Provenance-Aware Storage Systems

Kiran-Kumar Muniswamy-Reddy, David A. Holland, Uri Braun, Margo Seltzer Harvard University

Abstract systems manage meta-data. Managing provenance in the storage system provides many advantages: A Provenance-Aware Storage System (PASS) is a storage system that automatically collects and maintains prove- • The storage system can generate system-level nance or lineage, the complete history or ancestry of an provenance automatically, freeing users from man- item. We discuss the advantages of treating provenance ually tracking provenance and tool designers from as meta-data collected and maintained by the storage sys- constructing provenance-aware applications. tem, rather than as manual annotations stored in a sepa- rately administered database. We describe a PASS imple- • Provenance collection and management are trans- mentation, discussing the challenges it presents, perfor- parent. Users take no special actions, so provenance mance cost it incurs, and the new functionality it enables. collection is the norm rather than the exception. We show that with reasonable overhead, we can provide • The tight coupling between data and provenance useful functionality not available in today’s file systems provided by the storage system avoids provenance or provenance management systems. loss both during normal activity and during man- agement procedures such as backup, restoration, or 1 Introduction data migration. • System-level provenance produces a level of meta- Provenance is traditionally the ownership history of an data completeness difficult or impossible to achieve object. In digital systems, ownership history includes with application-level solutions. a description of how the object was derived [4]. In software development, build rules express provenance A provenance-aware storage system (PASS) is a stor- and source code control systems track it. Archivists age system that automatically collects, stores, manages, maintain provenance meta-data to support document vi- and provides search for provenance. Provenance-aware ability, renderability, understandability, authenticity, and storage offers functionality unavailable in conventional identity in preservation contexts [21]. Scientific repro- systems. For example, comparing the provenance of two ducibility requires provenance to identify precisely in- pieces of derived data, such as simulation results, can put data sets, experimental procedures, and parameteri- reveal changes between two program invocations. We zation. The business community uses “lineage” to refer can use provenance to identify the particular workflow to the history of a document. In all of these domains that produced a document; this provides a tight cou- provenance increases an object’s value. pling between workflow management and information Digital provenance is typically stored in standalone life-cycle management (ILM). Searchable provenance database systems, maintained in parallel with the data to enables queries like “Who is using my dataset?” or “On which it refers [2, 6, 25]. Separating provenance from its whose data am I depending when I run this experiment?” data introduces problems such as: ensuring consistency System-level provenance enables identification of con- between the provenance and the data, enforcing prove- figuration changes that affect applications. nance maintenance, and preserving provenance during We present the design and evaluation of a prototype backup, restoration, copies, etc. PASS. A PASS is both a provenance solution and sub- Provenance should be maintained by the storage sys- strate upon which we can support other provenance sys- tem, since provenance is merely meta-data and storage tems. Domains characterized by command-line invoca-

USENIX Association Annual Tech ’06: 2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 43 tion of data transformations are well served by PASS ample, the output of the sort utility depends on the and may not require any domain-specific solution. Do- value of the environment variable LC COLLATE. Ex- mains that require GUI-driven applications or applica- amining the provenance of files produced by sort ex- tion environments still derive benefit from integration plains why two seemingly identical invocations of the with provenance-aware storage. This paper contributes: same command on the same input produce different re- An approach to automatic provenance collection and sults. Because we record the process’ environment in the maintenance; a prototype that demonstrates the efficacy provenance, it becomes easy to identify what differs be- and practicality of the PASS concept; an evaluation of tween the two invocations. Tracking changes in libraries PASS functionality and overhead; and a research agenda and tools is similarly straightforward. The provenance for future work on PASS. that PASS collects reveals changes in the environment, The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec- libraries, operating system, or tools. tion 2, we present several novel use cases that PASS en- ables. In Section 3, we compare PASS to existing prove- 2.3 Intrusion Detection nance systems. In Section 4, we outline the requirements for PASS and explain how PASS interacts with existing Since a PASS collects provenance inside the operating provenance systems and file system utilities. In Sec- system and file system, it provides a detailed record of tion 5, we describe our PASS implementation. In Sec- how objects change. This feature can be used in some tion 6, we quantify the overheads PASS introduces. We cases both for intrusion detection and subsequent foren- conclude in Section 7 with a discussion of open research sic analysis. issues and the long-term PASS agenda. One of the authors uses a UNIX version of the Win- dows trash bin, aliasing rm (remove) to

2 Novel Functionality mv !* ˜/etc/garbage PASS provides novel features not available in other sys- which moves the target files to a garbage directory. tems. In this section, we present use cases and examples Quite unexpectedly, several recently deleted files ap- that demonstrate the power of provenance-aware storage. peared in ∼/public html. This happened on a non- PASS system, so it took nearly a half hour to discover 2.1 Script Generation that ∼/etc/garbage had been symbolically linked to ∼/public html. Had this occurred on a PASS, the Early PASS users were most excited by PASS’s poten- provenance of the files in ∼/public html would have tial to create scripts that reproduce a file originally cre- revealed that they had been explicitly moved from their ated through trial and error. We find this one of the most original locations. Had the shell provided application- compelling features of PASS. specific provenance, the rm alias would have been read- Recently one of the authors was preparing a paper and ily apparent. discovered that a PostScript figure was being generated with the wrong bounding box, producing a tiny figure 2.4 Retrieving Compile-Time Flags surrounded by blank space. After several hours of exper- imental tinkering as the submission deadline approached, A common approach to understanding software perfor- he discovered that creating a huge bitmap, cropping it mance is to recompile with different functionality se- with an image-manipulation tool, and then converting lected via macros defined on the compiler command line. it to a different format for incorporation into the paper However, in order to interpret the results, one must keep solved the problem. Discovering the precise solution was track of which macros were defined for each program an iterative multistage process. When the figure finally run. Often, users neglect to record this information; then, displayed properly, its provenance allowed automating once the details have been forgotten, it becomes nec- the processing. Currently, we generate scripts to repro- essary to redo the work. PASS automatically records duce a particular object; generalizing these scripts so that command-line arguments, as well as the relationship be- they transform objects of one type into objects of another tween the various versions of the program and the per- type is a future project. formance results. It is thus possible to recover the macro arguments and functionality choices. 2.2 Detecting System Changes 2.5 Build Debugging Because we collect provenance at the system level, we know the operating system, library versions, and the en- Large build environments are often missing elements of vironment present when an object was created. For ex- their dependency lists. These become apparent when a

44 Annual Tech ’06: 2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association build repeatedly produces a flawed executable. The tra- file. Astronomy’s Flexible Image Transport (FITS) ditional solution (suggested explicitly for the Linux ker- format [18] and the Spatial Data Transfer Standard nel) is to make clean after any change. (SDTS) [23] are examples of this approach. A FITS file PASS easily identifies an inconsistent build: in nearly header consists of a collection of tagged attribute/value all build environments, it is incorrect for two different pairs, some of which are provenance. Whenever a file versions of the same source or intermediate file to simul- is transformed, additional provenance is added to this taneously be ancestors of the same output. Examining header. This approach addresses the challenge of mak- the complete ancestry of an obsolete file reveals immedi- ing the provenance and data inseparable, but it introduces ately the intermediate file that should have been rebuilt, other disadvantages. It is expensive to search the at- identifying the missing dependency. tribute space to find objects meeting some criteria. Tools that operate on such files must read and write the headers 2.6 Understanding System Dependencies and be provenance-aware. The validity and complete- ness of the provenance is entirely dependent upon the Early experimentation with PASS presented some sur- tools that process the data. Worse yet, there is no way to prising results. We found that some objects we created determine if provenance is complete or accurate. unexpectedly included /bin/mount in their prove- The Lineage File System (LinFS) [15] is most similar nance. This was baffling, since we were executing rel- to PASS. LinFS is a file system that automatically tracks atively simple commands such as sort a > b. provenance at the file system level, focusing on executa- We discovered that the Linux C library frequently bles, command lines and input files as the only source reads the mount table, /etc/mtab, to determine where of provenance, ignoring the hardware and software en- procfs is mounted before using it. mount and vironment in which such processes run. As shown in umount update /etc/mtab, so these programs quite Section 2, complete system-level provenance provides correctly appeared in our sorted file’s ancestry. These functionality unavailable in other systems. A second, files also appear in the provenance of any process that and perhaps more important, difference is that LinFS de- reads the mount table to find procfs. lays provenance collection, performing it at user-level This behavior is either good or bad, depending on per- by writing it to an external database. In contrast, PASS spective. For a system designer, such information is use- manages its provenance database directly in the kernel, ful; to a user, it is distracting. To preserve the infor- providing greater synchronicity between data and prove- mation for some without burdening others, we provide nance; PASTA, our provenance-aware file system, man- a provenance truncation utility, ptrunc, that removes ages both the data and provenance producing a tighter /etc/mtab’s (or any file’s) ancestry. coupling than provided by a separate user-level database. Trio [27] is to databases what a PASS is to file systems. 3 Provenance Solutions Trio is a database system that incorporates uncertainty, managing both data and its provenance. It extends SQL Provenance is pervasive in scientific computing, busi- to support lineage and accuracy information when re- ness, and archival. Simmhan et al. categorize prove- quested by a user or application. Trio and PASS are com- nance solutions in terms of their architecture: database- plimentary. Trio focuses on the formalism to describe oriented, service-oriented, and “other” [29]. We bor- uncertainty via lineage and operates on tuples within a row and enrich this taxonomy. We extend database- database framework; PASS focuses on a less structured oriented approaches to include file and file-system- environment and operates on files. oriented approaches such as PASS. The service-oriented architecture encompasses myriad grid-based solutions. 3.2 Service-oriented Architectures Simmhan’s “other” category refers to scripting architec- tures; we treat software development tools, i.e., source Many of the computational sciences use provenance sys- code control and build systems, as a specific instance of tems designed for grid environments since provenance a scripting architecture. To these three categories, we facilitates scientific verification, reproducibility, and col- add “environment architectures” where users perform all laboration. Most of these systems use a directed-acyclic- tasks in a unified environment that tracks provenance. graph (DAG) representation to describe workflows. The tools that understand these workflows collect provenance 3.1 File, File System and Database and transmit it to a grid provenance service. For exam- Approaches ple, Globus [7] is used widely by high-energy physicists and includes the Metadata Catalog Service (MCS) [6] One obvious approach to provenance maintenance is that stores metadata for logical data objects. MCS in- to include provenance inside the corresponding data cludes a set of common attributes and permits inclusion

USENIX Association Annual Tech ’06: 2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 45 of domain- or application-specific attributes. San Diego and incremental. As with DSEE, Vesta relies on a cus- SuperComputer’s Storage Request Broker [2, 26] has a tom build environment that monitors the build process to Metadata Catalog similar to the MCS. extract dependencies and record complete environment Chimera [8] is a virtual data system providing a virtual information to facilitate repeatable builds. Like DSEE data language (VDL) and a virtual data catalog (VDC). and other source code control systems, it relies on an a The VDC implements a virtual data schema defining the priori description of the derivation process. As a result, objects and relations used to capture descriptions of pro- while extraordinarily useful for software development, it gram invocations and to record these invocations. The ignores the central PASS challenge: automatically gen- VDL is used for defining and manipulating data deriva- erating the derivation rules as a system runs. tion procedures stored in the VDC. Chimera can be used to generate Grid workflows from the derivations. 3.4 Environment Architectures These systems place the responsibility for provenance maintenance with the grid tools, storing provenance in Other domains have environments that track work and a system parallel to the data storage. They create and record provenance as Vesta does for software develop- maintain provenance only for data that is processed by ment. GenePattern [10] is an environment for com- provenance-aware tools, so there is no mechanism to putational biologists, the Collaboratory for Multi-scale capture provenance for local experimentation or opera- Chemical Sciences (CMCS) [20] is an environment for tions issued outside the bounds of these tools. PASS pro- chemists, and the Earth System Science Workbench vides capabilities not found in these systems and is com- (ESSW) [9] is an environment for earth scientists. As plimentary to their approaches. A grid-accessible PASS long as a user modifies data exclusively in one of these provides the advantages of both worlds. environments, the environment can effectively track provenance. However, operating on data outside the en- vironment or moving data between two different envi- 3.3 Scripting Architectures ronments breaks the provenance chain. Traditional file Software developers manage provenance manually us- system utilities, such as backup and restore, or regular ing source code control and build systems. Though utilities, such as remove and rename, can also break the powerful, these systems rely more on manual interven- provenance chain. The semantic information these en- tion than PASS does. Build systems maintain depen- vironments provide is powerful; we propose PASS as a dencies after those dependencies have been specified; substrate under such environments. This hybrid architec- PASS derives dependencies based upon program exe- ture avoids disruptions in provenance and adds the abil- cution. Source code control systems track differences ity to augment an environment’s provenance with prove- between manually-declared versions, but a manually- nance about the operating system, libraries, and other entered commit message is typically the only conceptual system-level information. expression of the transformation between those two ver- sions. Thus, the quality of provenance in these systems 3.5 Summary depends on the quality of commit messages and build configuration files. For example, makefiles that track in- Provenance-aware storage provides functionality not clude dependencies properly are considerably more use- found in today’s provenance solutions while compati- ful than those that do not. ble with most of them. Ultimately, end-to-end prove- The source code control systems most similar to PASS nance requires multiple approaches working in concert. are ClearCase (and its predecessor DSEE) and Vesta. As shown by our evaluation, using PASS as a substrate ClearCase [5] is a source code control system, and like for the end-to-end solution provides significant benefits. PASS, it is based on a custom file system. The file system serves as the source code repository, and the build system 4 The PASS Vision relies on the standard make utility. The custom file sys- tem tracks and maintains system dependencies to avoid PASS collects and maintains provenance for all the ob- work in future builds and to trigger rebuilds. PASS also jects stored in it. We define provenance to be a descrip- captures these dependencies. As is the case with all build tion of the execution history that produced a persistent systems of which we are aware, ClearCase requires that object (file). We represent provenance as a collection critical dependencies be specified a priori; PASS derives of attribute/value pairs, referenced by a unique identifier dependencies by observation. called a pnode number. Provenance can contain refer- Vesta [12] is a second generation build system devel- ences to objects that are themselves provenanced, i.e., oped at DEC Systems Research Center (SRC). The key have provenance. Therefore, complete provenance is the design goals were making builds repeatable, consistent, transitive closure over all such references.

46 Annual Tech ’06: 2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association In both service-oriented architectures and PASS, Field Value provenance is captured in a DAG. PASS automatically generates the DAG describing the relationship between FILE /b processes running on it and the files stored in it. Our pro- ARGV sort a totype tracks provenance at a file granularity, but this is NAME /bin/sort,/bin/cat not an inherent property of PASS; a system could track INPUT (pnode number of a) provenance at finer or coarser granularities [16] (e.g., OPENNAME /lib/i686/, bytes, lines, directories or whole volumes). /usr/share/locale/locale.alias, Data on a PASS is considered to be either new data or /etc/mtab,/proc/meminfo the output of some process. The provenance of a process’ .#prov.mtab output must include: ENV PWD=/pass USER=root ... KERNEL Linux 2.4.29+autoprov #17 ... • A unique reference to the particular instance of the MODULE pasta,kbdb,autofs4,3c59x,... executable that created it. • References to all input files. Table 1: Provenance of sort a > b. The FILE record is relative to the root of the PASS volume. • A complete description of the hardware platform on which the output was produced. • A complete description of the operating system and system libraries that produced the output. 4.1 Requirements • The command line. • The process environment. PASS must automatically collect provenance and also provide the functionality outlined in this section. • Parameters to the process (frequently encapsulated in the command line or input files) PASS must support application-generated prove- nance, so that PASS can be used as a substrate for • Other data (e.g., the random number generator seed) domain-specific provenance solutions. Applications that necessary to make pseudo-random computation re- currently write to domain-specific provenance systems peatable. can instead write into a PASS’s provenance database, Collecting all the information listed above poses chal- producing an integrated view of application and system lenges, but is possible. However, it is not possi- provenance. Our implementation uses a simple, low- ble to automatically collect provenance that the system level data representation that is easily mapped to XML, never sees; we call such provenance opaque provenance. a relational schema, or any other data format used by an Opaque provenance arises when data originates from a existing provenance solution. non-PASS source, such as a user, another computer, or PASS must provide security for provenance. Prove- another file system that is not provenance-aware. nance requires access controls different from the data it There are three approaches to opaque data. First, a describes. Consider an employee performance review PASS records any provenance it can deduce about an in- that includes input from others: while the review itself put, such as its creator, create time, its source (expressed must be readable by the employee, the provenance must as the global name for a networked object or the full path not [15]. We conducted user studies to gather require- for a local, non-PASS object) and a unique fingerprint ments for a provenance security model and determined of the source (e.g., a hash value). Second, a PASS per- that the security model for provenance can be divided mits users to add annotations to files. Annotations pro- into two pieces: one that protects access to ancestors and vide either provenance for opaque data or semantic in- descendants and one that protects access to attributes. formation, invisible to the system. Third, a PASS allows We are designing a security model for provenance, but storage and retrieval of application-specific provenance. its details are beyond the scope of this paper [3]. Application-specific provenance records are like annota- tions, but are provided programmatically from, for ex- Finally, PASS must provide support for queries on ample, a driver for a remote data-producing device (e.g., provenance. Collecting provenance on data is not useful a driver taking data from a telescope) or an application unless that provenance is easily accessed. Provenance environment such as GenePattern [10]. A PASS distin- queries fall into two categories: conventional attribute guishes between internally-collected provenance, anno- lookup and computation of transitive closures of ancestry tations, and application-generated provenance so queries (or descendancy) information. The latter are particularly can specify which attribute types to consider. challenging for most data management systems.

USENIX Association Annual Tech ’06: 2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 47 % sort a > b. USER LEVEL sequence of system calls fork open b (W) exec “sort a” open a (R) read a write b close a close b

1 3 5 9 11 13 15 16

14 SYSCALL LAYER provenance task 2 env=“USER=...” argv=“sort, a” inode cache name=“sort” 7 sort b 4 a 10 6 modules=“pasta...” kernel=“Linux...”

8 input=sort

12 input=a



provenance reference KBDB FILES EXT2 system call invocation

17 order of events

data movement

1. Create a new process via fork. 10. Read a’s inode into the inode cache. 2. Materialize a task struct structure for the new process. 11. Read from a. 3. Open output file b as stdout. 12. Add file a’s provenance to the current process. 4. Place b’s inode into the inode cache. 13. Write output to b. 5. Exec sort 14. Transfer process’ provenance to b. 6. Create provenance records for the process. 15. Close a. 7. Load the executable; place its inode in the inode cache. 16. Close b. 8. Associate the executable’s inode to the running process. 17. Write provenance to database. 9. Open input file a.

Figure 1: Provenance Collection Example: We show the relevant system calls and provenance collection and mainte- nance steps for a simple command.

48 Annual Tech ’06: 2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association 5 Implementation Therefore, each object on disk may correspond to several in-memory objects, and in-memory non-persistent ob- We implemented PASS in Linux 2.4.29. To provide a jects may have their provenance recorded multiple times framework for the implementation discussion, we be- on disk if they are ancestors of multiple files. gin with an example describing how PASS collects and The system collects provenance for every process, be- maintains provenance. We then present an overview of cause it cannot know in advance which processes might provenance collection followed by the details of its im- ultimately write to a PASS volume. It also collects prove- plementation. We conclude this section by evaluating our nance for non-PASS files, which is retained as long as prototype relative to the requirements presented in the their inodes are kept in memory. previous section. Throughout the rest of this section, we use the ex- ample command line “sort a > b” to describe how 5.2 The Collector PASS collects and stores provenance. Table 1 shows the records that are added to the database, and Figure 1 One of the key challenges in PASS is translating a se- shows the sequence of important system calls and the quence of low-level events into a sequence of meaning- provenance collection steps performed while the com- ful provenance entries; the collector performs this trans- mand executes. lation. It intercepts system calls, translating them into With this structure in mind, we present the details of in-memory provenance records, which are then attached our implementation in four parts. First, we present an to key kernel data structures. Figure 1 shows how the overview of provenance collection. Second, we discuss collector translates some system calls into provenance the collector, which implements the activity shown in the records. For example, the exec system call (step 5) trig- the syscall layer in the figure. Third, we discuss our gers creation of the ENV, ARGV, NAME, KERNEL, and provenance-aware file system, which resides below the MODULES provenance records in step 6. It also main- VFS layer. Last, we present our query system, which is tains the ancestry graph for in-memory objects. The final not shown in the figure. job of the collector is to map the in-memory graph to the on-disk provenance that is passed to the storage layer, shown as step 17 in Figure 1. We refer to on-disk prove- 5.1 Overview nance of an object via a unique pnode number. In the sort example, the collector’s work is relatively The system maintains provenance information both in simple. The collector generates a provenance record for memory and on disk, but the two representations do not each provenance-related system call and binds the record map one-to-one. On disk, file ancestry can be expressed to the appropriate structure. Table 2 summarizes the sys- as cross-references to other files. In memory, however, tem calls that the collector intercepts, the provenance PASS must account for processes and for other objects records generated, and the structures to which records such as pipes or sockets that play important roles in are attached. provenance collection and derivation, but are not mate- rialized in the file system. Processes are provenanced objects, because processes Duplicate Elimination In the example, sort might produce files that must incorporate their creating pro- issue many read system calls if its input file is large. cess’ provenance. For example, in Figure 1, the process’ The simple-minded collector creates a new INPUT provenance is the collection of records that are attached provenance record for each read, even though the sub- to the task structure. Since our implementation does not sequent provenance records are exact duplicates of the track explicit data flow within a process, all data a pro- first. Our collector tests for and eliminates duplicates cess accesses can potentially affect the process’ outputs at two points. It drops a new record when that record and must be included in its provenance. exactly duplicates an existing record already attached to In memory, the system maintains an ancestry graph in the same kernel object. This does not eliminate all du- which files reference processes, and processes reference plicates, however. Consider the shell command (sort PASS files, pipes, non-PASS files, and (transitively) even a; sort a) > b, which writes two sorted copies of other processes. Many of these objects are never materi- a into b. Both sort processes read a and have a as an alized on disk, and some that are written to disk cannot ancestor. When the collector traverses the in-memory be readily cross-referenced. When provenance is written graph to write provenance for b, two references to a ap- to disk, in-memory references to persistent objects are pear, so the collector also suppresses duplicates during recorded in the database as references while the prove- this traversal. This duplicate elimination removes iden- nance of a non-persistent referenced object (e.g., a pipe) tical ancestors (e.g., the two occurrences of a), but since is copied directly into the referring object’s provenance. the two sort processes have different process ids, the

USENIX Association Annual Tech ’06: 2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 49 System Call Record Type Description Where attached

execve ENV environment current process ARGV command line arguments current process NAME process name current process PID process id current process KERNEL kernel version current process MODULES kernel modules loaded current process INPUT reference to program current process open OPENNAME pathname of file (non-PASS files only) target file’s inode read INPUT reference to file current process write INPUT reference to current process target file’s inode

Table 2: Basic provenance collection by system call.

provenance still reveals that there were two invocations tation should be minimized. However, as the workload of sort. increases in complexity, reducing the number of ver- sions introduces an even more daunting challenge: cy- cles. Provenance cycles are problematic, because they Versions Suppose that we executed sort a > b but represent violations of causality (i.e., an object depend- b already existed. The system would truncate b and write ing on the existence of its children). Consider the pro- new data to it, logically creating a new version of b. The gram that does: system needs to ensure that there is a new version for the provenance of b, as the new b may have no relation- read a ship whatsoever to the old. Creating a new provenance write a version allocates a new pnode number. The collector in- This program reads a, becoming a descendant of a. tercepts the truncate operation to make sure this hap- Then it writes a, making itself also an ancestor of a. This pens at the right time. produces a cycle unless the write to a creates a new ver- Because we are not running on a versioning file sys- sion that is not an ancestor of the process. tem, the data in the old b is lost. However, our file sys- This particular case is easily suppressed; however, the tem does retain old versions of provenance, because the problem is considerably broader than this. Consider two old b could be an ancestor of an important file, and we processes P and Q: cannot remove that file’s provenance. In this example, it was easy to determine when to cre- PQ ate new versions. However, declaring a new version is read a more complicated in the general case. Consider a se- read b quence of write system calls. Does each write create a write b new version? What if a process closes and re-opens the write a file after each write? close a close a The simple approach of declaring a new version for ev- close b close b ery write suffers from provenance explosion, the creation If no new versions are created until close, Q’s write of too much provenance and it does not suggest when to of a creates a cycle; Q is an ancestor of a, which is an create new versions for processes. The collector must be ancestor of P, which is an ancestor of b, which is an an- able to group multiple writes together into a single ver- cestor of Q. More complex examples include dozens of sion. In the simple case, it is sufficient to declare a new processes and intervening files. version on a file’s last close and on any sync. The Since we want to avoid creating a new version on ev- next section discusses the solution for more complicated ery write, there are at least three possible approaches: cases. 1. Ignore it. Let cycles appear in the database and make the query tools deal with them. We consider Cycles Ideally, only meaningful versions should be this approach unacceptable. given new pnode . Versions generated by the system as a result of the way the application is written 2. Declare a new version only on writes that add new or as a result of properties of the collector implemen- provenance information. This approach generates a

50 Annual Tech ’06: 2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association Each provenanced object within the kernel points to 3 3 3 )UR]HQ a “virtual pnode” structure (vpnode). This structure  holds the in-memory provenance records and the graph $ $ $  edges used for cycle detection. Both persistent and non- 4 4 4  persistent objects (such as pipes) use the same data struc-  34 34 tures. &\FOH % % % 0HUJHG $ % 3URFHVV Capturing provenance for data flowing through pipes requires no special effort: a pipe has an inode structure in  &\FOH 'HWHFWHG  )UHH]H DQG  5HSDUHQW )LOHV 0HUJH 3URFHVVHV the kernel just like a file, and this has a vpnode attached to it. Writing to a pipe creates an ancestry reference from the pipe to the source process; reading the data out again Figure 2: Cycle breaking by node merging. creates an ancestry reference from the sink process back to the pipe. Since the pipe is non-persistent, these refer- ences are traversed when provenance is written. Entire pipelines can be captured this way. large number of versions, and in our current system, The collector communicates with the storage layer via versions are too expensive to allow this, but we are five new VFS calls: pursuing more efficient version management in our next design that might allow this approach. 1. getpnid - returns a file’s on-disk pnode number

3. Detect and break cycles. This is our current solu- 2. thaw - begin a new version of a file tion. 3. freeze - end a file version Before adding an in-memory provenance record, the collector checks the in-memory ancestry graph for cy- 4. write prov string - transforms a non- cles. If the new record would create a cycle, the collector reference in-memory provenance record into a invokes a cycle-breaking algorithm. persistent provenance record The simplest way to break a cycle is to start a new version for the object that would create the cycle. (If a 5. write prov xref - transform an in-memory file process were about to read from a file that was its own reference into a persistent provenance record descendant, we would create a new version for the pro- cess; if a process were about to write a file that was its 5.3 The Storage Layer own ancestor, we would create a new version for the file.) This solution has two problems. First, the target might be The storage layer is composed of a stackable file system, a file, and creating extraneous versions of files is unde- called PASTA, that uses an in-kernel database engine to sirable. Second, when data flows in a loop, it is often store its meta-data. Pasta uses the FiST [30] toolkit for because of a circular operation (e.g., recompiling your Linux to layer itself on top of any conventional file sys- compiler) and it is likely to repeat more than once. Cre- tem. We use ext2fs as our underlying file system. ating a new version on every iteration causes a form of We use an in-kernel port of the Berkeley DB embed- provenance explosion that we refer to as version pump- ded database library [19], called KBDB [14], to store ing. and index provenance. Berkeley DB provides fast, in- We developed node-merging to avoid these problems. dexed lookup and storage for key/value pairs. Berke- Node-merging treats a set of processes that cycle data ley DB does not provide a schema in the traditional among themselves as a single entity for provenance pur- sense. Instead, applications define their schema by creat- poses. The provenance of this shared entity is the union ing indexed databases (tables in relational parlance), sec- of the provenance of the processes that form it. Figure 2 ondary indexes, and relationships between the tables. An illustrates this approach. entry in a Berkeley DB database consists of an indexed Specifically, if the cycle contains processes Pi and key and an opaque data item. The application determines files Fj, the collector starts a new version for each Pi, how data items are interpreted. and merges all those new versions into a single “process” We store provenance in five Berkeley DB databases, Pnew. The files Fj are then made descendants of Pnew. summarized in Table 3. The PROVENANCE database is the primary repository of provenance records. The Implementation Details The implementation of the record types stored in the PROVENANCE database are collector is approximately 4850 lines of code, plus ap- shown in Table 2. The MAP database maps inode num- proximately 250 lines of code to intercept system calls. bers to pnode numbers. A file’s pnode number changes

USENIX Association Annual Tech ’06: 2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 51 Database Key Values Query Functionality Use cases

MAP inode number pnode number MAKEFILE show script to recreate a file 2.1, 2.4, PROVENANCE pnode number, provenance data GENERATION 2.5 record type DUMP ALL show all provenance records 2.2, 2.6, ARGDATA sequence number command line text for a file 2.3 ARGREVERSE command line text sequence number COMMAND- find files modified by a pro- 2.4 ARGINDEX words from argv pnode number LINE LOOKUP cess given matching com- mand line arguments Table 3: Provenance databases. LIST ANNO- show all user-defined anno- - TATIONS tations to a file

Table 4: Query tool summary. The last column maps the each time it is thawed. Command lines and environ- query to the example use cases mentioned in Section 2. ments are large relative to other provenance and are often repeated. The ARGDATA database implements an opti- mization, assigning (via Berkeley DB) a sequence num- ber to each unique command line and environment. The DUMP ALL, retrieves the complete provenance for a se- ARGREVERSE database maps instances of an environ- lected file. The Provenance Explorer also allows users ment or command line to the sequence number assigned to add or retrieve file annotations. We also support the by ARGDATA. The ARGINDEX database is another sec- command-line argument lookup query that allows users ondary index, mapping components of command lines to search for files based on arguments to the processes and environments (e.g., individual environment variables that modified them. For example, a computational physi- and their values) to pnode numbers. cist can look up files that were modified by a process with User annotations to a file are stored in the PROVE- an argument, particle, set to a particular value. The NANCE database with record type ANNOTATION.We query capabilities are summarized in Table 4. provide an annotation ioctl that is used to record an- The Provenance Explorer is written in Java and uses notations to a file. This ioctl takes the annotation JNI to access the Berkeley DB databases. To facilitate name and a string value as input and records them in the scripting, we also built command-line utilities that pro- database. Annotations do not pass through the collector vide functionality equivalent to the Provenance Explorer. and are stored directly into the database. 5.5 Prototype versus Requirements 5.4 The Query Tools Our prototype has been a source of insight and future We make the provenance database accessible to users as challenges despite its limitations. We now analyze these a standard set of Berkeley DB databases. Making the limitations in light of the vision we outlined in Section 4. provenance accessible as standard Berkeley DB files pro- The prototype accurately collects and maintains vides many advantages. We can use a variety of program- provenance. The provenance it collects for computations ming languages for building query tools (e.g., Python, that are encapsulated in a process is complete. To the Perl, Tcl, Java, C), and the standard Berkeley DB utili- best of our knowledge, this is the first system that cap- ties (e.g., dump, load) also work. tures such information automatically and makes it gener- As we discuss in greater detail in Section 7.1, our pro- ally accessible. Unlike many existing systems, it does so totype does not meet the security requirements identified without requiring a priori specification of the workflow earlier, but it does allow us to gain experience with PASS, or DAG. deploy it in constrained situations, and extract as much Although we create reasonable provenance for files information as possible to drive development of our later copied from non-PASS file systems on the local ma- prototypes. chine, we do not yet create provenance for files that are We built an easy-to-use query tool atop the Berkeley transmitted across the net. Users and applications can DB databases. The query tool has a built-in file system add annotations and application-specific provenance, but browser, the Provenance Explorer. Users navigate to the for the long-term, we will implement network adapters file of interest and run queries using the Provenance Ex- that observe network activity and create provenanced in- plorer. The MAKEFILE GENERATION query generates a memory objects corresponding to the networked object. set of commands corresponding to the sequence of events A complete provenance solution requires provenance- that led to the file’s current state. Users can set various aware applications, which are not yet commonly avail- filters to, for example, remove commands that occurred able. However, as we demonstrated in Section 2, the before or after a given point in time. Another query, functionality we currently provide does not exist in cur-

52 Annual Tech ’06: 2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association rent systems and is complementary to domain-specific To ensure a cold cache, we reformatted the file sys- solutions. There are existing APIs for provenance-aware tem on which the experiments took place between test applications [11], and the interfaces we have defined for runs. Creating the five provenance databases on a newly kernel provenance collection offer an alternative. Mak- reformatted file system introduces 160 KB space over- ing an application provenance-aware requires that a pro- head, which we consider negligible, given today’s enor- grammer identify and then express the dependencies be- mous file systems. We used Auto- [28] to run all tween the objects that an application manipulates. Given our benchmarks. For all experiments, we measured sys- the existence of provenance-aware environments[10] and tem, user, and elapsed times, as well as the amount of the level of activity in this area, we do not anticipate disk space used for provenance. We compute wait time, significant obstacles. Building several provenance-aware which usually represents I/O time, as the difference be- applications is part of our next generation design process tween elapsed time and the sum of system and user times. and will undoubtedly inform the future API. We ran each experiment 10 times. In nearly all cases, the We have not yet implemented security. This function- standard deviations were less than 5%. We do not dis- ality was not important to our first generation users. We cuss user time as our code is in the kernel and does not wholeheartedly believe that we cannot add security to an affect the user time. already existing system, so we are intentionally design- ing our next generation PASS from scratch, incorporat- 6.2 Benchmark Performance ing what we have learned about provenance collection as well as what we have ascertained about appropriate se- We begin with the large and small file microbenchmarks curity models for PASS [3]. frequently used to evaluate file system performance [24]. The prototype provides simple query capabilities. These benchmarks exercise the creat, read, write, These capabilities can be extended in a number of ways, fsync, and unlink system calls for a large number of but we provide the critical capabilities that we and our files spread over a directory hierarchy. users identified. Our current script generation is prim- Phase Ext2 PASS % Overhead itive (it cannot reproduce pipelines without incurring huge overheads), but does meet the needs of our current users. create 10420 12180 16.89 read 10420 12180 16.89 write 10420 13476 29.33 6 Evaluation write-sync 10420 13892 33.32 delete 24 3486 14,466 PASS requires in-kernel processing to track provenance, Table 5: Space overhead (in KB) for the small file mi- and it produces additional data that is ultimately writ- crobenchmark. ten to disk. We describe our evaluation platform and then present benchmark results illustrating both the disk- space and time overheads of our prototype. We then present query times for some sample queries run on the Phase Ext2 PASS % Overhead output of a Linux build. Finally, we present a sample application and its overhead. create 0.91 3.02 232.41 read 0.71 1.51 111.90 write 1.62 4.42 172.09 6.1 Evaluation Platform write-sync 1.67 5.31 217.44 We evaluated our PASS prototype on a 500Mhz Pentium delete 1.13 1.22 7.56 III machine with 768MB of RAM, running Redhat 7.3. Table 6: Time overhead (in seconds) for the small file We ran all experiments on a 40GB 7200 RPM Maxtor microbenchmark. DiamondMax Plus 8 ATA disk drive. To quantify the overhead of our system, we took measurements on both a PASS and a non-PASS system. We obtain results marked The small file test uses 2500 4 KB files with 25 files “PASS” by running our modified Linux 2.4.29 kernel per directory. Table 5 and 6 show that the overheads can (supporting provenance collection) and our provenance- be large, but are acceptable for two reasons: First, the aware file system, PASTA, running on top of ext2fs. absolute numbers are also quite small, so expressing the We obtain non-PASS results, marked “Ext2”, running on overhead as a percentage is misleading. Second, this is an unmodified Linux 2.4.29 kernel and ext2fs, without a particularly challenging benchmark for PASS, because PASTA. the files are small and the write phases of the benchmark

USENIX Association Annual Tech ’06: 2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference 53 overwrite existing files. (Only the create phase writes For our last benchmark, we built the vanilla Linux new files.) The overhead during the read phase is due to 2.4.29 kernel. This build generates 399 MB of data pro- duplicate elimination done by a PASS. Since the bench- ducing 11% space overhead and 10.5% execution time marking process has as many as 2,500 files open, check- overhead (increasing from 2227 seconds to 2461 sec- ing for duplicates introduces significant overhead. The onds). The time overheads are due to the collector and overheads during the create, write and write-sync phases database computational overheads and the I/O time to are higher than during the read phase, because they gen- write the provenance to disk. erate provenance records in addition to detecting dupli- We then used the directory tree and files resulting from cates. The overhead during the delete phase is due to the Linux compile to measure provenance query times. the deletion of entries in the MAP database. The to- For each file existing on PASS after the Linux build, tal data size remains unchanged while the provenance we issued two queries: a makefile generation query and grows, suggesting that provenance pruning, discussed in a dump all query. The makefile generation query re- Section 7.1, is an important area for further research. trieves records from the PROVENANCE database. The dump all query retrieves records from the PROVENANCE Phase Ext2 PASS % Overhead and ARGDATA databases. The PROVENANCE database had 472,356 records and the ARGDATA database had seq-write 6.16 7.11 15.47 5,189 records. The makefile generation query bench- seq-read 0.90 0.92 2.01 mark retrieves 7,911,886 records in all and the maximum rand-write 6.20 7.04 13.58 ancestor depth is 15. The dump all query benchmark re- rand-read 0.90 0.92 2.31 trieves 587,494 records in all. Table 8 shows that the re-read 0.89 0.92 2.44 queries are fast: even though a makefile query performs Table 7: Time overhead (in seconds) for the large file nearly 500 lookups per file, it does so in only 65 ms due microbenchmark. to the index capabilities of Berkeley DB. However, the writes to these indices contribute to the high write over- heads in the small-file benchmark. The large file benchmark consists of five phases. First, Next, we used the same tree to demonstrate how it creates a 100MB file by sequentially writing in units provenance grows as files are modified. We chose ’N’ of 256KB; second, it reads the file sequentially; third, it files randomly, appending a comment to each one, and writes 100MB in 256 KB units to random locations in then rebuilt the kernel. Table 9 shows how the prove- the existing file; fourth, it reads 100MB in 256KB units nance grows for different values of ’N’. from random locations in the file; last, it re-reads the file again sequentially. The benchmark has virtually no space overhead, since it uses one file and adds only 10 new N Size % Files % Space % Record records to the provenance databases. (MB) changed growth growth Table 7 shows the time overhead. As a proportion of the running time, these are much better than the small 044- - - file results, because the “application” is doing more work 10 44 0.06 0 0.63 and the provenance collector proportionally less. The 110 44 0.67 0 2.31 write overheads are due to the stackable file system com- 310 45 1.90 2.27 3.89 ponent of our storage layer. As shown in the next sec- 1310 49 8.03 11.36 17.18 tions the large file results are more indicative of the over- 3310 52 20.28 18.18 34.73 heads on realistic workloads. 8310 61 50.93 38.64 72.16

Makefile Dump All Table 9: Provenance Growth benchmark results. where N is the number of files modified and size is the total elapsed time 1055.09 91.90 provenance size after the compile. system time 190.98 26.37 user time 817.12 17.57 average elapsed time per file 0.065 0.006 average db lookups per file 485 36 The results indicate that provenance growth rate is rea- sonable considering that changes to the files are small but Table 8: Query times, in seconds, for all files present PASS still has to enter the same number of records into after a Linux build. its database irrespective of whether the changes are small or large.

54 Annual Tech ’06: 2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association 6.3 Application Performance model, an XML-based representation, and an LDAP- based representation [13]. Results so far suggest that One of our early users was a computational biologist who the Berkeley DB-based implementation provides supe- regularly uses blast [1] to find the protein sequences rior performance, but these results are not yet final [17]. in one species that are closely related to the protein se- We recognized the security challenges early in the quences in another species. Typically, she starts with project and that they are a source of myriad research two files containing the protein sequences of two differ- opportunities. We conducted a low fidelity pilot user ent species of bacteria. A program, formatdb, formats study to gain insight into this area and identified the two- the files and prepares them for blast. Then she runs pronged security model that separately addresses prove- blast followed by a series of Perl scripts to produce a nance ancestry and attributes. list of the proteins in the two species that might be re- The cycle-breaking algorithm we described in Sec- lated to each other evolutionarily. When the output is tion 5.2 is complicated and has been the single greatest satisfactory, she uses the PASS query tools to generate a source of errors in the system. Cycle-free provenance script containing the precise sequence of commands that collection is an explicit goal for our next prototype, but produced the output file. this remains a research challenge. The time overhead for this real-world workload is min- As currently implemented, the provenance databases imal, (from 309 seconds to 315 seconds), so the 1.65% are append-only. This is dangerous, wasteful, and not new features incur no perceptible cost. viable in the long-term. Some provenance pruning is easy: deleting a file with no descendants should delete its 6.4 Evaluation Summary provenance. However, deleting items with descendants may offer subtle opportunities for pruning, for example, PASS provides functionality unavailable in other systems by compressing long chains of pnodes into equivalent with moderate overhead. With the exception of the small single pnodes. Tackling the general provenance prun- file microbenchmark, our time and space overheads are ing problem requires synthesizing research in informa- small – typically less than 10% and always under 20%. tion flow and garbage collection and applying this work We and our users are satisfied with these overheads. In to this new domain. addition, we found the system was useful in unantici- Provenance-aware storage will be more broadly ac- pated ways such as its ability to generate scripts and its cepted once we demonstrate integration with existing ability to uncover system mysteries. provenance solutions. Building provenance-aware appli- cations is the first step in this direction. Discussions with 7 Conclusion users suggests that building a provenance-aware R envi- ronment [22] will make the platform attractive to biolo- Provenance-aware storage is a new research area that ex- gists and social scientists. This is next on our agenda, poses myriad research challenges that we outline in the and we hope that others will select their favorite tools to following section. make provenance-aware. Until all storage systems are provenance-capable, we 7.1 PASS Research Challenges face interoperability challenges. Moving files through a non-PASS system should not lose provenance, although As we developed our prototype, we encountered prob- it may prove difficult. Extended attributes have been lems with our initial design as well as problems that the in use for many years, yet there is still no safe way to design did not anticipate. Despite flaws in the prototype, move files and their extended attributes among systems we continued development so we could learn as much as with and without extended attribute support. Ultimately, possible before beginning the design of a second gener- we must develop provenance-aware network protocols so ation system. The current prototype has been deployed provenance can be atomically transmitted with data. to a few early adopters, but is not yet in heavy use. We Finally, there remain difficult engineering issues. Our are designing a second prototype based on the experi- current handling of mmap is primitive and needs im- ence we have gained. In the following sections, we out- provement. The ptrunc utility mentioned earlier is line what we have learned and where significant future equally primitive; we prefer, instead, to allow a user or research challenges remain. administrator to designate files (e.g., /etc/mtab) that We began the PASS implementation with the sim- should be ignored in provenance. plest and lowest-level schema that could meet our query We built our PASS prototype to facilitate rapid im- needs. In parallel with development of the prototype, we plementation and deployment, but requiring a particu- undertook an evaluation comparing different provenance lar operating system is not a long-term solution. In- storage solutions: our existing one, a relational data stead, we need to develop network-attached PASS imple-

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56 Annual Tech ’06: 2006 USENIX Annual Technical Conference USENIX Association