The Daily Egyptian, March 30, 1989

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The Daily Egyptian, March 30, 1989 Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1989 Daily Egyptian 1989 3-30-1989 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 30, 1989 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 75, Issue 124 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 30, 1989." (Mar 1989). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1989 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1989 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '4 Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Thursday, March 30, 1989, Vol. 75, No. 124, 20 Pages Approved funds for SPC less $2,000 By Miguel Alba The council's finance guidelines of which it is in nment has allotted $91,000 to be generated from the event. StaffWritef coml'littee had recommended violation. SPC for the 1989-90, a decrease The remainder is requested in $7 ,00\), Hale said, explaining In a speech to the GPSC, The Graduate and of $6 300 in allocations made by funding by U1e USG. that the amount of money the Brian Wood, SPC executive ~·USGinl981H19. Wood said money is Professional Student Council GPSC receiVe!! has not in­ chairperson, requested $9,000 Wood said the council generated at events by con­ aoproved $7 ,000 for the Student creased. GPSC bas funded from the council to help offset requests funds from student tributions by cosponsors, Programming Council, $2,000 a shrink in the budget for the less than requested, in a SPC with $7,000 for the past government based on the total ticket sales and shirt sales. two years, she said. 1989-110 year. expected cost of the planned "Wben we find out from meeting Wednesday night. SPC continues to face a Wood said the cost of events. GPSC how much money we'll Trudy Hale, GPSC possible budget freeze by the providing the various Wood said the cuuncil fIrst receive from them," he said. president f.8id SPC originally Undergradua te !)tudent programs offered by the SPC estimates how much money is "We'll (SPC) total up their requested $13,SOO, but the Government if it does not have risen over the years. to be spent on an event and allocations with USG's and sit amount was too large for the conform to two Registered Wood said the Un­ then deducts from this total the down budget by budget and GPSC budget to allow. Student Organization de:-graduate Student Gover- amount of money expected to _ start slashing stuff out." Council candidates Sentence argue issue points a first for By Jackie Spinner not be disrupted. StaffWritef "He told me there was no County point in staying if I couldn't City Council candidates Carl find time to put him in before ByLiuMll1er Flowers, Keith Tuxhorn and dosing statements," Klam Staff Writer John Yow echoed each other said. £In the issue of economic Tanner couid not be reached The first death penalty development in Carbondale forcommenL sentence in Jackson County but disagreed on the con­ All three candidates agreed was affirmed Wednesday by tinuation of Carbondale's that economic development the Illinois Supreme Courl Halloween celebration in a \Vas a key to Carbondale's John Paul Phillips was forum eo-sponsored by the g:owth. eonvicted on Ocl 9, 1986 of the Jackson County League of "We need to raise the image kidna' and slaying of Women Voters and the Car­ of Carbondale," Yow said. Carb='fe waitress Joan , bondale Chamber of Com­ "Commercial development of Wetherall in November 1981. f- merce Wednesday night. any type means economic Mtcr receiving the death ,penalty in November 1986, his I Council ("3Ddidate Man-in growth {or Carbondale." Tamtel"' arrived (or the (qcum Newcomer Flowers said . cueAlCeived an immediate 15 minutes late and left after incumbents Yow and T\lxhQni' appeal under the IDinois law. , sitting at the side of the council have done a good iob as -John Clemons, former ~ chambers for 25 minutes CCJWlcilmen, but .. tbat's not to JacksoD County State'. At- ;. during the forum. ~oby ! can't do just as good of a tomey and the prosecutor rw • League Vice President J . the ease, saidPbillips is the • { Gayle Klam said she decided Flower'll voiced support for fll"St person to receive the i': to have Tanner wait to enter t~., continuation of Car- death penalty in Jackson ":, the forum until closing County. statements so the forum would See FORUM, Page 5 AccOrdIng to De9.'spaptir .. ~ repor.tsl evidence was t, preseDtea in, Phillips' &ell- I tencing bearings to link him to< Drug bust yields high, the murders of two University ~ students, Theresa Clark in 1975 It' and Kathleen McSharry in • ~ 1976. .~ foriegn banks linked The Supreme Court decided -2 WASHINGTON (UP}) - cartels. that he was properly convicted ~ Attorney General Dick Thornburgh, joined at a in 1986 and the decision will Thornburgh announced news CODference by top of- stand, Clemons said. The defense attorneys in the Wednesday that banks in See BANKS, Page 5 Panama and Colombia, two of case were three appointed their senior officers and 12S public defenders from Jackson other individualE have been County. charged as a result of a The in the case 'lengthy unde"cover in­ was P~I=tness . , former prison vestigation that c:acked a $1 cellmate, Thomas Mocaby. billion drug money-laundering ring. I:'~~ a~t':ur:er a~1 Closing dow 1 the two-year Wetherall to Maeoby in 1984. investigation, Thornburgh Brushing up "Pbillips is the most m0n- hailed it as ·'the largest strous barbarian I've seen in this county," Clemons said. money-laundering crackdown Frank GIlbert, an employee of SlInk~ PaInting of ever carried out t>y the federal cape "I'm happy the decision will government" and predicted it GIrardeu and a member or PaIJUrs' LoeaI351, WOItcs on part stand." would help "disrupt" the of the new information center at the Rec Center addition The date of execution 'by_ sophistica ted dealings of one of Gus says the banks are lYIng Wednesday attemoon. the world's biggest drug high In Panama n1 CokmbIa. ___________~ . See DEATH, Pege 5 This Moming Rural hospitals facing financial woes 1.S. Eliot By Daniel Wallenberg ferential between the amount the payment formula for professionals who agree to remembered Staff Writer of money rural hospitals reimbursing hospitals for serve in medically deprived Although some Southern receive from the federal public services. areas, Strickland said. - Page 12 Illinois hospitals may ex­ Medicare program for A package of seven bills was Poshard is trying to get perience financial troubles in essentially the same service:; introduced last week b, the m e federal money so that urban hospitals provide, rural Rural Health Care Coalition, of rutal hospitals will not be Fogler leaves the next few years because of hospitals will suffer finan­ which Poshard is a ctHiponsor. forced to close, taking jobs low Medicare reimbursement, cially, Dave Strickland, a The bills call for $45 million for away from the area, Wichita State Memorial Hospital of Car­ spokesman for U.S. Rep. emergency medical servicesl Strickland said. bondale is not in any real Glenn Poshard, said. $50 million for maternal ana Strickland said a difference - Sports 20 danger of financial demise, Poshard, D-Carterville, child bealtbcare, and interest of between $40 and $60 million George Maroney. the visited four area hospitals this ra te deductions for exists between the amount of Thundwatonnl. 101. hospital's administrator, said. week to explain legislation that educational loans for docrors, because of a large dif- would narrow the gap between nurses and allied health See HOSPITAl, Page 5 ---------------------------, "," .. ~ ~ BO..... i~~~ . >SUPPOri Newswrap . p.f.l!ICWO . ~esearCh: . '. $1.00 OFF world Ination Any~ Small 2 or More Ingredient Pizza Hungarian plane hijacked Pick Up or Delivery .~Heart WERE AGHTlNG ~ 'tOJRUFE in Prague by 2 teenagers L~~~~~~:~~~~~.!.:!~~.!-~~~~n~~~...1 FRANKFURT, West Germany (UP!) - Two Czechoslovak teenagers armed with shotguns and grenades hijacked a .... ~., ~~ ~ "~. Hungarian airliner in Prague, Czechoslovakia, Wednesday and flew with 14 hostages to Frankfurt, where they surrendered RESTAURANT without incident, airport officials and police said The Tupolev Tu-I54, a Soviet-made plane similar to a Boeing 7'J:l landed at 4 Hillel hosts a THAI CUIS,lfIIE.STE~KS"SEAFOOD Frankfurt Airport at 12:30 p.m. and the boys, aged'15 and 16, ~ Mon-Sat 11-2:30 Multi-Media gave themselves up 40 minutes later to U.S. military police, said LUNCH BUFFET $3.95 Show Karl-Heinz Wagner. spokesman for Frankfurt police. THURSDAY DINNER BUFFET $3.95 I The* Israel Alaska says feds not assisting In spill probe ~ Includes: M!in..l.fum • Eel: Roll • Beef with Broccolli Experience VALDEZ, Alaska (UP!) - The federal government refuses to -Crab Rancocn • Sw_ &. Sour Pod< Tues, Apri14 cooperate with Alaska's criminal investigation into the largest • Fried Waruoo 4:00pm oil spill in U.S. history, documents indicated Wednesday, and • Onion Rines officials said the captain and third mate of the ship that spilled ·Fn..lP-..... Interfaith Center • Hush Pupp;'~ 913 S. II. Ave. =::: a~b: ~ns;:tJu;S~nsI:~::~r~h~~~~ ~Jm (Comer 0111.• Grand) stare's criminal investigation into the spill of 11 million gallons of ·15 itenu 'lhe diteclor/producer oil was stymied by the federal government's refusal to turn over ~ wi! be present. documents to Alaskll authorities. - = Reagan's lawyer says testimony unnecessary Hosts "A- WASlflNGTON (UPI) - A lawyer for Ronald Reagan argued Wednesday that Oliver North bas not shown the former Problems &.. Solutions for ~ C " president's testimr.!! is necessary at North's trial &nd Reagan should not be com ed to appec.r as a witness.
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