νηί ΓΜΕ 48.

but I live —The be*t strengthener o; ruin I au 1 a with a blue tail der to the desired forty—"Adelaide, you. May LITTLK KOBHIK. ride pretty pink pony represent plaything, j hotly in Brown'* Iron Hitter.*. Il livery until she I to win eh?' grew pale. hope your' •no·«thin:; an.I refreshing In its clf ct stood still turtieJ OX for ι We a» Isella, and chancc Adelaide instantly, îlcni ir.i TUB IXILmCI A SMALL BOT MAT ΜΑ*Β This novel proposition made him lodged by Effort) AS AITAtB Of THC HkARI me, and fixed me xvith such a look .Vn liiahinan said thai lie ran nw.i 'rotn Of moment then me witl ι my room Mrs. Randolph's. upon thoughtful ; eyeing adjoined »iis father the minute he IS] ω never met r.or since. very discover*! •4 I Robbie bis mamma, be- I before She was the widow when settled hatred, he answered,4 No, don't always slept by that In· was hi* ui cle. Randolph * only too to be trusted to the said, raised KYKRV TUESDAY, we firat met, and I thought her then, as I want choclit.' ing precious 'Wretch,'she you your PI'BLISHKD * Flood's in made of woman chocolate , bonne. hand child, Kobbi>\ my Pareaparilla root», ■τ I think her now, the loveliest in Mother's lamb shall hare against my my am The first demand on λ little fiend. I herbs, and hark*. It give· tone to the the world," said Mr. Alexander Lane. by-and-by,' said Mrs. Randolph, I young tyrant's angel. You called hi-n TI. w \TKIWS. Tell Robbie 'to- »! hor I'd stomach and make* the weak Sold (*K«V "Aha!" responded Ford, the senior kissed him in a manner perfectly distrac being undressed was, despise, detest, utterly you. strong. Κ ill»r and rroprJctr»!·. " so to the man who adored her. Where ries.' a by Druggitu. partner of Ford «V Lane, and there ting marry demon sooner.' said the mother. was a romance. !" at he an and helc Very well,' patient she shone white with anger. A* Sly dog grabbed earring cruelly Ford, Kmersou says "a man ρα**ν« Tor what p#r Y«>nr. There was an old woman who—' Τ»·πη«·—·»·Π '* held on, however, un- Don't like that.' '«h .W»"·*· wi'i h· '■'•B*»··».!. stimulated a and The young little wholesome i«—' worth The best r*·· by good cigar pleasant pirate * discipline preserving? preventive was a and 4 lift r»Nl·. the little artr Well, there little boy, to *'ie struck in. is Kcntwer' «|Λ|Ι» Γ«ρ'»ι Now there is no cozitr til his uncle Russell caught good Don't speak ni",' and restorer, "Wells' Health surrounding*. was with 'Hi ! hi ! his name his Robbie, and he sleepy, me « \ > ;r f κ e sold all Druggist*. spot than Lane's library, nor is there— and shook it, you younji Never dare to let again. hy !?:»'«·« of A<1v«riialnc, he is handsomer rascal, let go.' and—' Never dare.' wr»rt.-r·. considering past fifty—a l.ivv suits ate Lot always expensive. LB -Al sud Mrs, 'Ain't ; don't bed or more man than Lane himself. Be careful ; don't hurt him,' sleepy wantergoter She walked on briskly to the hotel, I About the* cheapest a man can get into Is TU—Τ il.»' genial or H, pu hl P !* «■«»·♦·. with warmth and de- and so on for an hour more, until my stain, the on·· worn in the V. S ···> ·*·"*. At this moment he sat staring into the Randolph, great meekly following. >he «we,·: up striped penitentiary. «»»—Tt tw>r <*!·». Λ 1<1)Ι:ο·«). to of that lov- 4,\ held between cision. blood boiled think gentle, me back a Judi'h look lull oj tire, the cigar meditatively flinging Havk W ι h r aic'.h Hiij-oi df Wild Ciikh- r*>M*Tt *«nr««, • sere\mod mistaken little mother under the heel two and Ford Won't ! won't leggo,' ing wrath. Il γ at hand. It cures colds- **>' fingers, repeated, by way leggo righteous always coughs, w.· >· v-v " mass of that monster. Then and there I V> of to the conversation. Robbie, until the struggling baby I told lluMcli the whole matter at bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, influ- W.r- W I THE C3EAT jog Sly dog!" yelling, ..... |Mf " a that her ail throat and «"·· Ν *···»·. to bare knees and I formed should bring ince. enza, consumption, and 1 M I one of my regular tripe of embroidery, yellow plan -<■>·»< tïKOton' Ν'«(ΙβΝ, ο During and the warfare. 50 cts and 91 a bottle. t f.«r> hctït.ixgtox ι: ι τι:. curU was handed over to Marie, the bonne, peace and comfort, boy and lung complaints. • V.v·.-«·. for the firm." said Lane, talking He whistled, then laughed long *-· ! IV No "th»T line run Thrr<» .'·>» Kuropc * r^rt] Tbrtnich " won't! at 4 ""''h T.«v*l 1 * to who carried it stairs. Robbie Next the small tourist'was fresh Jove he the had a vf<"< T"»« •rtiCT Trai: l'allv betwn-η IhH-ntro, Γ« to the fire, 1 had time up day loud. !' said. boy A young lady recently closed gushing ronf'B 'M *nv rrvi»«t li-r-c>!u. and was at Raveno. in the north Robbie won't !' reaching in grateful the of 'cha-lct' and 'ice keem' anil lever had a ami didn't under- description Coney I m; >Im. for th.»·* orrapviK Τ spare, cry whipping, ,, AIcMho, ;>· k· ami KuM ClI' " * tions the words "et et him α can with skeetera, τ» Ihrti t ivoij. vl ion* for u:l t:i Kan»' after a : There diminuendo. want choclit;' but I could hand it. It's Lane, that « of ." Then, pause regard pity. you »'rert -ln· in tSo Γ>Γ>»ητ*4Τ. t .| ;>·)·<, W M Nl a skeetera." BttMi is said about the at the Mrs. and I took stroll by for I had a I for lot him ; but Adelaide ι* tierce *t the t»c w»ll r«-iN|i>h«t va.ln. \· w Mi xjcvi. Ar.j ι. an· too much scenery Randolph calmly, plan. watçhed bring up T(t τ % 1 follow liUii·', Orrj:ou Cit.if rn %. eon is nervous a but none of- " lakes." the lake. little very chancc of it out, where that brat i> concerned. I "He who hesitates is lost." Kind friend, ir" »' *■· Italian My carrying spoi'ed > ». :i * 10 ®'·ηι«· SV* V«»k 1'ϋ·· ·. n.d Μ Γ· rit r*. η *· but town of that is *« \»w ï or% J »? \ fine and she remarked, very fered until we reached the im afraid there is no for nervous, hacking cough dragging rv. M » .· > ι f Hob M Rout·· tlUnnil».* fi Fort Si it (uni*. Isn't it !" sensitive,' pretty hope you.' 'VttKnr I! I Why? the Do ·· » ι: w V V ·.* H. M. iMll.i*. ll<·* ii Ti ls.». happen, say Mriegg. Approaching place, morning by uot A'lain* > '.« H il- t »·*'■ louger delay, procure M Ι*· ···»■» κ » «'ο lu w* At .1 γ λ.· vin<*nt* < fT»-r l· and 'And such a child is a treasure when wheat fields strewn with ,· Μ\·«. Tto um>|ttu; ~I th in the middle of tftickly :arlv earn at it is an for · >» l. 'l'fcKmt to TriVflc:* t··! 1« ur:»t it· a> ·· " .· VI Line Ι··!Ι·■'*■ with dis- corn These Robbie < can't talk about ; 1 ventured, the flowers. Well said it wan for Colds, aud Disease*. t *.>1 Tt, ook -ut-sl |·ιι::·παι K-wh .. there's something you governeJ,' brightest Ford, l.ung R 11 M \».r l'h'lvVpl:i*. I'j'ru- properly lucky Coughs, < ....Il A ·.. « * ···*0, III ; 8. &. ΜΙβ·, ,v «-{'ip? far- ηιπ on thi* I inc. ft. .· a a creet Want f'owen ! want f'owers !' rou. must turned out a ter- f, *. rj|> there's a fervor and languor, strength emphasis. coveted. Kobbie have * 1,' Piiac* l»niwinjr-H.'. rttm «Ιιιιιχ 1 ! a* and a sweetness in all nature, in the very He puni-the he yelled. ible wretch." just Kwcuniu In ΚκΙΙι nu famous t'.. II. A t. wc wi re to " this world. Half of t hem were the tirtt to Th* air itself, that can't be told; it can only shan't be broken.' Arrived at Briegg. where No, he hasn't, lie i- a tall, hand· >'C riMi'n "* th«> <··«!..-«si «)i|t BlarheJ liât"»· |»minc Car». («<.txir*r 'Certainly stop night. proposed bright, been shot the liver. «··- "' ,x·· "1ν»ηο»«·Ι μι τηΜίι. \ .*leur « ha:r» t.τ tbt' c*t iu«,\o u>c ul Ur- through tt :c ■>'* boats there moored restraint—' back into the fields wc had to , and obedient to mother and «r h%n.| to Ilk· T«r«-«t a^ret cl*** γη, to the lake, and lay passed lered his m ·»* l»>λ '. {»·»**«")*« n-t;< ·! r. tD'-an» '►<#· paper I· pa.'J ÉMQI Trv k r«l r Γ p":rrt e It was late after- she broke in, with decision. he the flowers. , what disease ·,· 9uft«r1 before the dcor. No,' pluck Bk Carkmi. !—No matter l'inol w.tn Arnnt just itepfather." iWrOmlTknwi·Cir He's a and with conde- " lie sure that the medicine ·. V Ul»> to ■:.· that after- doesn't need it. child, He mouted shoulder ! She married then may have, ^ Λ._ .er·· «e «>K»tjM mrnt.makf-thi«, itx'vo a;!· th< r«,ik fut noon, I remember, day—late darling my you Stepfather a »·> < :r>* iwoor» ta ■■·! er»!lt»H Κ >ute to UkÛ 4tb. South-'A\»t, uuil tb<· Fa trotted for " you tuke is reliable. Such medicine you noon—and I ran into Russell, firm of my only comfort.' scending tyranny, and I along Three years ago she met a nun my «"« *· »· AoeM br »pt>ri#r4 of II. Vml bitter*. Tl. are « Λ a ! Jf was set will Sulphur y It. a*-i rôti will ft«vl aluïur The little fierceness of motherhood half a mile, then the , in and always.flud Try tir.vrlmr Russell λ* White, you know. talking merrily, upenor tact, courage persistence. uot a rum driiu but are made of the η cheap in-tt'iij of dlnt'infort. 4 to a to meet an American," said after all, such pretty little child down amon# the wheat and ] and him." to he found in the Through Τι k**t* via thl* ΓρΙ.Ί'γιΙλ.Ι ·. n« So glad very becoming, respect envy choicest roots and herb* u f..r «nk· at all < in the l'oitiMat* u:» woman, and that like bluets. Ho I " Ar iu.«. Kuvscll. 'I'm the lakes with my May day passed and grasped right a tussle he must have had kingdom.—brmk.it«*n at«>ut llat< Γ F.ir»·. *|>·>·{ν wife and sister-in-law, pleasant left, vith the declares that » boy." A London pawnbroker In* nr \c.- itiin«»l iti nv 'liui'· 'laf-l· «. Α» a of to him " Come for a boat ride with us thi« ken suspicion night- could hold, then 1 carry > evening occasionally by our is coat* -tm: * HtCKKI· K. » ill l»· hii rfiillT glMu «n i « Ml *οιηΙ t r>· to proposed Yes, for domestic pe- do not piwn their for who s)*tem Englishmen mi* an « mare in the of Robbie, back to mamma. He wouldn't. He a F Kktrm· rlifjnt Λ/.ij» f l i.ltirl at 8/ shaj* except uliar. Here are are statistics : Out of liquor. That's because fatherly govern- >t*t«·». in oil. ·γ«. t.jr luir to a ri/'-.".s· nt itpplt 8 me on the shoul- for the one moment when he grabbed the would «it d >wn on the ground and ment permits gin to be sold for a cent ./.'/< Lmr, J. Vη A. UK \ \*. 1.«· Γ» la.tiTii \m r\1. At Russell clapped damp >ne hundred of the pirate species of child M». U». Mxsa. me with face. He raised a Rktnii Wa«blt.;1oa St. IVj*t<.|· I'.r ·ιιΊ»η», >cw orlL. Knglisb, h ; whole seem- disfavor. for more ftawers ! then Rjbbie want ice abroad that night the place j lussians, one French, and nmuty-four —Mrs. Mary M irtln. of Harrl*burg, l'a., I'KKCEYAL LOWll.L Gen. l a»·. A*rr.t. once " .. m κ mix·, I followed to where a He'll be so affectionate when he's keem I' then choclit !' then a med- : 1 suffered from a Ckil4|0. ed fairy, unreal. grand Imerican. Γο these infants to says severely compli- bring *en»e of s. Τ J. a loose from its tne mother said. the cries cation of female dis ·χ·«:.* ; that 1'OTTKR,».'» M«naffr.t h'fiit". boat little ley of all together. eason it called for men of lay swinging acquainted,' ninety-four seemed a* if it would kill ond Ctwni !or at Lairy shore was Mrs. Rus- Kiss me, Robbie, dear,' I ventured. to bearing-down On the A moment 1 looked toward Hrieg, , nettle. I vith I had served noth- moorings. * only my habits were irregular; Ri mv>>kd. V· the ruttian. mej my eery w ; but Hit answered baby were then 1 JUST OUT ! 6ell, L«>m I greeted politely my eyes yer,' make sure we not followed, t ountry by being one of them." ing seemed to b-nellt me until I tried mamma, the " ίτ!» w. ririt, on that boat, for in the stern, 'Oh, no,' coaxed 'give his look- a Here Brown's Iron Bitter- Tl»·}· acted lik·· a s w^re fixed held Robbie firmly by shoulders, Ford laughed and tilled glass. a kiss.' now I m like , nice charm, and enjoy perfect health. wrapped something white, geutkraan pretty, pretty ed into his blue eves, and said, Now. my j » to Robbie's stepfather, the hero and r'·· Co'tnstHor at [jQU\ Morris λ Ireland's was as a vision. The nice cau- .Ί" ond -at a woman who lovely gentleman approached little fiend, I'll give you something that's , A Western "What we Rob- nartyr." journal ris\» *!.. vi \FW IMPROVED was and stood but not enough. I fairly dazed, staring, tiously, cautiously good for you.' "And happiest of men," Lane added, have to fear is the ι vdtion of Jefferson r 'or \«-w a blow (V *<*n*» w the boat and said, bie delivered well-aimed directly Rob- Davie In defense of the A contem- hen Ktivsrll pulled up There was a slight disturbance of f his glass. "Ah, Ford, that's the pa>t." EIGHT-FLANGE illing. retort* that "'.he of Mr IIl à HI !i«IT. so are between my eyes. a porary position ) in. Hallo, Adelaide; you bie's embroidered skirts, short, r ub!" and Mr. Lane with a ended 'Jump dainty sigh Davis now seems to be that of a brass but- we all started in a trav- " li The woman in white is my sis- Next sound the wheat „ s woman seated. morning sharp crackling among he began : She's the loveliest ton on the horn of a tame cow." η sell ors at for the of the Sim- Cou Law, ter-in-law. Lane. Mrs. Randolph, Mr. eling carriage paaaage *talk«. t'i ve minutes later i carried back ! j η the world."—r'« Hnzar. was for the I'ovd's Km iiaiT is as a sub- Hitck/lrlft. )t'. Safes. York.' The vehicle roomy a with a of unequalled Fire-Proof Lane, of New plon. to silent little boy p*ir I Hrieg WHY HE 1'K LINED. due r of .ill y mas /« ttixn», ^'r'ltnn, t .·τ·!*ττ. Mr. lour of us, and Robbie besides. The \ » » ri nue f«r <>xroKt> She me with Indeed, rather about greeted very astonished eyes, pinkish " Jl.'ti*/*, H' uwlt, < ··■. /ι'·γ«.<, >t<~ rte. '< H Η*««·Τ his mother man of the Boston <> Λι-»«· ► Ο. to meet from Itonnie rode outside. In fact, with The 14All Sorts Lane, it's pleasant peopl# the lids, and gave the little fellow, Pedestrians, oarsmen, and all athlete* was so that Kobbie's nuree had J '<·>' he felt to de- II ΜΊΛ II II, home—that is. sometimes, and some peo- food, his hands full of' flowers, into his mother's explain·» why obliged should never be without it. It is a tru·· as woman of a sinecure. Now there is to have his household aN ·. No should J* She wa» the of the world, jomething arm*. lined portrait published, remedy family ple.' save eo favors a as t w s : fail to It at hand It will many /' S' a with a *ober- that rapid intimacy Robbie was an* olio keep ;/sirian S'trgron, and bit coquettish, yet nothing All the rc.st of the day ai»l used a troin a doctor's bill. Recommended »»»t τη r *■!«. * «i>r. all." carriage. There's the prox- nut a word of We have received request oesft and gentle grace underlying traveling by Relic. Silent, obedient, just the and of 1 by leading physicians hospitals ·· **«·. h»«t 4* the lack of the luncheon a York f«>r to ·.- How did she look, then ?" asked imity, ceremony, or chalets.' Hut he was cari- New periodical permission this conutrv and KuroDe. ■' Il ·Ι»β'· '»r t 'chocliti' from the same the walk hill, •ublish our ^\e decline the napkin, up observant of me, following me with | j*)itrait. M -K V t>.. ously : Sh<· wn< swect-I'acrd girl, 44 to be the lit- lonor with thank*. Hear our reason* Mue-eyed, ^ it was ten ago. She was the boot or shawl adjusted, > Well, }ear« bis eyes everywhere. an·I when .««lie asked :it the fair. and the our to be countjr warm-colored hair was tle accident, the rude • ,Ve once allowed but that jostle, What a goo.1 boy Kobbie is !—a little portrait "Where are the beetles that made the S' •lghter, are of the ri/.ysician Surgeon, those .name \\ hv, you irinted. A while after, the office in <. liar»;· stntf.-d the same; she hail gray eyes, readily-granted pardon angel !' said Mrs. Randolph. I In-ets the houe>tgranger Γ\Ct·». M \l\K. uld frieuds in a 1 felt it, sold out it* old to half a into his mouth ail·! crawl···! un- with the dark gray brows that would lend day. myself lucky. Never saw him behave decently be- | >ai>cr printing type pear ··* r»H» It seems. that cut a table to out of Niirht. i: rt 'ro-'f i'f Mr« Λ. U. Μ**ο·. bat frame Hut 1 reckoned without Kobbic. office, and somehow der get sternness to any other eyes, only fore,' remarked Russell. country we was a Ai an to be washed and dress- 1 if us went with the lot. Later \is- the softness of hers, her cheek inducement At he a'e his bread and milk Do doubt It? Theu uive it a tria!. T«»v supper you I»r*. A Til mother had told him he should ι ted that cou town. A man came Wild shade than now, anil fairer, perhaps. ed, his and watched me over every try up an " "r*· « ■·>·! 4 to Ρ Π» 1ÎS CC'f 6-Fl£"2î 5sfi on the mountain. 1 it did ; what do re- Throat, Cold. Hoar-en·Bronrhitis. trn UT*. il.l ■. under the shadow of the wooded chalet way up high went to hold- ?" Maybe you ·« Ih* fVf There, and otF bed, ·' a ir > ic a U» <1 *»«·· ··( ash mrrAixiiid night dutifully " or other l'ulmonary Complaint, ptxl our start Kobbie we Jenkins β Coujh, any »* fc 1 wo minutes after bogan er to" Why, I" *' νι\· banks, we heard the nightingales sing, his skirt. replied. ou and he will refund mamma's " call your druggist \ τ Η- ·»?·■· « ♦»» ing heard of the ·ρτ«·ι«!ΐτ·, Tlorf IniprnTrmriitK limn unj said Mr. Lane, with a in this fashion : ' llixir of Cezalia." Never You know that Wil«l Cherry and, in short." As I to Mrs. your money. 4 hap|>ened pass Rtndulph's swear were a ·-· 'Ν \ Kl 1LIMSO Hurh h<> the ashes from Mamma, I wantersec the cha-let.' tutf." "Didn't! I'd you and Tar are the heat remedies for Cou^ti .· \τ· Ν\Τ. BANK Nnlr iniidr, nervous laugh, knocking the door stood wide I tu'V. ^ > \ » Ν M. I» • room, and open, bottle* for cents; to ml· love.' 1 he man." He left us in an amazed or Cold. Large tifty \sK 15. TII T»»n * I» and smoke before By-a by, my »|. THE ΓΛ TEXT his ci^ar. beginning to remember her that we wer- cents. For sale • the cha-let now. stopped another man came samples 10 by druggist*. Lad djne in short, I re- Kobbie wantersee tate, and presently he speaking—44 for a w alk ; but she had her ·· on the moun all going me to use ι » ν ΝΊ ie»'X\ to make Mrs. Ran- Kobbie muït ride up big Would you recommend The teacher ha·! been telling the pupils I.. solved thai very night back toward the door, and didn't see me. ip. j we would recom- and character of Wa-h· wife, rr live a bachelor." tains tirst.' ezilia?" "No, fir, of the life (ieorge my stood a moment her. The i( Inside dolph So I watching we iugtou. "Ami whose features are familiar BoltWork, "Sudden, wasn't it:" hinted Ford. •No; n-o-w;' and Hobbie squirmed mend you to soak your head.' replied, *·ν ether Fire- child was undressed, all the curls to all. children?" she asked. Instant· II' re .1:·» fr-i«r. Itfrelar· than like a yellow went mad. W tf were mad, too. you " in such mat- about on his mother's lap lively ie away twcniv l'r»*'f SAIr. » ><1 DO eiu#n«e in repair Yes, but time's nothing on a white bis hands shot aud W vovWAt ÛAI^l night-gown; | ly twenty upward f κ .eg llolu or Luck·. eel. tumbling Another man accosted us: \our liver w voices shouted, lia Plnkham's!" ters ; it'·—it's—" young bare ; his ide and " "Ly • feet eyes thought· sir ; but l I<'SE- " He's nervous,* Mrs. Kan- pink 4 * all now, is it ?" Yes, it in four letters," suggested explained was the unac- right !> Patent Say * was ful. The mother enjoying Ilinged Cup, he couldn't eat breakfast, it ou are an entire stranger to u?, and it Ii Vot* Λ KB Si«k, Kk\i> the Kidney DF.VTIHT, Ford. dolph ; Sue kivsed the and customed boy, another column, " want a of bread ? peace. ou to ask us another such Wort advertisement In V h * 4 Τ V*. Four-Wheel Locks, and 1 was so Kobbie VlLLAtf*. Well, it's love; heartily, early. piece at her presume «33t made him kneel feet.' and it witl to you th·· rational Or was No want ice-kecm.' ion as that, nose won't be all right, explain Τ—'·ν' !l Tie·! ni Sl'Ter Iron in love. \ou see, 1 ouly ; your well. will V Inside Linings, " method of getting Kidney-Wort χ» ya'-Ker. desperately 4 no ice-cream in the moun- Now, Robbie, say your prayers.' le If don't want folks to ask There's said, you .nave more doctor's bills than oth-r then. us as you any Corners. forty I never saw half lovely ^ advertise that BTGIKXM IKSTITUTK. Solid Ingle I was the tains.' anything ou, why do you they medicine known. Acting with specific Next morning early pacing " \f4 4 mother aud child that it cur··* and met Mrs. Want cha-lets, then.' the night. Then we were bilin ^ou energy on the kidneys and liver, 10 in frout of the hotel, nay?" to Fenj*!e -a'r· »rt now t-einff Μ>'·1 id lh.< >tate turf their de- Drv rtcd Kxc lnv*!iis. TlifM 4 Ciod bless mamma.' for a third rate man, the worst diseases caused by -ijjiTely She was fresh and Sit still, my pet.' niserable ajwlogy Wtrt»Ki«D. «e. Randolph. dainty, I'se it at once. In dry and 4 then a whine, Mamma,' he elled "do mean to insinuate rangement. * r*iv even in the full sun- lce-k-e-e-m !' repeated. we, you ? «ΙΙίΠρ Κ. * Ο., ttng LARGE NUMBERS, tender-hued morning prolonged • form. Hither is efficient, Hepertefn j1 uncle and auntie.' liquid equally ,· n. ·· mier*·*·' to throw himself vio- And we have ever advertised that w i N party, And Mr. Lane, the nice gentleman.' state of our liver. Greatest Satisfaction, bov I ever laid of the carriage. ip and ask about the J the four-year-old " 4 name in her child's prettiest the said the mamma She put my pray- 1 he and can it." An old colored was lecturing Bet * Ute Moat H::h y rinialMd, on. Hold door, do,' do," said, prove preacher DKI'ITT SUFPIFF à CORONER. eyes heart a fold about the slu of danc- the era ! Ford, my gave great are liar in seven couu- to a of his 4 ! ! bless- to her brother ; and4 hold door, please,' Why, You the biggest youth KtUk r*LL·. M·. Firnt- My llobbie my darling my but it stood when the latter protested that the 15est so about in exultant bound ; suddenlv , we and then he ing, Made,aneet Mrs. in a mo- to me ; the youngster Hung ies !" observed, picked : π s ρηαμϋι «tu >0 to !* exclaimed Randolph, Bible plaiuly said ing exercise h· re- still. it at us, and we ever the child on her ibis ip a rock and heaved "There Is a time to dauce." Clase SAFE seating comparative safety. • therly rapture, said Robbie's sbrill little a the shook his head of at short intervals a hundred times Mamma,' j ad a \ery little session, till constable "Yes, dar am a time to dance," said The little peated 4 ISAAC Ε AC· ITAIL, lap. chap that nice me "aud its when a a produced. with both hands the voice, gentleman gived Kirtey ?* ιsai to and Mrs. What, s as we were. 1 nat *»i«f rtur*· (."**<·! M·»** *ΑΠΜΤΤ*.1"ΓΤ<» 4 bad for mamma's said laide,' Κ ll ventured say, my darling—flowers >ack from death door KKCOKD is boy,' 4 " **X>L \l Kk<#· CHAMPION Honey 4 else.' of a!'. eases of was at it was time to take- Sumtin [rove us wild. W e demanded an believe that nine-tenth* 44 *α4 Ki»Ll while I Kus-«ll explan· 1 *<»« Cl. «TuM LL"TH UaS*«i*0 Mrs. looking suggested 4 Wo be- I!» THE Randolph, Chocolate ?' was catarrh are constitutional. also l-** IS«. to that child m haud.' Hut Mrs. Kandolph ilion and it. The local editor WE the made, only desiring 4 got a constitutional V l· they 4 lieve that reliable remedy 11 a M< »v R, M picture t well to and Sumtin else/ a medicine and child own. argued, Kobbie iso day, ising our in patent that strike* at the call both mother my Why, 4 4 picture like Hood's Sarsaparilla, are and Kob- What then, lamb ?' man whose life it was father to the 4all children restless," my dvertisement as the in I already boy, bright 4 ·)< »NKS, fancy, I dunno.' and he looked : to C. Great Boston Fire him into bie has too much brain ;' and she became puzzled J iad saved. We rushed to his office him 4 loved him, brought up, put but 1 show oo th*t I B QRKAT ASD IMPORTAIT it .seemed wiser not to court then up witb, him and recover the cut. i$ut he *Ι»·1 .inre | in a few minutes, so brightened rreck —CATARRH 3 skite and machinist, bft» made. the firm—all during spirited rue*. confirmation of ιn»-m·>vk*f»r» h«tr mamma.' next town proportion of all In ilnnif. man was and discussion. ! iad lent it to an editor in the .S ·μ'Λ l'itrif. * order to an? other concern, the little *p sho* Hie FNf'-ro f r.g >our which lunging man was dress- this belief offer evidence In»; aU!o he and t' D η II Ok'l·» Ht'l t -o'·. I plunging know. 1 remem- ed for the undertook, and when we went him, he delivered a Pass. 1 don't pantomime ittracting attention, ease. Λ city official says: "A lady who bad •«.r·-*· ·: »» M l tri, « ItuJf ·η<] ther restraining pierc- Simplon was well Ul··. MORRIS & IRELAND, a whin- to do him it thoroughly the but it for till It llnallv » h ihmKm« i"« thumbed, and ( υ the next town to suffered from catarrh years, S g mtm r( aa4 | and the table-cloth ber being hearing justice, stop job, I ing grabbing 4 look to- ;·· ■' »1 a ^rr-·*·· fun*. |n-U>'·. yell, a cha-let.' done. He with my guilty took us tor SUDBURY ST., some dishes that broke. of Kobbie wanteraee began vas too late, and everybody »- ·. A· »·»!■: u |T'ii.| y r«: \jr«4. ! 64 otf ing cry ** dragged 4 ; he delivered the words,4 Now '* " loor-l^r. ΒΑ^ΤΟλ, M AMI. are Bernard ward and we had hard in'l.trti I a* 4 Mrs. take the say there fine St. dogs Brieg lie murderer Waiter,' says Randolph, They I oo Rumtin that's escaped, am sure of that, little fiend, give out the We will •rCURED BYE at the I my week of away.' up Hospice. getting place. to health and smell by taking Hood's Sar- honey the of for oo,' with tragic effect; then he to the beat first the air, then for Kobbie tried to haul out tongue guod lever allow our picture get loose, saparilla." A mother says: "My boy had R. T. ALLEN, At this boy more than his fellow, who (though lightly tatarrh so badly that I could hardly keep his mother's face. She turned red and one good natured great tip- appled .gain. the time-honored remedy for bim tn clt-aa handkerchiefs i he Lias tak< n i, îi£IGH Health is Wealth! I my the little over with his great paw, model) CirrIi.CE KcKUFCrUEEB, ΤΚΕΑΤ- turns, and hunted pockets. ped boy and that Wni'» SKHV* A>*!> IIRAIX pale by He added, 'And mamma, one bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla Mitine. Γ>Β· Κ C I believe Ntw.— 1 he luminous '' Mtitvn, Ojiforit Co., Dunne··, Cod a loose a and terrified Mrs. Randolph. naughtiness. Nothing paint, MIM Λ epectflc for liy«U-ri·. A knife, change, terrible amount of discharge ha* Stopped M»nt»i pencil-case, and I loud, and then I feeled more etiects in the vj: η-, NerTou· 11»·· Depreaaion. like seductions were there are torrents, and kyed tewry vhich beautiful In.potency. watch and precipices, produces * .i·» »n<) wi!l l#e »cW itrkliy | Ιο·· ci Memory, Spermatorrhea, (tick-tick), : but I better.' as a oowreadj, Premature Old Ag·, I found a bit and white mountain lark, is being introduced novelty, r c*-h, or r. fer) L>w. MUT Rmi»rioD·, in vain. Finally gorges, peaks »dy n>, abuM. or ov«r>la4al· displayed 4 was a moment's bush. Mrs. •anaed 6. r-exertion. ~elf j ·see for as, a matter ol There vhen in fact the of China, in death. silver Whaat's couldn't them, emperor " lr> deeaifand of chocolate in paper. HOOD'S ca- «birk tel· miaery. to ber case writes: I have had gone·, Ka<-h box coa- to on Robbie breast, of a Another Concord One box will etir* receoi caae#. ?' I had keep my eye Randolph hugged he year grace 975, possessed paint- Open Wagons, One dollar a box, that, Robbie self-protection, astonished at the ca- tarrh four years. La*t April, the drojv tun- one m intfi'» treaiaent. were colored I down stairs, of which aeat by mail pr«pam short in his Robbie. Then there deeply crept j ng "the subject every morning throat became so trouble- or »ix boxv· tor d*e dollar»; Robbie stopped pleasant an ping in my We tlx boxe· to over the mead- in children in retaining impres- a walk and ■ take ses το sue, >a receipt of price guarantee 'Choc- thick as pacity | eft its frame to go and some that 1 became alarmed, as It affected onler received by n· exercise, and answerod flowers, carpeting cure any caae. vruheaeh promptly, but I had made a sue· Are dollar·, we can be certain, for I sion, feeling great vas on view at Ί he I took two bottles of Hood's '••r » χ -'*»·!», with ows, I reasonably night. emperor ny right luug. aee<>ni|>aated to I want it/ only h«««r our written guaraatee lit, cess. and it cured me. My will **n«l toi pur- 4 a bunch for Mrs. Kan- there was Farsaparllla appetite, $40 to $55, doea not effect too in the for îaturally thought something tbv mcney if tbe treatment It's early morning gathered pretty 4 Is flrst rate now.'· Springtcards, rtlU'ti 4 came down. We had all which was variable before. l la*ueO t>* A M. OKkRY Λ Mamma Later she about the but it turned AM· "Tilt It* I > 1 cure ttHamate*» the mother. Robbie shall and Robbie, saying, peculiar artist, CO hum- South Parie, Main». •weets,' said dolph; Venr yours. Charles N. Griffin. Γ··, author'*etl t|'iu k»r tore them a walk, so we went a truly I8I A KB 'sant take man's f'owers,' agreed upon along by ( >ut that he made his of luminous J »HX C. Wà.-TA t Ο Sole Propnet..Chicago. • to Randolph ubstance extracted from the IV>Moa. No-o. Now' tho all oyster. M33HÎ2CÎCry, Λ "WITH W<»r>l»e->e Ar"l·. yelled boy. pieces. silent. Nc:*ûï Ci£2T we reached Isella, which was perfectly a thousand later, shells ΛUJC H .i J", MAINE. I made the bon-bon disappear into the Just before lay, years oyster SARSAPARILLA mer Lowell, Mass. We desire to say t* condition would have I from and felt elated. , are our Street, VVOLUALI liltll» fashion, and the cherub sulked in a normal mental argued good this, ind sulphur astonishing grown-up air, juggler to all who try this medicine for catarrh, that his mouth. struck me as a spot, Robbie Russell and his wife saw something out ; ninds. with a finger in picturesque probably the discharge will increase at first, 4 a of the common in manner, I think, fine EiïiSi ssi MïESTE (fôn. a 1 said to the mo- was shown chalet. my then grow more watery and gnu!ually stop. STARTLINGDISCOVERY! He's lovely boy,' a about Mumittutn oi iho c».· I Liuils, MANHOOD RESTORED. there will be and walked —There is one boy soon In most <·*#<·«.. LOST Prema- Now, thought 1, peace considerately apart together. good thing The odir disappears very of τ ou thiol imprudence causing ther. *' A T.oum was a new so a is in town. ^ ou know where after all a η rt "itTfnrtl 1» at Manhood, etc., * she an- on that score. But no ; there I felt that I must out my heart, vhen circus By continuing Hood's Sarsaparilla ture l*.-»r, Vrvons DehUity, He's bis mamma's blessing,' speak known remedy, haa da- the disease are removed, a more h triad in rain «eery * a cha- I : I ο look for him. signs of LT:ng which be will aecJ FS11 Robbie, to the nice howl. He had evidently thought began ter>J a cunpic a«*_li cure, swered fondly. speak core Is effected. Hood's Sarsa- S 'SL*L£ ο i.klrvaa j. h. imn, to eat or with, for he we have known each other permanent m Wanteâ U Lia feUow-iuflerera. let something play •Although Ag ivr are on a strike and »vl Uto. Mr t βτβΛ ( M., Χ. V. gentleman.' as St. Louis bakers ^ (» 43 hatham 4 and but a few must 1 do, \ iftê·, H I,. ί titî the was disappointed, yelled, days, you feel, DOSES SI.OO lUMilcCal· No, I won't,' responded blessing, wofully and IOO Pari·. MaI*K- A w::i mUn, Tr>iium*l«i don't like no common ire around, doughing nothing is Γ. I. Hood & Co., Cn—r»m«·#!-■·» ab4·η4 bmUal 1 like an 4That ain't a cha-let. Robbie ours is loafing parilla prepared only by ■""IK lB>Utk«|«y|i 8ulUr*t4|;i in a tone of smothered brutality, friendship.' em- * %«XI- ΝΆ. ValMLltrit* trouble for their Trice six «r pofKliT Ë for own uee c>- ■yienltttfi £ î*jVcet- answer. kneadlees Lowell. Ma.u. (l, Jm fmsr » li S*m*m»»mM. <*. WwNewlwi If4. want a She made no naking Apothecaries, r-eitab^ lor ... Bill it. Robbie hobby-horee. HfcR*. ψΜ«ϊβ|ΐτ.^ TUOir»Q*Sm.. infantile bottles Sold F-V«.Γ tHc iïIiH6S. Sykes. on was |ό. by Druggists * it. λα 'or Boian:»l« 4 to lent her shoul- I went ployers. * i-. m lu « îutiiK ortiitij' I Robbie,' said I, 4don't you want Mrs. Randolph promptly 'Adelaide,' madly—I »»·. »t ii.Ma .a^MUittcl)· Forjaieby UL>uï a. WAIiU>e. PAB1· U 172 Cor of the LaCrosee Dallv Vrwr OF ΤΗ Κ WEBK. no se- OXFORD CONFERENCE (Wla.) NEWS OXFORD COUNTY LOCALS Kezak Falls.—The «.old wave, felt the New Couference met with tbe First T. A. CHAPMAN. verely throughout Euglaud Oxford Ρ Irish Member of them Saturday : Τ. O'C'onner, Stat» ί, froz» apple.- untitling many In and with Rev. w and wtththe Church Bethel, orgnulzed of Parliament, arrived in Ν York, tôrfflri) bfcriiKL —The ladies connected for Hit· murk·-1. Τη». > were loaded heav- A OF DRY GOODS MER- ioue Moderator. Read 85 1'·. SKETCH TUE nu in va pwntrat. Har- and commenced D. Garland will to Jiold etings Μ Ε will hold their Annual thl> they fell où CIIAST OF AND proceed Ml cents. A Society ily year MILWAUKEE Irish I. and hen.' (astona-5,.),,o,Motlirr*' min- cities, the Question to rot this season nod thousands Prayer by Rev. E. C. Ingall*. A few PARIS. MA l Ν Κ, < ΗΤΟΒΚΚ 1W1. vest Fair un Thursday. Nov. 4th, at l'at- very early THE STATE. Wllu of l«oul»laua, for and -'-th. so badlv ae to uutlt txuif.——Governor remedy sleepless irritable ·· of bushels have rotted ute* in devotions. Public exercise· total tie's Hail. will be served from 8|»ent The grand Supper use. The It-ares of and died at New Oilcan·· Children. The of Old 1 >r. them for turnip· Ol· Ills HU8I- as ·*'- Recipe for the conducted by Rev. B. C. Ing&lls, assisted HOW Η Κ MADK A tUOCiH fUnrt waa utir.oiiD ed Decision*. to 8 o'clock r. m. The proceod* go trees look as though scorched by lire. of tb«* Garfield Pitcher, Free from Newspaper "O *iss—Α ΚVAMI'LK. Hum moud h»«I Morphine, ar.d was by Kev. A. J. Benedict, 8lnginf. could (ίΟΟΟ 21. Dre. benefit of the I'aator. C. clover, sowed this fall, killed ing $S57,M1 iu not Narcotic, Formula !., 1. η la tee a paper regularly Young York γ«·Λι- d to testify pui.l, ; Any per»· was out of the waj I the matchless worth." Scripture Simms of New roei wt»«·» :*« -«*«-te»l to hi* -.wie 01 dowD. Corn mostly speak duel was bottle, l or the'o®oe— A. of III». MAMMOTH ttTABLIcHMIHT WIÎH ITS TWO of Gulteau A bl»o«lle»s with each riuult rcv, or whethi r ho ha* subscribed or aol— Bivkhku».—Oxlss Whitman, M., frosts. The of will bt A. J. behalf another'*. of crop potatoes reading. Eph. 3rd. Prayer by Rev. IK NDUt.l· ami rim II AMU b* tweeu State· S« n- the Sour I· tor iii« I 4. ineul. P. anil are rottinij fought D«*ar Richmond assimilating food, Stom.. ; responsible Red Minn., aud Charles l'rince, rhort in this section they Beuedlct. Malt, 20—1st. Wise i. II a veraon order* hi* p»l*er discontinued, Wiug, Text, xxvikl., ator Kiddleberger and Congressman and a vi>it to lu the cellar. heat in (he crib, aud, Dec. 10.—There Is no Feverishness, Worms, l)isor· kt eu-: t«av all a.T*itrs«c». or tec puhl aer tnaj M. at Augusta. Ga., hare been on They IIow la it that Christ is with us? MiLWAt'KBR, city soon possible of Ylrgiuia. .. ■ m will Cantor in ha^ cotuir.ui to*M?ii■ it until pavuient i· sc. «aJ If not spread out, spoil. or Important community that lia* not it* «I dered liowels, ! the whole amount, whether the i«ai»cr la their native town. force now ant his llolv 2nd. In what sense Momloy : The cable dispatches report» «ollevt < >ur factory Is ruuningfull By Spirit. conspicuous tlirnree among all. classée of Trasela est sale of article tales from the υ flic· or uot. its loss of I.U) British and foreign any dispensed The corn canning factory is making turued out of H ret rate flannel mere- Car- the by 5. The Court.» have l expects to continue Edward O. Ryan during Druggists. aewt>i>ap -, la that. If not more. Κ orEurofM·. «et-ras to be more or less ir- ■ among Jonathan Arnold among It* 'km evtdeec* of i: _ though there a* a both as man and God Im- Jurists; ordered the extension of hospital- prima aud are the order υ man; (<-) Alex. tuvut liulldiug improving criminal lawyers; Mitchell among German of about work. are turn are to the French aud Ritesls regularity the day. J. M. Merrlfleld & Son manuel. :ird. What the conditions railway magnates; Ε. Γ. Allls among iron ity cords of wood the nation. —" Seven hundred poplar lug out bobbins. of Christ's Be in the of manufacturers, aud there is yet another [ m >nu- The Branch," at South Paris, will presence? way : Th·· corner-stone of the children have been sick and souu not one Tnr*f for were floated down the Nezinscot Many in this city waa f >nn- an this a* will be pulp his appointment; believe in his presence ; class-representative ■' in< nt to l»e erected at Yorkiown have opening week, have died croup and throal whit le.** in his line or less river from to this place last withdipbthcria, distinguished honora; the « ween our column-·. Cy-Gotch anil adults have been ; keep his commandments, and all things of these. ally laid with Maaooic litirj by advertising By- dittlcalty. complaluln) remarkable In his career than any was De to Master It Is by rail sol by theGraod occupied some unknown tht· advertisement spring. b»»ing transported with sore throat. Charles. 10, shall be possible to us. Closed with ben- Reference Is had to Appletou j oeeupi«*d fieya delay aged Timothy tvhcii Grand M i»t»*r WEf DE MEYER'S at The forest* are ftst of lîeo. Hounds of Porter, died man of »»y George Washington 1 CATARRH u« neon, ■kilia Yarmouth. Saturday edictlon. Chapman, the leading dry goods «η » did not reach until Monda) ! of the Ma*on : th· .«■a-i'iiii |»r< Cnre. Constitutional Λ uCduto fox night, of and His name is familiar in Virginia diphtheria croup. the Slate. r Woik» «I we are informed that it was disappearing. p. m. with singiug, Scripture Madger ! w >ru tin· Urami wc-ro ·) tU· terrible malady, by though Our free high school ou l'.trsomleld sld« Opened home in Wisconsin as .η ιιι· reliant, by Absorption. Dunham ha.·» sold his wood-lot to : every and s.-nU*·! to Washing-1 mailed >o ι! *»α> too late tor George closed laei rcadiug and prayer. Discussiou of Tuple i Mrs. Lifayette |»r> GPUÎIT3 of Saturday taught by Orestus Kcuerson, but there ure few outside of Milwaukee a (Ui(;iutinK M noon of Lewiston. and the chopper's ax ! ton in 17M4 ; the gavel was made froin ; insertion last neek. We wish our read- Bt-arce Fri»lay. necessity and impor- who know whether in· is a tyrant with nls Saul-lei. Pain· in Family Religion—Its nt the of the l'uite I CricîilIaR in to i> execution upou it. Mr. .lames and have move»1 clerks or a kiud and considerate portion quarter-deck Fetid ers had had another week which already doing Rcyon family tance—Bad literature to be kept out of the employer. Coinin »dore IVr- I Iliad, Breath, ϋβαΓη«<\, nr.it he is int< State frigate Lawrence, of our oldest citizens have died to West NfWtli-ld, when* golug For the purpose of luruishiug this knowl- any Catarrhal can bo think the matter over, as more would Many by Alex. Wis wall. Provide good rv's ll at the battle of Like Krle, Cumpl.i.ut, with Charles Μ ml ton in manu family; this article Ν written. Mr. ig-ship j exterminated Wei D«? BI The last was the suicide i-ompauy edge Cnapuiau wi re further riot- by jcr'» have availed ihem*elves of this dunug this year. books, in church and S pt. 10, l*i:t There j unprece- facturing long shovel haudles.—Journal. keep family Sunday is un example in th mercantile busluess Catarrh Care. ïbe m »»t which without ous disturbances In Irlaud. impar ant dented to see dis- ; of Win. Morse, occurred make children friends and to be held before the and his aiaoe opportunity city goods school, your worthy people famous Dlwovory Vaccination. Otljrvj He had the Wnlnrvbtij : The once steamship in a .«tore at country ( th>- !i auspicious admonition. I'akis —Memorial services will be helt as fellow merchants lor admiration uy romsdlo· relievo C ata:*: played country companions. Topic: Christian Giving K-steru was aolil at auction in Lon- may b, thU t-inula:I m the lutter. Ile Great at ί becu laboring with his «ton, cheerful and at the I uivcfidlst church in st lormer aud o>" ι*- cures at any ata^e before price*. Persons millinery Sunday a means of grace—As an act of r $ 150,000. The Laud Ι*· un·· | Conjunc- purchasing worship; ilr.it business in where he aet· 44 begau Hotou, j no to tion in. The will secure as social during the Ju.-t after supper Oct. Λ cordial invitation is extendet Λ. must to live. sued λ maul te»to declaring surrender Branch, good1 day by J. Benedict. We give 11 it « I been a trusted clerk lor several 1 years, ' con- a of I" ..1; « nd». The eierciae» as Portland or Boston afford. and his .«on went after load second-crop lu» liri\ '..>st :ri« t»> bring theii S. a the England. liu-rary One packane jjeneral!y ιπΓ.γ»ί, styles Continued by L. Bowler.—accepted with small capital, greater portTftn to »k nected with the Yorktowucelebration Do.-vercd rr î D. on much better term* Don t miss the his Utile asked him if he I memorials to the church f«»r that occasiou of however, was honesty in nil ly Drn-^i.4·. y E, hay; grandson worship has always been accompanied bj wnlch, in th»· <»f a larg* crow I. ! with customers and promptness in plaee, presence Dom-y & Coh 1U FuIUn Γ"." For date see advertisement. w.*>d t too. and he said. no. he was things U> ill· ans going. Kifts. Oilman Rice.—a literal Christ- : The Minnesota pu Treat.· r. u opening in By In tills of Thwla) 3 ".CO c.»m}»!«>♦«. i r and SofTU Pain» —.1 /Urn S-/uirrrl Hunt meeting obligations. policy Senator. needed. He watered his horse, J. A nominal· ·! Secretary Wlndoiu for »-«i Dot im is always a real Christial. By honorable he made but poor head- al In atatimenta by lue curer men from m·· if i* lèverai year* dealing (iovernment —Two enterprising young son entered the barn he was manajr·!.—For The F.nglish proclaimed '. f-ee. when his Brown,—family religion is the means of way among the vast wea'th of Boston, and J Η Ward well and tin· of Sonth Paris uni th·· Irioii Lam I League an III>-gd i»o.ly. Rumford. Mem with a aroun I his net k past, sportsnieu there accrued no honor to hlin hanging small rope salvation to the Rev. Mr particular to he i>v to η do ver have in the mora family. By and uli its meetings are disprised F\ B. Martin, have gone A th»· rt«H»r. vicinity indulged strictly for being straightforward and fur. There while his knees grazed Γι ase of the Methodist Church.—we should Puce The Atlantic House at SdN'mr) the business of H. D. and of a lore, iu 1Η'>7 he came to Milwaukee aud op- and highly edifying pastime squlrre vf ii 1·>·*μ I'll. purchased till we feel to tbe ; sev- II h burn···!; 9Ι.ι.ΐΝΐ·ι give It, get blessing eneo a dry goods house with a small capi- 1 Purinton, who retire·, from ill health. Br\am iv\i>. Oet Id —Mr. ShmI hunt. The annual hunt is now ai exercls· s of the York to ι» u «·. I.ur » squirrel but (lrst-class Ills closing eral anecdotes related of those who receiv- tal ami nothing goods. t a success for them one of the oldest residents of th* established Institution. An autumn it ^ tion took with one of the rlu·-— mill· We grand llrvant. store was a No go»*!.·, wen· mis- pla···· predict ed abundant blessings abundant gift-s. novelty. i «·ν··Γ Witnessed In this refill Post- livrant was a by was or- tarv pageant* Mr. Ward*ell has been appointed t »wn, diet) the 17th Inst. Mr. South Farts without diversion of thli represent» tl. everything iu perfect The evening session began with a try, Ιο,ΟΟΟ men, all ••crack" troop·1, ι>» .n- master at Andover The town will tind born iHrt. 29. 1S00, and was the son of -ort would be like the of Hamlet wit! der; were the same to all ami every- j play prices lu Mue. Praise Meeting, followed by Dlscussloa of was done to sausfj aud ac- this new tirm both reliable and courteous Samuel and Br ^gs Bryant, who Mr 11. left out. There is not much differ thing possible Lucy to commodate those with whom he dealt. Relation of the Sunday School I —a addition to its was a* Iwtweeu tbo of a Tople I. * I. G. Τ —Oxford Dls't of ΐήi>I valuable population. settled in what known Township erence management p»> 1 his at first attractedattentloli auth of t!u* na .tuioug his trad·· at once ex- Tbarwty, —C'apt. n.»w termed the "Common squirrel pirtake purchasers, a* is mor« subordinate l«»«l_-.··* were represented knowr. trader of South Pari*, advertises of during the last two hundred jears j ceeding his fonde»t who survives him. was the daughter tur· 'f war, aud is considered expectations. Invincible. For· »t ererythiug Mr built follows: Crystal Wave, a trades on a of' the school than In ls72 Chap.nau the largest dry lot of variety had a ou»· in dependent upon Sunday L Mo'intalii Home and Sure II »ν.·ιι The most Powerful, special rapt. Amos Ste\ens Th<\v family fair. There is only object view store In Milwaukee,and iu IsTH secur · Pain, Thursday W. and with the best goods ihe world allords, so presented feet fit. 1 C. Iugalls, Hon. Κ Woodbury, n it heals W'o in·'. and it < is Mr. S I Curt:» of So a met at the luttons which wen l.*trict taught by evening large party enclin that no one needs to go to New Vork or adopted, rejoicing Rev. T. P. Williams, (question Box.— the of the Maine liquor law in < »x Uiii;( —Teachers and all other* interested in Woodstock houx» to choose sides. The copper wa Boston for any urticle whatsoever In his support ΜΛΤΙχΛΙ, i school matter», should notice I»r. Κ 1'. Sawyer Intends open t.y <>f th·· to arrv out th· particularly j Closed with benediction. Mr. fame has extruded over I organization l, Cuts, >\vHI- Institutes in the I'erham Mr. F. C. Chapman's the advertisement of Teachers' drug store here soon, j (« I*>\ering and Bricc··. Sev ; «if the ihjuor law, and instruct IVost at six. con all I tortious of the North-west, and the provisions iiitf*·, bit··», l^iiii. Morning meeting half-past ■» tik·· hi· isur···· to eau·»· be held at and dur- store. » i t en in :i were chosen on each si le. Ο» Inu th»· )<».Ik· to to Norway Fryeburg trains each day bring persons io trade at Itbcniii, Iieli, spriiiis, < «.ills, ducted by R«v. G. Rice. Report* of th· | the obligations of the l > l^.··. to be kep: in the of .November Inter- Th> winter terra of school at North t ·· η -1 Ί wer»· ti» g·» into the wood; nls counters, customers from ing early days y they Michigan, * I.ninciic*s from any churches followed the business meeting of | tict. Amoii^ other ex.-rcU. was un and instructive lecture* will be Leon send οι Minnesota and Iowa iteiug common. esting Woodstock wili b« taught by Mr. G. ιΐι l sho >t gaine. Iteally, to go, venerable <·>>γγ··« fercrs ί roiu sr< original poem hy your j the morning. Discussion of the Topic I s une of the ret* of 1 Imotny Applrtou delivered, followed discussions tell to t >wns wh»»rr nt ••Hartford," and r» m »rks for th· by Cnshman. crap): adjoining j success have bo-ti given above, I point· IVVIS IN Tin: B.\< K, ] IKarty Christian Fellowship—how pro- Chapman's « a t·* -et of of thi* -ort had beet gmHl of the onl· r by Uo'.'hts Bickneli \ld« η Chase. >·, ha» conipli match··* recrntly »ut they are not all (.or < lit· f. In his lui Fever Sort's, Irruptions ilrou· η —We this week, a article moted and how made to serve the inter· sts ! l> iM»t, ll'-r- v ··( ltm kil Id, .*» will in publish, long th·· Maine Farmers' tlmanac," n«»atl,\ h< I. m l game,—to hire their friend; im-use hive are employe I ,'j0 persons. 11·· lirea>t*. collir:n*(>'and in two \oluun-. The first to hunt gain»· for them.—to gime,— Hebron, Hnr>i«n of Om·..···. .\iili», uu, riil^ni, Palsyor«li-lncate«l linilis; a native of tulead. Our insou of Albany,—we must first have fel- drrn, looking aftrr the personal Inter· of A. Chapman, j the :n to tcal.<< from Η others. Vol···!, that th·· next η'κιΙί ο and owners ot lior·»··*, in 1M* This i* probably only fait, game. rn« and as he would after a son ; then with h everyone has sent out with Christ fellowship he at on th '··- »··.« » lowship j li· id S-iiuoer county many enteprisir.g .·.» ttt.. .ι f«> this Lodge K. men h ints and t>r p'.-t·· .·ι·ιι1ΐ' CQMlianMe tM It in their I it a < u*»tom establish· <| by lung n*agc Ills bustu.-vs is m i«le their busiu ss, aud men evervwhere, unite i -j\ tint to th· succe>·» of their and I vote of th ink,·. extended ti Cry-».» ways glad !t»rn of j Christ his church. Continued by Rev he is not more anxious to secure new collection. o. hr». .ill th«* game is shut by some Wave for their 1 CIINTALK I.I M M I .NT Williams of Horton. or do a work than Lodge ho«ptia!!'y. farmer neighbor** Γ. P. Second Topic | customer, big day's any M:« F! ra >;· ·.. » ·· : g N.-w >»·.,·.. i>ut pro'iabiy not more thau on· net^ion w ta hannouluus und Intereetln. Urinirs relief u hi ·ι I « — one of them He higher wages than Ν ·< d of Missionary Work in Oxford Co pays tl.. 1 .»» killed those in th throughout. ; iL>r> î- —We are to notice the d- by engaged ♦ny other mere haut in Milwaukee, uuu*y year glveu to tile C· II assltf! a ilett <»I the Krform Cluand lioiati·· F fr y j objected occupying firm is doing large and in- | without a of enterprising comes from Christ as the result of inls* vacation dc-ducliou salary because of the h»mv wall « ;» r. > >mt t.in· * % shrewd him. put u^i busmes·. at West Paris. Fur Houj{ht"ii s»t retry. Cos. pi p.irtlclpau some of his head in-u began with hi'ii is creasing work ; how ο* I ν eut noldlcr» <nary supplied? by baptism ■· pri duly W lei λ \\ 1Iλ We»'k to tin and have to m mit hmI earns su ces.» »p previous cash boys," grown th in^ on 111 in. anr| declared κ was not a ti dealing always re- th·· churches the Holv C.»ntln I Ha*TF»u>. Oct. 21. 1M1--I h**e ** by Spirit. and middle In his « sta «g "Γ m" age pliii e for a ]zι nllfiuan. Ile w u» ipilte rijih' 1 tV. M ·! ·'<· u· I Rev. S I. than liai: — λ lett· r from l'r >f L Bowler,—more clerk is iil or uut'ortuuate, his Ιλγτγκε. 11>>κ I»jr.. ceived cr t. a *>.newhere lu reading* for «h· by ■my posi- ! I'Ut a> cells for gentleinau have not Jet hcci tion is not held for ,o nuuir nf r.ad· rs kr...w tV Ox- th<· children of the western part of Oxford only open recovery nuilt lie had to st »y. Vil » kdM in til# B;»pt:-t hurch at your count. The rot. ran hunier U a. i give ( miulrrrl and return, but the uuearned salary is ford I ini the foil wiu.; extraam<· work U fort· the stod»-rt* of the lug sch>»o! 1 roMnr. ThM«PofthefowH.,«pi-ew- •««•«•πι Hard to the r!i< umali··. Th· u li »r: NtKK·». Λ ΙΜ1 r' WillUm*—Scripture Mark xiv.. text Maik lu one distance Mr. Clurmau Nent the rit. fii!·. JtfAK, A>| heard all .lay Friday. and ma. y » ·<» j on. >« peevitdi huit rera! \pply Dr Tlfti *m among th»· mount »:>.» «> Ί'1·' '' ιi » H,— F.-»ith and work·» must «ο too th- «alary lu the willow of .1.1 old .nul fjithful a*'·* Ki'ltctric < M t<> »tiit> an who rame forth fr-m ht your achl··:! j t'mv.K —Ttn r· *·>γ» ·>ΓΙ ,· M it ι» cool Md confort· chipper squirrel for 111 >uths after tac 111111 liiid dio·I Nr>*r»ntK wry er; then we t the blessing. Κ» v. Alex employe muscles. upon it you will <·*ρ. rim· » jjt Itly '·· « : » \ .· « hou», of hi* winter's "tore »*«* A"*·, 'ar» r. W· ! ; S vi|« ! hire ϋ fry ulce .1 .pan· hiding plac* «ml ΐ»<···!ΐ buried. Γ11 -i«*r circumstances rrlief at in tin· t«·-* Wbwall uf ami Ilex Mr. Hutch- spmly .Such, least, a.·»· a thau · do.lar ·ι n s <'h Γγ·»πι the editorial BUipMII f.ir little more Mta to hi* uutli» ·ομ *' 1.tpiu ninny of those who have used It. 1'h stag the sacra • >f that and ai·; nt« 1 S \ 15· try hav.· his wifil »u«l twoHUle «AU-1 !n»«'ti of Albany, administered 1er»·· love aud respect hi 111 ami uevcr tiro report· paper. mj Cook. KM WUÙ* ofag*» am» A» «· remedy i* lik-wi^e successfully «Ί lKvtil.t!. il» ids a » t·.·· | ·»«· : »nd m Jii,ri« klu m*n *itb ·»··■ My meut, and Deacons of >f doing .ill lu their |» »wrr t<» lucr· ase lit·» to for thro.it and I· εηuril ni lk the 1 l· irst ( hurt til-tribute·! swift. I ■ h, In Mr. store fern il s < scoggin at LewU»tou. ted very twj Chaplain's etnpl >y Α ΤΙ M h I. Y W A11Ν1 M ». »!{ T!lK K\ trout at 1 snlr· .n. the elements. A vote of thank* wm are all fur .ils lied «villi viln 411 I none are Cure? Soro.ul», Pimrl·^ ird !.a\i |'It ntv of young ,. given PafRlKNCB OF \ MINISTER. Krvvpciai. «c,r. mated ·.' ·.. τ .;· ·. .·· yeqairrebc > F .· G'uba, Blotch?», Β mak>· it a wh !; ·»'».» advo< at·· fu-- u ; o .—« » « I ICS* nimtrn l t. «·»· t> Choir an·! r< 1 utr«-«t lu it m 1 wi 11 une. »y I. lue I -uΙΓ·-γ pajH-r ] ! Λ the Pastor, Church, Parish, you from nerul «leOllity, hrouyb Hurrrra. Ι,ιΐι l:heu~ jcjIJ I " î.v». -Όθ. et ·'"t"· u l" T.::er, w rat ut» on th·· '·*- ·Γ » t!.· J g«··»' a: Γΐ'Λίΐ,' hawk·* iui. I1114 H funds Ί wit'i the b ··»! and cost- ou ion th the 1>^πι·κ | , sjx.k. »;«»! Sextou for their unwrarled rlT>rt» to eu· I hy too don'application to i>uMt:··»- f cm, M it.il I) .".ws h jle Wck. ■ » < L Γ >>·' κ d \ >n f t:.e <>·' Tt»·- -· : »« W : ι ir..,,, cisht o'clock until half-pa*t liest healing αιι·I rt nlL.tliug Ippuratus In excessive hratnwork; or fmni intr·.·». r hp» ar. J Irrr j'ar 'I)t ., t< ruiu thus»· re scut from other churches Λ ->et:tc, .! ?. Λ r<-tiur» f the Livr. friends of l ncle So!.»n al!»-g<· tti.it ikl pi;r- tan u τ.· »ta »«.T'"/' h,n·. ovor ρ ta111. where **iu· * n J.:ar J count th· A tank fell city, prostration and sinking »ι»Ίϊι>, ttint U.l t) and reUefcwof^ ·' SUM. «duo£ 1 (ideation, pc·'»!· r· at a in··»·, un r ■ >se is t*» make the <ïr·.: i' liev. Mr. Bowler aud the Con- piuyes living diti or ilny «1 iyi ! re-t or of t h·· cuu*e tint te :.Ur XI ; rowd when the chairman of the ioui. responded, removal will General Debility. I a ί» λ «>;!1 ·— ·' ■>··■·· " < an cook ami eat their wuh simply a machine to optait [ Fir»t. th<* Shiuit ference adjourned. Sckihk. diuners. per- I lieve, uuk«· haste to do «m did a revrrcn· t·» η. « heated in I ventilate I clos- Ι··Γ the trader» without regard pr ,,, rtkiwi of Bo*l IbUm, eo««ltt^r^o» MiKBOH fectly ilr·*·»·»ifi_j I friend ot niiri· II»· !«· < ur« d r'r<>m In» drtij please copy.J rK! r, ·ι M. I r ! * ·| te ■··!·. aiîiI ultimately to tur: «·\· τ th« Gr··· n- i •. from thtl oi I»1'·1 of ( >- the result. thjU^joha* «no«cj1·. 1' '1 et» fur ιη··η ami ινοιικ-υ. an.I w.th drinking ^i-t a bottle of Itrnwii'·. Ir«in Huter··. In» pie. "F.C-Brtf*· ; ! M;l8UM i ■„ Bu'a N. Y. ν ■» ·. X 11" i'i" *■ 1 "x·· fountains where tlllere I tee water be "1, CO., Pr.p o, backers to th»· liemocratic party—a plan ! i"> ei Ι,.ν.πηρ ha.17.W0Md .«usujuentM SILVER WF.DDINO. imy lui; heard nf it·» m· rit Irom n pli» «1< i n « which th.-v a»..ert will f>e r· -t« t the „ ritwg devoted to lieroc· *ea uad. wlio toi I liiiti not. to t * in·ιιι«Ιι aι«»ι »ιιΐι· on altout seven- J .k·· atiyothcr Bitter* <1 » «· tbu Wrtch.- Th. 2#th. t.» te:· \ 7 v. I .ι ν '■*»·'· wta· Wednesday, Sept. Mr. I b tter ei (I by fri>m at lent tiv·* \n U»**·»' Clwpium allows ouehour for dinner I <>r Tonic, for with the » \»-pilon <»!' Brow ιΓ- \N .· aud a rush fd and of Mr anrc > ,) .1 · ■ ·, I thousand Greenbackers We pr< -unn t! \. **.··. to bcture 01V,,1 irtlhcbM», general «Tjj ty of the friends relatives lo meu, J α <(4irt' t ·· )■' -it··.. « 1 ·» were IWiuo too *>rx\* I «"et nut iniuutes at th·· no >u meal the ·· (•i*ftl'srkfni who formerly â't.. lS turk. y Mips-r wa, «mad Mr·^ residence in Hiram to celebrate their Sil- thirty imr should lie tak·· any other preparation 1. κ tri I ν·τ»η r * i>. ZanX ·■ f »··||. 11 Λ(1 t.. ft < ra'» a: I those who were formerly H· pul>- ,\ fri.*d, who »p~k« balance is given them at the close uf the Ir :i, for vwth the of Brown iV'tk-i J,; «>. at . "f lllt; ver towns of Hiram. Por- exception t. ■ .r ο ·"· Au lr. the xpense The ■ 'ti*h- .1 lic in;* that I n«le> -l-mw of Amherst ΓοΙΙ· go. ai"lKoglW^ ! Wedding. lay. Considering graduate I Ir·»n Bitters. ml blackened the t»eti ■ a* ν * " " tiiey «1 Κ I f » ιι, M ι. I « J ;~ bot ll and Freedom, iu t i»u. sen ho ••Wo h<*at this year, ter, Hrownfleld, Denmark This benevolent who an ·' r ' ir- —ill IP h· V· ···· ·■ at tocru-h *'u the ariUa «>: comfort aud health uf liis clerks, has saved > than all the men who trying dren «iit.t g of head iche. The eff-ct was most satisfn·· ■·.■■ «justly. the unfortunate one*. Cutler Grange Patrous of Husbandry, ; Ί ·ιη ··!··. I "I I <· ·Ι·α \*·· I .Ml e mott ·'■ «■· he lives uf several of them their him. this 1* of the two ard neatly by ρ tying he realized wonderful r· t ιι ilu; n'l of uli>.-:bi| II 1. ··> (A •'••position priests. plainly which Mr. ami Mrs. P. are active and ty immediately Stre ·β·; ν we Jres«>-«'■· « » th« l-'ih liM SOU ill ur West after had beeU m uutew rt: nstance* of iugratitude appro*! bed tfc· ai tar. ell PP®d off Si MNKK —»»u Wednesday, expenses they I soils. His old energy returned, his natu Κ r P. Sau- \ 11 ?: ·. vttn \ it r. his h.a.1 to th· fl«M»r. un tubers. Kev. Au^ustu* inark-d fur »u. il·· receives a KM DO la have hear»! of.—-Journal. and kne· led. bowed wa· worthy cuiisumpli ral force came and he f It himself ■ Mr (illman Klee. formerly of Auburn, hack, κ ο : ι·*ι to himself, inn tbi-D said a short prayer all born, who married them, wn present with a uf his patronage simply because lie together a n· w man, full of h» alih, str«-ugt — the national ordained l'astor of CousmjUloM· ou j iMi'i' SiiimiMi The Japan four tlm.s. wa.keΛ to a is kind tu thuse wao do in» busiuces. ·» clapped hi* hand» his wife. Mrs Pierce's lather. Mr aiid vigor, ami has continu·-·! to remain show- an council aged halance -heet for the past year t*l>l··. sat down, to >k out hi^ not»·», and Church in Sumner. The Mr. Chap,11 hi is a native of (iilead, Ox- e»i r since. Now he recommends Brown 11. of was increa-e .11 the revenue of .1 T- r. l»etwero I >» Win. Lane Brownfleld, present. furd "»7 uf still public r. aJ a lector- upon the on Tuesday « venin? preceding at.convene^ ch Co Maine, year·· uge, and Irn:i Bitt. r·» *o all his friei.d- »»lib h w income more nc^ a "•Ό. mak.i.g the M-,,0UU | mm and animals. He >aW man has »<-u! He wa* a grandson of Cap·.. John Lane, t·» a live in husiuess a.·, uf his clerks. — Κ. ν \ Y. Tinker m · Ierator. K« v. any unhesitatingly do to till of our read· re than th· A* au exchatige ami at β time cvjienditurcs. animal ha^ uot. Then h.· *ι«*η1 up who was famous in the French an l Indiau He lias acquired a loriuue and the Gl, .he. of South scribe. Theexara well Thi» ι- the more striking ami >ame a- at lninlU Paris, ti me lite ral salaries aud liber- »aj- went through the performance the Hevolutiou. aud who waa the paid given ΡΙΑΝΟ.-ΡΟΠΤΕΒ· and on \\ edm War and signiflcai ; because Japan enterprise flr-t Theu the other priest w· ut throUKi" ination was satisfactory, and illy tu ail public Improvements aud worthy ΝΚαΓΑΐ.τ t> in are oue-slde«l thlr.l settler of Hiram. While some en- -mistrc. still hampered by the »Jiue performance, took a >-'at. aud ,... co.... ***** wuhi, i>t)jects. in f:o. treaties Lito which Japan has been partly a on the »rtan< e of .-.ια- In various or games iu the S Βκϋ!. made speech Imp iustallaiion «Μ®0«1«»WMdlW«M gaged sports Tone, IraiA.WtrteaiisSn « :i oled Wheu about IN MK.MUUV Or MâUKLBLACK. wir.Lun κίαπτ: α rn b; European governments catioo. Each one tw»-ut) house and or liateued to vocal »(. »..l <»··' ·ι occupie^i S.rmon hv lUv. A grounds, I li I>ani· 10, Γ » ever a* » have or Imoihi· L follow·: N'.«. ?1 βηΊ '.'4 Wh| Rtltlmoro Str-.vt, I the·»· tr· shall expired minute ta th.ir Wtur-* I hav, Ttoltad I r k J ΐϋ J "» τι ·. others Diku acucbt is-l. Χα. ί:.· Γ .'■!» Ν ·ν Y 'z. for a : and Instrumental music, gathered ι·>, 11 A*t>nu··. abrogated she may l'»ok prominent the Jai»aneee scho<»l in this place of Auburn, text, NUlu-hl. 1 v.,'J or.Uimn^ t'l Mr mil'» I'iiml, I·» Siui'i I î'-r jut ■*» lier sweetyoung virgin «oui 1h in bll»», ■ so ν 17.1. rank among the nations about ^xeraand around t.ie with flowing white sphered Itm. times Ther have pupil- patriarch I .···.· Of too angelic mould to <1 trull with 1··, In o«l. Sep li. Κ Γ «Ι.'»· I l'.o ', ·Ι or three who to uuec- »>ι· six teacher;, including two '' 1 locks, and listened his humorous ; a U τ· îir· An Oii> NiAtiCR.—Rans.m Dunham. , b«rito «■> >1"' P*»1"' ^ k"v' \n«l heavenly slater-spirit* whlsp ·γ, of| ere learning the trade of U-achin«. 1 he of The af- veurau blacksmith- dotes. and tales days gone by. 'sweet we so loved thee wlier.· we w.re Bryant Pood, the Λ' 1 "'■·'· Mabel, Japau. H H ·· ·'h*re v.-ry η··>> .^.«fLewbu-i ν ι was :u in his an- ternoon we ·**<· :»'/ /*·;/>. towu Saturday, « and evening away very That descended hen^n to b.-ar t h preacher. of so much concert recitation. 1 > '■ l,»W lUv. Mr. of V.rwny, passed up at the advauced by ■h"Joflfl,;"'""pw"f cestral b*av. r; and age of| In this the was excellent, ami Γιι our high home. Ttiou wilt hut drop t., use their voices so n>'ich way l>euedictiou the u«v* °· MCe' pleasantly, supper -4 s.ems as and by p-^lor, Tlds βιι(Γ·Ί ing garment* an i th >ί It !>·· 1 ο* ·μ1 . Κ··· ν Ι> Ι! ·ιι, »ι years chiper physically. that at rec»·—» you hear a volie we are forced to believe that the wise man scarcely K/r. »Ι L» ■>" ke I Wutcrf.ird t· .ι·» λ > as a.·· he wa» a Jur sister beautiful at we." b soar t'Htrinally. .;uart«-r Γκκΐ 44 seraph, ËHS033 from the children. I brought "I( the % who said it is better to go the house of ït. ■ ιβΐι ton*· ceutur\ «go. when bedis|>ensed ^o-jh·! lUurvoRP. unsterlv tf »rt. evincing great sclent.flc ftom Tokto. In Summer's she oat » death, • ach v»>·' itl· at the I'nion meeting hou-· than to the house of feasting," lap languish*! research and thorough and mourning of a mau *4 proration, Vnd August rephers faned her gentle brow. \\ 4ρ. iu South Auburn. Think Hkhkon —Last June the Freewill Bap- lived before the commemoration of silver interesting and impress Fair Summer's dowers their lajt sweet fi.ictivu μ oi i. tools ail summer for in llet.rou secure·! the services wL deeply offering \ ιι;κ· years sharpening tist·. Ea»t We can better Yet thi* is vthat was weddings. certainly appre- OU* % *1. A b»4 hrraiii in ir a savs of stone-cotters of Kev. Κ Scott as of the church. Bro Dkkennaus charge plalu, l thy, brought CL pastor •t un*, vr ιιι t> «· .>· ·■*· when we have « h. Γι· tiauaau*·. In Mr 1 ».· '.air ·! I the sea-on. work:ur to e ciate feasting, especially \s to some holy eltrine—and beauty taught The il 'rune com η η ei wldi »1 ahi drrt"* pa>t The new has been occupied by and full of excellent admonitions ft » ,!. pnrsonajce m. η: I li *'■ If and earned 1 Jf her pare life, the emblems seemed, η·»»·<», b»'. «·ο'ο<·»·«ι It 'η "rr· on the le ί·.·· at Bryant's Pond, him h e that time, and on v'e- been dietiuij fo- it several days. Your lovely 'Γ rrmn'» »rlu > Thursday candidate to live and labor earnestlyan I Inv 1ν· the whole f· ·ιη>·, rml>r«lotf the V·· A|>r.lrtt(, a erect, -tout-armed Till wonder tills us that we never ileeuied ΐΊ ηι*'»Τ··ι ι·ι1 » riinlliK ui «I. ι» .it'1 •.Ό". II· tall, ti K'.ih iu>t·. It «as Tilled to its Ut- the wish bone to rev« liv»»r. pst> r« an. an η 'a-*t. th·· ix-t. bore away utlr.· ei. ■-·* his anil correspondent to l'iai t tti'· >in|> tnt Lion nh « «·«·!» er»d. ! and > in high holy calling. ):ie so tlivine, ami tit I for the skies, .hilar m utero and t^e rie·! one » un|> broa sh cam-· t faithfully ·ϋΙ dra** ■· jovial his friends who ut .· ·■ good-sou!e „„.,t cap as a souvenir Iir.il h·" I ·>ηι I' I- a ,-h r.irr .···_»· tcitf bf till the wedding, inl-rrai·1· ·'<'«ten··* μο»Ι· •«••n'h ·η to ami keep golden lirew all too beautiful for hnuiau *1'r< »·*'ί« f fr > .: of the old ssho >1. and likes I ,i,..w ir ^ »rd for him .h :t His advice was eminently brotherly eyes. » -mtibl.· ιr »r-n *·· *ι·τ, ·· »<" geutlem pa>tor. f il -'trir. Th·· ill.»»·» la t-n ml i*kr·· fo-n;h with men. "I'm not of the chicken The company •yktvui »·Γ η.· f·. .i.UVl with the good thiuiîs of tni« "ras well pie. separated them bow beautiful It she n >m,>lsint-; ·η I. if the r«>t vr wli s*k him jokt scriptural ami "Tell iu," salil, -· ·Ι.Ι» hi U. UHl'GUISTH. a \ "and ain't uiuv r< .. with t'i 1'·» « i"« c·, h·· w-ll h·· a»·1» ·'■> I··»»* lea».. .u,**he says, hf.·. in «dkkoM at length with hearts overflowing λη<1 saw with unveiled vision where led q···*'! UtMoa'WkUai the hand of ChristianreCc"*\' Icllowsh* they mln· ιτΙι·ηΊ·» hf liit.»r|f I· on- o lu h ι· I ir >«r*io··· ? il h ·.··* a ·« ρΓ··α» h*-half the gentlemen gratification doing Her whom they loved, onto themselves as like ni; éù blac k-mit: The at South Au th· stair of IH^·· sum of silver money, and a large quantity lio a thick a'tcte* rale u·» ir.t^e· a'.^iit '· peop;*· wher· w ili to manufacture churches, and th» s (>, the kindly As sister stars, that through the dark ne* strike I jMim* aii l l»e li in ih» m if in/- I" *^SAbta:;dasd wou to have him m.nis; r u;.- wk- *τ»ιηΜ· 'rd bur., :ke \ »jnt and evi uing of useful and ornamental silver ware, to- <' profitable candidate to the aud cares«^omed incident U L'pon our nightly vision, piercing swe.-t k ϊ. ."iM·· t«»t<* t I» th t«n ·"·» t· <1 uaa'ile to leav joy, m ·· to them J,'ι u. but he is > and Mr. Α. M th'T»· into ti ► Ir# nd b».-k l«lh»-re s Γ·»| *·· S2LK •,p.-ut :n :'iin« speaking. ither with the kiudly congratulations of The yearning soul, from (heir celestial ecal. H g e the o' » life. The installation a'ioa: t» rlKh» ·Ι Ι a -f th·* liver w»r en ·· 1* >r.d on account of illness ,·. ν at the iustrumen^ a faith;ul pastor's , .vyiiw υι· τιιι Bryiut's γ w ud — presiding occasions are I« tb.-re ·< ere ttie fivers. Such festive «·»β«ίτ.·ηΊ ? I» th-re Vr (If i|iiz his wife. Mr. Dunham euioys relatins was hr the were ren riius did she vanlsti like some beauteous star 1 Γ inter· s; Increased prepuce happily nc«- w'i»-n r|»|nj; ν ·· throughout and aid In form- *ιι·ΙΊ"i ifm a linil ii .1 ntun if i« *»uprem«* C«»urt Ju'lg·-who hrar·! a oi of great good, From tear-dlmed that watched her from $ » '«· till· -»^· ι'|··η» of Hev Ζ J. Wheeler, former pastor and were deeply impressive. Mr. c productive eyes f oin II»· k kill >* fi'i <>ne and itt wfc· -t > 111 ι· ?«»r—1 wrilh ■> -I IXMH h f«.r I him prea< h Sunday tlte « burch. Perfect of feeliu»: uew associations aud friendships, and afar, ty hlKh'y -tun unanimity have b^nuareini^ ing '! i>sn r hi · » s on same labors with his people Iuk ffracit m iftêrMtmï »i at :i friend house the day. bet wet u and T.ie And longed to follow nil their lovely exists pastor people. friends long separated. joy, pime l by II ttul-n tv n'a *>4lea n( ·ΐβι« l'rom tn· New Gazeteer of Maine. him on Lis s· rmon. and have been blessed. bringiug together After complimenting well-rtlied ou Sabbaths. tiug signally Like some sad in their fond •trirnacb? Ν th'-r·* > »»ail'r.l In Pwrv Ik meeting·howe to and kiudlindes angels employ. freqa -nt |> |>tt >ti ·ι» n« ih '(•lilt t'-wn to face look- A of fraternal cheer a 1 »i the Jade»· remarked "Your very The of all is that tbis pastorate last 1-th. two more persons «er. spirit (J Mother, with bowed head and widowed heart, h«artTheae varjotM initnin· ma* not I» -plnvlj "k |i aupt>i|··· a ml e^af. ef-*n cit· prayer Sabbath, -1 I think I h*ve net u aud in pr·**·! t at..η»· ir lui ih»y t ruient li- -u t Ism B(ie4* M» Kir μ β ι··*·» h It fami iar to me. you SO may so contiuue. A ptrvaess all, lingers long memory That unto sorrow Uod bath called apart, begun auspiciously ^«diuwU.e.Uurch, good in lor* a» the ·'· » Mpûdywentîssà Hiram. UJt. 1Λ, of consumption, aged So. are■ Λο* Oct. 10. The heart that feels with thee, is bowed with dirty b»"»ni«h *>p|i«a«'ai····», an·! tn ΛΙμ Sr LA.; 4 All L XPENRES times Mr. Dun- Woodstock.—Farmers Hiram, I* many h-n and Ire -rr η >v. ι»·.| t> a r« d -tu:» «- •dv«t.v« jMfcl·!· ·>η· vears. She was a pensioner and are somewhat en thine D A lb» a» M. t *>· haiÇ of the men you're alway- gia·! done harvesting, pintll ·ΐν·τ d ki'inc a (».·«·..··. m .rr ÀCv.Sue Urarcu iiiriuuttil. GoiN<; So ι* πι.—The Argus says that O're the loved all that was divine nu· riol »«··. e ι-'βιιπίΛΐΐΛ Ε to meet. He ha«i a at j t .e death of her son. Heuben IL Small, Co. of fair fo, grave,—yet ι·Ιο- a''p*ar, anit Mf place Bryant's coo at the prospect prices η raged Dr. Ο. N. wife and son, of Nor- In its blooui lb·· ual tr^rm«n· prove* entire! uu>v*l|liu TV/Γ IP f\J le in Bradbury, Of that pure life, exhaling 'la (ir ι·· h ^«»ι· J. and taki*s great > « h Η ·.··»,. Pou pn horticultu·! A. iUh Maine Keg. Poutoes are rather acH-n-t tbia Utter a< Umir d .|.l«*r li»e their prodncts. hifch started for Atlanta, (ia., as ot orl U' I tt ! » .'·.· t"I r>. He wi.J be remembered a> way, Tuesday sweetness early doom, » 1 tin- n>i in t'*"r'»nr» r^q'tT· ral mitt· Prophetic gio ad- I* tlaratian or ■'> »i»-|>fs, corn of J. Winalow Jones, at is \ η »·« ut Ι.ι The shop is fair, and the of mon v. will the wiuter. The ■ "nil lu J |Ι· lkHE \ Ml CUE tue exhibitor of mammoth at the com crop apples herc they speud Smiles down upon thee in seraphic: love. and «malt qun II y <»f 'h·· pr.'p r mrticiue w I squashes Mu κ Mo '··' M ··» in full do tor with a view to his remove the i«a»i'ι nk-n mu· in county fair a few years ago. Hiram, is again blast, canning app'ee than an average, although they were in goes improve She and that other wait thee there above, Ipimcv I» Andr<>scogglo I la o»»«t liDi>ort>iiit th»i t *· dmeaa·· -ti-ju d be bushels of h· alth aud of settling there If he likes. that she hath so soon Juurn'iJ. aud Thousands of Thy joined so I ir-ti^ in »· 1 —I^-triMon pumpkins. in some exposed places y precionsoue promptly proo«rh | it· flr»t, arfa» λ Φ.1 ■ juml His son will take his second course of "Mamma's and ν» bro a ll't|ι· rae·;icini· >viil Λ^ tti" hitherto worthless, or worse th-in And baby"—sweet heavenly flr.-e a eure, aud e» u'«v. <«{«· » η·ι.ιι· — \ certaiu artful do>ig-r »>eiag commit- apple· lectures iu the Southern Medical College en when It ha· obtain···! » -tr.i * huld «no c >rr*c j boon. — -'t' reme ty »o ·ιι <1 bo i.e-««ver nau CllHi.l· iiIw.Ii ii two of ha<1 the g»-n- worthless as material for elder, bring Ls tht that Mr. A. J. Howe of L. C. iiil «#erv v··» ted ou charges forgery P. Kimball teaching iu city. Norway, — ο' ^CoUnubus^ lige nltlmH-rm Is er a ti .V-fr-i.>fl. II Ml *'l ·Ι> ·· Γ. .· " and several others Newton Centre, Mass., Sept. 27 1881. tdiu.U··! ; ln« appc DIVOBTK* to remark 1 houor sell for thre.· the · .· r tl»· gall hc.pe your j cents per bushel. pumpkins District No. 7, with good soc accompanies party, lite lia· return an th d *· ue -iiran- re»i»re.i '•art'···· ·η anv S t" \ Κ ...ι i-.-nif-rn as uotes are J^Tn the fall and to a heatthv c n .i. ·? the hail the it will follow liil t a \ Ίγ··»- Ι>· will make light, ton. Scores of latrorers find o. in th town during I'lie aur· oi l rnoel c- up l'ol'XHI.LLu.t ,.ΛΙ.Ι»* dollars per cess and two others in this part th< tectualmned/ not doe This remiuds us ot a true winter. Dr. N. 1). Fauuce of North Wa- —The monument in honor of Joan ol Arc firtni· O«ire»ein|{ eorop βι··ι Bn>vi*ir, Nt* Υ'·Ί. yet." the -Sdik··! " and com'orts and this week. r>e Kxtrtct ot Κ >ta λ no nr·· the work v.g.aa — incident when a stage robber waa sentenc- employment, provide town commenced ter will move to Florida next week. to be erected at will 'I^·· Λ»1ν r-1-rra nw -I te- I d 'I' lord, Dunremy pan'ton put ιιρ b th-· .·>/ι»κ«·« it vi nim IC i.e;>a· ■ ! • for the winter season; and busi- and It is to four N inJ In I.IIIH· f ·*■ A d iu LoaAugties by Hon. Audrew Jacksou luxuries Wli"·». * ™>by of M. A. Allan!, comprise non, Y an I ·ο1Ί l|. Α. I. »VhiU». il W»i,e 1 ï'.nd >|ii G«.V ·» Ο KO < S, t- η 'umeut. Juau a marble Stre-'t Ne ν Y"rk Th η l*· Uov\ Ki.L A ',, I* spri.ee Κ og to a termof years iuipri- ness receives an and ceases not f mem*",0' Tkmpkraturb last week at 7 a. vi. : statues. In front, herself, Oily »>rup striae at impetus, the toan'la ·η οι the ■*·: X. Y the W^rUL^I-O.O. 3 at sides are bronze of .SS. »cry ·ιι-· aud 2 clear. rent br*n«h.oat ··! Hi a)s:ein. He received Lyptiold fev«. aud Michael. This A. M Gcir» 4 n. -.entenoe solemuiy pronouced. Monday—40' clear. Margaret, Catherine l>i!i.*i.te, M.uth Pnrie, Mj., lioots, KubbiT lioo.Is, destination. In the will imni«'i ie Slioos, it and lookiug up at the jodge, side red doub.ful- -ov«y^_co, 3 rain. nemorial will be erected parish «Utly r^*il r w.iu lue "Lii· very coolly, Tuesday—30 Am.itig ib<· Hhak r*" as a oui to at the time that our .♦ at in a construct- tr. e g u. U will .eli ail xi said Your hoaor. I have but thing I mention —»-arj 3 clear. :hurcb Douremy, chapel i* for the forgot | _Gen. Sherman Wednesday—32 h the «bak-r« live «hit : foll;s, ol'go qual- to which tra- you iniy do aad +a a sentence, and that ia. I'll Mr. E. *1 on the site of the oratory l'O'i ve. s to say about my excellent tin-man at E. Hiram, R- i ^/^.^^ctilldfeu Thursday—W3 clear. ibev A«en wauled uin.lu me larac at H. X. BOLsTHU'S, to see wheth- ·· 3 lition has attached tbe name uf the hero- Cille· wber· #e bavn noud. can ity play you a game of old sledge business aud make ! """ clear. Terme be un- Martin, had to leave off *·"*"■« Friday—32 I lamaU ltx fl>rd, and mhwwI Ute .t t'.e ■»'» ·η«1 Γ'ι. bui The citixena of Canton uid tMi· 0 »'»·» .»r AOmibimra'oe »r ih· of underiighed HIHill < OF Ν w wr aid MEN Y«>: s il Κ a*nt that oœeo· M Surgeon. ■>,» ,ιΓι! Weekly Family News- ATM late of Sum*· lu a«id llj re-panful y iepr« 'Andrews Physician ξ- County, deoeaaed, MAINE, uc· hkthei. Mr. !t <"* ®°* · «reat ami aoc- by cirtn* bond aa tue la » direct·; h* therefore re venleaeeandaerea»ity rquiiethelooatonolG n, « r> n»M»K ly ioa4a in Mid Cation to w.| from Uw C r >«d «{Ileal* all perH»> b'*d to tb« r*utr of uM junlj *rt to reach a larger and mort lead rrom Ctnton Ρ·»ιβΐ io tmB· id, at »<>me «,;u! drceaa·»! U> Mb iiBiiicltate aad iboee lag pumitt. .> »» .· u th-ui w ο poiat bet wee the dwrlliu* I··* i«« Amoi Child* any N«ws- t>*»e ··« jinciji thereon to W.-ekly exb bit tbe M«1 the dwell J I nriith. «Aine to in* bouee of M. Ilot .nd. & Curtis Sut· ·*. and U> thla L r lu th.· l'niu-d rod to the I Rive». Α'·ο Γγ·>π» the r.tvi erly Aodr>-co< AT au attractive li>t of «tabulant YMIS Y. TU Ε I.I'· ,l{r r<-d lai October Canity rail Ι(»ΊΙηκ Γι-υ m Krenc'i'· Corn·'. ao at ,, W, 1ml < ealled to h ·<■· we of a method of Underlianncie valuable prcmlunaa to single and club Pern and P.Xtl >l hy the of J 0. If so, tell securing your ia.i Prenct». at Mae point Noua Wm»ti-rlv Irom »*ld WEST Γ"· Tilt Mlutrlbfr li*r>ti. nolloe that PARIS, Tb»· i'in' t«ro dulr appointed if tbe II »· of half-price. an! r»-jw>* > Γ th«* Publishers, Jadfe •aid. Ala·) from laat η «me 1 C >u road at »ome Probata f..r tbe ol Oxford and aaaaMd tbe prxi tr*»t ol Administrator ei tbe eatate of Thanking public awaiting your inspection, * Company, Ihftnee and WeMer- Ne* ï ork 1 >1'»ΛΝ O. »PKINt»,ln· ol Hrownfleld Ktaterly Northerly which we ',uî t':·· Ί> Kvenhijj EryrrM, ■ y U> inlaraect laat nawnl location. ihe b|*et generous patronage In »aid Coubtv Jnnwtl. bond aa lb· law »nt guarani»·* of the character by (Ιηαχ ofaaiil location· lor PHOTOGRAPHER, » ,uti: c.» h·tag to afford approa-hra dir. be therefore requea » a I per·»·· who are have received in the es- «·ίΓ r«* 1 ami th«· faith public travel to a brHlge In proce»a of cjn*truo- pant, »:«V tow l>c foun l at bi« room· on HORATIO STAPLES, 0>'tbtM>"-a)iam* go«»d lu- t«~t*lfd to tOe eaiate of .aid d« lil lots of of ' P"bli>h»-«> regularly, Oy re· ber I·. 1*1 judgment tetjair*. during whet· he will b« eWltt Talruage, D.D. he ba» brvn duly appointed by the Mon Ju l*· ol over that of the same in » u i>d»· Dollar a Probate lor tbe C. of ST ATE OP M AIΝ Κ cent, will match verv Γ> Mi-tl· prie»·, year, uaty Oxford, and eaauiae>i quality, which together well, excepting rw tbe Uu»tol Adialolafalor of lb* relaie of l)XI»RD. a*Hoard ol County Commissioner·' ,, w thru lîie h of ail. The office months last take DRY GOODS OPENING > CHAKLbs K. «UOOS litH'f Kitafird i^ept Seaalou, lew, held by adjiurnm^ut Uc*. year,we pleas- These arc the same that are -old in >* Y»rk Wtrklv is j3 Park color. goods gentlemen of the Kcprw in «a: I County, deewaaed. by giving bond aa tha IV, 1W1. ure we have the in that more We them .11 SeW York. law direct· ·η« tberel >re all person· la- Upon foregoing petition,»atl»f*c:ory evidence announcing stores for One Dollar and put Ko*. le^acata been furnishing Oolite·! to the estate ol aatd deceaaed to makt having received that the petitioner· are re- a and botter assortment in ι«» b\ merit· our counter and mark tin <\|4LL t'iux·.* M ul.—Postma*- immediate payment, and ihoae who bar· any de •ponaible, aad that Inquiry iat<· the ol th»lr larger in one lot on centre front I· M. M. PHINNEY, big JaiD ha·» devised a pian for utii li inereou to (ihiliit tbe aaine 10 application expedient, IT la ORl>KRKt>, that the of than se- t.rtlener WALDO rKTTINUILL. County Comml»»ioacr· meet at th· Cantoa goods evçf before, sell for the of « at a _< τι !l remittances cheap rate Steam MiU oa Microscopic price October II, 1*1. Tuesday the ï»;h day of Novem- lected from some of the best AT * th unit* Car's of two denoiu- ber next « : k-s Λλ ql ζ & * ~ 1 hereby fMUMUl notice thai it ten ol the clock a, m and t· « ;*>«ued, one for ail aama thence proceed to view wholesale houses in Boston be ha· been dulv appointed by tne Hon. Judzeof the roule» ■eotioi.ed Ια »λμΙ »uniH pet.Uou, immediately ο „ .the >ih«r f-»r within |C. Probate tor ttic of and aatumed itu*r whieh a ! We al I'ounty Oxford, view, hearing of the p.tilie· and wit can sell as NOR WAY VILLAGE No should neglect to examine them. ·.» : ν mu -unt of ibv tr«*t of relate of »ee«ea and and gentleman t ins remittance Admlu,»ir*lor of tbe will be had kt aotue eonrauieut In the· Portland, Κ plac and Ι ·ίγ KIM κ l.l «KEY late οί Dix Held ricinity. and «uen other measure· taken In the show all other of I'nderwear for Men, Women « h· by the postmaster adl- as store in this rrlurnril from Bo«ton grades «aid toiint*, deoeaaed. by gteiaf hoad a» the l>r*nii·?· a» the Commlodoner» «hall reasonably any ha* just .ι whi Judge proper, I h will be transmitted in ι* dirt- ta: he tncietore all *ud ill* I ui : requeata person· Uier urdervd, tliai uuiUv ol the lime, η η linmen«f «lock of FALL Children. !» to ullli .rxrl ,» n i ttu» receivercaacash a h ··< nd· d to tbe e-date of «aid deceased |>ta>*· and pur|>iwe card ill sell ai a payment, given per»oi·· corporation· Our stock is and con- GOOD*, Including rcrjr large '.hereon. t·· exhibit lb· aame to ln:ere»ud. aitoled large, or by ceuung copie» r live tob.'rlS IM· Llerkol the Towu ot t anion, anil also |.«.»tid up goods "BONANZA" UNLAUNDRIED SHIRT, in three BLACK CASIinCKF.·!, j utile place· In aaid town and published in a first-class coun- Til K su·,-crib· r pabllr notice that ihre»- wtekn V > Uoa» r»> IIrai γη —To all who hereby frlera »ucee*»ively In the Oalord Democrat, a ally kept BLACK A COLOKED SILKS, AT 75 CENTS EACH. M hn b(M lui} appointed by the Hon J edge ol i>i'api r pi luted at Pari* In raid of II*· -ι r si from '»■·: ν ul ·< r·.. scrofula. County as follows : jr, Pr .;e 1er lb· Cœnty of Oxford au I a^aumed lord, the llr»t of aaid publication· and each ol the try store, VELVETS, ». r ot >-r "b*Unate di^-ate·» of .diicr „■ lb* tru»t · of Burdock NATHAN DKES'EK late of Andorer thirty data Ik fore (aid time of tneeunç.lo the Groceries, Cloaks, SATINS, In «a. : il>a ol Ladies' & .Inlge Cloakings Trimg's, lo mulch Ihr tame, « .. _· in.·»;· >»f Β·»«Λ·ίιι College. .tu>l probate κ>» the l'ounty of Oxford and aaaumcd tbe NOBBY SUITS. ing* t in ini«tralrn of the e«tate >1 &c. ilutt..! ii at tli- of ht» claM». u·· ·>( Λ Shawls, Flour, &c., hold ex's mu<; £r > store, νUi K' »>>I'KK o«e oi It ·«field ! Ile w 14 r«t HOW Fine line of for SHAWLS ! ,rr elltly Judg·- ■· woolens a H mMCmM I b]r glvtag bond aa the law gents Woolens made specialty, \t <'ο·ιγ· ·»: s «η Francisco, ".· ·*»' therefore all who ar» •l.ii requeata perron· suits, and "made to in cut α full «lock of PAISLEY, SOUTH PARIS. ·· .ι ·. Id 1· b»«-f to th·· rotate of «aid dce*a«e.l to make .m- aud free of Good s tirat-clf·» ity and hig!i order/' charge. m ,t. pa. :o-ct and tho«e who hare aay demant!» at for INDIA STRIPES, thereon to eahlbll tbe une to £<κχΙ style all wool Black Cashmeres ΑΙΛΚΤ A. DECOSTKR. ti. X. BOLSTER'S, South Varin MIDDLESEX, NEW LINE OF V'« 1 .·· π* llale ha* tfi*-en her check DR. HOLDEN'S MEDICINES. October I* 1* Um Ml !. pM In »ufler· ■)XPORI>, Court of Insolvency. In'thc ca»e In LONG and S<|I AKE In (οηιμηαηιΙ *>r«ip ρ»«γ>·|ι·. jbr of Charles C. KHis of Caaton. insolvent w low ΓΙΙ h -err r hereby *;t*e» Public nolicethat del.tor. We shall be to show rill* nllh Iodid· Ι*οι«···Ιιιηι, f> r û.oI'm r. the lau· la pleased ofw For prevention ami «ire of Kti« u tnatmrn. bilb h. ·■»■. S*-» u duly by thelloa. Judtfe of neieby given that a petition h·· pattern*. nn-it'i τ V· appointed It i« with » in chronic aff·*- x-ir* »n.i nUu :btt d t· > ri »·ι·1.«·γ, Λ·Γ < on thla nineteenth lav of October, λ. t>. employ*! Ivantagd ehrwnic; 'ii«trc*«ii>{ ·<·β·ο, l*r a:< tor the ouutT of I'xlord tad aoumedlb· Ν'«"TICK our tin to goods, although you pur- Also Immense «lock of tioDn of rh«* «kin. Si-rofiil* ami Mrrofulou· tfTc- ih* Gout. truat <·( \ Im.n'-traUir ol the ectate of mm. been presented said court for said county, " Chtrlea C. tiotia »urh a* PhplM, MU, lumo'». W II 1.ΙΛΜ I. MoiOK late οι Huckd.-ld Kill·, an insolvent debtor of Canton chase BEAVEK < LOAKINGS, Iloldrn'· Γ·«γ«γ· Itltfrr·. η lb.· nothing. Salt Rh um. Chronic Khrunatum, ar-1 variou· >· that he I by b >ad aa tb· law County ofOslord. praying ma> bede- (be bo-U Advertisements. (letag reed t.> ha«ea full otAer dUtaaeaartalo* fron» lin pur it»·· of A remMy f.>r l>v»pn>-ia. lud »rion V*u<· New direr·. he t)irrelor« request* all peraoa· who are diecharite from all hi.debt», SIIIKTI.SU FLANNEL. •fovable undrr <'on«l intion. eu\ Thl4 ui.i*t not br t'OQfisii rd lot Med to tbe ealate ol «aid deri a»e I to ta^ke la thelnaolvent Act of the .Sut·· of Hold···'· Liver Η·κ·ιΙ·(οΓ. iaine Andrews & With III·· Mhi'krT Hltlrr* wh"'h f) κ») !l.<" roun demand* ïl.tiC-.and «aid ικ· Curtis. BLANKETS, aediatr pavmeat and thoae who hare aa; approve·! Felirnary ι.ροη a* II illon it i« WnI Part·. Oat. IS. I'M. For all blliou» ili«oril»r«. mrh Dj«p*p*ia. irv. *» I» » |>nrrly medicinal ol'tor. Τΐ»·ιη/!ι tV reon to exhibit the ««tat to orilere·! by aald court that a hearing o· Blacksmith Wanted. OOLENS, Rilloa· hra-la-'h··, x)ur Stomach, Jaua>ll<···. Ner dieni» «rr print*·! on «·*-b boule, ftc! w aro IIKUMON MORSE. ianrt. at Probate of « .Il « «riST. vituine»*. an I from ut to it I* « V Oi|;..f> bUrfc. Ice in l'an». In said of \\ » Unorders artnuic torpidity ready place «lib Au> Bitter lb.it In the «»,·;..tier 1*1. rounty Oxford, on dn< When fall FELT SKIRTS, ai ■ k··*· ·'· b» or la. you the liter. mark·*. it wr4ic< »|> lay, the lnh day of Nov. a I» IW>I, at nine o'clock buy your -&·■ r b *. nrr. a «· the forenoon, ami that notice thereof be POI ND PKINTS, V\ Till riln-r nereoy vive·public aoticethat pub of Store Goods remem- J M IKTIV l»bed in the M bee· the Hoa. of UxroKD lUuocaaT, a er supply r<- 4atj api-oinurd by Judxe nrw»|>a| >. te. N»« II πΐ|··1 >obl>hed in aai TICKINGS, of Ail sold at Lowest Prices. 1 ι> I··' die t'<>uut> ol 4itior( you ,· -;ol V .mu .»ti a'ji ν <· lin tbe « ill annexed | pul>l|c«t|..o to be TABLE LINEN. even before the dav of and Ε. B. ΙνΓ. Γ>. (i» ut-. K'omt'inlxT to rail -d ibe K*iale of da)· hearing, that all select from, at HOLDEN", J«»IIS S LI ST late cfDiiOeld rrditora who have prove·! their dent·, and ouier cheap BLEACHi:D Λ BRO. COTTON. «'•on· *«-l'hy»ici>in·' prescription» <»frfully nom pou η le.j. a»»«l i»rtlor Winter -a « .inly. de> eaae>l, (fit in* bond a* th· inter*ated, mav appear at »a!d time and II. N. ioon. your by ■lace and BOLSTER'S, .e «how adi* *« orv tberri'ire r« |ue*la all persona In cauae.if any they have, whr qiriLTS, ahoiild not be lia va* it mm I» bt· ! to lite r>tatt of raid dvveaaed to uiake 110* barge granted akld debtor accord- So. Paris. STANDARD Suif and mde uj» b* t the of tii« NAPKINS, Air pay a-· at; ..ud thoM «ho bav· any de prayer petition. v,\ :.· ar • n. u> th.· tame to Atteat -IIKUKiCK C. DAVU, w.nied lor I.lie TOWELS & x ; in tô» exhibit Hegl.ter A 1 DEin η AcenU CRASHES. ELYlKk I* LUST. of «aid Curt Bar aabl Ceaalf w Oxford. 5 If I II of I'r*··: Irnt <·*τΠΠ<1. I] Pip al«o one iioL. Oct 1er 1». 1WI. *■*■■■■ Ιββ·# A oouuilrle. failhiul h>·- loi ol 4.000 yard» of il. S. hhrrifk NalP. tor τ from rra.tle to era** bjr the nuinrnt b>og BE»T BROWN HORSE AND CATTLE Col. t«r 111* Κι SHEETING,thai MEDICINES, Contrail. lniro.lerii.-m South l^iris. ϋΧΓΟΚΙι. aa: At a OmM <·ι ('rebate held at STATE Or MAINE. raphw. PKKPARF.I» RY c-lliuc*. John I». I Mo»»tnor of V»».*fhii· Γι a ·.. u and f»r the Cjuaty of OatofM. on Ot'VTT or ss ong. I shall tell for ? l-'i ctv per oxroiD, »*tt« Hook* all r*a.|* for ilcl'»erv. An n»ii*nt yard r f.< th r 1 Tile.da* ol l*c -ber A D Ifl. Taken on - .«** CB ^ « I rr« «toui Kaeeutlon wherein Stephen I». Hatch- It toraol r« p. »tl tXKLINk PES LEY aaon. and Sumner Κ Ν.-we.I are ;h « !* creditor· and »l irriu· Agent* take ont«>r· for from JO to So tj> R\ •"'l '» ih«l I hire i!n cires ». -lr.».r * I th· e» au > I b B| V Jo»ejh I'enley homa» J. Unborn ι» debtnr and will be ao|d I ten to one. 1 "·» OuUell· other book rr ► k Κ hi* 5 ui* Ό *rt «β »r * II. ι·«γ«·»μ·Λ. oopie· tail,. any Maine. IV !> It: d I* aald loaaty prat ln« t fablic Auction to the bidder, at the Paris, »ti η m htghe·! Af»n:· never made ao U»t Tit» book -* t »n I· s I ».l >t »'* nrr ►« and convey al the tiue money a*!# ItMMt te right *r< bate Court !t»om la la aald on V Under Flannels, ·· Pari», not B.vrt»rr. »ilure h PoMrdtr·. Hawiou'· ftcralrh «· η »jt !e ο· Λ>« t»»··;. Conaty Mil· ilaelf. K\p rlene* lUwion'i fon'c (M'k In ihe ] He«t in I rhrapnt In th« m&rkel. ι'faction m all rate* w.i«*re foien<>on. all the right in c.|alty tens· free l.rer|, ItlatMB,* C«.. I'ort- I have a very large «lock in I. HilVK al an Stt of one 1 to «roi uk. I.cavf the horar ιη χ·κχ| condition. ineli « remedy in needed. hp·'*a.tn DuOle> ad\antajetu· ih c!j th·· aai l 1'hom·· J. Ililbom ha· or ha 1 on Iftadi Mala··. l»r he i"!h dav of May a D. |S"I. at 7 ο clock and LADIES' Kcwaon't llrair Ptwdiri. Petitioner notice to orJ-r.1 Tiatthe «aid giwr 0 ni t.u:·· m the allriaMi. the time the •■me lUnion't Water ll«galator. !*ore rurf for Coid». Κever » bi i'au«iii|c aa at>»tr*i t οι GENTLE HEN'S Λ liravtn, Cough*, Lung Λ Lot «»t" under rloth- r·· ait.o ti· I on the original writ to red<>em the Thi·· i* λ »ονοΓ··ικη remedy fer lho«e irfijtient Hiir ti ti >a » ithtbia order tliereou to be ubllah- • oJ «11 lung afferlion·. ρ» ι oil *wlng de» r hed mongrgc-l rral e»Uic.«l;n*ted CHILDREN'S •llwir.Jrr· which «ri-o from irr>milaritl··* (h« < I>ctu TEACHERS UNDERWEAR Kalrt. an t- ia Oxford INSTITUTES lloof > rj «U·'craaiteU the lUMion'· _ < α Pari m u d and unnarv i: f tiitl»·relit rades, l'or Coun'y of Oxford. t<> wit: a cer- TWO kidneys or^an·. U «houΙ·Ι ίκ· ke;>t net· at l'arta.ln »*ld t or DAY* EACH. c Kpapa-r printed KM), • in ol or parcel with tb<* buildm*» thervn aitua that I «hall «ell CHEAP. Ι1···1 reine·!? Tor all hoof tr jublen. (irtlt liool n»U»ntly on lui: ]. and utc l .»·> >uon a<< anv al a Pro l< ale Will be held η a· follow·: it ι« : ι « that they nxay ap(-e..r ed on l'*ri« Hill and the h orr, and tie I'remiae. conveyed Λ lu πι η niai rtl I.liiluir nt. Γιο ■ la» it Ν· teal. ^ ■·'« i-ft la Kiwion'i M Ictac* warranta in or .. • »· d bv every .-hp, money 11. Ν .1»( )LS'1'KK"S. UilN.rn deed reeord«-d in t»tft>rd Keg- NORWAY. 5: .*J1 :or« ΐο···η >liow eau»e if aur bare & No*. 4 4 eut*. »nd It, au! Uiey ol 5ίΓ. the Fnday Satarday. FRINGES, Cure· «prmio·, bruixsa, »|>avlr.·. rrftitdcd. -- •try De©il«, Rook 1ST, Page· .VWJ, Vie. ·.. n.. .1 jrnlAl It l« ιΙ«·ι tor Hh- umtliain, So. l'ari-. .bove de»cribed beinc lo AT trouble*. κ<χχ1 prtancn »ut>ject FRYERURG, LACE*. Sjl 1c n huiniu M »nniacinr<··I ami |.»r ·»1β, wholesale anil retail, Κ Λ. ΚΚΥΚ. J.:ifc. of *>πιγ·1κιλ Ce It, Hurt/ !«, me>rti*g·· rrenjed In Oxford Regi»'ry J II. M f ir — %ι ··: Il t |))ΐ|Ι K'g'»t«»f if y ο v. 8 .f 9 fl»*h. by KAWfcOff, hove. A i-"|n He«l·, Bk ITJ Ι'ι«·ί 241 given by »ald Thorn.»· Tuesday Wednesday \ CORD A TASSELS. Ililbem to Sutuner Κ to «curv Ibe At Norwa* «111 tic rracnted di*ca·· ·!.>»· ν t tiMMtl Cret»»:» Drills N.weii p.per» ι for meal of one aote f»r Ti ilate·! moo ι· folio*· "Wb*i »lt»11 wo teach in CORMETtt, Γ* « : tri·· r >iut) ui Oaiord. va ay prom »»ory |a>·, our] 'or. η one an· School·"—O. W. Collin·, Norw»> "Ktul- Λ FINE ASSORTMENT Il T—id-t ut >lw ·Ι>» r. Λ I». !!*·!. 1> IBS payable year with tntereet High FARM FOR SALE. .!»iiU — HOSIERY, WANTED ci at '.· per cen·. ι^-r annum notil paid. li>(" I'r. Ν Τ. Γηιβ. Hctbel ; "Practical Edaca ually l». 'AINlK Ailjutiuiilir or In the acuth of the town of w «> i«»t iiLAS, Sheriff oa"— R'T. Ira U Sortie. l'ari·. "OarCommon and all In a part 00 ) i!.· e«laU· «i Kil ol C Neaaaa Ut* <>lSIM· Peputy | good« kept city Dry SITl'ATKI»l'an», *l>oat two and one half milt·» from $3000 NWKtikulAd Dated October 23tb. Ivd. School· : llow ui»t thev t»e improved f '—Je·*· Κ •«Ut '·«!· l-et«ct, hiT t( prvtckl'il South Pana village. known *» the I: ·. Or**·· wood, The Practical in RcriLatl>n·' Good« «tore. JOM( Γ ·· » Fln m-i ina ul ib: tMtte ol I.lbby. ûrin. βΙκ>ιιί three hnn Irr ! — contain.ng Κ j. Everett. and Itiaol· AND l'onley r m : « « ! l>« a»· ·» ai >n ■ ^«.r^o'V-V Creating iMWMi JUST IN AT V I! Ma> I· μηΐΜ luinrttfd by nidii coy y ul Engliah li-m wunl of goodv to call at my «tore of cultivation ( au from th rtytlv·· Id ι·>ιί. «rrki worerumcnilion Ν A I.ut Ai mnr 1.'. « u-Jtr tu !f iui>ii»jid t..fer »dy. Λο un· ton f *ο<ν| Kiiifliih hav. Λ thrift τ ν>ιιβ* "·■ The ln*tltutoai will b» under the to — — — ....ittiv ία the Oaiord |!»a.K,ji triuted rure ►ryeburg ·"/ κ·"*-·· <-h»r·!.. <11 : » ftie varieties ot fruit faMrg f.r •tructi··· of lion W J. Onthell, of Uorhtm and rrnf'nt leading l'an·. Uni the) ra»k NOYES» DRUGSTORE, juat 'mhIiij nu» bearing. A one and a halt »ior irCHOOL BOOKS. ouut* oa Proi William llarpoe.ol K«rmit»il.>n. ri:k, I buy and «ell for! t a· .<1 <: far il >aid c the neaaSprrmaior- non*i ind *11. with three largo mont cook .oom i» l-adie· attending tbo»e Indiiute· «III >>» fur Γ « V .t \ II.' t*. *t B ar e'rlork lu t «n two alceoing nxunt on tlrxt fl'K>r. Wood abed r(»ilaiN|i>a<;> niched «ila iroo rniertalamrr,i, Cordial and ear- t'AMI, nnd liavr one prtre lor NORWAY, MAIMS. .«..·«·<· au tt an» bate -tiy lb* a!r fun' >ens, Pencils, •'suoo^eol >e'f lo tic ltd one or both of th»-»e in»li.ute·. Eccks, H.C School·, par' itlnr* idilrrii till I>A V II* A tra« y—atte*l l)4VI».Kit|ltt(r S. A I.PCK.Slate ol School·. Keaperif at i.r.wisro>, mk. proprietor. *r'i ·«» Knf «Chalk. lle- >>up'l Very ally. i;«>- Ν j. *i * Itnton N. V.. or 4 Ι'ηΐ]Τ··ι«. lireit TAKII6.'>< M.m->ry'vr-AFTER TAKII8 Educational Iwp't.Oet. li. Ism A»e., Alb«ny. Probate held at l'an· Wijcn vint ibe Fair, due l to coil un I ·. ΓΤ. lllll** OIKMU Bat Al a < (Mil "■rul U»1,I Or. I «la ID til* Plum... 1.1 ! n. you forget IbC■ β, C. w*r«l iirds *lrrllv lor II uu iht Umd n. piiinmev, » .t tu u *.-·Ι K>r ihel uni; >>l Oal»-nJ. «" **' and m .»y other Lu. South l'art» April IS. lv| τ VI» IWl. mini-·, su i«> loeaday ol *>CW '^'n:'".a,4;u;e "u> or coati'm',iioQ · \MKL Hl-B» Κ ol ItHuo ranci Ea^cutor ; Norway Village Prof. G. Boardman Smith, to tt* a uia tail uacai tw (a our «bit b we ! uc· pntp>>uog GATCH ON a imcn bl* β particular» | amphlet, wore a· a of Λ' >} />· S IV ol anil touveuir, ·ρ«· />///<, TOI:Κ, M il «liI Ttiiaaii nt ul lloriim tt:»bec itte tpFull lrr* "»« U>| b>m%" u> rr«y e#-rJ υ·.? 18 ΤΗ Κ ΤΙ Μ Κ TO BUY ΤΗ Κ Khali t»oon open η large lot of; equalled c u m aaii'Btv. dcc«aa«4 bat iag pr*«rB(- ZLV°S?aMedicine U told br >11 dnirgi»u *t ·. Μ'Κ« W. Μ «ΠΚ. Ρ**ιβ«_ Ladle*' Cloak». M tu ►an· lor Pn>l>Ur: I'ackagr· for Ii,„r mil Of CELEBRATED ΡΗΝΜΛΝ8Η1Ρ. SPECIAL BARGAINS riiat lUr aald Executor gif* Botiee f*'0"1*on ad Utiklril «■Τent free by Bill receipt of the money, bv■ a of Ibt» Addrraa now with 3 c«-nt »tarap for fall p»r .•a. i-r b· liiUitaled. by ra-ia.Bg copy lli frMirg ticular· of bi· Mi 1· j'Utli·' 1 tlijr*· Utik» THE <1Κ A V MEDICINE CO., MR. JAMES W. TAYLOR VARNISHES. thai t..« < ν Lm-i: ctaI |>ryir4 it Paru, the) Mtla llrrrAU). Ν. V. OLIVER CHILLED » announce STOWELLS * «-url t tir tir 14 il t'ari·. would to the of OXFORD COt'N- Λ I. Κ»·Κ L«»T Ο» π· V at a l'iobat· ponp> t) l||M Λ s thai he ha* COLLEGE. > -u MM lûird Tucxlav ol No*, 9Τ.ΪΤΕΟΚ Μ ! Κ TV, ukra the "tore formerly occupied BUSINESS t tm aatri My, k__ UKitiu.i: la the lort'aoon. a no In the c*»e by Lol ls O'llRldii, '21>. ι·. \:. λ: ..· I ibt- ciuck »«?■>*'«*. Fall Term 0|>rit« Ancuol * 1.1 ·· :1 au> !:.»♦. -t.) tbc »aid Inairu iioil "C.* ~J-'°Uri,ofH.'-n. teaolreat* CLOTHING- .Mil ν I <·* I -Τ IN *T tb»> ?f ROOMS, .1, 1 > ud allvavt «lv" ·'· X petition I,»«.,.„ «rt'l T Till· ol'T. ^ivtnl. appruitil ; Ή·»οιιΙγ -aid ilNratn! V!,thl» n.ntrentti 01 Ocb>t,»r a l, ·«! (Inder ITall) ;a>l M ;U odd lirUBriit vf day LY NORWAY, X0TES DRUG tt. Α. KK1 Κ Judge. .*0 yrr*cnw I to mM .-ourt for Mid countv, bv STOREΛ where hr b»« t of U.C. l'A VIS, 1o«e· M hu.M-ll »,f W ο xUto ». id the count* of THE BEST jest opeccd full line M<«« ** 1 AI*E. A Ire* c-py— Atteat: Kt-giaicr. J. C. South Maine, >Xford. (raiir.t that be may be decreed a full die- MEAD, Paris, b»ld al FOB ALL KINDS OF WORK UltiiKl) a» —At a C«>urt of Probata h*rge from all hi· debt· prnvsMe nndrr the In IN of oxf rd oa r *i» wk.'iIb aoJ l»r tb* county olvert Art of the Vate ol >|4.η, ,,,(,r0T)Hl Krtl WARRANTED. ENTIRELI NEW SfECiiL NOTICE· Λ. U 1ml AND tiii mil α I ne-day >1 October, uary il, ioo »xil pétition it 1» ordered r· a. a; «-eïu»<··! th* >ir Kirtuiir au Tm«te« h, 1I >1». U< »BH* • aaid couit U.»: » hear.ng 1*. I u^a tbe »ame OVERCOATS, M T· Α1·ο the M« t.· . m u, |»aril TAXIDERMIST »aU Il Ή C FALL CAPS. G ES T. FI RS- u on \\ 111Γ «Mi 4 Y, the & WINTER HATS, * iu »a d A ouuijr. detvaaud. baviaf pniwaiH mM county of Oxford, SUITINGS, and Dealer in Stuffed Bird», C I». ol Bail PtKlXroV ... u»;. al. ul me MM at aine tu M ixtemth day of November a. t». In»I, ISHiSG GOODS, «Pc., «IV. ln*« > Οι «lio-aaoa : f,rrm,°0 ; ·ηΊ that noli ·«· thereof be Cleil Swivel AT A T r. rc nmee J°. Iipvefl Plow, MAINE. 11 1ère !. l'haï the MldKi'r j ubliahrdin'il the Oxiord l>rtnocrai. newspaper OVERCOATINGS, NORTH BRI06T0N, Our *tock ha* arrived for the Kail an·! Winter ■ a I lui* THE HEST IN THE MABKET. \»do«*r (·>■·!, Hal»·. t· a.ι T-rr- la KM 9 h$ CaOalng eo|>) Ii»l>ed in raid county 01 Oxford. once a week WARRANT·!) mail or will lereive i.ive α» a call, and we will do yon tu C#-Orilrra by exprea· Campaign. •rlt-r : » be put» »hed ihrve >r*l· U Cr»#l?cl> jrl«u.u.ir.,|tr v,"i· the lant publication to attention..*· «ood. * >B Τ ihCUt l'art». Uiat lUr, prompt IL* OlluN l>ElliiKrtf priait''! al e -e»ru da\ · belore the day of beann* ; and &c., url U' be t. id at l'arit Hi I -r ai a frvti.i L i«at All τ· «L«> bare provtNl ttieir «Icbi* ut No» whieh he i· to mike in the Are loti («oing V>u-Ur«ti«lmt Tnif*. >u«ty ou ibe inird lu···*!»» RM, nd othrr prrsona lntere.ted, may apprar »t aai.i Before commence prepare.] Mil Is/. I if you your οι .V';!'£ SSI. ■ ·· «uotar catlkt in the Eli al « c« » a Hit· ion nova aud »L.> >lac« and nine and »how caw if any thev have | In the town of greenwood County lor tear * Uatr tbr not be »aid debtor call and examine lient I'oHHible Manner. oxfotd the IW, 3 » i'· !0* fi< a«>.aii >hy adiacharfeahould granted Fall a. λ. κκν κ Jud^c. ccortlin* t> the prater ol hi· petition Plowing, ThefollowinglUt of tux*» on real muii ot non A'rar ropy—ait··! 11. C Uivia. Ki «i».«r AlZeet lit KltlCK C. liAVN, R-giater, these Plows. resident owner- in the town of 'ir· enwood f»»r it ·· Always bearing e to new qoods »f Mid Court for Mil County ol Oxfjrd. WES Τ ? vear I--0, In bill» >mmit:ed Kirnoio ι'νΙ» arid at a SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. of «aid Town, on th·» .'4'h »t >1M »KL», ·.» -At a Lourt ol Probate in mind that we let take Now I# lour Time. Collector da) ot Uaior» you lia« b«H.-u return· >1 l<> I. ι., "ο it·· a* C^»hTI>a o) ft.· vi iii.ia aud lor IbeCouatv Notice. Jelr, litM), m» MrwrmrrS dav la »ii. oi .Ot r a. t». : J. and if it does not KntM than Ever on the tilth of July lv>l, *4i Tin* ttiii prove Chrapfr icinalnwg unpaid £.1.1/ Itlhl U U. 1>AI liuar >rncE or rus suEuir» or Oxvobd C'ockti Plow, hi* rertitlcaU) of that date. and now remain I J* : U o: ALSO Send for <-ircul.tr of by a a a auor lu k^ld de.-criptive and notice ι» given that it th· «aid ..ι ο uiuKtU M «oil STATE OK MAINE. a better and of Easier unpaid: hereby J Plow, >t are DU (I Ihxa e to *eil aad coon·. las·*· and inter· and chargea not pax! into V (i(M)DS, «.v ut) pia tailor ae:—^ fober 10th a. υ l#l. A LA KO Ε LISE OF within it-ad larta <-f NEBRASKA the of the aaltl Towu, la iMaraal η IM boat-« Draft than ever Treasury eighteen BU In to give notice, that on the nineteenth any you used, <'omuiitm< m >·! 'lie «- near Uic Ijib ο I Mvat· tt lu. r.th· trox the datc«>l the Ac », l,r«- II»!#. »·»·Ιί «p4 u J. M«a*tl. M y 1} 1114 day ol October, a 1>. ISM. a warrant In inmd· I). U. YOVKG, Agent, aa »r· t « k"» 1 or can we will take it •aid bill», ao much of tiie real eataU: laxe-l ill liu t UfcU'l -rr il lit -Bt ΓΙΙΙ> of the Cou it of Ina.»lTecrv aotice to • ncT »a» 1-i.uol cut buy, Main*'. l.e niirtlrient to '.he amount due there' >r, Hi t« ·»ι »il >l»r a>tH ι·!»-· i-ai tUc ftre l'ortiand. will pay υ »aitlprilUoo«r "r «aid County of Oxford, ajtblnst the eautc and without > rt W « * uc» an auatfact ot ber ialwaal charge», will, Air· >'·(.(< IjT .til r mu .ut rt- ->;>d υ,· cauriug ;n aaid BACK. Goods, iMladtaf ι·· Ilarrlaian of Livtill oouuty, Furnishing i>·· 1'ublic at the at Auction, t ·-»» 01 iti tile it ou l< be ■W'pfieu F. tli*r notice, «old *t r <>.4 .s.o noli «itti tbi> pubJlalied on 01 ,·ι 1 „l. to beau into]rout debtor, petition ..Hie»· of the Treasurer in laid town, on satur ·. I -·. ·- » .· >u- « la tb« Uxlord l»ruiu. d^uil(:h da> ot January o'clock Κ y "••It. d al I'ari-.iUjl tbr» ma) a| pfat namnl Give it Trial. Hats, d«y of Oct., a. D lsel. to which iaat ) Caps, i(t< raoon »· \t I··» H.L A MAI.TiV 1 at fans is »ai ibej why t if an* belonslng to aald debtor, to hint' in Pocket and Table A». ». property Bargain» J> τ y, ιv; li-h. ι*Ι •^lait atluinii uul be ^taBtetl. the and tranaier of any ι s? ι Ju >» for bia uae. and delivery * 2 K. A. KKVK, !,··>. that a mret- · &z >roperty by him areforbldden by law; CUTLERY. 4 tru»copy —atte*t U.C. 1>Avia.ttegutrr κ n* of tfie creditor» of aaid debtor, to prove their I Prices to Soil tie Tiies. 3 i m ~U *'!LL Fli] THL m PLACE- Itbu and chooae one or more Aaaiifu.^a of hia I Non resident land* l}lng in the Soath part of tli luiro, will be held at a Court of Inaolieney to be ( MASON BROS., known by the t ·μ·· T » ur\ voie >iiii-KrMdriil -ute. town ofureenwood, formerly tolden at the Prubaie «>urt room, 10 l'a ir in aaid k. of Mooter'· Λ Hawaii'·Gnat. η ot Saniatr and U χ ford (MASON'S BLOCK) Gîte aie a call before 0. to· Couaij.of !a 1L1O oi Oxford, on the enter tub day of Nov. 1 buying, FIRST PREMIUM. 5 "j |· 21 ί·'ι 21 il» < l'm- lor lùe ) ear lx*>. ,'ounty Jam· » Y«te«.»o partof ιιμ·. uuJ i> at Bine o'clock In the forenoon. Γ.4 00 bob· ι. i^i. Maine. Ο. K. win» flrat W. β. we«t 1 i'J Ι»ι #2!<8 fo -t m ji U-t of taxe· real e*tat« of Norway, Merrill'· now pattern PI.OW, Pingre·, p't Tb·- Clrea under inv hand thr dale drat a Nor· written M ATCH at «ouih lot ii «l»i« 10 ta·· town of Suuiaer lor tbr and aecond In PLOWING C. Hobt·* pat a Ι·«ννΙ\ rv- lent ownei» AH J. W. premium· 4V» t W|f LI i»OCU LAS. Sheriff, TAYLOR, wot hail 01 « 12 1 Im m Liii!·· ■ i'iiniiitle-1 to yruH Κ Ilea Id C. WALKKR. >· ».· 1»"··. ·* of in· Court of inaoivency for aaid of 4 3u 4:, !:· towc, 00 ibe ol Aug. Meaaeejer 4. A. Bolster, part -aid day of Oxford. pi State 1881. lua tome a* remaia- County Maine. Maine Fair, l.tade ια tile ml· irt Of t^.· »-o ι- nfenM tot Norway Village, Non tealdent 1> ;n/ p :. of Au; 1.*,. b a kn~>wn the ... 11> b> and Counsellor at Thl· Plow doe* not lap the furrow, ia ft thor- town t <ίreenW'io.1, foimerly by IL AN] WIN ίEu CAMPAIGN Bu» Law, itf «I tba! date, ami regain* uup»ll, Kon-Residrnt Taxre Attorney < to bold. name of Λ* alemr tirant. .. β LOVKLL MAINE. ough pulverizer, ea*y draft and very a-y I'hllllp· 13 AT ι» gitreo that If aai«l taaea.iuier- 4Ι.ή ,.·ι hereby the of Oxford and s. middle into ibe of η tue t>wu of Mat.»·, in County ΟΧ1ΌΚΙ), Sept. 15,1881. W. Piugrre, liar^· are uol paid Treaeurj 1 4» 1.14 WO 2 44 Mate of Maine, for the jtar lvo. r. Merbill: or 14 «ithiB ei*hteen months from the'laie A line of all Wool FIRST PREMIUMS! C. part è. Γ- Ο. K· 15 which 1 east of 11 I Λ 07 ■: »*i l bill·, κ» much of the Hat of Uxea, on real eatate, of Dear Sir.—The Plow, (No. Pool, part u.mi THE following I Awarded the not Ε to Ibe ownera.in the town of Ma»on.for the by of >ou, worka admirably. It only Horace C urnming·, I, L Τ Γ s a»»tll l»e ruiBcieat pay lon reaidral DKESS bought ft,, ta\'«l r FLANNELS, Invert» the bat it ·ο with K.und Ht ut H lalereat and rear 1W«, in bill· committed toFletcbt I. Bean completely »od, palvtrixe· building*. (i.KiL»TiimsrvKK. uut .me tkt'bifvr. luciudiug the 1 1 Ό 4 tf» an, Botlee U; aold at taxe* ol «aid town, on the Oth aa to greatly reduce the labor ot preparing of lurUier Collector of at 25 and 30 cents at I .< Χ'ΉΛ «I. «AISE. C..ar*e*. aiU wiiû^ut per for or sowing. 7 3 45 1 IS 4u of 11. U chandler, of IB»*» lia« been returned bv him to me yard, Oxford County ground planting Same, Lub!, .«iit-uoa al ihtr lay Sept. Agricultural Yoiira Truly. Heira of 8 Cumninx#. 4 the «ί 1 »t of Ft b lsfe.', 1» on the 1 «ith day of Ant Λ t .·.»-}« ·■ 1 t». ul 5*1·· to « ο, ou 1 ut *day. .lay. remainioff unpaid N. D. 8. SMITH. * ρ· u itnl of that and BOLSTER'S, 8. ea»t part of weat end I *1 îU· * !* tlOO atl«rB.>>ii- s*l, by hi· certificate date, al on* o'eKiU ia ibe of tbe Maine Roard of Agricaltnre Of 11 6 IS I 35 1 Κ tow remain and notice la hereby riven South Society, 1881, to: (Member unpaid, Paris.) for Oxford County ) Joaeph P. Dune, ca»i ΤΚ· IT·! L TO SHOW GOODS. hat if the aaid uxea, interest and charge· arc not S Ο Κ Urea part of β J JO 161 ι &> into the Treasury oftbeaaid town of Maaon MERRILL·1 king Plow, Mild Best 6-4 Flannel, $1.00. j The Ο. K. PLOW ia manufactured by Heir» of l>.li. Crockett. »'thm mnotUa from the dale of the com· «« Ργι»|»«»<.ιι|« f.>r 4 «ni iiι WomI. eighteen OK Seed Flow, ol weal y ^ of aaid uxea. ao much of the real eatate undivided half i 5· fc 3 nitment F. C. MERRILL, 3 4 25 « ρ j.-o ai» t τ ♦ <■ will be «uffieient to pay the amount dne " half of '■»··.·».·. axed a· Swivel Plott'9, South Parie, Me» w .)· t * 4 pa' iBto tlir »kr"» s z $ $ i iniereat and chame«,w:ll « ah· FOR SALE ! Sam··, shiugle mill priv- hrrefor including STAND " « Mi * t ·· 4 ci a, \n*e ut*· ' H. Hoe ut fnrthrr notice, be aold at public auction, at the Known aa the <*REi ^ ίς dwelling Machine three years, li 1 M) »|M Jil ii !'2 δ or lot·. MERRILL'S PLOWS Sewing I· e»»t 01 road leatf altogether In teparate .V» tiΗΑ,ίί) lug 1 Ρ Whitney Davia Grant J. A. Hoi|lon icsidtnt !*ad< h ιηκ t'"· North part ol the Kit»·'dire Um, 1 3 160 fio 06 purebaaer. 1st, it Tin: KIMM II, ï»*e- aame, Kor further of Ν. Γ. to do town ot rant. a BucaOeld, of Uregg. Aadorer, Match, name of Kajmond'a l- lit LDind.r, aame, 4 3 1β0

0Λ I BEAN, a Clean t^e required, making Sweep! Heirs of 8 H.llougbton OK Maaon, Oct 18tb, IMl. " .*· •tue d«U«^Bey ia 8 e Committee'* out of order. Motirtain lot. 4 100 4" u ·"» for Over [ Report.) gets tax Ot l»C'.< Woolens Ladiee, of 7 4 4M 3 3,* F^LL ΑΛΙ» Ul.trtH MII.LIXLHY hl^BWaT of P. Same, wc-t part Jobn bj erileid. Mea DtoMlulioB Co-partmerahip same Mrs. "Wm. Fiiye, Same, (»orc near 8. 30 3 15 Garments and the cut Be not deceived a»»ertion· to cre- AND d.>«* »t«d, Ando*er, Maine, Oct. Uth, 18HL by «weeping Bryanl'» 4 β 15 41 «tore ate faite but call at the old Me. J β m 7* Mr·. itltaunCoi, beretofoie between Impression», Lewiston, 13 3 taai The existing and made to order at H. N. I Same, uid fa*wai »; Co-partner*hi]> mutual south hall ot 12 β y> >0ί 14«i 4 8 w Orraaer A Mill· i· hert-bv dia»olved by N-PAB1I FOVXDBY IJf» Same, Sumner, «re O. W. BROWN, Agent, cast souseat. All Indebted to «aid Ann south paris. Wiiluui akillin^i, Ch t ar A. person· Bolster's, SO. PARIS. MA1MK. I 3 1 Î2 .12 Ed-IB .u, |of to A Mille — Where you will iret your money'» worth erery of 1 Fancy goods to make payment Henry —-t part J. Ljls .«J»· «'jueeted to in time, and be »ure of your repairs when wanted— I A· Yotmg, with "TMi B 0UANPLEB. •ho ta hereby oniy authorized »ign liquida- Joaeph Ksutv i^i) ruii»iv, u the tnitead of depending upon ascertain agenu for No. we»t or Saaacr. ;ion, and who will continue the butine·· at Dress Flannels bsildlngi, Trraoarcr Good in Black manufactured in «Mitant 9 tau ». "A word New Styles of I 2 70 !« 95 OtlObEK iï a 51* >ld atand. Bargains good* part OeMbcr, ixh. l«i. FRANK DSE98BE. to the wiee ii sufficient." ladies at KBKN K. RAM». t CASHMERES, F. C. URR1LL, for wear, very cheap, Trea»un*rot Or«enwa>i, l** >»■* <>ur «<* k to*»or! any iliowe HENRY A. MILLS. Manufacturer of Agricultural Implement», -Oih, InJ1. lu^ A 1 Are eordiaUf iu»imh1 u> THIS PAPER SJUS Tbi· 1· » true copy. H. N. Bolster's, South Paris. (ireenwvod, Sept. HENRY A. MILLS, îî. D. Bolster, South Paris éoutb ParU October ]», 18*1. »'. H. CHAM. -ftVïïÎK Mv Wive, is the picture of health siuce I LITERARY NOTES Adamson's Balsam ! sh<; bofpiD the use of "Wells' Health Re- AN INTERESTING ACCOUNT Blanche cents. ne wer' *1. Druggists. "Aunt Senna," in the title of Pncc 35 He* Trial Sam cent·. Η ladder novel. AM··· in the Kxp«ll*d by til·· Willis Howard's new rrni:« ThU plriiini Kc vised axiom—To err is human, to for- ,,,,ι l»r. H«mb«cI>-'· ·Τ·τ·ι1ΐ· Η·μ«4)γ.μ Mins Dud· Fletcher, the author of "Kis- Γ A TRUE TONIC .•«to,· rnuf,i| 1,1. unusual. " couun·. m ».· ·· give met ami Head of Medusa," has [Γ·ιΠ·ιΜ Mrkai ~ι, "The Ur.« KM n)l „tr,r Dacha·· 1 ■ Mr. ft. W. Ulckf. of Plwutt Valter, translated the sonnets of the Venetian la· COM»*. M«- I'· lb Wnr FtlK \ Mum)1'ITOII·—13c. box "Hough I Co., S. V.. th« tOD of Mr. K. 9. Mick·, wfcxe ti l rtor..|« mlay on Kats" keeps a bouse free frotu tiles·, bed- ; dy. Gaspara Stamp.·». Da«« have In toi» In r«p AKTHNA, roaches, rats A.C. MAY appeared journal Izaak Walton's house In Fleet IRON bugs, mire, Street, "··"·'· I ■ vrft* II,,. n« tfee with a· article tdmular to thta, likl H ROM ΓΗ I ΤΙ" nil London, and the Cock Tavern, where l>r. Ι«ι·«« if ,lP., p is afflicted with Ston > In U»p Rlidricr, on SURE W» The fly that walks ou tleomargarine 111- father, Johnson uttered his phrases, t IW D, *r tfrioa* than hi* lath polvsyllabled ·ι·γ.»»·ι ila« ι>. not the butter I j· ι ha'. Uium wan mere destruction. ΓΑΤΑΚΗΒΙΙ. <.t ,,ι:, ti c <:i»eaae tho father etV. <»u the a; pearance of kNM. Λ member of the Browning Society esti- APPETISER corun, «Ili- h « , Important to Tkavkuim.—Sfteclil lu- a'iviitU ih« Min t < w.ile to t>r. Oarld l.enoedj, ο the mates the total number of Hues written by η.· I Ιο «ι duc· nients are olTertii you by Burling- K'irilo it Ν. V-, «ho, be «al l, would tell him «ha for nil dL«ca.«cs rn«»rp. lïr. Mr. at about nro recommended rcquir- !·> tun. ρ. ton K<»uie. It will to read their the t>i Browning î»7,000, something IRON BITTERSBITTERS highly |i4T yon (·> do. l>rK«nn dv (plicl -inr.e-t ne Djf«- In like η fourth les·* than Is calcu- a certain ami efficient Ionic; oiM't-ially flldlgGfttloil, KOKK advertisement to be found el**where of •'Kenned.'* Karonto Remedy,"' which ha· Shakspeare in? Lomh of Λ U Α νι Μ< »Ν'μ lated to have written. Intermittent I'evem, Want of Appctitc, this is»ue. work·.! »c a iceo««f.i!'y In hi* fa'rer'· ease. Mr Til BOAT, of <*t<\ It enriches the blood. strengthens Β«»ΤΑ ΜΓ ! b. th< loeal A sermon George MacDouald, tin htron^tli. Lick Enor^j, lltak* «ho bid 1-een aa-are | hjral i by nerves. It a< u lik·· η charm «>n the ΐ ou tlnd an at tor η at law and m w life to (he isrLc K»z«. will Mldoin «-J m>re ft».· him, novelist, said to be one he has evei the muscle*, gives «•ian» that they roull do nothing only aiich as thr f'<**/, —he knows better. In the or jaus, removing «II arniptoma, 'GII6H Irird "rarori e Rem· ly" at a leoinir, Afiei wrliten, appeared September f'ni; digestive dvepeptie rnii I in th? Heartburn, rte. The only I Prepa- HOAH*»EtV ·.·», 8USAH *n Virion lirriev. lUlckm'j, Ilntf w wtek»' uac of it ho psa-cd a ► ton.5 I of lor·# n«t 'ry «ι> *<· The Pkiu'vun' Sybvi· has cured thou- [ that will tint hlarkon the tooth or givo headache. arh an| of a His Senti ration D1FMC1 ΓΤ the nun t>»-r η I sands who were Γτοιη inch loni; .in I of tbe thickne** ppe-aiem. "Bachelor Blurt": Opinions. 32 of uaeftil and suffering dyspepsia, Sold lir all Write for tiio A Β C IJook, pp. rark > "u ***ι«ι ι '<-e thro he ha* ha>i do of the reton ments aud is the title of n druggists. liver bolls, hutuors, ajniylom* Disputations," — •••un#· ► at.il n > debility, complaiut, reading {rte. Η It Κ Α Τ II I Λ « I i: e Ilere la a aick man healed. Whai book Mr. Ο. B. editor of aiuiiMny ter* imm *1' inn· r m· Dr. C. W. BENSON, Γ-male complaints, etc. Pamphlets free to of trouble. by Bupce, .l>>/'/'· Baltimore, Md. ,i thr BBOWS CHEMICAL CO., litlll IrnU'l n». o! !Uli n>or*. H i Ib Ten tor ud proprietor of t e't T re'ulta ro.ild bate b> en Ν bai ton'* Journal. Ur.- address. Set h W. Fowle & Sons, e.\pectr,| j A X 11 4LI. il lukm bv any Itinimn u j„ creator benefit e >uM rocll.'al ariencc eonfcr" Mr. serial ol ,|.,.»r.t bv πνη.· and Cham- Boston. Eugene Schuyler's history ! Phj, Celebrated l>r " ArFKCTIOtft ttn» Celery Tbecod wa»ga ne 1, cure» Liver Kidney all the illustrations which have have attained llundr*·!· ha*· Ifdilol !» appeared The l*st is Ball's IMgeetlve a· thoae dl*ra«ea and weak AND bewefl. thev have .W'inl from their a·* in lb« appetiier pialnt* a* well all the magazine. or will {In cureot 'k llea.iacti* \rrt»u« lln.lifke. Nm Salt. Your druggist grocer supply ne**e« to female· '"Dr. Kcnotdv'· COUGH ρτ-'iiliar Richard Grant White denie.s the sto- Lrid* BHSiV, SerTouaneaa. Parmlraia. Steeple <>eaeee u><· and use It at the Mr. rmlit··. j ou for only -·"> cent·», you •Javoeie Remedy lor *ale by all drutiriari Tlkr nt nlhrr It ι· a hilli ratab'>«he.l fact. b».«e«> that he has be, η for over laJi(ntli>n. of -.tit. It removes ry engaged fifty ·*·ι· ι· m·· ■ ι· no kin4 01 table Instead ordinary 1 LEIbllM f '·►' W Mn» OB actaa! esperieece, aoit*c«ae«. nil dyspeptic of music In America. He TO *«»||| >.) nil 1·Κ > w VMM RAM tisement. coming history ilill«|l«|| η ni ιΙ·*Ι»γ« «ι |ι· .. OMtl Κ PII.L·» ar* ρι*ρβτ»Ί«Μ'Γτ·«:» to rurr had no thought of writing it uutil a short Sleemere Eleanors ind^Fra^con.s Nertott Hi-»lache. Ncnm.i, Mck H entache. mau a Frenchman time ago. The history will co\er a period an.I loll Λ prudent says nitty Will until further notiee lente Kranklm th*»' NerrHUM, Paralyse MugIcaeaea* 1 over and the oui* no »s like a His head him of years, Portland eterr MONDAT *n-« Tin Tl«r»*V Κ*·»;··β or llT'peix-i». ami will »ny n». pin. prevents something lifty ar· led to at « M an·· leave Pier î» **·♦ t'»er Ne« mau. r how obatmat* | M Μτ na*4. Tint from too far. I transposition of this fact piobably I'. S3 S?0 going Benson's V..rk evert MONDAY and A Τ at < <1 TTU'RSD aot a cur**ll, but nI; for thou* apeeia* mm —AWARDED- the error. ao 1 ι V M. Thrv cuataiD an opium, m^n nine jt quialae, K. Tiukham. 283 Western f— an ) Mr». I.ydia There is much to be written v»*t of th* I>nrtn(f th« «iimmer month* lhe»e «liwe'i art· cot a purfattve, but reflate the bowel· .urn»· or tb< Avenue. Mass., is acquiring fill loiK-h *t Haven ni the'·* n*· care .on«tj.at..e bv remoting Lynn. rapidly much he-written boyhood of Abraham Vineyard «-ffeci • %fe to un.I f-ont New York. Priée, lo<*ladfn| catiar ot it Ttot-y have a charmiez ι,|«·η an enviable reputation for the surprising In an article in the u. Lincoln. Octobei H(. < ffert the Htateroorn- tbc »h:n. a») a toeeiv |i:»*t:·* iipo* cures which result from the use of " it· tea lh< u daily H'ii/e Aw' entitled Isaac Leminon," Tlie*e «te*mer« are fl'ted up with fine aeeonv odwpjsg a b* μ. servo·* at«tern. tnplv f**«Jiac VEG!TAÙL! BALSAMIC her in all female dls- modatlon· for p««»on»rr· makfnf th ■ a >·■ n aaad htiafry. yea, in M>flM cam·* »tarTtejf abrorN Vegetable Compound James Clement Ambrose gives mauy in- j an t «ιτ» .e· >r *Me route for triv· llrr· b«l«r«r V.-trY rfc ••aia They an*k* or ·. Seud to her for pamphlets. Incidents about the lad. u> Barre·. aa l ta teresting plucky »nd Mime, lioiidl ileatined Portland F il powoi lorce and buoyancy the liey.irwj an g ithered from old neighbors. A Ueadiu^ or New York'orwaMed ti> deatina.mn at one·· uai way l®rr*a»e »eoul Mttr.MènM Mau "What is the !>est Sleepless way Capcine *n no ν* M brtllia»cy 01 mial. Sobo4v that baa a B«rv<··· i nlon for Youog Folks Is Inaugurated in |*f rr» l»ee. I f, M«y l»t. r**»en,;''r« two or to kill a cat ?" so that t«k<*n thi« line. •ί a thr*· way. any way. 6 !ιβ ay*tea »houl. Lnw L·3 »i-J > t< Port ή « m B*r»< ιοο HKNKY K< »X A rent. inn·! m· ntii tc each y««t ; 1 .·»« a ] you make a sure thing of it." .General <>r » for Charts U u »arc ci're Cor 10 a papers young citizens, .» Γ Λγ» Yor*. C> !J>, lor bo other pwrpoce. Price So ceala bos. Magna AMFt. Ar'»Pt*r1?ir.B. Cough·, ·» ;! boxc· Iter .· arf·» Ire* .id t.y at- However «»(· Μ by loving care. Istorles. Health and Strength papers, Mus· Tirkttn ind 'state rnenne*·! he obtained *t V» ho. and ail Lui Krelitn» ί·γ ··> pin.: Coii^h. Jmjtjri».». airtl b> f PHILLIPS A C», r»»t. I Kdi a »ci ice statut the Ocean, Ilonio tin* ili«tetni»er·· lurking there, Biogt aphtes, wi.cn uLcn in «m m. lac J HalM, lirnerai Λχ*οΙ* Ν cannot «tefen·! articles telliug How To Do Things, the Por sale bv Λ J K' We, irwa\ J. Λ. Itawaoa Autl human power i!ic of Wise Blackbird's au d varied People consumption »imp- Buikflet·!; Λ. If Gall J, ta. Pitm. Krttto III* thet eon««»iitl>- ln^»en.»in w»m·, ations il tory, ,'lect, tive for the firs t course. Nmnnirr %rron««iM»nt. And home rr»tore« to liewllli »n.l p«v»ee. miscellany year's f ·:■!.·!* u»e ot thi* remedy «du The I nlou cstablhdied Μ7'/. <>n and vter Inn î7, an t until further not:cc Reading by I * c curcd them at once. When the schoolma-sii r threatened to ,ΙκαΙι magazine is uame«l In honor of | 'ra n·» will nin a* follow»: S of Uti Johnuy. the urchin reminded him that Chautauqua, Chautauqua Young Folks' GOING WMT. lilfj-otif tjrart CURE for leave Port a ιΐ • THE GREAT "a soft tan, sir. turneth away wrath." Rcadiug l ulon, "C. V. F. R. Γ." Kip*e·· train· l.ewl«t'in.will tant u*e prove· the fact that :ι j it 7 in a. m., li :|0 a l i:IO p. ■ The discussion of "The Christian Re· >'or South Pari·. Virwtv, Montreal. I h'eai'o remedy ha* «tnoj t: am» Think How much Plaster.for roegh Sr«»r money you The Bps! Known Rrrrody We ave Por'lan I at '· : a m. RHEUMtJiSM by Col Ingersoil and Judge black, and rhe t, will likr it ο tr *1 · Γ/ί nr. iave thrown worthless medl- llgiou", πι λ I I away buyiug *»nd l i«' n Ι..1 m at am I \7 ρ '·· which was commenced in tin· August num- I'ru» »i»lfl «iparUAtU. u KIDNEYS. Backache or Lît: Duck. η., .*outb Pari· at 10 ! a. m. an I : ·.% p. rn ctiucs, prepared by unprincipled parties, F- Λ J- ».« y -n ber of the Y'.rfA Atnrriftin Λ'< vit \r is con- Vnrwav at I :l\ « m ari I 1 it i>.tn an·! Oorhvn AN9 BOWELS. w Rheumatism cr L,imo Joints. DAVIS' LIVrR w not mav do to PERRY are hat harm ho they ·· ·■ tinuel! In the November issue of that M »'"< llMlk·· Tlie lallrr MM ■ T.d or Snrninr. pub· I* t.». poéaa· vour Yon eau on every Cramps H"*hrn id I for m 45stem. depend now tjnelie*· hatc\.i if·, * ·. ft ring iuch lli alion. CoL Ingersoil replie» to bo tile of Sulphur bitter* a·» N·; tig a r«lia- Ncuraieia or Kidney Dii.oaoes. I. «··! lor rxiuih Porta. Norwav an·! Morhtm $ Dr. Baxter's Mandral u. Τ :. »ι.·«η «ma r-aiw* of his and or the strictures opponent, pre- KILLER rave· Portland at 3:1 |> m., anl *s>uih l'iris at >le mediclue It searches out and cleanses Lumbn^o. Scvoro i\rron Pains PAIN sents much more fully than he has ever be- 19 A rrRELY VEOETABI.F. REMFDV Γ I" ». ■ THOUSANDS OF CASES from tne hi·**! all impure matter, and Fomaio Weafc->ess. Ian 1 Poo.I leave· Gorharo at 11 rl". fore done the logical grounds lor his op- for INTERNAL «n1 EXTERNAL U»·. M'xelforl makes you feel like a uew persou—/«wf··* Ire >epcrWr I.· ell oihrr Pln»t » m. R Will cure BTTKIiSSJJaundice, Dv«p posltiou to t bristUnity. The article will Λ «nir »tnl cnn· for Sore uoiau k*aT. Jj luiily Hlob*. \π· «.«j-erior to j upmly Ρ I.ivcr Complaint*. In ! S I l»e With lUU-rest by those who Throat. Cough*, Cold-, Ihpliihcrin, train» for PertlaO-l wl'l leave Lewie \rr HnprrUr to l.lniwtent*. received^ Ktp'rr· fi ai..I all di-eav?· ari»i:i,' from It. ^5 have read the tlrst part of the debate, as ( Vani|i4, tou ai 7 :'f> ar^ Il V m tod Ci.ig. The is a look- nl« . I'rice et» bot alligator certainly sleepy \rr *»ui»t rior to Olntiu· For »<>nlh Part·. S Lewi «ton, Po'tinn ft ς per well as all those who believe that the Chulrra, Summer Mel* rwn, ■< tiy Complaint. >r f s»'» τ h»r» mi: thing but when awake for business it \ ri- 1 .> Illi-rirlrli criuli uni «m ari'l lloato· It are l«Und Pond at Γ a. >u, sqperler cause of truth la best advanced free >lra at '· "a to *» »oth Pari· *l IO;Vt a. tu. m is found snap Ttiry Aci 1 niinediatrlr. Ilrui··»·*, I 'ut*4. rlc. ι discussion. An numtK'r of the Λ'« Sprain*, at !<>:· > a. m itkvin w ν early ι<> cr Norwijr SI rent;! ben. y iivMr.Vrn.ily rrWn/itf[/,a:iil -ο I ·ι They rι/ir uiii contain an exhaustive lu IVrjtri mft I Portland lto»ton leave Ι·1·η·Ι l'on·! it a replv. rrrteia to at!· ni «vlifi S·· an atî dfVgylNl i'c., l'an· «I 4 .'Λ ρ tn 11 » .« : liver giviuit you yellow Ilrlirvr IV.in t Ourr. ι\ Tbcv of our most eminent Mr., h ; 91 a I eave· I in four jurists, Judge l.r .-J ti.r. \»- '•owfls which have result* distressing < iirr. Tkr> r«iiltrli Thomas M. the lion. Trum- PtRItV DAVIS & SON, Proprietor·, nam al .1:16 a. ta -· otti Paria al >;:.«> a. ic PUN 1 Μ Κ NTS or do refuse to Cooley, Lyman life {•lie». your kidneys perform | .η Ν «a κ ai ·· A) a m. in *a la re»!Jt*d l'rof. Theodore W. and Gen- i'ur .Hnn ttnti will bull, Dwight, » at 1 Vi V.r their ftant tious« If s<>. your system Μι*··1 lor Ι'«·πι lean Ι·<·γΙμοι j1 11- J «.-*·«■. aa4 the The nio*t lii.imi nt ew·· m a ii. F. Butler, discus* several weighty m a· d s··»!»h Ι*··ι« t :W m £*» perfect Eo* ν I-. U.» st««u be dogged with poisons Take few p. rua «i tétne. s: ; -■ ■ out of Article ? ol the Trams will t t .1 th»* i'fd "England's Hereditary ί \ ι ♦ : ί Κ public" 1> Uie title ttf α si|(nillennl papier f ) i- uient -m I each orjian wll. realty for .Men's ΓΜ>ΚΚ\ΥΚ.\Ιί in nil SEAB'JRY A JOHNSON, contributed by the Marquis of Blandford, ■lutν. l»rii^^'st* »ell lw>th the >lr) snd V t τ ν» \ivk, ami Siuator Giorge 1·'. Hoar wriu.s a anil at at MRS. LYBtt E. MISS lii|U)d— Uriinfillr Tribune. UK Kl MM»\ \T I *-»i. l-r !V. l^riult'K any priiv, nm,0FLTm sUteMiianlike article ou "The la tie ϋ the A-lMiAD'if· -'idCOSti O'JNIDN PLASTtR. Αρι>οιηιΙοκ Ν. I). Paris. IT' ..d be Whtn some men go to the mountains in I'uWer" of the I'resideut of the Culled Hoi.hTKii's,South U*sl i- t .■ » mnii r. for fear that the hllN 11;jy U j States. fo:c ME. SP»i. .e monotonous. th· y t:ike a Octobcr number of the liitrrnii "The Treasury aud the Banks," by \ ea* 7« t'u.i «υ m» CiiiLi»i>r;- 1.1 : ■IcJt'* j Mr. liichardsou. DR. K. G. \Vi:iTcw tùt- s, svsttia of tin chiiil iak« s lu tn·· «d> oî «h* j laud .1 r» ri tar r 11 It utl « Xit ilWIVe «III |7 1 German ·. ii.» .se u: »re ri Than the :ι·luit, th· re par- atlny excedingiy lutcrcaliug discussion of the rrixtuu • cm Κ tor·- nls should exercise ureat car··.1 Remedy.' part curreucy problem. κ tut will t>«· sure to ai- WILL'S not a. >w a orl'ul l to run uu· a!i»i Cougn j I tract the attention of all bankers, a» well TRUTHS FC-R Τ(It SICK (* til the seeds of Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchi- ; αϊ those Ic&n intimately cuuurchil with Ε L I Χ IΓ For iho ·.«> atl I. .Ci» :n UcUc;.· I< t.s 1; 1 Mtisiiu ptlou are sown In the sys- 'yl If the present greenback system. .Mr. Wm. >us 6j* Is, t!< -Ihci h, ν > r.< IS :< 11 l»r Ν 6. Whit· s Klix.r jjj WARRANTED jl! falnOSH} J Myall, by· this time well kuown to the i*»:.J ca ...I·· aO 'vrn, «hou· In» w» 11 ν «lis· '»· » !t : nil it Γ.ν!·η« ih# l»t/l i'iu iiir > o.li. is λ r« t· th» a r.mrn.«, will Crrrcss, -■ lue·ly adapted r w, contributes critic- ς in « and should in· used on J-otL I Mki< a' i'J/%/ »> o£/' .iMfu*t t λ hildreu. freely ai and « John Wes- biographical -say upou Π» -.ι» the tlrsi of a or C«»id. tl»* *t »* 1^1 appearrtice Cou«h Tin· author of the b»t recent work The Giant I r.-'-a i\. .icro!;pt ley." ·· < Cut» *J1 Γt .//."> l«-f ·ι« uK «i»'ii>ri 1 uUc rt«l ιm II" *. lvrrtRS rilll Mr K. 1). Mead, 1» ul t> * ί a upou Catlyle, entirely : r- : r Λ Patters >n N. .1 to abate " Linen III: : cure. Ill t'fcft toMK th&OA T. youth, bouie hi a Imiiianu- { scholarly es»ay ufiou rcriai'i. » !-!Kj uu;>ance. dr· ssed as a y "iitig woman, ar- '*·»!· //«*·»·»·»·#«· at rrf«or^«ik THE WONDER OF HEALIN6! «1 Kant." denting with the MiMect tu a du* >ai Λ^ « s. ort a loUs ,.'ιγ. OprraUTesν lion·· I-·*»». A ·*' cip'.i ; the of pert;i.... Tli» Kururl < .· π '#//. PoforrVl j1 the man, and hi» !c!.>3«ljr con:... 1 i \.atc'.l χ il· ... capacity--Kant philo- 1 « aud getting liiin to a lot:· vutai the b.Si » ai 1H or' Ι ν bf : ; >a • I»») · C%li»·· 1 .· J Al I-Ht U> l. lkM Γ ly place, gaveth·* doctrines. This aril· It* ι» »fc| Our" 4 iiinrrla I lire," {nopblcai timely s bur iward a souti I thrashing. specially bop; Clcrki, lirporlilM s)«av· pffwinc· /./>r .ι r simn J -. J·." d to t. et »· r. ii« *··■*, -oiitalna all tbe ;u view ol the lawt that the Kant centenni- \o « ι procure· sr. I .-ι. ·!ι tho »-■: I Ui t\ aII : been celebrated. Λ third bio- ; leut e^orc: e, on·!] ;ι Γ. !· I'.' 'rîii '.I Hi mx BLOOD—*<»η the purity an>! vital- >·»··· I *i riu^r valuable Μι>· liialirr- all lJoe."o c--Milti Bom. on| ·»ί article ι» Boscoe god I>ly BCU1. J*ai\01 * Lo:j>. fr.^frf!.-· / JjI *a· VUJ»!·, |. «nil aud lit· Ipeus.vr. graph!» Conkllug," in «! H'rs, *houl l r.MTi'Tt Γ·!ττη:\ of the blood the vi&>γ and health ity depend jy Mr K. W. Whltridge." The author re- sunlit BllTT! t 1 altU vrU ίυΐ· Vttivllnclon, % f. LYDJA E. PINKHAW'S Rheumatism. 1» of the whole »y«tem. I>i*ea#e of Tan«»u· Neuralgia. .\;;"£ new·» the whole of Mr. CoilfcltUg's polltl- r;>i y will t r. J t.no l.a* rnt t s ν r< «Kcl thi«e il:«tres«- Ï»C \tcak(i:ul *1/4 r^Uhà V W W L w v*- kin U i* often the »nr> that nature i· ny cal lit··, and m k» II» relu a cau«e Γ· ·ι the Ac only I.I I!· »■:11 » -η to remove the cause. Λ j 'WHITE'S elixir! trying di«turbing 4r«a'. qualities claimed lor the New Vork (ji'iural Ik I! ir l.iv< rC<" ••I1 !« .1 pnelthf#· ί*ΠΓ'! wme«iT that jfivea life ati I to the β\-.senator. Mr. Win. K. of \t- i* ft (.-r.t I .!i !> !i't '-■τ frviu t. U ct4,Uoikd t'«c Sii.nitin blood. crtdicatc* acrofula aiul other impuri- y r-u»t, speedily : lanta. Ga.. to an article willcurelj » m imu >α I.» wmr txret f >«·«·!«* |>·.»«*!«. replie* recently ·η<1 tua I'.:r-|wu t e» from a.· Hood » un- ·· ri.n«, 1 Uff muryl t -t* f! •SINGER it. Sarsaparilla it m this /«Vr<» upon the ι η |nc< In tf.i.trlf 111· pui>i:9ii. Λ lc ;rout"l««l. mutt l>e the mean* of l tx, oTAfUa tr-'tiUi. Iftflaaira' :» » doubtedly does. pre- λ Sore Throat*1, .■Solid So.ilta," by Mr. Κ I Ward ALKiu-»u. t ni.'B Jim: r»j \ Diphtheria <· ;.u i M t 1 Jkll.t »:■ I I lir»ernf|, «r ît termit mai:y di»ea»<· that would occur Il λ a ;n> < αη·. Ικά,τ I» It »ceuis tu.» articie of Mr. Aik.u·» »ii'e £3 withot: n.1 ; \-I V·"· ai:tl tt art. wlax y a«'%. it" u«e. Sold ■ mi!'··. ··, r; y»ij ) sUct.g i.kf««a, without by dealer·. For Pi!r«, liiinJ. Hlrrdin| ·Γ llch- has h en the cause of conskiera'de excite- Tryis/ you will i:. It)·-.: < AT.-· of Ι_ν It )« lue t;r- tl· »t ki. wu r< uotrrjrct '.j. a in«. hi cei lain at the auJ ·· «*- J ·:· ti. A* · Κ .« ;· it I ment circles South, It ψ.'Λ <£.**.>· ·η·! ·*;*! lunr·ηιίτ«·η ''· ·' B? the s» a Ht:: t<» Au„ .>tn» <*'.·. I'*r 1 lr«-r».0 I at Hore» β Opm Unundt r«l. ·:. «·:·>!*». r y die r< iv here is oue of an *· < of «!· τ«!< TV t· activa ι· u. iltiiuiUli·'. ι published luauy r*:'7 pitrnl • « » η·». u tb*w ι pMr bttSg :r«re«l to the editor·». not aw Bitters, r* rt>njhu:.M-r»r.ir· brUc.nl nryij*' —» V b*m imi- Though •:«ar·' τ.:··»»·» <··;.!! ·ν ast in 11.· « -rid. ('nullum -/Y'V.IS' F Tli.SCT Ai· [j d -rrv me th«· l« Idt Sulphur tr* *.! u It r* CfttuU j. d* in.i (A< reasoned a» be d< it I» tât»)L TKf art. Am mw4é PQXVê closely might sired, S< .1 1*0 n. it-i Λ Γ Jt She no s.».,u< r sits dowu than -he ; y f »rrt. «. ai.il rtlltvrtwr·! :* * u/ I!.' ''···■ *. «irop» ·» ΙΊ f/>» 0>. / mr f'irs KXTRA' :λ'οαλ, j ev id» meant lo be lair aud taudid, und I-» «· I ally .CMC, Jl^V, i'« -· :.· ? ·· rr off. and then—there are kn >w m .Vom Ift «m I -, is! filturi. a you you Unit t on turrwiuliiif ti/ «n^vr. valua lie because of II» Southern ί ν Γ%Μ· frw ·· I» orig.u. M > le-» »rrv I -. o*Krr i« .uni/ ,Ιίιηιι/· ιn*i*t on ΡΟλΙ/S (.■ ..II· b>ll Ann··./ ·· !▼, .vilrtia.Mi, Ικ;.Γιΐβ. ··<>« ■'*" n. The Southern Educational Problem," iu I\ih»KtAxr.—Wheu you \ -it or lea\e OXTli IΓΓ. 7 il' ; »r;«reii by Γ /f M urti *. « BWU'tir». Mr. \\ ail» r II shows how far Inland 7*. t frvL tif ^olwr of *nl«·. New York s.ue .^· l'âge. ΝαΊη^ι! •n.rtuai Γ· City. E\pr< a»l Μ η. Northern ideas educaliou has t»eeii at the I«-L«rb0, lialvi;a {«rmao· ?« W Γ to » llreti·*· fr >rn the Π· Judf aud Carria^·· Hire, atul at '->·»«·· TOtLTt sbticie». MEN. >top SKINNY ·. Hw.:ialcîlt. λπ* 1 un/.crcJ! ol Vt ·λ'« tor 'a*· (ruti olUi:uieets for If It'* Liver Trouble, Pvfpcp- 1 Ι'ηίκη H··/·!, 5C<·. S1.75. Cor.rtipati.'n, τ ν ;·· I 4»· that t· »·'» u Itf fl»\ ι·|)|κ>«1ΐι; POND'S EXTIACT Si.Oû, ( I.art ■wll ai M<·' or Mlia'r Ziml the Ijtnre. The number, as a whole. Is 1 lll'-ι, NLrh» Sw.-at.i, 1 lectin '•■nVum; ■ at a cost ··· a l>. a: Ut ·>Ι·«-1 n tr>e f » l>e;ot. 450 room*, titled up of T^τ tii# cm rw of f of Octo 1*M. υ ι, Palpitât»·'*·. r>cvL»i'j L:i!tii7('ooii,>Jau.U e tu above the average solid aud enduring v.: l.lni.:\or »>oi. od T>e uœiK», all tb<* riehl :Ιτ au.) ou·· million dollar». reduced to $1 an«i uj>- ÎMtlfilti· 50 Ptuter 25 .rlUcureyou lfl.el. ('■ Vi. M uastirfia *ii Ια hhJ a» well a» dlscussluu of matter» <>« 'frr·! »b c!i liiho (·»Ι Λ6 I. I ol IWlbrl r ipialltles, nerv.· u^> V» zrju Health l:tsr^rn, 1Λ Ι>1\ I'.. I INUIIVU h VEi.l TAIIM < wards European plau Eleva· ... GUu50cJ- 1.00 force, '«···« η tn«- « * r.« 1* day LpSaS: 25 Itwviler I Co ntT 1·*Ι, bal in I 10 fol ol Interest. A. S. Darius cfc Co., rn*;· st n niwlv mi e-rth f"r InipcXiv.. ro: «to ml M ·· > tor. Restaurant with the l>rst pr*-»ent nil>»pirrt r * « *i*. -The »*»terij hs'f ; ih·· supplied Τ 'ft 3C A"* 50 25 enn. SexuAl AV.r>Urto < ur*> t ·<··:ΐ*«ι Scj,' SaulSjf-çe New Vork. iH'billtjr. ] >.·*<. 8txl« s < to »» ·! Publishers, Lj.in, Pri»{t. :tW'*f'>r|~· Th:rt**· 1 ; -c tb* inoih rare* lot· ! llon>« car*. stati-s and elevated railros<1 Ointment *«! in 1ύ· [mull BfT'<: a;, 1 à «a a* ihr Κ«τ ·( r Stand» pre-emliien: am·'.g t!. e" Τ· I {·' ('.IU, to all depot.». Families can live I» tt· for Fin 1.00. AI > Κ1 IN» H U1 AM· y Sjf' fTf, S Witt for Niti,; the nr t dir. m-> 1;» at ;« the '«rand I'ni-n than r· a I ··.·,.···« I 51 ai >1 38 >>f otir New r· DMtd th » l .Uj *, t»inbcr a υ. lt*>l. m<>ncy Lai») -, ι, s TO APPLICANTS FOU WEST POINT. euemctln« ι<:ϋ (R t i::< friwlj ·α«ν·η «U lrb»u! ! ! ».Ui : LY: ill'- I Waterproof Λ drunken orthodox Russian soldier a» uinu-N. >1U.K on by ak>lin Ht. J'apl. k»s«»i im. Luvi -ir.rn. law oue mail tor LIYIIU PiLLS. Th-} c.re ο -.t' ν ο. I at sai.lted a Jew without When to nominate vouug ap- Atciii» >.s. Coc.t.rtL Bl.crr* ai .1 <»»aUa. t-i: ιυκ- provocation. POND'S EXTRACT I «u.1 tort'llltjr t t' K»tr ->. ι-ι 1:·· CO., potnlm» nt a» a cadet in the l ulled State.» mik< in rsimi from «hith radiate t.ikeu ('«-.ore the .Juilye, aud asked why 14 West 14?h St.. New York. tf S-;l J by «II I»ruut. «. Ν. 1>. B« «lstek's. South I\ui>. at Wee I Poiut, lu Uie ~ had p»-rj>» trntf-r. did not the J· w» mur- class which is lo enter that institution I y thr It •lorut!· ('■ t mnti»ttvnrri of fA< ·· To «n'y *rAt· rn i.< .1 u ! t 11. H .UfTi 4 't Noi»-rr«.|»lrnl I H\fv 1st, l*s2. For the of deter- th*! p< n< \urtl Μ.: la. I'ak· la. M ha ..<· der our Christ, and ia not that ('•■unlit ni Orr· ni ami stuff f M tint 'July purpose ■ 1 he? < It in r to t:.·. Ιο Λ«· T. *η Τ I>»rip.,rli in th» Count ν ο' 0\ provoca- lid onlineu ttic Miw- l.Urr !' | tb·· un ier» ιτιυ l. rit ι· ·»ι Krri'l -ϋ which one of the is best tific The ford »Ρ·1 Mat· ol Μ.» η for tlir \t ar 1*» >. tion ?" \\*1 I miuiug appucauts Mope. v? t «iBliri.tur, ια ιι.«· nf ν,-w Hampshire Tïie tollom tne 11*1 «I laa· * on r» .»1 «atatt <«l nr η I ; titled for the app»»lntmeut, Prof. C. C. a^ > on. Andovcr S r : li surplus la I ABdovei r»·κ>«·ηι *rm H tlw |> » οι I»·· f tn. Kr.u> ruis Adykkti»> mkxt. l'p I Hounds of the Western Stale Nuroul Rock Islard & Pacific ; m il··· « ti'T of Oxford. and Vste of Mvne Sorr ms Ifc'Mlity an«l Wrnkn··*» of the tien Chicago, Railway >earlt,'>· Id till* con mitted to W iut K<-«et. j Adrian. J au »1. would :·-;·> tfi.l!» tepre-eot th il the roud a· ! School, ; Prof. G. C. Chase ol rrative Function*. Clear* Cloud ν Urine, «tops U the on'r line frutr « trai tien 1 oi.·-* or oj taxe» of-alii Τ wii o»> ihr !!1h Mich, 81, Farmingtoti Cfelraas j.lr.c Ic late Kan·*», 7* Tio-k » Ί In mi:. ·. ΐί:·· rreftt or i.wn II.- r« li t. »N ·■ Ha\e >· I the aud ir.t». île·! frviii An iover »o Ktrull «Ion Bates Lewis L>. L. Smith. A. ΛΓ..1 eacfti»c>4 Re which, hjr Ilk load. lav of Au*. 1"**>, ha* born rrte'n··»» bv him To goods many years, they College, ton; or I Amcl VoTKAV-t t*K *Bkl» MI'MMi -. \< r, ii iljr .-ml l«< llatiln Touic for tlen- ral Debility Speclnl S'.. me u r·" bit», on The .T h of Ju!> t. best <>f satisfaction. We had au M.. »jf the School, r fur Ι-1 CDMirti.i»! Λ u Kudilhnj m iU T'nttUltfil or un unpaid < rllt > Air'oi tr aforr bam: ami A. I., >1. have Faintne*a. lar«e ilersey, 1)., Paris, h*u»tion. Advancing ■ >« η t ·'·: iew I» ht r» t>> ;:vrii that if lh» ·,ι Ί clmn and ctnUl iUJ roiMr., t; fun t/pr· u unpaid aaiil. «οι.'..! Uer«loie :-ou hon"i a Affile, Chill», Female Weakness, 4e ι· -ί .3<1 u* not aiJ .i;To las·. v\e* k to be sent to Califor- pet jour been the as A#e, irului tun. In' harie- j tfir Woodlaud, designated by umlersigued, on KNOW j ab c 1m. Jv ( I*k«· lu· iccikmv id< a-utea t< «I at druinrUl*, or exprem», prepaid. I»av Cam ot aert rated ■··. I'· nmr Trra«u: oi lh« «Aid to \» η. Wl.hin to all The by nip THYSPJ.^ot rijjhterB I nia. a Board examine candidates. of N. !, I* A LAC· >i.*KI'IA.< » ni. iir '■ ν 1 \itw atj.l !oc.\ie. or aiirr. a r.>··! coii>mriirit.g L S. WtllS. in ja'r comm !111. ill receipt Jeféy Qty, mobLhr f· thr of the cl tli· -aid < Uoard meet tor this at gjj» 1>IM.\0 C»*».. τι »-■ ι··π··Ι of uit- J. Κ. Βκχχητ λ Co.. DragtliU. \n! ν·τ re-r |»>·ιηι llirouf il pnrt of ΑυΊυτ will purpose High upt'li w;Jc'. ·ι«.|νίΓ» ih* of T.lfr *»"· bill4· *·> ι· ι· h ·»! (bv r« al r»:at. t.»xnt aa «rill a pirr α: II.·· I' \> ra'e I f-1 1 \ riri • *Te»i Arborer Ν »rtt» su' ΙΌΗ mrt'4.·»"! eacellence. l'rr>»r«all. referred to in let- r, Annoter —nrj.lti·. on No- .· t niflrtrt: > '.Kr aBh uul du· ll » r»-:or in-.U'lln* The goods foregoing School llall, Lewiston, Wednesday, Cl*T» e«. 11. Mn.· r I.» ι» t· BY B >< ι·Ί\ su ra :>â, an< wlthjinit, "0*1 v » (•:ui>, ihrouiiti ''Dut1! 1 ·.· ! tatervsl at. Γχ· » il. witbo further uotie» t. ter are Ν II Downs' Balsamic vember ut 1» o'clock a. M., at which hour T h rough *1» b« t*> »n 1 1 m>g.., 1 rla, ► ·„· H·** ...on Mwkeod, «I Vegetable ·rt t·· 1H, .ι tinni htttHtt 'h· r«'sii irtt Pt. I>a.j] ki I *1!■ ► r I·. ·■' •old t: ic .ucuoti at ibr 1»; >>a i Ctntj Maaeapolh. i.rl I: r.-l and «p.il Ph\»l.:«l pu »>fflc.,|iu Maudrake aud all will v. Jf^·,··***®®# ■ Elixir, Dr. Baxter's Bitters, iiiif ironi N· m>\ tu l pt· u near the home of ibi applicants report. flux- iviOXJO*.ItouA al |· lut» f II «τι. :ι -.»c I>e< llo·· in y „0i j,. f>ni ·..■ t. * n. on t1". day οl »Vb.. t*^4 »: 1 o'clock a tu ! rood·. λ Johnson's Arnica and Oil Lini- lat»· J α tu·-» Ur^wu lu tiraituD ν The camiidates must be residents of the :>nil ι«·Ίι' |jT>. ten··' ι»· » >«»r ι· Henry We ticket do uni »*(« .!lrr> to v. π | .ce L»a!ed ο®'· 3 1*81· ol 'ROUGH fnrg't tljr „rh „n, which '· I··» <· '■ '· rneLt. uot under 17 nor over 22 e district, years of Importai!. In 1··«Α. M'uii.·. Ia, l>aW. IA, Mailt '·», *" Vr »·ν ah ··■ u h ···· \· SÎ LVA.NOS Pt. OU anj TJ othire. H ansa*. VebnaWx Il ν k 111. s tultv. I I !>. M»h<.. jv««I tbu at least live feet iu aud tret- W)' *rr age, height, W » "U. Il ·. Τ V ! a NeT».lA, A.trtiiIt, (in-w·.' *»luu»;t..ii Territory. Col· U >1.1 A San Francisco barber, or w 1 '' ·■' ■ formerly al'ATK OK MAINE. inoin any deformity disease which ould rail··. Art/ona And New Ifestl... t «·Ι »Β) |||\»'< *Μ. Γ ι' a customer otf At ΙΗκ-γαΙ nta re^A h *· «η» < '< prize-tighter, seeing take UXKiliD, es:—Uuard ot Couuty Cominltaloner* render them uutlt lor service; arrangerii. .lirif 'tv*..·.: '■•*11 η In t>rft» 1 it and his shirt sleeves, in- 1W>I. line,and .«cuuipetl· ϋ<1ι··Ν··.| \»ι(Ιι ·· >.··\ ! η -· push up S-pt. SvaaioD, aud must be well versed iu in tor·, who furolih t.ui a tube of 11 <· c ini«.rt. Ν cr 0«r»t ac ttir rvid'-nct reading, ίΐκΜίι ni Ιο I* ■ Hot \> ···Ιι !·ι wrr\ F.'ij those movements as L'iioη lurrituitijr petition.sstlilactory Γ».v« and la. « 1·· < t M>or1»tnen free regarded vv and iu — hnovt -ou:ι. ο' Κ· at. u stiactively U*t»u rvcvltcd the are 11· riling, including orthography, lit·· ^ΙΤ "lf ·'"· '·■ quarter hivlu_* that pention^r* ι Ticket», map· ard f>.Ideta At a!. |>r.u<'j>a'. tlc»et\ c'tx» ΙΙΙΠ·.Ι|4Π!Ι·εΙ, l'f to a scrimmage, aud cave him • Η1ι· trait ai.d n· i.Dd.vid«-l preparatory • |ui]«TMe,uid tiiat inquiry into tiiv merits ol theii i arithmetic, and have a knowledge of the In the Ur.Sttd Stat. * at.d I aun.a Iher ».trli iritlM 1>ι Ihi· ····»·ι n· <·■ of Plv, llrlD >' b* ι*!ι inl^ < I'r ro nl ; '·· Euglish grammar, descrip- > R. ■· Sp'i l uV-.f on tùc who < α n(. (. m nt viont'i incri at A Ν DuV ΚII Ante, InaecteJ ^R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, nuil. ι··.Ι·1 Μ· (I II a nil#· lb'1 be effected. tive autl of the of the Fliee, MosQtiitQt.v Bcd-lUige, And Un. M the'.'nh of g»ography, history >.v.«. r < VlM-Prw Nuint, fin. TU »»j |.u>, (« Nmlontl Uftl ii AfM'Ciil:.>u. > '.ι·π..'<· I tr*ct #'i» COHNKK··· Tuesday, day IHsceiobti Skunk, W- isi'l, Ο linpl* rhlpmuhk* < Mca*o. ·· » aitron iloK -crT or o«n»r un· ur\t at ten of tli·· clock, a. in. Uuited Slates. ChK-Aee. !» ml oil π·«··*!|·! ο* -ι* ·· t« Hri"l Irowu, lût bail ol Β -t· υ 1 icHiNU Piles— Symptoms and Cckk.— ami thence to vlt-w the route mentioned It AOjrr-ί Ι-Κ4ΚΟΙΛ M Kill lL IN-TlTlll· proorrd Candidates admitted as cadets each re- 1 I or Ur W II. No. I HaMni'b sr.. H 11! i>art .-nd inci' U:* tlrd The are moisture, like •aid petition; Immediately after which view · ht-ar Pt'ki'r, symptoms perspira- ceive £.">40 from the Goveruiueat, A Li G1 URt "■> 1 ft-·» fiM, ai.! Il nxL ut II·»· »π>1 «iluesM** will bv ha>l at anui< per year T0YÛUK6 Mi Ν M to*. TlM· aaibur in:tν kr u*iiU' 'l iprare tion, uteuse increased scratch- 1DJC partie» liuitrr ■>· l'»— ab'.rtrut. vV14 itchiug, >>y cut ein· η< | Iter in the vicibit> .and ouch other me·· which Is sullkieut, with proper economy, »»«?· rvi| iiiik' ill ·ιηΊ ·**ι««Η at as On the Loss of laui.o.^jl oi Wiiliaa: Ma,·· it it, very distrvssiug, particularly uight, urea takeu in the premise· the Comtiii<*ioueri tor their supjtort, and are required to sign • II la tart tu« good as if pin worms w» re crawling lu and about hall judg< proper. Aud lier ordered, articles themselves to serve the Ι.αβΊ ·4· of ro^«i cearoii notice ol the time, place and pnr|>o*e ot the Com binding the rectum ; the are some- out-half of w hich b«itMarr«o'· 11 >' private parts mi. .louer·' meeting alore«aid be κι ten to all person· U. S. eiglit years, peri- —t» «0 times affected; if allowed to continue very and corporation» interested, by ciusiau attested od covers the course of study in the mili- S.; : WiUo» or owner un serious result* may follow. Dr. 8 triur* on ilir >>inrt kBowo bought «f At> Is a sure •erved upon the respective Cltik· ol he Tom lr'*lin«nl,anchoi said touositmi publisheij ariny. mirt.ri, d by mU-Aiu»«, |. tomur; publie ; regular KuiK ankL «u, llooit oUa·' former Sca d lit ad. Barters' Itch, six weeks successively iu the Kennebec.1 tlrnal All will forward their loiiH-tei.y. Nervi 11. Π bilitjf, ηπ·Ι Erysipelas. applicants please π.· ntn 1.» M r ly orcup cd by himeelf, 1 T*· a'iew-pap-r priuted ^t Augusta, by the printer· i»|ie K*ner*.I«; C.-n-ginp- Blotches, all Scaly, Crusty. Cutaueous names to l'rof. C. C. chairman of 11 ·; tiK<>Ri;KW uKAl of tile Slate au't also puDlUued thn- week· cuo Hounds, it Ki-iltbry. btt'l lit»; M< nu*, mO Pm·.··-*! HyTOt 50 cents. 3 boxes for r l Tna«ureroi Iteuaark. Eruptions. Price ce«sivelv in theOxlordlVmocrat. u the Board, on or before November 10. In.'ut.Aoïty. ac-l»v ΚΟΒΚΚΓ .1 C1I.VE« o-.Jiaary rd!t. Seasonir; y· M D Hii'hor $136. SeDt by mail to any address on re- uewspaper prluted at Paris iu said County of Ox WKLL, ol th« Urveii Itook "4e. thi.» ο niliiutnScxiJure.» :crfp<'i or three cent tord, the U-t ol aaiJ publication* Mnd each of th« milhor, in 1I1U nilmlrthl· ceipt of price in currency, to Second Pis'l Ia clore, i.· Art» bcaiiM· U»k kof | otber notices, to be made, served and posted, al Kepresentative Congress, pr>v·· fri'tn hi« own experience %mBÉ> Dr. ; hAt Ihe *wfnl η Ci." sary for is l.*-r ; postage stamps. Prepared only by .ea»t 30 days telc.e «aid tluie ol meeting, t>. Maiue. C"DW«jnen-e»ol M» l(- i^r wmy b·· di;;^stioa y ROOM PAPERS 4 Bcrlunl'v ifDii'uJ n -'nreti o Γι«» ι MB S wayue Son. 330 North Sixth Street, the end that all persons and corporation· ma) Gilarr^Bladfe without <1nD»'ir.,n- «ur^i'-Al and bytiiua assisting AND to whom letters should then and there appear, and shtw cause, ii uuj Cuapi.s s Ikx-Bt'-l'AiBA.—A quick, complete iu«.rat'"ii·, b· iwit*, In-Iruttient-, Hue·, or e«r dï?c (. Ifc dl kio !.t of Γοοί' ·ι. Philadelphia, Pa., tl»<> 1-ladder, ii.tii way tue prayer ol said petitioner· —An old "If throw a pur·· for Catarrh of Urinary, liais; je >: oui a roo-le of eur«· «t once ce.· : be addressed. Sold all ttiey have, proverb says: you In ôr with the by prominent drug- not be Ki and Bi.wld r Msr-uses, mn!e um aul ffVrUihl. wtiK'b > etenark; ομινιβιη ! should giauted. of bread to the poor the Lord will ln-y by every Kuffrter, η SHADES pound ·, .V Inrtlcultr [Dwlter WINDOW Κ whnt »v H tb· gists. Attest: J AMKS S. U KIGUT,Clerk. female. Paroî' *,Orovcl, hi» ron.litioh tr I e. curc hiai Bm wwk sto:::.w It ; ; throw a of butter into Bricfe mny A true ot «aid 1'etitioo aud Order of Cotirl pound your lap." of hotline or potein,; Urine, Gleet, M-lf rlteaplT, priTaiely, aid sf.r. or distrc.3 alter rating 1U copy Turbid Urine J railieaJly any ? thereon This be true. We shan't risk Dus:, OvjnurThujo, Inaction, 49-Thi* I.«. uirc will prove a Wdu to ν Β ΛΑ A iifu «lock for 1'itll Trndr When see a woman toward I may trying thon^· U relish your fc/xl ; un-l mnihiLitt you going — j and oth*r Stri.-ture, 8ttnylTiij* 111.11 m.d il.oua.nd-. Attest : JAMES S. WKIGUT, tretk. it It would be disa- Milkr «VpoeiK 25 cent«. i' the rher with a iu her: ; anyway. extremely Irritât: η. Inflammation, WhiwïJ Hent ander i>eal in a tendencies. Priée ju«( rfcrivfd at good-sized pole Bmortir?, the p'.ftiu enTel'ipe, to ar y ail- dyspeptic <ί i to have a of butler chucked or .ϋ·< 1 Div ν I'altwln on il cannot hand, and a wrinkle across her nose, you grerable pound Impure Dis. boxy· Ire»», leceipt of ►.* ci-dîa or two p<.Maiie y pet it from y»nr drn^f?i*t Down, Drii.plngl W li>>< of Into our lap. Back ami Thigha, •ura|iii, alao a iur« curc for Τ«ρ· Rr >oer, it will be ecnt mail, on receipt needn't think she's going fishing. Not I Tumors. 4c. g I, at druggls* s, by e*J Wnrui. by NOYES' DRUG Ulct ri, A.i.tre*» the STOKE, much she's a down that who price, by iiroprietor«. ; got boy way press, prepaid, fl.25. ΤΠΚ UI.VEUWELï. A assortment of Ladies' Cairo's b.jec-i ion* Fixra U to be used MKDICAL CO N. » y OB WAT. MJ1XE. her, with tears in his eyes, he large —"I dote that said or II Ann Ht., Aew York. .V ROBERTSON & SI Broadway, promised upon girl," «■J»· with Buchu-palba, In caees of Impure Y.t P^i Office CD., in at It .*, «nu. N. D — oi Pura B. triaiinid free. wouldn't go swimming. "That makes the twentieth have Dlechirtres. With Syrinx, IL Uaatdjcttjrert Itobertfcon'e St. All pap«r« and Children's girl you Diseased of for J1.3B for -. ..an»' *oJ Bo^* doted on within a remarked Fen- klrutfiiteU, sent by express. prepaid, PITTS " Ρορεία ph prescriptj.ns month," on of Λ PAPVT? which diB** UNDERWEAR. [Botn by erpresa, prepaid, receipt $3. Z,JX f «"well A Oo a erteoa'e Sacchxrated Ρβρβ'.η. WOOD lu dlfferen: dereon. "It is about time yon had sown Newspaper «ad r»* inmoru, Of the summer herbs, summer savory Mvertleln* Bareaa (H) Spmoe St.i, wr|i« rv advert 1-lnv fron -:i others by ^*»°β * «up«wc furmul» color·, br Mil to aaj mi-ire*» 10 ccmi- I wild Smith." xntracta m«r be lude for it IN SEW and some are not. N. D. South mil your dotes, ^Js/jÂrELLs^ereej^lty^ijJ YORK? 50 Mnvt Knveuh'I Co., Pari» μ α: ν κ i Bolster, Paris.