January 2014 Issue Of
Eastern Catholic Life Official Publication of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic VOL. L, NO. 1 JANUARY 2014 A New Shepherd Most Reverend Kurt Richard Burnette Ordained and Enthroned as Fifth Bishop of Passaic his is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad! (Psalm Rutherford, NJ, numerous presentationsand well wishes were made by civil 118:24). Wednesday, December 4, 2013 was indeed a day of rejoic- officials. And several endearing presentations of flowers, bread, and heartfelt ing asT the Church of Passaic welcomed their new Chief Shepherd, Bishop expressions were made by the children and young adults of the Cathedral Kurt Burnette. Eastern Christian formation (EFC) and Byzantine Catholic Youth group (BCY). These were arranged by ECF and BCY coordinators, Kim Fedor Until recently, a priest of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix and Elizabeth Duch. The students and young adults participating included and Rector of the Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Saints Cyril and Metho- were Lena Edwards, Tessa Braum, Sarah dius in Pittsburgh, PA, Bishop Kurt was Marositz, Lindsey Fedor, Stephen Duch, ordained to the episcopacy by Metropol- Nicholas Fedor, Nicholas Panzano, itan William, together with Bishop John Gregory Duch, Alexander Panzano, and (Kudrick) of Parma and Bishop Gerald Kim Braum who made the bread and (Dino) of Phoenix who also served as decorated it with several symbolic items homilist. Following the reading of the on it, such as cross, leaves, and flowers. letter of appointment by a representative The following morning, Bishop Kurt cel- of the office of the Papal Nunciature, he ebrated the Divine Liturgy for the priests was then enthroned as the fifth Bishop at Saint Michael Cathedral, followed by of Passaic.
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