Evolutionary Quantitative of Genomic Imprinting

Eleanor K. O’Brien1 and Jason B. Wolf2 Milner Centre for , Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath, BA2 7AY, United Kingdom ORCID IDs: 0000-0001-5145-7340 (E.K.O.); 0000-0003-3112-6602 (J.B.W.)

ABSTRACT Genomic imprinting shapes the relationship by creating an asymmetry between the influences of paternally and maternally inherited copies. Consequently, imprinting can impact heritable and nonheritable variation, resemblance of relatives, and evolutionary dynamics. Although previous analyses have identified some of the quantitative genetic consequences of imprinting, we lack a framework that cleanly separates the influence of imprinting from other components of variation, particularly . Here we apply a simple orthogonal genetic model to evaluate the roles of genetic (additive and dominance) and epigenetic (imprinting) effects. Imprinting increases the resemblance of relatives who share the expressed , and therefore increases variance among families of full or half-siblings. However, only part of this increased variance is heritable and contributes to selection responses. When selection is within, or among, families sharing only a single parent (half-siblings), which is common in programs, imprinting can alter overall responses. Selection is more efficientwhenitacts among families sharing the expressed parent, or within families sharing the parent with lower expression. Imprinting also affects responses to -specific selection. When selection is on the sex whose gene copy has lower expression, the response is di- minished or delayed the next generation, although the long-term response is unaffected. Our findings have significant implica- tions for understanding patterns of variation, interpretation of short-term selection responses, and the efficacy of selective breeding programs, demonstrating the importance of considering the independent influence of genomic imprinting in quanti- tative genetics.

KEYWORDS breeding values; epigenetic variation; parent-of-origin effects; resemblance of relatives; selection response

ENOMIC imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon of expression can occur, such as partial silencing of the allele Gwherein the expression of the two copies of a gene from one parent (Wolf et al. 2008a,b; Lawson et al. 2013; depends on their parent of origin. The phenomenon of Wang et al. 2013) and changes in imprinting status (includ- imprinting was first described in insects and may occur in ing a switch in the direction of imprinting) in different tis- a variety of taxa, but it is best characterized in mammals and sues or -history stages (Garfield et al. 2011; Prickett and angiosperms (Ferguson-Smith 2011). In its simplest and Oakey 2012; Baran et al. 2015). Imprinted often play most widely recognized form, imprinting involves the si- important roles in key biological processes such as growth lencing of either the maternally or paternally inherited gene and development, social dominance behavior, and resource copy at a locus [hereafter matrigenic and patrigenic, follow- provisioning by and demand in offspring (Reik and ing Patten et al. (2014)]. However, more complex patterns Walter 2001; Tycko and Morison 2002; Curley 2011). They arealsoimplicatedinhumandiseasesincludingPrader-Wil- Copyright © 2019 by the Genetics Society of America li and Angelman syndromes (Meijers-Heijboer et al. 1992; doi: https://doi.org/10.1534/genetics.118.301373 Nicholls et al. 1998). Because these types of traits are often Manuscript received July 18, 2018; accepted for publication October 23, 2018; published Early Online November 2, 2018. critical determinants of fitness, understanding how varia- Supplemental material available at Figshare: https://doi.org/10.25386/genetics. tion at imprinted loci contributes to trait variation is impor- 7228958. 1Present address: School of Biological Sciences, Life Sciences Building, University of tant for understanding evolutionary processes (e.g.,Lorenc Bristol, BS8 1TQ, United Kingdom. et al. 2014; Brekke et al. 2016). 2Corresponding author: Milner Centre for Evolution, Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath, Claverton Down, BA2 7AY, United Kingdom. E-mail: The impacts of imprinting on patterns of trait variation [email protected] are a consequence of its effect on the genotype–phenotype

Genetics, Vol. 211, 75–88 January 2019 75 relationship, which determines patterns of resemblance The Model among relatives (Spencer 2002), and trait evolution under We consider a single locus with two , A and A ,which natural or artificial selection (Santure and Spencer 2011). 1 2 occur in the population with frequencies of p and q (= 12p) The consequences of imprinting are most obvious in hetero- respectively. Unless otherwise specified, we assume a large, zygotes because reciprocal heterozygotes differ in the parent randomly mating population, such that the frequencies of of origin of their alleles, and hence they will express different the four ordered genotypic classes (A A , A A , A A A A ) alleles if a locus is imprinted. Therefore, despite being genet- 1 1 1 2 2 1, 2 2 conform to Hardy-Weinberg (H-W) proportions (Table 1). Ge- ically identical, the reciprocal heterozygotes can show an notypes are written with the matrigenic allele first, followed by epigenetic difference in their . While the conse- the patrigenic allele. The phenotypic values (mean phenotypes) quences of these effects have been explored previously, associated with the four ordered are designated z , models of genetic effects withimprintinghaveoftenbeen ij with subscripts indicating the identity of the matrigenic constructed in a way that comingles dominance with imprint- (subscript i) and patrigenic (subscript j) alleles (e.g., z is the ing (because both are defined with regard to heterozygotes) 12 phenotypic value associated with the A A genotype). (Spencer 2002; Santure and Spencer 2011). The conflation 1 2 The additive and dominance effects of the locus follow the of these effects has obscured the impact that genomic im- definitions from the classic quantitative genetic model, where printing has on quantitative , and, particu- the additive genotypic value, a, is equal to half the difference larly, its consequences for evolutionary change. It is unclear between the phenotypic values of the homozygotes (i.e., from previous models what proportion of the variance con- a ¼ 1½z 2 z ), and the dominance genotypic value, d,is tributed by imprinting is heritable, and thus contributes to 2 11 22 the difference between the unweighted mean phenotypic selection responses. We address this problem using a simple value of the heterozygote and the unweighted mean phe- orthogonal quantitative genetic model that captures the fun- notypic value of the two homozygote genotypes (i.e., damental influences of imprinting on evolutionary quantita- d ¼½z þ z =2 2 ½z þ z =2) (Falconer and Mackay tive genetic patterns and processes. By cleanly separating the 12 21 11 22 1996; Lynch and Walsh 1998). With imprinting, the pheno- influence of imprinting from other patterns of effect at a typic values of the reciprocal heterozygotes can differ. Fol- locus, this model provides for a clear and intuitive under- lowing de Koning et al. (2002) and Shete and Amos (2002), standing of how allelic variation at imprinted loci contributes we define the imprinting genotypic value, i, as half the dif- to variation and evolution. ference between the phenotypic values of the two (recipro- Imprinted genes may have particularly important impli- cal) heterozygotes (i.e., i ¼ 1½z 2 z ) (Figure 1). This cations for selection responses in programs. 2 21 12 formulation corresponds to a bias in expression toward the A growing number of imprinted genes have been associated patrigenic allele when a and i have the same sign, and toward with commercially important traits of livestock (O’Doherty the matrigenic allele when their signs differ. The additive, et al. 2015), including the callipyge phenotype in dominance, and imprinting effects together define the ex- (Georges et al. 2003), muscle growth and back fat thickness pected genotypic values of the four ordered genotypes, mea- in pigs (de Koning et al. 2000; Van Laere et al. 2003), and sured as deviations from the reference point (R), which is the meat quality and milk production in beef and dairy cattle, unweighted average of the phenotypic values of the homo- respectively (Goodall and Schmutz 2007; Bagnicka et al. zygotes (Figure 1 and Table 1). 2010). We therefore use our model to explore the effect of In each section that follows, we consider the implications of imprinting on the response to selection, by considering an the special cases where d = 0 and i = 6a, giving the canonical array of selection regimes commonly employed in an animal patterns of uniparental (i.e., matrigenic or patrigenic) expres- breeding context, in order to identify the most efficient se- sion. However, we emphasize that this model allows for any lection strategies. Examples of imprinting effects on pheno- arbitrary pattern of variation among the ordered genotypes, typic variation in wild populations are less prevalent, but thereby allowing it to be used to evaluate the full spectrum of Slate et al. (2002) detected evidence for maternal expres- potential expression patterns that can arise due to imprinting sion of a QTL associated with birth weight in red deer (described in Wolf et al. 2008a; Lawson et al. 2013). (Cervus elaphus). The results of our model can also provide It has previously been shown that, with imprinting, the insights into how imprinting might affect selection re- mean genotypic (and phenotypic, assuming no environmental sponses (e.g., adaptation to novel environments) in natural effect on phenotype) value for the population (w) is equiva- populations. Finally, while considering the structure and lent to that under standard Mendelian expression (de Koning results of our model it is important to keep in mind that et al. 2002; Spencer 2002; Hu et al. 2015): wearenotmodelingtheevolutionaryoriginsofimprinting at a locus (i.e., the phenomena that favor the evolution of w R p2a pq d i qp d 2 i q2 2 a ¼ þ þ ð þ Þþ ð Þþ ð Þ ; (1) imprinting), but rather, the consequences of pre-existing ¼ R þ 2dpq þ aðp 2 qÞ imprinting. Therefore, our framework is agnostic with re- spect to the processes that originally led to imprinted ex- Imprinting does not contribute to the mean phenotype of pression and, moreover, such considerations are beyond the the population because the frequencies of the two heterozy- scope of our analysis. gotes are assumed to be equal, and, therefore, the imprinting

76 E. K. O’Brien and J. B. Wolf Table 1 The frequency, phenotype (fitness), and quantitative genetic properties of the four genotypes at an imprinted locus

Genotype A1A1 A1A2 A2A1 A2A2 Frequencies p2 pq qp q2 Phenotype (fitness) R + aR+ d 2 iR+ d + iR‒ a Dominance deviation 22 q2d 2dpq 2dpq 22p2d Imprinting deviation Mean 0 0 0 0 Mothers 22qi ðp 2 qÞi ðp 2 qÞi 2pi Fathers 2qi ðq 2 pÞi ðq 2 pÞi 22pi Breeding values qa q 2 p a q 2 p a 2 pa Mean (= additive deviation) 2 ðallÞ ð Þ ðallÞ ð Þ ðallÞ 2 ðallÞ qa q 2 p a q 2 p a 2 pa Mothers 2 ðdamsÞ ð Þ ðdamsÞ ð Þ ðdamsÞ 2 ðdamsÞ qa q 2 p a q 2 p a 2 pa Fathers 2 ðsiresÞ ð Þ ðsiresÞ ð Þ ðsiresÞ 2 ðsiresÞ Genotypes are written with the maternally inherited allele first. The breeding values are the sums of the average effects of the alleles, expressed in terms of the average effect of an allele substitution (a) (given in Equation 2), and differ for sires and dams. The additive and dominance deviations for each genotype match those from the standard model and do not differ between fathers and mothers. The imprinting deviations differ between fathers and mothers for each genotype, but are all equal to 0 when averaged across the two types of parents. Note that the sum of the imprinting and additive deviations gives the breeding value for each genotype of each type of parent. effect cancels out (since one heterozygote has a genotypic deviation from the population mean. Under random mating value of R + d + i and the other has a genotypic value of R + (which we assume here), the average excess of an allele is d 2 i; Table 1). equal to its average effect (Lynch and Walsh 1998). Be- cause of this equivalence, most discussions of allelic effects Components of phenotypic variation refer to the average effect rather than the average excess, and, thus, for consistency, we use the former term here. In the classic quantitative genetic model, alleles coming from The average effects of each allele through each parent are: mothers and fathers are equivalent, and hence parent-of- a a a 2 a a a 1ðsiresÞ ¼ q ðsiresÞ; 2ðsiresÞ ¼ p ðsiresÞ; 1ðdamsÞ ¼ q ðdamsÞ; origin of alleles is ignored when calculating components of a 2 a 2ðdamsÞ ¼ p ðdamsÞ. Note that the average effect of an allele variation. However, imprinting creates an epigenetic differ- substitution at a locus with two alleles is equivalent to the ence between the effects of the maternally and paternally difference in the average effects of the alternative alleles inherited alleles (de Koning et al. 2002; Spencer 2002; Hu a a 2 a [e.g., ðsiresÞ ¼ 1ðsiresÞ 2ðsiresÞ]. The sum of the average ef- et al. 2015), which can contribute a component of trait var- fects of the alleles possessed by a genotype define its breeding iation. To understand how this parent-of-origin dependent value. Overall breeding values of each genotype (across both effect contributes heritable and nonheritable components of fathers and mothers), as well as the separate breeding values variation and resemblance of relatives, we start by deriving for fathers and mothers, are given in Table 1. the effects of alleles coming from mothers and fathers. For Using the average effects and breeding values, we can this, we calculate the average effect of an allele substitution, calculate the heritable (additive genetic) variance, VA. With- which is defined as the expected difference between the av- out imprinting at an autosomal locus, VA can be calculated as erage phenotypes associated with the two alleles, and, hence, twice the variance in the average effects of the alleles or as “ ” characterizes the effect of exchanging one allele for the the variance in the breeding values of the genotypes alternate allele. To account for parent-of-origin dependent (Falconer and Mackay 1996), and is the same through both effects associated with imprinting, we separately calculate fathers and mothers. The standard value of V is calculated a A the average effect of an allele substitution ( ) (corresponding across the entire population (across both fathers and moth- to a change from the A1 to the A2 allele) for alleles inherited fi a2 2 2 ers), and is de ned as VA ¼ 2pq ðallÞ ¼ 2pqða þ dðq pÞÞ . from fathers (sires) and mothers (dams): However, because imprinting leads to a difference in the av- erage effects of alleles and the breeding values (for a given a ¼ a þ i þ dðq 2 pÞ ð2aÞ ðsiresÞ allele or genotype respectively) of fathers and mothers, the additive genetic variance (V ) will depend on which parent is a ¼ a 2 i þ dðq 2 pÞ ð2bÞ A ðdamsÞ used to calculate it (or whether both parents are used). We “ ” The overall average effect of an allele substitution across all refer to the values of VA calculated separately for fathers fi a and mothers as the parent-speci c breeding variances [VB(sires) individuals in a population ( ðallÞ)istheaverageofthepar- ent-specific values. This averaging results in the cancelling and VB(dams)], which represent the variance in the parent- fi out of the imprinting genotypic value, yielding the standard speci c breeding values (or twice the variance in the parent- fi form for the average effect of an allele substitution: speci c average effects): a ¼ a þ dðq 2 pÞ. ðallÞ V ¼ 2pqa2 ¼ 2pqða þ i þ dðq2pÞÞ2 ð3aÞ The average effects of allele substitutions can be used to BðsiresÞ ðsiresÞ define the average excess of each allele, which represents the a2 2 2 2 mean phenotype associated with that allele, expressed as a VBðdamsÞ ¼ 2pq ðdamsÞ ¼ 2pqða i þ dðq pÞÞ ð3bÞ

Quantitative Genetics of Imprinting 77 A1 allele is qi, and of the A2 allele is 2pi (calculated as the average effect in fathers minus the average in mothers). In

mothers, the average imprinting effects of the A1 and A2 al- leles are 2qi and pi, respectively (calculated as the average effect in mothers minus the average in fathers). These aver- age imprinting effects can then be used to obtain the epige- netic (imprinting) deviations for each genotype in each parent, by summing the average imprinting effects of the two alleles. The imprinting deviations can also be defined as half the difference in the breeding values of a genotype in fathers and mothers. Subtracting the imprinting deviations from the parent-specific breeding values yields the overall mean breeding values (the additive deviation; Table 1). Hence, the breeding values of fathers and mothers can be divided into an additive deviation, which does not differ be- tween the parents (and has the same value as a locus without imprinting, which is equivalent to the mean breeding value of a genotype) and an imprinting deviation. Consequently, the variance of the additive deviations necessarily recovers the standard expression for the additive genetic variance V = Figure 1 Models for the genotypic values of the four possible genotypes A 2 2 at a locus with two alleles. (A) the standard model without imprinting (see 2pq(a + d(q p)) . Although the imprinting deviations differ Falconer and Mackay 1996), (B) genotypic values for an imprinted locus between fathers and mothers, the imprinting variance following the model of Spencer (2002), and (C) genotypic values used in through both parents is the same and is equal to the imprint- the orthogonal model presented here. In all cases, the reference point (R) ing variance, denoted as VO (where O stands for “origin”) indicates the midpoint (unweighted mean) of the homozygote pheno- (see also Álvarez-Castro 2014), where V =2pqi2. types. The mean genotypic value of the heterozygotes in our model is d, O as in Falconer and Mackay (1996), but with imprinting the genotypic Importantly, the sum of the additive and imprinting vari- values of the two heterozygotes A1A2 and A2A1 deviate from d by 2i ances does not give the breeding variance through fathers or and i respectively. Genotypes are presented with the maternal allele fol- mothers. This is because there is also a between the lowed by the paternal allele. additive and imprinting deviations in each type of parent. This covariance between additive and imprinting deviations of a We can clearly see that, although imprinting does not con- locus occurs because imprinting causes alleles to have similar tribute to the overall additive genetic variance, it creates a effects in heterozygotes and homozygotes. For example, if a difference in the breeding variances measured through each locus is paternally expressed, the heterozygotes and homo- type of parent [VBðsiresÞ 6¼ VBðdamsÞ i 6¼ 0]. When gene expres- zygotes that inherited the same allele from their fathers will sion (in terms of the effect on a trait) is biased toward the have the same phenotype, and, hence, the allele will have the patrigenic gene copy (where a and i are of the same sign), the same additive and imprinting deviations. Although it has breeding variance through fathers [VBðsiresÞ] is larger than previously been shown using a different (nonorthogonal) that through mothers [VBðdamsÞ], and vice versa when there parameterization, that imprinting creates a covariance be- is matrigenic expression. Therefore, VA for a population will tween the additive and the nonadditive (dominance + im- be overestimated if it is calculated from the variance in breed- printing) deviations through each parent (Spencer 2002), it ing values of the parent contributing the gene copy with was not possible to separate dominance and imprinting. higher expression, and it is assumed that breeding values of Therefore, the cause and consequence of this covariance both are equal, as they are under the standard model. was unclear. This covariance between the additive and im- In the canonical case, where there is complete silencing of printing deviations is equal but of opposite sign through fa- 6 thegenecopyfromoneparent(d =0,i = a), VB is zero thers and mothers: through the parent whose copy is silenced and increased 2 fourfold (relative to the expectation without imprinting) covA; OðsiresÞ ¼ 2pqiða þ dðq pÞÞ a ð4aÞ for the parent whose copy is expressed. ¼ 2pqi ðallÞ To partition the additive and imprinting contributions to fi 2 2 the breeding values through fathers and mothers, we de ne covA; OðdamsÞ ¼ 2pqiða þ dðq pÞÞ 2 a ð4bÞ the average imprinting effects of the alleles and imprinting ¼ 2pqi ðallÞ deviations for each of the genotypes (Table 1). The average imprinting effect of an allele is half the difference in the Because the in each type of parent are of equal fi average effect of an allele coming from fathers vs. mothers magnitude but opposite sign we de ne a term covA; OðallÞ as (and hence represents the parent-of-origin dependent effect the absolute value of the covariances through each parent a of the allele). In fathers, the average imprinting effect of the (i.e., covA; OðallÞ ¼ 2pqi ðallÞ). Substituting this value into

78 E. K. O’Brien and J. B. Wolf Equation 3, we can rewrite the expressions for the breeding Resemblance of relatives variances for fathers and mothers as: In practice, components of quantitative genetic variation (e.g., V and V ) are typically estimated by measuring the pheno- VBðsiresÞ ¼ VA þ VO þ 2covA;OðallÞ ð5aÞ A D typic resemblance of different types of relatives (Falconer 2 and Mackay 1996). It is important to understand how these VBðdamsÞ ¼ VA þ VO 2covA;OðallÞ ð5bÞ are changed by imprinting, because components of variance Note that, because the covariance between the additive and may be over or underestimated if imprinting is ignored (Hu imprinting deviations is positive in the parent whose gene et al. 2015). The phenotypic resemblances of relatives (par- copy is more highly expressed (i.e.,fatherswheni . 0and ent-offspring, and full and half-siblings) for a locus with im- mothers when i , 0) and negative in the other parent, it printing are summarized in Table 2. increases VB through the more highly expressed parent Under the standard model without imprinting, the mid- and decreases it by an equal amount through the other parent–offspring covariance (the covariance between the parent. mean of the two parental phenotypes and the mean pheno- Note that taking the average of the breeding variances type of their offspring), which provides a measure of the re- 1 2 (Equation 5) for the two types of parents [VB(mean)] does not semblance of parents and their offspring, is simply / VA yield the standard value for VA expected for a locus without (Falconer and Mackay 1996). Because it measures the aver- imprinting, as it also includes the variance due to imprinting: age resemblance of both parents with their offspring, this is unaffected by imprinting (Figure 2 and Table 2). However, 1 1 imprinting affects the parent–offspring resemblance when VBðmeanÞ ¼ VBðsiresÞ þ VBðdamsÞ 2 2 just one parent is considered because it creates an asymmetry (6) ¼ 2pqða þ dðq 2 pÞÞ2 þ 2pqi2 in the expression of the gene copies from each parent in the offspring. Without imprinting, –offspring and father– ¼ V þ V A O offspring resemblance (measured as a covariance) are both 1 Hence, the average of the breeding variances measured equal to /2VA (Falconer and Mackay 1996). However, with – through the two types of parents differs from the true additive imprinting the parent offspring resemblance is increased for the parent from which alleles are more highly expressed, by genetic variance by a factor of the imprinting variance, VO.To recover the standard value of the additive genetic variance, it an amount equal to half the covariance of the additive and is necessary to calculate the variance of the mean breeding imprinting deviations (covA,O). There is a corresponding de- values or mean average effects (i.e., averaged across fathers crease in the resemblance of offspring with the parent whose and mothers; see Table 1). gene copy has reduced expression (Figure 2 and Table 2). It can be seen from Figure 2 and Table 2 that, in the canonical The total phenotypic variance (VP) contributed by a locus, defined as the variance of the genotypic values, is the sum of case where the gene copy from one parent is completely 6 the additive and imprinting variance defined above, plus the silenced (i = a, d = 0), the contribution of the locus to the phenotypic covariance of parents and offspring is zero dominance variance VD: for the parent whose copy is silenced, while for the parent 2 2 2 2 whose copy is expressed it has a value equal to the value of V . VP ¼ 2pqða þ dðq pÞÞ þð2pqdÞ þ 2pqi (7) A ¼ VA þ VD þ VO; This pattern occurs because the covariance between additive and imprinting deviations has a value that is equal to that of which emphasizes that, in a randomly mating population the additive genetic variance when the locus shows complete (conforming to H-W frequencies), the imprinting effect i con- imprinting (i.e., substituting a for 6i in Equation 4 would re- tributes solely to the imprinting variance, and not to the over- ; 2 sult in either fcovA;OðsiresÞ ¼ VA covA;Oðdams Þ ¼ VAg a ¼ i,or all additive and dominance variances. Using Equation 6, we ; 2 2 fcovA;OðdamsÞ ¼ VA covA;OðsiresÞ ¼ VAg a ¼ i). can also express the total phenotypic variance (VP) as: Imprinting changes the resemblance of half-siblings (i.e., siblings sharing one parent) relative to that expected for an 1 1 V ¼ V þ V þ V (8) unimprinted locus, with the impact depending on whether P 2 BðsiresÞ 2 BðdamsÞ D siblings are related through their mother or father. Without 1 demonstrating that the total phenotypic variance reflects the imprinting, the expected covariance of half-siblings is /4VB variation in breeding values of males and females, plus a (Falconer and Mackay 1996). However, with imprinting it is separate dominance variance. The fact that the dominance necessary to use the value of the breeding variance, VB, for variance is still separate from the breeding variance (which the shared parent (given by Equation 3 and Equation 5), contains both the additive and imprinting variances) was not rather than VA. For half-siblings sharing the parent whose clear from some previous models of the quantitative genetics alleles they express, resemblance due to this locus is equal 1 of imprinting, where the imprinting variance was not cleanly to /4VB through that parent. With complete imprinting, this separated from the dominance component of variance valuewillbeequaltothevalueofVA (which is achieved by (Spencer 2002). substituting the value of a for i, see Figure 2 and Table 2),

Quantitative Genetics of Imprinting 79 Table 2 Phenotypic resemblance among relatives, given by their covariation in a randomly mating population

Relationship Covariance Components of variance pqa2 1 V Mid-parent-offspring ðallÞ / 2 A pqa a 1 V 2 1 1 V Mother-offspring ðallÞ ðdamsÞ / 2 A / 2covA,O(all) = / 2 h(dams) pqa a 1 V 1 1 V Father-offspring ðallÞ ðsiresÞ / 2 A + / 2covA,O (all) = / 2 h(sires) 1 pqa2 1 V 1 V 2 1 1 V 1 V Vt Maternal half-siblings 2 ðdamsÞ / 4 A + / 4 O / 2covA,O (all) = / 4 B(dams) = / 4[ h(dams) + (dams)] 1 pqa2 1 V 1 V 1 1 V 1 V Vt Paternal half-siblings 2 ðsiresÞ / 4 A + / 4 O + / 2covA,O (all) = / 4 B(sires) = / 4[ h(sires) + (sires)] 1 pqa2 1 pqa2 pqd 2 1 V 1 V 1 V Full-siblings 2 ðdamsÞ þ 2 ðsiresÞ þð Þ / 2 A + / 2 O + / 4 D Also shown are the covariances expressed in terms of the components of variance (additive, dominance and imprinting (co)variances). and the locus will make no contribution to the covariance The transitory component of the breeding variance (Vt) of half-siblings that share the parent whose gene copy is through each parent is: silenced. The resemblance of full-siblings is also affected by imprint- VtðsiresÞ ¼ VO þ covA;OðallÞ ð10aÞ ing (Figure 2 and Table 2). Under the standard model, the 1 Vt V 2 cov ; 10b expected phenotypic covariance of full-siblings is /2VA + ðdamsÞ ¼ O A OðallÞ ð Þ 1 /4VD (Falconer and Mackay 1996). At a locus with imprint- ing, the resemblance is increased by a value equal to half of Note that, for a given type of parent, the heritable (Vh) and transitory (nonheritable) (Vt) components, respectively, sum the imprinting variance (VO) (Table 2). With complete im- printing (where d = 0 and i = 6 a), the total covariance of to give the breeding variance (VB) for that type of parent, as defined in Equation 3 and Equation 5. full-siblings has a value that is equal to the value of VA (since d = 0 and VA = VI under this scenario, and, hence, substitut- Response to selection ing a for i would convert VO to VA, making the covariance of We explore the evolutionary consequences of imprinting by full-siblings VA) (Table 2). Comparison of the resemblances of different types of rel- evaluating the response to selection applied at different levels: atives (see Table 2) reveals that the breeding variance V within vs. among families of full or half-siblings, or on males B fl through each type of parent consists of both heritable and vs. females. These cases re ect the different selection regimes nonheritable components. The heritable component, which that may be used in a controlled breeding program for genetic improvement of commercially important species, and are we will denote Vh, contributes to the phenotypic resemblance both within (i.e., between siblings) and between (i.e., be- also relevant to selection that may occur in some natural tween parents and offspring) generations. The remaining populations. variance is a transitory (epigenetic) component (denoted We assume that selection operates on adults prior to re- Vt) that contributes to phenotypic resemblance within a gen- production, such that the allele frequencies in the parental eration (e.g., between half-siblings), but not between gener- population after selection are equal to those in the offspring fi ations. This variation is transitory because imprints are reset before selection. We consider selection to be suf ciently weak each generation, and, hence, half of the time an offspring will that deviations from H-W genotypic frequencies in the paren- inherit the allele from a given parent that the parent itself tal population (and hence the offspring generation) are neg- “ ” inherited from their opposite-sex parent, leading to a decou- ligible i.e., that the population is in quasi-H-W (QHW) pling of the effect of that allele in the parent and offspring equilibrium. (Nagylaki 1976). It has been shown that devia- (e.g., if the parent is a father but passes on the allele it tions from H-W proportions are negligible when selection is inherited from its mother to its offspring). For a fully im- weak (e.g., see Wolf and Wade 2016). printed locus, the resetting of the imprint means that the To explore the response to selection under different sce- b effect of the locus in the offspring will be completely un- narios, we assume a linear relationship, x, between the trait fi correlated with the effect it had in that particular parent described by the model and tness, where the subscript x (since it would be silenced in one of the two, depending indicates the form of selection (e.g., selection on all individ- on the direction of imprinting at the locus). The heritable uals, or only on one sex). This means that the equation for the trait mean (Equation 1) can be used to evaluate the change in variance (Vh) through each parent is: mean fitness, w. If we assume that the trait described by the fi VhðsiresÞ ¼ VA þ covA;OðallÞ ð9aÞ model is tness, the equation for the trait mean (Equation 1) gives mean fitness w. The total change in frequency of the A1 2 D fi fi VhðdamsÞ ¼ VA covA;OðallÞ ð9bÞ allele ( p) is given by its absolute tness relative tness (expressed in terms of the average effect of an allele substi- Note that the parent-offspring resemblance for fathers or tution divided by w; Table 3). We can see from this expres- mothers is equal to one half of the relevant heritable variance sion that imprinting does not contribute to the total selection

[i.e., Vh(sires) or Vh(dams)] (Table 2). response within a population since it cancels out in terms of

80 E. K. O’Brien and J. B. Wolf Figure 2 The effect of imprinting on the phenotypic covariance among different types of relatives. Each figure shows the covariance in relation to the frequency of the A1 allele (p) for different values of the imprinting genotypic value (i). For each type of covariance, the left-hand panel (in blue, labeled A.1, etc.) shows the pattern for a maternally expressed locus while the one on the right (in red, labeled A.2, etc.) shows the pattern for a paternally expressed locus. Covariances were calculated using the expressions shown in Table 2 under the assumption that a = 1 and d = 0. In all figures the solid line shows the covariance without imprinting (i = 0), the dotted line shows the covariance with partial imprinting (|i| = 0.5), and the dashed line shows the covariance with complete imprinting (|i| = 1). The panels show the following covariances: (A) Midparent–offspring, (B) Mother–offspring, (C) Father– offspring, (D) Maternal half-siblings, (E) Paternal half-siblings, and (F) Full-siblings. expected phenotypes and mean fitness. That is, if selection is animal breeding [see Walsh and Lynch (2018), Chapter 21]. based on the phenotypes of all individuals (i.e., mass selec- We explore each of these cases below. tion), the response will be the same as that predicted by the standard model without imprinting. The equilibrium fre- Among- and within-family selection: Family-level selection ^ quencies of the A1 allele (p) represent peaks on the mean involves selection of either entire families (“among-family” fitness surface, and can be obtained by setting the partial selection), or of individuals from within each family (“within- derivative of mean fitness with respect to p equal to zero. family” selection), and these are used as the breeding in- Aside from the trivial equilibria where one allele is fixed dividuals in the next generation (Wade 2000). Selection (p = 0 or 1), there is an equilibrium at p =(a + d)/2d, among families is equivalent to assigning each individual confirming that imprinting does not affect the shape of the their family’s mean fitness. Following Wade (2000) and mean fitness surface (Table 3). Gardner (2008), we use the covariance of mean fitness and

Imprinting can, however, change the selection response if the frequency of the A1 allele in each family, as described by selection is applied at the family level (i.e., within or among the (Price 1970), to derive the change in the families), or if there is sex-specific selection (selection is only frequency of the A1 allele due to selection among families. on males or females), both of which are common in plant and The remainder of the total selection response shown above

Quantitative Genetics of Imprinting 81 Table 3 Response to within and among family selection in a randomly mating population under weak selection

Change in frequency Equilibrium Change in population Level of selection of A1 allele (Dp) values of p (Dp =0) mean phenotype (Dz) Among families pqa = w a d dV= w Full-siblings ðallÞ 2 ( + )/2 A 2 pqa = w a d 2 i d V 2 w V w Maternal half-siblings ðdamsÞ 4 ( + )/2 ( A covA,O(all))/4 = h(dams)/4 pqa = w a d i d V w V w Paternal half-siblings ðsiresÞ 4 ( + + )/2 ( A + covA,O(all))/4 = h(sires)/4 Within families pqa = w a d dV= w Full-siblings ðallÞ 2 ( + )/2 A 2 pqa = w pqa = w a d d i dVw V w V w V w Maternal half-siblings ðallÞ 2 þ ðsiresÞ 4 ( + )/2 + /6 A/2 +( A + covA,O(all))/4 = A/2 + h(sires)/4 pqa = w pqa = w a d d 2 i dVw V 2 w V w V w Paternal half-siblings ðallÞ 2 þ ðdamsÞ 4 ( + )/2 /6 A/2 +( A covA,O(all))/4 = A/2 + h(dams)/4 pqa = w a d dV= w Total (=Among + Within) ðallÞ 2 ( + )/2 A 2 Responses to selection are shown for selection applied within and among full2sibling, maternal half-sibling and paternal half-sibling families. In each case, the response is given in terms of the change in the frequency of the A1 allele (Dp) and in terms of the change in mean phenotype (Dz) observed in offspring after one generation of selection. The values for the phenotypic response to selection will be in relation to the strength of selection applied (i.e., in each case the value shown will be multiplied by the strength of selection, bx ). Also shown are equilibrium values of p, where Dp = 0 (ignoring the trivial equilibria where p = 0 or 1). comes from selection within families, which is equivalent to response to selection when it is applied within families sharing setting variation in fitness among families to zero. the parent with lower expression compared to among those Under the standard model without imprinting, the re- families sharing the parent with higher expression (Figure 3 sponsetoselectionappliedwithin oramong full-siblingfamilies and Table 3). For example, in the case of selection within is equal (i.e., half of the total possible response in each case). maternal half-sibling families, if a locus is maternally ex- For maternal or paternal half-sibling families, one-quarter of pressed, the alleles coming from fathers will be silenced and the total response is obtained from selection applied among hence will not contribute to within-family variation (i.e., families and three-quarters from selection within families. VhðsiresÞ ¼ 0),whereas,forapaternallyexpressedlocus,we With imprinting, we find that the response to selection expect increased variation across the offspring from differ- among or within full-sibling families remains unchanged ent fathers and hence more variation within maternal half- (Figure 3 and Table 3), despite the increased resemblance sibling families. of full-siblings (and therefore of variance among full-sibling Putting the response to selection within and among fam- families) with imprinting (Table 2). However, imprinting ilies together we see that, with complete silencing of the gene does change the response to selection among and within copy from one parent and no dominance (i = 6 a, d = 0), maternal and paternal half-sibling families. The response there is no response to selection among half-sibling families to selection among half-sibling families increases when it sharing the parent whose copy is silenced, and all of the re- is applied among families of half-siblings sharing the parent sponse comes from selection within half-sibling families (Fig- whose gene copy is more highly expressed, with a corre- ure 3 and Table 3). For half-sibling families sharing the sponding decrease in the response to selection among half- parentwhosegenecopyisexpressed, half of the total pos- sibling families sharing the parent whose gene copy is less sible response comes from selection among families, and the expressed (Figure 3 and Table 3). This can be seen in terms of remaining half from selection within families, the same as we the change in allele frequency (Dp), which depends on the see for full-siblings (Figure 3 and Table 3). This response to average effect of an allele substitution for the type of parent selection among half-sibling families is double the response through which the individuals are related, and in terms of expected under the standard model without imprinting. How- the phenotypic response (Dz), which likewise depends ever,wehaveshownintheprevioussectionthattheresem- on the heritable variance for the type of parent through blance of half-siblings sharing the parent whose gene copy is which the individuals are related. expressed is four times that expected without imprinting When selection is applied within half-sibling families, the (Table 2), meaning that only half of this variance contrib- response is altered (i.e., changed from that expected for a utes to a response to selection among families. Likewise, nonimprinted locus) by an amount determined by the aver- full-sibling resemblance is doubled when there is complete age effect of an allele substitution (for the change in allele imprinting (Figure 2 and Table 2), but there is no increase in frequency, Dp) or heritable variance (for the phenotypic re- the response to selection among full-sibling families. This is sponse, Dz) for the type of parent through which individuals because although the imprinting variance (VO)increasesthe are unrelated. For example, if selection is within maternal variance among half and full-sibling families (Table 2), im- half-sibling families, then it is the heritable variance through printing contributes to the selection response only through fathers (VhðsiresÞ) that matters. This is logical since the varia- its covariance with the additive deviation (covAO). This can tion within families of maternal half-siblings will necessarily be seen clearly from the phenotypic response to selection reflect the variation across the fathers of the offspring (change in mean phenotype Dz), shown in Table 3. within those families (in addition to the variation in alleles We can also see that imprinting changes the shape of coming from mothers). Therefore, we expect to see a greater the mean fitness surface when selection is applied among or

82 E. K. O’Brien and J. B. Wolf Figure 3 Change in the frequency of the A1 allele (Dp) in response to selection within and among different types of families (with the strength of selection being the same in all cases). The change in allele frequency is shown as a function of the preselection frequency of the A1 allele (p). The allele frequency change in response to selection was calculated using the expressions shown in Table 3, under the assumption that a = 1 and d = 0. For each form of selection, the left-hand panel (in blue, labeled A.1, etc.) shows the pattern for a maternally expressed locus while the one on the right (in red, labeled A.2, etc.) shows the pattern for a paternally expressed locus. In all figures, the solid line shows the pattern without imprinting (i = 0), the dotted line shows the pattern with partial imprinting (|i| = 0.5), and the dashed line shows the pattern with complete imprinting (|i| = 1). The left-hand column of figures shows the responses to among-family selection while the right-hand column shows the response to within-family selection for that same type of family. Changes in allele frequencies are shown for selection within and among families of full-siblings (A and B), maternal half-siblings (C and D), and paternal half-siblings (E and F).

within half-sibling families, but not full-sibling families. With sex will result in the same change in the frequency of the A1 selection among or within half-sibling families, the equilib- allele (Dp), and this will be half the response seen with selec- rium value of p is shifted away from the value that maximizes tion on both sexes (Table 4). However, with imprinting the mean fitness in the population. For a given selection regime, relationship between the genotype of a parent and the mean the magnitude of this shift depends on the degree of imprint- phenotype of their offspring varies depending whether the ing (i), while the direction is determined by the expression parent is male or female, as illustrated by their different breed- pattern (i.e., matrigenic vs. patrigenic) (Table 3). As in the ing values (Table 1). Therefore, the phenotypic response standard model, there is only an intermediate equilibrium (change in mean phenotype DzðtÞ) in the offspring generation value of p (i.e., other than at p = 0 or 1) if there is dominance (t) following selection on either males or females in the pre- at the locus (d 6¼ 0). vious generation (t21) is affected by imprinting. From the responses to selection (given in Figure 4 and Table 4), we Sex-specific selection: Males and females have the same can see that the phenotypic response in this single generation genotype-phenotype relationship, therefore selection on either (from t21tot) is increased if selection is on the sex whose

Quantitative Genetics of Imprinting 83 Table 4 Response to selection applied only to males or females, or to all individuals, in terms of the change in the frequency of the A1 allele in the offspring (Dpt), and the change in the population mean phenotype in the offspring (Dz¯ t ) and grand-offspring (Dz¯ tþ1) of the generation in which selection is imposed (which is generation t21)

Target of selection Change in frequency Response in Response in (generation t21) of A1 allele (Dpt) offspring (Dz¯ t ) grand2offspring (Dz¯ tþ1) Total response ðDzÞ pqa = w V 2 w V w wV w Females ðallÞ 2 ( A covA,O (all))/2 = h(dams)/2 covA,O (all)/2 A/2 pqa w V w V w 2 wV w Males ðallÞ/2 ( A + covA,O (all))/2 = h(sires)/2 covA,O (all)/2 A/2 pqa wV w V w All ðallÞ/ A/ 0 A/ In all cases, the response is in comparison to the previous generation (i.e., offspring vs. their parents). We assume that selection is applied to adults prior to reproduction, such that the allele frequencies after selection are equal to those in their offspring. There is no further change in allele frequency from offspring to grand-offspring because we assume that no further selection is applied beyond this first generation. Therefore, the phenotypic response seen in the grand-offspring is a result of selection applied to their grandparents. The values for the phenotypic response to selection will be in relation to the strength of selection applied (i.e., in each case the value shown will be multiplied by the strength of selection, bx ). gene copy is more highly expressed in their offspring and re- the selected and unselected pools of alleles, and, therefore, duced if selection is on the other sex. With uniparental expres- some of the response seen in generation t will be lost in sion (d =0,i = 6a), there is no phenotypic response in generation t+1. Thus, the total response to selection is ulti- generation (t) when selection acts on the sex whose allele is mately equal for both sexes, when summed across the two not expressed (Figure 4, Table 4, and Supplemental Material, generations (Figure 4 and Table 4). Therefore, imprinting Table S1). This lack of response occurs because, although se- changes the short-term, but not the long-term, response to lection in generation t21 would have resulted in a change in selection on one sex. allele frequencies in the allele pool coming from the parent Data availability whose sex is under selection, that change would be invisible at the phenotypic level in their offspring (i.e., in generation t) The authors state that all data necessary for confirming the because those alleles are silenced. However, a response would conclusions presented in the article are represented fully be seen in the generation following (i.e., the grand-offspring in within the article. Table S1 shows the predicted phenotypic generation t+1 when selection is applied in generation t21), response to selection on males, females or both for different even if no further selection is applied to the population. This patterns of expression at an imprinted locus. Supplemental delayed response occurs because the change in allele fre- material available at Figshare: https://doi.org/10.25386/ quency that occurred as a result of selection on one sex in genetics.7228958. generation t21 is present in both sexes in generation t and will therefore be manifested in generation t + 1 (Figure 4, Discussion Table 4, and Table S1). For example, consider the case of a locus with matrigenic By using an orthogonal model of genetic effects, we have expression, and selection exclusively on males in generation provided a general extension of the classic quantitative ge- t21 that favors the A1 allele. Selection will increase the fre- netic model that incorporates genomic imprinting. Our model quency of the A1 allele in males, but not females, in genera- cleanly separates imprinting from the standard (additive and tion t21. Therefore, the offspring genotypes will have the dominance) genetic effects, providing for a clear understand- preselection frequency of A1 in the pool coming from their ing of how imprinting contributes to both nonheritable and mothers and the postselection frequency in the pool coming heritable variation and, hence, evolutionary processes. While from their fathers. Since the patrigenic copy is silent, the a similar formulation of genetic effects has been used by others offspring will have the same average phenotype as their par- to partition variation (de Koning et al. 2002; Shete and Amos ents had before selection. However, because the imprints are 2002; Mantey et al. 2005; Álvarez-Castro 2014; Hu et al. reset each generation, the generation t+1 offspring will man- 2015), these studies have not examined the consequences ifest the change in phenotype associated with the underlying of imprinting for evolution. A previous study has evaluated change in allele frequency. Likewise, when selection acts on how imprinting impacts the responses to selection (Santure the sex whose gene copy is expressed in their offspring, part and Spencer 2011), but because it is built on a nonorthogonal of the selection response is lost in their grand-offspring. Con- model of genetic effects it did not allow the effects of imprint- sider the example above, but with the pattern of selection ing and dominance to be disentangled. Our approach cap- reversed such that selection on females favors the A1 allele tures all of the previous findings, while providing for a at a locus with matrigenic expression. Selection would in- much deeper understanding by explicitly demonstrating crease the frequency of A1 alleles in females but not males how imprinting (separate from other components of varia- in generation t21, and, since only the matrigenic copy is tion) affects partitioning of variation through each sex, re- expressed, that full change in frequency would be manifested semblance of relatives, and responses to selection. Crucially, as a change in phenotype in generation t (despite only half of we find that it is the covariance of imprinting and additive the allele pool being under selection). However, resetting of deviations that explains why the variances in breeding values imprinting going from generation t to t + 1 offspring mixes of males and females differ with imprinting (see also Spencer

84 E. K. O’Brien and J. B. Wolf Figure 4 The effect of imprinting on the phenotypic response to sex-specific selection. Selection occurs in generation t21 on either females or males and the response (change in the mean phenotype across generations, Dz) is measured in the offspring (Dzt ) and grandoffspring (Dztþ1) of those individuals (i.e., change in the mean phenotype from generation t21tot and from t to t+1 respectively). For each set of panels, the one on the left (in blue, labeled A.1, etc.) shows the pattern for a maternally expressed locus while the one on the right (in red, labeled A.2, etc.) shows the pattern for a paternally expressed locus. In all figures the solid line shows the pattern without imprinting (i = 0), the dotted line shows the pattern with partial imprinting (|i| = 0.5), and the dashed line shows the pattern with complete imprinting (|i| = 1). The top row shows the response to selection on females observed in their offspring (A.1 and A.2) and grandoffspring (B.1 and B.2) for the cases of a maternally (A.1 and B.1) and paternally (A.2 and B.2) expressed locus. The bottom row shows the response to selection on males observed in their offspring (C.1 and C.2) and grandoffspring (D.1 and D.2) for the cases of a maternally (C.1 and D.1) and paternally (C.2 and D.2) expressed locus.

2002; Santure and Spencer 2011), and the extent to which breeder’s equation (Santure and Spencer 2011). Our model selection responses differ from those predicted under a stan- replicates this finding and identifies a clear explanation for dard additive model. Additive deviations (which reflect the why it occurs: part of the influence of imprinting on the re- parent-of-origin independent influence of a locus) and im- semblance of half-siblings is transitory, and, therefore, is not printing deviations (which reflect the parent-of-origin depen- truly heritable because it is lost when the imprints are reset dent effect) covary in the presence of imprinting because a each generation. As a result, the covariance of half-siblings given allele will produce the same phenotype (or a similar will provide an incorrect estimate of the heritable variance in phenotype if there is incomplete imprinting) in both hetero- the presence of imprinting. For example, the contribution of zygous and homozygous offspring. an imprinted locus to the variance among half-sibling fami- In a randomly mating population without imprinting, the lies sharing the parent whose gene copy is expressed is equal response to a single generation of selection (in terms of the to the additive genetic variance (since i=6a), but is only 1 change in mean phenotype Dz) is predicted by the breeder’s /4VA, for an unimprinted locus (i.e., it is four times that equation Dz = h2S (Lush 1937), where h2 is the trait herita- expected under the standard model without imprinting; bility (=VA/VP) and S is the strength of selection (which in a (Falconer and Mackay 1996). However, the phenotypic re- plant or animal breeding context is often measured as the sponse to selection among half-sibling families sharing the difference between the population mean and the mean of parent whose alleles are expressed is proportional to only the selected individuals). Using a different (nonorthogonal) half of the additive variance. This discrepancy exists because parameterization of genetic effects, it has been shown pre- imprinting increases the resemblance of half-siblings sharing viously that when there is complete imprinting and no the expressed gene copy, both directly and through its co- dominance, the actual response to a single generation of variance with additive deviations. However, imprinting only selection can be as little as half that predicted from the contributes to the selection response (the change in allele

Quantitative Genetics of Imprinting 85 frequency Dp) via its positive covariance with additive 2000), and ovulation and twinning in cattle (Allan et al. deviations. Unlike half-siblings, the parent–offspring re- 2009). It has previously been noted that the efficiency of semblance still reflects the true heritable component of sex-specific selection varies depending upon the pattern of variance with imprinting. If only one parent is measured, this expression at imprinted genes (Patten and Haig 2008). There covariance is increased for the parent with higher expres- is not sufficient information on the contribution of imprinting sion and decreased in the other parent, again due to the to most of the traits targeted by animal and plant breeders to effect of the additive-imprinting covariance, and there will make a formal comparison. However, it is worth noting that be a corresponding increase in the response to selection body weight in chickens (in which there is no evidence for among offspring of this more expressed parent. Therefore, imprinting) exhibits some of the largest and most rapid re- where imprinting is suspected to affect a trait of interest, a sponses to selective breeding (e.g., Dunnington et al. 2013), more accurate prediction of its response to selection may be while the rate of genetic gains in some mammal species, in- obtained if is estimated from the parent-offspring cluding dairy cattle (Thornton 2010) and racehorses (Hill resemblance, rather than the resemblance of half-siblings. 1988) has been slower than predicted based on genetic var- Both family-level and sex-specific selection are common in iation in target traits (Thornton 2010; Hill 2014). Our results animal breeding (Lynch and Walsh 1998; Goddard and Hayes also raise the intriguing possibility that the selection regime 2009), and we show that responses to both can be affected by employed by animal breeders could itself affect patterns of genomic imprinting. Family-level selection may be adopted imprinting. For example, if selection is applied at the family because it is more efficient than individual selection if trait level and is among paternal half-sibling families (e.g., selec- heritability is low, or if the environmental variation is large, tion among different bulls on the basis of traits in their and may be the only option available when phenotypes can- offspring), genes with patrigenic expression will produce not be measured prior to breeding (e.g., carcass traits). Sex- greater phenotypic variance among families than will those specific selection is regularly used in animal breeding, for with maternal expression, and will result in a faster response example in cases where target traits are only present in one to selection. Therefore, an allele at a modifier locus that re- sex (e.g., egg production, milk yield), and is also likely to be sults in patrigenic expression of a gene underlying the trait of common in natural populations. For example, the strength of interest would be favored. Whether artificial selection has selection on body size differs between males and females in indeed favored the evolution of imprinting in domesticated bighorn sheep (Poissant et al. 2008). By changing the parti- species remains to be tested with data. tioning of heritable genetic variation, imprinting has a major The results of our model reveal several signatures that may effect on the efficiency of selection applied within or among prove useful for identifying an effect of genomic imprinting on families. When selection is among families, the response will a quantitative trait, although some of these can also result be greater if members of those families share the parent from other processes that are not explicitly modeled here. For whose gene copy is more highly expressed. By contrast, a example, previous authors have highlighted that differences greater proportion of the heritable variation will be parti- between mother–offspring and father–offspring phenotypic tioned within half-sibling families sharing the less expressed covariances, and/or maternal and paternal half-sibling co- parent, making within-family selection more efficient. When variances may be useful for identifying quantitative traits selection is applied only to one sex, it can cause a delay in the affected by imprinting (Santure and Spencer 2011). How- phenotypic response to selection if this is the sex whose gene ever, similar observations can also be produced by maternal copy has reduced expression in their offspring. There will be a (or paternal) effects (Santure and Spencer 2006; Wolf and phenotypic change in the subsequent generation that means Wade 2016). Similarly, the observation that the response to the long-term response is unaffected, however the initial fail- selection in a trait affected by imprinting is often less than ure to respond may lead breeders to abandon or revise their that expected from its additive genetic variance, VA (if VA is selection regimes if they are unaware of the cause. Identify- estimated from the covariance of certain types of relatives) ing genomic imprinting in genes associated with traits of in- may also result from genotype by environment interactions terest, and incorporating imprinting effects into models of (Falconer 1952), or genetic correlations with other, unmea- quantitative genetic variation, is therefore crucial for accu- sured traits (e.g., Blows and Hoffmann 2005; Walsh and rate prediction of responses to artificial and . Blows 2009). From the model presented here, we can add The evolutionary consequences of imprinting that we have to this list the novel finding that when selection is applied identified may partly explain the large variation among traits only on the sex whose gene copy has lower expression, the and species in the rate at which genetic gains have been made phenotypic response will be partially or fully delayed by a through selective breeding (Hill 2014). There are several generation. This finding is not easily explained by other phe- well-known examples of imprinted genes associated with nomena, and so may provide a useful test for the contribution traits targeted for selective breeding in domesticated plant of imprinting to trait variation, particularly if it is observed in and animal species (Ruvinsky 1999; Patten and Haig 2008), conjunction with one or more of the other signatures of ge- including pigmentation in maize (Kermicle and nomic imprinting outlined above. Alleman 1990), muscular hypertrophy in sheep (Cockett As with the classic quantitative genetic model, the overall et al. 1996), body composition in pigs (de Koning et al. results of our simple model with a single locus and two alleles

86 E. K. O’Brien and J. B. Wolf should hold for multi-locus systems and where there are de Koning, D.-J., A. P. Rattink, B. Harlizius, J. A. M. van Arendonk, multiple alleles at a locus. The presence of multiple loci also E. W. Brascamp et al., 2000 -wide scan for body com- offers the possibility of epistatic interactions among loci, and position in pigs reveals important role of imprinting. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97: 7947–7950. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas. therefore the possibility of epistatic interactions that involve 140216397 imprinting effects. The same orthogonal model of genetic de Koning, D.-J., H. Bovenhuis, and J. A. M. Van Arendonk, effects with imprinting used here has been used to construct 2002 On the detection of imprinted quantitative trait loci in a model with epistatic interactions (Wolf and Cheverud 2009; experimental crosses of outbred species. Genetics 161: 931–938. see also Álvarez-Castro (2014)). However, analyses of epis- Dunnington, E. A., C. F. 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88 E. K. O’Brien and J. B. Wolf