84 - EVENING HERALD, Thurs.. Oct. 16. 1980


Cloudy Cloudy tonight with showers likely. Details on WEATHER age 2.

VOLR HOMETOW'IS yEWSRAPER • Since 1881 • 20 k \owinlheFlip^b(K. Vol. C, No. 15 - Manchester. Conn.. Friday. October 1 7 .1980 Economy has turned around

quarter. ward in September. Ronald Reagan. third quarter of the year. , economy. WASHINGTON (UPI) - In a American personal income in­ Personal income rose 0.9 percent. The preliminary report of a 1 per­ The government attributed the 1 Consumer purchases of durable major turnaround for the economy, creased by 651.6 billion in the third And, for the first time since spring, cent annual rise in the GNP— which percent rise in the "real" GNP to in­ goods, including cars, rose 613.6 the government reported today the quarter, but was outpaced by a 654.7 Americans last month spent money Softpackor measures the value of American creased consumer spending in the billion in the third quarter following Gross National Product grew at an a 624.5 billion decline in the second. billion rise in consumer spending, the at a slower rate than they earned it. annual rate of 1 percent in the third goods and services in a calendar third quarter after such spending fell Purchases of smaller, non-durable department said. The Federal Reserve Board Issued quarter on heavy consumer spending. quarter adjusted for inflation — will sharply in the second quarter. jiewFlip-lbpbox. goods also indreased, rising 612.3 Prices, as measured by the "GNP a new report showing a 1 percent im­ be revised next month. The Commerce Department said The jump in economic output In the implicit price deflator” — con­ provement in industrial production The government attributed the business stock inventories were billion in the third quarter compared July-September period followed a sidered one of the best measurement last month — the second consecutive GNP rise to a sharp boost in con­ drawn down sharply in the third to a much smaller increase in the se­ record 9.6 percent decline in the se­ of inflation — rose 9.1 percent in the increase after six months of declines. cond quarter, the Commerce Depart­ sumer spending, Including purchases quarter, falling by 617.9 billion com­ cond quarter. During the July-September period, third quarter compared with a 10.7 The Commerce department said ment said. of new 1981 model ai]|tomobiles. Such pared to an 6U-4 billion increase in spending has fallen sharply in the the second. Smaller inventories ^Americans spent more money than percent rise in the second. Americans increased their consumer The report, one of the fast major American individuals and business spending by only 610.9 billion or 0.7 April-June quarter. means manufacturers are drawing they earned, causing the average economic barometers before the got some good news Thursday with percent in September — compared The report said economic output on stocks td meet production needs personal savings rate to decline to 4.6 Nov. 4 election, could be a major reports showing personal income and with 618.7 billion, or ^.1 percent, in increased at a seasonally adjusted and will be required to begin re­ percent of disposable income, down boost In President Carter’s battle for industrial production both turned up- August. annual rate of 62.58 trillion in the from 4.9 percent in the second NarllK the White House with Republican stocking soon — a good sign for the b r - . - ' ciS ^arlb f Water can be precious Drought changes lifestyles

with the rationing propam . She is By United Pres* International Officials report the water shor­ measures failed. confining her three children to two In Virginia one man is happily tages are bringing out the good— and The residents in the parched region showers each a week, putting bricks belting down his scotch straight — some of the bad — in people. are restricted to 50 gallons of water in the toilets to cut down on water sans water — and in New Jersey Millions are rallying to the pleas per person a day, and industries have use, stretching wash loads and using residents are cutting back on for conservation put out by public of­ been orderexj^to reduce consumption water from her dehumidifler to showers and police are making noc­ ficials and using they’re im­ by 25 percent. sprinkle her plants. turnal checks to crack down on il­ aginations to come up with ingenious The measures are being enforced “ It’s difficult being conscious of legal lawn sprinkling in the “ subur­ methods to cut water usage. by spot meter checks and violators something when you all along have ban Sahara." But others are paying scant heed to could be hit right in their pocket- been unconscious,” she said. Millions of Americans in heavily the conservation calls and dissap- books — with fines and penalty But others are doing the opposite— populated northern New Jersey, pointing frustrated officials. charges. just pretending there is no shortage coastal southeastern Virginia, A Virginia psychiatrist said non­ Lawn waterings have also been at all. In Jersey City and Newark, Massachussetts and southeastern conservation minded residents were banned and some police departments New Jersey’s two largest cities, of­ New York State are faced with water acting like "rebellious” children and began conducting night-time spot ficials last week said water consump­ shortages, largely the legacy from in New Jersey police have been han­ checks for wet lawns — the telltale tion had only dropped 1 and 3 percent last summer's withering drought. ding out hundreds of warnings to sign of water scofflaws. respectively during the rationing They are learning just how violators of water-saving measures. Recent rain in the area has put prograrfl. precious water can be in times of In New Jersey, where some reser­ some green back on the lawns, but A top state water official said scant rain and they're learning it the voirs are bone dry, 2.9 million has failed to make a dent in the water special meetings would be set up to hard way — with mandatory residents of 113 northern com­ shortage. encourage water conservation by the rationing, bans on non-essential munities in six counties were placed Eileen Gardner, a Livingston, N.J. apartment dwellers, but “ if that usage, stiff fines and higher bills under a water rationing plain last nurse, has altered her life style doesn’t work I frankly don’t know lOHTS from the water company. month qfter voluntary conservation drastically in an effort to comply how to get people to pay attention.” A dissappointed Gov. Brendan L £, n i c o t i n e Byrne is ur^ng local police to crack down harder on the scofflaws. > w e R E O t a r In southeast Virginia nearly 700,000 Bee heard a record water users in drought parched Nor- peacefully settling arguments that ofolk, Virginia Beach and a section of NEW YORK (UPI) - Dan Cooke To mark the publication of the might develop over record perfor­ Chesapeake are being told to cut of Ohio won a piece of immortality 19th American edition of the mances. water consumption by 25 percent — by allowing at least 21,000 bees to Guinness book today, the book’s The new American edition put or in some areas pay stiff penalty swarm on his face, chest and editors have announced espMially out by Sterling Publishing Co. is charges of up to 14 times the normal throat, setting a new "Beard of risky record categories will be full of new, sometimes mind- water rate. Bees” world record. retired and no fu lle r claims to ' boggling marks. Officials, warning the reservoirs And Peter Dowdeswell set a new them w ill be entertained or^ In other new Guinness records: are only half full, have launched a prune-gobbling mark by downing published. —Arden Chapman of Pioneer, publicity campaign to encourage con­ 144 prunes in a lightning 53.5 So Vernon "Komar” E. Craig of La., caught a ^ a p e in his mouth, servation and erected billboards seconds in Paris. Wooster. Ohio, can be assured he thrown from 319 feet and 8 inches in reading; “ Water. Not a drop to U there's one lesson to bd learned will forever hold the "ultimate” July. spare.” in the 1961 edition of the Guinness record for the "Iron Maiden” feat —Jim Purol of Livonia, Mich., Local resident Thomas Small is Book of World Records, it’s that — lying between two beds of nails crawled nonstop for 25 miles in Oc­ following that advice to the letter — recordseekers are going to enor­ with weight put on top. He set the tober. and not sparing any drops to water mous lengths to push back the Guinness mark by enduring a bed —Romesh Sharma of New Delhi, down his scotch. limits of human endurance, Sign of fall of nails laden with 1 ,6 4 2 pounds in India, broke his own world record courage — and outlandishness — in But, in spite of the publicity cam­ 1977. listed last year for the longest Subby Romano, 11, of 65 Qinton St., poses with a giant their quest to set new marks. paign, water officials in southeast But that doesn’t mean new marks fingernail as his nail grew another pumpkin which was sold at the annual Harvest Fair sponsored And even the book’s compilers Virginia complained their rationing in "non-risky” categories won't be inch to 26Vi inches. He has left his feel some of the lengths may be a goals were just not being met last by Unit A classes at Nathan Hale School, Manchester, entertained in the book, first in­ world record breaking nail uncut little too enormous — to the point of week, prompting a tongu^lashing Thursday afternoon. (Herald .photo by Pinto) troduced 25 years ago as a way of for 14 years. becoming dangerous. from local psychiatrist Scott Snyder. Alert chief 1 Mount St. Helens quivers, m m results in blows top for sixth time closed case major eruption was possible and VANCOUVER, Wash. (UPI) - southwest direction at all elevations. might be imminent. Mount St. Helens shuddered through The ashfall trajectories were east of Bob Norris, a spokesman for the MANCHESTER - Alert action by several quakes then unleashed a a line from the mountain to North University of Washington Geophysics the police chief in the predawn hours sixth major eruption Thursday night Bend, Ore., and west of a line from Department, said an earthquake of this morning has led to the arrest that sent a towering plume of black the mountain to Klamath Falls. measuring 2.9 on the Richter scale — of a suspect accused of gabbing a ash 42,000 feet high and lightly dusted Earlier Thursday, Mount St. centered directly under the volatile female jogger in the vicinity of Scott Portland, Ore., 50 miles to the Helens shot a plume of ash and steam peak — was registered at 7:02 p.m. Drive. southwest. 1,(X)0 feet skyward and rumbled with PDT, following several “ Oass B ” Police arrested Rodney Collis, 38, Earthquakes began rocking the several earthquakes, prompting the of Vernon, who was to be presented volcano in mid-afternoon, then the Forest Service to issue a warning a tremors. in Manchester Superior Court this volcano rumbled with "an intense, morning to face a charge of first- six-minute burst of seismic activity” degree unlawful restraint in connec­ beginning at 9:58 p.m. PDT, Craig tion with the attack on the woman Weaver of the U.S. geological Survey jogger. reported. Police Chief Robert Lannan today fridov- A light shower of pumice fell said he was barely awake when he within minutes on the tiny town of In sports School wanted The spirit of Mariboro in a low tar cigarette. heard a noise he associated with a Cougar, 12 miles southwest of the ■ 1* Bolton selectmen have voted to car with a flat tire. volcano. About an hour later a light resumes tonight, inform the school board it will be Lannan said the car stopped in dusting of ash began to fall in weather permitting ... Pag* 13. seeking the use of Bolton Elenscn- front of his Taylor Street home with Portland and Vancouver, both about East Catholic launches heavy tary School for town offices. Page its lights off. Lannan became 50 miles away from the mountain. grid slate tonight ... Manchester 18. suspicious, called police The ash moved southwest later in High hooters look ahead to next two headquarters and had the incident the morning to sprinkle the northern starts ... Page 14. checked. Celtics win big and Julius Ehvmg ^ i y edge of Salem Ore., and the Oregon Inside today Police linked the car with an inci­ coastal cities of Lincoln .,^ity and signs lifetime pact with 76ers ... Warning; The Surgeon General Has Determined dent in the Scott Drive area in which Newport, 150 miles from the volcano. Page 15. Classified...... a woman jogger had been grabbed by Oregon state police advised Comics ...... " That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. a male assailant who, she told police, motorists to reduce speeds on major Weekend Editorial ...... 12 mg "lar!■ 0 8 mg nicoiine av per cigareiie. FIC Repon Dec;79 tried to drag her away. highways, but a Portland police Museums and flower and garden F am ily...... Box • 12 mg "tar!' 0 8 mg nicoiine av per cigaieiie by FTC Meihod Obituaries...... “ A motorist, hearing the woman spokesman said a heavy fog was shows spotlight this weekend in scream, stopped his car and. police Peopietalk...... causing more problems for drivers New England ... Page said, apparently firghtened the at­ SporU ...... 16-1 than the ash. Adult nnariooettes at UConn ... tacker away. The eruption appeared to subside Television ...... Special hug • The Wi2 ” at StraUord ... “The Police said the car used in the TownTalk...... “ after the spectacular six-minute Crucible” at Eastern Connecticut getaway apparently struck an object, Jennifer Boutine, 6, of Middletown, reaches to hug President U pdate...... blast. There were no reports of in­ State College ... Page 10. causing a tire to go flat. W e a th e r...... Jimmy Carter during his visit Thursday to the Newington juries or mudflows. A complete guide tO*“ where to go Police esUblished the link between Weekend...... M Children’s Hospital. Story and related pictures on page 3. (UPI National Weather Service officials and what to do” ... Page 11. the car Chief Lannan reported and photo) said ash would blow in a south- the earlier incident. a - EVENING HERALD, Fri., Oct. 17, IWO EVENING HERALD. Fri., Oct. 17. 1980 - 3 Cf . ( J p d o t e . Carter urges new effort

Volcano erupts again A snowstorm dumped footdeep snows on parts of the There were reports throughout ohe summer that Washingtonn— 6hlna detonatedna medium-sized Rockies Thursday. Ten inches of snow stacked up at both Stevens and the union were close to what would be a nuclear device in thd atmosphere ’Thursday at its Lop Nor to ensure Dem victory VANCOUVER, Wash. (UPI) - Mount St. Helens burst atomic proving ground in northwest part of the country, Billings, Mont.; and Rawlins, Wyo. Butte, Mont., historic agreement, although union and company officials HARTFORD — Saying Connec­ Carter lost Connecituct to former forth with its sixth major eruption Thursday night, sen­ the Energy Department announced. Groton. It was built and launched reported 8 inches, and both Pocatello, Idaho, and refused to confirm the speculation. ticut’s eight electoral votes “were president Ford in 1976, and lost the ding up a plume of ash that blew south and lightly dusted Lewistown, Mont., reported 7 inches. Washin^on — ’The Highway Users Federation released there in 1954. Carter said he attended Portland, Ore., SO miles away. still in doubt” President Carter state’s first primary last March to the laying of the keel while serving in comparative figures Thursday suggesting vehicle requested campaigners “go that presidential candidate Edward The volcano, rocked by continuous earthquakes star­ Energy at a glance ^ ^ mileagenimprovements, notnless driving, can be the Navy. ting in mid-afternoon, rumbled with an intense burst of extra mile” in the next 18 days. Kennedy. Tuesday Carter signed a bill New agreement signed Basra, Iraq — Iraqi forces spearheaded by armored credited with ohis year’s significant drop in the use of seismic activity beginning at 9:58 p.m. PDT, said Craig In a campaign swing yesterday He’s a working president who has providing 31.93 million for the site MOSCOW (UPI) — Afghan President Babrak Karmal columns advanced to within 1 mile of Abadan today and motor fuel. through Hartfoi^ and the Newington declcated all of his life to the service Weaver of the U.S. Geological Survey. New York — Texaco Inc.' ’Thursday announced its latest work necessary to berth the Nautilus signed a new agreement with the Kremlin and said Soviet claimed they had the Iranian oil refinery surrounded. Children’s Hospital, Carter spoke for of the people,” Mrs. Grasso said. in Goss Cove, ending a long battle to military intervention sa9ed his country from annihila­ London — ’There are so many disabled or sunken ships North Sea well tested at the rate of 4,070 barrels of oil a several minutes at a meeting with "Now it is our turn to help him be re­ day and said a gas confirmation well offshore Trinidad locate the submarine there. Iranian arrives at U,l\. tion. in the Shatt al-Arab waterway that even if the Iran-Iraq 100 Democratic leaders at the Old elected.” Carter mentioned his “ties” to the Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev, who signed the war ended tomorrow, it would take weeks or months to and Tobago produced as much as 20 million cubic feet of UNITED NATIONS (UPI) — Iranian Prime Minister State House. Gov. Ella Grasso urged voters to state as he lived in Connecticut while cooperation document Thursday, blamed the United reopen the vital oil outlet to the Persian Gulf, experts in gas a day from one zone. The company also said it would Mohammad Ali Rajai arrived in New York today to ad­ Amid a crowd of several thousand, recognize the president as "the best in the Navy. He presented Mrs. States and its "feverish” militarism for sparking a new London said Thursday. drill a fourth well in the Baltimore Canyon. dress the U.N. Security Council, causing speculation of a jammed on the lawn and streets. friend Connecticut can hope to Grasso with a teakwood tray, made cold war, the Soviet news agency Tass reported. New York — Treasury Secretary G. William Miller said breakthrough in the 348-day hostage crisis. Carter said firmly "he didn’t intend have.” She cited assistance during from the Nautilus. He also presented Thursday he would be "disappointed” if the United Arab Indian artifacts found Rajai appeared to scotch reports he would meet with to lose this election.” He requested last year’s tornado, when Carter the state with the fountain pen he Emirates, an OPEC member, decides to raise its oil U.S. officials on the hostages, answering "No” when AUGUSTA, Maine (UPI) — Archaeologists have found the support of the leaders and provided “prompt and swift used to sign the bill. The pen. Carter Contract accord denied prices by 32 a barrel as indicated by U.S. oil industry asked earlief in Tehran about possible meetings with artifacts of primitive Indians they believe traveled north listeners saying "I can’t do it without leadership.” said, could be displayed at the CHARLOTTE, N.C. (UPI) — A newspaper reported sources. < Americans. 11,000 years ago when upper reaches of the continent you.” The rest of Connecticut’s Nautilus site. today that J.P. Stevens & Co. finally agreed on a labor Washington — Free market zealots and proponents of were just thawing out from the Ice Age. “There are 18 days to go in making Democratic leaders and four of six "The Nautilus has performed well contract with the Amalgamated Gothing and Textile federal controls agree oil imports are the main threat to Archaeologist Michael Gramiy of th^ Maine State one on the most profound political candidates trailed Carter from the as a deterent through strength," the Iraqui forces advance Workers Uniofl^but both the company and the union U.S. security buo they can’t get together on a solution, Museum made the announcement Thursday and called It decisions in our lives,” Carter said. Bradley Airport to Newington and president said. denied the reblrt. BASRA, 1RA() (UPI) — Iraqi forces advanced to within the Tennessee Valley Authority chairman said Thursday. “a major find.” Carter reminded the listeners of the back to Hartford. While urging Carter left the statehouse riding on 1 mile of Abadan today and claimed they had the Iranian state’s strong Democratic con­ Democratic victories. President top of his limousine, waving to the oil refinery surround^. gressional contingent, and said Carter especially campaigned for crowd. Yesterday’s appearance will Iran said civilians and soldiers dug trenches in the 'Peopletalk' “things important to yourself and Rep. Christopher Dodd, who is probably be his only trip to the state, streets, and the Iranians appeared to be using F-4 planes your family are at stake.” locked in a tough campaign with although other family members may to try to stave off the Iraqis. Carter attacks Reagan saying he Republican James Buckley for the swing through. opposes programs such as Social U.S. Senate. Carter’s trip was preceded and King of Swing Security and Medicare. Dodd told Carter a new private poll followed by a Republican “truth Train crash kills two Benny Goodman and David Rockefeller made an First team Although the lunchtime crowd was showed him leading Ronald Reagan squad” headed by William Simon, odd couple when they one of the largest assembled on the in Connecticut for four points 35 to 31 A freight train plowed into the rear of a grain train President Jimmy Carter is joined by Gov. treasury secretary under Gerald during a snowstorm near Laramie, Wyo., kilting at least received the annual House” in Hartford Thursday during a cam­ state house lawn, there was evidence percent. Ford. The members charge Carter two people and injuring two more. Elsewhere, severe communications award Ella Grasso and Sen. Abraham Ribicoff, D- paign stop in Connecticut. (UPI photo) of the state’s uncertainty in voting for Carter explained he had a "non- economic policies have failed, and weather triggered tornadoes that smashed trailers in of New York’s ICD Conn., left, on the steps of the “Old State Carter in November. Several political” reason for visiting the are inconsistent. Oklahoma and brought welcome rains to Nebraska. Rehabilitation and hecklers waved signs supporting state. The campaign trip was also an Research Center. Republican Reagan, and the crowd, occasion to celebrate the permanent DO IT DAILY - BE SMART and , iMi _ They join past while attentive, and receptive, was berthing of the USS Nautilus the first read the Almanac in the Evening Weather forecast - 1 'IK fl winners Bob Hope, Reagan turns good guy not overly enthusiastic. nuclear-powered submarine to Herald. ■ fy H I Alistair Cook, Richard Becoming mostly sunny and mild today. Highs In the i f l l Rodgers and Pearl Bailey. mid 70s, 24 C. increasing cloudiness tonight with showers “What you have done .Jl. likely after midnight. Lows in the 50s. Saturday mostly " PICTURE FRAMES? C in making those awards, as Carter turns aggressor cloudy windy and mild with showers likely. Highs in the I whether you realize it or CONNECTICUrR LARBEST 9 70s. Probability of precipitation 10 percent today, 60 per­ by CLAY F. RICHARDS cent tonight and 70 percent Saturday. Light variable not, is put together an the former New York Democratic saying all those mean things about ASSORTMENT OF me.” winds becoming southwesteriy 10 to 15 mph this after­ all-star cast for a televi­ UPI Poliliral Writer governor who lost the 1928 presiden­ sion special,” Goodman If WOOO ANO METAL FRAMES/ noon. Winds gradually increasing through tonight President Carter was the tial race. Both men praised the Catholic .T ’’ said in his acceptance becoming 20 to 30 mph during Saturday. aggressor and«Ronald Reagan the With the mood of the evening sup­ church for - as Carter put it - "having ' speech. good guy in what may have been posedly light and not filled with cam­ a power even greater than the IN ALL STOCK He proposed David Rockefeller for sponsor. their only joint appearance of the paign rhetoric. Carter hit at League of Women Voters” by getting SIZES Long Island Sound 1980 campaign. Reagan's turnaround on aid to bail the two presidential candidates Long Island Sound lo Watch Hill and Montauk The two met Thursday night at the out New York City by saying “the together on the same forum when all Point: Alfred E. Smith Memorial Dinner, a paint on his ‘I love New York’ button other attempts have failed. South to southwest winds 10 to 20 knots today and charity function sponsored by the is still wet.” Reagan, in a veiled criticism of tonight, southwest 15 to 25 knots Saturday. Visibility 2 to 4 Watch out! Roman Catholic archdiocese of New Carter praised Reagan's style as Carter, said “no one in America will miles and locally below 2 miles in fog and haze this mor­ Connecticut U.S. Senate candidates dent of the Connecticut Broadcasters York - an event that is traditionally "qharming and gracious,” but quick­ rejoice more than I” when the ning improving to over 5 miles this afternoon and tonight Lonl Anderson, Loretta Swit and Persia Khambat- Christopher Dodd (left) and James Buckley Association, debated in Hartford Thursday, non-partisan although named after ly added with that in view, he hostages come home from Iran. But lowering again Saturday to 1 to 3 miles in showqrs and ta, the actress who had her head shaved for the (right), separated by Craig Garrigan, presi- (UPI photo) couldn’t understand why "he is beyond that he had no harsh words fog. Fair today. Increasing cloudiness tonight. Cloudy movie "Star Trek,” made a dazzling trio, but they for the president. Saturday with occasional showers possibly a were outclassed at a party Wednesday night at The two are not believed to have thunderstorm. Wave heights 1 to 2 feet today and tonight. Bistro, one of the big celebrity hangouts around been on the same platform since a Hollywood. Priest’s charge upsets 1973 governors’ conference in Lake Extended outlook All eyes were on Kallifta, which means "most Tahoe, Nev., when Reagan, then Announcing: beautiful" in Greek. Kallifta is a watch and it better governor of California, spoke against BOSTON CUPI) — Extended outlook for New England be most beautiful — it carries a $8 million price Ug. a resolution ^oposed by Carter, then Sunday through Tuesday: Alter its American debut, the watch with its 130 governor of Georgia. MassachusettR, Rhode liland ft Connertirul: A emerald-cut diamonds in a solid gold sculptured U.S. Senate candidates Although he never mentioned Dutch Bulb chance of rain Sunday and Monday. Fair Tuesday. Highs bracelet, was put on display at a fancy jew ele^ HARTFORD (UPI) - U.S. Senate “racist” attitudes about housing for 'The two were asked what the Reagan or his supporters by name. will be in the 60s Sunday and In the 50s Monday and store on Rodeo Drive, the poshest retail address in contenders Republican James the poor in Connecticut. Carter’s intent was obvious as he Tuesday. Lows will be in the 40s and low 50s. Bevelry Hills. United States’ response should be to 1 Buckley and Democrat Christopher "You might choose your words a the Soviet Union’s chemical warfare closed his speech on a serious note Vermont: Partly cloudy and chance of a few showers Dodd agree at least on one issue - iittle more carefully,” said Dodd, ad­ with an attack on the "Moral Festival! Question: each day. Highs in the SOs and 60s Sunday and in the 50s in Afghanistan. Dodd said it should that they are not racists as charged ding that he supported various low in­ be resolved by treaties, Buckley said Majority," a right-wing political ac­ Monday and Tuesday. Lows 45 to 55 Sunday and in the 30s by a Catholic priest. terest loan programs to help low and tion committee whose leader, the and 40s thereafter. the U.S. should prepare for the same. Stars in Holy Land Meeting in their fourth debate middle income residents buy homes. “It’s ugly. It ought to be ruled out- Rev. Jerry Falwell, has questioned Who Is The Maine and New Hampshire: Chance of showers Sun­ Thursday, the two candidates argued Buckley said he "shared Chris’ dis­ whether God hears the prayers of SATURDAY day. Clearing Monday. Fair Tuesday. Highs in the 50s to ,” Buckley said. “But we live unfor­ Perry Como and Richard Chamberlain, still spo^ over such issues as chemical war­ may” at the comment and said the tunately in an ugly world. Unfor­ Jews. Falwell later jjetracted his AND SUNDAY low 60s. Lows in the upper 30s and 40s. ting his "Shogun” beard, are in Israel to film a\ staftement. fare, decontrol of oil prices and problem was one of channeling tunately, as a deterrent to the use of OCT. 18 & 19th Only Local Christmas special for ABC. housing. federal housing funds for use at locai these vicious things, we need to have Carter likened the attempts to in­ Como said he has waited 10 years for the chance Buckley also revived the issue of governments' discretion. them." fluence government leaders by the The Almanac to do a show from the Holy Land and expects it Dodd’s vote for the Fair Housing Act Nadolny said while the two can­ Dodd said he was supportive of Moral Majority - which has strongly “will be one of the most important shows I’ve done Amendments — and Dodd again didates may not as individuais be endorsed Reagan - to the religious UConn bulb expert. Maureen CanA'date By United Press International ongoing negotiations to outlaw in 25-30 years.” denied that the bill would, as Buckley racist, the govemmentai system they bigotry that defeated Smith for presi­ Boothroyd, In her authentic Today is Friday, Oct. 17, the 291st day of 1980 with 75 to chemical warfare, but said the U.S. Chamberlain, who says American television claims, lead to federal intervention represented had neglected the urban dent in 1928. Dutch costume will be here follow. should not prepare for a similar viewers know him with the beard but Israelis don’t in local zoning decisions. poor. Carter said religious intolerance to give you all the Information The moon is in its first quarter. assault. you need. Who Has recognize him, wants to "hang out a bit in “The bill does nothing of the kind,” still exists in the United States, while The morning stars are Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. ‘Tve got to blame the politicians "The one-up-manship that’s going Jerusalem” after the. show is in the can. Dodd said as the two sparred at the for that,” the priest said. Reagan pointed to John Kennedy’s The evening stars are Mercury and Mars. on this year is frightening,” said There’s one area of disagreement - Como and Buckley said he supported tuition election in 1960 as evidence that Those bom on this day are under the sign of Libra. annual convention of the Connecticut Dodd. OPEN DAILY a SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Israeli singer'Ilanit say Chamberlain will sing on Broadcasters Association. I’lt’s a tax credits for parents who send their religious bigotry had ended. American actresses Jean Arthur and Rita Hayworth ■‘I admire your childish faith, the show. Chamberlain said he just plans to read total distortion of the facts.” children to private schools. He in­ Earlier in the day, Reagan was en­ VOTED CJiris, in the ^viets after the way were bom Oct. 17 — Miss Arthur in 1908 and Miss from Shakespeare. Hayworth in 1919. "It’s not just a question of shading troduced such a bill when they’ve been cheating on Salt 1,” dorsed by two leaders of the civil WHITHAM Nurssry On this date in history: the issue,” said Dodd. “ You’re 100 represented New York in the U.S. Buckley tossed back. rights battles of the 1960s - former percent wrong.” * Southern Christian Leadership In 1777, at one of the great turning points of the Senate from 1971 to 1977. On the deregulation of oil prices, “GroMf W/th Us" THREE TIMES Conference head Ralph Abernathy Revolutionary War, British Gen. John Burgoyne sur­ Buckley stuck by his arguments, "To me, it’s an act of fundamental Dodd said the people who would reap and his colleague, Hosea Williams. rendered his forces to the Americans at Saratoga, N.Y. Quote of the day which have not been supported by the fairness,” Buckley said. the biggest advantage would be the ROUTE 6 BOLTON 643-7802 In 1945, Juan Peron became dictator of Argentina and honorary chairman of his campaign. Dodd said he was in favor of oil industry while consumers would Reagan called their decision Rep. Stewart McKinney, R-Conn., helping parents send their children to Attentive listener "magnificent ... a great help, ” and AGAINST ran the country for 11 years until he as overthrown. Two Bermuda men, Steven Duxbury and Richard be saddled with energy costs they- In 1977, German commandos stormed a hijacked air­ Burns were co-winners of 3325,000 at a Las Vegas and said Dodd’s answer was a "cop college, but did not support tuition couldn’t afford. President Carter has his eyes closed as Ronald Reagan ad­ said, "I’m overwhelmed.” out.” liner in Mogadishu, Somalia, and freed 80 hostages held hotel..- reported to be the largest slot machine 'tax credits for elementary and secon­ Buckley said decontrol of oil was dresses the Alfred E. Smith Dinner in New York City And Fayette, Miss., I^ y o r Charles aboard the plane since it left Spain for Frankfurt a day jackpot in history. Duxbury also won an understate­ But the two were both stunned and dary schooling because it was the the only way to "wean” the U.S. Thursday night. Reagan, in his first joint appearance with Evers, brother of slain civil rights took offense when The Rev. Edmund activist Medgar Evers, called on earlier. Three of the four hijackers were killed. ment of the year award when said, “It’s kind of a parents’ choice not to use public from its dependency on imported oil. Carter in the 1980 campaign, joked with the president but then State Income Nadolny, communications director schools. blacks to vote against Carter - but In 1979, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a Roman Catholic hard feeling to describe.” The two are scheduled to debate at turned serious and reminded the audience of the hostages in nun who cares for the sick and poor, was awarded the for the Cathoiic Archdiocese of Hart­ "As a public official, my obligation least two more times before the elec­ stopped short of endorsing Reagan. Nobel Peace Prize. ford, said the two represented the is to public education,” Dodd said. tion. Iran. (UPI photo) He said he’s going to ignore the race. Tax? A thought for the day: American humorist, artist and Nassiff Camera writer James Thurber said it this wa^, “Early to rise and •Glimpses Answer: early to bed makes a male healthy and wealthy and Troopers to form union Kids had to eat insects dead." Jerry Lewis, whose wife of 35 years wants a legal NEW LONDON (UPI) — Three toddlers abandoned by cluttered with dirty clothes, soiled diapers and human 3 DAY SALE Thur., Fri., ft S rt. Otrt. 16,17, ft 18 separation, custody of their children and half of HARTFORD (UPI) — Connecticut in several other units. The troopers clerks and people who are non-police their parents for two days in a New London apartment BITASSMAN their estimated 37 million fortune, has petitioned State troopers have overwhelmingly were the oniy unit to indicated they don’t have problems with civil rights fed themselves on cockroaches and drank toilet bowl Lottery numbers federal Bankruptcy Court for permission to voted to abandon the state’s largest wanted to be represented by an cases that police are involved with,” water, police said. off thsso Democrat for State Senate, 4th District reorganize his debts ... Miss America, Susan and oldest state employees’ union organization other than a major> said Herskowitz. “And most CSEA “It’s one of the worst cases I’ve ever seen,” said a Powell, returned home to Elk City, Okla., for the Numbers drawn Thursday: and form their own labor organiza­ national union. members are non-police. policeman after finding Phillip Payne Jr., 3, his brother, first time since her coronation more than a month Conn, daily 310 tion. Herskowitz said the new union "We have the powers of arrest and John, 2, and sister, Donna, 1, in the filthy Montauk Duracell ago, to three days of celebration ... Bo Derek’s 18- Conn, weekly 32, 174, 823949 (rreen Jerry Herskowitz, leader of the would immediately assume even the powers to restrain people,” Avenue apartmant. Maine daily 467 foot catamaran “10” capsized the other day in 15- new Connecticut State Police Union, bargaining responsibilities for the he said. “We need a union that, The children were removed from the apartment batteries HELP ABE Maine weekly 24481 foot seas, but the actress’s sister, Kelly Collins, and said Thursday the members voted 349- troopers. He said the union wouldn’t number one, can supply lawyers and Wednesday to Lawrence and Memorial Hospitals where New Hampshire 5674 three others were safe. Bo wasn’t aboard. 43 over a two-day period to drop the conduct other activities, such as specialized help when someone they were bathed, given clean clothes and placed in a Rhode Island 7029 Connecticut State Employees processing grievances, until a con­ questions our authority in that area. state foster home. Doctors said the three were under­ Duracell DEFEAT THIS Massachusetts 1846 Association. tract covering the troopers under the "We will provide attorneys for any nourished and had failed to grow normally. Duracell A A S lie He said nine votes were cast for no old unit format runs out Juiy 1,1981. type of civil or criminal action,” he ’Their father, Phillip Payne, 23, was arrested Thursday said. i j DSize union representation. Herskowitz said the case of trooper on three counts of cruelty and held in 31.000 bond for a Alkaline Batteries EyminQ Herald Over 30 percent of the 850 Herskowitz said the voting turnout Superior Court hearing Monday. TAX AGAIN USPS 327-500 To Advartlaa To Report News Karl Siedel, who was sued in the fatal members who had made up a unit of would have been higher, but rumors A warrant was issued for the arrest of his wife, Nancy, Publiibed daily except Sunday and cer­ For a classified advertisement, call To report a news item or story idea:: shooting of a man in Cromweil, URBANETTI INSURANCE tain holidays by the Manchester 643-2711 and ask for Classified. Office Manchester .... Alex Glrelli, 643-2711 the CSEA filed cards with the state showed how a union concerned only that the CSEA would withdraw cut 21, who was being sought by police early today. Publishing Co., Herald Square, hours are 8:30 a m. to 5 p.m. Monday East Hartford ... .Pat Reilly, 643-2711 by last Aug. 28 indicating they with police matters would be more down on interest. Policeman Odd Krogrud said Thursday, “There was no AGENCY Duracell ON NOV. 4th Manchester, Conn. 06040. Second class through Friday. When the office is Glastonbury.. Dave Lavallee, 643-2711 wanted to switch unions. responsive. ' "It’s such an overwhelming vic­ food in the ice box. moldy food on dirty dishes and no bed lornner partner of CorrentI 6 UrbanettI closed, classified ads may be placed by stage paid at Manchester, (^nn. Andover...... Donna Holland, 6464)375 That forced the state labor board to “He (the trooper) was not provided tory,” he said. "The proportion linen and clean clothes.” He said the apartment was Insurance Agency of 47 Cottage St, Manchester | F l U f d C 0II U Alkaline Bottpry iSTMASTER: Send address changes calling 643-2718. Bolton . , ...... Donna Holland, 6460375 poll the troopers, a process conducted a union lawyer because basically would have stayed the same. ” to the Evening Herald, P.O. Box 591 For information about display adver­ Coventry ...... Doug Bevins, 643-2711 in police barracks across Connec­ Is now located at C S iie VOTE Manchester, Conn. 06040 tising. Call Tom Hooper, advertising Hebron .. Barbara Richmond, 643-2711 ticut on Tuesday and We^esday. director, at 643-2711. South Windsor Dave LavaUee,643-2711 701 Main St., Manchester Have a Complaint? Herskowitz said the overwhelming Nurses accept contract To Subscribo Vernon . .Barbara Richmond, 613-2711 vote didn’t indicate the troopers “ h you have a question or To subscribe, call Customer Service SOUTHINGTON (UPI) - Nurses 649-0016 GLASSMAN complaint about news coverage, call were dissatisfied with the CSEA, but day. About 120 of the striking A lkaline Batteiivs at 647-9946. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to To report special news: showed state police were attract^ to and other workers have ended a nine- Crisp Native Apples Mon-FrI 9 am-S pm H Frank Burbank, managing editor, or workers were nurses. 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 day strike at Bradley Memorial naw modsrnlzsd offfca with 24 hour answarfng tar- Steve Harry, executive editor, 643-2711. to 10 a.m. Saturday. • Business...... Alex Girelli, 643-2711 the idea of a union designed to handle McIntosh, Cortland, Macoun, Red Opinion...... Frank Burbank. 643-2711 specific problems troopers face. Hospital in agreeing to accept a new vlca. I Alkaline i^Meties (4 . Circulation —If you have a problem Suggested carrier rates are 31.20 21-month contract. regarding service or delivery, call weekly. $5.12 for one month, 315.35 for Family...... Betty Ryder, 643-2711 "We still think CSEA is a good un­ Commenting on the new pact, union and Gold Delicious, WInesaps and A complete line of business f * ’ I I Duracell 'A good record heats Sports...... Earl Yost, 643-2711 The 185 hospital employees, Customer Service, 647-9946. Delivery three months, 330.70 for six months, and ion for non-poiice and we stili have a negotiator Hpnry Brown said, "The Ida-Reds. and personal Insurance. Duracell HJliiJlASize 9 9 ^ I d be made by 5:00 p.m. Moiiday 361.40 for one year. Mail rates are Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m good relationship with the CSEA,” he represented by the Connecticut essential part, of course, was the Pun and natural iwesf appla cldar a promise any day! through Friday and by 7:30 a m. Satur­ available on request. Health Care Associates, voted 43-11 day Monday through Friday. said. “We didn’t go out with bad area of economics. We were also able fraahly mada at tha farm. AAA639 Size Main St, Manchester feelings.” Thursday to ratify a tentative agree­ to, in the second part of the contract, Alkaline Batteries 643-7369 The CSEA is also being challeged ment reached early earlier in thq nick up some medical benefits.” BIRCH MOUNTAIN RD. • QLAST. ^___ 3 m lln bsrond Vito's______CjO'’ *fr>itUu‘ to iMpcl G iasS'T'.lf’ LPW'S D uhe Ifu a s u tn r 4 - EVENING HERALD, Fri., Oct. 17, I960 EVENING HERALD, Fri., Oct. 17, 1960 - 5 "^Editorial Red Cross Bloodmobile collects 107 pints at church

MANCHESTER - ’The Nicholson, Mrs. Norma Judith Morton, John M. Ncttleton. Robert ,C, Vicky Glass, Willard Richard Small, Judith Suzanne P. Johnson, Craig Phyliss Hall, Lee V. Hall, Red Cross Bloodmobile Voter apathy Paggloli, Mrs. Linda Ruff. Albert. / Hiller, John Hiller, Mrs. Dziedzinski, Mrs. Nancy Falk, Haydee Farrell. Deana Ouellette, Patrick collected 107 pints of blood Quinn, George Strimaitis, James P. Tierney, Mrs. Mrs. Nancy'Sweet, Michelle Welch, ’Thomas Scadden. Joan Spak, Angeline M. Barry, Alan L. Benford, when it set up Tuesday at Theodore Bolduc. Patricia Curry, Frederick William H. Bayrer, Ms. Curtiss, Walter Kaszowski, Some disturbing trends of indicates only about 56 per­ Howard Peters, Inge Sawyer, Edward Parsons, Richard H. Barry, John B. the Community Baptist Mrs. Donna M. Ano, G. Sweetman, M. Fran- Bernadette Hagenow, Mrs. Judith Pitts. Bsullak, Albert Sayre, Michelle Plante. Church. Catherine Libbey, Wendy voter apathy, particularly cent of the citizens under 35 Brian W. Adams, Linda S. coise Dupont, David C. Joseph Michalik, Mrs. Gail Callahan, Ann Carol Hemingway, Walter Waldo, Thomas Waldo. O pinion Forty-eight donors Majewski, Mrs. Sandra Moyer, Helga Schaller, Turner, Lawrence Hill, among the younger citizens, have registered^ Eljen Repay, Reno Dufour. Joyner, Marcelo Chinsky, Phyliss Volz, Lorraine K. appeared to keep ap­ have turned up in national “A fourth of the adults un­ Crawford, Mrs. Marion Mrs. Marie Whitaker, Mrs .Lois Bolduc, James Paul Krause, Robert Laurie Grassette, Mrs. Rogers, Margaret pointments and 70 walk^ Cullen, John D. Hayes, Calvin D. Fish. Bagge, Robert Leger, San­ der 35 say they have no inten­ V. McCooe, Anne Abele, Elsie A. Roberts. McCoan, Maureen polls. in to make donations. William E. Hill. Ms. June C. Werdelin, Eileen Fritz, Rick Four­ dra Garrity, Barbara Irene Hasch, Anette D. Richloff, Joseph The 26th Amendment, tion of registering,” Byrd Eleven were deferred to a James D. Reuter, Orrin Mrs. Sheila Falkowski, nier, John Marinone, Backus. Hoch, Judith McNaughton, Kaszowski, Elizabeth Bok. later date. ratified in 1971, lowered the quoted the Post study as dis­ E. West, Robert Barde, Doris Thompson, Stephen Stanley Pearlson, Susanne Catherine Dufour, James Marion Muschko, Daniel Walk-in donora One donor, John E. Welp- Robert J. Madden, Mrs. Nettleton, Mrs. Nancy Pearlson. My^ers, Merna West, Fox, Linda S. Baron, Joseph Paggioli, Mrs. age of voting eligibility from closing. ly Jr. made his 104th blood m 21 to 18 — but apparently the Possibly there are more donation’ young people haven’t been up-to-date surveys, but one gressional elections, nearly In the presidential election people only when they use Anthony A. Vitiello Sr. of 1960, 62.8 percent of the made his 40th donation. rushing to the polls with the reported in a 1975 volume, “60 million Americans cast their power at the ballot box. Virginia A. Daversa and anticipated gusto to exercise “Voters’ Choice” by Gerlad ballots, while 100 million registered voters cast Extended erosion of public Davui Pavis, 24th dona­ their franchise. Pomper concluded that voting age citizens stayed ballots. For 1964 the percen­ participation could threaten Thoughts tion: Andrew R. Hagenow, tage was 61.9; 1968, 60.9; Stewart Kennedy, Roger Sen. R ^ert C. Byrd, D- assertions about the new and home,” survival of the democracy a y 1972, 55.5; and 1976, 54.4 per­ Christiana, Mrs. Helen W.Va., senate majority politically-involved genera­ — The United States ranks itself. Small, Virginia Walter, leader, has quoted two tion “have not been borne out low amohg the world’s cent. In other words, the United and Chris J. Reiser, made studies to indicate apathy by by the facts.” The report leading democracies in terms As Sen. Byrd noted in States can be truly a govern­ their eighth donation. young adults...a category cited a 1972 study of age of actual voter participation. remarks quoted in the con­ A prophet named Nathan pursued a ’The bloo^obile will be ment of the people as long as at ConciMja Lutheran guilt-ridden king into his that would include the 18-20 groups which showed the 18- All of which might indicate gressional record, much con­ its citizens carry out their Church, n3v^20 from 12:30 year olds. 24 category to be the least at­ the turnout for the Nov. 4, cern is being expressed these responsibilities. Everybody throneroom, pointed a bony finger to 5:30 p.m. into the king’s face, and pronounced, A recent Gallup Poll, he tracted to the polls. 1980 general election might days about the influence of wants the republic to remain The list of donors “Thou art the man!” King David Tuesday follows: said, estimates that only 51 Lumping all voters well continue a downward “special interest groups con­ strong. Thomas Jefferson confessed to adultery and murder. percent of those between 18 regardless of age. Sen. Byrd trend noticeable in the last trolling Washington by the had the formula; Are you willing to come down off Appoininienis kepi and 29 years old are mentioned these two dis­ several presidential elec­ power of the purse.” . “That government is the your high horse and admit to the sin Mrs. Donna Gamache, that is clearly condemned in the Mrs. Martha Kurowski, registered to vote. And a heartening items: tions....Barring a hoped for The electorate can exercise strongest of which every man John J. Naretto, Edwin Judeo-Christian ethic? study by the Washington Post — In the last con- resolve by the citizenry. the control that belongs to the feels himself & part.” Rev. Neale McLain Church of the Nazarene Square dance Letters set Saturday N0V«IMDCaVaJ 7UINK „ MANCHESTER - Dave "Hash” Hass, of ir s Gtrr/NG DULLrf/ East Hampton, will be Swimming team label questioned guest caller Saturday at W S W /A „ the Manchester Square have less natural coordination. directed primarily toward game 17 years, I have seen substantial im­ Dance Club from 8 to 11 To the Editor; p.m., at Verplanck School, The swimming program, being playing rather than skill develop­ provements in the Manchester Swim The Evening Herald's usual at­ 127 Olcott St. Russ and titude is that a little league baseball primarily a development program, ment. The programs are short in Team since Mel Siebold came to town. It -is my opinion that Mel Anita White will cue the loeLL, IT s a w — team is just a baseball team and a puts much effort into overcoming the duration and nearly everyone has rounds. 15.97 !5 a cum individuals problems relating to Siebold has been a much above midget football team is just a foot­ seen them practice and play. People Hass began his square coordination and stamina. These age- ball team. But in your October,-9tb readily accept the fact thai some in­ average director of parks and recrea­ dance career in 1951, editorial you classify a competitive group swimmers go on to become dividuals are better natural athletes tion, but even more importantly, he where the square dances MBSES'WOOL euT,fT/l CHAISsAMr significant members of high school swim team as a "private swimming than others, but it is difficult for a has facilitated the development of were held at a summer cot­ program,” and college swim teams. Without the parent to accept the face that the the. needed quality prbgrams. tage in East Hamtpon at S H TU U D SWEATERS The Manchester Swim Team is just swimming program many of them physically inept neighborhood kid It would be in Manchester's best in­ Lake Pocotopaug. It was as open to the public as are the youth would have little chance for peer can, in a couple of years, become a terest for both the town government such a success that they Reg. $22. Designed just for usi had several the next year baseball, football, and soccer recognition and an extracurricular much better swimmer than their and its residents to make certain that Beautifully Cabled v-neck and JO physical activity. Even more impor­ and the following year they programs and they use public proper­ child. rules relative to the use of town tantly, they have developed a held a dance every week crew neck shetlands In colors ty to the same extent the swim With our inflationary economy property should encourage the capability to maintain a good during the summer. Hass like pink, blue, oatmeal, grey, program does. The first important requiring both parents of more and development of quality programs. physical condition throughout their began calling for the off-white and morel SML. difference is that the baseball and more families to work, it is impor­ Quality programs administered by Belltown Squares in East lives. football programs, with a trivial tant that quality youth programs responsible private groups are far Hampton in 1957. In 1961 he relationship to a national pastime, After high school and college which operate throughout the year be more economical than publically run organized the C-Twirlers in successfully canvas house-to-house swimming, many swimmers go on to develop^. Because of the lack of programs. The town should make Colchester. He has called for financial support — you want to compete in the masters program. I such programs, many young people certain that these programs are throughout the new help our youth don't you? Private have never seen a masters swimmer are going “down the tube” b^ause aimed at discovering and developing England states as well as get “half-sloshed'' before a meet as 30% OFF businesses and organizations are of a lack of guidance. It is easier to the talents of all of its residents, not Pennsylvania and New some members of slow-pitch and tag- York. made to feel obligated to sponsor make quality a part of the structure just children of activist parents. It is* football teams do before a game, nor Bruce Reinhol and Lyn teams. In Connecticut, swimmers of a program if it is run by people not in Manchester’s best interest to JUNIOR SWEATERS! do they verbally pollute the who are dedicated to it than to direct have rules that can be twisted to Glidden will have door du­ must usually pay their own way. ty. Serving refreshments Reg. $25-$32. All your neighborhoods they p|ay in with facilitate nil-picking jealous The youth baseball and football a public employee to do it. will be Mr. and Mrs. Don favorite styles, knits, programs recruit their players for a obscenities and fighting. I have been an observer of criticisms. Gobeille, Mr. and Mrs. and colors in sizes few weeks of activity and then they It took me several years to unders­ Manchester’s recreation programs Herbert G. Aas Goody Goodsell, Mr. and SML. Save now at are dumped at the end of the season. tand the reason for the jealous an­ for nearly 30 years. As the coach of a 31 Legion Drive Mrs. herman Heck. tagonisms which are directed at D&LI The swimming program goes on swim team in a neighboring town for Elast Hartford All club level dancers trained swimmers and their teams. throughout the year. The youth and spectators are Swimming is primarily a develop­ baseball and football programs cater welcome, and reminded ment program. The public becomes that this is a Halloween primarily to kids who have physical­ ^6C suddenly aware.of the great "Face Mask" or '"Head ly developed early and who have good uIMKIN’ difference between a trained and a Voters decision Mask” dance. coordination. While swimming at­ 8.47 casual competitive swimmer when An Advanced I Workshop tracts a few natural athletes with an To the editor; ditions which have been master­ will be held Thursday, interest in competitive swimming, it they compete against each other in summer rec-department com­ Voters must decide on Nov. 4th if minded by “outside” interests within from 7:30 to 10 p.m. at GIRLS’ PRMTED also provides a physical activity for petitions. On the other hand, youth they want to turn the town’s local af­ the U.S. Department of Housing and Nathan Hale School, fairs over to “outside” interests or Spruce Street. Earl kids who physically develop later and baseball and football programs are Urban Development and other TURTLENECKS not, simple as that. federal offices. Johnston will instruct this Until such time as HUD is willing class. Reg. $12. Adorable turtlenecks Quotes ’The Washington bureaucrats, un­ to release their CDBG funds printed with whimsical hearts, der present federal policies, are Music event 39.97 “They don’t call me ‘Alabama "We're talking about a lot of “I don't live on a ranch. I don’t eat “We’re out of it and proud of it.” “without conditions” I believe we willing to shuffle back some of the frongs or apples! Great for gifts, Wild Man’ for nothing.” pumpkins — but we're not checking dust. I go to plays. 1 go to concerts.” —Joe Troise, a San Rranrisco citizens of Manchester should vote set at church —David Daughtry, a bearded, every kid with a jack-o'-lantern.” taxpayers’ dollars to the town of sizes 7 to 14. businessman, citing the motto of NO on all the HUD referendums. lalooed biker who arrived at hia —Li. John Rieeiu, a Windsor, Manchester, by the way of the CDBG MANCHESTER - The JUNIOR CORDUROY AND —Palriek Wayne, son of aetor the Dull Men's Club — which he Billinga, Mont., wedding in a dain­ Conn., pulire uffieer, diseuBsIng John Wayne, saying he is tired of program, if the town will ONLY Dominick Ventura Jr. Reverend and Mrs. Don Shockley from Midland. ty floral print gown — with white the nighttime robbery of 32,000 people who expert him to live up founded. As members, he includes voluntarily accept all the rules, 164 So. Main St. VELVETEEN OLAZERS! Texas, will speak and lace trim. The bride wore a pant­ lialloween puinpkinit — about 30 to the Hollywood image of his Hurh notables as LI.S. vice presi­ regulations, quotas, and other con­ Manchester Reg. $60. The perfect topper for suit. Ions — from a farmer'H field. father. dent Walter Mondale. share a musical ministry in services at Calvary 19.97 every outfit! Corduroy and velve­ Church, 647 East Middle teen blazers in all your favorite Washington Merry-Go-Round Turnpike. Sunday at 10:30 24.99 a.nv, and 6:30 p.m. They GIRLS’ CORDUROY colors, sizes 5-13. are youthful Assemblies of MISSES’ WRITE STAG God evangelists who JUMPSUITS minister in chprebc-s- AND JOANNA VELOUR Dem’s chief took part in Vesco’s planes-for-Libya plot throughout the U.S.A. The Reg. $26. Shown here, one of 21.97 public is invited to the our fashion jumpsuits for girls, TOPS! By JACK ANDERSON developments of the conspiracy to cier was going to meet with White on and Feeney left. The federal in­ Day responded that Vesco had “cer­ gap in the tape.) gospel services, according in corduroy tones of blue, berry, WASHINGTON- The name of federal investigators. the high seas; vestigators then recorded this ac­ tain information that would bury cer­ Curiously, the Justice DepartmeqJ. to the Rev. Kenneth Reg. $32-$37. Soft, pretty JUNIOR PLAID SKIRTS Gustafson, pastor. rust or green, sizes 7-14. Democratic Party boss John White, My associate. Indy Badhwar, has Vesco; "When I pull up alongside count ; tain people at the White House.” This cut off funds for the investigation as velours in v-neck and man­ Reg. $30. Acrylic plaid skirts in reviewed hundreds of pages of notes (Available in Corbins, Avon, identified by the code word ■ Blan­ his boat do I say ‘Hi, I want to see “They, Day, Mansur and White, was a reference to compromising it was getting closer to the White Square Circle Bristol, Manchester, Meriden darin collar styles. Great pleated and A-line styles. (Some co,” is scattered like smudged and transcripts kept by the in­ Mr. White?' ” carried on a low 20 minute conver­ letters allegedly written by Hamilton House. Sens. Dennis DeConcini, D- new fall colors, sizes SML. solid tones, too) Sizes 5 to 13. fingerprints throughout the Justice vestigators, These indicate that Day; "Yeah, and he will come out, sation... White left. Then Day carried Jordan to Vesco which would be sur­ Ariz., and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, have MANCHESTER - The Square and New Britain) Department’s investigative files in a White was pulling strings inside the and he's about, I have a picture, on a conversation with Mansur for rendered if the administration now picked up the investigation, but Square Circle Club of Lots of colors! M anchester Lodge of $30 million bribery case. White House to release the planes for blond, green eyes, 5 feet 10-and-a- severai minutes... settled the financier’s extradition the Justice Department is obstruc­ Masons will have an open shipment to Libya — a charge that half-inehes, 5 feet 11 inches, a build "At the point where John White problems. The huge payoff was offered by ting it. Attorney General Benjamin house Monday from 10 a.m. White had denied under oath. similar to you, I'd say 190 lbs.” Continued Day: “The reason Libya to a coterie of con men who left the table. Day and Mansur were Civiletti, for example, refus^ to to noon at the Masonic The investigators' notes quote Am­ promised to break "When you think about the insanity standing and spoke. Day could be there’s no problem with solving this grant Vesco immunity from prosecu­ Temple. ’There will be card the U.S. ban on bassador Kikkia, for example, as of this,” chortled Feeney during overheard telling Mansur that things problem (the Libyan planes) is tion to testify in Washington. His games, pool, conversation the sale of saying "that he has spoken to John another taped conversation, “here's would be a lot easier if they would because, let’s face it, Blanco (White) statement left the misleading im­ and refreshm ents. All transport planes While on the telephone and in person the chairman of the national modify the C-130’s.” is no fool. He is saving Hamilton, pression that Vesco had demanded, Mason and their friends 9.97-11.97 to the Libyan in .New York, that as recently as this Democratic Party having a meeting (Among the aircraft purchased by (Atlanta attorney and Jimmy Carter blanket immunity though in fact he are invited. government. At morning he spoke to John White on with the most famous world fugitive. the Libyans w ere some C-130 friend Charles) Kirbo and those requested only limited immunity 11.97-13.9? 25% OFF & MORE the center of the the telephone, that it is extremely It's like something out of a James transports. Day’s comment ap­ bastards, you know what I mean, to during his stay in Washington. Rehearsal set ROYS’ LEVI’S PLAID important to his government that Bond movie.” bribery plot was parently meant that the State do this thing. The president would do Footnote: White, through his at­ MANCHESTER - The ROYS’ & GIRLS’ the international they receive the delivery of the Feeney also reported that the Li­ Department would be much more anything to save this from...” (At torney, denied any knowledge of the Beethoven Chorus will SPORT SNRnS SOYS’ GOROOROY JEANS swindler, Robert Vesco, who had I planes). . Mansur stated that he is byan ambassador had huddled with willing to release them if they were this point, there is an inexplicable influence-peddling attempt. rehearse Tuesday at Reg. 14.50-17.50. Woven plaid sport Sizes 8-12, reg. $14-$16, now 11.97 SWEATER SAVINGS! close ties to the Libyans. satisfied with the Washington, D.C., White. "You guys know that Mansur modified for civilian, rather than Emanual Lutheran Church 26-30 waists, reg. $18, now people and with John White's shirts for all your boys, from Levi’s. 13.97 The scheming Vesco put Libya's met Blanco (White)...” Feeney said. military use.) from 10 to 11 a.m. There Sturdy corduroys In new fall colors, Basic fashion-styles to keep them United Nations ambassador. Mansur representation" "There’s no question about that.” Despite this evidence. White swore wiU be a coffee hour Sizes 8 to 20, In assorted colors. warm this winter! In boys’ sizes 4 to Rashid Kikkia, in touch with White. White's cut of the $30 million pie. There was indeed no question about to a grand jury that his meeting with iHaurlu'alrr turuiiui l^rraI^ preceding the rehearsal. (Corbins, Avon, Bristol, Manchester from Billy-The-Kid and Levi’s. 20 ^nd girls’ sizes 4-14. The contact was arranged by a free­ according to the Justice Department it. 1 reported last year that the FBI the Libyan ambassador was fuily in­ New singers are welcome and Meriden Square) wheeling Texas lobbyist named files, was supposed to be $7.5 million. had photographed a rendezvous nocent and that no money was Manchester — A City of Village Charm to come. James Day. who as a good-ole-boy The files also indicate that White met between White and Mansur Kikkia. offered or accepted. Founded Oct. 1, 1861 buddy of the Democratic national not only with the Libyans but with the As a Vesco confidant, Feeney was ’The Justice Department files also To pay respects chairman. fugitive Vesco. * able to tip off the investigators that implicate indirectly some of Presi­ Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, MANCHESTER - Unknown to the plotters, the In one taped conversation, Feeney White and Kikkia were planning to dent Carter’s closest confidants. Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. Members of the Justice Department had penetrated and Day discussed a Vesco meeting meet at the Washington Hotel on In an April 11, 1979, conversation, MorntMT, Audit B ufM u of CircuiBtlon Mombor. Unitod ProM Intornatlonal Manchester Rod and Gun MOST STORES OPEN NIGHTS MON. THRU FRI. TIL 9 P.M. OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 with the Democratic Party leader. Club will meet tonight at their ring through James Feeney, a June 20, 1979. Before White arrived, for example, Feeney asked Day Stovtn Harry. ExacuUva Editor CofWm Cm im t, >Ur«4fi A Naw UiMton oUa opMi SoturAaya ’HI 9; N«w tritaln opwi Thwr. night only. N«w Iritaln A Otatmi cIm «4 ItinAayt convicted con man, who gained An April 3. 1979, discussion between Day, Feeney and Kikkia huddled at a whether White could get the Carter Cuttomor S«rvtc« — 647-0946 Frank A. Burbank. Managing Editor . 7:15 at the Holmes Funeral Raymond F. RotHnion. Editor-Publlahar Harofd E Turkington. Editor EmarNut Home to pay their respects •C O ttIN t COtNU •AVON-tlMSAURT 9MANCHUTU aUlSTOl •NiW MITAIN •MOIIDIN aVUNON 9MW lONOON aOAOTON Vesco’s trust and reported the Vesco and Day indicated the finan­ restaurant table. White showed up adrtiinistration to release the planes. to tlfe late Ernest J. Sher­ man, who was a nrJ 6 - EVENING HERALD, F rt, Oct. 17, IMP EVENING HERALD. Fri., Oct. 17, 1980 -

Coat ot a School Lunch'vertui Coit of a Bag Lunch ol Similar Nutritional Value Bag Lunch Same t h 6 35th anniversary National School Lunch Nutritional Value As Cost to Mexican Menu School Lunch Pattern Prepare Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Armstrong of 115 Wetherell St., School Lunch Pallern Cost to sludont 75t Lunch . B a g L u n c h " Manchester, were honored at a party Sept. 19 at Willie’s Haquirementa M a n c h e s te r Steak House in Manchester in observance of their 35th Meat/Meat Alternate— Taco meal (or beans) and Bologna-1 oz. 16t wedding anniversary. The couple was married on Sept. 2oz. cheese— 2 oz. Cheese— 1 oz. 16« P a rk a d e 22, 1945 in Hartford. Fruits/Vegetables-V< cup Mexicali corn— '/i cup Apple (medium) 19» — The party was hosted by their children, Stephen Pineapple wedges— % cup Carrot sticks (3) 2« Armstrong and Patricia Armstrong. Celery sticks (2) 3« r 4 Among the many friends and relatives attending was a Bread— 1 serving Spanish Rice Bread— 2 slices 7« cousin, Mrs. Frances Luneburg of Midland, Ont., Canada. Mllk-',4 pint 2% Milk— 'A pint Milk— % pint (if 15(t \ Mr. Armstrong has been employed at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Group of United Technologies Corp. in East purchased at school)' .'.'Y Hartford for 34 years. Extra (items that add to Taco Shell Bag ol potato chips 15C Mrs. Armstrong is pre'sident of the Manchester appeal ol the meal) Lettuce WATES. » Tomato Total 93C SALE 50th anniversary Lt^nch costs compared ONE OF Mr. and Mrs. Leon G. Fallot of 86 Park St., MANCHESTER - This has been lunch provided by the program is a repair costs and higher costs of food. Manchester, were honored at a party Oct. 19 in obser­ IVIr. and Mrs. Ralph Armstrong BIRTHDAY CAKES national school lunch week. The bargain compared to a bag lunch. In As an example the officials say vance of their Mth wedding anniversary. The couple was Manchester Public School Lunch addition, officials say, the school hamburger patties, which cost $1.27 married on Oct. 27,1930 at St. Anne's Church in Hartford. program has provided the following lunch program provides a warm per pound last year, now cost the FROM GADOURTS BAKERY Hosting the party were the couple’s three children, comparison between the cost of a meal meeting one third the child’s food service $1.48 per pound. f MAue...... rr.“ “.~ 1 Mrs. Adele Allen of Westbury, N.Y., Mrs. Claire Casey of school lunch and the cost of recommended daily dietary Manchester school food service of­ A D D in ta...... I DiPoaiTAT ficials presented the chart above I 1 folcowino Vernon and Mrs. Anne Clair of Manchester. They also preparing a bag lunch. allowances. 1 FMOMi ...... J sTOnat have 13 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Elementary school children now Officials say the lunch program comparing the cost of a bag lunch pay 75 cents for a hot meal in the has faced inflationary pressures with the cost of a school lunch. It Mr. Fallot was born in Vieux Charmont, France, and school lunch program. along with every other consumer shows the 75-cent school lunch costs came to Manchester with his family at the age of 7. His from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the church buildings The chart compares the cost of the commodity. 18 cents per day less than a bag lunch Sandi Patarini of Manchester holds tip a family worked at Cheney Mills. Mrs. Fallot, the former As examples the officials cite in­ providing equal nutritional value. and on the grounds on Hartford Road at Main Eugenie Bernier, was bom in La Patric, Canada. school lunch and bag lunch. WHITE STAG double bed quilt in the Apple Basket pattern School officials contend the hot creased equipment replacement and which was made by the women of South Street. Items at right will also be featured. Mr. Fallot, a well-known photographer, took year book (Herald photo by Ryder) pictures for Manchester High School for 30 years, having 2 5 % OFF United Methodist Church, which will be photographed three generations of families. He retired 10 Blood pressure GIRLS featured at the annual Fall Fair on Saturday years ago. Officers Night planned COVENTRY — A blood pressure clinic sponsored by Community VELOUR TOPS onttro stock of MANCHESTER - Assembly Of­ Odd Fellows. Health Service Inc. will be held at Flu shots slated Hill’s Pharmacy from 1 p.m. to 2 Reg. 19.00 SUMC plans Fall Fair ficers Night will be observed at the The following committees have p.m. Tuesday. EAST HARTFORD— Mayor George A. Dagon has meeting of Sunset Rebekah Lodge been named for the event: Recep­ childrens The annual h'all Fair of South be a feature of the Knitwear Booth. It general chairwoman. Other com­ announced that influenza vaccine will be administered to Monday at 8 p.m. at the Marine Hall tion, Ethel Aspinwall and Gertrude 13.00 United Methodist church, sponsored will aIso_have hats, mittens and baby mittee chairwoman are: Marion senior citizens, 65 years of age or over, Oct. 24 from 9 on Parker Street. State officers will Tinklepaugh; Decorations, Marion Beautiful Fashion Colors outerwear by the United Methodist Women-, will clothing. McKay, Helen Mallett and Irene a.m. to noon at the Senior Citizens Center, 30 Remington be special guests. Straughan and Lucille Goldman; DO IT DAILY - KNOW WHO TO prices as marked SIZES 7 to 14 be held Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 A Country, Coffee Shop will be ser­ Hyde, aprons; Ginny, Beggs, baked Road. Guests will include Eleanor Refreshments, Ruth Beckwith and CALL WHEN YOU NEED p.m. For the first time, all the ac­ ving Bishop’s Bread and muffins goods; Millie Maxwell and Gwen Those people who have received another type of vac­ Markham of Portland, president of Virginia Keeney; Marshal, Elaine SOMETHING DONE by reading the tivities will be held north of Hartford along with coffee. Also available at Mott, candy; Karen Pehrson, cine within 14 days, or who have a fever or acute infec­ the Assembly, and her staff, as well Lancaster. Business and Service Directory in Road. this booth will be Vermont Cheddar children’s corner; Betty Mitcheltree, tion, or who are allergic to eggs, chicken, or chicken as Kenneth MacDonald, grand Noble Grand Lucille Goldman will the Evening Herald. D&L A feature of the fair will be the cheese and various jellies, jams and Country Coffe Shop; Barbara Philip, feathers should not receive influenza vaccine. Mr. and Mrs. Leon G. Fallot master of the International Oi^er of preside. YOUTH CENTRE double bed quilt completely hand- pickles. handicrafts; Linda Stevenson, Manchester Parkade ^ Manchester Parkade quilted by the women of South The Children's Corner will be holiday; Anita Nylin and Sandy Todd, Church. It includes calicos of showing old-fashioned dolls and a knitwear; Ruth Gromeck and Marcia cranberry with touches of colonial huge variety of stuffed animals. The Memery, luncheon; Janice Smart, blue. There will also be baby quilts, wishing well will be located there Plants & Stuff; Dorothy Crocker, Center offers program pillow kits, and United States map and also face painting, the loilipop "Previously Owned’’ jewelry; Mary A five-week program as anger and guilt; woman wall-hanging kits. A spinning tree and shrink art. Small collec­ Mayo, trash and treasures; and Ber­ Episcopal Church, 220 Saunders. Dates and times stressing the need for as mother, companion, # demonstration will be given by Liga tables will be priced for young Valley St., Willimantic, fo the following sessions PLAID nice Miller, publicity. women to work toward amazon, mediator; and un­ Jahnke. budgets. Luncheon, which will be served with Charlotte Kennedy. will be announced. Cost is JACKST wholeness, to develop the The Baked Goods Booth will In addition to house plants. Plants derstanding the Two programs will be $7 per session or $35 for all SAVE 30% from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., will feature; many sides of their nature male/female counterpart feature many kinds of breads, cakes, & Stuff will have calico spice balls, held for residents of East five sessions. For more in­ On an order of New England clam chowder, has been planned by the in each of us. WOOL SKIRTS pies, cookies and breakfast pastries. raffia dolls and dried flowers. A four- minestrone soup, deep dish chicken Hartford and neighboring formation, call Lorraine Pastoral Counseling - The programs will be towns at the Senior Citizen SHE’S YOUR Wottom Roundtoe or The Holiday Booth will have foot Norfolk Island pine tree will be LaVigne at the Pastoral pie, crabmeat salad plate, roast beef Center of M anchester. Thanksgiving pineapple turkey for sale at this booth. held as follows; Oct. 27, Center, 30 Remington Counseling Center of Work Boots. Allow 10 days on a roll, tuna salad sandwich, beef These sessions will deal 7:30 to 9 p.m., Concordia heads, felt Christmas tree or­ Several area craftswomen will tacos, assorted salads, homemade Road (off Main Street), Manchester, at 646-3811. Starting from I & with such aspects as: Lutheran Church, 40 Pitkin for delivery naments, door and wall wreaths in show their, crafts, including leaded pies and cakes. East Hartford from 7:30 to l»NIMDATE Acrylic Roles and expectations; St., Manchester, with DO IT SATURDAY - Win gingham, burlap, and calico, and stained gaiss by Marion Atkinson and There will also be a Food Booth on 9 p.m., Nov. 4 with Ann shadow sides of ourselves Margaret Cahill; Oct. 28, money by solving the F A IR IS L E stuffed centerpiece trees. enameled jewelry by Rita Kenway. the lawn run by the Untied Methodist Perrin; and Nov. 7, 9:30 to A prize-winning baby afghan will Sandi Patarini is serving as and growth; emotions silCii 7;30 to 9 p.m., St. Paul’s 11:30 a.m., with Dorothy Prizeword puzzle in your She will work to.„ Men. Saturday morning Herald. SWEATERS Parkade Woman’s World •Create more elderly housing 13.99 Shoe Repair •Improve State Funding for Education PEACHES Manchester nwkade Assistant Secretary of Defense wore flowered hats •Increase Elderly Tax NEW YORK (UPI) - Tiny Anna the Encyclopedia Brittanica. school’.” probably need to be paid more. It is Exemptions Rosenberg sits behind a huge desk on In China arrangements were made And that, as Mrs. Rosenberg tells shameful some service families have the 26th floor of a skyscraper in New to have the meat and potatoes parts it, was just the boost the FDR needed such low incomes they must use •Improve Transportation York. of the encyclopedia translated into to push the plan for a G.I. Bill of foodstamps. The recruits need some She looks to weigh no more than 98 Chinese. This is the short version of Rights providing for college good training, benefits and incentives •Redistrict Manchester for pounds soaking wet and stand about the reference work. The chore will educations for hundreds of thousands to make that a career." SAVE 00% five feet tall. The full sleeves of the take four years. of soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen —On women and the draft: Better State Representation CUT *5 white satin blouse she wears are The arrangements were made with when the war ended. "Women should not be eligible to be cuffed at the wrist and look like Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping. In Truman’s administration. Assis­ drafted until they have equal rights." Folding 2-Step Stool 24 Count e-Track or wings when she waves her arms. Mrs. Rosenberg, president of her tant Secretary of Defense Rosenberg — On th e Equal Rights DEMOCMT FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE The little jacket that matches her own prominent public relations firm visited troops and their commanders Amendment: "It should have passed 1 Caeaatte Carrying Caea black skirt is hung over the back of and once the highest ranking woman at the battlefronts in Korea. long ago” Reg. 21.99 NOW 10** Reguiar her chair. It is the only casual touch in the U.S. government, is 78. Now her concerns are for her —On legalized abortion on demand: VOTE DEMOCRATIC - PULL LEVER 5-A in the impeccably correct executive PAID FOR BY THE JACK8TON FOR REPRESENTATIVE COMMITTEE. It is all of 28 years since she was public relations clients such as the "I think a woman has a right to do ______MATTHEW MORIARTY JR., TREASURER 11.95 • 5 .0 0 ' suite. U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense American Hospital Association, Blue with her body what she wishes. It is a The office is a corner one and out and a 12-page spread about her in Cross & Blue Shield Associations of tragedy that women of means can get one set of windows in the distance "Life” magazine of Jan. 21, 1952 America, the Encyclopedia abortions and others cannot." one sees the needlq^atop the Empire issue called her "the busiest woman America, the American Cancer —On women in business: "Many S e a rs Record Breaker! State building. A little closer in, the in the United States.” Society, G. & C. Merriman Co., women in business try to act like a view is of Grand Central Station and As assistant secretary of defense publishers of Merriam-Webster dic­ man and even dress like a man. It Manchester Parkade Manchester Parkade the Pan-Am building. she was in charge of manpower tionaries. just doesn’t work. You have to be a Save Almost $400^^ Inside, bowls of roses and other requirements, procurement and Mrs. Rosenberg, who marched for woman, look it, act it, and you must One time only sale on in stock pieces freshly cut flowers from Mrs.' utilization and policy. suffrage as a teenager, was work harder than the men." Rosenberg’s country gardens vie "Life” also called her by her questioned out on women in business, —On the hardest thing in business: with potted plants for attention. The nickname, “Madame Bangles,” for the Equal Rights Amendmefit, the "To get people to listen.” office furnishings include a crystal Exceptional Quality and Value! all the bracelets she wore. The draft, abortion and other topics. —On the second hardest thing in chandelier and plush white sofa and "assistant secretary of defense” Here are some of her observations: business: "To get people to follow Herald chairs. always wore a flowered hat. —On succeeding in business, which the advice they asked for.” THE CENTENNIAL BEDROOM ... GIRLS Mrs. Rosenberg’s hands are in The white-walled, bright blue she has done for the last 35 years: —On the hardest thing for women Sleepwear by Carter lltb Frame Lotmih perpetual motion. Tugging at the carpeted office that she occupies "You make up your mind and do it. in business: “To get men to give Regularly priced at $1373. double strand of pearls. Fluffing her today contains plaques, medals, and Anna Rosenberg, once the highest ranking woman in the U.S. You don’t fret and say it takes too them a chance.” Pajamas & Nightgowns hair. Arranging and rearranging autographed pictures of the U.S. much effort or time. You spend Is now papers on the desk. Toying with a government, at age 78 still heads her own prominent public Mrs. Rosenberg said she wishes in Presidents she served, Franklin D. relations firm. She recently returned from a trip to China, Saturdays in the office. You have to vanilla wafer in the saucer holding Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Lyn­ love people. After Mr. Hoffman died. women in business would really assorted prints open her cup of caffeine-free coffee. don Johnson. Australia, Japan and Hawaii for one of her clients. (UPI photo) 1 put more into it. (Paul G. Hoffman, dress like women. 100% poiy She talks about her trip to China, The words before the signatures in­ her late second husband, was a Australia, Japan, Hawaii—all within clude "affectionately,” “with affec­ "The President wanted me to find "I mean frilly blouses with suits, Size s 4 to 14 in the collection and one of Eleanor president of Studebaker Corp., presi­ not man-tailored shirts.” she said. a t 15 recent days. She topped this off tion to my faithful friend,” "faithful­ out what the soldiers wanted when Roosevelt. dent of the Ford Foundation, head of She recalled that when she was Rag. to 13.50 with a trip to Chicago. All of these ly remembering your dedicated ser­ As consultant to FDR, Mrs. the war was over," she said."I told the Marshall Plan in Europe, and trips were business-connected for vice.” assistant secretary of defense, a Rosenberg visited U.S. troops in him when 1 returned — ‘They want a director of a number of United senator told her once: Brunswick one of her public relations clients. There is a picture of Jimmy Carter Europe. chance to better themselves, to go to Nations programs,) NOW 7.99 & 9.99 —On the armed services today: "I "Madame Secretary, you have am very worried about the services. worn on your hats at one time or the Parkade Lanes We have machines in the Navy that other over the years practically ) Childrens Wearhouse Session for foster parents not enough people know how to every flower or every state except operate. The voluntary armed forces mine.” HMHfsiBrm aster ranuioeParkade j Manchester «w*vi Parkade A training session for prospective 20, 27 and Nov. 3, from 7 to 9 p.m. in the program will speak. foster parents will be presented by Foster parents are needed for the Department of Children and abused and neglected children of all Foster parents are given a subsidy Births Youth Services, State of Connecticut, ages. Films on the plight of foster to help offset the cost of caring for a at South United Methodist Church, children will be presented and an 1226 Main St., Manchester, on Oct. 20 abusive parent will speak. Also, foster child. For additional informa­ n'iske, .Matthew N and 27 from 9 a.m. to noon; and Oct. foster parents who have participated tion call 1-800-982-6827. ^ Richard, a son of USN A Beautifully Designed Croup of Colonial Bedroom Furniture MENS A LADIES Senior Chief Richard L. Your Local in a Mellow Antique Finish With New Massive Hardware. and Patricia Lawson Fiske ALL SWEATERS of Danoon, Scotland, was DOWN VESTS P v T . Wilson on temporary duty born Oct. 4 at Danoon. His Constructed with traditionally fine workmanship, of solid northern 4 BIG PIECES INCLUDES 2 0 % O F F maternal grandparents are Family hardwoods — all pieces are oversized and most impressive. This -r ■ . p, * Army Pvt. John Wilson, son of ting to their first permanent duty stuaents and community groups. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond group consists of a lovely 62” 8-drawer triple dresser, a 36” NOW! • :'f SALE *29.00 Mrs. Sarafina Wilson of 54 Parker stations. Ten Connecticut soldiers He leaves Connecticut in mid- Lawson of Concord, Mass. -7-drawer chest-on-chest, and a queen size spindle bed. Every piece ^ M irror sizes 38 - 46 St., Manchester recently assigned to ^re now participating in the aide November for his first permanent Rag. $40.00 His paternal grandparents Newspapor has raised drawer fronts with bevelled edges. All case pieces are Chest on Chest temporary duty here as part of a program. duty station at Ft. Cambell, KY. are Mrs. Leslie G. Fiske of equipped with casters for greater mobility and practicality. ^ Spindle Bed nationwide “recruiter aide” A 1979 Manchester High School Marine Pvt. Mark S. Tamiso, son TEENS, BOYS A G/ALS' Manchester and the late Subscribe Today Call 647-9946 *995 program allowing recent enlistees to graduate. Pvt. Wilson attended of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A; Tamiso of Leslie G. Fiske. His mater­ For a limited time, other savings on other return home to give a firsthand ac­ Manchester Community College 74 Margery Drive, East Hartford, bedroom furniture in cherry and pine. S A L E *2 3 .0 0 count of military life. before enlisting in May to train as a has completed recruit training at the nal great-grandmother is Rag. 130.00 Mrs. R. Lawson of Con­ He will work at the city’s Army teletype operator at Ft. Gordon, Ga. Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Decorator services cord, Mass. His paternal ■ fe'iO W i’Ji recruiting office, 555 Main St., until He joined under the Army’s two- Island, S.C. on the premises CASUAL LADY Nov. 8. great-grandmother is Mrs. AND ADVERTISER year test option program. Marlboron|li Conntr; B an at all locations Nominated by their local William C. Greenhaigh of 30,000 CIRCULATION While in the area, the soldier will A graduate of Penney High ^hool, ANDERSON LITTLE recruiters, all aides serve in their Manchester.' He has a Manchester Parkade be available to discuss Army training he joined the Marine Corps in July NOBTH MAM ST., BT E 2, EXIT 12 tr 13 14 MAM STREET , hometowns for 30 days before repor­ opportunities with high school brother, Raymond Leslie, 4; and a sister, Rebecca MARLB0R«NIH,C0MI. OLD SAYBROOK, CONN. Manchester Parkade 1UEt.-SAT. 10-5:30, FM. 10-1; SUN. 1-5:30 M0N.-SAT. 10-5:30. FRL 10-0, SUN. 1-5:30 EVENING HERALD, Frj., Oct. 17. 1990 - 9 8 - EVENING HERALD, Fri., Oct. 17. 19W) . c r -

■ % TV tonight Friday

- e*o Dick Cavatt Show 12:30 1:36 nolds. Su8in CItrk. In Australia, ax- GD Hollywood Heartbeat CD Moment Of Meditation plorera ancountar a raca of miaaing Longtime NBC Sports ba­ DCDaSBNnn llovla-ncartQat chllllng thriller follows an escaped 5:04 day, October 21 and Wednes­ pieces usually associated with Horticultural Hall, then left on which was built in Watertown, Mass., Admission is $2 per person, with ready for aoma good vibratlona aa psychopathic killer as ha atalka hia CD Nawa By NANCY MALOOF own photo buttons and a gymnastics S ink Blair. (Cloaad-Captlonad) awaaping tha country. (PQ) (2 day. October 22. Thanksgiving. Linden Street, another left onto Plea­ and originally used as a touring car tickets available at the door. For Bob Nawhart Show hra.) HBO praaanta thIa ona-hour taped pray in a small Mldweatarn town. A 6:30 ALA Auto and Travel Club shy taanaga babysitter ie on the CHCCX ItSTINOS FOR UACT TIMI in the Rocky Mountains. demonstration. 0:SS ^ CoNaga FoothaN Pravlaw apaclal that takaa you back to (X) Movla -(Scisnea Fiction) Adjoining exhibits will be provided sant Street, left again on Chestnut more information, call (617) 536-9280. madman's liatl (Rated R) (2 hra.) “ Unknown Island" 1B48 Virginia WELLESLEY. Mass. (UPI) - The Some of the activities are free; ONtwt ® Dr. Gena Scott On Habrawa rock'a golden era. featuring tha t( COMBUipe MRVICES li by the Worcester County Street and yet one more left into the The antique truck and bus meet is Massachusetts Avenue is accessible 7M> 12.06 Beach Boya performing some of 3:00 Gray, Philip Read. Scientists spotlight is on three of Boston's others will require a 25 or 50 cent D Movie -(Science Fiction) ** h sesrchlorprshlstorlcmonstersons BMkeepers, and the Worcester Coun­ Horticultural Hall parking lot, where open to the public free of charge. from the Southeast Expressway: the MN««n CD Movie -cntla Unannounced) their graataat hita. museums, and two flower and garden ticket. For more Information on the 0 Ironalda *8kutldugoary" 1070 Burt Rey- strsnj^sIsn^OOjnln^^^^^^ ty Florist Association, and there will the cars will remain on display for To reach the Museum of Transpor­ iMaAaSil. (76 mina.) shows this weekend in New England. Horticultural Society Hall is closest I A M Newt be displays on home canning as well. public viewing. tation, located on Museum Wharf at fesUval, call (617) 4268855. To reach In central Massachusetts, this is to Huntington Avenue, across the Cider, doughnuts, hot drinks and The ALA Auto and Travel Club Congress Street in Boston, take the the Children’s Museum, which is 8porteC«ntor the 140th anniversary year for the street from Symphony Hall. lFoottell:lfittd«Th«NFL pastries are available during the recommends taking the AtUmtic Avenue-Northern Avenue located on Museum Wharf at Worcester County Horticultural I FMtIvalOf FaKli SPECIAL ‘PLAN AHEAD’ PRE-WINTER SAVINGS! three-day show, which will be open Massachusetts Turnpike to Ehcit 11 exit off the^ Expressway if you are Congress Street in Boston, follow the I Am«Hc«’«Top10 Society, which is having its annual directions recommended by the ALA Tronsides’ birthday a m from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m., Friday and for Worcester. coming froin points south of the city; M fall show this weekend. On Friday, Fourth EtUto Saturday, and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. the High Street-Congress Street exit to get to the Museum of Transporta­ Boston’s (Constitution Museum-in Saturday and Sunday, the society's AfitIquM HOMELITE ‘Super 2’ Sunday. Admission is $2 lor adults, $1 from the north. For more informa­ tion, given above. Charlestown has a day full of special FoeoThoMutlc Autumn Garden Show and Harvest Truck and bus meet 7:20 14” Chain Saw with Case for senior citizens and SO cents for tion, caU (617) 426-6633. activities planned for Saturday in Festival will take place at Hor­ Antique vehicles also star in a Orchid exhibition ODiNyNiimbort children 11 years and under. honor of the 183rd birthday of “ Old 7:30 ticultural Hall in Worcester, at the special event at Boston’s Museum o f. Reg. 162.99...... For more information, call (617) This is also the weekend for the 5th Ironsides.” PMMoSUlno 129.40 comer of Elm and Chestnut Streets. iVansportation this weekend, when Children’s museum ANInTtioFoflittv 752-4274, Monday through Friday, annual Massachusetts Orchid Society The cutting of a birthday cake big Powerful 1.9 cu. inch engine with The Garden Show segment will On Sunday, the adjacent Children's FamOyEoud Safe-T-Tip to avoid kickbacks. A . an antique truck and bus meet takes Show, Saturday and Sunday at the enough to serve 500 people, sea FocoThoMuaie from 9 a.m. to 4 o.m. real workhorse for big jobs! feature seasonal gardens designed by place in front of the museum, Satur­ Museum on Museum Wharf will have Massachusetts Horticultural Society chantey singing, and demonstrations You 8ol Your Ufo Antique automobiles J I J L S ii •lee eer Hne of Oregan Chein Sew Xcieeeeertiil professional landscape gardeners in day from ^0 a.m. to 3 p:m. its day, with a fall (estival, from 10 Hail, 300 Massachusetts Avenue, in of nautical crafts will all take place B) MscNotH-ohror Roport the area. The Harvest festival Another part of the Worcester 'Ilien, there will be antique trucks, a.m. to 6 p.m. (rain or shine). Boston. from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on the museum Fight BockI focuses on fruits, nuts, vegetables, County Horticultural Society’s 140th Fall festival activities will include BamoyMMIor buses and other vintage commercial Exhibits by private and commer­ grounds; the celebration is free and TIeToeOough MIRACLE Heavy-Duty herbs and wild flowers with special anniversary is an Antique vehicles — all built before 1956. games and demonstrations like rope cial growers, a park scene featuring open to the public. a.*oo Chain Saw Sharpener attention to indoor hanging and Automobile Parade through Several of the museum's prized bracelet making, create^your-own all sizes, shapes and colors of For more information, call (617) CD Tho locrodlblo Hulk David Ban- e plants, fruit and vegetable Aor ha^a ond tha hoatiitty batwaan Our Q Q Q Worcester on Saturday. pieces in this category will be Halloween mask and a makeup orchids, educational exhibits and 426-1812: The USS Constitution a young coupla aaaking ravano* on Reg. 11.99...... 0 .0 0 gements suitable for an infor­ It begins at 10 a.m. from the Old brought out especially for the meet, booth, cupcake and gingerman plant sale tables will be featured at Museum is accessible from the lha company which tha huaband Produces razor sharp edges and mal harvest time buffet table, andFarmer’s Market Building, proceeds including a 1926 Maccar dump truck, decorating, the "Pocket Man,” a the show, which will run from 10 a.m. Northeast Expressway; follow signs 7 thinkalaraaponaibtaforhiafathar'a « ^ t h . (RapMt; 00 mina.) positive saw tooth alignment for autumn wreaths and decorative down Main Street to Elm Street, past and a Stanley steam-powered bus peanut guess booth, a moonwalk. a until 4:30 p.m. both days. for the Charlestown Navy Yard. QD FaHaMogasIfia Jumbo Suit Bags or EDISON ‘Comfort Sensor’ Heater safe, fast cuts. iS w Friday Night MovlaBafora and Attar* 1070 Stara: Patty Duka Jumbo Dress Bags Instant tan-forced warmth! 3 Aatin. Bradford Oilimen. Amarica’a heat levels with economical obaaaalon with atirn figuraa. diata thermostat plus safety tip-over 43.76 SLIDE SPLIHER Foliage BbB.7.49...... E b . 5 . 1 7 Staging musical and pound-ahadding axarciaaa ia swtich. *324029 Our Reg. 54.99 axplorad In thia dramatic atory of a Protect out-ol-season clothing Firewood Splitter •EDISON 'Comfort Sensor' Healer houaawifa whoaa weight problem neatly and attractively. Choose thrMtana her marriage. (Repeat; 2 with Timer *324035, Our Rug. M.S9...... 5 1 .7 0 from yellow or brown or mix & Ofig.* 32.99...... ) 12.99 match (or easyidentiflcallon. season I Baakotball Atlanta Hawka va takes lot of time SB 4-lb. wedge splits logs up to NawYoikKnIcka EDISON Portable Heater 2 8 W long evenly, safely, C oSaaa Footbatt Pravtaw Fan-forced heat up to 4505 BTUs quickly. Easily assembled. Novta KAdvanluro) ** MANCHESTER— “ The audience scenes in the first act and eight in the with thermostat. Includes safety 17.88 “Avatancha Eipraaa" tS79 Sweater and Shoe ‘ Inlwm.41.1. niKkdowii. tUi«i. only sees what goes on on the stage, second. The scenes vary from the Robert Shaw, LaaMarvki.AIrlocoii- tipover switch and handle. *324052 Our Reg. 22.99 ending S Storage Boxes by Wilson 13 pw .lor., no rHnchMk.. but I wonder if they ever realize the tronta natural diaaatara, political bare stages of a variety of theaters to kititauaandlaal'pacadactlonwhlla •SwaatarBox n Q Q hours it takes to create that il­ streets in various towns and a boar­ WELLESLEY, Mass. (UPI) - trying to amuggla a delecting agent Our Rag. 1 8 9 ...... £ . 0 0 lusion?" asked Al Churilla, the ding house for theatrical per­ This will be the last significant out of tha country. (Rated PG) (SO INTERMATIC ‘Time-All II •STANLEY 6-lb. Splilllng Maul or production manager for the Little •Shoa Box D X t Table-Top Timer STANLEY 3W-lb. Axt sonalities. The director, Fred T. weekend for good foliage viewing in Malor LaaguaB aaabaH Our Rag. 1.17...... 0 * 1 ’ Theater's current musical, “ George Blish, elected to design the produc­ New England this year, says the ALA lortSSartaa Our Reg. 9.99 6.87 OurRw). 1S.M...... Eu. 14.44 Clear see-thru plastic boxes with M!" tion himself and has created a false Auto and Travel Gub in its final Waahington Waak In hundreds of space-saving storage Turn lights, small appliances on/otf •STANLEY 5-lb. Splitting al pre set limes Just plug in & set. “ In this current production there uses and they are stackable. Wedge, our Rug. s.s9...... 5 . 6 6 proscenium on the stage with a(i act foliage report of the season. S *I WWaahinoton: a a l Behind Cloaad VED111 will be well over one thousand man­ Doort An exploration of tha corrup- curtain in it. Through a series of cur- Maine tkMi spawned bythapurauH of power hours spent in the production end of tajns which can be raised and The foliage season is all but gone in in tha nation’a capHol. Stara: Jason presenting this m usical" Qiurilla. lowered during the production and a Robarda, Cliff Robertson. Maine; it is really too late to see any who has assumed this large volunteer minimum of scenery on wheels, the 8:30 good color now.. DMarvOfIffln job, knows the problems since he has stage can be changed very rapidly to 0 Program Unannounced been in on the production from the keep the play moving. New Hampshire 0 0 WalOtraatWaak MO planning stage. The lighting designer, David Fair­ New Hampshire’s remaining CD Tha Dukaa Of Haasard A new Planning for the stage setting, banks, has taken the design and has foliage color is all south of Conway candidate challangaa Boat Hogg (or tha office of Country Supervisor costumes, lighting, props, make-up created a variety of moods through now. From the southwestern border Administrator with Luka and Bo aa and sound began in late June as soon the use of lights. “ The major of Maine to the New Hampshire campaign managers. (Repeat; 60 as the cast had been selected. problem was how to create a sky coast, and heading towards Vermont a^kitwiMboMiaonWorldMtlch itsiisss Meetings with the director were held rocket which is shot off from a ship through the Merrinnac Valley and @iaimk>nship and the process of research began. which the jifdience sees in the dis­ Monadnock regions, full color is 0 0 BM Moyara* Journal “ The play takes place from 1878, tance," Fwbanks said. ‘Campaign *60'Part VI. expected to last through the 0:30 when George M. Cohan was bom to The properties mistress was faced Mountain Laurel Chapted of Sweet Adelines. we^end, as long as there aren’t any 0 Movie-(Drama) *** “ 8ama MINOLTA ‘XG-9’ SLR 35mm POLAROID ‘One-Step-Plus’ Camera 1937 when he made one of his last with the Usk of collecting^all types of Joan Gary, Almeda Stechholz and Ciel destructively windy or rain days in Tima, Naxt Yaar“ 1070 Elian The show starts at 2 p.m. at Glastonbury Buatyn. Alan Alda. A chance an- •KLEENEX ‘Boutique’ Camera with f/1.7 Lens World's favorite instant Caldor Reg. P ric e ...... 54.70 Broadway performances in “ I’d props, from fire crackers to eighteen Henderson (left to right) prepare for the “ I between. countarbacomaaanannualgllmpaa Our Reg. 299.87...... ^ 2 4 6 camera, now with its Caldor Sale Price...... 43.30 ‘Strawberry Shortcake’ or Rather Be Right." This means that American flags, ail of which are used High School. Among the favorite viewing routes Tissues, 12S's, Our Reg. 67c...... OU own electronic flash' Hear Music,” the Sunday performance by the into tha livaa of a man and a woman MIr.Mall-ln Rebate...... 5.00* Has extra bright viewfinder with indicators. Aperture priority Great Time Zero color there have to be costumes for all of in one scene. Chris Ellis got her first in southern New Hampshire are who laugh,love,andmaturathrough ‘Peanuts 4^easons’ Slumber Bags •KOTEX‘Light Days’ ^ a m system has lull manual override for creative photography. prints everytime! three turbulent decades. (Rated YOUR these periods." taste of working back stage on last Route 9 from Keene to Henniker, and *See clerk (or details. FINAL COST. YOUR CHOICE PQ)(2hra.) Psniillnars, 30’s, Our Reg. 1.89. | • O w 38.30 DuPont ‘Hollolil 808’ till and Marcia Kovensky has taken on the year's musical and has this year Route 124 between Jeffrey and [•MINOLTA ‘Hi-Malic A P 35mm Camera smooth Tricot lining give the KhOO large job of coordinating the taken on the task of collecting the Massachusetts. ® DaSaa •NEW FREEDOM Beltless .■ q q with Rokkor 38mm 1.2.8 Lens LET CALDOR MAKE A DUPLtCATE OF YOUR soft touch to ind(X}r camping! 16.33 Sweet Adelines to sing Maxi Pads, 30’S, Our Reg. 2.89 . 1 . U U and Casa, oui Rug. is«.s7...... *117 FAVORITE INSTANT COLOR PRINT. O N LY .... 95* Open to comforter, wash^le. Our Reg. 21.99 costumes with her co-chairman. properties. Vermont T X £ ATC Nkvra (»OMup Jared Towler. There will be well Churilla himself has assumed the W PBA Bowling Regional Cham- (Rag. prices may vary in aoma floras.) the most outstanding arrangers of over 300 costumes in the production, responsibility of building the stage “ I Hear Music” will be the theme Please,’’ “ Just One of Those Full color has continued in iaClaaalc barbershop music. Her songs are Connoctleut Primo Tlmo including many fast changes as the settings. The Little Theater crew has of the Mountain Laurel Chapter’s Things,’ ’ “ What’ll I Do," “ Sunny southern Vermont’s valleys; the sung by Sweet Adelines’ (horuses Ofhat If You Couldn't Rood? company moves from one big produc­ been meeting every Saturday mor­ show to be held Sunday at 2 p.m., at Side of the Street,” and the title song, lower elevations of the (Htamplai!) fIndopondontNowa Glastonbury High School, Glaston­ “ 1 Hear Music.” Vin Zito of 47 and SPEBSQSA quartets through(>ut Valley, in the western part of the tion number tq.qnother and from one ning since the first week in 10:30 the U.S. and Europe. She has been in­ GD Now York R o f^ period of time to the next. "This job September to build and paint the bury. The, annual show will feature, Thomas Drive, Manchester directs state above Rutland; and the Hero 0 Dick Covott Show novative in introducing, modern is complicated by the fact that some various pieces that will be used in the in addition to the Mountain Laurel the chorus. 'The Ramapo Valley Islands (between Burlington, Vt., 0 Sym bols Of Tho Past Vincent music in barbershop style harmony. Price narrates this film about tha scenes begin during one period of show. The set pieces range from a set Oiorus of Sweet Adelines, the Inter­ (Hiorus, under the direction of Renee and Plattsburgh, N.Y.). The “ Crackerjacks” quartet has ramarkabia Rambova (Collection of time and cover a span of years. This of marble stairs which are used in national Chorus Champions, The Craig, won the Chorus Championship The lower elevations of southern Egyptian antlquitiaa and Its founder won many quartet contests in addi­ has to be reflected through the one production number for two or Ramapo Valley Chapter from New at the International -Convention last Vermont are showing the most color Nataaha Rambova. wile of tha tion to the 1979 title. Their versatility movie idol Rudolph Valentino. costumes used," Ms'. Kovesnky said. three minutes to a very elaborate Jersey and the 1979 Mid-Atlantic November in St. Louis, Mo. The now; the higher elevations and moun­ 0 HoNywood Squaraa has entertained audiences of all ages. Similarly, the stage setting had to chaise lounge which has been built District Championship (Quartet of audience gave them a standing ova­ tainous parts of this area are past 11M> tion for their performance of the A portion to the proceeds from the JC D O 00 Nawa be designed so that there would be no and covered especially for the SPEBSQSA, the “ Oackerjacks." p ea k , or R ou te 133 th rou gh theme from “ Saturday Night Fever” show will be given to the Muscular )MA.S.H. break in the acting. There are nine production. Also appearing in the show will be Middletown Springs. ) the Mountain Laurel Chorus’ two complete with glittering costumes Dystrophy and Multiple Sclerosis In central Vermont, the lower I TwMghtZona Finally comes the job of bringing Foundations. The Mountain Laurel ) DIcItCovaHShow this all together and making it work quartets, “ The Rare Opportunity” and dazzling choreography at the Champlain Valley has retained 100 Chapter Chorus and Sweet Adelines I Moracomba And Wlaa Entire Stock of Fashionable DESK LAMPS ‘INSTAPURE’ Filtration ‘ZT-3’ Driving Computer U-lnstall Digital Deluxe with the play. Betty Lundberg and and the “ Light and L ively" Show of Champions. percent color; while along the 11:30 Concert set Inc. are non-profit. Preferred seating Connecticut River, it’s past peak but 'AIIInThaFamtty Quality LAMPSHADES System by Water Pik lowers your driving costs Garage Door Opener Toni Fogarty are the stage managers for “ I Hear Music" is $6 with general Ko|ak •18” Fluorescent, Our for the production. They will work “ I Hear Music” will feature a Renee Craig, director, is a still pretty. Routes 22A and 14 are member of the International Music admission at $4. For further informa­ Srtii.'' 1.09 .,10.49 Piano on/ofi switch YOUR Reg: 28.99...... 423.32 Reg. 89.99...... 62.40 21^17995 146.70 at cathedral with the crew to insure that on the (iershwin medley and other popular among those suggested here. i CHOICE Faculty of Sweet Adelines and one of tion, telephone 875-4984 or 646-8(X)9. As for northern Vermont, you^ Choose from silk, burlap, vinyl pleats, Our Reg. 16.99 Easily installed to remove suspended NEW AT CALDOR! Tells you miles/ Instant-response controls let you slay nights of performance, everything is songs such as “ Music Maestro Moracomba And Wlaa more. A wide variety of styles and particles from water without removing gallons since fill-up: miles/gallons/ warm, safe, dry! Has automatic safety HARTFORD - Cathedral where it is supposed to be when it is see the richest color near L w e SportaCantar sizes to give your lamps a great new •Hi-Lo Intensity 11.44 beneficial minerals. Provides purer, lime to empty: trip speed average Champlain and the^'SHff'Ounmng Movie-(Comedy)...... Mora reverse, 3-min, time delay, courtesy light. Dmcerts will present the first con­ supposed to be there. "This is look for the winter! Our Reg. 16.99 EACH better tasting water! & more! Pedestal or flush mount. Am ariconGraffiti" RonHoward, cert of its 1980-81 series Sunday at 3 extremely difficult to do, when there islands, with scattered color still in Cindy Williama. Sights and sounds isolated comers of northeastern sec­ of tha 60a. Picka up where '‘Amer­ p.m. in the Blessed Sacrament is only one night available in Bailey Jazz festival in Hartford ican Q raffili" left off. taking its Qiapel of the Cathedral of St. Joseph auditorium for a technical rehear­ tions. Recommendea viewing routes lanted for improvisational jazz the Hartford Jazz Society Festival youthful crowdtonawadvanturaain The artist featured will be Richard sal,” said Mrs. Lundberg. HARTFORD - Dizzy Gillespie, include 78 and 104. new Diacaa. (Rated PQ) (2 hra.) GREEN THUMB SPECIALS FOR INDOOR/OUTDOOR GARDENING! lovers, with Anthony Braxton and the '80 are at the top of their respective 0 0 0 Tha Tonight StHm Provost, classical guitarist. Manchester audiences can see the Marion McPartland, the Art Ensem­ categories in "Downbeat” Massachusetts Quaata: DavidLattarman, Dr. Morris Provost attended Hartt School of ble of Chicago, Jaki Byard and the Art Ensemble of Chicago. The Sun­ results of all of this work at one of magazine’s prestigious “ Critics Foliage color in the Berkshires of Qoidbaro. (60 mins.) Music, where he now serves as f i r ­ Apollo Stompers, Anthony Braxton, day night performance will close the the five performances of “ George Poll". western Massachusetts is getting Greenhouse-Fresh Deluxe Bamboo Lawn man of the guitar department. Herb Ellis and Barney Kessel are show with Marion McPartland and Suggestions IMPORTED HOLLAND BULBS! M !” on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 31 the guitar duo of Ellis and Kessel. Art Ensemble of Chicago twk top ready to leave the peak stage, with a Lush Hanging Plants Provost has also^studied with such and Nov. 1, and again on Thursday, appearing in a two-day jazz festival MBU and Leaf Rakes honors in the best jazz group division, fair amount of leaf drop due to recent win prizes in 8” Plastic Pots distinguished guitarists as Alexander Saturday and Sunday. Tickets are $8 for Saturday after­ 30" Size A Q 7 Friday and Saturday, Nov. 7,8, and 9. noon and both Sunday concerts, and and its leader, Lester Bowie, placed strong winds. STORRS— A professor Our Reg. 5.49...... O . O * Bellow and Oscar Ghigha. Tickets are available by calling Mrs. Sponsored by the Hartford Jazz $10 for Saturday night. Starting times second in the trumpet entries. AEC Color in the Amherst area ranges and a craft worker at the SIS-6.49...... E.,4.33 He has perform ed,extensively Phillip (Ema) Burgess, 39 Hudson Society to celebrate its 20th anniver­ are 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. For more infor­ also had the second best adjudged from already past to approaching University of Connecticut Enjoy summer greenery all winter •24”, Our Reg. 4.39...... 3.22 throughout the Northeast, with many St., in Manchester (643-0812) or at sary, the festival will take place in mation, call 242-6688. record of the year— “ Nice Guys” . past peak, with similar conditions in have earned a total of $375 long with popular Spider Plants. •18", Our Reg. 3.59...... 2.44 m ajor orchestras, and in solo the new 800-seat Lincoln Theater on the box office. Special reduced rates Dizzy Gillespie placed first in the the central part of the state. West of 7 Swedish Ivy, Piggy Back and Special guests at the festival will by making valuable recitals. are available for students and senior the campus of the University of Hart­ many more lovely varieties. include the Rev. John Gensel, pastor trumpet category and Anthony Boston around Interstate 495. peak suggestions for im­ The program will encompass ford. citizens. Groups of 20 or more on the to the jazz community in New York Braxton placed first in the clarinet color is expected to continue through provements at the state •6" Rubber Tree, om Rug. s.m .. 3.97 •Pkg. of 12 Snow Crocus •25 MIi m I Tulips works by Logy, Turina, and Villa- Jazz Festival '80 opens Saturday BLACK & DECKER same night can also arrange for a City (Saturday Evening), and voting. the weekend, with gooll viewing on University. or Glory of the Snow •12 lop-SIz. King Allred Lobos. Provost will be assisted by special reduced rate. afternoon with Jaki Byard and his 17- or Ranunculu. D illodlls Nylon-Line Trimmer /Vnthony Keller, exective director of Routes such as 62 and 119 inward Dr. Richard P. Kinkade, Phyllis Aronson, flutist. Admission piece band, complete with singers Jaki Byard’s Apollo Stompers •Pkg. ol 3 H ytcinih. or •35 Mixed- Color Crocus The Little Theater is fortunate to the Connecticut Commission on the Ashby. a professor and head of the Brass and Glass to the concert is $3 for adults and $2 and dancers. Dizzy Gillespie will be placed high in the big band polling. OaModll. or Narcissi •10 Mlxtd- Ofig. 39.97*...... 28.76 have a financial grant from United Arts at the Sunday evening concert. The characteristic foliage color Department of Romance 4-Tier, 30-Inch for students and senior citizens. For Technologies to support the produc- ''the featured artist Saturday night, or Alliums Color Hyicinihs Powerful 4.3 amp motor delivers Manv of the artists appearing at that distinguishes southeastern and Classical Languages, •Pkg. ol 12 •12 MIswl Narcissi more information, call 249-8431. tion of “ George M l” Sunday Afternoon’s concert will be Pedestal Planter 10,500 rpms for last cutting. Has Massachusetts going towards Cape earned $275 for a sugges­ Our Crocus or Moscsrl or Iris •25 Hybrid Tulips automatic line teed. Not all varieli.B in all slo m , no raInchKkt. Cod is visible now, and likely will be tion to change cords from Reg. 29.99...... 19.87 *lntarmadia(a marktfowni lakan. Slora itock only, no rainchtcki. beyond this weekend. cotton to nylon on tenlite Beautiful show-ofi lor your indoor window shades. Coachlight star a real character Connecticut \ plants, photographs, curios and UConn benefits officer whatever! (Plant not included) RUBBERMAID 32-Gal. Connecticut’s b e « foliage color act which he describes as a medley of Dennis M. Dion, who said ‘Roughneck’ Refuse Theodore Bikel in the national tour of ranges (rom a high'of 50 percent in CALDOR Leaf & Litter EAST WINDSOR - For the timized juveniles.” characters from American musicals. the awards were made Container q a Blower with 5 H.P. coach and the student body at Tait Influenced by his sister, a radio “ The Rothchilds” , and at the San the southeastern comer, to 70 to 100 through the State NEW ERA Potting Soil Our Reg. 17.99.1 Z . 0 0 College life just might be a bowl of entertainer, the North Dakota native Francisco Opera in “ The Vagabond In fact, he’s often heard confessing percent throughout the eastern half Briggs & Stratton Engine King." The energetic veteran-of-the- Employee Suggestion (im}t. size) o n e Tough heavywall construction cherries but for Pooch, it’s the pits — arrived in New York at the age of 19 from the stage, “ I've done so many of the state. Award Program, said that Our Reg. 1.89...... j f S I '' stands up to sub-zero temp­ or so goes the song sung by seasoned to court the bright lights, and the big boards has performed in 17 shows at Suggested viewing routes include erature. Lid snaps on tight. *263 musical revivals my resume looks as change will provide a sterilized and weed-tree for actor John Remme. As the frustrated time. He h oof^ his way along the the Goodspeed Opera House in­ 67 near Southbury, and 16 from Eiast longer lasting cord and healthier young seedllngaaind Has convenient on-engIne throttle cluding “ (food News” and “ Five though 1 either died or left the and adjustable chute ^Hector lor football trainer in the (Coachlight straw hat trail, earned his Equity Hampton to Lebanon. save valuable man hours of happier transplants! •Kordite Leal Bags O’clock Girl” , in the latter of which business in 1941.” Pkg. oMO. Our Reg. 1.97.. 1.57 versatile use. Easy to push Dinner Theater’s current musical, card and returned to the city where Rhode Island work replacing the cords. “ Good News” , Remme is familiar he appeared on Broadway with Eva he hopes to return when it reopens in “ Good News” is most remembered Rhode Island’s foliage color is Charles Flubacher, a with comic odd-man-out character.. Le Gallienne in “ The Royal Family” East Haddam this fall before moving BRING US YOUR COLOR FILM for its songs: “ Varsity Drag” , But­ more noticeable as an accent to than qualified craftworker in which was filmed for PBS’s Theater to Philadelphia, Washington, and FOR DEVELOPINQ t PRINTING “ I wanted to be a dramatic actor but ton Up Your Overcoat” , “ Your the a complete contrast to the the University’s Physical I got started in musicals because in America” series. perhaps Broadway. Plant Department won a VERNON Between engagements the lithe Cream in My Coffee” , and “ The Best predominantly green leaves across MANCHESTER that’s where the work seemed to be,” With a penchant toward character $100 award for his sugges­ Padect Results or your money 1145 Tolland Turnpike Tr'-City Shopping Canter entertainer performs his qWn club Things in Life are Free” . the state. back on any color print! John Remme he recalls. “ For years I played vic- comedy, Remme appeared with tion to build a safety rail STORE HOURS: DAILY, 10 AM to 9:30 PM^SAT., 9 AM to 9:30 PM^SUN., 11 AM to 5 PM ePRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY around pipes in floor openings. r EVENING HERALD, Fri., Oct. 17. 1980 - 11 EVENING HERALD. Fri., Oct. 17, l»80 • Arts festival, to benefit the Organ Fund of Storrs Congregational Church, today and Saturday at the church Theater World parish house and surroundings. Features a concert, Stratford dinner and auction. (742-8119 or 488-4223) • Oriental rug auction, to benefit the Multiple Sclerosis Society, Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. at Bishop’s Comers, to offer Five blocks separate Theater. Lecturer. 337 N. Main St. West Hartford. (236-3229) • Beer can collectors' swap and sale, Sunday from 10 • “The Beaux Stratagem,” a comedy by George • Talk by Judy Chicago, creator of the controversial a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Italian American Club, 85 Chase ‘The Wiz’ Euripides and Berman Farquhar, through Nov. 2 at the Hartford Stage Com­ feminist work, "The Dinner Party,” Oct. 23 at 7 p.m. at Lane, West Havefl. (735-9758 or 468-2123) By GLENNE CURRIE a singer in her own right. pany, 50 Church St., Hartford. Performances Tuesday the Atheneum Theater, Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford. • Fall fair, sponsored by United Methodist Women, STRATFORD - "The Wiz.” NEW YORK (UPI) - She has one nightclub act through Thursday at 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday at 8:30 (278-2870) Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at South United Broadway's super soul musical ver­ Euripides 4ind Shelley Ber­ in which she is accom­ p.m. and Sunday at 7:30 p.m.; matinees W edne^y and • “Which Bottles for Which Wine? The Evolutionary sion of L. Frank Baum's classic "The man may be 2,500 years panied by a pianist and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. (527-5151) Synthesis in Disarray," by Dr. Janls Antonovlcs, Methodist Church, Main Street at Hartford Hoad, Wonderfui Wizard of Oz," will open professor of botany at Duke University, Oct. 20 at 4 p.m. apart but only five blocks sings about runaways and • “Zapata,” a new musical, through Nov. 23 at the Manchester. Lunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Quilts, Oct, 22 at the American Shakespeare separate them on social misfits. She has Goodspeed Opera House, East Haddam. Performances at the Life Sciences Building, University of Connecticut, Theater for 10 performances. The hit children’s activities, baked goods. (643-8873) Broadway. another In which she sings Tuesday through Friday at 8:30 p.m., Saturday at 5 p.m. Storrs. (4864060) • Flea market and auction, to benefit the energy musical is the latest in the Stratford • A talk about Persian and Oriental rugs, by Roger G. Euripides’ "The rock ‘n’ roll, backed by and 9 p.m. and Sunday at 5 p.m.; matinee Wednesday at assistance program of the Windham Area Community theater's fall Broadway season Bacchae” and Berman’s piano and a heavy rhythm 2:30 p.m. (873-8888) Cavana, owner of a Hamden carpet store, Oct. 23 at which just completed a run of the Action Program, Saturday at 10 a.m. (auction at 1 p.m.) latest one-man show trio. • "Good News,” the musical, through Nov. 30 at the Buley Library, Southern Connecticut State College, New at 7 Hawkins St., Danielson. Rain date: Oct. 25. (774-0400) successful Ginger Rogers musical. opened the same day, Oct. It was the rock Liz who Coachlight Dinner Theater, East Windsor. Performances Haven. Free. (397-4279) "Anything Goes ' 2 • The Ice Follies and Holiday on Ice, combined shows, . appeared at the s.n.a.f.u. nightly except Monday with dinner at 8:45 p.m. and cur­ • Talk and slide program about Spain, sponsored by the through Sunday at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New When L. Frank Baum wrote his im­ If I had to choose a single cabaret restaurant recent­ tain at 8:30 p.m.; one hour earlier on Sunday. (522-1266) Spanish literary society, Oct. 23 at 8 p.m. at the College mortal fantasy in 1900. it's doubtful Haven. (5604588 or 772-4200) stand-up comic, it would ly, disappointing some of • "American Buffalo” by David Mamet, through Nov. Union, Southern Connecticut State College, New Haven. • Workshop on making rye-straw baskets, Saturday that even he had any comprehension have to be Shelley Berman. her fans. 9 at the Long Wharf Theater, New Haven. Performances Free. (397-4314) of the timeless universality his and Sunday from 10 a m. to 4 pjn. at the Brookfield Craft He’s back on Broadway, Her material was Tuesday through Friday at'8 p.m., Saturday at 4 p.m. and • “The Self in Disfavor: Pascal, Moliere and Center, Brookfield. (7754526) ' delightful story possessed. "The where he opened "In- LaRochefoucauId,” by Donald M. Frame, professor of fascinating — songs about 8:30 p.m. and Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Call for matinee • Architectural walking tour of Windham Center, spon­ Wiz. " which during its Broadway run sideOutsideAndAllAround younger men, bag ladies, schedule. (787-4282) French at Columbia University, Oct. 23 at 8 p.m. at the won seven Tony Awards including sored by the Windham Free Library, Saturday from 10 Shelley Berman” at the Vietnam, the biblical • "Betrayal” by Harold Pinter, through Nov. 2 at the Austin Arts Center, Trinity College, Hartford. (527-3151) a.m. to 4 p.m. Rain date. Sunday, 1 to 4,p.m. Best Musicai. is in many ways Bijou Theater Oct. 2. (The Sarah, an unrepentant Trinity Square Repertory (Company, F^vldeiice, R.I. • Genealogy course, Oct. 20, 23, 27 and 30 from 7:30 to • Greater Hartford Antiques Show, today from noon to faithful to the original story; it takes title recalls his Grammy- hooker. But her voice is not Performances Tuesday through Sunday at 8 p.m.; 8:30 p.m. at the Ckmnecticut Historical Society, 1 Dorothy from Kansas to Oz and back 10 p.m. and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the West winning comedy record strong or flexible enough to matinees on selected Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sun­ Elizabeth St„ Hartford. (236-5621) Hartford Armory, 836 Farmington Ave., West Hartford. again, she meets all the old familiar “ Inside Shelley ^ rm a n .” ) compete with a rhythm days. (401-351-4242) characters and problems; but there • Meet the Artists and Artisans arts and crafts show, But you’ll have to hurry; section. She's more im­ • “Tartuffe,"through Nov. 6 at the New England today through Sunday at Meriden Square, Meriden. the similarity ends. he’ll only be there through pressive solo on guitar, Repertory Theater, Worcester, Mass. Performances As Time magazine said. "The Counter-tenor Rodney Hurvesty opens the • New England Craft Fair, today from 5 to 9 p.m. and Oct. 28. singing from the heart. Thursday and Friday at 8 p.m., ^turday at 5 p.m. and 9 Saturday from 10 a m. to 5 p.m. at the. First show, with all new music and lyrics, Berman tells his share of p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. amd 8 p.m. (817-798-8885). ^ 1980-81 Trinity Episcopal Church music is saucy with urban humor. Its talk is (kingregational Church, Granby. (653-3538) bathroom and sex jokes, Ballet company • “A Little Night Music,” through Nov. 30 at the series with a concert Saturday at 8 p.m. at • Darien Art Show, Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. jumping jivernacular. its walk is a and he insults the Ballerina Natalia Darien Dinner Theater, Darien. Performances Tuesday big city strut, its dances have a blow­ the church in Hartford. and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. at Oierry Lawn, producer, the theater, and Makarova, possibly piqued through Saturday with dinner at 7 p.m. and curtain at 8:30 $ Donee. Brookside Road, Darien. (655-8636) torch frenzy, and its songs range the audience. But he does it at not being chosen to head "1' Shelley BeEmair is back on Broadway, p.m. and Sunday with dinnerat 8 p.m. and curtain at 7 • Dyer Dhow Derby, races witli small, bright-sailed from a warm gospel glow to the rock all in such a friendly way American Ballet Theater, p.m. (655-7887) 120 Sigourney St., Hartford. (527-8133) • A traditional New England contra dance, sponsored beat of the riveter mining asphalt." where he opened in “Inside-Outside And All • Pianist Peter Orth in concert, Oct. 22 at 8:15 p.m. at boat races, all day Saturday at Mystic Seaport, Mystic. he never offends. has formed a new ballet • “Nightclub,” through Nov. 15 at the Downtown by Country Dance in Connecticut, tonight at 8 at the The Grammy Award winning up­ Around Shelley Berman.” The heart of his Jorgensen Auditorium, University of (Connecticut, Storrs. (536-2631) ’The heart of his comedy company, with the help of Cabaret Theater, Bridgeport. Performances Thursday at Powder Mill Barn, 32 S. Maple St., Hazardville (Enfield). • Farmington Valley Vintage Car Club annual show, beat score irilcudes the phenomenally “Gustaf and His Ensemble” returns to the University of is the average citizen (4864226) comedy is the average citizen betrayed and theater owner-producer 8 p.m. and Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. (677-8619) Sunday at Sperry Park, Avon. (379-1158 or 6734308) 7 Connecticut for performances Saturday and Oct. 26 and a • A performances of “(Coffee Cantata” by J.S. Bach successful disco delight. “Ease On betrayed and baffled by baffled by technology, bureaucracy and the James M. Nederiander. (576-1843) • Chitraleka Ramanan, classical Indian dancer, and '"rhe Telephone,” a one-act comic opera by Gian- Down the Road." the inspirational master class on Oct. 26. technology, bureaucracy Makarova’s stated aim is • "California Suite” by Neil Simon, presented by the presented by the Connecticut Valley Hindu Temple Socie­ spoken word. Here he makes one of his Carlo Menotti, tonight at 8 at the Storrs (Congregational "Be A Lion" and the powerful finale. and the spoken word. His to train young dancers the Mark Twain Masquers, through Sunday at the Roberta ty, tonight at 7:30 at the Wallace Stevens Theater, Hart­ frustrated phone calls. (UPI photo) Church, North Eagleville Road, Storrs. (486-2940 or 429- "Home. " frustrated phone calls are way she thinks they should Theater, Kingswood-Oxford School, West Hartford. Per­ ford Insurance Group, Hartford. (653-7544) A special treat for the entire fami­ justly famous: making a be trained, and to give formances to ^ y and S.aturday at 8 p-.m. and Sunday at 2 8265) ly with its popular tale, outrageous • (Chamber musical recital by members of the U.S. Adult puppet show credit phone call; being son’s head in her arms. K a ro ly n N e lk e ’s them an opportunity to p.m. (232-7808) costumes, invigorating choreography answ er^ by a child; trying Perhaps we should be “Casualties,” showing at dance lead roles at an early • "Boesman and Lena” by Athol Fugard, through Oct. Coast Guard Band, Sunday at 4 p.m. at Leamy Hall and eye-popping visual effects. "The to get help for a woman grateful that Euripides is P la y h o u s e 48 (S t. stage in their career. 25 at the Yale Repertory Ibeater, New Haven. Perfor­ Auditorium, U.S. (Coast Guard Academy, New London. Wiz " is "family priced” with special To list events hanging from a depart­ on Broadway at all. Clement's) Oct. 2-Nov. 2. "Makarova and Com­ mances today, Saturday and Oct. 20 to 25 at 8 p.m.; Free. (4444466) discounts for children 17 years and returning to UConn “Cinderella,” the classic fairy tale opera by Jules ment store window M ge; “The Bacchae” plays “Casualties” is another pany” are making their matinees Saturday and Oct. 22 at 2 p.m. (436-1800) * Uliwereiia, me c m s i c la i^ w ie To list events in this weekly guide to under. Special discounts for groups STORRS— Albrecht Roser’s one national show.Although it is hard to complaining abut a faulty through Nov. 23. play about a returned debut appearance at • “Gustaf and His Fnspmhle ’ a n a d u lt marionette M assen et, presented by the Hartt Opera-Theater, tonight ■ — , ^ “where to go and what to do,” submit them of 20 or more are also avialable. man. adult marionette show. Gustaf proclaim any one of the vignettes as heart machine. veteran, this time of World Nederlander’s Uris show by Albrecht Roser, Sunday at Oct. 26 at 8:15 p.m. at ?! I f Hartford, West Q t Charge by phone with major credit and His Ensemble, is returning to the Third opening by Monday at noon to Entertainment the favorite, the uncontested star is ’The longest call is less War I, and how the war Theater Oct. 7 through Von der Mehden Recital Hall, University of Connecticut, L m a lamos cards or obtain through any University of Connecticut for perfor­ the marionette clown Gustaf, an im­ comic and more sentimen­ The third Broadway affects citizens of a small Nov. 2. stniTs 142.3-58*21 * Compositions Old and New, performed by James Editor, The Evening Herald, P.O. Box 591, Ticketron outlet. • “Spain -A Musical Journey,” featuring slides, narra­ mances Sunday and Oct. 26, and a pish creation embodying all the mis­ tal, as is most of the second opening of the week was upstate town in New York Unfortunately what the "The Wiz” opens Wednesday and ‘"The Crucible” by Arthur Miller, Oct. 23 to 25at the „ P’™’ ’ tion and a live guitar performamce by James Dina, Oct. Herald Square, Manchester, CT 06040. master class on Oct. 26. These will be chief and fun of mankind. Gustaf has half of the program. It is a Steve Tesich’s comedy State. Uris audience is seeing is a Harry Hope Theater, Shafer Hall, Eiastem Ckmnecticut Hartfonl. (525-5521) 23 at 7:30 p.m. at the South Windsor Public Library, 1550 runs through Sunday. Evening per­ • Guest pianist Rudolf Firkusny, with Hartt faculty ar­ Roser’s first performances in won the hearts of audiences in every call from his father, a about the revolutionairies The first act is good, set­ company built round State College, Willimantic. Performances Thursday Sullivan Ave., South Windsor. Free. (644-1541) formances at 8 p.m. are scheduled on Connecticut since 1977, when he corner of the world. Chicago delicatessen of the 1980s, “ Division ting the scene and es­ Makarova herself, with through Saturday at 8:15 p.m.; matinee Saturday at 2:15 tists Rafael Druian, violin, and ^ y a Carbousova, cello, Wednesday and Thursday; Friday Saturday at 8 p.m. at Millard Auditorium, University of played to six sell-out houses. Con­ These performances of Gustaf and owner, to 18-year-old Street,” which had itsJlrst tablishing the relationships guest stars Fernando p.m. Free. (456-2231) and Saturday at 7 and 10 p.m. and sidered to be the world’s finest His Ensemble are being sponsored by Shelley. Berman here is night Oct. 8 at the Am­ between the characters. It Bujones, Anthony Dowell, • “The Great Sugar and Spice Robbery," a musical Hartford, West Hartford. (2434442) • The Springfield Symphony Orchestra in concert, Sunday at 7 p.m. Special 12:30 p.m. marionettist, Roser has performed the Pandemonium Puppet Company, dicing with disaster, but he bassador Theater. is slightly overwritten, Peter Schaufuss, Denys comedy presented by the SCSC Children’s 'Theater, Satur­ matinees are slated Wednesday and Saturday at 8:30 p.m. at Symphony Hall, Springfield, extensively throughout Europe, Asia, with Bart P. Roccoberton Jr. serving comes through unscathed. I t’s a farce about a with too many characters Ganio, Cynthia Gregory, day at 2 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. at Lyman Auditorium, Thursday, to accomodate school Australia and the Americas. Unlike as tour director. They will take place Some of Berman’s former revolutionary who and unnecessary flashback Mass. (413-733-2291) groups, with a 2 p.m. performance Karen Kain, Ellsai^tta Southern (Connecticut State College, New Haven. (397- most puppet productions seen in on Sunday and Oct. 26 at 8:15 p.m. in routines are too long, but is trying to go straight but scenes, and a long un­ Terabust in principal roles. A musical evening with the Farmington Valley scheduled Sunday. For further infor­ 4225) America, Gustaf and His Ensemble Von der Mehden Recital Hall, he relates to his audience is persuadett-hy^ former necessary memoir by the The students get to dance ’ hv Susan Griffin a contemnorarv olav for Chapter of Sweet Adelines and the Galvanized Jazz Band, mation call the theater box office at • “Voices is designed for adult audiences, University of Connecticut, Storrs. like a favorite uncle. He comrades to lead a “New vet’s maiden aunt. But the only between the cracks. and about women)m™ Oct.M to 26’atAue^baSASltorium, at at L M of Hartford, 375-5000. rather than for children. Parents are A master class will also be offered, tells you how exhausted he Revolution” in the ‘80s on writing is intelligent and The opening night University of Hartford, West Hartford. Performances West Hartford. (2434536 or 6534710) • Folk musician Pete Seeger in concert, Oct. 20 at 8:15 discouraged from bringing children in conjunction with the Department is from preparing the behalf of women, delineates the characters .program gets an A for Thursday through Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. at Jorgensen Auditorium, University of (Connec- Israeli artist under the age of 15 years. Roser’s of Dramatic Arts, on Oct. 26 at 1 p.m. show, and ends up with a transsexuals, “the little and situation. audience-oriented p.m. (2434805) vignettes introduce creatures, in the Puppet Lab, Whitney ^ s e - poem dedicated to the man,’’ Serbians, and The second act goes programing: the world • “The Wiz,” the hit musical, Oct. 22 to 28 at the Ucut, Storrs. 14884226) Richard Provost, classical guitarist, assisted by to show work characters and clowns of pathos and ment. The class is being offered to audience which should get anyone else with an ax to nowhere. The veteran, un­ premiere of Makargva’s Perfor- comedy, all masterfully manipulated the serious puppetry student. giggles but instead w ins. grind. able to settle down in the staging of Petipa’s 19th Phyl“* Aronson, flutist, Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Blessed H.ARTFORD — An exhibition of and skillfully presented. With the ac­ Reservations for the performance applause; The humor consists coccoons of new wife, new century “Paqulta, Act U” paintings and drawings by the Israeli companiment of music, simple props and master class may be made by “If I had a ticket to mostly of characters who child, old family, old job, with all its opportunities artist Moshe Kupferman will be and very little spoken language, calling . the Pandemonium Puppet Heaven, and you didn’t talk in pop song lyrics and after seeing useless deaths for bravura dancing. w ill^v‘’a'^’s!II^2^r^^loJ2)*^^ i^MO Ji^cSal by Alexander Farkas, associate presented at the Wadsworth Gustaf and His Ensemble is an inter­ Company at 203-423-5882. have one, too, familiar movie quotations, on the battlefield, simply r ^ r i ? a S ? V ’^ed r a i e ^ by the P~(e«or at the Hartt School of Music., Atheneum's MATRIX Gallery, today Millard Auditorium, University of Hartford, West “I’d tear my ticket to slapstick, sight gags and disappears into the night. Repertory Theater of New Britain, today through Sunday through Nov. 24. Hartford. Free. (2434442) pieces, and go to Hell with transvestitism. ’The cast The play is never rounded and Oct. 24 and 25 at 23 Norden St., New BriUin. Perfor­ The exhibition, titled "Moshe you.” comprises characters out off; it might benefit from a /HOUKA/iancfim/ • The Hartt Symphonic Wind Ensemble in concert, mTUSTATl M hhlT • • MUnW UUM mances Friday and Saturday at 8:15 p.m. and Sunday at Oct. 21 .at 8 p.m. at Millard Auditorium, University of Kupferman,/MATRIX 61.” will in­ We love you, too, of William Saroyan who final scene showing the two ■AST NMTFOAO M A -M « Miller's ^Crucible' tAHOAM M ATMU DAILY 7:15 p.m. (2234147) Hartford, West Hartford. Free. (243-4442) clude six oii paintings and five Shelley. will sing “Those Were the women he loved living PIM T ANOW ONLY U .M graphite and oil drawings. The works ’The Circle in the Square Days, My Friend” at the together several years • “Love Rides the Rails,” presented by New England • 'Die Southern (kinnecticut State College (Chamber were executed between 1971 and 1980 (uptown) bravely o|^ned drop of a hat — and do so later. TM Productions and the Melodrama Theater of Austin, Orchestra in concert, Oct. 23 at 8 p.m. at Lyman T in the artist's studio on the Kibbutz first show at ECSC JfMLMMItfMCA Texas, throu^ Nov. 2 at the Ivoryton Playhouse, Auditorium, SCSC, New Haven. Free. (397-4287) its 1980-1 Broadway season interminably. The cast varies con­ CONTINUIX Lohamey Hagetaoth (Kibbutz of the WILLIMANTIC - The Drama the Proctor’s gullible servant. Oct. 2 with Euripides’ Tesich, while often siderably, but George Hall Ivoryton. Performances Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.; • The Rhode Island String (Quartet in concert, Oct. 22 Ghetto Survivors), an agricultural Society of Eastern Connecticut State Also in the cast, playing Proctor’s “The Bacchae,” starring tedious, also is often very is perfect as the youth’s matinee Sunday at 2 p.m. (388-5235 or 767-8702) at 8 p.m. at Lyman Auditorium, Southern Connecticut and ceramics-manufacturing collec­ College opens its first production of foes and judges, are Steve Hartford Irene Papas and directed funny, but "Division grandfather, better almost State College, New Haven. (397-4287) tive in the Western Galilee where the season with “The Crucible,” as Parris; Jeff Moriarty as Judge by Michael Cacoyannis in s Street” basically is TV than his masterful Uncle • H artfo^ Jazz Society Jazz Festival, Saturday and Kupferman lives, alternating his Arthur Miller’s historical tragedy Danforth; Dan Hodgkins as Judge new translation b> material. Freddie in "Bent,” and Sunday at Lincoln Theater, University of Hartford West time between painting and drawing about the Salem witch trials. There Hawthorne; David DeMay as Fran­ Cacoyannis. The cast is first-rate Georgine Hall breathes life Hartford. Schedule; Jaki Byard and bis band, Saturday at and working in .the kibbutz. Some will be performances Oct. 23 through cis Nurse; Catherine Frigault as It is not a successful throughout, particularly into the rather conven­ 2 p.m.; Dizzy Gillespie, Saturday at 8 p.m.; Anthony color photographs of the kibbutz will 25 (Parents Day), at 8:15 p.m. with a Mrs. Putnam; Stephen Farland; experiment; surprisingly Joe Regalbuto as an ex­ tional Aunt Jenny. Braxton and the Art Ensemble, Sunday at 2 p.m.; Marion also be included in the exhibition. matinee on the 25th at 2:15 p.m. The Douglas Raymond; Kathy Roy; and tame fo^ this biting tale of rebel who has become McPartland and Ellis & Kessel, Sunday at 8 p.m. (242- Kupferman has remained pretty performances are free and are open the sin of pride. Papas un­ paranoid about "The Nightclub act 6688) Meg Ryan. Music. lecture by the artist Thursday, Oct. 23, at 7 much isolated from the mainstream to the public. They will be held in the The formal abstract setting is by derplays, seeming to do lib Orgasm,” Justin Lord as a Elizabeth (Liz) Swados • “Songwriters’ Showcase," Oct. 22 at 9 p.m. at The Judy Chicago’s celebrated work of art, of contemporary art. developing an Harry Hope Theater in Shafer Hall, the director of dramatics at Eastern, tie more than declaim the sex-change policewoman, is not content to write • ”I Hear Music,” presented by the Mountain Laurel Chandlery, 2 State St., New London. (464-8337) “The Dinner Party,” will be the subject of a p.m. at the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford. unusual style that is. in the view of located at the corner of Valley and William Lannon. Craig Porter of lines; she fails to evoke the Anthony Holland as an in­ music and songs for stage Oiapter of Sweet Adelines, Sunday at 2 p.m; at Glaston­ • Jeff IMeger, cello, and ^aul Blsaccia, piano, in the MATRIX curator Andrea Miller- High streets in Willimantic. Hebron is stage manager. horror of a woman who visible grey little man, and shows and to be both direc­ bury High School, Glastonbury. (8754964 or 646-8009) “Musical Wednesdays” series, Oct. .22 at 10:30 a.m. at Keller, "both painterly and “The Crucible” is being directed Says director Dianna Tucker, “In learns she has slain her John Llthgow as the tor and music director for • Counter-tenor Rodney Hardesty, accompanied by M lla ^ Auditorium, University of Hartford, West Hart- draftsmanlike, expressive and reduc­ by Dianna Tucker, a senior at ECSC. the long run, regardless of psy­ own son. one-time revolutionary who them: she also wants to be cellist Jeffrey Krieger and harpsichordist James foid. (2434463) DAVIS FAMILY tive." In his paintings, for instance, In the cast are Michael Sainsbury, chological explanations of the The Bacchae, in gypsy hits the headlines when be Frazier, Saturday at 8 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church • Lyn Larsen, organist, in concert, today at 8:15 p.m. T k OPEN 11 AM-9 PM YOU MAY BRING WINE which are rendered largely in tones P OR SPIRITS IF DESIRED 649-54871 playing the part of John Proctor; tradgedy, ‘The Crucible’ is a play scarves, don’t help. throws up in the New and Sunday at 3:30 p.m. at the Thomast6n Opera House, MON.-SAT of violet and gray. Kupferman builds Dawn Davis, playing Proctor’s wife, about good and evil. It’s a measure of Cacoyannis might have World Restaurant. Thomaston. (888-9698) up his coatings of oils and then CounliigSqidm FMMYSKIStt Elizabeth; Sue Bellerose, playing the play’s stature that it stands on its been better ad v i^ to hire • “Extractions,” a program of intermedia music by gouges, through the layers with Abigail Williams; and Michelle a choreographer for them Arthur Welwood, Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Function Room, Rt 13 Ellington* Ct. V t - l W FRESH UHEDSCMD own as historical drama.” Off Broadway With our w fv own d resilna 4.49 powerful, scratch-like strokes to Cochran, in the role of Mary Warren, than to direct their Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford. (278-2670) reveai the underlying pigments and movements himself. Only The single Off Broadway • The Chamber Orchestra of New England in concert, b a k e d s t u f f e d f i l e t o f s o l e *5 .2 5 1 SnUmMY SFE(ML. . C Q Q structures. a superb performance by offering for the week was Sunday at 3 p.m. at Alumni H all,... Quinnipiac College, VEAL CORDON BLEU *5.95 (hgice USDRSlMiteali v i v y Similarly, in his drawings. Kupfer­ Philip Bosco, as the aged Hamden. Free. (288-5251, extension 4^) SILVERADO: AI L DINNERS INCLUDE POTATO AND SALAD man appiies layers of charcoal and Tourism up in region Cadmus, brings brief reali­ • “An Afternoon of Opera,” presented by the Hartford FRONT STAGE HOP ON THE Qiamber Orchestra, Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Old State graphite, sometimes mixed with oils, BOSTON (UPI) - Tourism this strength in spite of a summer of ty to the play. I often pressing so hard that the paper year in New England resisted the national economic recession.” The story is of the god House, Main Street, Hartford. (2474042) PIZZA WAGON • Folk artist Grit Laskin, Saturday at 8 p.m. at The becomes shiny and the image recession and rose 20 to 25 percent Ms. Knowles will present her Dionysus wreaking his Now Unte what italian (fining is all about MAM NOTAN ANIMAL! appears on the other side of the vengeance on Pentheus, Sounding Board, First-St. Paul’s Church, 571 Farmington over 1979, according to excerpts report on regional tourism at the se- taste these ... 1AM A HUMAN BEING! sheet. Again, the final touch may be king of Thebes, for Ave., Hartford. (563-3263) released Wednesday from a New cond annual New England VEGETARIAN SPECIAL FOR TWO I...AM...AMAN!" a sweeping, almost violent scratch- England Regional Commission Conference on Tourism Oct. 27 in mocking him. He has the Salad, eggplant par- M • Concert by the Hartt Chorale, Chamber Singers and Rummage Sale mark that breaks through the paper Madrigals, Oct. 23 at 8 p.m. at Millard Auditorium, report. Waterville Valley, N.H. More than Bacchae (Maenads), in­ migiana, manicotti, V SC B m m m University of Hartford, West Hartford. Free. (243-4442) to cause round-edged, stippled Christine Knowles, the com­ 300 travel agents, tour operators, cluding Pentheus’s mother I bread, butter, coffee. — « t h e New Fabrics. Coats, Suita, Good Used Clothing effects. In fact, many of his drawings mission’s director of economic hotel and restaurant owners, and Agave, murder Pentheus in The PIZZA WAGON • The UConn Wind Ensemble in concert, Oct. 23 at 8:15 are meant to be seen on both sides. development, said the area’s tourist other travel industry representatives a religious frenzy. When p.m. at Jorgensen Auditorium, University of Connec­ 7 At Spencer St./Silver Lane in K-Mart Plaza I^I^RHaNT MATRIX, a changing exhibition of industry last year equalled or are expected to attend. Agave recovers her senses, ticut, Storrs. Free. TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM contemporary art. is supported in she finds she is holding her Manchester Tel. 64.T.9202 40 MIddI* Tnpkt Eut exceeded 1978 peak levels. Reports from Connecticut in­ Open 7 days a week Good wines. Beer on lap. HOUSE SPECIALTIES Indudid wllii my part by a grant from the National En­ “The New England travel industry dicated tourism was up 20 to 30 per­ MltTUR’S INN DINNER dowment for the Arts. Mon. Oct. 20. 11:00 A M - S:00 PM Tariyaki Chickan in 1980 has shown a remarkable cent over last year, she said. Tues. Oct. 21. 9:00 AM — 12:00 NOON •M.L YOU CAN EAT E CLASTONBURY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESENTS THE King Crab Lags A Staak SHRIMP A SALAD BAB •WINE OR BEER Prima Rib of Baaf Fin* S«rvxa w»ih avtry mael •CHOICE OF POTATO nirtis. or SAVORY RICE ~ Aallway Hopklu, Jgha Hsrt, Aiuk a ^ scroll. (Drsmi) The story of a horribly delormed Engliahnun, John W p of sullen, morose monster who Cinem a. M HO Come To The LIVE MUSIC b e c ^ his Myguard and. eventually, friend. There’s a subplot they Thura., fri.. Sat. iKfi'iended him. It is a strong story, strongly n e < ^ t have boUiered wiUi, but basIcaUy Uiia is one Uiat sv IU ^ v e vou acted but the director has chosen to go so arty that the film U. in some smiling throughout GRADE: A ’ HAPPY HOUR MON FRI ways, as deformed as its proUgonist The material is powerful enough to • Horror films at the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford ORDINARY.JSEOPLE (R) — Donald Sntherlaad, Maiy Tyicr Moore, (all at 5 p.m.); “The Testament of Dr. Ckirdelier,” Oct. URADE-^B '’*** ***" “ f«lM ined dlrec- ^s4 4 Hlracb, Timothy Hatton. (Drama) A tragedy tears a family apart, and Rain or Shine Uie main vicUm Is a son who needs help U) survive. He gets it from a The A rm y was 22; “The Thing (From Another World),’’ Oct. 24. (278- “Wa're New In Town' IfOPSCOTCH (R) — Waller Matthau. Glenda Jacksoa, Ned Beatty, Sam psychiatrist and a girl, but his parents arc too self-centered to help much. FAIR LUNCHEON SPECIALS 2676) W atenlon. (Spy caper) A light hearted romp, with not a drop of blood shed no laughing/ • Quilts A well-conceived and welleiecutad domestic drama, directed (his first) by Saturday, October 18 • Multiple screen projects by filmmaker Paul Sharits, MON. - FRI. among spies and counter-spies Matthau plays an old pro, fired from the Robert Redford. The acting is superb. The R Is for language. GRADE: A matter until __ • Baked Goods CIA and bitter about it. who decides to write a book telling all. So the CIA SOMEWHERE IN TIME (PG) — Christopher Reeve, Jaae Scymonr, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the Center including “Dream Developments,’’ tonight at 8:36 at MON-FRI-LUNCH 11:(«)-3:00 LS alter him, and so are the Russians, and he has to stay ahead of every­ Christopher PIsmmer. (Gove story) This U a sensiUve, beautiful, genUe ^ u d y Benjamin Real Art Ways, 46 SUte St., Hartford. (525-5521) Luncheon 11-2 • Holiday Crafts MON-SAT DINNER AT 4:00 body It s good fun. although the plot has more Raws than the average story of a playwright who falls in love wlUi the picture of a long-gone 2SOO Apple Pies SUNDAY DINNER AT 1:00 skyscraper GRADE: B ® • ‘"rhe Lakes of Switzerland,’’ a travelogue by Chris actrw - and forces himaelf back in Ume to find her. It has Uie mahings ^ joined it. SATURDAY 0CT.18 of a fine film, but director Jeannot Siwarc believes Uiat being deadly slow M MAOaPIKMi eUlSTONBURV'S This mask is one of those by Beth Beebe Borden, tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 HUNTER, THE (PG) — Steve Mc<)aeen. Kalhrya Harrold, Ell Wallach, ** <^™*Ung a mood. It’s not. And Uie ending U a cop-out ^ OWN JUICY APNLUS PRIVATE p.m. and 5 p.m. (527-8555) IwVar Barton. (Melodrama) This U the (supposedly) true story of Ralph GRADE: B>diIbm who wlU conduct a workshop on mask making 10 to 3 P.M. The Rustler's kin Thorson, a ipodenHlay bounty hunter, who finds bail jumpers and brings lestfK to Buy: • '"rhe Innocent,” Luchino Visconti’s final film, WITHOUT WARNING (R) — Jack Palaace, Martin Landan, Sac Anne SLICES OF APPLE PIE *CHEESE vCOFFEEsSNACKS BENJAMIN at Lutz Junior Museum Saturday and Oct. 25 B00MAIHST.E.HTFD. them back An interesting character lor Metjoeen, but Uie film Is episodic, I^gdon. (Terrar/Scl-FI) Maybe there’s an audience lor UUs schlocky tonight at 8 at Von der Mehden Recital Hall, University South United Mathodlst with not much of an overall story line, so the total effect is choppy. And! SWEET CIDER - JUGS li DRAFT EXIT N OFF !••• (JUiT UIFORE shocker, but It can’t have much taste. It’s a laughable story, laughably BpOfMOTMl by: from 9 a.m. to noon. She will demonstrate of (Connecticut, Storrs. (486-2166) THICHARTIROAK ■HIDOI) therefore, it is only sporadically interesting. GRADE: C acted, written and directed, about some aliens who use a horrific flying wastonbtiry Chi . _____ BASKETS OF GLASTONBURY GROWN APPLES CALL THEATRE Church OMoon WoNos a i D ^ r ^ HAN*RARED APPLE NOVELTIES constructing masks of felt, of plaster, and of • “ Meet John Doe,’’ ()ct. 26 at 4 p.m. and 7:36 p.m. at BBfl-3117 gismo that kills people by attaching to them and chewing noisily away uwo^ woHos nomy citliana ^pp,^ NEEDLEWORK • APPLE DELICACIES POR SCREEN TIM ES Hartford Rd. it IHoimt MV BODYGUARD (PG) — Chris Makepeace, Adam Baldwia. Rath You’ve been warned. GRADE: D Oiaoioooory AppM Orowora GLASTONBURY FRONT LICENSE PLATES “cast offs.” For more information about the Shafer Hall Auditorium, Eastern (Connecticut State Gordon. Martin Mall. Comedy drama. A delight, this could be Uie IDBO (rihaanaing:A — supoib!B—good;C—mnngo;0—poer, (Allege, Willimantic. Free. (456-2231) sleeper It tells a happy story of a kid who runs into a gang of bullies at r — workshop phone 643-0949 12 EVENING HERALD, Pri., Oct. 17, IHD EVENING HERALD, Fri., Oct. 17, 1980 - 13 Manchester Celtics find high hooters way to win ToumTolk financial records kept by the town this Democratically-controlled Superintendent of Schools J . Fitzgibbons atti npt to avoid the on Glastonbury Police Depart­ town. Town officials said 1,105 Gerald Fitzgibbons was discussing term "middleag the guests. When Wilson E. Deakln, look ahead Page 15 "I absolutely have to have these ment. voters were made on Tuesday the makeup of the citizens ad-hoc assistant superintendent of schools, Page 14 records. I need them so badly that I alone. Totals show 500 were committee on educational goals. A comment by Mrs. Jean announced he was going to present am willing to hire someone to get On the last day of voter registra­ Democrats, 480 unaffiliated and 125 Citing the diversity of the groups, Campbell, former coordinator of Mrs. Campbell with a gift, she them for me,” C.J. Mozzochi com­ tion Tuesday in East Hartford Republicans. he added, "We have a cluster of” social workers for the Manchester quipped, "When Deakin says he is menting at a Freedom of Informa­ there were almost as many delicate pause - parent-age per­ Department of Education, during a coming to see you, you meet him tion Commission hearing where he residents registering unafflliated ^'"^ft^Tuesday’s Manchester Board sons.” The group present, which is testimonial in her honor Thursday half way.” was arguing for the release of as those registering Democrat in of Ekiucation meeting. Assistant also of that age, appreciated night brought several laughs from Heroic! Green’s project

Obituaries. Vandalism By grandchildren and 10 great­ Commission, representing the district Top athletes Pauline K. Morawski Mrs. Eva Andrews Joseph Pregony Sr. VERNON — Mrs. Eva Lamson An­ grandchildren. of the Connecticut River and the Earl Yost GLASTONBURY— Pauline K. drews, 88, formerly of 133 West Shore The funeral is Saturday at 10:15 ’Thames River Valleys. . MANCHESTER - Joseph and thefts receive tidy pays Morawski, 80, widow of Peter Road, Crystal Lake, Ellington, died a.m. from Callahan Funeral Home, He was married for 62 years to the Pregony Sr., 66, of 30 Grace Road, Sports Editor Morawski, died Oct. 16 at a local con­ South Windsor, husband of Josephine Thursday in Rockville General 1602 Main St., East Hartford, former Eleanor Davis (Murphy), meal money Center fielder Some ot th^ Phillies have not been valescent home. Bom in Poland, she (Piscatella) Pregony, died Oct. Wat investigated KANSAS CITY, Mo, (UPI) - One Hospital. followed by a mass of Christian who died Feb. 14, 1980. praised the work of the reserves. as fortunate as Unser, Gross and lived in Glastonbury for many years. burial in St. Rose Church, East Hart­ Manchester Memorial Hospital. of'’s projects upon star­ She was the widow of George R. Survivors are three daughters, “We’ve gotten key hits from the Moreland. George Vukovich, John She leaves a sister, Stella Noyse of Bora in Italy, he lived in South ting his first full season as the Andrews. ford, at 11 a.m. Burial will be in Mrs. Quincy P. Beach of Simsbury) guys on the bench,” Maddox said and Vukovich, Ramon Aviles, Kevin Hartford; a niece, Mrs. Eklward Windsor for 26 years. He was MANCHESTER - Police in­ It pays to be a top professional ’ manager was She leaves several nieces and Hillside Cemetery, East Hartford. Mrs. Frank M. Bristow Jr. of was in Los Angeles.” third baseman Saucier and have all Sapita of 222 W oodland St., employed as a machinist for Pratt & vestigated several incidents of theft “ I was back in Connecticut,” to involve all his players in the game. nephews. Friends may call at the funeral Brandenton, Fla., and Patricia A.C. athlete. In addition to ridiculous described Unser in particular as remained inactive during the Series Manchester; and several other home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Vibert of Vernon; two sisters, Mrs. Whitney Tool Division of Colt, and and vandalism ’Thursday. salary scales in all sports, meal Buckland said as the incident was Just because someone didn’t start Funeral services will be Saturday every game or pitch every fourth "unreal.” so far. They may get their chance nieces and nephews. Stanley N. Brainard and Mrs. Clif­ formerly of Combustion Engineering Judith Jones, of 75 Congress St., allowances for baseball, basketball recalled. ' Friday night, but until then, they afternoon at 2 at the Burke-Fortin Louise A. Clerke ' reported her 1974 Chevrolet was day. Green reasoned, was no reason “I’m not unreal,” said Unser. “I h ; The funeral is Saturday at 9:15 F u n e ra l H om e, 76 P ro s p e c t ford L. Symington, both of East Hart­ Other survivors are three sons, and football players while the team is "The call really perked me up,” wait. a.m. from the Glastonbury Funeral MANCHESTER - Lousie A. stolen from her back yard, after she for the player to believe he couldn’t just managed to get a couple of hits St., Rockville. ford; two grandsons; a grand­ Anthony J. Pregony of Vernon, on the road are nothing to laught McCluskey said. at key times.” Home, 450 New London Turnpike, (Herke, 76, of 23 Winthrop Ave., Joseph Pregony Jr. and Robert M. had left it unlocked, but had taken the about. players help. Burial will be at the convenience of daughter; and a great-grandson. ’The next day, McCluskey ran se­ Gross, whose bunt single helped Glastonbury, followed by a mass of Marblehead, Mass., died Wednesday Pregony, both of South Windsor; a keys. receice $33.50 a day, basketball The philosophy succeeded wonder­ the family in White Churchill A graveside funeral service will be cond in the trials and qualified for the Philadelphia clinch the division, says "My role this year has been pinch Christian burial at 10 a.m. in Our at the Manchester Memorial brother, Anthony Pregony of Green­ ’Two youths on Campfield Street players in the NBA receive $32 daily fully during the regular season with Cemetery, West Springfield, Mass. at the convenience of the family. finals. none of the Phillies will let down hitter a little defense,” said George Saviour Polish National Church in Hospital. field, Mass.; four sisters, Mrs. Mary told police their bicycles have been while the National Football League youngsters like , Marty There will be no calling hours. Burial will be in Center Cemetery, The one-time high school chums despite the two-game advantage. Vukovich. “In the World Series I’m., Hartford. Burial will be in Our She was bora in Lynn, Mass., and Demarais, Mrs. Rose Cofin and Mrs. stolen during recent days from their performers have to get along on only were in college in ‘32, McCluskey at Bystrom, and others Memorial contributions may be South Windsor. "Not at all,” he said. “Against going to be seldom used. You wanna’ Saviour Cemetery in Glastonbury. lived there most of her life. She was a Eleanor Kuchieski, all of Greenfield, homes. Fordham and Buckland at Wesleyan. playing key roles. made to the charity jof the donor’s Donations in Mr. Vibert’s memory $27 a day...Rita Lupacchino, of Montreal we won a game and nearly be out there but there are times when Friends may call at the funeral concert pianist. Mass., Mrs. Terry Mentor of Police are investigating the theft of “I knew a girl in the telephone With the World Series headed choice. may be made to the South Windsor Manchester, is a member of the Cen­ let it get away and against Houston you gotta’ remember who’s playing home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. She leaves one son, Donald Clerke, Springfield, Mass.; and a grandson. 30 gallons of gasoline from a com­ toward Game 3 and the Phils holding Visiting Nurses Association or to the tral Connecticut State College company and I told her that I had a we won the first game and then near­ before you are. Dora H. Diachenko of South Windsor, and three Tj|ie funeral will be Saturday at pany owned truck at Manchester women’s volleyball squad this season a 2-0 edge over the Kansas City Vernon Volunteer Ambulance friend in the Olympic Village in ly let it get away. "It’s just a little less satisfying to HARTFORD— Dora H. Diachenko grandchildren, David, Elizabeth and 8 :ll a.m. from the Samsel-Bassinger Packing Co., 349 Wetherell St. as well as Teri Stiebitz and Margaret Royals, Green’s reserves keep Philip F. Kohler Association. Clalifornia,” Buckland said. "We’re not gonna’ get over confi­ not be playing.” of 36 Babcock St., Hartford, widow of Susan Clerke all of South Windsor. Fuferal Home, 419 Buckland Road, Tires were reported stolen from a ’Tracy, both.of South Windsor... Larry producing. LEBANON- Philip F. Kohler, 68, "She doubted me and 1 said to dent, especially in their ballpark.” Judging by early performance in Richard Diachenko, and mother of Funeral services will be Monday pt" Josephine Bonfiglio South Windsor, followed by a mass of car stored in the 700 block of North Kelley, of East Hartford, the No. 1 “Our bench has done a good job all of Geer Road, Lebanon, was fatally place the call and see if {was right.” Moreland, who got the first hit of the Series, Unser- will continue to Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh of Glaston­ the Richardson’s Funeral HonufT 78 MANCHESTER - Josephine Christian burial in St. Margaret Main Street. karate competitor in New England, year and that’s why we’re here,” injured in an auto accident in Lafayette Park, Lynn, Mass.^l^siting The call was made. Buckland the game as the designated hitter for appear. Like Gross, he believes the bury, died Oct. 16. Bom in Kiev, (Patti) Bonfiglio, 79, formerly of En­ Mary Church at 9 a.m. Burial will be Vandalism incidents included the will exhibit his skills at the Center proved a point and made a fellow said , whose pinch double Wet workout Lebanon Oct. 15. He was the husband hous will be Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. Philadelphia and later singled in an Phillies will keep going agressively Russia, she resided in Hartford all in Wapping Cemetery, South Wind­ smashing of a pumpkin in the 200 townsman happy. keyed a four-run eighth inning that of Isabelle (Sullivan) Kohler of field, died Oct. 16 at a Manchester Court Health and Racquetball Center insurance run, said he can easily live at Kansas City. her life. She was predeceased by a John J. Vanty Jr. Nursing Home. She was the mother sor. His family, will receive friends block of Hilliard Street in what a in Vernon ’Tuesday night at 7. The Both men had a good laugh over the gave Philadelphia a 6-4 victory in Despite the rain and chilly Lebanon, the father of James Kohler Game 2. with his season role as a backup to “I think the lead is only going to son Mitchell Diachenko in New ANDOVER — Second Lt. John J. of Mrs. Tad (Louisa) Stacchowiak of today from 6 to 8 p.m. homeowner told police was the public is invited... Karen Saunders, incident at the Hall of Fame and Mrs. Mary F. Thompson, both of "When you don’t play every day catcher . pump us up more,” he said. “We’ve weather, of the East Hartford, and brother of Hampshire and a daughter, Mrs. Vanty Jr., 25, of Arizona, formerly of South Windsor. Memorial contributions may be fourth incident of vandalism in as 26-year-oId marathon runner from gathering. many days. like , myself and Keith "We just get the bench into it,” been playing catch up all year long Phillies took a workout in Kan­ Michael Kohler of Manchester^. Helen Carcia of South Windsor. Andover, husband of Miriam (Scott) Other survivors are a son; two made to the Heart Fund, 310 Collins Manchester, led the field in the Open St., Hartford. An E sq u ire D rive re sid e n t Moreland you just try to contribute said Moreland. “The guys who are and we’ve never really had any kind sas City yesterday. Rain was He was a life member and past Other survivors are two sons; Vanty, died Oct. 8 as a result of an daughters; a brother; 19 Division of the Hartford three daughters; 36 grandchildren grandchildren and three great­ reported a window of/a storm door MiniMarathon (10,000 kilometers) Hoop clinics as much as you can every time you start screaming. If of cushion the entire summer. We’re again forwast for tonight when commander of the Rochambeau- airplaine crash. Second Lt. Vanty Educators on radio happy I might and eight great-grandchildren. grandchildren. was smashed in an apparent act of Coming up Sunday at Boston go on the field. Our contributions are ^ happy I might just gmng to Uke^^it one pitch ^ a thg World Series Elms Post 2083 VFW of East Hart­ enlisted in the Air National Guard in VERNON — On Saturday morning last Sunday. She was timed in 40:17. resumes. The funeral is Saturday at 8:15 vandalism. Police reports say a rock College will be a free basketball magnified because we don’t play that retire. Hey, I’m only a kid. I time. We ve already forgotten about / itdt v ford and past district commander of 1977. He completed his basic training The funeral is Saturday at 9:15 the "Focus on Education” program much ” “O'’ ^ think I’ll ever quit. our two wins.” (UPI photo) a.m. from Farley-Sullivaii Funeral at Lackland AFB, Texas in 1977. He a.m. from Leete-Stevens Enfield or pellet may have broken the win­ coaching clinic featuring Hugh the VFW of Hartford County. He was will be broadcast at 9:10 a.m. on Call from home Durham of Georgia, John Thompson also past commander of the Lebanon Home, 96 Webster St,, Hartford, completed officers training school in Chapel, 61 South Road, with a mass dow. WINF radio with Dr. Robert Police were active Wednesday at Stories made the rounds at the first of Georgetown, Rick Pitinoof Boston Post 180 of American Legion. followed by a mass of Christian Tennessee in 1979 and reported tp at 10 a.m. in Holy Family Church. Linstone, assistant superintendent of burial at 9 a.m. in St. Augustine’s Burial will be in Mount St. Benedict ’Thursday, citing violators who run annual Manchester Sports Hall of U., Tom Davis of Boston College, Other survivors are two sons; a Williams AFB in February 1980. the Vernon Public Schools, as host. Church, South Glastonbury. Burial Cemetery, Bloomfield. red traffic lights. Several citations Fame dinner last month and one of George Blaney of Holy Cross and brother; two sisters; and seven Other survivors are a son, John J. The guest will be Louise Hamid, the best concerned Joe McCluskey, grandchildren. will be in St. Augustine’s Cemetery, Vanty III; his parents, John and Friends may call at the funeral were issued at the intersection of Rollie Massimino of Vlllanova. Phillies not overconfident PTO president, Susan Delnicki, PTO one of those honored, and Lester Program starts at 10...Tom Kelley, The funeral will be Saturday at 10 South Glastonbury. Lucille (Huot) Vanty of Andover; a home tonight from 7 to 9. Memorial Adams Street and West. Middle committee member and Mary Lau- Buckland, an athlete in his own right of Manchester, president of the Cen­ a.m. from Potter Funeral Home, 456 Friends may call at the funeral brother, Mark Vanty of Andover; donations may be made to the Turnpike, where the signals have KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) - he said. “We’ve scored ... but we Heryer said he undoubtedly will play But, said Frey, “You can’t expect ble a 4th Grade teacher at Maple and a classmate of McCluskey’s in tral Board of Basketball Officials, Jackson St., Willimantic. Burial will home tonight from 7 to 9. five sisters, Mrs, Paula Jessen of American Cancer Society,'-5670 been recent switched to flashing red. Garry Maddox guarantees if haven’t been able to, control their at less than 100 percent efficiency. anybody just to go out there and get Street School. ’The Topic to be dis­ the Gass of 1929 at Manchester High. notes a six-night clinic for prospec­ be in New Lebanon Cemetery. Hebron, Mrs. Katherine Swain of Prospect Ave., Hartford. Police cited a driver for passing a something manages to detour offense.’' on base every time. It’s unfair to cussed will be ‘”The Results of Com­ "I was in .training for the tive members will be held Oct. 30, That makes it doubly important for Friends may call at the funeral Eleanor M. Dwyer Norwell, Mass., Miss Suzanne Vanty school bus with its red lights flashing Philadelphia in the World Series, it Frey, due to a morning rain, gave point your finger and spotlight munity Action.” steeplechase trials in Los Angeles in Wilson to resume his role as team HARTFORD— Eleanor of Marlborough, Miss Christine Van­ at the intersection of Spruce and Nov. 6, 10, 13, 18, 20 at Central won’t be overconfidence. his team the day off. Meanwhile, out­ anyone.” home tonight from 7 to 9. Memorial In Memoriam th e 1932 O ly m p ic G a m e s ,” catalyst. (McMahon) Dwyer, 65, of 289 Fern To pay respects Birch Streets. Police said the bus Connecticut State College in New “If there’s one thing we learned in fielder Clint Hurdle admitted the contributions may be made to the ty and Miss Helen Vanty, both of An­ In sad and loving memory of Amelia Vercelli, who McCluskey recalled. St., West Hartford, wife of Edward dover; and his maternal grand­ passed away October 17th. 1969. MANCHESTER - Members of was off-loading children when the car Britain each night at 7. Exams are the pennant race, it was that you Royals might already have played American Cancer Society. "I was feeling rather down in the L. Dwyer of West Hartford and mother, Mrs. Dennis Huot of Hose and Ladder Company No. 1, passed. slated Nov. 24, also at Central. Dave can’t be overconfident,” the center their own World Series — against the Today recalls sad memories dumps, perhaps a little homesick Turkington of Manchester is the mother of John E. Dwyer of East Manchester. Of a dear Mother gone to rest. Town of Manchester Fire Depart­ fielder said Thursday, while Yankees. when I was paged and told there was Hartford and Peter A. Dwyer of Graveside service with full And the one who thinks of her today ment, will meet tonight at 7 at the board’s rules interpreter. Parents’ preparing for Game 3 tonight against ”We all want to win, no question Roland E. Tanguay Is the one who loved her best. DO IT DAILY - EXERCISE YOUR a phone call for me,” he said. Brett expected Manchester, died Oct. 15 at St. Fran­ military honors was held Oct. 14 in Day will be noted ^turday in New the Kansas City Royals with the about it,” Hurdle said. “But you have MANCHESTER - Roland E. Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main St., MIND with the crossword puzzle in "When I got to the phone it was Les Haven when Yale hosts Columbia. cis Hospital and Medical Center. Townsend Cemetery, Andover. • Sadly missed by the to pay final respects, to Ernest Sher- PhMlies holding a 2-0 lead. to remember that with the Yankees Tanguay, 74, of 137 Oak St., husband Vercelli Family the Evening Herald. The Lions haven’t beaten the Other survivors are two sons; two Memorial contributions may be Buckland calling. I asked him where ' As soon as it looks like you have it it was a do-or-die situation and when of ^ntina Tanguay, died C)ct. 16 at daughters; a brother; a sister; and 10 he was calling from, figuring that he Bulldogs since 1971. Manchester Memorial Hospital. He made to the John J. Vanty III ’Trust won, the other team can come right we got to the World Series jt didn’t back in lineup grandchildren. was bom in Holyoke, Mass., May 23, Fund, c/o Valley National Bank, back at you,” continued Maddox. “ I have as much intensity as with the ’The funeral is Saturday at 8:30 Williams AFB, Arizona, 85224. One hit in nine trips don’t think we’ll feel confident until Yanks.” 1906, and had been a resident of KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) - problem wouldn’t reoccur in the a.m. from Molloy Funeral Home, 906 Burke-Fortin Funeral Home, 76 this thing is over.” Maddox says the pattern of the Manchester for 33 years. M o r to his respective playoffs may provide the Georg^ Brett is expected to be back future. retirement nine years ago, he was Farmington Ave., West Hartford, Prospect St.,.Rockville, has charge He says it so nonchalantly, you .with a mass of Christian burial at 9 would scarcely suspect that if Dick reason for Philadelphia’s edge. in the lineup for the Kansas City "T here are no guarantees in employed as a machinist at Pratt & of arrangements. a.m. at St. Thomas the Apostle Ruthven, 17-10, can outpitch Rich “After we won the pennant,” Mad­ Royals tonight for the third game of medicine,” said Dr. Meyer. Whitney Aircraft Group of United Church, West Hartford. Burial will Gale, 13-9, the Phillies would stand dox said, “we had such a tremendous the World Series after undergoing a “He has a full set of hemorrhoids,” Technologies Corp., East Hartford, Wilson wears minor operation Thursday to correct added Dr. Heryer. "We rem ov^ be in Mount St. Benedict Cemetery, within one victory of winning their feeling of relief. (But) before we had for 33 years. He was a volunteer Horace C. Vibert Bloomfield. first World Series. a chance to even think about it, we a hemorrhoidal condition. only the one that was causing him auxiliary fireman. Company 3, Town SOUTH WINDSOR - Horace discomfort. But I don’t foresee right Friends may call at the funeral SALE on Even if George Brett can rebound had to go right out there and play Brett, forced to remove himself of Manchester, and a former Clark Vibert, 87, a former South now an operation after the season to home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. from Thursday’s minor surgery for again.” from Wednesday night’s 6-4 loss to member of Campbell Council Windsor town official, retired tobac­ do a complete removal.” Memorial donations may be made to goat^s horns his hemorrhoid condition, the Royals On the other hand, the Royals, the Philadelphia Phillies after six in­ Knights of Columbus. co grower, a 30-year employee of the Although Brett has been suffering the Connecticut Humane Society, must wake up or risk becoming the after beating the Yankees, had to nings because of extreme discom­ Other survivors are two sons, National Fire Insurance Co. of Hart­ fort, had the hemorrhoid lanced by from hemorrhoids since the Newington. , KANSAS CITY. Mo. (UPI) - is wrong to single out Wilson as the first team since the 1976 New York wait two days to even learn who they Warren R. Tanguay of Chicopee, ford, later the Continental Insurance Yankees to be swept in four straight would face in the Series. Dr. John Heryer, a local proc­ American League playoff series with Mass., and R ic h ^ A. GiorgetU of Every World Series has its goat, a reason for the club’s poor showing so Anna(Chunko)Jacko Co., and a U.S. infantry veterans of games. “I don’t know if that’s a factor,” tologist. the New York Yankees, they haven’t South Windsor; two daughters, Mrs. player who falls on his face in the far. HARTFORD- Mrs. Anna World War I, died Oct. 15 at 1060 Phillies’ Manager Dallas Green said Maddox. “But I know you n e ^ “In simple terms what George had stopped him from performing at a Robert (Anita) Arnold of Burton, ((^unko) Jacko, 78, of 110 Governor Main St., South Windsor. MAYTAG national spotlight after having shone "It’s unreal to believe -that peak level. His three-run homer off nevertheless remains cautious. to play to stay sharp. We haven’t had was a blood clot in an external Ohio, and Mrs. Horst (Carol) A lifelong resident of South Wind­ so brilliantly during the course of the anybody can go out any day and get New York’s Rich Gossage won the St., East Hartford, died Oct. 16 at “ Kansas City is more than capable a chance to.relax.” hemorrhoid. We took the clot out and Gigerenzer of Hollis Center, Maine; Hartford Hospital. She was the sor, he was bora Nov. 5,1892, son of regular season. on three or four times,” said Frey. pennant for the Royals last Friday Last year Baltimore’s Eddie “ He went O-for-5 in the first game of winning two in a row, too,” (Jreen The ones who could make a relieved the pressure and pain,” said a brother, George Tanguay of widow of John H. Jacko. Horace H. and Mary (Meyer) Vibert. Dr. Heryer. night and in the two games of the Murray wore the horns after going and everybody said, ‘what’s wrong said. difference in today’s game include Chicago, 111.; two sisters, Mrs. Bom in McKeesport, Pa., she lived He was a graduate of Storrs ECOMOMISERS Dr. Paul Meyer, the Royals’ team World Series he has collected three hitless in his last 21 at-bats and All- with Wilson?’ He obviously gets Royals’ Matlager Jitn Frey would Brett and left-fielder Willie Wilson. Romeo (Alice) Cartier of Jupiter, in East Hartford for the past 49 Agricultural College, now the physician, said Brett should be able hits in seven at-bats and been robbed ______▼ Stars such as Gil Hodges, Don New- things going for our club, but you love to see that. Brett will remain in the hospital time Fla., and Mrs. Arthur (Thelma) Lan­ years. She was a member of the VFW University of Connecticut, class of to play tonight. of another hit. combe and, even Ted Williams, have can’t expect anybody to just go out “ I can’t say that we’ve been flat,” to leave for the game. Dr. John dry of Chicopee, Mass.; 11 Ladies Auxiliary Gold Star Post No. 1913. Mr. Vibert was also discharged MAYTAG ECOhO JilSER “His pain is considerably less,” Before removing himself from been embarassed in World Series there and get on base every time. grandchildren and a great-grandson. 1724 of Willimantic. as a second lieutenant following DISHWASHERS said Dr. Meyer. "At the present time Wednesday night’s game, Brett had The funeral will be Saturday at competition. “ It’s unfair to point your finger and Survivors are two sons, John H. World war I. we plan George will be able to play. two hits and a walk off . 9:30 a.m. from the John F. Tierney He was a member of the So far in this year’s World Series, it spotlight anyone. There are a lot of Jacko of East Hartford and Robert • Out Ic.in '(.m ,il| on thn dual I’m sure he will not be at his peak. During the regular season Brett mis­ Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St., is Kansas City’s Willie Wilson who is other guys that didn’t get any hits out G. Jacko of Willimantic; two Republican Town Committee and Running and sliding will probably sed 45 games with an assortment of Manchester, followed by a mass of held various town offices including w.ish cycle • Lo.v riu'rf;y failing the most to live up to expec­ there, too ... on both teams.” daughters, Mrs. Martha Armstrong Cyc li' Inr nvfryd.iy loads • i n i‘f).;y irritate it but it won’t cause him any injuries but still managed to bat .390, Christian burial at SL James Church tations. of Willimantic and Mrs. Evelyn posts on the board of education and S.wer l)ryin^; CyMn i irrul.ilus ;il, permanent damage.” the highest average compiled in the at 10 a.m. Burial will be in St. James Wilson, perhaps baseball’s fastest Out for year Siemer of East Hartford; two selectman. He was the municipal Although B rett’s condition has major leagues since Ted Williams of Cemetery. '.Mthort heat • (xrlnsiv Micro runner, led the major leagues in hits STANFORD, Calif. (UPI) -;^ u n - sisters, Mrs. Margaret Lasko of judge for eight years. In 1961, he was been relieved, neither Dr. Meyer nor the Boston Red Sox batted .406 in Friends may call at the funeral Mesh filtu r • ( level Jetv.'.ash (230) and runs scored (133) this ning back Paul Hofer, the Sari^ran- South Windsor and Mrs. Agnes On- appointed by Gov. John N. Dempsey Systen^ Dr. Heryer would guarantee, the 1941. home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to I p.m. nifrey of East Hartford, nine to the New England Flood Control season while compiling a batting cisco 49ers’ most productive player average of .326 and stealing 79 bases. the past three seasons, underwent Yet, in two World Series games he surgery on his right knee at Stanford MAYTAG ECOMO JillSER has managed only one hit in nine at- Hospital Friday and will be lost to Dave Concepcion starts Man critical after crash bats and has struck out five times. the team for the remainder of the HEAVY DUTY WASHERS ^ During the regular season he struck BOLTON — A Coventry man is in critical condition at Sellick of the Colchester Barracks, Connecticut State season. Team doctors said the sur­ Hartford Hospital as the result of injuries suffered in a Police. out only 81 times while establishing a gery to repair the anterior cruciate rehabilitation program No. 1 - in lon^ lile ■ in fe.vi t rep.urs • major league record of 705 at-bats. ligament and outside cartilage i car-motorcycle accident on Boston ’Turnpike (Route 44A) in I ..'.er tup.iir i osts in n.ition.vide SELECTION Many baseball people believe damage required 2tk hours. January. So, if I start throwing in shortly before 8 this morning. pn !' rence (Ruseci on n.ilion.il sur CINCINNATI (UPI) - Cincinnati Wilson’s failure to get on base is a The 49ers, who have lost their last December and it feels good, I might Steven J. Bartolucci, 20, 42 Midland Road, Coventry,, vey .iskin;j consumers whir h br.ind of shortstop Davey Concepcion is begin­ major reason why the Royals are three starts after winning the first get to play five or six games.” was taken to Hartford Hospital shortly after the 7:43 a.m. 4 ( P « ro 's Kathv Savsl ■.■.usher they'd like to O.vn) CLOSE­ ning rehabilitation work on his accident. down two games to none to the three, host the Los Angeles Rams throwing arm, which was operated Concepcion said the pain started in HimBii«BjyiYiani(OT Philadelphia Phillies. Sunday. Either Lenvil Elliott or Don his throwing arm “a long time ago, According to state police, Bartolucci was the operator ‘Via havt plenty of your lavorit* applM^ on two weeks ago. OUT What, then, is wrong with the Woods will start in Holer’s place. maybe ’76 or ’77. It got worse and of a motorcycle involved in an accident with an auto, by tha baakat, by tha bag or by tha pound. ON MtCONTINUfD MODEL Dr. Frank Jobe remove^ bone driven by Jeremiah Brown Jr., 17, of 151 Deborah Drive, P— speedy left fielder? Even Wilson ad­ chips from Concepcion’s right elbow worse. mits it could be the pressure of Watson honored Coventry. Oct. 2. "It’« funny, a lot of people don't playing in his flrpt World Series and Police said the accident happened when Brown was liflowtr. TomMOMrspfnach. SwaTpSSoarTwSlS^waata, I IWasherPnfBrsI LAKE PARK, Fla. (UPI) - Tom Concepcion has suffered pain in his realize you are in pain until you’ve ISwlM Chard. MuaUrd Qra*nt, Pickling Onlona, Rad Onlona. | trying to make a big impression. attempting to make a left-hand turn into a service sta­ lO rM n Pappart, Hot Pappara, Watson, winner of seven of the 23 golf throwing arm in recent years and he had surgery. Then they say, 'You Carrotta. Cukaa, Radlahaa. Check the “I’m not pleased with my perfor­ tion. I Rad & Frying Pappara. Eggplant, Paranipa, QIngar Root. Garlic. I tournaments he entered this year, nopes the surgery will permit him to must have been in -a lot of pain. I Laaka, Shall Baana. Dili. Qraan & mance by any means,” WiiMn said. Members of the Bolton Volunteer Fire Department and Muahrooma. Avacadoa. Ta m p la l Official was namedJ’GA Player of the Year play without pain next season. “This year it became very bad. I Yailow Squaah, Hubbard Squaah, Orangaa, Hawaiin Pinaapplaa.l “I realize it’s my job to get on base state police res|wnded to the call. iTurnipa, Acorn & Buttarnut 'Thursday for the fourth consecutive "It’s numb,” Concepcion said as he July and September, particularly. It Bananaa. Lamona. Llmaa.l MAYTAG ECOriOJ»1ISER Guides and I haven't been doing it. I’ll have .’The accident is being investigated by ’Trooper John 1 Squaah, Spaghattl Squaah. Tur- Orangaa, Qrapafrult. Oataa.l time. President Frank Cardi of the alternated soaking his elbow in hot hurt everytime, with every single I nip Qraana. Pumpkina, Rornalna. They to admit I’m putting a lot of pressure Saadlaaa Qrapaa. Honaydawa.f RIG LOAD DRYERS PGA^said no other player has ever whirlpool water and then ice water. throw. It was bothering me to play IR M Cabbaga. Mac’a. Cortlanda. Pomargranitaa. Coconuta.j verily on myself.” I Oallcioua. Opaiacanta ft MaCoun won the award more thap two - ball, to wash my hands. It started Paachaa, CantaJoupaa. Wihwn said he was thinking about “They told me it would be numb for T H M K $ i» IK I Ajgjg^jumajo^^gra^^ Maytag’s successive years. about a year. bothering me in my sleep. • Commercially proven in self service I Low Energy Costs his 0-for-S performance in '^esday m V E M n S T .M C l,|■,l^d^ll■s • Gentle, enerjiy e fh n e n t The PGA selected Stan Thirsk, “So I guess about World Series "I took a lot of cortisone shots. You •l«liha^anliala«r,aia NOVEM TO ST. JUDE night’s opening game when he head pro at the Kansas City Country don't like to take them, but you do. drymp for permanent press and all of walked to the plate in the first inning time next year I’ll get the feeling baaiaiitabMKHrltMi liailMi,hahataatp.pa» tod.iys f.itiric. • Flectronic, Auto-Dry Club, Shawnee Mission, Kan., as its back. But it’s not bad. Lots of guys You feel good. You play well, but the VniSV'rSCOBE Wednesday night. il taa OMA Um m m I a k a n at M k ^ria aa tban TiRaELOS ,inr) Time Controls • Ri^; Lo.id Drum Professional of the Year. He was have this done anckcan’t move at all. next morning you wake up and you’ve a kn h*t MW kknan P a TINMin "Then I struck out my first three M l na •waa k ki selected for his work in junior golf, "Dr. Jobe told me that I would be got the pain again.” a» kak m aaU prian 1^ times up and that didn’t help things,” il M Ti !■ I I n m m Im ki 2 h . 5 9 « 6/ 79< and for his efforts as a teacher, able to start throwing in December, (Concepcion will soon return to his MdWlnMhMkikan P ari It n I ha a a m tna said Wilson. "But I walked In the M P a lart at hrik h| b rin player and business manager In his depending how I went. He said there home in Maracay, Venezuela, and W hi M M M a n k an k NATIVI iCdimA linTnifni seventh and got a single in the eighth ht la p n ah p n par b a n b CAULinOlMBI 28 years as a member of the PGA. plans to spend a lot of time in nearby n laknai hk n k n p a n a< SQUAW apd maybe that will get me going.” will be some swelling, but not very a aPPaa hk a k a p a n iri The awards will be presented at the much.” Bahia Cata, where the mountains apa M a k am I m k i k aOi ■PP pM a h am I pata b a n Outfielder Clint Hurdle of the — »..2 m . 3 9 * • . n 14 a t 9 a 5n a PGA President's Dinner in Palm meet the ocean. pa a n ta n ■< n a n k h k. pa a a k m at aat at k h k Royals thinks it’s just a case of The surgery means Concepcion aht O fiH 0 »lY iT(.ll."TO • tClT . SUNbAY* 6 A.M. TO i T i i T I Beach Oct. 28. » will miss the start — if not all — of Suanr PtpM, pfrii toHvr Wilson’s trying too hard. lahalahMnaiHhni winter ball in hi!; native Venezuela. la M Na ihn Hliip THB KINO "I might be doing the same thing if Carson injured .Tips from the top man at aria* MMa M h pm n at aria* M hria Bri h patai He has played winter ball there every akhpahraatririiknhpp I were playing more,” said Hurdle. EASTRUTHERFORD,'N.J. (UPI) it hh pa a a at a n hah pa 6 4 7 9 9 9 7 445 HARTFORD RD. VI/MANCHESTER "He’s trying to show 60 million peo­ — All-Pro middle linebadker Harry David Hart, left, and Carol Vann look on as Chuck Barrera y®®*" starting his major league kkM Ntamlanaha Pt n a nh a m n j a a j m F PRODucer hm k M l ha iri a amt iM T lt ’l lia hi n aaal 6 4 7 9 9 9 8 ple what he can do. He’s trying too Carson who threatened to quit pro explains p n safety in his advanced rifle class at the Nike site in- ,,, IIIUlllllllll IMrill r.. RUNifliTfil hard. I think he can shake things off football three weeks ago, was placed TAKE 1-84 TO KEENEY ST. EXIT SsVn7achie~!!2^^^^^^^ "ationally for his ■■« wiU ™ i r a t tim?^^^^ DO IT DAILY - SAVE MONEY by LB. D.F. THE PEOPLE WHO BRING YOU LOW PRICES AND PERSONAL S and play his natural game.” on the injured reserve list Thursday ^rsonal achievements and as an instructor in hand pns. But 1 still might get to play, winter clipping the coupons in Evening Royals manager Jim Frey feels it and is scheduled to undergo kqee sur­ (Herald photo by Pinto) ball doesn’t end until sometime in Herald’s leading grocer’s ads. gery next Monday. 14 - EVENING HfiRALD, Fri., Oct. 17, 1880 EVENING HERALD. Fri., Oct. 17, 1980 - 15

Catholic schools launch slate •v.« expecting a great deal from them been accomplished too often against mons stated, “It has created a sub­ Penney has not allowed a Stoughton itchy " By LEN AUSTER hosts 2-1, 3-2 Hall High. Both have this year.” Conard -win. ’The Chieftains, co­ stitution problem. We have to he con­ touchdown in three games The Hrrald SporHwrilrp 1:30 kickoffs. Also, 3-1 Glastonbury High makes Senior running back Jeff Cour- leaders at 3-0 and 3-1 overall this scious of it all the time and make Knights blanked Enfield and Fermi Vi--. Gridiron action for local elevens its CVC debut against 2-3 Windsor noyer, a bright spot in the 29-8 loss to season, have won the last six in a row sure we give them a blow early,” he on consecutive weekends and allowed begins early this weekend as East High in Windsor at 1:30. Non­ Northwest Catholic, will not be against the Silk Towners and have voiced of players going two ways, only a field goal in turning back Hall. Catholic opposes arch-rival South conference tests pit 4-1 South Wind­ available against South. He banged not been beaten by an Indian squad “And the last two games we have Defensive performers Mike Madden Catholic in an HCC tussle tonight at to resolve case sor High at home against 1-3 up a hand which swelled quite a bit since 1967. The lone Interruption was come on in the fourth quarter.” and Gil Tougas each has a touchdown Dillon Stadium in Hartford at 7:30. .'So Bulkeley High in a morning affair at and is out for a week, Kelly a 6-6 deadlock In 1973. Conard is a club “ that doesn’t to his credit, on an interception and Manchester High, coming off a ■^v.f HARTFORD (UPI) - Hartford’s dent John Ziegler. But any team that hockey operations, said he has talked 10:30 while 1-4 Rockville High visits explained. Sophomore Sean O’Leary The Indians, after an embarrassing make many mistakes. It doesn’t do fumble recovery respectively. last-second win, finds itself with a high-scoring forward Blaine tries to pick him up has to repay the to four teams about Stoughton but takes his place. season-opening reversal, made anything fancy. It does the basics and Offensively, Paul Kleef with six difficult task Saturday afternoon as it 0‘4 Weaver High in a 1:30 start. Stoughton is still sitting out the young Whalers with equal talent, Ziegler they have all been seared off when “South plays excellent defense,” several defensive changes. “They’ve throws the ball extremely well,” touchdowns and Tony Lewis with confronts always troublesome East and South each Is 0-1 in the NHL season, unable to reach a settle­ ruled. they found out what the right winger HCC with the Eagles 0-5 overall. Kelly emphasized, ”It seems solid worked out really well,” commented four TDs and five two-point conver­ Conard High in West Hartford at Simmons offered. *r»- ment with the the Whalers. Stoughton said the Whalers were was demanding for a contract. Rebels 2-3. South, 7-1-2 a year ago, defensively. ’Their key offensively is Tribe Coach Mike Simmons. The Chieftains have a top passing sions have been mainstays for 1:30. W S -t'... Stoughton, whose 56 goals helped making it tough for a number of "We’d still like to sign Blaine, " was thought of very highly in the pre­ (quarterback) Guy Carbone. If we Jon DuBois and Mike Doyon at combination in quarterback Carl Penney. I/’- r-'VVv Elsewhere on Saturday’s calendar, him share the NHL scoring title last teams that would like to sign him up. season. can shut down Carbone, we can have linebacker, Art Jasper and Tim Ellis Mark Scarito offensively and said Kelley. "1 think we know how CCIL co-leader Penney High is at Jackson, a left-hander, and wide season, said Thursday he was getting “Some of the players they have success against their offense.” at end, Mike Greenleaf at nose guard defensively has been a bellweather valuable he is better than other Simsbury High. The Knights are 3-0 "I have been surprised by a couple receiver Mike ’Thompson. itchy while the season goes on asked for from other teams are get­ of its games," admitted East Coach East leads the series against South, and Steve Shrider at a tackle slot “As much as possible we have to for East Hartford in its four outings. teams. We saw what he can do and in league play, 3-0 overall while the without him. ting 8175,(X)0,” he said. "Why don’t did." Jude Kelly, viewing his opponent, "I 9-8. The Rebels took last year’s have been stalwarts the past two control the ball. And we can’t give up ’The senior has five TDs to his credit homestanding Trojans .present a 2-2 And he thinks the Whaler’s front of­ they want to pay me that much? As for Stoughton, he said "It's just clash, 36-13. Saturdays. along with playing a stellar '( ' V jf CCIL mark, 3-2 overall. In another . have seen ^ u th earlier this year and the ball the wrong side of the 50 (yard fice “is playing games” with him in That’s what l ^ n ’t understand.” a waiting game. We went this far. feel it is a fine football team. I was Manchester, 1-2 in the CCIL and "I don’t thing the changes have line),” Simmons stated. linebacker. « hope of eliminating bids by other The 27-yedr'olli Canadian reported­ CCIL tilt. 1-2,1-3 East Hartford High overall, will trv to do what has not hurt us noticeably offensively,” Sim- We're not going to give in now.” he teams for his services. ly wants a $200,0(X) contract, about said. Stoughton, after failing to come to $70,000 more than the Whaler's are The Whalers have posted a 1-2-1 terms with the Whalers, was believed to have offered. record so far this season. Two hig games ahead for Tribe hooters declared a free agent by NHL Presi­ Jack Kelley, Whalers’ director of TO By LEN AUSTER Enfield. The Raiders took the CCIL Standings McCarthy, “It was our first game Herald Sporlawriter previous engagement, 3-0. w. 1. t. Pts. without Alex (Britnell). The kids res­ Manchester closed out Fermi in a All that yesterday’s 3-0 win by Hall 10 1 0 50 pond to him as a leader. But the kicjs 44-second span in the first quarter. Cells found hole Manchester High over improved but Manchester 9 1 1 47 .bucked themselves up and played for Sophomore midfielder Myles still helpless Fermi High in CCIL Enfield 9 2 0 45 Alex. McCurry got his face in the way of a soccer action at Memorial Field did Wethersfield 9 2 0 45 “I thought Sparky (Laggis) in the Falcon clearing drive. It ricocheted was ensure the importance of next Windham 4 6 1 22 middle played a fine game. I’m real­ to Sparky Laggis, playing in the mid­ week’s two-game series. Simsbury 4 7 0 20 ly proud of him.” dle for the injured Alex Britnell, and Manchester keeper Marty Simon in Bucks’ defense The Indians, somewhat a surprise Conard 3 7 1 17 he gave a perfect through pass to a helped the Celtics to a 93-85 lead and contender for league honors, are 9-1-1 Fermi 3 8 0 15 registered his fourth straight shutout NEW YORK (UPI) - The Boston Milwaukee's Marques Johnson had breaking ^ b Monaco. Milwaukee was unable to recover. for season. They trail only Hall High, Penney 19 1 7 by recording six saves. The Celtics had no need for subtle 27 points and helped hold Larry Bird Monaco, looking before pulling the Time to bring up measuring rule Fitch was not that happy with the a 2-1 w inner y e ste rd a y over E. Hartford 1 10 0 5 whitewashing was preserved by strategy Thursday night. to just 8 points. Brian Winters had 21 trigger, fired a 12-yarder to the left way the Celtics played most of the Simsbury, which sports a 10-1 mark. Five points for a win; two points sweeper Eric Juttner, who dove in “If we were going to hurt them points and Mickey Johnson, playing comer of the cage easily beating Fer­ Part of an umpire’s equipment is a tape and batter’s box. Here he measures off correct way. 7 Right behind this pair are for a tie. ' • front of a dangerous drive with five anywhere, it had to be in the middle his first game in Milwaukee, had 19 mi keeper Dave Gaio. Bill Kunkel, home plate umpire in “We made a lot of mistakes," he Wethersfield and Enfield, each 9-2. minutes remaining. He along with distance after discussion with Kansas City’s because of the absence of Bob points and 8 rebounds. The second ’Tribe score was a semi said. "But after that (the 83-83 tie) And those are the clubs Manchester fullbacks Scott Cheney and CTiris Wednesday night’s World Series game, Willie Aikens. (UPI photo) Lanier,” said Celtics coach Bill Fitch Elsewhere, Cleveland beat gift. An innocent looking blooper by we got it straightened out. It was an runs into on consecutive road out­ 25-yard left-footed looper which neat­ Carmel again played strong games produced one when questioned about size of following his club's 110-103 victory Washington 90-88 and San Antonio Monaco could not be controlled by ly tucked under the crossbar at the defensively. excellent effort by Robert Parish the ings, at Wethersfield Wednesday and over the Milwaukee Bucks. “They defeated Detroit 102-99. at Enfield next Friday. Gaio —it slid through his hands like a right post. It dove into the goal while Britnell, who sustained a sprained greased wrench—and Scott (Joehring were one man short in the middle and The clash with Wethersfield will be Gaio, caught off his line, flailed away ankle in iSiesday’s win over Conard, Sports Parade EdwaMs that was probably the difference in Cavalicrx 90, RuIIcIh 88 the only meeting of the 1980 season, a was on the spot to knee it home. in vain. is out on a day-to-day basis, accor­ Mike Mitchell scored 30 points, in­ Laggis closed out the scoring 11:10 the ballgame.” Scott Cheney possible tournament tilt excluded, “I was nervous going into today,” ding to McCarthy. It is hoped he’ll be Sparky Laggis Lanier, one of the NBA’s most in­ cluding the last 14 for Cleveland, to while this is the second session with into the third stanza with a spinning admitted Indian Coach Bill ready for Wethersfield. .brothers timidating figures, was in Buffalo, carry the Cavs. The Bullets missed Jim Frey N.Y., attending his father’s funeral. thre chances in the last 30 seconds And the Bucks, who insist this is that would have sent the game into low key set pace their year to go all the way, realize last three or four minutes. He came overtime. Seven-goal spree Volleyball Cowboys far from dead just how important Lanier's up with everything big. It really “I like to be the man out there,” presence is. helped to have him fresh.” said Mitchell. "If they want me to do Parish had 17 points and 13 it, I’ll do it." manager LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. (UPI) “They have a big team,” said Milwaukee coach Don Nelson said of rebounds and Robey 15 points and 6 Spurs l02. Pistons 99 spices hockey win By MILTON RICHMAN would injure him in any way doing — Defendiqg champs Ben Crenshaw rebounds as they beat up on the George Gervin scored 26 points, in­ and George Bums say they need to Boston. “They’re going to play that and Eagles are worried KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) - Jim­ so, then Frey would see that he big team no matter who is playing. Bucks in the middle. For Milwaukee, cluding' the winning layup with 11 Manchester High girls’ field ball around midfield, dodged Fermi’s make the putts they missed in the my Frey had answered all the didn't. reserve center Harvey Catchings, seconds left, as San Antonio sent hockey team loaded up the barrels defense and fired on net. The Falcon MHS girls win opening round if they want to repeat But, sure, it hurt us not having Bob.” NEW YORK (UPI) - Slowly but Eagles. We certainly don’t look up to at San Francisco, Buffalo at Miami, questions put to him by the news- Brett underwent surgery for his starting in place of Lanier, had 11 Detroit to its fifth straight loss. and came out firing as it keeper made the original shot but as winners of the National Team The Bucks, playing their home Manchester High girls’ volleyball surely, people are canceling their Dallas anymore. Kansas City at Denver, Seattle at the hungry media, returned all his condition at St. Lukes Hospital early rebounds but just 2 points and Len James Silas added 23 points for the overwhelmed Fermi High, 7-0, in Hedlund was alert to collect the team captured a 1613, 163, 615 and telephone messages from ticket- Wednesday afternoon. And bothering Championship golf tournament. opener, were tied 83-83 early in the reservations for the Dallas Cowboys’ “To be a champion, we have to New York Jets, Atlanta at New fourth quarter. But Rick Robey Elmore had 4 points and one rebound Spurs and Greg Reiser had 28 for the CCIL play yesterday in Enfield. rebound and drill it home. 1613 duke over Hall High in CCIL Requiem mass. beat the champions of our own divi­ hungry callers and was all alone now him aimost as much as his physical Crenshaw and Bums fired an 6 Pistons. The seven goals was the most for Orleans, Detroit at Chicago) St. backing him up. Toby Brown added two goals in a play yesterday at Clarke Arena. Philadelphia coach Dick Vermeil, sion. And we have to play our best in his private office in the catacombs incapacity was his lack of sleep. He under-par 64 Thursday and are four the Indians this season and moves Louis at Washington, Green Bay at one-minute span and then she com­ Co-captains Jean Stankiewicz and whose Eagles play the Cowboys Sun­ football of the season to beat them. of Royals Stadium. slept on the plane all the way from shots behind Dan and Dave Edwards, their mark to 4-2-4. Manchester Cleveland, Minnesota at Cincinnati, pleted a hat trick 11 minutes later off Marge Botteron along with Nancy day In Philadelphia, never made one. But we do have them at home.” Except for possibly Toronto’s Bo6 Philadelphia to Kansas City after who tied a tournament record with needs just one more win to qualify the New York Giants at San Diego a fine feed from Kristin English. Walsh, Karen Wright, Cindy Cox and “They got Too Tall (Jones) back The Eagles certainly have the by Mattick, Frey is about as low key Wednesday night's loss to their blistering 12-under-par 60. for post-season play. and Tampa Bay at Houston. Oakland English closed out the scoring with Ingrid Krumins all played well in the and their down (front) four is playing respect of Dallas coach Tom Landry. as a manager there is in the Philadelphia. Crenshaw and Bums notched six Jennifer Hedlund opened the five minutes remaining. travels to Pittsburgh Monday night. Erring^ 76ers sign birdies and an eagle on the tough intense match for the 7-5 Silk better than I’ve ever seen them “They’re better defensively with Sparked by new coach Mike American League. His disposition scoring nine minutes into the first Laura Potter was between the Towners. play,” said Vermeil of the Dallas the return of people like Bill Bergey comes close to being perfect. In addi­ Br^jdter visited 7,197-yard Magnolia Course at Walt half converting a penaltjr stroke. pipes for the Indians and received McCormack and the return of a Disney World and figure to have an Hall took the jayvee match, 15-8, defense, which forced 10 turnovers healthy Bert Jones, the Baltimore tion to being a first-year manager of “ I was in such pain on the flight Five minutes later, Sandy Caouette strong support in registering the 12-15 and 15-5. Lynne Shaw and Barb last week in a 5614 drubbing of the the Kansas City Royais, this also is home, that if I hadn’t fallen asleep, I easier time on the Palm layout they carried the ball down the right shutout. Regular keeper Wendy Colts have bolted to a 62 record and play today. Thurston were best for the locals. San Francisco 49ers. are only one game behind New his first experience at handling a don't see how 1 would have made it,” lifetime agreement sideline and centered a pass to Pam Felletter is sidelined for three weeks “ We didn’t hit one bad tee shot all “Danny White has matured into a England and Buffalo in the AFC club in the World Series. His team, he said. Brown in the striking circle. She took with a bruised knee. which has dropped its first two day,” said Crenshaw, "but we had a fine quarterback, but he’s not a truly East. The Colts, division>Jpormats His older brother, Ken, one of the PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - All "This is an excellent arrangement the pass and fired into the cage for a Nancy Curtin, Brenda Baltovick, Jayvees blanked games to the Philadelphia Philiies, little problem on the greens — we Erving, 30, currently in the fifth inexperienced quarterback,” the past two seasons with 5-11 Royals relievers, visited him in the NBA teams that have ever enter­ for both Julius and the 76ers,” said 2-0 halftime lead. Tammy Kleperis and Amy Jones should be doing as weil as he is. missed a few putts.” ^ year of a six-year pact, was Manchester High jayvee soccer Vermeil added. “They do a great job records, host the Patriots Sunday hospital Thursday, but he didn't stay tained the idea of trying to acquire Phiiadelphia^General manager Pat Hedlund made it 3-0 nine minutes were Indian defensive standouts. team blanked Fermi High, 2-0, A friend of his came into the room too iong. He-had said what he had to The Edward brothers from Es­ purchased by Philadeiphia Oct. 21, of coaching. They don’t go week-to- with revenge on their minds Julius Erving from Philadelphia can Williams, who opened contract talks 1976 in a reported $6miIlion deal with into the second half. She gathered the Fermi fell to 3-6-1 with the loss. yesterday at the Indians’ field. and Frey started taiking to him about say to his brother sometime before. mond, Okla., tore up the 6,546yard week blaming inexperience. They following a 5621 embarrassment in now forget about it. Dr. J is with the with Erving’s business manager, the New York Nets. He helped lead Greg Shrider tallied both goals for the Series and about the two games "I wish it was me instead of you,” Lake Buena Vista Course to take the made him experienced in a hurry, Foxboro last year. Sixers to stay. Irwin Weiner, last May. “Irwin and I the 76ers to th§ lYBA finals against his team had lost to the Phillies. he told him, and his kid brother knew lead in the $350,000 event, the last the young Indians, now 7-4 for the and he’s play^ well.” The Patriots have won four The 76ers announced Thursday spent many, many hours working on Portland in the 197677 season. season. David Bashaw and Mike White, who has filled the retired he meant it. scheduled tournament on the 1980 and they’re a far more confident straight and come off a 34-0 rout of PGA tour. night that the star 6foot-6 forward this and both parties are extremely Last season, the Roosevelt, N.Y., T LeTournOau offensively and Shana Much better club Ken Brett was one of a handful of Catholic girls Roger Staubach’s shoes admirably, team now,” he said. “I’d say Miami, New England’s first shutout signed a contract extension that satisfied.” native averaged 26.9 points per game Hopperstead, Eric Enroth, Doug Kansas City players to show up at the Each carded an eagle and together is ' the NFC’s leading passer and Philadelphia is the best defensive since '77. Steve Grogan has matured "We’li come out of it. I'm sure," takes him to the end of his playing The team did not say whether the in leading the Sixers to the NBA Mitchell, Tony Jaworski and goalie he said. “We’re a much better ciub ballpark the first day. Most of the they reeled off eight birdies, threw for four touchdowns against team in the NFC right now. They’ve into the AFC’s leading passer and career with the team. contract requires Erving to continue Championship Series, which they lost John Paggioli defensively played San Francisco last week. White, who than we've shown. People saw that in others were catching up on their finishing both the front and back been in the playoffs and now they’re wide'receivers Stanley Morgan and nines with 30s. In addition, Erving agreed to r ^ playing for a fixed number of years. to Los Angeles. bow in soccer well for the locals. has completed 67.5 percent of his Harold Jackson both average more our playoff games with the sleep. main with the organization following ready to make a run at the Super “I scored well on the front side and But Williams said “Julius feels he Erving is in his 10th year of pro passes for 1,365 yards, is expected to than 20 yards per reception. Utilizing Yankees.” Among the Royals’ players who Bowl.” David scored well on the back nine,” his retirement as a player to work as would like to play as long as he can ball. He spent five years in the Two goals in each half lifted at 37:32. Chinese runners engage in an aerial duel with a rotating set of runners. New “You know what’s the toughest came to the park were outfielder Both coaches expect the intensity said Danny, acknowledging they will a part-time consultant in sales, meet the standards he has set for American Basketball Association Portland High past East Catholic, 4- “We had some good opportunities Philadelphia’s Ron Jaworski. The England leads the conference In thing for me?" he asked. “Walking Clint Hurdle and he had some things NEW YORK (UPI) - Three of the game to be at a fever pitch. be hard-pressed to repeat their per­ marketing, promotion and public himself. If I could hazard a guess, I with the Nets and the Virginia 0, in girls’ soccer action yesterday at early in the first haif but we didn’t NFC’s No. 4 ranked passer, Jaworski rushing and the balanced attack Is up that ramp leading from the dugout to say about George Brett. Chinese runners will compete Oct. 26 “It will be a knock-down, drag-out formance Friday when they face the relations. feel Julius wouid play another four to Squires, winning the ABA scoring ti­ Mt. Nebo. convert,” remarked East Coach Don has been successful on 60.5 percent of averaging an AFC-best 26 points per to the clubhouse after we lose a “I waiked him back to his room in in the New York City Marathon, the battle,” Vermeil said. “We have two Magnolia Course. The pact was believed to be the five years.” tle three times. While Erving was ’The setback drops the Eaglettes to Fay, “Once Portland got the momen­ his throws for 1,386 yards and 12 game. game. God, how that hurts. They ask Philadelphia last night and he just first time the athletes have run in the pretty good wins under our belt, but The teams of Dave Barr and E)d first of its kind in the NBA. Coach Billy Cunningham said he with New York, the Nets won two 4-61 while the triumph moves the tum it didn’t look bad.” West. scores. so do they. It will be an intense foot­ Los Angeles, 62, moved into the the managers to come into the inter­ about made it,” Hurdle revealed. Financial terms were not dis­ was “very pleased that all is Highlanders to 6-4-1. Fiori, and Mike Reid and Ron Streck, ABA titles. Portland outshot East, 18-14, with The three runners — Liu Zonggui, The Eagles are now challenging top spot in the NFC West last week view area to talk to the press right "He could hardly walk. closed, but the agreement reportedly resolved. The 76ers now have the Amy Dole opened the scoring for ball team. The Eiagles and the Cow­ are tied for second place with 16 Eaglette keeper Martha Barter Fang Menshun and Shan Changmin— the Cowboys for the NFC East lead. boys won’t allow it to be any other with its fourth straight victory, a 21- after each game and I don’t mind ‘Tve never met another ballplayer boosts Erving’s $600,000 annual best forward in basketball for the Portland at the 16minute mark with under-par 62’s. Six teams are tied for making 14 saves. ’The Highlanders' all have run marathons in less than The two teams, both 61, meet Sun­ way.” 13 triumph over St. Louis. The defen­ talking to the guys, but five minutes like him. If you pick anyone on this salary to nearly $1 million. next five years.” Sandy O’Brien’s tally making it 2-0 at third at 63 after Thursday’s opening Shirley Cohen made eight saves. two hours, 19 minutes, race officials day at sold-out Veterans Stadium in “This is our first big pressure ding NFC champions have beaten after the game you’re still dealing team you’d like to pattern yourself the intermission. round, and 11 other teams are in Format East returns to the soccer field said Tuesday. About 16,000 runners the World Series-crazed city with game this year and it will be in­ San Francisco four straight times, with your emotions, still thinking after or like your son to be like, it Dole added a second goal at the Tuesday against Bulkeley High at first place at stake. about the game itself and sometimes would have to be George. He never fourth place with Crenshaw and from 43 nations have registered to teresting to see how our team per­ including a 4628 drubbing two weeks Bums. 16:07 mark of the second half with Hartford's Colt Park. Vermeil also said his team can ago. The 49ers, 3-3, are reeling from it’s hard to concentrate on ali the cares for himself, he always cares run in the marathon. forms,” Landry said. “When you are There are 126 teams in the best ball Martha Doie closing out the scoring match tke Cowboys on an equal three straight losses and top runner questions.” about you. He cares for everyone. altered in a crisis kind of game, everything tournament, which counts only the basis. and receiver Paul Hofer may be out One of the questions Frey kept We’re playing with an honest-to- seems to come to a head. You can ' low score of the team on each hole. “We don’t consider ourselves in­ find out what kind of progress you for the year with a knee injury. The trying to answer all day Thursday, goodness legend. ferior to them,” he said. “We look at have made.” Rams lead the NFC with 21 sacks and was: "What about George Brett? "He has never come out and said it in WCT Rough road ahead for ^Barna them nose-to-nose. We’re playing a Elsewhere Sunday, it’s New the 49ers’ defense allows a league- How did the operation on his himself,” went on the Royals’ out­ team that I feel is equal to the Engiand at Baltimore, Los Angeles worst 393 yards per game. hemorrhoids in the hospital go? fielder. “ But with all he has ac­ DALLAS (UPI) - World Cham­ NEW YORK(UPI) - For 265 yards, Lin Patrick with 255 and nation’s third-ranking thrower, are Would he be able to play in Friday complished and with all the money pionship Tennis officiais have night’s third game? What if it was he's making now. the one thing he Alabama, playing Tennessee is like Major Ogilvie with 230. The Tide lost No. 1 in total offense on the NCAA DeLamielleure happy revised the format for qualification waiting for the other shoe to fall. ground among the nation’s leader in discovered he couldn’t play? What wanted more than anything else in in WCT finals, deciding to admit the rating chart with a 514 average, lead CLEVELAND (UPI) — After spen­ The top-ranked Crimson Tide met total rushing when it dropped from would Frey do then?” the world was to play in something winners of all eight events in the 1981 in rushing offense at 375.8 yards and Illing pins defeat ding much of his seven years with the No. 1 to second by gaining only 230 The Royals’ manager did his best like this and get a World Series ring. World Series of Tennis. a surprisingly tough foe in Rutgers scoring offense with a 40.2 point Buffalo Bills playing for losing last weekend and escaped with a 17- yards on the ground against Rutgers. average for five games. to answer all the questions as honest­ Now, who knows? (But) he’s not In event there are fewer than eight ly as he could without bothering to crying and he’s not asking for any teams, Joe DeLamielleure has no winners, tournament directors said 13 victory. Even Alabama coach Among the other top 10 rated On the other side of the line, Who Am I? regrets about leaving the club, Bear Bryant left the premises teams. No. 2 Southern California Nebraska is second in total defense on Bennet hooters point out he was neither a proc­ sympathy, which is just like him. Thursday, the remaining places in tologist nor a prognosticator. He said “Where do you find anyone like despite its early success this season. the finais, scheduled for Dallas' Reu­ wondering why feliow UPI board meets Oregon Saturday, it will ^ with a 194.4 yard yield and No. 2 in Illing downed crosstown Bennet, 4- Steve Logan, Bobby Blake, Tim he hoped Brett could play, but if it him anymore?” The All-Pro guard, traded to the nion Arena April 27 to May 3. will be members had neglected to include No. 5 Notre Dame against Army, No. rushing defense at 68 yards a game. 2, in jayvee soccer action yesterday Chevalier and Nick Cacace tallied for Cleveland Browns just before the Rutgers among the top rated teams. 6 Georgia playing Vanderbilt, No. 7 decided on a points system. at Mt. Nebo. liling. Bennet goal scorers were not start of the regular season, said, Now the question. Can Alabama Florida State facing Boston (College, noted. A tournament winner will have one 7 recuperate Irom that unexpectedly No. 8 North Carolina tackling North Midget action "Just because the Bills are doing so week and one day from the time of Area soccer Jim Hall, Phil Fedorchak, Mark well doesn’t change my feelings. difficult encounter when it meets Carolina State, No. 9 Nebraska vs. Paggioli and Tony Laurenitis played Joe Restic in line his victory in which to accept the in­ “I said before I was traded that Tennessee this Saturday, or will the Oklahoma State and No. 10 Ohio Action in the weekly Friday Area soccey action yesterday saw well defensively for 6-0 Illing. The vitation to play in Dalias. Failure to Tide’s attack be diluted by the State agaibst Indiana. night Manchester Midget Foot­ both East Hartford schools shutout in loss was Bennet’s first of the season. even if Buffalo went 160 this season, accept the invitation within the rigorous battle with Rutgers? There’s an interesting race ball League program tonight at CCIL play. East Hartford High was I didn’t want to play there anymore,” specified time will mean the invita­ for Notre Dame Job DeLamielleure said. “I thought the “We’re getting ready for that big developing for rushing leadership, Mt. Nebo pits the Jets against whitewashed by Windham High, 2-0, Football odds tion is withdrawn and the player will challenge against the number one which usually provides a stepping the Eagles in the opener at 6:30 while Penney High was blanked by said Fnuay. "Right now, my only Bills should have made the playoffs have to requalify. LAS VEGAS, Nev. (U PI) - BOSTON (UPI) - Harvard Univer­ team in thecountry,” says Tennessee stone toward the Heisman Trophy. and the Chargers and Patriots Enfield High, 6-0. concern is playing Dartmouth on last year and if they do this year. I’ll Tournamepr directors also an­ Weekend National Football League sity football coach Joe Restic is the coach John Majors of the game Jarvis Redwine of Nebraska, in the nightcap. Skip DeGray tallied both goals for Saturday.” be glad for my friend^” nounced Thursday the formation of a odds as posted Friday by Las Vegas top candidate for the head coaching before an expected hometown currently out of the lineup with a Three weeks remain on the 4-61 Windham. The Hornets are in Devine leaves behind a fiveyear DeLamielleure preferred not to four-man, round-robin Hall of Fame You’ve got to pay a prrice oddsmaker Gary Austin: job at the University of Notre Dame, capacity crowd of 91,(X)0 in Knoxville. cracked rih, is the nation’s leader slate, including tonight. to win. ~People ■ claimcl I nev- record of 44-14 and a national cham­ discuss his problem getting along Classic to be held in conjunction with the cellar at 1-10. NFL but Restic says his immediate con­ “ I respect Alabama and Coach with 666 yards and a 166.5 yard er smile. Some call me the pionship in 1977. with Bills Coach Chuck Knox, which the Dallas finals. Lou Bachetti scored four goals and Favorite pts cern is the match with Dartmouth Bryant. Alabama is big, tough and average in four games. Two other Bomber Pilot. (I flew 30 Restic, 54, is in his 10th season as was the reason for his trade. The Hall of Fame tournament will Easy victory B17 missions in WWII.) In Bill Teed twice as Enfield ran its New York Jets Seattle 3 Saturday. very talented...as much talent as runners are within a shade of the coach at Harvard. Before this “Of course, everybody now is going be open to past qualifiers of the WCT college, I was a star at record to 62. The loss drops the Cincinnati Minnesota 4 Restic, named EUistern Coach of anyone in the country. I only hope our l,006yard mark, but their total has LEXINGTON, Ky. (UPI) - Bold season, his nin-year overall coaching to say Knox was right (in trading finals. Included in the 1981 event will Texas. Then I played Knights to 1-9-1-for the season. Cleveland GreenBay 7 the Year and New England Coach of team can reach up and give their best been achieved in six games. G ^rge ‘N Determined, who is battling Ken­ defensive halfback for the record at Harvard was 47-32-2. His him), but I’m not going to let that be Ken Rosewall and Rod Laver, who Philadelphia Dallas 3 the Year in 1974, tops a list of four effort.” Rogers of South Carolina leads the tucky Derby winner Genuine Risk for NFL New York Giants. mark among Ivy League opponents bother me,” he said. “All I want to launched the WCT finals with two Thursday's Sports Transactions Buffalo Miami 3 men in the running for the job that Bryant says of Tennessee that “if country in yards gained with 961 and the 3year-old filly championship, during that time was 37-262. say now is I hated it there. I resented championship matches in 1971 and u By United Press International Washington St. Louis 4 will be vacated by Dan Devine at the we don’t play better than we did last Stump Mitchell of Citadel has 915. romped to an easy victory T h u r^ y Basketball The Crimson are currently in first a lot of things Knox did and said, es­ 1972. Athletes in Action— Signed guard Rich end of this season. in the $25,(X)0 Clairbome Purse at Denver Kansas City 4 place in the Ivy League and are off to pecially what he said.” The other two competitors for 1981 week” there won’t be too much Nebraska, in fact, either leads or is Branning and center Gig Simms. The three others are George Welsh revelry amongA'lde supporters after Keeneland. « iJ m | «n P»li|o{ Kootball Atlanta New Orleans 3 their best start since 1973. Knox reportedly blamed the Bills’ will be 1974 champion John New- near the top in most categories. A ■Xix|iu>3 «n iM|a OHI M ill New York Giants - Placed middle of Navy, Terry Donahue of UCLA No comment Regular Jockey Eddie qo( a n Pl«q ttq >H tioqM io n] Baltimore New England 3 Restic, a former wide receiver and offensive troubles last season on the combe and Roy Emerson. the game. lone defeat by Florida State linebacker Harry Carson and tackle Jeff and Jerry Foust of Cincinnati’s Alabama’s strength is based on prevented the Cornhuskers from Delahoussaye never raised his whip i»0 OiN «n)«13*“ Pns IWIW Weston on the imured reserve list. Detroit Chicago 2Vk defensive back with the Philadelphia offensive line. Bake McBride of the Phillies was in a position to talk plenty Prize money in 1981 will increase as the Saron Stable filly won by 6% «n W 'iip e ri Ha«SNV St. Louis — Released kicker Steve Los Angeles San Francisco 10 Moeller High School. three nmning backs whose individual registering a higher rating with the Little and signed kicker...... Neil.... O'Donoghue...... -ighL- Eagles, came to Harvard In 1971 with DeLamielleure, who came to the to slightly more than $3 million for I gua According to published reports, after team copped first two games of World Series but he is one totals are within yards of each other. lengths in a prep for the 8150,(X)6 and guard £ric Cunnigham, both free Houston Tampa Bay 9 16 years coaching experience. His Browns for a second-round draft the 13-tournament WCT schedule, board. The Huskers, with Redwine (c)IPMNEA,Iik . agents Restic has been offered the job and of the major leaguers who refuses to talk with the media. Here Billy Jackson is the team leader with added Spinster S.takes at the SeaKto — Cornerback Cornell Webster San Diego Giants 14W son Joe played for Notre Dame and choice next year and a third-round which includes new tournaments in and quarterback Jeff Quinn, the rpiiriMl has accepted it. Lexington track on Oct. 25. Pittsburgh Oakland 10 was drafted by the Chicago Bears of pick in 1982, has found himself the he proves point with tape over his mouth after Wednesday Brussels. Belgium, and Monterrey, “I have no comment at all,” Restic the National Football League In 1979. starting right guard for the Browns. night’s game. (UPI photo) Mexico. WCT officials said. 16 - EVENING HERALD, Fri., Oct 17, 1980 UConii enjoys EVErhNG HERALD, Fri., Oct. 17, 1980 - 17 winning trail S chool U obld VOL. XXXXVII — No. .5 STDRRS (UPI) — University of “I guess it could be called a little ECAC Dlvslon I-AA player of the Connecticut quarterback Ken confidence builder for us,” Sweitzer week. Sweitzer has made his share of mis­ said about the easy time (k>lgate had "I knew we had the potential to do takes but he sees the 4-1 Huskies with 2-3 Holy Cross. what we’ve done,” he said. "Our Annie musical back on their way to a winning tradi­ "But we can't let.it get to our schedule is easier than in the past Season tion. heads. Ck)lgate could have done the after dropping teams like Army, ‘Tve made mistakes mentally,” same thing to us,” he said. “They Navy and Rutgers. I’m just damn Sweitzer said as he prepared for blew Holy Cross out early and almost happy and proud of all of us.” ,at Bushnell Saturday’s clash with Holy Cross at blew us out early.” Sweitzer has rushed for 134 yards, begins Worcester, Mass. After the game, Huskies’ coach completed 63 passes for 961 yards "I haven't thrown the ball when I Walt Nadzak called the victory the and is averaging 219 yards in total great success should have and a few times I’ve biggest in his four years at U(5onn. offense. thrown a few interceptions when I With a little over four minutes The Bushnell came alive on Oct. 2, pays off. for lOH should have held onto the ball,” said remaining in the game and the “Overall, I’m just happy to be 1980 when “Annie” came to Hart­ Harvie Presnell played Oliver the Madison, Ckmn., Junior. Huskies down 21-17, ^ ey got the ball taking part with 10 other guys on ford. Pure entertainment from Warbucks and succe^ed in making y / > ' t ' I on their own 7 yard line and drove 93 offense who are working real hard,” beginning to end, twelve-year-old star the transition from an uptight, • • I ■ The Huskies, off to their best start J The 1980-81 ^^eason for the Instruc­ yards for the winning score. Rosanne Sorrentino stole every heart overworked multimillionaire, to the since 1958, were off last week and Sweitzer said. tors of the Handicapped (IOH( is now defeated (Colgate, 24-21, two weeks In the touchdown drive, Sweitzer “The feeling is there this year,” he with her golden voice and superb ac­ luvable "Daddy Warbucks" at the , , ^ 0 , 4 % ting skills. plays end. Both Presnell’s imposing in full swing. This year will be the ago. completed four passes for 63 yards, said. "It's so good to just go into the 3 ^ caught a pass for 7 yards on a half­ “ Annie" is situated in New York appearance and magnificient voice 25th anniversary of the group and "Beating Colgate was such a big locker room. This year is such a big promises to be a successful one. lOH win, going into the open date,” back option and scored the winning turnaround for our program. Our City, in the midst of the Great were strong additions to the produc­ touchdown on a 13-yard run. Depression. The musical saga tion. is an organization that teaches men­ Sweitzer said. “I would have dreaded goal is to build a winning tradition, tally and physically handicapped peo­ For his performance against revolves around a young orphan Last, but far from least, is being at 3-2 and going to play Holy and we have the athletes to do it." ple how to swim. This year tqenagers Colgate, Sweitzer was named determined to locate her parents. Rosanne Sorrentino who played the Smile didn^t last long Cross, another Division I-A team.” Sweitzer says the switch to the from Manchester, Vernon,’Bolton, Colgate defeated Holy Cross last Yankee Ck>nference offensive Player wishbone offense has been successful Instead, however, Annie is adopted vivacious, outspoken and happy An­ nie. It was easy to forget that Miss Rockville, Tolland and South Wind­ Colorado’s Ron Delorme smiles as he frown when referee ruled an icing had been week 38-7. of the week and was also named because "it fits the talent we have.” by Oliver Warbucks, a m ulti­ millionaire businessman, and lives Sorrentino is but twelve years old, as sor come to the Manchester High watches puck slide between legs of Quebec called which nullified goal in NHL game. happily ever after in traditional her voice and acting were outstan­ School pool every Sunday to teach goalie Michel Plasse. The smile turned to a ,(UPI photo) musical style. ding. The fiery red head delighted their student basic swimming skills. Although the entire "Annie" cast her Hartford audience with the ever There are 57 instructors presently in Morgan sorry was magnificient, standouts included popular "Tomorrow” and "Maybe” lOH to teach students. Thirty students from Mansfield Training Patricia Drylie as Miss Hannigan, tunes. Miss Sorrentino’s ease and - *j>- 7 the five orphans and Harvie Presnell poise on the stage was the key to the School come by bus to participate in 6corebQQrcl _ as Oliver Warbucks. show's success. the Sunday swim program. Patricia Drylie brought zest to the Although Bushnell’s acoustics are This year’s first fund raiser will be •SPORTS ON TV Boston 100—1 Second: he sounded off Calgarv 110-2 colorful Miss Hannigan character. not the best, the cast's fine use of a mobile bake sale on Nov. 8. The J . Irincts-Kepe 2. Dapej-kuna First poriod-l. Boston Bourque 1 ______eVEWINO______3. Gendral-Coiia HOUSTON (UPI) - Houston was worth more and never agreed projection bridged any difficulties bake sale is an annual event, and is iJunathan. Milleri. 17 f:0 2. Calvary. 4. Cikiili tenjaiiaw Miss Hannigan received great 8:30 Plell 2 (Nilsson. Kautakallioi. 19.32 6. Lei»di-Zana Astros second baseman Joe Morgan, that regular late inning insertion of applause and laughter as she nipped that may have otherwise been pre­ one of the major fund raisers of the (B) I960 Hit^mational Racquat* i’enalties -O Heilly. {tos.3 (B. Holt. Cal. GOLF LkazaMKandtt 8. kriaea l-etl-('ook 2-2-64 Beatles memorabilia shown Brad Woodhouse; male sergeant-at- (B) SportaCantar Van. OfJ. Mcllhargev. Phi. 13:01. Flcisner-Jenkins 2 2 - 6 4 rttik came out. casions, he took himself out when he proved that past acting experience the United States has a new musical. 12.*00 • Wilson. Phi. 17 16 arms, Tim Kenefick; and female Powell-Spradlin 2-31-64 I.UndiaHak 2.Let««-tadv "We didn't really talk about 1981 —Patricia Cone (B) CoNaga FootbaH Pravtaw StK-ond penod-1. Philadelphia. .MacLe- Burns-Crcnshaw 2-32-64 reached third base to allow the sergeant-at-arms, Janet Locke. The 12:30 ish 1 (Hill llolmgreni. 4 f<3 2. Gilder-Terrcll 2-32-64 3. k r i^ H-Taira 4.D^T-Nopa other than to say that we would get speedier Landestoy to run for him. S. larpMa-dgitstin i. kazakdkllMitial adult advisor to the group is Richard (B) Top Rank Bojclng Vancouver. Fra.ser 2 iSmyl. Gradin', Jamieson-Masserio 31- 33-64 together soon.” 3KW 19:« Penalties-Williams! Van. 3:.'6. Bcard-Eichelbcrger 30- 34-64 7. Nipa-lerteen t. Irinps-Kasca Smith said he met Morgan after at convention for fans Conti. Due to the loss of many (B) SportaCantar Mcllhargcv Phi.f. 47. Mcllhargev. Phi. Bryant-Hager 31- 33-64 Saks Zeg»4)larTeta Morgan spoke to Paul Orzeck of the Astros elimination from the Foreigners 20 00. Denl-McNickle 2 2 - 6 4 The Beatles were by far the and relive the good old days of the explaining how the whole hoax was seniors last year, instructors for this 3:30 'Third period—3. Philadelphia. MarI.eish Siith: radio station KILT after Sunday’s O IntamatlonalOotf Erskine-'Thompson 3004-64 championships and that the meeting greatest rock and roil group to started. year are needed. If anyone is in­ 2 I Dailey'.3 17 4. Vancouver. Schmautr Fergus-Hancock 2-31--64 l.Pai9>4Wand 2. leiatdhCtia playoffs loss to Philadelphia. He said was much like meetings held with sixties. The Beatles were once again 4:30 2 'McCarthy. Boldirevi. fiio f.. Gardner-Maltbie 2-32-64 3. kazikal I4artuten 4. ZefaeHmtla I emerge on the music scene in the Also, special guests were the terested in becoming an lOH instruc­ (B) PKA FuH Contact Karata Vancouver. R'ota 1 iBoldirev. McCarthy i. he was disappointed field manager atop their pedestals and have yet to McCumber-Sikes 34^1-6f. 5. kaiBM-bis I 5. JaseTU$ca players. welcome early 1960’s. Their music and their members of a Beatle-impersonation tor and teaching the handicapped to 13 if, 6. Vancouver Fra.ser 3 iSmyT Blackburn-Blackburn 34-31-66 7 . Geno-iaiies come down again. These conventions Gradim. 16 f6 7. Vancouver. WilljamS2 8. Napalfattii Virdon took him out in the eighth in­ “A number of players came by to Recently there has been an abun­ Menry-Hinson 2-33-66 Saks Udy-lam »eta appeal were so widespread that it have now grown into large, well band called the Neatles. The Neatles swim, contact any of the officers or ' Butler, Brasar' IR:W Penalties— Fraser Bvman-Simpson 2-33-65: ning and that he did not expect to say goodbye and I congratulated dance of club announcem ents the major obstacles that a new stu­ Van. 19 33 Seveatk seems they have made a major and specialize in early Beatles music and come to the Manchester High School Cliafec-Donald 2-32-66 Outstanding dent faces when being exposed to a organized events, drawing large Shots on goal-Vancouver lMl-18-40 (.’arr-Shaw 22-6F, return next yeaij, them and we talked about the booming over the intercom during se­ l.la a m 2. kgvstn lasting impact on the future of rock crowds who come from miles around gave a sampling of their music in a pool on Sunday afternoons ^ 12:30. Hockey Philadelphia 10 14-14 -:B Ferenr-Slorey 34-31-66 "Virdon this year often replaced series,” Smith said. “Joe’s was no cond period homeroom, trying to per­ new environment, and I am sure in (ioalies- Vancouver, Brodeur Philadel B Ford-Milatiovich 34-31-66 i . i n » iGeno One of the reasons for the music. to see old movies, hear Beatle imper­ mini concert at the convention. S. Faasto time she will feel right at home at Linda Weiss phia, Pc*eters A— 17.07?. Uean-Pale 2-33-6f. 6 lose Morgan with Rafael Landestoy, who different from the others. He did success of the Manchester suade some of these fresh new The Beatles maintained this pin­ If you are one who believes that the Gilbert-Jones 2-33-6T: 7.8aRy 8.llasca has greater quickness than the older want to say to me that he was sorry MHS. sonations, and buy rare albums, Siks larturen sophomores, tired juniors, and vin- nacle of rock stardom throughout the Beatles are only a part of the past, KiK‘h-Sirange 2-32-65. Morgan. Morgan believed experience Community College soccer Another facet of our club is the books and other memorabilia. Urelller-Soli 2-32-ff CigMk; that what he said got out.” 'tage seniors, to join their' entire era until finally, and inev- you need only to go to a Beatles con­ Morley-Shortridge 31-34-66 squad this fall has been the American Abroad Program. This in­ On Oct. 10,11 and 12, Southern NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Basketball J Barber-Klein 2-33-66 1. Hweda-laam 2. )aapai4WMd organizations. They have used every tiably, in 1970 the pressures of fame Connecticut State College housed vention to discover that the Beatles Campbell Conference . Uland-Levinson 31-34-66 3. latcaran-lbts I 4. kan-Rasca play of goalie Mark Pastula. means of persuasion, including volves a student from Manchester Patrick Division and fortune caused them to split up. Liverpool Productions’ third annual are alive and well and thriving in the DO IT DAILY - e x e r c is e YOUR BrillonHardm 2-33-65: S. ieseToanet 6. I posters, announcements, and literal- who has the opportunity to travel to a W L T Pts GF GA Chancey-Walzei 22-6f: 7. FaasttTspj Series brings business The South Windsor resident Even though the group no longer eighties. I.CoM4anda MIND with the crossword puzzle in NY Islanders 18 12 Cole-Hawkes 2-33-6f. foreign country. There he or she will New England Beatles convention. Saks Orkea H-Ircaraze I has been credited with four iy dragging students to their existed, it would have been impossi­ Calgary 16 17 Murphv-Smith 2-33-66 PHILADELPHIA (U P I)-T h ere’s One of the big winners is the newly spend the entire summer living with Dealers from ail over New England Cathy Cochran the Evening Herald. Philadelphia 16 14 Cadle-Powers 2-33-66 Rntli: shutouts and has turned aside meetings. ble to erase the marks they had showed up for this weekend of Washington D Hill-M Hill 31-36-66 one group which will come away opened Franklin Plaza Hotel. Even One problem, though, has a typical family that is considered NY Rangers NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOC Aaron-Caldwell 2-33-66 1. FaKSta-Mmka 2. Renede-kpa 68 of 77 opponent scoring made. Their music was still very celebration in honor of the Beatles. Smythe Division Eastern Conference Eaks-Rohde 34-33-66 3. fiena-kcaraza k 4. Orkea 94m I winners from the World Series, before all of its rooms were finished manifested itself out of ail of these typical of that country or region. This much alive, as was their image, if W L T Pts GK <;iA Atlantic Division Hatalskv-I^oulev 34-2-66 S. Evtckia-landa i lascaranTcenel regardless of the outcome on the for occupancy, it had been selected attempts to date. The Cougars past summer Jennifer Sullivan. Mary One of the special guests at the Chicago 3 0 1 ? 16 12 W L Pci GB Terry-Tliorpe 34-33—66 7. Iinain-Zulaica I I. fese-kife clubs recruiting at once: people just not in the public eye, at least in the convention was Mr. Jose Glaser, a Colorado 3 0 0 6 13 f New York 2 01 (tt) - Brcwer-Niehols 2-34-4» Saks ftanny-laland playing field — Philadelphia's as World Series headquarters and its have won their last seven Holt, and Melissa Spiel traveled to Courts visited don’t know what most of these clubs hearts of their fans. Vancouver 3 1 0 6 a) 11 Boston 2 1 6b" 'z Halldorsun-Quigley 34-33-66 businesses. rooms were snapped up by the Kan­ Germany, Greece and Israel, respec­ specialist on the "Paul is Dead" St. Louis 2 1 1 16 17 New Jersey 2 2 'iiw I Kite-Mahalfey 342-66 Tenth: starts and entertain Mt. are. Many students have enquired: During the group’s seven year hoax. In 1969 a small group of fans in Seniors taking Law in American thought to their futures and especial­ Edmonton 0 3 0 0 6 12 Philadelphia 2 2 fO) I Kratzert-Rodriguez 362-66 I ieneda Thacher Longstreth, head of the sas City Royals and out-of-town tively. All three girls had a chance to Winnipeg 0 2 0 U Washington 1 2 33:< I'z Wachusett C.C. Saturday at 2 what is lOH, FSA, or SAA, and of reign as rock superstars, hundreds of Society, or Law and Order were able ly their careers. They were then T 9 Mcla?ndon-Thomps'in 342-66 4.hwi Ohio found “clues” on an album Wales Conference Greater Philadelphia C3iamber of media representatives. witness the everyday life of their ('entral Division 4 kcaraial course that all-time favorite the products took the Beatles name from cover leading them to believe that to observe the Connecticut judicial given the opportunity to ask the Norris Division W I. Pit GH Commerce, estimates the first two o’clock. host families, but more importantly, 8 Orkea ■ Michael Broadhurst, resident Simulation Games Club? A certain dolls and lunchboxes to wallpaper system firsthand recently. They judge questions. After answering all W L T Pts GF GA Atlanta 2 u I Ui) - games will attract about 10,000 out- manager, said without the pennant they were able to compare and con­ Paul McCartney was dead. They Los Angeles 2 1 0 4 Indiana 2 1 667 |Kepa 4.10 4.20 for just the two games. If the series do more business in the bars and sive end Mel Land on waivers raisers, including our popular citrus Philadelphia at Toronto 7 laiar« fiante 4.40 life. Guidance Dept, Bulletin observe the case all day, but they Cleveland^). Washinglonffi hury returns for the sixth and seventh restaurants, although other Minnesota al Calgary San Antonio in’ I>etroit99 knela 2-4 S39.40 Tuesday and are expected to add Each year AFS hosts foreign stu­ fruit sale in March: AFS weekends, restaurant managers were predic­ students who wish to participate in also wanted to view some civil cases. Vancouver at Montreal Boston 110. Milwaukee tUt Windsor Locks at South MacU 2-4 S205i0 games, that figure would double. another back and defensive lineman dent, who spends the school year when for a weekend foreign students The Preliminary Scholastic Ap­ Saturday, Oct. 25, at MHS. The PSAT Detroit at Hartford Friday s Games Trilcda 2-4-7 S54U0 ting a drop after an early seating as the nationwide scholarship com­ They hurried upstairs to look for a Buffalo at Pittsburgh New Jersev al Wj.Nhinglon Windsor Eugene D. Hosmer, president of to their roster before Sunday’s game living in Manchester while attending from surrounding towns are hosted measures verbal and mathematical Sacand: fans headed toward the stadium. titude Test/National Merit civil case. They had jp move quickly Colorado at 1.0s Angeles New York at Atlanta Roekville at Windsor 1 Lcjardi OenjaHi 14.40 ILOO 4.W the Convention and Visitors Bureau, with Los Angeles at Candlestick by Manchester students; and our petitions administered by National Boston al St I/hii.s Manchester High. This year we are Scholarship Qualifying Test abilities that are important in college because the court would soon recess Cleveland at Chicago Bolton at Rham 7 k i i^ ■ larra 7J0 S.40 said a four-game series would reap $3 Movie house owners also predicted Park. short term exchange, where students Merit Scholarship Corporation. Kansas ('ilv al Dallas 2k9afM X20 pleased to have Silvia Andrade from (PSAT/NMS()T) will be given on work. It is also the qualifying test for for lunch. When they entered one of Quebec 121-4 Denver at San Diego CROSS COUNTRY million from 11,400 visitors. a drop in business. Juniors should register,for the PSAT Ph'H'nix al Los Angeles M U 1-7 S4140 Cuenca. Ecuador. Silvia is a senior from the high school travel out of Lm Angeles 312-6 the first rooms they saw and en­ Houston at Portland Manrhester/Hall at Fer­ in Room 110 by October 22. The fee is First penod-1. Ixis Angeles. Simmer 2 MecU 1-7 S123J0 here at the high school and her state for a few days. countered an individual voir dire. A 'Dionne. Korabi. 2;2f 2. Los Angeles. Saturday's Gaines mi, 3:3U Tiifecta 1-7-2 S077.II IWk If you are interested in finding out $5. Simmer 3 'Taylor. Dionne. f< (if 3. Washington at Philadelphia TUrt 3 lw»M bN 10.4I Sil 121 L.Giglio-D’Appollonio. American host family is the voir dire is the process by which the .Milwaukee al Clcvelaml Clastonbury/South 8:37 Hickey-Manchester, On Tuesday, Oct. 28, from 11:30 to Quebec. Ftoreii 2 (Richard. Bernier'. 1 ktiica ■ M w l3 il S.40 4i0 I Dmrt tkaSt 9.49 7.41 10:22 Oleksinski-Lebiedz, Armstrongs on Henry Street. So far, more about what activities we have 7:47.4. Los Angeles. Simmer 4 iDionne. Atlanta al Detroit Davidson-Coo.ner. High School Happenings 1:00, there will be an Armed Services attorneys for both sides of a case Bislon al Indiana Catholic at East Catholic, I GairiaM Napa 7.40 S.40 4 )k « Aicaiia Itl planned, stop in at our next meeting, Korabi. IB 4d Penalties-Hardv. LA 4lapalek S.40 Wadas-Macaione. Silvia has found life here in. question prospective jurors for f 3B. Harris.LA.6 3f.Hart.Que.il 28. New Jersev at Chicago 3:30 M b 3 4 U ll9 8:44 Moriarty-Cyr, and when you do, bring a friend Mini-Fair in the Cafeteria lobby. All Dallas at San Antonio M U M S4SJ0 NrfKU M IlNJfl 10:29 Herdic-Lomba, Manchester quite different from that Recently, someone expressed dis­ against East Hartford, with two objectivity. Jurors are questioned in­ DuPont. Que. 12 43. Taylor. LA. 12 43. Coventry at Chenev 2!emke-McFarland. along! branches of the armed services will llalward. LA. 12 43. Dionne. LA. 14 f7 Seattle at Kansas (?iiv M e ta 1-0 SI44JI TrilKta 3-M U7I.M Gamer-Bottaro. which she left back in Ecuador, but satisfaction of our newspaper. HSW touchdowns. Bravo! dividually, or in a group, or both. Denver at Utah TrifacU l-H U712I 8:51 VonDerkoll- explain their programs and enlist­ Ftorek. Que. 17 46. Clackson. Que. 19.ill. Tech, 3:30 19th HOLE 10:38 Andreoli-Whitesell, she has been able to defeat some of Bob Fitzgerald gladly welcomes these exciting and Taylor. LA. 19 06 llouNlon al Golden State ' Manchester/Hall at Fer­ Favtk 7 im 2 M I 2SJ9 141 121 Kozlovitch, Jones- ment procedures. They were also able to observe a S ^ n d period--f.. Quebec Hisliip 3 SAN ANTONIO *UKi S M a n 17.00 0.21 4.40 4 M a k t m u s I 144 4 il Dvorak-Homer. skillful gripes. We can use your ar­ Yearbooks are now being sold in group voir dire which was being held 'Ftorek'. 11:64. 6, Los Angeles. L mi (girls) Howland. Students should check the Shumate 4 22 10. Olberdmg 4 I-l 9. 3 IlMtla I S.I0 4J0 3 M b 9 a 199 Country Club 10:43 Lundell-Taylor, ticles and ideas on Tuesday after- the room adjacent to the cafeteria or Murphy 1 'Simmer l^ewisi. 13 44. 7. .lohnson 0 (VO « (iervin 11 4-7 26. Silas 7 1 C M 7:00 Q M 1-7 $19199 8:58 Agostinelli-Novak, Guidance bulletin board frequently down the hall. Quebec. Ijriviere I (A Slaslnv.Tardif' Clastonbury/South from any yearbook staff member. 9-11 21. Griffin 1 6-7 8. Comne f 4-f 14. M U 3 -S S32J0 M K ta74 $31119 Foltowing are the star­ McNiff. When the court recessed for lunch, 17:27. Pt nally-Lewis. LA.lf 46 (iaie 3 0-1 6, M'xire I 2-4 4, Reslam 10-0 Catholic at Cast Catholic Herman-Rosenthal. College update for notices of Open House programs PM ta S-3 S13I40 Third period-^. Quebec. Richard f 2 T'llals 37 28-.18 UQ TriM 74-3 $1491.19 ting times for the Member- 10:50 Melton-Belluardo, The books are $13. plus an additional they, too, were able to take off. Most (Kiris) T r M S-M IS4MI Twac 9:12 Bonadies-Ferguson, at area colleges. On Saturday, Oct. 'Lariviere. Ftorek i.6 30 9. Los Angeles DETROIT *»i Member Golf Tournament Skinner’LaChappelle. As many seniors may have noticed Athletes of the Week Dept.: fifteen cents for a plastic protective of us occupied the time looking for a Kurab 2 >Terriun. Hopkinsi. 13.14 lU. Tyler 8 3 / 19. Ketscr H 6-7 28, Benson GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Tiftk I M i IM I 4.21 449 Mloganowski-Abraitis. field, Ct.; Oct. 21 at 9:00 - Regis 25, the University of (Connecticut will Los Angeles. Harris2 'unassistedi 19 f9 2 O aM IvTWta 7.20 S.00 100 Saturday: while passing the Guidance Office on cover. Don't regret not buying this 3 0-0 6 l>ing 7 OO 14. Drew 0 (VO 0 $ Inarm I 119 199 9:19 Ottaviano-Gardella, 10:57 Sullivan-Engberg, Seniors Jennifer Hedlund and Paul sponsor a program, “Investigate restaurant, while others put the time Penalliea-Kunter. Que. 2 04. ('lackson Hubbard I 2-2 4. Herron 4 2-2 10. I East Catholic at Coventry 1 M a I MMtib I 2410 140 2 M a SJ9 7:41 Morline-Kiernan, College; Oct. 22 at 9;00 — Tufts book of high school memories. Que.2 29. Ternon, LA.f.lf?, Wells. LA 22 4. Mokeski604H2. RobinsonOtVOO. Orfatelli-Gatzkiewicz. your way to class, a-large October McCluskey are this week's two out­ to use and visited the state capitol. 7 3kti«alCaya 140 Gardella-Zanis. Your Career in Engineering.” On r 27.Tardif Que 6 06 GIRLS SWIMMING M i a I S $39J9 University, Medford, Ma.; Oct. 23 — Fuller I 0-0 2 Totals 42 P-18 99 Q M 2 - I S4il0 Smith-Malis. 11:04 Prior-Shea, Kelly- calendar has been posted in the standing competitors. Miss Hedlund They then met back at the courthouse Shots on goal-Quebe<‘ II 9 7 - 27 lais Nrfacta I S $tS199 9:26 Schotta-Pierro, Tuesday, Oct. 14, the New England San Antonio 2f 29 27 2l-.llE Wethersfield at Macta 24 S24I.N Hood College, Frederick Md.; Oct. 27 Angeles 14 7 12-33 I>elnin 22 26 13 38- 99 Trilada l S-2 $49139 7:48 Flynn-Irish, Seddon- Anderson. hallway on the Guidance bulletin received her award in recognition of MHS should have an active Ski where they boarded the bus for Manchester, 3:30 T r M 2-0-3 S0S4J0 Carlson-Warner. at 9;00 — Keene State, Keene, N.H., Deaconness Hospital School of Nur­ Goahes-Quebei. Dmn Los Angeles Fouletl out - laMig, .Mokeski Total foul Troy. 11:11 Corcoran- board. No, the sole purpose of this her position as the top scorer on the Club. This winter should bring lots of home. Everyone enjoyed the trip and Grahame San Antonio27. fVetroitX Technical- East Catholic at Salk SE 1199 SJ9 119 9:33 Ferguson-Reynolds, at 9:30 — Providence College, sing in Boston will welcome students A-6 490 'Tvlcr Ih'lrtiit crtai h Hobertsun A -4/ a 3EddyM aa 20 40 11.21 S.40 3 la K a ra a I r c u m 199 129 7:55 Sullivan-Sullivan, Finnegan, Eigner-Eigner. calendar is not to help count down the Girls' Varsity Field Hockey Team. snow, considering last year's scarci­ we may return in another month or ’’ Newington, 3:30 4 H i M Kaye-McNamara. Providence, R.I., and at 11;00 — interested in a career in nursing. See 2 topU M d lIJO S.40 12 9 Gordon-Gordon. 11:18 Bolin-Davis, days until June. It is, however, a Mr. McCluskey brought the Indians ty of white stuff. Interested skiers two. Our thanks to Ms. Cathy Cerin- BOSTON <1101 7 lipa Alii I 4.40 Mb3-S$3199 9:40 D.Smith-S.Leone, Fairleigh-Dickenson, Rutherford, the bulletin board for details on these Biril4U-OK Maxwell3b-8I2 ParishB Saturday M U 2-3 U7.40 ParfacU S-3 $MJ9 8:02 Murphy-Sullivan, Plodzlk-Annulli. reminder that June of 81, our gradua­ out from behind, as he led the MHS unite! na and Mr. Zatursky for arranging NY Islanders 2i 3-6 1 2 17. Carr 6 2-2 14. Henderson f 2-2 13, Giguere-T.Leone. N.J. and LaSalle Junior College; Oct. programs and many more offered /M e ta 3-2 S1II.40 Tribcb S-34 SS7199 Giglio-Copeland. tion month and year, is approaching, Football Team to its first victory the trip for then). Detroit 121-4 Hob<-v f fdlf. McHale 5,3-4 13 Ford 4 FOOTBALL 9:47 Moran-Marshall, 28 at 11;00 — Bryant College, Patty Cone during October. First pcriod-l Jislanders dOfl An hibald 4 24 m T'llals 44 2I-3U Manehester at Conard, TriFacU 3-2-7 S4S140 8:16 Dex'.er-Tomkeil, and that the time to think about Trottier 1 'Bourne*. 0 34 2. 110 s u n / ’ I f m k k u im IM9 I IM 199 Hayes-Schaefer. Smithfield, R.I. and at 11:45 — Dean 1:.30 I «ia B.Leone-Rencurrel. colleges is now! < Islanders. Nyslrom I 'Tambel- MILWAI KEE 'Hit* 1129 S 99 119 2 laicarai laml 111 9J9 9:54 Stepanski-Genovesi, Junior College, Franklin, Ma.; Oct. lini. TPotvini, 11 3f 3. Detroit. Ma JohiiMin ll)7-8’_'7 .Mi .lohn.vmftv I’enney at Simsbury, S 29 449 S Ortea ■ M 449 8:23 Sawyer-Watson, WANTED If you'll take note of the calendar, Gage I 'Mahovlich. Smithi. 1019. Calchings 10-02. Buckner f 0-0 )d period 4. Islanders. 10:15 Cirina-Leone, TO BUY Milwaukee :{|S282-110 Glastonliury at Windsor, college representatives to visit MHS. at 10; 30 — St. Francis Hospital Trottier 2 oinl goals Henderson. Winter School of Nursing. 8 fd f. Detroit. Thompson 2 FouUnloul None Total louls Boston 31 1:30 ■ OVER 80 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICEI These representatives will be • McCourt. Lars4mi. II II 6. Milwaukee2h A H.0f2 — FALL CLASSES NOW FORMING— Remember, time is running out! Detroit. Ogrodnick 2 'Lylei. Rockville at Weaver, available for questioning in the 11:43 Penallies — l.angevin. W ASHING TON H«' li30 IMS OYMU’S SCHOOL OF MMTE CLEAN Guidance Office on various dates. Applications for admission to NYI. 9 30. Sutler. NYI 16.27 Hayes f, 3-4 13, Dandridge f 2-2 12 yy atlas bantiy colleges must be submitted to the Third period-7. Islanders, 1 nseld 3 2-2 8. Grevey 6 00 14. Purler 2 Bulkeley at South Wind­ Why not check the calendar and see Tonelli 1 'Nyslrom* 7 17 8. 12.' Ballard 6 04) 12 Ku|n hak I 04)2. sor, 10:30 a.m, when someone from a prospective Guidance Office no later than Nov. Islanders. Kallur 3 'Bossy Mallhews 4 2-3 10, Williamson 6 04) 12 / w •24 Hour Emergency Service USED CARS 24. Applications for scholarships are Langevini, 10 fd 9. Islander's. Totals .B 10-13 88 MON. WED. & FRI. e v e s . 7:00-9:30 college of yours will be visiting the Bossv 3 'Bourne. I)l*olvini. ('LEVKLAND'9U* , Jai Alai Entries also becoming available. Don't let 14:19 10. Detroit. MK'ourt 4 MiU hel) 13 44>». Ford22«6 Robisch FREE INITIAL LESSON — NO CONTRACTS [ D«^r \ * ^ Service school?’ Then, it you have any iTbompsrm. Hubert. 16 34 Pe- 8 (VO 6. Hrao 6 04) 12, Smith 10 4-f, 24 I ivery \ ^ Heating Oils questions about financial aid or ad­ “senioritis” get in the way of making naltiev-Gilberl (served bv l-aimbecrtMVOo. Kinch004)0, C arr3^ FRIDAY ER Labraaleni. Del 13 31 Gillies. 0 6 Pheglev 3 0^) 6 .hirdan 0 04) 0 riic 807 E. MIDDLE TPKE. mission requirements, you can go those college choices now! And don't NYI. If f/ Total.s 40 ti) |:i !iu I lljirMutu rCnaiMhniti straight to the source. ^ forget: that SAA ticket you buy is not Shots on goai-NY Islanders Washington . 19 31216-88 MANCHESTER, CT 849-3863 7^^ 649-4595 9-f.-14-28 Delrnil int goals Grevey 2 Fouled s.k»n.t«ii traiSicus ■"ARCH chief i INSTRUCTOR - I Call Us For Your Home Heating school teams, but it can also be con­ r.8i>in«sMal IZttaM never have the time to stop and look Kesch Detroit Gilbert A- <*ul N<»nt* Total louK Washington 2 SENSEI TOM MEU 1229 sidered on a college application as 12214 ( level.ind II A 4046 M l And Air Conditioning Needs .. TEL I over the calendar, the agenda for the rest of October is as follows: Oct. 20 participation in Student Assembly! at 10:15 — Fairfield University, Fair- dill Lampson IH - EVKN|Nli Hf;KAI.U. P>i., Oct 17, 1 ^ EVENING HERALD, Fri,, Oct. 17, 1980 - 19 P e q io n — Board wants school for offices CD program foes By DOMNA HOLI.AM) creasing or is unavailable, the selectmen for town facilities is located would require Center Road would be needed. llerulil tiurrt-Mpondent decided to use the 25 acre parcel owned by road building. Preuss said, "The decision rests* with the town. If the town gets the K-4 Building, the 5-8 the school board. If they say no to the Union Church HOI,TON— The Board of Selectmen The Board of Education is studying op­ Building could be isolated from the town starting campaign proposal do you still plan to utilize the 25 will officially inform the Board of Educa­ tions for the future use of the school facilities by barriers such as fences and acres?" The answer was yes. By MARY KITZMANN something that was purely at the meeting received tion it wants the entire Bolton Elementary buildings because of declining enrqllment. trees. There is enough land to also use Preuss said, "Then I think you should ADVERTISIHG honors pastor Herald Reporter economic." letters to distribute. The School (K-4 Building! for town office use. The board plans to make a decision in some of it for recreational purposes. lay all the cards on the table and tell them At a special meeting Thursday, four MANCHESTER - The Sweeney, who takes concerend citizens had RATI November as to whether it will conintue The town business and school buildings (the school board) in any event you want 1 D A Y ..... iV iw n M i of the five selectmen decided '‘somebody using all three school buildings or whether >l/h/a Concerned Citizens for “credit or blame” for in­ about 10,000 of the letters \i;H\ON —The social room of' Union would have separate access roads. to develop the 25 acres.” 'ffumt AH itially proposing the two- urging a "No vote on ques­ 3 DAYS ...IStswraH* has to make somebody move. " all or part of a building may become Manchester's Develop­ ('on(;ret!ational Church has been dedicated and named The same isolation and separation could Ryba said. "The land is vacant and we 6DAYS ...irMHBMi The selectmen will request the elenrien- available for town office use. ment opened its campaign year “cooling off period” tion six” printed. Ihe I’aul J. Bowman Mall in honor of the Rev. Paul be made possible if the entire 5-8 Building don't know which other way to turn. With 26DAYS . . . V ’tm vim tary building for town use with plan's to The school board wanted ‘‘a reaction against the Community recalled the events leading The meeting was dotted Bowman who retired last month as pastor after many was given to the town. all. the setbacks in land acquisition so far. to the April vote. He noted 18WORD,|l.10aMi years ol service to the church. develop the 2S-plus acre parcel of land the from the Board of Selectmen so we can First Selectman Henry Ryba said he mi Development Block Grant with encouragements such that town owned parcel is just sitting the Board of Directors HAPPY AQiS •2.80 "As Paul Bowman's long and fruitful pastorate Bolton Elementary and Bolton Center react" and the selectmen, after studying dosen't care to have part of either building T hursday night on a as “let’s snow them under there. I think we should use it. All we need familiar note. The group adopted a fair housing this time,” and ”we can do ends. It seems only fitting that a portion of this church Schools are situated on for town office various proposals decided to request the because "I don't care to have educational is right-of-ways to open it up. " played a tape from a Hart­ program which HUD would it again.” ’The residents building be namecl in his honor so that generations of use, a new fire station, a new highway elementary building because of the and town functions in the same building.” When askeci if the entire K-4 Building ford radio station in which not accept. The town, at voted to withdraw in Ap­ Union Church yet unborn will remember his years of garage and a dog pound. A transfer sta­ available land. Selectman Douglas Cheney supported could be used by the town Ryba said yes - Plans of “moving blacks HUD’S insistence, then ril 1979 by a 3 to 1 margin. service to the church." the Prudential Board said. tion, also needed by the town, it being The entire parcel on which the schools the proposal and said, "I like the idea of for town offices, a town meeting hall and and Hispanics to the sub­ adopted a program which ’The group also voted to The board decided that the social room, "the scene proposed for Freja Park. are situated is 25.26 acres. If plans go using that property for a central location. by our senior citizens. Efforts of this board and earlier boards forward it will be used as a central site for urbs” were discussed. included spot checks to write President Carter and Ptrtontli of so many occasions of fellowship and unity in Union The property is just sitting there. If we Selectman Aloyisus Ahearn said, "I determine whether dis­ to obtain land for such facilities and for a town facilities whether or not either of the The tape was an inter­ Ronald Reagan asking Church. " is the aooroDriate part of the building to be can improve it, fine. " think the taxpayers will respond positively crimination exists in BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN town owned dump have met with failure. two school buildings are given up. view of Wilbur Smith, their opinions of federal in­ named in Pastor Bowman’s honor. A plaque will be Selectman Carl Preuss felt the parcel to using a parcel of land the town already Manchester. TICKETS! Great seats near Because the facilities are needed and former fair housing direc­ tervention, and how the stage. Delivered to your placed over the door into the hall. A road or roads would have to be built, was pretty well landlocked and direct owns instead of paying $2 million for Rather than racist, There will also be a portrait of Mr. Bowman hung in because the cost of land is continually in­ but apparently wherever the central site tor, apparently before he town might oppose HUD. home. 201-483-4420 after 5:00 access to either Notch Road or Bolton another piece of land." Sweeney says the town’s p.m. the hall. came to Manchester about two years ago. Eugene residents tired from and Legion group At a special worship service on the last Sunday of Special program then balked at the federal Pastor Bowman's service, he and his wife, Harriett, Sierakowski explained sets meeting □ EMPLOYMENT evacuation. Capt. Joseph McCooe, training of­ Smith was discussing the pressure. were given a farewell party and a retirement purse of Members of the Town of Manchester Fire “Because the program contributions from church members and friends of the ficer, explains the proper way to use a fire alleged plan of former SOUTH Selectmen propose changes in charter Department conducted a special program at Deputy Mayor Nicolas Car­ involves racial objectives Kelp Wanted 13 church, other church organizations and the fire depart­ alarm box to Betty Ann Morrissey, dietician. WINDSOR—Members o f. the Meadows Convalescent Home Tliursday bone to open Hartford to we were accused of being the Abe E. Miller FULL 'HME THIRD SHIFT - ment, Pastor Bowman is chaplain for the fire depart­ Board of Education, examine and review (Herald photo by Pinto) racist,” Sweeney said. ment. By DONNA HOLI.AND Also: To adopt, and amend policies per­ ding. " to instruct staff members in the proper use of the middle-classes by American Legion Auxiliary Part time second shift. Apply those budgets and then prepare an taining to the conduct, employment, and Ahearn said, "1 think most of the power fire extinguishers and the proper method of moving lower-income “Because we objected to Unit 133 will hold a special 7-EIeven on Center Street, llcruld (^urrcttponilciil between 7 and 3. executive budget. termination of town employees consistc* should be with the Board of Selectmen. families to the suburbs. the federal intervention.” meeting on Tuesday at 8 BOLTON— Past problems the Board Under the current charter, the Sweeney charged the with the standards of professional per­ When you spread power out you breed dis­ The concerned citizens p.m. at the Society for HOUSEKEEPERS. Full time of Selectmen and the Board of Finance selectmen only review the budgets under sonnel administration." aster. " k were the driving force racist tabling was reminis- Savings. including some week-end Mayor will attend regarding who has the authority to do their jurisdiction. The selectmen are Selectman Douglas Cheney thought the He said, "The selectrtfen are the key State educators pleased behind the town's decision cent of the 1950’s ’The Unit will host the work. Mature and responsible what, resulted in the selectmen proposing proposing the word budget be changed to changes would eliminate problems to withdraw from the HUD “McCarthy Era.” “We individual. Apply Riverside figures and the First Selectman should be South Windsor Republican Health Care (lenter. 5^2167. school conference several changes to the town charter. executive budget throughout that section ' between the selectmen and the Board of the accountable figure in town," Community Development were unproperly, unduly, Committee, the South The Charter Revision Commission will of the charter. Finance as to who has the authority to set Ryba wants to be able to review the Block Grant program for and unfairly accused of Windsor Rotary, and the NURSES AIDES.Positions \ ERNON— Mayor Marie Herbst will be attending an have a public hearing Monday at 7:30 p.m. Under the selectmen's authority section salaries. budgets because "a lot of boards do not test scoring offers two years in April of 1979. being racist,” he said. The two junior high school girls available on 7-3, 3-11, 11-7 all-day conference on the topic of school closings Oct. 22. at the Community Hall to hear and of the charter, the selectmen are Selectman Aloysius Ahearn said, "It's a anticipate their needs. " The campaign at that time “benefits of the shifts. Good starting wages who attended Laurel Girls’ and benefits. Excellent oppor­ The conference will be held at the Branford House receive comments about any aspect of the proposing two additions. They are: “To' good idea. It will put the responsibility The selectmen are also recommending HARTFORD (UPI) - Education About 45,000 ninth graders around The scoring sessions will be held on was dotted with charges moratorium” have, he State, which was made town government. tunity to learn nurses aides Executive Conference Center in Groton, It is being spon­ annually adopt wage scales, salaries and where it is supposed to be." making it mandatory for the Board oi officials who were pressed to find the state wrote the essays Oct. 7 four Saturdays and three weekdays the withdrawal was racial­ said, led him to believe it is possible through the finan­ skills. We will provide you sored by the State Department of Education in coopera­ One of the changes proposed by the fees for all persons employed by the town Objections by Selectman Carl Preuss Finance to have a public hearing on the enough teachers to score writing during the second year of the three- next month in Hartford, Meriden, ly motivated. A day after in the best “economic in­ cial contributions of the with complete orientation in tion with the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities, selectmen is for them to receive budgets except the first selectman. Board of over the word annually will be checked by proposed budget and to advertise such proficiency tests a year ago say day testing program to determine if New Haven, Norwalk, Norwich and the vote, three residents terests to remain out of the Committee and Rotary. your position, as well as on the the Connecticut Association of School Administrators, prepared by all town offices, agencies, Selectmen and employees of the Board of they’ve had more offers than they Waterbury. filed suit, claiming dis­ program.” job training. Apply: Riverside the town attorney. Preuss said, "1 have hearings. 'Under the current charter, the students need remedial help upon The purpose of Girls’ Health Care Center. 528-2167. the Connecticut Association of School Business Officials, commissions and boards, except the Education. nothing against the intent. It's the wor- hearings do not have to be advertised. know what to do with this year. entering high school. Each essay will be read by two crimination in the Sweeney maintains if the State is to trainleaders for and the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education. Joan Baron, project manager for Except for the writing samples, teachers with students expected to withdrawal. town rejoins, Manchester America’s future and MECHANIC - Experienced in The purpose of the conference is to help school the ninth grade testing program, said the other portions of the tests will be score a combined total from the two This year for an advisory will have to build 150 units prepare, youth for their all phases of truck and auto superintendents and business officials, school board far more than the 550 teachers scored by machines under state con­ teachers of at least two points of a referendum on Nov. 4 on of low-income housing, and roles as active citizens. repairs, gas and diesel. possible eight. the municipal costs in Minimum 5 years experience. members and chief selected town officials to deal with needed to score the essays at tracts with National Evaluations whether to rejoin the Must have own tools. Start at the current problem of school closings which education sessions around the state had offered Systems of Amherst, Mass., and the Ms. Baron said the topic of the es­ program one of the terms of services such as $7.00 per hour. All Fringe officials feel will continue well into the present decade. to accept the task for which they will New Jersey based College Entrance say couldn’t be disclosed yet because withdrawal proponents utilities and education, Benefits. For appointment Topics to be covered by the conference will include: be paid $35 a day. Examination Board. some students were still taking main spokesman, Joseph would be borne by the call 688-7596. Population and enrollment trends, how to approach the ^ "This.year we’re in very good -Ms. Baron attributed the large make-up examinations after missing Sweeney, former town property owner and not the lower-income renter. SCREEN PRINTER - problem of school closings, steps in the decision process, shape and we feel wonderful about number of teachers willing to read the initial round last week. director, centered the Applications are presently community involvement and public relations, how to it,” she said Thursday. the essays this year to endorsements "It's a question based on the objections to the HUD However, he wasn’t being taken for an opening in maintain a closed school, alternate uses and options, “They're from all over the state, of the state testing program by two student’s personal experiences that program on the economics “claiming no one had NOTICES our fcreen Printing Depart- leasing vs. selling, renovation, financing and governance. all age levels," she said, adding the associations of English teachers everyone would be able to answer,” of building low-income biased feelings” in the vote' 1 — Lost and Found ment. Experience is The cost for the entire conference, including lunch and This lady can show specific numbers weren't available. she said. "The idea is to give a topic a year and a half ago, but 2 — Personals desirable. Excellent benefits. ym which hadn't backed the program housing. He has explained 3 — Announcements Individual must apply in Per­ dinner, will be $55 per person. Those wishing to attend “All I can say is there are many publicly last year. just to allow the kids to write. The many times the stressed the economic 4 — Entertainment son to : (Quality Name Plate, should register by Oct. 15. Anyone wishing more informa­ more than neJ^ed. Some teachers “I think we can attribute a lot of idea is not to trick kids or make it dif­ withdrawal was motivated arguments. 5 — Auctions Fisher Hill Road, East tion should contact Richard S. Krissinger of the school asked if they could score at all seven our success to their support," she ficult,” through concerns the ren­ “We are not a lily-white FINANCIAL Glastonbury. facilities unit of the state Department of Education. 566- sessions." said, adding the teachers wanting to Al-Anon meeting tal units “do not carry community,’’ Sweeney 8 — Bonds-Stocks-Mortgages said. “I believe the 1980 9 — Personal Loans WOMAN 18 and over to work 7880. Last year, the state had to ask local score essays included active and EAST HARTFORD - Al-Anon their own weight on the tax 10 — Insurance in plastic manufacturing full census figures will show ahetterwayto school districts to provide teachers retired teachers, substitutes and will meet Saturday night at 8:30 in rolls" and that Manchester EMPLOYMENT ana part time shifts. Call 646- in proportion to student populations college students teaching composi­ the Burside Methodist Church, Main citizens were tired of we have a sprinkling of 13 - Help Wanted 2920 between 10:00 a.m. and to read and score the essays. federal intervention. blacks and Hispanics. They 14 — Business Opportunities 4 .00 p.m. tion courses. St. 15 — Situation Wanted Charles Boggini, con­ are not all in one Armentano to speak EDUCATION FULL TIME BABYSITTER cerned citizen leader, com­ neighborhood, but NEEDED for 9 month old in­ sprinkled all over town.” 18 — Private Instructions VER.NON— Francis Armentano, assistant town Group plans potluck supper mented the tape was 19 — Schools-Classes fant in Manchester or Elast The members were 20 — Instructions Wanted planner, will be the guest speaker at the Oct. 28 meeting evidence Smith changed Hartford area.Call 2894)665 saw time hanking. urged to explain their after 6:00 p.m., or weekends. of the Northwest Rockville Neighborhood Association. MANCHESTER —The Recently installed of­ Margaret Judd, cheer; Winslow Manchester, Mrs. “his doctine as housing REAL ESTATE objections to friends and 23 — Homes for Sale She’s Betty Vossen at Heritage Savings. ficers will conduct the Mrs, Winslow Manchester, coordinator, and tried to The meeting will be at 7:30 p.m, in the community Girls Friendly Society Karl Nielsen, and Mrs. neighbors. The 30 persons 24 — Lots-Land for Sale room of First Federal Savings, Park Place. Armen'ano Sponsors will have a meeting. They are Mrs. pecans; Mrs. Leonard John Trotter. make a racial issue out of 25 — Investment Property As the head teller, she makes sure that 26 — Business Property will discuss a revised zoning district proposal for potluck supper tonight in Woodrow Trotter, presi­ Lawson, program; and 27 — Resort Property LOVING, RESPONSIBLE, Rockville, which he prepared. things run smoothly at the windows. Betty the parish hall of St. dent; Mrs. Everett Kelsey, Mrs. Adelaide Block, 26 — Real Estate Wanted GRANDMOTHERLY LADY As a member of the Mayor's Revitalization Task Mary's Episcopal Church. vice president; Mrs. telephone. MI8C. SERVICES to share my home Rent Free adds tellers and even works at the window Richard Cherrington, 31 — Services Offered in exchange for evening and Force, Armentano will be seeking citizen input on A business meeting will Members of the refresh­ occasional Babysitting for Rockville’s problems. All residents with an interest in secretary; Mrs. Richard ment committee are Mrs. 32 — Painting-Papering herself to save you time. With prompt, follow supper. The group 33 — Building-Contracting healthy 8 year oId.649-%02. zoning and other issues pertaining to Rockville are in­ Harris, treasurer; Mrs. William Hunniford, Mrs. BUYING 34 Roofing-Siding will make plans for a vited to attend. efficient service, she gets you out of the bank public luncheon Thursday, Thomas Rollason, Ceretha Lechausse, Miss 35 — Heating-Plumbing DENTAL ASSISTANT. devotional chairman; Mrs. Gertrude Liddon. Mrs. 36 — Flooring Experience necessary. Salary sooner. And you can find Betty at the Main Oct. 30, 37 — Moving-Truckmg-Storage negotiable. Excellent 36 — Services Wanted benefits. Manchester area. GOLDS SILVER MISC. FOR SALE Office here in Manchester. Multi-girl office. CaU 646-3003. 40 — Household Goods Dance classes set You can also find her busy planting her WOODSIDE ANTIQUES BUTINS GOLD & SILVER PRICES ARE 41 — Articles lor Sale SALESWOMAN for retail 42 — Building Supplies fabric store. Part time with SOUTH Vt INDSOR— The Recreation Department is backyard flower garden. Betty prides HIGHER NOW THAN IN RECENT 43 — Pets-Birds-D^s some experience necessary. 44 _ Musical Instruments Retail experience preferred. offering dance classes for students in grades 1 through 12. MONTHS. THIS IS YOUR 45 — Boats & Accessories The class content will be flexible for each group and in­ herself on growing the 46 — Sporting Goods Apply So-Fro Fabrics. Burr 828(0 GOLD,.'and SILVER 47 — Garden Products Comer Shopping Center, 1151 struction will respond to the interests of the students. OPPORTUNITY TO CASH IN most beautiful roses 8100^ 48 — Antiques Tolland Turnpike, Lessons will be held in the Community Center, Room WENTIRSTIMTLTORTIESraT YOUR UNWANTED GOLD & 49 — Wanted to Buy Manchester. 16. in Manchester. She puts • CliuBii|t*lmk|«Cil» RENTALS The dance lessons are scheduled for the following SILVER 52 — Room s lor Rent NURSES AIDES. Experience a lot of effort into her • iMtIilltaiMWMIlM 53 — Apartments for Rent preferred. Full or part time. times: • USlHliiiSilnr 820 to 54 — Homes fr^r Rent Immediate openings on 3:00 to Wednesday classes: 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. for grades 10 garden. And also into 890 55 — Bubti'dss lor Rent 11:00 p.m. and 11:00 to 7:00 through 12 and 4 p.m, to 5 p.m. for grades 4 through 6. WE ARE BUYING 56 — Resort Property lor Rent a.m. shifts. Contact Mrs. ^ .-... . u 57 - Wantfe tc Rr.r,* her work. Ferguson, DNS, at 2^9573. Thursday classes: 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. for grades 7 through 58 — M isc for Rent 9 and 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. for grades 1 through 3. TOP PRICES PAIDll Come in and see Betty. * * ★ IDS bonus on class rings with (Ms ad ★ ★ ★ GOLD AND SILVER AUTOMOTIVE EARN EXTRA $$$s for The fee for the eight-week course is $8. 61 - Autos for Sale Christmas. Sell Avon part Class size is limited so those interested should sign up Whether it’s a deposit or '^ 1 0 PINE ST. • MANCHESTER PHONE 643-4639 62 — Trucks for Sale time. Call 523-9401 or 648-3885. as soon as possible. Classes have begun this week. COrnsrotHTFD. RD. ANDPINEST. u n ilD e a e IN ALL FORMS 63 — Heavy Equipment for Sale (OLD KINGS BLDG.) n u u n s D-S 64 — Motorcycles-Bicycles withdrawal, she’ll show 65 — Campers-Trailers-Mobile JEWELRY * COINS Homes HROBVTK VITICE you a better way to save 66 — Automotive Service Court of Probate. BK SHVMeS! BK SXVIKS! (U.S.Foreign) 57 .. Autos for Rent-Lease District of Manchester NYC trip set time banking. ^ NOTICE OF HEARING ESTATE OF HELEN B SKONESKI by auxiliary Who lost when we lost CD? * POCKET WATCHES aka HELEN V SKONESKI ala H E L E N SK O N ESKI, deceased VERNON —The (Working or Not) □ N O T IC E S Pursuant to an order of Hon. William Rockville General Hospital 5 2F0R1* E. FitzGerald. Judge, dated October 8. 1960. a hearing will be held on an Auxiliary is planning a bus DENTAL GOLD * CLASS RINGS Lost and Found 1 application praying that an instrument trip to New York City for SWEATERS.. i purporting to be the last will and testa­ anyone who wants to go 2 1 LOST - Female German ment of said deceased be admitted to * ANYTHING MARKED STERLING Shepard Collie Cross. Black probate as in said application on file there for any reason. The SLACKS ..2i1 more fully appears, at the Court of collar. Answers to “ Sandy”. lius will leave the com­ Senior Citizens did Probate on November 3. 1960 at 10:00 Vicinity Parker Street, a.m. muter parking lot on Route ‘ All o th er Item s at SPECIAL PRICES ON FLATWARE Manchester. Reward. 647- Dawn E. Graboski. Ass't Clerk *1 at 7:30 a.m Nov. 5 and reduced pricesi Saturday and HOLLOWARE By "TOWLE," "INTERNATIONAL 9094. 040-10 ^11 leave New York at 7 only! Senior citixont bonofittd more than any other aagmant of our f-m. for the return trip, & IJHUI. hm iatioH community. SILVER," "S. KIRK," "STIEFP’and "TIFFANY" PROHATK NOTICE fare is $10. Send ★ Nearly Nu aiioii Sirnvm Court of Probate. V.,.. to Mrs. Shirley see Main sire In the four yoara Manchaatar participated In the HUD Community LOST - October 11th, I960, at District of Manchester y'**hoo, 16 Vineta Drive, Manchealer, Cl. VFW in East Hartford. A ring. NOTICE OF HEARING Devolopmont Block Qrant Program over $500,000 waa allocated IMMEDIATE PAYMENT-FREE EVALUATION Reward. Call 5 ^ 2474 after ESTATE OF GRACE L DEMERS B-T^Cunn. 06066. Phone e4e-2073 Main Office: KI07 Main Sired. (or the naada of Manchoatar’a senior citixona. 4:00 p.m. aka GRACE LOUISE DEMERS * lot further infor­ Hours 10-4 dally WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO PAY aka GRACE WALTON DEMERS, mation. Monday thru Saturday deceased. Manchc.ster 649-4.586 1) New Senior CItIxana’ Canter ...... $200,000 IMPOUNDED - Female Lab. k'-lMarl Office: Spencer St red. Manchc.ster 649-3(107 HIGHER PRICES DUE TD CURRENT Pursuant to an order of Hon. William 2) Land purchaaa, aldsriy housing ...... $116,000 about one year old, on Taylor E. FitzGerald. Judge, dated October CovVnjry Office: Route 31 7-52-7321 NEEDS DF REFINERS AND Street. Contact: Manchester 14, 1960, a hearing will be held on an 3) Spencer Village elte Improvements...... $ 03,000 Dog Warden at 646-4555. application praying that an instrument Tolland Ofliee: Houle 193. ') mile south of 1-86. DEALERS. DD NDT HESITATE TD purporting to be the last will and testa­ Farm mi Cider Mill Exit 99 872-7387 Plus: Legel eld to help with ment of said deceased be admitted to 6 weeks old. Last SMn’^fn probate as in said application on file South Windsor Office: 29 Oakland Road 644-2484 Sociel Security, Etc. BRING IN ANY ITEMS more fully appears, at the Court of ohm for se a so n vicinity of 3 J ’s Restaurant in Probate on November 3. 1960 at 2 00 Moneymarkd in Food Market: West Middle REGARDLESS DF CDNDITIDN Bolton, ^ward. 742-6196. p.m P e s rS “sattng and canning. Turnpike in the Manchester Parkade More elderly housing and eervicse are needed Dawn E Graboski. Ass't Clerk Poraonala 2 041-10 Apples - Moneymarkd in Highland Park Market: In Manchester. HUO can help provide It. Highland Street. Manchester LOOKING F ^ Sw eet Apno cider - freshly RESPONSIBLE PERSON(S) PHOHATK NOTICE 2 M Y $ IM L Y to commute two young girls to NOTICE TO CREDITORS the St. Mary-St. Josepn&hool ESTATE OF ELSIE M BENGS. pressed from our own apples. SAT. & SUN., OCT. 18— 19 deceased area In Wlllimantic, from The Hon William E FitzGerald, Route 66 in Hebron. Hours: Judge, of tlje Court of Probate. BottTs hull Farm 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. Semi flexible. Call XtS-MlO. District of Manchester, at a hearing VOTE YES ON QUESTION 6 hdd on October 14. I960, ordered that 260 BuiBl Hill Rd. Howard Johnson Motor Inn UNA'tTACHED? Meet new an claims must be presented to the compatible companions in fiduciary on or before January 14.1961 Rte. 30, Vernon or be barred as by law provided 2 M TIM Ml Manchester area. Lowest Exit 96 from 86 West, Exit 95 From 86 East — one mile cost, elaborate, confidential Madeline B. Ziebarth. Clerk Vote YES on HUD-CD The fiduciary is and dignified nationwide *M|j>TnMO n . TO UESY n . le li|M hM IB MISN HIU oe north of Vernon Circle on Rte. 30 David M Barry PsW tor bp MCtR, itostMts Mlkotott, Trsss. system. Free literature. 599 Mam Street FKE nUNN MUM I HOUimmmi Ni phiM (ah phM D ating of P re stig e . Manchester. (T 06040 mmm Willlamstown, Mass. 01267. 042-10

N 1 EVENING HERALD. Fri., Oct. 17, 1980 - 21

2 0 - EVENING HERALD. Fri., Oct. 17, IWO ••••SBBSSSSSSSSBBSBSSaSSSS Homoo for Solo 23 Homoo for Solo 23 Nomaa For 1 *2j HomooForSolo 23 Homoo For Solo '23 Homoo For Solo 23 Homoo For Solo 33 Homoo For Solo 23 Homos For 2? Nomaa For Safa 23 Horn at for Solo 33 Homot !^or Solo 33

PLEASE READ ADVERTISINB "7^ YOUR AD DEADLINE 7 OPEN HOUSE 12:00 naan lha day Energizing Tips D. W. FISH REALTY CO. ClAMlIltd ads ara The OF / hOMEs / ^ ^ takan ovar ttia phona hgfnra imMIc sIIoii. SUNDAY 2:00 - 4:00 at a convanianca. Th* 243 Main St. Manchester Tel: 643-1591 Daaditna tor Saturday WINDOWS eUN REDUCE HacaM la raapaoalbla iar anlY ana InearracI and Manday la 12dK> MARKETPLACE Hours - Daily 8:30 AM - 0:00 PM Vernon Circle Vernon 872-9153 Niaaftion and than aniy Naan Friday. FUa COSTS Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM la lha alia at tha ariginal Inaarllan. advartlaamant will nal Even optimum wall and attic Insulation can't protect WILLIAM FISH TONY WASILEFSKY BEVERLY DIPIETRO MARILYN MAWHINNEY PAUL OLIVER FRANK BORYSEVICZ BOB PRAH Errara athich da nal ba oarrNCtad by an ad- a home against excessive heat loss If poor windows are COLUMN allowing neat to escape. What constitutes an energy It a iin lha vahia al lha dManal biaartlan. DONALD FISH GRANT HARLACHER" LORRAINE BOUTIN JIM GOETCHEUS DAVID THIBODEAU VINCENT STRIANO JOE SCIAKRA saving window? Use of double-pane Insulating glass in place of OWNER FINANCINB single pane glass can raise the inside glass surface Real Estate Editor; Cindi T. Bulach temperature from 14 degrees F to 42 degrees F. AVAILABLE Ewiittigikralli with triple glazing, it can rise to 52 degrees F. ■ Triple glazing-a removabld storm panel over In­ Tlw OKimor wMI rivo • low Intoroot r ilt morl|0|01 ■ buyer with doiirn on n io 6 room CokmM BOLTON sulating glass windows - is recommended for areas 120,000 80 Ball StYBBt 5^>xwx-x-:-; with harsn winters and heavy fuel needs. On a given with ehNnlnum oMbig - gas hoot 1'A bolho, foncod ManchaBtar, Ct. Enjoy boating, swimming, window, triple glaze can reduce heat loss by a hefty .yard and piwi. Prica la 180,000. and llihing right In your 38% more than double glazing. Take time out and enjoy the peace and quiet that PUBLIC NOTICE back yard whan you own • Windows & gliding doors can serve as passive rolar comes with this charming 3 bedroom ranch set on this 7 room Colonial horns energy collectors, which can trap the heat of winter lovely 'A acre lot. Vinyl coated steel aiding, COVENTRY $67,900 that offsra 3 bsdrooms. sun & put it to good house-warming use. G n lu Q ;^ fireplace living room, country kitchen, garage and MANCHESTER S84.S00 CIRCA 1780 SOUTH WINDSOR StOR.SOO Hying room, dining room, BOWER SCHOOL DISTRICT. Just Usted. Beautifully Center-chimney charmer with 5 fireplaces, wide board Spacious custom-built Ranch home with acreage, kitchen and dan. all 3 " so much more. Price reduced to $69,900. oonr SIB I tOSSL P.U > By admitting sufficent sunlight, windows can decorated: charming and immaculate 6-room CAPE. floors, beehive oven and huge country kitchen with moments to Hartford. Approved separate building lot in­ situated on a nice level decrease or eliminate the need for eletric lights □ irZI. Directions: Keeney St. to Bush Hill Rd. to Bell. From pnMali Ml tread lot, and priced at only QIast. Hebron Ave. to Bell. There are many custom features. Call today for your butcher block center island cooking center. 1 acre. Out- cluded, or suitable for stabling and riding horses. This during the day. Ideallv, homes in cold climates home i ' ‘ ' i;i FMi MMST NRtE - httoht $56,500. Call us. We will should have large windows on the south wail with JACKSTON AVANTE private showing. buildinjj. A must to see!______WAS. show you through. lesser glass areas facing north, east and west. 789 Main Street GROUP 1 ijiTa ba haM a t... toanohatitr Manchester. Connecticut 06040 • All shades and drapes should be drawn from sunset ZINSSER AGENCY ;:;Elka Ladga, Saturday, U&R Realty Co., he. T o le p h o n e : ^■Novambtr 1, OHIO p.m. to to morning during the winter months. 6 4 6 -1 5 1 1 ■i; 1HW a.m. TIokola $9.00 par 643-2692 6 4 6 - 1 3 1 6 Robert D. Munlocfe Realtor jii oaupla. Caltoa and caka wlll ji; ba aarvad at 12:30 p.m. For • •••'«ooooooooooonooooooaoo •oooooooooooBnnooooooooooo •••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ raaarvaUona call: 940-7097, •oooonnnBnBnnnnnooonnnooB* onaonaBnBBnnnooonoonoaonoo 13 Help tVanfed 13 Help Wonted 13 Help Wonted 13 Help Wonted 13 1 ★ BULDIIIGLOTS^ I :;i 043-0727, 040-0201, 643- Holp Wanfecl MECHANICAL Z MX^CHE.STER - Wooded | SOUTH WINDSOR $99,900 NORTH COVENTRY $74,S00 $9031. . DENTAL ASSISTANT - Full B lota on a culdesac In Foreat h ASSUMARLE 111^% DRAFTSMAN - Layout and f l Hills Area. Will custom B ELE6ANTI or part time. Excellent oppor- QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER Detail, Precision Clutch and This 12 room executive home was designed for easy living Gracious country homestead with 351,000 balance, PI&T tunity for ambitious, 2 build. A unique opportunity! j| The Le-MI Corporation Is seeking a quality control GRILL HELP - Part time. Brake Components. Candidate COVENTRY $87,900 and formal entertaining. Features include a front to back is 3801.39, monthly: Aluminum sided RAISED RANCH 7 experienced individual. Call manager with expertise In developing and Im­ 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Shady should have: Minimum ■ ROI.TON — Large wooded I Circa 1800s Center-chimney Colonial with over 2,500 with cathedral ceiling’d living room; Formal dining 843-5778. _ i living room with 8 ft. fireplace; Country kitchen with todbi iclnd Fdr plementing In-process and final Inspection Glen, Parkade Store, 380 West Associates Degree in Applied 2 lot close to Manchester with ■ square feet of gracious charm. Wide board floors, four .dhting area and pass through to formal dining room; room; Gorgeous family room with bar, cabinets and Ochtor II, im methods and procedures. Applicants must have a Middle Turnpike. Please ask Science, Mechanical I sone walls and small ^ working fireplaces, two full baths, and over an acre of .shelves; Raised hearth fireplace; Sliders to deck and RN or LPN. 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 Technology, and hopefully g brook! Very picturesque! | Knotty pine office with private entrance: First floor laun­ i II AH. h 2 PS. working knowledge of Government and Aircraft for manager land. Iliis house is superb! much, much more! Call today! a.m. Apply: Laurel Manor, 91 some experience. Contact: : gREAT HOUSE - BREAT nilCD dry room. , * Tha Bucklay School, Vamon Siraal, Manchaatar w ill' Chestnut Street, Manchester. specifications, as well as experience in handling ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A The Carlyle Johnson Machine ■ MANCHESTER - Low coat I S Beautifully remodeled kitchen and a first floor family audits and surveys. m building lot in Forest Hills, f l A HOME FROM D.W.FISH, IN OUR LOCAL AREA, •i; onca again ba holding lhair annual achool lair totiuring PART TIME JOB? .You can Company, 52 Main Street, m room make this Ranch a real charmer. Three bedrooms IF YOU PURCHASE MEDICAL LABRATORY Please mall or carry resume to: B A real opportunity! ^ $ aoma thing tor avaryorw. Qamaa, plania, baka tala, lag 310 Manchester, 643-1531. TECHNICIAN with good earn to 315 per hour M and a double lot for privacy. 60’s. WE g u a r a n t e e YQYOU WILL NOT HAVE THE EXPENSE OF TWO HOMES. $ tala, plna, rafllat, pumpkinaand down lacat art luti working for an associated blood drawing skills, for part The Le-Mi Corporation ® MANCHESTER — Country ■ $ a tow et tha Ingradlanla that add up to a fun Uma. Company of Colgate- 8th CONNEC’l’ICUT I time work. Early morning 190 Tunnel Road, P.O. Box 2359 treed lot on Bircb Mt. Rd ^ Palmolive. 833-8218. VOLUNTEERS accepting I Buy today and build tomor- | -A ll charitable and non-profit hours. Monday thru Friday. Vernon, CT 06066 Fifers and Drummers. Win 41 Antiquoo 43 Call 289A363. Artlcloo lor Solo organizations wishing to have thair Public An- ______E O E ______S EACHER. Middle School. instruct on Thursday October ■ndisstsr $40t nouncamants published free in this space are rade 5. Coventry Public 30th, 7:M p.m. at the 8th ■ E R A ■ THE PACK RAT - Antiques It INDEPENDENT OKN HOUSE SUL Schools. Connecticut cer­ District Firehouse. ! BUNCHMD&ROSSCnO Z Collectibles. Open Sunday 12 urged to contact Joe McCavanaugh, General INSURANCE CENTER INC. to NURSES- RN Substitutes for RN OR LPN POSITIONS tification required. Contact ■ 169 WMt CtntRf ■ 1 4 to 5. 40 Flora Road, off Route Manager ot Regal Mufflers of Manchester. seeks full time Personal Lines available on the following Coventry Public Schools, Dr. Donald J. Nicoletti at 742- MUNSON’S CANDY I CotMcKm ) I ALUMINUM Sheets used as K , Bolton. Space will be allotad on a first come, first Customer Service Represen­ shifts: 7-3, part time, 3-11 part Coventry Conn. Contact: Dr. 8913. EOE. KITCHEN is seeking respon­ printing plates, .007 thick served basis tative. Excellent opixirtunity time or fill time, 11-7 part 292 Green Road. Spacious Donald J. Nicoletti's Office, sible male for part time work. brick, two bedroom 23x28Vi", 25 cents each or 5 WANTED. Antique Furniture, for a well organized, mature time. Individualized paid at 742-8913. EOE. INDIVIDUAL NEEDED to Responsibilities Include townhouses. New appliances, for 31. Phone 843-2711. Must be Glass, Pewter, Oil Paintings person. Good salary and orientation. If interested in non R E A L T O R ^ transcribe orders from tape stocking, deliveries and carpeting. Choice of colon, m S icked up before 11 a.m. & r A n tiq u e I t e m s , n . benefits in a modem, local in­ caring for the elderly, please CAPE 8 ROOMS - 4 STATION ATTENDENT recorder to invoices. 7 to 9 cleanup. Call for appointment. JU ST LISTEOI baths, patio, full basement. INLY. arrison. Telephone 643-8709. surance agency. For appoint­ apply at Rockville Memorial Bedrooms. Rec room with S Reserved open space parking GROUP r A leleci rm ocM tion of REAL TORS lervinq Ihe q rrjilrf NEEDED FULL TIME - App­ a.m. Monday thru Friday. 6494332 Gorgeous seven room, Vk bath Ranch with large addition ment call 848-8050 Bob bar. Den. New kitchen. Wooded setting Model SOOC. Mutnchetiff AieA w ith more .idverm inq expertiie ly in person: Gorin’s Sports Nursing Home, 22 South I X A N T IQ U E S It Call 849-8438. Aluminum slding.2 car gar­ in back of home! First floor family room. Huge master POOL- 24’ 4’, 7 ft. deep. imp»*ct «4nd effitiency fo' tioth buyen 16 Son-in law of type (abbr.) t T Hs Mohammed ± 5] 1------7 Over (poetic) F A L 1 0 E 16 The moat DEAR ABBY: Do you know what it'a like to: 6 Across (prefix) 1 □ E L M D (prefik) A r p; —Walk down the atreet and hava a total atranger tay, 9 Baseball team □ E lB III T E E (c 0 'vl "You hava auch a pretty face, it'a a ahame you’re lo fat." 17 Novel number T R A Y M i ] /kr-/7 C«»T"______gave me a medal for U lU n g a man, and a diahonor- ♦ 8941 again and chooses five clubs DESIGN KITCHENS - ' F E L L O H /S - H ERE C O M E S W E 'L L h a v e NEVER MENTIONS C&M TREE SERVICE. Free Experienced, references. Ser- Cabinets, Vanities, Formica jAppUances & able discharge for lo v in g one.’’ ▼ KII9I7S to tell his partner what to lead estimate's, discount senior ving Wiliimantic. ICabnets. Display at; P/AIT PRINCE' TO L IS T E N THAT HE'S THE 8AKX against any final spade Counter Tops. Display, FOR TO HOW HE ♦ .... citizens. Company Manchester. '^Bblton, Coven­ Storage & Bookcases. Kitchen 8 HIGHLAND ST.. E.H. ONLY ONE OF contract. West doubles. North Manchester owned and try. Columbia. Tolland areas. GNU TUB OF NEW ENGLAND BRAND NEW 1980 ZEPHYR ME/ WON B E S T goes to live hearts. East car­ Cabinet Fronts. Custom HIS BREED.' Vulnerable: Both operated. Call 646-1327. ______1203) S28-8200 OF B R E E D ries on to five spades and 7 J. Grillo. 423-6582. Woodworking. 6469658. Getting married? Whether you want a formal Dealer. South church wedding or a eimple, ‘‘do-your-own-thtng*’ AT T H E South goes to six hearts. ceremony, get Abby’c new booklet. Send 81 plue a P E T SHO W West Nertb Eaet Saith ' West decides to double. Who AGAIN.' l b can blame him? He leads the long, telf-addressed, stomped (28 cente) envelope to: ! ♦ 4W 4b 9 b king of spades and South has Abby’e Wedding Booklet, 132 Lasky Drive, Beverly Dbl. 9W 9b » b no trouble bringing in the Apartmanta For Rent 53 Apartments For Rent 53 Homes tor Bant 54 Homaa for Rent 54 HtUs, CaUf. B0212. Dbl. Pan Pan Pan slam. Now look at what might FIVE ROOM HOUSE with FIVE ROOMS - Two VERNON - Near 86, luxury have been. Suppose South had Condo. Appliancea. 3345 garage, stove, carpeting. $ 4 ^ 9 9 0 0 Opening lead:b K bedrooms. Appliances. not stuck in that five-club bid. Garage. Yard and basement. monthly. Secuerity, Near school and busline. 34K If West became declarer at references. Call 426127, 486 EAST HARTFORD HOME - plus utilities. Call 643-6802 or any number of spades, he No pets. Rent 3395, plus Newly decorated two utilities and security. 6460717. 3923. 649-6205. P s t r o Q r o p h Tha Born Losar — Art Sangom would make all the tricks bedrooms with basement. By OiwoM Jacoby against a heart lead by North. Kids ok. 3325, Locators, 236 T H R E E ROOM VERNON - Near Henry Park. Hbo MCAW AW WJCLE COSMO HE IAA’5, BUT ITSEEAA^ HE DIP'rfXJ have to sell, himow aid Aloa Soattg After that club bid. North One bedroom, with hew 5646, fee. would open a club against that APARTMENT - Heat, elec­ A O U A M W tia a eb. « ) lAFOrr A WeALTWy MALI? HIP Hl$ FORTUME. tricity, gas package. appliances. Dishwasher, wall Sally Johnson of New York, ^ d e contract. An ex-ygoing MANCHESTER - HOME - 4 olptanningrJ nwy be the only winner of many women's Excellent area. Security. No to wall carpet. 3 ^ . 871-2821. thing confuting your altaire South would ruff, cash two rooms available now with championships, is now con­ diamonds and hold West to 10 pets. Telephone 643-1827, 646 major appliances. Just 3250. ^ B ir t h d ^ today. If you axpsittnoa INi. Homes for Rent 54 taka a moment to chart a oourtt. centrating on teaching bridge. tricks. A h u n ^ South would SOUTH WINDSOR - King Size Locators, 2365646, fee. Here is one of her hands for cash one h iu diamond, put three bedroom house with Than procaad. ACCEPTING BOLTON. Rent with option to Orti>irH ,im n t c i a (Fab. M llaw b at) N advanced players, which she North in with the queen and fireplace, garage, extra bath, may taka a littls digging today to calls “Competitive Bidding get a second club ruff. APPLICATIONS FOR THE buy. Seven room home with plus lots more. Locators, 236 A ranawd aoqualManoa can three bedrooms. IW baths. prova to ba an axtramaly vatu- ' llgura out the aokidon to a p i^ Plus Thin^g.” (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN) BEECHWOOD 56^, fee. aMa contact tor you tNa coming lam, but onoa you do you'll APARTMENTS. Two 3475. Lesperance Agency. 646 □ AUTOMOTIVE 0505. yaar. Ha or aha oouM opan naw aurpriaa avaryona with your bedrooms. Waiting list is vtataa lor you Kiat whan you tMnh auocaaa. open. 6 to 9 month wait. Rent Auto Parta For Bala 50 you'ra down on your luck. A M ib (Marab ai-ApiB It) If you includes: Heat and hot water, COVENTRY. New two wait until you hava aM facts Our Boarding Ho u m stove and refrigerator, full bedroom house. Kitchen, balora dratsing any conckialon basement, with washer and dining room, living room, Involving an unatabla attuatton, a : dryer hookup. Cail 646-8435. GLASTONBURY - Spacious bath. 3350 plus secu rity UM A (tapt a-Oot a ) Evan H you'll ba vary happy you did. WInthrop — Dick Cavalll two bedroom home, with d ^ s i t . After 4:00 p.m., 742- you can't afford much, try to find Your opMan could maka a 180- , CHEVY MOTOR FOR SALE - aoma aodal outlat today. Tha dagraatum . OUT, CREEP.' A 5TAR PRESS. BABY, YOUR CONTRACT VERNON - 5Vi Rooms (2 or 3 patio. Laundry facilities, plus Valves completely done over. LIKE PRESCOTT PIKE HAS BEEN CANCELLEP! I'W more! 3350. Locators, 236 changa of paoa la axactty what TAUmit IApia M lla y IB) TMa bedrooms) apartment, ^ o n d 50 3200 or best offer. Please call you naad artd wM do you a wortd b ona ol thoM daya whan It may W HAT COyOLi T H IN K ABOUT r t h i n k i r w s u L P B E B5NT ^HARE H15 THE MAYOR'S NEW PRESS floor. Refrigerator. 3240, 2 5646, fee. 6469340; keep trying. of good. Romanoa, traval, luck, be a INtta witw to Uatan to your j o i n i n g ^ t h e MORE F U K I^ H A N B A R E U y . DRE&SINO RiOOM OFFICER! You've (SOT 10 months security, and raaouroaa, poaalMa pitfaka «id haart kwtaad of your htad, atpe- FRIBSIDSHIP C W B f l^ D P y ? HAVINCt a n e l e p h a n t WITH ANYONE m i n u t e s To CLEAR OUT references. No pets. Call 871- caraar for tha coming montha dallywhan dsakng with oo-work- S T E P ON M y F O O T •/OUR U T T E R OR THE ara ail diacuaaad In your Aatro- art. They won't dbappelnl you. DOIN' CROWD 2155 between 6 a.m. to noon. WAKM-UPS! COPS WILL BE a f t e r Shown by appointment. Qraph, which bagina with your on aN i (May tt-Juaa 88) Whan birtbdm. Mail 31 lor aach to n comtt to doing taakt today, »U FOR LOITERIN'.' Aauo^iraph, Box 48g, Radio you may hava a dMIcult tkna TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX. THE City Station, N.Y. tOOtS. Ba aura concanirating. Ralhar than No appliances. One child to apadfy birth data. botch Ihkiga, taka a day ot rwl. accepted. Available SCM nO (OoL a6Nav. a ) Tha CANCn (Joaa It) You November 1st. 3250 plus auraat way to gat ovar laallng may find loclal attuollont a tma utilities.Security. 646-6225 aorry for youraaW la to oonoan- tntioying today N you IttI ttwy after 5:00 p.m. n w ^ m a trata on doing thinga for othara. are kitarfarlng with a domaade n24«^* PER MONTH Nagativa thoughta cannot antar proiact you hava your haart aal 1981 your mind whan you Wia youraalf. on. Watch what you lay. Wq= ICH7 SAQITTAMUB (No*. 1 » W t1) L IO ( M y tt-Aag. 523 Bom aons A pifn you hava wM ba Improvad at horns who may ba vtawkig upon aftar you diacuaa It with a tlUnga wrongly oouU hava a Lavy’s Law — Jamas Schumeister MANCHESTER - Kids and Irtand who wW oftar a twiat that atrong ktlkianoa on you today. pets ok. Extra large 5 2 Door Sedan with 2.3 Liter Engine, 4- waa mlaaing, ona that hadn't Weigh what Is dliouiiid but bs Roomer, with basement. OGCunadtoyou. aura to make up your oam mind, ^ OADCy, DO MX) and ypS/W P O N T SW ^ it, 3200's. Locators. 236-5646, fee. CAHUCOIM (Dae. XKJan. If) v n o o (Aug. a -ia p l a ) Oon-I ‘AU N r pookis eeAu-y DO, BEW. '^ H E - Largar-than-uaual rawarda can WD. vouteEsnu- Speed Transmission, Steei-Beited Radiai taka advtoa from Just anyims on V txie OUP MAN'S SHOW 'S " ba youra today for your aocom- how to ptrform a dgfcuN or CLOSED. DATSUNS pHahmanta, but you II gat a alow oompisx taak. Qsl kialructteni MAIN6(?UEEZE. atari H you Uatan to ona who haa from an axpsrt and you'8 do wal. PIKE- - MANCHESTER - Heat paid. Tires, Bodystripes, Wheei • iip Moidings. Wtla faith In you. iNawaFxstn Bim w iaai AtaN.1 lo -n Carpeted two bedrooms with modem appliances. Kids ok. ARE Freight & Deiaer Prep. Inciuded. Taxes & fide Qlftsieee — QU Fox Just 3375. Locators. 236-5646, fee. Registration Extra. Bugs Bunny — Helmdahl ft Stoffel HERE NOW WW XT IS TRUE NOU ARE VERNON - All modern two bedrooms, with dish washer, A (SOOD INSTRUCIDRBUT carpets, plus more! 3300’s. •FINANCE $4500 AT 14.75%. TOTAL FINANCE CHARGE $1,484.16. Short Riba — Frank Hill gUSINESS MAS BEEN Locators, 2365646, fee. TOTAL DEFERRED PAYMENT $5,984.16. 48 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. B A P l a t e l y a n d - s o SOIZRy R-EASE.

BRAND NEW DUPLEX - Juat completei) and ready for occupancy. Eor rent, 3 bedrooms. 2'>5 ban», deluxe throughout including DeCORMIER carpeting, kitchen appiiances including dishwasher, air con­ ditioning. fuli basement. Gas heat. Located in quiet DATSUN m m neighborhood iii Manchester, 285 BROAD ST., MANCHESTER close to schools and town. 3475 FMohorfa Landing YOU 6BT R A lSe _ y-— -j per month, plus utilities and 643-4165 security deposit. Call now for 315 CENTER ST., MANCHESTER, CONN. • PHONE 643-5135 LlxeUXXJt iV t NLVLR. ■Udi MOMtkJT IS STR A M iELV ^ ( an* ALREADY appointment to see this super “ito ik e t a m d Yer i FAMILIAR.... Lllte, A DREAM... OH, home. Telephone 6465881. M.MtM(!i«l. atlkKJ Htst-fj .p6- m E)(PtRltl4Ce-...A.,.A., ^ ^ ‘Thanks, Dadl"
