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I Can Play It Safe Free FREE I CAN PLAY IT SAFE PDF Alison Feigh,Laura Logan | 32 pages | 24 Apr 2008 | Free Spirit Publishing Inc.,U.S. | 9781575422855 | English | Minneapolis, United States I Can Play It Safe by Alison Feigh | Scholastic Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Laura I Can Play It Safe Illustrations. Written by an expert in child safety, this full-color picture book teaches kids I Can Play It Safe helps adults reinforce seven important rules to personal safety in a nonthreatening way. It covers topics like safe versus harmful secrets, safe versus harmful touches, and the importance of having a community of trusted adults to turn to for help. Get A Copy. Hardcover32 pages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 4. I Can Play It Safe Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Oct 13, Jenna Kistner rated it it was amazing Shelves: eccesafety. This book provides children with many I Can Play It Safe building skills. The book also pays close attention to a child's personal needs rather than everyone's needs in general. Safety in this book is presented in a very child friendly way as well. Mar 07, Katherine Salinas rated it it was amazing Shelves: olivia-read. This was a very accessible, non-threatening book for the topic it addressed. Great lessons Always make sure adults know where you are, instincts, seek out adults for help, difference between a secret and a surprise, private parts are private, adults don't ask kids for help. Illustrations are cute and it is a book that you could read over and over and talk about a different topic each time. A great overall resource. Nov 23, Alexis Smith-Gaddis rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fiction. This adorable non-fiction children's book teaches children about safety. This would be great to I Can Play It Safe in a pre-kindergarten or kindergarten classroom teach children about playing safe. This is also a book I would have available in my classroom library for students to revisit and remind themselves of how to play it safe. Overall, I think this is an adorable, educational children's book that could be used in the classroom. Sep 09, Rachel rated it it was ok Shelves: readnon-fictionpicture-book. Very didactic, but a good message and it is presented in a unique way. Jan 01, Erika rated it it was ok. I didn't really like the flow of this book. It almost read like two different stories. Apr 04, Kathleen Ruff rated it liked it Shelves: life-skillssafety. THis is a great book that could be used in a lesson about safety. This book could lead to topic about safety in a plane, walking across the street, and playing outside. Dancingdiva rated it it was amazing I Can Play It Safe 10, I Can Play It Safe Florence rated it it was amazing I Can Play It Safe 17, George rated it really liked it Aug 10, Tammy H rated it it was amazing May 23, Weinfurter rated it really liked it Oct 20, Inara rated it liked it Aug 25, Mar 26, Holly Psik rated it really liked it Shelves: nonfiction. This book is written by an expert in child safety and it helps parents to talk about a difficult topic, childhood personal safety. This book has a lot of great illustrations that help to outline the information. I would use this book within my classroom because it helps to teach children about the topics of safe versus harmful touches, identifying trusted adults, and trusting their instincts. These topics I Can Play It Safe be very difficult to address, so using books helps to raise children's awareness and un This book is written by an expert in child safety and it helps parents to talk about a difficult topic, childhood personal safety. These topics can be very difficult to address, so using books helps to raise children's awareness and understanding. Children need to know that they have the confidence they need to make smart choices about their personal safety. View 1 comment. Cami rated it it was amazing Aug 01, Pinky rated it liked it Jul 31, Emelda rated it liked it May 27, Tammy rated it it was amazing May 21, Sarah Gioia rated it really liked it Oct 30, Bethany Buchanan rated it it was amazing Jul 05, Jojobean rated it it was amazing I Can Play It Safe 04, Metiri Group rated it it was amazing Sep 18, Hannahlily rated it it was ok Jan 19, Carrie rated it it was amazing Dec 24, Alexandria rated it liked it Jun 04, Nadine Bonny-Taylor rated it it was amazing Aug 20, May 09, Tracie rated it really liked it Shelves: picture-books-to-remember. Nice little picture book that speaks to a child's imagination while giving skills to keep safe. Alison Sia rated it really liked it Oct 30, Kristina rated it it was amazing Mar 15, Terra rated it liked it Jul 22, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. About Alison Feigh. Alison Feigh. Books by Alison Feigh. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. You know the saying: There's no time like the present In that case, we can't Read more No trivia or quizzes yet. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Play It Safe - Children's Advocacy Center of Smith County See for yourself, takes less than a minute. The question of Can I run a PC game has been answered here hundreds of millions of times since Find out now if your computer can run any popular PC game. System Requirement Labs has tracked over 6, of the latest PC game requirements. These are the most popular games in the last 30 days. Check out the full list of PC Games. New I Can Play It Safe Can You Run It, now you can test your computer once and see all of the games your computer can run. Both for Minimum and Recommended requirements. Is my computer fast enough to run CoD WW2? Are I Can Play It Safe system requirements for GTA 5 better than my computer? Difficult questions. But evaluating whether or not your computer meets or exceeds hardware requirements is our specialty. Remembering your exact PC hardware specs is tough, deciphering the meaning of a PC games minimum requirements is challenging and combining those tasks together is almost impossible for mere mortals. The question of Can I run a PC game has been answered for hundreds of millions of times since This site provides a One-Click solution that looks at your computer's hardware and system software to determine whether or not your current system can run a product. Each of your computer's components is evaluated to see how well it meets the minimum and recommended requirements for specific products. Recommendations are made on how to update I Can Play It Safe upgrade each component which does not meet the listed requirements. Sometimes, a simple, free software download is all that is needed. Sometimes you'll find that you need a different video card to fully experience what the game has to offer. For I Can Play It Safe information, see our FAQ. Below are some gaming computers with images that show how many games will run on each. Each computer was tested against the minimum and recommended requirements of over I Can Play It Safe, of the latest PC games. Click here for more options. Want to use System Requirements Lab on your site? Click here to learn more. Can I Run It? Can You Run It. Are you Working From Home? We can help, click here. Genshin Impact. GTA 5. Cyberpunk Call of Duty Warzone. Fall Guys. Rocket League. Red Dead Redemption 2. Among Us. League of Legends. CS GO. MS Flight Simulator. FIFA Call of Duty Modern Warfare. Apex Legends. Fortnite Battle Royale. Assassins Creed Odyssey. PUBG Lite. Battlefield 1. Escape from Tarkov. Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. Rainbow Six Siege. Far Cry 5. The Sims 4. Battlefield 5. Doom Eternal. Destiny 2. DOTA 2. Fallout 4. Need for Speed Heat. Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord. Monster Hunter World. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. Half Life Alyx. PES Borderlands 3. How many games can I run? Loading history Get your complete I Can Play It Safe in seconds including upgrade suggestions for your computer. Only your system's hardware and system software are evaluated. No personally identifiable information is collected. Works on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8. Works with Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome browsers. Java is NOT required. What Will Run It Below are some gaming computers with images that show how many games will run on each. Steam Games Under Five Bucks. Call of Duty Games. Battle Royale Games. Battlefield games. The Game Awards Virtual Reality Games. Low End Favorites. Assassin's Creed games. Origin Access Games. I'm Batman. Star Wars Games. Focus Home Interactive Games. Frostbite 3 Games. Far Cry Games. Versus Evil Games. Capcom Games.
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