The Oxford Democrat.


iiivict that. p—r'rr U·· ι» Il ta Intarutii) ll.«- .· vl ιι».· "Was lie making lor* to you here?" "Vrrj But tl·k· itillrfr t» M «':»!·.·* 1 JuSfc.5. Dothing of ilte kin*!. PtiUlp Bui «bat jr»*ar. AMONG THE FARMERS. "\hl" ·«■ him Kate Γ mM •ψ ι« I·· iHnImL t.|«*» "Αικί roe? Yoti tbl« nun; jou are you tli. nklng foe. n. ktnm-if Iwd τ\ MAIN*.ma "SMEKU THE PLOW." like hint; yon"— tlif liHHTy 1 ti àfcknt* * *·■·»* 'r· w tu» Me*jn en bravnrt mnn. the nuit· in ι»·· >lmr. rMic«awl Ι·> Oners' nil it— 1 "I think htni tbe " ^ turf of tool». u< l.l M M» tri MM) irf ll»i» »«l- ViDUf world "Tbnnkiiu liiu* fur Seymour. father Irllt» made and CoiTMpoB'lrnce on practical agricultural topic· truot Kculk-iiMD iu the eicvpt All's Fair and to BMW "ΛW-L Lii^Ue· U AiMreaa all conimuûloatlon» In ο·! Mid tbe <-oloa*l. Irgr ff*mu «rlm-ti and Utrerttaf ma- till· »bc mi id. Iwr bund "Ah. I*»)·." creep ,ίω w«»ii tea'«· gun·. pU- don't know bow ih.n V» uni». pre***·. H Agricultural Klltor Oxford Dero LU bl.uitliii't ami lier bead ιΐ|κ>η Ins hia band. you and u|m>ii Bu W. H. OSBORNE le hiiu- \«uV eu neativ prompdyr*- Me. to Mt· It la like mw re- "AU," luullrml ^lQ* "ton· » order. ocrsw Parte. KANSAS STEER FEEDING. Ui* I reiiet. "No. no; be pNiH in vain *1h«I I |iu you. ^ In Me" Then l.e «rot· '*xt?J2&d turning from tit# dead. But It I· L»t· •rlf. Ί* fair 1 only pliitd him. I Inri·»! yon Ik· not tes. by T. C. McTtan- corrrtefct. a Ivttrr tu lit*· uf 11»·· college "" cold and dark ta captain The Farmer's Education. Aral· XliH With ■•ukacv-WMt ** ft"»™» •je Jealow*. foolish |*»j·. \n wfii· »honld and «juite ftupper Kolata »| ( «affrl. Country BRADY. to tb# Hall. I Ihd YlBW*fuPARE· bave hic. I nui yoni * .1low" rwidy Ioa go up A nie on«» or two men." « hi* fat Auther of "The Crip of Honor." "The Southerner·.' ·μ* «i»rumt»aloti#r· I· ■ · bit too î**rw1 g-**! Auctioneer. The atoefcniaa bo is feeding "Hat If I liad not cumr back. hut·— ah* II th»· naval Ml« Betty |Vriningt"0 Licenced MAI· *· IT SUOfLD ICMABLk HIV TO UK Midi "Sir Henry Morgan. Buccaneer.** "A «rutr. "Therv'a lu It. and Ntf«^ii mid roucbage thor few uiwur. and an- a too and *L·» b« fl.UUU PARI»· trning irrain Doctor of Philosophy." Etc. how then day·. S*>) get you youiig and bit buo)uut 301-TH MoKKlHAN Λ m»:kk k a km wobmem. chu the of it. find» that, with hud a better Tb· fui I I·*» chun«*· to tlilnk /ou hav«> bigger part (era* MoJW— ought) uixrΚ* HH *IM> ASI> " not do MA k» CBARLf.S KRISNCR'S SONS Ί v* ·truck had U-l I au> working something ctn In f»-eding. bi· ateer* only C#*>n«h«. told i:iiu mo." ia full of your action bey too arrtoaalj of marrying. Sin· A »'*****· JJrt'lena- an animal and voted a I want to win thin game >H Vl'fc Ml* MOM A LA. not luit* th·· iM-vur·. but that < * ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Nt l.liW of tbrtii in their unitu;»4 ab- ■ mednl for you you prise the yoiitti of Frankfort Plain* un-rry Coun^lWr. or two tlmt I'm 11 and make a hau La» a new man VU,r«5· ta seldom off feed. The farm depart- |·;«(1 noti.-ed that a horse bad money and thanks ami all that. I ctiaae. There «a· not pertiap· man, fALLd, sorption take chance*." tu Mfl'U* «tatlou but «-an tbe beat not made afraid of. I won't I). A. IKckaon hiu Ihe tutil when he ment of tbe Kali·»· experiment It w.i* «Mily h whi*|»er she beard, in the ro>«l opposite lb·* l»o*t- no doubt I get you abip an eliirll'k* man. who had stopjMd of the club, a r-«**nt bulie- « Λ I*T BE XXXVII. lier on or 'Twas not The college ttti that tbe need >f » farm- mak··» thia a>wrtlou in Η !t n-tclmî the rery «i-nter of hein*. boilse and η horseman I ad walked to there la the way· planned. love to her or who had attempt··* president I' W»1··· paramount immediate- >,<-v r«* rnaiu» for on with an on the $1.UW. er U a K had led them and thei eye 'door too. Mat· in iU bn»»ivat aen*e »4i an Katharine and favorably L BlC*. need* education It Ιιοπμχ. wr»· «lowly riding up *tli much pmwlonate entreaty in which met his i>«·*Ι·οιόιιι:Ιι recog "Not now, father." id —had *««nt them off. They wont. ly replied, cj«. time Fhbhtgwk and be uewda to know cent of her arui al>out her Mit* tersoii. who had been to this Dentiet, Aifpifr rii contain* 72 per ilie river rund just where It his wistful voice t;..,. ,.α·τ it* ioid- ui;.e«l Seymour at υιιι-e. and be bad uu- Jealously, throwing Thon» was too much humor In Surtfwon b<-« tu think a» well ft» bow to do. He caunot now. somewhat uncertain, uow rubbed hi· atarch Starrb in feed I* not al»#«>rt>«*d catered the Wilton plants- influence she »;«.*. .y turned and beard the end of the cou ver- lover. "lie shall not. go Betty, too much of wit and laughter, **»*« U> know much about farm UK, but fx'lliug wltliugly arrived— rAto uee.i» α time, aud Lumls with The day ,..cth iiitu tbr ii.VDictu and umiI lu building »i«a. One w-„„ yoanjr. « mere boy in looked toward lli*· «»il»»*r door from nation. Ile nu» tbe jecond. The man He must have rest for long to make them Muty a second time pro- glee. h· ueeti· to know the relation of Pennington, m τ» w»rr*tt#>1 life until it must have me. We are to be mar- ( »iu» one stood aud the hour. Mi*» Betty <»ther True up tb» body and auatainiuic vejirw: hat * certs la habit of command, K'lu'iHt tin· sound bad «tiiue. Tbeu a· wis back again. It wan true. Tbe be posal. by they rejected. farming!· thin*·. e*^jc»ti..o a com- When to as soon as he la well, and the toss her with sparkliug eye*, wearlug teach bin W· bia railing ia changed to on«lbli:tj gallant of two, seut h r J»^· ab«ntl>ed and us#d turned must wait. Is it not so. John?" head and and bouquet made up Κ arm (au booorabie ao.l r»»pec table augur. It i· readily had tiveii film a more manly appear- bead while tl»« other unconsciously meut. mukiug no sound. then country youthful laugh laugh posite eu Id the to her Masterson and MH'lenahan. falling, who ao belittle· tbe profe·- In tb*· l>udy. The aallva of tb*· tnouth «lut» than his age warranted The ber heart, she shrank back buck and mounted his horse and rode "What's that?" colonel, pre· and laugh. by Pentiet, yet sought row .»n the «a doe· tbe « was seated in the front •ιοα nod of farming baa tb*· to make tbia bange. a casual seemed much ib»· an*l stared at him in with lu his heart. teuding great surprise. of however, would not »IAlS* piactK-e pcwer oilier, to glance, against wall madly away despair Two tliom, ft farmer." stand. M aster son came out aud ν<·Ι*ΑΤ. farmer bmveif? "OmIj than his vmtvlcss He unstead- said at "Sir." answered Seymour nervously. down. Mr. John Mnsterson was on \ grand older companion, though terror. dropped "Oh, Katharine." Seymour at > *"4 "Good euough fur a farmer." "He'll to to looked the held over and waved Η doser ln»i»e* tion would show that he ily to bis knee, as if to worship at a lust, "do you know that 1 am a poor "I have something say you— and Tommy Marietta lut η was the oth- never be nothing but a fnrmer." are Betty." tie said to """ m man and that those I.auie! See. 1 can no lou- something 1 must say. Will you give to her a Mis» Betty "My we will con- «till you η* shrine. man now? er. Mastersou clung w^th everyday ^uotattua» But .WClenahan did the same. lie stood up. me tbe of a few momenta' He did it because he himself. cilier that matter oture m another "Ob. do not go away!" be whlsi>ered. ger walk straight." privilege bulldog tenacity. fully murks upon bis tints which tbe carelew air wax tilled with a vague unrest. so after tbe battle did conversation with you?" had of the characteristics of the The A 8nr«#on, ftrtK W. Tbe farmer need· to net ftwfty tbe attributes "1 know it is only a dream of uiine, "poor surgery many Pbyetcien passerby would consider aald the colonel, smiling, The stands were rilled with stringers. fn>m the old notion that a «matu-rin»; of bave 1 seen ever since that." "Seymour," Mise lift would laugh at • I. H VlNt the many times you bulldog. y ». bud been truted Angers was an of abroad. » ΤΗ ΓΑΙΙΝ Tbe idea of uk** by future asked me that once before, did There air mystery arithmetic ift an eilucntiuo. the night the struck and 1 sent "Tbe more reasou that In the "you .Masterson until he began to growl, and Tbe aud frigate w the h ranklolt wa* the of grief and trouble. brou/ed a door here ••ace tbftt arithmetic death on that should not go aloue." she said you uot?" then she would watch him rage am. Suddenly prevailing of Itoth ridera be- you to your rocky pass you aud eleven nn>)t for ft ia bow weather beateu faces I believe so." men were quartered opened. important %tud> boy in that sea. in the long standing by his side. "Yes, sir, storm with wide o|**n eyes. r suite. due· an air life aud beating Aye, softly, in the l· rankfort out uf date. Aa much ft» au> other s|M»ke open suggested be con- "And I answered men tiled out. clothed hours of the fever—but did uot "And with but oue arm." you—how?" "Ijo that again." she would suggest, the you c;!t'.i across the field et tbe farmer s boy need to know grammar those who go down upon great said, if memory eerves colors. As ll.ev Attorney Lew, from me then; listen- tinued. "Why. you my and Masterson would do it. He could ute of He must know further shrink away you the and tbe language deep in ships, a suggestion here there was a gas;· from ignorant HAlKl nie I love and an- "Xo. three." she said again, "for me. that you"— uot it. lie his teeth with 'K*AT. bow to read, how to think and how to faded, worn naval ed to say you, you help gnashed from t e «do»* » borne out by the that I would eee you after and an uproarious laugh Boca t«; Tribune Farmer swered." lie stretched out his hand are two." "Exactly, Hut he came back. expre·* himaelf. The rage. always a inan on t e uniforms they wore. have been and so 1 will. Come, chil- knowing. Suddenly out the beat farmer*' market toward her in tender She bent "Ib'sides, my trading ships ■upper, Mct'lenahan didn't cling to put· report rut* Hoit* rim oka in and hat mixed. of the of appeal. Tommy and shoired. "Hell i- .■BUtK't â fAlii In spite joy spriugtlme let us in; this time I warrant stand stood up in tbe world, and Tet how few of thone forward toward hiin. lie rose to his captured by the enemy, my private dren. go Miss He simply followed her while the of the stomach do not. which was all about tlieui. both were Betty. he cried. "Helrostaedter:" et Lew, farmer» » ho atudied arithmetic Int, juU-es fortune has beeu spent for the cause. you there will be no interruption·." her with hon- staedter!" Attorney· of But tbe sad- feet, half in terror. about, watching frank, huswied. time when can read It follows, then, that the method pre- silent and both were sad. and son turned consider- looked and then »iU·' !a*t and all the boys he said "is it in- I am a poor man in every sense." Tbe father est walked the fields one Everybody the was "Kate," uncertainly, eyes. They the team was miiiL. these and concise reports un- paring the feed that will induce ness of tbe boy. as was natural, she walked away, leaving tbe for the tir«t man of tatiC 1·"' thorough deed Are alive "Nay. John, you are a rich man," ately and and Miss in a of mis- H.rrtC most than of the you? you again?" day. Betty, spirit the famous steer to chew it the thoroughly Jess deep, less intense, that to follow. none other, than quarter- demanding ly! She was nearer uow. Oue cry said gayly. lovers chief, ran from She a educa- will secure the to realize the glad away Tommy. mater tea u. The farmer needs thorough and for the longest time man. He was too young leave me, John, will you. back of Masterson's alma was in her rich in your love. Kutha "You won't a a show at but ,rt> HARLOW. be in all broke from ber lips. He "Oh. yes. hadn't gh st of that, do· η tion that he may thorough amount of saliva mixed with of the loss he bad sustained have come back?" But the had not dh-d greatest greatuess to his rine." now that you just she was well applause hi» business included. He needs arms again and she was clasped Tommy let .or run until ti- things, the feed and the greatest amount of In the deuth of his father and sistec, 1 am for when a dozen men in the tield—atr. et Lew, no of course, if that be riches, Kate, uot now; good Attorney an education that he be heart—a real woman and uo dream, "Yes. that "So, then with that easy spurt of honest may that will build constant re- tired.out; w. went mad with excite- *Al>B. starch changed to a form and were it not for the not until I get gers they re— honest in honest in work and vision! What the wlud 'could only and richer In honor too; but that's nothing strong." his, which has won him modal after thought, him the of Kali! farm- up the steer's body. minder afforded by presence "Good for me, though; but when you ment. "Huh! Rah! Qulm«- honest in his dealings. But most shadow forth her cheek, all." medal in games, he to are mixed be would faintly upon collegiate sprang they M L"NoLEÏ, and that all When grain and roughage his gloomy companion prob- do town! yuincetown! Quince!" ers think they are honest, into life under the touch of his "What else pray, dearest?" get strong?" her side and. a sudden iin eats of sprang obeying knew. are to rob them, together, the steer slowly, giving ably, with the careless elasticity If needs me. dear- Veiled. And then everybody other classes combined color flooded them "Did you that Madam Talbot "Then, my country her in his arms. Ordi- become sat- In fevered lips, and kjiow pulse, caught but and Hot and further, think they must be much time for the food to have been more successful I shall have to go. But I fear For not only Helmstaedter. every Steam they youth, wave. sob- had died?" she answered, with appar- est, he would not have dared to do Pi-cmbic*. with their for the man like a Laughing, crying, narily team, was noue in order to get even urated with the saliva and throwing off his own sorrow. The will be no more ships of our· to man on the Frankfort sharp she to bim, kissed him with ent irrelevance. there this, but there was about who are in other lines of busi- When the or a but bing. clung something the Water Heating. neighbors saliva to act on the starch. had not lost a father sister, at it. to sea. The blockade is getting otlier than one of regular (Julii'O* Incoherent murmurs, at "No, but I am not surprised get Miss color and lier ness. And will tind that to many from the looked thin little gazed Betty's sparkling in I· rank- you food is swallowed, it goes some one doarer still. He more strict 1 can be a sol- town college team disguised MUSE over kissed bim After her sou's death 1 expected it. every day. that made do it. nokway. farmers the word sharp is syooonymous When the food the him. wept him, again. eyes just Tommy turned mouth to the paunch. and ill, and under permanent Kate. dier. No. Kate, do not beg fort colors. Miss Betty paie. or Now, see here. of the poor lady. He loved you too. though. couldn't he with crooked tricky. tiner the All the troubles intervening days "I—1 help It," gasped. the tield. end! -d. reaches the paunch, the portions, bronze of his countenance ravages he said: me. to my country constrains Masterson. across Mr. Farmer, that is where you are off. of and faded away W'e fought about you once." My duty And then he For she was are forced di- wounds aud sadness privation stopped. he assure»! himself but it takes a such as grain fed alone, wrought by fever, long her of Tal- me." "All's fair." Any fool can be tricky, from her like a disused chrysalis, and and then he told briefly looking straight into his eyes, with an into the third stomach and on- were There juuu. door and loniMiy Go. smart tuau to be honest. \\ hen a fanner rectly illness plainly perceptible. his burial, tbe interview he "I>on't talk a lh»ui n now, men. Another opened Trust like a bot's seen be- \M Life M ehe with life aud love eiid, expression that he had never \\. coarse food and the grain hairs in his thick, sparkled out. The y- his own work he is dishonest ward. The were gray neatly Talbot's mother, and the let- At least I shall have you for a long McCleunhaii stepped slights butterfly new born. had with fore. Tommy thought it was worth Pa. with himself. Had he been thor- mixed with it, when the grain is thor- tied locks, too. that bad uo rightful In-fore are side team followed him—eleven Way- of , taught alive ter. time. It will be long you have seen lie that was dead was again; while. He braced himself and spoke. Into t!ie I in school he would mixed with the roughage, are there In oue of his age. The re- side stalwarts. They rush.d % insure in the Provident: oughness oughly place "I have seen that letter since I well sh >uld himself whenever he had come back and he was here! again." "Betty—Betty—Betty," he implored. that he was robbing for awhile in the and stronger assisted and a realising » greater safeguards held quite paunch, younger "It is at Fairvlew 1 fear he said with sigh. field pellmell. Everybody. i: >,irr< iniled by When for him. in fearful he held turnedV' she said. "Yes. so," "I've asked now for the fifteenth ! he failed to do his work properly. the water which older with As surprise, you Masterson had .:i v other and give· great- where the saliva and watched over his companion its do dearest?" the trick that playd. company, or when he once more, still uube- llall now awaiting you. awaiting "Why you sigh, I a farmer lies about quality, her to his breast time, and l'ui asking you again. team were _·ο- ,:aDtee> f>*r the future. the steer drinks make them soft and the tenderest care and attention. want to with you. knew that the Wayside to he is au master like tbe other things there—and "Because 1 stay me. deal delivers inferior sample, She uoticed tbeu empty can't it. îou must marry a w.. all circumstances, goods continues to the lieviug. help destrut tion. Not : ;. uuiier education moist aud the saliva They rode slowly up pleasant we live there, think you. and I to welcome any oppor- ing out lo certain dishonest, and a broader sleeve and raised It teuderly to her Hps. here. Shall ought I won't take no for an answer." with you. the starch to After the road under the trees, from time service. Think word was uttered, however, until the fairly ·η of time, If him above such narrowness. change sugar. great Johfi?" to enter active «. !» lo an extendi would an action with the tunity She t. «-rant put con- "I lost it after Miss Betty drew herself away. to line At that to when man to see an- coarse feed has remained in the to time in a desultory Live would two teams hegau up. -v 1* unable pay premium* When a business agrees paunch etiRugiug a me! Its muster! what old Bentley say." after the British Yarmouth. It was only "Awaiting at McClenahan. are nonforfeitable is cheer ship still looked Tommy two team* ga/c»*d .- Ii- !«■- on a certain and hour he tries until it is thoroughly softened it versation. endeavored to he did uot love she instant. however. the other day riiilip We were in there! What mean you. Kate?" "Old Bentley you," ; he·· tnnual premium*. care flesh wound at flrst. long "I—1 hate Mr.—Mr. Mas- the of vour Mwwlty. to do so. But how many farmers back into the mouth and re- 'lis companion by talking lightly of with a pang. promised into each other's faces, and <.mime- » 't ufa· ■>· I vantage ·' brought arm had to cried in surprise. replied quickly, jealous to take a pal·: up or not? The reaching Charleston. The terson." she said slowly, "that I would back. -tan· e* oi'.'ltfe you whether they are prompt chewed as the cud. This allows more days as each turn of the road she did he not!" said Seymour to wu team blanched and stepped the boyhood a ac- "Yes. yes. it Is all yours." replied, "Ah, a participate In surpiu*. makes him careless be amputated. It was fearful htm"— farmer's ignorance saliva to l>e mixed with it. which in brought familiar places In tbe old es- "A codi- marry Then broke loose It i, it «irong rouipauy. laughing at his astonishment. softly. putideinonium II* ma" agvment as to his word. From not beiDg thor- tion." her on the arm. anient» are »eeure, turn more starch into sugar, tate in view. Here he and Katharine the was a Tommy touched "Yalcvanl! Yalevard: Yalevard!" rates are low changes cil to her will, written and signed There long pause. λ an·: it- to cot from she "I was premium* ough he goes being prompt, to wont to "I know it," interrupte«l. he exclaimed. "You The 1* below all other Amer! and the rechewing reduces the food aud Hilary bad been play; she the after said Katharine at last. "I "No—no, Betty." cried half a hundred strangers. MMI In not he goes to being not day before died, day you "Well," It- dividend* from thle being prompt there." can't mean It." "Yale- mie», .m·I distrust and a greater tineness. The second time there was a favorite spot, a pleasant left it all to It was to will move you if your whole stand arose aud yelled. iar^er. honest. And this creates Ah, that woman saw her. you. suppose nothing rre»f»>D lln/sly of "You, Katharine! went ou: i nut ι wouin then with the moat men distrust the farmers the food is % wallowed it passes to the haunt here; this had beeu the scene lier son's and then mine. calls but I warn you if you Miss Hetty vard!" it crKfd. And everybody i·. _· >een ertru-ted makes business was uot deceived then, have been duty you. true to them, and on the ship! 1 the Frankfort*, had itiu re»t», ha- ίκ-eu alike. Hence, the honest farmers suf- and the tine particles yo to the some amusing adventure. These well she believed us dead, as she killed 1 shall die. I could marry him if his team, knew, for Tommy McClenalinn fullest confidence. all paunch, uot believe It." And when get again ::»»· ; worthy o' jour and yet 1 could at the coun- of certain to fer for the crooked ones, ami all and fourth stomachs, where the meant reminisceuces nearly drove Sey- It another time!" she cried won the tournament game been kept informed thing· S .r-tiier information apply many third in not stand Paris. Me. this? No. I "Yes. 'twas I. I gloried your and had Κ I. Ml LI.ETT. South suffer alike. Pretty hard, of saliva ceases. mour mad. but he would uot stop them. fair. Y will be fair and square. Miss Betty's small brother for Maine action as I plteously. ty by > M RAN Γ. General Ajtent of dollars bravery until I saw you lying, I had St Portland. Me. have lost thousands simply When the is fed from cauie to the where I shall to live for Tummy. will go further. promise accordingly. Tommy Kx< han^ce grain separately Finally they place dtn'k. John, "Well, dearest. try I, profited because farmers did not their words thought, d»-ad on the Oh, team wins out sure. keep the animal chews it but the road divided, oue branch pursuing we must no to the Hull." to marry you If your checkmated Masterson for two the roughage, Then I you. Now with me. Only yesterday 1 waited the horror of that moment! that's all. team little, swallyws it quickly, it stays but its course along tbe river bank past Bur, to fate would be and gets tin prize. No—no. And accordingly the Yalevard hours to meet a man who wanted to buy and did uot answer. anticipate, and but a the called you you the future won't discuss It. You know what off its share of the #1.·ν*ι and ftlSFIT GLASSES. I lost that a short time in the paunch, the boat house toward Talbot place, kinder toward Katharine In I carried a pig. He did not come. Then I wanted to die, too. but now I or none is brought up the other Inland from the river in the and It I'll do and 1 shall do nothing else." a of the gate receipt·. wears time and was forced to others. small portion turning than she had been past, goodly portion Kv.-ry person who glasses disappoint am alive again and so happy—but for Me- oili- farmer drove and with the cud and remasticatcd. This and altout till it surmounted a before her lover—her "But. Hetty." pleaded Tommy And as the I.ate last night this up winding sleeve to her was many day tjtilucetown-Yalevard the of this;" she lifted the empty team wonder uM consider importance to see those He had been for action only of the sa- the bluff and reached tbe door of rather—was able to get to Cienahan. "you—you know my cial game it is no wanted pigs. allows slight high have suffered, husband, approaches he lips. "How you must has and It can't been fixed at 4 to those that are to a kill game all day and thought liva. The starch, which forms 72 per the Hall.. There I'bilip drew rein. sea. as if had suffered can't win. It uever that the odds have wearing only perfectly she went ou, ber and, they out a as well in the night my p«>or jlarliug." of for the Frankfort could pick pig cent of corn, is not acted on by the "This is the way to the Hall, you enough, ho went through the rest now." 1 on Yalevard. • to their EVES. iself-ritted with tears, her heart ipted as in the time. All pigs looked alike eyes tilling yearn- to 0. day juice of the stomach, and the know. Capiaiu Seymour." lie said, the war on laud and sea scat h leas and Miss Betty smiled. "Then." she said Plains score was 3»i are and I cannot gastric ov«y bim. "And how ill you look, r titted gen- to him just "about then, say ing to Miss Het- improperly glasses lar^e pro(Mirtiou. which lias uot been poliitiuj; to the right. Seymour hesi- was one of those who stood beside the archly, "so much the better, romiuy. "You don't mean say. 1 am sorry. an»l I keep you standing here—how would none at all. Many the saliva, passes to the tated a moment and said dually: before the trenches for Mr. Masterson." Tommy said ty." said Masterson. "that you erally worse than Few things have done us more harm changed by Come to the bench here greatfcomniaiider of the The boatbouse lies thoughtless! British soldiers He strode along let hang on the mere such education. Hatched from a intestines undigested. Some "ïes. 1 know. of Ynrktown when the nothing further. by your marriage £ YES are by wearing than sham and sit down. Lean on me." injured is dis- the intestines change the over there, does it not. beyond the down their arms. But this was side with his glance upon the score of a game';" germ of dishonesty the product Juices of •V..... I...> Ι.·..ι.ι viail t ■ μ ItllVO Sllf. laid her EYES tire, blur, to smiled. "Alt's fair." shi glasses. If your honest. a college education is starch to sugar, but what remains un- turn.* I think 1 will,lot 3-011 go up all of the future, and now they turned Miss Betty Perhaps fered. See!" lit· lifted lier arm; tbe ground. we to be will to follow "You asked me thirteen or are inflamed, have not necessary, but need taught irritates the intestines, pro- the house alone. I'hilip, and I go and somewhat sadly man whose team wins the answered. water, ache, changed fell buck. "Ob, bow tbiu quietly "It's the to do and to will loose sleevt· could to think, judge correctly. looseuess and scouring. down to the boatbouse myself. 1 the others. line. she salil at times what you expect? to. I make a ducing and round and g Tommy." parting. tiiem attended special- a farmer's education can be it is. and bow smooth face to Tom- Much of The l>oxes used in a test of mixed ride back This time It was Katharine who help- muttered Tommy to Later she lit't«d up her presently." wbe» 1 kissed it iuet!" "By George." work. obtained at home. Less loating around plump It was hand Ih· kissed. "1 knew d w in ty of scientific optical at the Kansas station were l·» "Well. then. 1 will go with you." said ed Seymour up the hill. Slowly, later, "she knew we couldn't my's to you and more farm feeding as lie raised it aguin himself, the saloons reading jour- too lu» said tenderly lawn, some she remarked. feet feet wide at the top. 2 1 hilip. "| really think you are in hand, they walked across the win. I she liked me better that game way." nals. The farmer who conscientiously long, to bis thought feet ill after our lips. and toward She shuddered. "It would have l»eeu follows the news of the feet wide at the l>ottom. l>a weak, you know, especially up the steps of the porch thau to"- and thoroughly "It is uothliig. Jobn. I shall be all Farmer will soon and were feet from ground ride to go alone." the door of the Hall. The night had Plains was awful if you hadn't." week in The Tribune depth 21.· long today, here. You The town of Frankfort SAVIUEL RICHARDS, right now that you are poor tilled with a in the affairs of the to were made tight and "No. said Seymour gently. fallen, and the house was seat of Frankfort county. become.well posted top. They Philip." how must have the county uews of the week let could 1κ· for a few mo- shattered lover, you wax candles. They Λ >liiilr*l Klah Klur>. PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, world. After the were portable, so that they "1 wish to be alone soft light from the Plains was a f«tshioiial»le him suffered!" she went on. with a sob In Frankfort on one of the Kes- him the markets, and then let a on the threshold, We were fishing study kept In the driest part of the yard. ments." paused moment residence place «md the county fair South Paris. work lier voice. one and our catch 6 Pleasant St., various lines of agricultural air. iiesiiaieu. mastered her of wick taken spring. study The steers were fed in the open The l>oy Katharine resolutely one of the fashionable events it in this auil it will dowu was About ·( o'clock as he linds paper, for each ten he said. "(»h, Katharine, this." looking resolved to be lu the the bail been ι····niions. One feed box was required "Ob. very well." bcginniiu; fears and happy the Indeed, at uil seasons not be before he will feel stronger "was nothing to year. we heard a long and "1 will sit down here on at bis empty sleeve, then, heedless of all who two in the afternoon peculiar His will steers, and the grain roughage to understand. present: Plains was a lively place and the and more capable. neighbor before, when 1 thought bank of the lake like tear- in the and wait for what 1 suffered she kissed him. so. noise «m tin* and him ac- were mixed and fed together this tree by the road you. might see, athletic clubs helped to make it note the difference, respect So we went to can leave I had killed beam- lUK of roots. investigate will become interested same feed liox. The feeds were mixed I'll tie my hoj-se. and you you!" "Home at last. John," she said, clubs by cordingly. He The two athletic supported, were sur- There is "When you thought you bad killed Hinl on Hearing th»· shore in other agricultural journals, and his and ted dry. Subsequent experience yours here also if you wish. ing upon him. of the of a few said in were grace pocketbooks find a black I «ear dig- of He- more and to Cod knows, to me!" she surprise. They with the dark behind and teams. prised to large The fall term farm will become productive indicates that it would have paid nothing at the Hall. tu h m hut t. And there, two gtnxl football now. and she bad >Ι,ι wan νtux/nil millionaires, to beat uine of a more valuable. Education, then, must it with there now. since sitting close together we say goodby was gin»: up the ground dampen the bay before uiixiug tn;,Uie me hurry np the light before, may The Franfort Plains Hub team must be broad in both her own. "How. had no relatives in this land, she left It We low to watch, and what be thorough, and it Katharine are he bis band to them. kind. lay ! n un will the roughage. father and gone." words— by John Masterson. Ksq.. open that its may protit when, was that':" to you. 'as'—I quote her own captained do think In· was doing? Why. he Academy enough, possessor When the steers began to ehed their coutinued. with a sigh. "(.ίο on. sir. the gyp. Athletic club team yon as based upon her about and noble who hon- und the Wayside and after by comparison, judgment to wou't mind wait And then be told rapidly 'u true gentleman was digging worms, putting erroneous. hair In the spring, they threatened I'll wait. You my McClenahan. Master one liue alone is apt to be of the Radnor and the Idea ors cause, however mistaken, to TYINQ KNOTS IN JAPAN. by Tommy on each of hi* 13,1904. down. Trees the loss any with bull- nice fat angleworms Tuesday, Sept. for the farmers' and rub the sheds and fences ingï" I son hail his team the Good schools boys which her note had given that she was which he may give his allegiance.' peopled he ventured out In the lake endowment enables or feet in wish It. I team fort-paws Increased will cost little more than wine twenty-live to thirty length "No; certainly not. if you own It la κ Sfrlon· Art, aa a Mistake Mar dogs like himself; Masterson's girls on board of It. quote them, hut they are my on an old sunken log, put down bis increase and few cents difference in back in a few iniuutes any- Mean an 'inanlt. won. Both men were Trustees to beer. X very shall be a rich man. had Invariably largely "And you led that ship down to de- words as well. \ou «re forefeet In the wateç and actually vour taxes stands between good schools I want to see the—tli^-nb— of flowers, the The county tair force. Best Γ way. Just 1 wan on her! How the two estates will come to- Like the arranging college graduates. trout so thick aud the teaching schools. Start the children struction. believing John, and scooped out huge strengthen and pour boat house, yon know." of knots has bee· carried to the also grace of the aforesaid at do JoliuV" she said re- as father and Madam Talbot tying Judges, by he almost darkened the sun. aad most instruction, Secure thorough and honest of could you It. gether. a fast that thorough right. "Yes. certainly. I understand, ot a art the Japa- had offered this jear of cost.—Dr. Rich- had after all." point complex by pocketbooks. awhile, there wan has been teachers, regardless but proachfully. hoped, team that After thinking lowest rates. The school course.'.' replied I'hillp bluntly, nese. There Is one way—one right cash to the in Trib- was Kate." he "I am Knte. for your sake." prize tlsli for us, we an ounce ard H. Wood, Montrose, Mich., dis- "It my duty, darling glad. enough put of the looking away, and then is—to knot the cord that won the footfall game In the county on the list une Farmer. carefully "It Is nothing. I should have taken Way, that Ills head. Talk about fish! placet! approved as- Fa id desperately. ball In from his tired horse and or New Year's There was never auj mounting more if Imd at all." conflues a birthday pres- fair tournament. There trout two Ntw Certificate "And did you love your duty you you nothing should Great heavens! lay College to do the same from one to tie the bro- as to what teams England The Source of Fat in Milk. sisting Seyuiour man ran down the little pier ent. There is way restriction which two cube to than uie?" A young could feet deep on young Board. Send for his. of the tea when the lat- but as the W nyslde catalogue I to into the house at this moment. cade bug Jar compete, were themselves. Well, we as "lA)\e It? 1 hated It! Rut had and the gorging "Poor old fellow!" he murmured It and another when it is lick In the county except went on "Kate." he cried, "where are you? ter Is empty anything skinned that bear, and, wishing to se- W. E. Prin. at the New and do It. dearest," he pleadingly. could 5argent, Λ series of experiments be saw the mau walk haltingly see. Not Ignorance of Frankfort ami as the Frankfort told me so here. is so dark here I can hardly Ah, full. only general cure the cuos alive. 1 Just threw the York station to ascertain the source of BCBBINQ POL*. the road and disappear "Honor—you yourself, there was little up ran forward and social customs but deadly Insults may lick the Wayside on all con- palufnlly In tills I remember your there you are!" He bearskin over me and cot down fat in milk resulted in the following to the feed lots. little bend. very spot; a knot Is which teams would play, and wei-e out and taken around the her "You'll have be communicated by the way doubt cubs followed me words. Do you not recull them? 'If I kissed boisterously. team fours, and those clusions: of the tree whs set in the to himself, Seymour stumbled dreadful was little doubt also which on a ration One end Left for a me; I could not wait any tied, foreigners often making there it was moth- 1. A cow fed during 95 days ! stood In the pathway of liberty to forgive the right into camp, thinking and the other end was raised the familiar road over not knowing would win. In the midst of prepa- bad been all ground, alone along man Seymour. Father rode mistakes either through bear. Tbe I afterward sold fol from which the fat nearly he ningle Instant I should despise tbe longer. Captain Master er cubs SUMMER so that it just a few short months before niceties of knot ration for the fair Mr. John continued to secrete milk simi- above the grouud which aside with- down the bill after Lord Deeborough or from ignoring the and the hide of the mother, extracted the who would not sweep me Pen- $LT> encli, fed on the the back of the tallest steer. light beartedly by •on had to Miss Betty SNAPS." lar to that when cleared had traveled me and met me there, proposed was a large one, produced on out a moment's hesitation.' Don't you galloped by etiquette. and which very brought describ- their nor- was held in being Katharine. As-he and buckles for the thirteenth time, Ν an Illustrated booklet, just out, same kinds of hay and grain-in The tree place by side of pressed I was so to know Hooks and eyes, buttons nington so bad a work. Oh, #"STR0UT'S Mon- know you s:ihl that. Katharine?" waiting. Oh, glud me WO—not day's '»> to Near Kigland's the ing l>1g lutrgaln· to well set and anchored (Mists. noticed a man leave the boathouse a as dress had for fifteenth mailed KREK. mal condition. bolted lie was be- were alive We felt like are unknown so far Japanese Tommy proposed about those fish on the bank. ey Miking Karui· It will l*e 95 "Did 1 say it? Ah. but that you again! had yes, tools and 'J. The of milk fat during the to know what these the hill. Desirous not have much and her ultimatum gone Λ lew on easy terme with «tuck, I yield The steers seemed and climb slowly up J me didn't we, Captain Is concerned. They do time, we went back the next nod estate» fat eat- fore I loved you so and you swept pair of murderers, Well, day growing crop» Included to settle was 82 9 The food the work of set- notice of the stranger, days pounds. trees were for before of escaping the Father told me you were to fasten, but what they do have they forth. barrels of the sulekly. this time was U.ti 5.7 aside. Well. I love you still, and. John. Seymour? barreled op twenty-four our en during pounds, be the factor as well to state right If vou want a sale write us for out whs completed. They spent who, he supposed, might J then we waited until with cord. That is why thfy Now, It Is Just rest were left nulck which was ting 1 I honor for It. too. but I could not here, Kate, aud fasten best of those trout. The t KKK blank». only of digested, consequently them- he waited you hnd a small description milk fat hours of enjoyment }n rubbing or ageut of the plantation, a little time, and then have carried the tying of conl so fir. here that Miss Betty Woods. We no la advsnce. at least 57.2 of the I do It. You see. I am η woman." now to give you tc rot In the son.—Maine reijulre pavme.nt pounds the trees until the only Mr. Masterson and We une our owu to advertise your source on these trees. in the shadow of I bad to have hundreds of orna- who hated money must have had some other than selves "Kate, don't a woman' that t couldn't eti.nd It any longer; The Japanese brother over the brow of the say 'only McClena· property. man disappeared too, but I some of them so old that who was a crony of Tommy Bottomlr·· Lake I· ûwrdtn. >!«re than 4uj «alee to Maine alone, since the food fat. What else would I have you. see you. Father's coming, mental knots, A come or on. A short way. small brothei 1 « 1 to men from Λ> state· 1· our guarantee to The milk fat could not have Farmer· Prncat ProiperttT*. hill, aqd then he staggered written and that this "Terrors of the 3. City Rut tell me of yourself." ran ahead." they antedate history. (inn's In Thomas Ν as he's our methods are right. fat. This on the landward pray? the new· he you Uut from stored body Concerning the Cornell "Farmers' time after he stood Kate as aoon as children are taught to make carried to the latter all In l.MH. he says that l> M. W O. Frothing previously *he recited the events that "Why, Philip!" cried Japanese Night." published Krench, Norway, three consider- then his Rrlefly mm the O. Allen, Hiram, Local assertion is by Course." Professor Craig finds end of the little pier, and lie « c uci au u^iiuuim;, kiuiiif are to write the course of days *ss. bam. South Parla; E. suppoited Heading bad occurred to her, dwelling much up- *>i knots Just as they taught gathered during Lake Wetter. Sweden, Is bottoiul The cow's could have 5 a second and then ua not Agents. tione. (I) body It Interesting to note that about per heart stood still for again aud laughing ϋμΐιΐ heurtedly, AH sorts of flower and and weeks. This may or may other things re more than 60 on I>eelH>rough'e courage and devotion aud draw. He' also tells |»ecullar contained scarcely pounds are men and in bis breast as be seem- for "ilow you the case. cent of the best students leaped madly •he has not done days, forms are There is the have some bearing on "Over it no fowle files but at the of the to ber In the first days of ber captivity, animal copied. ■pectin»; It. E. A. of fat beginning experiment: These are a subtle like an echo You are a man his team out and STR0UT, women of the cities. persons ed to hear voice, of have grown! quite knot, the iris knot, McClenaban gof to death nor a nie maun pass or she 47 in body weight the death of Johnson, the burning chrysuuthemum Is frozen ISO \aa**u Nt.. Stw fork City, (2) gained pounds sentiment for a tet- which his name, at every avail- of time with no in- creating >* public of the past, whispered of He In- now!" blossom, tree and cherry bad them In practice Is like a statue of mar- Trtinunt , Xau or during this period Norfolk, the death Bentley. plum pine but mummed Tvuipl·, was and very mauy of them "It Is due to Philip, Kath- stork knot, the He had to do crease of nitrogen, and judged ter agriculture, "Seymour. Seymour!" her there and would fain entirely blossom knots. There Is a able hour of day. ble. Awle ye Inhabitants around about Kent*· Bill. Maine. body of the terrupted tell cow at the end; themselves to buy and Im- toward the middle that I am here," said Seymour, named for the he could. He could not roar to be a much fatter (3) are fitting Stepping hear detail of the aad scene over arine, a turtle knot, a knot the beet it are deafened with ye hldieous of milk fat or could see the Interior every little which for the formation of this quantity land. All are farmers, present so that he "lie commanded the brig An easy But they worked, they out of Its midst prove pier again, thanking her and blessing her sacred mountain Fujiyama. them why. of hits waters when NOTICE. would have caused a marked condition through the inner ran down to the Yarmouth at the risk of of the boathouse "old man's knot" 1 ·' Ciliell a prospective. for what she liAd done. knot Is called the the ·:·.· > as out of Mont sulphurous for the because of an in- the of Dis- were after applau·® Id the I>l»trlct Court of the United Stales of emaciation which, door, his eyes fell upon figure destruction and picked me up. "old woman's knot." that well nil have "It was she said simply. "1 There is also an ■ »■■·." '>v.»r!;od. stinking smoak issues District of Matne. In Bankruptcy. crease in the would \untrond. door- nothing," of the community. body weight, Tfce Jtoraviuau'M a womau standing in the other orders, too, the young rogue. in the do It. He was your friend. It obeyed on the cow.rai.v. gave hi· whole couutrle about." I a the matter of ) the increase is as unlike loved to Masterson. poysons ye required improbable The Noresman's hades looking out over the water, He me Into Charleston, nursed Iftlai Dlataaoaa. JOSEPH Dt'KHKSNE, In Bankruptcy, of water and intest- way to me closer to you." brought wondered J of 104 pounds hment as The sun had eeemed bring me toaui a rest. Kverylwdy of Norway, Bankrupt. 1 body (he orthodox place ot pr:d* stretching out her hands. me like α woman aud then brought ttU miles In every direction inal contents. Then she told him of the foundering of About but Masterson was czar, and Act I· th* Present. To the creditors of Jo-eph Oufresne In th< one to 1: .;;iiie. This aud the dusk without him." can see when why. 38.8 It is for set by this time, gray here. I should have died is distancé a man Do of < txford and dUtriet aforesaid 4. During 59 consecutive days possible the of the veyage In the the him alone. Now. Masterson Be not anxious about tomorrow. County sous was over the ship, frightful on the they left Notice U that on the Sth ilav ol milk fat were secreted, and of torment for the reprobate of the evening stealing Philip," said the delighted girl, on a clear day peak hereby given of place the upon Des- "Oh, standing of a college whose Fight today's temptation, *ald Dufre»nt 1 pounds and la but boat, and rang changes a was the graduate today's only. Aug Α. IV 1JÔ*. the Joseph urine was to 33.3 of the north is called nastrond river. Ile could uot see distinctly, the proud and happy young- mountain—say at ; and that the Ural the nitrogen equivalent cheerfulness, his kissing of the highest word a college and do not weaken and distract your- was .aly adjudicated bankrupt to uorth show him a borougb's name—hi· over name is a household will be held at tlx of According an; situated far toward the frigid there was light euougb to ster with more warmth than be bad of feet, or a little meeting of hi· creditor· pounds protein. zeal and energy—until Sey- height 20,ϋβ8 with another college on self looking forward to things yoa Court In South Parla, on the SI·) method of not niÛhelm, the at her feet, und, unfailing me al- of the sea. which Imttles by House, accepted interpretation, and is directly under familiar scarlet cloak ever known before, "promise five miles above the level of Aug.. A. D. 1904. at 10 o'clock been mour's heart filled with Jealous pain. tleld every fall, upon cannot see and could not understand lay over 17 of fat could have was turned to lilui, How can of the football In at which time the oal< pounds uiythologmt's purgatory. her back to your orders. must be at a height the forenoon, of metab- Scandinavian although he said at last, "a· I came up ways disobey An observer the interest of mil- If saw them. Enough for you that their claim· from this amount as It outlines οt "Kate," which battle hangs you creditors may attend, prove produced A of nastrond ap- he recognized the graceful I thank above sea level to nee objects examine the bankrupt description road I saw a man leave the boat- you?" tf,tiU7 feet (Jod Is and merciful and will re- appoint a trustee, olized In was Kuthurluc the just busines· m protein. lu the "Frotte Edda" (written her slender ligure. It of 100 miles, The dis- and transact lucti other maj of milk secreted bon pears the hlH. Who was It?" at a distance man to hi· work. 5. The quantity Is dead re- house and climb ward every according properly come before said meeting. Iceland in the thirteenth century) or a dream! But could the miles at which an object upon 1904. a definite relation neither to the digest was Lord John." tance in —Charlw South Parla, August 8, sea up "It Desborough. is Kingsley. GEO. ▲. nor to the extent of th< 1 us follows: turn againÏ Had the given of the earth is visible WILSON. ible protein eaten Seymour was human and filled with the surface Referee In Bankruptcy. vieir of tbesi nastrond there Is a vaat and dead Indeed? root of one and metabolized. In "in her drew from to tbe square Human Katar·». protein face human feeling. He away Catarrh equal is that the well-krowi structure with doors that not believe the evidence of disease. the of the ob- NOTICE. facte it suggested direful He could If a constitutional one-half times height said that human na- of i is formed b€ her. It is constantly fo r favorable effect upon m:lk secretion This building senses. It might In a scrofulous condition ο f above sea level. Some la ttw District Court of the L'alted State* the uorth. his bewildered he said It originates server in feet I)o believe it due in to ι ser- "What whs he doing here?" ture Is heartless. not of Maine. Ια narrow nutritive ratio is part the backs and scales of the baseless fabric ol on that condition. made for the ef- the District Bankruptcy entirely of a hallucination, the blood and depends allowance has to be SUPPORT and to a construct She smiled at li'.m mecrlly. Human nature is kind generous, I η the matter of 1 stimulative, and not only like wleker- from coldly. dlisinen but as la wattled together a vision, some image conjured It often causes headache and feet of refraction, UkAUK'iui) w Johnston, { Bankruptcy of the pents. me He was made ; atmospheric scon s EMULSION «rvu at a but it Is narrow and blind and can I ive function protein. heads of the serpenta hie heart by "Ridding goodby. the teste, smell and bearing, al ti of Mexico, Bankrupt. milk bon work. But the the deep recess of loving impairs the refraction varies at different heigh of Bradford W. Johnston i > 0. The of the of course. l»y the first soldier vocal disturbs the stomaci to the weakened and with difficulty conceive anything To the creditor» composition are turned toward the In- prisoner, recta the organs, states of bridge carry inly district aforesaid : the amount an< I themselves his enfeebled, disordered imagination, la affected by the various the County of Oxford and no definite relation to we came across after we landed and It la always radically and permanentl; and can find what It β<*β and feel·. β ι continually heard α starved until it but immediately Notice la hereby given that oa the 13th day side of the ball, and they and yet he surely bad living of his the alteratlv no accurate fig- lyitem along W. Johnato kind of food. nus been spending tbe days cap- cored by blood-purifying, the weather, precisely Aug.. A. D. lint. the aahl Bradford ο renom, In which love!" in food. > in the forth Hoods of voice, my and tonic action of can be firm ordinary waa aad that th 7. The changes proportion vomit "Seymour—John—oh, with us. He was exchanged to- urea for general purposes given. support duly adjudicated baakrupt, U all tivity When trouble goes hunting him a drat meeting of hla creditor· will be held at tb milk solids were due almost wholly must wade throughout eternity Stifling the lieatlng of his heart, hold- one-fourteenth to Scad for free «apte. ο and leuves tonight." Probably from onç- man Court House, la South Paris, oa the Slat day \ of fat. or swear to day ! man may dodge It, but when a forenooi in the percentage thoee who commit murder bis breath even, stepping softly with Hood's the distance by the Λ BOWNE, Chamirta, Aug A IV 1904, at 10 o'clock la the changes ing "Katharine, he was In love SarsapariUc tenth of given SCOTT It hasn't on· attend of nas- vision medicine has the moa t . hunting trouble at which time the «aid creditors nay Another description lest he should affright the airy to This great wrought have to be deducted, 409-415 Pearl Street, goes lies." he said, with what seemed diseases f formula would and #1.00; all him. prove their claims, appoint η trustee, examln feel but add* that door and stool you." wonderful cores of.all depending 50c dragfbu. chance In a thousand of escaping buainea There should always be a friendly la almllar to this, be staggered to the of the atmos- the bankrupt and transact »ueh other trond him marvelous, perspicacity. on scrofula or the scrofulous habit. owing to the refraction cow and the milker bitten one word * —Cincinnati Times-Star. aa may properly ceaae before «aid meeting. ing between the the evildoers are occasionally gazing; then he whispered still smil- 1904. cai John,' «he answered, Hood's Pills art tfa· b*«t oatharûcT phere. South Paria, August 13, should not be changed if it I Nldhogg. UEO. A. WILSON. mUkers by the great dragon "Katharine!" 1"Yes,ing. _ __ Uatene la BaairujUej. be avoided. / Maine News Note*. ESTABLISHED 18». W«at P*rt*. BetM. Buckfleld. Lovdl. has been THE OXFORD BEABS. Mr*. H. E. Hamilton and two ohildran Mr. FOrbush, formerly of Groveton, Miu Laura Dean baa returned from Mra. J. W. Holt, wbo visiting some K. to Boston I last for a vlitt with Mr. ha· the etock of of Mr. Old Orchard, where ahe haa spent at C. Chapman's, returned The who return· to Blue- %ht Φχίονά gemocrat, THE DOINGS OF THE WEEK IN AU arrived Tuesday purohued good· westerner, Alteration Week. Q. P. and haa trade at the Saturday. hill after an absence of 76 doubt- ISSUED TUESDAYS. and Mrs. S. W. Dunham. Bean, began day·. years, SECTIONS OF THE COUNTY. Ο. and wife Clinton Andrews and bis friend, Mr. Home are the Miss Littlefield, of Weld, a near rela- "Honest Corner Store." Mr. Forbnsh is H. Hersey Wyer Greene, less takes the first prize for Old This week a full crew of carpenters making alterations in of are here tive of Congressman Chas. Littlefield, is not a stranger to many of the Bethel peo- and daughter registered at Hotel Long Chandler, Lawrence, visiting Week. Pftris Mill. for a few our store we have told about. SOUTH PARIS, MAINS, AUG. 23,1904. the guest of Rev. and Mrs. D. P. Nelson. ple, and the same courtesy and honest Tuesday. days. you of of the Dover and Foxcroft have faith that a here a to which has been received H. A. Irish and wife have recently Tbe fair tbe ladies Congrega- or two our store will be like new, with double the rim Church. Pwachln* Quite party from made trip dealing, always to Sebec lake will be a In a week space BapO·* •'«LS»·'1»; a of the held at the that electric road at II a. u. School M llM. s· Mt Mica at Paris Hill last here, will, no doubt, be continued. Mr. spent week at Bailey's Island. tional Circle, Centre, Sunday X "·. Thursday. and also a line to a we can serve if than in the ax wood a afterooon a» 3. some town house afternoon and reality soon, Bangor, we now have. Then you better, possible, past. Forbes, C. Ε Sunday About a dozen from our village Forbush has moved his family here and P. W. and Mrs. Shaw have spent Wednesday Service at 7 A r. u. Prayer Meeting'S^balta £wdI"I people was the little later. will live on Broad Street. time at South Harpswell, later to evening, very successful, pro- week we can show some values in summer MMm uU Proprietor·. evening at ΐ Covenant MmUix attended the Univerealiet grove meeting going This you special wrappers. J"] of Boston. ceeds about |60. Friday before the la Sunday of the month al at Bryant Pond Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Wherry and daughter New being .The safe in the Maine Central freight tiBOBet M ATWUOD. A. E. rOKBU. are cor· are boarders the most of the are the "bomestic" marked down. 2 30 p. m. All not otberwUe connected Rev. T. E. Potterton of New îork York are visiting Mrs. C. N. Qleason. John D. Long, Théo. S. Bridgham, Hor- There office at was blown to pieces They on Farmington n|ve™" Mrs. Fred Chandler ace Barrows and wife of Sumner and time at tbe of B. £. Brown see our of stocks. New few H. Paitor. finished his for the U and little daugh- cottage Thursday morning and about $00 Don't to line wash styles every ""ualvenHiSit Church, Bev. J. Little, preaching for the fish- early forget days. a year If In advance. a. ■■ ters have returned to South Paris. Mrs. Forbes boarded the train Kezar Lake, Teuu -91.90 paid strictly Prea-hlng service every Sunday at II alist Society Aug. 14th. The Saturday Henry Upper coming in money was taken. • Hherwlse UO a 4 cent·. m. and the board that is fri year. Stugle copie» Sunday school at there was a au- Mrs. Palmer of Brunewick is very ill Saturday, the 13th, for Boston. Others ing, scenery, good closed afternoons. I evening previous good Albert of 22 of Store Friday — A of four were there Portland, years ▲UTKirruuuuiTe All levai advertisement* dience in attendance at his lecture on at the home of her Mrs. G. L. went on Monday furnished. party Crosby its daughter, following. a and are three Insertions for #1.3u The Paris Hill Golf Club held re- The Oxford at for a few and fireman on the Boston gtveu connective the St. Louis which was most en- Sturdivant. Horace Murcb and Geo. Brown are from Fryeburg age per Inch In of column. contract» annual at Wed- fair, Maine was drowned Monday length Special meeting Academy Hall, Herrick and a the tomb at Buckfleld cemetery. days this week. Railroad, made with local, tran»lent and yearly advert!· a tertaining and instructive. Judge family enjoyed pairing The show a number from here visited Bos- while in Clark's Pond. He era. nesday evening. reports of moat drive to Rumford Chas. was at Dr. Heald's with Quite bitthing 8# Rev. C. A. Hayden Augusta preach- delightful Fills, Berry present membership of 10f> as against his ton this week for the 0. A. R encamp- leaves a wife. — ist the last the of Swift River. Jo· Puntiko New type, faat pressée, steam were es for the Uni versai society returning by way graphoplione Wednesday evening. last year. Light refreshments as is about to ment. power, experleuced workmen and low prtoe* [two Sundays of this month which con- Quite a delegation of the G. A. R. and Betiring early, my custom, Applications for licenses to hunt lu combine to make tht» of our bual served after the meeting. The newly was Dr. Lowe and from department I eludes the summer services as arranged. W. R. C. have been attending the encamp- close accounts with Morpheus, 1 family Washing- Maine the coming season are commenc- ne«a complete and popular. elected officers are: and two ment in Boston. aroused what to be a ton are at G. H. Moore's for the usual at the fish and com- Preι»1·lent Mr. Pharle· r. Matheweon. Mrs. M. G. Bradbury daugh- by I| supposed ing to arrive game to locate the vacation. num- Treaeurer—Mr. Prtntla»Cumndng·. Iters have returned home. Miss Maud Thursday afternoon, the Christian En- bagpipe. Getting up sound, missioners' office. Already a large Coming Event*. Secretary-Mw. Caroline P. Harlow. Davis of Bethel has been visiting them deavor gave an entertainment upon the I decided it was on the village square. ber have been received. Member· of Board of Ju la C. Here and There. Manager»-MUe for a few charming lawn at Dr. The Later, a person came to my room, inquir- Snow. MIm Gertrude M. Brown, Ml·· JulU F. days. Gehring's. Rockland celebrated the centennial of Au*. A· Sept 4.—Empire Grove camp meeting, Mrs. W. F. from of the house and added: ing how I liked it. No must Carter, Judge W. P. Potter. Mr. aud Bowker guests assisted, response—I last Kaat Poland. have been In I its incorporation as a city week, β.—Oxford Pomona with Κ red are relatives in very much to the pleasure and interest of sleeping. the morning, a if not a condi- MAINE. Sept. Grange, Mrs. l.eander Green, Miss Emma visiting It is peculiar, unique, with a three NORWAY, erlck Ruble Otlsfleld the occasion. Prof. Marks rendered learned it was under my room, programme covering days, Orange, of directly tion in affairs, that the accept- firemen's Oct. 4, 5, 6 —Fair at Riverside Park, Bethel. Green and Mr. Charles Green Everett, out of the and political including a military F. L. went to Boston last poems, which were illustrated in pointing window, people of a candidate parade, are a few weeks with Wyman panto- ance speech presidential etc. Mass., spending and Miss Burton of New York were assembled in outside. muster, literary exercises, niim>iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii>nmiMinn»MmMMn>h mine, groups has decided a paper to support Mrs. M. A. Green at Orchard Croft. Mr. leading A. NRl'RTLEFF * CO. Mrs. Lucinda Small has for a sang most charmingly a song Billa Spaulding, daughter of Mr. and The York A Waterville man a F. A. SIICRTLEFK A CO. F. For President: F. Green of arrived I guest Japanese the opposing candidate. New reports seeing C. Maiden, Mass., in costume. Ice cream were Mts. L. B. took via on her friend, Margert Packard, from Balti- and cake Spaulding, passage on the of "coal black fox" in the bushes while Thursday for a few days. Genoa Sun, publication Judge more. served and the treasury was increased by steamer Tuesday for Paris, via a drive A fox of that kind in Mrs. Bert Hudson of Watertown, Mass., Parker's speech of acceptance, immedi- recently. Theodore Will will soon have a new 125. and other points. to the hand would be worth a many YOUR Roosevelt, is at Mrs. B. S. Doe's. Emery ately announced its intention support good visiting on same location. Prof. Scott is soon to his The O. A. R. men are coming along, as a black fox ekin will N. blacksmith shop the Wight begin Roosevelt and Fairbanks. The situation in the bush, bring Of New York. Miss McCoy of New Brunswick, J., classes in not some earlier and some later. I He has purchased a building of John music, although he has would not be so if Judge Park- several hundred dollars. is at Mr. J. C. Cummings'. C. M. Irish and are peculiar CORRESPONDENCE I Porter, which will make a better shop been idle during the vacation months, family camping er's had been so radical as to The library benefit, postponed from out at North Pond. speech give Corneliue J. Haley of Bangor jumped For Vice-President : I then he had before. lie has bad classes in Errol and it was the on of the Upton, offence. On the very Saturday eveuing account are tomatoes are contrary, off the railroad bridge at Bangor Wed- NEEDS Mrs. Alice ('ross of Lewiston au«l North Newry, and closed with con- My potatoes scabby ; coin a of $ storm, will be this even grand colorleesness (to clumsy word) afternoon and was drowned. It Charles W. given Monday of are certs. At North the concert was rotting. Special judgments, eh! Some Sun. As nesday Fairbanks, The "Bachelor Maids," I Evelyn Cummin^s Lynn visiting Newry, the speech which decided the is that his mind was unbalanced can be at our store. ing. comedy, a was men are as bad off. But thought supplied Dr. and Mrs. Ο. K. Yates. success, and he assisted by Mies good just the Sun puts it, "In- Of Indiana. will be followed by a prome- few this and epigrammatically as a result of drink. Haley was 38 years can find better than the made presented, Mr and Mrs. Watson of Boston and a Jane Gibson, soprano Miss Ruth potato bugs year, apples above the of his You nothing papers by nade. soloist, stead of rising platform old aud leaves a widow aim several chil- are Mrs. Stewart do not appear so affected with at sister from Norridgewock visiting King, accompanist. Emily badly be has crawled the Eaton-Hurlbut Co. Correct in Finish and For Governor: The Universalist Circle will meet tor. party, ignominiously dren. Style, their brother, Frank McKenney. Mr. Kellogg of Philadelphia, a guest at Pop- try pe under it." WILLIAM T. Academy Hall. Friday evening. All are Miss Grace E. of Color. We make a of these COBB, I McKenney lias taken his family and lar Hotel, kindly consented to sing at Fogg Lewiston, Bangor's oldest business man is Archi- specialty papers. Highland cordially invited. Further particulars of Mrs. Of Rockland. relative# for a week of camping at this concert. She possesses a rich con- daughter Carrie (Atwood) Fogg, bald L. who has occupied the same Linen is on»» of the most box. Two- will later.· been ehocked Boyd popular, only 35c. per appear Locke's Mills. tralto voice and it was a rare treat to the is visiting relatives in town. Civilization has again by store in the Larrabee block for exactly Arrivals at the Hubbard House during Mrs. of Lewiston is visit- tbe at the stake of two tone Linen is another brand, 35c. per box. : The familiar figure of Hon. Geo. W. audience, who Emily Loring burning Negroes half a He is a fruit dealer and popular For Congress the week are: thoroughly appreciated the ex- century. seen in our her talent and her brother, Asa Atwood. in There was not even first bananas ever seen in A.S. Mrs. Ml#· Kathleen Hurd. I Kidlon is occasionally village generosity. ing Georgia. imported the other kinds in all the latest and colors. CHAKLES E. L1TTLEFIELU, Ilunt. Hurd. 18th occurred the twelfth annual cuse of the "usual crime" or the law's Many shapes Sherbrooke. P. Q. I when he comes to make a short stay The second concert was held at Union Aug. Bangor. They sold at 10 cents each or Of of the Conant families at East The had been convicted You can find what need Rockland. A. L. Burbauk, Portland. I with his family. church, Upton, and the third at Um- gathering delay. NegroeH $1 a dozen. surely you Mr. an·! Mr». J. G. Beals, Boston. Hebron Hall. Sanford and fam- of murder and sentenced to death. More- B. Coun. bagog Hall, Errol, Ν. H. The pro- Grange AT THE PHARMACIES OF France· Cotcgewell. Bridgeport. of Howard of the eeeras to have inflamed At Pond Cove, Tuesday afternoon, Ed- For Senator: Win. Fuller, MUo A F. Fuller, Cleveland, υ. South Kumford. fessor had a chorus of voices, which ily Buckfleld, and family over, lynching forty a win a of was shot Mr». E. Mecuei^ Mum he had been a Turner, Edwin and and Mrs. Mar- tbe white of tbe section to Thomas, boy 13, BARTLETT, of Stonehani. George Roxbury. Dr. J. F. Putnam and Miss training, and large audi- wife, populace JONATHAN Sarah K. Hall, Portland Maggie tha Walmar of Cincinnati the white so that little regret is ex- the heart and instantly killed went to Boston on A. R. ence enjoyed the concerts. An excur- comprise heat, through by Mary O. Trull, Boeton Bessey the G. the careless of a revolver which For of Probate: sion boat was run older Conant families now Since for the fiendish performance, handling Judge MIm Isabel S Arnold, Plalnfleld, N. J. I excursion 15th. James Barker from Lakeside to Er- living. pressed F. A. CO. was The SHURTLEFF& >11»· Jean K. Ma»·. August the of the the and the whites have banded to one of his companions cleaning. ADDISON E. HERRICK. of Bethel. Howell, Cambridge. is house for them. rol. organization association, together Mr*. Walter G. Ml»» Katherine A. I keeping a of home was in but he Morev, Professor will return Hiram wife and son, rid the community of class Negroes boy's Philadelphia, Boston. Mrs. Susie Miller is for Mrs. Wight probably brother, Conant, For of Probate: Morey, working John have thir- whom coneider unsafe. Several was at Pond Cove with his family for the Register Mr. Edwin Morey, 2d. Brookllne. soon to Kennebec and Somerset Coun- W., passed away, leaving they I Mary Clark. some whose summer. 2 Stores, Maine. ALBERT D. PARK, of Paris. Wm. J. I.ewletou. where he has met with suc- teen children of this Negroes have been fiogged, Taylor, Mrs. Frances Hatching is vieiting her ties, marked family. {[ cess. Of the connections on this oc- offence is "alleged of ladies of the at East Bethel. present disrespectful protest some of For Treasurer: The annual fair the I son James and some An attempt is being made by F. A. HHCRTLEPF A CO. F. A. SIIIKTLKFF Λί CO. County A attended the casion, the number was 82. Otho Chase, against the white supremacy," society, held on Thursday after- Mrs. Belle Jones and son from large delegation grove are the and others to stop Sunday GEORGE M. AT WOOD, of Paris. Baptist George at 80 of was the of have been shot. But all these details clergy was are their meeting Bryant's Pond, years age, guest honor, stores Old noon and evening, very successful. Auburndale, Mass., visiting Wednesday. a is of the at Orchard, Prof. had who on reminiscent he hav- sickening reading for nation which opening For : was a sale and a fair audi- and Mrs. Ε. B. Davis. Wight of the music, spoke lines, first batch of arrests failed to County Attorney There good I daughter sister, charge civilization into the islands of but the and were ing been conversant with their progeni- carrying CHARLES P. BARNES, of Norway. ence for the concert in the evening,which While going off of Hall Hill with the interesting speakers present, accomplish much. In some cases the which made the a success. tors. the sea. was very pleasing. The net proceeds of milk Saturday night, Aug. 13, Eugene meeting complainants failed to appear, in others For County Commissioner: Rev. J. J. Lewis, who illustrated Music for the occasion was furnished the fair were something over $100. Davis' horse hit his heels and ran, throw- gave the parties were discharged on techni- lectures here last is to a course by the Conant band, orchestra and male DEAN A. BALLARD, of Fryeburg. W. L. Perhaiu brought in the ing Mr. Davis under the wagon where lie year, give Tbe candidates for president and vice- calities, and in others there was a lack BLUE STORES. of two this quartette. It is needless to state that a of trout last I was a distance. The evenings week. of the two principal parties, as of evidence to convict. For Sheriff: champion striug Saturday. dragged quite dinner was in. president of the beauties weigh- horse made the turn at the foot of the sumptuous indulged well as several of the minor ones, have L. of Rumford. Forty-five spotted Chas. E. and of HARRIS ELLIOTT, from one-half to a hill all and on the level Pond. King family Kingston, now been notified of the fact Charles Mason, aged 27, of Sanford, ing pound pound right being Bryant's Nf. were It was-voted the officially each. soon and went H., present. of their of which they had employed at Kennebunkport for the ntatlv·» to the ground stopped running The annual boat carnival on Lake nomination, For K*pr«»r Legislature. grandest event since the of was and three ο K. Brooks, who has into W. F. Clark's that organization been informed for several- weeks. Each summer, drowned, others, Clayton Esq.. dooryard, being Christopher will take place Wednesday the Bum ford, society. one a two young were been spending his vacation here, goes the next stopping place for milk. Mr. who own has responded by reading lengthy including ladies, barely ofRutnfonl. evening, August 24th. All C. W. and Mrs. of Boston are Sale of Men's J. H. George the overturn- Our MARTIN, on a business to Bar Harbor Davis was bruised and is con- boats are to carefully prepared beforehand, rescued Sunday night by Monday trip severely invited and go in of Mr. and Mrs. David Record. speech Clothing in Eastern Maiue. to the house. illuminate guests and submitted to tbe con- of a canoe in the Kennebunk river. Pari», Bucktleld and Milton Plantation, and other points fined the procession. All cottages around the presumably ing Às this is not their first call on David, The rescued were Misses of Pari*. The annual meeting oi Frank Lane from the Falls is lake will be sideration, if not the revision, of astute Joseph Young, WALTER L.GRAY. adjourned helping decorated and illuminated. we it an out- presume they find enjoyable if this were not Elsie and Florence K. Paris Hill Library Association will be John Holland in the milk business until Committees have been chosen and all party managers. As Brymer, employed Norway. Oxfonl and Hebron, ing. it is understood that each of at the summer houses. held at Hamlin Memorial Hall Wednes- Mr. Davis gets able to work again. necessary have been made enough, boardiDg Is to a arrangements Close. EDWARD E. WITT. of Norway. Master Carl Lord of Mechanic Falls is *24, at 8 p. m. All members While returning from City, for a them is further to respond "at greater day, August Hop grand display, and funds have been a of Decoster. Everett Drawing association are to be Arthur guest Tommy in a letter of to ap- Clarkson, aged eight years, a our on our counters we Dix Held, Cantou, Hartford, Sumuer, Peru and of the requested Byron, Saturday night, Aug. 15, freely contributed for fireworks from the length" acceptance In few days Fall stock will be and Mrs. Bass and daughter of Minneapolis, notification «ras drowned at East Machias, August as business of is tc line's horse was a water- little island. Music pear later. Seems as if this Mexico, present importance frightened by will be furnished by are at Alfred Cole. 15th. He was sent on an errand his our selections will meet come before th j tub and the whole Minn., guests and acceptance business is expanded be- by hope your approval. GEORGE L. MERRILL, of DtxlekL meeting. ing jumped, throwing Bryant's Pond Band. Prizes will be with whom he lived, and William E. Atwood returns from llan team ovor a bank feet down. awarded the best yond what is absolutely necessary. grandmother, Until then we shall continue the low on the eight decorated and lighted Hartford. failed to return. A search was made and extremely prices W.H>d»tock. Greenwood, Altiany, Stonehani, cock Point this week, the store ami who was with was boats Marge Fleck, him, and cottages. a of our Stow. Sweden, Waterford ami Denmark, Having got things pretty well straight- Lake. his body found in stream not far from balance office where he has been employed badly hurt and is with lier friend, Mrs. Mrs. Estella Ford has from Norway returned ened out at Hebron, I am back to my old his home. It is that the Vj£«>RUE L. Ct'SHMAN, of Woodstock. having been fire. John Keene, at Peru Annex. At the Tbe schodl reunion of tbe Norway supposed boy destrojed by Portland, where she has been for two on home in Hartford. The neighbors a success was playing the boom used to control The event of last week was the goll same time and a two-horse team weeks for a Lake teachers and pupils was Bethel, Mason, t.llead Newry. Upton, Grafton, place much needed rest. Her all remember me and also remember the in the aud fell from it over It was decided to form a logs pond, Summer Suits and Odd Trousers. Hanover, Audover. Byron, Roxbury, tournament of Friday and Saturday of Smith ville people were thrown daughter, Ethel, went with and in every way. Lincoln Plantation, Planta her, some early apples that I have. I got into the water. Magalloway mixed foursomes, for cups, with the fol the bank, the horses being at went from to good permanent organization and tbe follow- tlon and all unorganized place», frightened there Bodoinham, to visit home not much the worse for wear. Of course some of the best are but we have score: same Of the nine men in the officers were elected: Hon. J. A. Rob- bargains gone HKNRÏ 11. HASTINGS, of Bethel. lowing the thing. the Rev. Henry Brown and wife. Miss ing While in Hebron, I milked my nine cows Christine Anti-Saloon fKELlMl.HAKY. team, only one was hurt, that being Eva McAlister is also the erts, President; Mrs. Stephens, League. left that will you. Lovell, Browndeld, Kryi t>urg, Hiram and Por- guest of Mr. and most of the time gave down. something please MIm Τ borne and M r. Shaw beat Mlee Browt Frank Russell of and Mrs. they F. H. Noyes and H. S. Perry, Vice-Presi- The American Anti-Saloon League is ter, Virginia. Brown. Between I rode out on the horse- of Lovell. and Mr Hammond, i meals, Mrs. Frances UEOROK W. WALK KK, up,3to play. Mrs. Jiantha Edwards and Mr. Benson dents; Partridge, Secretary to hold its annual convention at Colum- MIm Carter and Mr. Brook» l>eat Mis» Hal let Hebron. rake in weather. have been pleasant and J. L. Partridge, Treasurer. , this The dates are Nov. 5 and Mr. Orlaad Daniels, 5 up. 4 to play. caring for Mr. and Mrs. Alden But horse-raking has its drawbacks. bus, year. $17,16,15,13,12,10, 7.50, Mr*. Brooks aud Mr. l«eat Ml»» J Mr. and Mrs. Rowe and son of Chase in the Miss Maud Partridge is visiting ber 16-18 inclusive. The is a Camming» George absence of Mrs. and Miss For while one following partial Cole and Mr. Thorne, 1 up. instance, raking day in this week. Poland visited at Mr. Augustus Bum pus' Ford. Uncle Alden still remains in a sister, Evelyn, Portland, list of the talent already engaged for Ml*» Potter and Mr. Jacob beat Ml»» Case ani (where the grass was about two and one- now 4. Itist wt'tîk. Mr. and Jlrs. Elmer Ilammon of West this great meeting: Bishop Luther B. Suits 7.50, 6, Republican Meetings. Mr. A. J. Daniel)·, 1 up. helpless condition, failing slowly. He half tons to the acre), I suddenly got $12,10, At the services at the church Sunday has two still Paris were at J. L. Partridge's Tuesday. Wilson, of , president of the FIBST aoosu. blessings remaining which into bad company. I realized the situa- Miss Grace Bumpus read a sermon by he League; Rev. Geo. R. Stuart, of Tennes- Cloths and are in. Call and se< Hon. Charles E. Littlefield Mr». Goldberg and Mr. .Mable beat Ml»» Helei fully appreciates. He can use his tion in less than five minutes. I was at- Custom Tailoring Samples Cole and Mr. 2 up, 1 to play. Dr. Hanson. Miss Bumpus is a line hands so lie can hold a Capt. Lewis Bisbee. see; Charles E. Littlefield, of ■oiklanl, Thompson, book, and has the tacked in front, rear and and left Congressman them. SATISFACTION GURANTEED. Ml*» Carter and Sir Brooke beat Ml»» Thorn* reader and all With use of his right Bisbee at his home of Rev. Louis Albert Banks, AND enjoy listening. eyes, seeing to read without fiank a collection of Capt. Lewis died Maine; and Mr. Shaw, up. each the by large bumbles, York. Rev. E. S. lieat Mini services Sunday and siTiging by in the south of Sumner, near the I). I)., of New Chap- Mr» Brook» and Mr. Cumiulng» spectacles. so called. As they very much outnum- part Potter and Mr. Jacob, 3 up, 2 to old the vacation is by There was a social at the man, D. of California; Hon. John J. T. pfiy. quartette passing dance at Dudley's bered the horse and I decided to re- Buckfield line, August 12, age D., Hon. William Cobb Ml»» llallett and Mr. Case beat Ml»» Case an· me, of Rev. G. W. of Hocklaud. very pleasantly. Opera House, Music of 90 years. Woolley, Chicago; Youug, F. H. 1 Iti holee. Thursday eveniug. treat in order. The followed NOYES Mr. Thayer, up, good enemy CO., The ladies in the Centre District gave Bacon's Archie He was born in Sumner 1808, I). D., of Kentucky; and Rev. Howard will a» follow» « by Orchestra, Felt and us and fired one at me and Aug. 10, speak •»KMI FINALS. in up battery of New an entertainmeut Tuesday evening Miss (ienevieveWhitman. Icecream was on the farm settled his grandfather, II. Russell, D. I)., York. SOUTH PARIS. NORWAY. Dlxdeld, Thursday afternoon, Aug. 25. Mis* Carter anl Mr. Mable, Τ up, β to play. will go towards the clearing up of the»· 4ers were the of ceeded the house. This state superintendents and field workers for Infants and Children, Norway, Krlday afternoon, Aug. 2M. geusts Mrs. Mamie horse got hit, I never original log CASTORIA FINALS. in that district. We wish the> inquired. During Bisbee lot has sheltered of the and will be held at Co- Bethel, Aug. 36. cemetery Crockett, Tuesday and Wednesday. the I lost of uni- original settling League, g^atm-β jà/f? Friday eveulng, Ml»* llallett and Mr. Ca»e. Ml»· Carter an· engagement, part my conference is in »< ladies here would do likewise. The Universalist was a six of the and has lumbus also. This Mr. Brook» grove meeting form and a At time generations family, TIm Kind You Ha*· Alwais The Kadcliffe Base Ball team I good jack-knife. my to be a "School of Bought played success all round. The weather was tine, been the home of the Captain during his reality Methods," to the rain of it wai of life, I wouldn't get into another such Owing Saturday here afternoon with the Tne was life. where the most of League Hon. John P. Wednesday grove in a nice condition, for a five dollar bill in whole approved plans Swasey necessary to postpone the finals unti Hebron home team. The scoredI scrape good a work will be set forth and and of Caotou, game thanks tu Capt. Dearborn and Bome ol In this old homestead, overlooking discussed, Monday forenoon and it was not com 18 to 3 in favor of Hebron. money. where each worker cau have the benefit will »|>eak at the ladies of the society. The speakert broad landscape of highland scenery, he at the time of to press. The usual School to» career. of the and methods in Norway, Saturday evening, Sept. 10. pleted going Sunday picnic present were Rev. F. E. Barton from west aumner. passed his long and honorable experience opera- Lake Thursday. Rev. R. he was a farmer for two tion throughout the entire country. Norway Bethel, C. Tenney from Auburn, Mrs. G. A. Chandler is entertaining Though yet See Our Line of Albany. and Rev. Mr. he was identi- XKVV A I)V KKT1S Γ.M Κ NTS. Miller from Jamaica Plain. Miss Gertrude Beals of Turner. generations prominently There have been several from uenmarK. and business inter- parties ( The choir was selected and was con- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ryerson went to fied with the social Appointments by the Governor. A Week the at Hunt's Corner this The Circle was bel I ducted Professor ests of Sumner and Buckfield, hie farm1 Iteration city boarding Congregational by Scott Wight oi Mane., 011 13. Sanford L. Fogg of Bath, formerly ο \ our 1'«ΓΓίβιιοη<Ι<ικ·ρ Nec*l» summer. Kev. McNair of Lynn, Saturday, Aug. two towns. and Mrs. this week at Mr. Hilton's, an I Bethel. A the on the border of the was week < Alpbonso many present A several ladies, lying South Paris, last nominated b; >ur Sale of Sien'» Clothing. are at few.Jrom large party, including man Manetield, Mass., boarding Abel a was from were: 1 He has been a remarkable in the Sale of Lan·!» for State Taxen. very enjoyable evening passed away, Ex-Governor Perham attended toe ball game at last ! Governor Ilill clerk of courts for Sagada Andrews'. I understand that he talks and Redding and few men have exercised Maint· Register, ISWt-i. Over 100 took supper. son, William .L. Perham, of Paris ! Saturday. community, hoc County, to till a vacancy caused b; Coffee t'oto Se. <>f a cabin built to an- ■ to make the world Ready-made having log occupy Mrs. Glidden and of Somei Hill, Mrs. Hiram and Mrs. Beck a broader influence lie was also nominated re ï'or Saie. daughter Libby Mies Laura Bonney returned borne resignation. summer. are ■ other People just waking are the latest at of Mrs. Dr. of 1 better. His convictions were ο l'roliate Notice». ville, Mass., among Norway, Littlefield Soutli quite recently, called here by the serious deep-root- corder of the Bath Municipal Court, to the fact that Hunt's Corner is one at but on the side of reform. Of AppolutmeDW of Administrator. up rivals the Maplewood. Paris, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Dunham, illness of lier mother, Mrs. Oliver Bon- 6d, always which he has for some years been judge l'etltlou for Ulwliaixe. of the places surrounded the most The friends of Dr. Lowell ο f Mrs. Minot Davis and little cheerful and by many daughter ol ney. temperament thoroughly Among the other nominations by tin beautiful to be found in the of creeds of all he and' scenery Dorchester are glad to welcome him t West Paris, Miss Jane Gibson, Mist Mr. and Mrs. M. and independent sects, are the a Walter Chandler governor following: Underwear Roosevelt Sate Man. state. his former home. Edith Miss his wife, who died a few years ago, Hastings, Gladys Wiley, MiseI daughter, Iola, are spending a few weeks good ί ΑκβηΙ for I'revuntlon of Cruelty—.John W The route our townsmen who have » Barton can be credited with a noble record of v A Washington, I). despatch say: government postal inspector Among gon Agnes and Miss Alice Billings ol with her father, Mr. Clinton Ch&rtbourne, Oxford. has been in town and decided Mayhew. in 1'ubllc— 11. Η. 11 anting, Bethel. that the members of the Democratic Con recently, to the G. A. R. reunion are: Mr. Chad Bethel, Mrs. Stowell and Mr. and Mrs. On the Buckfield ball Christianity every day life, Notary t<> locate a rural free delivery route from Wednesday, in the course of their married Also a few left to he sold at cost. tîres.sional committee are considerably Kand, Walter Blake, C'has. Wood an< I Bartlett of Locke's Mills, Mr. and Mrs. team met the Sumner team on the home Kracticalaving, Hate a Bethel via Pond and town ι in addition to the care of their own VEGETaHIANISM. exercised over speech made recently bj Songo Albany A. W. Belcher. Mr. Nelson Smith ha Thurston of Newry. field. An unusually good crowd in at- life, ! Charles J. in tin , house Hunt's Corner to the returned and a line time. Miss Essie Bowker went to taken into their home at vari- Bonaparte, seconding through reports Newry tendance and a game; for children, Isaac Flint thence down to the good victory and home- A Theory That IIiih Ilccn Maintained MRS: E. nomination of Kobert Garrett as repre road, Mrs. Phebe Stevens of Northampton Sunday to teach a term of school at Beat Sumner It is ous times, nineteen orphaned A. HOWE, boys. thought they may Frtiui ll>«' liarllrnt l)a>n. sentative from the Second 1 river road, and then the town house is her Mrs. Wilson River. less and for Wongressioua by Mass., visiting sister, a return game in the near future. children, educating caring and Greenwood to but play as all this was ac- From tin* earliest SOUTH PARIS, MAINE. District of . Col. Bonaparte ii through Bethel, j Miss Grace Mountfort arrived at her Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Packard and Mr. them their own, and «lays vegetarian· decided not to disturb the office at Oxford. a life of a man of much influence in his state, post mother's Wednesday on her vacation, and Mrs. P. R. McLaughlin recently complished through frugality have maintained that fruit and vege and Mr. Garrett has been shrewd the Corner. I just report this as report those who attended the G. A i John F. is a and the small income of an enougt Among Capt. Dearborn having spent a in Lewiston. ordinary tubles ait' tin* proper food for mankind has it, but not as true. day farm. to give his secondiug speech wide pub positively R. encampment at Boston were: C. S large Hag staff erected in front of hie Mr. Arthur Bonney is helping his and ill aneieiit times smli leaders ol in where the members ol Mr. B. F. Gumming* of 1127 Park Row E. P. Faunce, F. B. Andrews and will have Old To such a life of golden deeds, licity quarters Chaplin, house, Glory waving brother, Mr. Corry Bonney, of Sumner, long limitant as Plato. I'yjt hugoras. Empe the Democratic committee have worked Building, New York, manager of the F. S. Stone, C. T. Wardwell, D. Β in the breeze in the future. the people of many towns unite in a[ finish haying. doeles and i^lutareli eau lie «-minted use a most to create the res eastern office of the I)eseret News, has Wood and Geo. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Hall and Mies tribute of reverence. It to net on industriously imp Knight. Chaplin Mrs. Bisbee has gone to Can- pays fly your been at Amos G. Bean's for a Cynthia leaves a Mrs. among the advocates of this doctrine. .siou that 1'resideut Roosevelt is "un stopping Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Delano and Mrs. Holdei Carobel Smith of Paterson, N. J., arrived ton to visit relatives. Capt. Bisbee daughter, safe." Colonel Bonaparte's speech, few days while on his vacation. He has went to Boston at the same time. at the Glen Mountain House thia week. Amanda M. Harlow, and a nephew, It is in this connection that we tlud as on am a which is attracting much attention, is ir all praise for Oxford County to men, Mr. Nelson Roberts of Aroostook ii Miss Cora Young and friend of West East Waterford. Lewis B. Spaulding, residing the old Virgil sinking the praises of a natural horse. I selling good net for as and all their surroundings, this his C. F. Starbird. Paris attended the homestead. part follows; especially visiting cousin, grove meeting Wed- Annie Lovejoy, daughter of Henry diet apart from the use of flesh: Some of our Democratic friends art mountain scenery. He says he intends The Welchville Sabbath School held and that with nesday, stopped night Lovejoy, formerly of this town but now Suit chestnuts we ι>ομ)··μβ much troubled now because to return some future day and enjoy at Caldwell'« Grove their the The at Lincolnville was 75 cents. The better are just they picnic Thursday. friends, Mitchells, who are living in Paseaic, N. J., has been at G. post offlce And apple* ripe, with store of curdled grades think President Roosevelt "unsafe." Hi some more of this beauty of nature. He Rev. Mr. Budden of at entered night and Norway preachec stopping Camp Echo. A. Miller's a few days. by burglars Tuesday cream. has had to deal, with more has beeu writing ami published the at the M. E. church He waf John E. of the safe blown open. A small quan- probably, Sunday. Stephens Rumford Falls Melvin is from are of the a Morey recovering pneu- Still more to the point Ids words grave and delicate problems, demanding genealogy Cummings family, by Mrs. Budden. Thej was in town in his auto tity of postage stamps and about three and 1.75. accompanied, recently. monia. in the Second at the close of a $.90,1.00,1.25,1.35, for their solution tact, self-con- very interesting book to any one bearing were former residents here and hav< The Collier dollars in money were secured. Post- (ieorgic patience, family have arrived and Adelene, Byron and Earl Johnson of trol and sound on his that name. friends. are at master Thomas E. Gushee, who keeps a vivid description of the joys of a golden judgment part, many stopping their cottage, Camp Co- North Fryeburg, visited their aunt, Mrs. than since the close of Mrs. Angie C. Bean, who has the a number of haesett. store in the same lost rifles, any president .re- spent Quite people from her» C. H. Pride, last week. building, uge: JAMES N. FAVOR, &°sfstthoerÎucker and while in cases last two months in Athol, Mass., under are watches and to the value of $75. construction; many attending the Advent campmeetin( The members of the Baptist church Irving Stanley has moved to Lovell, jewelry ti'-iore the reign he has done what medical treatment, has returned much are 91 Main St.· Norway, Malno. many people thought at Mechanic Falls. notified that the monthly conference, where he has a situation. Of the Dletcean king, before the days not in benefited the treatment. good When on slain bullocks fed an he should do, nearly every in- by Jennie Hayes from Baltimore is visit which was appointed for Saturday, Aug. Lucius Turple has moved to Norway. VIOLENT ATTACK OF DIARRHŒA Impious stance he has and Κ ben Barker is having lots of work to at her C. S. bas been to race. surprised disappointed ing father's, Hayes'. 13, changed Aug. 27, at 2:30 A Mr. Edgecomb of Athol, Mass., has CURED BY CHAMBERLAIN'S COL- his numerous citics by complete suc- do in bis blacksmith shop. p. si. At this business of im- This further from I intending to purchase for the year 1K02 and prevloue yean. Maxtieid. She an addition to the Penley mates, stand on this tract will be made iub- our canal—in criminals aad weeks has now recovered. reports a farm this autumn. says, "We, poor »ad conveyance of each up" short, ago, the stumpage on a lot of J. early owner or owner wh we family there, as will be seen elsewhere. bought Malting Friend· Every Day. deck." It Is just possible that |ect to a right In the part η 1ΙΕΙΪ STORE, lawbreakers of high and low in Farmers are not all through Butterfield. L. R. Hodsdon returned from Water dying been forfeited, to redeem the tame degree haying; can be said of JELL.0 ICE right· have re- This truthfully this be the real of the one ear after the «ale, by our midst, enemies of our country, both owing to the cloudy weather, it has been ville Saturday. His granddaughter muy origin it any time within the new for making the hi· South Me. at East Sumner. with CREAM POWDER, product as to the of u or tendering to purchaser pro Paris, home and abroad, all these gentry slow business. mained for another week her phrase, it refers sinking paying therefor at the moat dellclou· toe cream yon ever ate; every- portion of what the purchaser paid in him too "strenuous" for annual excursion of the North Buckfleld. mother. ^ a thunderstorm, and deck at the rate of agree finding The Grangers taatea to In ship during the (ale, with Interest twenty per East Bethel. thing In the package Nothing good of and one their comfort, and would better will occur on the 25th inst. Mies Sarah Graham of Rumford Falls A. M. Fogg is appointed postmaster at have been recast as sent, per annum from the time «ale, sleep Thursday, tioc weather. All are placing It In stock. may carelessly or luch owner redeem a at Hebron. grocer· lollar tor releaae, may with "safer" president Mr. Z. W. Bartlett and Mr. Porter Low rates and trains to Portland has been a of Mr. Waahie Heald East «aid to the Treat Washington. special gueat If can't yon tend 38c. for 3 duck.—London Answer^. aU Internet by paying u afore A. W. Walker & Son, If the which Farwell visited Portland the 18th. Mr. Lee Thomas and wife will move to your grocer supply 46 ι newspapers declare him on that date. From Portland, the and wife for a week or ten jrer of aa In Chap. 9, Sec. of party days. m all. Four kind· : Vanilla, Cboco- Stale, provided "unsafe" are the mouthpieces of one or Mr. Payeon Rich and his attorney, Mr. will divide, some probably to the Misa Sarah Mills of Poland ia West Minot the last of this month. lackague by ;be Revised Statute·.' going visiting ate, Strawberry and Unflavored. Add re»», The will be *old at a price le·* Dealers In more of these classes, I tiad no cause for Richardson, from Boston, visited thic some to the others to relatives and friends in thia More boarders and visitors are expect- Her Sympathy. No tract, however, Islands, Cape, place. Box Le Ν. τ. full amount due thereon for aur.h un wonder in their last week. ed from Massachusetts at E. Allen's. Seneaee Pure Food Co., 396, Roy, han the utterances; otherwise place Riverton and Underwood Spring. The Mrs. Emily Bass and daughter of Little Flora was complaining that jald State and County taxe·, lntere«t and coat·, these seem Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swan entertained excursion will be if are ta described In the following schedule: surprising, exceptas showing largely patronized, Minneapolis, Minn., guests of J. F. A Powder her stomach felt bad, according to Brownfleld. Ask for All··'· Feot'Ean, that they have nothing more sensible to relatives from South Paris last week. pleasant weather. Bioknell and wife for a while. Mm. Base OXFORD COUNTY. ICE, COAL, Po shake Into your thoea. It reala the feet. the Columbia Herald. "Perhaps it'» say. Mrs. Annie Bodge and daughter from a lot of meadow is still la a of the late Wm. a Mr. and Mrs. Charles and sisters In· Urant, 1577 $48.16 Quite grass daughter Cressey, Fogg j walking easy. Cure· Corn·, Bunion·, because it's empty," said her mother. 902. Kryeburg Academy Portland recently visited at Mr. Porter ι waiting fair weather. For hard time to native of this town. of Mass., are friends in grrowing Nails, Swollen and Sweating feet. At OBAMANDAL SMITH, I Lowell, visiting 35c. Hon't "It feel better If hud some- Farwell's. finish 1904 will be remem- Warren 1a in atil druggist· and ahoe (tore·. accept might you Treaaurer, State of Maine. CEMENT The post office at Dix mont was enter- haying, long Mrs. Georgia Boston thia this vicinity. FREE. Addre·· Allen LIME, Mrs. Etta Bean is and ,ny substitute. Sample thing in It." Not long afterward the ed by burglars some time Saturday having repairs Mred. week attending the reunion of the G. A. Mrs. Jennie Warren of Conway is atop- gt. Olmsted, Le Boy, #· Y. made on her home build- minister called. In to a ALSO night, the safe blown open and ISO in improvements Several men are busy getting things R. ping with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Warren. reply question funds ings in this place. for corn The Mrs. Etta Turner has returned to her number of summer boarders ae to his health he said that he was FOR SALE. stamps and money order taken. *eady packing. company Quite» This will IiUrwt Brothers. Cement sidewalks made in 18 and Mr. A. M. Bean, Mr. J. W. Mr. ire a are to The burglary was not discovered nntil Bean, building large extension to their home in Waterloo, Canada. have left town,. and others ooming Mother Sweet Powders for Children, well, but that his head felt rather bad hall with their friend Gray's George Washington Sunday morning. No clue to the burg- Eugene Bean, from >latform and will do a large business if Forest Swallow of Brockton, Mass., la : Β11 theirplaces. 0lore Ferarlshnees, Bad 8tomsch, Summer Boirai that it's because It's Elegant inch squares for $1.00 per square move and day. "Perbapa 1 brass and· 24 lars, but it is to have been the Washington, D. C., have gone on a fish- avorable weather continues. relatives in thia place. Mrs. Greenlaw, of Llmington, is with Τ'rouble·, Teething Disorders, regulate lock, fine banjo supposed visiting be Bowel· aad Destroy Worm·. Thttfitmr/M. empty," spoke up Flora. "It might clonic, Cements made to order. same ing excursion to the lakes. Wm. H. Downs and B. Heald at- commenced work on ]tier Mrs. Albert Blake. rons and yard. steps work of the gang that made the L. They have again sister, >rer testimonials. At all druggtato, *0. canopy-top'bed. Mia. S. K. Rich and 80,000 f Ml better if 700 bad SMaKfelBg la break at the Pittsneld post office the Miss Jennie Rich ended the Q. ▲. R. encampment at Bos- the Grange Hall after a vacation of about Mr. Thompson has gone to Gray to & ample mailed FRBB. Address Allen S. Olm- Address, Box'No I, Turner, Me. South Paris, Maine. preceding weak. are guests at ▲. M. Bean's. on last week. (oar weeks. ι ipend his vaoation. *ted, Ls Boy, N.T.

I V 'Λ 4 I IL ·. ÎL·'.. St-1 * i ..· ... ·. J». U Bemotra Last day of sale at L. M. Lnnt's We l· Well Impressed with South Perl Legislative Salaries. ïhc «rford 31. NORWAY. nesday, Aug. ! Byron Parrar, of Arkansas City, Kai (Lewltton Journal) Mia· Marion Walker of Waterville ia a who was the guest of hie niece, Mi At tbe coming election, a law ρωβι guest of Doris Cuibert. Frauklin Maxim, a few weeks sine by the last legislature will be aubmlttc CHURCHES. SALE! PAKIS. from tt to the voters for confirmation or r OUT SOUTH wrote to the Maine Woodsman CLOSING Mies Sarah Morse of Bucktield is visi '· ecomt Church, Rev. B. the letter: Coogreg&tlonal „■ at B. Bennett's. place following Hideout, Paaior Preaching service Sued* jection. iog George M.: Met β of tbis state at that electio 0*Α*1> THIS* aAILWA*. Socth Jolt 1904. 10:40 A. M.; Sabbath School, 1Î.00 Tbe voters entire stock Paws, 2S, 7 .-00 Ρ· in South Paris my Λ. E. Morse read at ai «1 Prayer MeetluK at β JO ; Social Meeting. are asked to vote on tbis issue: Wheth< to close out business June 13,1ΛΜ, Skowhegan To the Editor of Maine Woodsman : Tuesdi decided my Commencing M.; regular weekly Prayer Meeting, or not tbe of members of tbe Having at Groveton, Ν. H., last week. at this as a an 8. *. Friday evenli pay legii S.KAVK SOCTB PARI· I Looking tillage figure evening; Y. P. C. Meeting J TIUl*· at 7:30. lature shall be increased? At presen Miss Alice Howes of Portland is , for diversity of contonr I am persuade are some of our 51 λ M.. ,0»llT, Sund»: spent Universalis* Cbnrcb, Rev. Caroline Ε. Ange members of the the once of cost. Below bargains. .„· town CM»-4 legislature get nij will be sold at that it excels all other Maine ; regardless 1,0 a ▼»!«««·· service on at 10 "*5 Sa i· M on! month at Charles Edwards.' Pastor. Sunday — » "■·* j Sunday iug Preaching of $150 and a small amour ~ «Α ΑΑΑΛΑΛΛΛΛΛΛίννννΐ indu·!' ..·■"*· Its bills and low valleys, its big A. M. Sabbath School, 14:00; Y. P.C. U. met gardly salary * high should b a M 3 ϋ P. 10: Mrs. E. A. Howe and hav e an 7 00 P. M. of anybody î w.-l -lût*» M., son, Henry, banks and ravines, its tall elms tag. mileage. Why CMX>OOO0O<8X>OOO0<8»X8^0OC«XHX>OOOCjCmX>OOOOOC80i to 1.25 «al deep Methodist He v. C Pasto and sit in th one lot .40 ',!■ suu.uye included). Sunday returned from their visit to Caribou. short its the littl Church, A.Brooke, anxious to go to Augusta $ 3.75 NIGHT ROBES, /; [ hedge», large river, service. 10.30 A. M.; .Sabbath Schoc [· $10.00 SKIRTS, one lot * Preach'ng court when the state pays so 111 Suit in stock for .10 to .05 .·.·'* h and numerous brooks an U.OO Social Evening Meeting, 7«) P. M general Any VEST GAUZE, one lot Don't fail to hear Littletiehl and Cob Androscoggin, M.; his bills on hi il M It 4.50 «ot ΓΗ fAiti» rtwr urvuat. and wil evening; class meetln g tie that one cannot pay " 1.00 .00 at the fair rivulets, its forests, shrubbery prayer.meeting, Tuesday Oat 5 for grouuds Friday afternoon. no man can tell unless he HOSE, pain M p. M. I Friday evening. salary, place (I it it 7.00 .«P. : w A. to7» flowers—all nature's handiwork—give E. S. Cotton, Pasto 1.00 Baptist Church, Rev. the love of ahead of the love ο one lot .30 HOSE, 5 pairs for Arthur of was th e the an 1030 A. M.: Sabbith He boo f power WAISTS, cm kch>». litgalls Parmington locality exceedingly picturesqu Preaching service, 40 .08 12:00 7 P.M ! It is no means unlikely tha one lot SPOOL I guest of Mrs. L. M. Luntover Sunday. and romantic beauty of appearance se M. ; Prayer Meeting Sunday evening money. by .49 CORSETS, SILK, ^■r-aloiial Church. He». W. I the member of tbe legislaturi il II it .79 .03 10M dom beheld else. underpaid .79 THREAD, l'rva. hlnK eenrl.*·, Mrs. hice of Mass., is viaitin anywhere MEKTINUK. of im , ρ ,.Λ-i..r Lynn, * k STATU) stays away from his post duty, to .79 ■ 12 ] the Creator this .03 .07 km Sunday School her Surely designed .98 one lot 12 cent for v ο mother, Mrs. W. A. Frothingham. a desire to make ai WRAPPERS, OUTING, .. meeti·* ani P. £ Λ. M. Regular meeting of Oxford Lodjr< natural \ ";.· „.- Ciiurchpr»yer calitv for a collection of humans pelled by it It II to 1.25 nol othej on ο r 1.00 8 coot for .05 **· in* at ?'SOo'clock- AU, > No. 18, In Masonic Hall, Friday Evening between what the state payi 1.25 CRASH, ·· Walter L. and wife weut t have come and added to the graml equation : Gray they bef ire full rroon. Oxford Royal Arch Chaptei t< to .40 V him for hie services and what he has one lot .20 .10, .30, .40 ^conlteUvlnvIttHl. Parte Peak s for a week' eur and of nature art an< on ο f 2.25 PANTS, GLASS DISHES, t hurvh Rev. H'. vCIltord, island, Saturday, beauty by No. 89. assembles Wednesday Evening, v 'J R. A 8. M for his bed and board. If the actioi lot .20 to .40 .40 rnlnw prayer tno^tlnic. I stay- other devices, making the a mos before fall moon. Oxford Council, pay .3.75 CORSETS COVERS, one COLLARS, .10, .20, Sabbath Sch». village after full moon. Oxford Lodg« • in this it ii ,. rvv. !0 45* in Friday evening, of a small is direction, and to live afle r salary * Meeiln*. «15 P. *. Master Howard Record of Poland i 1 charming delightful place No. I, Ark Mariners, Wednesday evening to the of the state * ;,r! As a material to the I contrary well-being .,.. No. meets third of eacl 1 the done with· ,ΓΑΤΚΙ» habitants number about loOO. Division. 12, Friday in order to get legislature employed for about a year past. month. Lake Assembly, No. S3, P. S., seconc in the limited to which small pay once. see n Ak ft x.-ru* M» f—» are four church edifices and five schoo and fourth Friday of each month. period to be sold and at Come in and the on or before full moon evenings in the mention. goods. , e.iav evening meets second am confines it. We do not believe Everything rc*uUu: meet Rev. Howard Clifford returned from houses of large size. P. of H.—Norway Orange t m,uut Mica,U-1«. fourth Saturdays of each month at Orange Hall of Massachusetts, of each Monmouth on has been built protracted legislature .. evenlnit Saturday, accompanied by school building recently U. A. Rust Post, No. M, meets li ex third MondayweeV-A^ron evening R.—Harry We do not believe in the opposite OinU and his uephew. Mr. Clifford DePuy, ol Scholars are very numerous, a gooc New U. A. R. lall on the tlrst Tuesday Evenluj Market trome; but we feel sure if a fair salary Square, Su Des Moines, Iowa. evidence of the of the town, of each month. M .m l* levant Kebefcah l.odge, prosperity In New O. A. R. Hal), Mon of the Maine Telephone of eacb a out- W. R. C.—Meets were paid members legis- .n.t and fourth irlday# In a recent letter, giving brief Paris. Audrew J. Jackson and his wife and day evening. that one of the for dally- M. South .·· p. ;icw-· Hall. meets It lature, pretexts L. line of I Ν. K. No. 177, No. meew are Phillips village, O. P.—Lakeside Lodge, if mem- Connection. LUNT, l'o»t. M». of Ionia, λ Κ Kimball daughter Mich., visiting the New O. A. R. on the tlrst and third Wed ing might be removed, especially evenlug» of each have spoken of, as I then thought, Hall, liltrd Saturday Mr. Jacksou's sister, Mrs. Helen L. evenings of each month bers were required to be in attendance .. two neat and well- nesday \ K. Ha» _ clean, South Parle Meatus, ami his brother. Alfred 11. Jack- exceptionally Ο U. A. M.—Norway and Council, and to earn their Increased salary. Here the Fori Kimball Kellef Corp· cemeteries. are truly a credit No. meet» at O. A. R. Hal) every Tuesday "Crop failures!" exclaims ol each month, ln son. kept They 10, comes in tbe Real as a of aur :.iy evening» serve to Thing necessity "vvliat are they'.' Aroos to the villagers and evidently evening. con- Fairfield Review, U. O. P. P.—Elm Tree Colony, No. 199, meeu life—civil service reform, from May 1 to >'<. nf LewisU>n guest except deep gulch baker at the Mr. Hayes are asked to say In Bath, July 29. to the wife of Miss IVarl Davis. of Norway Bakery. Maine next September BUSINESS Lewiston, Maine. in the northwest corner. It is barren success in se- rise flelil, a hod ( Philip, 9 pound».) BLISS COLLEGB, \I:n i A. Round»'. Mi ». S. M. Bark. is much pleased with hie "Yea" or to the question of a trees and except about "Nay" West Paris was S. F. Davis, Postmaster. shrubbery curing a first-class baker. Mr, Campbell in the of members of the legisla- v k uni of half a dozen trees at the west salary the] scattering a of Maine. a tend to se- ν < tlive C. swett Tuesday R. at Lewis- is native ture. Will not fair salary Married. L. Cole is in the hospital Waldoboro Mrs. V. W. Hills started for cure men? we should 1905 field ton tor treatment, and has un- with better Certainly 1904 xtu< Rrainard of Read surgical eQThe lots are all level and covered she will visit her sis- service bride'· V Wednesday, where not create a condition in public In Oxford, 17, at the home of the Mrs. E. F. Stone. dergone an for a complication crrass cut short and little ot a Aug Mr. Eric I lier Ni>ter, operation many plots ter for a week or ten Mr. Hills' those who are forehanded pareufc), Rev. Frederick Newport, of is as days. such that only l>y A. Blake of disorders. He reported doing *reat varietv of flowers of three-cornered week. Stone of Dlxlleld and Mlae Kloy Cirace ufl went to Waldoboro the last of the to a func- y. Maine daughter well as could be but is in a can afford accept legislative Register, M rtonand expected, shapes: some located at the angle of the from the Stoneham Oxford. t,,wu Λ few The returned tion. In Milton Plantntlon, Aug. i. by Henry Davis, a complete («n »■ days serious condition. as it winds round between lots. boys Ida M. !astl driveway the middle of the week. we are Mr. Alverture A. Bean atii MUh too camping trip In private enterprise, expected K*q., most Flowers in artistic not was from b< th of Milton Plantation. rain was about the profusion, The last enjoyed a fair for service, the Parker, W. JBuslxxeee to Saturday's tramp they to pay price price, 16. by'flev. Krank has tf»ne Po- a many or too few. The monuments and were all more In South Portland, Aug y teneJ. Bean of we have had for I Stoneham to They as a as Cole of Norway and satisfying anything in Norway. rule, increasing according Smith. Mr Harry Virgin ι.nuind for a stay of a few time. It all gravestones are of great variety, with their to the of South Portland. Directory ltl lIUj long rained steadily day. [ greatly pleased outing. brains and character are necessary Mlee Clara Belle Caeeltiy perfect order, erect, clean and extremely OF THE — until over two inches hail fallen. Noth- The entertainment at the Methodist discharge of the service. When the state Hats. on Fall The artistic work them is Men's beautiful. of tfce ing could have been more welcome, as it church Wednesday evening consisting I violates this law, is it really economiz- 4B8 town· ami SO citl©· u l Wheeler and wife attended well ex- Died. j a exceptionally good taste and on was well ! at Dixfield last was beginning to look like drought. an illustrated lecture Japan In an aristocracy parliaments pay Week reunion ecuted. The lower of ground of ing? ZN MAINE. Our autumn of Men's plot attended. no the rich can hold ollice styles a salaries—only Albert M. Hammond, the l'rlce of a Directory; e>< rain second about as acres as the first and con- In South Parle, Aug. 10, (At Single City 1 by. Saturday's compelled | many of scholars and teachers the hat is « The reunion j in such unless 75 is herl postponement of the Odd Fellows' pic nected with the first lies on the bank of parliaments ;tged year* A. \ .e < Swett visiting at Lake Wednesday was attend- In South Pari», Aug. 21, Mr*. C. Eddy, Hats are now at uic. There was no need of to a Norway passed. A History Soft and Stiff svvett. at bis carups giving any the river and is descended by gradual the who for- the fact «6 years. Progressive 1 Γ ed many from village, We have called attention to aged of Alten and u-aice of post|H>!H'inent—the weather at- of 50 feet. The is by In East otlefleld, Aug. 13. child — OF TUE slope perhaps plot were scholars or teachers in low salaries to Maitawamkeag. tended to that all And that Odd size merly that the formerly paid Mabel York, aged 9 month-. our right. covered a grove of medium a most 1 We have satisfied for the by lovely District No. 5. They report of our court were not In Oxford, Aug. 8, Marian Lowell, aged year, * in. NW;»n. organizer Fellows-Masons ball still in the has a j judges supreme special game elm and maple trees. It small We couldn't 4 months u. Protection, is at tbe lines of economy. A. ^ Λ ,i order of air. near centre, pleasant gathering. along Aug. 13, Mrs Maria pond of water the F. Jones were in Bos- to as- In South Waterford, STATE OF MAINE. can Mr. and Mrs. W. ask lawyers 9U 6 month*. hitherto. We .· ; : ·» short vacation. [herelatter possibly distinguished Houghton, aged years, PO Τ PAID ta.OO. customers h<»n town are but few interments in the sacri- wife of rB'CE, Schools throughout the of Paris ton during the week. sume functions at the great In Leslie, Minn., Lvdla (Hodgkln*), Mass.. plot. The of water is conHtaut- public 72 Mil· ol Melrose. will open on Monday. Sept. 19. This spraying Hod. Mark H. Dunnell, at one time at | fice involved in the low salary formerly Oarlue O. Davie, aged yeare. are of the ν and son λΝ illis a Γγ in different parts grounds and ,ir! | change i> made in response to general going the head of Norway Liberal Institue, The salaries have been raised, and DONHAM do it again. where needed. owner of paid. GRENVILLEM. '«in iman Ordway'e. demand, and w ill avoid the interruptions ., ! at about the same time (1S50) are not high yet. The The of this dangerously Fubllelier, incident to the week <>f Oxford people village evidently the then known as the Pine of his whether he will not Cure dle has to South County Advertiser, laborer is worthy hire, Stomach D jsing y λ! ν gout· are and contented, at his home in :>ΘΟ Congre·· St., opp. City Building The Best Hat of All a fair. A list of teachers will be prosperous, happy State News, died works for the state or the individual. M.i».. where she h;is published | have what recently and well they may be for they He law we wish to PORTLAND MAIM·. Manufactur- next week. Owatana, Minnesota. practiced But the chief issue, which WAY TO CURB CATAKKH IS BT ν tin l>ennison other and towns have for ONLY Is the Chester Noth- villages prayed in Portland for some years and is this: The democratic Derby. Zephyr weight. of was| raise here to-day, HYOMEI. o. Alpheus Fuller, formerly and anxiously desired, namely, manu- Minnesota ItKKATHINO IN FOR SALE. ing \Vood-| elected representative from state platform calls for the of CONSTANTLY STOCK ing more Swell, Price $2.50 stock, now a resident of Pomeroy, Iowa, factures. and have died or ceased to grow expansion lit- if catarrh is a blood and Vermont η Κ Kimball Relief Corps several times. the notwithstanding tbe Ask any physician New Hampshire Registers (paper), served are referendum, it is a 4. All is visiting at Chas. Edwards'. He for want of them. Doubtless there viauc« net he will tell that Then we have the celebrated Crest and Manhat- Vi· ir-i.»v evening, Sept. Mrs. w. t', ijarey 01 oeiuei tle interest taken whenever we have the disease and you in the in the 7th for we are mem- Mu-sitchuscUs Year Bock, enlarged edition, are three years Rebellion, •'chronic kickers" even here the first of the diseased condition of the mucous λ:ι·1 members requested Norway friends in town referendum. Now in tbe approaching #3.00. tan Price $2.00 Maine Battery aud 10th Maine Infantry. yet to observe a in wnicn are it cannot be cured by Derbys, t.» U community week. Mr. and Mrs. (iarey well! election let it be noted there brane and that New England Directory, price $7..V>. }.r—>«*nt. He is to be in the old Pine Tree there are not more or less of them. September or other glad in and an excel- on the of blood tablets, at a corn ro;tst settled Bethel enjoying will be referendum question purifiers, pills, Also the noted Bedford Only $1.50 N Morton .gave State 27th. This is SOth The sen- To the Honorable Board of Commlsslon- Special again. my anniversary. business. salaries. And we shall be forms of stomach dosing. only County last Moudav lent legislative ere for the County of Oxford. -ι eight girls Hale aud hearty. If the latter needed Mrs. Frank E. voters and scientific of curing catarrh the soft hats is the "COBWEB", Miss Mrs. ('. A. who had been with ( The friends of Mr. and much interested to see how many sible way We, the undersigned citizens of Stow »ml Among light- ■ι honor of her guest. Edddy, Flora and her estimable of her Mrs. W. M. Shaw of the proof, Queen gave them a surprise party in the State of Maine take enough inter- is by the use Hyomei. Stoneham, In said County, respectfully repre- est of at $1.50 l daughter, mate would doubtless swift wit- Gayton few four or sent that a new highway If laid out In sabl light weight Ktl.i Merritt, for some time, and had prove There were about referendum to cast a ballot. If Hreathedfora minutes, Andrews House, Thursday evening. est in the towns, commencing at a point on the line be- with Mr. nesses. their bounteous Mrs. to five times a a hard rubber at $1.00 iiti^ in ;ind wife, !>eeu ill for a number of w eeks, died Sun- Having enjoyed in the company. Mr. and want members of the legislature day, through tween Maine ami New in the cepter Crash Hats, we now return to seventy you can be Hampshire who are for six days to move to California bed and inhaler that is so small that it of towards the of Ira at her of Boston, afternoon, at the age of ·»·> years. hospitality Gayton are soon have salary enough to pay for the way leading premises at ·5° day there to vest will A. Andrews In said Stow. Thence easterly over ,ir«- a few at after- Phillips, sojourn indefinitely. desired to their a amount besides, carried in the pocket, Hyomei Megaphone, spending days The funeral will be held Tuesday and their friends express board and fair you said to the end of said road and thence by My only brother of a of thirteen of wish all catarrhal germs way uooti at 2:30 family wishes for the future prosperity will have to vote "yes." If you absolutely destroy the most feasible route to the center of the way o'clock· now is 87 good Catarrh can never A stock of latest in Fall Caps. children, living here, years the therefore the Mrs. to be per- and cure the disease. leading from North Lovcll to West Stoneham, large styles «"· «· family, party. the present niggardly system t.. \ liriggs anu i«um>j \ party oi sixteen were euwrameu old No sisters His is used. It has a uear the h liise of John Adams In said Stoneham. to-day. living. was by H. L. Home will vote "no." exist where Hyomei left Wednes- can Gayton presented petuated, you disease May 7, l'JOi. sKt.mand family evening at Ε. Ν Haskell's camp h is so much impaired that I Mr. but a small two-fold the will Friday aring with a silk umbrella and Gayton We dislike to forebode that action, destroying IRA A. ANDREWS, ami others. :,.\ s Island, where they on bis farm near the Oxford e- not converse with him. in the air aod lungs, and J. F. PLUMMER, SA. rojw. J with a dress suit case. Mr. Home pre- of the voters who cast their germs passages λ '>r tWO. percentage mu- ,}.«■:. week sides the Haskells, the party included in a most and in this and healing the inflamed A· sented the gifts happy ballots, will participate Septem- soothing [SEAL J ME. this the families of H- N. Ilall, Mr». I·. Third Shoot. of cous Market SOUTH PARIS, M [ int is in New York Co. ϋ Team Wins manner, and the remarks ac-1 ber referendum. If, however, tbe voters membrane. STATE OF MAIRE. 31 Square, and Ι>· I net», and the pleasing one of the most lier uew store iu Rounds J. lay Mr. and Mrs. were I who vote the state F. A. ShurtlefT & Co., », :u -.mmIs for For the third time the team of Co. D, ceptance by Gayton generally participate COfSTV OK OXKOKU, SH: 1st. M is.s es Burnell. A delightful evening best wishes of to reliable firms in Paris, are giving their 106-3. \ \\i h she will open Sept. 1st Regiment, X. G. S. M., on Saturday hearty and sincere. The ticket, the result will be encouraging Hoard of County Commissioner)), May session, Telephone was the with every 1904; held adjournment August l'.HM. from this spent. team of Miles friends will accompany frieuds of the referendum,—among personal guarantee package by iter business place. defeated the the Standish very many the effect a· UPON the satisfactory home. I is to of sell, that it will foregoing petition, of While Mrs. J. F. Plummer and Mr. Ritle Club of Portland, in a friendly family to their new whom the Lewiston Journal glad Hyomei they evidence having been received that the iietltlon vn under the auspices will return the money. ι arty sister. Miss Plummer two contests have Prof. V. M. Whitman and mother, We our forebodings will cure or they ers are and that Inquiry Into the of Protection IMummer's Mary shoot. The previous stand. hope of re- responsible, tli»· ν Order j and on have had scores of merits of their Is IT Μ Kngland who was one home of Mrs. C. F. Whitman, were in Boston Ά vote the They reports application expedient, »>f A. M. and of North Bridgtou. visiting been held, on the range not be realized. heavy and that tnc Countv Commissioners meet iERKi>, were out driving; Thursday, they each of the teams. Saturday's shoot during the week. amendment will promote markable at the house of H. B. McKeen In Stoneham, In iu ..11 Western Avenue this here, Lynn y Victor at touch be- chronic cases of catarrh by nyomei. on collided with another team. Both were was on the range at Urunswick. Tile stopped with her son, M., now singularly needs,—closer said county, Thursday, October β, l»U, next, outfit costs $1, at nine of the clock a. m„ and thence to M»>nd:iy eteuiug. was was as the two Mass. otlicials and The complete Hyomei proceed thrown out, and Mrs. Plummer score follows, strings Lynn, tween people. of route mentioned In said imme- the Emma and an inhaler, a bottle view the petition; not serious- man's name at 200 and The front fence about comprises after which a of the barrels are beiug set up at G. considerably bruised though under each being yard The inhaler diately view, hearing partie· Aj corner of Main and ûan- of Fertilizers. Hyomei and a dropper. ami tbelr witnesses will be had at some convenient s < for this *>00 J. Smith place, The Inspection ( ·,·γ ider mill year's ly injured. yards respectively: and additional bot- In and such other measures fort h Streets, hati been removed. It will last a lifetime; place thç vicinity, are to be barrels this D. The Maiue Experiment taken In the as the Commissioner· (hall l! lUrrels It is that the Buruham «*: COMPANY are a Agricultural of can be obtained for 50c. premises expected the There the second of tles Hyomei Ami It Is further that \. >> have been fur several P. ft 44444454 5—43 I greatly improves place. Station in now sending out judge proper. ΟκυκΗκυ, School mdeed they corn will start g. M. Sergt. M. SUIeit, Paris Morrill canning factory more in the village that Fer- notice of tne time, place and purpose of the Com- sell for tfS cents. ft 4 4 ft 5 4 4 ft 5 4—45 few places the Bulletins on the Inspection of High l'liesc has up next Aug. *>. The factory be much missioners' meeting aforesaid be given to all Monday. would likewise improved by for 1W4. The bulletin issued .in the ruu. tilizers PARKER'S a and Interested, causing been put iu full readiuess for Total, the old "front fence." persons corporations by V which went Thursday to taking away yard the of the sam- attested conies of said petition and of this order ty have been in- 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4-42 March contained analyses HAIR BALSAM com· Electric lights recently Prlv. L. H. Itaugliraty, Fred MofTett entertained her fa- Citantes uul bnutifiei the hair. thereon to be served upon the respective Clerks -l· i week at ( amp Concord 4-42 Mrs. received from the manufacturers. Novelties stalle.!. Sweet corn, is in 454555334 ples I'rumolu lujuriaiit RTwwth. of the Towns of Stoneham and Stow and also Souvenir and wife. everywhere ther, E. Allen, of Dorchester, Mass., contains the Falls to Bertor· Gray ;■! t.eorge B. Crockett The present bulletin analy- Ncvrr posted up in S public places In each of said towns aud tirst-class condition, aud only untimely at the at the lakeside. Hair to Its Youthful Color. Kr Γ (rockett. Misses I.ucelia, this week cottage ses of the collected in the open diteaw» k hair falling. and three weeks successively In the Ox- the farmers samples 1 Curri x-mlp published Mrs. frosts can preveut receiving T. 444544444 4—41 E. Brooks was the man aiitl Dnmguta ford Democrat a at Paris in h ·. -ketr. Mrs. L. C. Morton, Corp. ti. Tubba, Charles lucky market the JHc, |l.t»at newspaper printed German China. a return for this crop. 2 3 ft 4 5 4 ft 5 4 5—42 offered the I by inspector. said of Oxford, the ilret of said publi- On • good year's to draw the silk by to County Λ 1* aud Miss I.enora Bessey. quilt This Bulletin ( 10"») will be sent free and each of tbfc other notices, to a with Mrs. cations, Mrs. A. Walker and Miss wood Club. At meeting who to the be served and at least Mr. and W. Total, Hey all residents of Maine apply NOTICE. made, posted, thirty \· to a the was + before said time of meeting, to tbe end that Bon- meeting organize Kepubli- Mertie «.Walker arrived home Satur- W. P. Maretun, 5 5 5444454 4—44 A. T. Crooker Tuesday question Station, Orono, he has ■laye Plates, Sergt. on the Agricultural Experiment subscriber horeliv gives notice that all and then and there Mugs, Cups, 4 3 5—3» realized The persons corporations may i: i> eveuiug. a preliminary day from their St. Louis trip, 5 ft 5 2 3 3 4 determined. The club mention this of the estate Friday nioruing Me. In writing, please 'jeen duly appointed administrator appear and shew cause, if any they have, why ■ with .lames S. ■•il was formed, been none some more than a quilt $16. the prayer of said petitioners should not be having Tout, Fannie are paper. late of Hebron, \V : ; Walter L. clerk, en- G. W. Hobbs and daughter HUTH BOWMAN, granted. Etc. hairman, Gray month. report an exceedingly 445444444 4-41 and bon, They Prlv. T. M. Twitched, in New Tork. After in the County of Oxford, dcce&eed, given ATTK8T:-CIIARLES F. WHITMAN, Clerk. αη·ί V I» Bolster, AltonC. Wheeler and and are enthusiastic over 044445555 5—41 the week joyable time, spending TAKEN WITH CRAMPS. as the law directe. AU persons baring A true copy of said Petition and Order of the last of the week bonds arc V Κ Forbes committee to prepare fair in all its features. On their way Mr. Hobbs' return the estate of said deceased Court thereon. the a member of the lemands against and cards .iu·! ulate The meeting for a ToUl, his will a few days at Wm. Kirmse, bridge leslred to the same for settlement, ATTK8T.-CHARLES F. WHITMAN, Clerk. Also souvenir postal preamble. home the ν in daughter enjoy stopped Chicago 4—40 near was taken present are to make pay ι· of Se C. A. U un ton, 444443553 Littleport til Indebted thereto requested ; ΐ)··<1 till Tuesday evening this short visit to Mrs. Dr. John P. rift Old Orchard. gang working Sprague. 0 2 4544445 5—37 with cramps Tient Immediately. *··< when the Pike has,the foundation for ill Thursday night BOWM AN. k. at the assessors' oftice, Horace suddenly June Slut, 1904. ANSEL G. The tirst of this Avenue and a kind of cholera. His case was so and on aluminum pin trays, <»r at ion will be completed. All Republican meeting Total, hie new house on Greenleaf at the fair to have the members w to be will be held Asa who had severe that he had r«? interested are expected campaign Cook, S. S M'ixliti, 434324444 4-37 completed. Mr. Swift, for afternoon next at 444444354 2-33 taken con- of the crew wait him and Mr. Gif- Petition Discharge. preseut grounds Friday of the work, has the upon Bankrupt's etc. will be Η on. charge and consulted. lie told In the matter of ) blotters, o'clock, and by tract to build the C. B. Cummings

I *

Wonderful Crater Lake. COLUMN. Per BOVEHâKEBS' (New Tork Tribune.) AD Λοιποί story SAVED A LOW PRICE 1 When Congress set aside Crater Lake Little Folks end its Surrounding natural wooden of HER °5^Γί5Μ3Κ·ί8Ώ6£5Μ5ϊίOOUJie, Oxford Duaoent, Full, mountain peaks, lofty crags, deep can- — ON — yons, bed· of lava, ana matchless forests of vine. It created a National Park which Preserving aid What Got LIFE, many think rival· the far-famed Yellow- Greedy season H·· KB.—P*efr«wlTe Islgaâ*. Preserving and canning U upon atone. us. The housewife's MAY The 4-5-3 wan made of 1-2-3-4-5-0-7-8 gnat opportunity Crater Lake Park and ita two hundred Greedy was a strange creature. Ib i· at relieved too, of muoh of Its and the 1-2-8-4-5 filled the room. hand; and forty-nine aqoare m ilea of territory the first be was tbe only one of grau olden-time the ma· place Wool hardship· through ia located in Klamath aouthern was SAVE The 5-6-7-8 was a 1-2-3-4. We found oounty, thirteen eggs that old Mrs. Speckle Carpets terlaliaation of that moat Inestimable of The lake itaelf ia the great that when we came near It, bat the Oregon. able to batch. domestic treasures and boons, the gas- feature of the there are ue park, though To be was would be but YOURS 1-2-3-4-6-6-7-8 we picked consoled range. It beoomes quite a différant the say ugly ha* to cloee out odd and clean manyothera. During glacial period It. The Kind You Have Always Bought» and which been ftatterne j for that. matter to take upon one's self the details Crater Lake did not eziat. What ia now poorly to express a (or be was NO PAID ADVERTISEMENT use over 30 has borne the of M j 1-2-3-4-5-3-7 became an officer on I of preserving and canning, the putting- the aheet of water waa once His bead was like duck, in for yean, signature stock majeatic of New Vineyard, tell· up made it to up of jams, jelliee, pickles, eto., with of Mount at first a duck's egg. But bis tall was "Mr·. Laura Morrow, and has been made under his per- a 8-9-10-11, wblcb necessary filled with the towering peak the editor that the Trao 'L. IV Λ twoou'· Biltvr· this ever rather than His ahe dissolve our 1-2-3-4-5-3-7-8-β-ΙΟ-ΙΙ. raady helper Mazama, the mountain of all the wonderfully like Mrs. Speckle's. 1· the medicine which s^vod 1er life, and sonal since its infancy. higheat of that tncdl supervision through the medium of the coal ranee. a wlabeaa· to toll the manufacturers mountaina of the Caacade Range. feet were like paddles on steamboat, we no one to deceive i it this. In connection with it must high clnethntsheis truly ^ratefc! to ι'·Λ·:η. Ard Allow you preserving, Mazama ita fire, aabea was His iif> ■ο. m^-DMprc4 VoweU. erupted regularly and bis appetite ecfcrmoue. will add that tMa 1« pa!d adTi>rti«enieut."— and ** are lint be remembered that sound fruit of âne a 19C1. All Counterfeits, Imitations Just-as-good" and lava, and like spendthrift became so much in Fabmingtok, Wk., AOVÏBT18LB, hir.y 3, 8tll wtr rus dp. alone should be used. One can- poor mother did scratching the health of quality a hollow, a mere shell of a mountain. Disordered Stomach u4 that trifle with and endanger F. Ri wt □ mn. to his greed that Per Nervonsne*·, Experiments Chas, Tm nd td fr not a rich flavor In pre- tbe garden satisfy expect fruity The firea of youth died away, and after- Bowel·, Liver Trouble·, etc., the and against Experiment. serves such essence is not a of sbut ber In a coop. Mrdlclne U Infonts Children—Experience when part ward came the chill of old age; then on they up True "L P." BACKS the fruit in state. have me to Never-Falling Remedy BAD itself the Per- Mo. 227.—Conrealcd ligu·. original the fatal day, when the "Bridge of the "fcee what you brought by and Danforth A back. sen- also U most de- said bis mother. Comer Main Sts., painful One word is concealed in each aPI*arance Qoda" fell in, the old hollow mountain your greediness." poor A a an back 81?Ctu*n or fruits. lame, weak, aching tence. When these bave been rightly c#nniog preserving also fell Into itself. Nothing remaina of For must What is CASTORIA Telle of yoor kidney ills. jellies, fruit be underripe the once mounftin bat the base, guessed and written one below anoth- lofty for Castor Pare- Backache is the kidneys' warning. rather than Pectose, the jelly- which forms the rim of Crater Lake. Castoria is a harmless substitute Oil, MAINE. I er, the zigzag, beginning at the upper overripe. NORWAY, ing or solidifying factor in fruits, always How this became filled with water, and Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It left band corner, will spell the name of diminishes in as the fruit ad- goric, strength remains ao year after year, ia a mystery contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic a sage. vances in maturity. This is the explana- that none can solve. BO YEARS' substance. Its is its It destroys Worms Doan's 1. Here comes tbe cab; let us go. tion of the injunction that "currant jelly Crater Lake is described m age guarantee. EXPERIENCE Generally an