Issue No. 15 - May to July 2016

Welcome to the 15th edition of the Newark and Southwell Deanery Newsletter.

Dear All,

This edition of the Deanery magazine marks the end of my tour of duty as Area Dean. The contents may reflect on what has happened in the past, but of much more importance will be the diary, articles and adverts that look to the future.

In early May (11th) the Deanery will hold its second Deanery Synod of the year at St Nicholas’ Church in Tuxford.

In June (26th) a “Picnic in the Park” will be held by the Riverside in Newark. There will be an opportunity to share fellowship with other Christians from the town at the “Church in the Castle” following the picnic.

In July (15th-17th) an event called “Transform” will be held in Walesby Forest. Among those on the organising team is Revd Mark Adams, our future Area Dean. Along with Mark Adams’ Licencing to the Beck and Trent Group on the 19th July, is the Licencing of Peter Jones to the Northern Lights Group on the 19th June.

As we look forward there are exciting developments on every side and much for us positively to look forward to. Over the coming months Bishop Paul’s Vision for our Deanery will be developed. Area Dean Marks Adams’ and Lay Chair Michael Wilson’s leading will be important as future plans are rolled out.

With Easter still a recent memory we move towards the 15th of May when we will join in the joy of celebrating Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit. Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, amongst many other events, are embedded in our Christian calendar and give us the opportunity to keep our thoughts, feelings and lives focused on Jesus, which is after all why we gather, pray and praise.

As I conclude this final article my grateful thanks to all who have enabled me to serve as Area Dean. My wife’s endless patience, for putting up with my absence at too many meals due to deanery commitments and enabling me to remain calm, most of the time. Last, but by no means least to Louise Riley who has been an extraordinary support to me, but importantly to the Deanery as a whole.

Go well ….

Yours in Christ

David Milner Area Dean Joint Choirs from the United Benefice of Farndon with Thorpe, Hawton & Cotham join together to send David Milner off on his 3-month study leave at a benefice service on Sunday 24th April. Revd David Milner steps down as Area Dean 2016 Dates

A few weeks ago I wrote the following words: for your Diaries

‘As you will be aware, David Milner has served the diocese as your Area Dean for almost four years. We are very grateful for that and for the work David did prior Deanery Synod Meetings to his role as Area Dean. David has been particularly notable for his pastoral style and his commitment to seeing parishes in vacancy helped with cover and 11th May 2016: developing on vacancy. Thanks are also due to Louise Riley, in particular, for her St Nicholas’ Tuxford administrative gifts.’ 5th October 2016 That feels like a good place to begin this short appreciation. As David signs off in Holy Trinity, Besthorpe this newsletter it is right to give thanks for all that he has brought to the deanery. I have seen how committed David is to the pastoral care of the clergy Deanery Confirmation Service and people of the deanery. David has an innate desire to see that the traditional 19th October 2016 qualities of the Anglican ministry to whole communities is upheld and I am St Mary’s, Staunton grateful to him for that commitment. David also has developed a particular passion for the rural ministry of the . He rightly sees this as so Deanery Visitation Services essentially part of who we are as a nation and I am thankful for his commitment Monday 16th May 2016 to this vision. For many years David developed links with the Farmers Market in St Mary’s, Newark Newark and has played an important part in helping us respond to the ‘Released for Mission’ report which both encourages and challenges the rural church in Bishop Paul’s Prayer Week responding to the demands of modern ministry as we approach 2020. Wednesday 22nd June 7.30 pm You will all know that David has also been ill for periods of time in recent years. I Newark & Southwell & Gedling have been deeply impressed by his mature response to this illness and the way Deaneries join together in in which he has, where possible, sought to from the vulnerability that St Swithun’s, Woodborough illness brings. Picnic in the Park I trust there will be many more years of ministry in a variety of forms for David. Sunday 26th June However, as he begins a period of study leave I trust that he and Kristina also 2.00 Meet for picnic at Riverside find more time together for themselves, family and friends. I also hope you are Park, Newark able (or were depending on when you see this) to join David and myself at our 3.00 pm Church In the Castle formal opportunity to mark his ministry at Hawton on April 27th in the evening.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: NEEDED We are delighted to announce that The Revd Canon Mark Adams, If you are interested in at present Vicar of St John’s, Mansfield with St Mary’s in the Diocese of Southwell and , is to be Vicar of the Beck finding out more about and Trent Group and Area Dean of the Newark & Southwell supporting your deanery in Deanery (as from 1 September 2016) in the same Diocese. Licensing date: 19 July 2016 at 7.30pm at Sutton on Trent the role of Deanery Treasurer, please contact the Deanery Office Diocese Resources Library on 01636 650063 Books, DVDs and materials to support children’s, youth and schools’ work, music, worship, prayer and theology are available to be borrowed for free from Jubilee House, Southwell (NG25 0JH). The Resources Library is on the ground floor of Jubilee ONLINE STATISTICS FOR MISSION House, and is open from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. Please sign in at Reception and A huge thank you to you all - you will be directed. There are full instructions as to how to find the resources and Newark & Southwell Deanery book them out available in the Library. Items can be borrowed for 6 weeks free of charge. Sue Barrett, our Resources Library volunteer, is usually in on Wednesday managed to complete just over mornings 10-12, and can be called on 01636 817224 at that time if you need to 91% of our statistics for mission enquire about a particular item. Otherwise please come and browse – there is a huge online this year. Well done range of materials available stocked. everyone ! How Marriage Ministry Has Changed

I've been taking weddings since 1987, and in that time wedding ministry has changed a lot. Today there are many venues for weddings, so only those who feel a strong draw come to church. Some are regular worshippers; others just have the feeling, not always well articulated, that Church is 'right', and God matters to their marriage.

Weddings are more personalized than previously. I see couples up to four times before the day to work things out. We get to know one another, so when the day comes, I'm more a friend than a stranger. I recommend the C of E website, which is outstandingly good.

We discuss how they want their wedding to be. I want the wedding to be 'theirs', not part of a production line. Legal bits and the parts that make it a C of E wedding can't be changed, but today there's lots of scope for personalisation.

Traditional music is still popular for entry and exit. But both then, and when the Registers are signed, many opt for CDs that are special to them. I had one wedding when, apart from hymns, we had Film Music throughout, as the couple were film buffs.

Couples take more time over choosing hymns and Bible readings, using ones from a selection I show them or choosing their own. Most now also choose a non-Biblical reading, There are fashions, (years ago it was Winnie the Pooh 'The Two of us'), but there are many to choose from. A Balderton couple recently used 'Blessing of the Hands', which I found very moving.

In the prayers if there's something they'd like included, I put it in. If there's been a recent bereavement, the bride and groom can light a candle on the altar, to draw the memory of that person into the ceremony. I was moved to tears when a Best Man lit a candle for his young wife who had died from cancer only six weeks earlier. How brave to be Best Man so soon after!

Nowadays there's more variation in modes of entrance and exit. Sometimes the bridesmaids come first, building to the climax of the bride herself. Going out, some couples now process to the back of church, guests go out past them, then line the path to greet them as they come out.

Best men proliferate. It used to be one. Two are now common. I have had six!

It's all to make the day very special for the couple; THEIR DAY.

The Church of England does an average of 1000 weddings a week. A survey found that most couples were very pleased with their service. We pray that when we do it well, it will help the couples to develop a deeper relationship with God.

Canon Valerie Rampton

FINANCE RETURNS Calling All Parish Treasurers !! Just a reminder that finance returns following your recent APCMs should be entered online at

If you are unsure how to do this or need any help please don’t hesitate to contact Louise at the Deanery Office [email protected] or Fraser McNish at [email protected]

Please send in your accounts direct to Jubilee House “Money Makes the World Go Round” Money, as the song from the musical cabaret proclaims “makes the world go round”. In common with all institutions the diocese needs money to function. Money is one of the few topics that most agree about, and that is we don’t have enough. For all it is precious and needs to be spent wisely. To function the diocese needs to raise enough money to pay its way. Its first priority is to pay its staff, the Tickets on sale for Transform Weekend majority of whom are its clergy. They are sometimes a seemingly sparse resource and Bookings are being taken for the Transform Weekend and churches are being as a result all the more important. They serve encouraged to think about sending a group along. the diocese and parish, promote mission, provide pastoral care and are involved in a Transform, which will be held at Walesby Forest Camp on 15-17th July, is a myriad of activities to grow Christians and place for people of all ages to gather and to encounter God. Last year more keep the light of Christ alive. Money is than 500 people from across the diocese attended. required so that they can be paid. The small Speakers already lined up include Bishop Ruth Worsley and John McGinley, staff at Jubilee House, the administrative Vicar of Holy Trinity Church, Leicester, and New Wine regional director. offices of the diocese, provides resources to clergy and alike, both legal and financial. The event is for all ages and there is a full programme for school-age children Jubilee House is heavily involved in education (Reception to Year 2, Years 3-6 and youth Years 7-11). Years 12 & 13 are through its work with schools, as well as adult welcome in the adult programme. There are crèche facilities for under-fives. education. Of importance it offers support, st encouragement and guidance to those who Early bird (until May 31 ) weekend tickets are £30 for adults and £20 for Reception to Year 13 (Child/youth). Family tickets are available at £100 for feel called to serve, particularly in ordained families with more than two children from the same family. Under-fives get in ministry - a vocations officer dedicated to free but they still need to be booked in. supporting the next generation of clergy.

Priests in post account for the vast majority of presented at the Deanery Synod meeting in February. Parishes the diocese’ financial outgoings. Without across the deanery have received a copy of the presentation by enough money to balance the books, like any email as well as hard copy for those at present at that Synod. business, cuts have to be made. These affect directly the number of clergy the This article is not an attempt to deal with the scheme rather an diocese is able to deploy. explanation for the need for change, and the importance of All the deaneries in the diocese are asked for giving as much, not as little, money as we can. a sum of money every year to enable them to Bishop Paul is determined to recruit clergy to our diocese, but function. As long as I can remember what is without appropriate financial resources this will not be possible. given to the diocese from our deanery has Your support, the generosity of giving that we all demonstrate, been a struggle. It is a struggle shared by all is essential if our diocese and deanery are to flourish. Money deaneries. makes the world and our diocese thrive. Please give generously in supporting the new scheme. It is always Last year in our deanery a newly formed challenging to raise money particularly when the sums seem panel met to review the method of allocating large. We need to give as much as we can and exercise the our “gift” and to see if it could be simplified. truth that we are “can do” people. Over time the checks and balances developed through an earlier scheme had Revd David Milner been deemed no longer fit for purpose. Members from across the deanery took part. The new scheme will be presented for final approval at our th Nigel Spraggins, the diocesan chief next Deanery Synod on May 11 at St Nicholas’, Tuxford at executive, was invited to be present at the 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm start. Please ensure your deanery meetings. His support was valued. A new synod representatives attend. scheme has now been developed which was New Dean is looking forward to building partnerships

New Dean of Southwell, the Ven. will enjoy exploring Nottinghamshire and the city when she takes up her role later this year.

“I look forward to building partnerships around the diocese over the first two years, taking an interest in what’s going on and working with Bishop Paul especially in some of the exciting ideas he has in reaching out to young people.”

Nicola (57) is the first female Dean of Southwell and the seventh female Dean in the Church of England UK. “There are possibly more female Bishops than Deans now,” she said, “but it’s a privilege to be the first woman Dean here in Southwell. The Church is now in a Reform and Renewal very different place regarding the of women, respecting one another’s views and living together for mutual flourishing. The time for debate I recently heard a presentation by Bishop Steven Croft is over and we can get on with making it work….” about the progress being made with the Archbishop of

Canterbury's initiative to grow disciples for Christ in a She and her husband, Terry, who was the Town Clerk in Bovey Tracey, Devon, revived Church of England. Bishop Steven is soon to be have been married for two years and look forward to setting up home in Vicar’s Bishop of Oxford, having recently been the Bishop of Court, Southwell. “The town is very lively and friendly and it feels like I’m Sheffield. The whole talk and subsequent discussion was standing on something strong with the Minster, because of its heritage and aimed at getting the audience to think about the state of foundation of prayer … there will be many opportunities to tell the story of the Church of England now and what could it look like in faith in Christ and for people to explore faith in a safe way because cathedrals the future. In many ways the questions complimented the provide that… strategy being developed by our Bishop Paul about which we will all know more very soon. “I’ve always loved cathedrals and what they have to offer, they are very significant places; people are interested in them and I like the fact that this is However, Bishop Steven has made me think even harder the Parish Church and is very ordinary in its day to day worship and serving the about Reform and Renewal and how our Deanery will people of Southwell. respond because of the numerous Christian communities “It seems like a happy team here and I want to take the opportunity to reach in the area, the number and size parish groups, the out and be present in the public and Civic life of the diocese, and strengthen number of and the size of our congregations. I am links with parishes by offering a resource of prayer, welcome and pilgrimage.” still thinking and have no answers yet but I do understand the direction of travel. Nicola was ordained as in 1995 and in 1996. She worked for Tearfund in Ethiopia in 1984/85 with the Famine Relief Team and returned to One of the trends is to re-order churches which means Swaziland later as part of a preventative health care programme. She also removing old pews in favour of more comfortable chairs worked in Bristol as a community midwife, having been a nurse at St Bart’s with other facilities - kitchens, lavatories, meeting rooms. Hospital, London for five years. “It’s quite an unusual background for a Dean,” This is in my opinion a good trend but in itself does not she said. solve the question about the size of congregations. You can have the best set out, clean, warm and modern church Bishop Paul said: “I am very pleased that Nicola has been appointed to be the building but if the worship is not inviting then the next Dean of Southwell. She has a truly hopeful and engaging vision for the congregation will not grow. Again, screens showing hymns ministry of the whole church, which she communicates with immense warmth with guitars and drums are all part of a trend but again not and wisdom. Nicola brings considerable experience of Cathedral and diocesan the solution in every situation if there are not capable life after 17 years serving churches and communities in Somerset. She is a musicians or technology clued up members in the gifted leader of teams as well as an inspirational communicator of the faith.” congregation.

Nicola enjoys the company of friends, entertaining at home, the theatre, I am beginning to conclude that the end result may not be cinema and local history. The couple like walking and have two dogs; a black important but starting to look at Reform and Renewal is; if Labrador and a Border terrier. we do not start soon then some of the recent prophecies may come true.

So my question for us all is, have we started to respond to the Archbishop's challenge? If not here is where I am A Plea for Photographs ! starting from; if Jesus (or any of the Apostles) walked into my church today would he be happy with what he heard and saw? Moreover would he be happy with me? Well that Do you have any photographs of the Deanery (whether it be is my starting point and I am trying to move forward. In a church pic/countryside/events that have happened) that we biblical sense I am trying to move the speck from my eye before the log in that of others. I just wonder how many might use in our newsletters/publications? will let me or will we have another failed initiative to revive this wonderful Christian church. Please email to Louise at [email protected] Mr Michael Wilson Deanery Lay Chair What’s on in May…What’s on in May…What’s on in May

Bank Holiday Organ Recital with Peter Holder (St Paul’s Cathedral) Monday 2nd May at 3.30pm in the Minster Tower Tours, weather permitting Monday 2nd May in

Messy Minster! Friday 6th May at 3.30pm – 5.30pm in Trebeck Hall

Southwell and Bingham Choral Societies Concert Saturday 7th May at 7.30pm Rogation Sunday Service and Procession Sunday 8th May at 10.30am Southwell Minster

Music in the Great Hall ‘The Study of the Pianoforte’ Sunday 8th May at 7pm in the State Chamber of the Archbishop’s Palace Friday lunchtime in the Cathedral, Michael Broadway (Pianola) Friday 13th May at 12.15 – 1pm in the Minster

Nottingham Harmonic Choir Saturday 14th May at 7.30pm in the Minster Pentecost Sunday Evensong Sunday 15th May at 3.30pm in the Minster

Music in the Great Hall ‘40 Years of MIGH’ Sunday 15th May at 7pm in the State Chamber of the Archbishop’s Palace

Friday lunchtime in the Cathedral, Shakespeare Friday 20th May at 12.15 – 1pm in the Minster

Ex Cathedra Concert: Shakespeare Odes Saturday 28th May at 7.30pm in the Minster

Bank Holiday Organ Recital with Stephen Moore (St Matthew’s, Northampton) Monday 30th May at 3.30pm in Southwell Minster

What’s on in June…What’s on in June…What’s on in June

Friday Lunchtime in the Cathedral Friday 3rd June 12.15 – 1pm Nick Fletcher (classical guitar) Friday 10th June 12.15 – 1pm Folk Festival– The Tea Cups

Music in the Great Hall Sunday 12th June 7pm for refreshments, 7.30pm start ‘In Bach’s Musical Parlour’ Sunday 19th June at 7pm for refreshments, 7.30pm start ‘Courtly Music in England’

Organ Recital with Charles Harrison (Chichester Cathedral) Wednesday 22nd June at 7.30pm Admission £8 (concessions £6)

Other concerts in the Minster A one day open choral workshop to study Mozart’s Requiem with Nigel Perrin Saturday 11th June 9.30am – 4.30pm in the State Chamber of the Archbishop’s Palace

Nottinghamshire Federation of WI’s Newark Jazz Evening in the State Chamber of the Archbishop’s Palace Friday 17th June at 7.30pm

Nottingham Philharmonic Orchestra Concert Saturday 25th June at 7.30pm in the Minster

Plant Hunters Fair in the Archbishop’s Palace June 19th 11- 4pm

What’s on in July…What’s on in July…What’s on in July

Friday Lunchtimes in the Cathedral Friday 8th July 12.15 – 1pm Stephen Cooper (baritone) Friday 29th July 12.15 – 1pm Alison Thorman (soprano)

Music in the Great Hall Sunday 10th July at 7pm for refreshments, 7.30pm start ‘My Favourite Things’

Fascinator making workshop: Get ready for Ladies' Day at the races! Using the famous 'leaves of Southwell' as inspiration, you will design and make your own fascinator at the Archbishop's Palace with Donna. £25 per person, booking essential. [email protected] Saturday 9th July 10am – 4pm

Special Service to commemorate WW1 window Special Window to commemorate the First WW1 window will be dedicated on Sunday 10th July at Evensong

Organ Recital with Paul Hale (Southwell Minster) Wednesday 20th July at 7.30pm Admission £8 (concessions £6)

Southwell Minster Tower Tours - 23rd July— 11am until 4pm Tower tours will take place on the hour, internal tours will take place every half hour. Inclement weather will prevent Tower tours taking place . There will be a charge of £3.50 for a Tower tour, donations will be sought for an internal tour .

Check out Southwell Minster’s website for more information

A ‘wave of prayer’ for Pentecost The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have invited every church in England to take part in a week of prayer this Pentecost — praying for every Christian to receive new confidence and joy in sharing their faith.

The Archbishops have written to every serving parish priest expressing their longing “to see a great wave of prayer across our land, throughout Christian Aid Week the Church of England and many other Churches” from May 8-15th. 15-21 May 2016

The Archbishops said: “At the heart of our This is the week we love every neighbour… prayers will be words that Jesus himself taught us – ‘Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.’ It is Jesus calls us to love our neighbour as ourselves, and not just impossible to overstate the life-transforming the ones next door or at the end of the street. power of the Lord’s Prayer. It is a prayer that is Christian Aid Week unites over 20,000 churches to put this reassuring enough to be on the lips of the dying love into action. and yet dangerous enough to be banned in Together we’ll hold church collections, host Big cinemas. It is famous enough to be spoken each Brekkie fundraising day by billions in hundreds of languages and yet breakfasts, and collect house-to-house. intimate enough to draw us ever closer into friendship with Jesus Christ.” JOIN US

On Friday 13th May the Pilgrim’s Chapel in For more information on how you can help go to: Southwell Minster will be set aside for quiet prayer from 7.30am to 7.30pm. There will be simple prayer resources available for personal use.

In the United Benefice of Farndon Newark & Southwell Deanery with Thorpe, Hawton & Cotham Churchwardens’ Visitation Service Thursday 5th May 7.30 pm Ascension Day Eucharist, Hawton Monday 16th May 2016, Sunday 15th May 11.00 am Pentecost Benefice Service, Hawton 7.30pm ********************** Saturday 18th June St Mary Magdalene Church, Newark A Summer Celebration at St Peter’s

1.45 pm - 4.30 pm Tea Party, with entertainment from St Peter’s School Choir This year’s forms and information can be downloaded by going Tickets £5.00 to: 7.30 pm visitations/ Newark & Sherwood Town Concert Band Tickets £10.00 Any queries please contactElisabeth Crouch

More information speak with Mrs Margaret Yeardley Clerk to the Registrar ********************** [email protected] Sunday 19th June 6.15 pm Mid-Summer Evensong at Thorpe ********************** Saturday 10th September Notts Historic Churches Trust “Ride & Stride

Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. Genesis. 1.31

Self affirmation is a hard thing to do for most of us. When we attempt it it sounds like bragging. Even the Scriptures tell us to be humble and gentle. It is far easier to put ourselves down that put ourselves up. Caught in the throes of a crisis most people I know put themselves so far down that no one can even find them anymore! Self worth, self esteem, and self affirmation appear to have forever disappeared only to be replaced by self doubt, self recrimination and self guilt.

One of the toughest challenges is to separate ourselves from the " situation" we find ourselves in. Difficulties, crises, dilemmas can all drag us down to the depths of despair quicker than any thing I know. Such experiences can rob you of your identity and obliterate your self confidence. Somewhere in the midst of all the swirling feelings you have to say to yourself. " I am still God's unique , unrepeatable miracle!"

The verse above tells us how God reacted after He finished his creative work in making human beings. But then He said. " This is good ". I believe He said the same thing when you were born, and He has not stopped saying it because you are still His creative work and no difficulty in life can ever change that.

To begin with, maybe you can just smile more because you know God still loves you and believes in you as His child.

God, I thank you that I am still your creative work and that you love me. Amen Revd Ian lambert What’s it like being Deanery Administrator in the largest Deanery in our Diocese?

I started working for the church 11 years ago when Canon pages, organising rites of passage, to various Tony Tucker at Balderton advertised for a PA. My diocesan tasks , not to mention supporting David in any youngest son starting school that year I took the plunge to way necessary. I am never bored , no two days are the go back to work - it was the best thing I could have done! same and most days I find it a pleasure to work with and I have worked for several organisations, but none quite like for you all. The continuing number of vacancies in our the Church of England . Working for Tony and Balderton deanery has meant that I have got to know a good deal of was not only a pleasure but also a learning curve. I have you more than I perhaps would have under normal learnt more about computers and desk top publishing, not circumstances and that for me is a good thing! Thank you to mention “big” printers than I ever thought possible. all for making my working days more pleasurable.

My job as PA to the Area Dean was the first of a new role of As David stands down from his role as Area Dean I feel Deanery Administrators to emerge for each Area Dean in privileged as I know many of you do, to have worked the Diocese. Now, 11 years later we all meet regularly at alongside him - what a journey it has been !

Jubilee House to share news and good practice. I look forward to working from Norwell Vicarage for Revd Four years ago when Tony retired from his role as Area Canon Mark Adams, the new Area Dean, from the 1st Dean I moved to Farndon Rectory, where I have worked September. For now though, through David’s 3-month alongside his successor, Revd David Milner, ever since. study leave, I will continue to work from Farndon Rectory with Archdeacon David Picken as our stand-in Area Dean. I currently wear three hats: Deanery Administrator, You can get hold of me Monday to Thursday at Farndon Administrator for Balderton, and Administrator for the Rectory on 01636 650063 or [email protected] Farndon Benefice. Please don’t hesitate to give me a call. I’m always here to

My role is varied, from answering phone and email help, even if I don’t know the answer I’ll do my best to find enquiries, to producing newsletters (which I love doing), to out for you. sorting service rotas out and supporting those parishes in Louise Riley, Deanery Administrator vacancy, preparing orders of service, looking after website Clergy Spouse Retreat - An Unexpected Opportunity

As a clergy spouse I’m faced with many unexpected free of congestion, the dramatic change in the scenery, the opportunities and certainly, at times, challenges, from sense of space quickly enabled the process of letting go. people who come to the Rectory front door with some Scargill had a further gift: no mobile phone access! particular need to the many activities that through my Around 40 or so attended the gathering. After a welcome Vicar husband, David, I get drawn into. His work as Area we found our way to our rooms. The Retreat was split up Dean has meant that he is called out to meetings and into sections: talks; times for reflection and worship; food events a good deal. Having time to reflect is a precious of course which was excellent; finally conversation and commodity. time with other spouses and sharing in the space some of the realities of being a clergy wife. It was a complete surprise to be contacted by Lucille Porter, Bishop ’s wife, about the possibility of The talks were very helpful in understanding the going on a Clergy Spouses Retreat at Scargill House in importance of space and rhythm in our faith journeys and North Yorkshire. My first reaction was almost disbelief the importance of making time for self in one’s unique that I should have been asked, especially as only a small relationship with Jesus. number from our Diocese were invited, it being an event Images and memories stick in my mind: the beauty of the for Clergy Spouses across the York See. The theme of the countryside in sunshine and also snow on the tops on Retreat was Celtic Spirituality and following a meeting with Sunday morning; the sun shining into the spectacular Lucille Porter and the others from the Diocese who would chapel; the calm and kindness of members of the Scargill be attending, some of my initial fears subsided. Then, of community; the friendliness and support of other clergy course, came the big challenge: that it was actually going spouses. to happen. What began as an unlikely challenge became an enriching The day arrived and we set off. The journey took longer adventure: most of all it was a place and space to draw than expected due, of course, to many other road users: breath. It seemed in a moment that it was over and we all the half hour we spent inching our way through Harrogate headed back to our homes and parish life. reminded me what a nice place it is and I made a mental Kristina Milner note to return with David some time in the future. At last, St Andrew’s, Caunton In The Deanery Coffee mornings/afternoons. Tea/coffee and home made cakes - to eat or to take home.

Open to everyone on the following dates: Saturday 21st May - 10.00am - 12 noon

Saturday 11th June - 2.00pm - 4.30pm - special afternoon tea to cele- brate the queens official birthday. Please contact Irene on 639123 for more info or to make a reservation

Saturday 23rd July - 10.00am - 12 noon

Saturday 13th August - 2.00pm- 4.00pm

Saturday 10th September - 10.00am - 12 noon

Dean Hole School and St Andrews Church Summer Fair

Saturday 9th July at 11.00 am

Come along and have a fun time with tombola, raffle, children's games, refreshments and lots more. Followed by the annual duck race on the Beck. For more information please contact Ann Clarke on 636219

A JOURNEY THROUGH COLOUR IN NORWELL Your Deanery On the afternoon of Sunday 26 June as part of the National Newsletter Gardens Scheme you can visit several very different gardens in This is your newsletter. A way of Norwell – teas will be served in the Village Hall. You are also communicating with each other. invited to take a journey through colour in St Laurence church. To make it successful we need to There will be displays representing the emotional, spiritual and receive your offerings. The liturgical significance of colour. You will be taken through darkness to light and will be reminded of God’s promise in a deadline for the next issue is 15th rainbow. Please do drop in, even if only briefly. July (Aug-Oct issue). Please send in your entries to [email protected] or by post to Mrs Louise Riley, The Rectory, 3 Marsh Lane, Farndon, Newark, Girton's Plant Fair- Sunday 1st May Notts, NG24 3SS

10.00 am to 2.00 pm (in aid of St Cecilia's & Girton village hall) at Mallard's Corner & The Village Hall. Quality plants, refreshments, raffle.

bread and cheese lunch

There will be a Bread and Cheese Lunch in Parr’s Cottage, Main Street, Norwell between 12 noon and 1.30pm on Tuesday 17 May. Please feel free to drop in briefly– no frills and no formality but an opportunity to raise something for Christian Aid.

If lots of people come we just share!

The Newark & Southwell Deanery Confirmation Service

will be held this year on

Wednesday 19th October 2016

at 6.30 pm

in the Parish Church of St Mary’s, Staunton

in the lovely surroundings of Staunton Hall

Let this be a wonderful celebration of those who wish to take another step in their Christian Faith

Please let Louise Riley at the Deanery Office ([email protected]) and Jackie Davies at the Bishop’s Office ([email protected]) know if you have any candidates.


At the invitation of the Area Dean, David Milner, a group of The “could do better” aspects of the role fell largely under three Readers met to discuss their ministry. Those that met the headings, communication, integration and support. challenge of finding the Church and a place to park enjoyed coffee Communication was felt to be poor across the board, such that and a plentiful supply of delicious home-made cake. for some there was a lack of trust with regard to some areas of the Diocesan offices. It was felt that there was poor integration This year is the 150th anniversary of Reader Ministry, an event between the various ministry roles, stipendiary priests, retired which prompted the Reader Magazine to give over a whole priests and readers and poor integration of Readers into ministry magazine to the role of Readers and its current status. The after the end of an interregnum. Some readers having played a articles from across the Country illustrated that Reader Ministry significant role within parishes during an interregnum then comes in many different forms. The review of past debates about experienced being marginalised and excluded when a new priest the Reader role and issues appertaining to it showed that many of started. Some Readers felt unsupported, the lack of access to the experiences and issues relevant to readers have been around pastoral care, accessible spiritual direction and chaplaincy were for many decades. The discussion at the meeting focused on cited. some of these. Not just in this Diocese but countrywide, there are some big The meeting discussed both the positive elements of Reader questions about Reader ministry. What is the future role of Ministry in this Diocese and areas where it was thought there Reader Ministry in the broader context? With the reducing could be improvement. There were some strong positives. number of clergy and the growing development of lay people Readers are very focused on their ministry as volunteers; Readers through either short training courses or practical experience into are very willing volunteers. Many Readers enjoy very good some roles which have traditionally been those of Readers, where relationships “on the ground” in their parishes. Whilst there have does Reader ministry fit? The meeting left these broader been issues around the number of parishes in interregnum questions open for further discussion. recently, interregnums give Readers an opportunity to develop their ministry, to focus on and learn about new areas of ministry. The meeting closed with an expression of appreciation that this Readers there were very willing to develop their roles further meeting had been arranged and ended with thanks and best including maintaining worship in local communities for older wishes to David Milner as he concludes his term of office as Area people unable to travel out of their own area, working with young Dean. people, working beyond their parish boundaries and wishing to extend the opportunities for doing communion by extension. Anne Godfrey Reader - Edingley & Halam

The Parish Church of St Giles, Balderton

Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations Commemoration Service

St Giles’ Church, Balderton will be holding a Sunday 8th May at, An opportunity to remember those no longer with us. family barbeque on Saturday 11th June at 5.00 pm in the Church Hall. Food will be served at 5.30 pm. ******************************* Joint Coffee Morning with the Methodists Tickets cost £7.50 or £20 for a family ticket. Please bring your own drink. 21st May— between 10am and 12 noon.

There will be games and a quiz. All proceeds will go ******************************* towards the church hall floor repair fund. Summer Fair:

Saturday 2nd July - more details to follow On Sunday 12th June at 9.30 am they will be holding a

“Wear Your Hat or Tie to Church Service” *******************************

Tickets for both events from Alison Wilson on 01636 For more information on anything that’s happening at St Giles 673298. Balderton go to Have you checked out the Newark & Southwell Deanery Church of England To advertise your website pages can be found at Portal System yet? events or services please email about-us-2/deaneries/newark nsdeaneryoffice@ -and-southwell-deanery- A new faster and more accurate way newsletter/ to access the church database, parish buying, parish returns, a church near you, and more On the diocesan website Deanery Prayer

For more information contact Frazer Most merciful God, McNish at the Diocesan office our creator and redeemer, in baptism you called us

Canon Tony Tucker will carry on all printing to be members, and communication services as Jubilate one of another as witnesses Communications. Please give him a call to to your saving power. discuss any requirements you have. Grant that, united in your love, and confident in your promise to be with us always, Tel: 07968814189 we may be led by your Holy Spirit, to be your living body in this deanery, Email: [email protected] through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Useful Contact The following churches are in vacancy in our deanery at the moment. If you would like Information to support them by attending any of their services please contact the deanery office for more information on service times. The Right Reverend Sutton on Trent, Carlton on Trent, Norwell, Ossington, Cromwell, Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham Caunton, Edingley, Halam, Farnsfield, Kirklington, Maplebeck, Eakring, [email protected] Bilsthorpe, Winkburn , Balderton and Barnby in the Willows. Collingham, Harby, Holme, Langford, North/South Clifton, South Scarle, Besthorpe, Revd Lucy Cleland, Girton, Thorney, Winthorpe, Newark St Leonards, Coddington. Chaplain to the Bishop [email protected] Please hold them in your prayers.

Mr Nigel Spraggins, Chief Executive Newark & Southwell Deanery Leadership Team [email protected]

Area Dean: Revd Mark Adams (wef 1.9.16) Archdeacon David Picken David.Picken Lay Chair; Mr Michael Wilson Treasurer: Vacant Deanery Administrator: Mrs Louise Riley Mrs Jo Padmore Executive Personal Assistant Jo Padmore Deanery Office: ([email protected])

(Mon/Tues/Thurs 9.30-3) For Stats for Mission 3 Marsh Lane, Farndon, Newark, Notts, NG24 3SS Returns and On-Line Data entries: Tel: 01636 650063 Mr Fraser McNish 01636 817244 Email: [email protected] [email protected]