1/13/2020 RIS(1) FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF : Rapid Return Intention Survey Report As Summary of January 2020

Age Gender of Interviewed Head of Household LGA of Origin

LGA of Origin Adults 36% 51%

Nganzai  Elderely 8% 4%

Male Female 58 81

Male Household Female Household 139 1027 Heads Heads Household Heads Individuals

Marital Status Religion Interviewed Households per Camp Married 108

Widowed 16

Separated 6 Bakasi Camp 139 Biu

Single 5

Islam 100.00% Divorced 3

* The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not Polygamous 1 imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.

Whether there's any family member with specific needs ? Number of Displacement Area of Origin (Ward) Twice 17.99% Multiple( More than 2) Yes 25.18% 14.39% Gajiram 54.70%

None 74.82% Once 67.63% Alarge 20.51%

Specific Needs Badu 8.55% Displacement Year Physical Disability 29.79% 60.08% Kuda 8.55% Pregnant & Lactating 25.53% Serious medical condition 14.89% Sugundare 7.69% Chronic illness 8.51% Mental disability 6.38% Child labour 4.26% Return Intentions to Area of Origin Female Headed Household 4.26% 8.37% 6.62% 8.67% 7.30% 8.96% Orphan due to conflict 4.26% 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Single Vulnerable elderly 2.13% Yes Child Headed Household 0.00% Means Information of Area of Origin is Received 98.56% Child Marriage 0.00% Elderly headed household 0.00% From other people who are in my … 30.81% Other 0.00% Family members who have informa… 25.29% Planned returned date (if "yes") Release from Abduction 0.00% Other members of the community … 14.53% Separated Children 0.00% Don't Know 34.31% 0.00% I visited my home 13.08% Teenage parent Less than a week 31.39% Trafficked 0.00% Media 6.69% 1 - 3 months 18.98% Unaccompanied Children 0.00% Government 2.91% Vulnerable elderly 0.00% 1 - 4 weeks 6.57% Bulamas(Community Head) 2.62% 3 - 6 months 5.11% LGA leaders 2.33% Whether there are any concern about 6 - 12 months 3.65% Humanitarian workers 1.16% women returning to their places of origin? Military 0.29% Reasons for not wanting to return Yes 31.65% Religious authorities 0.29% Lack of basic facilities in area of … 28.57% No 68.35% Challenges faced in Return Trauma and fear 28.57% House destroyed or damaged 14.29% House destroyed 18.20% Livelihood activities is better here 14.29% Would an organised "Go and See" visit to No means of livelihood back … 15.14% the areas be useful? Markets still closed back home 14.29% Safety issues 10.47% Heard that mines are on our lan… 0.00% Lack of basic services in place… 9.98% Yes 97.84% My children are in school here 0.00% Market still closed 8.05% My house is occupied 0.00% Uncertain evolution of security 7.25% No financial means 0.00% No financial support to emba… 7.09% Other reasons 0.00% Who should go in case of a "Go & See" visit? My children are in school here 6.76% Security threat is still high in are… 0.00% No Land 6.28% Community leaders 42.81% My house is occupied 5.64% Return Facilitating Factors Trauma 5.15% Male heads of households 25.68% No answer 0.00% Access to livelihood and emplo… 21.97%

Male Youths 20.21% Repair/rehabilitation of houses 21.44%

Women 11.30% Whether Households would prefer to re-settle somewhere else Presence of security in area of … 20.74% instead of place of origin Yes 10.07% Receive humanitarian assistance 18.98% Whether Households Heads participate in No 89.93% decision making process ? Improved access to basic servic… 16.87%

Yes 43.88% No 56.12% Others 0.00% Condition Prompting Return Intention

Difficult conditions in displace… 36.86% Households willing to return to LGA of Origin Wanted to reunite with my family 22.36% Heard from commuity member… 18.13% Saw other families planning to r… 15.71% I had conducted a go and see vi… 2.72% Heard from community membe… 1.51% Nganzai 100.00% Heard that the camp will soon … 1.51% News 0.60% Other 0.60%

Sources : SEMA, NEMA, MRR, UNHCR Nigeria, IOM Nigeria, iNGO Forum, GISCOR, CSOs, UNHCR KoboToolbox Author : [email protected] 1/1