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The Murray Ledger, June 3, 1909

The Murray Ledger

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MIl UtJAVItHAV . KKSTICKYKKNTI I KV . THfRqliTHfRIJlMA yV JIl NK:I\Ki . iw>»If*.. tl'<» HKW YKAK. tt.WHK* YKAR. Iit1v-.1.1V un" has come up from a farm n In I'nftrd Stites Senate Hectare* In hours of the Nation's extrem- lW. und "Mouth Swann Democrat I>i"-1 th®in, Calloway' hilla of .th ae hom eastere mann para tm«n of . ^ . __ ; In hours of the Nation'* extrem- * li (lit- nkiit Is rat" Pl«- uh. wh» oKm ha-s come up— fro* m a far'm ' n Night BidinSfrf)i>>iS(g l»u,ellul< to 1Oppres - ity they ftave answered its every tlLi.ll, ami (lie cuwwsCircuit Judge Itace With this county, who by his unaided sion of Tru>t. call, and now they demand in i.itnnis kinds, Good. Common Sense. effort and ability has built up a i ilHiioecd"or their enir-mity that the Nation, Is (n r.irry off • reputation an a lawyer and judgt u Uuir second to none;- and who can, be- e alisoflmt t,y Knrroa Lkik.Kh: Will you' cause of his experience on the Washington. May 28. That <1 within t!ie kindly give a reader of your very bench make us a far better judge theputraves of the night riders interesting paper a little space to than Hanbcry could hope to do. in Kentucky and Tennessee re- make a few observations on the But now the Murray King, lit* iHali tb«t it sulted from the oppression of the ^Bgnding contest for circuit judge through their mouth-piece, the American Tobacco Company, and 11.WART Af nilM.II'H - lo yilf ; of all Wood an J notice in a certain paper pub- fsm irrCaltoway comrtyrwhieb4s Kentucky, to-day in urging the lllifttlMA*. lished in t'alloway county what simply tommyrot »nd demagog-r„ i .• , . , purports to be a letter from etyjrith a big 1). Why-didn't fu c v. amendment to er truntl^ »g jfc fweetrcs tb,e «J. S. S. s. Crossland, down in old South'they propose something like thi.1™'™'*' !' proposes to ! ilrlnglVlivnta Swann precinct, which in reality" last fall before the county prj-: amendment stoma i «nd bre«>h, cently stl- »tr»wit int.j tae muUlt» the Ijver and regulstes cr-uld have Wn written in the' mary was held, when- a certain 1 ,ari(T bi" ihe HoiJ8* n kept busy since I saw cleansing .in<( the wutb. tPH$ri<.r office of said |.ai>er (now mind man was a candidate for a cer-- pr"vlslon for the sale of leaf I. ItsuypJi-» which i (lie skin an I yerj I^on t say that it was.) At tain oflice'.' Why didn't you in- C° y the farmer to pill- and unlinarv Isx.'iveK > ' I the "seed" in a way V"' '"- was stricken out oy the Finance Why ti< t try Foley', Orinp Laxa- ***«». S. S, S any rate, it goes on to say, or at sist that he stay out-of the race. Committee of the Senate. Mr. '. Nettle Ruh, tire today.' Sold by sll i)rup' Its, and am writing the least to leave the impression that There were men running for the p,radley reviewed the growth of •moving every fi*i(. leases and aay the people down here are almost office who were not identified the American Tobacco Company for more to close up the solidly for Hanberry. and goeS on with any faction, anil who were from H,e time of its organization Jutland's Mill R. F. I>. No. I LAWTA. oa: . to give one or two flimsy reasons capable of makintf'% good and in lw„, witha capital Uock of, - k. aI ouumitiesubmitteud thine pro- why this is thusty, etc. - .efficient officer, and whoyoucould ^(jixi,^ to the present dav' slckncss in this neighbor-; !t!.. .:'~!LjiIjm _ i—r Now. as a matter of fact, this have nominated, but you didn't V wjth stock, including that owned ^ " ' P»SUIOn WO talked about 0. J. .J, to our » very misleading, or might be. But don't never believe that ,n"subsidiary companies, amount-' Miss Eunice Taylor has bten boVS aftc! thev t hono-ht « , . • I„ pa^pU living onTtie-nflrrh and voti are deceiving the voters of: infr to t4,an ^ ()WL | very low with typhoid fever, b it J muujjni Dt'St HOW to let it side of~tiJe county: who may; thi. countyby any such claptrap. Not content with destroying U mertJiirir.TowTj-. ^nd U5C the amoont in tho hrntl. • I not be 8ciuainted with the real for everybody knows that iH4«n- alt~ competition in tbe United . ^allye Jones is also sick, UUl m ine IjrUSfl. 1 am Mt jation on the west side of the berry gets tjnany votes in Callo- states Mr Bradley "Mid™the:^ 'lanRer0U8- tounty. which, stated truly is way. it will be because of the American 'Tobacco Company frank Miller's folks hare the abojt like this. The vote here desperate efforts of this same. (lrove the Impcna| Tobacco Com- mumPj- will be somewhat mixed up. But Murray Ring to deliver the votes ,,anv of (;reat Brita{n its chief Grandma Miller has been very

if Cook's friends do not fail to of a certain faAton over to him, »competitor, to a coap^mi* ,nd.«ick. buL she is »bk to be up.

, oj.tim r- I i'' jicjr..':- | •fllL


TTTE . • .-I » •Ha. e.ifr fnt • TdOtifllES. a rear. And what ditTerenfe of Calloway risFACfOKY ND£D. dnes it make to the man in the how to «WOTeirte4Mir..i..|»ort 'fi, N^shvtile that character of tight upon Judge Cook' -2. A. S" f arrow, the man behind the plow. So. Mr. Voter, lertst go out ll5t^rt ontaniW. tyJt^^m tt,, ^er-the:^.^^^^^ of their right • t» the rftan who bends over the to- vote for Tom Cook, ' ° . om* societies which resulted in a Sat r vol e> v!. Will u:. — . hurricane deck of old beck this ting g county, , to elect Jac, k«Hint«l Hanberr. hany judgd in eK lovof eth ewit Thirh Hook-d !,,V; v 'i bacco plant under the scorching man. and make his majority at urnalia of crime in Kentucky ?,'afon- ISiTii« Kit. district of Kentucky. The very earth cries o£o rays of an August sun. the man least l,t)Ott in old < silowsv. and Tennessee.: Ered Redden says he wants it I out,'0. Shame! «V who is taxed to pay these sala- SotTH Swaxn Votkr. Shame! ~ . — - While denouncing the night- ~,ricfl>' understood that be is on -ies? Won't it tost him just the ~ " - — rider outrages, Mr. Bradley de- tive ""T^t :»"• yoir kV.' and £ut let us us digest this letter and reach its whole purjHte. c Tt ame to pay a new. inexperienced " clared that the tobacco leaf grow- is ^rictly a ladies man.. It is a fact that Ze« Stewart and K. lU>l>ertson did go to Pamieah man- lV>es any man think that j'l^ « xictly "th^ rw»e • f. y« ur ers were sorely pressed, that Outlar.d .v Gallawaj- are not last Sunday at noon, arid it is a fact that they did meet Hanberry H n there, h i« rightfully concluded that "more seed" to plant was * hffTy will not take ever4 y rh*um»nsma , I. *xqu know yo.u they werp"mv. forced tuoj combinit'iiiuuier tLtoi r lnnin—S" their milhntlch now" .< bu »•>t « •er.1 Of thnr safer* «llow«4 secured in reply to the letter written to "the boys over the river."' .„ ., , t ^ n Uhh ,W ill start up before -fr^rwth-, "li thfcJJppg seed" was not seeare»l unon that j;isit to Padiw.-th L. :aw7 Then, will it not cost th» l»rd . ^iwrt wTH -'-re crimes which' resulted were due ^ fotre inTt^^v'po^h^thgr "ninri' sliM" was lm> itrht o-Jt by Hif.UVrtf taxpayers just a* much to »>ay reliete- pain—reduces to the trust's oppression. Hanhorrr. an inexperienced man. the swelling _»n> lin U>t« the Congress refuses ..Jf Dick I-anfs:^^n seen.s to bo ir- himself, who paid Murray a short visit Wednesday of this wcrk relief in mv the lead for • ..; -ere. and spent nearly the whoi< time ^•u'l.ffie.r.c -witir SteWa^ J S lasfOT- fciooi. a, it would to-pay Judge Cook. ar.d jnu?c>» m. ti,«t y,.u . •• .u Congratut rec\ter leti to j^^j-ts-w. That thi* "more s«l" I* to used in corruptint; ar.«I and vorv likMy more, because wiU »fiii£C.»a M.Aft«.;ju.lgement»!e Stnbble. acted, people erronred and the ^^ ,vi!h-the , ,r..^' r n — States materially injured. T —i =— - a ^ jties of the"office. I field abd II 1). Th- rnlon. antHf^A J. 4. The effect of his amendment. B>iatright »rrt\sponu*nt Iet< - has any reference to the editor of this paper. »rr ^^This^ is no charitable job, to be sfcnu-— Penorain- ^'d Mr. BradleyPV, woulPd be that hear from B .^atright. want to extend congratulations to ' Z. A. S." tor ining endow H- handed out to some young lawyer ' ' ™ ns m with trray matter enov.glfto decide to talk . .... null v tor ser farmer a"d all others would over with "our boys'* because he has not had it before, t**"®, A for ard ilace the Hi the "hrilsh." and -lot s ibmit same to_;:«. vi^s oftVir sUok'UM.vearare ^ to sell Trastenmed tobac-j T« a*«>i t rr< Why. suppose we. the voters of v^woftW^ I**.. ^'..e Voters of Calloway, this matter of electi-ig a circuit judge i*>-P of notified thSi the am>nnts wico in the natural leaf without the E ley's K ,1.^1: • !y thf} district, should undertake .to — ™ ln ^ • e to you. If Jou believe Judije Cook would be guilty of tho alRaTce now past due Smi must U- settftd.«* °f char>^- ar.t . ( LJM: and out the office of circuit "WBi.. and comluct uioicjted in the above letter k-ole against him. 4fjoa Please take ifot.N.and give the!. . Iawwlfoyou. Senator*, m - idg«* to a new man every six behalf of MK than a million ery •iaiielmir^briic^ r JUal .t? v- fsaity vo£c against him Judge Cook has wt- irreco.*r: Amorican< who have been strick- ar.d yo ; *i • 7 r . -I. d letc,i his c.T - '. -v. upon a higher bvis. and ip man can ci.arof iTi iKin'ti by the pondervus ma**'1 r ?tifp , V , e- ^ rhf> he has made any awerngt to purchase votes or is in any way. nHL.119 »t6 drift- of an all-powerful toi^L. l ap- i . v Erectly «>r.indirectly, in colleague with gangs or clicks. - piial far homes nov^in s-tualid ^ - ^ | ( y^ ^ -^ii^n the Cfruuneoe** ol" the abrvc? tewr warif fr> tXJlUilll —! •>f kidney p.tverty where choe wholesome j.-(VR . ' ' " - tjlk", tt0 will give any man a reward of wltO will peeurp -.•<4, jeara statement that he did jut' wr.le tie W—- -i^rtift -Statement*. piick. ' dark and silent ft'Mrt !V- " . c.i ! ; --w sounded withih»> innocent prat- ^ ^ w t-KSSH T. . ,( tie and ringing laughter «f hajv ' ; ; " .v trade JKEP Hay. t\irn. Oats, At- K. .-M «Ha-.,l vis.i^l \i , alitor of the ry fhlMrr.^ wfao, w„h ^ipiiing y°unP mstdr fatfa treat. Ahalf.hay. Crusl^J den. Mo^ ^JT 51' mothers, welcomed the weary See I- V. V O^n seed hu*k^ • HoHand ttrrd m rhar^W-Jf toilers home. I appeal to yoir in The vkkv be- Bailed straw ek M.^un ahnn, i' vel^.J the name of justice, w hich with l>er lb. t.tUBERT t.Ro. to. paid , tbe litU* log ca" V, blinded eyes holds al.'vft the even»n- c-untry butter. Sorghum Mala*- Sweet pmu!«oVti>i islipilif s at 12' cts in w hict» he hved, aid ^r \ VKft^vt^ w W. ftuLox - • sggg^jiw'tt ... • -i *

J a D. kef.-ller, Jr . Willi * CAPITAL NOTES. pam . f standard Uil ollieiaU i» Dftrtlicd Auriimcnt Tho tii.u.. luuiui ..( \ nnd till* full r^fllH' MUIUIA* I I KKNXUCKY An..'.,.III. lit 11 (-> llhltli It il It. Itellon hb»««. , \ .iigi,t onrth -ht»V', laattgg only Items of Special Interest to fl*i»K ill*' frmi.hl... tiHii.ii(iai 01 ti>«» X X. I> Nollll. il.r.H • ( ll.o i*.fe» BJ..IHU.' frit lit the aiatrw It :il I 'II lull 11 l..-i:fiiil I o I' . n.l'| Our RL>adersi_ . IB ( >• A m Mk _ Lu ti'i". I. tyl. r.,1 Iik jf -••iii.iinai 'oil llfili.iiiii. illiiiiu. !(»• it ih>- total eafrttalUailoB of the iial tfiki Ua* cotni»"trnt4 tjrr- . "miMiil i al 11 tMHi.unu r»l» l( l«- of I If attl l lisir id >4 Iir^ liwukl U itm i j iu *;iui.Cuu, wiiieli u liiHUUOtt kno«Ti to m^ymwiTty ffc-n- *" NEWS ATA V. P. KaU-t, tlu- ulilmt m«-|.u(Hr j CLEANED FROM MANY SOURCES. I. .M than Hi.- >.i| vain.- fin i.iat V'tjlsl ill K iiii-a-. >1 .1 »•n ' ' l1,lv 11m1 l tici'tfcia Ilaili^ad i» luiui; jelp. Hi lui'liou III tin- Klo.. '1 I-I I|.I. forr, the f hilif'Tma tTT^T < n V^' CHAIRMaN K* the World. Including Our N«>0^ iHiii'livtli \.ur. ui..-tij:«ti ,1 t\ .Nalioual lalbor • >r Tki- . olupaliy l« file euil-t' Iit 1 ll*liilir s u full Alateuicifl »oh o»«ry pa« INSP^CTOF Fr.nkforl to Tak« fid in Mannar of aetTou Ink. a ti>- l be Uiara. AT bor State*. IIik. A. C. llutmp.. T!> yi-ar* olil t oinniK.iitrii r. ami • belief prevail* The p»'rffft purity an U-w'un-t -iiwL -UuU 11 uuty w. fisltuiira ,llf c »»», f rsro COufty Atiornf'yt"t0»t T*fi> " l'lajj"' Iki- rta|>|H-in«t«>n. A in w portrait of t K Hit1! <>t'r Inr hrmn-Tn a Ml inphi» hotel, dying l.>l|tia lle.-ii.ti* from Mr.' in.inWlu-f io 1 iih! Till - will not apply to futaia production of Syrup of IIgi and Klixir »>i. eoiinty aiiorueya. S'finu to proinoti* the pIc&Mtnt lw>|p, luj venting Mov Turki*li tninmtrv xotc of con- «in anil-heir in iklightiii^ tin- |>.-opl* lu.tautly. e.ini|.an>. « .toina ImainpM In thl« eltjr. whleh. If upheld by the ronrti.. will Road's 8 fitirlut' in l'urlljlm lit. of tho capital. Mi>. .li io te CapTn. Ve«r» of the nmlicitial principle* an- oMaiin d fruu r.-vululUmU* ih«. Hrnst .yxieni in Will Not InUrftr* With Book-faking. _j)Luita.kt»'y» ti Jo art rntHt l*n^%!aljyy|, . • Block i t'liarlM 1.. Jom-<. »'i.>.l.ilU'(l Jo»- KiVc ihililr.ii wire piolaMy fa- up', wife of a captain, killed K.-lllti.-l.y nrol tninv of the atalca In <•0* );jmi k ill n.a lot^if.'ru'irrrti To ft if* U-oefirinl rfT"M-ti« always Imy •e 1'aLL'. i. uu_ trial at Clukiiaiul, tally iiijuntl iluxiujt a tir> pubic iu t«o of her children and herMilf at the L'ulou. An urdliian.H. hu. 1...+-I) ih" op- r.ih ••! „f NNikni.iklua on -h.» l»r. |iare*l provl.lltie for ihe .-ollt-oiUai 11h. k .Inrlnt the pr r mi » - -t • • r'livr r»:vrr»'.VJ tnrrM'^Tr^'.v written u a lle.-n^. t„r« 'hat tli.- iii'oi.n.l un,, f..l„t- »uli it.. alI-l«aJiri^ dru££t*ta. - Mtyiko of i If <.;« immigration, a ti« 1 eoiHlcmneil nmo». bank < xaniimr for Xtw Vork JuU Thprisand* nf dollar* damage to In Krankfort. U In held that IhW >y>- or »illi lb.- Uilmila Aaile-il in a fowr dav>. trirt. •il of CoiiitntHnuuu^ WaUlilrofOr -Fi?4>a- in.-ar—Itni^H'tiA'lh e. I .a.. -wo* I.m wtlt ItopcMM n.. bat.l.lilp en .in.]"""'1 '"r I—«»H'Ibk NOT A MATTER OF LOYALTY. ttdtt may HNNft cumpauy. au.t thai .a.h '» •' •"••*> —• ; . The iibotrc !.i\ ailv<>. at.1* luvc - -Mi*faki»iy-Imt for n burglar. iri..i mwbi.a •luTtiTt^ti i- « onu >inpMtn ? f the . iiaiUtuiu i* tno lra< k in l«i«ai« d, and Jhal it Uul Simple "But Insuperable Reason Why puiii up Iu-jk* at thi. mof I In- himiiii Subject Could Not Kneel t»if.iant I' stnui It:- holm* JL'JWXU. ." •if>n Mil " I Siiwthcm I T' !i'm*-n-tftl l 'cti^.f-. Ono nuclei that f. n Ifjje* of mm Th. situation will form *Uh k V.'iupanv for ivD- j Interesting .Kentucky item rat j. from Time 1 *» tltiP^T hav«>'it ff.. d<',• 1>7hT rTwK5fi-TIie >tru» tion of iuill in Wa-liin^toD. . ni>*ilty more amusement of a- Shrriff of M.itrtlo vrftrt to trial sort tlian ^ provincial ii.norH f>f 1"i * Taniofiia. wh'T liurjoil rucks a U'f. rc \]iii>.nua >ufiuuu' I'.mrt Jon • The ia«f of Ma.l.len, l'u. hot ami litclmiund. Ky * J. Ionia H, Ule«el. IjuhL " i r« 'jiL t he >v?r< tan4. U» I'j Jf wiiti'iv -irm.frn. ptwwrtrr.q >Tr~~TTTrif 1 a m.'iin• JiMoiw. finpMK-lum'jit prutctHling* for rtvtiit lUivlr. -ttie lahAr 1«n4or*- ^barawl fBIlP* .," b.V-4-'n«0 1 lollillli.i UtHltoifW Hrr* «itli .iiii-^.Trtfj^nar-rvriiit, i* T^ht^ trrnne lwTe. following a 1 ruko uf t>b»ry tita mayor of AtVVluoutli ^4><> I\ luhTli^. pai .ilysis. r-dtn Ing ' one of !he vliilto of Klnjr tng the brakes ,lhe - . . • S««i I.,in^'Ti'TJ. fli'.v iiT^r.. ! - .n v- to the town, wns desrim d ft lo Atrama m » Southern A««cltil.hv tvecii $*-ir.OO(». and T.^xhiKtr-nr Ky;* The-Knifucky j?' afford "comlC r< li-l ' to a ctnSMlOBy of Negro wu^'ht of Ho-ton, kib cki'l out Ian l*he raiu- ii lu.ird la-t t[•<•• :i fr'tn lii-neral dicrl near Jo .ldirvg.. Kn 1 sotn ^ Importance. Haifa.', tin* luavi-^iit .liumjiiun-;>r-> afrsj.'i lb lijuvt n •. n oj Ttre. o^.Tsinn was itpre.«efir&TiuK ~ atarpTyr-tftt' d 1 n t tin v h. i IL K v an x • Y.utii.- • K. litu. ky t". :;t:iit X. ni- nfnjr snfthwr of tr»•!runic firTtiP ktTic; litrtnfiis was - TWO DIVISIONS- ll'r>".v UlUIHT.' '..•'-' ; iand~.woar.told that the mayor, oiwip prewrnifv of th« • "t'irp pfXpte htv -tlrarf. mjuTftl euiiiiie had Hit iiif-Miir. r'- among the bu-inc-w Uhhii jIm ]\»'n'turkians orerthe col- Of Southern Railroad to Be Consoli l.tuHfA-iHt', Ky—Thn fo\4<-rn<'>rof CO jij^A'^njg u» Df^iefii arte the a^-Un »i:d gr. -it Jartia^c to i1 ri ]HTtV I'.mr.- Ishment and dismay of all. Instead i'ii* nstilt .if a v } t i.'U.I- f »•• i«'!«'hri i/,\al 4*t lluv phm* of TTHinii-V.—. f— —eau.^d ut»fav«i - ritiiTd "in '4«-iiiii • i' irt-l i K t"i. r. ^Hi.vll!.-, Kv ^ \ Mi-. !,. II fgr «! jttm n? faux i»a«, saving: "You should have the «ieine liit. su.-.I n. rii' ii n< .nf'\ iou\ut- t ^idi'nt •)/ the Uyan HaOipi «ti To- tW of IVaUu-^" lirvViiJiic arrives! it eon t^l -"f jpftprtTatiii^LDn- outi.i^cr. iTn vfu- iti St. I.- S'r. | cannot." wan tho r»»ply people asycnil W iiytam Ktiof Siditii.—pry, nil'lit Kv^ryhody sir/' hotly a» an attack,^ _ Tt;c frt»-i"ti Hi the tl-'Tj ^ 4fHI- of :!••• tNaiional 'Bank of7 thn foMiyrT Kngin»*' r II «>atl JrrmrrirV -tr:kp if iti r-'aiin; A - ii. HI., ami ,,f th- IH'im.- tr'a-. in ay or prrw and *>vld« nt!r with a rock, ji w hilt t Vt-ry Iiout \ :3cTar m tt^tj CytfcltM; 'Ky flw • hrrrt ni'n h . x< IaiTii* d : t'onfouud lt! an iron bar ai %'i j.anv, it J.aJ ai 1'lon-nct, It Ik-Js <>f-iH-mrv. \Va-h!nirn. itfar- Cl^ysr B|r. but Iai* cot a »iM»d..'ti U'i:' " in-xt person > liiV.rar* an^tiiiu ViHo- thU f«1 nwtt »«;, Xl;i.y. .] \ rn.jl.i...'.-.,' — .. History -r-x^^rtH that "a Tmifp snf was forced to - ti,. Null POfO IfM n-!t nnjirliuCijft i, j'Sirrn- to d hr-r ma;. nnd Hi • ley e th^_unc ti..-rgia H.-iilrcj^ i? 5tiIl_tii.Tl up. RpWRPfi tr1" Tr''Tf ASI" ift^f -vT .«-*.— JILiiti rr4-ii;" Wic Intrgh^l oatrtgtrt.-- -Youth * rT.iu black fih man 'Ocirtm.'ir Smitli pr. ; -• •! ur!i;tra-' J I' xj^nr thr lu.i, r- -ftlr pBivion. rt —r Tlfal the m tion. but c Kuit nil L..; > r ( »::tin: IH< li-\! It^ojixiial up-was indlei ti'otic r'^u's- r.f' (TV'A'r.uhta t^iuvt TENDER, BUT NOT LOVING. etl that ttie ei Hv a 'ItTtl i ^ 1. 1'. M.-r- amiiii take trains~m ro r:: an I* >:;:: il I rtjrnp--— btr at f athon r^'.'ul. and i!* « r*<::r.n ^H J». rou^ . -\ltii r: I\Ti.i n. a u i. > ; r.iTiiTQT • \ i r aTT« liKpT. il ili : •: \ ' -I ' ««V. -v VdWMlias Saturday b Vuundcd Jolia Spins, a I»!eted durlnc the bubuim r md^llt. 1 U-t jloitli U. -— — -i - ; v; iaui«JL ifeiu iW H!•'!?•'>"i *r tr •Tts-i-' fi~T - ii. .ir !..]:. 'm i"fd . in a/condi*. ion Consul ilt hcral K'-Urt jj.Winnc. ;t built the l»uke yf West- oner ol this <-ouniy. wa* found -1* : JUti ii»tu;edl.T. a JmsaSrnliabcTit 1UJ SALARIES OF REPUBLICANS heafv with d I at L^mUon. Has 1 ami' C> ti-ul * flvO llraTTarneiV off al? a •witfont y«ord of watorioar hi'-Th i is admitted men. * _ 'A'rrinjr <"ortmer .1 1>. I»v)ota Sn- hoanl of sinking fund tomniissioaer v —Artrtand. Ky . w M c and reprisa' of "for.', ry, wa» arreted in t'iiieajo L-« nti<»n of Railroad Su , enough)—Not tend'-r- enoughJ Dyot stirred Up (Tt'iia.) hotil. was wel! km>wu iu I ' tut. a? a ju-tii-e "of th^ they rais< d th«- salary of The new. tv •xpw t it to'kuss iou! .. ' . m-entlv. iicjiy, to 1m* h. Id in l «! railroad tracl < -r.I \ . - 1 .o I vf T tt*. I 'IliL'iiifrL" imhlican hrr-^id' iu. o..rH And r< .v N 1 at r- "-fTv, nt.on h !d in Washinieloo Roug j.uM:< an .v -v. wa- HV 1.". : .-> T?!,-rn.-re in th- l n»t. ( ' Tl ^TaV J , r vxuujuUMf vtilccx tc^u. . ?•••>•« ^ yi\ir. tn:^ :h> mht/l.e FprrlM „;.. ttH. ,,r.x,n wa-. mt—rr* of .. and Ha*, r. II. hi it J® fcrr. lk»zth lid len. f of t^^r. -llo^^ TT:n i IVi.v. r.. a f tia.1.- a pr,bv It. Ii. h' s.imtnrra and hospital* are by r.i i iTt .Ti'^' Ar:•,. • ir ^rttn : ^frtmiimnr fnjym?^ mrtr ff ijavi, ! toil • -i-i^lui Ili:. ; "in .It-nti-i t>ri Epjsccoal Cinvcntion Adjourn®. ^^^KVVeti •• *Tr-T;ti i iT* Tt:• U\ T-f 44^^. ^ Ti'fr^irhaN Ito.ird fatl - Padm aTt. - ^ nraaarat*! relat.ves. | rrrr-T-s. Tfu-W ilrr- nr.- 22f b PJFTLH !'.l-b«-»r« .i:o«.is .. elinVs"varrd"Tl* wilh _|.t?t"li n of i he T»u>< rs •Centra l slio|« Will bo lncr«-;i head, t irr.'^. Martin B. V. A V \i- of Kentacky adjourned sin** tfip-after rcnsarij lo ri'i^ort. to e^'tt.-.M-tnn-!] •.j'.e — '•ajj'Tt^ 111 wn wi yTt nr:- r-ntv«-r-r*y.. Mo« Something. eloos VRara _ 1"T. . I T'-.ft » r at -myjime ^ 4 - S. '- •** ~ A t* w r -1 «-i on u a Jf isville: .lohn -\V I., k- t Ib rub r-t ?. r ^ ' ' r ' 1 71 ' T- • v '. j as . f ys, ^r-,. as a The front yard nee is a fames* du»H' an> i s.>Ti: Wortd. «>f tlopkinsvill Qom r: t W - :. i : K • I . • .. :""*: I !• ;e . a:,! a:.d :i .-:a:rl> k:!".. ! . . «>UI1| it Mac*..« .,SJillt days Ma.rtx Rrvet. »na Rev. t« r. wrick'., of i'».iu. .ai John mim is "yarft^ i-tvl j i r. j: i1 at p:i>viir. . iv'l'y. knbwn as his comux-m ]; to chat w i t.aejtl.inK the thare'tl fio'. at the-qtiai>-, ; < ut Lit T 1. ::rj 1 rt J: — —{ • 1 »>. jr'i.i!"TC ihr vN->ti?Vr-nrf' rf Sethjc% for Gaiety Theater. TlJJFJI*?* *' '• * ' vent -hjUB^'i. tjwii.-um'v —A ^Hmirn to .».l.tH . T« sas. v <"-- ' it - -,t a t.-:: porar. j in.' 1' ''..'I• f l.'iWmv Zr!- . ,'!>' s" (M - th« - " . thia wa> junrnc'i:r.,-nrn mlv;n ' n_- .arcii^en11l: •?.. -v. v1 • y .a • ODii-V. - __ : .ttre tip: lion for t r'tjuir.n.c tlie lb* says: • ' - - t • tl.. I - ->. Jmy u.-^. ..>. and- iR*issgt rfithi to l4Mi'l«Ti'V K» J»- W r'i- •my alMtua. h. Kirk :.j,d side, and st . . • - ' •• •"••!* ' ' lv * t raiulw' _ ^ , . . - " • • • - •• - - - - . - - " • • j sen. Mi I n I\RVO l>tT\ ""A l».n 1 «•-ar.vlv walk f-riT-ij j —i-o^--t> r• c i^t^O^ «t> J for trim W si h |T t •>•••> ' • :.a!ln,< Wlt& tfwT^r t • • \ IJ..W- • • -it «»f jj 1 ) nrttlnir e •r cr»i» 3 N.isfn Ub who >v .. ; r,. it, ; . t»uut.l«- and II-.:, e^V ka„ m„ ' ; 1 II • . , ' k ... I. . - lr»-atmcn: oT v«v is w«"l known in H. ; . d t> th» !' " • 1 ,.f • Lf r.Svi'ltv •ar.l'rt r. Tvr ri ^SBGfClCBL A 7.. r • • V- -TTTTo.^ j.v th« K.eV ^ r \ ' " «>=d rt-klK w of p. -frj-r-th*4 i.ixi-ry Sn the IVwhx icriaa \x acfllltkiwi w«r 1 • Wjm \\ • wuwa «4S ivvson.wvd

Kntt a tl a K> ~ TS»T.if i Mot J*'e. whleh did n.t d.. me an, :rtnl" W' I hit deckled not *o plan's w» T>"~ $uflif t rii jn huti V •1li..l4r.iH),4.v andnwi thll d»l' from VVi!n:ortv m.»t> #m of :• ay H—ta^. •. x ^ . - —— . b tt- is a- m.'wtwr-^i-^-^. ai d t .0 i„ I sot WILr-, x.r^'day lut^ ti:e $ • >! • "^rinc tM >iiniiiirF fofcarvo iroau MS iowate T, c i \\ ..nit1 . * +OH. No- I. • !-»•: ' I ;—KJ Jk a of] : -.•.•" —-I..H >,i • — tLim. i «„ w^ftoTw^n,.,. vit rte y-,1 ii.ij slii.t.-B'srKii.tii . . ^M'.nii^^ 9m . r V. \i>T** ft *•.»}-«•» the V.. " t Tr" 'tr (tie • N.B tl«.d f -T .1.11.. 1 '«» WWM ..-.{JU^imn « ••-."-" n.rtih -•• .JIjajT-'.. jw t'aL'rr^c. .wLi, ''iai : -v rt-.«l.i.»'Mt y-t in, a.' son ... tartw «:th fWi and * w . -M • I I- o-*^-1 :k- ..-I- .|.|||.- tn i 15...I t noon* «-rvlr^..*!» the ti. j^d orf fa* 'a-1IINH»Wlit>» j i lii..i..i.Kr.', 1k .. M n I.u b-Jp hltn aittuiiea ok lia llltt ;.*" "L-. ' —' V ••—— • . - * i.f-'T'».< IHroVow tTf^ Tt»i; "...-ct r' >d * I t ' m . . • • ,' \ it t 4-hm

** f • 1 >' "tot tl, 'rntfc* THE BWtDEN, Wl ADOPT SUGAR AND MOTORMEN AND CONOUCTORO OUT IN PHILADELPHIA ig Dtiaii of Pellca Ofdirid Out to TOBACCO RATES Mexicans and Americana Are Accused Protect Passengers^and Non- of Shipping Chinks North as Union CreiMS. , CHAIRMAN KNAFF A HO POSTAL Dining Car Help. SENATE MILL GRINDING OUT TAR- INSPECTORS ARE SENT TO Phtlad**trhij», Mhv W —A luoii at- IFF GRIST EXCEEDINGLY ATLANTA. Chicago, May 3l)« -Atncrict^n. t-neked a car tiirard avenue mar SLOwf icatis and (,'hlnese charged with smug- F1 By firs' street, stoned the - pa*s*-n- ,-lUv L iiiL'- 'J.. Cii-.t ...-'j. gers and crew, Tbo ear was- uailly rrived here from Ptmo. where gov- ^Siusiul, uut' ho obi} waatfllufrtf:- mment deU»ctlveH have been at work rlntendeiit of Police O'Lcary has or- RAGE PROBLEM IS AN ISSUE for hioiyrtii iMttrrTtng oviip'ttre 'Fh^li- q. red a big detail of poljc« u* the lrial. t-i t !-> .Jii«I Lyu It ' m .tunn n. Lruubli l Audion. expected t«i uncover details of a . Politics in Strike. Train Is Attacked at Lithonia, Pre plan by which several, thousand n lr<- There are 4.HUO frolic) employes, of Bacon Complaint 61 Rap'd Clerka— venting Movements Freight— Is were brought into this country whom S'JOb'are mfemliera of the union Boadtey Pleads for Industry- iu the l:i»l few years Road's Stand for Blacks Tlie men receive I'l cents an hour and Night Sessions May Back.of theKi* sui'icgtlng >pera*1ona tie demand' lH for 'JZ cents and the Be Held. • Blocks Arbitration, is said 'lo bi- a Cblueso syndlcato prBITege or purchasing tmlformir in whiiaid the hi •."•ii Under arrest and the op"!) niarkef Recently the com- their aKKociaUt* |i.0U each Tor tjrlntyns pany off. red the mm ins increase of May Important 1ii the alieu.s. one ceirt: an hour, -whit h the *uiiion re- Washington' May 30—The . lvii< Ttu*- im.-li bft,iju:bt here by r ni'ed and foticco •phedtrteir of the »n r iff - MM --^^.....d MflHMIHiHP *trik<- of ilnvje on:ia, .railroad lin-iu Slates Marshal Herman k lllHebrand TTT*fT-1aeiwH"t*» in liiO som»» progress was made on fhe 'agrl- - in a f*rw uriro s^saiun waa devoted aslant I' stnm>ter (li-ni'Val Stewart Jack Holt sell and W. II Clark. d'ffds Tn some cases as high as 15 to speech ma-king. on Tail and AmerleaiiH, will be brought here percent - pMr. Bradley Jkcsb tho ofaton. ai " iii* .« t, • All lb*Vs«. Add1 Mill. Wall I»r I'ltli ... }{• '' "•ty^e rtty efl^epHl into a co^ demonstration with a sj>eech in favor The situation as*tj ii«*d a serious as- taid to be "ttob l/i iinc'n partti* r. a fu- partnership With the Rapid Transit ST remo*g| of ati taxes and re- "p.'. r wh«it \;»e nrsr Ttutcijce to TJH gitive, wore indicted In Kl l'aso, T' company by which the city is to reap strictions on the sab* of Uibacco in ll» •Hfc+4—tiy—wai ref»ort4 «l from for \ l-datlng the Chim-a • exclusion jcert^'nillvTJends TSTVPT payment <»f natural state. He was- followed by.. TjnionM. w1iT»re a mot> or tt>.-u laws It was ihar»;* d"Tliai *p-y stuiig- |K'icefitage on the regular Mr. Stone, who talked for nearly fodr hurled rock* at ain uk t ne contain in i; gled into the country TOO Cblneae for t ranult—stockr- 'fhr cKy goveWttenL hours on the ramtficatif»ns of the tar-- - iu jun-il' t lie_iJii:Iiie«T Whleh they were -paid n lusad has tw ^representatives on the transit 1 fr Mr. Mcruniber i^disiied <>ff the find blaiUMl-fn-'inht train jjjLiijiiib': the smuggling syiitlicate, Judge Tho board of dir- f t m. oiie of whom is the day's sj»eechmaking with some ob»er- » Ing the brakes. Tho ••niiiue returned as Matey, iu A uslIn. May ordered mayor \ atlona op** tho importance of afford- lo Atlanta"tfrfniTf the ne«ro ftreEpaij. thi-lr ttaiwportation to Chicago for !n2 ample protection to -cereals Negro Causes Attack/ trial The Republican Icadtrs are b'U^»ful 1*h»* rac«' issue' loomed up morn Go North in Diners. BRIEF TELEGRAPH NOTES that It will be ]>o«sible to finish the^ " ^EaFFpiyFSirTfc^ -attAi.k on-the iruin aX Assistant Vlilted States Dintrlct At acricultural and spirits schedules. l.ttllOliia—wrtnt- -tttitd« -because of till.' torney Shirer. v» ho bad charge of the l)r W TV Linn.-said to be-the old They realize that a weck^or lopger cases, says that the Aminrlcans^ Chi- est citizen in llllRols; celebrated his may be r»;quired 4Tsp6sem the t«- pre^-Tici- of the negro In the C*b; Tho COLLEGE PRESIDENT OUSTS 50 1 OOth birthday.FTIday by entertaining mi Btliedule. and they are anxiooa jeajdne. bitf. Llthnnt* to nese and Mextcany collaborated eun- niuglv. Mexicans gathered the FROM DORMITORIES. T.OOfl prisons 1n a park-near hts h^n>e. that fhe eottmi schedule shall betaken " move perishable freight, assurances J south of Pana. III. He was a surgeon op Monday morpfng. haying liwn given that no demopstra Chinese on the Mexican side of th' rroalmnn Hfch j |B f.i>- civil war.' May Hold Nifht Sessions. ^ ii UOJJIJ }>.* made J'.arlior in the border and forded t b^m across the "Homes" in~*Open Field Nearthe the municipal election ^t Watep- "Thless the senate gets down to bus- day ntull traintr hud panned through Kio (irande at BI BBS during .low At Campus—Attend. Classes, loo. Ia . the proposition "i6 bond* tho iness early next weeV steps wilj bo I.ithoiiia with n«'«ro firemen, and this water. jG€OROE waverly briggs fa Clty*for $'»2."».000 to purchas<;'a wft* tnken for hiding night sessions. The iinfviir ilil11 eomment >Vfren Then. It Is cl^rged. Stephenson. MQUS THROUGH THE SOUTH, the engine to rembv.* the freight cars C lark and TloHreir Brakenv.v - Fifty. «t u plant carried bv 1;300 majority. Mor» question of night sessions was consid- arrived it contained ^ceuro. and the I'nited States railroads. to«>k the Chi- HELo'lN NEW'YORK COURT. fl'Trts lllackbufn j-oIIege^npW are than l.fjpv women -%x»ted ered -at a mating of the ^'-"^ people aarembled at 4h«-dopol made nese north as waiters and twtks" living in tents nr-ar the college cam The French" chamber «f deputies, by rr.ittee Friday afternooh. an attack. . itttKBtljB dininp cars •pun, after vfti^ < nstivt 1 a vote of to 141. rejected a motion It was decided -tx» defer a few days Kngine. r Howling, after -being hit Tb« govcrnTncnt collect If evi their dormitories by order" Of^ Pfg^l-' for the reinstatement. Of the postal action on The tfale resolution, wblcb with a rock, jumped from the rah with dence against the KmugglersT with dnnt W. H* tiradfey. following a cla^V "tnpt-'V"^ were discharged frqnr "provldea. that the wenate shall m*el an iron bar and threatened to kill the_ great difficulty and one man who re- fieht In .which their vsleeplng rooms ;heir p sitions because of their ^ou dally at 1 a. take a receas at 5 next per.4un who threw a stone. IT vealed the secrets of the; gang was were wrecks.. nection with the recent strike. until 8 and adjourn at 11 p. m. murdered at Alamo Gordo. Mexico, The students are alloVed to attend A fire which destroyed tapestries Just before adjournment Mr. Aid- wa- fflWBl to return to his i»ost and Victim of Opiates to Be Sent to San- leave •!-• uni • ipU : - .tr.-> to' save tho not long ago. classes a^s usual, but their sleeping and ailk and. velvet hangings, said to rich reported an amendment fixing the black flrinian. ___ . itarium for Mental.Troubles— apartments are forbidden them. With be valued at JjO.OOO. but of which the duty on manufactured pumice stono Friends Rally t9 Furnish feproarhfui siens tack«Hl on the doors gu«>Kts were in ignorance until hours at -three-eighths of a cent a pound. Tlfatthemails ar* again^to be-tieil KILLS SELF AND DAUGHTER up-was indicated when it was rei»ort Aid to Him. -**/-th"«»ir rent-.- In an open field n*W fhp afterward occurred in the banquet JnFtead of t»> a ton. and on unmanu- ed that tfie engineers would coll sign ol peace in._th!J- ad valorem. Thli amendment ^^ iitf at-Lithonia. New York. May 30—Relatives and Saturday br. upht forth possibiJitiea when the rreshmeti invaded tbe'^SBphF strike of the Japanese sugar planta- ^^^Ptfd. • •.; friends of Rev. George Waverly omore rooms while the latter were ab- tion laborers in the Hawaiians. At Before the vote was taken on the 9f signedv .state or federal Intervention Rriggs. 41 years ago admittedly the in a/'ion sent and turned them topsyturvy. the Kahuku plantation the striker* adoption of the *ugar schcedule Mr. body o'fDavid Henderson of Jersey heafy with danger of Ace trouble It City, who shot and killed his daughter duced. rallied to his aid when he was the bed clothing. The beds were ordered to leavleav.e- their quarterquarter*s. was -finished in . rommutee oT-TSF -' ~ ' is admitted that either state or fed arraigned in tho Harlem police court taken apart and strewn about. The eral authorities can run the trains and Martha and committed suicide, devel- Philip T. Hopkins, a sailor and whole and reported to the senate he oped tTfiaLhe was a mental wrefck as a on a charge of larceny and set on carpets were taken up and pictures money lender on the cruiser Milwau- would acain. offer his amendment* to preserve order, but If the railroad H» foot the machinery to hare him sent result of drTtrtMiig. and other articles, taken from the kee. now at Puget Sound navy yard, eliminate the Dutch standard tes( and nists u',K«n its rights to hire negro Are to a sanitarium where he can have walls and thrown to the floor. -mep it Is feared that racial enmity By an odd coincidence the tragedy reported to the police that he was rfduce the differential on. refined the care made necessary by a failing When the sophomores discovered and reprisals on negr«»es will be took place in a restaurant called tho robbAl of $1,500 cash and diamonds sniar. Mr. Clay gave not lev of hta mind. the wreck of their rooms they planned stirred up m regions rem te from the Pere Tranquille, or Tranquil Father. worth more than $1 00© which he had pflVpose to submit a substitute for the He presented a pitiable picture revenge and entered the freshman concraied on the warship. 'Hopkins sugar paragraph. railroad tracks. The bodies of Henderson and' his when arraigned before ttye magistrate, uglitor wilj taken to Swi,tzerlan< rooms. Wrecking them in .turn. This had just made his collections, it being An amendment by Mr Gore to re- ^fig ftff fftft ia ™ regponsi ——* irr rf rtr.-hl-HI for burial Th< family us a chateal duce the duty on refined sugar to 1 hie for hi* indiscreet conduct;- He and he ordered the culprits oat of the Wrt a. rcTrtid was withdrawn. th» .Ok- I AIL RAIDED, NEGRO GONE was weeping and -failed .to recognise dormitories. . •Mra. Henderson.-Jutli-hu- other lwO lahoma senator eapiaining he woul'4 relative* who were present.. Although withhold it. in tha bopa that Mr Mob Overpowers Sheriff at Baton "daughters'. Olga "and r.ladW. aud the only 57 years old. he siu<»j»fjl like Rouge and Takes Out -Plav>-i.ub>tituta might arcwnplUb 'he children's governess, was iu the res- a man of,90 and his face was deeply result hi was seeking. _ Black Prisoner. ^ - '•'•"••"" Hh. n tl>y 1 r:t i:. dV O't u rroil. lined. Indicating the use.of drugs. He Bacon Makes ProUtt.' She is undvr ilui Lau: uX'physivi^us hi was ordered detained tintil his case Seven killed and Twelve Wounded in Barer Rmwe. 1-a . May 30—Robert The morning session was enllvmed ft hotet can be Investigated and the , magis- Political Fracas in San by Mr. Bacon who protested a«atnst Uro'Wn. a Ticgrtv chareed w i'h m^rdt-r _M: > ;V! ^ r tfat.^"dr»rtdrs--what i^ N-st - to- ite- U>r • Pedro Mojon. w .«- ? tlT 'he "^xrrstr I the hait^of ihe.reading.clerk Jto call no (anvily dS ff^-nees ToTiaVe rsfiised Bm"" •'.. ' ."•''• 1 1 . -H the ndl on i-endifgt amandmenta. He tiT-n-TT mob of -i men ho. 1 1 Part -Union. Cu*:a Fllco. May 20.— IT^ W" " ' ' wao a man ot-- Uriggo has been living with a hroth- pel the Sunso^ T. 1 phone ci«npar.y to I f.,. |d it * as becoming to lie the prac- w;th le\«lcd^a» tKe. sTiefTfTs Re\rn «.-r. ttitoit anl divided his Uiu*- Lu iwt,. a 9r m ^jw' nfon anCjaQj^'1. u. t "a IT nfhTso and pav a license, of | tire of -h" derk vr^mplly b^stn- t IhtiT rdficial r > - v fr^m Aiueika"aii4 the European continent. ed last niglit. charged with carrying eil in ari . tlr itmt.'r IBTrtmr l»ia *,, the ja:L and turn tb. 75 cen!s per poT? al&l! the. cull call as to CMt off sena- away a contribution l»o* the Sun rirrats and Republicaaa at San ivdra to frustrate effort® . r them. Whether ho Mo)on. the several cabh tors who were seekins recognition and to repalr them. de.'irtd to be heard. • lynched is net known.. BAN ON CANAL LOTTERY store The box was found on him ami Thit .trouble arose over the kiilinc as n This practice, the Genres a senator ht- JjHlC-rtihL * 9t a Kti-nHirin p-t'—***an Jiv4!.PtjRi. Boy KHIa Stapfathw. aald. had been reaorted to fpr the par- harjci tS.ore than •Jhything Frenchmen Who Run Chinese Game crat. IT^ifla AtXl—i. tJ.e Trader ot of Us'eloThos revealed pawn tiek' -.- Knowiile. Md . May 3D.—Craieal tf effecting cloture and he ftitV had failed to pro- - Must Quit June b Orders the IVn;.. r»! was stabb-d, but uiU J. nee that l.e killed F fr-vr -1 rrnif • with angbT because' he had *M> mated It had the arproval of the Re- Panamans. He pleadi-d ! > bo let e.i (xpWnlne recover '—' • — whipptsi C.trrolT Pierre • 1« vcar= oldr^pcan leaders. Mr. Bacvm said he ICtv ' murder he was ongiriall; i Jaun Maria Secreda ard Claudio that be Vas a df«* victim, havlns h" -ho- and kiiUJ his-stepfather. l"ark | r(Juij ,fu an intiresiina tale about the Cn!on. Panama. May 50.—Declaring CMBO addic' tho drut whed 111 1 Ciuo. ; r. -id'.ni'n; candidates, I W illard when his stepfather, who precipitancy of the clerk in starving ks ago the negrv> pr- that the Panama lottery is demoralii rang. -1 a duel, .but 'he pol- of a murderer tw 'br. ken down in MompUi «om« as also his unci-. 1.11 the hoy put ;-he roll pall a yekr ac-v whon the load- Inp Vo the iiio;|s;tnds of ivoikmen en 1 lino . r of thoir i-L;ns and intetferid JawjjJh- cun and »ent' to an officv-r ers broke thefilibuster or tho Aldrirb- . ihe—w,«> hnn^rd Th. , .,.<• >—haT frntrw isKlitA^! ot l l*r r-'" 1- gr.1d;i.ttod from the and *»ur'!«-i> I Vw. Ia»d currency Bill. He didn't toll >. who beat the sotes oi nriiiT uuuttd TBSl.l Vj- Wf IV r M V' .-VJJ .-l » ^ - - • • ' II. ily before-' the official; Panarma . tniu. iil dhvetfos Ihll'tk roars a poator in TliTyesTon. wll» ro ^ ' lotlrry l" • kvst^l- conducted revival sorviros that olec- DAILY MARKET QUOTATIONS English Battleship Is Speedyl..4 •fbe whole incident is $hr^nded in TliU U i- ]•—— T" petition* trifi.d alt Ti-Tas. In 1 ho went >•• GOV. CRITTENDEN DEAD X,;W Orleans, whore h* hai .a parish 'Ijond.-n. M^i -J Till- cp; -'T l1*' LIVE STOCK. • m\-t« rj There is no trace of Brown tigmM b> promltt'.nt ot I' nm- K VTTPfX-^J, V AUfkji : and .bi-came -ditor or the Southern tloship Invitu'ible in -.11 olitht hour . -N.Hiw b<*T j.f.- rs t» ho d Thr l«i4 by several '; Never Revived after an Apoptectle —a» i thV d^rff, _' rsaa of speed trial* maintained 2s knots ,v. h.-ifoTS ."P: st._ Stroke Thursday at Kansas t ,>gnj*e any uv^mlnr of the mob. WIM^—rhlnsmnr «Uu ha4|-UMtti&Au! ia.rror * s-p-rt » rm-'e ( JL r>>>-r«.M ••V' Si '3.%. < ^Ivos-. iu 30F] JlviuhiU'ii to ojH-nu« it. MoVhodi-itt in the South He .crt. piir Kesd: HDKJL—_ City Ball Game. Tnatry partsihe* in IxMiii-iana. Trnno.- knots It is . laim-si this is the j Mix^ - « --1 V r. h.-r* •T10-».T4* c P*rt of Lost Sh»p Found 5e». and Kentucky, bnt Hhally wcrW'i cord ! any &htj» of its h-iw s: "a: 4:-: r»vifh. ST.eur ^u lusht. Kansas City. Mav SO — Et-Gov T T hv vvy H.ts Judge Fined $t. . t: «-7 -: fic«. J" "vT" Sh'< r Mut- V;. B CV-M.iv r-» \ tefced to n-'ire from the nanism or type M latn'M Crittenden, strleken with ar*>pleXT at _ Long 1 rolrHDii- SIiii». May W Attorney . H» tkea luokla lb* ~jwtnre pU «-|iv W'V ' May Mhil.' »at.hins a hall Fame here has b^etf . >:.• 4s• r* fMtr» MM^P ] ', avh V iv.eeux-er Inland. r.ith. r, otiBs fc»t."on men. form. drucs did their W.»rk and he No lnd»etT»ent for LyncHera.. • , * • '»r< t; Th«ir«da> di.-J early Saturday ««• Of thO i rhoiv. 1 »iih tiU'.n; Ihr lid. at broilo domn. and relative* took care of Pine ltluff. Ark. May — In r : H ^ T.i«r>» t< Sv^T mix' did not rvrttn consciousness after the «. »( >wr r.mdnr that »aa Us: SunJv h—i a hrjiamm-n: •,1 $• « «\ V * ' \ him He was arretted" Abtll ^KT on a of ihf etnuhatie charge d» J- TVt-rf 7 lilt" :: ^ Sli«>£E»—iLjLr stroke. U> JSOl. 1»w«.' »ith Jn.Ur jRvwW »»4. K»l»ic his larceny" th.inte,- but Po»l iWicejln Judpe Grace » ho «itne^se«i the lynch- tlx ^ M " - - . ! im»>< 1* " rx ** Governor Crittenden He ,.. „ tMttL Tfca. t?.!B fln^ aaJ IT'^f rT" »i»1 boteh- .!,!,• Th. n.vl I ra f-r V - ' Itch* K ' t: p«jr«- Si TS ,first an:i camMinc rruaade begun w . k wovor die*- rotU Canadian Carmen Win^ Men Pensh in Snowatide. • St.Alask.%. May -^Sevrral "Original Roosevelt Woman" iOe» Cab Sm^h Hurt* Twe, *«*«. T5WB1»«1 M»"y Want*. Tail*« v.\; a vloior>- wy • n hutjdrt*t! trcTt are yearehini todaj tor GRAIN. 'New York May SO —Mrs Dora Wat- : ST UOl'lS M<\ > "SV - llarrlaiuTT. 111. May 3»—IB a rot- the IVumniaa conciliation hoard came -x—fl- M;' r« >kU- xlav Tho r<-r- li*ion boiw#en- two rarrla«i-a r«nttin« ^ t^nt It rt»'^n ot i * hant. It f">h V-> : T«c he vent away to schocl. died at the hrewn: * $t:V.-\ The ir» n t«' n» 5 *t - J« l»iaWta«t» on Jaiu- « I- I'ry and tlw oih.r •-.•niainln* \at>c* la pay sad anme-h**w th* AbrrcPMrr^b- vm Ifca C ij4Wt — —* Xic, 1 a*a. of (8 yesra She always clalaled K , t^tufHl ra«i«xMl. U-lactn K. ¥ Mor.-M a wrtr>r<—«. r. aa« n- r-1 Ml H • Wm f.nitii"» S y ltow. TS^'rT^r to be the original R.wavvelt woman ~ HM he was I years old Mm Wat. v> V An<) tho Arl>ajwa« Um- *«». man Martin vl.-ilt of MIUMT , 1 vkfl^fNns * .'ytj Oklahoma Judge Acauitted kins said he w»l so. iirfjcht that tha c . r t*m y»»».M.r tiaina a J»y. ...B. r^t injurf. a frooi «lii- h U i« Tecumaek. Okla.. May .t# -fM»Tlct KAN9AS CTTT Stay WfM< ? ,-?lu-o, an f\pr>!«a officii f*armt ho alii dii- Martin »«« cnt B.lf for Eight Suhmartne*. r«tt $t :>:*»! S MiL SlJtSfil.M. « r»M. was certain" he would b.*ome presi- « ' It is not thovtkt and brnl*od while Vr* oafaiwd Injury .tudre \\>v. \ MaN h *>f Shawnee si « S It * ry\ «<« x HaM, dent Ma* Rejir. ^ n'a acquitted* of the. ohane • * accepting f ! t « T^^rxL $1 tOtft 5<- Com \W t - , . ovrrk»»WOT| hi tb- vf of MaAiarhusctts ha* " whtte Retuena Ami to Hel bribe*'fre rr- and booJleceera. FanafU Is Convicted. tf dticed a hll aMthoriaine the" eon >»hw T*p cv%«- No : . J Potilrhan Mo. May The stmc:h>n of eKht. *uhn*rfoc N>ata at \ttorn»-v General fh.vtei Writ con Kansas City. Mo. May J.' —Jatnee dueled t^e prosecutton ; V I ; . • • .<•:* ^^ Or,ve With Brekan Leg. «r.l pistol :al>s * frgn. the .-f l ol a cv>T not to exceed S< Sharr" leader oX the Adam God band_ " , -V-<> M.»v';< AYhr v. N,> : rr\ \diii untr. TAnmandlai Ifco r-.t »t*. of rolttlouj fsnarlra. and who has . i .L>. VAT Wl hh'a Tornado Hits Farwilnadlt*. f% „•] • \ -i TV I S» No • been on trtal In the criminal court a fall Itwnfhi* lanmiy. o a. J^. wwaiaku $1 *: \ v: * n> j wtuu sir;* my. a MM sa.- i t *? U-Ziax SS dnrtix.lhc {iast we» k for the murder ct tett; W intifflt. Mll. Uvicl" r - ' - w Ni> J w^.if, t\r X •> 5 w'hitv, T at- ISui. . man Mullan.-, w'as fouW - *•• : - - - it» piilltv iT *.--cord Coerce nuidei and ——-^x TW^tni iRW » y»«rr mtiwnnl lb; t*a ' kt tfr. ed to the people of this county. The Murray Ledger If Jack- Hanberry will agree to fiH thr T»• T» nt T) nop |f jror tiff . , „,

might be able jo increase his Chfklrcn cmijjh at night? Give -them Ayer* Cherry PC£. «>. i. JmM> Kilil'ir nmt rrirlli-r. vote. — -—4- -tur^. i)ftvn a single dosrat bedtime: wtfl completely -I «tiii« ••I M»'i Much has been said and many control (lie coiij'h. 'JimhI for any on« with a cold or cough. toalU ** *l>iii lai'nifh Hi, bombastic prophecies made re- CooU fur cjisv cafes, tn.rJ casts: good for acute eases, warding the result of the race chronic casta. Ask your doctor to tell you, honestly and A^NOUHChMfcNTH Saturday. Jack Hanborejr.'s frankly, just what he thinks Of lliisrdd standard remedy. henchmen one week einitH- Uw -mle»M in tlu^iuuuliraalkBKi /X.^jffHo .ie.utffJW ^ earth, next week the earth a iikitit jitik;i: t'v liver in ,h»< .» I i/V ' Vrt nti»« a |iotato patch io the' moon, u : I ill* fill .mi! iriil.> 11-n l>ir»l'iili >k >"Ur Ju.loi about tlKin. IU- now. thry are fixing" io fcmn them l oth in. Recall six \cars.1 Isn't it also h fact that W. H. '• Mt /. T. Conner left y .,r. What were the' claims made li* 1!i«>'ks. of Cadiz. In-ibe. n-inJ '.il- dav f.-T SnshvitU-v T.-nn.;. "i tiiv. same fellirtvs for Bush in the loway county soliciting so- called; holts.- furnishings. Hh-will ,„ primary and Hreathitt in the gen-, • a. -eral-i-lecijiiii. ---Take Chriitiaiu night rider votns for .lack Han- her husband later in TulUhi: Sl ' II SljTRpIT;^ Wry: laM not. .abt'. ii f;n< l'^-., »wke their fnttnT" lith rnnn' ' county its mi example. Hush , • tW« mysterious Mr. I look- ln-me. — - balur hi t In- Tli11 I claimedltby not leaa than from• m >awfl^^ llo.,^ nlmwa. w.inits l n»lfJ U' 'I nf • 4'lirisiljn. l.'.HiO to ioon and only carried it • . , Murray bylKH liush claimed Trigg by ^ ^ w by tile'

claimed I.yon by 15o and lost it * ,Jt ho[ al:io -a fact tha, P-r are Le e.vy , t u,a„y, " COMMONWEAl.Tll'a ATTORNEY: by 3. Bushwa. coming to the; h ^ H(.nt im„ Trigg Patronize S We- an »iulii>rl*pi>»'.ij<»ti ju_ ct nfflrpnl ('.Hiimi.awaalili'a Attorney, | Clyde Down -abjni't t.i ttiB •cllualif tin-Jfiiioera-j i — ed home with defeat. And don't the9e ^ 8e)f styM liW~m K.'ln;-y pni»Da .how in you notice Judge Cook is stilly lilotclien. skin eruption. Kingsville. Te: . • '"'"""•• •'"'-••"'•• i "The marked decree of fell k> w- Jbombs^tjc Lilliputian politicians, ] order apostles, to solicit night J J wretched rogtp1*xjon. Kor all - Mrs. Nat Rj I ship and good feeling existing be- are making any attempt to arouse I rider votes for Jack ilanberry '' nrk m;i|." ' in Martin. Ter HOOKKl) UP WITH HOOKS Itweetween the two candidates forCirforCir-- m feeli ln th|8 f0nte8t. These claims are not to large ^H^jSy 'P.'Si! «»eh. for Jack Hanberry t|ys time, but -t>l'imx!bj* A son w as b —!— — out-Judge is very commendable. .... , , • , nt Henry Lawrence, of Trigg coun- ' T ; W,th the 8 nK,e are intended to misinform the berts and wif« Who is Jack Hanberrv? Who It is an indication of a proper L „ ' e«eption of ty; K. Robertson, Zeb Stewart l Kidney., purify are Jack Hanberry sllark Han- conception of the high office to the Calloway Times not a single people of Calloway county. K. „ . blood: ifive itrong nerve., bricbt are Jack Hanberry sinar^ nan whieh they a,piro and an ex- paper in the district has had and Calloway Times all working breath, smooth*, -»«1 Mrs. M. P. Robertson and Zeb Stewart say nas in Calloway? Who is Hooks. ampte their friends over the dis- aught to say during the canvass for the election of Jack Hanber- vetv .kin, lovely eompleiir,a, are visiting h« Hooks is Jack JUnbcrry s man trict should follow. Nothing is that wouid in anywise detract "Jack will meet us at the river —• . - ;—; ,. "^tfyl -TruK', (>. l-nril, thus have Many rlikriinny w.-uien uwe t h-ir Tenn.. this wi Friday. The Ullo«»^ch-, to be gamed bystnfeandbiter- fn)m the dj .. with 1.000 majority. Thetruthi.thc e lion/of law and ord.r and h->.lth unM ^uty to lI.en,. .V^ are Stewart and K. •• ness. r.ach citizen has a-perlect " * - Lee Grace of (he bus,ness is Jack may ^ of(h(, atoclInK »< »»<•> A .MubbUli.ld P ^riln r.nk rightto his choice, but heVhould; between Judge Cook and Jack leave this woi "meet us Robertson, rank factionaUsts.;the wme thin? to hts Hanberv. The Times has per- I^ Khe'everg^li ^^ ^ - n,' the t..-!^. •Ky.. to ma' abuse ; villification deriduric- tjar. Lyon and Trigg county giv? 'pa^ . filth. -The rot and slush it - has ing . Cook as a factionalist, cess in NovemWT. -uaoiz ne- fiim credit- for. ~ - . : Mrs. l.uttf cord. been carrying to the public- is. ' hooking 1 i in their fight .^gainst Much other rot of similar ehar- Paris, is the The Ueeord vo'ce^ the senti- t J decent citizen?, atw a home man witn Hooks, of Trigg arter has been dished oat by -the i- ment of evory-true and ;,atri»tic-T •: it is regrettable that passing rnj- enWUaailu county.' Wo wantThe people--of Times.—Some few, weeks ago it ^ ci.ti::en in the above declaration. | tice• mi; given to tHe matter Mrs. U. M. Calloway county to know Mr. said "a vote for Jack Hanberry Ho>vever. .there &re a few at •*en this late date. phis, is visit? . f ! wks. Co into the Dexter sec- is :t vote for every, woman and row. one-galused.-hms IO'jJ - Jite-fe jeanJ ery >3 raised Slaughter, ar ti n o: this county, ami other child o: Callbway < >unty. Wor.- brayln/. li'.tte ir. C tmviiy • the; elrcinji of Jack Ilunb. rry sections, iniiuiie even- of. the sin^ d-. r wiHelT uiie;t!f_ufla .of That I>ur'.t. county cu£." cjatcni 4o .aacan^ttie iit5lr;aftfflftTif feeti irt- hont-si -britliar.t ••! -a t:~t Zeo or "fc". Telephone C' 'iee any r l\• c .nto.- -ray county- far il to Judge Cook : Again, you wiii render a M-r- Senice. lucie ::;.il emphasis a:. -m who introd; c l vice to yojr county that wr » Miss r-ut thetrsftiteaa? niton this plea t ri CWrtvnv roontv. M -•-:« I dtildren v. ill proud of.-by vut- ttt/Ti^.4 i iVtl', Now, let's se '"iTir. rrra: t - • county ng ftir Hanberry." That was - Vj-it- 'i i . r ij r.a';-c •ry's Cyi.may hench:. n n—r. i\ r i-e!:-'-. .r.c ,-u.t;ar^r^riK-sT-i:^.T 7.4b Stewart arid K ItoberUorf-ii; w-irthv nn 1 v.. II ;a!'tied forcir- Calioway c •• i of the nor..fajt io-.a! feeling. eisct Jack Hanberry judge. Cuit judge." Can't a mis-1 K. Rob?vtion. the erStwhite Stewart and " Robertson, loud take there, that was Zeb. He iorr. ar. ardent ehapapfen of a cow con- braying'apostles of law and or- knows. gressin Murray, and 7. -b AStew- der, repeat it over to yourself, Simmered down and tifted out' art, wi-.o was a member f the X Vtt' \NP ORDER ArOSTLES. Col- the wole truth of the reason for cred 'r.tia's committee fit th^ at- ieagueing with Hooks, the apos- lLe_fight upon Judge Cook is. iij • gar.i at ion "of the detrocratlc •liie niiri.1.s o£ all thinSiaC—fctdr- errc.i u jMltul^ec Jajt taTT, and • " nver to y-Tirself. . I : • , <7-T . r • air.K..-Ujbcrtson cxpects to ic On ao hoid in high t>tevtr. the en-- who aided in the ni.s.rrani-ht.-*e-, : $18.00 Cash Will '.'-. •.•••»!:'SOCK'Ua! l'I'. to Mem. ship of}.;- frr than'J.0"" demo- vle:ea; Judge Cook and elect should Hat/berry be electedecteu,. apard « fct. -•-• ranway" wi.! <• ty. - The hono :.-. are today the most active- Hanbejrry!" Not only are the Zeb naturally \va; a nan on trip ticket Troth Murra; Buy a $30.00 jesgag'-i the tijzlit . upoih "STs-lants anil doodle bug3 nest- rnafin the sarr.e hole, but his practice of law might be more numbr: i: l. afloway- io:.-. Swwiiig Machine. dignity of-a g owls and bati^ and snakes are , -.JP ...... ,, successful. take advantage of t I o i learning of a ; Ti -is Strictly i-i_ ti-. • lulling in nwe°t harmor.y in these cuttes; which stanosfor a^huon of fac- ^ _ the voters of, al. and :.:;er.d. ~ have bot r.;.^rggiTwltE'cfeiSit" tToralism ~gradein^verypTticular. Drep- the t>-Ln.e den under the ground TheaueSt:-ai!f.a«heHowaT {h „s aBt, vot<; ll/Ufneij fas answered no. yea a th ^ for the mar. who is most capaWe fand disltnctrxv. iuwiecord tas*ani 1 — *v ' iu'ad. automatic lift, cone l*-ar- It car. net be iu >tioned ...... _ , IS J I The State paid out for th mi- not been e-Jwtk.aed because his no?, to fill the position, and r.ot to ir.g ar. i fully guaranteeil. We 1 itia d-ricg last year, ending Jan- decisions a- a presiding judge, that both Robertson.mnd Stewart ;nfluence to t .I'd- nvade by limited] wer to defeat him in men wi Calloway or any other ill .try cra -- sr^ntrai election and tc. elect the rii t; automatic hft. sewing mac! ine ? Btca'.t-.m. xe'X '.ntan cap'>^. v. hue hie 1>v.'t tl>at -4- i why say ... .. Judge Jack nanBer; cand:- e. • Come t.'.J liayed last -\avem- for cireuit judge^ ivoraMe 11 not the are not asleep. ittf IrKe- <-nti* rcf. Max Hanbery wl KS FOR lU'SlNK.-- ti »!tC» V. ioiW made the. i-.igh,t rider -speech at ' "' ' •cient Fa::on last year. but is the Han- -M 1 .. h . 1 cry w,io made the' bic t '!.. I? iiv ' , for the Woodmen at their eek^* — L. i -ilea., '..ration hew on the 4 th e;"' Jul . , c- ' -rtson two years ago. Calloway Tinfts. rertaiti c t Zeb Vou are correct for Mr. •tor, r»;>'; r.c. acedo Wear. Jack Hanberry. and Max ^ -tt - ir- •tfov ,-W. a-i"! • pin:o!. Hanberry are different :n< n. t-tyt it* htthitali j .t tliey close relatives. Jack flanhMrry oUSCjit may have never made itted tajon every • d that rider speech at 'Faxon hut is it think- not a fact that is itic- to vote en wide circulation that - \ hot. ti^e-Cry i who i>ar{T(;i|'ati>i it-, t'.o .-V; »ndinjr:ltopkU.iA ilie, .when that vit; v.r.- - in his, almost reduced to a«K-.- •-Tl,<;-lhi' - mgh*-m-iiajek jly.:r-r. V .—it ali r".rein iUm-'hi:is\ vra:f : to. ! J Tito tan tn tV^'raW? n • f das also a fact that the re|. ; u iiht^n- widely circulati d that. -fentt> iierry wjis in conferi ek. ri - Ward Hi adjey th -irmot •'thr rud m Hopdinsv icff at- thai he w.»> retained a utt- r •i stuff" n>~' del'rr.d men- w< ntrght Iniik'ipd fr>r' pari u'lpnt' entitled to' te most sent- Uanber: i "iT* —

sobbs . • .

• 3-lb cans Kraut 25c, It 3-lb cans Lye Hominy ifce • v.<«na Sfolasses, pif gat: IKc 2 15c cans Strawberries 20c Fancy Oranges, per (loz. 25 & 30c crO Pec- 2 2lb cans extra Table Fears 25c Fancy Applea, per peck 75e ^R APES, from their most health. mnplctily Har.anas, per dez. 20c , IiJ proprrtif*, give ROYAL Its t Large can L'ncle Sam . . For Saturday, May 22.1909. Nutn. mixed, per lb. 20c or couflh. active and principal ingredient Baked BBB iflff itc ca.s«, Graham Flour, 24-lb aack 80c •cstly and Mamas Heady f<*T use Pan •» 1 remedy. Cake Flour. 2 boxes 26c i-tKtOiiui, . Su Kn,r in. II. ROYAL BaKing Powder left ye Absolutely Pure "i %r SI- «ill J. .in It U economy to u»« Royal Baking Powder. -Tullahcru, It saves labor, health and money. Where- the best tia4 it roquirod no other baking powder or leavening agent can take the iiiikj pl*e« or do Um work of Royal Baking Powder. «»nleu wtirt^ " irrii t^-r-t. •"•"y.-wir- coffee, per can A west, Patronize Mu>riy Telephone- Mrs. J. P. McKlrath has re- be Co. K Home lnstitbtion. 4t turned from a visit to Dresden •fjjMlUn. CT : ,„,, . , . Tenn., and Dawson Springs. Clyde Downs is at home from , r in pimplti, Kingsville, Tex. - ) When talking to Benton, Padu- tioos «i-rk wrn. in Martin. T^nn.. the pa* week. Murray « te au.mscb/ A son was born to Kverett.Ro-' Carlisle ^utchin returned Tues- purify thi berts and wife the past week, [day—from Centerville, Tenn., "»•». bright .. , , .... where he has been teaching ItlllKltll*, -V«I Mrs-. M. F I^ake an.Lchildren, ^ ^ [>rof Morrison. eomplei jf,n. are visiting her son in Memphis. —^ : 2 15c Gooseberries lenuWH ih-.r Tenn., this week. A large crowd participated in:can „ Tomatoe3 ii them." .VU Lee Grace and family he W. O. V,. unveiling at Almo, caiu . ildV leave this week for K„«e!!v:>. 'a3t ^y- f erowd. 2 cans 20fqu.lity Apricots the l.edjfefi •Ky. t- n..i\e ts-;r Ttt,-. j from Murray attend - ^wnr-Kfctjtnrtity Apricotr Mrs. P.. Waters. K«ft l- C. O.^Dreker came in Monday eans Argo Salmon wa. vis!*' relatives ^.?re the from the South and will remain -1 can (;ood Crade Salmon her# for some time. He has ,-Z 2-lb cans Bull Head Oysters :'»~>c j Maple Syrup (Qyartut 40c Both 'Phones CTgfk^ •. __ been absent about 1ftmonths. 11 1-lb can Bull Heatf Oysters 10c J " ' *' (Gallons! Mrs.. Li;ther" Hutriphrers. of Paris, is the gue>t of her r^ar- Herman Diuguid . returned Chas. Hood has moved into Here jlter the I . 1). L' s. Will STocftlioTders—jrf~the Murr:.y For Salf.. — _Stanhop« - ^nt'.l'an wile, Tuesday night from Lexington. ' "he has been attend the residence in W'e-t Murray me*-' at the Masonic lla.ll every Telephone C'j. jvili appreciate buggy, new set rubber tires, ar(d —Mrs. H. M. Lampto . Ky.. where o'clock, thplr friends Hfjimmers and mer- set of harness all for "S4" ep^t phis, is vi: Workman cure Murray and located in HI Pa~«. I Iintnient. -.It cu-ed me i rma- above named city. The Ledger . . . . -k. nere 1. ck, Ar-.;... iin SundaSunday to to[«—W your TV\ . was tfoere rec^pt—nenttv.'—H''n. it. Cisrrett, regreU to see them leave Mur- • . Sat Ryan >ndl"lu'u>"'*^l*J-' wife. * MnmM Ike^.. la'

m win Get in the well dressed circle-Wear Schwab clothes in this Enormous Slock ot Merchandise You will find unusually Low Prices in evem M.OO department. Money Saved is Money MadBrandilriririttat you can So if you achine. il visit our house.

strictly I—b- Suits 20 Per Cent. Off of Each Dollar Mens* Furnishing cular. Drep- 52x00 Suits going at £».#> ?2.5

•1'S1NK>- and Drawers.*. • • • • 5»>B. V. D. UnderShirt and Drawers

Carpettin4 ami Matting. ly Pkces 23c and Sac Matting going at. per yard..—. • - • .... "JlKk :: Piwpj-fci c ami 1-V Matting going at, per yard • - • - - • 10c i-Eece.All-w'Vl Carpet. Scgrade. yoi^ at. ^r.v'ani • •• Mc 1 Piece (.•art-wool. •"•Oc grade,, per v ant .-•--- •ftV' Two S^lSiHiruggeta going at. each.. $18,130 JXtEfsi^.Vt 1 >r:£gets going at. each SI"."1 : «»*r yard

A. O, KNIGHT 8 SON Murray, Kentucky

• 0 BLUSTER PUT AWAY BUILDS UP.PRIVILEGED CLASS HE PUZZLED THE BRITISHER Robber Tarfff, Cheating Artificial Mo Evldervtly Doorkeeper Had Never popoly, Is Leading to Establleh- REMEDY FREE Modern Needs Heard ©f the Lord That Amerb NICARAGUA TO FAVOUR Many people who are otherwlso A i-ntcub Washington owyn(t|fl> t?eer*e r of the Mid By 11/ heal h> sulfer from iiidi^i Hii.-u, or ent, HulnniiUK^ up salh'iit feutur«'M ol probate eourt told uie a story dysp« psia. When you con ddor that Thoughtful Men Wonder If 2elaya H>f! rln Wh,tP llm,fn "rtmlu,', the other day of an American minis the stomach und allied digestive or- Paid Up or t. It tho Work of I ^^ ltwt l*n rt*,ua' + ter who whm spend Inn his s.iMmtlcal gans are tho moat Important organs Thr be_ dtMljiKultshi-d by a new Some Pel of the Ad- year travWiug abroad., Arilviu* Id of the body, It wuuld aeern tliui. a die* ^trntli tub* mid Kn made every effort to Ket order itaera U to bo taken very M>r{> ministration. 1 .• rlpl.l ,'Jhp i^m^fpg bebti^tt thtw Writer * an iiiiinnil^ % If w #>f th** braiodicw otprly'." T ' . I.»«« Iu»4 i.. • - tbrtt 4 «IU»iu« il«iit« or parllainefit In session orVoiirae jlv-iuipiii cailriwi «i,kt fl»" il.iio'S kIMU' w.u l.l they lik*'. food soura In tho stomach, "X< u'~y*>rk prodI( r11 u*."in,111.1 i:ef* Qnu.of 4b.« In..xplie»b^ lutorrup arc lo injure nbarply dr^wii It no stmnger ]s allowed on the fiiMir of J iluauJUiiLllB natkinal Aau-rka u real m u.t.Krai.yi juin. 1 "the house of lords, tiut the minister uiul tlir .Irm i r * mm • ,m nlteJll fink t*m\ 11 »Ji.U;h..(rom tiiuj'. tu Uaw b. „ u, n as t > >i i. n llie ca_se. you Jiav •• h< "ii ii pitted all alonu, and'ihO' stoola wlld. r thn gntiitu» ot.eerrrr has Ju^t ,ryinK ^riMtU to build .mm. . fmrt tl^* ) inttbor. It m : . rwlrtr written aiM^lftW oF^tfie^frwattntie amount of A.uierlean push.'vtried to are forced mid Irregular. occtim.1 in r.'Spei-t of the a^hnlnlstra Js ,.Vf.ry iyto t\ir onl> "founda Ami it »u were irtlerk itii^i^W', ProdwcM in jlj,- forirtTii tthicU it luake Mm way There Is a rule, ti»re Ih w u»e UltinfC Ii.J1k.sM..a tlonrtVrtl .neb^ thH* only a few da^- ,,„„ liH M m^aJlid arletu. rae* lu a K'• until It Imt..hi«"s <-hit.tji. JII>.| un.l.r- flint ulir n-jji came fnrni rt< creator's yn n itToufiT ImVe Ih- ji oti!y a (It,-mat hhie,. m an Impending over Nicaragua republic like thla Is the i»us»eflsioa ol however, that servant* of the various tnirn* your lualtb. Ii is advice ta lords mar be admitted to speak to i«'rcKT-*t t.> yvnj tiiiit ymr igu lu yiiiff «lrug« ^ «hr won.l.+r. Liiiim!—Tin.- ti;atia»iT«a* tu?tfnr irmompnt tempted u* pro- \ ly ft« two or thr.-e w«>uka MB" wr^iHti. their minuter* Seeing the minister •! "md -get a l-.ltie I.f l»rL. . i'riMw it's fm'nt. Cii] the ftat.> department was gravity pon Triu.4. tUtmy as far# back aa you ivpxlri. the Wonderful ' « ure f..r duce the |>1.i\ lie had rereu.-d, Imt he |'"--iluinh - in tin• walking boldly In, the doorkeeper li. liver nnd |x«w» I (rouhl.n That I.rlng .'Ktr^uio uoa*ur.-H with Zela |lhc Mhd )U„ wftt nad the tn-glnulnc* in what t\ i'uWli-r, < Itovnt WlTC . asked M|||gM|||r Carson «Uty. JIM, author's-- 414- -x ul J\»r4mu and |M+uHed 4+ut a f«• v% . »f I In- va. tlu- eaiHankiTQUH prudent, and ,>f arlatrtw raev founded on i.romTtv -TfijfTuTT^e 1* UT tl t <1i y: i »rtit r* WW «U,l: lia.t Iwn i.m lh« ^'^r.UuK io th.H^ ,,,4„|{RH jt nttgBt be stolen tan»m>r HWfr pMHl'j; i I'M' III id Ke "What lord?" repeated the astoa- to IIIh 1.111.lis rU> U ! t an b U>e 11 )< hvt r ^o^ti jvcwiciu^yJ^l ilratnatiaU,' ---1- " l° . !'.''"^."u ' I''" '' * ." * "' money wrung from serfa- lahMt Am.iiii..i . _ «l"i ! mhOI.t Wealth erentetj a prtv TliiJ* t!i»nc. and il: n wrii:»u |»!.iv. onlTTfrrntTv'^Jjr^inj: doui would take Now thie uproar ha* ,i , ia>-« And the privileged cla*a For a moment the doorkeeper hesl- | ,,(„K«Kt,, . a. .« .. . tlo« . . n- tioun a Tut ti toted and (jitu admitted him Turn- 1 r>-HI»iw, it wjll t'rt»im*Hy twtl ne«N|r u.Monly e»»aj<«'-l Not a wTilHper i'f hail - in; i .i 1 liuinu^ri})!. wa.'LfLtLjdikL-d aml-uHiutJIuIl!_v _ l'li•: k.»idt?iL it lifcer-Jhe timumin people ing tir an assistant "standing near, ha. 4-; It-la a- -lluuid. ci ritly. m-v.:r gripow. |SlcarJlfoa r an bo hvar. 1 u\eii by thos'1 1 i jwmJ Wii.i.4 Ji-e laxarlv^- j JTv.4, . ..ot.»in» •matour plnvwriiLlit apfdied luiu^ ii {•» a of |>ftt>-tieal (da\writ- We AmeHrans have alwaya lM»a!«ted aotd j .-v. .ftjonal. tonh- prnprrtii's which t..m» tliou^ht of 1 v\ ho lletert at the k**yhoJ»*. frei-tlom front this sharply-drawn dib ••lu ttli.l - sf,.tn.uhstMtnach.. and thatliitt fifw« what is r*tH.-< sih-.- • gnrni bal ing, and t«-da\ ill -nMii »r uuin' r >u.< >ue» •--sfnl drama«. lie It will !m> rerall^l that of tinetlon between the elaws and the lle must mean one of those poor vli|)r r , ,„ ,ri lU:.Ml.„, Scotch lairds "—lloston Record .\>i gufn-rn* from, wtio have Ilc^an not MOW jli-t how liojH-li^ lliat '.': r-t |»1. i \ nin-t :i|>|w uvd m tlw on ' feiico (ouslsted rhiufly In, hie refusal masses Theoretirally w are rlglifT' •iu' ja> ihi-: cUUu 4»f an V AmericaAuieri n , !»"<•« nonut this glorton* n-pnbitrepublicr givgive WESTON, Ocean fb Ocean Walker. : ifcirut. - and dffpft-vi a u ^t tte^if-: rnnrand jgooti^j n^numtdf wttff company- tloiDg or pre»en ,: !r. "WWyw ieel ij«ei.iri Iiuiim .iiUliuut any « tuutfe In II.Is way d.iil. Inimum ii?»C*'rTreH tfrerfnrmntrc TTTt^ - r hmwd us a' d^yfen "i' th-t* i..iv.' j>r • <\ • it 1.. tli* ir ..wn sat-. Kuorautpt) freedom from* aristocratic mm." I..I tl«< u* " iw u»e jmjc.1- ju'i ' h1' j lMl.i llun I 'f. i'iiMw I'UIa Svryp l'e|Hiln Is h4-l|ili'..-niiiK Twh- «*nri-li frrrt*m rv.i .jr;mmtH»t'«, i«, iTtniy'npinimr. -rh»* ttto^t intplli- •a«iv»»nturou« coaeern*. no doubt that tax gatlU'JlJfB"«~ ffur- l>vl tlr<«ii,:l>ts with yuii ani walk ; tie \« ry r» M»«-t|y ilt.-y i • !. I tn • nr- In- pwvr i.f 1wr w**- iHfir »f wTttalowiHiMB th<» mor»» TtiTts «!.. .^x. In practice w. are f? h»v«* 'dlg»ailf«h:- Vnx< U .ir, ..-vi'.it- \c*i> tTilv, li'rr.t^J ' ^Ji^^Tiinu^ A$i«*rfcim: stateT rtiwaryou Will iJ^u^r «ntcni ciji'. irUcs. IIv )uJ I. WJdfiig unprivileged ijLua ILroufcli v V-i ledl 1U> iWimm WlVsT. taWrt*, nlta, eter; trarayj as setting ii+t claims wtivre tTTPTT "f^X™*^» * r..|,b« r jurier We Allu^ Jirllflrial ^ m ^v ' M ««y If Ut. ru Ik unythlrural»>ut • ill. h Im.t > ; t^'^atiMtiw -fjpn-p h i •»* n •! fs j j • fh Vfti fed an.l uionoi>iflU*s i y..'tr n:'c> rit >oil 3"on't fctuni*;- yrm e tlr.- wnm^ i iiaritri- tm "TTi- monopolies to dose up normal »ban- a , ..p,f-nt whuh Alien's Ki»»y>'. "trrffiTr^tan T. or tf yr.u want pn.-i*.! it in aHklng damag'S Tor a wonderfiirraln j peljjelHs of produetioproduction and 'thuthus d.Ktrodi-struy the an: ]••. • p.-ul-r i •" i • int. incxp* rieiietxl. And the jfrt-at «t . of tlie modern ?t;i ai»v 'in. -II it n.Jvl. v." writ* Shi- l«.knl i Uow. What Zelaya's ^intention was opportunity. And we allow tuonopmonop- tbe *hpn, give* to, the million* no*. d»ing to*P e .i n j. -ul l •• will In 1 nnstv. r you full v. There Is th<* [iiittOine "WhocV'f' rd,r i i'* C«l.l». II. IMt < 'aidwell bklg.. jdflpftl into a {v;iv, " • MontK. no. ui fHlj.-tJ waV anljhatjs a l-r.drns!»n to whletn -price Xlus: rr^uTfor Uh-'it ? At D«reiwltii'Sclass of Idl. e rieh Ihft jn«.|»v »uv nu t .Cliit a^o an i»artu u!ar an.l Tl . r'T.Tdlr \M --t in p-ri-:ral are itn^^ tnj>T- hai e thecoma recqpctted eaccpC frljwgpfcyBpTLu- result td ? yhicJLrlamh 4an^i ofy ldl«d^nwhfe- r»rh-tl^i t. ...h iviJi^i-^' V ltal.l tipun lii-r ip The cases of very feeble, and-distracted r.trlstwfaO*niHi,^r» vl. Moiiey^TCome4anvy sHhmi.WIV. '.mo easilyP : -t Al.l.lA^ I«M»| k\M m-nt A JUSTIFIABLE EXPRESSION. llitught- i j, in KwTiiuATflratii.a lliau aifv .ttxri >. .Timrof tt;. 1 u;:. d Sfat. - i «j»_ .inst». .H ra& MT»n« v ninn-s .jto easil- y i liLLy. V.i.iiL^ Ai, ,L "u ^- ;^ • Uluiilc-i- - -; -. Le i (NiwrrH ind»H' 1 Ko What wOubl !hat new extravagances are invented 7ET - tim^d with this widespread !ii,r«'re'f i- au n'»-rt nit p-ntv whieh rfc^]» jn 1* l e. n ae.-. j.u | with re.»ni|dal»ance at i thai are not only useless to et^letr. HP lord I . xq a moet gratifying manner t*> piav» that aj the hau ls of Mekipo .-r Uracil or Ar Uui harmful to Individ—la Continual Doubt. I low many chfldr*^ Iwwre I ... ilm/'t- • "Tplliethe ' m«*a ranklilU? injury at • saimity'* u»*rn\ tone fs di»t4«et4.y b.w«a1- d the tnurist. UTably? tbe bands of Nicaragua, and strafght-i by the idleness and frividitbir of Vu all. li It ilie'hojH' i»f ewet v one -iSer".>Tv;. inter." "1 dunno exactly." answered way b»-gan ' to bristle with gunboats. these social parasites They neither a mil •• i-i' ui in. tlj<* Atrieriean sta^e ttiat tln» of frtvoloiM tilled looking Woman -• an i hostile overtures arid, hints of re J jpl! nor pin and tbey *h<>w a bad "Y'ou don't know*" -anil-tin- ."if mouthe dJ ultimatums In th e 1innuediat> and indiH-ont enteriainments flo^m-him; in uiaiiv N- w " "" " xatuple ii. the riilapKclw'riiUiiii "Not for eertaia Wlllie'a gone Sli." »i.- t background. Sow", however, after some A robber tariff is directly res (ton st- York t heat erf will V eiTreiiu-!; -liTt And of this dramatic blustering we fishin". Tortnmy's breakin" Jn«a colt, tlir.l hrr p«u: bte for most of the prodigious acctiuiu- Georgie'a borrowed hia_ father's shot- in th<' ine\ it aide ration frort: si.t-h unw f:"n!isn'm' in~t*re rtiid^t of. flowery {aTians- of wealth that fire "spaw nlrg arii'ilT'TT peace Nicaragua remains. Zelava gun to go hunting', an' Ksmeralda Ann i|tre there will l»e a denrand far t-iean. vydo. in- •f.'«-hle'irrtltnfQT-g nf wn »»ld wiUya. imt nnacmable to be* claim To**s not'iPPem to -have beer, how many I've got till supper time w justed to give "protection' only comes, so's t ran count 'cm." Inexperienced 'Caddie tafter Mr. tore thai < reat'or.< ol >ii,!: drafi-a -\m!: tie fotlfld :n tfe laid, and yet the rromised a>alanche where H is necu^sary. of- with a.,tariff r«x)jEle s fiilteenih missi—Shall I make »ecl j**n of A^H-ru-ft yltK-fl TL^-^KtVi ft appre- has not move-1 The state depart for revenne simply, these swollen for-' the 'ole a big bigger, sir? meat's synwls are relapsed into serent- • The Young Dream. tuaea wouTd much fewer And those' The light was suit lu the conserva- , " " . - - ' • .-• " 0' ••' ciation for pJavss that r.-jllv m lyrth wliile? and- radiant joviality 4hat already eiist"~would be whittle*! tory Women's Clubs Combat Dread Diseasa. Th.-r-» fnusT be an explanation. Hlit d"ew n~' by oDi' gen» ration of spu-nd Hut nil the young girl, nervously what is it* If 7. laja has paid w« thrifts. ^ - The organisation of the women'a pluokipg to pieces a matjve orchid, anti tuberculosis campaign was defi- haven't bewd of It. According to all "but there are microbes in kisses." A fair day to the *j»u1>]1c ni. an? a day present app**aranees the "American** Won't Admit He Is a Bach Number. nitely begun In St. Paul In 1SHM5. at tho The .yiaalung- isf the - lu'Jtit,nrt tssia- 11me of 'the -bivmiial' meet-iiig- ttf thn - vHt whjf'h run a iurtj» rvtrt^r*^^ wwirts vmfrrmn•-• t&r -K* gTrd with the l^w. d^ep ViSl. e"uTTIiq T.^eiil > WWItlfll W WAftWYTTuiar His atl in th»» tariff- bill aiocately. ' are so lonely*" of tuberculosis a subject or. studx.** —1 *h1XttT"* 1 parTri'.en'Tafafif T^Ti^tTTF^omr IhvjltvVrT wouill -have hryn goo.1 and made Mrs. Rufus I*. Williams oj Ranjje for years ago It is absurd to-day. The diction ia v.n my sterious w ay appeased, a, Inroad and - Home-Made Names. Cambridge. Mass. chairman of fhe beaming smile has supplanted the flag, thank * heaven xaa no lowger new department, called the health de- W eather oint. i>' all »w*>] tbe fam shield plunderers from the i»e«»ple's "That little girl." remarked the quondam threatening frown and al! Is dn:ggsst to the doctor, ' was just in partment of the General Federation of ehljrclv fai" sare for a wrath —Kansas City Star Man sweetest harmony—or seems to be i for ten cents worth of tincture of ben- Women's Clubs. For the purpose of sprinkle of a few dro]»- <» Thoughtful mea are wondering AH Denounce Proposed Tariff Bill. *lne lint I've had It before and gave extending the campaign Into the many Everybody wants to know why, after-, The Spring®*-;.! Repub!»eaii sa**- her tynaoio " . _ -^r cities and towns of the country, the •^irnliag it Nicara«ua so l and ; 1 •central c*>mm»tt«**» make£ every local T* •»* • ' • - try ... iSI I a :.g "That was ca^y." an«>wered the doc- By CMfBSO* BOtOH 1 Ttl» BWraiftt oh k diphtheria' ""1 ^ tjutr -ar..1rr tT<; Junsflctiar ,-ance all h-ntore »ariff lor rww trust ,v- LU SLanied t.> know I re>;«-t.-.V'.- for work ;u ila own "paring puT'.ic r ;.'nu" n for th« tnip- r i .. yro^fC'lgj; hij - argiiz; a 4 n 5 in is Tered anUtoxin with an epi couimuisit^. Trfc « i".'-tit "VEgT,aCe'airgT a V - Tfcf?,a"."fV;:\',*" T* t.-s,rLn rintr rmTor Bachelor* n turning There are -few pe?»ple In the com- s grnce. r.-,- ;v w. are cia.i I Men Can Care for Tbemse'vea. mu_r.jly.,-ianre generoua^ accordiac - ta He Had i row s or. a I m t A csl eoyrranv-tw the livf,:-* vil- V the:r means, n . re nnselflsh. an \ vr ore 11 Ai'' luuIJII- F** "Til itrA yetf,-». nM;:^ t^rrrr tty iiiUCh ihvilxnetl : ^^ *T*rr»ree r.u>_r.uTe rro>t s anlsn _! ln_i«..inin ntt ooff won t \ work equals"n • n The con-play Knc^eTcr r'.ass Why. then. AoqU It i has this order standing on Its books. be taxed* If a tax is required, let it be levied on the pampered. >1!<\1, 'WVn the t>« ? g- « wt-ak. take ooft "oter -.n.^uljS ! usually nncrat. ful mar- mules.**- Vanoonrer Mhlli| tx- ried man: L*na-lon IVallv (Iraphlc. table when r.: of tt- rrm N'. w Tork T 1 cbaage ; : —; ; Athleticism. E*traord'na«y Iron Ore Fie'd* In Finland. K« ; u! .I. •Why." said the first athletic Wwd- ThoiTch Finland has bce?i rceard'^d er. "every morning before breakfast 1 np lo the present time as being oi- get a bucket and pull op'N gallona tremely poor in Jron ores.' recent re-

- in . me sue- a - ...» .. ? «r and a hrrle t M l!:e**» ur^TT At that .4 I." » ' ? r-r : j By Its pia. Appetite Calls In. < r.'l 1 lui liri: ' f.Md which pn>m<>tes a prompt flow of the

Modern " digiSstKx iuicp»- - rv»*> t • in addition to hrtm nTwrT Gir! Must t-uppjyiiig nour- kCuli-iw ishment. Post ••a r .-r.-jT Post Toasties Hlil .U. i. * i io*e Toasties :: >

r-^n* ' t'-^ rrr. T-^r-hts atrd S. prt '•''ri on l ^h^cn* MlWMUtv;, dclickHis answer to .ippctltc.

or lichtcS* thf san* time, full of K" tlie Tl. M.S.. .KUi. fond-Rondnesaof It. i i M \VhitcC.«7»,,«nd >v: . •• •I- I t.vistrM to a crisp lfl.1 fj Until delicious brown.. "The Taste Lingers.' nil t* of vnu to i^m ihn ONE TtlINQ Tf *.T WAS CERTAIN . CRIPPLED WlTMftC.ATlCA )N '•yMiBfil «"'• 'j'1'l-ninl vulnr. A DOUBLE Ill' tn..l, In r Imhil In »i!riK«-. — No Doubt In the Baggageman's Mnd Caused by Disordersd Action of the Kidneys. ^ .Shit lU I,urn-.,I l,Mk. she oh- as to Contents of What Looked OPERATION f FREE GAMBLE "'""I. ami »;m it [m.-tlili. tlit1 Like Coftm. ^flsnmiuiiiii ' t 1 f^.^ .M i.... < ., . i i LI—r h'twiiiiiiiUioB ihitf tmiHIirittnl St., I/e^tfton, htaho.-sayr: "J£ut tw®^ ot herwtso In an em«Tg"nry the mftnufartnrer By HAYBI RN WYKE I" r iIm night l» fori'. Wan it ttlft of l.iniburKcr cheese wa* forced to years 1 was crip- I |t«'ftiion. or pled with eciattc mi ;idor that ; tmnnjih of living miiimn over nnf Hlrot^y with a ^Jilpinent Ordi HER ONXY. rheumatism in ' my ll^'li ve ..r- T.J.' 'I ;ilu.^o.r- -r-'ri^-lT" jii' t:ni| rnn?e Burtly hli pwntiirl went la special The light fast flUtnig. 'Hi.y enrs. but in thts instance no car was thighs and could tant organs to 1 k In rlonurrvliiiu. 1 thai a iIih- «F*'lo Milium out HI llli-fl ertt'il'-fl nvallabl** and the order must be fllljtfr Hotgi;t about.wlthr. i-m i n very M-rl- From ili.- o|h ri window a noVR Two hundred ponnda of th«» fiasmnt oul rutcli'1' The never dreamed I should finish my days i-hfcir. riplil «*ny the rest. 'I'he .'•rill ..II l.r. iL.. mil j>-Ome.*tlhla _ -put-.ia-,jk. muu^h... ofe. kidney secretions behind the bats of a cage. CHANCE thi«g» uorl.l |.. u- ItHon. ^TtT.i.t.i -"All the ' long box. an<4 taken to tho nillroad 'became" frre^ilarr|~ ho stomach, bsggageroom. Then nianufactur- T*ie Captain's Repartee. .ibltn.JMuLtk' IUII.I.V I.f n.el.1 I.M Muni" «.•- l.-an,,,,. l,;1,k in her painful, and shr>M'ed WASCUREDBYLYDIAE.PTAK- --nrnnt. «r bought a'ticket for hlms.'lf and the a heavy sediment. Doctors were not •Hie captain of s trans Atlantic liner, .ml .1,1 •str«.,?..i-o.,,Mri, ^ , K..W- Jiavu been tons, and entered ttiimi; At the helping mo so I began taking Uoau's havtag become Irritablo as-a rwuilt of HAM'S VEGETABLE COM POUND P5k? stool* r«rt of the - - =5n fu„ K1„ Vr. K..r almod first stop he went ahead to the bag Kidney Mlia. 1 Improved soon, and some mfbor troubles In the ship's gage car to see tiiat thefe mas no management and tl*o unusuaUy large Adrian, Oi. —"I Suffered untold K InJiKt'Miion. Ainl it tln-tf.i't:rioii-h^jiiiii!;n. i|?I 'lii^i | i.-iii< • jju-ir.mii.ting lu- after a while was entirely free from mlierj from a female weaknesa and Ml (hnt sin- n^tieinf.'rcd itiintlii-r. AV)iv ? (rouble.' Ho stood by the bos in a my suffering. I am In the best of health cumber of Ridiculous Inquiries made I inlv ll was in low lialting tune., disconsolate attitude and shaded his by tourists, was beading for the dlseaar. and I could not stand mors jTinrrtnicr- "hi' vrnnili'hvl. rf|ie two urn hi itif- now and am In debt to !)oan s Kidney than a minute at a . .i':U«1wrir» tlure u»» a suggestion of re- eyea with bis hand. The baggageman Pills for saving my life." "bridge" when a dapper young man lime. My doctor r«if; • nr.- f..r feri nt. Cnjit. Kitvi-rli v ami .'in k mini i^liun ' i J.- sfwke waB sympathetic^ "A relative?" ho Sold by all dealers. SO cqnts a box. halted him to Inquire the cause of the said an ops ration Tii.a aiked. "Yes," answered the manu- commotion og *he" atar6bard Side of waa the onlr . .'Jty. Mi. I. , loyal tri m .•.piallv ,«»,r 16... -la.^k ^ J-MutJi v.iuul MoioV Jmari. came Footer Milburn Co., buffalo, N. Y. h t r*~ Wli>) tbe HftTp. Retng on the port side tho chance I had, and I dreaded it almost im.l iwfi i;iLi r> iin f.i[<• in. jII*' her I thr mini As tHe Boy 8sw the Lesson. k ; captain politely replied,, with some to Mm LaT .aid the railroad man. phlloaoiihicallr, aa mut h us death. -hands anil>;..m out try to L;^itli.l«i li | ". in and (lie "you* ono cunsol.ition lie. (l-ad. Prof Obarles Zeublin of the t'ntvof' ''sarrtRm, he was not- <-erta!n, but Uue day I waa . tlt^etjr^-fttr ::k a — aU rUbt "- Franrl^-o ArtfonauL slty nf^fhlcag o was dlF lisping "at a thnughrtt pn^TrTbtA TTiar a cat fl?frliad reading now other HiiK to ii|. iioih .and tin!.-a r. arid -ti- ' ^ , ,'i . .. ,i 1 V »T" dinner the glWltll paintings of tho just had kittens-What to-Kay wuna-u had been nil y.»u n«MN|r ... . , , -,k%. •• . within lur tned out to iiL-uj ^tijkmi,- hill »lwvf«i htm for tt. ^W-UHTTrr-iriTrr—ft- - • »t- — -ri HOW CARELE68I wmM • . I - T. . _ _ T. \ • arid by Ljdia K. <1.4. • '•!»« AjlU» ft Hi;. I tie n 'HiilM laf lo^l i ould "Tha» leicends that are beautiful and j Mutual Surprise. 1'inkham.'. Vegtv frtiffli Tun* thought of tin- man Tw?r="ir!.• her. an' °ot long ago when Ohe observe! it. Jlefore I had taken one liottlo I •"I''..-''.'".'-' '- h...rthnM'inirnu7,,i... ,„• uasbeUer. aud w># 4. am cvmplstely •ml TP! 1'ht low.1 Imu ). rl.4|ui:Mii<47;r^ViPTTi fTTCTr it.-Hut Oii Ml d ante, a negro lad long thought to be cured."—Lena V. IIi-SJiv, Route No. pictures, poems, songs. For different 3, Adrian. Ua. d.,.l Ui^UK.- lie »as His I. rv :•„.„ ,,„„. sh„ ,Tlir>M fur „„ people they have different messages. a model of Integrity "Jim!" Why will women tike chances with u|i lV|t»in Is For in*tanee, in my native PendJeten jelaimed the mission worker. "Is it I tn . .ir- In- ru Ij»j4-^n.-vi tlirilbMi iH-r • - Hi Mfc imp! tlie an operation or drag out a sickly, Gi rTTt^ trTihJ •pow^r- 'ker own-g*M»i»gtj»_. — Tt^ some of the mothers used( to cut tho possible I find you berel" ''Hassum," half-hearted eiistenre, missing three, at vjjtli itUcS. -f- e h lid re n s- h ai r.—-They - dhl it with l blith«ly responded the backslider. "I'a fourths uf tie joy of Jiviiut. when thejr trfr . hw.iy. He Jud u&m U \ iiatid iihiMv^ "r;- shears and a bowl. The operatiop. charged w ikh stealtn' a barrel o* sweet ean find health in I.yilia E. l'iukham'a ivUilniC about with a Jihh «-f .Irtt-lc wouid bait* ; Th- was =a\Tn; was often painful, and the result was peetaters " The visitor sighed. "You, Veijetable Compound ? . I .!....'» For thirty years it has been the r tt vr,u want it in the--ft*r«'»if^ hiaii's way. j "fo restore tli<- place in maintain it never elegant. ! Jishe repeateJ. "T am surprised!" s«Jvlcf. writ* Jle—There was nearly a bad fire at Manilard remeijy for female ills, and nwd hO will • lor»fceil down on him ainJ -t>aw| as of old "In Suiiday school a Pendleton "Yassum!" said Jim. "So was I or I ha. cured tlitiuaanits of women who llv. There Is the theater. teacher once told her pupils the trag- wouldn't be" here!'* have been troubled with such ail- this «.Tvk«. the pk*«ding in In- yy-. hi .Tucks He jiaus'd Ii^sitafin^l • and she She—How was'thBt? -H Dc w B. ic story of Samson and Deliah. Then ments as displace rricnts, intlammation. tluTf wtiwfrt- have 1mii coiiiman<-ri'."lkj>iitui backache, indigea. -rflftr vh!-'.- 1*r«>Ke in ''It i»i>- dmv." tossed the match Into the ."Now! 4 1' 'What'-do you. karn; Jpo,' sbo said, _.:TheJjfcgl .remytly fer (lripp tinrl < V.M« in •from the Samson story"'' Tlic-Jcn* C'ajmiliri'* Rriiutt Ihe a.-hlriK and tion, and nervous prostration. opon Tier iP' -m >r • - aTid ' !• •]' Ti» r ft-v^-rrsl.uess t'ur.-s ^oli^- H»-adarf:.-s If yon have the slightest doubt ES8ION. at licr. " 'Jt don't never f«ty.'-pfped" Joe. 4tV ',ejut-l—Kff" m mrfitr*j»i»tt4y-r-*y. thought? iat k w-ita n-.n TORE HIS SKIN OFF that Lvdia E. I'inUham's Vegee >F\'. table t'omponnd wilt help yon, 7ETE- ^ t«-»k strength with her Shreds—Itching Was tnteno Cincinnati "Knquirer. write to Mrs. Pinkhnm at Lynn. lie lov.d lier: of that f.],e hail no Sleep Was Often Impossible. When a man gets to itching fo'r MM. for advice.. Vour letter nt. knew. yoji ts Ttred of ynsyltrg. - offure. - he *iluuiid l>e k »von a -place -6ft- will be absolutely cuniidentlai, "It meant1 A 'little girl rn Ft IV-uis the other tteljcitft; awt' Uieir sjratched and ttre advice fr<«- was alk li wa^'oirlv a tntdition of [:t11l . nk'~ain,n>t « v« pvtl Cured by Cuticura in Three Weeks. almo-fl evepylhin^/* evening was going through the uOtral a Ollc at liTirffc iR^ttfi Hi red Tiiui j " f|j>'n.r }.,• J her. "It "At first an eruption of small pus-. a^f-tle' .if t• 'T1' e«liln»Lr.—^ tule» cciTmn'iiced-rit'iay hand^r-Yferse- Shir wa- thrilled at t in- spread later to other par^s ««f my body, acd so on, when ail at once Fbe i r.:»nl. Mial -Think af-^. seinedttrTCTTTP t o a" decision ' Now that l«-r ^atui-Ic fro* huti. >i;« .„ and the itching at times wls intense, • onvV .«In •finis oth's In ;irt.. so much so that I literally tore the thatr ts the lost time I am going to what it is to me. Jlimi : !»nti skin off in shreds in seeking relief. say'that prayer." she said, ver^ grave- The awful Itching Interfered wltb my ly. looking at her mother. "You are work cossiderably. and also kept me older than I am and it is your place GAST0R1A 1alter Mr awake nights.. X_txk d . several doc- to a>-k f«>r all thns* th>r.g£ and I'don't For Infanta and Children. tors ar.d used a"number of different see ^ttv use in two people's - asking ointments aad lotions but—received the sanie thmg." Since tiun she haa practically no benefit. J'inally I set- firmly refused' to pray, insisting that The Kind You Have cad Disease. tled down to the use of Cuticura Soap, it Is her mother's place to ask God te women's Cu'ieura.'Ointment and Cuticura Pills, for blct-sicga. v ~ was defl- wiih the result that in a few days all Rough on Rats. unbealaMeeaterminator ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT Always Bought at tho itching had ceased and In about three AVe^rlaUe fVeparationforAs tm« tho t ifcte 11- 'awC had disappeared. I bave had no troo* ftoTigtrTrn l*edbugs.1*0wd>cr0r'd. [jow d a resolu- ttitu Jtiart uiinpt—fcL JL-iu nn^ntTTTiTe koff. 5714 Wabash Ave.. Chicago. Ill, Rough on.Roa< hes. Tow d. 1 5c..Liq'd.-3cl "df. s! udyT November 18 and 2Sy 190T." Rough on Moth and AlhTs.TTowder,ir»c. r Signature Williams of I*c4tcr l>rt< a Cbroa. Corp., Prgj^, Rough on Skevters, «»greeaWe-«:o*i&e,25c.. Promotes DtCCfhon,Cheerful an of |the nfSsandRcri Contain? neither » health de- F. S Wells. CVmist, Jersey City. N. J. Logical Reasoning. Opium.Morphine nor Mineral •deratkra of A certain young man's friends Good to Re—e—b^- purpose of thought he was dead, but he was only Not Xarc otic to the many Phvmtc.1 defect. can be turned Into n~T» sou A.U fiarmjrzx In a state of coma. When. In ample Incentives to .access Instead of draw* •ountry. the time to avoid being buried, he showed every local tracks, what we look isr«on as ti a nil signs of life", he was a>ked*how it cap* In the enj mav prove spurs to en- luTTsdlctToa .sfenifld^-r. — irt>'» n* m renrtr goal or destre. tt ;n iu ows "IVad?" he exclaimed. "I wasn't ».* kww but how le_use them. We dead. I knew all that was gomg on. make our own happl oes we carve oo» In And t luixa- 1'L, cause my feet were eold and 1 was n the com- Me Mad Taken Mer Mard. W»* 1 bt:ngry ** Her B!ae Kitchen. A perfect Remedy forComlip" rcor.iinc - to <»>i?rhtn." thej said ^V rms Convulsions Fewrish- of thr curious hut- -we see you dining - out every ness and Loss OF Slop x, shoal ! It WeH» this sat: I knew that If I nighL IV) you newr co»^k in it?" lie t For Over alrcvl. 1.1 it itn : it were in heavrn I •'wouldn't - be hun- enough to get tired of It," she T.X S|TT»V Si(tv*lwrr of -ed. gry And if 1 was in tbt» other placo "and that's the reason I hko ful - iF r I ii. . .. -v niF feet wouldn't be cold " it so." Jrai.Me. 11 .17 TKt Ct»tAl« COOWiT. Thirty Yeers Quite True. His Kick, NFNV VOHK. nland. st . Marian, a little tluv^yeor^>ld. Is -My wife has co iii' a of jirtif^e •n ri ^.ird'^d wery -»wit.N>rn One day. when she Atb months old s belnft ci- was frv-tful. her mother, wishing to ' What's wrong*" 35 Dusii - J3C0T5 engage her ciind. attracted her atten- " ^he bad a fSQ9 ST*"® made to .1. . - of ore Iuh! .la^-i li. r. Il.rn infl tion. a cow in a vacant lot and asked HAtdi a $10 dog.**—Milwaukee...Jour?-, and fr'-t 1" to \ r. 1-ul I., r ii'-art what It was. cal CASTORIA kedistrtct. . vt^ 11 .01 have Marian implied, "boss" xbow* and THe Vegetar«a»v. at\>bb«i\rnly refused to give In Her Nebochadncmr was eating grasw mother, wishing to get a correct an- "Yes." be n marked. "I have come swer without scolding, asked: "What dew-a to N ing a consumer " e,%t< grass besides a horse'T* "More H» rowith r*gr*i;ed his lost bi«ss»" was the quick ro-spouae—IX : SICK HEADACHE Headache Vv I «'tir iK-tri-!. -M -n:i: " . tato. tincator . F«*Ut\et> randky •• M v father has been a sufferer from sick prtuUt-rr. _ Wtsk. Weary, Wsltrf 'CyN theme Ltltle Fills. bea<1aiche for the last twenty-five vearwand U i-i •. fa.i- tli it >n. -un ty Murjr • li. i ,>tt»- CARTERS IWy .1 •• t.0... I** found way relief «ntil be i p ^ V j v' a* !*> JWI lifi.'Sr !.,<» h, use a ehaflOK T-rv s to > Or..* 1 Ma- orcun bikinf Csscarcts be lias never bed in;- t WaliT- — nr. rsn*ni Sn.*rt. RVUM. K\t IV.iv Tr> Httte* In Tur Kns. ACPr ugs'ista. the beaosk he. Tbcy hjive entirely cured "Ves.- answered Mr.Sirtus Ttarker ^krr C*$•! "tire smaTP ooii >iJ». T. I i x> Kcsiacr SL, W. TaiUoapoiis. lai F the 1 "The h^st way 1 kn^w of to n* a of l«enevoleqct Rufcni Tiwy wolM* Ito^rta. Purx j \ TV^rnt. T*«tt« OooC' lv»i xx". \r>-cr JW or tir»r* ebaflrf dtsh Is to punch a boTe In crv SKILL PILL SHALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. He. 2Sc. S|e. Mnxt > -«- ia Tt» ««•• the bottom of It, pa*rt K green "and A man ought to know a great deal wt* 1 t starr,C Ci\ ' m^m n to Hant Bowers ttWa&hlngtoa to acquire a knowledge of the imtnew Genuine Must Bear CxMOl > u. aci t«sL. "+rn 1 st*y of hts tgryorame -tjord Paimero CARTERS' 1. t-tvA »t. Star: - r'. ' ^ • Fic-Smilc Signature nu ; Mag weUsm. - "ttob; - - ~ " "T r First !>ancer- She's a very attrac- There n^ n^vl te ti:*Ml IWUMMOM rggg. wau luafriedT Judy. SworNrrr.' Wrvt ^ W kr n S«m. TlSQ. >\\cr Fcr Headache Try Hicka* Capudins, —WVjfeT frgai rWite. Stj>n?*ch rf i XiXVy.iia-PvtuhV'a. .thr -

uliof me wwvtvnoejiMween a rral una a .10 IT that the uttef cab tu HP ling? M> eat to jou oea't ttH what •ssof hey **%. -W, N, W, NO ?» itOk V.jcr.t > n l r.sri KV IV

* -Li air in- You Look Prematurely Old S«0«^M ol tf>«M SffiTPoK «r. r half*. Us. LA CHrOLI" HAIR RlltO.I.DMICl, Sle». rots Ik

•. . ••• i* 1111 1 : ; fl. -.J JJ . - •* -^^is

• • - . .-Jy • V 2

. i 3 ' •. • \Ai ^ • Onlv Dreaming. Convention of Hanker*. Virtu* To Ccediiwa. LATER NOTICE

There are some people who Paducah^Ky.. May:tl.-8, H. " letters of administration hav- | Aud tth, inasmuch as^ I h-ft ve- f- UP to May 28, U*tt>. 10,258 hog*- cah. composing the executive A. Parker, iI«m|M, notie> tsja total-of 10,2ftX-hotrsheads of the hgett filotf at hOtHetOr heads have been soW of the crop committeo of First district bank-khoreby given to jlll pernors hav-j 1lace HIV

has sold 5i,5&> hogsheads of the Mr. L. M. Uieke. vice president, present the same toJ.T. Far- the old crop and a total of 58,52". „1Qtt* ivT lt/Tnrlc nf 190" crop. Does this look like for the First diatrict. and .1. C. ker for i>uynieiit within one year-to date. (matters 111 i^tUUb ui WHAT; ABC the association has played out? Otterbaek. of the executive com- from this date, or they will be collectors. Thf trill heat I—«t H)nottiwinr-"*»*•-• ll'"""-lir ""'"""'.if*'""1'1"1 bnanii -Atl who preIVf tcr TACA hogsheads sold by theaasociation'association, The object of the'This the Iffth day of May. liMO. settle with me individ- Dt> vol! WNOW this year b««de».over 10, 000.000"Wting of this committee is to! . J.T.PARKE* ..'chamberlain's ually please call at CL(), HOW TO TO TAM , WM pounds told loose which paid coin, arrange for a convention of the Admr ... . A.J arker. ^ ^ I earliest convenience, cost AND I miwon to the asstH.-iat.on %nd bankers of the Hrst concession- Bora to toaa . know* th . to be a r*-l: For sal, ' AMI UM: OTI Ht\t JMAKL Wrtiel" ,d under, its control, , .f«IJ*t«1C, • . .w t to b..e. held at Taducat v h (I'tt r srrr ,Mi„ l lxitwin„ ;ituml l ,.y Dalsyoiee 4iv Stubblefiotuou , 1 J. ^ v AcXrw> t The onger the association asts about tne middle of June for dis- • - ,— _ The longer the association lasts about tile middle of June for dis- ,„ u,ed| Court "Hfiiwe "fn" Hay field A'l i«l nmalion c.n the greater will be its benefiit to cussion of matters of interest to.r'"" ' t " , . The Court H6u j'-iouav HI t HF/vrn toe people. Whenever you hear; banker. . 18, 1885, nearly HU.\4tt.4(F.Atl ant r ' If > ml: llir only t< years ago. Hardly hik. a. «. LtH*»ti it. -a rn+tot KtCHEAl dead" tell him he is only drean!* _ iZZTZ.-Z,, nalf the older people of fciaa i:iu:tr«>r aan^ali x*ar» «cnptt.»n or by pirdraie » ,1)1Matlili-r niiillHtrouble, irfg. Mayfield Messenger. I vinglNtrtsetl t-iy Whan t sufferer from ttnnmch RECRE I. IV-CREAT VACA an.i i onlain. more v»i-j. limitation on ottuJoor * and intrt riling nitwit. on< rtrrtikti*in tli.n waaeie

ALL THH ART ALL THE UNI TUBES iDFWI ARE MORE rtan now work ripl ARE FURNISH WHO H A V I p.ieJc SUibblefieldY THERE." 641 INCHES OF Lt\ ARTICLES AM STAYED. - From my home near IN THIS JUNE .New Concord, one l>urham cow; We want roil to berc red sides, white btck and dark RECREATION sod head; had bell on"when she lefC Tho June oumbo, t.p< t - greatct value lot the A liberal rewarfl will be ;>aid for BUY THE JUNE her recovery.—JE. G. MKRRELL. ANY NEWSDEAL CANNOT SUPPLY phone C." PTlvline. 25 CENTS AND W YOU A COPY BY I

- * RECRE/ 24 West J»tb Stret

Fob j ' Hoaey » 1 e iallv r.cotmiieni S( Oil's EMULSION ihr at : II<1 LIIN- niniv >fiff«r» 'r> anfhn.a and Merchants Hank. Miss Barnett 1" "Jiij 0'mfoit and is a pretty and very popular GOOD HORSE.—Have a GOOD farm horse for sale at a bargain. "ilia; Foley's Honey young lady, a recent gradute 0f -E. S. l lR^il'lu. \ . by a 1 Drinjists. our schools, and is loved and ad- mired by a wide circle of friend?.

For every one that conies off yotir No other garment inl a the wortJ carries suchP "A C.roi a warranty. For every lj' why the fell is fixing the button that conies off wctj would be ha pay ten cents; for everyk Hbo before Victor F tip S I. The warranty| m change with is sewed on 'the skirtinj of every pair, and the m genuine garment has m BUTCHESS on i au4 i&ue: every button,^-- ~ ™ m * * * * * O.OOO pounds Wool wantaci- We'll loiay it and. pay full value ^ m tv\\ then. good peoples C«mc oh to see us, ami 5 i forget that Murray Jhe host town ami \vc the .1. r. m i,.lk " ^ # * Jfc'ofsty.s. A I RYAN Murray.* Sj u s, for * %


. ^ lfwyntr- i. . . v Mt'BKAY. KF.lN'tt*('KY. IHriWifv JI'XKJ, lung..

WHAT;ABOUTAYOUR GIVING OUT Crecelious Law to Ik; Te«ted. I!Luuj A«iuiC —-—a,. »i»

VACATION legal a-.'fnry * CHOOSE WISELY...- DO VOl! WNOW WHERE TO IH), tWJW TO-+K>, WHAT the best jHlownpiunns *1J !.aJ *T1 tarto and kind* at TO TAKI , \\ II A I IT WILL of tin- instrumdirts trati* Maphtnjc, thm_tik* COST AND TMH DOZEN AMI ONI; OTHER 1 MINUS v of business. I f insr MAKL OK ftAR A htnW of buying "sc. \ACXrtUNV ^

A t inf imiaiinn r«n I t tiaJ (oj tJ1( WW AT-AS IMOHMaT HO.\ trri irt^/nrrty IFirtl^rit f flu >.,u; til, nr!v O'miiliaa t'al you aie i r-. Til RtCKEATION mU b» ,„b. •rripte'rt or by itrctme at yotfr r,fwidealm. t.iit arpcil to carc- JUNE N U At B E R OF ^frcsdi have Automatic r? ^ i " J bt-.. uT riYITTroiit, GoHrn Oak V . rc. Vtbrit • Rotary Shuttle Style*. ur? '.»il^e-CREAT VACATION NUMBER, ° -- 'Jsl^il-n.JL--C.kTrri C^mL^-ARTtn on outdoor vacation!, and reliable and intrmtingartirlefon't// cUan, \ch»U*<>n,« \t• than was ever belote putluKevl in Sold "by A. B. Beale & Son. Murray, Ky ALL THH ARTICLES AND 1 ALL THE UNUSUAL PIC- TURES lOF WHICH THERE ARE MORE THAN 100) ARE FURNISHED BY MEN WHO HAVE "BEEN THERE. " 6400 SQUARE INCHES OF LIVE OUTDOOR ARTICLES AND PICTURES IN THIS JUNE_Nt)/lBE«. ±4 We waat Jrov •• acquainted with RECREATION .11 a. Mplulne... Ttiu June ounibcf. especially, it a gem and the greate*t value for the money you ever uw. BUY THE JUNE NUMBER AT ANY NEWSDEALER'S. IE°HE CANNOT SUPPLY YOU, SEND US 25 CENTS AND WE WILL S0ND YOU A COPY BY RETURN flAIL. Take-Down Repeating Sfoofguos The Winchester Repeating Shotgun ~has stood the trying ' RECREATION practical tests of sportsmen and the rigid technical mala 'U West J«h Street _ New York of the U. S. Ordnance Board. Its popularity with tfie.for- mer and the official endorsement by the latter are convinc- ^ ing proof of its reliability, wearing and shooting qualities. Ko|, v'.a Honey and T»r is te. Stnjfor HWtoifer—f«# KtJ W Brand—Owns ani vtntmuMi.fl. WlNCNEStea RCPIATINQ Anus CO. - - New HAVCN, 1 e i»ILv r. commended ferehroi id ilir at : n 1 llin^ troubles tnj nmi.V stiifyi lrift troncliitjp. EGCS FQRS U.-K. From Khodej WOOL. . Wool. - We want to anflinia a:ul osMU'iiptimi i ave Island Reds ami .Black 'Minorca*, buy your wool, any kind, all f itliij O' liifart aiiiTr^liif, by u* 50c pen 5. Address Hits. C. L. kinds. WN^pay highest market ins Foley's llotiey ami Tar. !vild Sft i;i,i>I -U.-Js Ii.-No. 7. ta-tce. eittier trade ur 'cash.— by a'l Druggists. ., • J "BIY":'!L. 6T: SMITH IT FATNCFR.— - - - 1 A- B. Beale 8 Son Never Sleep

"A Cround Hog by name and a Gaound Hog by trade." Do you know This is.the Little Jap I>i?c Cultivator. why the fellow who sells other plows cry? It is because the Groi'ND Hog It is tbe latest cultivator out. To see it i9 to buy it. is fixing them all to die. A stronger built or a stronger constructed plow FATRA EASY to operate can be guided to miss a crooked bill would be hard to find. No advance in prices. I^t us show you the Groi'ND Hoc. before you buy. it is fully warranted to do satisfactory" work. or a stump with your feet or the sway -of your body. Both hards Victor Points interchange with the Vulcan. American point* inter- -free to manage \ u11! ti'iimr The tin i.K .t U' 3f.!ner in htHy land. change with the Oliver. Prices right, see it before you buy. SEWING MACHINES A S.JO Sewing Machine for S>B.

This means Spot Cash at store. It is fully guaranteed, and made bv thf White Sewing Machine Ca This proposition is worth in vest igat i ngSior. the lady that sews on this mnehineN^ill atway? emite and will never wih-jk' if you want a sewing machinc.

Mill Supplies of all kinds,. Steam Pipe. Pipe Fittings, Steam Fittings. Belts, rub- ber or gaudy in HardwHi-e,-Fftrimn;? plemeuts. Wagons. Buggies Etc. come to see us. Don't Hm o you srrn onr buggir?"' Wc have a swell lino' ma le up in a varety think you will find us asleep of sty '.s. All hijrVi grade and fully warranted. If you are inteivstedj^jMC We've got lots of irood things we want to u s, for we.can sell this high grade buggy on a cttsh basis from $40.00 and - shojir you. 1' n't fail to I.- this Itr.e if»j, ar-' wteri.-ud.—Money lwks good to

FiJIy Looj^i'. (tvfr be MURRAY ttoria

,. ,chink'of airiintlmr Trfmwi tr. m n in iuvtiAt whkli i cally Ciiiinf tn tv long run. There are escrpil«»nw pf a« whvu Ibi' side whose morn! ts Ihe -weaker «TO ptaro an nb- Rotntcly overwhelming la Uw» Oen. Kuropatkin in Critical Review of Hold and sl«. Wear out Its opponents Conflict Censures His Govern- This w,»•> Hie caae of the federals as The import of an advunce in tlfs "rtiinf fbS*"Forfeit• Lobster N. wbiW I'lnt can fm price uf bread as a resuLt vf the rlM? in Victory—Says Navy \ || ( ries. Slid the llrlllsh against the elKht permm* I'hi alwmt Uh> value* of w^heat ami Hour waj'tQ liuurs H js indeed u lurny wrmy df-rrmm im litrw wlih >*dki, »r Was Weak- which! starting a campaign wytb tho be expected. Wheat being the raw ma- two egKS wejk beaten Stir constant "Wtu'ii»»«»ee aaountt > tak. s up firms terial of flour and flour tho raw ma- The two men stepped from the j pin* old business girl. Cynthia!' flays ly until It thickens: add lobster aur s . ,.k. mt uurAJe. U i'l !" I" improve in terial of bread, an Increase in ihe cost cut bhtotie, to c ttthe »tr«>«>t when : to Iflram 'lit. don't make the gentle- reasoning When wHl heated it l» it should •ontlnue to light until It spiiU and immbers at tho ea»a+ rl {,,, of the first, Whether natural or artlft- the heavier tnun's right boot toe caraO-f man lose his boat. Land to goodness ady to serve in small dishes oi wins, otherwise it %>!N » time clat. necessitates proportionate ad- in contact with an object lying in the | lTnclo Sam's not so many gold bricks, fluted paper ^anes. to be < on side red n ureal nation, and "Mils was tho rase wilh us He will become a 'coHeelioM of u»erc vances th the more finished products. gutter. He swore softly. as he noted I do hear tell, he won't mind us ki^p Utile IM«« In Hlaiikels Wasl^ W.eii the bHltle of Mukden and the ^hmigraphbal material' from which ud of tin war our hruiy almost The only question is whether the up- that he hadjLcnffed a hit of untried in throne for latke, when ho -fcrus-ii large ujrsiArn ami dr^ llmroughly up-.*' Hiram forks over the prTco atuT other i.niMir..f. muy U- tirairth ward tendencies hnve not been uaed surface from the toe o'fbis shoe ' Mrtve slices bacon till, very !M?» J. His, companion stooped and picked they're off to the Tkrm writtr the Jae k Salt and peprppf oyateVs Pfh on rati by combinations and manipulators to declares C.n KuropaiUnrilu* \ np the "JTeudlng object. It was4ubout ass egg." The speaker thrust the with wiKHleu toothpicks a slice «»1 Oil their own pockets out of the needs sloV' former minUte'r of vvai the sfze and shape of g.flre brick, anff r.iUs that he Hutchrd towards hU baeon and broil or bake uutll the ba ot the people. There is no doubt that commniHbi In chief of tho Ifamhur quite heavy. companion. "Here. It was us easy at* con is crlhp. Serve hot without re tan arm ol opr>ration ftfr one brief a-considerable part of liie advance La "llelU'i get~4t 4oe-4bau iu-f dreamln' -it. IWil ufl your coiumi" iiiuv lag, toolhpl cka. )'i iir during the Tl'isso lap mi wheat is due to the small- amount of the neck,' he laughed, tossing th*: »u»«." Some thing fur. Lunch Hreak one flict, h position in whb h he .was sti last year's c.op still Available lor mar- object lt> the other man.' "It's a gold ; The shorter man took the bills and quarter of a pound of cheese Into Idti keting. There Is general belief that brick. .Mm." split the hundred dollars evonlF »*ud- and pound wTfh TT to a smooth paftt ded by (len Llnlevit<'h^ And j this legitimate advance has been ex The man whose shoe had been denly his face grew tk»rk. "llelH two s|K>onfiils of butter, the yolks o now Kuropstkin has brok«n the long! •oi,...... tfthich fcdlowed^tho tcrinlna 1 aggeratcd by spec ulilOML"the seit/Trd mlscntcuUfted the weight of y.»w re a thtef. „ he pauted.-wMft I two: egKsu- one tn»yuoti(u} t»f musUkfd 11.>n ».f . n.ial < .ii » • r. TTTd tn -H -J riUsbUr* Chronicle Telegraph, As far the brlc4K, ind It slipped fKM Bli hold [ the bills to his feet - g Wry Uttte cayenne and Tine baIf U^a. and fell on his left foot He did not "What's the matter with youf The s|io«rnful suit; toast six slices oi yolumluous work; entitled "Tin Itus as this ts the case we may hope that "siaii Army- and Ihe Jupaiu-se War,-' , swear softly this time. f»*r«the brick rother man came upright, glaring slu- bread, and after spreading tlicm will It will be~tempora7y, and "that the har- weighed about HO pounds. . pldly. ^fte mlxiur«', lay i'iWW Hn a jratptn T reviews in detail (he v«urse_of the vesting, of a good erop thiB year will "You'll pay a thonsnnd for your j "These nin't the-? bills you got hot oven for ftve minutes; then «crvt great contest which"brouiilitlhi* own restore prices to a lair basis, There klddin'!-— he growled, caressing his 1 Them's some off out-own bat. You've at «m«?.- retlreiuenl and hl.« country's defeat" are also indications that s combination 'Injured loot. "Got the money on j slowed tho old girl's uoods In your Hither Cookies.—Two cups mo Although licit diretily an orfoigh of milling Interests has increased the you ?" vest and passed lue the queer. Come lasses, cup Hour milk, one cup sugar liient Of the" Russian government b»r old margin —heiwe^a . the, prices of Hts companion laughed. "Keep the ' split or I'll split you!" owe cup of liini. four leaspoonfuTs oi Its condfict of the war, ylth Japan, wheat and flour, arid tbuiTestabltshed brick. Jim. ifnd sell It for two thou- The heavier mail stooped with utv soda one th the mffk and theTesrir the book is-ono long pr«ttest agrtllist another squeeze on consumers. These sand, Tjjut'B your lay. ain't it?" ; expected aJaciHy and gathered up the the flour; om^ table^pooiifui pinger polUv which culminated in Mir render, abd contains an implied < en- means of enhancing the frost of prod- ."What?'' demanded the other. '{coimlvrtcll hills. two- eggs, a pinch of Halt—roll _ mi: •T. ,, sure of the crar There whs no _ can so • ceudot be carried very far with- "Sellin* gold bricks " l)amii!" he cried. hoarsely. Then tbiok. . .*—- — The "heavier man put down his foot. : fa threw up his hands. "Search nie! for RusstaV surrctuler w» Japait de out inevitably IncreasiHg the cost bt He could no longer stii>t*ut 'hfniseI^'VJj^jlj^n picked! Soineofthe boys CONVENIENCES FOR THE COOK bread. one leg, without hopping about the mu/t have done the rubes, and tli chn|iiig» vf his k- !:<• httilnj street to maintain his equilibrium, and "tfave handed It back to the firm Four New snd Practical Contrivance! ;«t the possible L iieWaT Pf bihlillti. double In tiumbers. had tnk^n Hp « A w riter in the N'ew York-^un "pro- he was t«3o lulf-btoodcd for .such' gym-'...Search, me! Gawd,! ain't no thie!'f - ^or Savinfl Time and Making Gar- belweetL the, two 'patibn 'le df-} frtrong .posltlcrn. utid was quite'ready tests vigorously against the att&ffT nasties. ' - .-,...- r^ri A pait-of deft harfHs Vent rapidly 7 nisbment Easy. - piores the- physnbl ubsi.olc; wh'i. advance ^ TT..- strenRtll of jhe upon the " split lnfiifitive"—this put- i ll sell It all rinht. all right." he through the pockets of the man with bad rendered the war bam u ot vie ; Jajmnrs.-. on th-«44»er-haiui, waar «a, ir. ting an adverb between the sign "to" growled. "And' not a red cent for the purple-checked vest, but all F'our new and very practical 1citcher tory for the gfiffli arias, 'but -tn ; h'i>t*-tt. - and the verb!1 All .the grammars are. you." He "picked up the offending value that they brought tb light w«js conveniences arejtbowh in the sketch spli^ c»f this h« tuakc rf tt. sensational Tbronnhout Ids. bo.ik Hen Kuropefr of course, against U. £ut ..practice, ivr 'ftr TT'Bandr itttb.' knife loi Thus tin+ wlrm tb- Jhy .naval MUldUUt ill. HiiL- "Copper! sure as lh'ifih avenue, hits in.silver change. -4" which makes grammar, is quite—T^io ing vegetables'. It takes off a thin eil A. .IniMin -- f'.ri. - ». r- «»r Kffiiu-Uui Jy|t "lyt'tvil Broadway; J^elf Off team Ought' "Quick!" rommanaptiuicommanded thfe IHHmanU eallWIW« I i other way. Nearly .&yecybody uses the xren p<«elrwithout j< tnovtng die val tluri. i'f fiMiiiKH'.hiim.-uliih' 'In- .nmy i H .ull ."•• i... » lut-rini.iiliTPd Ilia— to brl^ig a couple, o' dollars." He [ BilKpulJingg his comjuinion frotn the liable part <»f the vegetable-, which .lie? of Wu»l» w.a »lmnKIUI teafmtame* "split infinitive," and though Hyron jgjaticed along the" Street to locate a; entry and explainin&^iis plan as he ciir.ctlv uiub r tho .-km in yegetable| »«Jr nH>r.. yfflrUn. Jhaii ;ii 111; Hm. j to ltn.i-1.1 lu |ij«'|MirluK ih<- w.iy fnr ul charged with being the originator of it paw n shop, whftn suddenly he turne«l - htirried himu down" thP\stK»et in the (li such as carrots and parsnips, whli-b during th- contwit. ud ihu. ihi-r^ j t.niat^-> \U-n,tf ' "Bu» that- ihxi-cbuntry ronple 4, Vt. Ul j„. rapt-Is T' r..f " II... :.ll.,t_ f.,r I-I.t \ II , TTpi-l ,llt"n. liniWl. . . I'|i(4tl. thyy scene"—still Marcmihry, Ruskin, ilurn*. hoarsely: , "Side slep! Hirain and taken Were detectives! &< ' Implu^lr. a <-nn:ir.M.v a. 1 Tliis t.Ialut ( ..««..- *i l>nm» fai'"r- 111 br.iuiiw; Cynthia." •> Tiiey^iay Ik» wise that • these- WfciiL Johnson. Lamb, Burk^. a«d ev^ri that K«r*t;.;,ikm milk. . 11. ..( il-- f,..-t, i it.-u K .i.-pa'klli - • n> uttr-^i 1.- literary.,*orthy, Shakesjh*ar»•. seem, at The shorter -marl intmediately ^noiii gomla.-whal lhey j>asfeed up crossed to the opposite_ side iFie "',',:;,We'll scare 'em to dig' up tT.' | H,^ limnfftaw r 11! nhirh hi- J:u!f r.T- .ii . -.liiiit:-'r-JIJ> ml- : some time or other, to have fallen into .Iwu Hi.' n..j 1:-1.-. H,. liw'hUi-K |-.,r nssjxiinie 1111 r iiruiy llo/h street, witere he plac ed himn-lf in'a pu.-o their farm." ^ the same careless habit: if so it may -Hty- -U -il—itur para bio doofway jand watc hed his partner ac- put the countryman and his wit'« be called. The fact about this - nn-. that shown by (be Russian auny harm. -14 was the defeat of his squad cost a man and woman passing along were no longer on the street, and th^ T "tt is cjuite possible." he says, "that 1 Tsushima thaf brioigbt about grammatical form of expression is, ! rem a the sidewalk, displaying Ihe copper I«rtners 'turned into (Iraiid Centra! 1 when a trustworthy Insmrp-^^'the I negot at ions and peace ai a time when itrreh^m thrill and ing ^^tf ^i^tjem rr^W^r +teu tkey would TP? effective way of arranging one's words. laboring uniler no little excitement: them there. Their search and inq Vegetable and Potato Cutters. Spira published, our self:esteem ill re ; million strong. at Sevastopol in .J'v^lheij^ i r evidently ries. however, were in vain. SliceSliMr aann d Silver Polisher. a severe blow- We- beady 5, the only assistance, given by a]i:."• must bate just sold their :..rtn iiFtfui for ctmtnr icnzttne spirals sr - "tidings that the chestnut trees- are live Pen | and had the price on Vm. W &ve that' IS"." long 'curlTng strips. This may follnjR % n titan to a du tin for wbieh ^ if wd'furtti hrs <'anadian hcTme to his weeks aj ] missed'fhe- big bilS ft»r Rasj s-ieet. »iM-d nn any ;ej;ctablo, even one no cure'appears to have, been^ found j ;e>«nt oiu tl tir-chuae re servation ing. and Oee!" '— - small as a rn4ish . The trouble is "particularly notable ou California. •n ruyauiiK'a i nrrafitarii m saw 'Diego~ "^etroiilu Ilis partner drew him into a saloon. 4 is a. Lime saver on silver pol it} car he has Wen cx lulled TVnedetl Pamv "Jam.- W*nodded tw th< bnr Ticuu than reservations in forts to" chestnuto-on the estates of wealthy { tender. "Two fc»rgets and soda.- " hav* thc ehamo s jmli •lie r on a stich One Hundred a*-d Twenty,. Years Old. different parts of the c0+at states for Tomassc men owwuk -ouimer borne s iu tha4j«- ; They dunk their whisky and "da when ]«dish:ng knives and forks than continually. tiXtX^iu^.u*-Mir- up-t mie —Ox." vis ealur b*4ag antoltg tb<*VHt4ms- Tin? j 111 i-il-r,-then seating . then fvea to !Tav£ a Separate" "piece Of The '•CHc-Ttafn-ef- Wywtng T'^Oe Would f.n| Wnreis o> rtVsH He would eral tin ailment is beliewd to 1 h- c-ommnni j at a card table, .ft 11 to studyii..- the chamois jiTn Gtcdly Lead Uprising of Peace- gladly leijji an uprising toOBg the Buffalo. ] frequenters of the saloon. * oh. the ful Trsbes »n Cahforma. —_ Currant Dumpiiags. i' ••.' • •uj.iril- s of Si.-iUKru Cttliforuia .ous_triE, t looF-out for a~ jtossible dnhg. ' " doterm wed-effort Tm^ Tm-k^ to dis- t^wtr tiiHHt-j hf^eI oimeOr = —-TbeTT Abont lminutes laior a vounc fiP" •ttfrl Vtimn" ^Tifn re:il fijrrnn-- cover thecal cause \>r find a'remedy. flourr two ounces sugar, two oun • s* 1* is 11 • indv 11 g...liattecr of a he had 1 low of came through the sw i -ing It is only during ; elf { currants, one egg. one* level teaspo <.nqime«d prinic. .\nd an unquench- ice me The chestnut tree stands for a highly ! doors and two-stepped up to tl tar. i>*sideiie e under sun south, ki. * (ul baking j«»w.lef. a pinch of salt t-r the blood of the.con- seppe d useful purpose, r.nd If it must "go' "Hallo. Jack'" he noisily greet ! the his «»|d vi las I I^mow - .e kin from the suet- ar.i . r ' Li s race which prompts company great w ill be the loss ThvoTvecf. ' barirmk-r »Haven"T seen any I the uilt giv.Ti bim:: chop it Ter\ teely. Put it in a-b i-in . e : the man Yuma men s j boys with a gold brick in hi vest . , , - , . ' wren as a young • Ueflain «Y the A bee with the flour, tugar. currants, ha Kmc i »v . .,. ii... »...... s and bold to quietly *ub- Oluaeppt Mi ?' • • "> • a* j •-' iJaifijau^l-. -- I .. . ynrmtig 111ucm1 ten mar v Ta'd? on ;-.fe*re«-d ft«»m bi» rightful a photo} formed a> Darmstadt, in Hesse, its i What .-, i.p. sport?" The b II "der p»vwder;-and salt. Heat tip the ega and his unforgiving dis that of ! tilled a glass and pushed it t- w ards 1 bj< - t is^to promote the substitution with a little tnllk and stir In! Work! been the cause of much in whic - 1 the. young fellow of the miltta rv salute for the present Into a smooth pastek and fill, into small, aiiac r to government was sit civiii; —Ttrr- -bitter drank the lt«, and well;gr*asc d timlcale- or darlole molds Tn.nlt- ci salutation am« n«" ut the west Auahauc. butcher He Received the Corner Br Ck •n Ex- : >ma. ky d his lips Cover each with buttered paper, and •a— ; lop one's hat. WNlfwiiw of at least change for the 6i!4&1 One of the b^c inanufac Tisr : ir jew-, e*e«w» —an. hour. rs ju.sf lost a tT.OoO gold ! rick tL% b.v-i aikl m<«st fertile known- a certain proportion^of them—would new here along this busy end . f Ihe . Cream of Lettuce. rrservatioiisin California • It Its prob- Ji|te. to set•the.'.gtfflaSU adoption-of xhe 1 that their apparel did not befie their ably Yuuai.toct home, for sturdy as tthl b«r#T rCome out, and, ixi: the - mwhv mi\**el -c arcut.. Uck and i emee na*t.~7TBe only'reason givep~.c>r -tUree-- men,._ remain in y ; the ":i ' 1 •'" •:••,>•••* .!». II » JLiivl- . - the party v, ho tiad aicosthimr'TjF7' oninn,—WI. a—ail—is -tender - pa*s ' tl.fig. predilection i> that lie sahwui - thebartender and th.- mit pitched whrr- ivitlog the toppt r Lric-k-' a>"«»x. h.citgo through a 'amtuy and return to the * kIh'1 Imfflilii wife llllll.lful; OT th^ Bew: salutation u< jlil be id^ntn aT with tor. the - bills TTF. -XZT gill of cre-am ,-an«i Tbe bartender dared not I .-a--. the '! II -kv ,»4..n ,,I| H.V ».11 Mill,. »hr! thai used-lb tlriie of ArmThius i !.' Iv..;: the Itade Was cKa ca crout gre. n goods* men were t«»o -,v. .-'m ir..-. Ua.l IT. „r h.- h«s , Since .the nm»' vt Adam men have pa- i. i.bag whb h . carried on her th* ir knetwt to rise ami take ; art ip Frczen Strawberries. layirg the blame for ev^cytbing 11—ifc ih^ .IM Hft ,.f 'jume uver.' arm.'t}.- :. g. i,. r co;np..-.;on by th»- s<*arch for the lost f^.Ouw ctdd 6ne -quurt of straw beTic?. juj^e ol 1 on women .Retrib-jtion for this c» n- .inp • k n.'ar a friendly rccna the >b-*Mo/slie hturied.bwH a'cmg tn two 'ervvn? one j«»und of, sugar, on.-j that bad slipped thro :, their 11..1, .ni»i>iin« .m tak*-. uiad".- -from tqries-" old; wrong is \ woman t li e direction of rand CtiniraL "z\ c^uart of wiiitr.- the sugar an«l , hinds ouly half an boot - th. at Mm. ...b « ,.( t-vn San FrftncMi. s.iys that the btai. e 1 l.e man in the d«*>rway -hastily re lemon jtilce- to the berries Let stand ral.^.H ..r quail If hK .rap. »rr<- «uc tt.r tJ.i r:.. i i .-> u: luocb rn leuuuuie ..t- crossed the. sttvc t and re ItTs More Than OtTcc r Could Sta nd. otie hi iur-.hh^n »a^ii tW Iw'rriesy add : ' • ^fiil At |»ri'».*m Bt- ucruiUoc an - virv- !t» the r . J,[..enTT.a TT..' Lilt• fb^'d i IriiVd in Thert fs a n«4 efbo m rv« .! . th. watfrT sHr until the sugar is Hmr to we Wiry and s< ated himseii <\n tTTe oil the:rc&i rration,. it Jtwks at'tbe ft^mstrostii CS-of jthfLpres- Slice . • ougTflv .psvat^.'d. Turn tnto the fiver Tovyeat -ste p." ^IflTfarr mottled with -».k mueb persoaslQ^-HiM|k-.U»v> part of cut fash'ons. , nd h% irs the , men for. several-*ears but bever iu and freeze, suppgesyeid laughter r the agent and Influential tribesmen blau.ed for it. it i : m li»lV. - .s. . . .. "Well, w hat s ththe deal"'" * A few days acq the ke. . tbe Omon " —— : -r—-—1 set him to do thu. ami ii liT, in thc^ great *11 displayed^ by him indt Hw* displayed a j hH'kup was tmn-h-yttrrt« To unc- taL*v-MMunful flour add .a writer in the i.o. 'eating that «ge Is c^tmnng his fiery dia- Tnrair rr.n of bills it) c tsble-sjeorv^il of lentter wui King them Jhe ^ about the re- lilts \ four TTashe r '-his officer britlc in a man hj for the gold brick.- UiU." he . luc, i w. Uw-brictv . togethe r and ad.;:ng praUually two cup I Host rated. W-wkly-| -I^^tion. aiui etuiipiering hi* deter cent smuggling ot flv< inks tilled Mr.garlr.c -yefnw Sky", hr^ vyj ' rnii\fltln|| t.» ts... coughed. VHiram was suspamus. buC] AVby. BIHC* sSld the k< i how fuls of boiling milk When this comes way. nf the French finery j T ; +»y »hHr syMlere. anj|^_tbe with. ii_ _ because. tEe. grmhU PiUled. • out^^i batt^a Mf ; You .4b.- •vino 10 I - t lonf a. A. ihv Tipe old «4 ihi quantum u,utAi:lemt. etuff. pt*t because tin-—nwtitj^ «re The man standing elkked h:s jaw> whea mit'xica^cd .tatb«r than bring Com Cake. Nunia Hi not. w *ll ,irr«e^«..rn rivi ran.her on Caraaiara (Kwataln near the women have been practising jiu» Spiced Grapes. llted |ri!|. l>r. r.TTin» .he bhn'b rloul ihe ren.ttall.ui ,»a» .xhi,tilled to sand. Thirty pounds at .'A an ounce Jmit Isop. ^pounds of glapCii. tw . Jiuu. the fubsruv.nt x-r. dtpgs are See* |>r.»pp«'d v»S I'lifls Sani'e .kUk k~ ,1,,^ .a t*ie Wh^ Ue ! a kwe .Iim. hint h^.ken Ua fiirt anna nan misled tM frjan " w An IMWa iwvy m t>. bfit to add to'the g«ryety,of the nA'ionr "cart ltad t-o b'ave N'ew Yorlt on the * bench when jrbi(J>-rart.enj<>y i f*M*yi>fcsrL. next -hnal i.t'.wt ***fcdbend. harh\ t • b>*an>wm-g0tv time fo VoTTeet re^ ard fWf flTYdTng The " -Tirv mU. c,v,p i% 5» J*»rwy ^11?" -If r man be rolled in oiorals "anrl «h.ll he y.niid. a fi3lttTh;- ceimr 4n V.jbey To Stew Touflf WtfaT me desty there fs no tut»f ^- innxztstvr li red i theythe sewnrd Mr»rt.e p»lt the w^ri' • v • VtHt pelf.-mi, «l.h lema.kal.). t^rirn i ,-,iy,n,-r. ioiiw >.-«Tis-l-rt- arran|tenien.a A tough i ev . ,»f inept can b TLtn ftirt t*rt sr*TB' bio'twwatoee ma- a thcsirtiHi: I»ev rtsng a »• In a dnnble bn*tter tn' hatf thi l M* TV- 7 >—I^T TqrTrmmmii.n|n Jia»a Ia»- ture views than there Is between the five hundred spot anywa/. meat !n tbe>" sun Tb»» reR«N-tk n «« W.I > nma i. | . ih, |„„ [ ,„ tlle .ad fur.-ral required to cook It direct ty over U»e S'-rT rloTet before and after bloeeonj^ad or hants bark; Cynthia pulls out a hair- the sun oa the m st strikes the- cstei (II. red man alive,1, d.. I».rt..« lliai ! no'i aud hj (nimedlaTelj Ml >aUj hB# pin and raUbea the copper Rljr Ktl-id of kt. lift tu l.e kmr IU the'i hU.f in,., n,v. tu ha In tbe uet-s before aod atvr leafing and makes soup."- Sew Y rk V


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Iris. th* first ID th* fe*t. tb* aaeoai tbr g:tr.K l.aa . auabt mar* than fit*. In the right kne., th.' third In tb* Ho .'ever, only flro ar" poaltlvely groin. Iba fourth and Imhi In tb* bti'.^ii now tn have jM'tlaliei) That MOUNTAINS LIFTED FROM SEAS flia aBouT ieVefTT wrha «y 060«0E FRIDXR1CK WRIGHT* A M . Lj» 0. mrt~rr- heart. and IVllo 111.' Ox foil di ail - tilr.d«iH<> Mondial waa unc. ot tb* «"•»•!!!) only |> air* auauedfed (Author of "This let Age of Nortn America," "Man and tha Glacial Period. Htunia later §u*p*ct* arresl.-d I.y Mct'luskey. of a<:tual [iartlelpatlon In (Ur m .Lil'i. (CofiyHglif, by JoiM'ph B. Bowl**) ptlons lie i....i b.-en on* ot Ilaraello pan* 01 Prime Man of Myittr/ whoso Alt (llC hlftwlt -anountulns are the Alps, the Caucaaua and-the moun- solo* band of *ahmen In Palermo that And (Jlaaeppi. dl Prliuo, who awof* an ub young mountains This la proved by tains of central and southern A.sta In- had tho rnputnttmi of * Mnw lor tb. aii.ulliil iu.lh ul Uia vendetta u Hut the fact* that, lrlgh tip upon Uwit elude by far the hlaheat mountalna KI It I ri k tor th.- fain Of It. A more d.-a »li. a he iieaid ot hta brother.In-law'. netitw shoulder*, they brar nedltuentary of the world. the proposition an- IM.i.1.. ot U14.U lturn Iklc nryof •nrdef. "ov't'T" aa the SI. lttana »«r— MS aw ro« k* <. ar. • Me a aa In Hut .. , . . same time the age of these loftiest at the ineu llft.*.'o llr.' (|I) ono night to •nmrt-;r N. a \, ai j ma ••whiff rn h*''1"111 ""' luuunlilfi »' .. Aui.rlra, Kurope and Aala. the water. mouTiTirTnlP ls~'wTrfKtli||ly in finmnat army The Violent Deaths, in Different stick » alUulUl Iu till! leg or a p*b l>ga and 'romlaaa are dden, nil.-til, of a .halU.w now [.ravallud during the with that of varloua older mountain th the fwrt alrangf.r who .had rrrut. d a dls- Mil- .i/lalUld, .ttll! u 11- la teen bla middle of the terltary Weat chains. What we cull the Highland* ove In tnrhanrr In tho billiard hall Tho far.' alwajra heara that cold, erari, Parts of the World, of the Men bf the^ipl river dry land wait of Canada, surrounding Hudson bay. aauia rabnmn took tho iiioiicy, followed tb* cro-tk- d Mull.-, aud the Sl.lllnun of limited to the narrow" axla of the are composed of the^oldest rocks of man and au huar later drove up In Malberry atr.-et the vital, r. Npe< labia Itiit'k» Riouiitalfl i halu to an elevated the world, but they no^jijjx. rise tr» L lie front ot the bllllurd hull, lilted out niajorltjr a ho mind tlo-lr own bualn.-aa Accused of Complicity in the Crime plateau now .arupled by th* great a height of more than 2/KM) 01 3.M0 id tho of lila eab the •tran(er > corpno with ami have not li I iik to do wltli ganjtit or haata of whi.h rtah la th* . The Allegheny mountains Hke- almost row of IS atlletto wounda In the erlmlHal aeeret wtelotlot.—hint that on cud lo-detu. lie.l elevatlona along the \ wl.e, though younger than the High-_ of Killing Giuseppe di Primo's Bro- .heat, laid tho (trialy tlilna on the the dai.'. of Ihom liv, murders Olu line of the ftlerra Net ad a inountalm. landa of Canada, ate much older thaii ' |>a\.mi nt, toawed the fifteen life IBtO ... f.j_. .11 Hf.mii 111).Ill have 111 I II found ^-u-^^it^. I.^... I .,„ Ltinliiflua Ul. t'aclfly i«ean. Mine* th.- Hocky mountain., bat tb*y ara ther-in-Law. the diajr inn aroTn awnr- Second Man Lurad to (Math. ^ I aehtr^:"" I"-7 ^^ "" " lifted lip out of the sea, carrying the Scandlnavian'and t'ral mountains are Monrttnt and - Nh0«. Ju*t a month the streams -brought down vast which has gradually thickened In pro- a man at alght of whom he turned to | tanemia merely bjr rbanei itotlt, bow- er," bad been shut and 1 panic of terror sad their cries 'or after Fetto'a death. Mondial' received MiioiintH of gravel, sand and mud, portion as the earth has cooled. Thie -killed as he iua* : tui-rry mingled a lth the cur**a-of the a u^muUku purporting to be from a crust is therefore much-thudtw-^ln ing the th'-at'-r m the little town uf.1 uflieura. Trembling bteedtng. friends calling him to No 305 East ing bottom, and which burled Innb the -later geological periods than it Carln'. near Palermo, and that the their clothing "torn from them, they One Hundred and' Sixth street. He ILcrable sea shells characteristic of the earlier. As a consequence crime wan connected with one Iu wore lined up and put through the went, but Instead of his friend-he met that w Indeed, so abundant "were?" The yeiHuglsU point cut that 4ha. in- America.eabled referene* The neWe tok dia derlm flote seeIti mAmer Im - thirput dhal degrrf of ethe mWhe in nth e Met'luskchair." y was a man at sight of whom he turned to the sea whells over certain jwrtlona of eviUble tendency would Tor tho lK>rtant,*buica." that tth ae t Itealmosm rount thde asam plnee timo 1en J througCoulh and dNo tht e Bwretchee Provesd wer Guilty?e hustle—d . the hfittony tpnt e*t«-n||ve deposits of later w rinkles to be. ampler than tho Halvator*the ncvapapera* Marchlone.J . or AlarcheM-. i awaOny tpetto theio rth celle Osx thwere inspectoe foundr saidpawn; ^^Z^fcT™*™^™! " more or less pure limestone were earlier ones; for in the-earlier geo- waIst wakillen drea hered by, manand y thItaliane coincidencs wilh eajtkikc -Wellu, fohoysr tb«murdere, wo have dgot ma, ntht *? watcrlKtyt,h , _ tor»iiad from them But now thaa* logical ageaj when the crust was-com- appearefcnowtng d smilso estrang and eb yi n a -viefeww witof hth ea anmend .other.effects and it Is ou; cM&dgJr faultS iof n wthe e.dPh' deadt ^(^l^alL stratified rocks, with TtfPtr included pHFhtively thin, it. could not sustain ^Uirtek frown K* to ibvut tf lafl u ; tnab *' body wag ideiillfled as bnlonig- are found upon the flanks of itself in so high an elevation deep and iiuitter meaningi One or 'Jn&^u several jnemberB of the gang.h would b»i posBihle .srlieii iL liadJjiiik- •n tip a ^the Alpine chain feel or niore two of tbeni held P flv*- Angara and] and they were the per ton* seen with jl above the sea • - """ ————•; eived 4*p-ln JaLtir_ ages- 4 . k" ready whispered live names, of which that , him two hot/rs before the tinilihg of One hundred and fifty yearn ago The extent to which strata'of later of the of Vlt« di Luca,. the iii.Trr kilb d ia | hln mutilated body. ^V.e occurrence of thei?/*-* hells in the times have been folded up and piled was. "ex- Sicily, was tile tilth. " • J Hut none of th«**e men was convict- XOCKESl high ATplr.e~Hcvation« yefg «ach other ia almost Incredible. Vito di Luca, «»r Lildu. a. for he has! murder ' I'etto the Ox Was in- taken as evidence «-f the flood, and Pruf. Clayp^e measured the strata -ia Curopaf be»«n known by botn name-, u.sed to die-led for 'murder in the first degree! Voltaire knew pf t o »ay4 to"discredit the Allegheny mountains across Hunt- keen a butcher's »hon in Htonton j I commuted to jbe Tombs without . 4he evidence. excepte to deny itj^ ingdon, Juniata and Perry counties, quoted ' 'street. Manhattan; in "and "luioeiateu^ware] in Pennsylvania.- and found "that* •re«t tlui— iM queuily ope ned two in ll^.klyh.1 affir^r bebl sh but. aa the QtgJtPPfc. suggestion- that . the alprila ' found at ,ern his name at police headquarters j « nough evidence against them they j rk d ihere by pilgrims ahd carelessly ^rushed together, un- ly were the will n-^all th- famous barfli^re released, jvtto* friends en . thro'wn away. But Voltaire was no ] and folded, aud ul. they — uiujatnr,' on.- of iht unaoleed nj - I:'"J " " W "f J •ft**' • geologist, or he would have disproved til they were compressed within 65 bring! im; terTea of crime In New Yiukt anil it 1 >»^r fn ^aift lbc.illhlrlfl^tnrn'^l the thet-ury.-uf the flood by' a better miles Prof Helm Of Zurich estimate* ersTiuai la probable.they will turn to a picture I consented to bi» liberation on his own argument, for these shells are found that the folding up-ot-ih* JUpa.result* in the Rogues* gallery bearing the reeoynizanee. on the Mr*»und that he as constituent elements of great thick ed in the compression of about 74 had inxitiSciojil evMontMr jLQ convict sy Rozh- — nanie TTf VIto iff LtiTt* of rockt entirely beyond the ca miles; that is. If the Alps were flat- him! , dnra. They w ill tal^o slKia^Loa a por pacity of so femporary a submersion tened out aealn. a» you would ttatiett is squad- trait of Gjiiseppe us Roc ks of similar age. with their in " on tbe ' opposite sides of the Ai|>» me w hen of lU-nedutto Madonia_whose mutilat than c arrying <•<»B«-oaled vreap and--frb-vnth rtrvt .They' w illl ^anu was t'•• first fruits of the Black and In Thibet and in the Jliinalaya in the Appalachian mountains, the *u- Hand, and if it had been crushed and mountains. at an elevation, of U.00U , perfic. ial sedimentary strata have 4»een vvi wn add that p- i. one was convicted of that Uisicketa crime, fmt th^t a sir^ege fatality na^ "tTR-'Tnotifd connection — — news he raved, but—sOddenly grew -mr. . I. r, ^i^iril.Mler qf n Iff f go 'iiang^of, qmct. niti kneeling .with his r<»sary in The comparatively rccent age of I our southern Atlantic states and large. ~Wu,nteifetters <»n >w hos»> trail:.y^ttfe, nis nanoiTBe Ts^^te .Liie great oaih nf Ihr highest mountaioa U uii..t urn j portions ot New Krgland are striking uv Petrosini i>ho w ar; killed a few ; K; Tcadrtta. The® he waited.. sending. rliMwI. . V t-J, H> .'r ; —« • '- to his weeks ago in Sicily) had" bee it camp that they l.av. resisted the Mjproos ] rn; e the t ral mountains. HTe amal.- r servation word to his" friends'outside the prison ""TngT walls to keep constant (race of The" de iiidii.i: agi neles which are every-1 illustration, which new consist of a an Diego 'Fetrr.ntni's work After -his gang." tliat Ife waliTed 'fo'"know "always al 'tori. :o t.-aTTWHT'down. i nn«lera'e--i le. atnui of old toil xiar— eX|»elled Henedetto Madonla made frantic c*f .where they were. At the on.d of his that is the fid that "tliey. exist at alt I tr-w hut 1 »r :.0oo feet above th* mions in fort, to gel hW llttf'iatt'd. "A « ertain three years' term he walked out of tl&lXi I hat lfry are young For the Jgenlly sloping plains of sfdimentary states for Tomasso Petto, kn iwn as "Petto the the doors of the prison, an exultant moment a w rinkle of lanil rises otft j rod trhtch strerrh long distance ao-t'ncle di. iTimo iq pri« n I of tie ,11'iitlht windrinds and rainrams* and [ bottwihn intim o. Kuropr. irope anda Intin»-o> Asiaaia» Me «orld eral times. Madonia was living in I tin,! betin Ao"acL.iilioa_il^tt ancg It , XV tllle_th-' majority . ' th>- n. untain* traia for Hulfelo, saw the widow a»d i«»ng the Buffalo, but he made many mysteri to rtv*mment was similar to those in dl l.uca's As st*mns di Prjmo was reb as.-d and was in business in the Bronx j 1*11 the precipices, while glaciers* In J sen' >f prizes- to be awaited : rp debris and carry it down to America " cones, formed in a similar manner, in ^ t. rule km wn tlie s*-cret s.*rvi.e n.t n.» liojiad |>rivaBia and <» .i > -i-i'iiiii "TTvTfig "tty no on« knew where hh. aautc thnf grind It is pnib- night he was found near the railroad! the worksite of ***** drc-aa and m , nt th,,,T hr)|tht hi of IJJSW toet from a reg.on that 1 s he has trtoodshed ior ercny rock to bear a ; dotted over with many other volcanic uii.e over- 10 rn trifle .tun !MV ptMmds 4InR -th,h"e' I| th^ e cour^^^w^ of ]..i,wmVioo.O » vears. and- 1' —- sr.,' .„, . -Liv was as ^ ,, lK% , ,1 ly reserva stain The jH .^ple of the" city speek ^^ s^< said, lo r outlay was as th,,r% Kngland ' But the great ; volcanic cones Uke Teneriffe and 'eujiioa an the old city Nicola Nera w*s [trtlllaga. ribbonf, etc gloves. • „f nInunta«ns of antral I MaunarLoa. which, while rising many before he came to America iue/vTy is -... . ' .1 — . . .1 . I... k. I.i.l . I |h. 'vat ion li thousand feet above the level ..f th* a frutt vender who ^.-nt about wltl. a Zji ad. .. I Aaia and In western America sea hav* their base at an equal deptlt i-art of tray of melons, figs or oranges o. hia "I eulled_ n v previous s immer s r.'.lst these agencies for on the bottom of iho ocean below. trUK-auien head lie left Palermo hastily aft.r dress to pieces, she continued and g r,u.-ii longer perfoJ. anJ *IH V 1 ii l» tb. made It up anew by I. nglhcnmt the main in lofty hetahta long after such the dlfM-l.vsure tn the marvelous Th* World'* Various Creed*. * r him Indt M .1... St. .is to ' ...W. ^t l—'k as fash" Harrow ranges as the Alps and the Rlcardl-t.avt.nne murtfer case and toaable as thnsi we worh "o. ia tha A-cording to a Fronrh w_rtter. t'hrt* fa ftery dia r Caucasus have dwindled into Insig- Join, d the barret gang .here. The — work rt> >W s nf rrmnw, -t -am t* principal evtd«o* wf^, tiamtv has «<••! 17*.III llftt follower*, bla deters tuinmg tide "Of Italians tmrnes^rd- nificance Th IT» of the pick up many a tttrl- batram. and on whl.h l-Tof Russell rwltes to «Hi' the Oriental creeds ranking next hoAit for Christmas a year ago look s-Bfnw .4* .t^rr recent elevation of Mount , |Q Ihe following order Confucianism h*Si back with a .-lean police r...:d ^ h*jn„ uukr (taint Fit— is that Its flanks show so , an.I ancestor worship. S&4 0> ISVI. He had been ImW l» aa a " ^ j« alt^aina Utile sign of *ro*lon The streams I Hinduism, l>oooWBtii.' klofcammedaa- wo-r-iy night last faU-hc wa« 1 mrrnW ^ » art^mg •taywelf so a* to look" heat tut Sundays nf wa^pr w«-li« cvmlng diiwa_tmiaTl,ni ljj .BCTTCffmrTT^- drinking In a little wine shop. wh. n a.' and holidays. for an average of 10s a It have scrcely begun to e*t "Int. ,.. .>., The t-hristlan total Include* tittle ema.tat.-d man with a rrook--d month, without assistance from any- Its sides, as the.y have done upon most 231,000000 Roman Catholic*, ItS.OWt,- net t« teld smite came in. tapped him -sr the body so U ia. quite possible to other mountains of that height. (too |-rvde«ant». and »oo,ou« Ortho lker .which shoulder and said something In'his. , . !> snake, or ear Nicola Nera began to tremble neatly .little trouble, and The pleturesml* features of moun- | dot Ureeks old age oa Ttole.tly. hut ro*e and followed thel"^ remain a xood gWI l^ndvn tain scenery ar* mostly due to the iM-on on the trail of the *, oira|erfelttng. shunt, near a aiming settlement out '» ago a He b. havt-d aa It he I stranger out The nevt morning Ns I Man •roston of mountain torrents, and at> gang told inspector McOwskv. then in »lde 8cr»»toh About th* CM*. ntain near n.n»*<)ueatly a ft atuie of th'elr youth . onniiandhe detc tlve burean. all sas-Jn hldinn Ills a. Ighbors sisike] tssly *»s found on Monte Pelegrino l.tieiled to la lhe old age. mountains beeom* "What Id th*" lodlcloo* frteot tb.-v knew. and in a.few hours time , of bis strangely guarded anions The fourth tvf the harriel murder sua- Motor Vehicle* la Genwawja btytken u* suhdiied In appearance and gen*rallv hvoklng around rtt* forlorn little fitm. . rf„„n triads ml tour pvg.'itul PB tme eaily mtaalllg he heard a peels was wiped out. At the end Of IVs there wrrs tl.. heighb.^. use la Oermahr. low mityh Of their ri^gedneaa. con ever pn«taj*.t. a Eiljr niaa llk. )o* left, head ' culling hla nam*. | — It SicILy haa 75T motor > • th • Ii kn t„«Mi. ar.nod detectives ML head | cmilllt Ht» natal uu*a.had> »M eHHi til t»* suttng i|«t*U o< boaaaa at h.r.>« I to try t^wat***- • > . ^ia J,oU . jnH. l-iih He t.a.l..vk up- hiI s Just been announes-d. makes the fifth Wtcfvtffnil tuip^wtet. gtiiL xfl ihn. imuii ii ty- pe thetv was least' of l_ iw.-k m.^ter'ate In height which hav*! "llecause." answerwd th. ctty maa. hi jvarts of th.- et^'ViiU at trm^re iJK. whMw-th* n.-tl ^vtttaBS wtm hare fontW in - "r-v . --« --— ' ——1 - Hhnffl TT i Tangenirrita one,- lushed th.-iii to bw*4*uax«ra . th, door re'M hta gun and than other portb^s. and which ar* j nature", heart —• Tl t rv ' ilsjl.'.t o*e ot the Strangest ftlTtt lie nn—.-.I the .dher mifh various pans of the autK ta th« Inst iligiin lt» w» AOtj— Tunlt Itp. Jwred and ill ktlbsl Ailoing for th* *o« perlMP* than butt Purled- • *on b*ee ssMMsial th. J*. ever .iummi ia No. $.'1' Mill s. nt I bullet tbb'iigh retro* ptstol two \oars b. .rrtot i he signs at having ral procea- herd of I hie lwereax.1 la rtfrl. Her« 1H i. !rr-eaa* H. th. it.brta that .ecu ma la led «h..ut diet*** friend, and II I* a very rial* f, • i -ir.-el' Vach,*9«*d was sCili',- kmwhlng the revolver out of s'l iato lis* It* Netoewls that follows I la the |wop.wtlon vif aecidenia tl'elr. bases Tb* TWdmorr leglt.n ot. r*s* with row ot h**rt luhts' to handle r.f |.rl..*. r Thr tants:er*4 reach, and ih. n he planted his bul

i -5* « •rS

i ••« a.1* Hi Hr

11 Mi Hen ton R. f. I). No. r CURES Dear old Ledger: An I have not teen anything Irom this country for some time l4thowglit« .RHEUMATISM I would write a few lines: Kvery ca-c of Rheumatism lu* its origin ami its development in tlie CROP \ « Tires Set Quicker It in lint a dinriityfrhtf^ i* liku a cu!U, Wt »4 i* in the Health wttderbtegW. at ttw land *>>Um l*f«-n f t. • the changes in the wviitttff or writing. No sick net.s to report Hiti y pTty sical ifft^inif i.Ti.»..» -tl «>T i lutr^t stn h* i\Vt 1 t •» * K.vtnHitt^i wM tlieac You wttl not'Jfos Out the one of your i.tic in.ittcr, here j at-t:d. t:. I ITfi L anilJiu: . SUL^L ^..jXi.-iull. -Willi ^vcry.. vehicle,-ua It requires Fiv-njr tobacco grotm 1 i." • tit Wfcca Hi- jH-riua- Commissioi but u Ire* minutes to tlt> the work" | or.ler of the^day^ j n M.' Kanki; 'Miss Ruth ni. st. i-, «n5Tnh'"v1«' M^^^^MBy^jp ^ulTiiuir part cent's : [was visitine . relative ii> th . 1 t nato -ut h<%4 to the jfietal cold. ?»'<> burnt or charrcd Mh atiil 1 crou. conditit ;jjejj;hhor1V the jiast tUXh- v,,.m:rr"r 1 not reH or qnsU'ail, nn steam and water soaked ' '.!' !•:»•, f'nl (tv'hinic tin! m* The departm. !!. ('. .' Li^l • , r-RT*. • •—t lif* man. of the >tate. StHiday. )« COMIiAtl LOHR. Arr^Kyo . tt v say*: United Statoa Government tiiula tho tigld Procuaa the H«M mill lia» dim Swindle and wife visTlnl j !' adopted the ItliOOhS at tin. >tio|i* of Hie U. ». lort» and the Depart* I AJ . ftelf Iroublr-l with Kbcumatitm. I There has Ed Ivey last Sunday. li4>[ it im my kin i %, ami ankles, and aufone TrtrrT hax f.-rrtrarf-kVnmitum Irnnreilmf a». r... amount--o^ —CI wive-- wis ii Ii .tT pr ciatmc the pa in u ami how it iol«r(rrr« with one month of Ma W rI4f9P unit fttttiillasyt I it . ntrvo an.I tissue> atnl prthluc- at woik. I *a« truly in bad shape having been 4 »J p.ituL^gtuh thy ttuik. Ew.thriHyWttfr rear*, off—and otr. ~kr mtjrs greatly visited near Brown's, drove local phrm-ian-adv-ivd. me to a»r 9 S 3: I lii The damage to your wheels by run- Mood,.and removes every atofliff So, After taking two bvtlirs I noticed the tore- The cond Saturday and Sunday. inipuntv^fxnn thc circulation. So nets and paio were greatly reduced. I continue 1 the meUcioa lM was t^toroughlr aared; all pa. i. shown a co ning with loose tires The good people of this neigh- instea?T or Ikmii^ a weak, sour jitrediin, 4istribuU»K uric acid to tint ••jfet»i;s». anJ inflammation gose. I recomnieai ttward impi hIII amount to cost of re-setting. borhood went in and planted un- S S. S to ail Kkieumalic » *• different p.itts t»f-the system,"the L. AO.fEW. month and v ete Charley Ahderson'trcorn and blot>«i is stronjr and healthy and SOS E. Greenbrier St., Mt. Vernon, Oliio. l ie ^gll mak fixed all of his tobacco ground therefore able U> stipp^y^yery niiia- - v ^ ... - . cle, nerve, bone and tissue with nourishment and Strength Tlieirtfaiilflftut Corn plai last Thursday evening. We are mation anfl swelling subside, the pains and aches, and not only if* been finishei association people down this way Rheumatism permanently cured, but under the fine,tonic effects of S. S S. W. D. OSBRON, sections wh. but not night riders, as some of the entire (general health it U netitU-.l and built up. In all forms of Kheuoia- tism whether acute or chronic, S S. S. will be found a safe and reliable treat been *^ery the folkrcall us. If our' neigh- § rnent. Special book on Rheumatism and anV medical advice vou cfe^ire w:tl aci-age will Repairing. bor gets so he can't get his crop be furnished frw. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. attention t< out we help him, if he is an asso- than ciation man. They can call us mmmmm Much rair what they want to down tfais nSGingles,& Starke, to those th, we know that we're not The Dog Tax. prepared f [riders nor bill billies either. A Many say, ' T <* |Come on good people with the How much has been collected no: ready : association,-that is the thing for I'jtiiia.vSi s. v j t - STANDARD BRED REGISTERED HORSES. 7 in'Kentucky from the dog tax is much rain us farmers. Stop and think af 4 little known outside of the state c-r.t. not |>1 *} few minutes—The mortgage that' THREE OF KENTUCKY'S GREATEST HORSES 'ARE offices at Frank fojrt and the tig-' - some compl was on our land and stock five KIRK5EY. f OFFERED TO THE PEOPLE OF CALLOWAY AND i ures for the last year, as corn- years ago is one-third or one-half i , scarce, * OTHER COUNTIES OF WEST KENTUCKY AND ft plied by Frank P. James, state as much as it was then. Now • - well and pi TENNESSEE.—'Tin:v AKK'AU. STANDARD asd'RE- auditor, will surprise a great a9k your county clerk and see ik'th Telephones In Residence, crop than f 1IISTERED AND IN THEIR VEtNS COI RSES THE liLOOD 2 many i>ersons. The figures show what cleared our land of these Alfalfa i: * . iFTHF RFST " At TIIV III'Ml QK OI'R St'lT) is: : : : If A that in 1907 there wa$ collected mortgages. Is it the good prices | yy E L L S ^ ing a sple '—"" --- - « on dogs a total of .$149,970.1.". and, that we are getting through thp1 WELLS, weather is ^mnliiyJitiwJw J 'paid into the ass«eiationor-not; Boyiiu l!;i,':k Coughs,Colds, the first i . 'Jentcy 2-"00 '=. the former world's champion, w ho at one school fund- after paying for if the price of tobacco had stay- lawyers. enough su J rinie neld TEN world's records. Dam Kate I'.raden, dam sheep that had been killed by ed like it vas five years ago. we _ _ CROUP, should be. •{ Hal Braden 2:07 and I others with an average race dogs to the amount of $13,742.2-1. would be bi better sliape than we ^•^"'O.rXSl'y - 3Z3T. . ranges ire ^ record of 2:10 She sold at auction at the highest price i ton, and w 1 jr paid .for .» ai.d si;e iia>. A Ilie total number of dogs as-s.-- were then'.' No. 1 dofrH- think — —» — 2 •'.".'«>*• v, ,>rt:' ..f v •';•. r.-i i ••, .-. jm .S ed during 1907 was 18S.t»8o. we would, so let's stick iulhe.. ' tllkeX'Uizetia Bank ISuilJinc. Whoop'iiigCough these we I i< > -., t...«ee-w4trrt> I -xt-l^-1- »ni-t^t i ,-••••*i Ad . I -i ^tit t+c thandsoit ; <1 .iiiiiD '•t. • hor>««. t '".». of t' more eacli t • size iti the w.»t'1(i. is a beautiful bay. 16 bauds bi^li and onerations to the amount of > j.- aaaociation. FPhoaaa—CnmherUad lot, and This remedy on thvsyi Ittfcpmded apo n acid doubt it ht weighs about 1.150 tl»-. A pae r. but ff«»fsalithe Fee 732.32 were allowed and the com- We are all for Judge Cook '""dependent-*. is p!ea>irt io tike. It contains no opiam or t missions amounted to M7.39. dji'wn this way. also for Denny ather harmful drujand may V given asc«an- t'.es than a * destU to a bihy as to an aduiL Favorite Cook 3d063. A. T. R. Sir(Hi W the This year it is estimated thaC P. Smith, and Charley Jordan for J'. yy l^niidolpli, Price 25 cents, lar&c size $0 ct^. Clover is famous L'a;>t Cook 8083. I>am Lola Egotist 2:27. by the amount of tax received on'sheriff. Hurrah for Judge Pa't- i Egotist 2:22 -. Favorite Cook too well known to the people nake a fii dogs will be $127,»">4t>.59. and the terson for count.y judgjp. . ATiONiV AT LAW. »tf Callaway r« rjuire.any description, for he K the sire . .,weather. • f Forceps. f.adv lainell. Si\ l*o it Us. Henry Hohon and jjutny sheep claims paid will Li about, TKLL A.S.S.M iAiui\ MAN. 1 : —— t r'Thrr^tbat are-•oTT^ujua': \:: lu* $>. The amount that The prw * •- 1 tV" Ia--t»-vt ^.Vrs tird Win at all tlif horst sltowsi Iik- tr sire. ' - the school fund will receive will F6r * >l>r«'oceiation. Sired br Artist .lr -W |efaon for .i liionth'or more, but AIT Pi-r. i-iatej ar. ' v ':. Bitters i * Dam Black Nellie by Star Denmark. He is a J often thought to lie re-;.on§i eeuM. Succeed when everything else Cailv hard to bi by applying Chamberlain'* Uni- j^":^-:- genuine saddle horse and coes all the gaits that-anv other i I'le for an infant's l"?s in ireigbt la nervous prosvauon and tema'..» Mules a 4 bwae can go. and one of the most beautiful and "stvlish ment »ntj olisei >ing the direc-' weaknesses they are the supreme or general poor health. The rtIN N- I 1 N N remedy, as thousands have testified. ber as th m horses «i the-state. He is as bi.'ek 'asa crow, lfi hands , tions with b<.ttle faithfully,;'' cause usually is thai the ihild FOR KIDNEY,LIVER AND last year high. He is a great breeder, and averv eolt he has ever * a cure may be etfected in many STOMACH TROUBLE is a saddler. If yon want a siddle horse you must & "Tim worms. They get the nour- COLEMAN & LINN, Prices rai V cases in less than one week's >> ia the best medicine ever aotl breed-to a saddle horse, one that is bred to go the gaits. ishment in the food and the baby, over a druggist', counter. Cattle a w time. This liniment i^ a.most, LAWYERS. Fee $15.00. j starves, actually starves. \Y hiles ranging f * remarkable preparation. T»y i; tVani Vermifuge eipe'.s the and one-h A for a kptiin or bruise, or when We want your wool. Will pay \V> h.rt. Hi.^ U{.lHlitilitt; »,( tho a. rm-.anl nourialies the , liild, oflic- iip-stalrs in ttm I,inn liui'.Jiug Sheep f . f ('til"w.j i-uunty We liiivp r. ,t ::•:tlj^r lim-- 'r... mmi.y 111 « laid up with chronic or muscular top notch prices.-Smith & Par. -ure ;.nd safe. Price v.". ents. on th® E*.; .iih- ('ourt Square. prices fro Mteeftflg vtiat I nrvim n mv ar.-th# best. Tn coliT w. -li.Vf rheumatism, and you are eertain j KER. • . TTi. .t t.l plevu- sir. r..r ' .V.' * Hay. aT-T.Vfiiu: iti.l a Mark : In ."•'old by Dale 4 StubbleHM and six cents ¥ » h»v>- a a i':if. r and a. ss«tJ1.-i ...... t.» A to lie deliehted with the prompt 2.i. two-foot boards for sale 1 H. D. Thornton.- at A. B. Bkai.k & Son. . Hogs a rata a i^mmi iw mk a •rrab ami » h*n r.aI i. w,.rii -wic. a. * relief which it aitords. For sale tiluvh. Miul iN-siil,^ y.»u tp-t Mtuw ..^t 4 yI.tu u ..rk. SAMUEL D. YONGUE, from six t - t oin. :iiul M4*i»m win :!i,-r v.mi l»t-—. 1 -.• ll^ni >.rnot. Live .Minks Wanted. by Dale ee I Office over Farmers Merchants M- WILL MASON, Jr., Owner. snil make moriey Resides. -1 will! UK ikk buy- are still I '. v .... buy mipks any time this s turner ing a billof Bank. Phones: Office, No. 19: many books in one before at delivered at'mv place in M - ray. | lumber for J Resilience No. f>?. WEBSTER'S c?s of eg \\ pay 11.25 for grown • nk«, j any charac- ^T*en to ' •ts for younyoung ones, p>r .Medj ter of build INTERNATIONAL aid her , M1RARY i : : . 'I'lluM Us. DICTIONARY »». »(. .1. tl**U »»• they are alive and unir,;;: ing I invite twelve t< PeT^Ith*tthfrINTERNATIONAL f i:ma:x-A. D«h". T - Haw-t '>v-1 . ; . *n. w^r, wit!, La.l .utttenly A LL KIN D3 E. N. Holland, 0< Jimtwii ui liuw 1„, tr.dM. pojnd. leigh Man. • i ^ ~ y at my yard A-l, ji-.d H • rar.Su.1 rfComeatiMiaiiaV.: There LAVVVKK. - _ • Xtttnftsr A Vrtat Point .TC^",' : — and got-mv* ni.M. i. . —gootTbei tf-'J . J prices, ex- i.*...... , • crop of M, WILLIS- Tl delieate j ai: Rooms 4 and ti (itlZensTtiink Bldg » . ... . T. .'T.r. cf f n amine the class of material Ci. , wiy.l n L. . _ others ir Uh - it'- 1. ail- I »—•!. .HI J n- I sell and satisfy yourself Collections « Specialty. . - ment that it sutler* » it - j. I - •.••>.11,^ Hemp —r • acksj aboilt tl.e.gradcs. I carry a fc ... U i." lite l'-«flt nl»o endar; , . Wnl l-rau'ce in all courU of the good, r In! a conipku-Hne of :n< >t cases ilie iHe. of ttn> , I •• ' Ktate.'' —•— 4 and one J t.ant. ] MeGrc's • Hat.y Krmr " utes! Rough and Dressed diartlioea, deseniai v a; . . ...dekj -tc--- .ai. J.'Birnt • of the i-ti .i:- .-. crii Eire or. Tornado WHI. ^QNT^AGT -ANB BUILfr.. -Wt Is, Suld-bv Wale A St i Insurance, see Tobac • -Id anl II. l> Tborpt. ii, LUMBER, - iMNa T » t'.'wrtratHwa. Healt b t:, It K. W," will Jel CJ. 2vT. Hood. j A VJ-Wrraa. "T-^itgt**1^-' L r ice Shingles. Sash, Doors. Rocoiptaest byth»r^*Tt,t>ie smootl Carl!, to' any part of the city. none auJ visa r*ri«#. si YHR ONK tiKKAI r rr~—: representing the CON-, f 8TANUARJ AlirUOKlTY. pie. Ok I * > ~ when you iuhkI iee. . \ ex- SWuM To« N j: Oca SaJi a ilaok T In fa. t handle . \frvthing r here. liert to start _Ruiylelfii faeUry. | Murray bttiiding. v - V.r- t est tV£ula*«t familir. kr Dr. tifcr- mth , . .. jr- - ~ . rtStt. ilt MJ^illls Tf^oH Strj.' iht^; «Mcttnr vrro, 1 ~ ~ »rtK t?> "TKe" D. W. DICK. I Whiupixu-u9i^^a»»t jit ^er-

/ J

» —" -r

W. - - - -/.. - 3

U to 12

M Mill AY KKNTt'CKV, THI'ltHUA T JIM :i »!.'«) PER YEAH li'l left Elkton, K] WHAT; ABOUT^YOUR I.ATI I! INOTITI:. 1'LKAME SETTLE. -Persons in- Local I'inno Agent. <"• em!, w i I'IH rirbt trr Mills ^ir fw aw I , .... ,. . ickasha. i >k vices of their st last year arej j haveaeeepted thecal atrenev CHOOSH. WISELY ... l.v. VACATION Whereas my friends I that t| . wcounta are: for on„ of ,h(. |)(,st k_wn ia|iiM winA v.,o bu.. « SZTtii fMACHINE. Y-mTTfrnJ XlTiort. and kind. >1 Do YOU KNOW Will HI' ro have responded liber- Alfred Out- muntbeaettjed.: aml have „„.. ,j( th„/j,],, ,,,„„.„,, -nd.nj(. ,. i^jtil you want » f<)rjul« Mntiuoe, then Uka The ea.' I sida tS' I akT WH I *wul ally and promptly, and j i»iBM<. take K|vl'thclnoW ii.Miv place ^.MMI • . If WHITE attention and you are timtfetn* ofTaiYBBP aae m Luuisvjlla-- ANDONL'OIM.'I mi VIS R inasmuch as I have matter Vfi„ Aefwut baa eaneicd ut lo brmf idid tnt lieal; III AT MAM: UK flAK A l)Heil SlOlC Ut Home tor "''I'ge. r. H. HltAIM.IV. thf pian.) I aTu selling and get O'-l a IIJlN^SOMB. SYMMETRICAL »od r. %AcAiiuNr • 00 days liefer until1 -.iwniiti- prices and terms before making vr PRODUCT, t- mbinie( in iu Alhhil wfninialion ran 1"- li«l asking . -w a dual. J.JI. CIII IK IIII,!.. t'l *• i+A r in>» t bi(b uiJ AND UUBTR- IWNGH i« often thought to be rnspoiisi K-i it r.i: -r.«» ini olncrt tbit irt TION•H Rl'KFA HI < Uiu an AdT nlr.UttlvIONS IMOKMA tr.ll,.. . iJuly 1st to any H«t week for - •it to you i itif nnly rnndum m that yno ide lor an infant's in weight Men Viti Till) is Uanfer.. Vrvr; . . .-o". our TENSION iSDi- t" I l)l«' • .and.. nl HIXKFA I ION ' "' matters in hands of or general poor health.. The CATC?Tt 4c'-t liiil iw» We temtaa si a •ctnAtua of li* »i collectors.. rUiKtrtni »e bms othrri loal appeal to care* cause Usually is that tho child- ^ i t middle life ba»eI -ZM All who prefer to found comport and ridief in l-u- trtCvfW 'AM Drib Headi hive Auwmanc JUNE NUMBER OF lias wormn. I My get the li'Hir- "VS l_:.'t anl beautiful Swell rroot. Go idea Oak to left her* settle with me individ- ley's Kiilnoy lUtimuly, tally ishmeitt iu the food snd the baby Ir^nW.^k. Vibrator •• Kotary Shuttle Stylea.' for enlsrged prostrate glsnd, J ito ard i >i'it- . RECREATION ually please call at starves, actually starves. Whiles oum siio»«r M. T. oaraLdStrs O.VI »ULL eaancuLaaa. »ait which VI-RY .'IINIIHUIT SMH-IU. CHEAT VACATION NUMBER. earliest convenience^ Cr-sm Vermifuice expels the WHITE tewmc MACHIM (H. CLEVELAND, O. ... I < n main. »oi. .nluet.le and nrruinle in. • J.O. HAIH'. worm* snd nourishes th« child, elder men. L. F. Morris, Hex- lofiiit.ion on outdoor entatimt, and f*«We ter, Ky.. write*? - "! p n.a year! ill,.;:.' I nKy nod mlmcMmf oHICIm on >iIt tl~M, vK -in -ure and ssfe, Price 2!j cents. For s Sprained Ankle. Sold by A. B. Beale & Son. Murray, Ky. JH set of bar* rteriali'tn ll>M - .I ft' brloit |n,U«liod m 8old by L)sle & titubbleHM snd ago my f.tlier nullered from kid. amp NIFNIIAO. An ususJIy trusted, H aprsiued fariuiw. See H. I). Thornton. ney and bladder In.nble snd stv. ALT. TUP. ARTICLES AND * atikie win disable the injured era! physicians pr»ix.uh»»*»l it -i. • •ray, Ky. , ALL THE UNUStlAl. PIC- TURES (UP W MICII MI RE person for n month or more, but FUR SALE. - 4 year old horse, InrgemiMit of the prostate gland transacted ARE MORE 1HAN 1(H). by spptying Clisml.erlsin's l.inf* veerks single or double, -plow or and ad vine 1 an Ojieiatnu.. 'n . ARE FURNISHED BY MEN lie this week. WHO HAVE "HJIEN ment and olioerving the direc- buggy. Price 11QU cash or good accoum of his age we were afraid TMEKH." *400 MJIJ ARH tions with each bottle faithfully, note with intarest, or will trade he could not stand it' and I te- INCHES OP T-IVE UUTIKJOR ARTICLES AND PICTURES . s cure iiisv be stUcted in msny for young mule 1 or 2 years eld. eotp-meoded Foley's Kidney K*- IN THIS JUNE NUNBER. * rauJ4 iu less tlisu one week's —See L. Y. WOODRUFF. # medy, snd the fiist I,utile reliev- t We WHl voo to (»(olM tii|y.iolfd wilh time. Th1i liniment is a most Vea Nerer Css Tell ad him, and after taking the sec.; RECREATION ond .H. «• ond botl e he wasuo longertruu. 1 5 FURS Till. June oumt.*. • • trm led remarkaW^repsratlm.. «|ju„ , Itt.„y )he CM-.e ,,f j,)Ur mat, lilnsf ng, ttie yins onion U* .Ik aooey yuu ever uw. f bled with this complaint." .Sold: forr^prsin or bruise, or wfawftg^^m — _ BUY THE JUNK NUMBER AT by all liruzzisl*. . .-j I WFTRMOR laid up with chronic or muscular i ANY NEWSDEALER'S. IF ME . ... Du y.iu know that Bai-i — IHW'IIMK CANNOT SUPPLY YOU, SEND L'S rhenmati.TN, and YOA are certain SNOW ,.I^NENT WI„ CLIRE] . WAMIH Trustworthy man' Take Down Re|>eatioq Shotguns Tin LouutiU*Louui ill»_. 25 CENTS AND W:E W ILL SEND ,,,,.,,., . The Winchester Repeating Shotgun has stood.the trying IFLTTD .F.|>- YOU A COPY BY RET URN HAIL. HE del IGL,ted with the J.roinpt ves tiie—pain—reduces {or woman m each iiiuDty tu ad-... >ool b»ys .'rcr. relief which it atlords. For tale . prarttcnl of .poit.mrn and the rigid technical yaai. RECREATION swefheit/atul -litebers the j vertise; ri eeive orders and mar.-, of the U S. Ordnance Board. Iti popularity with the for. T,v I .ale .V KFUHBTEFW ' ^ rrier nKiTthe oflicial enduraement by tile latter ajecinvinc- . West Jetb Street New Yorli EA an tha"1 t' you 1 age b i-in' s for New York MafI NHSVVTLL tag proof of jt» reliability, wearing and ehooting qtialilfcas STAYED. - From my home near ** " »»•'« " t »u [OXTER Hmwo, W - F : >.'« II nejh^i I T»r i< th w.HOMCsna AEEEARIMO A«MS CO. - NEW Ham, co««. New Concord, ono Hurhani cow. ev. r were^_ Price 25c. .Hie and position jR-manOTT. no 1rH--t- l.e it'!* r II iiiiiieiiiliT! forehroni-- red sides, white back and .lark ««ld by Dale A Stnbtde- ment re,;„red. JVevious ex,s-r- i i.r it ii i 11:11truii'il't and ience not essentia! to engaging. hetel: had belhwjjshca^c kfU ,H'M * > m'si y- fcu^.etr it'Ti: fmnel iti-, Spare time valuable, inclose ; SALE. »..M ITHINLE WOOL. WOOL/ 'We want to A liberal reward will be paid for . Good 4ii)Rf^:.*^Have a good o.'lntitt aiid coh*«i np war woA any kind, all her recovery. E. G. MERREI.I.. J^,.,,, (,ORST. ; .:. I e .i!.'

See, ZU. * • I esidence .13

This Ts the Little Jap'Hi^c Cultivator. * — —-— - "A Ground Hog bv name and a Ground Hog by trade." • L)o you know whv the fellow who sells other plows cry'.' It is because the GROUND HOG It is the tatest cultivator out. To see it is to buy it. is fixing them all to die. A stronger built or a stronger constructed plow EXTRA EASY to operate can be guided to miss a crooked hill would be hard to find. No advance in prices. Let us show you the GROI'XD or a slump with your feet or the sivay of your body. Both hands HOI; before you buv. it is fully warranted to do satisfactory worlc. free to manage your team. The LITTLE JAP shines in hilly land. Victor Points interchange with the Vulcan. American-points inter- Prices right, see it Lefbre you buy: _ • change with the Oliver.

fully guaranteed. :,nd made by the White Sewing Machine" ( '". This pron^sith-n is worth for the lady that sews on this machine will always smile and wilhnever weep. See us if you Sv a' a sewing machine. •

Mill Supplies of all kinds. Steam Pipe. Pipe Fittings. Steam Fittings. Belts, rub- ber or gaitdy: for anything, in Hardware. Fanning Im- plements. Wagons. Bug -.• Etcr-come to see us. .Don't A' iiftfi CTi AY Ap OX' V "'tit too -guwI'V' ll* iiu'aif lwkiu& think you will find us asleep for a high-grade, high-eiass wagon, one hat \\ ill carry hea\ y loads, We've pot lots of good things we want To rtrn lkht am! look -wet!-, get thr-JMOGV4 Lmk at these SmrCAytt stylos. All hiC'h grade ahd fully \ luted. If yojr are interested, aee show you. Price*: . . - i ; for we car. sell thi.- high grade b: on basis from JJO.OO. and interested. M.":ey look* ic<«d to Fully, warranted. l>ook it over before ye* buy B: BEALE cSl SON. MURRAY. KY. ************************************


The Murray Ledger HINTS FROM THE HIREO MAM Good Hustling Farm Hand ToOs of Qualities Necessary to Make Htm self Valuable. lit'tUt AY An Illinois man taught me how to Tin^e' iiitii Tnyr'wnfmtTtr" • WT^T* COMPELLED TO BE PUNCTUAL two bushuls of seed to the at re wUtea Poem That Influenced Chicago Society Woman, wheat drill Thl» gtre* a wiifonn Business, Men Corns to Look Upon srowUi; the plant is small, and tha 1 Mtito r wi Hsb't ss s Virtu*. But Thslr yield Is about us he»vy u» from a After Third Separation From Husband, to «!..'. A.lit Wives Do Not. * thinner seed Ins the bent ot 1 m i er worked on a farm mull I th* tow CTIR w a»-4M y ears ohl. 1 haul «»rke;| Return to Him—Strict Conditions Are to MeM men are-. corep«41uoUf of inrlKhig swear who onlf stand aud wait," bad the same treatment that- they do their Afl tor Been standlng and watting arrd swear mules.- How—can—a- farmer opect tv I1KWGO—Though given to He must make a full accounting of talked bur Ing Of this state ofstuind his^wife keep a good m^n If he only^pays him what some of her friends an<| the $.'>0."0tl dower Mr». Parker brought cussed IKK had been but dimly conscious. _ The fl'O per month, makes him sleep in a acquaintances rail morose-Rlffir him tin their UPrtUft langl hour for dinner had gone by. or an, hot loft In the house or In the hay contemptuous views and ten- He muni make a full and binding have atv>u agreement to leave at 7:30 had final mow, expects-iiim to work l*» hours a ft*, like .the members of ft agreement AH lu tho fiwuiLes in Lbr Mrs Ail ly found the clock at S. and the man day* seven days In the week fl In Ion follow tic tragedies are commonly acctimula r his hired man all the year round anJ clph\ Mrs'FK. Parker*, a aortioiis of the old quest spfccossfuL** I. iters ti Soap is Cheap and th«' well Is usual of the end of the rainb7iw. As a pret- And happy?" was suggestsuggeste' d Qarlton Asks New Trial Because Jury Posed ly handy. . . ty. vivacious girl she was a leader in "I wollid not say that," replied Mrs- out to tl Counsel for Eugene Tucker, who the younger Society set a few yeans Parker, "but we are living 5n th den. whi was convicted of murder in the first ago and bad many admirers. None of saiiH* bouM*.-" HOW TO MAKE CHEAP ROLLER W.llt lilt degree in the criminal court in iS^ne.* the gtrls she tame In contact w*£5" "t?n —jpeir-'^ cfintentpiair :ri'iriElating j field recently. and sentenced to your dlVor<'**.proceedingsyas asked tnit 10 wii A Good One Car) Be Made Econom was. happier, but perfect consent was be hanged, will .raise the pohot In "it vwild aot- itM'k well to reinstate icajlicaliyy from Cast-Ofcai f -Farm Lot MI single 6liiueditesl. art. apiMW&Hdir fur a-Hew rrtairrtat itt Q MachineryMschini . in find it io lba| atsia. • tllvMi m . 1>?.-I]jfimL[ , the members.Ihc^iuxyt>Ue delib- ffiend^ that she would take such a step later on If Un other f;tM |Jm> -ft,., t.r^> . erating on their verdict and before, re The frame of the roller ir naade ot never marry Soon afterward Parker j s Ide of the house does not abide hy"trastraMt tin hH was b>.,.«,,. twe.1„1 ththe. nortt,.-rthv amandi FT. as." "n.a 11 ii. I can vti a r peri per* turning the same to court repaired in 414-inch scantling The brace, evtend appeared on the scene and her de< la agreement we have entered into tlih„ e sosouth,lt| . ,I tut, Uuth,e >i i',. tlUor., • ralrat. .s s (>dlcUt.f 1 " _ "• body to a local photograph gallery ing from frame tt» tongue is made fa'tTon"eTrf fomarrTtrarn—wasy - for i gotten-—Tingotten * di vi«rrtH.-s4ut merely as the north and S' ;th r.a'if' In f ii i on j 1 vrv inn William, » ^ and bad a -groups picture iakofr. * matt from an old wagoii tire The drump To oil ^Htw^id appvarspces. tor iiiattir oj convenience. Vyti^tig, u.ijil. ..f th. • j M'"1 * , - — Tucker's couh^el will make the ate. 3'J feet In length snd are ma4e time, pear, and happiness reigned in . One of the haig«'TTr «i"puT»Tic' of old mow«;r wheels on which are Che nr-Hr rr.Vhe - rtien the rmiwi>n»!« kj-tbe-dtrorr c prncetdinc? was mg"7Tf: Mary, what a place undt^r such circumstances the bolted 2x4 scantlings. An iron- shaft came to Jhv realization 'that she "had that lie had not accounted f«>r the mill in Heno. N-v. the u.stvrn states'] Vott" doT? . Jury was practically without the Juris extends the entire leugth of the two not vet found the . Iuslve "perfect mn ft&MM down, and sb. uants a full j wj|l immsmp j I rati undwe«s myself, was ir.e diction of the court and was guilty ol drums and is made stationary in the nt " Marital life lost its glow and a /«« cc»unting—an Itemized statement— j cia> j proud r»-s|K>nse~ an infraction of the law governing as to where the money Parker 1 frame. The drums revolve on the divorce suit followed. | «f money went. Parker j " . Marrtagl]s figurefiguress «'i.'Ii I divorcdiv e w:|«:jhe- out I ran undwess myself."interrupted reconciliation was effected.—Hut What appears as a reflation of the | IaiInv faIs, e impressions L Mary. Her Capacity. ^ — was not for long- moods of Mr? Parker is contained in. frequently assumed Uiaat many • . . Yes. Marv, that's very nice, but you "If teeth do lust as well without Spell of Old Love. the story the has "lust submitted for coupl< who tind their way to tithne ' mastij t interrupt Rachel—"* nerve*T she said to the dentist and Th. jcnssljis-orilii' South Bide, soon publn atiun XLe title. Marital I n dUivr* court* -• j»arat» .prta. Ipltaielyipitaixdy 4 "1 • an UB-1 we<« myself.". pt|»*d Mary, et-ay juet a*-^* hitf -and-d^&t had'"auraher tale of marital unrest in Teytr~:<;the' attitude t»r th- l»ef«»r quickerj w hy are the nerves put there sTory "Sht pi. tufes itre'Tflbletl cotinb tr tfial the -Parker home to discuss, and in !>Terrui t ii in the first place ; _ * ' ~ just a? short a^pace t»f time tl- story I usually - figures doti t he. that i you- w. "I've often wondered n!Ts'« ff'saTtf' n<'th^r fevou< fttaffcili.The : air. Wr-n"ratTnn is-Miim1 ran yr he. "I don't know unless it is so .yon tjfibd wpiiTltto), and now th- trung m cap suffer the pain c>f Tostitg rhejn -I Tho tlaiiua^i • YWI D IT TIIT HSJTYYFT IOW*-;—MN!• Uqaliy. Jiiur i,,^,. Hi at ~ B*al. k Chiii i-'-T.t - um »'! '•' iLhim. x; and then A Horre Made Roller. ... For such aA . thj. ss .she. cQnx.-ni!s I The .l.\on. pioceediip wen l nd get her abo v^-TOur y* a; s- -w-hii*- ":n — "h ••an imdwe-ss -myself, pers>a>ic*i pair * A little! she shrieked ".You re j there is no content The glow of the j «haft. The box above the drums Tfnd ed merely a4' a convenience," says majority tif cases the duration-of mar Mary . .-yly- fi re Charles had tune nc tw member that tooth of mine last win nuvdn wan. s and the glare of the sun I in fr«»nt of the >onif"r seat bolt-, belierc that it ts net- j weight ot the dHVer will There is no remedy, she—declares inost states. d i»n rear end * The iH'ighWr is Mrs. A.K Itose.whose | ." Yes the teacher assure,! him Buffer.legs" - - , " " - j v if-they are ^divorced, the man may for- Tongue and. tak* WetctiT off 1 ""Not many seel£ ii \\>TCc Hii .jrdw,>. far te« all well and happy this morn that classmate she was in the preparatory. get, bat there is no retreat for the Vo4t team—John S Piern remarry, at bast, such is not us'vwi:> S ii-g Uh. all but one little girl I The Tjrk Is a Fatalist. .."' woman. The cloud of the great error ; the cAse as some persons would inak. 1 tlrtnk there mtfcl be something the Wr,> s on -thu g that can the FOR BETTER DiRT I in the prnble'rn ot life forever darkens the tin know ing intbHe |ftlfe\>-. sav? iuaTter wiihtJ^.-r tong'ue Will you Turk from his apathy When the fight •her pathway. i» over, the Mussulman returns at uyth a .uil . l«»ok at it. phttse? Marv. come here how 1 .1 of Mr?/J*arkrr closes her fat-!, of rf "In f«dinet'-llcut. for instiin. e. d.iTin^ grets by diintahly taltinc a Targe p; c,ay or ,ia> ,r1 paTT a jn-riod of U- tr yars. th. iuimt« r"oi being ^xVhiT^L: 2 Of th. blame utmn her owl, ^ey : d.v. r. . .1 r,. - hterature^ Is not everything foreor ^rf^soil^nVlisU*''* 1 " The just righting of the wrung a per re'nt-iwf ti darned- t||, Allah With a The xon|btn..t,<,p forms sand-clav should come trojn the wonjan to i ^H^trr- y.nue . i ran un.ti wtow .Wvm m tm* Traro, or mina. at ~^ her okwly tails tne gteater part of Rhode Island the f^rti , M.««: i. .!»• lo nw ft is not strange that the Turk has ,If thtne,;_. ^n>aj d boee entirentirel, !y, 01 sand a "he Wame for-7inaking the mistake | i,^- '—• ' nk.ther ti irst toe knowledge nor any 1 Inl„tak, luadc if 1 mistake, wiii-b*_ Hutdc if xt .iat pluKVt:d. Though Mrs Parker will not say R.-marriage is one of grelit passion It i^ noT strange that ublcss clav rHTr His Harvest. b. for unless clay^jm-fr added. >! *iT ^s beli. v ed by many thai the in which, as I»r Johnson »\pr ftTBrtUl liyj^cugusity and no de i ^^ h , A.ll|t lbth* yo'j don't hope lo raise ary Such jdOw:ng. v»*mlj iiisr^ty d.n'{Hji lAtj—l^—ba^e,! uj*in h«r-jowoi u hiitw . triumphs over -expert. sire .TO travH. and that uffciaK d.s L^ ^ ^ ^ >alUt vt-getablv^ in that bjtrk yard, d«j you?' the sarnl. -»t- the .-ame- time break 'S on the'troubled and stonny s.. is not at all certain that play such icnorancc jn regard ?o the ! » , . . . . , , th.- old Suburi»aaite. Why ui» the' small anumnt «>i hard surface matrim »'. Among those W h< rate tor divorced persons "much l.n every carrot you raise then? will tost riu* J have had t privilege of reading th« .-eedv Jhat for Widows and widi von inor. n a bushel of the best pur- there is a Be imprer-n^ titled to A Praise ion | ot the same fertainlv 4bt ctTTis."il. at the market."—— - -•— that sought xiocUiation U-h - let ion thai many "slates- are Swre:'! know that ' eheerinllv an het huvhand lir.iage do not s.-. th. newcomer, resting on his some of the. blame for- their the divorce i[vadc. Oi mur>e .Ibis &£ a. gafd. i* mislak- r. "si.d ut-on her shoni.'iers loa ior the t-\il tvi.n witj^i a t. tal failure, and 1 don't i—ktfoV Another reason for the r.vorieiHa 1th. hands »if i t-. persons com em' I ••are a if it Itut 1 tell'vou > w vtt itt the fart-^tbjt » apitaph of the Jiiidtdersnei d Kngund i^piating ilnurr Lit tlt.'M fcirn ttt^wi. I shall r.ns. the biggest crop months after Mrs Parker filed li.T last giiaritiiiiisi—»pa—psg—i s ho. sftoT i .'matrimonial n Ikes suffer it lit til , . I 11. >h -apatite, the largest and it the. r-iKind wtrni Utid'fw erit a i h.uig. ^peading y • ->rs ir i-fatir their 'Trt^-hlni T ;utrie"liuiir^'iif the according: to "TTTe abov. insTm-iion on t he divorce question She no louger house, recently di»-dd there at the"age ] est dfeams. bushels and ihould brpbwsil o\. 1 its wh»»l. »iUi believes :n it. and did what she could Vi mnr-m-aa fjnee trt^-may j hikm is cr. dit bushels of tine exercise, and barrels the Wst met As to~mn the to retard growth of tin evil by e th ing towards I h:»| » Matthew faWjH; 1 ,kf K 1 hejtijh. right, ta I. th# lit ould find it quite J 1 i.rrr-« ur. ~the n iidle or th. r^T .1. C lUHIflWlBg W ftWW petition" . |nniung th. park, f s ss wtd.Ix ,, Ottflt iwOitK. ^idt-s. tf'w-.- tie patch This crop, on the who!*. ) . ih>«Hi an Q«vfn> Iwii. . itiio but_ia - it . i •*». failare.. Not hara. te• r in a wor crow o. , •YVhar she did wasn't much, when it"rTtte auilmr «taims no rfdit tor hci your -Youth s ou. pari "Kesnlts piowmfc iwe ta i St »••.• ^it.udid .rhT r.. r mi 4s taken nsideratioa that the re P*rt in abating the tlivorcc evil by on. greatest in the wpeiag enely www w 1 lM|tat,t ixi. iia. KliialwTli F- IX] gem• census lor Is^T IjHJj* bniught f^CMW \ - . 1 mm. A Dreadful Pc*i.b-My. — .. v-^, Traffx Shews Good Increase „ 1 n-ithor of -the stanra »iT~po«>try hef»-lhsht nearly a mtlhrnr' dtvorm: wqi *n- »ri.' th»>S' I na* Iitr -T. I|»v TT NfdTe p.TWT rt Tr.tfT- between _ fl* M-r tv wTrrr r^jfodd- nt the.i deiinuutrau^j that th«> moveinrr>t » ..n—that t»it-r.rnti tT>Touyh • eC.n. «<"»asT< T.T fr.. T'Mtffl Stlfe« Wl—sh^tuld- -he lui . th- elo. lt>. but She Wis ahe, "and 1 delight iu sctiljtdmg them fi'^Yn tr» M Parker soon a r all.' (Mtssildv. no Smart I by way lif isthmus railways and lowed by ;« srraper or grader > that little Th. divorce j.down.on any scrap of paper that*may third s*i»aratton. nd she b. In . . - !«.., , , - "I pwitfted this for A lonn Hint', hut •teamship lines amounted. to $411 To make wide.' n newspatn-fs .-tod somehow it t , ' For hauls under Itm feet or in*ma t)K\v - u i> ihtDK that te thfiuem in' reuniting the conpfe. broken, af the present rate,"*fshe TKe waste basket ! %eTh« tKPference kW'g 'fills it is c»4*"ri*Ily ServU»»- Hit aronM an\«1wrr—*tirr* w ViaJ Mrs Parker h not optimistic " re- saw. "and in aotne states In-the union ^ " H hel^l to MM>Itv. anil rrmtoni and iai»« and An opera stttger. havink smibbed^n able. • » garding her rutufe happtnes? She |be proportion is..a_«£»at d. at higher. >u»«»oth a. rough path lor woiue one-! I.»«.1rn "i»all> lo think that afirr all _}ther of h. r kind was apj»r«Mched hr — * Sou Moisture. Si^ti^i th. day follow ing lh*» return of probably one In every four ot five • heartUy glad of it »<• !>a\. l-..n tlM» fi-w hua* • reporter. In ^urst of information • • Soil moisture determinations Were" tw-r husband to her home that *be This latfer fatT IJar^euTaTly true! ' Tmr ».• hivJn". i t,., c t a "Will you deign to tell m« said the mad. on plowed and imploweti «,4| at doubted . the* effich nry of the rectm- r^this v,, tion of the . .ifintry, the .. n PROVED TflUTH OF ASSERTION Smart S.-1 t.> fa>l hnrlr uyon— n«tbln« . f^M-iejuJntg ing 1ft*-. ?:tLi_-L f^y skktlsti «*n vihatiou but deplored .the tact that tfal and mhldb western states havit\g tn tart in I k ui. «. -N>» TofI >ird inv.»rtnMv has a nas.t>' temper. -ajL^avcrage, for the season, tire tin' there was no alternative from two to thfee times the rate of ' Kindergarten Pu'pJI Gav* Demonstro. 7 •.uWiiig TSff-Tearhert Wd perking kt plowed land «.oritatned . " per ii oi hH wife and tyturh Ut j of Lvbor yeiir« ago show.-d that < , . Tl.rk. What m. all! th/- nmrth »pera stngr r. 1'arisc«"Tr.yo tb« Igpo the Mlb»ot^ of the plowed p.»rti »n .C\«n th. beatrtiful South std. h. me. kj(r a.arly 4I*V«M>O divorced had Wn^ It was the opmtng day, of the kin 1I.ll>- hf. aflar tt In 4t*rnTrrw«* of the laitv who *r. ttfahbt lo tainvd HtfJUl twnp ll per-cent, Father c«mr«Hled to the s.-x.ral d^ granted in the l'tilted States between ' lemsrten " Th. tesch.-i hsgan h\ ll)aaka—<*. ...m.t.^y will hr raf fittinguish betWi en the' temper of s mote diolMure than the ueplowvd por niiuMh of htm. among whtch w*re the the veals IKC7 and j*Rf> afid thai di j »ng each cl.tld what it hgd learned t» In* d..«B tI.Vr,. tu OL. the. a> .i>»xir rtrago snd the te^upet anient- of. ar tlon. follow infc ftnrcea were increasing tuuca at ^ 4 l- "'al . arj . ..ncraalua trtiste \ \ •" =.

Jt • » • . > > i DEFECTS IN SIGNALS STOPPED A RUNAWAY TRAIN OlaMter an English Railroad Averted by Splendid Courage of Freight The Fifth Wheel A-JiATTtW-OF VITAL MOMENT TO Tram Conductor. RArLRQAOCR*. John•«. th.. guard i.l a goods By INA BREVORT ROBtRTS ^ralu. wim had ti«.i n tefl.aloua it) the naln. uerttd a >'rl'.u. diaaator by VUh the Manifold Outlet Oevolvlnfl hi. ,4 hUi*4 . r> ur the HE BOUGHT BOOK*.

of the Clearest.

Will nir have to fcufrir . I'or hlw fup»rrtHnim. WH>»- . . Thi" purM- piuud Af»t t>l«ul«-

AFFECTED HIM DIFFERENTLY k+r- Moid I ho prospective 'Good book*, you rending book Th.- l«iT'LT» ..mi. and WBTC laitiall—t — In the library K.HJD attir an ua ; friend. Ftlgtittr more learned UidB Hit rli h lliali. ealue In call. ~ line, Hugh. i-aiil tin- boat, "la my library. Here 1» where. 1 Intend to • it down with wy books and read" Hugh ItNik down a book. looked at It Ttrr* A rk* H«hiH| 1 fefir __ and put tt Im.x took il4»u JUiulU'-L.. . Vere a charuiing couple; yoilnK and Arkwrtubt dn m kn^ hreath wi looked at 11 and put "It back. and rL rft«-!|. heKides having a delightful way KII. iroliig 'J tell hlin'that rhc h/ved -peatr-d 11.- Jirui. .. several umea " »if mriKfiijS ljiT'.lT"gu«ii«lw wele*»w*»r- 'flu II I.- asked, .lullu, where did. AH f«»r Carltnn, that young man Artwrlcht l«-okr the silence, lit to tell >ou that we cannot tiOkr'.i btwdflA^H .with A i K u i hfht. tilh "•n^T bought them; Juft bought niHsed liookrt with his wife, and wan go on us we have b'^'n;** ^^ saht.^^ Ihew. VVlial> the matter? Aren't -In many waytr a ph-a^yti' I" r!-,n...ko Mippoii*'.'' she ui on.' in the same III.) cmid books* 1 t.ivpti'l fvad have ah^iut • soft tone, "you think me No. don't • s|Haak> yet I know Mrn Arkwrtght Awe ^ith the gentl«* "They're KWid booka," waa III." r.e | what you would xa'y^you want to gTa» »' natural t<» h« r and moved to- piy. but they're all th* aatue swear that you worship, adore mo. that w:frds the tiirnr |n?r husband an«r Carl- ^ an near II I i an figure out. you have ton followli^ These t-\T,V"li*-".*>r liu> | am the. oue -*«ftWMUa world jg-j-p^ng;—^nit yet wtl while his eyes bought umi cpjjlra of tlae nilh Read g»-r«-7J al Ttii-Tairk1 afl< • r Ktrr lHt if. — j-v»u. butrnme t Il'J j hat I Laj'ji^ br JaWen frftm the dark r II I. .1 giaal Inmk. bill tin ri' H luu- Karlte-What'a pa doing down la III «hi hull'Ark Wright !• fi the others, tni^e words roT if l;i r. far r<*j luauy." - ~ turjiUuThi in the .IU'eriinn of I" <* that UJl,ihu fatmr.v .Had y*>» I ^^^ jjliiumer of^the signal the cellar? Patching up"(lie fcetoj? . tliu.llJjrui>, Hi* Wit. • '. folded trertllv irrved tt^-yourqtaiir.1 tU'UT ^high la hlftjguldef ' $TOOD BY HIS WORD Ills Ma—No. dear Ht't putting new aire giuze cm ttie Kri-en doora I'M! ' ^ ,I!'' j rsinre the siifely of many lives ** ' Ka rite—How you- know ? •'t you rorne out the garden , -Arkwri^ht set hia twth hard NyaH (!nlf, d,.lM.n; urMjn ihese slgna.! i^htu ' Ilia Ma—Br lb"' language be la wltn us7 ^ a n-.i. -11 r ,l.r ndbg to reproach him ^.rhavlhg I t r th> ,r t,udd<.n cl<,aT-negfl to a using, dear. I her*." _ .. 1 1 jM'rsujt«red her to marry hin»V wiifla ue1 — " Ws.--«l*t» eoine." urge•d Carlton; ' its | destrveti it^-he suppose. Something Besides Gas:. - '..I M mil ..tu. -laKtJtvv l.ini the house.. "Why illil Villi III. It?" she questioned "How did you come hf*re. my poor Arkrk.rigli* rifyht-^dwokt shook - hiins In-ad^ helie . hadha.^f mm e-passion. n, Mm. r. in !•ill man?' asked the sympathetic visitor. btterorsv to writewrit.-, hbe pave-agave-as excuse. voice lh»n lli'.hlld aupppai .1 har eta-1 —Well, mum, tn de fir^t plac** L»gnt_ Carlto•Honn and Mrs;Mra., Arkwrlght pa*...passed! pable ut f«Hng. Why did you for*. into a dental parlor an.l Jiad a tootfi out to the cpol datknosdaikness* of the gapar >'"itself Into my Mlntenee? I was pulled." explained No. 2323. , ^ den:. whilwhilee ththee masteri.aster. ooff ththee houslionse, happy enough an I waa. an happy as at "Gracious! And did you take any- w.ti„t, intint.o. the llharvlihary. not to writewrrte., «•» ha- "I"* lov"1 1 thing before you iiad it extractedT** •%\it tto wiKit and think,. w*tW4t|b. eves, staring J Arkwrlght wince,I ^"Yes. mum. I took a set of gold ... I |-1 ai "n,,t ,l'**r''- I must not lie unkind to I teejh en a case of tools en walked l"l t.... .1 . 1 I . T^ I jou. ' ller vole h».| grow n^lnde-l out. bat's how I landed here, mum," *"f \ r; ' I I "?i , I U- 1 M-ril.ilIlly lender. Alter all, you itfv j 1 ' p<»r iitore TI. tit^Tne thnn I: mdwd. uot | Smoketown Reports. —— Tl^T" "" J? r" ~ [ W> mitt'", ami I know i on nr. '.11111 re I Chicago and FltUburg were engaged ii ' til In UilnkiiiK that jou lune m< 1 tliought in repartee HfktfOr^ Mj h «>t ^ ' 1 '•4l v.ui lau -mrc lllit jl I'm the TTg"nohKT* tmnrtred-Cte*-— JTa. [ know that it »n. not* you I loved In] i c ago. "Well, you may be the big noise." I I .*SN I, j accepting jTOfTOTIWBrriB'tiiW ry, w-hs«t <••;»»- - . imt i m thti -W» -JB>Or\ Jf '^g, 1," -("^ tfA • yielding lo th. .iesjireJFver:. wi,n:anj reUirted Plustrarr gnioke." - -If." was the S « r" * ii- Yvi'if I kaa m be aaU much of; to havel aa. IiV f t LulT I n^-TlT thought, devolhur. >lmael»J utmli her \ VP] ^feJBttlV What I mistook fiir" love was lri"rrtrH * a great help , VVvJnJiTTV uX'^^'TlS) being glad thai lira, someone, anyone Rachel, what 1 * | SJ^C^^M) C : . JujfjA cared for me II wms»coraparing you '. I 1 rjt^Tffl^A / Iffi1!" with him that made me realize Ihls !.">interrt»pte4 i ! I I'll ' lr? \ x\? V^, II.1,1 he ti. ' ii In Cour place he would ! nice, but you I i ' ' (iylf \ ok never have told me that lie loved me lei—" i-J j-ii^flB V/ \ . he would have g.uu- a»a> and suOeri l . ' Mary, HF—4y -^Lif ' ' v -Arkwrtcht stir.ej impaii, j.rb. ui hl- twice Ufore - r|; _ J— _ •. ,t \\ he could sh.- not I1.11• ernrert- t me again. 1/ ^ ^ him a little- It was bitter efi lielt tn SR3 ^ ".r . ' I". reproaclled Willi UI.- mill iluu 11 nun It? ~ : . ill! 1 11 illilial hailt'i; '•• h-'-e her lover s Thought I Loved You. Too—1 praises sung Besides, woul-l Oliver eheh ,h. light and on."- Hllv Jrun, ' ^ .!•• V 'l'e fore , t , ,,,,., a Wwhow-re in n. , ^ • '' V ' 11 irles ha«i u«:e ing luniks, h< and^rashe-l into anotherTrajr^.^ tca:n> w ^ei.t i a "A f.!:i-!i.l T!!! i1 S'.'r" • - —" - ^ttTHaJr,.^ ^"aU ^ Mor, recently Mr Raggett of th. Cal un!:i m •her gently led p -•• :'•• — ^ -- it time Titm hark tn?^- -^ns-agemeot \ v« ston. Harrisburjg aV San Antonio 1 ru to meditate The/e had iw^en a time when Ark ring wht-n she jilted him*" road^as given an instance where d:§ Shortly aft»-r- wrighS t wa^s xfifi•r-.-r-l t«> awonr g their,! "A r^ook from ® Yes; wasn't that mean" Ebhm+ arm ttster resulted from the Use of whit. lo .see it SUjBkiC friends atn»ut th« congeniality of his | Worthy of Carnegie Medal. _ never accei ts any ntan who hasn't i Of <*oUrse. y«aS are angry with me. The railway signal In « this case was wife's and Carlton's tastes, "an.l to pro At Bloom field, N J. the other day. 5wd taste in jewelry, and tie s the I trtit isn't it l>e4ter for me to tell the exactly in line with a light shining assured hint that h.-was growing jealous, hut Haiiy Wtudrt. four years old, walked Irst one In her exierience to be so Doorkeen^r tat bum play»—Dont truth? 1 do not love y ou; 4 love him." "from a ."high bay window; and when ippy this morn • that was long ago. before his eyes under the'guard gates onto the rail itingy as to want his ring .back." . j- you want to rome back? Tho way" said tlw bst three -the signal light itself was out one -little" girl I were opened to ;the t rut Si way iifrti. jusl as a tP»K ^ Victim—No! • words made Arkw right dirty writh night the engineer mistook the light in something the 14. wondered how long th*>—it had preaching around She curve, and stood IVttrk^iHT—Weil, take iES" pass pain. . It showed him how she coul window for his signal and a seri m win vo-j pnpc tm-Mtrf* he had fttunl vt out. . there, unconscious of his danger. The check anyway, ^tand it some one out- ous acvident was the outcome how lone he had that most pitl ] engine* r Wew the whistle and applied sldt. ' '. 1 V . ' ' . "Of course. I can never be anything [try, come here ahle of human t^iuga, the man who Is The disadvantage under which th * the brakes, but could not stop the Victim—My dear feih>w. 1 t to him now."' Edith went on, "for you being fntth-r! '— red danger signal labors is. howeve? I-train in the ^hort apace Morris \Ty an enemy in the world. will aTwirys srtiTT^ hrrween n*: om minu^ There w as no. bitterness in his heart uite insuWcfenity expressed by say ' ^er. an express me?seognr was stand mv punishment. hut it is only fair to Changes from Day to Day. ___ .•wards her, only ueep jut rB .h.t tf,,. auhv Blatu often Tlrtnall' mg on the platform and bounded to him that ytui should go away. : Hyker—Uhjlt k:nd of a man is Fick myself!"- H'v k« en regr*ft that he-had persuaded hi ftroya lully tour htths of the lltTil" thc twi-~ He seltrd llarry tosaed. Aflswrlght di.l not sptMk: indeed, h^ l^f" — ^ • —— K mim « mail'. did ikH W - t rcr somrthmc eatm- info kit irom a Janteru flaihe already inuve loo ' him to one side, clear of the tracks. Sriglit. and to thla eTtenr I in reaa. - - ,nd then ju»f«4 to save himsell He RYKGR - HAVERVT" AOCN TIUA • She bad told him this quite frankly I^ ^ ^ llini | wo»k. so I rani _g»ye you any definit« f»t. b« fore their niarriag. hut U had not talkinc •he liability that the most moment".:- had a dangerously close shave for ih. Qe io raise arv Would the signals will at some crtsts b. pjhit of The engine struck h.m en the ! information on the subject. made him afraid In time, hi* ^r^mi- ^ ^ mon Vr, {-yard. d Ker—Well, you see Fickler n:akes rtvmjt^ W-Uy- C-—nuch love ns hisjuust _b*^crt an * r.'inaTioug"--pani.itL In often, tar less ••) ro-idbeit. lytilly .Um—the there will "I know it J g'*"-^ deal ask. but* *>'* th«n its piiv.'. al' wheels It?" "rntett" -Tried Ike :i .liffercnt kind of fool of hims«lt janswerii^ U»\e/he reasohe.1 in* his, v n — l>f the best pur i ^houU lik.i to feel thjjt ' J forgi ,.«llty would lead u» to evp-^t crow4 ^tvalx. lllalfe:in II' dls ex efy day:" , . - - - - ' toe f«»r telling you these unpleasant :m;-ort,*iwe ol the matter for aignalini: • proved (hat Ty getting to I"* «••'•« u* JN «ptte «VF LO. 4-ITU. Axkwrtghr F. ;N ^^ ^ ^ MOIW JTBTISK It At the Wena.n». :• ou will find II harder to ua ai jl gafd" n . lu*4 lalksl^ hi' Who In the nut-^,1, •Mioak 1 wu ilic and . slay I .am sure ot this hecauw- if re. and 1 don't wori.l was called i mrtwfii! tea' Large Sum Paid i*> Paoi.ona. saw- him myself give her away - M.ii ill.- a- .1.1 liiii'tim. n,u tnrr. a aeowphure light ahuwjng ItUt 1 tell'v. .1 will.' farllot. - well «!,.'». ».|- InVier have Wm it t.. lie sol *-tnto Be gradually reamed in bright .Two thovand. on. hundred and r btggnst rmp^f levied never have born. It to lie »o I EXPLAiNEO. rirM toL.lkoi ,U||| h t , |MI im|,- 1 ihlnk nefca. a point can eaaily he feun.l scv. niv sK . mployes ol th, IN-unsyl- the largest and • •nrit'li to no' —'I' nothing tl. him either, ArVwrlgl.t , |r ,„ „ ,..,.„,. „-, from the I where the eye. *ro«U wctiMr r^i t- --main railroad »ef-: r. . viviag p. n • T jflj. snd thfr l^ymcni»saaUiofi-'..r-rn- Miss ^Sventu: -Thal'a all right- s.. ayod . barrels thai he knew H>- ha>l cm."- on :"II Ii Ark^Vwrlgliw tightt drew a sigh ot relief lie "rutty glass or roundel.' Is placed I" lb e made TO .them in If - amounted to long as rcuTe net re^u.rej to pro-re here 1lit usual letting Jliem. It tlp-.v took the ^ shp >as telling all .th|a to . 'itil. aWnmlw iuattn. I"" Hilnr nin hot tn aurhoa. It meant uma no eons, i.tue tmprvaalon at all naent waa established In i;*" th. «um ffHiure^ Not «ft«b ATli r oTtart w-e t.i«ct not WV* here halT i. . _ . • -• .. w. - — hie Vnl at n ha. l. r.,ear.ri tn tn.-reas.- tt Inimtallat. Iv preeedln* W« rtutreuient Not at all' rc»ponde.l ttt» tm.r "prTTett liiiseir . L ionc-r lli- wtn be w<«id.M-|ng Han io Smart .Set. 1 Thus a l»an who has worked lur the hnrber TT Is aypn'pt late, rte" war.n atM slier nil w toU could bo less than f,.»»rteentol4. long ttme, hut .company, iu y.-ars apd wfio Hill le hi . do "What warf there to do" Arkwrlghl faaa .ton, and together -l'aied to tntna "8uch an increaae la th* leaat I have celved an averaa. annual salary of it Is snch n acalp reacber. . I'erhaps amir time lu Llf near fti- theV niove.1 thnrngh th.' .larkaess io- mtrv tike this, found necessary When experimenting $1,00.1 the last ten years * —' air" * thtng that is go tut," death HjUlM solve llw dlffisults. w«»4» a cuIUlned d.^-rwat Juat he- jt_night a stretch ot more than H.gKtr Education. where we had Arkwright hoiid «o and. sin.. .lie fqfe It K.I llh pauaed in,) >e feTT ti.^T I noit fei t and When nnd tai*« and «. v.nied lo bo a tWlt wh.-el, that he ; hand ut-on hi. arm again I am anrrj. .live advantage lo the rod Within t ittle Willi* Sae. pa; what ta the nk that after ail would be the one to go. which a as un Ltdlv. r. I am indeed." she whU(^-rrd the laboratory the-twd haa never been , higher education? thefa few hun- self*li Of him. wit* n one consider, •tittNer* Arkw-rlghl felt a su.ld.-n ^rceptibl. until the light waa in »l»ner» died Pa- The higher education, my son lie waa. well and strong and dl.l dltalnesa tiMter; ' She had thought •nT rv^n gt t a , reaaed 1> tunes the hrtghln.^s r»- Tr._ la one that teaches a young man that tltt Parrot- I hear that iheanewly not »aut to lite • was tlilvcr tStpR, a all Ihla tin--- uutra.1 for white Such, however ar,- k.ndo-i a Imm.e.e he uiU.1 work in order to earn an hon upon—not) itig v . ., , , - If the number ,»f, dally enter wedded Ue Monk, had quit, a cat** Win then »he must .hate been talk ' n to - New Tori He ,lld not blame Kdttli sueh re the most fa«wnhle eaperlmenta. and " ...... eat living traphe when they started on tfclr ng -al»ul, hlui her husban.l She "^hv no means average one, U. tie 1 , ^ .tenIntent aa he felt was all lor Car! Immoral Hata. honnymooo trip* • niu.t-l«ive hljn' •„,«. l. la' neceaaary to inerea,. any giren at.U..n by r»a 1» l.-n bnt it hurt'Wni to have to thtn* A iew V.d» prea.her < laima lhat Mra Pelican—Yen, ihe wedding , nietliept when kls mad .-tul- SeZht a, qnich a, 30 flm.-s M.,.,n.' trat... each e.m,e, in, pereoMe •t Arrivals, .1 her as a ti>pocrtte -W tte nee.1 .he tti. xomen s btg hata make tor lot train mi derailed JI4 Jumbo saw 1.1 l..n had given w«v to a great pence. , .onseWa IhtprenRin at ,„ —la l» r.^irrd . I .1 tbe.e will the wmth hav^ urged me lo the gar.lm to noratlt> That", rtght women them aft and playfully threw nne at ] irgwright trwM, >l« alte'a hatra and, 1 scovered* aighf Wki ne«.l .he . alwaya. m* mad. by the light through the red new arranged in a atralght ffne •raw la t* aweai'ng by em.. [hia old ahoen! I ibioiigh the pn-iiuse '-f '-.1'.- me_ lo i.tung the ^iiialn her JML lha Hnly wjll rae» gLas: .. r et. ih'e; a,yu\«nir ..connsiii) iheru even *Tvere7~ hemtlt- ; tt»l-.te.. nam lie) end •* SOME ONE HAS FOOLED THEM V 4- ingheh People Wh* Wave Strang* and MIL. - J Wonderful Idea, aa to h'aoj L'acd iu Amanca. BAD BLOOD DISM ...» »,.. ttu>ju....i . 'jillJ' IB the to—t tntfeulant (Mil ..I the ltum.UI -v "t l« I lie IH.ael Cverv llt'U Tires Set Quicker 1 rje. netv. lis ..;., lu.tte ami stile"' is i!eiien^"nt em tht* vital tint.I for Hour- tlHHf cle.4 Vtl lilllll.' '•-. '.'^'-'l -'"" 1,1 Illl l -II) Ili lh' nut M til 111.1 M't.lltl tin-Ill III ll. aitll UH'l ' ll.lillc eaclt ImilH! ihmn ihi-if mm-!.. laII. 111 fief Wit m rtir- itiflrtrnt .l ines nalm.- tr.)Mii. » I vcit tlie heart. U* Very lite Iillle i-lmpl couutrv ll . ucl • •. .ij.iu. • ..I hie. leccivra lit vij'.u and mi tue|io»ct lioiti the l.l.usl. Since T»o Indictmcr And Better wioh to real ti. aomti.lii' '''I" III. nt >n this vilitT llunl tt i m verv n-.tdilv I* seen how tiona of Crc 1 n,, hi it i tn li.ive it |mre anil tiiiciiliimiii itcd il we wmlil enjoy ttf "tt'lutl- amnM-a me." I 11 * l.t, ... • nt tW-dtlt Mail Mn«ltv tc'i»»ii'.ilit» Iwr^nwal «4- >h« ailmenu missed by fclioolllllllMl, "is Ha Idml.-U I"! I . III maul.iIII.!, vvli.LL It.-Ill .IIIl .an itFtwcuuu in(e.'le.l MILL iui|iutUwa. You will not be out the use o¥ your - "»"- VII 1 11 - .HI., till III I' Utah. fajW- M, aallies t.i.iaii nt I il tin.'r ul <1 l vehicle, a* it require* r^rtiijileVIiiii^ . iMiVf>. .iiy'^TTirpte^~l li' . SHOW that the ldi»..| is tnfrvlcd with Hopkinavilli titiln .rtttn I. II vf TII h.ivi . Ii.tii'.tl it ftwm a |«H*.~ ft»»U all earn to a Two more 01 liut II FE» minutes to do IIti' WORK. a.mi. jcuil i.l. atliii h f.itiis ..ut ilsljj .\ nil mllJlliHil that were ret »ln. ;. i.i. .li. y^l I'll f.l. ]| idle: ruary term of —~ftm |W Cm •wfn.tilVllir | r«tk'.int . lime tr..-f s s s , M HIT „imim, I, a,a Fhe H rooks Odd Tire Setter compresses the metal culd. Nu burifl or c liar ml felloe ; ua# QQ*- "tic ttnm^rr it no-am t-Hk nt* J»«r itldnaiiin. ll tin* M.ssl mrili. in, .SU Jit liaili 11 1. Ill 1 ' t I ,HIl ll parties naniei: s.iffaiv t.» w.'iir away. b-it a hnr«l wi»d surface instead; fur steam ami wtittr raked I w.i|hirt!i»|.lintllliv the Jilanr wv.ttl.1 tsplfllt 11,"" *• a f.tnnlr I u fill 11J «wJ ,oticb latiiin nt the < heat at ttneer tmt-l-eltw mill 11.^ i.i....a .ml i.. m»iti.i.I. .11 J Inn, up tb, felloes to ihonV awayanTloosen the tire, no burhT"paint to frptacv: Il gives iu»t been dismiss? int|iitritie-. uliii'h ate.ilis.^ed into •rural Til., .mini n-r Wnnd wa5153 ,S4 I the amount of dish (enuired. No overdishing, no guess-work about it. (Tho the wotiitil. 1 isa an.t inllailitiia- •uiHD dawn in hrsllb. S..J ha*in| mn(i.i trial. One 0 m. l.i .s. hichir ,.l.fili^l I. omnien.,4 It, UH United State* Government rind* the C.old Prptie** the Heat and ha* lion a11 set up .in.l tlie sole i'i.titin«ea Tifct.r tn, btu.Nl il in tin, conditlpn Mi mT 1. ment anainst •41-el! is ..Is., ic.s[ion,i!iir fiir adopted the KKOOK» al the *hop* of D. Fort'* and the'lhe Depart' S«n*.al tirsllb I, ul thr br,t Am biltnc R. C. West, t A ....-in 11 ill a Is Malaria, etc.; the tifta « frrmao for • Isrft foot..o b,f», sat ment of the Interior.) Sii lie weak. p..11 ute.I circulation cannot lur- it 1 w„ Tint ia|ood pbr.i.*1 (nfiJ'tiosil woull having bougl 11.j.U'.l tu ihallt a.1 If tin rj.-ji.r- Miah tile ii,.ui i>iiiucucat anil sticji^tsti i u^llhi . .. is, (VR HI, lo |U1 tb, placs. teir pledged to c * oiwt^ aa piriuiFof liii Atii' r m aTf ^Ta tut' teij[uireil to' titislain ^tlle IKSIV. an.R.1 .. .. ' in • In .... ,aj I 1 > • not brutal, to fir, it tb, 11.il11 it teMff.,. organization! ft The damage to your wheel* by run- >• a 0eiir^i* A le U ltere d"l In' general run .l.iwn cointilion ofliealffi" results. S. S. S. ia nature's hlooil WM r VAaotu. Judge Cooks ning Mith loose tire* •11 (hat nons. li>.' of 'Uloinmii'a,' atnl Jiunficr and tunic ; made entnely of • It r tlk SO,,l. B*,..i faila. Psaa. 1 ex that had I c will amount to cost oT re-setting. , 'slioutiiij; Itirkev, 'gin ami ijd.t, aiiil liealtni;. ami herl cai iag * iHIte f' " It goes down int.. the circulation an.l removes every particle of impurity, alleged that liumor or |H.ison t Hta* mwy.-he tliete. re>I «e» lost vitality, and steadily tones in tjie indieti r^ THE oooa TO INDIA. tip the efitlf -i stem. It a.l.U to the Mood the healthful pr.»i>etttw it ia n» ~ tute ft vtota need of. an.t in every way assists in the cure of disease. S. S. S neutral• The British luie |ilac.< some this is tientlv cures Mc/ema. Acne, Tetter, an.l all other skin diseases an.l erupt! in t I emran.eof Klivlier l'a.-s .i^itlHiarilt ion that th< W. D. OSBRON S. S S cures Rheumatism. Catanh. Sores and Vtcers. Malaria, an 1 all [{with lhe aordt: ~rtp,'n I'. Irarti. on other diseases or disorders arising from had blood tional, but 1 p c-Tsffltrted |' f lle».TaTt and Kriiafv .di '". t 111.' •By medical advice desired fire li atrwlii wrrtr * ii '((III lliink the pa., a li.ii I. str.-et THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. Cost did noi in annie t nr. It nvei. r. ti i« the ed opinion ii nor! > est tii.rtol of Itblf.i. n _derstood th 33 ui:-- Iti^ in ll.e. t ' taken so as Hindu Ktnlri >mjiT,m« tt oT the court 'door ronnw ' m the ! * establish th Afghani-tan with t!'-—Tri' its unconsti nr.' nei'ii v'riiriti-'l tin tn€ llln • The indi Iniv'M day of. May, by the Ca'!^ „s r. to n ivn Thompson i THREE OF KENTUCKY'S OREATEST HORSES .A RE way County C urt, to the unti.-r- a KIRKSEY loose sales OEEEREIITOTIM: I'Enn.r (IF C.Vl.I.tiWAi AN'' signi i ;iK>n tile estate of Jar:.-' upon moti OTHER rtM'NTtFS <»F ST KFTNTCCKY .t.Ni> A, J'ark":',—r- vcfi'i'':. notic wealth.-the TE^NESSEF '—T-hki \HK STANI'I.AUU AN'ii RE- h^pchy •.' -.•!.- tftw t^-rsoR« e li' back of-t B BTERBf»rftetk vny ft it TTTI: v.u->b rr r.r".;' •'. r.: i c stat '— t*iat "thei • • •• • '•••'-• : - ' : • •• • : ': evidence tc The Cig at lhe last t jre at the . rxtii ers in the 1 T IL: llirMen 7" It provides farmer wh dependent rutr-xtcywa rae:u tr.i pledged to it flnu* a lilt, it cor.'niv m <; tni .-r or for any bilirr hartr.f il drajc.n b.- 5.1 ill otiaTi- knowing itttii ti a biV ti ti it T .1 c.r.iv. |jr;t »iic ct^. Seven or < —1 nrnrrtf s unk T. famous l.'apt Cool. \J W. Randolph, returned s r.v-.iCTwt '. 1 , . • AT l^Ai^ and t 'a 11' 11. a \ - — nf I'.l i • ^r.rrr.-r JlTiills bftl r dch inte —fti ma Ui$ce itUaakii Murray ltu::d- never bee i^.r \",.rtK.Faat I '.irner S.lUart. •«.V I't was paest stance w .rnuiv in,,.- mroiris . token his will- deliver ice r i'Srt r—-7 Mr • ".-. I s Black NelHe31!W.-by Stor I and sold . . . - to any part- of tr.e city. -1J >n* - M ncrvcjs 'r: itivjan and limit; 7 genuine saddle an.I goes all rhe ^ a-.y 0: weakne^jM-they arc the supreme this case rA>ryc can no. ard qnpot the m- t ' 1 ar.-. -t\i;-ti ^ when yo i need iee. We ex*, t.-i.-Jy, ar, th-iusaada have ICjU..! ? FOR KIDNEY,LIVER AND not take - It 1..1 1 —s. _ : ect t ^ s'art i)iji^_wagim w^' a i' * high. . He i« a great bn-eder. an3e\ " . STOMACH TROUBLE law in c t ,t he has ever * few weeks Mi'RRAY Ii :• ' It b the best nvcJuine ever vo'i sired is a Saddler.. If you want a the sraits LAWYERS Fee $15.00, l,est r»gulste1 families ke.-|, Thoiiias' EcTeetjTr~TJiT f .r i We want your wool. Will pay Uarfa ojuer^encies It ,-ul>i| .,* - •:"!:n*itop notch prices.—SMITH & PAR. ra.-e-l in irir t ...ii vv -• i .. - —i -.. • a . ^piiti"and lreils tire' ht3it«. :i t . I'*-' .lie t'onrt MVKR. t hfcltlt.ei Fi;i.ii H.ivt—t'orti. 25.<»*l two-foot !«> for sale Darrh.n a: B::\L;: ?o\. falfat iU. A 'a.l"a I.a . t • : M-;n*-»'. t "in!;:- *"«"»'- SAMUEL D. YOHGUE,,. • Slack peas, at A. R BilVL- & - . ::o.w In St.N. Prices are straw, etc. I'hysiciati and fipen^t t;ir.

Calkan»t>-wyLd»y ur nl^U. tS"'TN ..v 1'AHKKK. , rutipt < n'ce-nr-.Tr Ennxitrs tv Mrrthanl.<- are no* i WILL MASQf- Owner. NILE BCV * . • . * * Bank. Ph n.-s: OtSce. No. 1 MANY BOOKS IN ONE a:iJ ha> M v •»»* >._»t > tj> WEBSTER S Rr -iiienceTv 1 ere. INTERNATIONAL -rrrftil DICTIONARY ir.g in I ,1. .!..>. ' DO yom KAEW thvt tbe IKTKRN A TI ON AL - answrrswl'IR.TI.vta'atnoTTTyAt LKTMIS R rented* I ol itactsMi, in LanaiMCe, 1 • I - ,1- v | Holland t *"S SSd acis .CcW In-SCr.:. v. H Jll- I i- t-' • liiayl C^u*. a'.a 1 . S I

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wiUbi Insurance, s?? accort LtlMBeR Memr The n deal t representing the CON- TINENTAL. Office lierst upstairs in Bank ol siona Murrayjfruldirig. ffiflT J.M.Willis ^ * r D. W. DICK X.p"KT"j*.+.*TTTf nx'i rX, ' Free J*' ar

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