Conviction A World War I critical thinking project A secondary school-focused teachers’ resource Q Logo - Sky - CMYK - Black Text.pdf 1 22.07.2013 2.24.24PM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Conviction is available from the Quaker Centre Bookshop, priced at £5 plus £1.80 P&P. Visit or call 020 7663 1030 to order a copy. For a free download go to Conviction: A World War I critical thinking project Published in 2014 by Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW), Britain Yearly Meeting, Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ. © Britain Yearly Meeting 2014 All images © Library of the Religious Society of Friends unless otherwise indicated. ISBN: 978-1-907123-73-3 Written by Don Rowe, in collaboration with Isabel Cartwright. Printed by: Berforts Information Press, Oxford For more information about peace education please contact Isabel Cartwright, Peace Education Programme Manager for Quakers in Britain, at
[email protected] or on 020 7663 1087. Contents Welcome 2 Quakers believe… 2 Quakers and peace education 3 Introduction for teachers 4 Using Conviction 4 Teachers’ notes: approaching the stories 6 Student resources 9 Student resource 1: Emily Hobhouse, hero or traitor? 10 Student resource 2: Albert French, the young and brave soldier 14 Student resource 3: Harry Stanton, the ‘absolutist’ 20 Student resource 4: Women and families in World War I 24 Student resource 5: Corder Catchpool, pacifist and ‘bridge-builder’ 28 Student resource 6: Henry Williamson, the nature-loving soldier 32 Key terms and