ADISINSIGHT Database Summary Sheet

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ADISINSIGHT Database Summary Sheet ADISINSIGHT (Adis R&D Insight) 0BSubject Weekly reports on new drugs in research, changes in development phases, and licensing Coverage availability 1BFile Type Substance, Full Text 2BFeatures Alerts (SDI) Weekly ® CAS Registry Page Images STN AnaVist™ Number® Identifiers ® Keep & Share SLART STN Easy Learning Database Structures • 3BRecord Full text reports, i.e., profiles, on drugs in active research and development by the Content international pharmaceutical industry • Generic names, synonyms, trade names ® • CAS Registry Numbers • EphMRA ATC codes, WHO ATC codes • Developing companies, development stages by indication and country • Licensed forecast information from Lehman Brothers • Adis's own unique therapeutic value rating 4BFile Size More than 45,730 records (8/19) 5BCoverage 1998 to the present 6BUpdates Weekly 7BLanguage English 8BDatabase Springer International Publishing AG Producer Copyright Holder Contact Springer Online Services support desk: Email: [email protected] Phone: +49 6221 345 4303 (Europe/Asia/Africa) +1 800 777 4643 (North & South America) • 9BSources Direct contact with companies involved with research and development • 1,700 biomedical and medical journals • International meetings and conferences • Company annual reports • News services • Press releases • Licensed Lehman Brothers' PharmaPipelines data August 2019 2 ADISINSIGHT 10BUser Aids • Online Helps (HELP DIRECTORY lists all help messages available) • STNGUIDE 11BClusters • ADISBASES • BIOSCIENCE • CASRNS • COMPANIES • FORMULATION • FULLTEXT • HEALTH • MEDICINE • PHARMACOLOGY • TOXICOLOGY STN Database Clusters information (PDF). 12BPricing Enter HELP COST at an arrow prompt (=>). August 2019 3 ADISINSIGHT Search and Display Field Codes The following fields that allow left truncation (/BI, /CNS and /RNTE) are marked with an asterisk. Search Display Search Field Name Code Search Examples Codes Basic Index* (contains single None S IMMUNOSTIMULANTS CC, CN, CO, words from the classification (or /BI) S ANTI-ATHER? DSTA, MF, RN, code (CC), development status S GLAXO (L) ORIGINATOR RNTE, TX (DSTA), text (TX), revision note S MECHANISM(L)IMMUNOMODULATORS (RNTE), company name (CO), S C (1W) GO chemical name (CN), controlled S VACCINE# (P) USE term (CT), and geographic term S C10H10N2O5 (GT) fields, as well as S 47931-85-1 molecular formulas (MF) and CAS Registry Numbers (RN)) Accession Number /AN S 1998:9493/AN AN Change Date (1) /CDAT S CDAT>19980100 CDAT S JULY 2, 1998/CDAT Chemical Name (includes /CN S POLOXAMER 188 NF/CN CN chemical names, generic names, synonyms, and trade names) Chemical Name Segment* /CNS S (METHYL (L) THIAZOL)/CNS CN S ?AMINOBUTYRYL?/CNS S (SALBUTAMOL AND SCHERING)/CNS Classification Code (EphMRA /CC S R03/CC CC ATC codes and WHO ATC S R3/CC codes) (code and text) (2) S "ANTI-ACNE PREPARATIONS"/CC S TOPICAL PREPARATIONS/CC Company Name (2) (corporate /CO S SMITHKLINE UNITED KINGDOM/CO CO name and location) S LICENSEE (L) INTROGEN/CO Controlled Term (indication) /CT S ALZHEIMER?/CT DSTA S ANXIETY DISORDERS/CT Development Status /DSTA S (PHASE II (L) GERMANY)/DSTA DSTA (development phase, location, S (STROKE (L) PRECLINICAL)/DSTA and indication) Document Number /DN S 002345/DN DN Element Count, Specific (1) /Element S 1/N AND 3/O MF symbol Entry Date (1) /ED S L1 AND ED>=19990700 Not displayed Field Availability /FA S EVALUATION/FA FA (code and text) S L1 AND RN/FA Geographic Term /GT S GERMANY/GT DSTA (code and text) S DE/GT Highest Development Phase /HDP S PHASE III/HDP HDP Journal Title /JT S ADIS R&D INSIGHT/JT JT, SO Molecular Formula /MF S C10H10N2O5/MF MF S C18 H22 N2 O S . Cl H/MF Number of Components (1) /NC S L6 AND NC>=2 MF Other Source (Adis Alerts /OS S "800007351"/OS OS Accession Number) Periodic Group /PG S T3/PG MF Reference /RE S JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY/RE RE Revision Date (1) /RDAT S 19980312/RDAT RDAT August 2019 4 ADISINSIGHT Search and Display Field Codes (cont’d) Search Display Search Field Name Code Search Examples Codes Revision Note* /RNTE S PRECLINICAL DEV?/RNTE RNTE Source /SO S ADIS R&D INSIGHT/SO SO Trade Name /TN S TANADOPA/TN CN Update Date (1) /UP S L1 AND UP>=19990600 Not displayed Word Count (1) /WC S L1 AND WC WC (1) Numeric search field that may be searched using numeric operators or ranges. (2) Implied (S) proximity is available in this field. (3) This score is only available in selected records published in November 2010 and earlier. DISPLAY and PRINT Formats Any combination of formats may be used to display or print answers. Multiple codes must be separated by spaces or commas, e.g., D L1 1-5 CN TX. The fields are displayed or printed in the order requested. Hit-term highlighting is available for all fields except FA, STF, STR, and STS. Highlighting must be ON during SEARCH in order to use the HIT, KWIC, and OCC formats. Format Content Examples AN Accession Number D AN CC Classification Code (EphMRA ATC codes and WHO ATC codes) D 1-3 CC CDAT (1) Change Date D CDAT CN Chemical Name (Generic Names, Synonyms, Chemical Name, and Trade Names) D CN STR (includes TN) CO Company Name (corporate name and location) (Originator, Parent, Licensee, D CO 1,3-5 and Other) DN Document Number D AN DN DSTA Development Status (development status, location, and indication) D DSTA FA (2) Field Availability D FA HDP Highest Development Phase D HDP JT (2) Journal Title D JT 2 MF Molecular Formula D CN MF OS Other Source (Adis Alerts Accession Number) D OS RDAT (RNTE) Revision Date and Revision Note D RDAT RE Reference D RE L1 4 RN CAS Registry Number and Related CAS Registry Number D RN 3,4 SO Source D SO STF Flat Structure (no stereo indicated) D L9 1 3 STR (3) Structure Diagram (includes stereo bonds and R/S/E/Z labels when available) D L4 STR STS (2,3) Stereo Structure (includes stereo bonds when available) D STS TN (2) Trade Name D TN TX Text (Introduction, Evaluation, Commercial Summary (table with Company, Major D TX Markets, Launch Date, Commercial Value, and Patent Expiry), Pharmacology Overview (Mechanism of action, Route of Elimination), Clinical Overview, Adverse Events, Pharmacology (Pharmacokinetics, Clinical Studies), and Therapeutic Trials) (includes EVAL) WC Word Count D WC ALL (3) AN, SO, DN, CDAT, CN, MF, RN, STR, related RN, CC, HDP, DSTA, CO, OS, WC, D ALL TX, RDAT, RNTE, RE DALL (3) ALL, delimited for post-processing D DALL IALL (3) ALL, indented with text labels D IALL IDE (3) AN, SO, DN, CDAT, CN, MF, RN, STR, related RN, CC, HDP, CO, OS, WC D IDE IIDE (3) IDE, indented with text labels D L2 3 IIDE (IIDE is the default) D ISTD (3) STD, indented with text labels D ISTD August 2019 5 ADINSIGHT DISPLAY and PRINT Formats (cont’d) Format Content Examples SCAN (1,4) CN (Generic Name) (random display, no answer number) D SCAN STD (3) AN, SO, DN, CDAT, CN, MF, RN, STR, related RN, CC, HDP, DSTA, CO, OS, WC, D STD TX TRIAL (1) CN (Generic Name), CDAT D TRIAL (SAM, TRI) TOTAL HIT Fields containing hit terms D HIT KWIC Hit terms with 20 words on either side (KeyWord-In-Context) D KWIC NOH OCC (1) Number of occurrences of hit terms and fields in which they occur D OCC (1) No online display fee for this format. (2) Custom display format only. (3) Stereo structure diagrams are available only on graphics terminals and offline prints. (4) SCAN must be entered on the command line, i.e., DISPLAY SCAN, D SCAN. SELECT, ANALYZE, and SORT Fields The SELECT command is used to create E-numbers containing terms taken from the specified field in an answer set. The ANALYZE command is used to create an L-number containing terms taken from the specified field in an answer set. The SORT command is used to rearrange the search results in either alphabetic or numeric order of the specified field(s). ANALYZE/ Field Name Field Code SELECT (1) SORT Accession Number AN Y N CAS Registry Number RN Y (2) N CAS Registry Number and Chemical Name CHEM Y (3) N Change Date CDAT Y Y Chemical Name CN Y (4) N (default) NAME Y (5) N Classification Code (EphMRA and WHO ATC codes) CC Y Y Company Name (Corporation Name) CO Y Y Controlled Term (Indication) CT Y (6) N Development Status DSTA Y N Document Number DN Y Y Geographic Term GT Y (6) N Highest Development Phase HDP Y Y Journal Title JT Y Y Molecular Formula MF Y Y Occurrence Count of Hit Terms OCC N Y Other Source (Adis Alerts Accession Number) OS Y (7) Y Reference RE Y N Revision Date RDAT Y (6) N Revision Note RNTE Y (6) N Source SO Y N Text TX Y (8) N Trade Name TN Y N Word Count WC N Y (1) HIT may be used to restrict terms extracted to terms that match the search expression used to create the answer set, e.g., SEL HIT CN. (2) Selects or analyzes the CAS Registry for the substance and the related CAS Registry Numbers with /BI appended to the terms created by SELECT. August 2019 6 ADISINSIGHT (3) Selects or analyzes the CAS Registry for the substance, the related CAS Registry Numbers, Generic Names, Synonyms, Chemical Name, and Trade Names) with /BI appended to the terms created by SELECT. (4) Selects or analyzes the Generic Names, Synonyms, Chemical Name, and Trade Names). (5) Selects or analyzes the Generic Names, Synonyms, Chemical Name, and Trade Names with /BI appended to the terms created by SELECT. (6) SELECT HIT and ANALYZE HIT are not valid with this field.
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