form of the Reiner -Prokofiev /King & Evans/ duced by . This is an amazingly Little Feat summaries. I'm still seeing stars. great album and features one of the best- Ipurchased all three records within the last dressed rock groups ever to grace an album year and your reviews mirrored my feelings cover. Iwish it would be re- released on CD exactly. Sign me up for asubscription! since my LP copy has seen better days. There Inow anxiously await my first copy of Ste- was acompanion album by Dunbar featuring reophile that doesn't require me to first search the same group, but Ionly have afew cuts on for adamned parking spot. Keep up the good/ acassette. My guess is that these albums were bad/otherwise work—you've got my check! recorded in the very late '60s. Ifound athird Ashwinl Keswani album on the Charley label (horrible record- Hopkins, MN ing) that features adifferent group and includes alengthy jam on aversion of "Willie the Pimp," Where's Aynsley? so Iguess this session (1970) follows Dunbar's Editor: association with Zappa and his subsequent In response to John Atkinson's query about the return to England. From here, Ineed to turn great British drummer, Aynsley Dunbar (Vol.12 things over to Stereopbile's British subscribers No.6, p.19), he may be interested to know that for any more info on the whereabouts of this Mr. Dunbar was apercussionist on the first sev- excellent rock drummer. (Yes, afew of us do eral Journey albums, recorded in the mid-'70s. care.) Sherm Clow More recently, he appeared on the Salt Lake City, UT album, although he has since been replaced. Aynsley Dunbar began working with Zappa No wonder JA would not have known this, in 1970, with Chunga's Revenge, and con- unless he warms up his Krells with Metal. tinued through 1972, witb Live at the Fillmore Michael Slivka , Just Another Band from L.A., Miami Beach, FL Walca/Jawaka, The Grand Wazoct and abelated appearance on I974's He did not Whereabouts now are unknown play on Hot Rats. —RL Editor: What happened to Aynsley Dunbar? After GAS pains Zappa he played with , then with Editor: . Remember the song lane"? Iwas quite annoyed by the letter written by Mr. That's him. He was last seen on Whitesnake— Ed Miller, President, Great American Sound the one with "In the Still of the Night." But he (May, p.181). didn't tour with them. Whereabouts now are Although they may have paid off the banks, unknown Rick Nelson no attempts were made to provide support to La Crosse, WI GAS owners when the company went out of business. Iown aThoebe preamp and Son of More Zappa! Ampzilla and Ican tell you for sure that service Editor: on these units was nearly impossible to find. Ijust want to express my appreciation and It was virtually impossible to get schematics admiration for Richard Lehnert and his series or parts. The parts in the units were labeled of articles on the music of . This with GAS parts numbers and cross references has certainly been quite aproject, and Ihave were needed. These were nowhere to be found. enjoyed the articles immensely. Should this The fact that Sumo immediately began offering series ever end (please, no!), it should qualify service only tells me that they see an opportu- for reprint status or even the basis of abook. nity to capitalize on the situation. If they want All in all, the articles have been very helpful in to be so nice, they should fix the units (such as understanding elements of Zappa's music and my Thoebe) that broke before the warranty its recorded history. Thanks again. expired. By the by, JA's footnote in the latest Leh- My experience and that of persons Iknow nert /Zappa installment led me deep into my indicates that the production quality (quality Rock collection to find what Imight have by control) of the GAS products was deplorable. Aynsley Dunbar. Idiscovered aclassic: the Blue My Thoebe was in once for warranty service Thumb/Bam-Bam issue of Retaliation, pro- and was also fixed once by Gas Works. It never

Stereophile, August 1989 25