WNS References Detection of the Conidia of Geomyces White-Nose Syndrome Fungus (Geomyces destructans in Northeast Hibernacula, destructans) in Bats, Europe (Wibbelt et al) NSS White Nose Syndrome Website at Maternal Colonies, and on Gear – www.cdc.gov/eid/content/16/8/1237.htm. www.caves.org/WNS/index.htm Some Findings Based on Microscopy and Culture (Okoniewski et al) “Geographic Translocation of Bats: NSS White Nose Syndrome Rapid www.fws.gov/WhiteNoseSyndrome/pdf/ Known and Potential Problems” Response Fund AbstractsofPresentedPapersandPostersFor.pdf (Constantine) www..org/WNS/Rapid_Response.shtml scroll to page 17 www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol9no1/02-0104.htm

NSS Comments on Draft National WNS Investigations into the Environmental Geomyces destructans Sequencing Plan Transmission of WNS to Hibernating Project, Broad Institute of Harvard and www.caves.org/WNS/WNS NSS Comments on Myotis lucifugus (Hicks et al) MIT Draft WNS National Plan, Dec. 26, 2010.pdf www.fws.gov/WhiteNoseSyndrome/pdf/ www.broadinstitute.org/annotation/genome/ AbstractsofPresentedPapersandPostersFor.pdf Geomyces_destructans/MultiHome.html USFWS- A National Plan for Assisting (see page 12) States, Federal Agencies, and Tribes in Wing pathology of white-nose syndrome Managing White-Nose Syndrome in Bats America’s Most Common Bat Headed for in bats suggests life-threatening www.fws.gov/WhiteNoseSyndrome/pdf/ Eastern Extinction (Brandon Keim) disruption of physiology (Paul Cryan et al) WNSNational%20Plan_DRAFT_10.21.2010. www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/08/bat- www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/8/135 pdf extinction/

Hellhole , : WNS Photo-documentation Trip and Bat Survey, February 20, 2010 A joint project of the National Speleological Society, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Peter Youngbaer, NSS White Nose Syndrome Liaison

Hellhole Cave, in Pendleton on several fronts. I was asked to organize West Virginia, is a 28-mile-long cave, and cave/bat photographers from around the the state’s largest bat hibernaculum, home country and get official NSS Project status, to six bat species. Long a popular while logistics were organized in terms of

destination, the cave is on private property, equipment, travel, and permits and waivers. Stephen Alvarez and is now closed to protect federally endan- Fifteen people on three different crews gered Indiana bats (Myotis sodalis) and the went in to document three separate areas rare Virginia Big-eared bats (Corynorhinus of the cave. Each crew had guides from the townsendii virginianus). Germany Valley Survey, a biologist, Typically, West Virginia Division of and photographic crews. The jobs were to Natural Resources does a biennial survey, photograph everything, count and observe consistent with the recovery and manage- bats, replace temperature and humidity ment plan for the Indiana bat. The last survey data loggers, and remove an appropriate (2007) showed over 112,000 bats. The number of bat carcasses, if any. We were majority are Little Browns (Myotis lucifu- able to connect with and include a National gus), but some 4-5% of the known Indiana Geographic photographer and assistant, bats live here, and over 6,000 Virginia (NSS members Steve Alvarez and Alan Big Ears—about 45% of the entire known Cressler) who were working on the WNS population on the planet. The normally- story that appeared in the December, 2010 scheduled survey in 2009 was cancelled, due issue. Mike Chu nearing the top of the 160-foot drop to the discovery of WNS at West Virginia’s Ryan von Linden brought NYDEC’s into Hellhole Hamilton Cave and the desire to leave the camera equipment to demonstrate the less bats undisturbed. intrusive photographic methods NY has used However, in January, 2010, bats were for bat surveys, compared to hand counting. In the entrance room (a 160-foot drop observed flying outside the entrance of the The bats are photographed, the humans into a huge bell chamber), bats were every- cave. WVDNR’s Craig Stihler contacted me leave quickly, causing fewer disturbances, where: flying, on the walls, and the floor to assist in organizing this bat count. The and the bats are then counted back in the littered with carcasses. Virtually all were Little goals of the survey were to document any office. Browns. From one 15-meter square sample effects of WNS on the various species of bats, The bad news: upon arriving at the area, a gallon-size Ziploc bag was filled with to get an accurate count of the endangered entrance, plenty of bats were readily dead bats. The rest of the floor was the same. bats, photo-document the larger concentra- observed exiting the cave and flying outside In contrast, the 2007 survey observed only tions of bats (some clusters number in the on the nearly three feet of snow left over one bat in the entrance room. thousands), and to replace data loggers. from a major storm. Many bats flew off The Little Brown bats were clearly hard This project came together very quickly into the distance to a certain death, given hit. At their different roosting sites, WNS was over 3-4 weeks. While awaiting laboratory the absence of food supply this time of in clear evidence, and carcasses found along confirmation of WNS in a couple of Little year. Others were seen landing and “wing- the way. In the deepest recesses of LBB Brown bats, organization moved forward walking” on the snow. roosts, lesser amounts of the fungus were

14 NSS News, April 2011 recorded on this survey were Tricolor (Perimyotis subflavus) 51; Big Brown (Eptesicus fuscus) 1; and Eastern Small- footed (Myotis Leibii) 0. * After the survey, literally thousands of photographs needed to be processed, compiled, and analyzed. A comparison of the traditional clicker and cluster density methods of counting needed to be compared to the new photographic methods, and the analysis of the temperature and humidity logger data. A huge thanks to the cavers of the Germany Valley Karst Survey for not only safely and efficiently guiding the crews to

Peter Youngbaer Peter the sites, but also for use of their field house Shipp Room photographic and bat survey crew for pre- and post-cave meetings. One last, but important note: Hellhole is evident, implying that bats had moved to They roost in very dry areas (70% humidity leased by a limestone quarry, which electroni- the entrance area, consistent with behaviors or less, as confirmed by data loggers); 3. cally monitors the cave for any unauthorized observed in northern sites. They roost in very cold areas—mid to low 30 intrusion. As a result, we know that no one The Indiana clusters also showed WNS, degrees F, (again, temperature loggers at the had been in the cave since September 1, but not anywhere near as affected as the sites have shown this consistently); 4. They 2007. Thus, we know that WNS arrived here Little Browns. Signs of WNS were seen on rouse quickly, which may indicate they don’t by bat-to-bat transmission, not via humans. only 1.6% of the Indiana bats, and the raw need to burn the sort of fat reserves other number of Indiana bats was up nearly 5,700 species do in order to amount an immune Project Participants: Craig Stihler, individuals, to 18,577—the largest number response to WNS. WVDNR, Barbara Douglas, USFWS, Peter on record. Ryan von Linden, from NYDEC, All of these things will need to studied Youngbaer, NSS, Gordon Brace, GVKS, said these sites looked like what they had and analyzed, of course, but, for now, the Steven Alvarez, Christopher Beauchamp, seen in year one of an infestation in NY. For news is very good for the Virginia Big-eared Calvin Butchkoski, Lewis Carroll, Michael comparison, the data from the northeastern bats. Let’s hope it stays that way. A caution: Chu, Alan Cressler, Ed Devine, Yvonne sites affected for several years has shown we’ve seen WNS progress very slowing in Droms, Jeff Hajenga, Brian Masney, Mark that the Indiana bat mortality numbers are in other low-humidity sites, but not be stopped, Minton, Seth Perlman, Ryan von Linden, the 50% range, as compared with the Little so we’ll need to see that the VBEs continue Jack Wallace, and Daniel Zinz. Browns well into the 90% range. to remain untouched over a few years. This The good news: No evidence of WNS is just one site, and one observation, but it’s was seen in the Virginia Big Ears. This was clearly a highly significant one. extremely encouraging, as their roosts are Good news aside, Hellhole’s bats took located in places along the routes where a large hit from WNS: 2007’s total of over the other infected species pass. As was the 112,000 bats declined to just 66,789, with *(Source of data: Hellhole Cave, case with the Indiana bats, the population of the majority of losses being Little Browns, Pendleton County, West Virginia, Results the VBEs was up over 5,000 individuals, to with 38,155 remaining. In 2011, we have of the Winter Bat Survey Conducted on 20 10,025, also a record. reports and video of a lot of bats flying again February 2010, Prepared by Craig Stihler, Some pre-trip speculation had hoped from Hellhole’s entrance, most likely Little West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, that things might be different with this Browns. Wildlife Resources Section, Wildlife Diversity species. Why? 1. It’s a different species; 2. For the record, the other species Unit, 15 June 2010). Michael Chu Mark Minton

Jeff Hajenga above the Shipp Room

Cal Butchkoski counting Virginia Big-ears in the Plecotus Room

NSS News, April 2011 15 Yvonne Droms Yvonne Little brown bats, one with band, in Bat Room Jeff Hajenga Jeff Stephen Alvarez Virginia Big-eared bats (Corynorhinus townsendii virginianus) Michael Chu

Little browns with WNS seen on way to Shipp Room

Virginia Big-eared bats (Corynorhinus townsendii virginianus) Brian Masney Virginia Big-eared bats with ears curled up Ryan von Linden Ryan von

Little browns with WNS in Bat Room Brian Masney

16 NSS News, April 2011 Virginia Big-eared bats in the Plecotus Room