Seesaw at LHC through Left - Right Symmetry§ Goran Senjanovi´c ICTP, Trieste, Italy


I argue that LHC may shed light on the nature of mass through the probe of the . The smoking gun signature is lepton number violation through the production of same sign lepton pairs, a collider analogy of the neutrinoless double beta decay. I discuss this in the context of L R symmetric − theories, which led originally to neutrino mass and the seesaw mechanism. A WR gauge boson with a mass in a few TeV region could easily dominate neutrinoless double beta decay, and its discovery at LHC would have spectacular signatures of restoration and lepton number violation. Moreover, LHC can measure the masses of the right-handed and the right-handed leptonic mixing matrix, which could in turn be used to predict the rates for neutrinoless double decay and lepton flavor violating violating processes. The LR scale at the LHC energies offers great hope of observing these low energy processes in the present and upcoming experiments.

Contents my last name, the first time ever in the USA. I felt rather proud and only later I noticed that he 1 Foreword 1 pronounced perfectly every name, Italian, Chinese, French, you name it. It was not me being impor- 2 Introduction 1 tant, simply a polyglot on stage. Now, when you work in our field it is impossi- 3 Left-right symmetry and the origin of ble not to work on things related to Gell-Mann. I neutrino mass 3 have however one important thing in common with 4 Neutrinoless double beta decay 6 him, the seesaw mechanism. It is natural then that I speak of seesaw here. I will focus on what is the 5 Same sign lepton pairs at colliders 9 crucial question in my opinion, i.e. how to probe di- rectly the seesaw, or better to say, how to probe the 6 Summary and Outlook 10 origin of neutrino mass and its Majorana character. The answer is lepton number violation at colliders 7 Acknowledgements 11 such as LHC, as Wai-Yee Keung and I suggested almost thirty years ago. The idea is completely analogous to a neutrinoless double beta decay: one 1 Foreword can produce two electrons out of ’nothing’ if neu- trinos are Majorana particles. If it was to be ob- It gives me both great pleasure and honour to make served, one could use the collider determination of part of the celebration of Murray Gell-Manns 80th the scale of new physics and make predictions for birthday. I first came across of his name in 1965 at the neutrinoless double decay, with new physics be- the tender age of fifteen when I heard of mysteri- arXiv:1012.4104v2 [hep-ph] 16 Mar 2011 ing behind this process. Although this argument in ous quarks. I would keep hearing his name contin- favor of new physics was made about half a century uously in the years to follow, but my first physical ago, the myth of neutrino-less double beta decay as contact with Gell-Mann came some fourteen years a probe of neutrino mass remains to this day. I later when he gave a summary talk at a big con- hope that this short review helps to demystify this ference at Caltech. In his talk Gell-Mann not only conundrum. mentioned my work with Rabi Mohapatra on the strong CP problem but also perfectly pronounced 2 Introduction §Based on the plenary talk at the Conference in Honour of Murray Gell-Manns 80th Birthday, NTU, Singapore, Febru- ary 2010. New results, after the conference, are taken from We know that neutrinos are massive but very light a recent study by Tello, Nemevˇsek, Nesti, Vissani and the [2]. If we wish to account for tiny neutrino masses author, Ref. [1]. with only the Standard Model (SM) degrees of free-

1 dom, we need Weinberg’s [3] d = 5 effective opera- It is often argued that large scales and large cou- tor plings are more natural, but that is a wrong atti- tude. Large scales bring in only trouble in the form LiHHLj = Yij , (1) of the hierarchy issue, whereas small (Yukawa) cou- L M plings are natural in a sense of being protected by where Li stands for left-handed leptonic doublets symmetries. On top, in our world the Yukawas, at and H for the usual Higgs doublet. This in turn least most of them, are small and it makes all the produces neutrino Majorana masses and says yes sense in the world to pursue this possibility, espe- to a fundamental question raised by Majorana [4] cially since it offers new physics at our reach. In the more than seventy years ago as whether neutrinos rest of this talk, I do precisely that, and concentrate are “real” particles. The non-renormalizable na- on the TeV physics, accessible to LHC, that may be ture of the above operator signals the appearence behind neutrino masses. of new physics through the mass scale M. The In order to get a window to that new physics, main consequence is the ∆L = 2 violation of lepton we need a renormalizable theory of the above ef- number through fective operator. An example is provided by the left-right (LR) symmetric theory discussed in the a) neutrinoless double beta decay (0ν2β), sug- next section. This is the theory that led originally gested [5] soon after Majorana classic work, to neutrino mass and the seesaw mechanism [9], and as such deserves attention. Today the name seesaw b) same sign charged lepton pairs in colliders, usually means a completion of the SM, most of the suggested almost thirty years ago [6]. time just by adding a set of particles which upon being integrated out give the above d=5 operator. It is noteworthy that the conservation of lepton When one adds just one type of such states, one number was questioned already in the 30’s, but it ends up with only three types of seesaw, mentioned would take two more decades to start doubting the below. I will, on the other hand, focus on a theo- dogma of baryon number conservation, and turn it retically motivated picture a seesaw, i.e. I will be into an experimental question (for a recent discus- interested only in theories of such new states. An sion of this history, see [7]). analogy with the generic seesaw would be an in- While the neutrinoless double beta decay is con- tegrated out W boson in order to get an effective sidered a text-book probe of Majorana neutrino Fermi theory. Without a theory behind it, such as mass, the like sign lepton pair production at col- was provided by the SM, one gains little, if anything liders has only recently received wide attention (for through this. a recent review and references, see for example [8]), with the arrival of the It is worth making a pause and recalling the his- (LHC). In what follows we will see that this pro- tory of the seesaw. None of the original papers cess may be our best bet in probing directly the simply added right-handed neutrinos to the stan- origin of neutrino mass, and it can serve to make dard model, first since there was no reason for it predictions for the neutrinoless double beta decay and second, since it would not help you much. This and lepton flavor violating (LFV) processes. The mechanism emerged naturally in the theories where point is that the neutrinoless double beta decay de- right-handed neutrinos were a must and where neu- pends strongly on new physics accessible at LHC, trino mass would end up being tied to new physical and thus cannot serve as a direct measure of neu- phenomena. As such, it preceded experiment and trino mass. I cannot overemphasize this fact. The paved the way for a true theory of neutrino mass d=5 operator tells us that the standard model with that we all are looking for. neutrino Majorana mass is not a complete theory As we will see, if the scale of parity restoration and thus its completion must enter in principle any is in the few TeV region, the theory offers a rich physical effect associated with lepton number vio- LHC phenomenology and a plethora of lepton flavor lation (LNV). Of course, if the scale M in Eq. (1) violating (LFV) processes. Even more important, is very large and thus the new physics behind it there is a deep connection between lepton number decouples, we can safely speak of neutrino mass as violation at LHC and in neutrinoless double decay. the only measure of LNV, but there is no way we This important fact was recently discussed in [1] can know that the scale is really large. and here we follow it closely.

2 The essential point is that new physics may lie conjugation. It is a highly suggestive and appealing behind neutrinoless double beta decay. This sug- theory, but I do not discuss it here for it predicts gestion was made more than fifty years ago [10], the LR scale to be enormous, far above the LHC and some thirty years ago it was argued that this reach which is the topic of my talk. For a review may happen in left-right symmetric theories [11]. and references of this approach, see [18]. And yet, it is so often claimed that this process is a probe of neutrino mass, that it is crucial to give a clear example of a theory that may say the op- 3 Left-right symmetry and the posite. This is the central aspect of [1], where it origin of neutrino mass is shown how LR symmetry at the LHC scale is likely to dominate over neutrino mass as the source The idea of LR symmetry comes as a desire to un- of neutrinoless double beta decay. Needless to say, derstand the origin of parity violation in weak in- this is not the only new physics that could be be- teractions. It is important to recall that a wish to hind neutrinoless double beta decay. Another logi- have parity as a fundamental symmetry in beta de- cal possibility is the minimal supersymmetric stan- cay is as old as the suggestion of its breakdown. In dard model [12]. Due to a large number of param- their classic paper, Lee and Yang [19] argue in fa- eters of the MSSM, it is much harder though to vor of the existence of the opposite heavy make predictions in this theory. proton and neutron, which would make the world It is also possible that neutrino mass lies behind parity symmetric at high energies. the neutrinoless double decay, with the new physics responsible for neutrino mass accessible at LHC. Mirror fermions. In the modern SM language, This was studied [13] in the context of the type II these are coined mirror fermions and there are a seesaw [14], and also in the case of a simple SU(5) number of important theoretical frameworks that grand unified theory [15] which predicts [16] a hy- imply them: Kaluza-Klein theories [20], family uni- brid type I [9] plus type III seesaw [17]. fication based on large orthogonal groups [21, 22, The SU(5) theory is particularly appealing since 23], N=2 [24], some unified models it predicts a light fermion triplet, responsible for of gravity [25]. Mirror fermions appear naturally the type III seesaw, with a mass below TeV. It is in the simplest and most physical way of gauging through its decays that one can reconstruct the neu- baryon and lepton number symmetry. trino mass matrix, for it turns out that the lightest I take the pain of discussing the mirrors, a topic neutrino is effectively massless. Thus you have see- outside of the scope of this review, in order to em- saw mechanism predicted by an underlying theory, phasize yet another topic that Murray Gell-Mann and not just put by hand, and furthermore the the- worked on [21]. One would imagine that with the ory itself fixes the seesaw scale to be at the LHC high precision data their existence would be ruled energies. This should serve as a prototype of a the- out. Surprisingly, one can still have a mirror family ory of the neutrino mass origin one is after. Since it per each ordinary one [26], as long as as there is an- has been reviewed in [8], we rather focus on the left- other scalar doublet. Moreover, the second doublet right symmetric theory. Although it does not pre- is forced to be quite inert [27] and light, thus becom- dict its own scale, the necessary presence of right- ing a possible dark matter candidate [28, 29]. The handed neutrinos and the connection of neutrino usual Higgs boson must be quite heavy, on the or- mass to the scale of parity restoration make this der of 450-500 GeV, fitting perfectly with strongly theory special. It forced its way to massive neu- boosted gluon fusion production. The narrow pa- trinos when most people believed in the massless rameter space of this appealing possibility makes one, suggested by the standard model. In the Sum- it exciting, and LHC will reveal soon whether it is mary and Outlook we discuss though some essential true or not. features of the SU(5) theory and its prospects for the LHC, for the sake of comparison with the LR Left-right gauge theory. The LR symmet- symmetric theory. ric gauge theories, on the other hand, keep the One possible direction of getting a handle on the fermionic content of the SM intact, and instead LR symmetry is a SO(10) grand unified theory, double the weak gauge sector. The minimal such where this symmetry is gauged in a form of charge theory [30] is based on the following gauge group

3 (suppressing colour): In the above, we neglected the tiny mixing among left and right gauge bosons. Although in general GLR = SU(2)L SU(2)R U(1)B−L , × × these mixings could play an important role, for a large LR scale they obviously become secondary plus a symmetry between the left and right sectors. or irrelevant. For a recent detailed discussion of Quarks and leptons are completely LR symmetric the limits on the LR scale, spectrum of the theory  u   ν  and the associated phenomenology, see [32], [33], Q = , ` = . (2) L,R d L,R e [34]. The bottom line is a theoretical lower limit L,R L,R MWR & 2.5 TeV in the minimal model to which we The formula for the electromagnetic charge be- stick. Interestingly enough, the early LHC data comes can already be used to set a direct search limit B L Qem = I3L + I3R + − . (3) MWR & 1.4 TeV in a big portion of the parameter 2 space of right-handed neutrino masses [35]. Even in The Higgs sector consists of the following mul- the opposite case of Dirac neutrino masses (or light tiplets [31]: the bi-doublet Φ (2L, 2R, 0) and / ∈ right-handed neutrinos), when the WR `+E, one the SU(2)L,R triplets ∆L (3L, 1R, 2) and ∆R → ∈ ∈ obtains roughly the same limit [36]. Thus, experi- (1L, 3R, 2), according to the SU(2)L SU(2)R × × ment is finally closing up on the theoretical bound, U(1)B−L quantum numbers and soon we can anticipate a discovery?  0 +   + ++  When needed we will choose a representative φ1 φ2 ∆ /√2 ∆ Φ = ∆ = point MW = 3.5 TeV, which makes the LR sym- φ− φ0 L,R ∆0 ∆+/√2 R 1 2 − L,Rmetry accessible to LHC (see below). (4) The symmetric Yukawa couplings of the triplet It can be shown that the first stage of the break- relevant for our discussion are ing of the GLR down to the SM model symmetry, 1 MνL 1 MνR takes the following form [11] Y (∆) = `L ∆L`L + `R ∆R`R + h.c. , L 2 ∆L 2 ∆R h i h i (9)  0 0  ∆L = 0 , ∆R = (5) where MνL and MνR are Majorana mass matrices h i h i vR 0 of light and heavy neutrinos. In principle there are At the next stage, the neutral components Φ de- also Dirac Yukawa couplings connecting the two. velop a VEV and break the SM symmetry down to When these tiny couplings play a negligible role, U(1)em the resulting seesaw is called type II [14]. For the   v1 0 sake of illustration, and without loss of generality, Φ = iα (6) h i 0 v2 e in what follows we stick to this appealing scenario. 2 2 2 This is done in order to demonstrate the connec- where v1,2 are real and positive, MW = g v 2 2 2 ≡ tion between the LHC and the low energy exper- g (v + v ) and g gL = gR denote the SU(2) 1 2 ≡ iments, such as 0ν2β and LFV. The point is that gauge couplings. In turn, ∆L develops a tiny VEV 2 LHC can measure the right-handed leptonic mixing ∆L v /vR. This will be crucial for the light h i ∝ matrix VR, which is needed in order to make pre- neutrino masses (see below). dictions for the latter processes. In the absence of this, meanwhile, we will show how the knowledge Gauge bosons. The gauge boson masses are VR suffices, together with the new particle masses, given by to make clear statements about low energy exper- iments. Since we do not have the information of M 2 g2 v2 (7) WR ' R V as of yet, we will take a version of the minimal 2 R M 2 2(g2 + g2 ) v2 = 2g M 2 3M 2 (8), ZR B−L R g2−g2 WR WR theory that through the LR symmetry relates the ' Y ' left and right mixing angles. As we discuss below, −2 −2 −2 ∗ where we used the relation gY = g + gB−L one ends up with a prediction VR = VL . among gY and gB−L, respectively the gauge cou- The bottom line is, once the right-handed sec- plings of Y/2 and (B L)/2. In other words, tor is integrated out, the fact that light neutrinos − MZ 1.7MW and the limit on WR becomes es- are Majorana particles. The smallness of neutrino R ' R pecially important if one wishes to discover also ZR mass is the consequence of near maximality of par- at LHC. ity violation in beta decay, and in the infinite limit

4 for the WR mass one recovers massless neutrinos of repeatedly. This will hopefully be provided by the the SM. This is what we are after: a theory where LHC, once WR is discovered. Meanwhile, in order neutrino mass is related to new physics. I cannot to exemplify the power of the knowledge of VR we over stress the fact that that this theory proceeded take a possibility of type II seesaw. Due to , the C experiment: neutrino mass and the seesaw mech- theory is then characterized by the proportionality anism were suggested in LR theories long before of the two neutrino mass matrices MνR / ∆R = ∗ ∗ h i neutrino oscillations established non-vanishing neu- M / ∆L . An immediate important consequence νL h i trino masses. is that the mass spectra are proportional to each other LR symmetries. The pattern of mass matrices mN mν , (11) ∝ depends on the kind of Left-Right symmetry im- where m stands for the masses of the three heavy posed on the model in the high-energy, symmetric N right-handed neutrinos N and m for those of the phase. It is easy to verify that the only realistic i ν three light left-handed neutrinos ν . In this theory, discrete symmetries exchanging the left and right i there are both left and right-handed charged gauge sectors, preserving the kinetic terms are bosons with their corresponding leptonic interac-   c QL QR QL (QR) tions in the mass eigenstate basis:  ↔  ↔ : Φ Φ† : Φ ΦT (10) g   P ↔ C ↔ = ν¯ V †W/ e + N¯ V †W/ e + h.c. .   ∗ W L L L L R R R R ∆L ∆R ∆L ∆R L √2 ↔ ↔ (12) c ∗ where (QR) = Cγ0QR is the charge-conjugate Since the charged fermion mass matrices are sym- spinor. metric (due to the symmetry under ), one readily C The names of and are motivated by the fact obtains a connection (up to complex phases, irrel- P C that they are directly related to parity and charge evant to our discussion) between the right-handed conjugation, supplemented by the exchange of the and the left-handed (PMNS) leptonic mixings ma- left and right SU(2) gauge groups, as is evident from trices ∗ (10). VR = VL . (13) c Note that (QR) is a spinor of left chirality like We wish to pause here and make sure that our QL, and thus has an important advantage: since C it involves the spinors with same final chirality, it message is carried through. The above relation is can be gauged, i.e. it allows to have this symmetry valid only for the case of the type II seesaw, and embedded in a local gauge symmetry. In fact, in it cannot be taken as a prediction of the theory. the SO(10) grand unified theory is a finite gauge It should be viewed as an example of what LHC C transformation. The gauging not only provides an can achieve for us if WR is found and one is able aesthetic advantage, it guarantees the protection to measure VR, for the rest will follow as described from unknown high energy physics, gravitational below. It is essential that (13) can be probed and effects, etc. it can be taken as a test of the type II mechanism. In spite of this, the simpler case of was the Before turning to a discussion of the lepton flavor P main subject of past investigations [30], probably violation in this theory, a comment is called for re- for historical reasons, since the original papers used garding a notorious domain wall problem, a result it. The case of on the other hand was not exten- of the spontaneous symmetry breaking of discrete C symmetries, such as or . A possible way out [38] sively studied, at least not in the context of phe- C P nomenology. For the reasons discussed above, we is a non-restoration of symmetry at high tempera- opt here for as the LR symmetry in what fol- ture [39], or a tiny breaking of these symmetries by C lows, but this brings no less of generality on what say Planck scale suppressed effects [40]. follows. Similar relations would be obtained if one were to use and the reader should understand the Lepton Flavor Violation. Lepton flavor viola- P choice of only as an example. As shown in [32], tion in LR symmetric theories has been the subject C in this case the true phenomenological limit on the of interest from the beginning of the model based on

LR scale in the minimal theory is MWR & 2.5 TeV. the seesaw mechanism [37], [11] and was studied In order to make phenomenological predictions in detail in [41]. What is new in [1] is the con- in this theory, we need to know VR as we stressed nection with LHC and especially the quantitative

5 5.0 5.0 5. 5. absolute bound from LFV absolute bound from LFV scale LR symmetry, is of course the fact that the mixings and phases, together the masses of N’s can 1.01. 1.01. ∆ ∆ control the size of the relevant rates. The crucial 00.5.5 0.0.55 heaviest N N dimensionless parameter is mN /m∆, and in m/m m/m 00.1.1 0.0.11 [1] we have plotted the upper bound on this quan- 0.0.0505 always allowed by LFV 0.0.0505 always allowed by LFV tity, varying the mixing angles and phases (LFV MWR =3.5TeV MWR =3.5TeV Normal Hierarchy Inverted Hierarchy µ e 0.0.0101 0.0.0101 plots also take into account conversion in ￿44 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 ￿44 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 1010− 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 1010− 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 → lightest neutrino mass in eV lightest neutrino mass in eV Au nuclei [43], µ eγ [44] and rare τ decays → such as τ 3µ, etc. [45]) (see fig. 1, taken from Figure 1: Combined bounds on mheaviest/m from → N ∆ [1]). An immediate rough consequence seems to fol- LFV, taken from [1]. The dots show the (most low: mheaviest/m < 0.1 in most of the parameter probable) upper bounds resulting for different mix- N ∆ space. However, the strong dependence on angles ing angles, Dirac and Majorana phases (var- and phases allows this mass ratio up to about one ied respectively in the intervals θ12, θ23, θ13 = { } in the case of hierarchical neutrino spectra. This 31-39◦, 37-53◦, 0-13◦ and 0, 2π ). The dark line serves as an additional test at colliders of type II {is the absolute upper} bound.{ The} plot scales as seesaw used here. For degenerate neutrinos, un- MWR/3.5 TeV. 1 1 fortunately, no strict constraint arises: see again Fig. 1. implications for 0ν2β. I give here the limits on It is worth comparing the LFV in his theory the masses of right-handed neutrinos, relevant for with the SU(5) one [16] discussed in the introduc- predictions regarding the neutrinoless double beta tion. Whereas here LFV is expected to be large decay. Needless to say, if the LHC were to measure and the theory needs to shield itself from its ex- their masses and mixings, one could in turn make cess, in the latter case you expect at first glance predictions for LFV processes. negligible amount of LFV. Namely, as we remarked There are various LFV processes providing con- in SU(5) neutrino mass stems from a light fermion straints on the masses of right-handed neutrinos triplet (type III seesaw), and for generic values of and doubly charged scalars illustrated in Fig. 1. the triplet Yukawa couplings these rates are much It turns out that µ 3e, induced by the doubly below experimental sensitivities. However, the situ- ++→ ++ charged bosons ∆L and ∆R , provides the most ation may be more subtle; a careful, detailed study relevant constraint and so we give the correspond- cab be found in [46]. Observing LFV will thus not ing branching ratio (see [1]) shed light by itself on the theory behind, but can  4 2 2 only serve as a complementary check of a theory in 1 MW mN T mN T BRµ→3e = VL V VL V , question. M m L m L 2 WR ∆ eµ ∆ ee Before closing this section, we wish to remark on (14) an exciting possibility of planned new experiments where 1/m2 1/m2 + 1/m2 . The current ex- ∆ ∆L ∆R [47], [48] on µ e conversion, that could improve ≡ −12 → perimental limit is BR(µ 3e) < 1.0 10 [42]. the sensitivity by four to six orders in magnitude. → × The LFV transition rates become negligible when If a signal is observed, one can in principle measure the masses of MWR and m∆ become larger than the CP violation phases of VR [49] that enter into about 100 TeV. We are interested in LHC acces- the other LFV processes, and especially into the sible energies, in which case the smallness of the neutrinoless double beta decay. This could serve as LFV is governed by the ratio mN /m∆, in addition a check of the theory and the role of LFV would to mixing angles. In this sense LFV is rather differ- change drastically, for one could start probing the ent from LNV which in oder to be observable needs theory behind the LFV. roughly a TeV scale. It is perfectly possible that the LR scale, much above the LHC reach, leads to observable LFV processes; however, it would be 4 Neutrinoless double beta decay basically impossible to verify that. This is why the LHC scale new physics becomes so important, for it As discussed in the Introduction, although often would relate all these different processes. The rea- claimed, in general neutrino Majorana mass is not son that it is still possible not to be in conflict with directly connected to neutrinoless double beta de- the LFV experimental limits, even with the TeV cay. While it does produce it (see Fig. 2 ), the

6 n p 1.01 1.01 normal inverted 0.0.11 inverted 00.1.1 W in eV e in eV | | 00.01.01 00.01.01 ee ee ν normal N m M | |

3 3 x m 100.001− 100.001− e MWR =3.5TeV largest mN =0.5TeV 4 4 1010−￿4 1010−￿4 ￿4 4 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 ￿4 4 1010 − 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10− 00.001.001 00.01.01 00.1.1 1 lightest neutrino mass in eV lightest neutrino mass in eV W n Figure 4: Neutrinoless double beta decay. The p canonical contribution (left) from light neutrino mass and the new physics part (right), with M ee | N | Figure 2: Neutrino-less double beta decay through defined in Eq. (22). The mixing angles are fixed at ◦ ◦ ◦ θ12, θ23, θ13 = 35 , 45 , 7 , while the Dirac and the neutrino Majorana mass. { } { } Majorana phases vary in the interval 0, 2π . This 1 1 figure is taken from [1]. { } inverse is not true. Neutrinoless double beta decay matrix mν and p 100 MeV a measure of the neu- ≈ does not imply the measure of neutrino mass, since trino virtuality. it depends on the completion of the SM needed for We have the above d = 5 operator in (1). The LR theory gives a new contribution to the  M 4 p2  1 ee RR W (17) neutrinoless double beta decay, through the right- A ee LL ' MWR mν mN handed sector, as in Fig. 3. This was discussed A originally a long time ago [11], and was used as an With WR mass in the TeV region and the right- argument for boosting a search for this process. handed neutrino masses (mN = mνR ) in the 100 GeV region, this contribution can easily dominate n p over the left-handed one. Light neutrino mass can even go to zero while keeping the WR contribution W R finite. e In other words, WR at LHC suggests strongly that new physics may dominate 0ν2β as argued m x N originally in [11]. What is remarkable is that the opposite is true, too: the new physics as a source of 0ν2β should be accessible to LHC in order to do the WR n e job. This is evident if one writes the new physics contribution in a natural form p 4 2 MW NP G , (18) Figure 3: Neutrino-less double beta decay induced A ∝ F Λ5 by the right-handed gauge boson and right-handed neutrino. where Λ is the scale of new physics. Compare this with the conventional neutrino mass source of 0ν2β, which we rewrite slightly It gives for the 0ν2β transition amplitude mee  ee 2 ν 1 1 ν GF 2 . (19) RR (15) A ∝ p A ∝ M 4 m WR N Clearly, the new physics enters the game at Λ ∼ to be compared with the usual W contribution TeV. This fact alone provides a strong motivation ee to pursue this line of thought. 1 mν LL (16) A ∝ M 4 p2 This is quite different from a case when neutrino W mass lies behind 0ν2β, and these two programs are ee where mν is the 1-1 element of the neutrino mass not to be confused.

7 lightest m in GeV In what follows we neglect the tiny WL-WR N 2 −3 1 10 100 400 500 mixing of (MW /MW ) 10 and contri- 1.1.0 O R . butions coming from the bidoublet through the 0.5 normal charged Higgs, because of its heavy mass of at least inverted 10 TeV [32]. In this case we are left with only two 00.1.1 in eV 0.05 |

extra contributions and with an effective Hamil- N + tonian given by (the contribution from the left- ee ν m handed triplet is completely negligible) | 00.01.01 0.005 MWR =3.5TeV

  largest mN =0.5TeV m 4 3 2 2 1 2 Nj MW µ c 0.00110− NP = GF VLej +  JRµJ eReR , ￿4 4 00.001.001 00.01.01 00.1.1 1 H m m2 M 4 R 1010− Nj ++ WR lightest neutrino mass in eV ∆R (20) Figure 5: Effective 0ν2β mass parameter mee , a where J is the right-handed hadronic current. | ν+N | Rµ measure of the total 0ν2β rate including contribu- Making use of the LFV constraint mN /m∆ 1 ++  tions from both left and right currents. This figure one can neglect the ∆R contribution and write is given in [1]. the total decay rate as

2 2 2! neutrino species [51] with masses in the sub-eV re- M 4 V Γ0νββ ν ee 2 2 W Lej = G M mν + p 4 , gion. Four light neutrino species at the BBN would ln 2 · me | | M mN WR j force the lightest right-handed neutrino to lie in the (21) sub-eV region, which, from (11), would imply effec- where G is a phase space factor, ν is the nu- M tively massless lightest neutrino. Notice that in this clear matrix element relevant for the light neutrino theory the light-right handed neutrino is almost as exchange, while p measures the neutrino virtuality equally abundant as the left-handed species, for it and accounts also for the ratio of matrix elements decouples very late (in1 the case of sterile neutrinos, of heavy and light neutrinos. without gauge interactions, one has to rely on tiny In order to illustrate the impact of the Dirac and Yukawa couplings, a long shot. Majorana phases on the total decay rate, we show In the case of the standard neutrino mass source in the left frame of Fig. 4 (taken from [1]) the well of the 0ν2β, this portion of the parameter space is ee known absolute value of mν which measures the hopeless in the case of normal hierarchy, with some standard neutrino mass contribution [50], while the hope for the inverse hierarchy, if the experiments corresponding effective right-handed counterpart, ee get bellow 0.1 eV for mν . On the contrary, with the new physics of WR being the culprit, the situation M ee = p2(M /M )4V 2 /m , (22) N W WR Lej Nj is highly favorable, and the present experimental situation already sets strong limits on the masses is shown separately in the right frame. This plot of the other two right-handed neutrinos. This can has been made using Eqs. (11) and (13) with p = be great news for this theory, and could serve as a 190 MeV and taking the entire range of V to be L crucial check of its validity. allowed by LFV, see Fig. 1. The total 0ν2β rate is governed by the effective A striking feature which emerges is the reversed mass parameter role of neutrino mass hierarchies. While in the case of neutrino mass behind neutrinoless double ee ee 2 ee 2 1/2 mν+N = ( mν + MN ) (23) beta decay the normal hierarchy matters less and | | | | | | degeneracy is most promising, in the case of new i.e. a quantity that supersedes the standard ma- ee physics it is normal hierarchy that dominates and trix element mν in the parameter space accessi- degeneracy matters less. Even more striking is a ble to LHC. In Fig. 5, taken again from [1], we situation in the far left corner, when the mass of show mee as a function of the lightest neutrino | ν+N | the lightest neutrino species becomes smaller and mass. We have already stressed in the introduction smaller. This region is interesting for cosmological the reversed role of the neutrino mass hierarchies. considerations which keep lowering the sum of neu- In the case of the right-handed contribution, the trino masses. Moreover, recent studies of the BBN normal hierarchy (NH) prevails over the inverted seem to be pointing towards four (even five) light (IH) in wide regions of the parameter space and

8 l! l! jj or l" l" jj: ll"jj invariant mass for both hierarchies new physics can win over the 20 neutrino mass as the source of 0ν2β. Moreover, 17.5 Fig. 5 shows that there is no more room for cancel- 15 lations, present in the individual contributions in Fig. 4. On the upper horizontal axis, we also dis- 12.5 play the lightest of the heavy neutrinos. As one can 10 lightest see, the range of mN is easily below 100 GeV 7.5 which would lead to interesting displaced vertices 5 at LHC [32]. In short, LR theory at the LHC energies makes a 2.5 strong case for the neutrinoless double beta decay. 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 In this sense, it is rather different from the usual simple seesaw picture, where it is neutrino mass is Figure 7: The expected number of events at the 14 behind this process. This is clear for all three types TeV LHC as a function of energy (GeV) for L = of seesaw and holds true thus for the SU(5) theory 8fb−1 (courtesy of F. Nesti). For details see [32]. which predicts TeV scale fermion triplet.

5 Same sign lepton pairs at col- a) a direct test of parity restoration through a liders discovery of WR, b) a direct test of lepton number violation The golden event for the colliders is provided by the through a Majorana nature of νR, same sign lepton pairs through a WR production, see Fig. 6. c) determination of WR and N masses, and the right-handed leptonic mixing matrix VR. With j VR determined, one can make the predictions for 0ν2β and LFV which we illustrated with j W ∗ R the type II seesaw when VL = VR.

N d A detailed study [52] concludes an easy probe of WR mass up to 4 TeV and νR mass in 100 - 1000 −1 WR l GeV for integrated luminosity of 30 fb . u− The flavor dependence of VR can be determined precisely through these same sign lepton pair chan- l nels; thus, Eq. (13) can be falsified in the near future. Moreover, if LHC will measure the heavy right-handed masses in the same process one could Figure 6: The production of WR and the sub- sequent decay into same sign leptons and two perform crucial consistency checks of type II seesaw jets through the Majorana character of the right- [1], such as handed neutrino. m2 m2 m2 m2 N2 − N1 = ν2 − ν1 0.03 , (24) m2 m2 m2 m2 ' ± N3 N1 ν3 − ν1 Once the right-handed gauge boson is produced, − it will decay into a right-handed neutrino and a where the right-hand side is determined by oscil- lation data and the signs corresponds to nor- charged lepton. The right-handed neutrino, be- ± ing a Majorana particle, decays equally often into mal/inverted hierarchy case. Another eloquent re- charged leptons or anti-leptons and jets. In turn, lation among the mass scale probed in cosmology, one has exciting events of same sign lepton pairs atmospheric neutrino oscillations and LHC was de- and two jets, as a clear signature of lepton number rived in [1] violation. This is a collider analogue of neutrinoless P X i mNi double beta decay, and it allows for the determina- mcosm = mνi 50 meV . ' × q 2 2 W m m tion of R mass as shown in the Fig. 7. | N3 − N2 | This offers (25)

9 To summarize, the measurement of the heavy mass beta decay and lepton flavor violation. This is the spectrum can easily invalidate the model in ques- essence of our recent work [1], and it will be dis- tion. cussed at length in near future [65]. On top, the type II seesaw employed here offers One of the main messages that I wish to con- another potentially interesting signature: pair pro- vey is that, contrary to the conventional claims in duction of doubly charged Higgses which decay into the literature, neutrinoless double beta decay may same sign lepton (anti lepton) pairs [53]. This can be dominated by new physics and not by neutrino serve as a determination of the neutrino mass ma- masses. A priori, this process is not a probe of neu- trix in the case when type I is not present or very trino Majorana mass. It can even happen that the small [13]. cosmological data invalidate completely this possi- Finally, a small digression. It is noteworthy that bility if they keep bringing down the sum of neu- the supersymmetric version of this theory [54] pre- trino masses and if the new experiments were to dicts doubly charged scalars at the collider energies confirm a claim of this process being seen, corre- [54] [55] [56] even for large scale of left-right sym- sponding to mee 0.4 eV [66]. Actually, it was ν ≈ metry breaking. The supersymmetric version offers already argued that the two are incompatible [67]. a rather interesting possibility [57] of getting rid If it were to be true, new physics would be a must. of new Higgses ∆L,R, since the right-handed sneu- This would be great news for if new physics is a trino can serve the same purpose [58]. This implies source of the neutrinoless double beta decay it must that the scale of LR symmetry breaking must be be at the TeV scale in order to provide a large at TeV, if one sticks to the usual picture of low en- enough effect. In other words, new physics behind ergy supersymmetry, and on top, one gets only one neutrinoless double beta decay is at the LHC reach. heavy right-handed neutrino at the same scale [59], Furthermore, since lepton number violation is [60], [61]. A careful study then reveals [60] that sensitive to higher scales, the LHC scale physics is the remaining two right-handed neutrinos must be likely to lead to observable LFV processes. A par- light, in the sub-eV region. This seems to fit with ticularly exciting is the case of µ e conversion → the BBN [51], as remarked above. Even if one in- in nuclei if the planned increased in sensibility by cludes the ∆ Higgs fields, a renormalizable version four to six orders of magnitude gets realized. This of the theory requires a non-vanishing right-handed would open the door for measuring charged lepton sneutrino vev in order that electromagnetic charge phases, otherwise hard to measure at the LHC. invariance need not be broken [62]. Again, the LR scale would be tied to the scale of low energy su- persymmetry [63] with some interesting resulting Comparison with SU(5). It is clear that LR phenomenology [64]. symmetry at LHC is more than exciting, and it is true that eventually neutrinoless double decay, if observed in near future, could demand it to be at 6 Summary and Outlook the TeV energy scale, but the theory does not pre- dict this. As discussed in the introduction, a simple I discussed here an experimental probe of Majorana SU(5) theory with an adjoint fermion field does pre- neutrino mass origin, both at colliders through the dict the TeV seesaw mechanism [16]. What about production of the same sign di-leptons, and through its signatures? First and foremost, in this theory, neutrinoless double beta decay. A classical exam- as in the simple seesaw pictures, the neutrinoless ple is provided by the L R symmetric theory double beta decay is due to neutrino mass, and if − that predicts the existence of right-handed neutri- this were to be ruled out so would be this theory. nos and leads to the seesaw mechanism. A TeV Second, LFV is not generic, and it cannot serve as a scale L R symmetry, as discussed here, would have strong constraint on the theory [46]. It does predict − spectacular signatures at LHC, with a possible dis- LFv at colliders, but in a rather distinctive manner, covery of WR and νR. This offers a possibility of with four jets instead of two. However, it is a truly observing parity restoration and the Majorana na- exciting possibility, due to the predicted low mass ture of neutrinos. Furthermore, the measurements of the fermion triplet as a source of neutrino masses. at the colliders can fix the masses and the mix- It is worth to summarize some essential features of ings of the right-handed neutrinos, which in turn this triplet at LHC. can make predictions for the neutrinoless double It can be produced through gauge interactions

10 On the other hand, the triplet decay width into the k-th lepton is proportional to

k 2 ΓT MT y , (27) ∝ | T | i The same couplings yT contribute thus to ν mass matrix and T decays, so that T decays can serve to probe the neutrino mass matrix [15], [16] and the nature of the hierarchy of neutrino masses. The main reason for this is the fact that the model pre- dicts only two massive neutrinos, the lightest one effectively massless. Let us give an example of the inverse hierarchy for small θ13 (taken to be zero). One finds [16]

± 0 BRτ 2 Figure 8: Total cross section for pp T T pro- = tan θ23 (28) → BRµ duction and decay at the LHC at √S = 14 TeV (thick curves) and 7 TeV (thin curves) versus the where BRτ and BRµ are branching ratios for the heavy lepton mass. The solid curves (top) are for T decay into tau leptons and muons. the production rate before decay or cuts. The dot- Thus LHC can allow one to make predictions for ted (middle) curves includes branching fraction of the neutrinoless double beta decay. It is an ex- the leading channels for the case of inverse hierar- ample of a theory that uses collider data in order chy. The dashed (lower) curves further include the to shed light on the neutrinoless double decay, but selection cuts. For details see [15]. in this case it is neutrino mass does the job. The connection is not as direct as in the case of LR sym- metric theory, but still, one can have a complemen- (Drell-Yan) tary possibility of determining neutrino mass hier- pp W ± + X T ±T 0 + X archy. Although this theory may not be as beau- → → pp (Z or γ) + X T +T − + X tiful and as the LR symmetric one, its predictivity → → make it stand out among seesaw theories of neu- The best channel is a pair of like-sign leptons plus trino masses. And moreover, it relates the LHC jets [15] energy physics with the proton decay [15]. In summary, the physics discussed in this talk 1 yi 2 yj 2 BR T ±T 0 l±l± T T offers a deep and close connection between high ( i j + 4jets) P| | | k | → ≈ 20 × ( y 2)2 energy experiments such as LHC, and low energy k | T | ones, such as neutrinoless double beta decay and where yi are Yukawa couplings of the triplet T T LFV processes. We look forward with excitement to the leptonic doublets. to the era ahead, and keep in mind that LHC is The cross sections for the production and subse- not only a Higgs hunting machine, or supersym- quent decay of the triplet are sizable both at Teva- metry and extra dimensions one. I hope to have tron and LHC. In figure 8 this is given for LHC at convinced you that it has all the potential to probe both 7 and 14 TeV center-of-mass energy. A careful the origin of neutrino mass, the only new physics study [15] shows that the triplets can be searched beyond the standard model observed with certainty for up to 450 (700) GeV at LHC with 14 TeV C.M. up to date. energy and 10 (100) fb−1 luminosity. Besides the triplet T , the theory contains also a singlet S. After the SU(2)L U(1) symmetry break- × 7 Acknowledgements ing H = v, one obtains in the usual manner the h i light neutrino mass matrix upon integrating out S I wish to thank Harald Fritzsch and other or- and T ganizers of the Gell-Mann Fest for an excellent i j i j ! ij 2 yT yT ySyS conference and a warm hospitality. I am deeply mν = v + . (26) − MT MS grateful to my collaborators on the topics covered

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