORTS 196. . CHEVROLET *H.l Ford Galaxle 500 aution wagon, 18A7 complele with trailer and all acces- Impila. hardtop V-l, automatic, powe Cadillac-. 1959 frown Imperial, IMS aorles. Best offer over J*75. Call af- MUST BE ABLE TO PERFORM 196o FORD *13.1 ter 5 Hi, 741-8660. MINOR HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS AND IMPORTS Galaxie convertible V-8, lutomatlt Ford rjalaxle eonvrrttble 1965 Ruli-k If you have good skills and use the electric GET ALONO WITH THE GENERAL double power. LfKahre. ALL ("AltS Mt'ST BE SOLD 25' 1959 TROJAN EXPRESS — 170 PUBLIC. OOOD SALARY, PLUS AIR 1985 RAMBLER M-1 HKKORE JULY 28th. Hra«on»ble of h p Sleeps four. Muit aell. Call 248- typewriter, here is your chance for a diversi- CONDITlOfNED APARTMENT AND fers will be aocepted. 741!)8o'J. REI 4234. Good condition. Best offer. jfH TRIUMPH GM Green R&H, Wlr. Whe.t. $2395 MO foijr-ritwr ledan. Automatic, rad BANK AUTO 8ALEB. 14 E. Newman fied and interesting job with a growing oil ALL UTILITIES. MUST BESIDE ON and heater. Springs Ril , Red Bank l ti~ o i. n "TOW N " n i i NABO I J T~ —~wiih PREMISES. 1963 FORP *1- t 50 h.r.. Johnson. Life Jackeli. etc. company. Attractive starting salaries, liberal WRITE BOX V-17B. THE DAILY" 1495 Fairlane ."i(Hi iport coupe. Radio arn REGISTER, RED BANK, N. J. "66 SUNBEAM ^.^-.^ $ heater, automatic. 1%5 VOLKSWAC, ES SEDAN — Gon.l 1650 812-11M. benefit program and company cafetaria. 1063 THRYSLER >U ?• cnmiilion. J7U5 rirm. SKI BARGE Npwporl four-door. Aiil'-imallr, riouti AUTO BODY MEN '66 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE «„„.. R «...«.,,«- 51495 INI w or. Call VA 6-1000, Ext. 369 Wi'i MUK'K $13 • 1%I CADII.I.AC Coupe Pe Villf. ALSPAR FIBERGLASS Permanent ponltionc open for fl rat '65 FIAT 110(1 D model four-door sedon. One owner J 3/3 Sppclal (our-door wagon. Automat! Cleiin. Must aee believe. Call 2B4 WINDMILL or apply in person to: Mr. Trooskin class body riafLamen. Piece work and ' raflio nnd healer. 8737. hlgli guarantee plus many exclusive ir>i-"> rHKVROl.KT J13.I LINDH 420 7/11 DINGHY benefits. Good men should earn well '64 PORSCHE coupe Model C, Grey, 4 Speed $2495 Super Sport. V-8, automatic, douh l!i«:! RAMBLER •- Low mlleaRe. New over $200 per week. Top working con- iwwer. tir.-.s. c.ood condition. f:J50. call 842- TURNABOUT HESS OIL & (iiUonn in our brand new body ihop. 1 Call Mr Ealok. 1D6 . M W STAN a 111.: 011)1 aflfr 7 pni. 3EE THEM AT '63 VOLVO jwo-door 1225. on, o*"er. Immoculoie. R H. $1195 Three-speed, V-g. BRIGGS CHEVROLET 10GS CHEVROLET 113.1 IMS CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE -- MARSH MARINE CHEMICAL CORPORATION Impala Super Sport. V-8, double pow Yellow with Mack top. Call Hob Wlrk- 65 ORCHARD ST. RED BANK 731-MOO " Boulh Amboy '61 FIAT 1200 conv. SpOrls cor. Four-speed. A5 I) special. 5 395 rr, automatic. man. TOWN & COUNTRY PODCE, 60 741-6767 Perth Amboy, N. J. "MEN~"wANTEb — For~gMi7rai~mTinT' 196.-. DODGE Main Si . Malawan. EORSTAD SAILS HOLSCLAW An equal opportunity employer tenaiH'e work. Only thnae who want Four-door Coronet, V-8, automatic, fu Ri:i.NG THANSI-'ERItKD -- Ml'ST TRAILERS steady work nfert apply. ReferencM SPORTS power MARINE EQUIPMENT required. EDWARDS INDUSTRIAL - SEI.I. - KICK VS Mustang, twn-door 1%4 TOLNTIAC S. v.,.w. «•„,.. P™, $1550 Nlne paaacnRpr bus. Llk» DPW, 2.V ul.RICII -^~1956~Open~Type. »i,800. ntrchall, P.O. Box 788. Port Monmouth Daily Register, Rci! Hank. ' MENT. 1954 T BIRD $13.7( MOB -- mfif). Wire wheels. Abarth Call 946-4790, call 7«l-»43. <62-3377. 771-1220. These positions are open at our Lin- Convprtiblp. Full power. Extra clean after 5 p.m. DESK CLERK — Muit apply In per- I '64 CHEVROLET s.s. onv. p^. 283. **.., $1295 exhaust. Two topi. Excellent condi- den, Trenton termtnaii. Howevrr all 1964 T BIRD $13.7( tion. 229-5291 : NURSE-REGISTERED — 7 a.m. to 3 son, no phone calls, between 4 and applicant! must apply In person it Hardtop, Four-way power. Low mile 21' JETlSEY~sklFF^ ~T6i> h.p. Gri7 p.m., Five day week, paid holidays 6 p.m. and 8 to 9 p.m. Howard John- AAA Trucking Corp., 3630 Quaker '64 CHEVROLET 2-dr. H.T. Automatic, Air Cond 32) - $1395 age. T967 SlIN BE A M MlTTx — 20,000 marine Inboard. Two bunks and head. and benefits. BROOKDALE NUKSINQ ion's Motor Lodge, Rt. 35, Middle- RridRe Rd., Trenton, N. J. An equil lf>64 OLDSMORtlJO $10.8( miles, Hemainder of five year, 50.000 Docked at Rumion Yacht Bailn. lit HOME, Hwy. 35, Hallet. town. opporlunlly employer. 88 two-door hardtop. Full power, lac miles, guarantee valid. $1400 or best St., See Nick. $1150. '64 CHEVROLET Super Sport, rower, 287, Air Cond $1395 tory air. offer. 264-8860 arter G p.m. MAIDS — Full and part-time posi- STOCKROOM CLERK — Knowledga 1967 CHAMPION FIBERGLAS — 110 INDUSTRIAL NURSE tions available in a completely mod- 1984 PONTIAC $11,1 "19^5 GTO — P'our-Hiieed. four new Mercury electric. Canvas, Alloy trail- of hardware supplies and clerical abil- Bonnevlllp two-door har<1l«p. T>i>iil)l Immediate opening for an Industrie ern hospital. Pleasant working condi- ity. ATCO CERAMICS CORP., Hwy. tires, three, deuces, J1500. Call after er. $2600. Call after 5 p.m. 842-3188. nurie. 12 midnight to 8 a.m. shift. tions, full fringe benefits. Apply Per- 64 CORVAIR Monzn. Four door, rjulomaiic 1 owner } /7D power, automatic, radio and heater. 6 p.m. 747-1U05. 35, Keyport {An equaj opportunity «m- 1964 CADILLAC J19.6C 14V 1960 WHiRIjPbdL~BOAT~~Wiln" Permanent position. Must have N.J. sonnel Office, Rlvervicw Hospital, ployer. i Coupe DeVille. Factory air, full power, "OLDSMOBILE 13fi7~^-~T)elmont liard- 33 h.p. Evlnrude. $200 or best offer. Registered Nurse's license. Apply In 741-2700, Ext. 225. AS IS SPECIALS Call 671-9003. person. Personnel office vinyl roof. toj). 1-5 engine, full power. Immacu- R EL I ABLE~ WO MAN~^~Tn~c a r e~f n r* MECHANICS 19&4 BUICK *10.1( late. XO cash down. Bank will finance $lf)!)5. Only 539.SO weekly. OASIS, 721- MIDLAND GLASS CO., INC. 16-montli-olri baby girl weekly, Mon., Maintenance «nd construction, ma- '61 CHEVROLET Impalo 4 dr. hoip. V-l, auto. Need! work. 5 1/5 LcSahre two-door hardtop. Automatic, COLUMBIA YACHTS Ollffwood Ave., Cliffwood. N. J. through Sat., a.m. Reply Box G-164. chinery and buildings. Machinists, full power. 7100. for 'credit OK. The YACHT SHOP The Dally Register, Red Bank. mlll-wrlfbts, auto mechanic*, elec- 1964 KORD W.6( 1184 Ocean Ave., Sea Bright 842-1313 PART-TIME BOOKKEEPER~~~ For" tric Inns uid over trade*. Versatility "l3i&~CHEVRbLET~ ~V*\ Alt. RttnT local art g.-vUwy. Work mosily ai '60 DODGE Four door $ 95 Fairlane, six cylinder, fCralfht »l(ck ning condition. $75. Call after 6 p.m. 16' SPEED SKIFF — Foraberg. Fresh "WAITRESSES —•• Ml«t~be~over~2Tr desirable. Interviewing tar All icradM. radio, heater. 327 Vet. a race. Creampuff. 60 m.p.h. home. Contact with, artist, public. JM Apply In person nnly after 10 a.m. Reliable men who want permanent 1963 RAMBLER J7 2C 946-1851. A per month. Write V-178, The Daily except Mondays. COLONY RESTAU- year-round Jobs close to- home. plus. Will demonstrate. $1,400. 671- Register, Red Bank. RANT, Ridge Rd,. ft Avt. of Two '59 OLDSMOBILE Super 8! two-door hardtop. All power .... $ 110 I 770 two-door hardtop. Factory air. "ISKTCHEVVT — Convmlhle. Radio" 1658 after 6 p.m. Double power. and heater. Autoinrttlc. Low mileage. WAITRESS — Over 2K farTtime, Rivers, Rumson. 264-8000 1963 CHEVROLET -' $8.21 Very clean. $750. 542-4010. _ 15' ROWBOAT -- Oooij condition." full time. Also waitreas with gome Impala convertible. V-l. Btraieht stick FACTORY HELP —"Experience pre-~ ATCO CERAMICS CORP. l9 A Price $50. Call / experience, Evenlngi 264-1164. ferred, but not necessary. Full time Radio and heater, 747-475.6 ' 1963 FORD M.70 black top. Call Bob Wlckman. 666- BOOKKEEPER — And general office days, permanent. Paid holidays and HWY. 35, KEYPORT, N. J. 6100. TOWN & COUNTRY DODGE, 60 16" OLD TOWN — 28 h.p. Johnson. other company benefits. Apply In per- An equal opportunity employer Falcon convertible, radio, heater, 4- work. Year yound. Pleasant working son, Ralph Frledland & Bros., Locust apecd, bucket leatl. Main St., Matawan. Excellent condition. Call 2299656 or conditions. Chance for advancement. DRIVER — Trailer. 8on» loctl. »om« RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS 229-4721 St., Keyport. 1063 CHEVY U ffl.60 1 966~7THEVROLET — InipabI tm" Many benefits. Apply !n person, GEr^- over the road. Diesel experience re- Monmouth County'i Import Leader Nova two-door hardtop. Automatic, door hardtop. As 4s, $1300 or beat of- 18" CABIN CRUISER — Mercury out- CO WOODCRAFT, 1121 Hwy. 35, Wan- EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ~ quired. Over 25. Married preftrred. radio *nd hcatpr. fer. Call 747-2213. board motor, heavy duty trailer. amansa. Never a dull monent as a necretary Starting pay J154 for 80 hour». Rapid 1!>63 RAMBLER $y end steering. hardtop. Power ateerlnK, brakes. Ra- good at typing, shorthand, and inter- of first year, »10« by end of 2nd. In 741-5887 1963 BUICK J10.3C dio and reverberator. Very good con- CUSTOM" BUILT DBERING MARK n A division of a major natioiial com- ested in light record keeping. Modern, addition wa pay travel expense dition. $1495. 284-9093. pany now locating in this area re- "Wildcat four-door hardtop. Full power. -- 24' auxiliary aloop. Sleepa four. quire* women to work as packnrs and attractive, air conditioned office. Good money, paid holidays, vacation, fre» 1963 BUICK ;:." 1965 BUICK SPECIAL — Two-door. Inboard. dacR. aluminum ipara.. Mint assemblers. Applications will be ac- salary consistant with capability. Blue Cross and profit sharing. Four-door LeSabra hardtop. Automatic, "V-6, automatic. Power steering, radio. condition. $5,500. 291-0251. Write Box V-182, Th« Daily Register, Steady wort all year, never a Iay- cepted on Sat., July 13 at: Red Bank. full power. Radio and heater. Excellent. S1O95. 291-0251. 14' RUNABOUT — 25 h.p. Evinrude 1. Freehold—(10 a.m. - 3 p.m.) Ameri- o». 35S-J8O2, 1963 RAMBLER J7.2i T Classic 770 two-door hardtop. Doubl i?Gr~FASTBACK~nARRACUDA -- 34O~ trailer and acceasoriea, $250. 291- can Hotel, 20 E. Main St. BOUTIQUE — At Natelson s ^AUTO MECHANIC — Also "helper Formula S. Four-speed. Fully 3744. 2. Farmingfialc—(8:30 a.m. - 12 noon) J. Krldel seeks swinging salesgirl. mechanic. Apply ROLLO TRANSIT power, factory air. Central Jersey Bank & Trust Co. 1902 CHEVROLET W.I equipped. Call 264-1209. 8' PJtAM with 5^ h.p. Evlnrud» out- Permanent career opportunity. Apply CORP., 275 Broadway, Keyport IF YOU DON'T WANT Main St. In person, Mr. Eaatwick, NATEL- BelAIr wapon. V-8, automatic. ~MORrTAN~r963 — 4/4, wlrewheels. Un. board. Asking $100. Call This 1961 MERCURY $7.8 SECRETARY-IMMEDIATE! SON'S J. KRIDEL, nroart and Front DRAFTSMAN rier 20,000 miles. Mtisl sell this week. 842-3781 St5., Red Bank, or phone 741-5300 for used car is Colony Park station wagon. Nine pasa 53 Real Estate office needs person with Junior draftsman with one or two A SMALL CAR, onger. Full power. RICHARDSON CRUISER — 28" double bookkeeping experience, typing, and appointment. guaranteed _J_ cabin, glassed-in cockpit. Sleeps five. years experience, An equal opportunity 15 Transportation Speclali — $50 up, r general office work. Ask lor Mr. Kret- BUSINESS COUPLE — With school- employer. Apply in person, Penonnel MONMOUTH MG-TF 1500 -- 19.)5. New top and Sacrifice. $800. Located at Sea Bright. owicz 741-5008. 100%. tonncau. Mechanically excellent. 787- Call 842-0320. ace child, need* settled woman to office, AUTO EXCHANGE ,iVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER — Who~can" sleep In. Sept. 1st. Call 46Z-740S after WE ALSO SELL LIFE RAFT 5:30 p.mi MIDLAND GLASS CO.. INC. 3«5 Maple Ave., (Rt. 35) Red Bank, N.J. 19,i8 CHEVROLET - - V8 station wng- drive car. One In family; no children. on. Automatic. .5195. I960 Chevrolet 20 man. Never used. References required. Own room and Cllffwood Ave., Cllffwood, N.J. 526-0913 "pART-TIME"SECRETARY — To man^ 747-3930 Btx-cyllnder sedan. Automatic. $125. bath. Call evenings between 6 and aping Vice President at J. KRIDEL, PART-TIME DRIVER — For Mon- JEEP 1953 — New top and snow plnw Call 291-9697. 14' OUTBOARD BOAT -- 20 h.p. 7 842-0306. 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. dally. NoSats.,no mouth County newspaper. Must n« SOME BIG ONES! Evlnrude. All accessories Including available 10 a.m. - 3 p.m, Monday to Good condition. Call between !> and FORD — 1954 aedan. Good condition. MAID — To aieep-ln. Threa children. nights. Apply in person, Mrs. Ray- Friday. Must be 21. $2.00 per hour. 7 p.m. 462-7814. Good tires. Reasonable. Call allp. Must sell. $200. Call 741-3157 be- Call mond J. KRIDEL, Broad & Front tween 6 and 7 week nightH. St.i. Red Bank. Call 741-0OIO, Ext. 32, for appoint- 1964 VOLKSWAGEN — Red two-door 872-1*66 812-1136 ment. * We get all kinds of cart t>$ trada-ins. Fords* Ctievies, Cad- sedan. Low mileage. Excellent condi 1.V RUNABOUT - 15 h.p. Evlnrude. SALESLADY — Full time, permanent WOMAN—Experienced clerical, part- ;Msc£- at wftil fli VWj, But wa thow no pralftrsncvt. At they tlon. $875. 222-9092 Boats needs work, $60. After 3:30. position. Excellent salary (or the tlmp. Sat. and Sun. Charge of time GROWING. AGGRESSIVE, INDEPEN- TRUCKS FOR SALE 707-0315. •. • ilglit person. Apply In' perauu, CAR- nhrrt: Munt havo NEAT handwriting. DENT, RETAIL MERCHANT — Look- come in, each car is put through a rigid performance test. MERCURY — Pour-door 1965~Brc"cze" ROLL'S STATIONERS, 28 Broad St., Apply In person, Eatontown- Riding ing for young man able to assume The onos that pass get the works. They're reconditioned, iuned- way. By owner. Excellent enpine 1964 FORD — Plnk-up truck. Call 17V~LAPBTRAKE — Tilt trailer. 35" Red Bank. Stable, Hwy. 35, Eatontown. responsibility long hours, hard work. ttres, interior. Below wholesale blue- Bob Wlckman, 566-6100. TOWN 4 h.p. outboard. Best offer. Call 747- Rewarding future. Write Box 0-161, up, tightonod-up, washed and polished (inside and out). The hook. $900. Call 988-1298. OUNTRY DODGE, 60 Main St., Mata- 3338. ,PN — 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. part-time, BEAUTICIAN The Dally Register, Red Bank. ones that fail never show up on our lot. wan. NEW 16' ALL FIBERGLAS DAY 'leasant working conditions. Modern 19K5 VALIANT^ Convertible! Auto- Muralng Home. Matawan, 566-6400. Steady or part-time. Excellent oppor- matic transmission. six cylinder. 1963 CORVAIR TRUCK — With side SAILER — Stainless steel rlKB'ng. tunity. Good wages, 9 to 5. Call 747- We can't afford to sell you anything but the best. After Black, tourquoise Interior. Whltewalla. doom. Grey. Blinds. $410. Call 741-0264 aluminum mast and boom, dacron WOMAN — Neat, reliable, to work 3475 or 946-8200. all, you'll be driving our reputation around with-you. Radio. Power top. A-l condition. $1095 before 3 p.m. sails, mahogany trim, cuddy cabin. behind candy stand in theater. Per- SALESMAN Call 568-5526. Call 741-4555 or 747-1228. nanent position. Apply In person only, EXPERIENCED WAITRESS — Over 100% guoranice on oil mo|or mechanical parts* for 10 days or 1,000 mites. 1960 INTERNATIONAL VL Pick-up. 21. Apply in person, MATAWAN DIN- 1 'own Theater. Hwy. 35, Mlddletown. Young man seeking sales oppor- Better than the "we-pay-half-you-pay-half" deals you hear about. Isn't It? 7065 PONTIAC TEMPEST — Fnur- Good condition. Call after 5:30 p.m. MUST SELL 1968 rihcrglas 14' boat. ER, Hwy. 34, Matawan. door ledan. Automatic, power steer- 87-3950. Deluxe Interior. Full canvas. Plus IAFETERIA HELP — Permanent po- tunity in trucking industry. Experi* "engine — transmission — rear axle — front oxle assemblies — brake InK. Exceptionally clean. 747-1458. L.n. tilt-bed trailer. Both only two sition for woman in large cafeteria In BEAUTICIAN. EXPERIENCED — ence not necessary but meet com- system — electrical system. 1961 INTERNATIONAL THAVELALL months old. Out of water. $800. Call Holmdcl area, 5',£ days, 10:30 p.m. to Five days. Closed on Mondays. Sal- pany's standards and be a high 1957 CADILLAC — Radio, heater. All Six cylinder. $495. Will take trade. 741-0714. 7 a.m. No experience necessary. For ary plus commission. Inquire Ste- school graduate. Good starting sal- power. $125. 291-9697. phen Hairdressers. 787-0655. ary, proHt sharing program, based Phone K71-5495. 16' RUNABOUT — With vinyl di•ck. appointment and interview call 671- on sales attainments. Company ', 10 HALF-TON PICK-UPS 9342. ~H O MEMAKER — BABY SITTER -^ 19S4 RENAULT — Four-door, auto 35 h.p. Johnson. Tilt bed trailer. All benefits and merit increases. '62 KARM'N GHIA $ 950 '67 KARM'N GHIA $1995 Some four-wheel drive, some auto- in Rood shape. Ski accessories in- DENTAL RECEPTIONIST — Full For five children. Between 7 a.m. to Coupe, radio, heater. Blue. matlc. Oonn condition. Call 741-423 matic. 1961's and 196'2's. SAVE. 3 p.m. Live In or out. Call 671-1258. Coup, radio, heater. Red. after 4 p.m. eluded. $575. 542-4192. time. Experience preferred. Keyport CALL 846-7520 FOR APPOINTMENT Pat Keelen's Auto Sales 14' PLYWOOD BOAT Flberglasled area. Send resume to Box V-181, The EXECUTIVE SECRETARY — For BETWEEN 12 NOON AND 4 P.M. SUNBEAM ALPINE ROADSTER—196! R0 Hwy. .16 7S7-H13 Keanshurg hull. $75. Call Dally Register. Red Bank. president of local firm. Fully quali- '63 VOLKSWAGEN $1050 S5U5 787-6849 fied, heavy experience. Starting ial- EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER '68 VOLKSWAGEN $2295 Call 872-1886 s CHEVROLE¥~"~\M! PICKUP" JCENSED PRACTICAL NURSE — ary JIOO to $125 per week. Convertible, white, radio and heat- ARISTOCRAT — Custom seats. 25 3 to 11 p.m. Full or part-time. Pleas- (M/F) Fastback, radio, heater. Beige. 1967 VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN — Beig Call BOOKKEEPER — Full charge, fully er. 787-8474 after 5 p.m. h.p. Johnson. Excellent condition. ant working conditions. Modern Nurs- qualified. Starting salary $100 to $125 with black Interior. Excellent condl Must aell, moving. S125. 842-0891. ing Home. Emery Manor Nursing per week. Only experienced person- TELEPHONE SALES CLERK — Ex- tlon. Call 741-9593. 1956 FORD -^~rtciTup. >/i ton! Home, Matawan. 566-6400. perience preferred, Hardware and Call I4'~~SCOTCHCRAKT — 28~h.p. Evln- nel need apply. Wrtto Box. V-183, The '63 FORD $695 1957 CHEVROLET — Kour-door se- Daily Register, Red Bank. Mill supplies. Apply KB. MILL SUP- '64 KARM'N GHIA $1350 7S7-7173 rude. Tinted windshield. Controls, WOMEN — Retail business back- PLY CO., 267 New Brunswick Ave., Falcon Futura convertible, automat- dan. V8 automatic. Excellent condi- lishls. In water. $395. 747-4677 after 6. ground. Good appearance, pleasant Coupe, radio, heater. Yellow. tion. Customized. 5*2-1977 after 5 p.m. personality. Excellent opportunity In PART-TIME SECRETARY — And Perth Amboy. ic, radio, heater. 25'd.AYTON — HariftoiTaklff. Bunks, Girl Friday several full days a week long established Red Bank location. MAN — Steady. Driving and selling. 1962 RAMBLER STATION WAGOli MOTORCYCLES and head. V-8 Cray Marine engine, Good starting salary. Send quallfica- In Rumaon consultant's office. Must Very clean. $295. Call fiood condition. $1500. 229-2973, week- have shorthand and recent electric Apply In person, Marine Lumber Co., '65 VOLKSWAGEN $1595 .„ CHEVR0LET $125o 591-1529 ;Iona. torfBox E-182, The Dally Regis- 1139 Ocean Ave., Sea Brighi. Squarebock station wagon, radio, 1967 SUZUKI days after 4 p.m. er, Red Bank. typewriter experience. Please call 842- Sauarebock station wagon, radio, "" WILTHUU.I ^ItdW Call after 8 2396. BRAKE AND MUFFLER INSTALL- heater. White. Impala convertible, radio, heater, 1960 IMPALA Two-door BABYSITTER ER — Clean-cut young man. Automo- power, automatic transmission. 671-3429 after t BUSINESS NOTICES Days-my home. tive and torch experience helpful. Ex- SUZUKI Call 2S4-7063 HELP WANTED - MALE cellent future. Apply In person only. 1962 PONTIAO — Two-door, automat- '65 KARM'N GHIA $1495 Headquarters for Monmouth County. LIGHT HAUL1NC—CLEAN CELLARS DENTAL ASSISTANT — Chatrslde ex- MIDAS MUFFLER SHOP, 450 Hwy. ic. Good condition. Must sell. Call All modeli and colon in stock. TRUCK EQUIPMENT MECHANIC — 35, Middle town. Coupe, radio, heater, two-lone blue. '66 FORD $1650 between 5;30 - 6:30 p.m. 741-5688, YARDS GARAGES — Free «stlmatel. lerience. Permanent full time posl- BILL LANZARO'S Cull alter 3 p.m. 741-2149 .lon. Must have car. Call 671-1638. Experienced. Welding helpful. Call Mr. MEN—For ground maintenance work, Mustang, two-door hardtopj radio, T960~JAGUAR~— 3.4 «edan. OoodTcoiv Gr*?y, 542-3220. part or full time. BONGARZONE dltion, Asking $695. AUTO SALES INC. BACKHOE BULLDOZING — Mowing, ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER — Five '66 VOLKSWAGEN $1595 heater, automatic Transmission, plowing, pumping, I.iteral3. All septic days. Automotive experience pre- ROOFER — Craftsman wanted to do NURSERY. Waynld* Rd., New 741-5515 334 Main St. 306-2224 UlUiru tank work. BEN BRYAN. 671-0585. ferred. Call for appointment, Maurice house Job in Fair Haven. Call 747- Shrewsbury. Fastback, radio, heater. Red. factory air. 4062 MUSTANG 1987 — Fastback. Excel 1966 HARLEY DAVIDSON — 50 cc, RUBBER STAMPS — Made to order. Schwartz & Sona, 141 W. Front St., lent condition. Lime gold, black Inter- •with extras. Excellent condition. Must Fast, efficient service. Uae at home or Red Bank. 747-0787. FLORAL DESIGNER and deslgner'i PLASTICS FACTORY ior. Beat offer. 462-3973. A division of a major national com- sell. Call 5-7 p.m. 787-4386. business. Call 741-3227 or 787-2403. TWO LPN'S — 3-U p.m. One full assistant. Good working conditions. I96T~YAMASX^^80~CC. OomTcondl- Call Toms River. 349-0859. pany now locating in thi* ix«a reT 1967 AUSTIN HEALY 195S BUICK - - Two-door special. time and one part-time. Top wages quires employee! In the following Good running condition. $100. Call 741- tlon. With helmet. S200. Call SLIP COVERS .. and benefiti. Apply Wickatunk Nurs- VAN DRr/ERS AND TRACTOR SPRITE ROADSTER $ 2874. 787-6968 categories: Sofa, $30, chair S15, with your on ing Home, Wickatunk. 948-8893. TRAILER DRIVERS — Experienced UNSKILLED — For general factory Four-speed, radio, haatar CHEVROLET 1957 - - Station wapm 150 CO HONDA fabric. Free welting:, rlppera, or over- MATURE SALESWOMAN — For drug In handling household goods. Apply In work as helpers, porters, material 1495 with 1965 283 cu. In. engine. 4 tllhi Must sell Moving. $22.1. looking. Fabrics also available. Call store In Long Branch. 40 hours a person, Anderson Brothers, Inc., 91*53 handlers, packers. Hedman headers. MAH raccmasle Call after 6. 842-0891 anytime 671-2384. week, year round. Cosmetic experi- Mechanic St., Red Bank. TRAINEES — As tntcfclns operators, tires, three-speed hu rat. 411 rear end. LIGHT TRUCKINO AND DEHVERHS ence preferred, but not essential. For mechanic's helper!. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S OLDEST and LARGEST Cull 747-9192 after 5 p.m. 1965 HONDA 305 — 8,000 miles. With AUTO MECHANICS two helmets. 5350. Call 542-5735. Call William Abrun* appointment call 222-1367. MAINTENANCE MECHANICS, TORE- 229-2818 MEN, SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL. AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN DEALER lS6T~RHEVlibLET~iMP~AL~A' ~—T»n after 6 p.m. HOUSEKEEPER — Sleep in or out, $225 Applications will be accepted, on Bat., door hardtf)p. V-8, automatic. As la 1966 HONDA »0 — Must Mil. MASONRY WORK — All klnda of in Rumson. Two adults. Recent ref- July 13, at: S95O. Call 787-3585. mason work. Black, brick, atone, flag- arences. Apply 741-0848. per week S10I) Most of our mechanics make this and 1. Freehold (10 a.m.-3 p.m.) Ameri- 1966 VOLKSWAGEN FA3TBACK — Call 787-7233 stone, sidewalks and specialize In can Hotel, 20 E. Main St. fountains. Call after 3 p.m. 671-1108. more on a live day week. Flat rate Light blue. *1600. Call INSURANCE GIRL hour. No Saturdays. Free hospftaltza- 2. Farmingdale— (8:30 a.m.-12 noon) SHREWSBURY MOTORS, Inc. 741-8670. 1966 HONDA 90-Red. Excellent condi- Rating and writing, related correspon- Central Jersey Bank & Trust Oo. tion. Only 160O miles. Reasonable. MOWING-Overgrown lawn* and fields. tlon, major medical, lire insurance Call dence, expiration, etc. 94, Mon. - Frl. furnished by dealer. Paid holidays, Main St. SHREWSBURY AVE. 741-8500 SHREWSBURY 1958 CHEVROLET — Six, Jtlck. Good Call 747-174S all 291-0477. condition. Call 741-5104 free uniforms, and a guaranteed pay AUTO MECHANIC — For OM Detl- 747-0966 1964 YAMAHA 80 PC PART-TIME — Receptionist — assis- plan. Brand new facilities, plenty of rr. Top salary. Fringe benefit!. Call Gnod condition. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR work. Contact Mr. Bell. HXa DODGE - $1,095 Residential or commercial. New or tant wanted in doctor's nffice. Typing 741-7643. Call 566-2349 rewiring. No Job too small. C&C Elec- essential. Write Box A-179, The Dally IN MONMOUTH COUNTY IT'S Four-door Coronet Register, Red Bank. YOUNG MEN SUZUKI 1966 -- 150 ce. 2600 miles. tric. 741-9040 or 741-9766. BRIGGS CHEVROLET To be trained In sales and Mrvlce. Pat Keelen's Auto Sales Excellent condition. $2:5. Call 583- 721-1400 South Amboy 1061. JIM LANCE i*ULL TIME — For hand work and Salary and commission. Company car 50 Hwy. 36 7S7-1113 Keansburg Exterior, Interior painting. Patto In- Teasing. Apply Shrewsbury Decora- CUTTER FOR LADIES SPORTS- furnished, All company benefits. Only MONMOUTH CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH RAMBLER 1964 — Classic deluxe sta — Excellent condition, 1965. stallation. Free estimates. :orH, 468 Broad St., Shrewsbury. WEAR — All year-round work, full those Interested In steady position tion wagon. Two-tone. Whitewalls $145. 566.0085 holidays and vacation paid. Top aal- neerf apply. Apply In person, no phone. automatic. Radio and heater. Power 842-0857 WOMAN — Day work; Monday thru ary, plenty of overtime. Apply In per- THE SINGER COMPANY. 69 Broftd steering. Very clean. 5795. 671-314" VINCENT'S PAINTING * DECORAT- Thursday. Own transporlation. Excel- son DEVON KNITWEAR, 395 War- St., Red Bank. 1966 HONDA CR 160 — Very good ING Interior, exterior. Fret estimates. lent salary. Call 747-2605. hurton 81., Long Branch. "l95«~CADTLLAa~HEAKSB - -~C,ood~i-n condition. $275. Call after 6 p.m., 291- Call 264-8451. BOY WANTED — To work In nub Klne. transmlBslon, body, curtains. HOME WINDOW CLEANING — FreV DAILY DOMESTIC — Desired weekly, ~WWJDOVr~CLBANER -- Experience" shop, Apply In person, El Marie Sub Ideal for Hurt, or hand. $500. 201-2539. estimate. Call general housework and some child necessary. Supervisory experience Shop, Hwy. 35, Middletown. 671-9724. 747-3063 care. References required, Rumson preferred. Call 246-3553 for appoint- 'i062~V~ALCON~WAGON~—~ExcVlfen" Excellent condition. .100 miles. Two area. Call 842-5299 before 11 a.m. or ment. TOYOTA contiltlon. J375. helmets. Bent oTfer. 566-69'-'B. after 8 p.m. (More Classified Ads 741-3744 "inB6~HARLEY nXvirianN '~~0n~rv7 RErTfXCARRIER EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANIC— CORONA TS6O PONTIAC cnNVERl'lBLET - 537! Ith rxiras. Kxcrllent condition. Must Going on vacation? Need a luggage UQHT HOUSEKEEPING — Own ef- Full time employment. Apply In per- sell. Tall 787-I3BR. carrier? Made for all cars, especially :iclency apartment and small salary. son. LINCROFT GULF SERVICE On The Next Page) Call convertibles. Larry's Auto Seat Covers. 3all 872-1100 after f> p.m. STATION, 687 Newman Springs Road. 291-9287 "l!)67~ YAMATIA"«0 PHSSP'1 In spec" Matawan. 566-3016. Hon. 9-r>0 miles. Paid $^')f). nffcr. MORE CAR FOR EXTERldR~~PAINTiNO — Any"~aver^ 196.5 PONTIAC CATALLNA — Station Call after 6 p.m. 222-8261. age ranch or Cape Cod house painted, YOUR MONEY! YAMAHA""- 196.Y"2K0 rr npnrtsrycle 5190. Your paint. S29-3020. waKon., Six sealer. Power »teering Jn excellrnt r'in'iltlr«n. Very low mllP- ORP Alsn, 1DO cc Yamaha; good for "FINisHED~ATTiC8 AND RECREJT power brakes Automatic. Late 1965 parts. 671-2'J7;i. TION ROOMS -- Paneling, sheet CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY rocking and taping. Also suspended model. ,J1,495. URIOHT ACRE, Broai lDliR KAWASAKI K> cr~Ncwr Red" cclllng.1. 842-4288. Bank Auto Hnlrs. If K. .Newman A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! St., Rhrewslniry. Call 747-5.'j.Vi., SnrinRK Rt\., fled Biitik. ROOF LEAK? r> HONTlA \CU - Flxcr-llcnt condi- Replnce th/it old roof Rt our low sum- VlHBVIKlI.F.T \0r,t" -"station"'wiiK'in tion. Call afU-r i. p.rn Nn price (jnoted er prices!! Average 21x30 gable ronf- V-R. pnwer steering, stamliir't Hhlft over (rli'inf. Munt he .seen pjil Ut> shlnBles-tu'avy duty - $299. As One. ™nfr ND i:a«li clown Bank wil l!lfil""VAMAHA Hih-r. Driven" U>** low as $10 per month. No money down. Adding Machines—Typewriters General Contractors Painting and Decorating finance 57!t->). Only *7 HO weekly OAS- Call nnw. BUY-RITE CONTRACTORS, than f>00 milr-ii. C'iirornc rnstfrl. 3'asscd 787-1010 or 787*1642. AmMNfTMACHINES — Typi-wrltYrY SAND BLASTINO IS, 721-7101). rnr i-rerllt OK. 10U8 Insprctinn. $100 2fH-117.1. Bold, rented, repaired. Serplco's 101 homes. Aildltlons. Alterations. (Ja- Your premises or ours. PAINTING INTERIOR AND Monmnudi 8t, I, 747-2338. down; take over my payntfiit^, ^(i.; 1 n "RKAVKH TRAH-EirSALKS CONTRACTOR — Tatloi, ATLANTIC TRADING PO8T—ID At- Enpertly on braided nylon. $1.50 a a month 671-3750 171R Kt. 8S fl,aurult«n Circlet Iflowalkn, drlvfWftyn and ban ernent lantic Avp , LonK Branch. Antiques, stranil. Sterling clasps from 75c. Hrlrklnwn. N. J. ftrK>-4O.'i3 floors, Free estimated and. Insured. used furniture. Mon., Wed., Frl. 7:30- Moving & Storage HEUSSILLEB', 30 Broad St., lted 1!162 "K >n «f.'-2 TI'.All.Kfi. - - 1(1x61)' llfnne.iy, all wood value. Direct Bervlcc r lriK. concrete. Brick and block, Kla. - Calif. Specialists Piano Tuning MGA 1059 - Top cnndltton. 5*i7. ,. O n-lcfl: on'! miifiter, two imall bed* 747-30:1 ft. 842-l!l.'12 for m; all kitrhen appliances; encloned Asphalt Paving HOMK * CONCERT TUNINO ' " Snloly °nd Kppnlnlmntil ttntlfiin and P.iPft. 787-74.14. "HAVE" rmwHfir~wiLi' TR AVKL - - RcpairlnB, regulillne, rcliuilillnt. comforn 19IW) CORVAIR - Fnur-door aednn. MnVINO TO"('ALT I'1nitNIA"~—~Must" I'ulntinK Inside anil out. Nfitt, fnnt, a Work guaranteed. ° ° pood .-11ii«M11 r>n ' .5150 or heat nffer. Bell. 46x10' 1000 Wlnrlnnr houitn trn.ll- rcanon&hle. Freo estimate!. Ca.ll Bob Hlacktop driveways and parking lots, SAL I-ONOO 221-2863 PER MONTH c0" Call 7R7-755I Two bedrnomi, Imth, HvinR rnnm 1 Iambi MI, evenlnftii, M2-27O.V Call (or free estimates. 222B208. NGEL * ZerO-tO-iO ID ('Af)lLI.Af: lIHI'i Herlan iJeVlli and kttrht*n. Hnod buy. »2R0l>. 741-(IST1 J,AWN BKRVICffi Plumbing and Heating Call Ceramic Tile Contractor J* second! i:onilltl"ntMl. full pnwi'r options I.Ike 402-8016 ' MOVERS -Sine* 1385 hrund ni'v,- NO <\nli down. Bnnk.i.H New conntrnctlnn anil remmlellnK, PLUMBINO —llrallns and tuthroom Tho Melting Toyoto Corona 4-door iporU lednn flmirirr- V-MIIS, only 524 80 wc<'kl>' WANTED AUTOMOTIVE HPAHK KBYH"1"'-.' "" RITA'H~LOC~K~ also repairs. Kltchtnn, bathrooms, remodeling. OAHIS, 7J1-7HKI. for rredll UK Odd Jobs gives you every driving pleasure anil convenience Torque engine HM1TH n Wllnr.n Ave., Port Mon- showers nnd patios All work ifiiiir- I.I'lIITIIAWMNn —Collars, Barilla you want In a new .car. • 90 MPH Maxi- 1967 N.S V, MtlNTZ - - 30 mile moiitli Call 7fl7-;!tl!) anteed. Call 36I-3.163 for frre ratl< clcaru'il up. Have truck. Free esti- CORRIGAN'S Call male. 117 Oakland 31., Iterl Ilank 747-27M mum speed 10 the K.illon I.llli- lien-. JKI.Vl in HOOKKBEPINO""- ~Your~offlc"e~~nV jnulc.i 741^14!) altrr 3 p.m. Ijesl offer, ''nil 7VI-774K 2O4-7n6A mini'. I'oHtlfiB, Imnk rccnnclllatlnnn. Diamonds Bought or Kcslylcd HEI.PINO HAND!) T|.~i:HEl>~"CATlB~^-'^Truckji. uliilt'iikrnl.i. Payroll. Quarterly r«porla Roofing, Siding & Insulation 'of IKH "r flniiiMtlc. Dean, npposlla (lencrol Iriiucr. Trl/i] hn lance. All altlr.i, gantRrn. Light trucklnK nnd yllrrli-r, fltlrU sliift One owner. K.x Iihaxrii. riD-4570 or T^J-yU^. Let us buy Ihe (Iliimmulfl you don't mnviiiK. Tree wurk done. Free eatl- clli'Ill eoiidlllon. N'-u- tin-, nil r'w< Uiivn. M Millet own. 071-9844. wear or lot in rc.ntylri thorn for you niatra. 787-SIM1. rflng,»jdlnt* heels an-l snowtlrfs Call R42-lll'i'l JUNK CARS EXPERT' WATOllTciock and""joWBlry pnrnonaUy. Reunnlllrn', .Ifi Ilrond Bt. liiHiiliitlon in.ttalled and gunrantoeii reparlnic. H Jtfinin, Jeweler, IS W. fur 10 yi-ara. 77.'iO7OV 201-a'i4O. OHlLF. 1JI64 V-H'> null"- TICK ion ui> v Painting and Decorating Hlx-cylln'ler. Power sleorlng. Kxt:'l Front SI., Red Bunk. Draperies - Alscn, IMlponf Trrl!aranif Alcoa Work KUarnntced. |.>ii! rontlltlon ^Kllll 74lli:tl'J Twinbrook Auto Wroclfing I.AWNB CUT Unwn In tnrth iirlces. CAM. B, JONKS - Pnlntlm »nd Deiir'twlMlitn «ervlcra. Cnll 74I-R273 af- llpoolitcrliu,', draiKTlen, slipcovers. Eatontown 542-2235 OOI.DEN TOUCH flKCOIlATOItll, wnllimperliiK. fully Insured. For free PROWN'S ALTO KICNTALS 117 flron.l, Ilcil Hunk. 747-Ofl.V.f. • Blllnales, csll 7(7-3011. l of"/f ("'AHil KOll Yfllllt KOItKIUN • 741.2211 M Ilroail S), Hfd flunk 74l-7, i00 AMKKICAN Ar.T) fU'OIHS CAI'.ll AT MfJNMnirni ,\tf I'rmtK, JNC , EMPLOYMENT Klectrlcnl Contractors TllnMAB fll.ATR ' "llOOKINO HPECIAli LEASE A NEW Hwy :!.'•, Kfilnnr-iwn, ,'p4'_'LMH Kree F,ptlmnten 1IKI "•] ft. nt latmr and all IMriOIrcTIlI( 1'alntlng and Decorating matrrlsl Included. 10 ypar warranty. HELP WANTED-FEMALE KesldentliU, cormnTrlql wiring, Alnn Irrc esllrnato. Aluminum siding, FORD MERCURY Fully Insured 7I1-433X KUlters and leaders. 787-7074 or 7117- AUTO RENTALS nitclrlr. liral. Illal H42-3U4. A6M«rTiFfY 7840. OR CONTINENTALI nil KACTOflY — Cull 7H7-73B1 b«- Palntlni »nrs, nwnlnfo, gtit. M*pl« Av.. 747-4545 R«d Bank RENT A CAR Kn •- I''illl lliiin nr iiarl-llmii. Apply wny shows «nrl Major ItliorlB Kvents, Painting * lironratlng tfirs, )l'•^^rs, iluittnrs. fiplfurri, N.J. Ihirls A ICd'n Benlmiil Uo«l«lir«nt. It 176 Monmoutli Bt., lleil Hank. For l'r«« KitlmiKs Call 1431100 7H-1S2H. lo yaar guaranm. Ktjrport Shorn nr. Highland". 872-1583. HELP WANTED - MALE ;SITUATIONS WANTED - Malf. FOR SALE THE FAMILY CIRCUS By Bit K«an« COMMERCML RENtALS ] THK DAILY RKCISTF.R. Fnd^, jdj i%8— n TWO wr.'. Win >,,. ,...,,., „,,_„,. ~~ri&45 you NO LONGER ^ : HT>, J.AP^F. BOX P7A!,(Ji Gv/J i "~ F.I'lf!. C.n ,,€JtjM ri, Ml i?;-: NKD OR USE WILL ... .-„. v,.,< -«-. „.« •,». owi: HOCSKS FOR (5AI.E HOCSES FOR SALE

TJfAf/.KR imr/T.K. Av ATTENTION SEU. n ri'nRB BOATIHS NUTS ru'ih Plitflif rmp , *i Ko'Jlf SI trA FINANCIA.L %•%,0 W Krnnit- Schematics A<*f, riKALKR We havr A hlKh DAILY REGISTER TREES TREES TREES vihinif, MKM prnfll c^rvln^ Mnhnn hurjt 1R7 WKW) Harlot - 2R4-7KK) »\allntilc In Atlnniie HtRhliinrid. 'P+if YFIAR ROnNP Thrf-f-mnrn bun In Colls Nock, lovely five bedrooms, twn baths and powder Immediate opening! 't"a|iT \f rr tiring nfti'r 4,1 y*>Hr* *t FAMILY AD (t"i"w, rurni-h-f) nr unfurnl-h^d. All tfim inrMinn raid tratnlns ivflllahk CAI.IJ OR APPLY IN PF.nSON TO r n"i!i:i'R auj.[ilipf|. SI 00 mnnlhly. 787 ronm, Colonial home, paneled den with fireplacp, entrance 'rfM <1«>?. -:\U t.Mrii NiRiim, 7.^-'2:!lT. 4274. Rich Costello A«K fnr (;HIH* ll'i^n 3 LINES - 5 DAYS hall, full cellar, two-car j;arane. Excellent neighbnrhond. J'JIJIKK-Jior M BI'MOALOW '" Al fl INTFinVIKWS ^'Kl.l, KRTAMIJHMKI) I inllnn-Amcr- FOR Mortgage ^n be assumed. Asking $51,750. Fri » B m fl p m Rut in « m 1 p rn r :• iiri rf^tHurant, fullv pquip|' '1- Mint V.H t K.-«nnh UK. Call 78? 04«i«! rn.M PREHF.NKIVK [»F.5n<~; NKHK *Hl dm- if, illrit'5K 7R7-l.B>H.i JUST *2.00 170 ST. HWY [Vt Wl »K SKI' Yf*TIO"N* OK P K '••"I'/l I % ALL THE CONVENIENCES REP HANK fir.1 .r,.':'n AT IK."-."II ON INVKSTORB Avullihlr for Mfrch»nrtl»« Fur flil> nl.ihfd are) unfurnished, '' ir'nt'd! 11 fi)if)l.*.fi>''l ftj>nrinu-nt nnMs -hnnafihnlfl anri nifty nnl psce«^ a cute Rod Bank Iwostory Colonial with Ihroo. large bedrooms with Kill! tlnif rmniuiny h».|i,.[ii '•urliv. N» vai-nnry prr>NUni RpMrinfc prlc* nf IfiO 00 p*r »r,1rle. i'd »n-1l Prlcn M!.'3T hn »d»(Ttln^fl K«rh art- bath and lavatory, 2.T fool living room with fireplace and bay A Iw 1. Th" DHIIV It*• p 1 " wrier VMII Imld nu.r!({!iKP for rjunll- . rlltlonKl llnr SI 00 No copy rtmnE'l Jrri'medliit*. n.v nl v window, 15 foot dining ronm, king kitchen 20x8 with breakfast A -ilsiriK *l MKMBKri Ml'l.TlIM.K LISTING Moor over " Andcr-tDn'fl Rpci»rd Stirip. tn 12 « m- 31 Brnnih Ave., Rprt Bunk. good cook?" fir ?1 Brnnii St , Red Rank Tall 741 -fi'iMS. Mnny cnllcrlnrn Itirn*. A v"llHlil" All C 1 J275 p»r mnnlh. "95 Yean of Red Carpot Servica 1 VI n m Rt:1 '2f}\(i evpnitiK". >t at 741i'Hll POSITIONS B. WARHINH MACHTNR T Jk"e APAUTMENTS APARTMENTS %K't t "ENROLL NOW iv. Al) sprfdfl. $7ft. 22 cu. fl. f>pe?er, '< J2.VI PT Mnnlh *I.W. 741-4K12. THK RKP.r, A'iKNflY IIOliSKS FOIl SAI.F'l DOCK FOREMAN IBM KEYPOBT AREA — 3 mile!' iiwn BelfLob. ' , nt .1". IIOCSKS SAI.F: NIGHT WORK TWO SURKROAnOR - !('lfi'- Hnrhour 671 1000 • Keypunch Rnnana model, pn!y fin. $10n fl' if" • Computer ProRraniminK ht'r Design, of[-«Pt utrln^ern, Jl.'iO. m MfiON ESTATF. AUKA - y'u7 0 S & D CLERKS • Office Automation Cnll R42-299S, GREEN GROVE GARDENS ni« h.-'l (iVf lif;drof»rfi mn ntior with ItUMSON — Ctinicp convpntp.nt MnhKTN: HAY WORK Day or evening clansea - Fret ma i-IM rM,«r \PT*. Twn Irt i tf»- r r i r c h F- re.sidenlial IOCHIP. fuslom buill CLASSIC CHARM !!!!! i RC!A WHIRJ.POOL OAH RANGE f)V rl'i'iVInK the Nnvpninh PJvci lilnmatlc pllnt oven nnd "burner Vh ROOMS (ONE BEDROOM) $105 F'lf rm m n privacy. on HPvfn spacious (.'oJ»ni»l. Koyur, living V.VI! r-oliip and »ee th/-"e four (tlgintle " '""'NORTHEAST wilh R hrnin". ?S0. EvpnltiRs. f)4ft-4244. fif DOCK RECORD CLERK FOUR ROOMS (ONE BEDROOM) $123 l^rRf trc n nnd nhruhricry ;•> ir 111 r trfrarm! all ->n ™> level I.lvlnn Nir.HT WORk^ BI'SINESS MACHINES SI'HOOI. ijc dcit^h A. KO/If'KY, ft »l HK room, formal riming room, n,'nn. full '!:nuiK rf..,,n Wr,,,i'l pnoil 'I •SI RrnHfi St. RPti RflTlk SAWS SHARPENED FIVE ROOMS (TWO BEDROOMS] $153 'al c Brnkfr Hi. :t.\ Katcmtnw n. M 'J large kitchon with breakfast fl'n Ka'-ln ^Hrncn ."v cpr;irntf tllp Experience preferred, not e.««»>nha>. AIPO itrtAflorfl, hutfihetfl, knives, cut* '!. Kven' HE5 and hohdnvn Cur •»',• T».o tx::iw ''ES'TRA1,1.V Five day week Lame rvimmon APPROVKP KOR VF.TF.RAXSI tinz *dfie* in Rene.raJ. Brfn^r them In. SWIM CLUB rOB TENANTS nook. KiroplMfP in den. Four Atn-C'OS'l trn(i:-."FJ'. Kpl on brjiutlfully carrier Inratff) in Ra.ii Brunswick, FREE HEAT, COOKING GAS. HOTWATER AND AIR COMniTIONINr, »r>'\?i ;u>"'i n'J>IVi V )l S. nr V A RED BANK LUMBER P H I( KWSI'.I' H Y Near i-*oM Mnn bedrooms, V/2 bulbs. Basement. N, J. r.ood salary, ProMl Slinrlnjr, COMPUTER CAREERS""" ijtti. Living rfiorn wilh flrppbre f-rrn^ A-iK l'> p"-'"-s>mn. Q-ialiflM company hpnefita, merit inrTPascs. In buninens, Industry and government Nirl «nrt W»l[. Rei Bink. 7(7-SS0n. T.V. ond phone nutlets, 12 cu. ft. relrigerotors, parking and walk-In staragn r, recreation room, modern Jtllrr Hot Hir gas heal. Patio. At- Kuvers. mart wilh ECPI rralntnr Day «ndOAFtAHE SAKE Kiirnllurf. small 4ar3!l!les. Snaclotji rooms, large clotets. Walk to shopping plain, buses and T 1 halhhh . Karan. r flrtlclen anfl rlnthtnR. 10 a tn school. tached two-car garage, yt acre CALL «4fl-7,)L'O FOR A PPOJNTUKN'T ^vpnlngs Call Erpi at M2-2800 nr grrpiind* 'onipl*"lrly fur- $33,900.00 RETWERN 12 NOON AND 1 P.M. visit EfPT. 2fi,r> Monmouth Park Hwy., p.m. Sat . July I.7(h. 88 Winding Way. DIRECTIONS: Garden ltaf« exit )17 to 3/>, *o*f on J* to Airport Shopping plot. $59,SH«.' Wp^t Lnnft Rranch. l.lltli. RilvPt. Plaza, turn left, then two blocks lo model apartment. From 15, (J M S'JJ.'. KIN LAY AGKNTV, RenlloM, Equal opportunity employer i M F) NEW "SUMMER" "CLASSKS — Nnw4fuM EXTKfJSlON LADDER Fields) lo Hen It! Avi., turn left to Middle Road, straight ahead. ST'J-OIOO RI'MSON — Prime living area. BEACH AGENCY Ktartlng- Hypnosis find »plf hypnosis. Mnnilfactureri hv Np.wa.rk I.midpr Co. 1 I RnoKEn Fnr information call 2*9-0048. MARf.HORO TOWNHHir Thr'pp- Spacious ranch. Living ronm, "SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT" --" Cll] 946-S17S Phono 264-1846 beriroom ranch. Family room, full I I!U Hlghwav B.v, Middleln*-. N I' 1 Full time rlnvp. Year round. M11M afmFBOAlTfl*~-~~c»llfo7nla~ rir«tormr hasprnpnt. T*n-ra r garag* ; '/a *crp. formal dining ronm, large kitch- I Open 7 day R4? WM have *nme pxpprlencp. Apply In per- MERCHANDISE BIO. Fair conillllnn. J4D. Call 671 Ml-1(477 en, panelpri den with fireplace, I Kves. fi31471B non. Uncrnrt KSSO, Newman " H28O. FOR SALE PETS ANO LIVESTOCK RI'MSON \V!ntp"r"rpntnin, Kurnlched: "Rfi . Llnrrnft. NEW LISTING FOR SALE IJxW ». Mi Thrfn bPdrnorn«, 1 \-4 bfltbf, han^- three bedrooms, two baths. This Hi if ranch, in fjcfifllpnt rnnditlfin, -Full time day and eveninE hnnkraa HIFI phnnoKraph, thrp« r.KRMAN SHRrHEFlD TUTS - AKC hoard hot water oil heat. JUKI month. '21 Two bedrooms. Jit cam nil heat, Full basement, lint water base- • liax twn Urgp bedrooms airl tih- min, pn.iftlnns nvallahle (n a. cnmplet*>I> PIANOS AND ORGANS — New L....• riPPd, «7-77M. "TABLE SETS registered. Champion stock Rea.inn- : UrjiP beautiful HviriR rwm wilh Tfn- modern hn.^pftnl. Plftnsnnt working Snwhuck genuine redwood 2" think, artle. Call SH4 1)472. Jf.'iO month. t3t Two hrdrnnnif. fini VHPA, from *25. Pianos bought, sold, T board gas heat. Porch, attached nf>5fflP*» fltofTP (irrplaer, riinltlR rrifitn. condition*, full fringe none/tin. Apply repaired, tuned, moved. Rentals frnm TV table 20"x72" with hpnchps, »4fi-7?>. air oil heat. $]?,f) month. All small Call attpr « Tamllles or cniiple«. no ppts. PENNIS two-car garage. Ample grounds. ; Invrlv bijt In with H In Ing WTPJI P«Tnonnel Off Ire. RIVPTVIPW Knxpttal, S7f. ppr week. FREF.HOLD KIMBALI. Rpgular JM. Oome see other quality FIVB PARROTS i "vprlooklnp KH.rtirn. Kul! haspm"ni. 741 2700, Ext 22H. PIANO A OROAN WAREHOUSE, 44 Rril l furnltur* Rt 'cash ttnd fliive And cages K. BYRNE. Rc;ilU>r, S W River Ro"., Rumsnn, 842-11!>0. $49,750. = (Viol hrfP7.PWay; A Mg twn-rar RH • 'EBTABUSHEh Rork RAND -. See South St. For appointment call 462 suhm.i'a HoiisE ITEMS - - Mays; Halt 7H7-7.12I» '• :anp Ov^rflUrH int with trep* an-1 4730 or 431-1166. wringer washpr, Sid. Phtlcn afr-enr- KATONTOW.N* UnfurnlKhed mod- •*h rulihpry. ronvrntftil in .More* annrt guliRr ptnye RED BANK LUMBER BRITTANY SPANIEL PUPPIER - - JUIMSON — Convenient living Must he wilting to work and over 'FY^PEWRITERS, ADDING machine* dltlnnp.r, BrlBga * Strattfln rpPl P*arl #inrt WRII, Rank, 747-5Snfl. ern ihrpe-hPdroom rair-h Raspmenl. • Iran^porta.dnn SiM.ffiO. .VTrAMSTBR AKC. dual champion background. Ex- vicinity. Colonial. Living ronm, ; AGENCY, Rcnllftrii. KM K. Rtvcr RH. IS ypflrn nr HRP. Pall *J2'J-8608. All makes new or uiied. Guaranteed. mower, $40. Inland ga» room heater, cpllPTit breeding, hunt, «how or pets. nil hnat. $1.-10. 747-IM1. r I*ow aft f2."i. aerplr.o's 101 Monmouth J.W. Make nder. 842-3706. FOAM RUBBER MA/rrRKR3 ANH 77JS-172". dining ronm, kitchen, three bed- Rum.vm. JUMR.14. "MEN'S ~WEAR SALESMEN • -Ful ROX SPRINfl • T*in *>I?-P. WOTIH MONMOUTH REA^H - Summpr nub- and part-Urne post linn," nnw for newSt. Next to theatPT. 747-O48.V SEWING MACHiNE~Con«olp"~mr.del, let houRp. from Jitlv IS, lo Sept. .'!rH. linpn ^vprylhln^. ypar olti. J70. Call $140, nal.p JfiO. Urerl twn weekn, like STUD SERV1TE NEEHKn 1MMRPI- rooms, one bath, full basement. j $4,700 ASSUMPTION men's tioutlque opening at Na lei son'* 10.M"lNl"iTE~HAlh""cuhLBR. KIT — np.w. 671-0017. Three, bpitroomn. living room, kitrhrn ,T. KrMrl. Apply In pprann, Mr. Ennt- Originally $25, lined twice, $10. Hnn-Mrs. Bptta, 542-3M6 after 8 p.m. ATKI.Y - Swiss stock; show qualliy hath. Not far from ri>sldpncp b^th Sleam oil heat. Large porch. [ Four hpdrooms. l'a haths, eat-In female St. Bernard. Looking for a inR club. Asking S700 PACKER'S, [ kitchen, formal dining room, hasem I wirU. NATELRON'R ,1 KRIDK1, ann Hook 'n Stir hlend**r-cook*r, orig- CUrTAR - -DMT pi r.k-up SPECIALS AT SYCAMORE OREENF i Acre minus fif privacy. ?1*>R per month. Broarl nnri Front Sin., Rpd Rank, or inally $R0. like new, -T2.V B46-42BS. vibrator. Alao portable amplifier. Ilka proven fil re of slmtllar quality, pup Real EfilatF F-xcbflngo. R42-O24.1. Detached two-car garage. Im- phnn* 741-JSHOO for appointment Large nak pewg, J4S. Donri*. ?3W f Oil fi fi 7S7R0D2 : CROWBI.l, AOBNCY, 7fi W. Front St., 'xT. Rack, new. Quirk sale, S4S. 7R7-B1Rf>. each. Japanese rtnlln. 52.50. $3.SO, $ft. proved lot. Reduced to $23,00(1. 41-1(13(1, evenings 74KIIM. riRt hod, hpavy duty, 2" plank tlnor, FR1GIDAIRK STOVE AND REFRIG- Wash utanrt, J12.W. Silver trayn, Poodle BnchPlors At.Stud WANTED TO RENT Full tlm*1 fnr pummpr monUu. Rum &7.Y 7R7-filfifl. ERATOR -- In food condition. Cal J8.R0, tlO.50, J12..V). Outflonr rinwpr Ra re Rf>d Brown nr Hark Aprlr-of (More Classified Ads inn Kflun, Rtver Rd., Rumnntl. 842- 2IM-23H.V urnF, J7S pr. Mahogany IRth rrn- Toys 741.32.11 Minis R81R. ,,BnKS SIR up FILES, tables, chair* 4ury drop lpflf IBMP. S4H. Fo\ir chairs, WANTEn~T0""RENT ~~?hr**~ nr~iaur~ DENNIS K. BYRNE adding machinPH, typp writers, office OARAnE"~KbR SALE ~" Mn"st "he 512.A0 <*ftrh. Also Oriental TURF, paint- "ENGLISH" POINTER" PUPPIES - - bedroom homp in rolts NVrk Town- On The Next Page) equipment, etc. at bargain prices. moved, Latirenra Harbor. Rp.nt offer Ings, rlorkf, rarp rhlnR. glnsswnr** Registered Field trial, champion ship. Modernised farm home would he REALTOR - INSUROR ' ASSISfANf New or tJ-"Pd AAP DESK OUTLET, 566-542:1. and brir-a-brap. RMflCIIVP. 3R Ryca- background. Kxrpllent breeding, hunt- conpidprpd. Kxrpllent referpnepx. Ca 11 Rt ^i S31-3990. morft Ave, Little Silver. 74J-R50R. em or pet*. 77.1-172". S West River Road Rumson PLANT ACCOUNTANT OASAGE~s"Ai7R -~~221 HaVvVy~AVP." HOUSES FOR SALE Minimum 2 yearn pxperiencn or re- Llncroft, Fri., i to R, and Sat. 10 WE HAVE an overflow of hona fide Phone 842-1150 cent collpRe graduate with extensive to .1. AVP. nnrt MirlrllP Rrt., Hnlmdel, will prospects looklnR for two or four bed- MEMBER MULTIPLE (raining In cont ac^rounttnjr relating REAL ESTATE FOR RENT rooms. Call us for fast action lo have HAMMOND 20" SEARS fifolTlTABOtiT "~pxh~aiut hold a YARD SALE or furniture, brlr- FAIR HAVEN in nrwinrllon rout. *r><\ rsmt rontrol your home rented. THE BERC, AREN- LISTING tan In lltp npa' rnnrilltnn 122. a-brac, clothing, appllancPF, tools, rtr. APARTMENTS CY, Rt. .15, Mlddletnwn. 671-10(10. Clean, well-kept, two-bedroom Capft 842-26/i7 aftpr ."). Nn Ariliquen, fliPiut Coilrr.tnrn Urmrr. Corf Wtffl hascfnanf tn q»i'«f r#ii- Career opportunity with Urge tndus Sat., July 1H and 20. 671-1AA7. BEU~ENC.IN"EBB•"•- And sma 1 ffam trial company. Submit resume and DINING ROOM SET — Blond oak ta RED BANK lly wish to rent house near Holmd"! OCEANPORT - Spotless three dentlal ar»o. 'Excellent for retire- K.-'lary requirement* nr apply at Per- ORGAN "I7AWN~M0WER~-~- ^ap1*e~tRblV;"bed, old. ranch. Three bedrooms, iwo ment or newlyweds. Asking ii6,000. hie with leaf, four chafru, china clns- rocker, jscreens, nig, wicker, ninth ing Furnished for Sept.. Oct., Nov. Excellent refer- sonnel Office. Mon, thru Fri., from et. Good condition. $100. Call M2-220B 3^ rooms $140 ences. 741-4R81 I.anre. rooms. Screened porch, (r CAMASSA AGENCY, 9 a.m. until 12 noon. Rood junk, $1.00 up to $35. 462-1MM. 4Vj rooms $160 Fenced yard. Call 222-SM2. WICKER SOFAS - - (Twn) Chain KELVIN ATOR~FRl"GiDAIRE" -- In APARTMENT WANTF.II -- Vt, roomn. REAL ESTATE (fotin. Altio unuaual wicker iofahed Unfurnished In private home in good neighbor- 4 Parlor Rood Littl« Slfvtr LILY-TULIP CUP CORP. STUDIO Call 22!>-:il60. pond running condition. and good 3'4 rwmn HIS BhHpe. Call after fi p.m. 7fi~-MR7. 4'-j rooms $140 hood. Slid. 264-7(192. HOUSES FOR SALE 741-633A Hwv. 3 IS HolmnV OF ASBURY PARK COMPRESSOR — Mounted on wheel*. Heat and hnt-waier, cooking gas sup- An equal ftpparMmlty employer 'i h.p. motor, automatic awltch, 20 WEBCOR VISCOII NT""— Ta p«~~re en r d - plied. gnK lank. J7ft or will trade for hanr" er, $65. Call 842-1471, between 6-8 FURNISHED ROOMS FURNITURE" SALESMAN —"TimtiV- Opn d»llT 'Ml 8 — Sat 'tn p.m. Call rilate openlr.K for experienced mfin In ?aw or floor iitand drill preaa. Cal Bhorp'.i iqrgeiit store featuring lt»ad- 542-3S4S. THREEANTIQUE QUILTS ~ohV 747-42 33 LOVELY ROOM — Nicely furnished" HUGE SELECTIONS - V Private entrance. Close, to town. Call 1ns linn*. Top earnings. Phone Mr. TREMENDOUS SAVINGS C.E. PORTABLE DISHWASHER - kingslze, pair antique glann platPS, ^ED BANK — Cannon Point Vlllagft" Philip for appointment. 671-0400. G.E. dryer. $50 each. 747-5784, mom- banriflime. Bcdnpreadn. kitchen clock, garden apartments. Unfurnished. 239 ATUNTIC HIGHLANDS! $26,500 five, yards yellow Mllllken wollen. 671- r AUT0 Allf8CNTER CONSOLE PAN1O gALII InKa nr evening. Spring St. 3',-i room apartmpnt avail- F 0SNISHEr>~R6oM ""Woman only"." Stflp out your kitchen door to A hika in ih« woods, with com- Jobbing business. Must be p * Direct Blow Action 22.12. fthfe. All electric. See Manager, Apt. Re.sJriential section. Call pncpfi. Prrmanent posttinn with all • Ful! 8S Note Consolt OARAGE^SALB — i^»rparTor~tiihi« "F BNnER BA ND MASTER AMP Ll^" E-9. 7U-S073 pl«t« privacy horn th'n thrttt bftdroom rfinch, featuring brick * LlffiUmP Guarantee J.\ Otlora closet. JS.M, tnoln, Jl. etc fir«placft in living room and w/w carpeting throughout. A benefit* nnd room for advancement, • SPECIAL PRICE t*U. .11 South SI., Red Bank. FIER - Two channels, four inputn. KEANSBURO — J'nur rooms »nd KEANSBUTCG Free rnom and f'all A42-26O0. Tremolo. Volume, bass and treble bnth. Paneled llvlnp room ani. kitch- hoard In guest house as evening cus- charming spot at $26,500.00. MOnERN BIX-PTECE TUNIOR IS control. Two 12" Lansing speakers. en. Near beach. $R5. R42-3620. todian. Tall 7R7-n6M nil day Sunday YOUNG MAN - • Over 18. for boat UIHO k K&mlln — Kn^be — Sahmer — ING HOOM SET — PO. Call 281 SO watts. Asking JV75! ("nil 671-1?R9. yard work. All year position. Apply Everett — Jansien — H&mmond PIh 6H7 "L"0NO BRANCH" -~Siimmer~~rPntaJ. URNfSHEn ROOM Belween Rt. UpECIAiTVALUES '~"ThrVp~foid~bed-' SANDY HOOK BAY MARINA, I wn- Furnished four-mnm npartment. Now- and Rt. 3fi, Palmer Ave. Call 7R7. HORBY HORSE — Llkp new. $8. Vtroom acroon, J3.S0. 4 Rrentwnod ly decorated. Air conditioned. 22fl-15?tf. 7^ low St., Highlands. 775-9300 h.p. electric motor, J5. 14" tire chains, rhairK, $fi.M) each. Mirrors. SI f>0 BOAT ENTHUSIAST! $14,900 MEN - - Handy with tooln. wiTllnR »2. Call 7R7-7728. fiood solid or draw em, RED RANK - On« rnonVtyth kitch- Located directly across from Marina and beach. work. Apply .SOB Prospect Ave,, Little 300 MAIN ST. ASBUKY PARK, N.J. S1B.W). Bathroom plate glass mlrrorn, "SE>TVERGE~ APARTM ENTS en prlvlleRes. ^\ Silver. SEAMLESS ?3.K0 ench. Early Amrrfcfln revpn H42-.W77 / Year 'round homa with qas h.w.b.b. .heat, 2 bed- w M T foot wing-hack couch, $80. 18th Cen- LUXURY APARTMENT *IN STOREf - Furniture handler riER - - ?20. Lawn Bny 1R" pn Aluminum White Gutte.r. Heavy gauge TJARC.E STUDIO' P^DKOOM - And roomi. Living room and kitchen. Calf foday. maintenance man. Experience, pre- (032) ConrealM hanRlnfr ayntem (not tury BPVPn piece dinette set, $89. ON THE OCEAN bath. Call 747-1041 after .S rTrti. 94B- ferred, hut not necessary. Excellent op- mriwpr. J2S. r.irln 2B" blryp.lp, $15. Couch, $43. Also miscellaneous fur- Stpampr trunk. SS. Typewriter and Juit nallfd up-. Call for free ontimat*. niture and household effect« nf every LONG BRANCH M«l. p> portunity fnr reliable perflon. Call 671- «Un ^08R796 or write. Lenape TERRACE-SW1MMINO POOL. SOTGLI? ROOMS' --"~n]e»n. conC Box 2*1N, Hnnrta, N.J. 07871. JAOOBSEN RIDING LAWN MOWER Almnnl new mnttre?«, $100. ShiOlnw --Javelin. 26" cut. S22S. Call wfU pump, *40.. Call 2B1-26BI. JN. FROM $140 fortahle. Reasonable. Gentleman pre\ ferred. 32 Wallace St., 741-M92. GR- SEWING MACHINE UNPAINTED FURNITURE 747-0221. • ~V_ 3>5 OCEAN BI,VD. 500 HWY. 36 872-0001 HIGHLANDS OPERATORS NATIONAL ELECTRIC CASH REG 229-3371 RED BANK LUMBER ISTEIt — Adds, auhritr»ct«. JUS. call MACHINERY FOR SALE > Now open 7 days a week 'til i P.M. All clftflsrn. Benefltfi. Inquire X to 4:3fl after ,"i p.m. 264-1587 RED BANK — I anfl 2- bedrormr frar- Monday through Friday, Lucy's Sports Pearl and Wall. I\ed Bank. 741-5500. ll)S2~CHEVRbLET TRIJOK-- % tonrlen aparlmrntH. unfurntnhed. Heat REAL ESTATE FOR SALE weir. 226 W. Front St.. Htti Bank. ""uiOYnLBS AND TRICYCLES — ForREKRl'aEBAToil - - InternaTliTna with Lincoln wpldlnfr machine, v gas- and lint water. Starting at J12.V For Sale. Also repair* done. Shop open al Hnrvpfltpr. fiO lb. freezing Rpa.cP. Uf> oline Driven. *60fl. 264-74S!). appointment. Call Mr. Lnm«w.o, 741- HOUSES FOR SALE ft fj A i-l Fjo J ^\ I iff t'JI IJ ct KT 1 I'JI ^k)l/l i . - - , - Exrpllpnt rnntlltlnn. Call 842-1426. —Full limp, for new Little Silver of year Spencer R. l.utz, 121 Poole Ave. 91 IS. Union Beach. 2M-80K. FOR THE YOUNG COUPLE ON THE flee. Multiple Listing mpmher. Al RED BANK Unfurntahrr! thrpp.-room 00. Attractive two-betlroom Caps Cod. Inquires confidential. Camus** Apen "MISCETXANEOIIS* - End tables $2 51" J50. CR!1 MERCHANDISE WANTED cy, 74]-fi33fi, nr write TO Bnx 26, Bat apartmPnt. Modern kltrhen. Ceramic Terfect for a utarter home. Rustic, tmch. Odd chairs $3 each, lamps $2 ANTIQUES — Tiffany items, toys, fur- tile hath. First rlonr. 842-3490. beamed celling In living room. Eat-In tinn B, Long Branch. »ach. Kitchen net 512, couch J10. T.V. kitchen. Expansion possibilities. Low VERSATILE RECORD COLLECTION niture, china, paintings, statuary, coins, FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, "PTZZA MAKER AND'COOK"—""ALSO Sin. Other Items. 787-81M. - -Ten 33 L.P. albums, stereo and hi lighting fixtures. Carved oak dining taxes. Eliminate your landlord and on large estate, Holmdel. ?175 persave monev. Offered at 516,000. E.A. TtECORATOR coordinated motjern fl, S12 complete. 542-1839. room pieces. Copper Kettle Antiques, month, utllltlen Included. Call after Oalihumt. 5S1-16M or 3M-O892. ARMSTRONG} AGENCY Realtor, ,1.15 CAM. S!)MW21 fnrntturp - Living room net $12.1. Teak CHNE MODERN ROYAL BLUE RE 6, 671-HS6. Prospect Ave., Little Silver. TU-^VtO. RAY TH COUNTY ATsVcTatlon tilnlnjc net $1.10. Two Cabin Craft are- CUNER CHAIR — S50. One tiflite rug!'. J40. 542-4694. COLLECTOR — Wants old toy trains KINO JAME3 APARTMENTS — Val- Benlnr Inc. finds Jobs for leather Colonial rorker, S6fl. Excel- any cnndltlon. Pay caah or will trade. ley Drive. Roule 3G, Atlantic High- INTERESTED IN A NEW HOME? — oldpr pr.oplp wanting part-time work SELLING OUT lent condition. Inquire R42-25fiS. H.O.. 027. 0, standard gauge. 774-.1710. lands. Three miles from Sandy Hook We. have many choice locations In the fl N. -Mh Avp., Long Branch. Mo" NEW FURNITURE SAMrLKS r Stain Park. One-and two-bedroom Mlddletown - Atlantic Highlands n rcn Fri., 10 a.m.-* p.m. 229-2!H7i No (PPS SCOTT TV CONSOLE - W screen WANT TO BUY OLD COINS AND where custom constructed new homes OPEN TO 9 Pcrtecf condition. J50. Call TOY BANKS — Call units. Furnished or unfurnished. Swlm- ranging from $16,000 to $35,000. tire to »HORT~OSF)ER frOOK - -~~i~ir.m~- Triple d Tenner, mirror, bookcase-bed 842-Hlfi 229-S22R mlnK pool and recreation area. Patio be built For rompiete detalln call p.m. Mon thru Fri. M2-177R for ap-Riant chest, bedroom, J100. Odd chests or balcony, each unit. Rent from $132, MULLANEY REA_LTY. fi^LM. dressers, J30. Full size innersprtnK 'MOVIr«r~ABfioAD - Mnny Senii APPROXIMATELY 70,000 BTU upIncludin- g heat and hot water. 291-0770. NHORN polntmenl. Hlde-a-t)pd mattressPR, $10. R«nulne priced for quick sale. Three cheslfl of right gns space heater. In good cnndl. TWO-BEDROOM modern apartment "BXPEniENCBP REAL ESTATE firnwer.i, one newtng machine, lamp, tlnn, needed for camp. 741-3361. EFFiciKNCV" APARTMENT~- - Two Stfiepmate Hollywood twin herts com rooms. Kitchen. One bedroom. Bhow- for nalc Recently palntPd, kitchen SALESPERSON - - Nppricd for active plete with hnarthoardv *M». Many liv HI Ft amplifier, hathinptfe, strnir just rcfinlshed. Fcnreri-in yard. Call office. Mrmnnr of Rpri Bank Arpa. Irnn and small portable TV. Eaton- OIJ5ruluRirXlur7 er. Near Rlvervlpw Hospital. Pri- fnr appointment after fi p.m. M2-S253. AGENCY and Northern Monmnuth Multlpl' Ins ronm, dining rooms. Save hun town. 542-9106. Klaaswnre. art objects and hrlc-a-hrac. vate entrance. Write Hnx A-JRn, The Msllng Services. Cull 2!)l-isnn [nr In dre,d« or dolUrs. immediate cash for anything and ev-Dally Refilstcr, Red Bank, N. J. "cUSTOMlZBirilA.NCH"- - Central sir- Wft give free delivery, credit and MR CONDITIONER — Ffrl'dfrii, He erything. RuscU'a 25 East Front SI., te.rvlew. THE TURTIN AnENr'.Y IDS — 3'-^ rnnms condttlonlnK and heating. Four bed- JREAl.TOn, 21) Vnmferbllt Ave.. Leotittup. hue monel, 1 h.p., Excellent condl 7.(1-1683: rooms, lnrge living ronm, i fireplace i Hon. $100. 747-3.TIR. Quiet hn\iac. Fine nectlon. 6 Third nHrdo. IRWIN'S "ANTIQUES — Palntingl, rTj. AHUT Ave., 2fll-M37. nver-5l?.ed (am lly mom ' l'vlng room wilh lwttons. and community experlpnci AKC-K-0 CLUB CUTIER -- Welsh ter- rr>om, kitchen, and Bhare halh, apart- fireplace. Formal dining, finished Newly pninled eiqht-room Colonial. 2'i hoths. Less than 10 years nlrt. (leslrahle Run your center with l OO-CAhT'-'- Mar Bnglnp, disc brakpj. 2*1% Norwood Ave., LntiR Rrani-.h. hnjtcmPnt. Two car attached gams'1. Wooded acre plot. Fl replace. Woll-to-woll cnrpellnq Ponl nnri fencing. npw »llch«. to o. J12S. Viking riars, Yorkshire terriers, •bpagles, Tc~ ment. Private entrance. 741-2836. rmploycn's. Call L'29-W^OO. Kxt. -»7 for K klnRPse, Toy fox tprrlerfl, Schnauzfjrs, Walk inn d lst» nce. in nrhnnln and Garage. Storm windows. Dishwasher. AH this tor 137,500. Possession appointment. Hours {M. Hrrni-p. M»ln St.. Kpanaburg. BEST TOP SOIL Frottips, tnbuiom T)nnp\ PMXMPS, Bnn. MATAWAN BOROUGH - 3'.3 and" 4'* rhiirrhos. $:il,000. 741-WWP. September, An equnl opportunity employer li*ANSEN mMPETITOR SllftK Ofwd fill dirt, bine fltnnr. mad; yrnvel nrlR, and many morn available. Ron- mom, ntr conditlnned gnrrien nparf- ROARD -- fin''. Ilniispd. Cntt J1H5, 5find, Trunktng, Morttanvtlle ING ALL BRERD9 K-!» Oluh, 3 ERHt or Sept em her nempnncy. Private RUMSON HIGH SCHOOL Apply Doris A Kd's fleafond Rpsta' swim club. MARO HAMPTON APTS.. APARTMENTS Brick find Irnme Colonial. Fiv* bedroom1; Three Hlpd bctlh\ Beoulllul rant. M Shore Or . HlRhlands. «72-l.16.iS SUPraVEna - - I'lastlp. or material. 501-0707. _ Front St., Rfd Bank. 7*7-36.14. pin flltPd, 520, tipholstPry, U0. 2fl Malnwnn Ave, hoi worn Ravine. Dr. «ot-ln kitchen. Panflled den Fireplace Laundry room Full basement. REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON AOOn ABLE COLUK PIT PS — AKO ami Ahrrdcon Rd. Tel: SRR-701P Lovely nld trees. Circular driveway. Transferred owner asking $57,500. yparn pxpprlpnr.e. 22'2-R7(H. Ilkp new, $<0. Keyntone elertrlr pye R wppkn old, champion on hoth nfdes, Plenty of cllenls. Member of milltl- KDuMR Adults only. $12ft. RED BANK p|p HslInK servlrp. GoIflPn opportunity Fort TTIE"PEHFECT 7.nom R mm mnvle. cftmerq nnd prn- Rennnnnnly pricrri. S42-4fi4fi. Jertnr, $50, Tfllt 671-fiOfl jifter 3 p.m Call 741-5234 afler Ask rnr Mr Kretowlcz; ADAM AGEN- OOWN Brldp»mald drpflnpn nnd al LIQUIDATION r 1 r>.m._ 804 Rivor Road 747 - 4100 Fair Haven, N.J, CY, n i. sow. nr.cpssrartPl" wltli Indlvldnnl ppraonal CO M PUTIN H SHALES — HnnRlnR now Innper.tlnn, J!7.S. Pnny mnrp nr\t\ lll'S nruVEriH Male srirl femsle.. nprvlrp <';ill VlrRtnla Klmhnll, Prep iirnle with pnn. Cnll roll nt her nliie, bnlh for J7."S. Wrslprn THE LOOnE APAUTMENTR REALTORS ImM. -tSK-7773. RHildlp. hand (of>{pd, JtM. Kngrlish ffnd- K^anshurp, Well furnl.ihrd thr^n-rnnm ADVANCE Township residents. Full and part- dip, 110. 3x* fence poxlx, 3So en.a parimrnt Mnrliln kitchen. Hie hath, time. Mlrldletown Township Ron rd of PING PONG TOPS MOVINTt SOI.ITH In twn wppks Se flRM laundrom«l. Parking. Y^n r-round E'lucatlon. 67l-:l»Ml. inn ninny Itpms. 1'phnlFtr»ri"d rnrvrd montlilv includes utllltiepi Adull". Durable, homogenized, nn wnxp board 1 In preen and In regulatioti HI/.P, fi' «rin rhnir; nntlrin' rnrkpr* ,t mnrhl 17 rolling RI.. 7H7-15W, SHOWING! HAIRDRESSERS top rnticf In hie; Mnnnnvos 'TV and $80 A MONTH" Oonxitit: two p)r>r.M, boIJi /or $H.&H EAST KKANSRURt; Thrpn rlcnn •lock, flee to- helipvp sfflnd; glttMWRrf, fir.. THONK' 741 hnrf(f> bnx it nil nnd pasture lnnludlnK EXPERIENCED. EXCELLENT 1017. yniir rhnlr.n nnd fl.ninunt of fppri. MM- iriorlprn ronrrif* AM titflfffpii Luxury Hi-Rise Apt. lilPtnwn-Hnlmdrl «.rrn. 67J..MHK), 7R7-0BS2 SALARY. BENEFITS. CALL RED BANK LUMBER MATTRKRa -*"•' ?'iill alxe KnKl-indnr SKA BUir.HT ;P room npartrnpni Living On Beautiful JVarl_nnd Wull, Rprl nank. 741-rV">fM» fnnm rnhher. with hrndhnnrd F.xml TOY POODLE Nlrtn moptha nld, 3 ILLMENSEE 566-1777 or 566-8231. Irnt condition. 747-ISR72 rpmnlc bliirk Kxrellrnt rolnts. Must Prlvnip rnlrnnrf>. Overlnnks nrenn. SPII. mil 9 lo IS, 2HI-24O0. After (t, pool nnd henrli prlvllc^-H, Adults "ii Navesink River VfOH STYLIST TART-TIMF. Sal RENT A~"V/~~ KRIOAY" " AND RATfTRDAY i V2 aiu ly. .?I2rt weekly- Cnll 717-MM) «flfr AGENCY ary cntnparnhle to experience. Cull or or hlack and while. Pny. wrek I.ii I,Ike now rug runhlnn, Iflxin H177H51 nr 22'J-74.'1R. month. Low ralcji. nAYRIiniiK TV •112. fltudpnfn ripsU. |R. Mnpl" hi'iln .FiniRTMnisn COLLIE 1 , 7 nnd l-UFDROOM ond Fenmlf1, six wpehn. RKAL ESTA f F. aAl.ESPBnSON .1(1 rhurrh St.. KpannhurR. 787-^00 *:(. Knultfl.i rnrrr hlkn. *1R. .lie »nw PENTHOUSE APARTMF.MTS RT, 34 462-3172 COLTS NECK Vi. PliitnlnTfl fltilnRfl, stock nnd die 7R7 M.'n Onoil opporlltnlly. fall 0411.4144. Tsui vox n^Rs AMPI.IFITSR JIWI, 'H«K- COMMKRCUL RKNTALS $* rtpc cuilnr, VV Otlnr fliinrcdrt'nl ATI H ADO II AKr ('hninplnnslrrd nfiouttlullv (tifnishffri lobby wHM ?4- Rtryker ARency. • tpom hncn KiiKnr, *\m, mil Ininp, %V2. TCloctrli: molorc. ^'t [.nrgr \u. finoimnn lervicr Heal fit! iwim- Oldest Real Estate Firm in Colti Neck "NURSE'S A1TIF.S ANP ORIIEfU.IES 741 nm;; mr>nt mixing pnn. Jil npnrllrm vvXnKHousE sronXnE SPACB -• nnd r'pnrly fnr rrlrlc\or tralnliiK. fJi*»- mina pool wild \nckr, loomi, (aban — All shlfls SI 70 per hour. Full Trlnne MAHOflANY nKOROOM " flWT nrtn. Morn houarlinld llPin-i illii Approximately 131X1 su fl. Call Plnyrd. 4fl Hiihhnrtl AVP,, PIVPT Pln/n tip with rhlldron. TU-rtOI.S, 747 IIIIO ns, out) snirno hot In If KCI. lo trn- tieneflts, r>O NOT TlinNK. npr>ly In pn-pIPri', Mite n»• w. Ai>UInR fHi Whon buyinr) or mlling in Colti N*ck — For qu'ck r»»ulti person weekdays 10 a tn. tn ^ p.m. 7fl7-ft4RR. pnNlEfl rtPKiflerrd W'clnh, two- REPAIIATK ntlll.niNn FOR I.KASIT ont^l Prlvot* ninrinti lf>0% lnrtoor Atlantic HlBlil«n IRMP, *UirH< RrKlfllcicd We lull RCf'HnR ,'i yrnrn flnclt. }$(m mi It niNlltlnnal sluruK'-. blrip, wIMi hi j.prrri fievntot^ All nptv cull lh« Rusltor who knowi lh« nr«n. mlrrnr. ExrrHenl c. milt Inn fall 2fH- cfiin-h. WfHtlnRhnUAf rlprlrli'. rnnnlcr r > l • | |-2 hnnds. JflMl, Blre Holly Run LlKht manufarlurlnE. Cnll 747-1101V hove hnlconle\ wllli fiver vlcw* On- IITfiT, Aflcr fl p.m.; nil Hny H«|. andKltrhen tnhle nnd cltAlrc, pnrrh fur- Rciclirt. nnlll out of Impnrted F-npliMi trnl air rmirilllonlna Tnppon huilt In niture. Mlnr.eltAneoim hotinetiolrl Itcmw •Mill) HQ." FT. COMMEItniAI.' SI'ACF, Run mil rr. Cull H1-SR77, 10 to 6 p.m. M'i- woll ov*fu nnrl rnimter lop ranofis' SITUATIONS WANTED-FiMiialc Rfinnnnnlili*. fil nrftnjm Avf , KBII Available on Newman HprtnRS Road, hF.RK TnblrH. chi-ntu, rhnlm, '['V, Mnvrn, 47*fl PVi'lllllRA I Rhrewshury. Immediate (M-rnpsncv Pormlro kitchen cnhlnrU ond work If W« Don't Answer Your Calls •li". I'mler .510. VJ'-i Mon. thru fill WHART-NKMKTH AHKNCY, 741- orroi less Hid" 1 tiour lo HY( , ^0 FiimjcrrrvI'IHILI HT(fi) rioo flffinvirk NBEDKM r Krl. 'iH PnrKfr PI . Rhrewrthury, 'n.K. FIP1 nun, lo Nwk 10 nrlti. Hi>m hea h, WRITINd. TYPINfi, I.K'ITKKR 224H. I mm cilI ntcI y Any imp trlorcntrd In 3 blocks from tmirn nnri txpres* WR3 SI'IiriAKCf-.n. T7.v:l2.'pl WOMEN'S HW1MHU1TR * HIIOttTR B«!w«(in July I 5(h nnd July 20lh Pl««i« Iry 747 H113 hmedIn* Ihflr hlnrk Iny ponfllc with ruFKIf'R'siMTK 7M sit ft. In ex- hll^e^. llAnYdiTTINd In my lintn» five ilavs ...ilium mn Ki' nl '}">'•',< nff rpRular 1 price. HAM UN.M Kit Ml,ATT, \Hi liny lm\ ffir R 1'HiM'y *» ''•e, en II M ^ ••pili-lil Incnllon. Desirable for any pr«- 1 week. In East Kennsl.urit sres. oil etc. AVP., HlRhliuiil". TMH. fe^iiion Cull 717 3730 lielwi'cn 9 nnd ."• AqAin. WB rn prnbflbly fll 7«7 L'.V!< 2flt'.1A,12 JHIHff HBTTFiH PUPIMKR • PIIAM ,ri«l St) FT I.KIPIT ninmifsrturlnis FRIGIDAIRE ~" WILL fl() IRONINC, AT HnMF. r, F, WAPIIEIl IHlYKft COMniNA- l,ift fur lease. Cnll r n Hifi7 riiirrn ponf ABI,K rni.nii noN nnwn .miiN CROWI.K.Y, DMiwasheri nnd )} ru. II. J diior lilt Apply M> West Pt. TION ^• » . TniMinn pnn rnngp, |sn. NKW nunp:\VRnmiY. [^."^4110 117 lino lleil Hunk TV line only. Animmr low mnnlhly nymenl". r,oinc nrr, you'll mivc M PltOli'PlfiHIONM, 110(1 (snonMINI III HIIX STAI.I. IIOIIHK 11A11N I'"' niCLIAHLE WOMAN Willies tn take MoVINr, TO l-'l-OHIliA RplllnR i-'lifKloni*. White Rt. mill Munir Av«., AKO puppies. A|i|Hilnlment only s.ilc or n'lil Ai'/ulnu-nt Air enn,!! i)l furnllurt nml niipllnnrrs. (Ul-I)ll-M cure of children In Irrr fioffie. Will slsn h tfil OflnJi. 7*7 -ft70f), tlnllrd offtiv. *fc mill- liiilllllif; IDifU ho.rd If ileilre.l Cn.ll 7»7-2fiT I' MFFICIH (nip or Iwn innni- All fiMNTI.IOMAN riR years (»f SKP. very •Inthlriff, ftl«. f-Vt , I tf> f>, Hn1 , » In fiFKlrnua of position In Monmimili MM VINO KIinM Ml til t ft HOiiM '2 n Hrnr« pi., numnon. AKO MINIATllltIO Rr.t1NM!7.nRH si'ri'tre,! «mnll hlllMlllc Meat lorn T 0 WE R S HOI INK, Can't inko It all. Helllnu linn. II|I|»IKII0 Rlinilnwhrnnli 7 IT -.Mill FIREMEN'S FAIR C'.untv i.r sdlacenl arrs for whl.-li Ntnn wi-nlts old. lini-kerl. i:inp|ifd. 1 (nllnwlnit i|ll«ll(v: AR. sn.l I, I. H r|e- innip fiiniMur* . nnllqiif", oildn nnd lfi Psper llnlncil PlU-erl $VJn In KACTOItV "It WAHRlMOIlBKi New 20 Riverside Avo. 'iidx 'Jfl nevenlh Ave , Atlnntir !ll h- Jflft, oil 671- «re.'«, nine ypam pxperlenre „ I'nN K »2(»l. Call aMer « pin MI-7.1S7, (1IHI0 si| fl. Also Iwn-slory hull'lltiK Rod Bank, N. J. TRACT MIMINIRTIlATIllN. I""' iituix friniiiiion'Kn'NNKi, offers doi- Moniiiouth (bounty. 77n-O4(HI yen > In PRIIHONNK.L nn.l LAHdff 1OTPOINT ItKFHIflpmAton •AUPKV '-- ihHtti, "n'i't n rv>llfo, chllimiliiia mm mlnlmure "SEE YOU THERE" nr.LATIoNB, elBhl ye»r« In Invpstl 1 TWO of [•'«'«: tuioMtt yon KKNT (Irnlol O»lc«: M nivi Milt AM. Ksllf.n. settlement and trial of CA E P17.IT. It TuTtfliidi (!n'»l ivnrh - ('nil f'lncher puppies Wnrinnl and Inot-u- In th" allllmiin hulldln«, Ills nrnnrt DUALITY INRIIHANfTi t'LAIMf ((.iwiHinn %:\tt M^-'.'Idft alrrl «7MRlln. St , nluinshury, Heal ami elei'lii'i'v Phono: 741-1732 M' of Pennayhsnlii HAIt Wil'r ( 1Anp BAYK MIIIKB, iimiFchnid •nil lilOTLANn PONY Saddk «nd Influded in rnnl HlK prlvatr i«nrkttlK Op«n 1(1 A.M. to *• P.M. Dnlly I" » V . ':.! Manor |ir ,.ltr>l lunk, or KICK IiKHK Mnh'i((«nv, 1'J 'x >ntl , Red Bunk, 5f|l»n 741R(in(l. lialr, H* HOUSES FOB SALE HOUSES FOR SALE DAILY REGISTER, Friday, July *968 | BOUSES FOB SALE HOUSES FOB SALE BOUSES FOB SALE BOUSES FOR SALE "pftfftY~ANb PRACffCAT MJDDLETOWN HOUSES FOB SALE HOUSES FOR SALE ' |I8,99O -•• A RARE BUY # HEDGEFIELD VitJHTH-ltTHUOfB — Tim- E — nrea-tovlr oom brick 10 »ein 'A4 «f)U l»v*l.' C),,Act hnil THE BER& AGENCY Cwport, iloitig twin, ttMthti H*r* l« * v* ttu ts.rz lore lion, rwr fat'tfwjmw, living Iwdroont ri.ncb. Biwlietrt Ivculuo. h„ u b*w well -. cwi of by frjijfn, dtn.fnjf a re*. f>&n t.n cxpreis buiei and •hopping. veti no down Vets no down. FHA -minimum down, INCUJD1NO ... PHA J&O0 down Excellent Area Payments approximately $168 per month BEACH AGENCY, t KITCHEN AID DISHWASHER Broker Willing owner will help a sincere buyer. Lack of cash won't KIRWAN CO., REALTORS 18* Hlglmiy #35 Mlddlrtown, N. J. stop you now. Three bedrooms, formal dining room, large liv- • G E SELF CLEANING OVEN CampbelU Junction, Belford. Open 7 Day* 6(2-20:6 787-5500 KVEB: 531-47M ing room with fireplace. Tiled bath. Plenty of nice shrubs and • AMERICAN OLEAN TILE FLASH'! Subject to Government approval. PaymcntJ Approximate trees. City sewers. • SELECT OAK FLOORS Qualifielerd Buuyera THREE-BEDROOM — Two-baUi house. VETS NO DOWN NON VETS $600 DOWN . AMERICAN STANDARD CLIMATE CONTROL HEAT Zoned for busineis or Income proper- ty. Second floor could be rented, kitch- RIVERVIEW COLONIAL • STEEL GIRDERS ON THE MORTGAGE MARKET en and bath already Installed. Ex- Enjoy the beauty of the boats on the terior to be painted. Excellent invest- N lives Ink from your Ilvlnp room win- $27,990 • 6" INSULATION ment. 128,100. dow. A charming <*ape Cod. Vive bed- rooms or four and s den. Two tiled 842-0110 bat In, XV pane-led gameroom, hasp- Sprawling Rancher SI. Leo's Parish - Convenient To Lincroft-Eatontown Area. merit, screened porch, two-car garage. EDWARD A. HANLON Deep tree ohaded yard. Fair Ilaven- % Acre Lot Directions: Corner Rt. 537 and Swimming River. Rd., west to REALTOR Ktimson school*. Asking $30,900. Call WE HAVE MONEY! today, we have the key. Immediate Unbeatable value at a realistic price. Professionally land- Lakeside Ave. R04 Shrewsbury Ave., New Bhrtwsbury occupancy. scaped. Complete cyclone fencing. Three twin size bedrooms, HALL BROS., Realtors formal dining room, ultramodern kitchen, V/i baths, huge PHONE P. T. LAHIFF FHA MINIMUM DOWN PAYMENTS HOUSES FOE SALE 813 Klvcr Rd. 741-78S6 Fair Haven Member Multiple Listing Service living room. Attached garage. Seven years young. Carpeting 20% DOWN (CONVENTIONAL LOANS Oprrt 7 Ray> included. 946-4828 RUMSON HOLMDEL VETS NO DOWN NON VETS §2,090 DOWN TO QUALIFIED BUYERS) Four-b«droom naturfll ahafct shingle WATERFRONT Cape Cod on full acre. Two-car ga- Daily 9-9 Saturday and Sunday 10-7 This tlght-yior-old ham* it lur- rane. Fireplace In living rootn. full HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE rounded by ihade trits and has dining room and full basement. T>rn Middletown 671-1000 protected onchoraoe tor your boot. may be naed aa fifth bedroom. Taxes HOLMDEL LET US GIVE YOU DETAILS Built by one of our finest bulldtrs. J747. AsklnK S^r..7 .*> f'AUI, V. Z&l*. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS LER8, Realtor, SH6-4U3. l rriESTlOE AREA Centtr hall floor plan. Living room Three-bed room house. 1 i bathJ, living MOVE IN BETOBE SCHOOL STARTS ON HOW TO TAILOR-MAKE with fireplace, large dining room, HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE mom, dining room, kltchi'n. hot wati-r sunny eat-In kitchen, targe paneled haaelmani lipat. Full basemrnt. two- ! family room and 20' x 15' rear porch HOUSES FOR SALE i**ir grirace. Washer anrl dryer. IMslOO I.arse flvr-bpdroom, 2 4 bath. Colonial, THE FINANCING ON THAT opens off kitchen. Basemen), hot KEEP YOUR COOL corner Jot. Very good nelghtwirhoiKl. with p,it-in kitchen Rnd paneled recrp- City sowerage and water. J16,9W). allon room with fireplace. Select your water heat, double oarage. A new In Uiis Invely Little Silver home. Cen- colors now. $54,000, NEW HOME TO YOUR SITUATION listing, call right away. Asking S49,- REDDEN AGENCY tral alr-rondltionlni: inside, with a cool 750. prove of trees outside, '.j acre of ex- f ENJOYI ENJOY! cellent lawn and plantings. 30x13 liv- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS p'oiir-bptiroom, '2 a bath, Colonial rnr.fh 741-9100 ing room-dining room combination, Four-bedroom, l-'.i bath Colonial In with paneled family room, laundry Magnificent Sunrises and lumets family tof>m openM to yard. Three bed- excellent condition. Living room, din- room, and two-car garage. Situated on from a majestic Victorian, com- rooms, lM.j baths. Two-car attached ing room, kitchen, full basement, hot fully wooded one-acre lot. $50,000. Realtor - Insuron garage. Walk ta R.R.. station. In top water baseboard, henl. Dishwasher. pletely remodeled. Tennis on condition. Many extras. Asking only City sewerage and water. Large lot. 5X1,500. Call us today! $23,500. MARSHALL P. WHITFIELD THE DOWSTRA AGENCY your own lawn. Swim, Ski, Fish Memhar of Red Bank Heal to ra from your own dock. Multiple Listing HALL BROS., Realtors THE BROOK AGENCY S. Hnlmdel ltd. Holmdol 9ifM47,1 91 E. Front Street Red Bank REALTORS 813 River R/1. 7-11-7686 Fair Haven ANNE -B, MARTIN, Keillor LIVE IT UP! Member Multiple Listing Service Two-bedroom year round home. Com- 113 River Rd. 741-7636 Fair Hovefl QUIET FAIR HAVEN NEIGH Open 7 Pays Bank Buildinr "••'••itic HiKhlan'Is Member Multiple Listing Service $52,500 231-1717 pletely renovated. New bath, new heat- 741-8700 OPEN 7 DAYS BORHOOD - Well kept three- ins, repafntwi, A-I shape. Overlooking bedroom ranch on dead-end ACREAGE, HORSE LITTLE SILVER Sandy Hook Bay. Better hurry. $15,1)01). LARGE FAMILY? street. Living room with stone . COUNTRY COUNTRY SETTING Excellent Investment. Two bed room \ Twelve rooms enough? With 12'-i beautiful acres in real horse and bath downs tat ra. one bedroom fireplace, country style kitchen, country go with this four-bed room A wealth of extras and quality work: and bath upstairs. Large living room, woods, fifty mile viaw, private manship are in this home. Located on klli-hen, etc. Act now. ?20,5O0. V/i baths, full basement. Nicely house, needing some renovation. Fast a quiet country street but close to bsach, plus a second six-room running brook stocked with trout. stores, school* and train station. 29,000. If location ii first with you, than chack thii dnirabla thraa badraom Ranch" irrShrawibury. Owner transferred. Priced to sell ~RUM8ON RANCH — With lot on la- 1 /ocnted fin Tuxedo ltd,, Kumson. Call $41,000. McALISTER AGENCY, Real- Quiet rciidantial irraat, tint school sysfam: AND, wt fhinlr, a ntighborhooa iacond fo nonal REAL ESTATE THING — Two-story older home 741-1200. tors, 109 E. River Rd., Rumson. 842- goon. Three bedrooms, two baths, llv- This's bast buy at $31,900. in good condition. Living room, 1891. ing room, dining room, kitchen, den, REALTOR . TOWNHOUSE — $17,800 basement. Enclosed porch, double ga- large dining room, den, eat-in rage. Hot-water heat. Immaculatt MEMBER OF MULTIPLE CORNER LOT SHREWSBURY condition $19,750 SWIM AT HOME! LISTING SERVICE kitchen, three bedrooms, VA Pretty two-story home in very good Charming older home In perfect con- Pool foai with Calonial, of four badrooms, 2'/i baths, dan, Icitchan, dining room and living condition. Two bedrooms and ceramic dition. Tfcreft bedroom*, two baths. SCHANCK AGENCY baths, full basement. Priced to Living room with fireplace, den with room with firaplacc, patio, basamant and garaga, acr* woodad lot with privacy. Plus axtrai, tile bath, Spanish style kitchen beauti- 24 BAY AVENUE & sell. $14,750. fully done. Living room end dining, many book shelves. 8ltuated in hla- REALTOR •n Cul-Da-Sac. Excallant valut at $37,500. room or den. lively cool porch with torlc section of Shrewsbury. $27 500 1 STEAMBOAT LANE awnings. Full basement. Two-car Ra- LAWLEY AGENCY 8 Linden PI. Red Bank RETIRING OR JUST MAR- rago. Jmt rertUPfrt. In $17,800. Mr- 747-0397 Evei, Sun: 7I7-10M til BROAP ST. SHREWSBURY, N. J. HIGHLANDS, N. J. ALISTER AGENCY, "Realtors, 109 K. Realtor- Insurors RIED? — Ideal home for either River Rd., Rumson. 842-18&4. FRESH ~AS~PAMr~~ Op*n7D«yi 741-5212 TracU-lns 872-1600 in Fair Haven. Living room, Established 1932 And It Is! Tills eliarmlnr Little Silver MONMOUTH BEACH home has a iovely country kitchen, electric kitchen, two bedroom's, 741-6262 three bedrooms, a den, gameroom and COLONIAL * full basement. Private yard. 543^00. bath, Expansion attic. Good Five bedrooms. Immediate occupancy. RUMSON STERLING THOMPSON * ASSOC., mortgage assumption. Asking Ocean view. Furnished. Assume 6Co Realtors, 45 W. River Rd., Rumson. mortgage. $6000 down, J262 per month. EXECUTIVE SPECIAL 747-0000. $16,000. Value at $30,000. Tall trees on private acre provide beautiful background for stately south- MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE LILLA SVENDSEN ern Colonial with six bedrooms, 3!i WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO Rt. 35, 301 Maple Ave. Real Estate Investment Broker bathl. Mortgage assumption. Immedi- UNBEATABLE 1 Park Road Monmouth Beach ate occupancy. A-l condition. Call any- Four-bedroom split. Paneled playroom Corner Bergen PL 222-5000 time. Asking J74.500. STERLING THOMPSON & ASSOC, Realtors 45 with fireplace. Large screened porch. RUMSON COTTAGE W. River Rd., Rumson. 7(7-0900. Prime location. »28,9OO. 671-2855. RED BANK RED BANK — Three-bedroom Cape. LIST YOUR HOME WITH retty cottage with nicely landscaped KBYPORT — Five room Bath, Top area. Larga den, fireplace, dln- lot In lovely section. Two bedrooms full cellar, large attic. Storm windows, Ing room, playroom. $29,900. 747-5057. Evenings and Sundays ind bath, wood paneled Interior, Only enclosed porch, large corner property 1 years old. Fenced garden. Very carport. 518,500. 2M-38M. NEW BHlfEWSBURY — BeauUtuf easy maintenance. Asking $17,500. Ms- etght-roDtn ranch. Three bedrooms, NORTHERN MONMOUTH MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE? 741-9204 ALISTER AGENCY, ReaJton), 109 E. two baths, large living room, recrea- River Rd., Rumson. 842-18JM. SHREWSBURY — oil 8ycamoro Ave., tion room, patto, full basement, two- car garage. Corner lot. 6 Apple Or- 10 years old, Early American design. chard Drive. 542-4255. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Five bedrooms. 2H baths, laundry. DOUBLE HOUSE — Red Bank. For Information Call GIVES YOU GIVES YOU Tfcrss fireplaces, two garages. Thre« 747-4288. I\IM (\liM zona hot-watftr heating system, large (More Classified Ads On The Next Page) NMTHMN UOMMUTH ACTION! MKTKni U0NUW.TH SERVICE! air-conditioned recreation room. Sale MLS MLS by owner. *35,OOO. Call 717-270!. HOUSES FOR SALE MW.TVU LNtMC KMN HULTVU UfTM aM JUST ONE YEAR OLD — Brick and cedar shake colonial style home sur- rounded by trees. Four-bedrooms, pan- eled den, built-in vacuum cleaner and fire alarm systems. Plus a 16'x24' Now—Set everything ^REALTOR swimming pool. Immediate occupancy, Goes All Out owner transferred. $34,500. Psul Bra- You've worked for *t Members gar, Realtor, 794 Broad St.. Shrews- I\IM to TJM bury. 747-0221. ALLENHURST-—110 Spier Ave. Block from ocean. New ^enterhall four-bed- BREEZY POINT Sell Your Home! MLS Are Realtors room Colonial. Builder, 531-0090. ... A fine, qulei, exclusive com- MLS OCEAN TOWNSHIP — New custom HMIUlMWHMi built homes from 531,500. Immedt- munity ttial offers privacy, convent* ate occupancy. Builder. 531-0090. ence and local Ion — plus a view #f 9 RUMSON SEA GIRT AREA — New luxury Iwo- REALTORS PLEDGE A pretty six-room Colonial featuring a fireplace In the living room, a elory center hall Colonial. Five bed- ftie Shrewsbury River. dining room with a sunny bay window, and a big screened porch, two roomi, 3'.j baths, Bullacr, 531-0030. Enter through a stately, un- tiled baths. Central alr-conditionlng. Overlooking the country club. On an OCEANPORT — Three bedrooms, two" spoiled, tree lined lane. Each home tr€ Mrl€(i^B • • • To protect th* individual right of real estate ownership and to widen the oppor- acre of land with countless trees and great privacy. Asking $49,500. baths, living room, separate dining room, den. Private sale. 222-0653. Individually styled—finely detailed and RUMSON meticulously built. Live at Breezy tunity to enjoy it; To be honorable and honest in all dealings; To seek better to represent our clients by build- FAIR HAVEN Four - bedroom, two- A brand-new five bedroom Colonial at a price no other builder con bath Cape. Paneled living room with Point — where the buyer's dream match. Features a c«nt»r hall, family room with fireplace, a full dining ing our knowledge and competence; To act fairly toward all in the spirit of tha Golden Rule; To serve well fireplace. Dining room with hutch. becomes a reality — homes from room, 2Vi baths, and a full basement. Choose your own appUancts, Modefn kitchen. Family room, pan- linoleum, balh tilt and room colon, r/i acres of land In Holy Crosi eled recreation room, two patln.i. New- 145,000. Financing available. our community, and through it.our country; To observe the Realtor's Cod* of Ethics and conform our conduct Parish, 559,900. ly carpeted. River Oaks. S37.50O. 741- 2075. to its lofty idtals." MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTINGS MARLBORO — Ranch. Two bed- Nearly 200 listings In Lffffa Silver, Shrewsbury, Fair Haven and Rumson. rooms with two unfinished bedrooms. Lot 218x4% 517,000. Sterling Me- 23 RIDGE ROAD 842-0600 RUMSON Carm Real Estate (Broken, ,i66-l)666. Applebrook Agency, Inc. The Kirwan Company J. Donald Roche COI.TS NECK Middletown 671-2300 Belford 787-5500 Colts Neck 462-2741 OUTSTANDING VALUE 10 beautiful acres + classic old Coin- Matawan 566-7600 W. Keansburg 787-6600 nlal house. A little bit of work makes this a real showpliice. Three bed- Airport Plazt 264-7100 Snyder Agency rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath. Two fireplaces. All for Paul P. Bova, Inc. Mi/dletown 671-2590 THANK YOU MR. BUTZER, only $35,000. J.D. ROCHE, Realtor, Joseph S. Lang Rt. .14, Colls Neck. «G2-2741. New Monmouth 671-2544 MIDDLETOWN — Four-bedroom #pllt Holmdel 946-4237 Stephens Agency WE COULD DO WITH MORE LIKE YOU! Colonial. Can assume 5^% mortgage. J175 monthly pays all. 57,000 down "Breezy Belford 787-7500 required. Call 671-24Ifi. The Brook Agency Lawley Agency Mr. Fred Bli+zer of Colorest JflDDLETOWff - - Three-bedroom ToinF Atlantic Highland. 291-1717 ranch, full basement, carpeting, Rood Middletown 741-6262 Edwin S. Stark commute. Assume 5!j VA mortgage. Silvimide Avo., Little Silver Co., Red Bank, donated the Principals only. Mid 20's 747-0711. Hazlet 264-0333 741-1200 Brite Realty, Inc. Lincrofr Associates paint so volunteers could HOUSES FOR SALE Hazlet 264-0666 Middletown 671-5333 Paul R. Stryker Agency paint the headquarters of Holmdel 946-4144 The McGowan Agency the newly organized Curtin Agency, Inc. Red Bank 747-3000 Sterling Thompson Leonardo 291-1800 and Associates REALIZATION CORPS Navesink Associates Middletown 747-5600 Matthew J. Gill Middletown 671-0600 Matawan 566-0400 of the GREATER Middlttown 671-3200 Popik & Blumberg Van's Agency RED BANK AREA. Hailet 264-8442 Matawan 566-1881 Cornelius J. Guiney Jr. IF YOU WANT TO DO Highlands 872-0001 Carlton H. Poling Van Vliet Agency NORTH GATE SOMETHING- TO HELP, Heritage Agency Koyporf 264-1918 Holmdel 946-4484 Matawan 566-7040 Quality Realty Associates Walker & Walker FINAL 4 LOTS Holmdel 264-4927 Leonardo . 291-3232 Holmdol 671-3311 DIAL 747-1212, Now building . . . high, heavily wooded . . . brook George V. Illmensee Carl F. Zellers OR DRIVE DOWN The Whale Agency .. . . Colonial Homes . . . two 2-acre estates and two Colti Nock 462-3172 Middletown 671-2600 Holmdol 946-4443 SHREWSBURY AVENUE, l-acre homesites. Colonial styling. Finest location in AND STOP IN. You Need Northern Monmouth MLS To Sell Your Home. Colts Neck. DIRECTIONS: From induction 520 ind Hwy, 34, iouth on 34, VOLUME SALES FOR JUNE. 1968 Vl milt to'Clovtrhill Rd, Right to fourth itr««t on right, Chriitophtr Dr.

For Information Call 1,423,315.00 Builder NORTHERN MONMOUTH , MULTIPLE LISTINGS HAROLD E. HARRISON PRINTED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY MEMBERS MLS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE OF RED BANK AREA MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 531-4256 SOUSES FOB SALE HOUSES FOH SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HQtSES FOR SALE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE THK DAILY REGISTER, Friday. July fo, 1963—19 DO YOU HAVE SEVERAL The Dow»+ra Agency AIR HAVEN — Two-bf'/iroom JfOTICK CHILDREN? Ope Cod with staircase )/> ex- ni'TH I'O VT w«taii tout tiu lint, IM-JJM n t MW Ct)V*T iifiiimut iwl a tug, "tfwm 91 £«it front Si,, Red 8«/ik lai»te, attic," Walking dis- UY JXJKA %, U**! to t rr&ititrt Ifl V*»w Arlo Guthrie, Judy Collins (Uimt Jt Vt JfMDJJy Twin haj flfeplir., o»w aiuart ance to grade school, Irnnierfi- 4l«lng rtxun, l.rje ttttdenl kitchen 741-8700 ite occupancy. Offered at %\i,- « t CKAJMfift •, launiry. will be i.KHtid «.M •Ut.Ud y t.he lJuriiiianurii t to the or*I»r of At Center Tomorrow Night 100. tttirrojifcUrof the f>/unly fitt M Mwirnftuth the ..: .,:•- :• .. EXCELLENT RANCH OTJNN1NOHAM1NO , fturrogaU of All for $43,500 and reportrd tor •(.'Ulnmi-nt w The mnty of Monmouth, thii d*y madp, Four bedrooms, two UM tiaUu. Kllch- Mojimouth County f^yrt, Probate 1)1- on th Bpplicallon of the undersigned, HOLMDEL. — Arlo Guthrie which lasts 20 minutes, was one vision, on KrldBy, the 16th day of Au- J>avH l> Jacobs, thhee B'>l« Executor WANT A WATER VIEW? en, dining area, 17xl!l Mv 1 njc mom. WEART-NEMETH KUMt A.H., 11*68, «t fl:;«) u'clnrk a rn.. ut thn- fiBtate o f the aaid Maymy e Ja- and Judy Collins will star at of the first hits in today's pop PRIVACY? «t the <".'/unty Oiiict Houm;, Monument colm decSdd, notici e In hherebb y gi the Garden State Arts Center field trend away from the usual .Two-nir atuchp,! fc-,iraK''- l-"'ill lia-sf- AGENCY and C'liirt Btieutii, Fri-choM, N^w Jpr- to thf creditor* '>t eaid dercH»ed Ttal« one-story hou«e has three I.AIU1K R*;/, nl which tlini* Aiifll^attOn will ftarfrooms. 18' porch overlooking river prr-dtnrrdtnt t" Hiee lailadd ExecutoExecrr ttl at 9 p.m. tomorrow. two or three minute hit record- nient. Many entras. A'-all-tl'lo fr>r REALTOR be mad* tor Die a)lows nee of Com- lalrnll s under uath within six months living room wllh fireplace inn' 15H2 lulHBionji and (Vjiins*i Ices, and UI- I mm this datf. ing. dining rnom. Plans are vall«l>le ror Miss Collins has teamed up t rapl'l sale. <2fl..'>fK> renl'iriB for Dlstrl^utl'in. Dated: July 1 nt, IBM expanding Into much larger house 102 WEST FRONT ST. Dated Junft llitb AM, 1S6S, ,-./ IiAVtl) I). JACOBS with Guthrie for a number of $52""2,50. 0 LOVKLY TIIREK HEDUOOH, HAHOLIi W. WALLING, (if* Maple I'IRCC, Florida concerts. 741-2240 Kryimrl, N. J, ELLEN S. I'i-BATH RANCH Administrator. Guthrie, son of the late Howard Asks Mmarn. IMilin, HoliH'nbcrit 10 Brond BtrcfL Woody Guthrie, delivers a wide MvlriK Tmnu, dlnink' room, k:ii:ln-n, Member of lied Hank fla yr, Ked Hunk. New Atinrnpyj two-car attacllcl Enrage. Many ex- Multiple Listing Service at range of humor, from light •:6 W««t Front Blrret, July 5, VI, 19, 1A 127 fiO Support For HAZELTON K*-yvon, New Jew quips to biting satire. Arlo's tras. New roof, new oil huiner. Top June I'l, 2H. July b. 12 1 7% Realtor A QUIET LANE NOTKK "Alice's Restaurant" combines resliientlHl area, with lake privileges. MONMOIi'TII COINTV good music with a commentary West River Rd. Rumson IN FAIR HAVEN NOTICK OF 'HKTTMEMHNT OF NI.'IIKOOATK'H COIIIT Democrats Walking distance to IKIK,m, eat-In l ijrnii:inl to the orrW of DONALD ty Democratic campaign," said J CII.NNINOHAM, Surroicale of the place, dining room, klldien. Four l,ed- Notice Is ln-reby KIVITI that the »r- lunly of M'inrnfiUlh, Nils day made, Hep. James J. Howard of the •ir^n family rfwrn, basr-im-nt, attux:tii'/i cjilnts "I Ihii tuh»i:rllirr. Bole Hur- NOTICK HOUSES FOE SALE ••irw. r>«<• (lLi:ipi". VIVIIIK TruKtee of the entate of said in Fogi-I, the 8oK' Executor of tilt first annual picnic of the Di'cea.icd will b,; auillteil and staled ital<: ut the naltl Sally Y Terry de- The M'lnrn'iulh County National Bank ment Large trees, dea'i-rnd atrcrt. HALL BROS., Realtors by the Rurrogate of the County of l;iM('d, notice Is hereby Riven to the WILL SELL AT PUBLIC, AUCTION Oceanport Democratic Club at MIDDLETOWN COLONIAL - On Monmouth and reported fR N'ewman Springs Rd., Rod Bank. Messrs. Lum, Biunno A Tompklns, STRATH MORE COLONIAL" BEAUTIFUrLOCMION" ~ HAVEN — Two houses on one prnp- 47-3(H)O. SIlItllOliATK'S COIIItT J CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate, of the "One Democratic mayor FAIR HAVEN — Centrally ilr-condl- erty. One iout-Toom home now rente Counsellors at Law, Nolle.p to Creditors tn Present County of Monmnuth, Ihls day made, $27,990 fi.ifj Rroad Htreet, on the application of the undersigned, needs at least two Democratic tioned three-bedroom, two-bath ranch far $1,500 on three-year lease whlc ilOLMDKL Claltna ,Ualny. Don't wall. REALTORS Real Estate for 74 years particular home buyer, CIOHO to *ll • ' J27.60 Democrats at present on the ranch, another (arm neighbor with Ing from $57,000. STERLING* THOMP- You must tee this homo for the mon- WAINWRIGHT, MR8. GEORGE C with bookcases, pretty kitchen Jfe bedrooms, two b&thfl, $25,900, y. Goinf under market value. V& Executrix council. • ml eun room, two full baths and SON A ABBOC 45 W. River Rd. hallis, recreation roon), attached ga- WAINWRIQHT, wlfa of Gcorie c Stuart A. Young, Esq., NOTICK ihro bedroomr Depp lot. Garage. EDWARD A. HANLON Rumson. rage, modern kitchen. City sewerase. Walnwrlsht, 11R3. ALBERT V 744 Broad Street .MONMOUTH COUNTY The guests included Mayor Vine lorfitlon. $27,500. Call McALIH- Rea!U>r-Inauror .747-0900 located on a. lovely comur Int. nfar WAINWRIGHT. wife of Albert V Newark, New Jeney SURHOOATE'H COURT TKR AGE.VCV, Heal tori, 109 E. Jliver evory convenience. No brokers Call Walnwrlsht, MR. TRAMELL, hus Attorney Nolle* to Creditors to Present Claims Cecile F. Norton of Sea Bright, Hd Rumson. 842-18n4. SW Shrewsbury Ave,, New Shrewsbury. 842-0110 MONMOUTH BEACH owner direct, Only 91H.Q0Q. 2orch. J,ot 12-ix22.) Extras. Notlcn to Creditor* to Present County of Monmoutli, this day made, SITES HOLMDEL — COLTS NECK contpmporary with panoramic vfp Good, vaJU9 at J2fl,500. Call (oday. WAINWRIGHT. huanand of Caroline on the application of th« undersigned, Kiernan; P. Paul Campi, coun- irmal dining room, four bedrooms, ot the Shrewsbury River. Cost ove: Walnwrleht, MRS. ROBERT WAIN rialm* Ajalnst Kststn Hauley B. King, Jr., tha Bole Execu- MARLBORO - FREEHOLD AREAS H baths, porch, full basement. Wall- $63,000. Open to offers as owner i: WRIGHT, wife of Robert Waln- ESTATE OF DOROTHY MONROE, ty Democratic leader; Mr, Dutch Lane Rd., RI) 1, Marlboro lo-wal! carpet Included. Good location. DECEASED tor of the estate of the aald Vera S. P.O. Box 325, Freehold leaving area on Sept. 1st. 747-3500 wrlght, MRS. HAROLD WAIN- Thomas deceased, notice la hereby Ware, and Mr. Margalotti, Short walk to transportation. *,22,W)0. Phone Owner 22'2-81S8 WRIGHT, wife, of Harold Wain Pursuant to the order of DONALD given to the creditors of said de- 462-4151 MoALISTBR AGENCY, Realtors, 108 wrlght, His," her and their heirs, de- J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the " River Rd., Rumson. 842-1834. County of Monmouth, this day made, ceased to present to the aald Execu- Evenings 536-9HJ COLTS NECK ROLSTON WATERBURY visees, and personal representative* tor their claims under oath within aix Realtor - Infliir^r and hid, her, their or any ot their, on the application of the undersigned, months from this date. TO HOLD CLAMBAKE RED BANK FLORIDA CALLING $27,500 18_W. Front St. Reel Bank 07701 successors In rlghl, title, and in Edith Blanton, Administratrix of the Dal6d: July 1st. 1B68 You can buy a duplex In Florida, rent Modest six - year - old three - bedroo: terest: estate of the said Dorothy Monroe Two choice two-family homes. One deceased, notice Is hereby given to HADLEY S. KINO, JR., r>ne side and live almost expense ranch on nicely wooded acre. V\x\ SAVE fnjHlesa hours or searching by You aro hereby summoned and LONG BRANCH-Monmouth brand new, the other in excellent con- ree on the other aide. Priced from basement, garage and oil heat. Show Rending for our free comprehensive the creditors of said deceased to pre- 8 Pine Tree Lane dition. Live a!moat rent free. Shown quired to acrvc upon Saul A. Wlttcs, sent to the aald Administratrix their Fair Haven, New Jersey J17.O0O. ED CONWAY ASSOC Sun- by advance appointment only. OARi calalot; mbdnjil homes; palatial'linm- plaintiffs attorney, whose address !" Ski Club will hold a clambake by appointment. rise Realty, Realtors, 828 N.B. 18thF. KELLERS, Realtor, 946-44-43. flon eatatofi, waterfronts, farms. Mul- claims under oath within six montha Executor Ave., Fort Lauderdale. tiplo Listings. •2Hi North Broad Street, Elizabeth Irom this date. Hartley S. King, Jr., Esq , Sunday, July 21, 2 p.m. in the MEISTRICH AGENCY, New Jersey, an answer to the amend- Dated: June 13th, 1958 813 River Road Ml Broad St., Red Bank. 741-688(1 DELUXE COLONIAL RAY STILLMAN, Realtor ed complaint filed In a civil action Fair Haven, New Jeraey Hi Hairy Inn. Menu will in- NEW SHREWSBURY In which Government Security Co., EDITH BLANTON Five bedrooms. Pool, three acrei "Oar 50th Year" 211 Bergen Place Attorney clude steamed clams, water- OAK HILL txcellenl bay In four-bedroom •woods broox. aale jw.Ouy iirm te MJi Hivy. i.> s«rewflb^l^y vii-siiuw corporation of Mow Jemcy, la plain' July », 12, 19, M . IJ7.6H liomes in trie convenient New Shrews- New York. Available August 1. Ca' tllf, and George C. Walnwrtght, etc. IUI Dank, Ken Jerny melon ami lobster. George Wal- Nicely treed lot containing lovely bury area ranging from J26.50O to (201) 431-1263 for appointment. et als. aro defendants, Docket No. I'" Administratrix three-bedroom ranch. Two baUii. Two- W2.O0O. S+SR=SF 4006-66, pending In the Superior Courl Messrs. Parnons, Canzona, NOTICE ling, 25 Hart St., West Keans- car garage and full basement. Hot of New Jersey, Chancery Division Blair ft Warren MONMOUTH COUNTY water baseboard heat beat for solid THE MEISTRICH AGENCY, Realtors, CUSTOM COLONIAL I''our bedrooms, 16' dlnlne; room, BCI- IS Wallace Street 244 Broad St., Red Bank. 741-5888. within 35 days alter July 12, 1968 ex SURROGATE'S COURT burg, social chairman, is in temperature control. Listed at W2,500. EXCLUSIVE AREA ^nce kitchen. Walk to transportation cluslvo of such date. If you fall U Red Bank, New Jersey Notice tu Creditors to Present CARL F. ZBLLBRS, Realtor, 6W-144J. PRIVATE SALE fll.000. CROWELL AGENCY, 76 w' do HO, judgment by default may In Attorney.i ClaJma Against Ksta.te charge of reservations. HOME Wooded acre. $49,000 firm. Call 20! June 21, 28, July 5, 12 %TtM KAIR HAVEN — Attractive Cape. 431-1263 for appointment. £ront St., 7-I1-403Q, evenlng3741-3656. rendered against you for the relic ESTATE OF CURTIS JAR.VIS HAR- First floor living room with fire Call 747-BOlt for appointment. COLTS NECK — Excellent buy. imTdemanded In the amended complain RISON, JR., DECEASED COLTS NECK — Picturesque nottln You shall file your answer and pror Pursuant to the order of DONALD place and dining area, kitchen with JAVB YOUR PONDKROSA — S9 1 maculate three-ncdroom, two-bath NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE dish washer. Den, optional dining on lake. Four-bedroom Ranch wllh 2 , ranch. 11x23 living room with fire- of service In duplicate with the Clerl 3. CUNNINGHAM, Surmise of th« icres. Upper Freehold hideaway. Co- : of the Superior Court, Stato House, An MONMOUTH COUNTY room or third bedroom. Full bath. onlal on knoll with trees and barn. plus i baths. 23x18 living room -wit place. 12x15 dining room, Xlxl8 kitch- BlinnOGATE'S COURT County of Monmouth, this day made, Second floor two twln-slzs bedroomi fireplace large dtnlnp: room, kltchei en. Two-car garage, full basement nex, Trenton, New Jersey, In accord on the application of the undersigned, NOTICE Needs work. 519,900. HAROLD LINDE- ance with the rules ot civil practtci Claims Against Estate and fun bath. Full basement, 1',4-car MANN, Broker, Shrewsbury. 542-1103. •nd utility room. 22x19 gameroo; Hot-witer baseboard heat. Located on EBTATE OF URIAH COFER, DB- Romayne Buza Harrison, the Sole Ex- MONMOCTH COUNTY garage, pretty yard with many trass with fireplace. Full basement and twi one acre of exquisite landscaping and procedure. ecutrix of the estate or the said Cur- SURROGATE'S COURT car garage, jm this and almost tw CEA8ED tis Jarvls Harrison, Jr. deceased, no- and ston« patio. J2B.5OO Owner MAVE8INK — Large corner lot Huge Asking only ?36,50O. J. D. ROCHE. Tho action has neon Instituted lo Pursuant to the order of DONALD Notice to Creditors to Present T47-3802. treei. Very old two-story house. Large acres of beautiful landscaping. Yo: Realtor, Rt. 31, Colts Neck. 462-2711. tice Is hereby given to the creditors Clalma Against Estate must sec It to appreciate Jt. Askln the purpose ot foreclosing the right o J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the of saH deceased to present to the Ivtag room. French doors. Fireplace. the defendants therein to redeem cei County of Monmouth, this day made, COLTS NECK — Excellent Value. Ask- Icreened porch. Great potential ?67,000. J.D. ROCHE, Realtor, Rte Si KINGS VILLAGE — 5 Bedrooms, 2"-i tain landa sold to the plaintiff at aald Kxecutrlx their claims under ing only (12,000 for thlj three-bed- iharm In a lovely community. Needs Colts Neck. 462-2741. J on the application ol the undersigned, oath within- alx months from thU baths, largo family room. A acre. tax sale held on October 13, 1364 Tlllle Cofer, Sole Executrix of the date. room, two bath ranch on choice hill- substantial work. 291-0846 evenings Mi% loan. Principals only. 671-;1286. fcctlng Iand3 In the Borough of Re estate of the Bald Uriah Cofer, de- top location. Large living room, dining and weekends. GO MODERN — Spacious center ha Dated: June 20th, IMS ranch on natural tree-shaded ha! Bank, In the County of Monmoutn ceased, notice is hereby given to the y of Monmouth. this day made, on room, kitchen and paneled den with FAIR HAVEN — Attractive River and Stato of New Jersey, described ol creditors of said deceased to present ROMAYNE BUZA HARRISON 8 pp :alI( 1 of lhe fireplace. J. D. ROCHE, Re«Jtor, Rt COL-TS NECK — Lovely custom built acre. Four bedrooms, two tiled bathi 73 Pelican Road Sl ».*, "' " undersigned, Colonial with four bedrooms and 2>4 entrance foyer to large living room Oaks two-story Colonial. Large the tax duplicate thereof as Block 63 tfl the said Sole Executrix their VirtinU c. Langendorf, Admlnlslra- 34, CoIU Neck. 482-2741. scrceneil-in porch with awning win- Lot 10A, 118 Chestnut Street. claims under oath within six months Mtddletotvn, New Jersey brntiu for someone who wants the ul- dining area and step-saving kltche Executrix trlx ol tie estate of Uie »ald Fred- KEYPORT—Modern three bearoom», timate In construction. Loaded with Full basGment and two-car garag' dows. Three bedrooms, lVi baths. You ami each of you arc made d Irom this date. erick H. Langendorf deceased, notice large kitchen, dining room, family extru too numerous to list, Irom cen- Early occupancy available. Relax: Open fireplace between living room fendants In the above entitlted actlo Dated: June 21, 1968 Howard A. Roberts, Esq , '•••"•by given to the creditors of room, double garage. $23,900. Sterling tral vacuum cleaning system to wide living today offered at 526,500. E. and paneled den with flagstone floor. because you have, or may claim TILLIE COFEE, 8 Tindall Road •aid deceaaed to preient to the said Separate dining room, modern kitch- Mlddietown, New Jersey Administratrix their claims under oath McCann Real Estate, (Broker), M»- plank peg floor». 12 magnltlcen" ARMSTRONG AGENCY, Realtor: en, basement. Two-car ga.raEe. Large have, some right, title, lien, or othi TO Jackson Street, 8668. rooms In a country setting with trees 855 Prospect Ave., Little Silver. 74: Interest affecting the real estate, h Fair Haven, N, J. Attorney wltom alx months Irom this date By appointment only. Askinp $55,000 SOO trees. Wall-to-wall carpeting:. Newly ing foreclosed by virtue of ownc Sole Executrix Juna 28, July J, 32, 19 121.51 E*t«d: July 1st, 1988 J. D. ROCHE Realtor, Rt. 34, Colts decorated. Excellent condition. 539, ship, Inheritance, descent, Intestacy Milton Kosene, Esq. VIRGINIA C. LANGENDORf Neck. 462-2741. MIDDLETOWN — New nine-room, tw 000. 842-4828. devise, legacy, ilowcr, curtesy. mon 606 River Road, ----- 68 Oakland Street HOUSES FOR SALE NOTICE story Colonial on wooded lot. Ca! gage, deed of conveyance, entry c Fair Haven, N. J. Red Bank, New Jersey COLT3 NECK — Lovely nine room 229-3772. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION IN VERY judgment or other legal or lawfu MONMOUTH COUNTY Administratrix Attorney " - ' SURROGATE'S COl'ItT ranch. Three bedrooms, two baths, CONVENIENT LOCATION — Threo right, tho nature of which and th Juna 28, July 5. 12, 19 W6.68 Messrs. Abramoff, Apy two-car garage. Corner lot. Low taxes COUNTRY ESTATE — Close in. C large bedrooms with bath, upstairs. reason that you and each of you nrj tiotie« io CrrAltan to Present * O'Hern Good buy at 135,800. J.D. ROCHE, Ionia!, nine rooms, two baths. Bar Dining room, living room, kitchen and joined as defendants Is set forth wltl -Clalnu Ajalmt Estate 199 Broad Street Outbuildings, thriving peach orchari ESTATE OF FRED H. HEPPINER. Realtor, Rte 34, Colts Neck. 462-2741. pantry on first floor. Full basement particularity In the amended com NOTICE Red Bank, New Jersey Nursery stock. 29 acres. Shown by a ana detached garage. Very deep lot plaint, a copy of which will be tu DECEASED- -, Attorneys HOLMDEL — Immaculate three-bed polntment only. Call EDWIN H. MA for children's safety. Won't last the plaint, a copy of which will e MONMOUTH COUNTY Pursuant to the order of DONALD J room, two bath ranch on beautifully nished you on request addressed SURKOtiATK'S COURT July 5, 1Z, 19, 28 TIN, Broker, M2-5300. weekend at .Slli.oOO. E.A. ARM- th CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate ot the Coun- landscaped lot. Bcreened porch, extra STRONG AGENCY, Realtors, 555 the atlo'rney for the plaintiff «t Notlco lo Creditor* lo Preatnt ty of Monmouth, this day made, on arge game room. Awnings for the COLT3 NECK~^~WilHanisburg O P_rospcct Ave., Llttlo Silver. 741-4500. above address. Claims Against Estate the application of the undersigned, NOTICE sntTre house. Air conditioned. Excel- lonial. Five bedrooms, paneled far C 21 19 ESTATE OF LUCY PACE, DE- Emily Heppincr and The Monmouth lent value at 535.500. J.D. ROCHE lly room with beamed celling. 2 % RTIXR G NEWMAN, JR. CEASED MONMOUTH COUNTY "MTDDLETOWN — Custom"buiirr"anch County National Bank, Red Bank, Ex- SURROGATE'S COURT Realtor, Rto 34, Colts Neck. 462-2741 baths 25' eat-in kitchen. Largo pore home. Living- room with fireplace, Clerk ol the Superior Con Pursuant to the order of DONALD ecutora of the estate or the laid Fred See display ad (HEDGEFIELD E three bedrooms and bath. Oversized Jun& 21, 2S, July B. *2 590.1 J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the. Notice to Creditors to Present JONO BEACH ISLAND — Custom H. Hepplner, deceased, notice U here- Claims Against Estate TATES) for directions. garage. Beautifully landscaped. Must County of Monmouth, this day made, by given to the creditors of aatd de- 0F 1?ICHAEI built homea on your lot. see. to appreciate. Call for appoint- on the application of the under- ceased to present to the said Execu- ™A 13 600 Choice lots available. NEW LISTING IN LITTLE SILVER signed, Clement W. Pace, Adminis- CEASED Four bedrooms. On peaceful dead-en ment, 717-1311. REAL ESTATE WANTED tors Uielr claims under oath -within Pursuant to the order of DONALD QEORQE A. INMAN, Broker. Mana trator of the estate of the said Lucy •lx montha from this date. hawkln, N. J. Evening phone 600- street. Living room with rireplact COLTS NECK — Must DB^icetTtcrDT Pace, deceased, notice 1B hereby J. CUNNINGHAM. Surrogate of thi dining room, kitchen wllh all app UnOENTLY NEEDENEEDED TwTwo an Dated: June 14, 1968 County of Monmouth, this day msd« RED BANK 494-9223. appreciated. A beautiful four-bedroom, lliree-bEiiroobi m hehomess M Mlddletown, H> given to the creditors of said de- EMILY HEPPINER, on the application of tho undersigned, anccs Included. Full basement a 3'^ bath ranch on two lovely acres ceased to present to the. said Admin- 116 Pinckney Road, Dutch Colonial, toittfully dtcorottd. attached garage. Won't last a we or landscaping. Large hall, living let vicinity. We have huycrB waiting. istrator their claims under oath with- Patsy Frajizese, Acting Executor of Immaculate condition. Four btd- for $2»k5OO. Call now. E.A. AR* THE KIRWAN CO. 787-6600. Red Bank, N. J. the estate of the said Michael Fran- HOUSES FOB SALE room, dining room, kitchen, dinette in six months from this date. THE MONMOUTH COUNTY reae, deceased, notice Is hereby given rooms, two balhi. fireplace In liv- STRONO> AGENCY, Realtors, 6! and gamcroom with fireplace. Front WE CAN MULTIPLE LIST Dated: July 8, 136S NATIONAL BANK, Red Bank to the creditors of said deceased to ing room. Small healed tunroom, Prospect NAve., Little Silver. 741-450 and rear porch, full basement and CLEMENT W. PACE, (By: ROGER J. KITZSIMMONS. preseDt to the said Acting Executor dining room. Lovely quiet tree lined COLTS NECK two-car garage. Set back 150' from YOUR HOME 7« Maple Street, Trust Offlcerl their claims under oath within six street. Owner asking $32,900. A RARE OPPORTUNITY! OUTSTANDING VALUE the. road. Asking 119,500. J.D. Ca.ll today and give details and cash Little Silver, N. J. 303 Broad Street. months from this date. ROCHE, Realtor, Rt 34, Colts Neck. o Three-bedroom ranch, situated on a 10 beautiful acres + classic old Col price. STERLING THOMPSON 4 » Administrator Red Bank, N. J. Dated: Jun« 17, 1968 462-2741. Daniel J. Welgand, Bsq. FOR FAMILY LIVING wooded 1/4 acre In Hilton Park nlal house. A little bit of wnrk malt SOO-, 747-5600. Messrs. Klatsky, Hlmelman PATSY FRANZESE, (Mlddletown). Residential neighbor- this a real fihowplace. Three be & 81cgtrled I 77 Broad Street, This spoclous four-bedroom, three- EATONTOWN — Two-bedroom co-op- WE NEED — Five or six, 2-3 bedroo] Red Bank, N. J. 51 Chestnut Street, hood. Minutes Irom Sandy Hook rooms, living room, dining roor erative apartment for sale. Oil heat. lncomM, furnished or untumlshci 320 Broad Street, Ehorecrest Homes, bath home Is located In New Shrews- Stale Park, shopping, churchei. New kitchen, bath. Two flreplares. All fi lied Ban!:, N. J. Attorney bury, Large tot. New kitchen, game $87 a month, utllltcs Included. Call from $85 to $175 per month for In ty2 Red Bank, N. J. gas range, refrigerator. Full base- only $3!S.0M>. J.D. ROCHE, Realto 542-1407. coming personnel. THE BERG AGEN Attorneys June 21, 28, July 5, U J34.M Messrs. Reusillle, Cornv. til, room, screened porch. Wall-to-wall ment, patio, many older extras. Not Rt. 34, Colts Neck. 462-2741. July 12, 19. 26, Aug. 2 SM.4< Mausner it Carotenuto, carpeting. Laundry room. All this IMMACULATE FOUR-BEDROOM CO- CY, Rt 35, Mlildletown, 671,-lCOO. a development house but a home SHADY AND COOL 34 Broad Street, for 129,500. built to suit Its natural surround- LONIAL In choice location. 21' living ARE YOU EOlng to sell your home NOTICE Red Bank, N. J. Century -old Colonial. Over one acr ronm with fireplace anil library. Pin- Why not let u» help you, lint It Wit NOTICE MONMOUTH COUNT*" 434 River Rd. Fair Haven ings. $21,300. For appointment call Chapel Kill. Middlctown. Larf SURROGATE'S COURT Attorneys ing room. Kitchen and large game LINCKOFT ASSOCIATES, INC., Real StlnltOOATE'S COURT June 21, 28, July 5, 12 |2J.a 741-W7 J44-M47 or 741-3774. rooms. High ceilings. Flroplnee In 11 room. Two full hatha tot convenience. torn. 765 Hwy. 35, Mlddletown. (Op MONMOUTH COUNTV Notice to Creditor H to Freaent Ing rnom. Bookshelves In ili'n. VI Full basement and detached two-car poslte Howard Johnson) 671-5333 Notice to Creditors, to Present Claims Aralnst Estate ture windows In dining ronm an K-irage. Movp-lti condition, Immedi- Claims Against Estate Evenings 7*1-0162. Member Multlpl ESTATE OF JANE O. WILKINSON, NOTICE kitchen. Threo bedrooms; bath. As ate possession. $32,900. E.A. ARM- ESTATE OP MAX M. PROWN, DE- DECEASED inK S4n.(100 Reasonable offers 1 STRONO AGENCY". Realtor. 555 Pros- Llstlnc Service. CEASED MONMOUTH COUNTV Pursuant to the order of DONALD SURROGATE'S COURT vlled. JOHN L. MINUGH AGKNC pect Ave, Little Silver. 741-4500. Pursuant to the order ot DONALD J. CUNNINGHAM, Burrogate of the Realtor, 35 Rum-ion Rd., Rumso NEED VACANT LAND J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the Notice to Creditors to Prrsen* County Df Monmouth, this day made, Claims Aitiunst Estate • FINEST JERSEY COAST VIEW N.J. 842-3500. M AGNIFICBN T WAT ERF RONT Small lot or large tracts. Call MUL- County of Monmouth, this day made, on the application of the undersigned, HOME .— With breathtaking one mile LANEY REALTY. 671-5151. on the application of tho undersigned, ESTATE OF SADYE LKVI, DE- LoU W. Hardlman, John V. Crowel CEASED BOWTELL EXCLUSIVE "RED BANK -- r.ood nelgliborlioo view across bay. This executive home Matilda Prown, Jules David Prown and The Monmouth County Natlona Aluminum siding nnd storm window with its long Ivy encased walk and LIST WITH CONFIDENCE and The Monmouth County National Bank, Executors of the estate of the Pursuant to the order ot DONALD Three bedrooms, l'.i baths, Karafi circle driveway hint hupp living room, Our U professional salespeople »T( Batilt, Executors ol the estate of the said Jane O. Wilkinson deceased, no- J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate ot tho Off Scenic Dr., Atlantic Highland! 50x200 lot. JIIUXKI. 741^416^ dining room, Hollywood kitchen, break- resdy and able to market your prop, said Max M. Prown, deceased, notice tice is hereby given to the creditors County of Monmouth, Ilils day made, fast room. Powder room. Largo rec- orty successfully. ,/\ Is hereby given to the creditors ol on the application of the undersigned, "E3CECTJTIVE'S"RANCII -- o'utslnn reutlon room overlooking water. Bcd- of said deceased to present to the Henry C. Levl, Isabel L. Hers and inK year old homo on onn *cre plu ' Trade-Ins ~ Exchanges «nld deceased to present to the said said Executors their claims under Toom 20x2fi' wllh mafblo bath and Member Multiple Listing Services Executors their claims under oath oath within six months from this Manufacturers Hanover Com- Retired executive's unique seven-room brick showplace Threo largo hedrnnms anrl 2lj hath shower. Basement kitchen. Upstairs; within six months from this date. pany, Executors of the eBtato of the No waiting! 22' llvlnjr room, farm three bedrooms, nursery, hath. Plenty WALKER * WALKER, Realtors date. said 8adye Levl deceased, notice Is on woodsy half acre. Overlooks seafaring*) excitement of dining room, ovcrHizeil kitchen, lai of closets. Property approximately Shrewsbury Holmd Dated: June 21, 1968 Dated: June 26th. 1068 hereby given to the creditors of said lly room, wllh fireplace. Transfern 1fH)x;)00\ with ISO' plfer for cruiser, 741-5212 671-33 MATILDA PROWN, LOIS W. HARD1MAN deceased to present to the said Ex- bay and New York harbor. Like new lower level apart- owner can give Immediate possenslo llfjIUnii or Telaxlnc. JK.000. Call 774- TO BUY — Thrcn or four-bcdrooi [)7 Plnckney Road, 344 Laurel Spring Road ecutora their claims under oath with- $48,900. E.A. ARMSTRONO AGENC f0 ' house. Lltlle Silver Area. Approx Red Bank, N. J. Columbia, Boulh Carolina in six months from this date. Realtors, B55 Prospect Ave., Lltt matcly $25,000 range. Wrlto partlc JULES DAVID PROWN, JOHN V. CROWBLL Sated: July 1st, 1963 ment. Large rooms. Two baths, two fireplaces, two sun 1(W Tyler City Road, Rlverdale Avenue HENRY C. LEVI Silver. 741-460(1. lar« to Box A-178, Tho Dally neglste Orange. Connecticut. lOo-YEAR COLONIAL-Horao country. Red Rank. New Shrewsbury, New Jersey II Narumson Street decks, 4 ton central air conditioning. Double garage. Mlilrtletown-Llneroft. Four bedrooms; THE MONMOUTH COUNTY THE MONMOUTH COUNTY Rumson, New Jersey 3-4 bedroom.*, large paneled faml 21, baths. Fireplaces living room, din- NATIONAL HANK NATIONAL BANK ISABEL L. HERZ Realistic taxes. Marina nearby. Cedar closets, Many room and drn. Includes wnsher, dr ing mom. Oak br-amp, wall-to-wall WANTED iBy: Doutla.i J. Hollywood, By: Douglas J. Hollywood, 32 Sllverton Avenue er, gas grill anil carpeting. Qul c.'irnetlnff throughout. On fenced two IMMEDIATELY CONVENTIONAL ni Assistant Trust Oftlceri Asst. Trust Olflcer Little Silver, New Jersey extras. $55,000. siren, close tn shopping renter, ; ni-rrs l<:nulil suti-dlvldr i. Three-far, ASSUMPTION BUYER — Mother an, :io:t Broad street, 31)3 Broad Street MANUFACTURERS HANOVER buses nnd park. Asking only $'J5,!><> stnll garage-atable (pri- daughter need a onr-famlly with thn Red Hank, N. J. Red Bank, New Jersey a TRUST COMPANY Call 741-M5U. lentlal fiparltnent i. Tn-c-lnndflcapiMl. beilrodmn and a separate npartme Messrs. Heekman A Porter, Executors (By: LcMolne It. Buckalew, City utllltli'.T. An unusual buy at $52, with a minimum of on» bedroom. ' 10 Hroail Street, "MII7DI7ETOWN - OAK 'HILL AREA Reil Hank. N. J. Messrs. Crowell A. Crowell Vice President> (Kill nslu'd MIIHI fee. and quickly. tho low twenties. 14 Mechanic Street Frtur-bedroorn Colonial, "'j bntti EARLK S. SNYOKIt, REALTOR, OEOIRGE MOUNARO AGENCY Attorneys 3.MI Talk Avenue HARVEY H. BOWTELL family room and den. Fireplace. Wa Mldilletown. 671-2.1fl(l; MI-fll2O._ RI. 35 _ _H»r.Irt SM-TO Juno ?H, July S, 13, 1B_ %MM_ Red Bftnk, New Jersey New York City, New York to-wall carpeting thrnUKhoul. Tre Altnrneys ExeculorH REAL ESTATE shaded hnir acre let. clnse to peliim Lrn'LE~siLVKR ONLY — 3-beilrDO July », 12, 19, 2(1 Messrs, I'ai^on.i. Canzona, Fnur nilnutps to bus or train. Vs IIOURO urRcntly nreiletl. 1:IHIIT $:i0.00( NOTICK TO ABSENT flKVENDANTS Blair A Warren 4(V». (171-11(177. LOTS AND ACREAGE Prlvnlo buyer. Call 741-3J01. SlIPBI (III WHIT OK NKW .1EHSEV IS Wallace Street (IIANCKUV DIVISION NOTKK TO ABSENT »KKr.NI>A.NTS Hwy. 36, Leonardo 291-"2100 'BMALL~KARM WANTF.H -Wilhln NIIPKRIOH OOI'HT Rid Hank. New Jersey VR o iCo NELOT fbi66 mill's from Hiilnvay. Three ni-res MON.MOrnl COUNTV , Atlnrnpy.i HOUSES FOIl SALE IMM'KKT NO. F-JIIO-m Ol' NKW JKItSKV Hither I'onitnercifil nr rcaiiirntlat. niorr llnlrnilel-Mntawan area pi STATE OK NBW JERSEY MdNSfOUTII C'llllNTV, July .',, 11 1!), 2» |SO.S» Call MULLANF-Y UEALTY 671-MM. fnrrnd. P.O. Il(ix 1T."». Avenel, N.-L 071 (IIANCF.UY DIVISION HMAHTIFUIi 4 aiTO l-'atr Hnvim pint. DOCKKT NO. F-3929-in "READY BUYERS" ANCKLO M I.OOiU anil Hie HKlTiS, STATE OF NEW JKRBEY: NKTICI: Ol' NKTTI.EMENT Wulklng dlslnncp to river, Fully Innd- 11KV1SKF.S AND PERSONAL RBI'- Td: John R. Camp OK ACCOU.NTS: Hcnprd I'rli'o Jiwt redurcd t I NEED HOMES -Krrail Kumson II HKSK.NTATIVKB AN 11 ANY OV HIS, ESTATE OF ELLA W. EVERETT, HsmNN WATWATIOftHl/liV , R , Llncrofl. From JlS.flOd to IIOO.CK TIIKIfi •ftlNYIESSOltS IN niOlIT Tl- You are herehy summoned nml re- W. Kr ".Service and expert knowledge Is i Tl.K AN I' INTEREST OK ANGEI.O quired to scrvu upon Blamla ami Hlan- DECEASKI) nt St., HIM! Bank. 747-:»."iO«. da, Esquires, pl&tiutrt* , attorney, Notice l.i hereby given that tha ac- Nl , ealllns euril" Call Ailnm Kri'towlc/ l,(«mi ANI> MRS. ANUKI.O LOORI counts uf thn HutiHcrlhcr*, Bole Sur- MAST Owner, AHAM9 AGENCY. Ill llowar YOU AUK 1IE11KI1Y BUMMONKD whose address Is 80 Ha/.let Aveinii', 100x100. (3,000. Ave., New Shrewsbury. 711-MKI9 or 711 Hazlel, Now Jersey, un Answer In the viving TniiiU'e, unit tli« Executors of I'nli anil reiiulri'd to serve upon PILI-8- Complaint filed In a civil intldii, In a Dcceuneil Cu-Truslee, uf the estatn fi4!!8. "2i Hour Bervlee." Mtunber Kei IIIIRY, HAHNACI.n, mlSSELLftCAH- of Mill llei'i'a.ii'il will bo audited nnd ^VKl.OT Bank Area Multiple. Listing flrrvle TON Attorneyu for the Plaintiffs, wJioflft which John A. Cherney In plalntllf ncluiols. On Bhnrnton Lane, and John It. Camp ot itl are defen- Httiletl hy (flu HurrnKatd nt dm ClUJi' nililrc.ii IK »"i» Highway #:!.">, Middle- dants. I'enillnK In Ihf Superior Court ly of Mnnuiuuth unil rcpoitO'l lor set- Ituninnn. SIT.fiOO. r!all R4'2-'J()70. town, New Jersey, an Answer to the Ili'lnent tu The Monninulh Cnunty Complaint, ami Aniondmenta to Com- of Now Jersey, within Ihlrly-flve (3M MAITORS .- IN5URORS — APPRAIStRI S|X-A(;RES --- days after July 12, Hlfin, exclusive nf Court. Prnlintn Division, nn Friday, plaint filed In Civil Actlmi, In wlilrh such date. It you [nil In do so. .IIIIIB- thn mill day of August A. D, lOW, MIDDLETOWN OFFICF Nli'rly wvtodt'vl nrn'JiBO, Jilcil fnl" nilf vnil are Ilin Dutendanti, pending In nient by Delault may l,o rendered at !1;:ill o'clrick Kin., it thn Cminly lii.nii'slli'. with P'"»l llowlnB Mri-iim. illi- Superior Court of N»'W Jersey, against you fur thn rollel demanded Cnurt IfniiHC, Munuiiuuit ami Court within X< liny* alter July 2(1, lWlfl, Streets, Freehold, New Jtirney, at A*lni: ?ld..'i(Ml. <'A1tI, V. 7.F.I.I.EHK, Melualvn »< aurh i1nt«. It you fall In the Ciuni'lnlnt. You shall file your HcLillnr, Illli-llIX Annwer»ln I'roof of Service In dupli- which tfm« Appllca'loil will he- mnda In il" »ii, Judgment >>y default may Decate wllh Ihe Clerk of the ituporlor for tht) allowance of C'IMIIIIIHHI'IIIS and SPLIT LEVEL - MIDDLETOWN ~"A"Cni;i'ii NV:I:IC ni'KciAi, ri'luli'ri'd nKuliut you for the relief Counsel foes. I)u ymi flnilroV HiM:lnnlon-li\ h 5^>, demanded In thn Complaint. Yciu shall Court, Htate Annex, Trenton, Four bidroomi, I 'A bnlhi, living room, dining room, lifchtn, Inrgo family room. All >ifualad New Jersey In amorilaneo with the Dated June 13th Ah lli'lll (Mil arm-nil a rtmnil-i'iiil |mvml (Iri'fl. fllo your answer and proof of nervfce rules of tlin civil |irut:|lcn procedure. on • heavily traad lot. Clot* to ichooli, 4r, II 7I7-21S7. worry aboutl" July n, 12, in, 'ill l» .«l( Jun« 21, 39. July n, 13 I4« T« t ,20-TJJF- DAILY REGISTER, Fnd.y, July ' i1. 196fl By CHARLES M. SCHVLZ 7 Gotf ttem J5 DaJire step PEANUTS . 8 Captivate 38 Gear 9 Philippine 38 Frozen DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Keuham PUZZLE island 39 Faucet By M, A- Helmbtoder JO "Two (Jen- Uemen «rf house ACROSS 45 Calyx leaf Verona" 43 Vehicle 1 Information 46 Eat character 44 Julius and 5 Appraises 47— danse 11 Mineral Octavius 10 Pattern 48 Scots' part- deposit 46 Comedian's 14 Kind of ners, 9th 12 Tip foil exam cent 13 Home of a 47 Egyptian 15 Ring 5(1 Buzzer sort 51 "Measure god 16 Lariat 21 Make lace 49 Corona or for , 23 Sum up By CHIC YOUNG 17 Roman coin Measure" perfecto BLONDIE 18 Vapor 25 Hindrance 50 Cap character 25 Quarrels TOMGRESSMAN SASDASM^T: 1!) Poems 54 "Julius 51 Masticate S 6OiMS TO SPEAK OM yS ' 20 "Hamlet" 27 Earth: FT. 52 Departed ' HOW TO STOP > ' Caesar" character 2R Ready 53 Tunes THE DOLLAR DRAiM character 29 Queen — 22 Vicar in 58 Salutation 54 Apportion "As You 31 Anglers' 55 District 59 Rull, for one delights Like It" fil Dry 56 Food fish .12 .Shadows: si. 57 Totals 24 - form 62 Raison 1'— 33 List of a 25 Wattle tree fifl Abyssinian fi3 Chalcedony sort 2fi Ale's 64 Rip prince partner fi5 Occident Solution to Yesterday's Puzzle 29 Spoil 66 Put to- .10 Isms gether 34 Corrals again a^» 35 Normal 67 Gives 3R Offhand DOWN 37 Music, for 1 Beauty one 2 Operatic 'lOBBW THIS PITCHER , , ^ - MARY WORTH By ALLEN SiUNDERS and KEN ERNST 38 Chatter specialty cue. AUCfiACET. " SHE WONT LIKE IT. 39 Overscore ,1 Weed TAK.L THE MATTER. J J...& REPLACING V THROUGH MY WORK, AT THE MAGA2INE, I K.NOW DOZENS Of RESPECTED WRITERS, 40 Inlet 4 "Titus An- OF HIS OBNOXIOUS FRIENDS! Tn EM WITH PEOPLE I'Ll HANDLE THAT VERY.VERV* WE BOTH f—- EDITOR'S AND CRITICS! TOMORROW NIGHT, I'M 41 Vestiges dronicus" I K.NOW THE GROUND RULES ] INVITING SOME. OF THEM IN FOR COCKTAILS 1 EHVTf'. J 43 Capture character OF THE GW4E, MR4W0RTH. - A SUBTLYj/« —*^:-^JL AJ yj^--TO MEET AND! WOULD NEVER LET 510 44 Archaeo- 5 Destroyed ' I * I Bridge Advice JU5PECT THAT HE. WAS BEING I DEAR Mt! COURTSHIP logical 6 Crafts' -WELL-MADE. OVER. INTO / HAS CERTAINLV BECOME. chisel partners ! <»MP1ICATED»SINCE THE By AI-FRKD SHEINWOLD COCOA-ANO-COOKIES As a reader of this column DAYS OFMVVOUTH! you know that you will always Soulh dealer get the truth, no matter how Both sides vulnerable painful it may he. You are en- NORTH L titled to know that today'fchand 4 KQ32 is a flawed gem, but it may e installed by mid-August in Rhode Island the doubleton K-Q of hearts, (A Pocket Guide to Bridge is the Old Village School on West would have held four available. Get your copy by Holmdel-Keyport Road. ' hearts higher than the five. SNUFFY SMITH By FRED LASSWELL Uses School sending 50 cents to Red Bank The township clerk's office If South had counted the Reigster Inc., Box 3318, Grand 'GOLDy LOCKS will then move into the space hearts carefully he would have Central Station, New York, N.Y seen that Trezel surely held at HOLLERED —WHO ow occupied by the library at As a Model 10017.) TH' DINS DONS'S 'own Hall. FREEHOLD - Rhode Island BEENSOBBLIN'UP "We'll he able to stretch our has developed a statewide vo- "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean MY PORRIDGE? egs at the Village School," Li- cational program following the jrarian Emily Uglesich said same pattern as that followed Saturday, July 13 appily. "Perhaps we can of- in Monmouth County, Donald P. Hoagland, superintendent of the Present—For You and Yours • • • Relax and er slory hours again. We had enjoy yourself, but don't move around more than o stop them due to lack of county vocational school district, said yesterday. necessary. Avoid strenuous sports and games during :pace." hot part of day. Avoid tangents which create stress. In his review of the year 1967- Mrs. Uglesich reported that Safety aspects, somewhat adverse, but nothing too 68, Mr. Hoagland reported to t the former school the li- extreme denoted if sensible precautions are observed. the vocation school board that Keep a close watch on youngsters' activities. irary will be a two-room com- as a result of a visit to Mon- )lex, with separate reference mouth County, Rhode Island acilities. The staff expects to representatives, who like what The Day Under Your Sign >pen the library every day they saw, set up a similar vo- \riei, Born Mar. 21 to Apr. 19 Libra. Sopt. 23 to Oct. 22 THE PHANTOM By LEE FALK rom 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. and cational school system. Don't Mjwet too much from Impulsive, headstrong individ- others today, but expect plenty ual may be hard to deal with, EVERYTHING SHEMS The Monmouth County Voca- of yonr«lf. hut you can do it. THE PHANTOM CLIMBS 1 I IN ORPER UP HERE Winslcnv to Pay tional School system has been Tavrui. April 20 to May 20 Scorpio, Oct. 23 to Nov. 21 You can't counteract fitiffue hr a top attraction for many vo- This is the season you usually Stock Dividend doing something tiring after enjoy, but usual sport* and cational school leaders both in work. Get extra rest. frames lack appeal now. and out of the state, he said, Gemini. May 21 to Jun« 21 Sagittarius. Nov. 22 to Dte. 21 ASBURY PARK - The A Mow period whrre ion mit- A rather quiet, restful day. oard of directors of Winslow and the system also has been trrj are concerned. Catch up You may feej bored, but you'll \ the subject of numerous maga- »n odds and ends. benefit from inactifity. Tele-Tronics, Inc. has declared zine articles. Cancer. Junt 22 to July 21 Capricorn. D*c. 22 to Jan. 20 dividend to stockholders of I f someone trie* lo u*urr» your Try tn contact friends for a \ Mr. Hoagland reported that authority, take it in stride and aimr-oMhe-moment rret-tofether ecord at the close of business : hold your tonfrue. this weekend. Rhode Island is constructing Lao. July 22 to Aug. 21 Aquariui. Jan. 21 to Fab. 19 uly 19 and payable Aug. 19 at three small vocational build- Accept inritalion. You'll be in Charitable in.itincti accented. the mood to fro when the time You may want to volunteer for he rate of one share of com- ings next to existing arriTen. a community activity. mon stock of Klystronics, Inc. high schools and will provide Virgo. Aug. 22 to Sapt. 22 Piicai. Fab. 20 to March 20 vocational education in cooper- You are rerj- sennttiTe to the You're in the mood for action for each 10 shares of common feelings of others hut dwi't but may hare trouble finding ation with the local high mate personal remarks. others to join in the fun. stock of Winslow Tele-Tronics, schools. The schools will be OField Entcrpriatt, Inc., 1968 Inc. ready this fall, he said. NUBBIN % JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CRENSHAtf BEETLE BAILEY By MORT WALKER A WINUTs LA'S? AV I POMT CARE ZERO, POMT SHAKE TU4T IT, AS LOSJ&AS MOP IN IT'S NOT IN HEBE HERE


£*M*lalnl BAY HEAD THE DAILY REGISTER, Friday. July "vr 1968—^21 Television Program Lutings LORRAINE— KR! SAT » »'.v1l • BHf- av!« 7 !«. > 20 PEBTH AMB0¥ LAVALLETTE North of Red Bank At the Movies AMROY'S DRIVE-IN— a. i — woiwv CL a ___. w nx-TV a. WNOT-TW AVALETTE- MIDDLETOWN WU. A 8AT. — Bonnie A Cly4e rat., «AX * awit, -jHrysf * K«lum-Col»r T/AKmiift vnn ••«: 11*1 »»'^*•rt^/»-^5OMmw,or/ BED BANK PARAMOUNT- 7 45; *:M T0WN- 4lM im/ntr 7;1uat§ 2:00; 4.0O; SUN. - liinemary'a Baby 20S; 4:35; Oreen Btrela 2:00: TIB; 9:M. '—Steve Allen—Variety—Color 7:00; 9:30. 8AT. Green BereU 2.13; i'.M; 7_Fllm—Seo How Thty Run- II Munsters—Comedy Ronald Colman—1 hr.( 40 mln. rsnny 11:30. 0:0.5; 8:05: 10:10 KEYPORT John Forsyfh*—J hn.—Color 5-N.w» •RIVE-IN— 7:35; 10:15. JJ-Book: B«af—Interview 9—N«w» LONG BRANCH FARMINGDALE BUN. Cre.n Berela 2:W; 4:30; jl_-$peed Racer—Color 31—Film Short P"Rt., BAT. A Sf'N. - The (Sound of STRAND— 7:00; 8 30. 13—Film Short 1:N SHORE DRIVE-IN- Muilc 9:011. KRI, SAT. * RUN • Bf-lnrzled 11—Burns ond Allen—Comedy BARONET- TRI . BAT. * BUN. — r>retn Btret« jl_WlnQs To The World 31--Hewi—Paul Monacher Yolira, Mlne&Oun 2:O0; 7:00:10:30; T.W; 10:40; The D»y the Kluh Came l:JS 8:60; Scaljihuntera 11:30. ISLAND HEIGHTS Out 8:45. j>_Frlendly Glani—Chlldrtn —, e:JJ 2—Newi—Color Entileea Bummer 0:00. '—Weather—Antolne—Color 1:4» BAT. — Your«, Mine * Oure 3:OT; NEPTUNE CITY BAY DRIVEIN- EAST BRUNSWICK The nation's 200,000 tons of 4/—Sports—Fausto Miranda 2—Film—Born Reckless— 7.00: 10:30; Kodlcat Summer 2:OO; FtlL. BAT. A SUN. — Poor Cow 5—Paul Wlnchtll—Color. 7:00 5:21; 1:00. NEPTUNE CITY— TURNPIKE- low-cost uranium reserves will 11—Little Rascals—Color Mamie Von Doren—1 hr., 35 mln. BUN. — No Way lo Trnt I I.lrty Rosemary's Baby 2:20: 7:20: 9:45. 8:50; 11:10; Bwlngln Rummer 10:50. IJ-Mlsterogtri—Chlldran ' -News—Waller Cronklle—Color 1:1S OUTDOOR — Frtr. SAT. * Bi'N'. - <-News— Chet Huntley, Oovld 3:<0; 7:1»; 10:45; 1'rnject X 3:«O; RAT. -- Rosemary's Baliy 2:30; 5:05; SEASIDE limn BiTets B;M; 1.15; Fr'rtci be exhausted by the mid-1970s. jl—Films From Franco 2—Film—The Kid trom Brooklyn- 5:30; »:00. 7:40; 10:15. Brlnkley—Color Danny Koye—2 hrs., 15 mln. Wat 11:30. 5:30 J-l Lov« Lucy—Corned/ HUN. Ilosemary's Baby 2:10; 4 40- lOLONIAL— Half a million tons must be f—Make Room For Daddy SATURDAY FREEHOLD 7:20; 8:45. INDOOK -- r:r»cn B>rfU 7:30; 11:45 '—News—Frank Reynolds—Color AFTERNOON The Fox 7:30; Frnzrn Prad 10:15 ll_Thre« Stoogts—Color il—F Troop—Comedy FREEHOLD MALL- BAT. — The fax 7:45: 10 no, SAT, * BUN Fro7-.f:n rifan 1 20:found by late 1980 to supply 4:M SPRING LAKE SUN. The Fox 7:30; 9:45. 13—Senator Cose—Report 2—People1* Choice—Comedy Th« Omriu«te 2:00; 7:3IS; »:«!>. 5 40; 10:l."i; Green Hpreta 3:00; 7 :to; proposed power plants. 31—Living For The Sixties BAT. — Kiddle Show: Alikaitm iTRAND- 11:45. 4'—Pollto Vega—Music ? 31—It'i Fun to Read—Dlscuttlon Fill., SAT. * RUN. -- Prudnnci £ 4:30 Tho Great 2:00; 'Pie Graduate 6:OO; the Ml 7:1.1; 9:30 nevll'a Brigade 7:30: 0:55. 7:M .2—Hone Race—Aqueduct—Color S.M; 10:00. RAT. — Devil's Brleacte 745; 10:15. '—Wild Wild West—Color 11—Time to Remember BUN — The Oradual« 2:00; 4:00; MANASQUAN 8t!N. -- Devll'e Brigade 7:30; 0:55. *—Tarzan—Adventure—Color 31—Films from France 6:00; J:OO; 10:00. ALGONQUIN- 5—Truth Or Consequences—Game- i:ot ASBURY PARK WALTER READE THEATRES Color 1—Film—You're In the Navy Now- FRI., SAT. * SUN. — No Way to Treat a Lady 2:00; 7:16; 9:2.5 Don't Miss tin Rig 7-OII To See The Wliord-Color Gory Cooper—M mln. BAHONET- tl-Patty Duke-Comedy 4—Film—Jitterbugs— Tli« Producer* 6:«0; 8:00; 10:00. BRIELLE 13-Festlvol-Poeiry Laurel and Hardy—40 mln. SAT. — The Producers 2:00; 8:00; parUora 31—Brooklyn College 7—Wide World of Sports—Color R:00; 10:00. DRIVE-IN- Dance Tonight 4'—Spanish Drama—Serial II—Soccer—Santos vs. Generals—Color SUN. — The Producera 2:00; 7;O0; FRI. A SAT. — Devll'a Hrljafie « RED BANK 31-Survty of the Arts 9.0O. 9:1S: 1:25; Easy Come Ea«y Go Air Conditioned I:M l:M 11:45. 5-Haiel—Comedy—Color LYRIC— Hlghttfown Country Club 5—Mister Roberts—Comedy—Color The Gra4uat« 1:00; 7:30: 9:30. SIIJT^-- Devll'a Brigade S:M; 1:10; '—Baseball—Mets—Color •—Film—The Devil's Disciple— DAILY MATINEES AT 11-POJS word-Game-Color SAT. 4 SUN. — Tha OraduaU 2:00; Eae^BCome Eaay Qo 11:40. For Folks 20 & 1.55 CatOMtDWN IJ-NET Jazt-Muslc Kirk Douglas—M mln. 3:50; 5:40; 7:50: 10:00. BRICKTOWN CARLTON AND 31—Lee Graham—Interview Andy Wells Big Band — A gnat Jl—Survey Ot The Arts 47—Film Feature—Color MAYFAIR- BRICK PLAZA- PARAMOUNT 2:00 P.M. •"-Film—Yo Soy Charro it Lovlto— Oreeo Beret* 2.10; 7.10; »:M). night of fun whether you comt Tin Tan—1 hrs. EVENINO HiMtmary'i Baby 2:00; 7:1S; 8.(0. e:00 SAT — Green Be.reta 2:25; 5:OS; SAT. * SUN. — ttonomary'a Baby alone or couples. Andy Wells 7:(5; 10:20. B:M 4—It's Academic—Quit—Color 2:U5; 4:M; 7:30; 10:00. Set. Night Joe Mucha. Coming I—Gomer Pyle, USMC—Color 5—Fast Draw—Game—Color SUN. — Green Bercta 2:00; 1:3.5; •—Star Trek—Adventure—Color 11—Munsters—Comedy 7:15; B:50. POINT PLEASANT thii Wed., July 17 — Danes of »—Merv Grl/lln—Color 3)—Focus on Books—Discussion ARN0LD- the Month — July Frolic Dance '—Man In A Suitcase—Color 47—Film Feature FRF. * BAT. -- YfturB, Mlnp A OurB — Walt Mellon - Two Bands - 11—Honeymooners—Comedy 4:M »-Wllllom F. Buckley Jr.—Color 2:l):i; 7:£5; 9:20. 1J—Washington: Week In Review— 2—News—Ralph Penza—Color 11—Hurdy Gurdy—Music—Color SUN. -- No Way to Treat a Lady Joe Mucha. News—Analysis t— News—Frank McGee—Color 47—FJfm—7o- bt> announced 3:00; 6:00; 7:10; 5:15. 31—Consultants At Large 5—1 Lovo Lucy—Comedy 10:10 •:M 7—Crisis—Drama—Color 5—Mayor Llndsoy—Color 2—Film—I Want to Live!— 11—Peter Martin—Variety-Color 11-Wanted—Dead or Allvt BOX OFf ICr. CPtNS / 00 Susan Hoyward—2 hrs. 31—Italian Panorama 31—Mayor Llndsoy—Color 11— Baseball— Yankees—Color 47—Wrestling—Washington, D. C. 11:00 DTE.35 OlANTrREtPtAYOHOUND "SHIVERING AND ABSORBING ENTERTAIN- 13— NET Playhouse—Drama e:45 2—Ntws—Harry Reasoner—Color CHILDREN UNDfR 12 fHLf 31—Sight And Sound—Music 31—News 4— Ntws— Bob Teagut—Color "DRIVE-IN MENT. Sly, stylish and suspenseful film. A ?:M 7:M J—David sussklnd—Discussion—Color ua"i.SJ!J!IH'"»" 35136 4—Hollywood Squares—Color 2-r-News—Roger Mudd—Color 7-Mtws—Keith McBee—Color 7-Guns Of Will Sonnett—Color 4—New York Illustrated e_Film—The Mod Twentlts— splendidly executed example of its genre." 1 hr., 45 mln. HAZIET 264-2200 31—Film Short 5—Truth or Consequences—Gome- -Hol/is Alpert, Saturday Review Inrir* block OH Aibury Avt. »:« Color 11-Word of Lite—Color 31—News—Herbert Boland •—Burke's Low—Mystery •tar Octan, Aibury Park, N. J. 10:00 31—Community Action t—i HMOOfM 4—To Be Announced 7:30 Spatial package dtali avallabl*. 5—News—Bill Jorgensen—color 2—Prisoner—Adventure—Color "With 'Rosemary's Baby,' Rpman Polanski Open all ytar—T«l. 775-1000 7—Judd—Droma—Color 4—Saint—Mystery-Color ATLANTIC 13—Newstront—Mitchell Krauss 5—Branded—Western establishes himself firmly as a director of 31—Behind The Laws—Discussion 7—Dating Gome—Color AHontlc Highlands 291-0148 ] 47— Spanish Drama—Serial 11—F Troop—Comedy the first rank. Mia Farrow as Rosemary draws 10:30 31—On the Job—Fire Dtpt. NOW THRU TUESDAY 11— American Prlntmakers l:oo 47— News—Corrlgan—Color 5—Colleae Talent—Vorlety-tplor Rod Le« Gaorg* a beautifully intuitive performance!" 10:45 7—Newlywed Game^-Color Stelger Remick Segal —Paul D. Zimmerman, Newsweek Magarine VACATION IN 47—Variety Hour—Lanza—Color 9—Films—1. Tht Grebt Impersona- 11:00 tor— Rolp Bellamy; 2. Tht Devil's 2—News—Tom Dunn—Color Mask—Anita Louise—3 hrs. 'NOWAY TO TREAT A UDY" 4— News—Jim Hariz—Color II—Potty Dukt—Comedy Plus — JAMES COBURN "SUPERB SUSPENSE! Even readers of the 5—Beauty r?ogeant—Color .31—Film Ftaturt 7—News—Rooer Grlmsby—Color 1:30 "The President's Analyst" 9—Film—Billy Budd— I—My Three Sons—Comtdy—Color ROCKKUDSON CMOHIJULE OAI»IA book who know how 'Baby' conies out are in Robert Ryan—2 hrs. 4—Get Smart—Comedy—Color 1— Black Journal—Color 5—Woody Woodbury—Variety—Color for a surprise." -T,™M.g«in. 11:10 7—Lawrence Welk—Music—Color 4-Weafher—Frank Field—Color 11—Password—Game—Color MARINE 11:15 31—Casper Citron—Interview . , Hlohlqnd. 87J-0751 4—News—Jim Hortx—Color 47—La Trlbuna Hlspana 7—Local News—Grlmsby—Color 9:00 IWWMMMMMMWH I ^ " "tl* At" "A CLASSIC! A shocker beyond belief! Will n:25 2—Hogan's Heroes—Comtdy—Color NOW PLAYING 4—Sports—Kyle Role—Color 4—Film—.The Errand Boy— 1UW - Jerry Lewis—J hrs. - . , ELVIS PRESLEY attract millions and millions of persons to 2—Film—Bombers B-52— 11—Perry Mason—Mystery NANCY SINATRA Karl Maiden—2 hrs., 5 mln.—Color 31—Big Picture—Army—Color theatres." 4—Johnny Carson—Variety—Color 47—Film—To be announced CLARE 7Joey Bishop—Variety—Color «:N "SPEEDWAY" Color AND 2—Petticoat Junction—Color PLUS 2ND HIT 7—Hollywood Palace—Color 31—Communications and Education— COBY'S Lecture 'ENDLESS SUMMER' 10:00 ta HIGHLANDS 2—AAlss Unlvtrst—Beauty Pageant- STARTS SUNDAY Id • WHtam CM«* ProducUon Color "tHl LOST CONTINENT11 5—News—Schormen—Color PLAN IT NOW! LOBSTER POUND 11—Pot Boone—Variety—Color Plus — "THE VIKING QUEEN" 31—Travelogues—Color Restaurant of Distinction p y 10:30 Thinking about going to Bor- Produud tv W»am Casile/ Written la the Sawn and Diecledbv Roman PoUnsW Wholesale - Retail 5—Volet of the Desert—Color LUNCHEON DINNER ntuda? Than by all mean* gat m 7—Around tht World—Travel—Color i CASINO 47—Film—Su Proprlo Destlno— free copy of "A Kty to Mr- # Keaaiburg 787-0300 It'll take a few minutes longer to get muda." Marco Vlcorlo—90 mln. WMMMMMMM«MII EVERYTHING 11:00 here but you'll enjoy your dinner so CO-FEATURE AT THE DRIVE-IN — "WILL PENNY" 4—News—Bob Teagut—Color NOW PLAYING Thli colorful and Informative 7—News— Ktlth McBet—Color much more. Delightful atmosphere, folder contains an txcdltnt t—Film—The strangltr of Blackmoar ELVIS PRESLEY FOR YOUR Castle^—Karln Dor—2 hrs. * superb food, gracious service. mop of tht Islands, and ovtr- 11:10 NANCY SINATRA flows with helpful hint* OR 4—Weather—Nicholson—Color So if you want to make it a memor- clothing, shopping, customs, 11:15 'SPEEDWAY" Color 4—Local News—Teagut—Color able evening, make it Clare and •ync TOWN duty, transportation, things to CLAM 7—Local News—Noble—Color PLUS 2ND HIT IM dud do. 11:25 Coby's. Free Parking. • MIDDLFTOWM 4—Sports—Mel Allen—Color 'ENDLESS SUMMER" TTUtm Well gladly send you on* of 11:30 mvum BAKE 2—News—Robert Potts—Color STARTS SUNDAY 1 these useful /older*—or, If yo» 4—Johnny Carson—Variety—color COCKTAIL LOUNGE prefer, stop In, pick era up and 5—Alan Burke—Color Rod Le* Georgt c let ui help you plan your trip. 7—Film—Psycho- Sttlgtr Remlek Segal including Anthony Perkins—2 hrs.f S mln. Highway 34-Madison Twp. 11-11 Is Writlen-Tqlk-Color In order fa tnsura accommodatloni, 12JH 10 WAY TO TREAT A LADY' DIRECTIONS wt request that you make your. LOBSTERS. 2—Film—Illeoat Entry- PLUS — JAMES COBURN Take Route 34 north to Junction of Rt. t Howard Duff—1 hr., 40 mln. "THE PRESIDENT'S ANALYST" r*»rvatloM oi toon o* posslblt. 11—Continental Miniatures STEAMERS, 47—News—Arturo Rodriguez Plat CLOSED MONDAYS 7214898 11:30 "HELLS ANGELS ON WHEELS" 11—BIB Plcturt—Army—Color i:oo HARD CLAMS 4—Film—The Invisible Man— Claudt Rains—1 hr., 10 mln. TRAVEL 9—Film Short—Color l:is NEPTUNE O7Ty (division of) HIGHLANDS 9—Ntws and Weather The PUZA 1:30 —BRADUATE JOS. M. BYRNE CO. J—News MAGIC LOBSTER POUND 1:35 TECHMCOIOR* MNAVtSON* ^WWKMKMI Travel Service 7—Film—Queen of the Pirates— Sines 1686 Foot of Atlantis Street Glonna Maria Canalt—1 hr., 35 mln. DAILY MATINEES AT 2:00 P.M. 1:40 MOVIE Off Bay Ave. Highlands 2—News—Color 144 Broad Street 1:45 FOR THE 2—Film—The Lieutenant Wort Skirts- R«d Bank Contact Ray Shugard Tom Ewell—1 hr., 55 mln.—Color 3:45 741-5080 872-9861 2—Film—Toward the Unknown- WEEKEND GLdaMB5 aaroniet William Holden—1 hr,, 20 mln.— ASBURY PARK Color MM ASBURACRIIBY PARPARKK U ARRIIRY PAF SUNDAY AT NEARBY AFTERNOON 4:00 "FUNNIEST 7—Tlmt For Americans—Color Shelley Christopher Diane 11_F|lm—My Friend- Fllcka— FLICKER SATURDAY JULY 13 Roddy McDowall—90 mln. 31—Consultants at Largo SINCE 47—Panorama R.A.I.—Ntwsrttl 4:15 THEATRES THE 47_Film—Mlsj ttallo— Glna Lollobrlglda-W) mln. Comfortably MARX BROTHERS" 31—Stolen Island Today Alr-Conditioned - MADEM01SBLH 5:00 2-Dlol M For Music—Color 4—Since Wars Began—Color S—77 Sunset Strip—Drama 7—Film—The Bucconeer— STREETS Yul Brynner—2 hrs.—Color Shows Weekdays n Mel Brooks' I fit 31—Trovtlogues 5:30 2:00-7:00-9:30 2—Amateur Hour—Varltty—Color COLOR-^HOLBROOK 4—Campaign and tht Candidates- Report—Color CONTINUOUS 11—Baseball—Yankees—Color 47—Film Feature SAT. and SUN. EVENINO <:oo from 2:00 J—21st Century—Color 4—Frank McGee Report—Color LATE SHOWS SAT.! 5—Secret Agent—Drama 31—Human Rights Forum 47—Italian Musical "ENDLESS SUMMER" e:30 Judy Collins Arlo Guthrie 2—Eye on New York—Color 4—Animal Kingdom—Color ACRES OF 31—London Line—Color 47-Sports-Flllppo CrlscrfulU FREE PARKING! The Comedy To Set New Attendance 4:45 Records In Laughter! • musical festival of two, with beauty and meaning in tht 31-Ntws 47—Italian Miniatures—Music lauded talents of singers Judy Collins and Arlo Guttiris 7:00 Smoking Sections Panmaurt Pchnt Rvmts 2—Lassie—Adventure—Color 4—Flipper—Adventure—Color No Extra Charge! Mia farrow J—Film—The Maltese Falcon- kt • Wlllam CMtti PraducUon Tlckils are a»allabla at the box olllta Humphrey Bogart—2 hrs. on tht sltt. 7—Voyage—Adventure—Color Ticket prices: 9—NFL Action—Pro Football—Color |johnCas8avetf»•»+ Office, U* U*i By E. M. (i»Uen it. 8 Cushion. festival. 8 Blast open 7 day* a week 7 P.M. to 1 AM. ACROSS 39 Metal 23 Idaho /wnaees. metropolis. Now Managing Old Orchard 1 fJera. containers. TONIGHT! Summer Of Stars 10 Reimbursed 36 Annouiicers. EATONTOWN — "When I 5 Under- 43 Disturber of 40 French IN Asbury Pork's m 11 Otherwise. was younger I spent my sum- garments. the peace. 12 Garden river. FOLK MUSIC 44 Geometric mers working in the dining 10 Church handicap. 42 Particle. LANI HERRMANN BLUE GRASS RAHILfRS • CONVENTION HALL : room at the old Monterey Hotel figure. 15 Louis XVI's 43 Alludes. . bench. JIM HUTCHISON FRED THE GUITARIST in Asbury Park as a busboy. 13 Spice. 45 South menage. 45 Simon I guess that's when 1 first got 20 Uncommon. called —, 14 Man's American SHOWS AT 8:30 and 10:30 2 SHOWS every SAT. MITE the idea to go into dining room 22 Roman 46 Birds. •••••••••••••••• 1 work, ' said Kdward Durma of name. nation. 47 Australian SAT, JOLT 11—7:30 X 9:45 P.M. bronze. 502 Seventh Ave., Asbury Park, 15 Hearty's 46 Pour off. 24 Russian bird: var. Jefferson Airplane the nrw dining hall manager companion. 49 Postponed. mountains. 48 Heart. at Old Orchard Country Club. 1fi Dill seed. 5.1 Haywire. ••••••••••••••••a 25 Enthusiasm. 49 Masculine SAT, JULY 2J-M0 X 10 P.M. "You can't go to school for i 17 Dodge. 54 Elliptical. 26 Polish. nickname. Dancing Nightly dining room management. ! 18 French 56 Roast. 27 Delicate 50 Storm. GLEN CAMPBELL Whether you are hired or not river. 57 Part of colors. 51 Pieces out. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK depends on experience," con- 19 Check. "to be." 28 Aim. 52 Fender FEATURING: SAT., JULY 27-7:30 19:45 P.M. tinued Mr. Durma. "Kxcept 21 Praised. 58 Stream. 29 Approxi- mishap. for a brief period as a radio 23 Adamant. 59 Stove com- mately. 55 Complete. LUNCHEON and DINNER RAVI SHANKAR announcer. I've been doing din- 24 Indians. partment. Solution to Yesterday's Puzzle • ART SERVILLA ... at the organ SAT., AUG. 3-7:30 X 9.45 P.M. ing hall work for 25 years." 25 Chemical 60 Contest in Mr. Durmn, who did radio compounds. court. The Association announcing for WSCIi, radio 28 Closes 61 Prophets. KltlllltlllMIII station in Scrantnn, Pa., and ahead of 62 Cozy SAT., AUG. 10-7:30 & 10 P.M. jVVRLB in Long Rranch. former- time. retreat. ly managed Rod's Shadowbrook 32 Ring, as DOWN FOUR SEASONS in Shrewsbury, and was with bells. 1 Persian mill t)ousfc ••••••••••^••••e« the Rutlonwood Manor in Mata- 33 Wild pig. poet. RESTAURANT & COCKTAIL LOUNGE SAT, ABB. 17—7.30 & 3.45 P.M. 34 Hautboy. 2 Sheet of wan before coming to (he Old HIGHWAY 35 MIDDLETOWN Orchard. 35 The hot -. glass. BEACH BOYS 3fi Stigmatizes. 3 Experts. 747-1016 • Food Served Till Midnight •tllllltllllltflt "My job entails training the 37 Nourish- 4 Marie MEMBER OF AMERICAN EXPRESS SAT, MB. 24-7:30 8 9:45 P.M. dining room personnel, arrang- ment. Antoinette's ing work schedules, and gener- NEW MANAGER — Edward Durma, new dining room Young Rascals ally overseeing the entire opera- 38 N.Y. thea- ill-advised cousel, • IMICMIKtttllt tion." said Mr. Durma. "I also manager at Old Orchard Country Club, checks menus trical group. SAT, MS. 31-7:30 £ 5:45 P.M. prepare special dishes which and table settings to make jure everything is running require preparation at thesmoothly, . (Register Staff Photo) the new PIN-UP LOUNGE THE DOORS guests' tables, like Cherries ••••••••••••••••o Jubilee." . . . with the largest bar SUN, SETT. 1-7:30 S 10 P.M. Originally from Newark, Mr. in the Shore Area Durma has lived in Asbury Awards, Medals, Trophies THE FOUR TOPS Park 12 years. Working with TICKETS: $5J0; $4.50; 53.50 him at Old Orchard is general ENTERTAINMENT BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN manager David Birchall, whom For Toland Dance Students Also available ot oil Bam- EVERY WED., FRI. & SAT. bcrger Stores; Anderson Mu- Mr. Durma has known since M1DDLETOWN — A number I Priscilla Arnone, John Cain, sic Shop, Red Bank. Mail his busboy days at the Monte- of awards, medals and trophies Sally Umberger and two-year- Ordtrs — Write to Conven- tion Hall, Asbury Pork. En- rey. "Bussing tables is the best were presented at the annual old Robbie IJndmar. Second clou Stamped, Sell Addressed this tveekend Envelope. way to learn the dining room recital of the Dorothy Toland year medals went to Dana Al- profession from the ground up," Dance Studios at Middletown len, Venetia Seward, Holly Jean the "ROYAL TEENS" Mr. Durma counsels. High School. Davis, Mary Poliseo, Jeannie Winning medals for first year Foley and Kicky Lindmar. STARTING SUNDAY THE BAND JOKERS were Mary Anne Dillon, Karen Third year winners were Cindy Bergauer, Blair Spratley, Peg- Roche, Kathleen Foley, Kath- gy O'Brien, Elisa Lepre, Julie ryn Hubeny, Tony Hubeny, Famous For Our PIZZA PIE Streich, Wendy Kluin, Monica Tasha Hubeny, Mary Angers, White, Carolyn Comerford, Susie Jean Roche and little Therese Cain, Rita Hughes, Sharon Busch who turned five two weeks before recital. the new PIN-UP LOUNGE Fourth year winners were Lau- 103 BAY AVENUE 872-1149 HIGHLANDS Royal Philharmonic ren Overby, Beth Ann Chart- To PerfOwn Monday ton, Melissa Predmore and HOLMDEL — The Hoyal Skipper Lindmar. Trophies for Philharmonic Orchestra of Lon- fifth year went to Denise Man- don, under the direction of An- dia, Barbet Rucker, Michelle tal Dorati, will perform at. the Busch and Susan De Maio. A the Place to Dine Garden State Arts Center Mon- trophy for sixth year went to day night. Katy Dunn, and for seventh not just to Eat" Pianist Menahem Pressler year to Patty Ann Horton. Four will be featured in Schumann's trophies for ninth year went to Piano Concerto in A Minor, Op. Karen Koelsch, Cindy Brandt, 54. The remainder of the pro- Gail Adeskavitz and Joy Ades- gram will consist of Schubert's kavitz. MOUNTAIN INN "Unfinished" Symphony No. 8, Beverly Kerr, daughter of SCENIC DR. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS in B Minor and Brahms' Sym- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerr of phony No. 1. Red Bank, won her first gold The New 1968 Liberace Show medal for 10 years' perfect at- LUNCHEON & DINNER will be presented at the Arts tendance, and Miss Trudy Bea- SERVED DAILY HWY. 35 X EATONTOWN Center from Tuesday through man and Miss Donna Kerr, both FRENCH-AMERICAN CUISINE (Oppotite Fort MonmoutM Saturday. Tickets for all events of Red Bank, won gold medals are available. for 13 years perfect attend- , ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY ance. Miss Kerr, who graduat- ed from Red Bank High School INN THE ROUND" COCKTAIL LOUNGE this year, also graduated from dancing school and is going to EXCITING business school in the fall. SPECIAL BUFFET LUNCHEON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY DANCING TONITE DINING Dorothy Toland Pons, head ALL YOU $ I 75 EXPERIENCE of the studio, was presented CAN EAT and SIX NIGHTS WEEKLY flowers and an electric rotis- 1 serie grill by her students. RAMBLERS — The Bluegrass Ramblers will be featured BANQUET and OWNED and TUESDAY thru SUNDAY •fonight at the Off-Broad Street Coffee House in Red WEDDING FACILITIES OPERATED BY Judy Garland Bank. From left are Willy Walton of Brick Township, FOR 25 TO MIKE BODNAR featuring the music of — 'Improving' mandolin; Dave Griffiths of Little Silver, banjo; John 500 PEOPLE of "THE PUB" Conine of Wayside, who plays guitar and four other DINE ON OUR TERRACE . . . T BOSTON (AP) - Doctors at- instruments, and Dave Ghant of Toms River, bass fiddle. for a relaxed congenial atmo- tending singer Judy Garland H sphere. said she is showing steady im- Also appearing are Fred Novometsky, classical guitarist, DINE RELAXED . . . E IV provement and may be dis- and folksingers Lani Herrmann and Jim Hutcheson. DRESS CASUAL ITALIAN ORCHESTRA charged from Peter Bent Brig- MUSIC & DANCING ham Hospital in the "near fu- ALPINE MANOR EVERY WED., THURS., ture." Pastor Sings Sunday Night HWr 36 HIGHLANDS (formerly Franco Berro Orch.) FRI., SAT. NIGHT Miss Garland is being 872-1773 treated for an anemic condi- OCEAN GROVE — "Songs will include spirituals, folk music the way you like it tion. She entered the hospital We Love to Hear" is the title pieces and musical drama num- NOW BY July 2. of a program to be sung by bers by Rodgers and Youmans. SPECIAL 01088908 Doctors said the singer Dr. James Richards, baritone, k-ine Food ond a expects to continue her planned Monday at 8:15 p.m., in the DEMAND.. Delightful Atmosphere engagements after she leaves Youth Temple. NEXT WEEK Wharf Ave. 741-1500 Red Bank the hospital. The concert is sponsored by the Committee on Special Events of the Ocean Grove LIBERACE DANCING Camp Meeting Association. COCKTAIL LOUNGE JULY 16 through JULY 20 MONDAY DIAMOND PAUL Dr. Richards is pastor of the Ocean Ave., Sea Bright Stanhope Methodist Church. He WED., FRI., SAT., SUN. and HIS MAGIC BANJO — FRI. and SAT. has been soloist with leading TICKETS AVAILABLE oratorio, church and choral or- CHOLLY MANN & CARLA Luncheon and Dinners Daily ganizations, including the Ro- (201)264-9200 ITALIAN CUISINE—KITCHEN OPEN 'TIL 1 A.M. anoke Music Club, Cumberland Oratorio Society, Staten Island Oratorio Society, and the Buck Every SUNDAY ELM COCKTAIL LOUNGE Hill falls Inn. Garden tte DINE NIGHTLY 'TIL 2 A.M. RT. 35 EATONTOWN Arts Center* BANQUET FACILITIES FOR 30-300 ADJACENT ELM LANES AMPLE FREE PARKING His Ocean Grove program at Telegraph Hill Park on and WEDNESDAY the Garden Slala Parkway

TRY and FIND US! Every spring the Internation- PRIME RIBS al Ice Patrol baltles the ice- For a New Experience in Dining AND GIFFORD'S INN berg menace in the North At- 42 AVENUE-OF-TWO-RIVERS lantic. CHAMPAGNE RUMSON, N. J. PHONE 842-1116- 842-9820 Half-Mile North of Rutmon Public Library On tho Avenue of Two Riven, Rumson SPECIAL! the CLAM HUT // i art hard l<> //;»/ -•- Impitsaihle. In lirnt.' all you can /|95 EVERY DAY RESTAURANT - COCKTAIL LOUNGE Rooit Sirloin of Bool O AA 1 Ib. LOBSTER Complete Dinner O>VV Featuring tho flnait In 5«a Food DINNER FISHERMAN'S FEAST ^ r/| enjoy... "Tr FRIDAYS Complete Dinner J«3U Dina Overlooking Sandy Hook Bay En|oy Our Open-Air, Sea View Veranda SATURDAY DINNER MENU or A LA CARTE SUNDAY SPECIAL'. fro m 2 P.M. "til 7 P.M. OPEN for LUNCH PICK YOUR OWN • ROAST SIRLOIN OF BEEF 3.00 LOBSTER SALAD — SHRIMr SALAD (complef* dfnn«r) LIVE LOBSTER — KING CRAB SALAD — STEAMERS • FILET MIGNON (complete dinner) 3.50 from our LOBSTER Tank Open Dally Except Monday AFTER 7 P.M. REGULAR MENU ALWAYS DORIS'M ED'S R From Noon to 10:00 P.M. STEAK SANDWICHES SERVED FROM 10 P.M. TILL 1:30 A.M. 36 Short Drlvt Hlghlandi HWY. 35 HOLMDEL 872-1565 Ad|acent to Highland! Lobiter Pound MUSIC - DANCING - COCKTAIL LOUNGE WE ALWAYS HAVE .STEAMERS foot of Atlantic St. off Boy Ay*., Highlands 264-4600 (.Insnl Mniiihn will Tuevlny OPEN E«RY DAY i FOR YOUR DIIIIRT DON'T Open Wed., Jhurs., Frl. ond Sat. at S — Sun. at 2 PAH UP OUR "KEY LIMI Pli" 872 - 9753 Services in County Churches

Allaire ft. LI'KK'l MrtHOOUIT G 1,0(1 V I OH BrMft •.»>!* *t U Nativity Church Refurbished TM *j*At.y iwrH'.i will b. «j I, , m TSil Riv. Hs.rv»r ifijleit will prsicii. By Ff/JKEKCE BRUDKR FAITH RKKOHMED FAIR HAVEN - "It's basic- Atlantic Highlands llul.t Sujmay servtcfi -will b» hfli it >»o ally finished," said the Hev. KMMANUEI. RAFTim « m. Rev. K. Alvln Ijingwilh will Donald E. Hickey. He was re- Mala wan preach jjn "A Prophet's Question." Atlantic Hlinisnds ferring to the new marble al- Mnrnlni worship arrvlcn will be at TRINITY WUCOPAI, ST. JOHN'* METHODIST 11 o'clock ani the evming service si .MlU win llazlrt tar, set in line with the de- 1.30 Rsv. Richard ghaw Is pastor. «( II Bunflay s«rv!cn will he neltl at » SI) crees of Vatican II, which now i_m ; Horning Prayer fmily tu and 11 a.m. R«v Norman R RlleJ FI118T METHODIST rharlut at in" family tu- dominates the sanctuary of Thi ntv. CCirroll in PMtor and win apeak on "Btandlnt Atla-nlic Highlands B. Hall ii rector. Up to Llle." Nativity Catholic Church here. TliP Sunday acrvlr-p win hi. hurt "t niKsnv 10 s m Tlie Rev. Harvey Van Sclver is pastor Mitawan Red Bank The fine Italian marble is 11 am KIHST I'RKKBVTKIUAN my will TRINITY EPISCOPAL in keeping with the decor of •four Whn Are I Atlantic Highlands Red Bank the rest of the church. "There's MnrmnK Worship nt 10 n m. Dr. (•BOSS or (Jl.OltV I.ITIIKIHN Sunday services will he held ln the still some minor decorating ^'llllani H. Oufflck will speak. ifatawsn MyBtlc Brotherhood Longn, 1.12 Uaple nie Sunday ..ervli-c will b> »l 9 Ave »t S, 9:1.1 and 11 a.m. The Rtv. work to be done," Father rllHlSTIAN KCIKNCK SOCIETY Arlhur w Bhl 1 Canon Charlesi H. Rest Is rector, Hickey added. Alliintlr Highlands uc'h SS ofc,, - « " BT, ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC Bunday services will tia hold at 11 Fl'LL OOSl'KI. TAIIF.RNACI.E Red Bank Opened on Feb. 13, 1955 the • in. Ma la wan •undar Uuui are oHebratM at church has remained fairly CKNTIIAI, BAPTIST .S,Unedle family, 37 Drummond Mlddletown Union Beach Ave., will be among local, dele- scheduled for opening in Sep- FIRST METHODIST The Bunday service will be 9:15 Roy Martin, Oakhurst. T. Walker, director of the Ivy delphia; Virginia Lankford, Highlands a.m. The Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, paa- GRACE METHODIST music director at the Fairfax, ates attending the regional tember. , Bunday services will be at 11 a.m. tor. Union Beach House Nursing Home, Kings »nd 7:30 p.m. The Rev. , The Rev. Robert Kegler Is pastor. LITTLE SILVER - The Ernest F. Vaughn unanimously will preside. 9:30 A.M. Lane, and Kenneth Martin of The choir of more than 200 10, 11 ind noon. approved appointment of Mr. Bishop Fred Pierce Corson, BAYSIIORF. COMMUNITY Board of Education last night 87 Silverton Ave., Little Silver. /oices will be comprised of (child care through ST, MARK'S EPISCOPAL Keansburg Vaughan's father, former Coun- Methodist bishop of the Phila- Konnsl'urg Sunday services will be held at 10 voted to join the Monmouth kindergarten only) 8umiay services will he Holy Com. a.m. Rsv. Richard Schwartz Is pastor. cilman Ernest A. Vaughan; Mrs. Walker was admitted delphia area and former presi- ingers from 20 churches. munlnn at 8 a.m. and Choral Eu- Sermon: "Have You Protection?" Educational Council's Special charist at 9:30 a.m. David Feldman, president of with facial injuries and possible dent of the World Methodist Lewis A. Daniels will be di- The Rnrrrnd Education Commission. the Baymen's Association, and back injuries. She was reported Council, will preach on the sub- rector. Miss Evelyn Allen will Keyport New Shrewsbury Untold Turner, Pastor The MEC is a cooperative Joseph R. Bolger, former prin- in fair condition this morning ject "Was Jesus Wrong?" ie organist. I r.BTHSEMANE LUTHERAN RKFORMEn CHURCH cipal of Highlands School and Bunrtny nrrvlcps will he at 8:30, 9:45 Now Shrewsbury venture of private and public and at 11 n.m. Tho Rev. Henry W Sunday aervlce will he at 9:30. Tho present superintendent of Klrchr-r la pastor. Rev. Isaac C. Rottrnherg will preach schools in the council. It's Spe- ST. /JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC nn "Count on God'a Klndnpssl Don't Keansburg schools. To Dedicate Keyport Miscalculate It." cial Education Commission will Masarx will be at fl:30 and T:30 Mayor White said the special ».in nnrl 12:15 p.m. ln the church; LUTHER MF.MOR1AL LUTHERAN coordinate placement of handi- «:30, H:K nnrl 11 a.m. In the achool (Missouri synod) meeting was called because ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL New Shrewsbury capped youngsters in special Ambulance Ifpyport Th* Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. Mayor Edward G. Walder of Sunday sr-rvlcpn will be: 7:43 a.m. Holy Communion. Sermon: "To Be education classes in school Atlantic Highlands asked coun- Mnrntnii Triiynr; « n.m. Holy Oom- Different." RED BANK - The new 19G8 tmml'ni; n a.m. family services and SEVENTH DAY AI1VF.NTISTS districts in the comity. cil to make the appointments M&M ambulance of. the Red 11 a.m. Holy Communion. New Bhrewnnury as soon as passible. "We are Do you know what . FIHST CHI'ltCIt OF CHRIST Services will bo held tnmorrow at Board president Robert Leh- Bank First Aid Squad will be SCIENTIST 11 a.m. Robert K. Tome In minister. also being pressured by the Keypnrt KTHICAL <:i'l,TI'KK FKI.LOWSIIlr man named Dr. Benjamin S. slate Department of Health," dedicated Sunday. fjcrvlces arc nt II A.m. Sunday. New Bhrrwsliury Sanderson (he board's voting he added. The local squad will be hosts Christian Scientists really believe? REFORMED Services at 11 a.m. ln Hie Ranncy member on the commission and Keyport School to tho Monmouth County Asso- Bundny worship at 10:4ft am. The Donald Castleman Ihe alter- Councilmen Cornelius J. Kev. 8. T. flclirclten Is pastor. OH Iv hurst nate. Guiney Jr. and Herman J. ciation of First Aid Squads and Relati#ly few people do. Black, who have refused to the 1st, 11th and 16th district Little Silver FIHST M F.TIIODIFU Dr. Alton L. Lewis, Mana- They are often surprised at the logical — and understandable Oaklmrsl vote on any appointments of the New Jersey" First Aid The Kiimlny service will be at P:30 squan, formerly with the state — theology of this Christian religion. In fact, many people have EMBURY UNITEP METHODIST 1 since the council organized l.llllr Sliver n ni. The HIM . IT. John T>. Walr, Department of Education, was Council at the first aid build -in. Itev. Htrtiard Twldle will preach. July 1, did not attend the meet- R»v. r. Imnald1 Pennlni will prrarh become Christian Scientists when they have discovered how clearly smd enndnct UH morning worship flcr- named school psychologist for ing. ing, Spring St., between 1 and »lrrs si P:;l0 n.m. Ocean port two days per week at a salary it relates the teachings of the Bible to living in toddy's world. "Councilmen Black and 6 p.m. NT. JOHN'S KPISCOPAI. CALVARY IIAI'TIHT of $8,000 for the 19B8-C9 school Ullle Bllver Guiney staled they would not Squad Captain Charles 11. Why not come into our Reading Room and learn this for yourself? Ritndny services will he Holy Com- Oct'impiirl year. munlnn nl A nnd Mornlnc I'rnyr-r ;il Sunday morning aervlce at 11 a.m. attend," the mayor said. "They Bennett Jr. said the Red Bank No need to speak to anyone ... just come in and choose a chair 10 n m. The Rev. Thomas A. Korr, Of'EANPOBT UNH'Ell MKTIIItltlST Mrs. Tti' . Vandervoot, here, stated it twice," he added, hold- squad is'one of the five busiest Jr., will preadi. Ore import and sit down to read. It could be tho most inspiring and helpful M'»riilnn worship nt iltlo am. and was hired as a school secre- ing up two fingers. In the county despite the fact I Amp; Hniiuli vrnlng wiirnht|> at 7 :1O p m. The tary at an annual salary of tov. W. Wtlilli'ld Went Is Jinflldr. Tho two councilmen gave no that Red Bank is only l'/j time you've ever spent. FIHHT IlKf'OH.MKII 1 li-niK llnincli $4,-100. reason for their absence, May- square miles in area. nuililay BPrvlo nt III n.m. Hi'Mtim: Old Hri lielil Bunday nl B:.10 pointed school physician, den- night were characterized by (in Red Bank) • m A rlrmiir; nervlcn will hs h«ld nv. Ilernard A. ''rien la pantor. year to date, showed 78 calls; su « ,, „,. N MOOD Niirriir.iui tist nnd optometrist, respec- waspish exchanges between with 323 man hours logged by OPEN WEEKDAYS 10:00 A.M. — 5:00 P.M. HT. JAMI.N KPIHIOI'AL il HrlilKe 1,'illiE Ilrnli'h (Mil h"Ur will tie nnmlay tively, at an aggregate (salary Councilmen Guiney nnd Black the ambulance nnd rescue WED. UNTIL 8:00 P.M. — FRI. UNTIL 9:00 P.M. T,ow Mnss al n a.m. Rung Msfls __ _ . Wiirnhlj.i l of ?l,fl50 for tho 1908-09 school and tho rest of the governing •ml Bermon al 10 «,m. Th« Rnv. Ralph III h« at 10:30 a.m. R«v. iUrlsr B. truck. They were in service a ffdwsrdi will olllolsl*. Unir will olllolst*. yoar. body. total of 112 hours. AT SIGNAL SCHOOL 21-THE DAILY REGISTER, Frid«y, July \v, 1968 on US. bistery were awarded, the winners, with 4,000 students I Pvt Daniel D. McMaaii, 23, Businessman Joins Council in Rumson and parents at the presentation j son of Mr and Mrs. Clive B. cerejnoaies. ••• • MeMa/in of EaUmtov/n. was Bingham Av


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• i!«!nbach'i, pat,, a.bury part, 775-40O0 • bred itrcot, rod bank, 74L4000 op»n 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. wodneiday and friday till 9 p.m. • i».!nb«ch'$, brick 0 J COMPANY »own ihoppini) cont.r 447-4000 opon monday thru {riday 10 a.m. *o 1 p.m., Saturday till 6 p.m. Grand Jury May Hear Mayor Nastasio's Son SEE STORY BE£X)W Sunny, Warm THE DAM Partly sunny and warm today. HOME Fair and mild tonight. Sunny, Middletown-Bagshoref warm tomorrow. FINAL (See Details Paje 2) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for Years VOL. 91, NO. 11 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1968 TEN CENTS 3-Way School Region Faces New Impasse LITTLE SILVER — Tues- Red Bank board has voted to group to study the three com- a public stand on Red Bank's high school or because us like an albatross," Mr. Cal- on a separate building for the day's tri-board "meeting on support. munities and recommend the two counter-proposals. they believe use of the exist- lan added. junior high, Mr. Howard said best school organization plan. school regionalization will be- Red Bank's school contingent The Little Silver board last ing Harding Road building to And Donald Castleman said he would support the 7-12 will enter Tuesday's meeting Both 'Unacceptable' October voted for a two-district house the junior high is implic- "getting out from under the old grade concept because "I sus- gin with an impasse. committed to regionalization of By a 5-1 vote, the Little Sil- kindergarten-12th grade region- it in that proposal. high school is one of the things pect Red Bank is dedicated to Make a new building on a grades 7-12—and tacked on to ver board last night declared alization with Shrewsbury, in- In moving that Little Silver we're trying to do in building a it, and I don't want to see a new site part of the deal, and that is the stipulation the re- both Red Bank proposals "un- cluding construction of a 7-12 delcare it isn't interested in new one. The 7-12 grade plan fine regional district die a- the Little Silver Board of Edu- gional board purchase the acceptable." grade junior-senior high school. seems to have implicit in it use three-district 7-12 grade region- borning. I think we all have to cation is willing to talk high Harding Road high school At the joint meeting ot the It wasn't entirely clear from of that building." make some compromises." alization, Curtis Callan said school regionalization with the plant. three boards two weeks ago, the last night's discussion whether At the same time, other Mr. Howard was the only Red Bank and Shrewsbury If Shrewsbury and Little Sil- Shrewsbury board proposed Little Silver board members "I'm looking for something all board members said they un- board member to support the school boards. ver won't buy junior-senior 9-12 grade regionalization with were rejecting three-district 7- three districts can agree upon. derstood the 7-12 grade plan Red Bank proposal for a uni- But the Little Silver board high school regionalization, the construction of a new high 12 grade regionalization be- In my opinion this isn't buyable. could include totally new facil- versity study of the three dis- last night gave a big, fat "no" Red Bank board will support school on a new site. The cause they've changed their Let's get it out of the way." ities on a new site. tricts. to the only two proposals the the hiring of a university-based Shrewsbury board hasn't taken minds about a junior-senior "That old plant hangs over Emphasizing he would insist (See REGIONAL, Pg. 3, Col. 3) Action on ThruwayBill Delayed Until Tuesday

WASHINGTON-The Garden Authority officials who say the taken whatever steps we decide the conferees, that the commit- So far, Sen. Case hasn't been State Thruway bill has a present wording of the bill upon," Mr. Tonti said early tee will make any change in the amenable to any change in the breather. threatens the thruway project, this morning. bill the partners to the contro language of the bill. The Senate-House Conference the ielay means a last-ditch Howard Also Waits versy — the highway authority Last Chance Seen Committee didn't finish work chance to get the language Rep. James J. Howard, D- and Sen. Clifford P. Case, R- The House-Senate conference on the federal highway aid changed. N.J., principal backer of the N.J., can agree on. Changes is the authority's last chance at bill - which includes the thru- D. Louis Tonti, authority ex- thruway legislation, is waiting, can be made "up to the last the wording. When it emerges way provisions — yesterday.. ecutive, called a meeting for too. minute," r p. Howard's office from conference, the bill goes The committee isn't scheduled this morning with his key con- Congressman Howard's office was told. to the Senate and House where to resume deliberations until sultants to decide what attempt said the Wall Township Demo- Congressmen Howard and it must be voted straight up or Tuesday. at change they will make. crat has been assured by Rep. Wright are House Public Works down and can't be amended. To New Jersey Highway "Before noon we will have James Wright, D-Tex-, one of Committee members. Under the bill, the authority will purchase and impose tolls on sections of the parkway in Union and Middlesex counties now free because they were New Principal Preparing built with federal funds- The tolls will go toward financing the thruway. A DOGGY GIFT — Mrs. Alfred King Jr., president of the Monmouth County Ken- Mr. Tonti has pledged in nel Club, f>resents a check for $1,000 to Frank F. Blaisdell, president of Riverviev/ writing that free parallel roads Hospital, to be used toward the improvement of patient care equipment in the hos- For Duty Amid Controversy will be open to the public be- fore the first toll is collected. pital. The money is part of the proceeds of the 38th Annual Dog Show held at By Jljtt KENNEY the problems clear and out in familiar enough with the situ- that he had trouble with his But Sen. Case and Rep. Wolf Hill Farm, Oceanport, last May 25. The show had 1,455 entries and was the BED BANK — George" J. the open I , can go right to ation to know but I am con- faculty in Gouldtown, his post Florence Dwyer, both Union largest ever. (Register Staff Photo) Mitchell, newly appointed prin- work." cerned with the welfare of the this past year. "We had a ra- County Republicans, guarding cipal at Red Bank's River Negro parents at Tuesday children and will do the best cially mixed faculty, predom- against the possibility Mr. Tonti. Street School, in an exclusive night's stormy Board of Edu- I can for them." inantly Negro, and we had ex- won't be authority chief when interview with The Daily Reg- cation meeting questioned Mr. On the matter of age: "I can cellent working and social re- the time comes, have insisted ister yesterday expressed sur- Mitchell's fitness for the post. see why people would want lationships. I try to do things on writing the guarantee into prise at being the center of Mr. Mitchell said that he someone older but I believe my informally rather than hold a the legislation. Humphrey Suggests controversy. thought the comments made youth has some advantages. I lot of meetings and I think this The authority's financial and He said he had not anticipat- were good in the sense that haven't developed any bad hab- worked well." legal advisers say the present ed it and thought it would make they got to the heart of what its, I am completely open to 'Had No Trouble' legislative language violates an his job more difficult. At the should be expected of a prin- suggestion and not set in my The Daily Register found sup- agreement guaranteeing bond- same time he saw a good side cipal. ways. I also have plenty of port for this view in a telephone holders no other agency would to the dispute: "The fact that Red China Contacts 'Will Do Best' energy which should be useful interview with William Morvay, have authority over tolls. Vio- these protests were made tells Dealing with the specific running up and down the three a leader in .the Gouldtown lating the guarantee creates a WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice to seek more normalized rela- was described as a light me exactly where I stand and complaints he said: "Perhaps flights of stairs at River Teachers' Association. Mr. legal loophole that could make President Hubert H. Humphrey tions with the mainland," the case of grippe. lets me know what is expected the people are right in demand' Street." Morvay said "We had no trou- the authority's bonds less proposed today wider contacts vice president said. Humphrey's rival for the of me by the community. With ing a Negro principal. I'm not' Mr. Mitchell did not agree marketable, driving up the in- with Red China and said the Democratic presidential nomi- ble. I considered him very good. Humphrey's remarks were He had the interest of both pu- terest rate, they have warned. United States should "make it nation, Sen. Eugene J. McCar- to be made in a speech in San pils and faculty at heart." And higher money costs, Mr. clear that we are prepared to thy of Minnesota, accused the Tonti says, could scuttle the replace conflict with coopera- The issue of community re- Francisco but instead were re- administration yesterday of thruway project. tion whenever the Chinese lations was probably the most leased as a foreign policy po- failing to see that the nation's Long Branch Parley Called are." important in the minds of those The thruway, 43 miles of sition paper when he was poor were properly fed. objecting to Mr. Mitchell's ap- road from Edison to Toms Prospects for improved rela- grounded in Washington on Raps Price Problem pointment. Mr. Mitchell ac- River, is a cornerstone of the tions in the coming decade doctor's advice. His physician And Republican contender To Air Conflict Over Vanore knowledged he had had diffi- planned Central Jersey Ex- "are not good" but the U.S. sent the vice president to bed Nelson A. Rockefeller, speak- culties but said he thought only pressway System. stance should be to "continue yesterday to recover from what ing at a street rally in- the LONG BRANCH — Council- or and the business administra- mise. I do not see these at- those difficulties normal for a heart of New York City's fi- man Samuel Teicher called last tor is all I've been hearing tributes present-in some of the new principal in a strange dis- nancial district, charged the night for an informal meeting about. Something has to come people involved." trict. administration with ineptitude of all parties involved in the out, so we can get back to our Mr. Cioffi said he "might at- Again, he received indepen- in maintaining stable prices conflict between Mayor Paul legislative program." tend" Mr. Teicher's proposed Holdover Grand Jury and steady economic growth. If dent support. Kenneth L. Shet- Nastasio Jr. and City Admin- Mr. Teicher welcomed the meeting. tard, secretary of the Board of the job were done right, Rocke- istrator Frank Vanore Monday press to attend this meeting. In his letter, Mr. Teicher said Education in Fairfield Town- feller said, the'Gross National night "to get these rumors, if Councilman Henry R. C'ioffi he felt the meeting was re- ship, which includes Gould- Product would move from the they are such, and these prob- disagreed with the idea, saying quired by the refusal of the town, said that Mr. Mitchell present $800-plus billion a year lems resolved as quickly as | he was doubtful anything would May Hear Mayor's Son mayor and administrator to had no problems after the first to $1.5 trillion. possible." come of such a meeting. comment on recent rumors of few weeks of adjustment. He The Department of Agricul- The request was made in the FREEHOLD — The holdover held as a material witness comment when asked if the Mr. Cioffi said, "I read from the former's attempts to fire also explained that the area is ture didn't take kindly to Mc- form of a letter to City Coun- session of the Grand Jury which Tuesday for a pending case of panel would hear other wit- Mr. Teicher's letter an infer- Mr. Vanore, although the may- extremely conservative and set Carthy's comments on the hun- cil, which Mr. Teicher read at conducted a nine-month probe possession of stolen property nesses. ence that this would be the or "has made statements both in its ways and resentful of peo- ger problem. last night's council meeting. of Long Branch affairs, will against Attilio Agnellino. The first attempt to resolve any publicly and to the council pri- ple who bring change of any But when young Nastasio ap- Mr, Vanore, who was present meet again Tuesday, said coun- youth had been named as the Noting that the Minnesotan real, imagined, or rumored con- vately that he wishes to dis- type. peared before County Court was urging that the incoming st the meeting, agreed to at- i troversy. It will not be the ty Prosecutor Vincent P. Keu- last tenant of the section of the miss" the official. He said he However, the head of the Judge M. Raymond McGowan president "declare a national tend such a meeting, as did per yesterday. warehouse where the stolen first time. I know of at least wanted to question the involved Gouldtown Parent - Teacher Tuesday, Mr. Keuper told the emergency with respect to hun- Council President Robert Cor- five previous occasions — and persons directly in order to Association, Mrs. Lewis Stev- The reactiviation of the panel property was recovered. But court that the mayor's son may nell. The meeting was tenta- ger," a department spokesman I use that number conservative- come to any conclusions on the enson, and the president of the which has only met once since he could not be located until be called to testify before the tively scheduled [or 8 p.m. Mon- said that in the nearly eight ly. matter. Bridgeton branch of the Nation- it handed up a critical present- last Tuesday. holdover panel. day, with two possible sites years of the Kennedy and John- "I sec no need for any fur- Mayor Nastasio until now has ment last May 29 could be to Although the panel handed named, Mr. Teicher's home al Association for the Advance- When asked if the jury was son administrations McCarthy ther meetings," he continued. denied that- he ever expressed up a presentment which ap and council chambers. ment of Colored People, Mrs. hear testimony from Paul G. meeting to hear testimony had never even made an in- "Before results can come, the a desire to have Mr. Vanore Anna Shinholster, were critical Nastasio, son of Long Branch from the mayor's son, Mr. Keu- peared to have been the climax quiry to the department about Mr. Teicher commented, participants must come with an fired. of Mr. Mitchell. Both reported 1 Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr. per said that he could not com- of its long tenure, Superior feeding programs. "This business about tlie may- open mind, willing to compro- Court Judge Elvin R. Simmill (Long Branch, Pg. 2, Col. 6) (PRINCIPAL, Pg. 2, Col. 3) Young Nastasio was ordered ment on it. He also declined 'Sudden Zeal' the assignment judge, did not "His singular lack of inter- dismiss it. And when asked, he ^ est in feeding the hungry dur- gave no indication when the ing this eight-year period, a panel would be discharged. part of'which he spent on the Dolling Up Red Bank's Doomed Depot Judge McGowan freed young Senate Agriculture Commit- The Inside Story Nastasio in $2,500 bail as a ma RKI) RANK - Nope, the was painted in 1945, they say. tee," said Thomas R. Hughes, spokesman said. "We're ting other improvements, too. terial witness in the case heal hasn't got you. And now they think it's executive assistant to Sec- Damascus here, ready for Ilaskcll 'Cap Pago. 10 working to show the public There will be carpentry, and against Agnellino. Yup, those are painters, time to paint it again. we're really trying to do a roof repairs. retary of Agriculture Orville L. Dick Jtiker's 'Surf, Hold and Stream' ... Page 11 During a Superior Court hear- and they are painting the Something to See job." Freeman, "lends little cre- Cost of the painting and re- ing last May 20 to suppress evi- Amusements 21, 22 Sports «„, 10, II Red Hank railroad station. The waiting room has been "If we can keep going, dence to his sudden zeal." pairs will total $4,500, the dence obtained in a police Births 2 Slock Market 12 Sure, the state Transporta- redecorated, and the second ,we'll paint the Matawan sta- railroad spokesman said. Elsewhere on the political tion Department says the raid, the mayor's son was Jim Bishop ... fi Successful Investing 12 floor. Light green, with dark tion next, and then perhaps Surprises Many scene: Sylvia Porter fi si at ion has to go to make way trim. If you stand back far others," he added. named as\he last tenant of the Bridge .. 20 Ticket agents at the station Gov. Ronald Reagan Of Television 21. 22 for the planned $30 million enough and crane your neck Others Involved section of a warehouse at 350 Classified 11 - 1!) said they're getting lots of California denied a published Women's News 7, 8 railroad electrification pro- hard enough, you can see the Depot painting is part of a Community Place, Long Comics 20 comments from .surprised report that he will announce gram. But tin: department .same colors being brushed general spruce-up which has Branch, Where the stolen prop- Crossword I'u/.zle . 20 DAILY RICGISTKIt passengers, mostly of the his candidacy for the Ilepubli- never said tin; station can't on the front of the two upper included scrubbing down of erty was found. The police also Editorials (j PHONE NUMBKHS "well, it's about time" varie- presidential nomina- go dean. And the Central stories of the three-story stations in South Amboy, Bel- raided Agnellino's Paddock tion during a nationwide tele- Ilerblock Main Office 7410010 ty. Itailrnad of New Jersey has frame depot. mar, Izmg Branch, Elberon lounge, Chelsea Ave., Long vision broadcast July %\, Homo and Garden 9 Classified Ads 741-U900 But Fair Haven Mayor decided the station needs The bankrupt Jersey Con- and Allenhurst, the spokes- Branch, Dec. 1. 'There's nothing (0 it," Inside Washington fi James T. Buckley Jr., chair- he Home Delivery 741-0010 painting. tra 1 gets several million dol- man said. J|Sce_JUnY, Pg. 3LCol. 5) Movie Timetable said. 21 Middlctnwn Bureau-... «71-2250 Central spokesmen say it lars from the state "and (See DEPOT, PR. 2, Col. 1) Obituaries The Red Bank station, con- Waitresses -A deadlock continued in the 4 Freehold Bureau 4B2-2121'l true the .station hasn't we've trying to improve our sidered such an eyesore that Swim Suit Sale New dining room, 4:30-9 p.m. itrlke against the Illinois Dell Religions Services 2:t Long Branch Bureau 222-0010 seen paint since l!);)fi when service, equipment and facil- the Borough Council three (Famous makes) now going Apply Schneider's Tap Hoom, Telephone Co. by Installers of I he king and queen of Nng- ilie.s, of course within eco- years ago thought of buying on at The Shirley Shop, Broad 121 Broadway, Long Branch. telephones and other commu- ,'l lcintl were here. The station nomic limjjs," a railroad it just to get rid of it, is get- St., Itcd Bank. (Adv.) • • (Adv.) nications gadgelry. 2-TUF DAILY RKCISTKR, Friday, July 12, 5%P, MIDDLETOWN-BAYSHORE EDITION m Trade School Year ...** . * Vigilantes' Leader Reported a Good One FREEHOLD - The year Mr. Hoagland said approval Will Talk to jury 1967-68 was a busy and fruit- has been granted for a voca- NORTH BERGEN (AP) - A lure of good faith so that the I would have his men report to ful one for the Monmouth Coun- tional Bummer school and an two-day-old citizen street pa- talks can be amiable." No date i local newspapers as well as po ty Vocational School District, occupational education pro- trol has voluntarily suspended for meeting has been sot. lice, "because police depart- reports Superintendent Donald gram for slow learners. Both its operations, and its leader Hughes blasted (he Republi- ments have put a )ld on any P. Hoagland in his review of will begin in the 1968-69 school has been ordered to appear be can-controlled state legislHture Information which we have the year. year. fore a grand jury investigation yesterday for not passing an ' turned in." "The practical nursing edu- The vocational school super- Monday. anll-vlgllante bill he had pro- The police departments cation program ranked second intendent said that the number Ernest T. Bradow, head of a posed when a'similar group I maintain they have taken no to none in New Jersey, both in of applicants for the practical group called PRE-AHM (I'eo- was formed„ in Newark last i specia,.. l action with regard tn quality and size," he noted. nursing program again exceed- ple'S Rights Enforced Against spring. The Democratic gover-1 I'HE-AIIM, but they have said Mr. Hoagland said place- J ed the enrollment limit and fiiots and Murder), said he re- nor blamed the spread of vigi- they do noi or welcome ment of high school cooperative that there is the usual waiting ceiveid d a subpoenb a yesterdad y lante activities to Hudson and '. the aid of vigilante groups. students and graduates reflect- list. from Bergen County Prose- Bergen counties on the law- : l!rado>v"s .'!l!l-memb<;r group, employer satisfaction with the He said that two persons un- cutor Guy W. Calissi ordering makers' failure to act. ( reportedly including 13 Negroes couny vocational education der the Manpower Develop- him to appear before the Ber- Bradow's group patrolled for and 21 policemen, patrols cities program. ment and Training Act have gen County (Irand Jury at 9:3D two nights in three man along the Hudson Hiver oppo- KnruUmpnt f«r ih> year was been completed. Seven trainees a.m. Monday. teams wearing a uniform of site Manhattan with large Nc- 645 for ivcH M !•,««!: S7 for completed the electronic tech- HONORING SLAIN Gl — Maj. David D. Colcombe, left, presents the Purple Heart Calissi was unavailable for whito .shirts, black trousers and grw and I'urrio Hican popula- evening wh*', f* for pr.ii li- nician's course and four fin- medal to retired Army Maj. and Mrs. Robert B. Baker of 276 Norgrove Ave., Elberon, comment on the details of the a black armband with 'PltK-| lions, lie said. Bradow, 2fi, of cal nurttnj; 7« w trr finical in- ished the basic education pre- investigation. ARM" printed on it. ; North I'tTgen, is a member of Mituic. »n4 I manpower, vocational one. awarded posthumously to their ton, John, who was killed in action in Vietnam. Also However, Bradnw said, "I Deny Seeing 1'atrnls the .John Kirch Society and ha-: shown is Long Branch Mayor Paul Nastasio Jr., who attended the formal presenta- tfflal! Two (0 ()p(,n welcome It. It. gives me a The, group claimed to have worked on the presidential Of I.W Under its building program, tion at Earle Naval Ammunition Depot. (Register Staff Photo) chance to talk." found several stolen Cars both I campaign of former Alabama The *<>itj«M! M t>,<¥)h offer Bradow also said he tern- nights and to have reported Gov. George. C. Wallace; In New 1 Mr. Hoagland said that voca- the*e < msnK * *ir rondiuoning- tional schools In Asbury Park porarily suspended (ho group's several minor incidents to lo- Jersey. refrigeration and twatint:; auto and Allentown are scheduled to unarmed auto patrols through cal police. All police depart- J Thr cities reportedly pa- body rrpalr, automobile me- open this September. Contracts 11 North Jersey towns after ments, both nights, denied see-j trolled nic Bayonne, Jersey chanics; bcauly tulturp; car- were .signed for a four - room Principal Braces for Action speaking yesterday with the of- ing the patrols, receiving re-1 City, Hnhoken, l.'nlnn City, pentry; drafting, electricity; building in Keyport and a five- fice of fiov. Richard J. Hughes ports from them or acting on j West New Ynrk, Scraurus, food serivce, horllcullure; ma- ronm one in Neptune Township (Continued) ing only visited the school three students he based his thinking lo arrange a meeting. any such reports. North fiergrn, Ridgnficld Park, chine shop; medical-dental as- both scheduled for opening in he had not had good relations times." But he is starting to on several years in integrated Bradow said the suspension Bradow had said early yes- j Palisades i'ark, Fort Lee and sisting; printing; radio and tel- September, 1909. with parts of the community. find his way. Although he does schools. (Last year was in a of patrols was done "as a ges- terday that in the future he j Kearny. evision repair, and cooperative lie said 25 students took part Mr. Mitchell conceded diffi- not officially begin work until segregated school; Gouldtown's industrial education. in a cooperative industrial edu culties with Mrs. Stevenson but Monday, he already has begun enrollment is almost entirely cation program and a majority insisted that his relations with examining course schedules Negro. of them have been offered full- the bulk of the parents and and the qualifications of his Same Problems Long Branch Parley Called time employment Upon gradua- community were excellent. teachers. Depot tion. He added employer accep- Mr. Mitchell sees all chil- Both Mrs. Stevenson and Mrs. When asked about his gener- dren as having the same sort (Continued) Slop worrying about who'll get released at the meeting a state- (Continued) tance of this program was good Shihholster agreed that they al plans, he said his primary man of the Municipal Public and that it will be expanded of problems, so he plans no "There are two sides to each the publicity, stop worrying ment repeating his urging the were speaking for a definite job is "to make it easier for special approach for Negro story, and there Is also a third about, the next election, stop creation of the post, citing the Service Coordinating Commit- next year. minority among the Negroes of teachers to do their work ef- tee, had a comment of a dif- children. He does think all side which is the truth," Mr. worrying about who'll get the •ouncil's resolution to this el- Gouldtown. fectively." He places a strong classes as a matter of course Teicher .said. "By sitting in a credit." ect ;iml ihe (irand Jury pre- ferent sort. Finding His Way emphasis on building the indi- His first reaction — like al- should deal with Negro contri- body we can make our own He cited as an example of ;entment's recommendation Man Admits Mr. Mitchell could not be vidual child's self-confidence butions and the important place conclusions as to who is telling these personality problems the hat the post lie created. most everyone else — was specific as to plans for River and interest as a necessary ba- surprised disbelief. of the Negro in our develop- the truth, and who is not." controversy over the appoint- "I recognize that, the power "They're what? Painting Street. As he put It, "I am sis for any learning. ment. He also emphasized as Mr. Cioffi disagreed that ment of a city public safely Entry Guilt just getting my feet wet, hav- of appointment rests with the the station? I thought they As to special plans for Negro a normal procedure the use of fact-finding Was the answer to director. He called previous executive branch, but in view were going to tear it down," FREEHOLD - Ernest "multi-ethnic" or integrated the problem. meetings on the subject "cha- of the power and right of the he said. Moore, 51 Rockwell Ave., Long texts in classes. "The mayor, Mr. Vanore, I, otic," and said administrators council to advise and consent, "I'd rather see a little bit Branch, has pleaded guilty to and every member of the coun- had refused to created the post suggestions and recommenda- breaking into the home of Mrs. Mr. Mitchell's most immedi- more service," Mayor Buck- Taxpayers Advised ate aim is to sit down and talk cil knows what the problem is despite substantial evidence of tions to the executive branch... Pauline Hutchinson at 211 Mon- ley said, "I don't care how with the NAACP and other — leadership, thinking about its desirability. are perfectly proper and in or- much paint they put on the mouth Ave., Long Branch, last what's best for the community. Councilman Elliott M. Katz der," he said. Oct. 18 with intent to steal. groups in the Negro commu- station, that won't satisfy the nity. He wants to uhderstand Mr. Cioffi and Mr. Teicher commuter. Of course, it's a County Court Judge Patrick To Write Protests their desires and get some form agreed that the adverse publi- gesture. But the commuter J. McGann Jr. who accepted FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - raised. Here again the real es- of guidelines as to what is ex- city given the city government would rather see increased the plea set July 24 for sen- pected of him by the commu- has, in their opinion, been ob- service than gestures," tencing. The local tax collector today tate tax is taking the bur- Union Beach Group den of costs involved for the nity. Most important in his scuring the positive accomplish- "I wonder how murh .It's The state was represented by called upon residents to write mind is receiving help from Ne- ments made by the council. costing," the mayor mused. Assistant County Prosecutor to the governor and state legis- operation of the municipality, the county, and the schools. gro leaders in understanding Accomplishments Cited He said the Municipal Public Thomas J. Smith Jr. Moore lators about the increasing tax the situation he is dealing with. The council had, they said, Service Coordinating Commit- was represented by assistant Mr. Ferrell continued: Cites Rodent Woes situation. "In Freehold Township, our "They have lived here a long performed an impressive job tee "will look into it. Then Deputy Public Defender Albert time and I haven't so I will UNION BEACH — A delega- tion adopted at the last meet- of legislation since taking of- we'll have a comment." T. Berich. Robert N. Ferrell said'"in re- tax bill shows the actual dollar tion of residents living on Ar- ing that would have transferred spent from the total tax bill to need their help," he said. fice exactly two years ago. ceiving the latest tax bills in lington and Newark Aves. in the borough's health insurance Mr. Cioffi asked a reporter the area, the homeowner again go to the municipality, the He said a meeting between the Cottage Park section program from the Prudentia' county, aiid the schools; and a himself and the various inter- after the meeting, "Can you finds that his taxes have been voiced strenuous objection to a Insurance Co. to the New Jer- name any other local munici- copy of the bill is sent to the ested parties in the community rodent problem in their area at sey Blue Cross and Blue Shield. homeowner if his bill goes to is "their right and my obliga- pal government which could County Births the Borough Council meeting Council granted a variance to have undergone a Urand Jury a mortgage company. tion." last night. Hess Oil and Chemical Corp. Trade School "A letter enclosed with the Mr. Mitchell is probably cor- investigation and come out hal Eatoncrest Drive, Eatontown Charles J. Crose of Arlington of Perth Amboy to construct i as well as Long Branch did'.'' Red Dank son, yesterday. bill shows a sample tax bill rect in thinking community op- Ave. said rats "as big as cats' gas station at 945-955 Rt. 36 on of $764.32 wherein $149.04, goes position will be his greatest The Grand Jury presentmen' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anfuso Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Ochs Graduates have been over-running the favorable recommendation of Mr. Cornell stressed, placed n, (nee Barbara Tennant), 43 De to the county, $594 goes to problem. Stafford Thompson, area recently and cited in- the Zoning Board. (nee Carole Booket), Arcade the schools, $15.12 goes to president of the Red Bank blame on the council, collec- Gardens, Old Bridge, son, von Court, New Shrewsbury, Follow Line stances in which rodents had The term of Mrs. Mary Pcr- tively or individually, for any son, yesterday. veterans and senior citizens Area NAACP announced that undermined a storage shed and no, a member of the Local As- Wednesday. FREEHOLD — Nearly 42 deductions, and ?56.16 goes to opponents ol Mr. Mitchell's ap- of the problems besetting the had chewed through fencing sistance Board, was extended city. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Furst MONMOUTH MEDICAL per cent of the high school the municipality. pointment met l?st night and and uprooted trees. to two years to expire Dec. 31, f)lee Carolyn Sperling), 7 Don- Long Branch graduates of the Monmouth will meet again on Monday to The residents called for 1969. As if to illustrate the coun- nelly St., Union Beach, son, Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkpat- County vocational schools are determine what action they will Board of Health action espec- . Harry Varlese of Fourth St. cilmen's point, the regular busi- Wednesday. rick (nee Mary Ann Stilo), 9 take. employed in their fields of Commuter ially at one particular home in was hired as a temporary la- ness conducted by council last Mr. and Mrs. G. Harvey Green Way St., Hazlet, son, the development where, they borer in the street department Smith (nee Michele Moore), 104 yesterday. training. night was clearly of less in- Statistics released yesterday allege, rats are breeding be- at $2.10 per hour retroactive terest to those present than the Broadway, Keyport, daughter, Boat Pushed Bids Submitted cause of unsanitary conditions. to July 3. Wednesday. JERSEY SHORE MEDICAL by the vocational school board discussion of the Nastasio-Va- Neptune indicate that of 227 graduates, HIGHLANDS — Signatures of Mayor Alfred T. Hennessy •Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clifton j On Rt. 35 Work Jr. assured the complainants nore affair. (nee Catherine Morrissey), Mr. and Mrs. Laurence 95 are employed in the fields 500 interested commuters are all that's necessary to make a TRENTON (AP) - Trap that Sanitarian Herman Fedder Grant Permit In that regular busi- Park View-at-Madison, Laur- Mignelli (nee Margaret Me of their training. Rock Industries Inc. of King- Mahon), 774 Maple Ave., Brick Of these, the leader in the dream come true, Alexander F. and an exterminator will visit ness, council passed a resolu- ence > Harbor, daughter, ston submitted the lowest of the premises today and take For Garage tion levying an 8 per cent in- Wednesday. Township, son, yesterday. 14 programs was beauty culture Bahrs, operator of Bahrs Pier, Steamboat Lane, said yester- three bids, $1,294,581, for im- action to alleviate the situation KEANSBURG — Patrick terest on quarterly tax pay- Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jarossy Mr .and Mrs. Allan Cohan with 31. Second was automo- provement of slightly more tive mechanics with 19 and day. promptly. O'Sullivan, 146 Twilight Ave., ments made more than 10 days (nee Mary Ellen Castleman), (nee Elizabeth Emmer), 12 than 2.1 miles of Rt. 35 in Mon- past the due date. A resolution Winthrop Drive, Englishtown, third was medical-dental as- The dream is a commuter Mayor Hennessy said council was granted a variance last Madison Gardens, Old Bridge, mouth County, the State Trans- will not take any action to night by the Zoning Board to was passed requesting an in- daughter, Wednesday. daughter, yesterday. sistants with 13. steamboat sailing five days a portation Department an- Three graduates are em- rid Jersey Ave. of pigeons construct a garage in the rear vestigation of the intersection Mr. and Mrs. John Cryan Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bonner week between Bahrs Pier and nounced yesterday. of Rt. 36, Ocean Ave., and (nee Jessie Lofland), English- ployed in related fields, 51 in the Battery and West 41st that former councilman Philip of his property. (nee Breda O'Connell), 42 Ivan- Delia Pello Contracting Co. Cassidy alleges are a health The garage will be con- PreBley St. for the need of a hoe Lane, Matawan, daughter, town, son, yesterday. non-related fields, 41 are in ser- Street in New York City. Round vice, 22 are continuing their ed- Inc., Union, bid $1,429,518, and nuisance in his area. structed on a 4,000-square-foot traffic light there. Resolutions Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pope trip fare, Mr. Bahrs an- Manzo Contracting Co. Inc., were also passed commending (nee Martha Station), 2022 ucation, one is unemployed, nounced, would be $4 daily on The mayor told Mr. Cassidy parcel and will come within Mr. and Mrs. Donald Turek one moved out of the area and Matawan, $1,682,569. that he should initiate his own three feet of the rear and side retiring teachers Dr. John (nee Kathleen Warneker), 5 Bangs Ave., Neptune, daugh- a monthly commutation ticket The project, which will be fi- yard lines. Wood, Vincent E. Waxwood, ter, yesterday. 1?, were not interested in em- basis. action and suggested that the Spring Garden Road, Lincroft, ployment, i nanced in equal amounts by the former councilman close off The zoning code calls for 5,- Mrs. Sigrid N. Goodin and Mrs. daughter, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carmen J. Those interested may call state and federal governments, certain portions of his home to Marie F. Berricn. Andretta (nee Joyce Rogers), Of the 19 graduates of the 1 000 square feet on a building Mr. and Mrs. John Gray (nee technical Institute, 16 are em- Mrs. Bahrs at the C. A. Bahrs is scheduled for com- keep the pigeons from natural lot, a 7'/2-foot sideline, and a An ordinance was introduced Sharon Reineke), 4B Woodbine 56 Helen' Ave., Freehold, real estate office, Steamboat pletion Oct. 31, 1969. nesting areas. five-foot rear yard line. for increasing the number of daughter, yesterday. ployed in their fields of train- Ave., Little Silver, son, ing and three are continuing Lane, or write Box 421, High- It is the sixth and final proj- Council rescinded a resolu- There were no objectors. city patrolmen to 50. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Mg their education. lands, he said. ect in a modernization pro- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wy- nelli (nee Margaret McMahon), All 48 graduates of the prac- "Time is of the essence for gram covering a 10-mile man (nee Kathleen Kopacz), 774 Maple Ave., Brick Town- tical nursing course are em- an August schedule," the dock stretch of Rt. 35 between Red Firemen Get Laiirel Drive, Middletown, son ship, son, yesterday. ployed in the field. owners declared. Bank and Keyport. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cohan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lambe (nee Elizabeth Emmer), 12 2 Gift Flags (nee Catherine Tuohy), 43 Syl- Winthrop Drive, Englishtown, MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - daughter, yesterday. via Ter., New Monmouth, son, Crowd Greets Store Opening Hose and Chemical Co. No. 1 Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bonner announces it has received two Mr. and Mrs. Lee Baier (nee (nee Jessie Lofland), English MIDDLETOWN - A crowd well in advance of the 10 a.m. slogan of "The Remnant King." flags in honor of its 50th anni- Arlene O'Hare), 7 E. Frances town, son, yesterday. yesterday lined the front and opening to take advantage of Gary Hamrah says the com versary. Both will be flown dur- Aye, MorgativiUe, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pope pany also maintains one of side of the Hamrah-Emerson the sales advertised In ing the company's anniversary yesterday. (nee Martha Station), 2022 New Jersey's largest and most celebration, slated for Satur- Jlr. and Mfs. Chester Chat- Bangs Ave., Neptune, daugh- Carpets store for its grand Wednesday's Daily Register. modern cleaning plants and day, July 20, in Oak Shades man (nee Janice Beeby;, 465 ter, yesterday. opening in the Adler Shopping The firm's main store is in carpet workrooms for such ser- Firohouse, Lower Main St. . Red Hill Road, Middletown, Mr. and Mrs. Carmen J. An- Center, Rt. 35. Plainfield, where it has been vices as cutting, binding, serg- An American flag, which flew son, yesterday. dretta (nee Joyce Rogers), 56 The eager shoppers arrived in operation 40 years with the ing,, fringing and seaming. over the Capitol building in Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moore Helen Ave.. Freehold, daugh- Washington, is a gift of Rep. (»e<5 Linda Salmonsen), 14 - A ter, yesterday. James J. Howard, D-N.J., who will attend the anniversary parade and festivities. The unit also received a hand- mn.'.o company (Ing from Mrs. The Weather Nancy Humphrey of Maryland, a former Keyport resident. Partly sunny and warm today, j times through tomorrow. Fair high in 80s inland hut near 80 visibility mostly five miles or at shore. Fair tonight, low in more except one to three miles J'oliee .IVjj (ids inland and near 70 along in early morning haze. Robbery JVobe OUR GRADUATES GET JOBS! coast. Partly sunny and quite TIDKS warm tomorrow, high 85-90 MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - well inland about 80 at shore. Sandy Hook Police are continuing an inves- IBM TRAINING IS THE KEY Outlook for Sunday, fair, quile TODAY - High 10j42 p.m. tigation into the theft of $500 In warm and humid. and low 4:30 p.m. valuables Wednesday from the In Monmnuth Beach, yester- TOMORROW - High 11:18 home of Benjamin Yeagle, 135 TO YOUR SUCCESS day's high was 75 degrees and a.m. and 11:30 p.m. and low Laiirelhurst Drive, Cliffwood the low was I).'). The tempera- 510(1 a.m. and 5:18 p.m. Hoach. Summer Classes Now Forming ture was 71 at (I p.m. The over- SUNDAY - High 12:00 a.m. Detective LI. John McGlnty Veterans Approved night low was (15. The tempera- and 11:18 p.m. and low 5:54 said the items, ranging from ( ture at 7 a.m. was (1ft. a.m. and 6:12 p.m. radios, a phonograph and MAItINK For Red Bank and Ruinson jewelry lo rolls of pen- Cape May to Block Island: bridge, add two hours; Sea nies, have all been recovered, i NORTHEAST Winds southeast 10 lo 15 knots Bright, deduct 10 minutes; JUST GRAND — Picturod is part of crowd which awaited grand oponing yostorday but no charges have been Buslnett Machines School during n/ternnon and evening Long Branch, deduct 15 min- filed or Arrests made, lie said morning of Hamrafi-Emenon Carpati in th» AdUr Shopping Ctntor, Rt. 35, Middle- hours variable mostly south- utes; Highlands bridge, add 40 an arrest Is expected today or j 54 BROAD ST., RED BANK 747-4*47 west five knots or less at other minutes. town. ' ' (Regiitor Staff Photo) over the weekend. |