Sunday 30th May Trinity Sunday Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendour of his holiness. Psalm 29: v2

WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY – TRINITY SUNDAY 9am St Michael’s Holy Communion BCP ADDITIONAL COLLECT Holy God, faithful and unchanging 11am JOINT PARISH Holy Communion Service St Michael’s with Junior Church. Also on Zoom Enlarge our minds with the knowledge 3.30pm St John, Barnby, Evening Prayer of your truth and draw us more deeply

into the mystery of your love,

BIBLE READINGS that we may truly worship you, Isaiah 6: 1 – 8 Father, Son and Holy Spirit John 3: 1 - 17 One God, now and for ever AMEN.


9am Holy Communion BCP St Michael’s ZOOM DETAILS: St Michael’s 11am Joint 9.30am Holy Communion with Junior Church St Luke’s Service ID 839 0933 9325 Passcode 769278

10.30am Holy Communion St Botolph,

11am FEAST (Theme ALL INVOLVED) St Michael’s

5pm STILL on Zoom only

PLEASE NOTE there will be no morning prayer in St Michael’s tomorrow morning and the Parish Office will also be closed.

ALPHA Please continue to pray for our two alpha groups that meet on Sunday evenings and Monday Mornings.

WELCOMERS AT ST MICHAEL’S We are at the stage of reintroducing a welcome team for services at St Michael’s. If you would like to be involved at either the 9am or 11am services please add your name to the list at the back of church.

REFRESHMENTS We want to resume offering refreshments at the 9.30am service at St Luke’s and the 11am service at St Michael’s. For St Michael’s add your name to the list at the back of church and let Fran Tuck know if you can help at St Luke’s.

FEAST After more than a year, from June we will be reintroducing FEAST our interactive worship. First Sunday of the month 11am at St Michael’s and the fourth Sunday of the month at St Luke’s. For the next few months we will be looking at our ‘Values’ beginning with ALL INVOLVED.

COFFEE & CONVERSATION will not be taking place at St Michael’s tomorrow. However, If you are able to help at Coffee & Conversation when it resumes on Mondays 1.30-3.30pm at St Michael’s, please let Mark or Rich know.

COFFEE & CONVERSATION will still take place at St Luke’s on Saturdays 9.30am to 11.30am

PARISH PANTRY ON A SATURDAY AT ST LUKE’S is in high demand and would be grateful to receive donations of any of the following : tinned carrots, tinned custard, tinned fruit, tinned vegetables, long life milk, soup (tinned or packet), biscuits – any type. These items can be ‘own brand’. These items can be left at either St Luke’s or St Michael’s but please mark clearly as “PARISH PANTRY ITEMS”

BAPTISM Today we pray for Henry Ayers as he is baptised at St Luke’s. Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011Draft Pastoral Scheme The Church Commissioners have prepared a draft Scheme in respect of proposals sent to them by the Bishop for: the union of the benefice of Saint Michael and Saint Luke and the benefice of with Barnby and North Cove and their constituent parishes, for the appointment of the first incumbent of the new benefice and for his parsonage house to be that of the benefice of Beccles Saint Michael and Saint Luke, for the transfer of the house of the benefice of Worlingham with Barnby and North Cove to the St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan Board of Finance for diocesan purposes and for the future patronage arrangements for the new benefice. The draft Scheme is available in each church porch and on the Church of website The consultation runs until 21st June.

STAFF TEAM NEWS REVD CLAIRE KIDDY As announced last week Claire has been appointed to a new role of Associate Priest with Hundred River & Wainford Benefice. Claire will take responsibility for the parishes of Brampton, Stoven, and . Claire’s last Sunday with us will be Sunday 27th June. At 3pm on 27th June we will gather for a farewell tea at St Luke’s, please email or call the office if you plan to attend so we have an idea of numbers [email protected] 716370. Do hold Claire in your prayers as her curacy comes to an end and this time of change and transition begins.

REVD PHIL CUDMORE Has also completed his curacy! We are delighted to share that on a suitable date in the near future, Phil will be licensed as Associate Priest for Beccles with Worlingham, North Cove and Barnby. Please keep Phil in your prayers.

REVD MARK BEE will be ordained Priest on Sunday 4th July at the Cathedral in Bury St Edmunds, we are still awaiting details of who can attend. Mark will preside at a special service on Sunday 11th July 6pm at St Michael’s. Do hold Mark in your prayers.

FOR YOUR PRAYERS To include names here, or to be prayed for by the intercessors, ring Andrew Platt (717744). Please pray for those who are sick or in any kind of need, especially: Sally & John Allport, Diane Richards, Christine Whitman, Sandra Howlett, Anne Hopes, Jim Lumsden, Diane Fleming, Mary Pratt and Barbara Paul. Please pray for the families of John Bunyard. Eileen Quaile, and Peter Leggett and those who are bereaved or facing the anniversaries of bereavement.

DIARY DATES Wednesday 9th June 11am Funeral of Peter Leggett Waveney Crematorium

WORSHIP DURING THE WEEK MORNING PRAYER – Monday and Tuesday 8.30am at St Michael’s and Wednesday 8.30am at St Luke’s For those who wish to remain at home please join us on Zoom ID 857 9468 9409 Passcode 222932. MIDWEEK COMMUNION Tuesdays 10am at All Saints Worlingham, Thursdays 10am at St Michael’s all welcome.

Parish Office at St Luke’s Church Centre, 61 Rigbourne Hill NR34 9JQ Administrator Doreen Page 01502 716370 [email protected] Monday 9-11am, Thursday 9am-12noon, Friday (for printing) 9.30-11.30am

Rector & Priest in Charge Revd Canon Rich Henderson 349143 [email protected] (Day off Friday) Curate Revd Claire Kiddy 07469 718695 [email protected] (Day off Friday) Curate Revd Philip Cudmore 715237  [email protected] (Day off Monday) Curate Revd Mark Bee 717481 [email protected] Youth & Young Adults Pastor Ellie Skerratt 07927778102  [email protected]

Lay Ministers Faith Darch 711318 [email protected] Doreen Page 07471 833845 [email protected]

Churchwardens Beccles St Michael Ian Hollingsworth 01986 896138 Patrick Burke 715272 Beccles St Luke Roger Bennett 712584 Fran Tuck 717273 Worlingham All Saints Peter Hobbs 713006 Lynda Knights 07732124576 North Cove St Botolph & Barnby St John Charles Detheridge 476346

Please send any items for next week’s Bulletin to [email protected] 12noon on Wednesday