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provided by Elsevier - Publisher Connector APPLICATION NOTE In Situ Generation of HCN for Mass Spectrometric Studies

Silvi A. Chacko, Ian H. Krouse, Loubna A. Hammad, and Paul G. Wenthold Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

Hydrogen (HCN) for use in ion preparation can be generated in the gas phase by the neutral–neutral reaction of trimethylsilyl cyanide (Me3SiCN) and water in a flowing afterglow mass spectrometer. We demonstrate that the approach can be used to generate a wide range Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ of HCN solvated ions such as F (HCN), Cl (HCN), CN (HCN), PhNO· (HCN), Ϫ Ϫ 2 Me SiO (HCN),and PhSiF (HCN), many of which are otherwise difficult to generate. The 3 4 Ϫ bond dissociation energy of CN (HCN), generated by using this approach, has been measured by using energy-resolved collision-induced issociation (CID) to be 0.87 Ϯ 0.07 eV. (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2006, 17, 51–55) © 2005 American Society for Mass Spectrometry

tudies of hydrogen-bonding interactions between drogen cyanide is formed by the neutral–neutral reac-

gaseousanionsandneutralmolecules[1]have tion of trimethylsilyl cyanide, Me3SiCN, with water in a Sprovided a greater perspective to the understand- flowing afterglow reactor. We demonstrate that the ingofsolvationofions[2,3]inboththecondensed approach can be used to generate a wide range of HCN phaseandthegasphase.Whereassolvatedhalide[4,5] solvated ions and report energy-resolved CID studies of Ϫ andalkoxide[6]ionsarereadilyexamined,clustersof the HC2N2 ion formed. From these CID studies, we Ϫ Ϫ cyanide are especially of interest because CN is a report a direct measurement of the [CN—HCN] bond Ϫ pseudohalide with an ambidentate nature. Moreover, dissociation energy. Throughout this paper, HC2N2 ⌬ ϭ the conjugate acid, HCN, is a weak acid ( Hacid 350.9 refers to the m/z 53 species that has been observed and Ϯ0.2kcal/mol)[7]withextensivepositivecharge characterized. However, this notation does not indicate Ϫ character on the hydrogen, making it an attractive a specific ion structure. The structures of the HC2N2 hydrogen-bondingmoietyinthegasphase[8].Re- isomers are addressed computationally at the end of cently, HCN has gained much interest as it has been this study. found to be a tracer for young stellar objects, and it has beendetectedintheatmosphereofTitan[9]. Experimental An important challenge in carrying out studies in- volving cyanide or is in the safe All experiments were carried out in a flowing afterglow generation of the reagents. Because of its toxicity, HCN triple quadrupole mass spectrometer that has been is rarely used directly as a reagent gas. Previous studies previouslydescribed[12,13].Fluoridewaspreparedby byLarsonandMcMahon[8]andMeot-Nerandco- 70 eV electron ionization of neutral fluorine gas (5% in workers[10]haveusedthesolutionphasereactionof He, Spectra Gases Inc., Branchburg, NJ) and carried by ϭ KCN and acids (HCl or H2SO4) to produce HCN, which helium buffer gas (0.400 torr, flow (He) 190 STP was directly added to the mass spectrometer. Subse- cm3/s) through the flow tube where it was allowed to quently,ion-exchangeequilibria[8]andvan’tHoff react with neutral reagent vapors, either added through measurements[10]wereusedtodetermineanion-neu- micrometering valves or generated by neutral-neutral Ϫ Ϫ tral binding energies of CN and HCN containing reactions. The phenyltetrafluorosiliconate ion, C6H5SiF4 clusters. Recent studies have utilized the reaction of was generated by termolecular addition of fluoride

CH4 and NH3 with Pt catalyst to generate HCN in a with PhSiF3. Chloride and trimethylsiloxide ions were Ϫ molecularbeamapparatus[11]. formed by the reaction of OH with chloroethane and

In this work, we describe a simple in situ approach hexamethyldisiloxane, (CH3)3SiOSi(CH3)3, respectively. ·Ϫ for generation of HCN for ion clustering studies. Hy- The nitrobenzene anion, PhNO2 , was formed by direct electron attachment in the high-pressure source. Ions were collisionally cooled to ca. 300 K within the helium Published online December 15, 2005 buffer. Address reprint requests to Dr. P. G. Wenthold, Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, 560 Oval Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2084, USA. Energy resolved mass spectrometry experiments are E-mail: [email protected] carried out by selecting ions with the desired mass-to-

© 2005 American Society for Mass Spectrometry. Published by Elsevier Inc. Received July 25, 2005 1044-0305/06/$32.00 Revised August 27, 2005 doi:10.1016/j.jasms.2005.08.018 Accepted August 27, 2005 52 CHACKO ET AL. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2006, 17, 51–55

charge ratio by using the first quadrupole (Q1) and usingdensityfunctionaltheory(B3LYP[20],perturba- injecting them into the second quadrupole (q2, radio tiontheory(MP2[21,22]andCompleteBasisSet frequency only) where they undergo collision-induced methods(CBS[23]). dissociation (CID) with neon gas. Product ions are mass analyzed with the third quadrupole (Q3) and detected Materials with a channeltron electron multiplier. The collision

energy of the primary ion in q2 was varied and frag- Trimethylsilyl cyanide, Me3SiCN, and trifluorophenyl- ment ion intensities were monitored as a function of q2 silane were distilled under atmospheric conditions be- rod offset voltage to yield energy-resolved mass spec- fore use. Nitrobenzene and chloroethane were used as tra. The kinetic energy distribution of the ions was received. All reagents were purchased from commercial determined by retarding potential analysis. sources. Liquid samples were degassed by successive ␴ ϭ CID cross-sections, , were calculated using I/Io freeze-pump-thaw cycles before use. Helium was puri- ␴ Nl, where I and Io are the intensities of the product fied via a liquid nitrogen trap containing molecular and reactant ions, respectively, N is the number density sieves. Gas purities are as follows: He (99.995%), F2 (5% of the target, and l is the effective collision path length. in helium), CH4 (99%), N2O (99%), Ne (99%). CAU- The effective path length was measured to be 24 Ϯ 4cm TION: As with any source of HCN, trimethylsilyl ϩϩ ¡ ϩ ϩ [13]byusingthereactionofAr D2 ArD D cyanide should be handled with proper safety precau- [14].Crosssectionsaremeasuredatseveraldifferent tions, as described by the MSDS. pressures from 0.075 to 0.200 mTorr, and extrapolated to zero pressure, single collision conditions. Results and Discussion Data Analysis Theflowingafterglow[12]isaversatilereactionvessel commonly used as an ion source in mass spectrometry. Collision-induced dissociation (CID) cross sections However, recognizing that flow reactors are not limited weremodeledwiththeexpressionshownin(eq1)[15, toionicsystems[12,24–26],wereasonedthatneutral– 16]whereEisthecenter-of-masscollisionenergyofthe neutral reactions in the flowing afterglow could be used

reactant ion, gi is the fraction of the ions with internal to generate gaseous samples of reagents generally too energy Ei,E0 is the threshold energy for dissociation, n corrosive or hazardous to be handled using standard is a parameter that reflects the energy deposition in the techniques. Although neutral–neutral reactions are gen- ␴ collision[17],and 0 is a scaling factor. Also convoluted erally not as fast as ion/molecule reactions, concentra- into the fit were the ion kinetic energy distributions, tions of neutral reagents are significantly higher than approximated as a Gaussian function with a 1.5 eV those for ions and, therefore, sufficient amounts of (laboratory frame) full-width at half-maximum, and a products can be obtained. This process is demonstrated

Doppler broadening function to account for motion of by the reaction of Me3SiCN and water to generate the target gas. The factor Pi is the probability for ion neutral species, Me3SiOH and HCN (eq 2) in the flow dissociation, calculated from RRKM theory. tube.

ϩ ¡ ϩ ␴ ϭ ␴ ϩ Ϫ n (CH3)3SiCN H2O HCN (CH3)3SiOH (2) (E) 0͚ Pigi(E Ei E0) ⁄ E (1) i Silanols can be prepared in the condensed phase by The data are modeled by adjusting the parameters to the hydrolysis of silane derivatives in the presence of correspond with the steeply rising portion of the ap- acid acceptors or bases such as ammonium bicarbonate pearance curve directly above the onset. Data analysis oraniline[27].Similarly,DeSarloandcoworkershave

and modeling of the cross sections were carried out shown that Me3SiOH can be formed in the reaction of using the CRUNCH 4D program developed by Armen- Me3SiCNOwithwater[28].Weobservetheformation troutandcoworkers[14–16,18,19].Modeledthreshold of HCN when both Me3SiCN and water vapor are ⌬ energies, E0,are0K E values converted to 298 K bond added to the flowing afterglow mass spectrometer. The dissociation enthalpies by using the integrated heat formation of HCN is indicated by the appearance of Ϫ capacities of reactants and products. Uncertainties in ionic clusters. Upon chemical ionization with F , cya- Ϫ enthalpy values were calculated by statistical combina- notrimethylsilane undergoes substitution to form CN .

tion of the uncertainty in the absolute energy scale for With only Me3SiCN, the products observed under typ- Ϫ Ϫ the experiment, (0.15 eV laboratory frame) and the ical conditions include CN (99%) and the CN adduct Ϫ standard deviation of values obtained from replicate of the silane, CN (Me3SiCN) (1%). The additional experimental trials. products observed when water is added into the flow tube include ionic products corresponding to the Ϫ ϭ ϳ HCN adducts CN (HCN)n (n 1–3) ( 30%), Computational Details Ϫ ϳ Ϫ ϳ Ϫ F (HCN) ( 5%), Me3SiO ( 5%), CN (Me3SiCN) ϳ Ϫ ϳ Ϫ ϳ Geometries, absolute energies, vibrational frequencies, ( 10%), CN (Me3SiOH) ( 20%), and CN ( 30%). Ϫ and enthalpies for isomers of HC2N2 were calculated This indicates the formation of neutral products HCN J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2006, 17, 51–55 IN SITU GENERATION OF HCN 53

Ϫ the reaction complex. CID of HC2N2 (m/z 53) gives Ϫ exclusive formation of CN (m/z 26) indicating that the Ϫ HC2N2 species is an HCN cluster of cyanide, Ϫ CN (HCN). Ϫ The bond dissociation energy of CN (HCN) was determined by energy-resolved collision-induced disso- ciation. A plot of the cross sections as a function of center-of-masscollisionenergyisshowninFigure1. Ϫ The 298 K enthalpy for CN loss obtained from mod- eling of the cross sections is 0.87 Ϯ 0.07 eV for the Ϫ CN (HCN) cluster. For the purposes of modeling, vibrational frequencies and rotational constants were Ϫ used for the CN —HCN isomer, which is the lowest energy structure (see below). However, modeling the Ϫ data by assuming a NC —HCN structure gave the same result. The measured value is in good agreement Ϫ Figure 1. Cross-sections for CN formation from collision-in- withpreviouslyreportedvaluesof0.94Ϯ0.15eV[8] Ϫ duced dissociation of HC2N2 (m/z 53) with Ne target as a function and0.90Ϯ0.04eV[10],obtainedbyusingioncyclotron of translational energy (center-of-mass). The solid line is the model resonance and high-pressure mass spectrometry, appearance curve calculated using eq 1, and the broken line respectively. represents the unconvoluted function. Ϫ Because CN is an ambidentate nucleophile, it may bind to the hydrogen either at the carbon site or the and Me3SiOH. The fact that the HCN clusters and nitrogen site in a cluster. Previous SCF computational Me3SiOH clusters are only observed in the presence of studies by Cybulski and Scheiner indicate that the Ϫ Ϫ both Me3SiCN and water suggests that these neutral CN —HCN isomer is more stable than the NC —HCN products are formed by the neutral–neutral reaction. In isomerbyca.0.6kcal/mol[30].Similarly,SCFandMP2 principle, the acid does not need to be water, and we calculationsreportedbyMeot-Nerandcoworkers[10] obtained similar results by using HF. However, water is predict the nitrogen-bonded geometry to be more stable a more convenient and less corrosive reagent. by 1 to 2 kcal/mol, in agreement with the results To demonstrate the general applicability of this prep- obtainedbyCybulskiandScheiner[30].Moreover,itis aration, we have used it to generate HCN clusters of a also in agreement with the calculations of Jorgensen et Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ wide range of ions, including F ,Cl,Me3SiO , al.[31],whichfoundthattheN-bondedgeometryis Ϫ ·Ϫ Ϫ PhSiF4 , and PhNO2 . Although many HCN cluster ions favoredinhydratedCN .Meot-Neretal.[10]interpret Ϫ can be readily generated by the reaction of CN with the similarity between the energies of the two isomers Ϫ acid, this approach can also be used with ions that do as an indication of little anisotropy in the CN ion. Ϫ not have convenient conjugate acids. For example, In the present work, we have studied the CN (HCN) whereas (Me3SiOH) is not a readily clusters using various computational methods, includ- Ϫ Ϫ available reagent, the cluster of HCN(Me3SiO ) can be ing B3LYP, MP2 and CBS. Four isomers of HC2N2 were Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ generated by reaction of Me3SiO and HCN. Similarly, considered: NC —HCN, CN —HCN, NC —HNC Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ we are able to generate HCN clusters of PhSiF4 and and CN —HNC. The structures NC —HCN and ·Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ PhNO2 ions that cannot be conveniently prepared by CN —HCN are adducts of HCN, whereas NC —HNC alternate methods. The observation that HCN clusters Ϫ Ϫ can be formed with PhSiF and PhNO· is also evi- 4 2 Table 1. Relative enthalpies at various levels of theory for dence that HCN is being formed by the reaction of Ϫ a HC2N2 isomers (kcal/mol) trimethylsilyl cyanide and water, and not by the reac- Method NCϪ—HCN CNϪ—HCN CNϪ—HNC tion of trimethylsilyl cyanide and hydrated ions, be- cause these ions are not efficiently hydrated in the B3LYP/6-31ϩG* 0.6 0.0 6.2 ϩϩ presence of water. B3LYP/6-311 G** 0.9 0.0 4.7 B3LYP/6-311ϩϩG** As noted, the approach also provides a convenient Ϫ (3df,3pd) 0.8 0.0 4.7 synthesis of the CN (HCN) cluster ion. The reactivity Ϫ B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ 1.0 0.0 3.5 of HC2N2 (m/z 53) was studied by ion/molecule reac- B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ 0.9 0.0 4.7 Ϫ tions. In the flowing afterglow, HC2N2 undergoes CBS-APNO 1.2 0.0 5.9 condensation reactions with CO2 and CS2 and forms a G2 1.4 0.0 6.3 cluster ion with NO (m/z 83). A single H/D exchange G2MP2 1.5 0.0 5.8 occurs on reaction with CH OD, indicative of the pres- G3 1.2 0.0 6.4 3 G3MP2 1.4 0.0 6.2 ence of a hydrogen atom. This reaction is somewhat MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ 0.6 0.0 6.1 surprising considering the large difference in the acid- MP2/6-31 ϩ G* 0.4 0.0 9.7 itiesofmethanolandHCN[29],andlikelyoccursasa result of cooperativity of the HCN solvent molecule in a298 K enthalpies relative to CNϪ—HCN. 54 CHACKO ET AL. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2006, 17, 51–55

Ϫ a Table 2. Computed enthalpies for the dissociation of stable HC2N2 isomers at various levels of theory NCϪ—HCNb CNϪ—HCNb CNϪ—HCNc CNϪ—HNCc Method/Basis Set BDE (eV) BDE (eV) BDE (eV) BDE (eV)

B3LYP 6–31ϩG* 0.89 0.92 1.55 1.28 6–311ϩϩG** 0.89 0.93 1.54 1.34 6–311ϩϩG** (3df,3pd) 0.90 0.93 1.53 1.33 aug-ccVDZ 0.94 0.98 1.56 1.40 aug-ccVTZ 0.90 0.93 1.53 1.33 MP2 6-31 ϩ G* 0.83 0.85 1.68 1.26 aug-cc-pVDZ 0.91 0.94 1.71 1.45 Extrapolation Methods CBS-APNO 0.90 0.95 1.58 1.32 G2 0.84 0.90 1.53 1.26 G2MP2 0.84 0.91 1.51 1.26 G3 0.86 0.91 1.54 1.26 G3MP2 0.83 0.89 1.51 1.24 Experimental This Work 0.87 Ϯ 0.07 0.94 Ϯ 0.15 [8] 0.90 Ϯ 0.15 [10] aIsomer NCϪ—HNC is not a stable structure, and collapses to CNϪ—HCN. bFormation of HCN ϩ CNϪ cFormation of HNC ϩ CNϪ

Ϫ Ϫ and CN —HNC are nominally adducts of isohydrocya- tion energy for CN (HCN) was measured to be 0.87 Ϯ nic acid, HNC. However, regardless of the starting 0.07 eV using energy-resolved CID measurements, in Ϫ geometry, it is found that NC —HNC always opti- good agreement with previously reported values and Ϫ mizes to a NCH— NC structure. Moreover, a fixed thermochemical predictions. Theoretical calculations Ϫ Ϫ geometry with a structure NC —HNC is calculated to predict the lowest energy structure of HC2N2 to be Ϫ Ϫ be unstable and ca. 8 kcal/mol higher in energy than CN —HCN, although NC —HCN is only slightly Ϫ CN —HCN. Therefore, there are likely only three sta- higher in energy and these structures are not experi- ble geometries of the cyanide cluster. Relative energies mentally distinguishable. Ϫ of the HC2N2 isomers and the corresponding DH298 bonddissociationenergiesareshownTables1and2.At Ϫ all levels of theory, the CN —HCN ion is the lowest Acknowledgments energy structure, but only slightly lower in energy than This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Ϫ Ϫ NC —HCN. Moreover, the predicted BDEs for CN — (grant no. CHE-0137627). Ϫ HCN and NC —HCN agree to within 0.05 eV. There- fore, the isomers are sufficiently close in energy and have similar BDEs such that they cannot be distin- References Ϫ guished experimentally. The CN —HNC isomer is 1. Takashima, K.; Riveros, J. M. Gas-Phase Solvated Negative Ions. Mass predicted to be ca. 6 kcal/mol higher in energy than the Spectrom. Rev. 1998, 17, 409–430. Ϫ 2. Krestov, G. A., Thermodynamics of Solvation: Solution and Dissolution, Ions CN —HCN structure, and has a calculated BDE of ca. and Solvents, Structure and Energetics. Ellis Horwood: New York, 1991. 3. Dyumaev, K. M.; Korolev, B. A. The Influence of Solvation on Acid-Base 1.4–1.5eV(Table2),muchhigherthanthemeasured Properties in Various Media. Russ. Chem. Rev. 1980, 49, 1021–1032. BDE of 0.87 eV. This indicates that the reaction of 4. Larson, J. W.; McMahon, T. B. Strong Hydrogen Bonding in Gas-Phase Anions. An Ion Cyclotron Resonance Determination of Fluoride Bind- (CH3)3SiCN with water likely forms HCN and not ing Energetics to Brønsted Acids from Gas-Phase Fluoride Exchange HNC. The formation of HCN is not surprising consid- Equilibria Measurements. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1983, 105, 2944–2950. 5. Larson, J. W.; McMahon, T. B. Hydrogen Bonding in Gas-Phase Anions. ering the large energy difference between the two An Experimental Investigation of the Interaction between Chloride Ion isomers[32]. and Brønsted Acids from Ion Cyclotron Resonance Chloride Exchange Equilibria. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1984, 106, 517–521. 6. Caldwell, G.; Rozeboom, M. D.; Kiplinger, J. P.; Bartmess, J. E. Anion– Alcohol Hydrogen Bond Strengths in the Gas-Phase. J. Am. Chem. Soc. Conclusions 1984, 106, 4660–4667. 7. Bradforth, S. E.; Kim, E. H.; Arnold, D. W.; Neumark, D. M. Photoelec- Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ The results from this work demonstrate a safe, easy, tron Spectroscopy of CN , NCO , and NCS . J. Chem. Phys. 1998, 98, 800–810. noncorrosive and environment-friendly generation of 8. Larson, J. W.; McMahon, T. B. Hydrogen Bonding in Gas-Phase Anions. HCN in the gas-phase for mass spectrometric studies. The Energetics of Interaction Between Cyanide Ion and Brønsted Acids Determined from Ion Cyclotron Resonance Cyanide Exchange Equilib- An advantage to the present approach is that it can be ria. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1987, 109, 6230–6236. used for studying various ion clusters that are not easily 9. Yun, J. L.; Moreira, M. C.; Afonso, J. M.; Clemens, D. P. HCN in Cloud Ϫ Cores: A Good Tracer of Class 0 Young Stellar Objects. Astro. J. 1999, accessible by reactions of CN ion. The bond dissocia- 118, 990–996. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2006, 17, 51–55 IN SITU GENERATION OF HCN 55

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