Minutes of a Meeting of the County Council Local Committee for South Lakeland held on Monday, 25 November 2013 at 10.30 am at County Offices,


Mr GD Cook (Chair)

Mr J Airey Mrs BC Gray Mr RK Bingham Mr J McCreesh (Vice-Chair) Mr J Bland Mrs H Halliday Mr SB Collins Mr I Stewart Mr N Cotton Mr WJ Wearing Mrs S Evans Mrs J Willis Mrs C Feeney-Johnson Mr M Wilson Mr D Fletcher Mr R Wilson

District Council Parish Councils

Mr A Muirhead Mr P Thompson



An apology for absence was received from Mr J Stephenson.


(1) The Chair of the Local Committee presented a certificate to two young people from Queen Elizabeth School, namely Josh Norman and Rachael Todner. in recognition of their positive involvement in the deliberations and decision- making with Town Council. They were accompanied by their teacher Lisa Longley.

Members welcomed Josh and Rachael to the meeting and commended them for their commitment and contribution to the work of the Town Council.

(2) There were no public questions or deputations relating to any items on the agenda. (3) The local member for Cartmel presented a petition on behalf of local residents concerning road safety issues and excessive speeding on the A592 at Fell Foot.

Mr Wilson advised that local residents considered the existing speed limit of 50mph through Fell Foot to be unsafe, excessive and wholly inappropriate for the area. They sought a reduced upper limit of 40mph on the A592 at Fell Foot, which they believed complied with the Government’s criteria for A roads in rural areas. Appended to the petition were photographs of vulnerable groups within Fell Foot susceptible to speeding traffic, these included visitors to the area, equestrians and other horse users, pedestrians, hikers, ramblers and dog walkers.

Mr Wilson also advised of the considerable problems caused by parking at Fell Foot, particularly outside the National Trust. Officers were aware of the concerns of residents in relation to this issue and were arranging to meet with the National Trust to look at options to prevent parking on the highway verges.

In presenting the petition Mr Wilson asked for consideration to be given to the 2012 Department of Transports Guidance section 7.2 in relation to the criteria for 40mph speed restrictions on A roads in rural areas. He asked that when replying to the petitioner’s specific reference be made as to how far the criteria in 7.2 applied. He also referred to a scheme undertaken within the last 2 years, funded by Cllr Wearing, to implement road markings to narrow the carriageway. The scheme had been successful. Mr Wilson asked for a minor modification, namely that double white lines on the southern carriageway to the north of the Gummers How junction be considered to prevent traffic drifting into the hatched area, which created a hazard for vehicles in the turning lane waiting to turn right to go up the hill.

The Chair on behalf of the Local Committee thanked Mr Wilson for presenting the petition and asked for the petitioner to be advised of his ongoing dialogue with officers to determine whether additional measures would be appropriate.


RESOLVED that the press and public be admitted to the meeting for all items of business.


There were no disclosable pecuniary interests declared at the meeting.


The Local Committee received a presentation on Adult Social Care in South Lakeland from Mrs Judith Whittam, Assistant Director - Social Care (South). Mrs Whittam advised the Committee of the teams in place in the South Lakeland area and the array of staff who were responsible for meeting the assessed eligible social care needs of the population of South Lakeland. A range of support was provided both in the community and at home, as well as accommodation based support.

There was an aging population in South Lakeland. Since 2011 there had been a 2% increase in the population generally, with a higher proportion of adults aged 50+. 24.4% of the population was aged 60-74 years and 20.7% 85+ years.

Nationally 1 in 20 of people aged 65 years and over were likely to develop dementia, which increased to 1 in 5 of people aged 80 years and over. For South Lakeland an increase of 83% of cases of dementia was anticipated over the next 20 years.

The Committee was advised that 1,358 people in the South Lakeland area were supported in the community by Adult Social Care. This included day opportunities and planned short breaks; direct payments, equipment; home care and practitioner support. In relation to accommodation based support 309 people were in residential care and 108 in nursing care.

Having regard to performance Mrs Whittam advised that telecare numbers were increasing. She also advised that residential admissions were lower than the average for , and that there was an increase in people getting personal budgets in line with the rest of Cumbria. A new electronic system had been introduced in relation to the safeguarding of adults at risk and there was also increasing awareness.

The way forward included the continued development of community assets and work to safeguard adults at risk. Risk management would continue, as well as support to carers and partnership working. Partnership examples included staff in A&E, Strata, prevention/community services, and closer working with health (alignment to GP’s SPA; commissioning and delivery).

Mrs Whittam subsequently responded to a number of detailed questions from members. In response to a comment that the deaf/blind register was incomplete she advised that the possibility of including this as a performance indicator for GPs was being looked into.

In discussing the vital role of carers it was suggested introducing a system that would enable members to advise of potential carers. It was also suggested referring to the data in the last census to gauge the number of unsupported young carers.

During the course of discussion Mrs Whittam agreed to provide members with a range of facts and figures including the number of people who used the various assisted technologies, and data in relation to reablement.

With regard to the integration of Health and Social Care and the development of more cohesive services for the people of Cumbria Mrs Whittam advised that there were considerable challenges to be faced if these aims were to be achieved. She also touched upon social care funding reform and concerns as to how the additional costs would be managed.

The Chair on behalf of the Local Committee thanked Mrs Whittam for attending the meeting and for her most helpful and informative presentation.


The minutes of the meeting of the Local Committee held on 26 September 2013 were confirmed, as circulated, and thereupon signed by the Chair.


(1) Communities Budget

Consideration was given to a report by the Acting Corporate Director – Resources presenting the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Communities Budget as at 31st October 2013.

RESOLVED that the following be noted:-

(a) the budget allocations for 2013-14 and the commitments and expenditure recorded to date;

(b) the unallocated resources in the Communities Revenue budgets of £321,275;

(c) the balanced budget projected for Local Member Capital Schemes

(2) Highways Budget

A report by the Acting Corporate Director – Resources presented the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Highways Revenue and Capital Budgets as at 31st October 2013.

RESOLVED that the following be noted:-

(a) the budget allocations for 2013-14 and the commitments and expenditure recorded to date;

(b) the Highways Revenue budget is currently projecting a small underspend at this stage of the financial year;

(c) the Highways Capital budget is currently projecting a small underspend at this stage of the financial year. 61 WORKING GROUPS

(1) Strategic Planning Working Group

Consideration was given to a report by the Chief Executive providing details of the meeting of the Strategic Planning Working Group held on 10th October 2013. Appended to the report were the minutes of the Working Group meeting, together with a monitoring report, and one on the Kendal Festival of Food Funding Proposal.

In presenting the report the Chair of the Working Group proposed an amendment to the recommendations relating to school patrols.


(a) the activity of the Strategic Planning Working Group at its meeting on 10th October 2013, as set out in Appendix A to the report by the Chief Executive, be noted;

(b) the allocation of £2,163 in the Schools Crossing Patrol budget allocated to Road Crossing Improvements in 2010 be retained;

(c) £4,500 be committed from the Schools Crossing Patrol Budget to undertake site assessments at the following locations;-

Sedbergh Road,

Hayfield Avenue, Kendal

Springfield Road, .

and that a report be presented to the next meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group identifying those schools that did not have 20mph electronic signs with flashing lights;

(d) a contribution of £1,000 from the Economic Initiatives Budget to support the Kendal Festival of Food, as set out in Appendix B to the report by the Chief Executive, be approved.

(2) Children and Young People's Working Group

Consideration was given to a report by the Chief Executive providing information and offering recommendations for approval by the Local Committee from the Children and Young People’s Working Group held on the 21st October, 2013.

Appended to the report were the minutes of the meeting of the Children and Young People’s Working Group, together with reports on Children and Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing; Lakeland Youth Council; A2B Now Card; Children in Care Council; 0-19 Budget Spend Plan and 0-19 Youth Grants.

In discussion members referred to the positive feedback received from young people in relation to the A2B NoW Card. Over the past few years the Local Committee had wanted to continue funding the scheme but had been unable to authorise funding for the next financial year until the Council’s budget had been agreed. There was support to the view that clarity needed to be sought as to why this was the case given the ongoing problem of the cost of renewing the cards at the start of each new financial year.


(a) the activity of the Children and Young People’s Working Group at its meeting on 21st October, 2013, as set out in Appendix A. to the report of the Chief Executive, be noted;

(b) the nomination of Cllr Shirley Evans as the Children in Care Council’s Champion be approved;

(c) subject to budget availability for the scheme, an increase in the A2B Now Card joining fee from £5 to £7.50 per applicant to commence from the 1st April, 2014 be approved;

(d) subject to budget availability for the scheme, a fares increase for the A2B Now Card from £1.00 to £1.10 for a single journey and an increase from £1.80 to £2.00 for a return journey to commence from the 1st April, 2014 be approved;

(e) Cabinet/Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities be asked to clarify why the Local Committee could not give a commitment to continue funding the A2B NoW Card for the next financial year before the Council’s budget is agreed;

(f) an amount of £497 from the 0-19 Youth Grants budget to support the delivery of the Sharing Stories project be approved;

(g) an amount of £2,500 from the 0-19 Youth Grants budget to Growing Well towards supporting the delivery of a series of food and wellbeing farm visits and workshops for Primary School children across South Lakeland be approved;

(h) an amount of £2,500 from the 0-19 Youth Grants budget to Young Cumbria in order to support the delivery of targeted sessions at the Kendal Lads and Girls Club aimed at developing key skills for families on low incomes be approved;

(i) an amount of £1,000 from the 0-19 Youth Grants budget to the Kendal Brewery Arts Centre Trust to support a project for young people culminating in the production of a short film about mental health and wellbeing be approved.

(3) Highways and Transportation Working Group

A report by the Corporate Director – Environment provided details of a meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group held on 21 October 2013.

Appended to the report were the notes of the meeting of the Working Group, together with reports by the Corporate Director – Environment considered at the meeting concerning a Highways Strategy for South Lakeland 2014-18; the draft Devolved Highways Capital Programme 2014-15; Cark Station and Rowe Head Railway Bridges Weight Restrictions; Members Highways Priority Works 2013-14; Speed Monitoring Update; On Street Parking Enforcement Update.

A revised report to the one considered by the Working Group on the proposed Cattle Grid, Little Langdale was also before the Committee.

In relation to the Highways Priority Works for 2013-14 an up to date programme of works was circulated at the meeting.

During discussion the Highways Network Manager agreed to forward the programme of work in relation to outstanding requests. The Chair of the Working Group also advised the Committee that he was funding the cost of road surface testing in his division from his local revenue scheme budget. As well, he described an accident he had witnessed recently which highlighted the serious dangers for pedestrians and cyclists who were wearing earphones. He advised that this was an issue he intended to raise at the next meeting of the CRASH Group

In presenting the report the Chair of the Working Group suggested amending the recommendation in relation to a proposed highways strategy for South Lakeland. Having sought legal advice on the revised wording of the recommendation, it was


(a) the minutes of the meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group of 21 October 2013 be received;

(b) the highways strategy document as presented to the Working Group, and as subsequently revised, be confirmed, and for it to contribute to the formulation of the aspirations and priorities which will be developed further as part of the Area Planning process;

(c) the proposals within the draft Devolved Highways Capital Programme for 2014 /15 subject to the revisions proposed by the Highways and Transportation Working Group be approved; (d) The County of Cumbria (Various Roads, South Lakeland Area) (Consolidation of Traffic Regulations) (Order 2002) (Rowe Head Railway Bridge No 51 and Cark Station Railway Bridge No 30) (Weight Limits) (Variation) Order 20>< be brought into operation IN PART only, ie. only in relation to the proposed 18 tonne weight limit on Cark Station Railway Bridge on the U5160 Caton Lane, near Cark-in-Cartmel, having taken into consideration the matters contained in Section 122(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 which are more specifically referred to at paragraph 7.2 of the report attached as Appendix 2 to the report of the Corporate Director – Environment, be approved;

(e) the revised proposals for the Member’s Highways Priority Works programme for 2013-14 circulated at the meeting be approved;

(f) the Speed Monitoring Update report be noted;

(g) the report regarding On Street Parking Enforcement be noted, and that the Working Group explores with South Lakeland District Council the advisability of co-ordinating or re-integration of the on-street and off-street parking enforcement;

(h) the verbal briefing given to the Working Group regarding the Traffic Management implications of the Yorkshire stage of the 2014 Tour de France cycle race be noted and that members be provided with further details once they are available;

(i) the proposal to construct a new cattle grid on the U5032 road in Little Langdale, and a bypass on adjacent land to be funded by Natural , be supported subject to:-

(a) there being no unresolved objections received as a result of the statutory advertisement requirements set out in Schedule 10 of the Highways Act 1980;

(b) the satisfactory dedication of land as highway for the purposes of the cattle-grid bypass on the adjacent common land;

(c) there being no objections from the Planning Inspectorate to the installation of the bypass on the common land; and

(d) the finance offer from Natural England being extended beyond the end of December 2013 to allow the statutory procedures to be completed and the installation of the cattlegrid and bypass to be completed.


A report by the Chief Executive sought to commit elements of the Local Revenue Scheme budget, including Members’ proposals that had been sufficiently investigated and developed, to enable the Local Committee to consider spending decisions.

RESOLVED that the following be approved:-

(a) a revenue grant of £4,350 from the Upper Kent Division LMS budget to Staveley with Ings and & Scalthwaiterigg Parish Councils to contribute towards the cost of a footway design scheme in both of these parishes;

(b) a revenue grant of £1,637 from the Upper Kent Division LMS budget to fund the cost of road surface testing;

(c) a revenue grant of £2,000 from the Grange Division LMS budget to the Three P’s Group to contribute towards playground equipment for the playground on Grange promenade;

(d) a revenue grant of £450 from the Kent Estuary Division LMS budget for the removal of trees in the Milnthorpe area;

(e) a revenue grant of £500 from the Kent Estuary Division LMS budget towards the installation of a sign to support the Arnside Bowling Club;

(f) a revenue grant of £1,000 from the Ulverston East Division LMS budget for a defibrillator and storage box to be placed in the Ulverston area;

(g) a revenue grant of £500 from the High Furness Division LMS budget towards improvements to the bowling green at Hawkshead Bowling Club;

(h) a revenue grant of £5,000 from the Low Furness Division LMS budget to Egton, Newland and Mansriggs Parish Council to contribute towards the cost of developing a new car park at Penny Bridge;

(i) a revenue grant of £2,000 from the Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale Division LMS budget to Parish Councils in the division to contribute towards the cost of a parish lengthsman scheme;

(j) a revenue grant of £325 from the Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale Division LMS budget to Sedbergh People’s Hall to contribute towards the cost of refurbishment works at the hall; (k) a revenue grant of £325 from the Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale Division LMS budget to Kirkby Lonsdale Methodist Church to contribute towards the cost of works to make the interior space of the church more versatile for a variety of groups and events;

(l) a revenue grant of £3,560 from the Ulverston East Division LMS budget to implement lighting to the footpath on Lime Tree Road in Ulverston;

(m) a revenue grant of £5,000 from the Cartmel Division LMS budget to Cumbria Highways to implement Phase 3 of the Cartmel School Safety Zone project;

(n) a revenue grant of £840 from the Kendal Strickland Fell LMS budget to Cumbria Highways to implement a grit bin and the replenishment costs of the grit bin in the winter period;

(o) a revenue grant of £2,750 from Kendal Strickland and Fell LMS budget to the Countyside Access Team to make surface improvements to the footpath behind Airkrigg Avenue;

(p) a revenue grant of £3,000 from the Kendal Nether Division LMS budget to fund the movement of the current speed limit of 30mph on Castle Drive Road up to the junction of Parkside Road in Kendal, agreed at the meeting in July be de-committed.


There were no Neighbourhood Forum referrals to be considered on this occasion.


The Local Committee considered a schedule of nominations for the appointment of governors of nursery, primary and secondary schools.

RESOLVED that, subject to their consent, the following be approved:-


COMMUNITY Holme Community School Mrs Celia Bateman 18 Hillside Holme Carnforth LA6 1QD

Mrs Ruth Taylor Cobblers Cottage Duke Street Holme Carnforth LA6 1PY

Levens CE School Jenny Berge Lockerbie Church Road Levens Kendal LA8 8PT

Beetham CE School Mr Brian Smalley 1 Oakfield Langdale Crest Storth LA7 7RN

Our Lady of Furness Catholic Mrs Margaret Hook Federation Stone Briggs House Elleriggs Brow Ulverston LA12 7PD

Grange CE School Mr David Wheatcroft Holly Cottage Windermere Road Grange over Sands LA11 6EG

PRIMARY ACADEMY Ghyllside Primary School Mr David Bell 41 Anchorite Road Kendal LA9 5NF

SECONDARY ACADEMY The Queen Katherine School Mr Alan Bobbett 18 Hill Close Sedgwick Kendal LA8 0JR 65 MONEY ADVICE MONITORING

Consideration was given to a report by the Chief Executive providing information on the delivery of the 2013-15 Money Advice Contract in the South Lakeland area. Appended to the report was a South Lakeland client case study, as well as performance data relating to South Lakeland for October 2012 – March 2013 and April 2013 – September 2013.

The Committee was reminded that the contract for a Money Advice Service 2013-15 had been awarded to Citizens’ Advice Cumbria In early 2013 the Citizens’ Advice Bureaux in South Lakeland had closed and since then the Cumbria Rural CAB had served as the sole bureau in the district. To ensure district wide provision of CAB services, including the Money Advice Service, the Cumbria Rural CAB had opened an office in Ulverston in September, and was set to open an office in Kendal imminently.

The report provided details of the case load and value of debts resolved during June – September 2013 in the South Lakeland area. This showed an increased number of clients being able to access the service, and a greater level of debt being resolved in the area. It was noted that in South Lakeland alone during the first 6 months of the current contract a total debt of twice the entire value of the countywide contract had been resolved through the service, which illustrated its cost effectiveness.

During discussion a member questioned whether the number of service users in 2013 in low income wards, such as Ulverston East, had increased or decreased in comparison to previous years. Questions were also raised about prevention activity.

RESOLVED that the information in the report be noted, and that a briefing note be provided to the Local Committee in response to the questions raised at the meeting.


A report by the Corporate Director – Adult and Local Services, together with the Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool Annual Report 2012-13, sought to update the Committee on the development of services provided and highlight the impact that hydrotherapy was having on communities in south Cumbria.

Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool was owned, maintained and managed by Cumbria County Council and was supported through a partnership with the South Lakeland Hydrotherapy Trust. It was a facility that offered a hydrotherapy service to disabled adults and children with either long term or short term needs. The service helped between 450 and 500 people each week. In the Annual Report the Committee’s attention was drawn in particular to the significant progress achieved during the 2012-13 financial year, and the priorities identified for the current year.


(a) the report be received and noted;

(b) the Annual Report continue to be presented to the Local Committee, but that future updates and progress reports be received through the South Lakeland Local Committee Community and Wellbeing Working Group;

(c) the Local Committee’s thanks and appreciation for all their hard work and commitment to the Pool and the development of the services it provides be conveyed to members of the Trust.


A report by the Corporate Director – Environment briefly summarised the Kendal Futures Annual Report for 2012-13 prepared on behalf of the Kendal Futures Board. The Annual Report, which was appended to the report of the Corporate Director, summarised the achievements of the Board in its fifth year and outlined its future key priorities for the next year.

The main focus for Kendal Futures had been to lead the work to develop a Business Improvement District (BID) for Kendal, which had been supported at the last meeting of the Local Committee (minute 42 refers). It was reported that the Kendal BID ballot had been successful, and that it would generate a fund of around £150,000 per annum over 5 years to spend on projects which would directly benefit businesses in the town.

RESOLVED that the report be received.


The Local Committee’s representatives on the Grundy’s Charity and the LDNPA updated the Local Committee on developments.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Local Committee Chairs and Leadership held on 4 November 2013 be received.

At the close of the meeting the County Manager, Library Service Review, updated the Local Committee on the Library Service.

The Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation, together with the Assistant Director – Highways and Transportation, also held an informal session with members.

The meeting ended at 12.30pm