Pure Water Supply Milk Bottle Caps. Consult or write Plain; waked; Any style; any 74 west Price E. N. Sipperley, south nokwalk,'Ave, conn.. quantity. right. Quality first grade. Driller of Artesian Wells. If interested in Bee. The Automatic Tool Company, Wells or Windmills, Engines or Pumps. The Newtown South NorwaJk. Conn.


The Melbourne Cancer iMauwehoo Lake. 3H AT LIBRARY CORNER. Cure Co. DAM BEING ERECTED IN 64 Bank St V Derby, Ct., SHERMAN I Suits. Oure Cancer at their Sanatarium and guar- Outing cure. also mild antee a positive 'Eliey treat of JuM Miit cases and old sores at your home if desired For the Purpose Flooding 3 tl. to guMith our straw haUanJ ueglir-- e shirts. M " blood R! and can send you a medicine that wil R E BE Acres. cure of all kinds. Corres- Efl Forty internal growth pondence solicited. References gladly given. $IO where they were Established for eight years. SHER'MAN, BROOKLYN AND $I3.50 ami $15. where Straw Hat Prices Halved. GENTLEMEN they verelH, 20, 25. DANBURY J t INTERESTED. TIh jrn-ates- values That's an Opportunity Hat you ever luul offered you for ev- The Florist, ery suit is new and u,Hotlate in st.vle, no old suit that men Cornell; While: Charles A, Mallory of Sherman V who are irtK-ula- r At 90 White St., Danbury, Worth a' would not wear at any prirv. Will fill all orders for Treasurer of the Association. oil tun Inn-- h new iinilii f..m- - ...... ,: , and This simple announcement drew hundreds to the a .ql Fnl oniin ctf Rrooklvn fam 3 cost ami w Flowers 1 - mj Cut ; ; Vkdtro t Viti summer homes in start out ith a new Stntw H.t, Outinjr Suit and as as the rHst.i-ic- t Floral Designs Library Corner Store Saturday, and, just long r,.rrni-r- . in the south part of ji Business Suit. You may trust to his care. we to these at Sherman their attention having first . : 619-- 5. stock holds out shall continue sell hats A. fi Telephone Eo. been called to the section by George tr ou kv oe sure and...visit our Trunk and Da IV-- half price, Durgy, an resident. This number include J. F. Bidstrup, am one ot our Aew Trunks, improre-- A Warren Wilson. W. B. Tiebout. i n mem When Trading In Waterbury $2 Hat for only. $1.00 K. F. and umi you will not see elsewhere. Your Meals at the rr RiHnpv Smith. Godfrey j (iet A $3 Hat for $1.50 Mr Mallinson. The Mauwehoo Lak fSl only, A eenniutinn has been oreanized and Lunch Room A $4 Hat for $2.00 Ham ono feet in lensrth and 12 feet Park only, .r.ac nnH WOfk C. E. CRANE. ornnA pnnp.retG ra Prop.. of time to the use of a new and Ktir,r v.,,ilt unHer contract bv Christian .1. B. For Ladies and Gentlemen. Plenty enjoy hat, Htmwn n-- New Milford. This will MULLINGS & and will a SON, 11 West Main St.. Waterbury. Conn what a relief it will be to discard your sun burned flnnri nhonr. 40 acres of land have an average depth of 14 feet and Waterbury, Conn. straw for a fresh clean one. . 13 feet, in nlaces. About $4500 has Professional warui. heen siihserihed-- The officers of the You'll have to lmrry to get the best. association are : President, Rev Warren W. J. Beecher, H. Wilson; secretary, Dr Sidney E. aaaaaHH 4ttoret-m-La- , 1 Smith treasurer. Charles A. Mallary : vine nreaident. Geortre A. Duriry. The f I . V , . Kooms 85 and 2tt. Sanford Bldg. Brldgeuort - Uri-co- raised has been through the en- f: Bna William ll Mr Blanchard. who has canvassed on from money nt of,.,i,lnwo" Office in Newtown open Saturdays prom-ne- Philadelphia are a few town Ens-land- , a. m. to 3.30 p. m ergy of Mr Durgy. A number of weeks Mr rwl spending m the for a map of New f.lOg'MB- citizens . areinterested with xi, meeting- with MiJOHN 51 BRIDGEPORT CONK Danbury on Walnut Tree Hill. considerable success, left BpMAlN on ALBERT L. SSCHTJYLJER, M. D. , with Mr Durgy and the Brooklyn gen Tuesday for BetheL scheme. 18 A. MALLORY OF SHERMAN. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. tlemen inthe It expected CHARLES Mrs John hmum...... n.wt. L : 1 I 2-- 5. iiuiuim vi1 Phone : (Sandy Hook) there will be splend fishing as Orlando rtriagenort win vumi, 4 Through the thoughtf ulness F. Hours: a- -10 a. m., I 2.30 p. m.,' 5 7.30 p.m. above is alive Treasurer of the Mauwehoo Lake Association. of Mrs Seeley and P. A. the editorof. is Penner's nond. iust it. Sunday, Patrick Lyons. indebted Perry with fish. That the lake will enhance for one of the beautiful art ST. M. Mrs M. F. GafTnev took in calendars sent out by The Howard Co.. J. Galb, D., the value of real estate in the locality THE MOUNTAINS OF NORTH Rov E. J. Egan of Seabright, N. J.. sion to SteeDlechase Ilxnri Ih..r. of 250 Boulevard. New Haven, manu- Office In the David Beers Residence, is expected, as others will be induced CONWAY. is the guest, this wet'k. of his sister, Thursday. facturers of fire brick of all kinds. cot- Mrs John II. Biake, on Walnut Tree Newtown Street. Mid-Summ- er to come this way and build summer 1 2 7 to 8 m Hill. Office Hours : 8 to 9 a. m to and p Annual tages. Mauwehoo lake will flood back Miss c-- ! ! Jessie Brincoo f rv.M Mr and Mm R. 11. of O Mountains white O Mountains - ; Beers and sons. as O. B. dam. gray er SaJe & as far Pepper's Benjamin Donaldson and Ferd Berga-mey- spent a few davs. last wL- ;n Miss Annie Sanford. Mr and Mrs H. Dr Walter H. Klernan, O Mountains blue and green alway ; of Brooklyn, who have been en- the guests of Air and Mrs James H. Curtis and daughter and Mr and Thy lofty heights inspire my soul. joying a two weeks' stay with Mr and O'Brien. Mrs Phtlo Nichols enjoyed a little pic- Phtsician and Surgeon, BERKSHIRE. Mrs E. T. on Botsford Hill, re- nic at Taunton Conn And lift it upwards to its goal. Hook, FV TUntro lake. Monday afternoon. Sandy Hook, turned to their home, last Monday. John - unnl' "-- " . uo o ilk ouil-o.. - 7- fn.l. -8 $ 9 1 2.30 m. Trimmed shore Office Hours: a. m. ; to and p. Millinery. PERSONAL CHAT. Thy rugged summits boldly stand day at the at Woodmont. Telephone: 18-- 3. Hats that were from $5.00 to 10.00, Mrs Bulkley and daughter. Miss Like noble reefs on Ocean's strand ; Eli Greenblat's summer hotel on Miss May Wool ley and Miss Mamie out on Hill Miss France Wml. v nnrl A, ItllUB VI Reduced to Louise Bulkley of Southport were Looking life'shigh sea, Botsford is full of summer guests. were Leayy are spending a few days, this DENTAL PARLORS. Mrs C. recent While to Bridgeport guests. Sunday, of week, in with friends. and rellable,mosi guests at J. Hawley 's, pointing eternity. fliorris on Walnut Tree HilL Danbury B xoert dentistry, painless used for Miss Sophie Bergameyer of Brooklyn ieavy modern and scientific appliances ly. They speak of lands of higher worth, and Mrs Woodridge and son. George, of pa niess operations. New Mr and Mrs Peter Ward M AN Mr Mrs A. W. Minor and son of Of homes more dear than all on earth. York are spending several weeks Rrido-enor- t ... Henry Lang of Brooklyn is at his DR. C. B. BLACK and Mr Bots- of nr miosf. tk;. home on Walnut Tree Block $1.48. a week Where Christ on eternal with and Mrs E. T. Hook on Morris Hill, sufferina Dentist. Office in Postoffice have been passing high reigns. of Leavy on Walnut Tree Hill! with a durgeon - Bridgeport ford Hill. sprained hip. New Milford. all. at Charles Minor's. As man and God in God's Domains. Shapes, trimmings, and Millinery Reduced for this T Mm T w. RrarllD ,V"v., . sale. , ' ifc Thither let my attend. Ezra Patch and of u.uakJ QWU, Cklkste A. Benedict, M. D. Robinson Hinman Nash, youngest steps family Montreal, Joseph. Michael F. and Thomas of Mi(M Annia .I?....All.Is, ftf TtwZAmm - Nash was And all my together blend ; Can., are the guests of Mr Patch's fa- New v. ju.. iui yrt k. Physician and Surgeon, child of Frank of Shelton, thoughts in Hook. York, are spending a few days daughter of Roadmaster Retlly of .28 Conn To live for Him who died to atone, ther, Anthony Patch, Sandy here the of Mr and Mrs State Street, Bridgeport, to Zoar cemetery for burial, V guests Michael wew brought n .1 n I I T 1 1 1 uie xork division, is spending Electricity one of the therapeutic agents. McLEAN Tuesday of last week. And place me faultless on his throne. uviivtiu. uii umiiub x 1 tx 11111. the summer in this place. Office hours from 10 a a. to 12 m.. 2 to 4 p. m BR.OS.; Misses Margaret and Mary Carroll 221 Main St., Danbury. 'Telephone 157. Psalm 121 : 1-- 2 Rev 3 : 21 Jude 24. of Great Ring have been spending a The enterinsr class at the High few days in Ansonia. the guests of E. will be as follows : ARTHUR LOCKE, Miss Mabe' Rennet. Dr Frank Judson, school in September Pastor First church, Easton, Ct. Dentist. Martha Armstrong, Jesse M. Bailey, 57 Obntkr St., , Bethel, Conn. Marguerite Beecher, Michael Blake, Airs Martin Kelly and daughter. We Offer For Sale: M. E. Church. ' Arthur Mrs W. M. and Miss Kate May. were guests, last week, of Mrs I0.W0 Opposite 8.30 to 12 and 1 to 6. May Brown, Richard Carmody, Reynolds ATCHISON. TOI'EKA & 8AXTA FE ronrrlU.k 5 s. Office hours: John Kilbride in the Glen. Hue June ltl7. I'rtcw IOUS-- 4 821-- 5. - W. Fairchild. Herbert Ferris, George Reynolds went, last week Wednesday, and Int. per erat. Telephone, SIO.000 SCRAXTOS ELECTRIC Summer JFurniture D. Keane, for a few weeks' at Great Barring-to- n OOMPAXVS Ferris, Helen Keane, Joseph stay Mr and Mrs Charles Stevens and Mr Iue Juljr lH3i PrkeWandlnt. Vlrldliur per real. DR. S. E. ALLEN, Cool. Catherine Lester, L. Phillips Morris, with Mrs F. H. Hewitt. and Mrs George Stevens spent Sunday fc.iO0 WESTERN TELEPHONE & TELEORAPI1 CO. V. Conn. Helps One to Keep Beach. Kue Way imci. Irlc ) -4 and IntvtvMt. Vk-ldln- c 7.14 per rent. Hattebtown,. Annie Mudry, Annie G. Murphy, Edith ut Fairfield SIO.IIM) K E & H 15 Ot, Is no is made for wear. CHESPEA OH per crnt N.rto. P. Address: Route Siepney Depot, There unnecessary' upliolstoriiier. nor ornamentation. It fos r O, n H. James A. Peck, Clara A. Taunton had lue ivio. Spec-l.ll.tl- comfort, tor lightness, ana streiisrt h. Kverytiimg tor comiort, in cue way 01 seuieesauu Northrop, Chester Northrop of PrWwMtmlfaiL .n per rant. Admlniator of Magnetic Treatment. and lee Boxes in all and iwi T. J. Cavanaugh has just purchased 3 shares PEQl'ONXOCKJlr NATIONAL BANK TOC"K eczema, styles sizes. - Horace A. Smith, Miriam while out in e treatment u( piles, catarrh, Floor 4 per roll to Sis. Sheehan, the misfortune, the barn a new Adriance reaper of R. C Mitch frk-- and heart failure, stomach trouble and headacne. Matting'. 31.20. 1.40, 31.60 and S3. H. N. li: Medicine furnished for this treatment. Vuclor and Kamboo Porch Shades. Prices on Bamlioo Shades, Smith. Jules Sueden. Tiemann, at work one day, last week, to slip and ell and has just harvester! his big crop 1 lnlr(. , Consultation Free. Vudov Shades. 32. To. 33.50 and 35. ami 160 Terms reasonable. Baby Carriages and ts. Charles Tilson, Charles J. Trent, Jessie fall from a beam overhead to the barn of rye with it he has alxtut Trolley Go-Car- ts. 31. iSM. SI .95, etc. The rank of the six shocks of as fine rye as ever grew HINCKS BROS. & Bond S Whitlock. average floor, shaking him up considerably. outdoors. was and had CO.. Dealers. Charles Platt, follows : It tall a very Court highest was as Marguerite Fortunately he was not otherwise in heavy head. Exchange Bfdg., 207 State SU, Bridgeport, Conn. Taaekar Piaao, Orjaa aad Thaary, Beecher, 83.16; Helen Keane, 81.83; jured. & Mur-nh- NEWTOWN OONN. N. Co., Inc., Jules Sugden, 81.50 ; Annie G. y. Mr and Mrs James O'Brien of Zoar BuckinghamESTABLISHED 1842, 79.33; Herman Tiemann, 79.16; Miss Katherine Honan of Taunton is were guests, Sunday, of Mr and Mrs Mrs James Gordon, 11 78.33. Benjamin Corning in the Glen. Teacher 77 Static Street. Miriam Smith, suffering with blood poisoning in one Violin, Piano, Mandolin, . - of her hands. Dr W. H. Kieman is When in Waterbury trad Ing you can mm f- When buying like to KNOW that they are getting the real trees are late in The City101-103-1- 05 National Bcuik, Class Lessons. Ensemble. VI i ; the IS as to them, Even the chestnut her. get a toothsome dinner at a small Wall Street. .s.VFk3nCTa, MPOnl f thing that quality exactlyare representedThen obser- attending price - Conn. and to feel that the prices paid just. shopping attending to their duty. Local at Callendar's Half Dime Lunch on BRIDGEPORT. - - - CONN. Newtown. becomes a pleasureWF,Vand a satisfaction. This pleasure may be yours in the future, simply Main street. , when looking for things in gold or silver of the best makes. Sterling or plated ware, choice vers noted thev were in full bloom Mrs Samuel Camp of Taunton has South cut glass, timepieces that will tell you the truth, diamonds and other precious stones, opera & and field billhooks and card cases, art ware, fans. box papers. about July 19 and 20, while generally been on the sick list. Oscar Pitzschler Son, glasses, pocketbooks, Whiting'sor Why take a chance of losing: however small the & Repairing. Diamond setting and engraving. Byes examined day night. Properly can be counted on to be in the full Fur rifles nnrl crruvla your money, Barbers Hairdressers, fitted glasses made and guaranteed. Go to they trims cnnrtlrnr amount? And besides, robbery Is only one ef many 4. re.ways your mosey Nawtowm, Saady Hook an Hawlayvilla, of the blossom about July The marriage engagement is made call on Ian I). Smith, 44 Fairfield av will get away without your Retting any return tor It,--fi- mUptaclnr. Newtown Shop open every day. Hawley vlile TAYLOR &. GREGORY, of Harold Hartshorn of Califor enue, Bridepirt, opposite Poll's notes in me pockci, etc. avoid n ail oy aeposiunr; vour BhoD open Wednesday afternoon and Sunday Elizabeth Conn. public tneater. with us. Simply say to us. "I want to start am account.' We do toe morning. Sandy Hook shop open every week Practical Jewelers, St., Derby, Misses Elsie and Olive Buck of nia and Miss Mabel Jencks of Colorado rest. day. Only first class work. Miss the POOEi TABLE. Bridgeport have been spending a few Springs, Colorado. Jencks is days with Mr and Mrs F. A. Young in daughter of Mrs Sarah Smith Jencks Frank ivllllor. Preside t, . CHclsi 13. Griswold M. D., ? to Taunton. and passed a recently in New- M. D. Trrllla Asat Cashier. Bragaw, 4? fc town. ' and Yes John Clark had the misfortune, while Physician nlavine. to fall from a tree near the James Dunn, who has been in the em- Surgeon, Sell Gloves ! Quinn place at the head of the Street, ploy of Selectman H. H. Peck for a Andrews Building, Cor. Main and Bank Sts., We last Friday, breaking one of his arms. month, has hired out at Castle Ronald. I onn. Dr Gale set the arm and he is now New Milford, , Jo Fownes' English Driving Gloves, both plain and doing nicely. Miss Hattie Shepard of Danbury was M. 1 Office Hours: 8 to 9 A. to a, a last week, of Mrs Anna May-nar- d 8 M. 40 grip. guest, Beautiful Pianos 7 to P. Jo And Leggings for the equestrian and the motor Mrs F. A. Young visited friends in in Taunton. ' Park View House. as as Chauffeur. first Is South Britain, last week. WITH THAT SINGING TONE. Residence: aq cyclist -well the Thoroughly' 9-- i 1 4-- c-- i i7 v is Connection: i iw r r J. A. Schaf of Dodingtown having Telephone Class leggings, snapeu lo li tan, i.iu iu yi. a new barn built on the hill near his Next another box of 5HOEx We wiah to emphasize the QUALITY" of the tone of Monday morning new house. Phillip Schnabel of Dotlg-ingtow- n our substantial redaction on all this flowers is to be sent to the Jacob A. contract pianos. A pianos New York the Y. has the for building month Dr Battam, Riis mission in by the barn. Mr Schof has the founda DENTIST, The Wooster Atkinson Co., P. S. C. E. All are invited to con For Men line Music Musical in- New Milford. 4 tion for the barn completed. , We have a large of Sheet and Bank Street. 4 Corner Broad and John Sts., Bridgeport, Conn tribute flowers for the box. They can struments be left at the Congregational church, to A from the Newtown Inn en and Women LEONARD'S INSURANCE Monday morning, before 9 o'clock. party AGENCY, joyed a straw ride, last week Thurs This mark identifies the highest Bicycles Thtvt Bike Wood and family of Stony day evening. Albert M. Boyson fur ype of men's and women's shoes Henry nished team for Without back or muscles. FIRE, ACCIDENT. Hill, Bethel, moved last week, into the the party. 50M at $3.50. And though Icathei breaking your straining your Mrs William Northrop's tenement md labor are now more costly, wc Racycle, National, Tourist, Iver Johnson and others Old Companies, house on Sugar Street. maintain the high standard which ha very easy running. . Riding: Mr and Mrs L.C. Nicholson made made Zenith Shoes famous and Lowest Rates. even ! Miss Jessie Bassett of New Haven flyinf? trip toDanJury, Saturday which our label guarantees. ing. - Shoes fror men and womer R.epak.irs That Stay Repaired.. R. S. Saddles is spending a few weeks in Hopeweii,' Zenith Dr Todd, nunJitr-swfr- VETERA ARY SURGEON, the guest of Mr and Mrs B. are made of the finest T machinist in our repair works. i ex shoe and have g, f V.nr). Nicholson has cut and hjrtTisr alshy. pert makers, vulcanizingj-tftiein- attended to. New Milford. A- - Kl:je . L.C hand-wor- k Brazing, etc., carefully Assortmejit was the on Allison P." Smith's plan?. nore in them than am Miss Lillie Dwyer of New Haven hay shoes. come in A full line of Tires, Sundries, etc., always onhand. of the last week, of Mr and Mrs thcr $3.50 They guest, Hermon II. Peck the latest styles, in all leathers, and New (Joods John B.'Goodsell in Hopewell. Selectman passed " a of in n sizes which insure fit fur Manufacturer at Friday Ridgefield. foot." 'f: XH, rid-in- o- eiy Harness, Blankets, Uobe am' Jl Miss Ellen Doran of Hopewell is Zenith Special Shoes arc $4 a H. II. Peck finished hay-- 1 WM. C. Lowest Prices out in a new carriaee. bought of Selectman -- HEIM, f4ooda. pacial high graJe. Stable out of town parties. on his own larm, last week, and exclu-.ivel- ing control Zenith Shoes y 270 Main Street, Danbury, Conn. has cut one large meadow in W. T. We has and sell them in our new and Clinton Whitehead of Hopewell Cole's estate, this week. shoe section :n our base- Let Me Write Peck & Lines Co., taken a position with N. F. Hog-se- in enlarged Insuraoce on your home and The ment salesroom. Vour at once. I.OWKS1 KA1M 185 to 207 Middle St., Redding. At the meeting of the selectmen, nsisSent guf)ds secure companies. o with absolutely I , Ct. Saturday, settlement was made with CORBIS TI', Agent, William H. Hoy of Stratford has Frank H. Mitchell for sheep and lambs DO YOU WANT T. J. Oonn. for a few jl Newtown. ',pp been the guest of I. B.Harris recently killed by dogs. He was paid & days. $124 which local sheep raisers regard I . Canfield Davis, as none too as flock attacked A NEW HARNESS Mr and Mrs R. Whitney and daugh- high, the Outfitters to Men. Women and Chllruea Painters and Paper Hangers, also Miss were re- was a fine one. m Or aa Old Oue Mended? Wo run ccouiuiodte Call aad sea as wbea la tow a. 32-- 3. ters, Nellie Cloke, remarkably joo. Oonn. WATCHES. Northwest Corner an Newtown, Telephone and cent guess of Miss A. Nolan. Mr Howard, Waltham, Klgin, Ham lton, Rockford F. On 16, Mr and Mrs D. Court Ha f Wall Papr tampUt ii Cases. Whitney is private secretray to J. July J. Main Street and Fairfield Avenue. Biggt South Bend In Solid Gold, Gold Filled and Silver Mulcahy, president of the Eaton, Cole of the Haeublein hotel, New Haven, W. W. (SL & Burnham Co. sailed for Mr Court's home in Eng- ftridfeport. Conn. STEVENS CO.. Newtown Tins land. During their stay their niece, 16 White St., Dutar, Cesnm. C. B. JOHNSON, Oonn. HENRY C. REID, Jeweler, Miss Anna Burns of Bridgeport has Miss Minnie Murray, will remain . Established 1883 .1 Auctioneer, Starp. been a guest recently of her sister, with her aunt, Mrs J. Nolan, on the Deputy Sheriff, T,i,t oai-1- 4. Boulevard. Notary Public. 95a nain Street, Bridgeport, Conn. Telephone Mrs J. Nolan, Telephone 32--3 THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY,, AUGUST, 2, 1907.

bbrances. Refreshments were api-vo- Station Agent M. J. McDonough has been among the sick ones, this week. in George B. French of Bridgeport takes & Great Reductions Prices. his place. Summer Sale Smith, Murray Co., INVENTORY SALE. tiold a social assembly everv Saturday Bridgeport. Conn evening at Hadley's hall, beginning Our store for the next few weeks will be the center of the August 3. Closes our bargain Mrs David Hickey and Week. Store Daily at 5 1. M. Excepting Saturdays. East. Having completed inventory we are to offer some excep- daughter, tional low in the ready Lora, were guests, Wednesday, of Mrs prices ioSIowing standard goods. James Frear. Do you own a horse? If so this is of interest to Miss Minnie Swanson and Miss Lil- We find an over stock Refrigerators Sideboards and Buffets China Closets lian Fitzgerald of New ; York are you. of certain Carriages, wagons, Radium Fine finalit y of The finest line guests, this week, of Mr and Mrs P. H. etc. Also numerous articles in our harness and horse Jewi'tl liolrti'n Dak and ever offered at Kohlar. goods lii-s- t For the Veek Cryst-a- of workmanship inventory pric es Mrs R. C. Toucey will close down department. INVENTORY .SALE OF TICTTJRES. her factory for a month's vacation Commencing Aug. 5 to 10, Silk some time next week. Inclusive, Bargains we IN SPECIAL : Mr and Mrs H. S. Wedge entertained will mark these goods at prices that will make you buy THE friends from New York, last week. whether need them or Special reduction on all Rattan Furniture and Dutch Metal Gold Mrs Charles Green is among the sick you hot. Cost does not figure at all Come white buying is goodnow is the time to buy. ones, this week. in this sale. George Mahoney and family and Miss Space prevents us from all articles so Elsie Pelton of Bridgeport were guests, a enumerating n give Alteration Sale! Sunday, of Mr and Mrs D. Mahoney. you few samples. Mrs H. E. Levitt is friends 1 Doctor's Lee Bros. in visiting Cushion Tire Stanhope. Regular price $225. $168. The Furniture Watertown for a few days. 1 Cushion Tire Concord. 1179 Company Charles Green had the misfortune Regular price $175. 142.00. BLACK SILKS. Main St., Ct. while wood, last . 2 Cushion tire runabouts. Regular $90 each. 72. OO each. Bridgeport, drawing Wednesday, price 36-in- ch to have one of the axles to his wagon 1 Rubber tire Concord. Regular price 90.00. 68.00. Taffeta. .Value $1.25. Price 98c a yard. break. 1 Rubber Tire Runabout, slightly used. 35.00. 21-in- ch Japanese Silks. Value 75c Price 39c a Miss Inez Labor left, Thursday, for 3 Harnes. yard. a visit with friends at Warwick, N. Y. Regular price 10.00. 7.50. ' 22 inch Figured Silks. Value $1. Price 75c a Mrs F. M. Canfield of Easton was a 10 Harness of all kindsf at Prices lower than cost. yard. of Mrs Stable , umns and to Z guest, Saturday, Mary A. Peet. Whips, Sheets, Collars, etc., all marked way down. FAIRFIELD "COUNTY. ty on the train made the write X, Bee office, Mrs A. A. Angevine entertained COLORED - best of the SILKS. lone- - i Newtown, Conn., for particulars. 1 wait and tflkino- Mrs John Seamon of New York friends, this week, from out of town. hese are only There are others. Ev- had rather a jolly time outnt,of has C. H. Van Auken of Cornell universit- samples. many Summer Silks. Value Oc thr purchased a tract of 48 acres of land y-has article we sell is a loss to and 75c. Price 25c a Stepney. misfortune. near owned been spending several days ery us.and a gain to you. yard Miss Susie Benedict and Miss the place by her sister, here the guest of Mr and Mrs J. S. White Japanese Silk. Price 25c a of Mary Mrs Mary F. Luckner, known as the Labor. Remember, For One Week yard. NEWS TERSELY TOLD. Shyrer Bridgeport are guests, thisr Kingman property and expects in the Only. Rough knot Pongees. A serviceable and fashionable week.of Mr and Mrs John Benedict to erect a house on Mrs Hiram Barlow of Newtown has Mr and Mrs S. Snow have a house spring the prop- silk. Value 75c. Price 49c a yard. been the guest of Mrs Mary Turney. ftrll of erty. REDDING, Mr Cheesman of guests from New York. Mrs Robert Blake of New York is The Co. Fancy Silks, for waists Value $1 and 1.25. Price Bridgeport spent B. Hawley & Co. have let out all Clark on SHOE Derby last week as guest of E. B. Corning. their negotiating for the place Pep- FRENCH'S STORE GEO. B. Carriage 49c a carting from the depot to the now CLARK, Puor., yardr George H. Lynn is in Stratford, the store contract to M. per street occupied by Mrs John is the place for oxfords or shoes. Charles by J. Farrar and Dillon and expects to make extensive in " Near Striped and checked silks. Latest Colorings. Suitable guest of Wilcoxson at Paradise will sell off all their Trade Bethel. Opera House, Derby. shirt-wai- st horses, harnesses, about the 76-- 5. for Green. and wagons. This is a changes place. Telephone suits. Value 75c and 51. Price 59c a yard. good oppor- Mrs Mary T. Luckner is to hold a EDISON RECORDS e. Mrs Helen Eddy of Bridgeport has tunity to secure a good team. Crepe-de-Chin- Value 51 Price 59c a Even- visited her mother, Mrs James Lord. Mr two weeks' camp meeting near her for August at French's. yard. Mrs and Mrs Louis Ober of Bridge- home some time in and shades and blacks. Wyatt Marsh and Mrs Odell.of port are guests, this week, of Mr and August expect ing Bridgeport have been guests of Mrs Mrs C. W. a number of speakers from different NEW STYLES. John Edwards. parts of the count ry. (Lett Aisle.) Hinckley. Miss M. A. Neilson, near Stepney Ladies' Lawn Wrappers, 98c each, at Miss Jessie French does not gain as Depot, now has 25 fresh air children French's Bethel. fast as her many friends would wish. from New York at her home. 3? WOMEN'S PETTICOATS. Mr and Mrs .Henry W. Seeley are The Bee Hill. WHITE WAISTINGS. a few repersentative was very kind- Long spending weeS at the seashore ly entertained at dinner, last Wed- Extra value and dainty stylees, 25c STABLISHMENT FOR At 95c Made of black Sateen, trimmed with three nar- at Madison, Conn., with Mr and Mrs at the home NEWS AS OUR SCRIBE and 33c yard, at French's, Bethel. Charles Gaines of nesday, of Mr and Mrs FINDS IT. . JEWELRY. row ruffles. Hartford. John Benedict. C. E. Osborne has a handsome iOHMain Mrs Frank Eno of Ansonia is enjoy- Mrs Susie placed St Bridgeport. Conn. At 51.19. Made of black Sateen, trimmed with shirred an old on Frey moved this week New Home sewing machine in the FRENCH'S SHOE STORE ing outing at her home the from Andrew Cutris' tenement house home of Mrs Frank Sherman. flounces. hill. to a of J. M. is the place for oxfords or shoes. Specially. Miss part Farrar 's house. Mrs Thomas Lord has rented her 51-5- Carrie Osborne and Mabel Trade in Bethel. 0. on Alfred Provost has taken a position house to who have At Made of imitation Heatherbloom, trimmed Hayes returned Saturday from with B. Hawley & Co. and will move moved in.Bridgeport parties Storrs, Conn., where they have attend- his family to Upper soon. EDISON RECORDS with tine tucks and double ruflle. ed the summer school of the Agricul- ewish Stepney Miss Helen Hurd is spending a few Like-This- . the People in This Vicinity - tural J people from New York have weeks in Bristol with her uncle, J. M. for August at French's. It Is Just lo At $1.75. Made of black Colonial'doth. trimmed with college. ' purchased J. F. Wales' place in Cut- White. Know that They Can Buy - William Sherwood of Hartford and ler's Farms and plaited flounce and three narrow ruffles. Mr and Mrs have taken possession. Mrs Lucina Beers, who has been quite NEW STYLES. Guaranteed Carlos Warner of New Mr Wales will - m At 52.25 Made of black Colonial Yofk have been4 make his home with ill, is now gaining slowly. Ladies' Lawn Wrappers, 98c each. cloth, trimmed with guests of Miss Emily his son, Dr F. J. Wales, at Monroe Mrs R. C. at Nsfcwonder is talked tucked and shirred flounce. Seeley. Center. Toucey treated all her help French's, Bethel. It . to ice craem. Wed we sell for Mr and Mrs P. E. Abbott nesday afternoon. about, it pure that purpose. Stock, At 52.25. 2.75 Heather-bloo- m, t of Fall Fred Sears, carrier on Route 14, has We have "a full line of fresh cereals WHITE WAISTINGS. we also a Nursery 52.50, and 5J.25. Made ot River, Mass., and Mrs Clara Evans of purchased a tract of about 40 Incidentally, buy large Grown the in are acres of for breakfast, everything the market Extra and stock of it to sell. by Largest Nursery black and colors, trimmed with . shirred and Bridgeport guests, this week, of lauu near me X school-hou- se value dainty styles, 25c tucked, Mr and Mrs George S. outer's arms affords. Are you going on a picnic? and 33c Have you bought any ? the New England States, for the Coley. and expects in the to so we can - yard, at French's, Bethel. - hemstitched flounces. The Bridgeport Water Co. are nego- erect a house on spring If help you fill your basket Why hesitate? Are you trying to Hnd same or less than- estern S. it. with pickles and olives in pic- price A full line of in tiating for "Snow's place. . A C. L. new bottles, A meeting of the legal "voters of something better than grown stock can be Send Wash Skirts grey and white and blue is to he had in on hearing Smalley's helper at his kles in bulk, canned meats of all kinds, .North bought. Bridgeport Tuesday, blacksmith shop, Gotlieb Wist, is giv- Center district will be heldd next orders to and white stripes. at 45c and $1.00. August 6. fancy crackers and cake in packages Wednesday night, at 8 o'clocck to act MASURY'S your v Special Last ing good satisfaction with his work and bulk. You will always find a full on C. F. BENEDICT, (Left. Aisle, Center.) Tuesday evening the 7 o'clock and he is now busy with horse stock of the question of consolidating the Railroad Paint ? train was - kept the best groceries the market Box '233, Conn. north stalled for nearly two shoeing- and other work. He es- North Center and Middle districts. Bethel, hours below ac- is Affords at the lowest prices at our just Stebney Depot on pecially good with lame or ! store. The count of the engine down. A horses. interfering Cheap Cach Grocery .Mrs Owing to the popularity of the pre- Rider, breaking If you have any trouble call j Robert Harry from Botsford i " Staines, proprietress. vious excursion to Water St.. freight engine arrived and see him. I Steeplechase Island, Bridgeport. "REGULAR AS THE SUN" about 8.45 and took the train to New Mr and Mrs Phillip Meade and Mr the N. Y. N. H. & H. R. Rr Co. has & Co. JVJlIford. The u 4 Stephen French, at the Depot, has a and Mrs Otto C. Walters are entertain a second Smith, noiir line of arranged grand outing to Murray tnemseives good working shoes, the kind ing tnends from New York. this most on of our is an expression as old as the race. gaiea with crackers and that fit you well and wear a long time. Miss Beatrice popular resort, Thursday, centage people have formerly Co , Rette & cooKies irom Stephen French's store, man Kohlar celebrated her August 8. Seeplechase Island, situa- taken advantage of these excursions No doubt the rising and setting of the Newtown; Betts, town; W. B. Bam ley, Sherman: Honan Any young having beween $300u sixth birthday very at the in the Sound P. Sc. purchased by some of the young "men and $4000 he wishes to invest and pleasantly ted of Bridgeport, is a and from all appearance have had a sun is the most regular performance Sandy nook; J. Garvin, Betbel; Soule, GaylordsTlUe; Smith Broa., fur-nish- home of her Mr Jo- of ed and Mrs most in- the party and Andrew Curtis wants a parents, delighful spot. The management, very enjoyable time. For further In n--f, unless W. N. Noble, New Milford; E. Cornwall Edwin H. cold good paying and responsible seph Kohlar, in Tashua, last Sunday an enormous the univ. It is the action Bridge; Beard&ley, good well water for the in a well or) Vincinooa - by expenditure of money formation regarding this excursion see J. Buckingham, Huntington; Allen position establish afternoon. There were ahont 35 rvf of the liver and bowels when It-- New Preston; E. FtInk. Falls party and C. A. also remem- near-b- bi- and energy have made this island a advertisement elsewhere in this issue ; regulated O W. Hurl-r-u- rt George bered the Purdy in a y city will do well to look little friends present and she received with Dr New Life Pills. Guar Joyce, bury Station, E S. Falrchild & Nich party with a lunch.. The par up an advertisement in our want col a vertiable wonderland of amusement, also apply to Ticket Agent for booklet. King's & On , Roxbury; J. M. Sullivan. Village; Son. number ot and useful remem lt. 25 pretty ' spectacles ana devices. A large IJCI-jC- anteed by R. H. Beers & Reddiog Ridge; Connerj Bros., George I ols, Druggists, c......

Seven immense rooms in tha Furniture Three spacious floors with Carpets Store and all the. articles neded to make O.' M. CO Up- THE Rugs, Curtains, Linoleums, Mattings, the home READ comfortable are contained there- holstery Goods and Art Fabrics, all at in. . . Established 1857. special discounts in August sale. Store Closes Every Day at 5 P. M. Excepting Saturdays SslI of PureStore Dining Room Furniture. Carpets. Colonial Mahogany Buffet and China Cabinet, the two This promises to be the largest and most success Sale Prk .matched value at 200.00. j 1.50 pieces, $270.00, lVlid-!umm- er Wilton Velvet; grade worth U5 Colonial Buffet and China Cabinet. ful Sale we have ever had. It is intended 1.21 - 1.25 1.12 Buffet, value $85.00 at $68.00 to last a 1 Buffet through fortnight, and from time to time there 15 1.01 125.00 at 100.00 will 75 .67 Cabinet, 88.00 at 70.00 be special attractions 1.65 57.00 at 45.60 presented. Housekeepers Body Brussels, grade worth 1.48 Cabinet, who are absent from on 1.50 IJ5 Mahogany finish Buffet and Cabinetto match two the city and unable to be here 1J5 1.21 pieces, value 62.50 at 42.00 the on it will I.25 1.12 opening day may depend that there be -- Mahogany Buffet and Cabinet, design in early , grade worth 1.10 .99 English, sufficient to last through the sale. The generous disr 1.00 .9o Buffet, value 67.25 at 53.80 in .90 .81 Cabinet, 54.50 at 43.60 counts offered the several departments make it a Sale .85 .77 Buffet, 46.50 at 37.20 of in .75 67 Cabinet, 36.75 at 29.40 Economy truth. .65 .58 worth 75 .57 Early English Fumed Oak. Ingrain, grade Buffet, value 42.75 at 34. 2o TO REMEMBER. Cabinet, 32. oo x 25. 6o Rugs. Buffet, 46. 5o ' 37.2o Throughout the sale there is offered in the Furniture Store TWENTY PER Wilton Rugs, size 9x12 40.00 ?6.00 Cabinet, 4o.oo 32. oo CENT REDUCTION from regular stock, with the exception of Office Furniture Kymric Wiltons, " 30.00 27 00 Golden Oak and Dining Chairs. TEN PER CENT REDUCTION on Cur- - Body Brussels, " 30 00 27.00 Bnffets. Carpets, Rugs, and " 25.00 Value 7o. 5o at 56. 4o rams, with other goods in the Carpet and Stores there is offered Body Brussels, 22.50 Upholstery Electras, " 27.50 24.75 VaTue 81. 5o 65. 2o Suits and Turkish Chairs with auto Value 72.oo 57.6o Library Sepa genuine Couches. Tapestry, 22.50 20.25 ' rate Pieces. leather, red or green. Tapestry, i5.oo Value 54. 5o 39. 5o Turkish Couch, l.5o One three-piec- e Value 80.00 at 64.00 green leather, Ingrain Art Squares, 9.oo 8.I0 Value 57. 5o 4o. 00 Mahogany suite, value 72.00 57.60 Kashmirs. " 19 nn Value 42. 5o 34voo Value 82.50 at 59.50 at 50.60 Leather value ' I0.80 One thre-piece--6it- e,' ' 52.00" upholstered Couch, Mahogany at 41.60 52.75 42.20 Axminster Rugs, 36x72 4.00 V'ilillf . lu In) 28.8o v alue 77.25 at. rui 27x54 28.20 One leather Crushed Plush Covered Cuch 2.50 upholsWi'ed suite, three Odd Pieces of FurrTrture. value 25. OO 20.00 Small Rugs, 3ox6o Value' 24. oo ' 19. 2o pieces, l.oo to 3.50 Value 77.50 Desks. at 62.00 Mahogany Mahogany Buffets. Turkish Suite, two pieces, and Bedroom Value 76.25 61.00 Japan China Furniture. Value 77.50 at 42.50 at Value 57.50 at 46.00 Mattings. Colonial two " 50.00 at 40.00 " Our entire stock in Louis three-piec- e suite of solid mass- Suite, pieces, " 44.75 at 35.80 placed unreservedly this sale prices XVI., mahogany, Value 71.50 at 44.00 at 36.20 " from 18 to 3 cts.-- a ive and secret drawer in " 35.00 39.25 at 31.40 ranging yard, and subject to the discount elegant, dresser, value 325. 00. Colonial Suite, two Pieces, " at 23.50 announced Special this sale at 2oo.oo. Value 38. 2o at OA rc 28.00 at 22.40 four-piec- e " 32.00 Mahogany China Cabinets. Colonial, fourpiece suite, solid bed, One green suite, divan, " at 18.50 . Linoleums. mahogany, rocker, chair, and table. 23.25 at 17.50 Value 64.50 at 51.60 dresser, chiffonier, and dressing table, value 297. 5o. Special c this sale at 2oo.oo. Value 74.26 a t. 55 nn " 59.25 at 40.00 .All trades, rano-in- fmm k- - rtc j x . Large Fireside Chair cretone, Oak Desks. " 44.00 to the Circassian three-piec- e at 36.20 subiect discount of ten per cent. Walnut, suite, bed, dresser, value 18.50 at 14.80 Value 41.00 " 32.50 at 28. 00 and chiffonier, value 12o.oo. Special this sale 96. 00. at 32.80 Library Chairs. " 32.00 at 25.00 Mahogany threepiece suite, bed, dresser and chif- " 21.50 at 17.20 Dinner Sets. Oil Cloths. fonier, value 92.5,0. this sale at 76. 80. Value 40.00 at 32.00 All Special 50.00 40.00 grades and widths, Oil Cloth included. White enameled suite, decorated with roses, tt at Oak Hall Racks and Seats. English and American Porcelain Rugs four very 32.75 at 26.20 Sets offered in this August sale at dainty, pieces, bed, dresser, chiffonier, and rocker, 32.00 at 25.60 Value 57.50 at 46. 00 the following reductions: value 87.75. 44.75 1 ce and China. sale 54. 5o. oo-pie- Special this Turkish Chairs, velour. ' at 35.80 American porcelain, sets. Crockery 29.50 at 23.(0 The u- - Elegant bedroom value 122.25. Value - Worth 12.5o at 9.5o - center tables throuhnntO ih rh!ni cfA ..,.u suite, ce threepiece 51.25 12-pie- this sale 97. 5o. at 41.00 21JD0 at P6.80 1 sets, to the " Jiuil. Will Ut Special 32.00 at 20.00 ..' 14.50 at 11.60 given up display of sale goods. Persons may expect Worth 13.5o at lo.oo ....v. itiw -- on Os K kin o. . crr - , - . I waiw uiicicu di icuucuons inose taoies. ooooo 5J ' " C-- "MJ' yJ ri II PI'S I flit! . llui!:B'rfe x ; KjTTZT'" O D - rr. 11 g 11 a- 8 1 rpini:,! 1 ii ii 'ft8 c4 CD O II II '1CMB UGUST 2 ii r ii v J LiTCHFniii cg)uiW. -- 1 1 i - The Newtown Bee es 12 11 1 11 1 x.s z.-- s. .: . 1 1 n Brown's Newtown, Friday August 2 1907. Consumption is less deqJlyT3than it used to be. Certain relief and Anti-Rus- Don't fwget tne lovvnaTV lor tle t CL Tin Ware. will result from the treatment : benefit the High CIRCULATION: following scht bulling2 GOO fund CSUdnesday, Augu&U vOm 1, 1S82, 3 " GALVANIZED WASH use either side; 50c. These boards January fresh and H until 7 A stage will Tun Jrom 3 bodies "3ieij ideas 8 A are BOARDS; Hope, rest, air, JScQptt' o"Qck. itlM jy something new and are selling like "hot cakes." A M the Vcf to ge Green. :&to 2 S ovens. 4500 OIL STOVES single, double and three burner with Last week, Ejmtxlston. Jodi rJo'clock.hfra aV- - fr.i 5 rT',tS',Hsfjn WHITE MOUNTAIN ICE CREAM FREEZERS. s ai i en, Ahin At Failo, 10 cent.JrraIgem4lJ foa tlj We Have AMETHYST ENAMEL WARE, which is the latest produc fai are nearlcomlletedl 2 -- lion ana is the and strongest enamel on the market. - succesl. A war decidedly toughest promise- rare oijpors - & -- . thing s 1 We have a tine assortment of DAIRY PAILS, 45 to 60c; very hSkvy. l. (B Sf wilrXke lTfVrn e of lit ill 111 5 -- in the i - - unitv vhrtiitiigi t, . 1 - - 1 1 iiM GALVANIZED GUTTERS, Etc. PRESSURE REGULA ts eu . . jnJ PIPES, and s t a collecLiQMF 01 me origina kwhi'"1 TORS, IRON AND RUBBER BUCKET PUMPS, Etc. Ten Pages. the bare room being left. The Govern es White Morrison.and MtjxrsMSr-- from whiwltfthe illustrations fir rib-- ment school was next ton. Maxwell, Nicoll, High the victim. Porter, 111 iW Air jtway. ner's ijiirllinr are taken. Friday 11 We do Plumbing, Tinning;, Steam, Water and Hot several hundred dollars of furni- and Barnes in the station. fcWUeij Y- worth new lHMn for J "Vs - inzzsLA- -Z Heating: and shall be glad to make price on any job large or ture and science apparatus being de- and high school are being carried orists evening O - W ' k K w - K w W W 1 Yi3 1 small. molished. The workshop of Sirdar usual. ... : ' , . w BJJ'QJ Hg orf Beeta Singh, a native contractor for L. Selectman H. H. Peck was the victim - - : - i7C . - IC W. Porter, the Government, was attacked but his In t workmen of a Decnliar accident on Monday. E. J. fought and kept the crowd at Dutting on the feed bag on a horse, he HALL'S, A FORMER TEACHER IN bay. By this time a detachment of was knocked over suddenlv. cutting a There ' Conn. British Cavalry came in sight and the gash over one eve and on the back of wJg&i4w'8SrJi H slflMJl toe Sandy Hook, UPSON SEMINARY, his head. He went to Dr F. J. Gale's hall crowd fled. This them from at- V J kept office to have his wound dressed. The It is lelow,?Qrlfeg'!i''gifhoped NEW PRESTON, the Mission house a(dmfj:jin-,:6-H tacking occupied by horse was suddenlv startled by the over tne town Hto-W- r 5 w Rev Robert Maxwell, and Rev W. B his head sud - be o l oinniwi stincr of a bee and threw wato iflJta'ci:8l ..- Mr Peck. this onuortunitr r The Man Who Smokes Anderson, which is but a short distance denly, upsetting u. cut: as 1:1 "Now A -- 5 cr m Missionary In India, from the workshop." . " A KI'.QUE.VS :; 2 a a c . Should consult us and be is sure to find some The contract for the 3 c thing to suit his tastes, as our line is larce and varied. To return to the Colleire compound improvements To Editor of The N5&Mji SlJT-- s You can also find here a large line of sporting on the High school building has been the gooas oi an Kinas. WRITES OF DANGEROUS UPRIS where the damage to the Mission was let to George A. Northrop. The foun- Dear Sir: May I use your c.jfcimfisgrr. 44 Fairfield Ave.. Opposite Poli's Theatre ING AMONG NATIVES. first done Prof Porter lost practically dation walls were in a dangerous con friends here 11 1 mt 2 DAN D. SMITH, BRIDGEPORT. CONN. dition and needed immediate attention ask my navcwwvnhj: mi JigJe all his household possessions. All his s - them a cipy of "Uochar syntax mod tmni&&U-iikLiGl- r furniture was broken and his books de- Tnm-- o 1 o-- c thraagbot Attacked. New- SMirh if Uf t'lcturewiue. Missionary Compound Mrs Porter's china and cut The second annual picnic of the il- - test ujuitrntiM' stroyed. held Taun It is a of an interestingly fc . town High school will be at reprint It fi ywwu mp mMiy a glass was smashed to fragments, their ton lake. Wednesday. August . All lustrated AA 'book, from which china r Bipmnu a. c cJ2 Best The following letter from W. L. Por piano was badly damaged, and then the who were ever in the High school are was decorated, and as Senator Tlatt - C u m ter, now in India, will be read with in- most of what remained from the dam invited to be present. There will be sent to for it I should be r--ry was a teacher in boating, baseball and other outdoor England Visitors Pump terest. He formerly age done by clubs, and rocks, was piled amusements. to lose it. Yours sincerely. Rev Henrv Upton's school for boys at in the drawing room and set on fire by Jeannie P. Piatt. on 1VHI7. New from Yale means oil which had car . 1 4 are always welcome to Preston, graduated of the rioters Edward Pitzschler is visiting at Washington. Conn.. July 2lth. w S. C S visit our shop whether purchasers Earth and went to India as a missionary ried for the purpose. Many of the Flushing, L. I. He married a New Haven ROMFORD. S not. There is some teacher. things destroyed were highly prized by - Cal.. spending w or always : G. Betts a visit to Dan- the new and Time girl. Prof Porter writes Mr and Mrs Porter because they were Ralph paid Joseph Shaughnessy is ill and in Hull p 6 3 c tSl nfCmr Atytu-o- f Derby ,wu thing different, for Mission. India. bury, Tuesday. home pla, can be well and American Rawal Pindi, wedding presents. Part of their cloth verv critical condition at his 3k ariM jHaruK- slMTlr' foe profitably spent 1907. JT here. Wells May 7, ing escaped. K. visited. Tues here. He is attemled by Drs Marcy S cabled week MrsSamuel Page the guests of Mis. ,Knnm BCW5 je rlLV i.T S V SS n and As the message last The mob broke into Mr Nicoll's study day, with her sister. Miss Brinsmade, and Pendleton. 5?," '",V Z from this nlace to the Board has no in New Milford. Robert Ike of Tarrinrton 'IXrrSSuT ? , Sc Cisterns. and broke open all his chests, trunks, Lewis Gillette recently met with an day with his father. K, B. Lak 1e fl ? doubt caused considerable uneasiness. book cases, desks, etc; rand tore up his with JTZS te&Z friends and Mrs O. W. Barker accident, cutting his leg badly Mrs Jobn Town of Syracuse. N Wldron. 5 - fe esDeciallv to those who have account books, which included the Mis Rev passed WerselH? are is of her sister. if .GeofiC 3 cared for b S a Guaran- an account of the disturb Wednesday in Clinton. srvthe. Drs Ford and the guest teed to in this city, sion accounts as he is general treas care of him. fr?itelS'I: pur. ance and its causes will be welcome urer. These with and taking &Iissc Sarah and Carrie Ch vrr.h 1 3TMdSJ r ' - & books, deeds, of ta-- The f P - G. W. Fairchild Sons, ify any foul news. Jesse Lynch Williams' "The Gates S. II. Clark of Marbledale is ' street and Mouse 1 i PSf other valuable were torn to pie- of Ridgewood uuy oj -- well or cis- papers' the will be the article in jTrrispn-i. t5 India is in a great deal of unrest ces, and scattered far and wide or else City" leading ing on his farm here for a few days. Abbott avenue, an 01 ieroury. Bre w wni ui- itw)ijai."ig Importers, Retailers, tern in ten This has the August Century, the Midsummer He will sro from here to visit his ordi-par- through political agitation. burned. Many of his household fur half-humoro- us days' y Holiday Number. In his in 997 Main St., Cor. P. O. Arcade, grown up steadily during the past few nishings were destroyed. Three bi daiitrhtpr. Mrs Georere Harvey, gg use influenced the effect discussion of many has been some joint" BRIDGEPORT, CT. years, largely by cycles were set on fire. The compound Woodbury. It of This gave the In- was interesting phases of the life surging months since he was here, having lwn 1865. W. B. GLOVER, JNewtown Japan's victory. a sight to behold when the vandals the of the modern ' Established dians hope to believe that they could do had left a sorry mixture, of daily through gates ill at his home in Marbledale. frag the railroad the writer " The Lowest Price House in Con- something. A speech by Lord Curzon, ments of city, stations, m w w S 1 sewing machines, cameras, revives the prophecy that, in time, all s necticut for Grade Goods. in which he spoke of the prevailing Mission "S High Undertakers and Embalmers. bicycles, accounts, Bibles, who work in New York will come to East Kent. Oi; o W , be fault of the Indians untruthfulness books of all kinds and descriptions. anti-forei- commuting. gave impetus to the move- The Bibles were especially treated to RURAL SCHOOLS TO THE FRONT. Buy ment the it aroused. "Your true commuter must be by by indignation destructive criticism, nothing being left nature a man who to Of late years more attention has been The partition of Bengal province but the covers and even these were takes routine, & he says. "There are some who have given to tne sen00 is in rural communi Blacksmlthlng. Carriage and archised the Bengalis to fierce and The Mr ties.-an- Prindle iTorris badly mutilated. damage to commuted for a century or d it will not be long before the vV. which unavail- quarter Poultry Wagon Repairing. H. U. O MORRIS. heated protests, proving Morton's 'as before mentioned. Supplied PIirWDLS. :' house, standard in these schools will be us English-mad- e more, and yet have not acquired the C ing, boycott of goods was limited to broken windows, as as in cities. Funeral Directors was and trick, and never will. They are the high the OF c. L. SIVIALLEY, inaugurated, spread through- the crowd was kept from enter- news Mr Hine has taken a deal of and Embalmert, name of Swades-ha- n. ones who writes letters to the great Ct. out India under the ing by the school and .college boys, and interest in our Kent schools for the s St.py D.pt, more papers, airing their grievances against ESTAQLISHKD IN 1880. Con The native papers published by the men in the house. few and has assisted the Practical rlorseshoer. Newtown, and more bitter articles about all man- the heartless railroad corporations. past years, o The British about ; teachers in many ways to improve the W airon and Carriage Re ner of real and supposed wrongs. Last cavalry appeared They are not born commuters they and ; also Blacksmlthing in Call t an hour after the rioters had left. The had commution thrust upon schools by the loan of books, libraries, pairing Fainting i Telephone have Poul all Its branches. First class workmanship year on Empire day even the school 23-- city was policed with native life views, of pic- White and prices always reasonable. W. H Prindle 3. U, O. 3. strongly them. But many really enjoy the stereopticon portfolios Wing guaranteed Morris, were so embittered that they re uonreciiun: nriuKcyurii aji vuin o boys cavalry and quiet has reigned since, clock- maps, etc. xeiepnone fused, to salute the flag. Some months of the commuter. They like the tures, - ,. , . T although the people are still sullen and like is a June 14 was an occasion which will ago a leading native paper m j,anore regularity. Undoubtedly it Co., We belong to the . angry. Friday the cavalry came again more wholesome existence physically, be long remembered by the children of Supply I never published a deliberalg-lie- calculated to try party that and arrested five the Rock school. Mr Hine sent us a NOTICE throws mud and HALWEY, WILMOT6H stir the Mohammedans," as the arti- leading lawyers but mentally and spirituallyit has the fir NICHOLS, CONN. sand. That Is the up, (native) and placed them in jail to defects of its'virtues when pursued all flag and very kindly proposed to come kind of shoes we put on your horse. Large REYNOLDS. cle stated that a native Mohammed, await trial. The outcome is uncertain. on to the children stock of shoes and all weights at my old stand an had been killed by his Euro- the year round. The commuter devotes that day "to speak UNDERTAKERS, orderly, Many Hindu and Mohammedan and . will He 168 State Oonn. to leading the best part of the day tq one narrow parents if any attend." B M. TUTTLE, St., Bridgeport. pean officer for the refusal carry citizens have come their was much to meet a home a wild boar which the officer had expressing corner of the city ; the rqst of his time, surprised company SOUTHBTJRY, OONN. sympathy and sorrow. The Government not consumed on the is in the of about ninety, which showed how Shop closed every Saturday noon. Geohoe B. Hawley, Vine St. Near Park Ave shot. The Government prosecuted the train, i Edward H. Wilmot. 865 Clinton Ave. is making many arrests and if possible more of the much his coming was appreciated. on owr B. 299 and the state- still narrowing atmosphere All are tested Iohn Kitnolds. West Ave. editor the owner, proving hopes to deal with the leaders. The Kent school us in goods thoroughly b' S31 those re-- ring suburbs." East joined Telephone ment a lie, and sentencing Guns and buckshot were is- so Hine's Farm at before on to a fine and six months cartridges Mr Williams is the author, with the exercises, $Ir compliments "Poultry Nichols, being plac? Announcements of Trumbull iponsible heavy sued to the Motor Chauffeurs, and to De of belong to them also. each in prison. A riot took place m John Witt, of the ''History tthe market. Merchants. and the Missionaries for defense in case of Princeton University. As the teacher, I was very much P. F. Lahore on the day of the decision another attack. A has t which Keating, were assaulted. All the Pun-- police guard gratified by the readiness with our Trumbull, FURNITURE DEALER, Europeans been on the compound ever since. But The thermometer keeps, going up. each one lent a hand to make the day a Iq usiog supplies you hare the benefit of T. Oonn. ab was terribly angered at the de John Porter, Undertaking and Embalming In all Its no further trouble has occurred and it but prices keep going dow'n at Davis success. and cision ana mnaus, cut ui exierienfe for Expart Horaashosr branches, promptly carefully attended to. especially Aijas, is hoped that the authorities have con- & Savard's. They have just the The following letter shows that Mr nothing. and Gaaaral Blacksmith. SANDY HOOK. OONN. everywhere held big meetings of a very prices of all their large lines of straw trol of the situation. However, the some handsome rana-ma- s Hine enjoys such gatherings and would All kinds of and Wagon seditious nature, that endeavored to hats, including Carriage Repairing7 situation is critical. The Hindus all new and no doubt be to take similar done. Shop open every week day from a. m. disaffection among the farmers. that are nappy. They glad trips to tt m. Strict attention paid to business. Wm. J. Beehler, spread over the in all over In don't over straws and so have A. Sent Free. p. Terms Cash. as the re- province fact carry oftener. Virginia Barton. Samples Prices reasonable. Ffnekal Director and This was not very difficult dia are disaffected. The Mohamme- decided to make prices abdut a half to Embalmer, cent settlement raised the taxes a dans are to clean up shop. Lots of breezy things A LETTER FROM SECRETARY dis- at present opposed the for these hot at a at TRUMBULL Lady Assistant In attendance. great deal those in Rawal Pindi movement. days great saving HINE. always 40 If any unfortunate incident their clearance sale, cool clothing, cool CONN. Telephone Connection. Brookfleld. Oonn. trict being raised from 25 per cent to should neckwfear and cool Hartford. July 17. 1907. S. J. Fi get them angered, the situation underwear, cool o Bte stock ofParks,shoes for Soring and Summer per cent of the crops produced. would be serious. shirts. Look over the things in their Mrs Virginia A. Barton, trade arrive!. Call and see us We can the leaders tried to stir the exceedingly windows. You will be interested. New Preston. fit onjustand save vou money. Groceries and nally The was al- farmers to refuse to their taxes. demonstration Thursday Davis & Savard. Bridgeport. : of farm machinery. pay so the occasion the Dear Madame The photographs Mr and Mrs F. B. Bouton, The Deputy-Commission- er at once of threats against and came to natives and all and our na- Miss Bessie E. Glover is picnic flag raising duly Funeral Directors and served summons on the presiding law- Christians, visiting hand. Embalmers. tive brethern are nobly in this cousins in Bethel, thjs week. Sale of Ma- yers to answer for their conduct. The acting They shall be framed and hung in my Special Talking Keep Your Stock New York State License. At time of trouble." In case, however, of a nay and Night Services. f hearing was set for last Thursday. Risers don't house as reminders of the pleasant oc- Healthy by feediwr International Stock na- determined outbreak, the scenes of DeWitt's Little Early chine Pood. Pillsbury and White .Swan Flour, Best Georgetown, Conn. Tel. 156-- 2 the hour appointed, thousands of sicken or 'Small easy to casion. Supplies. arrived a car Deputy-Commission- er. China will no doutb be here as gripe. pills, brands on the market. Just Branch Office Ridgefield. Tel.: No. 1. tives went to the court of the repeated & You were all kind to me and I containing No. 2 Yellow Corn, Fancy Red the are us take. SoldbySl'E. Sanford Co., very for the Talking Machine for Wheat, Fancy Cracked Corn, and other feeds. Acting under orders Aryas exceedingly bitter. the occasion Everything Full stock of all kidds of Feed and irain al- are held in many NewtowD. t4 ' enjoyed exceedingly. hall the ' Price. For In- on band. that official postponed the hearing. meetings being In district the children are at- about Regular ways towns and , will your The shouted "Bande Mataram" of the villages. What Carbolized Witcb Ilazel and stance: For$5wesell E. W. TROY. people be the outcome' none can but what- DeWitt's tractive and bright it was a pleas- F. JR.. the national cry "Long Live the say, Salve and heals ure to to as one .. Chester Brinsmade, Trot's Bldo., Sanbt Hook. ever comes, work out for the penetrates the pores listen their parts they Conn. A Motherland". Then under may it Sold S. E. Sanford & Co., one them' 1 red, blue or $5.00 Trumbull, Foritur. Nw Li. of tk Latest apparently of Christ. Rev and Mrs W. quickly. by by came out and expressed Morning Glory Horn, green, Goo da. the instigation of leaders who had a glory Newtown. selves. 1 1.50 ! all its B. Anderson and Mrs McClure are in Stand for same, (TaaUrtakiaf Rraa.h... plan, they rushed in a body to the house It seems to me, too, that the people 1 Moulded 3-- o Hotel. No. 248-- 3. Murree for the summer. Mrs dozen Gold Records, Telephone Troy's of the D. where they hurled Morton, 27 in are of a " C, Mrs Mrs on , The OTIIA.Kind Vou Have Always Bougnt your district worthy good stones, windows, flower pots, Nicoll, and Porter left Beari tne school ' Regular Price, $9 50 breaking for and Mrs Maxwell on and of the best teaching. W. A. HONAN, etc. Then they attacked the houses of Tuesday Murr, It has also occurred to me that such Records is com- where did sim- Wednesday, the 8th. This leaves Miss- - Our stock of Edison and Victor Funeral Director and the District Judge, they occasions might be more ,frequent with we send all of Embalmer, ilar damage. Hurrying on they came benefit to the schools and certainly plete. Send us your orders, purchases imi Telephone a-- i, Mwtwn. Or. to the house occupied by the men of with pleasure to those who come from $5 or over, prepaid. At Wholesale the Rawal Pindi Murree. Motor Car outside. Catalogues of any kind of Talking Machines and Company. They badly damaged the Yours truly, Records sent request. and Retail. motor cars, burned up some clothing, Charles D. Hine. upon Stationery and house oc- 15 etc. Then they attacked the he Piano Co., PERSONAL CHAT. w. JOHNSON, Periodicals. cupied by Prof and Mrs'W. E. Nicoll Sonnenberg Bicycles, Tires and Sundries. C. and Prof and Mrs W. L. Porter. They 10?6 Main St., (near Fairfield Ave.,) Miss Jennie Castle of New Haven Century Conn. Glen J re-cen- ty. Come and See Them. Newtown, In each of these lines our stock had no until . the attack be- has been a guest at Rocky Isvery complete. We invite inspection. warning Mar- gan. Prof Porter rushed into his draw- ,i9. Conn. Other arrivals are John Bridgeport. . and Misses Post Office News room and drove out . about 12 men shall of Plainville the Store, ing Marks of Phillip Schnabel, 1 1 Areada, Bridf .port. who were engaged in smashing pic- Waterbury. rlnirtOwn Dls., Newtown, Oonn. tures, book cases, chairs,1 and the piano, Mrs EliBamum and son. Earl, of The Company, Inc., p, o. Adii ?a : Bethel, Route 24H. yv. but he was set upon by 'a man with a to all and admirers'of music are at their summer home' Century connections. r. W. present patrons Naugatuck 8J7 Main St.. Bridgeport, Conn. Telephone Mainualuacjhcr,St., Sandy Hook, Ot. club and was forced to retire. Tak- their and the line for a few weeks. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. Shop near New Station. Barber and Mrs for consideration approval following esser. England ing his baby and Mrs Porter Y. ft. C. A. BuIIdlas. cm all kinds of worh ina Maira batisraction in ail my work com- : Estimates gladly given Shop open every and even-n- g. Nicoll, he started across the of Pianos .. . Bethlehem. op contract guaranteed. A day by day UazorHoninsr Sueclalty. pound for the house of Rev J. H. Mor- ton. Part of the mob followed, pelting NEWS OF THE WEEK. , ------tiinotC Aag-ctr- ineni wit'A sfoiivrj, Mr and Mrs Porter Ohickeriug; - Sandt Hook, Oonn. being struck but not injured; pital of THE IMPORTANCE P.al.r is Choie. Masts of All litttte Alls John Trowbridge 13 visiting her Kisds, coll was in Murree with his son, JBach, son. Lf. W. lefk. Pesltrr, V4tsslaa, at. time.';: The native Jinioh& The Misses and Ilollon-- ! 27-- 4. William, .at the Ruth Bertha Telephone bet-- OF KNOWING TAYLOR & HUBBEL.L. Ayah" (nurse) caught up little Lor- - are visiting in Hridg.'Hrt. s Crown, Mrs A. E. Johnson is at the Uran- - know will never hurt you. NEWTOWN STATION. imer Nicoll and ran to the servant ford I'oint house with her Mrs What you don't A. M. Briscoe & him and he The aunt, At the same time, what you don't know will never do you any good. houses with escaped. ly Son, Crofutt. pr-ibab- know all should know. house Misses Mattuon Ma You don't you Carriages, Buggies, Farm and college boys from the boarding Sterling, The Helen and Kspecially about buying your Lumber at HawleyTillc. Business and to the riot- nila Atwood have been spending a Mouse, Wagons, ran out tried persuade week Mrs N. L. Hloss. Get pitted before you buy. Plxley Nkwtown, Ot., Harnesses and Harness Supplies ers to and by the help of some ton, with Hawlittilli,the round. Tbanlt-,,1- T desist, Hunting Mrs George S. Bloss of Atwater, Now open for guests year we Mission school them from at- and the nt.rona for past favors, invite all Of All Descriptions. boys kept E. C. PLATT, HawleyvilJe, Conn.. to come and see us. Transient boarders care the college and boarding attended to. tacking ! ally . Hook. Ct. 17-- 4. crowd stoned Mr Best in Line. M r and M A. W. Flzlay Propa. Sandy Tal.phosa house. However, the Piano. The the World Everything in the Bnilding Material Morton's house, breaking many win- Sterling Player dows and screens, and also smashed Worcester screens the Royal For Sale. The Spring Styles the doors, windows and of and if rent to on AND Cattle Fresh Cows a Specialty. rooms occupied by Messrs Stewart and We rent Pianos purchased apply . . --an and steers for sale. Huy, sell - Barnes. Leaving the compound, they tthe ;price-J-x- f the instrument- AND oTtradeVny day but Sunday church East Morris, Ct. Corbett's Shoe Store, next went to the Mission where Bon Ton Corsets. MEEH3 Turkiagtoa, Fraak SANDY HOOK OT. i.hfv t.orf the a number of A calL at our store invited, or correspondence Perfect benches in a and set fire to them Fitting We have a line of Shoes and Oxford bean Satisfying; MM superior and solicited,, 1; Ties for Iadles, Men, Boys and Misses in all in the church, broke up the organ Beautifying thu latest styles and lasts. If you are Inter and smashed the windows badly. C. F. Beardsley, ested call and g9t prices. pulpit, a We sell and recommend them The school boys persuaded them to Try pair. Establishment For GENERAL leave the Mission school alone. The Y. . Alexander Noe, M. C. A. in the bazaar H. W. HART. TAYLOR. CURTIS AUCTIONEER, Dentist reading room Manager. Veterinary was and was turn- - '105-Mai- n CONN. Ansonia, Oonn broken into rapidly CO, Conn. NEWTOWN, ed into a free only lihai Th Brick Store, Saady Hook. &t 49-- 5. orders attended to. circulating library, Bridgeport, Telephone Mail promptly 1



i --F- , i 3rs & Co., 'Jrv.rtf .Awn H have:: '(JA1 - DEUT 1TAVEN .' Oonu. New HcvevJs Most Reliable Department Store jrn.it ,;1'-- j 1 f J Ferreting Out End-Lot- s With 1 I ft Sale of j j. Inventory's Searchlight - Bny a Tailored Suit this week. All the Suits we have are down lower than ever. Just lien: the odd sizes in our shoe stock A f32.50 Mod- - Eton Panami nr counters. Some are slight-gre- at Suit beautiful y tai'ored and ef- fectively made, a dressy .u.t. is values for the money. educed to $15.00 A $30.00 Grey Stripsi i Prices Pony Jacket Suit h j .ck :t elegantly grey silk 'insJ and In Two trimmed with trrev si"". jt Reduced to 915.03 d for the money aga,in. They A $32.50 Grey Nun's VeHing and avail Eton Dress a h:avy Veiii-- g al- rly yourselves of the most like Pan'.mi cloth, bsiun-full-y made. R:duced to $ 15.00 Two $35.00 English Novt'.ty Worsted Suits. Eton style, copies of imported diesses. 3eers & Reduced to $19.50 Co., A $40.00 Black and Wh te vtown, Conn. English Worsted Eton Suit copy of an impor'ed gown, is reduced to $25.00 $4.50 White Linen fkirt A $50.00 Brown Panama plain gored or plaited S ir s City. Oxford. Eton Gown 2 very handsome Reduced to $2.38 Mrs o. .(.. Ryder took an outing, a suit. Reduced to $25.00 -- pari 01 last weeK.- - White Lawn Sirt ve r Mrs A. J. Hungerford and two chil Children's Drcsse . colored pretty, sheer fine Whit; L n dren of Terryville were visiting her Lawn Frocks trimmed with Skirts, made w.th two rows o sister, Mrs H. B. Davis of Southford, and 8 to at the embrcidery beading. htmstitchirg -uioi ET. and father, C. C. Ryder, of this place. 14 $2.25 Dressss, and over th- hi . Miss L.dith Hinman has been spend year size. p'altfd Ala., a ing a week at home before going to reduced to $1.69 $3.98 Shirts fcr $2.0) n, was bandy Hook to assist Mrs H. Bassett. t is 40 The writer read in the Record of last s place. week where it stated that the wife of George Bassett was Monteray Bryant's ddaugh-hin- g, sister. he was Susan Botsford, a L. daughter of Jerod Botsford of New .s Leslie town. Mrs O. E. Brower is still holding inL two her parlor sale at her home and will ' E. Al-- - until things are disposed of. . Sunday re. ti. wooster has purchased anew l, of Red horse rake of C. B. Johnson.

silts of Woodbury flerchants. r Suits me of as handsome snods as were ever shown lo oar store. tgn so you can airord to buy now. SSERS At Bargain Prices. Chiffoniers. t of a car load ff these useful und popular pieces of hnuse-an- d imitation uiaboga y, and we assure the readers of Tiia them good values in this line of rapids, as well as In all ota-- prict'S or tins lot or uuiiromer? run rrnm 6 50, $7, $8 35. $8 50, $9 up.

r-- -- - I crc- rf for El --: . . f. fi .,a.j.u Murray, many years W. J. Alexander lett, - viz. i' a resident of Newtown died at the a trip to Montreal and the Great North- D. home of her daughter in .Danbury, last west and will be absent several weeks. Kimball'r Friday morning, after a illness. n-- Mrs year's Main Street, Wood bury, Con Uruggiats. Murray came to Newtown many R. H. Beers, a popular local mer- years ago from New York after a short chant, is passing two weeks in Boston, residence m Burrneld, and spent all as the a Funeral Director and Embalmer. r. her life here ;at the old Aldis Mass., guest of number of Jplace wholesale merchants with whom he has A 28-- 4. 33-- 4. in w neeiertown, wnere she was held Night Calls Specialty. Phones: Local Long Distance 1 in the highest esteem. Since the death dealings. llffl of 11 her husband, about yea rs ago, she Mrs W. M. has ot Dan-bur- y. Reynolds and Miss Kate Phonograph resided the time in 1 Makes Home She part Reynolds returned, Wednesday, after A Real Brighter. is survived by four children. a weeks' m4 fm MAKE Mrs Flynn of Pittsburg, Pa., Mrs sojourn at Great Barrington, i $1 Down and $1 a Week Buys One James Farrell of this town; John Mur Mass. BeeW-Nu- killthe Shoe and Mrs both of Danburv. t and cough Bargain. riere. YOUR OWN ray Elliott, cure the A lianrain wort li v Dan-bur- rniriir. Another daughter, Mrs Tracy of y, The 7.20 train north, last Tuesday mrjcs ention. In lookliic over our slock of Ladio Theargest stock in the state to select died about 10 years ago. The night, was stalled for two .hours at Oxfords, we find we have too many of a cer- GAS. funeral was held from St Peter's Stepney on account of the of Sliced Beef tain shoe. This is a very desirable tie. ami from. rite fcr Catalog. Call when in town----. breaking Is made from the very choicest cuts of meat 'Dr. has fou ml many ready huyers at the retrular church, Danbury, Monday morning, and the engine. It was 9.20 when the train. and cured to a mild, delicate flavor. It comes ling's price, S3.25. In fct It is a really good value the burial was in St Rose's cemetery, reached Newtown. The party on the to your table in vacuum glass jars, free from at mis price. 1 hey come in Patent colt. Dull Country Homes, any kind of preservative, for instant Top. ltlucher Oxford, also in the nuniilirfiiin Newown. train themselves with ready to-d- ay Chureha,FacUris should regaled cookies, use. Better include a jar in yourorder Metal. A gook solid tie with plenty of snap owi tkair own Gas Plaats crackers and cold water and had quite and style. Now here is the "proof of the pud- ALPHEUS NORTHROP. a time of & 0NSUMPTI0N Price ding." As long as last clioose at. Lewis Store, for Lighting, Htating. jolly itr'in spite of the fact S. E. Sanford Co.'s, 0UGHS they you may Phonograph Tir-rill- on anx- and SOc&Sl.OO 266 Main Street. DANBURY. Grovelanc Cooking and Power. 'a Word has been received of the death that many the train were very Newtown, Conn. Odd. HbrfL Gaa ious to reach their homes on time. . The forCOLDS Free Trial. $1.65 The Pair. "Eqnaliziag" of Alpheus Northrop, formerly of New lunch was some of the They should "step lively" at this price, so Machine ia ahaolutaly safa town. He will be remembered peo-pl- e furnished'by Surest and Cure for suouiu you it you wish a oair. All sizes now to by young men on the train from a nearby ford were pleased to see her Quickest all almpla haadla, always in Sandy Hook as he was employed store. an on enjoying THROAT and LUNG TROTJB- - ready, cheaply operated. by the New York Belting & Packing automobile drive Saturday. XlES, or MONET BACK. w. ana moved said to Mrs O. C . Banks of Bridgeport has John Q. Terrill, We also manufacture with company returned home after a week .Brooklyn, N. Y., where he remained State of Ditto, City of Toledo, ss- - spending Korth Woodbury, Conn. aUkinds Gas Gas-oK- la Ltjcas with friends in town. of and with them a number of years. When J. County. Gaa Ea-ia- ea Frank Cheney makes oath that he is a Mrs Pred Miller of and supplies the 17th was raised he en- senior of the firm of P. & Pittsburg regiment partner J. Cheney Mr - Announcements of Ber.hel A. Wood and Automobile Co.. and Mrs Alexander of Business Men. Walter listed in Co. E. under Capt Burr of doing business in the City of Toledo, Bradley- Storage Tanka. and served three County and State aforesaid, and that said Chicago are all guests of their pa- Westport years, was firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED rents, Mr and Mrs Charles in Send for cata- promoted to corporal under Capt DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh Bradley, Mowers, Reapers, complete James E. Hubbell of said company. Mr that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's the Valley. logue and be convinced was wounded in the Catarrh Cure. PRANK .7. CHENEY. Mr and Mrs George Gould and fam- VDSDT Hay Rakes and Tedders. Northrop battle of Sworn to before me and subscribed in my of N. have twice, once m the leg" and presence, this 6th of December. A. D. 1880. ily Bayonne, J., rented the us Oetysburg day Read have in we A- w- summer. 3 but are still once in the shoulder, and taken prison- (Seal) - - LEASON. place for the When you need any Linmbcr, Cement or BuiMing Material of Many gonda atlvanc! jric Mr and Mrs Aaron Read of Dan- m-- a Belli- - was and his Notary public. kind. Our nrieesx are ritrht-t an1 orr trnrlo3 " " flw lc-- 1. 1 JV old , er, exchanged rejoined Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally, are their home in ' r .m llltVI I Vt g the reliable company and his regiment. He was 18 and acts directly on the blood and mucous bury making the affords. If you cannot come, write. AVill Ixi frlad to surfaces of the Send for Congregational parsonage. 1.. 11 . iuote yon prices years old when he enlisted. He died system. testimonials 1 I 63 be- free. P. .1. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. JI IHl W ALllil.ll Jllclll titles. JuneJ13, aged years, a soldier Sold by all Drueelsts. 75c. Wood Tools loved and respected by his commanding Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. Haying officers and comrades. The 17th' Reg-im- nt A. H. at the low of 'the last two and three was commended by Colonel Wil- SENIOR, prices years. TirriH Gas Machine Light liam H. Noble of Bridgeport and were W.H.Moore, representing that reliable G4 South Street, Bethel, Connecticut. Co., mustered out the 19th of July by rea- firm, Hughes & Chapman, monument Another Popular Seaside ing son of G. O. 94 War Department, May builders, has set up in the Wolf Pits Excursion to Green Mountain Silos, Rosa Cutters and Blowers. 75 Fulton St., New York. 15, 1865, at Hilton Head, S. C. He cemetery stones of Westerly granite K. K. SOFT DRINKS Established 1862. has answered his last roll call and for John E. Hoyt and Eli Hoyt. JVIillspaupjh, 'ctqars A large variety of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Field Corn, Armour's leaves a wife and five children. Also STEEPLECHASE Carpenter an1 Bnihler. The Gem Lunch Room. ertillzers. In fact every tbtrjtf that an up-to-da-te farmer's supply store Call fat the house and see two sisters, Mrs Moses Hull of Step- Plans and Estimates furnished, have. our and Mrs H. Piles lobbing promptly attended to. BETHEL. light and how we do all th Cook- ney Charles Abbott of get quick and certain relief Bridgeport. The cause of his death from Dr Sboop's Magic Ointment. ISLAND, P. O. Box 100. Bethel. Ct . Greenwood Are.. Near R. K. Crossing. ing, and c Heating Lighting was heart failure. He passed away at Please note it is made alone for Piles, Connecticut's Wonderland of Amusements, Telephone connection. & the supper table without a moment's and its action is positive and certain. Via Kail to Bridgeport and Steamer Farmers' Supply Roofing Co., warning. At the time of his death he Itching, painful, protruding or blind Gilbert-Mill-er 256 Middle Conn. was employed in the Brooklyn Navy piles disappear like magic by its use. The Co., St., Bridgeport. Smith Yard.- - fCharles G. Blakeman, former- Large nickel-cappe- d glass 50 8 Brothers, Co. D. V. cents. jars Thursday, Aug 15 Center Bethel, Conn. ly of 17th C. I. Sold by S, H. Beers, Newtown; Train Schedule and Excursion rates as fol- St., Fred A. Hickok, Agents, B. Hawley & Co., Stepney; P. J. Gar- lows: Dealers In 149 Cbntbe Newtown Bee Office, Mr and Mrs C. P. vin, Bethel; S. J. Parks, Trumbull. Leave Bate St., Bkthkl. Sturges of Taunton Hawleyville, S.07 a. m. tioc Hardware Wondei .In and Enameled Ware, NEWTOWN, CT. have been visiting friends in Ansonia. Newtown, 8.15a.m, f))c Ltongmam & Martinez Fare Paints, DO YOU WANT TO BE CERTAIN T'll fit.nr r nam froo TV ohnm Due Bridgeport 8.55 a. m. and Steeplechase Is- Oil, Turpentine and Varnishes, .lap-a-)a- c , pun land by Steamer at 9.45 a. m. and Ghi Namel for your Furniture and Sanitary Plumbing-- tirst-hefo- re at That is filled as Henry Moore is quite seriously ill at you you spend a penny-wh- This Is A Limited Excursion. Floors. Harnesses. Stable and Square Blan- Steam, Hot Water and Gas Jt your Prescription your physici- his home in His my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I kets. Whips. Garden Tools. Poultry Netting, . Brooklyn. mother, White Lead. Tar Paper Glass. Putty. Klint-kot- e an would like to have it? If so, bring it here. . Mrs A. C. Moore, is with him. will mail you free, a Trial Package of The Great Race Koofinir, Wire. Bread - Makers. Fitting. ' ' them-- Dr Steeplechase iSctsso--Brb Shoop's Tablets. Neuralgia, Knives and Estimates-Furnisued- Course, Full line of fresh Garde and Field Miss B. A. Ready of was Onen-A- lr Theatre. Ballroom. ButhiiiB- Pavil i Jobbing Promptly Atteuded To. Bridgeport etc., are due alone to biood conHstioo. Seeds . y Drugs a guest, Sunday, of her parents, Mr s ion. Roller Coaster. Circle Swings. Kerris ur ouoop neaaacoe eis Lausrliinsr Musical Curtis' e. lao simply 'heel. CnmiKn! Phandiacv, and Mrs Patrick Ready, at Hawley-vill- kill pain by coaxing away the unnatu- The lioyal ii;orfe. Barrel f Iovo, etc.. are Main and Elm Gonxt.. ral rilnnrl nrpsa-;nr- Thy t. i oil a a amonsr Jif numerous attractions OUR NAME Magee Crrer Sta, Bxidgeport, and v leave SteeplechasTNtsland Ranges. dress Dr Shonp, Racir.e, Wis. Soldi -- by JSteamer, in seaso7W.o VI rs Horace Ot "Zoafis" ll. Beers. Newtown: M. fey & reachliBlummg,Bridgeport Station at 6.35 p. at Is rero;riiiztd In this Itwaliiy as n ri eaters. Brjjdlsaj quite , ilw' ivliich ni.r uim.ui whirh n i I Wijicb'cT , ttfidtTDr rjale s care. Co., Stepirt;-- P J. i v.r, time return train will depart. rt'filTl'"" (f i"alit y may S. J. (., lietbel; iltTpi'ML, Au ytm to rvli.t.'i hat Gro Parks, Trumbull. our name .stands for st'PKiii.'A'l'i't;jt i.rsciors-nes- s P0 ' In. Miss May Lyons is a of Mr and The New York, New Haven & Hart- in soda varr just as miii-- as it statuts NOW. ABOUT GLASSRS' s nawn guest for sitpeuIjATi iu Urutrs M ; ouj ina ki.sm--?' mu oon I Mrs f. 11. McCarthy. ford Railroad Co., vki.y hk quajuitv 1 oil certainly run a hlir risk and yon do not wrurelkv aid yoo wh--ilMareM,n da-l-U A borne and dru store yroods. s I- you phonograph makes brighter F. C. COLEY, Asst. Gen. ride that irlass-- are nTewar'. us Hi you; I hat is riprrtbooaiil 9 and will find Passenger Agent. rUrhu Hi the e why r & was a you in Danbury at the rionuments always they There social st-re- , Store, JBetts Betts, very enjoyable Lewis Phonograph 265 Main English's Drug &ad C.m.tarT Work of all barn dance at Samuel Clias J. Ensrlisb. Prop.. BETHEL, CT. - Sandy Hook, Conn. Camp's, last Itiada ia aay Graait. or Marbla. Eati- J F. LYMAN, Mfg. Optician, 920 Main St., Bridgeport. Friday evening, which was attended street, the largest stock in the state to at. aad o JLat-- Time-Tab- le a.aigaa applieatina. by a large number of young people. Write for a catalog or when In Danbu- 1907 Summer 1907 at r.aaoaabl. Refreshments were served. ! prieaa ry call and see what fine musiccan be & Port Jefferson Steam- Hot Weather '"g had. Bridgeport Sunday Hours: 10 to 11 David Roswell of Hamden was a boat Co. Too warm to bake. Let your James M. F'eiscan. baker do that for you and his it read. liolls. Successor to O. W. Bolles BETHEL, OONN m.; 12 to 1. pruest, Sunday, of Mr and Mrs George Cake and lies are just like mother ntakra. R. Wilson, in Taunton. The Ire Cream at Wholesale or Retail. Oive us ' TYPEWRITERS TELEPHONE SERVICE : FAIRFIELD COUNTY. Steamer Park City your orders and w do the rest. Capt C. E. Tooker. NOTICE. A few lwirjrains in rebuilt uiachines, all guarantepd Will Run as 1-- Woodbury Local, 16.21. Miss Fannie M. Andrews of Taun- Follows: We are nut. u.... at alxmt 3 of the N. ton has been a few. in Monday, Wednesday and 'rid ay : & thinir f irl.fn. rejrular irice. Stop at S. E. T. Co., 76. spending days Port Jefferson. a. m. and Ml. Leave Erdmann Co., ,r iiothlnn, but we are icIvidk you the with her Mrs S. L. Redding. 1.30 m. l. HET11F.I ItAKKltS. results of ill of hard and Hawleyville sister, Bridgeport i. e years Htudy actual Book .HH Dibble. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday: Leave Fountain pru-ilc- when you jte?, your horse shod at Jackson's Shop, Main Sx., Bridgeport, AT CHRIST Bridgeport 8.30 a. m. and 5.00 p. m. Leave Place, Bethel, Ct. Jvrennan's. Our motto: "Honest work for CHURCH. i on .leirersou p. m. iiuuesi Ti-i- and see tliem. T.vHwrilers rentetl. Mrs I. B. Goodsell spent Sunday in -- The ladi eS of Christ ormrch Single Fare. 75c. H.miiii si iwi with her nrp Good any time during t lie season. HENRY A. BRENNAN, mm Westport daughter, Mrs Fred paring for their annual fair, to be held 14 I have moved B. Hubbell. in the on Special Excursions. to Bethel ? Green wiod Avenge. BEfUEUOONN. mm . Ridge hall Monday Going 11 11 studio to No. 57 19. evening. Tickets good on the issued. my August Further notice will hf From only day Sure. Well, if you want to Imy anv UriM-or-les- II II VT Fairfield Ave., (over the Mrs Eugene "Miller and daughter, given in next week's issue. Bridgeport: Monday, Wednesday and Mt-Hl- and see llokv on I'. nu - Standard Office.) Will have one of of have been Friday. SMeet. Hi'M troods and t lie mnli II V' Helen, Danbury guests From Port Jefferson; Tuesday. Thursday in todeul Time to see uU-ii- l t he win- WANTED.. the latest Improved Electric lights Fair-chil- d Mrs T. Mi ' ith town and his in ices are low. ior purposes ana the past week of Mrs William Harlev Procter anil Friday and Saturday. FAJtE FIFTY CTS." ter's supply. In lime if Young man with $3000 or $4000 to an In a wbole-- fnoroRrapninft nlirht. of Newtown on information COAL. liejit. lin-iin- capital take Interest Can take vnnr nhntn or duv in Taunton. ley called Mrs Proc For further address 'lt-a- McDowell I t r onli-r-ffr.,lils - aie Dusiness in a ana also 10 lake a Independent of the weather. ter's aimt. MlRH .Till, a fsanfrtrd ,v GEO. M. & We're tnkliitr for Au- firm a ncirny city responsible aatlliM TOOKER, Agent, Thumb Hand Side CenterTaylor,St.. ifiist and rn'iHi'iiiivr ili'lli with good salary. Fine opening tor the right nartv A. Miss Kathleen Haugh of Hartford is Monday. Bridgepsrt or Port Jefferson. J rrj. C Blackman, 1 6 Fairfield Ave., , Bridgeport, Conn. visiting at her home here. the many friends of Miss Julia San- - Suie to change without notice. Bethel, Conn. SMITH BEERS Bthel,Ct Address Z. X., Bee Office, Newtown, Ct,


Duncan & Canfield's g S gj ik. Anntaal CLEARANCE Bale ! MmQ I FROM SATURDAY, AUG. 3 TO SATURDAY, AUG. 10. "1n v The people are aware of the fact we clear out our odds and ends of stock each season. Suits. Children's Clothing. All our 10.00 and 12.00 Suits at $7.50. from 4 to 15 years. 15.00 and 16.00 Suits at $1 1.50. 18.00 and 20.00 Suits at $13.50. Blouses, Norfolk and double Breasted Styles, 1.05, $2.50, 22.00 and above at $15.50. $3. 00 'and 3.75, formerly sold from 2.50 to $0.00. only one or two of a kind left but you are sure to find your size in some of them. if the boys want a goocj School Suit don't Boys' long Pant Suits, $6.00, $7.50; and $ lO.SO, formerly from 8.50 to 15.00. miss the chance. DUNCAN & CAN FIELD, Copyright ' Hart Schaffher 3" Marx Head-to-Fo- ot Outfitters, New Milford, Conn. o

annual at last with his Woodmont witn nis shalt have no other Gods before me" will enjoy their picnic week, cousin, Cairles W. H. Upson of : and in- Island on Au- once a student at Exodus 20 3, was an excellent Steeplechase Thursday, ' Rowland. son, W. W. Upson, by the gust 8. Ai" the and now a merriDer ox Liie structive one, greatly enjoyed Brown is v"-wood seminaryScientific school, and Miss congregation. D. Frank sawing The Newtown Bee. Sheffield Mrs C. L. F. J. Warner and with his gasoline engine for parties in Easton. Lena a member of Wheaton Warner, " Upson, came in Mrs Flora Wildman have the sincere Southport. Newtown,Friday. August2. 1907. seminary, Mass. They up in the loss The drouth which has partially de- MENTION. ed PERSONAL W of the community ant their automobile, Saturday afternoon, sympathy in the this while here Mr and Mrs Up- of their three cows by lightning the stroyed potato crop throughout W. W. Tarbell, brother or Miss 111 and gave hard shower on July 13, it section has now become a serious mat- son a spin around the lake. Saturday, a farmers. of M. Tarb.Ml, iof St An error was made m being all the cows they had and is ter with the Vegetation Divis, Penn., spent correspondence loss to them. Mrs Warner is all kinds is now feeling the effects of with his hare T.via short time aero in stating that great se- while much Sunday family at Holme while here was a guest also just recovering from a very the long dry spelj damage 6aks. 762-76- 8 St. Cicrculation George vere illness of several months and her is being done to upland pastures. Young Chapel v at the Wilson House. We' should have now The of is well stated.that.his while here was at friends will be glad to hear she is harvesting hay pretty Mrs Anna f was a January 1, 1882. stay was a advanced and reports of a fair sized H'iwdy Danuury Rev H. Upson's, where he improving. come from we. o O. Carpenters W. S. Cole, William Spargo, Frank crop every v quarter. guest, last k, ht.r Mrs New Haven, Conn student in years gone by. a Corn late is looking well sMer, McNiel and Samuel Garrison enjoyed though to But Tucker. Last week, 4500 day's fishing at the Housatonic river, while other crops are beginning and one day last week, and brought home show a'decline. Small fruits failed to Mra:d Mrs F. II. Lyford a id Mattr Mr Garri- do well and blackberries, 1 Roxbury. 35 fine bass. The boys say anywhere Elmore S m 1 .st a of Men son took the honors of landing the which were so abundant last year, will spe it ly gus"a Handy bass that day. not be enjoyed to any extent this sea- Mr and Mrs (i. B. Tuckt-r- . Ten Pages. VIOLATED THE HEALTH REGULA largest son. TIONS. Walter Daley has the finest crop of for Mid-Summ- er tobacco your correspondent has seen Eiitor Floyd Tucker has rcently Sale Justice of the Peace Henry Trow this season. He completed topping it DEERFIELD NOTES. purchascd a new auto which will m court in the hal near the for the first- - time, this week. Wind Mill bridge held Mrs W. E. Nichols and friend, Mrs to expedite his dally trips to LITCHFIELD COUNTY. depot, last Thursday, to try the case Hyde, have spent a few days in Bridge- OF of the State vs that Bridgeport. "Work. Gaffney. It.appears Bridgewater. port. Mr a of William violated the quaran- Miss Jennie Mellen of New Milford Fowler, celebrated artist ""SBBBBBBBBBlBllllllllllMBl Gaffney THE LOCAL NEWS. of relatives in this New Preston. tine regulations repeatedly while his has been the guest New York, was a recent truest of Actor was confined to the house with Mrs H. H. Perkins of Buffalo, N. Y., place. A. Livermore. DEATH OF MB RICHARDS. family was a at the home of Dr and Harold Burgoyne of Bridgeport is ney B. His actions were so open guest some time at.W. E. Nichols'. Mc Is StepKenConn., 66Church,Hie diphtheria. Mrs Daniel L. Church, this week. spending been Elward Kenna, Jr., ill, threat- Seymour. St., Bstoa, Mm. News came to the writer, last week, and the Health Mrs Frederick Hyde has very Ci ei-I- H-tI il-l- t. defiant that County Dr B. E. Bostwick of New Milford Mrs Bennett in ened with and under the .. and lastala DlrMlia. of the decease of a Mr Richards in officer was called, who had Galfney was in town on Thursday. sick at the ho ne of appendicitis on was Miss Josephine Kinney was the guest Bridgeport. care of Dr Smith of Redding. New York City, who has passed sev arrested, who pleading guilty, Brookside farm Wool 40 in and costs, of Miss Sarah Allen, Miss Esther I. Tar bell recentl en- eral summers here at the Wilson sentenced to days jail district, over Sunday. which amounted to about $30, the Mr and Mrs Wesley Hull and Master Tashua. tertained the Misses Emma and Ruth H-eait- house and Hopkins house and has h court beingjrather lenient, as the court Arnold Goldsmith Hull, who have been Reid, Miss Anna Biaks a ad friend of spent much time also in Litchfield. could have run the sentence up to visiting at the home of J. A. Greer, NEWS HEREABOUTS. Blankets. left town, Friday, for Bridgeport. Redding at the home of her aunt, Miss His stays here were lengthy, he usual- about 300 days in stead. This should and Mrs Edward W. Preston of Miss Vera Appleby is entertaining citi- Judge Brook- Ida Tarbell. Safety, ly remaining till the hotel closed for serve as warning to some of our Roxbury were in town on Saturday, her cousin, Miss Charles, from who an idea the health at home oT Dr and Mrs lyn. Miss Anne Augustlaa of St Louis, the season, and then going to Litch- zens have that calling the Miss Katherine Treadwell of Demands a pore This Means that laws of the state are only a matter of Daniel L. Church. Lyon's has been a the field to remain several more weeks till Miss Sarah Sanford returned home, Plains is spending the summer at J. A. Mo., gues past week, water snpply, can form and not to be enforced.. Mr Treadwell's. ' Miss se- you buy blan cold weather drove him to his winter Thursday evening, from a brief stay of her college rriend, Esther I. which, is best Etheridge, the county health 'officer, with friends out of town. Mrs L. N. Mallett is eriteraining Tarbeil.. cured xnears of kets at decidedly city home. We have at times almost is bound to see that all the laws and C. H. Sanford and Miss Susie San guests from out of town. by ford and friends from Bridgeport were Walker Hill of Bridgeport is spend Mrs Jennie Adams of Springfield, Low Prices. envied him the means which enabled regulations pertaining to public health Mr the summer at F. B. Mallett's. Artesian The in town, Thursday, the guests of ing visited her old friend him to do about as he chose, but shall be observed and enforced. and Mrs Mark MacEshn. Miss Helen Osborne is visiting at Mass., recently Wells. laws are general and uniform through Mrs Dwitrht Wheeler and a young Mrs H. Logan's. and neighbor, Mrs W. YV. Ferris. disease is no respector of per Mr and The tarnish para Uowis the time to out the state. lady employed at the home of Master Floyd Tucker spent Monday watsr ta sbudssoa purcliase sons or wealth and he was tmried on Mrs Wheeler, were taken ill, this aaralllaa; aadar snoa stock of blankets for Two trained on bis many young ever drongfatta. your Sunday, July 21. We sincerely regret GET DOWN THE TRUSTY GUN. week, with diphtheria. Plains. Bridgeport calling autumn and winter. nurses have arrived, one irom xsew Lyon's friends. Lnu rears of exDfrieac have glvna nsa aanartor Itaowledga ta tba medtaaaoal product his here again. Chicken thieves stole from Edwin Haven and one from Bridgeport. Dr tlon of beaa wella. Geology aad actual testa aadr all clrcmrts lanoas have proved tfealr Hoae's. one 24 fine Leslie has of the cases. PERSONAL CHAT. Immenaa value ana tbe atlsfacttoa to Da aartvoa rrom taaur as. reductions on every night recently, charge was Special NEW SCHOOLHOUSE NOT FIN young chickens, large enough for broil Desmond Wheeler of Bridgeport a Stepney. pair during this sale and ers. Now is the time to get down the in town on Sunday. Jessie Patchen gave quilting bee, Gasolene Engines, ISHED. old gun. on Tuesday arternoon. xnose wno THE BAPTIST CHURCH. prices are lower than they Dompa, pipe aad similar supplies, I furnish satisfactory quality aad at Eooderata prtoa. It has been almost decided that the re- attended were: Mrs James Smith and Rev F. H. Divine, of the will be when the blanket sea Buckingham & Bernhardt are to Southville. secretary I snail be to call upon aad or write Cor dealradla forms ttoi new school will not be ready Mr mother, Mrs Coley, Mrs Frank Nichols Baptist State convention, will speak at pleased joa (Jve particulars; son opens up. Reductions as building model the building vacated by Mrs Ell Wakeman and Mrs Thomas the church, next Sun v for in and Smith'into a meat market. WHAT'S GOING ON. Stepney Baptist follows: , occupancy September Treadwell. day morning on btate missions, a STs school will have to be resumed for the Adelaide Pons has returned from a Mrs Susan Hall of Sandy Hook large attendance is desired. in enest Mrs Isaac Smith. Gerhardt and Mr re- E. to fail term in the old scnoolhouse. visit Hartford. of Albert Knight Sipperley," $3.00 $5.50 Blankets, D. N. Clark was at his last to South Norwalk on ... South Conn. Mrs G. E. Barnes is in health. larm, turned Saturday 74 West Avenue, Norwalk, 50c off each pair. poor Saturday. his .father all Rev Dr Herman delivered an excel Bertha Tuttle is caring for her. Mrs D. Barnum is entertaining two evening after.belping are last vounsr ladies from Bethel. through harvest. Blankets that lent sermon, bunday morning, Born, July 24, a son to Mr and Mrs F. G. W. last week with - Northrop spent a marked a and upon "Character His ser C. Robinson. C. Mr and Mrs Kellogg welcomed $6.00 pair Buildirjg." his daughter. Mrs A. Northrop son on Mrs - Mrs little Monday. Fran'i $1.00 off each mons seem to increase in interest and Rev C. A.- and of War- Wentsch's daughter, Florence, upwards, Pickett family has been quite sick with dysentery, Lyons is caring for the patient. ndigesfion his have increased in ren are at J. A. Vidler's. care Dr Leslie. pair. congregations visiting under the of trustees of PlaiDs school Cent The Lyon's Per Dumber each Sunday he has preached. George Smith has moved into Fred 40 You may secure your blan- held a meeting on Saturday evening to Stomach trouble U but a rtnptoni of. and not Middlebrooks brothers, with their Warner's house on Mine Hill. Bethlehem. see about building a new school but in itself a true dlaeaaa. We think of Dyspepsia, kets now and have them laid and as real diseases, on sister, and the wife of one of the Mrs D. Forbes is improving slowly could not come to any understanding. Heartburn, Indigestion yet aside for future delivery Adams NEWS OF THE WEEK. are they are symptoms only of a certain spectn brothers, from and South- - George is ill with dysentery C. E. Patchen and others very Nerve sickness nothing else. Less of a Bridgeport Mrs M. deposit $1.00 pair. Acton has a house full of Mrs Robeit Black is with her daugh much in favor of the new building. It was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop port, passed last week at B. J boarders. now Stomach One of O. Sherwood's horses was ter .Mrs J. W. Smith. M Eiln Tn rp has returned from In the creation of that very popular Than Wholesale Prices is what we are selling Haynes', returning to their homes on Miss Phoebe Smith is with her sister, Bethel a visit with her Remedy Dr. Shoop's Bestorative. Going direct badly cut, while working in the woods. Mrs Lucy m Middlebury. after pleasant to the stomach nerves, alone brought that soce the balance of our afternoon. ' . was called. Tracy, Saturday Henry Garlick George W. Peck's tenement house daughter, Mrs Elmer Treadwell. stui favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. With- Mrs J. Mackay is spending a few vital no Mrs F. S. Brown again passed three in New York' and Creek. has an occupant and the man is at out that original and highly principle, CLEVELAND BICYCLES Cemetery and Memorial Work days Stony work at the creamery. such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had days last week in JNew York City, re Mr and Mrs H. A. Hill of Bridgeport Mrs Homer Odell gave a birthday For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad are made spent Sunday with friends m town. sallow Dr. both for ladies and men, and they standard good. turning on Friday evening. Mrs E. party for her son, Charles, last week Weston. breath and complexion, try Sboop't Northrop of Haddam, Conn., Friday. Among the guests were sev-Ar- al Restorative Tablets or Liquid and see for your- Mrs L. M. has rented her who has been visiting at S. B. Smith's, from Hartford and Washington. self what It can and will do. We soil and cheer & Sperry has returned home. recommend Hughes Chapman, of Mrs N. Harry Abbott of Oakville was at his THE NEWS BRIEFLY NOTED. fully Successor to Oeas. J. Hughes, furnished cottage the remainder B. Ransom of Poughkeepsie, farm on season a Y., is staying with her daughter, Mrs Saturday. the to New York family who F. Robinson. Attorney and Mrs T. E. Rodgers of The children of Norfield Grange FRUIT JARS. 1. Waterbury visited Miss Bessie Green a and varied cook possession August Walter Barnes is entertaining a num C. patrons gave pleasing ber of at B. Sanderson's, last week. I and Royal Fruit Jars; also extra caps of friends from Bridgeport. program at the annual Children's night Mason, Lightning F. Raymond Beardsley Bridge Li. .fayne has taken a position in a on Norfield r. Mr Puch Friday evening, at Granga Shoop's and rubbers. by Mrs Lewis of Waterbury blacksmith shop. port, accompanied the local is a FAIRFIELD COUNTY. hall. stock of Glasses. avenue and Herbert Bunk of ala, smith, doing rushing Big Jelly Myrtle business. Miss Susie Faulhaberis spending the same city, were at E. II. Beards-ley'- s J. Ford has opened his watch repair Hill. two at Beach. ing snop in tne 01a stone building near Greenfield weeks, Bradley mis.01ra.ive Nice Line Hammocks. over, last Sunday. The young the lumber yard. was men to citv on Col Harry Waterbury of Norwalk Lawn Mowers, all sizes. returned the Monday Hodge spent several davs of last NEWS LETTER. an over visitor his home R IT. BEERS &CO.; NEWTOWN Mrs Lewis remained week in Bridgeport and New York. Sunday at Hose. morning, but till Mrs Daniel Seward son New- en- P. J. GARVIN. BETHEL. Lawn :" and of Mrs D. M. Andrews of Weston is here. have W. of and Dealers In Thursday. ton, Mass., visited at Mrs B. joying a two weeks' visit to her moth -- """. B Hawley & Co., Stepney. of all kinds. Manufacturers Seward's. er, Mrs A. M. on n "Frederick Nichols, of Freeman t. O., Farm Machinery and Hardware visited Burr, Burr street. S . J. PARKS. TRUMBULL-- . Mr and Mrs Edward Hull .JTCijgsr,ta-hadt- he misfortune to David C. Smith returned, Sxmday, was the guest, last week of his parenta, The Highest Grade ofcCeme New on of last week. injure his hand badly orr ..line Hill, from a short visit with in Mr and Mrs Frank Nichols. Mr and Milford Tuesday Dr Rons tery Work from last Thursday. dressed tne !J?.nbxKyr Mrs Woolsey Nichols, and Mrs Beers, Store. Mrs II. C. Cogswell returned to: her wound. Charles B. Read of Bridgeport is said The FarmefS' - Walter Daley has started an experi- to have the S. C. of Stratford, Mrs Ilutlieof Bridgeport, Granite and tylarble. home last Saturday eveniDg, after an purchased Bradley Mrs of New were also Office and Salesroom: ment station at his farm and has orig- farm, which situated on a hill over- and Cole Hiven, absence of several weeks passed in vis- inated a new potato which he will looking the sound, is one of the most at the Nichols hum-stoa- d. 300 Stratford Ave., Bridgeport, Ct name The in is guests her sister in Putnam and an- the 20th Century potato. attractive places Greenfield. It of Nor f iting tops of the potato now stand between understood that Mr Read will soon Mr and Mrs Frediric'i Bjers No appetite, loss of strength, nervous- other in Massachusetts. three and four feet high, and the pota make - extensive alterations on the walk, spent part of last weeit, wii'i ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, ID). toes are expected to be as correspond- property. Mr and Mrs Hawley Williams. general debility, sour risings, and catarrh ErSJIlE, of John are all due to jT. J. S. BATES, The stork visited the home ingly large. Mr Daley is pleased to Charles Gray, who has the contract of the stomach Indigestion. Conn a have his friends call and see them. for building Simon Bradley's house in Mb Vernon friends were the guests, Kodol relieves Indigestion. This new discov Shelton. Successor to 'ias Bates Stone Go., Cholmski, last Saturday, leaving for can- Mill Plain has a force of men cry represents tho natural Juices of diges- Do you need any fruit jars district, last week of Mr and Mrs James lioeves. In a stomach, & baby boy. ning? Allen Joyce, the merchant at at work who are rapidly pushing the tion as they exist healthy Monumental Building Work, a stock at low towards completion. Miss Leda of South Norwalk combined with tho greatest known tonic A. B. home the Station, has big job Peck, reconstructive Kodol tot Re-sstti- is at his John Nichols lost a valuable heifer and properties. Cl.aaiaa; mmi Whitney again prices. has been spending several days, with does not relievo Indigestion Moiamtati, too ill to labor. Andrew Puchala is 'building on an and one of a choice pair of steers, dyspepsia only Hsaastoaea, at. perform any physical ana week, which upon Mr and Mrs Theodore IlAmilton. and dyspepsia, but this famous remedj addition to his blacksmith shop last invesigation a stomach troubles by cleansing, 4a Water St., Norwalk, Ct F. J. nosford is again advertising when it is completed will move his proved to have been poisoned by eating Mrs Irene t)jwns, of Norwalk is helps and 1 o v. A New York purifying, sweetening strengthening for ox Irame iiilu l bu i" marvc paris green. veterinary her mucous the stomach. his personal property here sale in room for horses on his shop floor.niHe who made the examination found evi the ttuestof brother, Charles the membranes lining r- im- dence - Mr. S. S. Ball, of Rsvenswood. W. V..T- the shape of horses, harnesses, wagons, has been making a number of other of the poison in the animal's I was troubled with sour stomach for his stomach. Whether was ma and are now asm It ta mil 1 H. G. etc. He has al- provements in the interior of shop. the poison Mrs Oscar Budel entertained her Kodol cured w. Ads Keane's neat cattle, sleighs, He aims to. have an up-to-d- shop in strewn in the pasture with malicious Want on Miss Helen toFO BACKACHE--WEA- K KIDNEYS Monumental ready disposed of a pjrtion but has every respect. intent or through carelessness the sister, Sturges, of Wilton, TRY The sermon on Sunday morning, July part of someone using the article can last week. BLADDER PILLS Sen m Saa Works, enough for several buyers yet. church not be accuratelv determined. 0eWITTS KIDNEY and 21, at the Congregational by E. O. O.WITT ft CO., Onlcac Houatonlc Ave., Bridgeport, Ct At the seminary over Sunday were Rev C. D. Chunn from the text, "Thou The Congregational Sunday school Alvin Treadwell of Redding spent Prepared by 6 THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY. A VGVSTS, 1907.

4 J Until New milford. J Saturday Night, AUGUST 3d, oda.k- You Can A Suit at lis-- Buy . Warner's Get all there is to summer time - with a Kodak the KODAK wav is A Price Concession. Picture making simple, certain and Big in i K Rust-Proo- f ! inexpensive. It's all by daylight , Our Sale has been most successful. We've never sold as Style 'most $1.00 to many better grade suits during a sale. And not? teifi Brownies, Kodaks, $9.00 why Kodaks, $5.00 to $105.00 When you can buy new $20 and $22 Suits at 15.00; $16 50 A1 43 No. 2 Kodak a and $18.00 Suits at 12.50; $14 and $15 Suits at 10 00-$1- 0 Let us show you the Box, complete outfit for and $12 7.50 ' Known and worn wide world 43 only $4.00. grades at 7.50; and 8.50 ones at 5.00. the Round By the 43 It's an opportunity that the Clothing Buying Public 43 are quick to take advantage of. Have you seen the suits? best dressers. 43 P. n CASSEDY, I Straw Hats at 12 Price. 4 43 Post office New Milfurd Widespread insularity U the only Logical se-- 43 Building, Men's and Boys' Oxford Shoes at Sharp rr Reductions. quenee to the unparalleled excellence of these corsets. ff We've been asked a number of times this week if our Suited to all forms, always meeting the requirements . Boys' Clothing had been reduced in in price. Bring the of present Boned with Rust-Pro- of Boy; he'll be fitted out just as as his day styles. light weight An economically father. : early selection of your suit will be to your ad- Boning. Equipied with the famous "Security" Summer Bill of Fare vantage. T- The Marsh-Leac- h Cottage at Green Pond, Where A Hose supporters with the Rubber Button A bea Large clasps. Mackerel, Butter Fish, Cxxl, Bass, Halibut, Company of New Milford's Young Society Set Are wide of iorgies, oworu r isn, a lounders, range styles covering every figure need. Fruit and Vegetables. HATCH & DEWEY, Enjoying Life for Ten Days. New New Milford, Great Barrington. OPERA L. C. DAVIS, Bank Street, Milford. HOUSE . THE FAIR BOOK. Prices From i.oo to 5.00. The DeRue Bros,. Ideal Minstrels lion . jj. wanzer nas been can- come to you this season as not a stran- vassing for advertisements for the. ger, but as a guaranteed attraction New Milford fair premium list, and has TOP of JOB from the excellent performance ex- met with a generous resnse. Sparkling the hibited by them here in previous sea Deliciousness IN THE MORNING. sons. The company this season is en AT ST JOHN'S. full of FRESH, CLEAN larged, both in number and parapher Rev F. A. will at St Golden Sparkling, fizzing, for ev Wright preach Brothers, life fresh as the dew in nalia, carrying special scenery John's church the month of Au n during R early mi rn cool as a',moun-tai- MILK ery act produced. It is said that a gust. 1 ailroad Street, new Milford. stream delicious. prettier stage picture has never been Prom The produced than the grand scenic first Noble's New Milford part "A Garden of Flowers," so nat BRINGS DOWN TWO FOXES. Creamery. ural audiences Simon Crehan has shot two foxs re that actually believe which were his Soda! W. A. PAECELLS, Protf. that they are lookinjr at a beautiful cently after poultry. CHAS. A. . PARCELLS. Mgr. case of floral Ten vau- The soda that grows ever offerings. big Charles Planz and Louis Richmond ar--. deville acts comprise their incompara- C. more popular. Join the were at Spectacle lake on Sunday. E. RI DDI my of Soda Drinkers now ble olio. A grand street parade will FORD. regaling themselves at be given at noon when the excellent The Mason and Lightning jars for brass band of soloists will render a canning. The Lightning 85c and 90c New Line of Belt John W. high-clas- s Buckles, Bracelets, Booth, concert, also at 7 o'clock at and the Mason 45c and 50c, at Starr & Hat Pins, Ear Brooch etc. N General the New Milford Opera house, August Dean's. Kings, Pins, W. Noble, Repairing. as.-ortme- cast iron as well as 5. The engagement is for one night Welch s 25c Iarge of . Brazing, other metals " grape juice in pint bot New flllford. machine work, screw cutting, turning, bur- Now is the time to come in only. - Bank St., nishing and polishing, lawn mowers, knives, and look over our stock of tles, at Starr & Dean's. 08. shears, sickles, lawn shearsSharuened, horse Telephone and toilet clippers ground by special power Summer Furnishings. WILL TAKE ALONG FELT. POOTS You take no risk when you buy olive Watch Movements 4 awe awe sme-s- machinery. Enterprise meat .chopper plates mt 3wi aw and knives reground. All the above warrant- It is full and IN 1908. oil at Starr .& Dean's. all p-o- ed to cut. Saw filing in general. Umbrellas a complete, containing that is new and repaired with new ribs and covers; have a "r variet and you will be sure to be suited The occupants of the Leach-Mars- h Miss Nellie Mulcahy of New York is and Cases. food line of samples for covers, self-openi- ng included. Bicycles, guns, revolvers. are, offerinf unusual in all lines. cottage at Green pond, last week, passing ner vacation with her par 5. price advantages . For the week beginning Monday. August uttrjwij wwpers, sewing iracnines, violins, Splendid values m high class suffered from cold feet. Felt ents, Mr and Mrs T. J Mulcahy. Prices the will have my etc., put in order Key fitting, locks, trunks goods. greatly i Lowest, Bshinic ami Come in and look us boots and rods, many other thiugs repaired. over. slippers will be provided for . Mrs M. W. Hill Watch irunuiijitijii; ures m ail uescnpuions on notice. returns, Saturday. and Clock Repairing done by Bicycle tires and sundries on hand Mail or the campers next season. after a of 10 at Branford. a nrsx First Annual Sale. ders receive prompt attention. You will find sojourn days ciass worKinan. me at Junction or Cast and Grove Sts, in Bridge. I Mrs G. B. Great Reduction on everv piece of goods a worn guaranteed EMERALD LODGE CAMP AT Schiappacasse passed stock. Hitch your horses in the town sheds Box 564. New Milford. Oonti and - and come across the street and see what I can A. GREEN POND. Thursday Friday in Seymour and do for you. C Ansonia. Riddiford, The' Jeweler, Trowbridge, Visitors at Emerald lodge. Green Bank Street, D. Al-on- zo New Milford. . MILLER, A Drivf Clothing Furnishings, pond, Sunday, included Mr and Mrs Rev J. F. Plumb, the popular rector Church Street, Opposite Town Hall. Special Leach of N.Y Mr and of St John's, Mrs Plumb and children New Milford. In Pawling, ., A $2.00 Mreet, New Milford, Ct Mrs Mills Hungerford of Sherman, No left on Thursday to pass the month of A POPULAR TRADING PLACE. ble Booth, Mr and Mrs C. I. Leach, August at Weekapaug, R. I. When driving Into New Milford to S.weet-Or- r See-le- Pantaloon, it5 Frank Marsh, Mr and Mrs E. W. y, Kev and Mrs F. A. Johnson are at trade, the sheds at the store of Ackley, borne of the A. Great Stock of Dr and Mrs J. C. Barker, Lester tending the Old Home week festivities Hatch & Marsh will be found conven- Warner, Clifford Hatch, Miss Florence at Boston, Mass. ient, while this firm's large stock of - Hawley, Thomas Meloy, Charles Bur-wel- l, irmceries. mpat nnri foorl will Ho rtim4 Features and Summer $1.50! conee - spring Larry Jennings, Alonzo Couch, severe pleases particular peo- attractive to minnmii.l conee sue Which contribute to A Fine Lin of Jg. William Jennings and Hon Homer L. pie. resi. kc ior at the store Robes Wanzer. Dinner was served to the of C. I. Leach. See the NewEngland swing chair at Lap me uuuu viu summer l ime jwew minora store. Hats, Shoes and Furnish- visitors, the young men being gracious Golden Brothers report the best sum- urocery uo.'s and Blankets. " ' Is the time in their The F. E. Soule has the sole agency for just to buy a hospitality. camp broke mer's business since they started in aew minora ror line ttucK A Complete Stock of Work and ings up, Monday morning. New Milford, a fact which W. N. Noble cigar. Worcester speaks Druggist la offering a Driving Harnesses. well for the store and times complete line of the famous Wallace . generally. confections. Victor Machine DERUE BROS.' MINSTRELS. Ezra Golden and Talking family of Glen Cove, Saturday, July 27, Hatch & Dewey OR AN , One of the important features of a L. I., were week flower Frank Evitts, At guests last of Joseph begin their clearance sale with big McHahon's, minstrel show is the always welcome and Golden. price concessions their Railroad New Milford. MtO 4TT-PLU- BlXDCK. Harry throughout Street, monologue, when it is good. With the stock of high class clothing for men Miior a. i . smitn 01 The isee was and young men, and . Cor. Bank ad Railroad Striata, Edison DeRue Bros.' Ideal Minstrels the mon- until Saturday entertained at dinenr. Monday, by M. night. August 3, you can buy new NEW MILFORD. Phonograph DeRue ae and off in a ologue by Billy is one of the 1907 up-to-d- suits at SUPERIORITY. lay hammock and listen tn "TT'.porwlWl,, Works best acts. W. Hill. prices that will but Father. You can the whole He has the faculty of please you. It's stock clearing time New England House, buy outfit at keeping his audience in a continuous iviiss nattie v. Sherman, a composi with them, money saving time with tor in the Gazette you. Note the price reductions and Louis C. Raifstanger, Prop.. uproar of laughter from the start, for office, is passing her go there to find and The Frank E. Soule's he is one of the funniest comedians vacation in Pittsfield,' Mass., and Tor-- expecting goods Simplicity of ConstrucUoa. Bank St., New nilford. Money Saving Store, 4s-- values just as advertised; you'll not - if? Mygatt Block, Bank known in the minstrel world to-da- y. It rington. be disappointed, and as always bring F.??T p7" thma lo other- Mow. u4 Store. Street, New Milford is from his ease back what you don't like ; your money degign.'" US mot practical aad aUnpieat of deliverance that he Miss Edna Mosher of New and Hf Jfe-- York will wnirincr fnr vrui " Monva miito w w . .. was named the "talkative Up-to-da- te in - - 'I. justly man." Miss Alice Mosher of Kent were sizes 33 to 44, its Appointments Flour, Feed, Grain, Hay, Salt etc XJL..i-T T s T IF f He - guests nothing reserved, your Extraordinary Strength A large stock of Men's and Boys' T always has a large collection of up- of their parents, Mr and Mrs L. W. cnoice irom our tables, make your Jo ottier reatara In LbeeoaatracUoa of Wor- 10-aa- xe cester and Shoes. Also a ana ot which own selections if $7.50 and Mover racelraaaoaiaca couidmuoi .hquipment. songs, you nn full line Rubbers and VIII-Tjl- joKes many Mosher, over Sunday. prefer: btrsaffUi bt no dlstribuud Laroagboat U ma-cbl- Rubber Boots. are his own A $8.50 suits, Saturday. $5.00 ; $10 and lb at every parv evea loa amaltest. la .V Attention Pa'd to Automo composition. larg ' equal to any strain la Especial Select line Groceries and Choice house in New York b. R. HiU returned, Sunday night. $12 suits. Saturdays 7.50; $14 and $15 It called apoa io bear. bile and Parties-- v Meats. publishing City suits, Saturday. $10.00; $16.50 and Driving recently made lor from Ft Miller, N. Y., where he reset Durability. Hill arrangements Billy two wheels $18 suits. Saturday, $12.50; $20 and $22 Actual tnn have proren that Worcester flurray to write special songs and and for the Ft Miller Pulp & suits, $15.00. lowers sew better and Excellent Table Service. jokes, Co. of that Saturday, otber. last looff taaa aa AcKIey, Hatch & Marsh, Coffee some of his productions are the comedy Paper place. T. F. Young., James Marsh. Frank hits of the season. DeRue Bros, b . K. Green a fine Evitts. M. W. Andrus, George Ackley. LJtit Draft. Kailroad and Sts.. New Milford Amateur ap has set of heavy y Bridge Inl Pound full weight canis- Chester Jlorey and Hubert Thomas Absoln-el- the easiest machine to draw ters, ground by the or pear for one night only at the New harnesses, bought of that reliable deal horse was ever hlutird to. that detonating steel cut attended the races in Danbury, Wed In Large drlvtes process. Milford Opera house, 5, for the er, Frank Evitts. 1 , the right p aces We have taken the agency for this August nesday and hursday, lL."rtto perfect loo.. No nniini everythingsus Is : Is splendid benefit of Good No. ; no j For Pests Ooffee, which ground bv a process that re- Shepard lodge, 65, Mrs A. M. Booth and upon the team sore necaa. Spring moves the chaff, thereby freeing It from the I. O. O. F Noble Booth ii Havi You Thought of a element of tannin, which is the only harmful are visiting at Pa. Interchangeable Parts. element known In Ooffee. Philadelphia, -. . ENDORSED BY THE COUNTRY. Euery part, large or sma.lL Intarchaage-Vs- lusect Powder, 'W hite Hellebore, it: a i t-- . .... a partbrvmaa. we furnish a 35c lb. Can. W. F. HUTCHINSON. miss Amanita tseacn is visiting, in that to flu-- duplicate Camphor Qum, Moth flarbles. x New Films Waterown. "The most'popular remedy in Otsego guaranteed Photograph New W. F. Hutchinson, a former clerk for and the of fam Albert Druggist, for a Birthday gift. Coasider how Plates Hunt & county, bestfriend my Evitts, sirabl valued a would I. Miller, died early Monday A lawn party, a very successful and writes Wm. M. Dietz, editor and Private Wire 83 NEW MIL.KORD aad pictur b. C LEACH, New Powders at his home in ily." Besides it doaa aot bwomt a mara morning, Danbury, after pleasant affair, was held at A. K. of le, Church Street, New Miltord. New a publisher the Otsego Journal, memory. It aever loaea ita charm a or Solutions lingering illness. He was a member Partridge's. Wednesday night, by. the N. Y., "is Dr New iatarest aasociatioaa. Call at 5 -- a. of Good Mission King's iag Telephone New Cameras Shepherd lodge, I. O. O. F. Study class of the Methodist Discovery. It has proved to be an Reasons for New A wife and one daughter survive him. church. infallible cure for M. L Using Supplies The coughs, and colds, Neis's Bread : funefal took place on Tuesday Mason and short work of the worst of them. Cor. Malm Mallett, The Hine afternoon 3.30 Lightning jars at rock making aad Chart St.. 1. It's the best: 2. it goes farthest: 2. it's Studio, Let Us Show You. at p. m., in charge of bottom at E. H. We always keep a bottle in the house. pleasure o ear. It: 4. It satisfies; 7, always the Postofflcs Block The Samaritan lodge of John prices Marcy's. New Milford. same; 8, everybody praises it; 5, you will like Carter House, Danbury. I believe it to be the most valuable Ct. 8. A new line of It; you should try It. Ask for it; insist on NEW niLFORO. CT. Lake Hannon, Myron Patchen and C. D. dependable dry goods prescription known for Lung and Throat os.vlng.lt. Waramaug, Pulver, at the request of the deceased, at E. H. Marcy's. Railrwad St., N.w Milford. M. W. diseases." Guaranteed to never disap- Is HILL, acted as pallbearers, representing the L. W. Mosher and were theHaker. R.H . Beers & Co.. Open. The Jeweler, local The family guests, point by New Milford, Conn. lodge. burial will take place Sunday, of Mr and Mrs George Dodd. Newtown ; Betts & Betts. Sandy Hook ; South Britain. at Pottsdam, N. Y. One Half Rev H. K. Smith P. J. Garvin. Bethel ; W. N. Noble. rctunred, this week, LOCAL NEWS. Oil mis-sona- ; The Olive Restaurant! Transient Parties at- after a stay of three weeks at the ry New Milford E. J. Buckingham. given special DR BLINN HAS EXCITING TIME. Miss Sold in this country Is adulterat- Tenn Montana, tention. conference at Silver Bay. N. Y. Huntington; Allen Joyce, Roxbury Baldwin of New Ha- oil Camp life at Green was excit- ven IS a ed with linseed or some other ingredient, MygattBlk.. Railroad St. New Milford. pond Station ; G. W. Hurlburt & Co.. Rox- truest of hr mntV,.n.wum r ai rMmrmw and usually a very poor article. For absolute Meals to order at any time. for Dr one 01 Rev E. A. Henderson two days. pure oiive on in navor, up in Meals served at All Hours. ing Blinn, the happy gave good J. M. Sullivan. Redding cansly per'fcct put Give Me A Call. Pleasure and Mason band sermons at the Sun- bury; Ridge; . Mrs Henry Canfield se- direct from Italy go to fishing: boats provid- Fruit Jars of campers enjoying life there Methodist church, Bros., W. B. underwent a ed. 50 Cents a Dozen. for two weeks day. Connery "Georgetown; rious operation at the hospital in Wa- G. B. SCHIAPPACAS8E, past. Most of his time Hawley, Sherman; Honan & Soule, terbury. Mondav. EZ was in his face mer- Mrs New Milford. Lightning seal, 90c doz. spent treating for M. G. Marcy is assisting his father, Gaylordsville ; Smith Bros., Cornwall Asa Mitcholl is spending a few Lightning and Mason Rubbers. cury poisoning and in the O. days in Brooklyn consulting W. Marcy, in getting hay. - Bridge; Edwin H. Beardsley, New Mrs An popular camp physician, Dr J. C. Bar- Preston; E. Frink. Falls CharlesBradley entertained the & Opportunity Passed By. ker. Fine cuts of new corn beer at the George Whist club. Thursday afternoon. A VISIT Fowler Toquet. Deering Village: E. S. Fairchild & Son. Nich- dainty-- luncheon was MA1CH Sale. 4 Boxes HEE store of Charles I. Leach. ols, 25c. served after the Civil and : with every pur- Druggists game. Hydraulic Engineers, Machines! chase of'IS Boxes or 40c Do. Will continue . Mowing for one WEEK more. HSNRY TOOK A BATH. Mr who Mr and Mrs William Hioock wel- Dayton's Surveyors. Hurd, has a cottage on the comed a Th Best in WorltK Turrill of Wellsville Hill east of Still A Costs One daughter to their home, Wed- Pool & ihe Henry startled River, has rented the "Sovereign" That Only nesday. 24. Temperance Rooms, Jtr.nws Kfapp Bui Marsh-Leac- h July ' c. a. the at Green one Green Dollar. Mrs . campers at William Nic-kers- BANK'ji)",, NEW MILFORD OT. Way co., pond, night cottage pond for Mitchell and Mr oit Over Henry Donnelly's, Ps ITT : Oils. Wall Paoer. Shaii. ... last week. While all were about two weeks. Later will a Middle-bur- New Milford. Conn Telephoning. w still it be occupied spent days few in y, New a U. n. Dr David Rem- - last week. Milford, Ct. the ounp a mighty splash was heard lor month by R. Co.'rf Mew Ha,-ve- Kennedy's Favorite 1 T- - Corn & 143-- 3. a" l - MrsLouis Dounei- Grain Harvesters. elephoue and in 'few. .minutes Jui-ril- J. C. BarkVr7,"."-..U-.- J "Rortdout, N. Y.. is a '"Sover-eign- " f Brooklyn is cam up his viititq?TKrVrt"1i.-- Mitchell. See Me and Save to the medicine for nervousness. Rheu- - Contractors and Builders Money cottage with the waterpounng cottage. Miss Juditi- Mitchell is visiting ber Steam and off from him. In stepping on a boat Miss Lottie Kost matism, Kidney and Liver complaints, sister. Mra.ALlx.tt. in Middlebury and Miss Ruth and all the ills to women. Miss Beast Mitcbefl is Mot Water The he lost his balance and fell into the wa Sipple of N peculiar It entertaining & ADRIANCE over Englewood, Y.,are guests drives the from the and Miss Russell of West Haven. Taylor Buckingham, Heaters, ter, his head at that point. of Mrjand Mrs Philip Planz. poison blood, Contractors aad Builders, UniqueManufactured E. B. BUCKINGHAM, restores the patient to the bloom of Mrs Daniel Hoyt and daughter. Miss bt Mower, Mrs C. Railroad Street, New Milford, Ct. J. A. Noethtille, Const. Frank Evitts, the genial harness A. Trowbridge and daughter health. You will never regret the Violet C. Iloyt. daughter and grand- 154-- 2. for Driver Estimates cheerfully furnished on large or NORTHROP, Prop., Telephone Easy and for Team. dealer, has a stylish driving horse, are visiting at Pawling N. Y. exchange of one dollar for a bottle. daughter d Mrs Carrie Kendrick of small contracts. New Milford, Conn. Seat bought of Frederick Judd of safe and comfortable. Plenty of foot Danbury. D. South Britain, have just returned to room, with opportunity to change position James Coffey of Great Barrington, MeMahon, the popular tailor, ha home in Every lever handy and easily operated from Mass., has been the of Mr and 1 giMid line of shoes, U '8 Laxative their Newark, J., after a secure In the seat.- - guest guaranteed Kennedy Cough Syrup position One foot will do Mrs Simon Crehan. wear aud stand the storm. A llDe oJ two weeks' visit. N. Callcnder ...mosioirne necessary operating. Everything icts gently open the bowels and clears E. BURWELL, Bros., .... .uia icw U.11U accessible. Misses Cora and Florence Clark of tyiish hats just received. Also some n Side - the system of coughs and colds. It .Painting and Paper Hanging. Half Dime Ltjnoh Your we"ih"S' Jar' U,aft- no n"k Charlotte, Vt., are guests of Select- hindsi.me summer caps. Good value Work and Reasonable Friers. Rooms, man and Mrs S. C. Beach and Mr and n men's pantaloons. promptly relieves icllammation of the 38 South flain Mrs C. B. Marsh. For a refreshing glass of soda water throat and irritation. Sold by I New Miltobd. St., Waterbury, Ct Lame Horse E. A. will with allays CASTOR A Ridge open a meat mar- pure syrups at the store S. E & Co. Try a cup of our excellent Ooffee. A. H. MciVlahon, ket the store f Albert. Evitls c!l drug Sanford Co., Ke town. For Infants and Children. PnHtrjjHil.hnme mde Can be shod to and at the coi ner of Railroad go Bridge Street, New Milford. and Bennett streets. Farmers speak of the Secur-t- v Ths Kina Yon not if to MULCAHY. stcck f.mrt. hiibly De lint Atezji You take no risk w limp you go Peter Peterson paid a visit to the Frank Evitts sells it Witt's Kidney and bladder Pills Ixgtt hep you buy Forepaw-Sell- s circus in Mon- md rccommctiUs It Bears If it interferes that can be stop- Danburv, highly for horsou re best for backache and weak kid the OLIVE OIL day. Peter declares it was the best Sold S. E ot ped at the same time. TRY circus he had seen in a C. E neys. by Sanrord & Oj., I31snatar OF great Itfridif.ird is headquarters foi Newtown. many years. orrect and satisfactory work In watch r & Digesto Coffee Roland Mygatt and Perry Green wit- mrl dock repairing. Great Dean, at nessed the Forepaw-Sell- s circus per- Watch and clock sale of at Hatch A New Milford. T. J. formance in repairing promptly New clothing Mulcahy, E. H. Danbury, Monday night. attended to at the store of M. W. Hill Bears lha Kind Yon Haw Alwars Bc?il Dewey's, Mllfor. ly don't pay for It. Will sell Elm New MARCY'S, Mr and Mrs . Louis Welton of New tbe pure, so you take Street, Milford. Bignatnre iutely tfenneit St., New Milford. York are occupying W. M. Kcdcr'a Fine confections and smokers' per-- Great sale of & residence for the summer. - of clothing at Hatch quisites at Cassedy's. Dewey's, New Milford. THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 1907. OUR NEIGHBORS. Rlust Use Knife Illddlebury. flMtfhl Iwtttwttm. The i II Fa- m m C m Said the Surgeon, but Dr. David Kennedy's GRANGE PICNIC. fw rcnriflnll. c Ill I m HAnimnnII I I I I I 6 npr" " rt Irritrfltlnnw m m .mm-mm- mwaRnnrfemcf Washington. vorite was taken and the Knilc Avoided. ll Remedy The annual field day and basket pic- Uocnrporaied) RAH ! FOR WASHINGTON. The Union and Advertiser of Rochester, nic of Excelsior Pomona No. you have any gilt N. the in- Grange, 5 Years Basinets. No Losses. J. E. Hallock, a veteran road work- Y., recently published following 7, will be held with New Haven Po- IF teresting account of how William W. Adams mona at Double Beach, Branford, on edged and er, and now cream gatherer for the city,-wa-s saved high Church of 127 South.A venue, tlmt Thursday, 8. All and Aspetuck creamery, says that from a orjenttion by the use of Dr. August patrons grade bonds that hill , of the roads which he drives on, painful K their friends are cordially invited to he Newton David Kennedy's Favorite jmedy. go. net you 4 on is best of any. 'Selectman Mr. Adams said: "Three ye;irs ao I was liMd i Urn only your with his men, have the district a given s taken with disease very badly ; at kidney Arthur Clark is home from the hos- i investment, I advise you thorough repair. times I was completely jirostratesd ; in fact, to For Infants antl Children. was doe-to- rs pital in Waterbury, but not yet able 8 to Joel Gus Carlson and Oscar was so bad that the day set for the work. sell them quick. Pearson, to perform an operation upon lue. But are sell- Swansorl have their tobacco topped, decided would not submit. I had been, Miss Judith Mitchell of South Britain This class of securities while sorhe have finished hoeing-- I I is the of her Mrs A. J. The Kind You .Have have just put in hot To! er baths, and, in fact, nearly guest sister, ing today cheaper than they There are over 30 acres in this sec- was to me. Abbott. every means tried help Upon Rev Newton and have for years, and their market price tion. the day set for the operation I commenced Wright family Gold will continue to depreciate for A cocoon measuring- eight and one-ha- lf the use of gone for two weeks to their old home Always Bought Bonds, one-ha- Coupon lf New Methodist sometime to come. inches by seven and in York State. The AVgetablc Preparationror As- inches, delivered a mammoth moth DAVID KENNEDY'S church will not be open on next Sunday Issued in denominations of which on to full ma- DR. so the will attend the Congre- similating lite Food andEegula-lin- g The reason is that on account of measured, coming people the Stomachs anxLBowels of the tremendous and turity, seven inches in the width of gational church and have an opportun- Bears the constantly its gaudy colored wings. What is its E5S5EDY ity for hearing Rev A. Westenberg. increasing production of gold in technical name? M0B1TE Mr and Mrs A. S. J add are at home the world, and consequent in- The- - drouth is very serious in this and from that moment litT.a to Xin, and again. $1000 $500 $100 in some it was not long before I w.is entirely cured Some our in town are not in cost of all section. Potato vines places of roads ns Signature creased commodities; ret urn of the troubli! since. DigestionXhcerfur-nessandRest.Contai- IiV THE are turning yellow, plantain leaves and have had no vprv crrkctti rnnHitinn. Promotes the purchasing power of the dollar and roll hot My weight has increased and I never wius so H. S. Judd has several new milch neither crisp up under the sun, well as am now. I have recommended Is decreasing, and the rates of while meadow stubble looks brown and I cows for sale. Opium,Moiphine norIincral. of The interest must increase to bare. Where there is is Dr. Kennedy's Favorite li'msedy to many American Real Estate Co., equalize help haying peoxle, for it saved life." my Koi-.s- , KotNahcotic". and Rank these conditions. rushed. Write to Dr. David Kenucciy V prmdout, TT. Mght Day Balrfln. Mr and Mrs Wil- Y., for a free sample bottle of Dr. David Kennedy's Fifth Avenue and 44th St,. New York You can Henry Armstrong, , i .i Southbury. figure all you want to, son Miss Lulu a avorue rteineay, me frre.n. siaiu-y- r and Blood but can't from the Armstrong, Armstrong, meaicme. Domes i.w. All (iriiirjjjists. bctpeefOUJOrSAKUELPtTCHEa you get away and Miss Reynolds of New York are THE LOCAL NEWS. (iiofs Assets, Ifc. J 9 fact that the rates , 81, 1906, $9,446,095-8- of interest in guests at Fern Brook farm. Rev Mr Roberts from Hartford Capital and this country have permanently Miss Olive Mitchelll is entertaining York Suiplus, 1,519,518.20 her friend. Miss Vera Cole, of Brews- port and Mrs Donniez of New preached In the Congregations gone on a higher level. ter. City. In Secured by improved New t ork KeoJ BUite. s church, Sunday morning. Today the investor's money Is M-- Tomlinson of New Haven, who worth 6 and he is standing in has rented the Mason cottage for Charles A. Stone and son, George, For full particular, addresg his own light if he doesn't avail the summer, is entertaining Miss Sin Bridgewater. from New Haven, were in town, Sun" gleton and Miss Dorothy Cox of New n, Use himself of these conditions. Haven. day. A perfect Remedy forConslipa-Tio- i IN- Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea L. H. If you want to know more about Mrs John Hauff and son have been CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Hickox Miss Atwood .Fcverish-nes- PRINDLE, the montth of at Miss TERESTS. Arthur and Worms .Convulsions s Hgr., the world's production of gold, spending July from Watertown, spent with and SLEEP. First National Bank Church's. The ice cream sale given by the Y. Sundiy Loss OF For Over Building, and its effect on commodities The Holiday enjoyed an all day Mrs Margaret Atwood. me girls P. S C. E. on the church lawn, last Facsimile Signature of Room prices and interest rates, write picnic at Lake Waramaug on Tuesday. week Fridav evening, was a success G. W. a 1 805, 4a Church St., New Conn. and I will recommend a The farmers have all stopped send- Waklee is home for few days Haven, today throughout. About $20 was added to Miss Bell from Greenwich is it book which will tell you all about ing milk to the Echo Farm Corpora- the fund. visiting NEW YOHK. It. tion. Rev Harry Davenport left town; at Rev Wallace Nutting's. Thirty Years Don't forget the big fair, August 7, Monday morning, for three weeks 'va 3)t 5TTT on vlsi-tiD- I the Green, next Wednesday. Every cation. Rev Mr Chunn from Rox Katherine Stone, who has been g Capital, $250,000 Surplus, $315,225.89 Thomas C. Perkins body welcome. next Sun-da- v 1 bury will supply the pulpit, her grandmother in W.jodbury, , Conn. Mutual Building Miss Nellie Welton, who has recently morning. IHIARLESO. SANr-ORD- PresU - EDWARD W. MARSH. Vice t'rest visited her aunt, Mrs S. H. Welton, Aid Mark's has ret'urued home. Hartford, Conn. The Ladies' society of St b u. II. HliOTII WKLu Cannier. has returned to Waterbury. annouce a sale to be held some rvACT rnpv nr wpa ddc-- . . E. C. Whitehead has been entertain-nin- g parish Elsie Hinoi in is visiting friends out time in August. of FVustees, administrators and Others Holding: Mon boarders and friends from the city. town. TMS OCWWMMI OVtffAMV VOM OVFR sum MW i The Gunnery school is open this Mr and Mrs Amidee Oliver of Beth- Mrs eys in rust mer 30 board Baldwin spent Sunday with her . - for city guests. About el were over Sunday guests of A. H. Plod AfhccVlnt BiViMintnT aiwlavl ralnii and MmmhUbtm tt tlt9mX &lia ers are enjoying Mrs Brinsmade s hos Gillette. daughter in Middlebury. pitality. Fred Gillette of Boston is spending Mrs Catalan is an aunt Mrs Jewell, nee Miliy Calhoun, who his vacation with his A. H. entertaining South Britain Announcements. has been visiting friends in town, father, from ADSonia. Kent. South left, this week, for Hartford, where Gillette. Britain. First National Bank, she will tnree weeks before re Mrs Starr Kinney of New Milford is Mrs II. S. Steele and Mr and Mrs Temporary Address: 923 Main Ounn. spend the guest of Mr anfl Mrs William Kin- TOBACCO LOOKING WELL. PERSONAL CHAT. Street, Bridgeport, turning west with her husband, who in Mallett district. Charles Lewis visited In Watertown has been on a business trip to England. ney Tobacco is looking well. One man There was a attendance at the Mrs W. G. Brinsmade returns from Mr and Mrs George Lockwooa and Srturday. has his all large topped. lawn given at the Methodist -- her to" Toledo, O., in daughters from Bridgeport are guests, party Established 1866. trip early August.- this week, of Mr and Mrs George Orr. Henry Oaborne from Denver is visi- church parsonage. About $20 was tak- Tstlie Time Miss Anna Brinsmade oi bpnng- Roberts has a bad hand from his C. K. Osborne. Summer guests come and no as en in. field has been a guest at the Ridge Fred ting brother, usual. The of Nelson Watson Miss Katherine who has been The Oldest firm In Connecticut. to look after that oIsS Mrs Brinsmade's absence. blood poisoning.. family Abbott, Backing machine and horse rake. Get during The two cases ot diphtheria in the Mrs Lester Thompson and children are spending the summer at the Bull visiting Miss Gertrude Mitchell for mowing Several hshmg parties went up to are well as could be ex- are her mother. home in Flanders. three weeks, has returned home. them in shape before you need them. Mt Tom, last week. They report a village doing visiting Wheeler the week Rev Mr McGown'has a call Perhaps you will need new ones. but fish are rarer pected. King spent past accepted Xu Remember the hind W. a. Woods pleasant outing, Mr and Mrs Mark McEshn enter Mary Collins and sister from New with his mother and sister. He is em- to preach and the people of South T. Watson. Co., than used to be before the resort auto-part- in Dunn's Commercial lose him fam- About 3 tons barn for sale. they tained an y from Bridgeport Haven are Collins'. ployed 'Agency JJritain regret to and his BANKERS BROKERSl bay became so for and at Stephen popular cottages atthe Sanford homestead, last week at Bridgeport. ily from their town, but wish him suc- camping. W. A. Bennett is bis Mrs Bielby of Middletown. a former cess in his new parish. Stocks Bonds C. P. Dr West s family, who rented the Saturday. moving family rector's widow, is Miss A. W. and, WILLIAMS, Carlson have Mrs Nancy Hatch entertains a cousin. into Oscar Ambler's tenement house. visiting - cottage last season, gone Miss Susie Dickinson, from New Ha- Knapp. Corner Mala aotf Jobs Street,- Bridgeport, Com. ft to in abroad this summer and are at pres- ven. You will find the shoe store of J. Mrs A. Chamberlain of Shelton. with Financial. ent in Amsterdam. Mr and Mrs Ernest Eastwood recent G. Terrill, North Woodbury, an eco- her daughter. May, and two grand INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. Improvements have been made at nomical to trade. Courteous children are at their home here for a Notice. club house court. A. D. ly entertained Misses Eva Waldron and place special the tennis Lizzie Eastwood from Boston, with treatment and dependable goods are season. Having opened the Birber shop in Munsoo Woodruff, the popular club man, is Dan-- the rule at this store. Mrs Henry Warner and children are relatives from New Milford and a-- y reaJ-- r of lhl who ts UU ana war hall, am prep .red to do all kinds of Tonsorial overseeing the much needed repairs. spending several weeks in Massachu I C paper -- that tber la men a work in the best workmanship manner. Sat- the scientific will bury. FTHFPF mine In Lower California. Hex-- aa Lba Aurora- and iku li ia all isfaction Guaranteed. Shop opened Wednes- Peabody, optician, Mrs John Ford of New Milford and setts. ready a very valuable property, tt te certainly sot my fault. day from 6 30 p.m. to 10 p. m. from be at M. W. Hill's jewelry store, New Easton. Mr and Mrs B. G. Pratt have re- It Is Dareiy one year tiDOS uw atoca 01 Mie famous jionawa DIM orwoldBelO. Nevada, 2 11 Saturday 12 18. Mrs Edwin Ford; from New Haven were Money was SO hare. now anil t?ie p. m. to p. m. Milford, Conn., August to turned from their wlUnx at than ornln per lag la Dplshoorbood of fl par aisara. MARTIN OKANE, South Britain, Oonn. Sunday guests ot Mrs Audrew Young. visit. Having twice Inspected tbe "ACHOBV" it rou p of mtae. and knowing as I da IM nimi Mrs Van Sinderen s sister has been Miss Snedeker has a number I do he-lia- te c Glen-hol- m scientific will CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Mary values already disclosed. a t to predict In at a ynar beaoe will stock f new Peabody, the optician, Does M tinfcUo-awl- staying at the cottage next be M. W. New NOTES. of summer guests. not buy the aurwra Consolidated UUIsl Vo iiuiudUUMuii da wlut to famous t for several weeks. at Hill's jewelry store, Rev Mr and Mrs Smith Paste tills In your hat. Special Notice. Mrs Miller, who rented the Gibson Milford, Conn., August 12 to 18. Rev Irving Maurer has returned spent Tuesday Better r per eent Bonds, On and after. July 15 shall grive no more oc- in bouth Kent. as guests at the tickets for cash trade. All tickets now out cottage. The Sumachs, several seasons from his vacation in the West and Straight homestead. Considered, must be presented before Ausrust 1 to be re- ago, was a recent guest at Artist Mow cupied his pulpit at the Congregational Frank Kimhn and his family have Security KDKJG.. deemed. Shall continue to sell the best groc- s. church, Sunday, July 18. FRED. . eries for low cash prices. bray New Milford. returned from a visit with relatives Than The Dealer In BuHaing-- Mrs Willis, nee June Barnes, who The C E. meeting in the evening at Long Hill. Mr Kimlin is working ortunltles. Security JOHN M. SQUIRES, South Britain.Ct. has been on an extended trip to Porto was led by Miss Hazel Sherwood. An for E. W. Bull, contractor and builder. Trustee Bonds of the. Opp Bridgeport, Com. Rico, during the winter, is making AFFAIRS ABOUT TOWN.. interesting missionary program was E. W. Bull went to New Haven and OTIOE On and after May 1 I will be at my Mrs a visit. given. Next Sunday evening will be Middlesex Co. Xrt old stand in South Britain prepared to do Galpin ' George Calhoun is moving into his Hartford, this week. Banking y The Munson cottage is rented for the monthly consecration meeting of Rev F. H- & any business in my line. Thanking-m- friends new house on Treadwell avenue. the led the The - Sill and Father Allen of you say. BRIDGEPORT James Co., for their patronage in the past and solicit a October to the same party who had Considerable excitement was caused. society, by pastor. West Park, N. Y.. are guests at Kent "Strong language," AMkT Staples share of it in the future. the place last summer. topic will be "The Consecraion of our school. There are six there Call on or send to the. M Monday night, over the disappearance Bodies." boys at Bankers and Brokers, A. ' unison. Mrs C. A. Prindie has been spending to Mrs present spending their vacation. The ItO Stats South Ot. lew-day- s of two children, belonging IMS. Street. Ooraer Court. Britain, a with her brother in .New on - work on the is be- - Agent for a Booklet. Incorporated Haven. v Charles Jennings Bennett street. It Misses Wilhelmina and Frances Fan- buildings already BRICG EPOKT. OOSS. seems that after Mrs Jennings, who is ton were home on Sunday. gun. 1, a time-t- OOK. MAIN and STATE STA. Report says that Mr Clark,, who New Milford John and Mason Morrow of North- - Aug. '07, good Tkepoalte received mblert laehcek sad la. rents A. D. Woodruff's summer home, employed at the Hat shop, Mr and Mrs John P. b itch of Weston Bridgeport, Cooa. tereat allowed at i be rate of 3 per cent on bai hadjleft the house, Inez and Clifford, were Sunday guests at J. Z. Mellen's. ville called on E. W. Bull, Sunday. invest 100 or $1000. ncn of SXO or ovec 4000Farms has purchased the Seccomb place. whose to look the Mrs Wiltsie at the Manor was rather Bonds furnished. Money Makers for sale in Maine. New Hamp- You find shoe duty it is after Mr and Mrs Eh Wakeman of Lyon s - - - 806 81 Saretj will the store of J. last a Deposi s. $6,1:27 WUl Unl-hnmi- ni. shire. Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, eco- youngest child, took it into their heads Plains spent Sunday at E. C. Sher- indisposed Sunday, just little net as Tnuim or New York, New Jersey and the South; G. Terrill, North Woodbury, an would down to the river malaria. tbe setttement of Estates or in toe care of "Strout's List No. 18" describes hundreds in nomical to trade. Courteous that they go man's. property SB0O place Officer found them Mr and Mrs Rufus Frink have C. . received from SI up. generally. detail, one to one thousand acres. to treatment and are and fish. Planz Miss Jennie Mellen of New Milford just F. Johnson, Deposits Safe deposit boxes to with $20,000; with stock and tools included; dependable goods about 9 o'clock on the river bank still week Z. returned from a trip to see their Interest paid on all amounts, large rooms rent, priTctn mny bar- the rule at this store. spent last with her brother, J. for uae of customers. It is the most complete book of real farm fishing. The children did not realize Mellen. daughter, Mrs Ralph Tibbals, of South or small. gains ever issued; it ha 2ftB cuts of buildings Mrs Ella Nearing has returned to Londonderry, Vt. Mrs Frink has gone Agent, book on on P. U Holzer P. and traveling instructions to reach proper- her home in New Milford after the anxiety they had caused and seemed Miss lone Chivers of Guilford visited Little "Savings" given T. Staples. ties; copy mailed FREE if you will mention spend quite pleased with their day off. Miss Lowie B. Turney, last week. to visit her sister at Rock Hill. 306 Meigs Bldg., Bridgeport. application. this paper. ing two weeks with her daughter, Mrs end T. B. DEFOREST. President George Russell. John Hartwell leaves the latter Charles Sardone has offered his place Mechanics and Farmers Mrs of the week for Boston. at the Center for sale. E. A. Stroxit Co., John Shea and son, Raymond, Mrs M. W. Hill will resume her usual Miss Mellen New Bank have returned home after spending Jennie of Milford The Horse Market. ALEXANDER HAWLEV. Treasurer Savings "Largest Farm Agency in the World," two weeks with friends in New Mil- place at the organ at St John's, next spent a few days, last week, at New Book B-i- Wall SC.BrUoonort New.York: 150 Nassau Street; Sunday, after a month's absence. Charles Nichols' and B. F. Burr's. Boston: 88 Broad Street, ford. 1 1 i Beginning August will close my M. Barns of New York has been Deposits. Oct. 1. 1906. 3,873,773.29 Philadelphia: Ltind Title Bldg. Andrew Nearing has been boarding 6 Two FINE TROTTING STALLIONS! at the Park View house, New Milford. business office every night at o'clock, boarding at F. E. Silliman's, the past Bridgeport National Surplus and Interest, 160,661.63 Mrs except Saturday night, when I will week. Betsie Hurlburt is quite ill at 9 o'clock. F. R. Green. - her son's, George C. Hurlburt's. Dr close at Charles Jennings and son of Hoy- NATIONAL and LUTHER C. Bank. Assets, 4, 034, 454 67 B . W. Any young man having between $3000 den'sHill, have Jbeen helping Jesse H. Will Season of in Conn Number ot 11,587. Sale. Wersebe is caring for her. and $4000 he tc and flake the 1907 at My Stables Waterbury, Incorporated 19M. depositors. For Mrs Rowe is slowly. wishes invest Wheeler with his haying. of In Deposits offl sotlOM reoelred and 1st Henry gaining wants a good paying and responible po- Mrs Zma C. Beard and son, Harold. Two tbe nicest bitr horses the State. Just the kind to breed to and 215,85a credited from tbe Brat of each month. -- Andrew J. Nearing of New Milford will sell for a Capital, . nrtUi Large two year was a sition in a well estaplished business in are spending a week at F. W. get something that good price. Like produces like. is January and July of each yeas-- laoarpar-ate- d guest ot his sister, Mrs George Turney's. 1 lsTL mold new with Russell, near-b- y city will do well to look up Easton Grange entertained members National Lu'herC. heifer, milch, Sunday. an advertisement in our want columns Greenfield NatioQt&l la ft bay horse. 16 hands hlirh with Lather O. Is a handsome 'seal brown horse omoKu Misses and Marion Clark are of Redding, and Westport H Desire calf. Etta J. and write to Z X, Bee office, Newtown, lect- a record of 2.17M in a v heat race, which he 15 3 hands hlrh. sired Dy Quartermaster 2.21 Ability, Integrity and a to John I. Weasels, Prosldeat. spending a few days out of town. Granges, Tuesday evening. The wod. tie Is one of the t st. bred stallions In 11 is d im was Clara P., fun sIMer to Nellie . I Conn., for Miss furnished a most His are all size col wan Serve Yon, srsnsii &. hiorris. Joseph Whitehead ot Church hill is particulars. urer, Rockwell, the state. colts nice and with a iord of 2.2JH. His prandam Ida B. Hail. ( Vk PresUools. Henry Rothe has accepted a position and was ors and are all bays and chestnuts He was St hi'pbpr. by Moll's Independent, sun of Kys to we will Bad If Fred. drain and Feed harvesting Miss Christiana B. Hine's & entertaning program supper sired uy who whs got HauibletODlan. Luther U ' colls are that what belteva you yoa L. K. Oaltta. sad W. F. Wellington, . with Bennitt Son. serv iy lveotuekyvue-ae-n- dyk's r Dm Hrldcrport National hay for her, this week. frlnce. mis aim was Amies, uy nice size. Dice and stylish and would be imminimDot -- (citw the Prices. Samuel Porter of Goshen was in m land benina utwrw wsrv at I,owest sod of Kysdyk's Hambletonian and his grand-da- fast If they had the proper training. lie liaolc; andun town, Monday. was Widow Machree,who was by fceeley's is sire of Ping I'ong. With a rei'xird of flnanclal strength aoilaltT. J Kent. 2 arooaDt of about two mil- " Mrs Joseph Nettleton and Howard North American blur. 22H. Kesouivea to tbe In tbe The Bridgeport Trust Woodbury. Nettleton are at New Paltz.N. lions piotect the aocouot you place Homer W. Atwood, visiting TELEPHONE CO. ANNIHILATES Before you breed your marcs come and Icolc at my lio'ses and see for yourself. If you Bridgeport National nut. nriikv Feed. Flour. Coal. Groceries, etc Y. breed to a small nacinn horse or a small horse of aOV kind, of uoor :co!or. vou will never ret President. Company, FREDERICK M. OSBORNE. SPACE. your money DacK. I am home noon and 6 o'clock In evenlnK. For uediirree T. li. DEFOREST. always at at the Is. Mt.. 11 am., uasruer. ias-t-n State Oonn. Sottthford, Conn. James Osborne's son. Frederick M A party in a large touring car broke ana run lniormation auuress y. 8tstrtdeport, 39, died his home Bull's down by the Garner Benson place. and aged at in Waterbury Bridge. Arthur Bull of Kent was called SAMUEL LOWE. P. O. Box 18, Waterbury, onn. Capital, surplus undi on July 19, and the body was brought up by vided profits, Sjno.eoo.oo Roxbury Announcements. to Woodbury tor burial, last 'phone and in not far from 20 minutes Monday. LOCAL BRIEFS. was there repairing the car. The Newtown Savings Receives Deposits nb)ect tocheck. allowing Frederick Leavenworth has had the Mrs Benjamin Hoag is on the sick telephone system makes quick time. Rents Safe benoelt Boxes. misfortune to break one 'of his list. Mrs George Hallock, Sr., has been Bank. Actsna Esecnior. Administrator. Trustee fingers, her son, at Ore the or In any Charles and Mrs M. B. Lane has been a visiting Hill, past 1 I B&.1 Fiduciary Onpactty. H. E. Garlick, Buckingham family are spending weeK. 1 KOKrOUTIO to move back to Washington, -- October few weeks at Beach Park, returning Do P. W. hLAKSH. President. 1. Not Veterinary, home, Monday. Consider ORANOEMERWIS. Ww Preset Mrs Charles Parent of New Haven is KOXBCRY, OONN. Mrs John Butler entertained her Miss Ida Hallock of South Kent is Deposits Mar. 30. 1907, S934.304.05 IHftKr MA Bp a, 135-- 5. visiting at her brother's, Henry Li A or harness w hen we can iirnlMR Long Distance Telephone brother, John Peterson, and lady friend with Mrs Hoag. ner s Catalogue wagon 30,000.00 week. Mrs Adeline of sell you a letter job in style and finish at irom Harttord, last Sturges Wmgdale George Page has been in Millerton, m&ricet .naries xsiei oi jn. x., is visited her daughter, last week. JN. x as low a and an opiHir-twnit- y Assets at Tame, ,ji,7yo.4o waiaen, Mrs ., the past week, just price give you working in the American Shear and Carrie Cummings was in New Jacob Lorch hooked a of to select from 150 of the latest dol The fliddlesex Time. Knife shop. Milford, Saturday. big string very ri.nn.ita nf Ana dollar o one ttioacand Canning Mr and Mrs hsh m the Housatonic river, Satur styles. lar received from any one person la one year. We can supply jou with The Knox family entertained Mr and Walter Lane returned to day. Co. Mason or Ojrhtning Fruit Jars; also extra Mrs Northrop of Waterbury, last Sun their home in New Rochelle, N. Y., Miss Golda Hallock of South Banking .'artw nnrl and .lellv (classes. Monday. ; Kent Our Prices Are Lowest. President: DAVID C. PECK. In IS7V Mow aOth IK) VOU nave UUUIJIU Willi AOU1 day. was visiting friends here over Sunday. Always the la Its year of Tea? If so (five us a trial. We can please you Ted Sheldon and family were in Ban- Treasurer: ARTTUJR T. NETTLETON. on the nassn plane aa ft Tiers in its season. tam, last IOrwanJaed of Fruit Merchandise. Sunday. Kent. under the soperrhoon the State .tiroceries and (ieneral The Johnson Brothers have a large East Sherman. . Stats Trust Faads ssaos ot this season. the Statute of Hen. Allen crop hay Prof Frank Babbitt of Trinity is the Joyce, Charles Gill is home from Bridge To those who enjoy a good smoke, The Co Spar cent Debentures of SIM, S3BQ, Koxbury Station, Conn. guest of his brother, port. Eugene Babbitt, use the Star and Cresent cigar, at W, DerbyGEO. B. Carriage Mr and Mr John Butler a at his summer home. B. CLARK, Pitor., a. ... m gave party Hawley's store, j t ' : L. D. Sanford & m honor of their guests, last Thursday Near Co., evening. Selections on Opera House, Derby. thegramophone 76-- 5. 150 Half BUf Brinfaort, I were ea. - Telephone 1 1 T : nenjoy: .. ,1 c ,. ii inuis neauioratt j is spenamar the re mainder of his vacation with bis uncles i in Walden, N. Y. Mrs Mayland is entertaining her SACRIFICE SEWTOWS. CX)XN, nephew and wite from Meriden. Ancelot M anufartanrrs of Miss Alida C. Bradley and Mrs Alida SALE Dawson are at the Methodist camp Will make the season at W. II Automobile Tois, Canopy Tops, -- at, hiainville. Dr. W. "e s . " - 'i si meeting 5 Harvey Wilev, the fiovrmni'iii Of and liueki'-gham'- P IuTKy Cu lions. YOUR BOY Harry Potter, Mr and Mrs John Gor famous food expert, says, " For the suste- Carriages, Wagons Orenauec Farm, rni, . nance Hacks, rw of these SPLENDID EN aon ana ivjiss Acta artieage took an of physical exertion there i.s nothing Harness. Wood Ct. ' And f ms unuu-da- y (Ilotchkissville) bury, all Llnf of Trlmmltua or Oarria and not mm one auto to Savin Rock, New Haven better than starch." t W OINE8. Why give Let ithim saw your trip 10, v?e end for aria. rvod for CUalosuo. and him a start. last Corn starch is an energy-givin- g From now until August give fndder. pump your water, run Saturday. food. It Har- jedigree. wood cut your ds wUl and and do two-thir- ot the work Mrs Howard Burdick visited rela contains an ideal proportion of the sell Carriages, Wagons and vicious horses ed- Tais s 3 and requisite ness reductions Colts Hliia Dlkknn that you hire done. Made in sizes. fives m Washington, last Sunday. nourishing elements. The purest and by i..r at such remarkable i-- 8 a.as, IUVuii tled of Ooffee oa 14 Send circulars and M days free will a to humane 6 H P. for a full line of Wind Rev J. L. R. Wyckoff of the Congre the best the kind that may be made into the that insure big saving quick ucated the method. per cent trial We also have , most new cut ly Brand:Coffee. plan. Steam church in North wholesome and dishes is buyers. Allf;e;h, goods, at 6-- 3. We itJJot Mills, Towers. Wood and Steel Tanks, gational Woodbury palatable We an accumu- Local 'Phone a Dividends Payable Monthly. pound. waatowaryoaeof ouOofwcwttZ Engines. Saw Mills. Threshing Machines, gave a good address in the schoolyard xVV SJ prices. never permit toasera to (Its this famous bland a trtali they Silos, Gutters, Manure Spreaders, Stanchions. on atternoon. lation of shopworn goods. We are 1 insiat it. OvlinderOil. Farm Implement and the best bunday bound to Union Electric Company Manufactured. Send for circulars. John A. Suckley and daughter. Miss simply overstocked and are Hoofing and Mrs G. sell all. Now is the time to Of Dubuque, Iowa. Belle, George Terrill and that's ot Season 1907. fhbncm. husband took a trip m Hyland's auto buy and save a pood sum money. . Preferred Trice $1)7.50 Fred E. Field, mobile to Bridgeport, Sunday. First come, first pick of the b est FLYING CLOUD, Stock, CONN. A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs More than a dessert ; it should, as a chance ever offered. handsome let black TrottlnR Stallion a Share. Keat Batsloess A noooocenieaTts. SOflERS, food, iThe H Frederick Decker on Sunday, July 28, form a large part of everyday Ke- - weight '. liandH hinh. years old, sure Levi is his Learn cooking. Automobiles Sold, Stored, foal eetter. (Service feef 0: ti at time of serv- - Present earnings of Company suf- Drake entertaining sister, how to prepare delicious and sub- I on divi- Mrs with her husband 'and son stantial ltented. Ice. balance when proved with foal. Will ficient to pay Interest bonds, Norman, dishes from it by consulting our paired, stand at Sidney True s. Bethel. dends on preferred stock, and five per and Feed N. I four-year-o- from Orange, J. Book ot handsome black ld Livery and Recipes and Cooking Suggestions Also stallion, cent on common stock. Write for George Harris family were at which we will send free on receipt of uame and ad- farther to, Bantam on Sunday. dress Besides many unique recipes, it gives scores The Leader, particulars Stables. Gee ot helpful hints and suggestions how to make cook- Advs. lc Miss Frances of Washington better the use of Corn The Blue Ribbon Horse & will stand for service. Fee $10. All rails will Teams Faralshed Ooaamarclal Mc at Low Want spending the remainder of the summer ing by Duryeas'. Starch. receive atten' lo". BURR & KNAPP. Rates. At one-pou- nd prompt with her Mr and Mrs all grocers in packages xoe Co.. Det-vlc- l parents, Henry NATIONAL STARCH Carriage Bahkers ako Brokkbs, Gee. COMPANY. New York Conn. SIDNEY TRUE, Bethel, Ct TEC 421. m MAIN 8TRBBT. Tomploton, John A. is hi Bridgeport," Opp. Depot. KKST. OOXH. Word. Suckley entertaining K. D. Plumtrooa District. BRIDOBPOKT,. OONS. Telepbone lca--4. a nieces, Miss Kate Suckley of Bridge- 8 fHE NEWTOWN BEE, FRlUAYt AUGUST, 2, 1907.

i n i mm hi Hffii ii I, in rn nin ' 41 llMMIlll I HT Mn Hrkriltirn I Great Manufacturers Sale ino unnaing fcfr Hfi l tunic it over. OF 2 The Carbo-Masrnet- lc Razor outs smooth, clean and comfortable, leav ing: no smarting: sensation. The blades are all and elec- - OF trie tempered. Human skill cannot kjk produce greaterexactness in irrliKiintr CW than is round in the Uarbo-M- af 'or men's handsome, stylish suits that sold for $18, netics. 43 2X), $22 earlier in the season. These suits are all new Guarantee. and s Oxford. Ifesip-n- fresh from it this razor should prove unsatis- hoe and the colorings, Rochester, J. Y, factory through any defect whatso- ever in material or workmanship, we wear the agree to replace it or refund your AT hops in the spring and suitable to nearly money, whichever you wish. rhole year round. 4 Try one and be convinced. 43 3The Danbury -- Hard-g Hubbell Brothers, traw Hats and Panamas Greatly ware Co., The Corner of Good Shoes, 4$ 249-2- 51 Main St Reduced. 4? 4$ Danbury. 4$ Derby, Conn Panamas Straws portion of their wedding trip in town. Thomas Lord oi (Jhicago is a guest rere Now Were Now of his niece. Miss Ruth Smith. William fond is spending his vaca Greatest Shoe Selling Event Ever Recorded $6.00 $3.00 $1.50 tion with his parents in town. 1 In Shoe Selling History. 4.00 2.50 .25 Cornwall Bridge. Derby's 3.00 2.00 1.00 DEATH OF E. E. DUNBAR. This place lost one of its old resi dents in the person 01 ill. E. jJunbar, WORTH OF THE a survivor of the Civil War. Being DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE, twice married, for his second wife he married a Helen Swift, a daughter of noM George H. Swift, and for a period of FINEST QUALITY several years remained on a farm ad- - Big - Big ioininsr her parents, formerly belong Shoes KN nfl- Reductions on to her grandfather, ram there he 000 ii? ing Rductions an went to Derby and engaged m the on Children's errocery business, still retaining the MAIN ST JkFIELO AVE, Suits old farm which he often visited and Choicest Goods that the Boys' Suits loved. His business career was The Leading mark-e- with success and the yearnings Bridgeport. for the old farm and home became so Shoe Manufacturers in this Country w strong that some three years ago he came back to spend what proved to be the remnant of his days, which came Could Produce. to an-en- on Wednedsay morning, July 24. His funeral was held .at the home- stead on the hill and the burial was in On account of the wretched Sprinjr Weather and Backward Summer Season, the Business of every Branchville. LITCHFIELD COUNTY. the Swift plot. Puffingham. He leaves suffered two daughters, Mrs Charles Marvin 01 Shoe Manufacturer .severely. hf Newtown Bex Derby and Mrs Samuel Marvin ot Wa RICHARD HIGGINS. terbury. . - Newtown, Friday. .August 2 1907 Richard who lives north of 'Woodbury. Higgins, BASEBALL NEWS. STOCKS ACCUMULATED MOUNTAINS HIGH Branchville, died, Saturday, after a MRS ELIJAH - short illness, aged 50 years. The fu- JUDSON. Our baseball nine has riot The funeral Mrs . retired, neral was held on Friday morning from of Elijah Judson still exist and are keeping their of was son-in-la- w, they blown both and best fortune. : Sacred Heart church at Georgetown, attended at the home of her "it's an ill wind that blows nobody good" it has you us, the good Circulation muscles well, in trim by pitching hay but, de Rev Mr Shortelle officiating. The body Jason Parker's on last Tuesday and we will we sale and we wrote to manufacturer of High-Gra- Shoes, 000 x o 1 ne insteadof ball expect they Several weeks ago planned this every 1. 1MH3. was taken to Norwalk for burial in St at ciock. deceased was over render a account of themselves 4Jnuary F. B. Bouton had 80 years of age and had been a good savina: after 1st we would be in the market for desirable Stock may have on Mary's cemetery. sunerer great later. They are going down the line that July any Surplus they 4500 charge of the funeral arrangements. ior several months. after haying and those boys in Kent hand, at a price, but we never dreameatnaiso many ana sucn aesiraoie ioisoi ine very lhuilcsi kmx were it dnua al and Gaylordsville may expect a call. our own Hundreds of thousandsof dollars worth off tne finest John Coley is having his house on Get yourself in trim, Howard. They to be had at prac tically price. very quality Peaceable street Mrs Frances Minor has entertained will be in the of condition and can offered to us. More shoes we could sell in in the next two Ten improved by being her granddaugther. Miss Frances Min- pink shoes were than, Derby years. Pages. newly painted. R. L. Dwyer has the or of hit the ball if it is as large as a heap aoomione contract for the work. Waterbury and Miss Mary Shook of even if it does curve. of Great Barrington, the past two hay, R. L Dwyer of Peaceable street has weeKS. ""FAIRFIELD COUNTY. a new one-hor- se lumber he is L. A. Robinson of New Haven has wagon John Suckley is his offering for sale. nieces from Bridcp.nrvrt entertaining been taking" a few days' outing with Mrs W. O. De Forest of Nod and Mrs A G. D. O'Dell. of daughter was born to Mr and Mrs Cream was We W. York a the New Skimmed Jones of few Arthur of in the J. spent A. W. Mitchell, 22. Wedge Bridgeport many I Redding. July days, last week, in New Haven, the f town a few days last week. old Mrs Dr The vouner collee-- msn nf fhc Mvv. and .nno- - LOCAL NEWS. guests of their friend, church are to an enter- - F. Judson Slade wife spent Sat - planning give and Sunday in Sharon. " fE Atwood. near urday Dan-bu- 3 Lamineni in tne luture, consist- New-Yor- k ReVrSTrthur J. Smith of the R. L. Dwyer of Peaceable street ing of music and drama. Edward Sweny, who is in Different Lots in has : been laid for a few days with Rev Stanlev Rlnmfilr being treated for cancer, is reported church up A 1 V Jlethodist preached - ' j : T i . ! ... to be gradually failing. close of stomach trouble. He is now able to puipits wim jctev lvir F letcherovnojof Mor Our town enlivened AND ARE NOW Long Ridge, Sunday. At the ns. IMSI. Minnav. is by the pres and in most instances 25 per cent less than it cost to produce them, WE OFFER be about. ence ot several city guests, tne paid 1 1 the service Mr Smith administered Mrs H. Charles Gordon of Bristol visited his filled most the ING TO YOU VV1 n U1LY 51 y Mr and J.. Brewster of Little parents the past week. Everett house being of THEM vr rKuri auucu. the Sacrament. Mr Smith was Boston have their home full of sum- George R. Ford and fn time as its popularity in years past mer guests. ford has given it prominence among those with great pleasure. M. who have the were guests of F. R. Ford, the the -- H. Beers and son, of the traveling public, especially ld ao contract the mason work on past wees. and who are Miss Mabelle Smith of New York is for doing kj isrien s horse was drummers automobilists, the new houses being put up in Port- sick on Saturday very looking for home-lik-e quarters. vtaitt0K ber friend, Mrs Meeker Jones. land, Maine for the Gilbert & Bennett Mrs McClintock The Schutz family ot Brooklyn. JN. Co., are for some of Waterbury was a Y.. who have been several Mfssijirace of Bethel and Manufacturing looking Kueai, at. v,. a. isnam s, the of the spending Raymond good masons as. they are rushed with week. hrst days with C. L. Slad'e and Mrs John A Few Items Are Given Below to Show Comparative Values: tfltfiAYises Elizabeth and Laura Don business. Miss son, have returned home. Louis and of New Graham of New York, Miss William Lane ot New York is home n, Birdseye family Wei-derstro- Smith of New gafjfrvington-on-the-Hudso- chap Charles W. Haven and Mrs J. S. G. on a York, who purchased Coit of Roxbury are at the vacation. erorred-- br Mrs Albert Sberwood of place on Peaceable street, Stiles house. boarding have moved here and are now nicely Miss Florence Be?3H visited the Misses Carson, settled in their new home. Pra Bantam. flen's Shoes Children's Shoes Ob-erl- in is at her brother's week. - Miss Katherine Weiderstrom of visiting and sister's Ladies' Shoes this her summer m tne village. Cost to make $2.00, college is home.for Mr and Mrs Peterson of Hartford LOCAL BRIEFS. Cost to make 75c, hVBSt circus at Danbury, Monday, vacation with her parents, Mr and Mrs are of $1 C. W. Weiderstrom. guests J. C. Butler, spending a Mrs E. Oviat is in Milford Our price 48 d from this visiting Our price 48c by many Miss Lillie Franklin of Portland Av- the guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs Cost to make $2 00, Cost to make placel enue spent a few days, last week, in R. Cochrane, and her sister, Mrs John Our $1.48 $2.2?, Cost to make 1.00, Redding the guests of her aunt, Mrs The Secret Ives. price Our price $1.68 r!&I&leorge Johnson of Cong Ridge Chales Bronson. of Mrs C. Morey had the misfortune to Our price 68c ajgftgjpanied her sister, Miss .lessie hurt one of her eyes quite badly, re- Cost to make $2.25, Cost to make $2.50. A Beautiful cently. Although somewhat better, it Our price $1 68 Cost to make 1.50, to Hartford, last week, Trumbull. is still quite sore and cannot be used Our price $1.88 Our Jjii,where she was joined by her husband, very much. to make SO price 98c Complexion Selectman Charles L. Dudley met Cost $2. Cost to make $2.75 AFFAIRS ABOUT TOWN. with an accident, last week, which Our $1 89 Cost to make 2.00, steEy. The new vault at the Town hall for Now Revealed came near serious. While price Our Si 98 iTDbibhmany of Mrs Jaoces being quite price Our $1.18 friends keeping the records of the town is he was driving a young horse, he saw Cost to make $J.00, price Ryttarare pleased to hear of her now completed and Minor & Marshall an automobile coming. Fearing trou Cost to make $5.00 Cost to 2.50 of Nichols are newlv painting the hall. ble he jumped out and went to the an- Our price $1 98 make and 3.00. The railroad surveyor was at work imal's head to hold him. As the auto Our price $2 48 Our price $1 48 seem to be here, last week, a few days, surveying F mobile came opposite to him the horse make Tttle mumps rather par ahont the crossinsr lust below the depot. REE so reared Mr Cost lo $3.50, Cost to make suddenly that $5.50, as have merchant at the was Dudley $2 48 tial to Redding, they again S.'J. Parks, the What thrown off his feet onto the Our price This time the victims are Center, has had a large sale of the beauty is more desirable than an ground. His head missed being run Our price $2.98 vlsltecus. Milwaukee mowing machines and those exquisite complexion and over by the car by only a few inches Cost to make $4.00, children of New York. who them in elegant jew and his own to and the Patterson have purchased speak els. An opportunity for every worn wagon did pass over his Our $2 98 Cost make $4.00 $5.00, terms of their superior quali . limbs. The autoist carried him once price $3-4- was out of highest vuuuu a on at Our 8 J4Ja. Maude Bronson ties. Mr Parks received a carload at uulii, iur limited time to Litchfield to a doctor. Fortunately price Cost to make .5o. taw.over Sunday. the beginning of the season, but only ly. as no bone were broken he escaped has a ffw left. The directions and recipe for obtain witn cuts and bruises. Our price $a 98 S. J. Parks, the merchant at the a faultless is Hill. Center, has a one horse Weber farm ing complexion the secret Greenfield wagon which he will sell at a very low long guarded by the master minds of I will mail you free, to prove merit, Misses' Shoes Boys' Shoes Cost to make $.00, fiarure to close it out. There are no the ORIENTALS and GREEKS. . J - 'J o NOTES. se we "vjvj ubDUUiau Our - J'i' CHURCH better wagons made. Call and it. This obtained after years of work and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The cost to make $1.50, Cost to make $1.25, price $2.68 Dr Gane and family leave, this week, W. H. Hnrr is erectinsr a .new barn, and at expense. meth- Heart or the Kidneys. Troubles of - 20 x 25 his Mr Horr great It is the 98c Our 88c for a month's vacation. feet, at place. od used by the beau- the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are Our price price- the month of there is doing his own work. fairest and most mereiy symptoms or a ailment. During August S. Plumb are rid- tiful women of commondeeper . will be the. regular Sunday morning Mr and Mrs Willard Europe. Don't make the error of treat to make $2 00, Cost to make 1.50, in there will out in a handsome new two seated i una reus or American women who Cost service, but the evening ing ing symptoms only. Symptom treat $ 8 , Our $1.18 be but one service, that of the Y. P. surrey, purchased of western parties. now use it have expressed tbeir de- ment is treating the result of your ail Our price price S. C. 7.30 o'clock. D. H. Ward has a new steam not the cause. Weak stom- - Cost to make 4.00, E.. at portable light and satisfaction. ment.jand ost t 1 2 ). The annual Sunday school picnic will engine and boiler to use in connection acne nerves tne inside nerves mean Cost to make $2.50, j n ic ) Our behSMSit Steeplechase Island, Thurs- with his saw mill. This secret is easily understood and Stomach weakness, always. And the $1 48 Our $1 28 price $3.18 day,"1AKfgust 8. Every one is most simple to follow ard it will save you Heart, and Kidneys as well have their Our price price the expense of controlling or inside nerves. Weaken to-mak- to to be creams, cosmetics. these nerves, and Cost to make $3.00, Cost 2.50. Cost make 3.50. SeVfbne is requested present Nichols bleaches and forever you a beau you inevitably have at,Sunday school, August 4, and learn give weak vital organs. Here is where Dr Our $ 98 Our price $1 48 Our price $3 98 howSch may earn a silver or solid NEWS HEREABOUTS. tiful complexion and free your skin snoop's Kestorative has mad its fame. price gold pin. from pimples, bad color, blackheads, rvooiner remedy even claims to will hold their Mrs H. J. Lord and daughter, Lucy, treat the ilinsidd nerves". Also for The .Ladies' Union leave, this week, for Pequnot Beach etc It alone is worth to vou manv Beach day at "Little Bridgeport", at New will times the we ask to send bloating, biliousness, bad breath or FafrrfcW Beach, with Mrs Gane about London, where .they spend price you for complexion, use Or Snoop's Restora a few weeks. Mr Lord will Sun - to-da- noddle of Further oai'ie-ular- spend the trenuine diamond ring nf litest, de- tive, write me y for the, August. days wi'.h ins f j n;v there. sample r will be given later. auu nee dook ut esnoop, Kacine, Wis H. J. Lord ';! just nurebft-- - x ue 14 --The Tirfhcm h & of a five We sell you this ring at one small rvcsiurajJiB u the fourth week Seymour Beers, Newtown: B.lM0J2yHawlev Cn . this sale and select nic at't'uirfield Beach, horse-pow- er which he proDC anove cost. not our store what footwear of gasoline engine manufacturing The Stepner; p. J. Garvin. Hetheh s. .T Do fnrioyisit during August. will use for power about his place. He price is less than one-hal- f what others Parks, Trumbull. is also to put in a grinder for grinding The is Tree MxsJphn F. Angevine of New Pres bone and shells which he will sell to charge. recipe with every need. will more than to for future use. tnrf la Vfsitinfir her Darents. trade. ring. may It pay you buy Miss Ai Maria Wakeman is attending the poultry Free, for Catarrh, just to prove mer- you E. S. Fairchild & Son have a hand- It is a genuine rose cut diamond ring it, a Trial size Box of Dr Snoop's Ca Summer schoool at Storr's College, some new horse for use in doing their of me new sold this sale - tarrh Remedy. Let send article and will e- sparkling brilliancy guar- it ex Coniia of absolutely is a Know WE GUARANTEE every during G. A. Koos and who carting, purchased Danbury parties. anteed, very like a It white, creamy, healing, Mrs daughter, H.-J- . Lord a fine dainty, shaped balm. have-bee- n soma Mr recently purchased antiseptic Containing such spending time with Durham oxen of Hobart Beards-le- y Belcher with Tiffany setting of 12Kt. as Willis Bronson, have returned pair of healing ingredients Oil Kucaliptus, or refund if same are unsatisfactory. andfTs of Monroe for use about the White gold shell, at your local jeweler it Thymol, Menthol, etc,, it gives instant change purchases money W. Waldman and Wing Poultryfarm. would cost considerable more than and lasting relief to Catarrh of the W&$& daughter George L. Smith of Waterbury is nose and throat. Make the free test spel4 "Sunday with friends in this a week with his Mr $2.00. and see for plafceif :U spending parents, We mail yourself what this prepa Mrs and Mrs A. M. Smith, and is assisting you this beautiful complex- ration can andjwill accomplish. Address Mrs Josie Merwin has visited his his ion free when Dr Wis. Joel father with haying. recipe your order Snoop, RHcine. Large jnrs Wiggins. Bridgeport parties are looking at D. fur ring and $2.00 In money or- 50 cents. Sold by R II. Beers, New- J. Waters' place with a view of buying der, stamps or bills. Get town; B. Hawley & Co.. Stepnev, P Brookfield. it. your order J. Garvin, Bethel; S. J. Trum- in before our supply is exhausted. bull. Parks, .Rlr G. of Nichols is This offer is a -- N. Clarke sending made for limited time PERSONAL CHAT. - 3 out free samples of his celebrated only as a means of ad vertising and in- George Phillemy of Hillside, Ariz., Vegetable Liver Pills. People who are our Kodol For Indigestion and Dys- with biliousness, troducing goods. of Edward Montrose's. troubled to-da- a is visiting at constipation, Send y before pepsia is preparation of vegetable The Corner Good Shoes, Last Sunday there was a fine deer indigestion, headache, dizziness, etc., this opportunity acids and around Edward Montrose's house. should try them as they cure the above is forgotten. contains the same iuiees other round in a stomach - WiUiam Hatch of Roxbury spent ailments where pills only give T. C. nealthy It - - CONN. Sunday with his mother, Mrs Mary temporary relief. See his advertise- MOSELEY, digests wnat you eat. Sold by' S E. DERBY, Hatch. ment in another column. 32 East 23d Street, New York City. Sanford & Co., Newtown. .HHos THE NEWTOWN BEE, FRIDAY. AUGUST 2, 1907, TOWN TOPICS. finest quality shoes were offered to us. More shoos than we could sell in Derby FOR SALE. in ih t, :xt two years. We skimmed BASEBALL TOPICS the cream of the many different lots 10 of D. and paid in most instances 25 per cent pair scales. Tea The M. Read Co. HOWLAND'S LET THE PUBLIC SUPPORT THE less than it cost to produce them. We counter, and BOYS. are now offering them to the public platform hay CjtablUhed 1857 wixn a shadow of added. scales, good soda fountain oniy profit M.--Excep- The Newtown baseball team has 250 Oil This Store Closes 5 P. ting been reorganized and the team will gal. tank with pat Daily at Saturdays. play its first game at the Fair grounds, TRINITY PARISH. ent pump, good sized re this week Saturday a 3.30, when the used onlv 1 vr strong aggregation of ball tossers from ANNUAL GUILD SALE. frigerator, Bethel will be on hand to try and even Cash register No 79. Large up some old defeats that have been The Furniture Sale dealt out to them local team. The annual sale of Trinity Guild will size counter coiiee mill. August by the Several new will out xaKe piace on Thursday, August 8, be players be tried at 4 m. There All the It's and from the outlook Newtown ginningi .. j? p. . will be grind Is while present j ... At worth uj. aie Hand, will have a lively bunch. At the pres- xancy articles, home made can ing machinery consisting Opening Thursday Morning, ent time the line up has not been de- dies, ice cream, biscuit and cake. This cided on. is always a pleasant and oi puueys, Hangers, etc. The team will be composed social event in local delightful August First. to of all local players and if a good show- church annals, and vjumg uui oi Dusmess is Look the attendance next Thursday should ing is made not only as to score but as be the reason for selling. As in former seasons this Kale embraces to the crowd; more games will be large.. Come Furniture, Carpets, Hugs booked and played" during the rest of and look the ma Curtains, Draperies and Upholstery Fabrics, and certain lines nf fW.t-- the season. The cry has been raised luesday is the Feast of Transfigura- over. and China Ware. At this Store Now. "Have a local team." You have it. tion and Holy Communion will be ad chinery and see it ministered to the sick in private. B. Saturday. Sunday services: At 11 a. m., morn CURTIS & SON, ing service with Holy Communion A MODEL ROAD. and sermon the rector Stepney Depot, Ct Special Offerings. by MM - - - 1 J. J.1 1 r . iv year ago we told you how the inconveniences of at m., esunaay scnool ; at & p. m., xms PEOPLE LIKE TO BERK- - i iiiiuunoin s;u mere, is ouered in addition to the lists growth were to still both- DRIVE evening prayer. f of specially er beginning annoy. Today, they SHIRE WAY. I he ladies of Trinity Guild will Sandy Hook priced articles in tlie, furniture store but the work shows and we take courage. It will be meet on Friday afternoon at the rec but a few months now Avhen Everyone who drives over the Berk tory to work for the sale to be held on One-Fif- th Reduction. the bigger Howland's is ready. shire road is pleased with the improve- 8. flarket. August XT ! . . 1 : 1 , . . . The ments made under the direction of that r - stanch iron work is going up wonderfully. Five The sinsrinsr class will meet on Sat iiis uimiiimii oi my interest In this mar- From regular stock with two exceptions. Office Furniture and stories it public spirited citizen, Henry G. Cur urday alternoon at 3 o'clock. ketuito Is. V. tiilbert & Sons, who are wel Dining- Chairs, high towers, running from Cannon Street to Fair- tis. He deserves the thanks of us all Known totne public. I thank my patrons for On Carpets, lings and Curtaius, besides special lists, field Avenue and the town should by all means re- their loyalty to me for nearly 40 years. All and joining the rear of the store. As persons having accounts against me will pre-se- nt present imburse him for a portion of the ex THINGS OF INTEREST IN THE them for set llcnieutj and all indebted to Ten per cent Reduction it rises, you to see how much the store is to ex- not? begin just pense. Why SHOP. ic Biupietisij ujutve nnmcniaic payment pand. Sandy Hook. July 24. 1007. On regular stock. ST ROSE'S. Within that frame ia to go needed convenience D. M. To buy. a nice saddle This is an which seldom occurs every Furnished by the Read Co. WANTED Hon pony opportunity for picking up handsome for us -- rest-room- s about iuiui Address Box of and for you. Quiet nice furnished and NOTE AND COMMENT. 148, Trumbull, Conn. pieces Furniture for the home. Practically the entire stock is in the sale lavatories, fixtures that will make merchandise to An anniversary mass will be held. Midsummer, the dog star in Ihe - as (ALh--f Ine black 5 and 6 The certain special lists contain enormous s horses, easy get "-K'uk pair values, within next Monday morning, for the ceQaani, ana a lurniture sale on. iem-- oiu, weigniHiii. good all round work putting reach of at, light in plenty and down deep in the earth a com of soul repose woman Dlanmn&r for ers, sound ana city broke. II. B. Msnrer, i..vCot Muiaca me maiaii irue Home lovers big the of James Bradley. Jvery is relax Trumbull, Ct. !'.).: Route 3. Bridgeport. a waiuiuiiiiMiiiijr!, take delitrht in plete to and heat the whole store. Yes, it is August Z beiner the first Fridav of atlon and pleasure taking, and nobody ne economical iiousenoider will take account of needed articles and be plant light the month, there will be two wants ter bouse disarranged now. but NOTICE The Hoard of School Visitors will nresent masses, Sat-urda- well worth while to take a look when next at the High School on y. in 5 sucn -Building your you're at and 8 o'clock. Confessions on on, a cnance, the prices are so Auifust 10. at 9 n'fl.wl- n m t. ..v,....- - town. Thursday afternoon and evening. tempting, and the average feminine ination of teacheds for the public schools of Saturday at 10 o'clock there says: "On, 1 want this or that, a piece Newtown. All teachers or candidates not morning of a holding a certificate for the ensuing year are will be instructions in the church for furniture, rug, a dinner set, and If noli lied to be present. Per order D. the children of the parish. I can net it at those discounts I'd bet- C. s. Piatt. Chairn.an. Ihe M, READ Co. ter get it now." And good judgment, John J. Northrop, Secretary. con. Newtown, Conn., July l'4. Ko7. Bridgeport, Conn. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES. iWhen a certain air of seclusion is de A capable American HOUSEKEEPER In lady. Forty-fou-r sired in any room, there is no more de- refilled widower's The merchan-dis- e. were present at the pic- sirable window home, country or farm preferred, tiood cook store of today is full of attractive nic on the Glen, of the drapery than colored and seamstress. Best references. Address 1. Wednesday, madras. The patterns are all Wilson. (Jen. Delivery, Hridgeport, Ct. Q. N. Methodist school. The nearlyt Clarke's Sunday people in Oriental colors. th lie-h- shines Washington Mutual Vegetable Liver Pills. It's so attractive that you don't mind who kindly furninshed the teams and WANTED To buy. telephone poles In the Hav a being generous are extended thanks. through effectively, and the room is either the towns of Trumbull. bire Ins. , woa'ariul rspnlatioa for euriag Bilioaa aai DyapaaUc On spread effectually screened from outer obser Huntinirton. Monroe or K.nvtnn C S Mill. t Ailments. lor BUionaaaas. Iaai- - crowded a bit. And it's are attractive too. August 18, the choir from the vation. There are dlebrook. Route 3. Bridgeport. Conn. Haadaeha,Hi nnitlr Coastipatioa. prices Methodist church , L. will inexpensive pieces I XOOItrOKATEB ISlil. iratioi, Dixsinaas, atataay ataaa UarivaUsa. Oaoa Astoria, I., of madras, but, like everything else, it tnaa, Alajsuaad. For aal by Draf Fr sing several anthems at the - gist. aampU by maiL service. morning pays to buy a good quality. PETER H. POWELL O. SEELEY, President. IN. Those neat demin covered couches LYNCH, FRANK J. K1LBOR.N, CLARKE, - Sunday morning service at 10.45. Tor Long Hill, Conn. Secretary. N.choU.Conn. "Christian Ves- that contain space packing away Subject, Progress." clothes are a boon to the woman who Practical Horse Shoer. -- AVashin?ton Conn. I per service at 7 o'clock. Prayer meet- has Ilimited closet room. The couches ATSo all kinds of Carriage and Wniniii Re Depot, Sell Farms ing, Thursday evening. . pairing done and general blacksmltliing. And m k 1 nrl nu 1 -- ,. ri i are long enough to admit a skirt fold- an woi'K rf ed at and of course ?uiisiacuou in guaranteed. me it dcscrlpi on f your tmxm or pise length, dust cannot Furnl-liv- d ua mma uu i ao rwtu . WriM in- emit ud Ladies on IicsUlt'iil w-- and Miss Rates Farm and ial ? Men's F. re- 1 Margaret Kilbride has get in The couch with pillows makes and Live Stock. mo. cin 1o you inKHl HlniK Di turned after a ten visit in New C. F . roperty Middle Ohi 11l kimi. ia Jiixik . , Z The Howland Goods days' a cosy lounging place. A spring at- CONGER A Purely Mutual Company. No High Ton Tel.Stt-U- . y York and New Haven. on ed F.xiM'iisis. Kill Vn- - tachment the hinges enables the ton Botsford, .Conn. and at Iowcst Notch - Tailoring. to lift very easily. istent lth the interests of the I'ollcy llold- FCHNl-l-U- Mrs Levi G, Morris and Horseshoeing. Carriaire and Wniron Keiinlr- - rs. A!?1!? Wirbtaad aold. son, Curtis Ing of all kinds and Oeneral Klacksniilh. We Also P. Morris, returned, Weduesday even- aim to please our customers. S. UeUiel. Ot. Tel. Bridgeport d'T. Dressmaking:. Company, an em- AT BETTS'. closed ing, after enjoyable trip which Shop every Saturday at Tioon until KKI'ERS mm Made braced visits to until October 1. 1md7. HObKK recommend Mllvermll Ready and to Order. the Thousand Islands, M-- Sllwr Polish. Iu Hold and telephone Call i. Todd. I0&4 Try a Ladies and Oent OarmcnU Bridgeport, Connecticut. Quebec Montreal. Prime musk melons, bananas, lem i ! Mln itreeL Bridgeport. ons, etc. SAIjE A Walter A. Wood Mower, WAMTKU-Eipwt- un Cleaned. Pressed and Mid-summ- er Notice GIKL.OP&KATUH3 Repaired. sale of men's New Potatoes. . rR new. willbesold cheap. Also Oslxmie patent 1 I-- employment. leather and tan shoes and Oxfords. rakes and mowers, new. X. Mullen I ...... r rubric ire II. w Oo.. Sa.oUy linuk. oonn. All Canned meats of all kinds. Hill. Conn. 1. O. R. OJ, am to out new and te the A Address, 1. Bridge- I ready take par goods, leading fresh line of bakery goods. port. Conn. POK SALE Two hbrh irrmda typewriters Goodman & Brenner, brands, and closing out at sacrifice Screen doors and window screens. ties in my touring car, which Olfarlf DrW. A ffiul nn. t A ... Gaaaoa Balldlac. Ktwunra. Ooaa Hook Shoe te Irvtog Uoituea. tUdaeneid. Oonn. prices Sandy Store. Mennen's Talcum powder, 25c. is an up-to-ua- maciiine. i. i, Herrick's pills, 25c. Notices. KAM K. rSlMJTT. JIC Rem I bum AreoL. Attorney James Betts of New York Razorine for dull razors, 15c. Registrars lave run a car . three years Ul Notary Public ud Auctioneer. Livery. CERESOTA To women 'for is his vacation with his Wizard 50c. &td lto&rdit.ft Studies. Ufttce snd Ueprw- - collecting passing mother, oil, NOTICE The Registrars of without an accident. Terms iory. atsiu Oonn. Omoe FREE names and selling our novel Mrs R N. Betts. Beef, Iron and Wine, 50c. REGISTRARS' Town of Brldirewater. here suwi, Htdgsueia. Julett Stock Farm, ties, we give big premiums by give notice that they will be in session on reasonable. BETBEU OONX. to-d- The A ti FLOUR, send your name ay for our new interior of the store of Betts & Kridnv. lltrilst, nurl An.mtutl. Grade plan of All arrangements have been perfected the Town Hall, from 12 oVltkek niHin. mull 11 sod Tboronirbbred Jersay Out's to-da- Betts has been a new big with little work. Write y. improved by o'clock m.. on E. A. FRED KLEIN, BETBEL. oonn. The Kind you Want. profits ceiling on Ed- for the musical and literary entertain- p. each of said days, for the Scoville, At Ulackstnltb oesx PrtssWlaalas Walt Address C. T. MOSELEY - paper, put by Artist ment to be at the Town hall to- purpose or making an enrollment of the legal Uoru i Sbop Aeuuu, Wrudotua, Premium ward Peeso. given voters of said town according to their declared South Britain, Conn. Horse Shoeiar. Excellent for Bread and Department, morrow the DUDils Mrs 30-2- 1. Pastry. 32 E. 23d evening by of political preference. Local Telephone Carriage and or all bind Street, New York City. J. W. Gordon. The musicians John II. Randall, Harmon W. Treat. acid Waoa Repairlnc - Sherman Warner of young tieocrol HlacttsmUtiinir. Uorss clipping AT Driggs Brooklyn will be assisted by several scholars Registrars of Voters. dune every wee at my is passing the summer with his grand- Dated at Bridgewater. July M, 1!HJ7. h'UK SALE Bicycles. One ladles and one Ainu anaday sbop. mother, Mrs J. H. Warner. and graduates of our High school and irenus. Chaiiilcss with t'oaMor. One L.ivery Suue stauis. For Sale. also by Miss" Mabel Miss Helen NOTICE The of Weavers' Friend eariMi and Itnmi In itxwmI Good. Taylor, REGISTRARS' Registrars1 . aciaa L. C. Penders and other Second Vot ing rii-t- of order and all the tiiiinientrrmade ly the Eatay orgaa, outside taleht. The il Ik-i- n MORRIS', The Hermitage, 1775 and Newtown hereby give not ice that they will Head Maiiufucturintr Co. t. L.urllin.rw- - Ellsworth wita ataoU All ta oo4 ordar. Roller blends Digesto affair, which is under the patronage session on Friday. Aug. 21 and Kiiilav.An town. Conn. 1 eleulione. Fenn, The Grocer, of coffee command the praise of of some 12 W. U. CHAOEAVNE. AT THESkating all who use of the well known Newtown 0th. at tilover's Hall. Sandy Hook, from Contractor and Builder, a. NEWTOWN, CONN. them. At Taylor, Curtis ladies, will at 8 o clock luxui until 0 o'clock p. m.. on each of 'OK SALE Postotlieo hick Washixctos Coxa. iMroy.Oaaa, & begin promptly said for the en- 11 furniture, lixr Depot, -- Co.'s. o'clock. The of favorable days, purpose of making an etc. A in irood condit ion and very chea. Estlmalrs Furnished. Town Hall, Newtown, prospect rollment of the legal voiers of said distaict. 11. Bartholomew. Ansonia. Conn. Lbeerfully ANTED A farm- - Fat y stocked, rood weather and an attractive program according to their declared political prefer I. food Imi I , 1 1 n W h. -- . Great ence. L. 1 n.i Saturday Evenings. values just now, at the Brick ought to insure, and it is hoped will John Sanford, 1. J. Kelly. IfOK SALE A fine upriirhl I'inno In itikn! or-- K. W. Nash. BaOUsteraTa. HrtdtuM. o. Tt has store in ladies' shirt, waists and la- a Registrars of Voters ier. t .iiarineuaiu. . I. The Northwestern Mutual Life taken us dies! insure, good attendance. uatea at sanely liook. July 17th, loo; .irs.o. orniiit;. NEWTOWN AMUSEMENT CO. skirts. SALE A heavy hlack horse. Henrr . Insurance Co. Springin Painting.to bu a MO'l'IUK-T-he Registrars of the Town r.f foil 13. lH-im- t. years ourbusiness lid reputation for Miss Georgiana Minor of Middle-- will Krutfer. II. F. 1. Sleimey t'omi. issues the Hareat and SinnnaL I n1 tr- - I urai ciass nonesc worn, we intend to main- We shall have some bargains in la- Easton meet for the last time to regis- dumrment jr. Will town voters Policies. - - tain It and ask for a share of rpAX COLLECTOR'S NOTICE- - I will he at. dies returned home, Thursday, after ter the legal for their party prcferem'es HALE The farm or late H. E. PayIi 1 I . - - respectfully a your fan and white canvas Oxfords. n Poll the It. H. Hrodertck. . Th patronage. We are, Ag-r- for the X the Hrlck Butlriirg on Sat.nrdtt.v- - .In nt a visit with the Misses Scudder. tne participation or the caucuses for town Special Airent. largest fromMl a. m. 5 All new goods of this season's pat- ifticers in the com ing elect ions for 11X17. at the Itoopi 30, 62 Uannon St . Urtdirepun, CU Uvafttaca.Oows, Uaires. Kat StosrsT (Jtlrk- - Wall Paper Mills in the country. If you want to p. m., and each second and ow. every ac e mowed with niachlue; lalance ena. etc Will receive Waab Ins-to- n Town Hall in 1007. 1 Tuesdayu-.- . at -- TZT It get last Saturday of each month thereafter from terns, and are closing out at cost Easton, August i. wood and MtU'Ued mile from tev- - Deuot: "i'rr1nmrl. as . r -- right 12 m m. h James S. Frank M. Canlield. pasture. CRAFT & LYON, Con. ' to4p John Houlihan. Co. ector. price. If in need of anything in this Canning time is here if you need any Tyler. Dson. 8 miles from srood markets. Ikerby and day at LilchSeld. St.pney, Newtown, Oonn., April 4, 1907. line us a fruit see D. N. Clark of Shelton Registrars. Shelton. This farm Is one of the beat In Fair W. a. Paperhanglng A Specialty. give call Sandy Hook Shoe jars Held County. Is hi!:h. dry and very sightly B. J. BLAKEHAN, Betblebem. Store. about it before you buy. REGISTRARS' NOTICE Tile Registrarsof LiarKe noune ana barns In reualr. Ad MULKIN, p"OR SALE An extra fine young cow, three First Voting District of dress for appointaient to see property W. U. ISewtown, Conn. Hat toTEe years old. large rich milker; also a farm Mrs J. A. De Vries of Mt Pleasant Newtown hereby give notice that they will 1h t'lumo. Aumr . ADSnia. uoub. lake off your Juerst wagon. E. E. Burgess, Redding Center, Ct. Hardin George conducted service at is ve- in session on Friday. Aug. 2d and Fridav. Ainr. 1 her house by a wide DCS l runruN tAK n. St John's church, Sunday, one improviing 0th. at the Town Clerk's ofUce in the Brick ITOlt SALE The machinery comiilete for a Contractor and Mason. Notice. HIOHEST CASH PRICES paid for fat and reading randa built on the north and east sides. Building. Newtown, from 12 o'clock noon un r lour and reed null. consisting of 2 four-- Special fowls. H. R. Kri-d- p of Dean Hodge's sermons. T. til 9 o'clock p. m.. on each of said foot burr stone, with the cleaners. r'ancy Stone Work a Dry Walla, I I'treot for 505-- F. Brew is doing the work. days, for the neessary V Specialty. ui the American Ohamploa Phone b. purposeof making an enrollment of the smutters. and conveying machin- Cellar iia, etc. Chimneys Built, and Ko- - Bond Machine, Ue best tnaka oo toe legal 1 ch ehvatiug I fh Bwlrt. The Sound View hotel at Woodmont, Voters of said district according to their de- ery, Hunt whH'l. Humming uairaa. aot J.tos out. of town. Also bare ail Darts clared political preference. Kird wheel, all in gtMKi except Immi. 15--4. or can furnish uwntorniininn.at abort aad ' SALE Young real Trish setter dog. Edward is the neefl repairW S4hl Telephoki aotioe, caa FOR bred. Robert, Xelxun. Ruiroatnwn Troy's hotel, enjoying C. F. Beardsley. Thos. F. Bradley' whth will covering. ill be very .u iw ui ma aim or rrrsfl mariHaw best business since he Voters. cheap. Also one 2Miorse iwwcr horizontal C35.00 V Conn. year's bought Registrarsof ch Buys a new Milwaukee mowlnar nta-- A. it. room is now taken. Datd at Newtown. July iKtli. 17. engine and one liurr mill on a hori chine, best made machine on markiHt. W. CARTER. Batbet. Ct. Every zontal shaft. further particulars Imiutre of tle tO-t- . T70R SALE CHEAP Strong shifting wagon Notice. NOTICE The of S. 11. Hill. New MiiTord. Ct. Simple construction, light draft and very Talepboae: pol REGISTRARS' Registrarsof durable. Sold ou approval, b. Parks. l' Town of Monro', will lie In 1 rum bull. Conn. J. Conn. The Sandy Hook, Jr., baseball nine Hereafter we shall give our session at the Town House, in said Monroe, on TTANTE1 To work for some good reliable defeated the Walnut Tree Hill r rid ay. Ainr. 2d. and on b rida.v. Auir. iitli. f man. Louis Gui Wanted To To buy two yearling hulls. L. aggre- whole time to our wagon business. from 12 o'clock noon m. on IH'Pot. Conn. YOU H STOVE with Noxal. Latest Buy. WANTED 11 Water-bury- . until o'clock Steimey BLACK Fat Oattle. cbeaa Oows or Meyer Lift and Force Pumps for deep or East Main street. gation, Saturday, by a score of 7 to 2. We shall a full line of Car- each of said for the purpose ofi. nmkinx iHrf-- t store nollsb known to Bulls. Oal shallow days s aL wells. Conn. carry an enrollment of letral votei-- of said Town ac- ITOR SALE One extension top surrev with the world. Will not burn off. Trial buz and BERJaLAl Miss Annie Troy returned from Wood- riages, Surreys,' Runabouts, Farm cording to their declared political preference. L side lamps and fenders, cheap, as I have t Ull relit card of levrlrv mailed to an ad North Aveaue, BrKlcepori. Ooaa. W. B. Ct. SALE A of L. I ). no use for It. John 1 read well. eslon. Conn. dress for ten cents. taken. W. 11. Glover, Newtown, FOR Quantity standing grass mont, a , and Business Kooert Sinclair, Lane. tHU Stamps the Wake Bradley farm, Easton. Ap- - Tuesday, for stay of a few Wagons, Harnesses, Keifi trarsof 'oters. Martin. Main street, Miidtrepurt. Conn. ply on days. LfOIt SALE lam to c'ose up my busl- - f premises. Whips, Robes, Horse Goods of 1 going I s WANTED Tracts wood and timber land. REGISTRARS NOTICE The RejriStrars of nrss and wish to sell Hius, lit niml Land fOR SALE One gas range, one laundry 2'9 Main Street. Derby, Oonn. SALE 1 new milch cow and calf, a big all descriptions. We are ready to IX Voters for the Town of Koxourv herchv I shall sell to suit the customer I he following: a stove, one oil stove, one home lawn mower. Sr FOR 1 t Michael F. was i n Wood- - 15 15 one mower. will aold a a5bernao Tyrrell, pair oxen years old, good work- Kilbride sell trade. irive notice that they will lie in session on Fri- tons of old hay in barn. tons of new hay. lawn These be for OONN. T70R SALE New Milk Cow. Henry Krugei ers. John Bachman, Monroe, Conn. 'Stepney mont, Sunday. or day, Auifust 2d and Friday. Ainrust Hih. at the 10 cows. I f ull blood llolslcin due Aug. 1st. 5 small part of their cost- - R. ?L Soerrv. Marble- - STEPNEY, X Stepney, Conn. K. F. D. No. 15. Depot Route 14. ffown Hall. at 12 o'clock noon years old. 2t head of 2 year old heifers. uaie. t.onti. A. M. BRISCOE &SON. Roxhury. until 1 Painters. Decorators, Paper "POR SALE ons 9 o'clock p. ni., on each of said days for the casks of gtMMl cider In new casks, pair bay riaarer. - Pair good work horses, grey it OR SALE Antiaue Miss K and V none L(Ol SALE A Ikjuglass power pump, fine First Class Work rea- ond one brown, true in all high hoy; recently put Ella Blake passed Sunday in Sandy Hook, Aug. 1, 1907. purpose oftiakim? of the letral horses, weight .iiu. years s. I Oaaraattied. Prtoas - 2800: harness, weight. in splendid condition. Mrs C. H. Gay. voters of said town to declared nuir bav horsivs. weight 2.o aul t years order. BEE 'IB. Co.. Newtown. Conn. ralimatea also one roan horse, weight about 1250; Newtown. Woodmont. according their a I cladly givea. buck-boa- rd fast walkers and good rami tkam. bay farm will work anywhere, fair driver: also political preference. 8 LX1KSA LK Bound Oak new John w. Minor. . II. Hurlburt. horse years old. lhio. right every way and Large : parlor nors, buggy almost and one Brewster - 1 Hi5i gtMMl No 20.guod as nnw alsoamall oarlor stove. Of side bar also set of double a Mrs M. A. Corbett visited in Dan- Registrars of Voters. fair driver. bay horse driver and 11 all kinds repaired at buggy; heavy work f nted A woman for general linnspwoi'k. Baseball Nine Dated 22. 1SH7. worker andsound.tl brown mare for both fine beaters. aL amlui. Mawtown harness complete, 825. L. P. cas-sed- Danbury at Roxhury. July fcarhss repaired at reeaoaabie Conn. price Boyson, ii iurs f. iu. New Milford, Conn. czi bury, Wednesday. vs. ladies, fearless and will work anywherv. 1 bay street. Oonn. Clocks BrloM. RawM W n. . . . Koxbury. "REGISTRARS' NOTICE The Registrars mare extra gtMMf ilrlver fearless (a faniily auiii, Ooionlal Clock or Omadfatbee tiktck tba A 150 xtiof oters for the. 1 own of Sherman 3 full bhMMlcd Iterkshin' sows due in needs repalrtae so It wiU raa farm of to 300 Mrs Thomas C. on hereby hirse). 1 aocaratelyt If WANTED productivea Piano Keane returned New Milford, give notice that they will lie in session on Fri Oct., 3 new single carriagvks. 1 tntrfl nearly Special Notice. so I am prepared to serve roa. 1 ref r mix t with privat lake or bordering oil Tuning. - S't . I I Dermiaston. P. a lake. Must in Friday after a week passed at Tren- day, Aug. 2d and Friday, Aug. h. at the business wagon new. new Dewed loAUlaw otnlta. Editor of Tai be Connecticut or Dutchess Max A. well known On Imperial Ball Urounds. sew Milford on 12 M 2 -s 3 Having c Uie Blacksmtta wawwn so oJd or iN. Y . Grass, piano tuner of ton, N. J. 8. town Hall. Sherman, from o clock noon un burn gear axle. extension oaa, iur i n iioieq Its vlt uummuia counties. State full pa ot & THURSDAY, 'ALUIST . H I I I hnn at ITnoer sieimef. am now readjr to do a oio ciock. K. K. ticulars and price. B. C. E.. care of Newtown Bridgeport, Conn., formerly Steinway til o'clock p. ni., on each of said days, for the ions. tKliorn mowing machine. McCormlck. Wacoa aveoal newtency uoioaiai Meeker, JNewtown. conn. Sons la.tr.. N. Y., and successor of late Fred ournose of making an enrollment or the legal horse rake, l.i smiiu1 liana wagxms all kinds. liorsuahoeltig. (Jarrlatfa ud - rr iee, Beyer, will be pleased to attend to Piano Mr and Mrs M. G. Keatinsr. Miss B. The Game of the Season. m 6 ing and Uenerai Blacssmita. Stoop Closed oat- Tun' be your Star oters of said dist rict according to their de sets double harness light and heavy. single arteroooo at 5 A Kg. Orders may left at Mr Charles S. C. Keane, M. L. Keane, Thomas C. clared ixilitical preference. laruesses. if one wants ihe lusiinss he uruay o'cloca. TITAN TED woman to keen house for Piatt's, Newtown. Will be in Newtown T?OR SALE Two covered mea carts.- En-- Ian' ini-i- i n r irst Class Work uaaraateeo. every W. and M. A. Charles C. Stevens. Leslie L. Judd. can have It. have etgtne-- years at 1 three on larm. To take fill c harirp month Bridgeport address 4i8 West avenue. Keane, C Corbett Cor of Minott Augur or A. M. Briscoe I till and sftfr Julv mr terms will be strict Edw. W. Twist. R, F. D. 17. ouire - Registrars of Voters. the same stand an there Is pleuty of business Sandy Hook, Conn bett attended the funeral of Mrs James Sandy Hook. Hated at Sherman. lsmr. I'Vi-r- I am to I ly cash for all work at my sbou. Free TOR SALE CHEAP Oood work horse, a Keane of July Istli, flay. simplysome going iutt. Rent Some seasoned cord wood good meat cart and set of double harness, Bridgeport, Sunday. have on band uuffiilsiietl work and STEPNEY. Mill property at Sandy Book. Onaa lean WANTED V. "REGISTRARS NOTICE The when that is completed I will out tbr OB.1N. I P. and s.eaaa. MilL Ice for want of use. A. Followinsr 5 V I Registrarsof Lare store koaas Valley Co., Bridgeport.Ct. Canfield,Newtown, ct, The Articles At oters of the Town oi riimtmll will Ih balance of my horses aiifl wagons. F. J. Henry Pettit, sou oweiiuacs one sail mile from aaUraad. l nomas iNaynor, wno sustained a Si store 30. 07 session at the Town Hail. Friday. August 2d. Hosford. New Preston, Conn. IO0 reet from ail pa bite For cash at the Tuesday. July SUh.llHii. I?OK HALE CprlKhtUraed Piano, rstciasa Twel ve beudtes ot tMvu. shock a short time ago, has gone to and r riday. August rcspectlvcly.from -- laae. moaU rree reet to Um 11 12 M o'clM-- r make, used only a little: out marred; ele rbrbt live his m lbs. Granulated Sugar. o'clock noon until in the after rt WO EXTRA FOX HorN! P I PS for sale or w li- with sister Danbury. 1 lb. Corn of those elec- gant mahogany case; brilliant tooe; arras vr .Starch, noon, forthe puriioso enrolling 1 exchange for graphophone eu selllnic aa I have BAo-- r -2 lb. 50c-- Tea. tors who may desire to iu the li for several years. Am 1 participate pri Slale. Cornwall ridge, t'omi. casa and pkg. Cocoanut, maries to lie held after August, 1!M7. The lost my husband. Will sell cheap. All "VOTICE tae of Men's boys' negligee shirts. 1 -- not Address UN W. B. Sw Box 4a. Hereartr serrloes my bail 1 pkg Uneeda Biscuit. Registrars will retain the namesof those el r To buy second hand cook stove oecessry. 11 wlUbatL TeratsOaaa. F. IV. PlatuStsw-tow- a, just the thing for an August vacation. tors heretofore apteartiig on the primary list WAXTKlt-fi- or wom! with reservoir. Mrs noxoury maiion. oonn. Ooaa. At I aylor, Curtis & Co.'s. unless reouesteu to transfer or erase the same. Henry waiting. Newtown. Conn. J. H. Arthur K. t'lunib. t rederick.L. Turney, TMPOKTANT NOTICE Am bow located at Cassidy, Registrars of Voters. ANTET A man a hltehead's Blacasmltb hboo at Roatmrf Charles Peterson New South Conn. Trumlmll. 23. 1!H)7. married to manage Oeoter and am iirfiand to do faoragsbosAns. of Haven was Britain, July w ox shoelnit. carriaire and wacon and 'Mrs Carrie Simpson, a Sunday visitor in town. for the right man. A. N. Wheeler. Sotith- - oiac asoil Also allrepalrlns ma- SAEE--- A horse. "VfOTICE The Registrars of Voters will - thing. klnosor First Claaa TOR good gentle driving J own on bury. Conn. chine work and soldering, done. ISbop opee Draaaatakar, Emil Haefel rvew Milford. Conn. ikj in session at the Clerk s othce week 7 m. e m. 2 12 f-- days from a. to p. Ttcicpkuee FAIRBANKS William Kilbride and Miss Kil Friday. August and Augnst s, from K 2 show cases. A and li-- 66--, Ooaa. Nellie W SALE glass calls Boa Hiwurnut, noon m. on s i and Andrew Pocbala, Gowns bride of were over o'clock until o'clock p. each of I long.I Ad.lr.-s- B. 11.. Bee Oilhf, Newtowiu bury. Oonn. Latest Style Bridgeport guests said days for the purmise of making enroll Conn.f perfect at soars a toed. bunday ot their parents, Mr and Mrs ment of the legal voters of said town accord- - ATTENTION I will ! li-t- FARMERS. boy yoor Edward Kilbride. ing to their declared iKilitica! preferences. Bt IAKI) at Breezy Crest In chickens alive at the best mar- LXJK KEsT From aboat An SALE Charles C. Ford. Arthur C Titus. COl'NTRY have a few choice rooms tha Head W. S rust Ui FOR s ket price and pay postal to J. locatod N Alldrt-s- cub. auM isaaUy ia AT A EAI.GAIN Ivcgisl rars of Voters. nn not taken nfttkr August 15. A. C to I Mi H. 11H17. - Is-- 3 uon. Locust Avenue, uaaoury, ut. Stracv. lama caraoa and yard: aiso bars: Gas Elizabeth Egan returned to Washington. Cor.u.,"July 2i, Lake. R. F. I. Watertown. CL Telephone sua r . w. isoai mtswt Newtown, Monday night, with her un gy jl uioii'e Uert Cedar 18 in. long. WiMMlbiiry dlv. GUI OS -- Shingles. n. Rev E. t eoar lti-i- cle, J. Egan, after a month's 1 .mrm ry itea Shingles, long -r new RunalMHit Ruwr i ,.,,i I?oR SALE I have on baud three slx-f.- a- BI'YS A NICE PAIR Poultry Yards;' Nru. sojourn at N. 1 - ImfimSE t Seabright, J. buggy. Pneumatic Ruiia'b'ont.-secoii- hand Iiccring Mowing Machines and two Inher- ' closely matclnsl. nlj RIDoTflttfi, COME. I SS: Must horse rakes I will sell at to lanraiid very k.wmiIi; MhjTh'mvii at pas- lie sold at once room. ing that - ar!rmrrr:r t V to make them out. are tm- best I is ill ture on tie farm f F. I'lwkr. Newtown Frank Carroll clear They here . ix-mt- . C. of Brideenort nassed A. t". Ii Stre-t- I'. Ittirr, l.iik T'lnili tllt.. Black Orpingtons. t llie market. Lake. Uct ('null. bunday with his family who are living 8. & Co., Telephone ls-:- t, WtHHlhtiry div. Sandy lltHtk. S. C. White Ljesbonts. COAIi!WILX1AM ines m tne Carroll place in the Glen. Hawley Stepuey. Table ami Fjrjr for llatrhlrur. EdAN. Eng SALE New Oliver .VI t'writcv. Airi'in. sih 'i:i: I A ITS :i U t ; and a i. ltroil--Fa r rjrir. In- - 1 . St. FOR V. Ii .Sc A , tjim: t I'ralrle Male 1 U kflhlU. Slilil 'nu. r ii. iMnalle ami Itn.HliT. i. . I t Vard at W Ii x Saauiy Hock Miss Edna Kilbride at - ill iii:itl nit ini'iii ?, Ia-- I Ta!eib-a- c S-- 4 t$tattc. passed Sunday WANTED. A t do I. tin- I w I .loumnltiv.- Uan.l. t hirlt Markers. " woman walilur f in! d i ll :umI all wti It k"t-- n ! Bosford with Mr and Mrs M. F. Crowe. WAXTl'.li-- ." iu:im KMiinni,- for omidt-i." l.l-r- I'owltrv fSS ltttX :M. Newiown. la t in-- I --. I ? a of y-- fl ami iait ifii Alt nt II. AiidlaiH--- fra r FOR ALL PURPOSES By ''aiiUeo' twont ve, ai-l- i aij" Har-rai- ii iiimtr, slid Laljur tinr . TX(K MA LE- p-- of l.'ack rar-ol- 4 I at llt IN'Vlil-- -l who is noncst. intlustrions tniil'iel . Walnut for ui I A and tlunnfrhl.v prifi-s- If Inieni-- in lHtr souad aad trratior slacla. A event manufacturers' sale of Shoes capablt farnior, addicted mit1ur mr I imitwriy a."w loa. a atne tolar- - of any ion let me know fT II V V ICF.NT. n a .nirs- - In s.rrrfim.arMl pair, or willsrai lexrii lla-kit- and now is. W l. the for a. Oxfords is in full swing at AN You eol"re alnut a' v s a ramiar pair. U. H, A aaL Ucmm , Home 'ol. Inc.. enllllt-- oil ot OPPORTUNITY Down ? tiitiiey. leuh. UUI. Ooava. Uouid Erida-BporC- Broke . u.i Hubbell Brothers' store in Derby. It to take cliarire of your farm or country place. ilford. t'tnin. frm ?JiMtortiMo luiy or build a iMHiat. x rS i. i. We are Agents for them. will be the greatest shoe selling event jvueuess. 11 IM," Ves. Vlni did evt IUMS With lutltvldu:tl for or tiiui ry. at a ?.l tf only 3 iHTivnu 1 our . Care Newtown ytu PKOBATIC y un-s- at ear fare In ami return Iu of J ever recorded in shoe Newtown Bee, watron? Vtst. That's reason. often unsafe and hi-- . paid n' any pan Derby's selling your iit the Male if if lake a CUy ! When want a Yaron or Carriasre wtil to heirs. Mk a friend to ro Id-a- nmtnrL history. $15,000 worth of the finest SALE One extra tine hisrh bred mare you that IsfrWtory and l luuirlil. sold or e- - i Give us a call or write for FOR hands hitrh. 8 I vears I". stand test everywhere jfo to on your bond, ftir he would alwnys rather roc Country Klate particulars. quality shoes, the choicest goods that old. ii. Kohlar, bus'misstn on Hro-b-at fbaniiel. all imris of this Male. Janm J. I Wanted. shoe Lontr Hill, Conn. Itisour klmWat of bonds.security llroidiey, Male Ketresenls(ivt--, iH Ciraud Su." the leading manufacturers in the and all otbtu Telephone ii Conn. A com could On account SALE--- 2 1S00 for information any evening V. S. Fidelity A la bury. intent girl for sreneral country produce. of ffOR good work horses from to R. & Oo.. Charles J Morula, Newtown the wretched weather and back 1K) each. 8 and 10 (years old. A. Uubner, Hatch Sons, Guaranty II A N ( K lr rami- - to mr 31. housework. Wages $16. Address spring t. 1). New ST l- -plsoc July- summer lb. Newtown. Conn. Fairfield. Conn. Representative. ranrtthave t he miuf provlna- uru-ert- y ward season, the. business of "ii"'rami inir Jouu LOCK every shoe manufacturer suffered se Ti'OR SALE t resh cows, forward snrinirers. Ni'wiann. paj rbinpn. Frank, br. BOX 275, Several weeks we t -- year-old Heifers, yearling- bull. Amos New Milford, Conn. verely. ago planned id-- 4, -- ana we to manu- - x, camp, xet. Hawleyvllle. PiHSAI.K-Klir- ht m siandiiuc rrass. 1. tnis sale wrote every To T Neatoan. 1'oihl T. E. PLATT & lacturer oi nign-graa- e shoes, saying FOR SALE Durham heifer 4 years old. new he Farmer. SON, V-- ld that after July 1 we would be in the calf by side. E. E. Huntley, Cut TO BI A few fat two-year-o- IT IS A PROVEN FACT G. WANTF.lt Uox-bur- market for stock ler's Farms, Stepney Depot. f. Coggswall acts as the farrasr'a agaat. If lhay My run Thouia. y. 53-- 4 any desirable surplus Conn. Tel. 7"i-- li 'Phone NEWTOWN, CON. TfOR SALE havs or farm and That tho Orient Burk hoard is a rar for dura-lall- ty they may have on hand, at a price. - close sprlng-er- D. C. aaj Poultry, Eggs, Applss. aT producs Peck. Newtown. waat to gat tha cash asd ratu-n- s sand it to fAI.F. head and mmnnr. and for routrh and but we never dreamed that so many bighaat pries quick It of evtra - maid mules. servloe In all sections of mdr m. Also aaalar ia Raal Anj one whliiiur tt buv a on tt- ... 1.. u the ana sucn Estate. k what the road eondlltona aesiraDie lots ot the very FOR- SALESix grood business horses: 2 sets pli-- from Ihe lou are may oTPiiJ. - 1 They all kind and will Kt U within Use choicest goods were to be had at prac- double harness; one rubber tire 'sui '. work-an- where. All under years f mm. paid next thirty oays! our steel tire one harness; tt fttrli Imm 2HK) tically own price. Hundreds of 1 onranrunabout;or pair heavy ELIZABETH Sni to pounds iht pair. Ap- parlor exchange for horse or hay W. . to the manamr of New BeU.eL thouanda of dollars worth of the very O. A. Uarhltc,3K3 Warren G. COGGSWELL, HTHKKT. ply the MAYHEW, c St., Bridgeport. Quartz Co.. Koxbury Kalis, Conn. Telephone 4aW-- r


W. W. Wbeeler, for a few weeks' stay. wide circular veranda built on the front side of it. A. H. Senior has the Mrs Bell Horan. Miss Grace Bassett, contract. and Paul Bassett of New were Dr F. L. Olmstead of South Hiven, For that Norwalk was the guest, last week, of guests, last week, of Mrs George P. I his son, L. E. Olmstead, in Elmwood district. Store Closes o'clock Pierce. t. xs. t rencn. the urv Broods mer at 5 Daily Excepting Saturday. Miss Elsie Seeley of Water ville Is chant, was in New York on business. Dandruff last week Thursday. spending a few weeks here, tbe guest Arthur Meade of Wolf Fits is rding mm of First Selectman and Mrs T. F. out behind a stylish stepper, purchased There is one thins that will or iNew jvuiiord parties. Women's Cosy Bundles Checked Wbetler. cure it Hair Vigor. Josepn k. achat oi JJodrinfirtown is Rest Room INCORPORATED 5 Tree Ayer's a barn near his new f2. who was scalp-medicin- e. building large Second Floor. for N. Curtis, the butcher, It is a regular house on the hill. The foundation for OUTFITTERS TO MEN WOMEN X. CHILDREN shopper. quite ill, a few weeks ago, is now able It quickly destroys the germs his new barn is completed. George BRIDGEPORT. CONN. This will be Miller and red Curry did the work. to be about again. good which cause this disease. Phillip Sc hnabel has the contract for news to his large circle of friends. The unhealthy scplp becomes building the barn. son of Mr Mr and Mrs Steib of Milwaukee av Master Webster Shepard, healthy. The dandruff disap enue had . twin girls arrive at their C. A.-- who was A home on Monday, 22. They and Mrs Shepard, quite pears, had to disappear. July ; now tipped the scales at 18J pounds. seriously ill, last week, is gaining healthy scalp means a great deal Mrs barah K. b isher is having a ito no dan wide veranda built on the north of her slowly. you healthy hair, house, corner of Center and Chestnut A N. Wheeler and family of New druff , no pimples,no eruptions streets. A. H. Senior has the con The bind of a testimonial tract. Before a weeks here best Haven are spending few "Sold lor over Mrs W. A. Mc Dowell Center Inyemteiry sixty years." of. a few weeks in New at this place. Made J. C. Co.. Lowell, street is spending A by Ayer ox Ms. N. . with TOrs G. is Also manufacturers ark, J her daughter, Attorney Porter Wood enjoying SARSAPARILLA, George A. Smith. his summer vacation from his work in PILLS. Keuben M. Gibbs and family of Gold CHERRY PECTORAL. en Hill, in company with Rollin Frink Waterbury at his pleasant home here. yers and family of Kent, spent last week at fcock Kedmctio: Sale. who had the shore at Compo Beach. Harold J. Beard, has charge Mrs A. B. Lockwood, who has been of A. N. Wheeler's farm here, moved taining a number of friends from New quite ill at her home on Greenwood Copyright, HJ07, by now and his back to his old home at Mil-for- York. avenue, is gaining slowly L. ADI.ER BROS. & CO. family able to be about her home. We final be- last week Friday. Mrs Grimes of Laurel Hill is build- Last week Saturday chicken thieves take Inventory August 7th and the reductions quoted window on the east side of stole 25 fine young broilers from Mr Mr and Mrs H. M. Smith of Newtown ing a bay and Mrs flock of hens low our to clear out all broken lines off her house. Joseph Moyan's express 'purpose irrespective were royany entertained at dinner, in Elmwood district. D. S. has Miss Irene Judd of Maple street has former last First Selectman and The local merchant, Mead, been a few in Norwalk prices. Friday, by a stock of fruit for canning spending days Mrs T. F. Wheeler their good jars with friends and relatives. at pleasant purposes. c home. - Mon- onsignment Work on the new plant at the Monroe. ! T. F. Wheeler has been appointed arch Mining Co. 's is now being rapidly one of the appraisers on the estate of pushed andit is hoped in a few weeks AN ATTRACTIVE ENTERTAINER. A Stirring Sale of order. Sale the late Andrew Hendrix of New to have the plant in full running Samuel who a lot in Valentine, has Haven, who owns a large tract of land Nathan Couch gave a very pleasant the Center where he holds entertain As has been our custom at this time of the on Hull's Hill near the Housatonic entertainment in L. Quinn's apple ments every evening has been in Long year which was well to have large quantities of Merchandise sent to us river. Mr Wheeler was in New Haven, grove on Laurel hill, Hill and Stepney, this summer, and Women's Wash Dresses. 1- attended and enjoyed by all. There besides most exhibi to -3 giving pleasing from the large Manufacturers dispose of at last week, appraising the property were selections on the graphophone, in lines of 1 -- tions the various of work, to 2 of their former value. Mr of New Haven is Mr Couch I there. Lloyd movine pictures and music. which he is aierfect master. He has The time has arrived when all of our wash dresses must be cleared out. So we make sharp on estate. even - Men's Suits, $4.98, 6.50, 8.50, 9.95 to 12.00 the other appraiser the received thanks for the pleasant made a lot of friends, being a most reductions on the eve of inventory, to insure an early and complete clearance. Karly- buyers tret Men's Pants, $1 , 1 .50, 1 .98, 2.00 to 4.50 ing they had all enjoyed. social and genial man. In his medicine first choice of our choicest lines. Men's Underwear, 25c and 39c FAIRFIELD COUNTY. selling he is very liberal and fair, for of medi At at I)res-- s fine Men's Half Hose, 3 prs 25c New Fairfield any one not getting a benefit $3.50 were $6; $7.50 were $10, Lingerie Junior of lawns ami dimities, 2 25c cine purchased is welcome to their pur in pleasing plaids and dot effects, the season's most itopular models. These dresses launder per- Fancy Hose, prs Georgetown. SILVER MEDAL CONTEST chase money. At the end of his stay fect I.v. Children's 3.98 he a handsome silver serv Suits, $1.98, 2.50, 2.98, 3.50, A silver medal contest. Wednesday gives away BUILDING NOTES. ' 7, at .8 o'clock, will be ice to the lady receiving the majority evening, August of of votes. At Mrs Edward is that another year the held at the Congregational church Long Hill, Finest Princess Lawn Dresses, $14.75, Sale It reported New Fairfield. The classes are com Lyons and at Miss Carolyn Special of Men's, Ladies' Gilbert & Bennett Manufacturing Co. from Stepney, i posed of young persons King's Osborne were the fortunate ladies. 12 more double and New Fairfield Formerly $18.50 and $19.75. are to erect cottages Street. Great Plain As an comedian or and Children's Shoes. six are now on Two of the contestants have this year Irish plantation like the they building coon Mr Valentine is a Railroad avenue. won college prizes for oratory The great successi A group of very, dainty lawn dresses, bewitchingly beautiful Princess models, with fine musical contest will consist ot piano Informer he has in the names ot years played lace insertions. These dresses launder perfectly. ' The & Bennett solos. The following are the leading theaters in all the cities Gilbert Mannfacturing the contestants : Oratorical, August- large Co. are soon to erect two large build- us Brundasre. King Street : Mrs Ernest of the country. for the manufacture of fine wire Miss Edith Clarence ings Taylor, Patterson, - Women's Linen near the road on the west side of the Patterson. Great Plain ; Sarah Tread- Suits, 6.90, 7.50, 12.50. well. Hattie Woodin. Effie Mallett Easton. factory yard. The surveyors were at Elethea Brush. New Fairfield; Musi Values up to $18.50. w6rk laying out the positions of the cal, Paulina Taylor, Edith Patterson, THE LACONICS OF EASTON. new last week. The build Xe Sands. Great Plain : Effie Mallett, buildings, ' Final clearance of white and colored linen and union linen the smartest models of the to be 150 x 46 Emma Brush. Bessie Hatch, New The farmers round about are active suits, 1 ings are each about feet, 'w Fairfield. Admission 20 cents. Children in in their hay. lhe corn crop summer exceptional values which deserve prompt attention. These dresses launder perfectly. HEAD TO FOOT CLO THIERS. two stories getting coat-suit- s, high. under 12 free. is growing apace. t ruit seems to be Our choicest linen some with silk collars and cuffs liave been reduced from A. C. Churchill has the foundation plentiful. Religious interest is develop $19.73 to S14,7i. ing. People are attending church and Bridgeport, Conn. fcr his new, barn in Little Boston dis Sherman. Sunday school in goodly numbers. The trict completed and will begin the car Congregational pastor is expected A Special Sale of penter work in a few days. R. L. MRS CHARLES HAWES. home, this week. The Baptist , par sonage is taking on a residential as Dwyer is assisting him with the work. Mrs Mary Catharine Wheeler Hawes, pect. It now appears as if some one wife of Charles Hawes. passed away were occupying it. The garden is be- Children's Wash Dresses. Rev N. H. Hudson spent last Satur- on Thursday last, after a short illness coming an object of interest. Profit with Brierht's disease, aged 57 years. able are held in the middle of NEW HAVEN COUNTY, day and Sunday at Roton Point with She was a daughter of the late Perry meetings On the eve of inventory we make sharp reductions on our entire line of wash dresses for - the week. About ten young people friends. Wheeler of South Dover, N. Y. Mrs will follow in on girls from G to 12 years. The collection includes, white, pink and blue reppe and dainty colored Newtown Bee. was noted for her kindness of Christ baptism the The Mrs Charles is seri- Hawes first Sunday in August. A Baptist ginghams, in the latest trimmed models. The reductions are decisive and final: Southford. Jennings quite heart, and was noted as a most hospit Young People society has been or ously ill. Dr Stevenson is attending able and generous entertainer. The and was attended on Sat-- ganized they held their first regu $4 Dresses, now $2.50. $5 and $5.90 Dresses, now $3.50. HOWARD HICOCK INJURED. hef. Dr Gorham of Wilton was called, funeral largely lar meeting on sunaay evening, juiy By last iri consultation. urdav afternoon from her late home. 21. The of those present : Pqbijshid week, E. P. assisted majority Fine white linen sailor dresses, blue and tan sailor collars, and 7.50. reduced from 7.50 THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANT. Last week Wednesday ' Howard Rev Herrick officiating, took part in the meeting. A lawn $5 Hicock met with a serious accident at Mrs F. B. Bouton spent last Friday by Rev J. H. Davis. The pall bearers will be held and me and 10.00. - were Ex-Senat- or Daniel B. Mallory, party presently the factory of the Diamond Match Co. in Ridgefield with her sister. annual Sunday school picnic will fol John H. Duncan, Charles Johnson, low. All are invited to join these gath Mr Hicock and W. W. Wheeler were Mr and Mrs Brown of Smith Waller and James H. Stuart. i'asc vobiscum. A Sale of ALLISON P. SMITH, Sylvester Nelson F. - erings. Credo, Big President asd Editor. repairing machinery overhead in the South Norwalk were guests, Sunday, Funeral Director Hunger- ARTHUR J. mill when Mr Wheeler went to strike ford had the arrangements in charge. SMITH, Treasurer, of Mr and Mrs H. S. Bennett. Hill. Secbktart,and Business Manager. a blow with a heavy hammer, which Long Women's Fine Waists. L Alexander Shelton of New" Haven, Mrs Susan Washburn has returned aft HENRY M. SMITH, turned in his hand and slipped, hit Before we cut the on our choicest summer waists. Vice President and ting Mr Hicock a hard blow on the an expert wire maker.has recently tak- er a pleasant visit at Pawling, N.Y. THE METHODIST CHURCH. Just inventory prices Fascinating Qiniral Agent. en a with the Gilbert & Ben- On next Rev W. models of batiste, and finest French lawn, embellished with hand embroidery, and Irish point lace. forehead and knocking him senseless. position W. B. Hawley, the popular mer Sunday E. Patchin must cleared He was taken to his home and nett Manufacturing Co. Mr and Mrs will conduct services in the church in These are the season's most select styles and they be before inventory. quickly chant at the Center, has returned from the morning at 10.45 and in the Dr Green was summoned, who, aftei Shelton are making their home for a to Mass. evennig At $7.50 Waists that have been $8.90, two models. Mrs Bennett trip Boston, in the hall at 6.45. a Tear, 75 Cents for Six Months. 50 working for some time, the present with Janette At $7.90 Waists that have been $ 10, five models. Gentstl.E6for Four Months. Four Cents a brought Mrs E. A. Wood. . Mr and Mrs J. Vincent Walsh and At $ lO.OO Waists have been $ 12.50 and $12.90. Copy. him to himself again. Mr Hickock, al- and THE LIMIT OF LIFE. that is now baby daughter are at their home here though seriously injured, gain- Two Methodist ladies in good and for a few weeks' slowly, and it is in a few ent to sojourn. Tbe most eminent medical scientists ing thought regular standing Danbury the " weeks will be able to be about again. week of the horse races and it is ru- Miss Ruth Rogers has been visiting are unanimous in the conclusion that $2 75 White Waists, $200. Newtown. Conn.. 2, 1907 " at N. Y. the generally accepted limitation of Fridvy, August mored by their friends, witnessed Stuyvesant, human life is many years below the A very special offering of fine entirely new models just from the factory of sheer white T. F. Wheeler was in Hartford, last some of the races. But nothing is said J. F. was so -- unfortunate attainment possitile with tbe advanced lace and extra value at $2. ' Bidstrup or race now lawn, embroidery trimmed, .special week Thursday. as to whether they went so far as to as to fall in his barn and severely Knowledge wtilcn the Is . possessed. The critical that bet on the is one-knee- period, Michael King has left Disposition at winning horses. It strain Dr Sidney E. Smith, determines its duration, see us to be A Great Sale of it will not to the ear of the HO: TlLIIFEONS, 4 the Diamond Match Co.'s and gone tc hoped get who was nearby, was sent for and at bet ween 50 and the Droter care of Winsted, where he has taken a tion. pastor, as he has been away on a va- tended to his injury. the body during this decade cannot be posi cation. too strongly urged: carelessness then Daniel Laughlin of Quakers' Farm Guests at the hospitable home of Mrs being fatal to longevity. Nature's Women's Silk Petticoats. Mr and Mrs Frank J. Williams of Susan include B. N. Dis- - best after 50 is Electric Bitters, ; assisted James Pinkerton with his hay- A. Rumpf helper Advertising Rate Portchester, N. Y., were last' the scientific tonic medicine that re vl Regularly $15, Reduced to $9.75. ing, last week. guests, brow, Arthur D. White, Mrs Ulrich, v lw lmo 3mo 6mo week and Mr and talizes every organ of the body. Guar -- yeai Thursday Friday, of Miss and Miss New 2 Inch 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 Richard and Ulrich Ropes of an teed by It. H. Beers & Co, Inch 1.00 2.00 : 4.00 6.00 10.00 Cody, Harry Ingraham Mrs J. B. Williams. York. Betts & Before reductions touch our finest taffeta silk ietticoats this week .and 2.00 Newtown; Belts, Sandy Hook; inventory novelty Inches 4.00 7.00 10.00 18.00 Edward Tobin, all of Shelton, have W. iN. black aeeor-deo- n S Inches 2.50 5.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 Rev while f. J. uarvin, Hethel; JNoble, fancy garments in lioman striies, and plain green, blue and very full models, with Inches 3.00 6.00 12.00 18.00 30.00 taken positions at the Diamond Match Father Shortelle, going to New Milford; E. J. Buckingham, flounces. - 1- -4 column 4.00 8.00 16.00 24.00 40.00 in his last week Thurs Allen pleated 1- -3 Co.'s Danbury auto, Huntington: column 5.00 10.00 20.00 28.00 48.00 factory. Bethel. w. Joyce, R'jxbury Also Exclusive models in silk Petticoats white and blue lace trim- 1- w. -2 column 6.00 12.00 24.00 36.00 60.00 day, was run into by a large touring car, station; iiuriourt x,uu., uox exquisite fancy light 3-- Edmonds secured his M. 4 column 8.06 16.00 32.00 48.00 80.00 George hay doing considerable to his ma- bury; J. Sullivan, Redding Ridge; med, regularly $18.50; Reduced to 12.50. 1 column. 10.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 100.00 crop, the first of the week. damage CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH uonnery liros., ueorgetown; W. a. chine. & e NOTES. Hawley, Sherman; llonan Soule, Misses Inez and Ruth Tiernan ol Smith Bros., Cornwall Reading notices, brevier type, 10c line. Mrs G. F. Batterson and Mrs W. R. The Sunday school Gaylordsville; Small nonpareil ads, lc a word per week. New York are with their sister, Mn Congregational Bridge; Edwin II. Beardsley, New Fryer enjoyed a trip, last week, to will hold theannual picnic for their Preston; George E Frink, Falls Vil Bridgeport and Compo Beach. scholars at Roton Point on Saturday, lage; E S. Falrchild & Son, Nichols, AH our Women's Coats and Tailored Suits 10. Druggists. 50c and $1.00 Trial inatle Miss Caroline S. Osborne is spending August free. - are Reduced for Final Clearance Before a week in South Meriden with her cous- Mrs Ward Burr and son of Rector in, Miss Hazel street spent last week at Still River, PANAHACANAI ERIE CANAL. Rapson. the guests of Mrs Burr's parents, Mr Miss Clara Haas of and Mrs Edward Peck. Machinery is digging the Panama Monroeville, O., Rev A. J. Steele, pastor of the Liana! a thousand times quicker than MOLL AN is the guest of Miss Katherine Weider-stro- Congregational church, takes his tbe shovel dug the Erie. 'S annual vacation next month. Sunday. Machinery produces the L. & M. August 4. Rev George Benedict of Paint at 50 times less cost for labor, Miss Hazel Rapson of South Meriden, Massachusetts will preach. Rev Mr than if made by hand. who has been spending two weeks here Steele will occupy his own pulpit on The L. & M. gives the best job in Basement the guest of Mr and Mrs H. C. Os Sunday, August 11, and the remaining he world, because L & M. Y.inc hard- Specials. two Sundays, 18 and 25, there ens L )fc M. White Lead and makes L. borne, has returned to her home. August h will be prayer service at 11 o'clock. & M. Paint wear like iron for 10 or U Sat unlay will le a red letter day for "Women in sean-- .A the season's value in hos- Sale of John H. Baird is his years. greatest Charles W. Weiderstrom is now nice- improving iery and underwear. B.v these two items you may fairly gauge the lossilihties house on Center street by having a It only requires 4 gallons of this cel- lirgain of our ly settled in his new home on the Lit- ebrated paint and 3 gallons of linseed basement section in this Before Inventory Sale: tle Boston road. oil at 00 cents per gallon, to a Women's Low Cut Shoes moderate sized house. paint 50c Imported Hose, 25c. 50c Vests 23c Charles W. Weiderstrom and family If any defect exists in L & M. paint enjoyed the day at Putnam Park, last will repaint bouse for nothing Women's finest imported sheer lisle thread Women's dainty gauze vests of sheerest lisle-swi- ss " Bad Breath Sold & Wash- fine elastic or selv- ribbed, finest make i?'e!l-know- n by hose, very garter tops spliced very sold at the week Cngswll Wetterau, 1- shnwlitr Prices on White Canvas Oxfords reduced to Thursday. A ohysician. who black and tan shades; also boot and all or -8 price, 97c declares ington Depot; Taylor, Curiis & Co., ages, plain straps sleeves, plain or fancy tops, ribbon ram. andouotedly knows that Mil-for- d; in black and Many styles which were 1.75 and 2.00, to" $1.19 aas andy Ht.k; C. M. Beach, New over lace effects tans, regularly 50c, ?r.rtmme? wlUl imtx' blue or white; rertdarty bad oreath broken oft more Smith's Sons, Wtst Cornwall. special 23c. 50c, Saturday special 23c. . Heavy and light soles, the $2.50 grades, to $1.49 Branchviile. matches than bad temper. Saturday Others that were $3.00, to l.nere are $1.97 ardent EVERYBODY SHOULD AT LIFE FARM. lovers who must KNOW" sometimes wish C G a The new Fairbanks & Morse encrine tho-i- r sweethearts says nays, piominent business Pu and pump at Life farm for pumping sweeter man of Biuff, Mo.; that Bucklen's Ar- Hen's mps water is giving fine satisfaction and presented nica Salve is tbe quickest aud surest Summer Suits is mouths to be kissed. salve ever a furnishing all the water needed Good teeth cannot nealing applied to sore, Rock-Botto- m Our very highest grade, Burt's make, in patents or about Life farm and the A burn or wound, or to a case of piles. At Prices. buildings. prevent bad breath 1 gun metal, new and perfect, $4.00, roduced to $2.97 large 400 gallon tank in the top of the when the stomach is I've used it and know what in talking Another fine make reduced to house distributes the water all over disordered. about." Sold by It. II. Beers & Co., $2.49 the place. Your had Newtown; Betts k"t Betts, Sand Hook; There is no question of profit in our selling now we must clse out all broken lines of our Other Gun Metal Pumps reduced to correspondent The best cure for P. $1.97 the pleasure, last Saturday, of seeing' bad is a J. Garvin, Bethel; W. N. Noble, liest suits lie fore inventory. The exceptional prices we quote an the Mrogest weapons we know A large lot of extra fine qualitias, being the odds the 200 children at play and one cer- breath New Milford; E. J. liuckingbam, sttcks realizes cleansing out of the Allen to reduce quickly. and ends of many lines of patents, gun metal and tainly that the good the little body by use of Huntington; Jojce, Koxbury All of our Suits for men and young men that have been to $23 are now at kid low cuts, reduced to folk receive from their two weeks' out- Station; G. W. Ilurlbnrt & Co., Itox fancy priced $1.49 ing, where they can get the fresh air bury; J. M. Sullivan, Redoing Kidge: and play on the green grass, is a great Lane's Connery Bros., Georgetown: W. B. blessing to them and is a work which Family Hawley, Sherman; llonan Soule, $7 90, $9.50, $12, 15 00 and 20 00. our Heavenly Master will bless. Rev Medicine Gaylordsville; iSmitii Bros., Cornwall U. O. Mohr and wife and those who so the tonic laxative. Bridgt : Edwin II. lieard.-dey-, New is a this stocks contribute to This is a. herb sold Preston: K KrinK, Kails Vil- As inventory month earlier year, our are lastly more varied and greater generously its support medicine, in George e are to be on the success of 25c. and 50c. by drug- lage; E. S. Fairc-lu.- Sun, than ever during a summer sale, and values were never so high as now. congratulaed packages Di 25c. t N.i'hnl, this work and we know have the and it is more doctor's m W. K. grand gists saving uggists wool ami wash suits now rock-botto- also as MOLLAN, sanction of our Heavenly Father, who bills than any other medicine has Boys lear prices do Summer footwear for 1026 said "Inasmuch as ye do it unto one ever saved. men and Imi.vs, and many wanted furnishings. Straw hats at half. Main St., Bridgeport, Conn. of the least of these my brethren, ye It cures headache, backache, Beara th 'ia Kn( ou Have lvvi,vs Bought do it unto Me." indigestion, constipation and skin , diseases. 8iK Mr and Mrs Garrett Owen are enter- - :r