1934-11-15 [P D-9]
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SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. BALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. 8 ALE—AUTOMOBILES. (Centlnaed.) WILLYS 1933 six «port roadster: méchant· FORD 1933 V-8 Tudor: black; new tires, only $43»; terms. L. P. PONTIAO sedan. very cheap: good con- cally, appearance excellent: #228: guaran- motor perfect; dition. Phone Adams ST80. 16* teed. Barnes Motor Do.. 1720 14th. Phone Steusrt. Inc.. FORD Decatur 2390. 1821 14th BT W W. Trew Values 1931 coupc. #246: blu· body, ΡΟΝΏΑΟ PONTIAC 1933 sport coupe; Just like new black 4 brand-new tires, very AUTOMOBIUES at Weachler*· auto auction. fenders. In every war· only >499; terms. L. P. 1934 V-8 TUDOR Interior, excellent motor. Ideal car 938 Η η*., every Wednesday and Satur- On Guaranteed Used Cars '*T*ew Steusrt. Inc.. or talesman or small family. Α day. 10 a assortment. Îlean a.m. Usually «ood 1821 1 ▼aim at S24B. with a money-back guar- «hJOT-JtW. Dodge"6" antee. The Trew Motor Co.. 1628 14th CHRYSLER coach: food motor. A lacrtflce BUICK 1930 de luxe sport coupe, rumble Special Today >t. n.w. Phoone Decatur 1P10. at S3T. Nolan's Used-Oar Stadium. 18th seat; β wire wheels, well fenders, trunk φ and M sts. n.w. easy De Luxe PONTIAC 1932 '8" custom sedan: beau- rsck; motor and tires excellent: $249; Sedan finish like new. upholstery CHEVROLET 1932 4-door sedan: black, terms. L. P. Steusrt. Inc., tiful green just ST. spotless. Your most careiul Inspection in- cream wheels: excellent tires, motor like ISai 14th K.W. vited. 5460: terms. Pohanka Service. 1126 new: S329: terms. L. P. Steuart. Inc.. 20th st. n.w. Phone District P141. 1821 14th 8T. W W. PARTS—PARTS ROCKNE 10.12 75 sedan. $350; original CHEVROLET 1933 master coach: blue, For All Cars and Trucks. excellent Al to Glass Installed snd Repair Work. finish excellent. 6 very good tires, cream «heels: hot-water heater; low mile- MONET-BACK GUARANTEE 1930 motor, smooth, Lee D Butler, ate: S449. L. P. Steuart. Inc.. ROBERT HERSON AUTO EXCHANGE. INC. "'6" powerful. Inc. 2155 Champlaln st. n.w. 1821 14th ST. N.W. 72 Florida Ave. N.K. NOrth 10408. Dodge STUDKBAKER de luxe sedan, β-30: « wire FORD wheels. Seal of Windsor finish: perfect condition: original owner: sell $105: terms, NOLAN Sedan in cash. $1» month 3161 17th n.w. 18* BTUDEBAKER-ROCKNE 1933 sedan; spot- 1111 18th St. N.W. Coupe less interior, mechanically and appearance excellent; splendid family car Try and District «10· duplicate this car at $44.V with a money- ί Our Aim! ί back guarantee. The Trew Motor Co., 152β 14th st. η w. Phone Decatur 1B10. «195 "6" BTUD1BAKER9— We have a fine selection Dodge of late models In the best of condition throughout. 19.Ί4 Dictator 8t Regis sedan. Vcy low mileage. $Ηϋδ: 1Η.Ί4 Commander Coach gedan. $795: 1934 Commander Regal con- EMERSON new. $895; 3933 vertible roadster, like •33 Plymouth Sedan $39 S Now Available Regal sedan, a smart car at a AU tires practically new, chomium louvreouvre doors,doors. Λ» ^ ΕΓ President convertible road- AND '33 Chevrolet Coupe 425 {"residentow price: 1932 Latest Models With 6-window model, rich-lookint upholstery, motor to .ι- snappy and powerful; 1931 President '32 Plymouth Coupe 275 cellent condition, beautiful bltck flmth. ictorl* coupe Just like new. $42S: IP.')I tter. Patented Floating Power .Si75 Commander sedan, just overhauled and ORME '32 Plymouth Coach 295 1931 Studebaker six Nash These ear· hare been need by ear ituaranteed. $3H5: '29 Sedan 175 executive· and salesmen and have Wen sedan, a bargain at $275. See one of these '29 Stndebaker eer before you bay. Lee D. Butler. Inc.. 2156 De Luxe Sedan 195 driven very little. They carry Champlaln st. n.w. Pontiac '33 new-ear luinntee and lerriet toiler. Vour for · 8TÛDEBAKER 1930 Dictator coech: excel- Τ arm*—Τ rade opportunity lent condition: priced right for immediate Sedan .... $535 BIG SAVING gale. Wisconsin 3793 for demonstration. BTUDEBAKER 3 933 5-pass. sedan. Com- mander. in the very finest possible condi- Hupmobile Trew Motor Co. tion; the paint is perfect; $595: C. C C. Trew Motor Co. guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd '31 Sedan. $295 1526 14th Decatur 1910 EitiMlihed 1914. 5L !LW Natl. .3300. Open Sun, and eve. 1526 14th St. N.W. Doe. 1910 STUDEBAKER 19.11 Commander club se- dan; beautiful tan finish, white side wall "To place our cars in such splendid con- '33 tires, β wire wheels, with trunk; worth Buick SlOo more than we ask: $365: terms. dition wtll "57" D. L. Addison. 1437 Irving st. n.w. that people always say, buy aimillllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItHIIIIIIIIIIII .... $865 WILLYS-KNIGHT Î933 sedan.-$495: orig- Sedan inal black finish, with spotless interior, from to he sure' and to sell excellent motor and rubber. Lee D. Butler. Parkway Inc.. 2155 Champlaln st. η w. Oldsmobile Value these cars at such that will Today's Outstanding WILLYS 1933 "Π" sedan. 53P5; original fair prices CHOICE SELECTION black fnirh in exce'lent condition A-l '33 "6" OF FINE CARS mechanically, good rubber and upholsterv. | lots it!" of people saying Sedan .... $625 A real buy. Lee D. Butler. Inc.. 2155 keep "Better Champlaln st. n.w. ! By Comparison" —"Ferd" & "Bill" Carter. Cadillac '31 '26 Lincoln 7 Sedan Sedan .... $695 $159 NOLAN '29 Packard Convertible Coupe Pontiac '30 Has a • ··.·.·· ·«· plan that require* QUALITY SPEC!ALS (Special) [«j··· i»2 169 Sedan .... '30 Oakland Sedan NO DOWN PAYMENT $195 ...-«·«,t„ 219 '32 Ford V-8 Del. Coupe- on all can up to $300. '33 Chevrolet Sedan $449 Studebaker nimble seat '34 Ford V-8 Tudor $529 '34 Dictator :e. .M 359 Sedan $595 1934 StudebaJcer Dictator De Luxe Sedan '32 Ford V-8 Del. Phaeton 329 '33 Ford V-8 Roadster $419 Finished in a beautiful sea full tray, spotless cloth '31 Graham Sedan '33 Ford V-8 Tudor $429 Buick '34 upholstery, free wheeling, safety (lass all „. 395 around, all automatic features with modern stream 67 D. L. '33 Chevrolet Master r.IO„ 459 '32 Chevrolet Coupe (R. S.) $295 I lines, like new throughout $669 Coup· NOLAN Sedan .. '33 $1,295 Fordor .. '32 Chevrolet Coupe $339 Plymouth Sedan 469 '32 Buick 1111 18th N.W. '33 Chevrolet Roadster $419 Buick '33 £QûC 5-pass. Coupe 565 '34 Ford De '32 Chevrolet Sedan $329 "67" Sedan φθ9 J Luxe Tudor 569 '31 '30 Nash Sedan $255 Packard Convertible Coupe 695 Chrysler '31 '32 '29 Cadillac 5 Sed. (Fleetwood).1,750 Williams & Baker Packard Limousine $349 Sedan De L. $345 '28 Hudson Roadster $129 ALL MAKES IN TRADE REASONABLE TERMS Inc. '31 Ford D. L. Roadster $219 Lincoln FORD LINCOLN Nash Dealers '28 Sedan $103 '32 De L. Sherman Willys-Knight = 2525 Ave. 1727 Conn. Ave. Coupe $1,175 '32 Rock ne Sedan $359 '33 Willys-Knight Sedan ...$495 These Cars Will Speak '31 Chevrolet Coach $249 § '31 Dodge "»" Sedan 345 '31 Franklin Sedan MS ADAMS 8000 DECATUR 4300 '33 I '33 Chevrolet Sedan 489 '31 Buick "17" Sedan 475 Open Evéninfs;?én and Sunday No Parking Worries for Themselves '30 Buick Sedan ,... $349 Dodge Sedan ... '27 Packard Limousine $149 $595 •S3 Nash Special 8 Sedan..$750 LEE D. Inc. '32 Nash Special 8 Sedan.. 650 '30 Marmon Sedan $195 BUTLER, "My v.td Car, Mmk, Good or / Do" '32 Ford V-8 De Luxe 17th *M St.. ΐζΓτ Coupe 345 '29 Dodge Sedan $195 2155 Ch.mplain St. N.W. Col. 5050 Use nth Street Entrance 1 «5* '32 Rockne Coach 325 '30 La Salle $395 Studebaker—Pierce-Arrow '32 Nash Stand. 8 Sedan. 395 Touring '32 Graham 8 Sedan ($70 '30 Chevrolet Coupe $183 llllltllltltlllllllllllinillllltllllllllllltllllllllllllllll!Hilllllllllllllllllim«lliniHUNIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIHIIItmillllUnilllllliH Real USED CAR Values Motorola Radio) 575 *28 La Salle Touring $129 '32 Nash 6 Sedan, 2nd at Unusual Bargain Prices! Series 450 '28 Oldsmobile Sedan $119 '31 Nash Standard 6 Sedan 265 193Λ De Sot· C ■ · 1 ο m 1B32 Hupmobile "β" De Sedan. Code price, ΙβΟΟ. Laie Sedan. Code 6 Sedan. 265 price, '30 Nash Special *6M. Now $423 *31 Graham 6 Coupe 245 IMt Cord D* Luxe Conr. '29 Packard 7-pass. Sedan. 295 Coupe. Code price, »!»«. l».in Packard Sedan. Now Code price S45S. Now Nash Adv. 8 Sedan... 395 9)/) *31 Everv Make Car in Trade. \our Own Terms (New black paint) »3»3 (New black paint) *30 Nash Adv. 8 Coupe... 295 De '31 Nash 6 265 10R4 Sota Airflow Sedan demonstra- Coupe tor, new ear term· and cuarantoe. Special 1507 14th St. N.W. I $897 ,////> 1»30 Hupmobile Ιβϊβ Chevrolet $83 Coach **3 1SS8 12 £llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllli:illHlllllllllillllllillllllU| Chryiler Sport IBM Cadillac 314 1 Koaditor w. w.) \ :■ (β $93 $73 STOHLMfiN KEMPTON MOTORS CORP. Ν. W. Get Both 3040 M Street De Soto and Plymouth Distributors s = CarA. ûVQJh ! Low Price—Hifh Quality Ξ 1138 Connecticut Avenue N.W. 1 1932 Chevrolet Coach J345 1 Open Eve. and Sunday District 3430 g 1932 Chevrolet Spt. Rdstr. 315 g α$£ = 1930 Buick Sedan 325 Ξ g 1930 Packard C-W. Sedan.. 465 Ξ £ 1933 Chevrolet Coupe 445 = g 1932 Chevrolet Coach ..... 335 = All 225 = ★ ★ They're g 1970 Pontiac Sedan LOW PRICES/ = 1929 Buick Roadster 175 Ξ Recent Models Almost New = 1930 Chevrolet Spt. Coupe 215 Ξ Ε 1930 Pontiac Coupe 215 Ξ g 1931 Chevrolet Coach 255 g g 1931 Ford Cabriolet 215 g g 1930 Chevrolet Coach 185 g WASHINGTON'S LARGEST 1934 Lincoln "Old Friend·, Like Old Wine, I m pro τ. With AKe" g 1929 Dodge Sedan 95 = Wo Havo Sorvod You for 30 Yoare 7-Pass.