KOCR Searching for New'o by Steve Lyon Tower Site
• I vol XXI no 13 dordt college, sioux center, iowa March 2, 1978 III. Meyer unites and glorifies ---,--_. --- DDRDT COLLEGE RADIO --.&----- 'Spoon River' 91.3, STEREO FM 1112) 722·0913 By AUDREY VLlEG living as e a c h character recalls -Diamond Editor- the-highlights of his life. " . 'The presentation 0 f the Spoon 'The Theater Arts Department wfll - River is not in the Same form as the PROCLAiMING A GOD-CENTERED CULTURE present, "Spoon River Anthology"as written anthology. St a te s 'Meyer, the first production in the new mini- "I liked the literature and the folk- theater. On March 9, 8:00 pc m , , songs but I never liked the play be- the door s will open for the fir st pre- cause it didn't seem to have unity. sentation and will continue through- Ithad no beginning, mtddle, or end; ont the following week on March nl, nothrustortheme.Butl thought the 11, 16, 17, 18. problem WaSarrangement of the Last year the old gymnasium's poems, not the literature, so Ichose ba sketball s were put away and 46 of the 89 poems and 13 of the 17 hammers were brought out to begin folksongs, arranged themin~ construction on the theater. What scenes, added a brief introduction resulted from the months of activity and conclusion and created some include a sewing room, two faculty semblance of a plot. " offices, and the new theater. During the 75 minute presentanon, 'The theater seats 90 people, who the students will portray sltuartons will sit strategically around a such as a square dance, a church center stage.
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