Transforming Your Saas Business
Transforming your SaaS business A strategic guide for optimizing business performance Contents 2 Executive Summary 4 Background: Evolution of an Industry 11 Business Model Dynamics: A New Way of Doing Business 18 Business Drivers: Optimizing Performance for Success 39 Leading Practices: Critical Steps for Achieving Success 44 Appendix: Strategic Drivers: Formulae and Examples Featured Industry Contributors 1 Mark Hawkins, CFO, 2 Neil Williams, CFO, Intuit 2 Steve Cakebread, CFO, Yext 5 Mark Culhane, CFO, Lithium Technologies 5 Bob L. Corey, CFO, CallidusCloud 7 Ron Gill, CFO, NetSuite 8 Mark Garrett, CFO, Adobe 9 Kevin Bandy, Chief Digital Officer, Cisco 13 R. Scott Herren, CFO, Autodesk 15 Mike Kourey, CFO, Medallia 16 Matt Quinn, CTO and EVP Products & Technology, TIBCO 21 Clyde Hosein, CFO, RingCentral © 2016 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Revolutionary changes in technologies have come in waves -- it brought us the mainframe, “the client-server and the cloud. From our experience, the cloud is exciting in that it enables us to help our customers connect with their customers in a whole new way. As the pioneer in Cloud SaaS offerings, we have witnessed disruption across industries and the globe as people embrace this dramatically improved technology. In 2015, the worldwide As a CFO, the big opportunity is how best to market for SaaS software support our respective companies in these application sales will be times of innovation and disruption, pivoting to new technology models and business models $33.4 billion in order to meet the modern day expectations with projections to grow and demands of customers and investors.
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