
Eastleigh Borough Local Plan 2016-2036 Borough Local Plan 2016-2036

improvements to local roads, cycleways in particular the land west of Woodhouse and footpaths are set out in the Eastleigh Lane (policy HE1). In there is Borough Local Transport Statement and also a requirement to continue to invest the Council’s emerging Infrastructure and enhance existing sports facilities Delivery Plan and playing pitches. The Open Space Needs Assessment did not identify any 6.5.34 A need has been identified for outstanding needs across the Plan period. improvements to Hedge End station to cater for increasing use. While there is a Community facilities footbridge connecting both platforms, it is not fully accessible (e.g. to those 6.5.37 Hedge End Town Council has also notified with disabilities) - those with mobility the Borough Council of a need for a new difculties must use the narrow, unlit cemetery to serve the town. Shamblehurst Lane North road bridge and indirect connecting paths instead. Policy HE7, Land at Kanes Hill, Hedge End Policy HE6, Hedge End Railway Station, Hedge End Cemetery provision on land to the east of Kanes Hill, Hedge End as identified The Borough Council will work with on the policies map will be permitted the train operators, Network Rail and subject to the provisions of policy the Highway Authority to achieve DM39, Chapter 5. Landscape screening improvements to Hedge End railway may be required to protect the amenity station including a new accessible of surrounding uses and provide a footbridge. suitable context for the development.

6.5.35 Use of Hedge End railway station is increasing and is likely to increase further West End parish with new development in the area. Improvements are likely to be needed Context and key issues to increase its capacity and the level of 6.5.38 The parish of West End lies on the amenity it provides for rail users. Funding south-western boundary of the Borough for such improvements will be sought adjoining . In terms of its from a variety of sources including the built form, the settlement has efectively train operating companies, Network Rail merged with Southampton and there is no and developer contributions. gap between the two.

Open space and recreation 6.5.39 The parish is divided by the M27 and 6.5.36 The Sports Facility Needs Assessment extends some way to the north of the and Playing Pitch Strategy Update motorway, bordering and Fair has identified a need for community Oak parishes to the north, and Hedge End access junior pitches within Hedge End. to the east. To the west it includes the It is anticipated that the new housing Itchen valley and borders Eastleigh. allocations will provide some of this land, A small area of the parish extends around

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Thornhill (in Southampton) and adjoins 6.5.43 Parts of the parish are of heritage value Hound parish to the south. and it contains conservation areas at Gaters Mill and Romill Close. There are 6.5.40 The settlement of West End has grown remains of an ancient hill fort in Telegraph in recent decades and in 2011 had a Woods. population of 11,470 and 5,168 dwellings (2011 Census). By 2015 the population had 6.5.44 West End parish includes some of the increased to 11,83675. large industrial units adjoining Hedge End, and a scatter of employment uses 6.5.41 There is a narrow gap between the created through re-use of buildings in its built-up areas of West End and Hedge rural areas, including Berrywood Farm of End, alongside the , but Tollbar Way, and along Allington Lane. At this is under threat from development Allington Lane such uses have degraded pressures. There are some open spaces the character of the countryside. The within the settlement and its wooded hills parish also includes the Chalcroft Business and views across the Itchen have drawn Park, a former rail-based naval victualling many people to West End. However the depot that has poor road access but is main area of countryside in the parish lies now in a variety of commercial uses, north of the motorway. This area includes mainly in uses class B8 storage and the Itchen Valley Country Park, a valued distribution, resulting in considerable amenity which serves a wide area. disturbance to local residents from related trafc. 6.5.42 The area can claim to be a centre of sporting excellence as it contains the 6.5.45 The parish does not have access to a Ageas Bowl, home to County railway station. However parts of the Cricket Club, and the Hampshire Tennis parish are served by regular buses to and Health Club, with associated golf Southampton and Eastleigh. course and hotel facilities. This is a substantial venue of regional significance. 6.5.46 West End has a busy local centre which As well as major sporting fixtures it hosts is in need of some regeneration and other events such as large concerts. It has improvement. implications for the area because of the amount of trafc that it attracts for such 6.5.47 There is a primary school and some parts events. Access is from the already busy of the parish are also served by schools in roads leading from junction 7 of the M27. Southampton and Hedge End. The parish On-site parking is limited, necessitating includes , parts of the use of overflow and park and ride car which have been recently redeveloped. It parks in the surrounding area, including at nevertheless provides specialised health . This facility is a major asset for services including palliative care and some the Borough and has developed further mental health facilities. sporting activities and outreach into 6.5.48 The West End Parish Plan was produced schools including the Poseidon Boxing in 2010. Club, Choi Kwang Do, Orbit Learning Centre and Hedge End Running Club. There remains a shortage of junior pitches in the parish.

75 Small Area Projections 2015 published by Hampshire County Council

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Development proposals and Policy WE1, Chalcroft Business special policies Park, Burnetts Lane, West End 6.5.49 The following policies apply in the parish Proposals for the alteration, extension, of West End: change of use or redevelopment of WE1 Chalcroft Business Park, Burnetts existing land and buildings within the Lane, West End Chalcroft Business Park (as defined on the policies map) for class B1b, B1c, B2 WE2 Land adjoining the Chalcroft and B8 uses will be permitted if all of Business Park the following criteria are met:

WE3 Land west of Tollbar Way and south i. a new road is built as shown on of Berrywood Business Park, Hedge the policies map to serve the End Chalcroft Business Park and the new development west of Horton Heath; WE4 Land at Ageas Bowl and Tennis and Centre, Botley ii. development would not adversely 6.5.50 In addition policy DM24, page 115 lists afect the adjoining Round Copse developments with planning permission or or Chalcroft Business Park sites of resolution to permit in the parish. importance for nature conservation.

Employment A site level Habitats Regulation Chalcroft Business Park, Burnetts Lane, Assessment is required to demonstrate West End how this site will be delivered without adverse efect on any European site. 6.5.51 At present, the Chalcroft Business Park occupies a rural location with poor Policy WE2, Land adjoining the road connections, and the site is largely Chalcroft Business Park surrounded by a woodland belt that is designated as a site of importance A site of approximately 1.6 hectares for nature conservation. However, the between the Chalcroft Business Park proposed development of land to the and Burnetts Lane is allocated for west of Horton Heath and Chalcroft employment development in use classes Farm presents an opportunity both to B1(b), B1(c) and B8 provided that: improve vehicular access (see policy WE1) i. a new road is built as shown on and extend the site (see policy WE2). the policies map to serve the Furthermore, a new landscape framework Chalcroft Business Park and the new accompanying that development may development west of Horton Heath; present an opportunity to change the relationship between the distribution park ii. the site is served by a shared access and its immediate environs. Together with the rest of the Chalcroft these opportunities could enable a more Business Park; intensive redevelopment of the site. iii. the use of the site does not adversely afect the residential amenities